jwm workshops february 2018 - j-wmedia.com pieces 2013/jwm... · taking each delegate day (across...

www.j-wmedia.com Page 1 Background There is a lack of training in the broadcast market that is tailored specifically to the unique challenges that marketing strategy of broadcast promotion and its implementation provides – both linear & non-linear. We plug this gap with training specifically tailored to staff in all roles and at all levels whose roles include on-air marketing whether from a strategic or an implementation perspective. We equip attendees with the necessary knowledge, understanding & tools to create strategic, highly effective promotional campaigns within their organization or to implement them as relevant. The workshops will cover best media planning practice & theory as well as practical examples that our attendees will work through & can bring back to the workplace. Delivered by experienced managers with both advertising & broadcast media planning backgrounds JWM are offering two workshops that should address all needs of the on- air/screen process. The intention is to run both within a short space of each other with the option for delegates to choose either one or both days suitable to their needs. Workshop 2 is constructed on the basis that delegates are ideally familiar with the ‘essentials’ of the media planning terminology covered in Workshop 1, although this is not a condition of attendance. Workshop Details Venue – The Dominion Theatre, 268-269 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 7AQ Date – The Essentials of On-Air Media Planning, terminology and its implementation – 27 th February 2018, 9:00 am to 5:00pm Date - Marketing and Media Planning Strategy Workshop, Achieving Effective Promotional Activities – 28 th February 2018, 9:00 am to 5:30pm Number of delegates: Maximum of 15/Workshop Lunch and refreshments provided

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Page 1: JWM Workshops February 2018 - j-wmedia.com Pieces 2013/jwm... · Taking each delegate day (across both Day 1 and Day 2) as one unit, JWM will apply a discount of 25% for units booked

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WorkshopDetailsVenue–TheDominionTheatre,268-269TottenhamCourtRoadLondonW1T7AQ Date–TheEssentialsofOn-AirMediaPlanning,terminologyanditsimplementation–27thFebruary2018,9:00amto5:00pmDate-MarketingandMediaPlanningStrategyWorkshop,AchievingEffectivePromotionalActivities–28thFebruary2018,9:00amto5:30pmNumberofdelegates:Maximumof15/WorkshopLunchandrefreshmentsprovided

Page 2: JWM Workshops February 2018 - j-wmedia.com Pieces 2013/jwm... · Taking each delegate day (across both Day 1 and Day 2) as one unit, JWM will apply a discount of 25% for units booked

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• Presentation&discussionofthemeaning,interpretationandcalculationofthecompleterangeofplanningandbroadcastterminologyandanalyses.

• Theworkingthroughofpracticalexamplesthattheyshoulduseintheireverydayplanning–bothindividuallyandtogetherasagroup.

• Thebuildingoftheirowndetailedmedialaydowntoutilisetheirworkshoplearning

• Arole-playwheredelegatespresenttheirmedialaydowntostakeholdersinordertogivethemconfidencewhenpublicallytalkingaboutcomplexterminology.


Page 3: JWM Workshops February 2018 - j-wmedia.com Pieces 2013/jwm... · Taking each delegate day (across both Day 1 and Day 2) as one unit, JWM will apply a discount of 25% for units booked

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Page 4: JWM Workshops February 2018 - j-wmedia.com Pieces 2013/jwm... · Taking each delegate day (across both Day 1 and Day 2) as one unit, JWM will apply a discount of 25% for units booked

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• Theformulationofmarketingobjectives,whichareuniqueandappropriatetobroadcastandimportantly,businessneeds.

• Howtobetterunderstandtherolethatthemarketingofeachofyourcontentandservicesplaysinshapingtheperceptionandsuccessofyourorganisation.

• Thecreationofaprioritisationprocessandmodelthatisbuiltuponrobustcriteriabycategorytoensureeffectivepromotionalusage.

• Adiscussionandviewofthechangingworldofbroadcastmedia,itschallenges,opportunitiesandwhatbroadcastersneedtodotoadapt.


Page 5: JWM Workshops February 2018 - j-wmedia.com Pieces 2013/jwm... · Taking each delegate day (across both Day 1 and Day 2) as one unit, JWM will apply a discount of 25% for units booked

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Page 6: JWM Workshops February 2018 - j-wmedia.com Pieces 2013/jwm... · Taking each delegate day (across both Day 1 and Day 2) as one unit, JWM will apply a discount of 25% for units booked

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CostMarketingandMediaPlanningStrategyWorkshop-£695/delegate(excl.VAT)Takingeachdelegateday(acrossbothDay1andDay2)asoneunit,JWMwillapplyadiscountof25%forunitsbookedbeyond4fromthesamebroadcasteri.e.5thunitandsubsequentonesthereafter.AboutJames&WilkinsonMedia(JWM)James&WilkinsonMediaisacompanythatisuniqueinthebroadcastarena,providingspecificon-airmarketingandmediaplanningconsultancy,breakmanagementandtrainingforbroadcastersglobally,helpingthemtomaximisetheiron-screencommunicationwiththeirviewers.ItiscomprisedofbusinesspartnersAlanJames&JoWilkinson,andtheirMediaPlanningHeadJoeGoddard.Togethertheyhaveacombined50yearsofexperienceinmediaandmarketingplanning,25ofwhichhavebeenspecificallywithinbroadcasting,mainlywiththeBBC,Sky&ViacomintheUK.AlanwasformerlytheHeadofBBCMediaPlanning,withresponsibilityfortheplanningofallmarketingmessagesacrossallBBCplatforms.BothAlan&Johaveextensiveexperienceinon–airmarketingstrategyandpromotionsplanning,thisincludestheproductionofcampaignmarketingmodels,channellaunchstrategy,personnelrecruitmentandbusinesstransformation.SincethelaunchofJWMinApril2011thecompanycanboastofbothcommercialandpubliclyfundedmarketleadingbroadcastclientsthroughoutEuropeandbeyondworkinginoverthirtycountriesacrossfivecontinents.EmailContact: [email protected]/[email protected]: Jo+44(0)7804695033/Alan+44(0)7583826076