june 2020 - bsyc

www.bsyc.com.au LOG BOOK JUNE 2020

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July 4th & 5th Frostbite Regatta July 31st AGM


Full Page Black & White $665 12 months

Colour $760 Half Page

Black & White $400 12 months Colour $470

Business Card Black & White $270 12 months

(Prices are GST inclusive) Editor: Nancy Higgins





TREASURER: Martin Pike



COMMITTEE: Andrew Dallisson

Darren Witty Jim Lelliott Chris Todd Doug Nairn Tim Lelliott Rebecca Wigglesworth

MEMBERS’ DRAW Friday Nights at the Club

The Members’ Draw is a cash prize which is drawn every Friday night; the draw is run in conjunction with

a Meat Raffle.

One name is drawn each week – we are starting again at $500 But remember, to win it YOU

HAVE TO BE THERE!!! So don’t miss out!

EDITOR’S CORNER I find it quite amazing the amount of behind the scenes work that has continued at BSYC over the past weeks/months whilst we have all endeavoured to cope with the problems created by the coronavirus. The Club is steadily coming back to life and you will read of all the courses available. Please put your hand up if you, members of your family or friends are able and willing to take on a more active role apart from your on-the-water sailing activity. Looking forward, hopefully, to things being back to something like ‘normal’ soon...

Nancy Higgins

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COMMODORE’S NOTES We have been adjusting our sails through this whole strange time.

Stephen has been right on top of all the government regulations and has been opening our Club as much as possible and as soon as possible. It was great to see so many people at the Club on Friday night for our first dinner bookings.

I really appreciate everyone respecting the rules, booking in, sitting at the tables, and enjoying themselves. It was great to see our staff back behind the bar and smiling. Let’s keep following the rules and keep our Club open. Our next big event is the AGM scheduled for 31st July. I am planning on standing again to complete the regular expectations and offer stability. Martin is staying on and keeping the numbers in check, Woolly is planning to continue to finalise his term. We have a couple of new committee members locked in as advised last month – we still however have a gaping hole with the end of Phil’s

Opening Day 1974 view from Trottnest.

Photograph kindly supplied by Stu and Helen Ward

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stint as the Rear Commodore. If there is anyone out there with a passion for looking after the house, please call me. With Stephen looking after the F&B and a great house committee, the role is much easier than it used to be, and you will be well supported. I am sure that Phil and Woolly have also mentioned this in their reports as it would be great if Phil could hand over to someone. We are happy to tap people on the shoulder, but it has been exceedingly difficult to physically see anyone’s shoulders over the past few months and the social distancing has made “tapping” impossible! So hopefully someone will approach us.

I am currently working on the program with Brett – it’s a very positive thing to be scheduling in races and State Heats and we will keep this positive train of thought so that they can be run on the days we have scheduled them in! Take care, stay safe and see you around the Club.

Lisa Brock Commodore. VICE COMMODORE’S NOTES

My apologies for my very brief notes in the Log Book for June. Lots of things have been going on in the back ground. Management Committee meetings are almost back to normal with everyone meeting back at the Club house rather than the Zoom meetings we were having for several months. This means that the Club is slowly opening and we will have

our AGM 31st July – dates and times no doubt indicated in the this issue. This also means we can plan for our Prize Night celebrations. The plan is to hold our Prize Night on Saturday night the 19th September which by then we hope the restrictions will be lifted further so we can enjoy the night as close to a normal Prize Night as we can hope. Of course this is a fluid thing with the landscape changing all the time – but for now – save the date and lets be positive that we can enjoy and celebrate our winners!

As everyone is aware our Rear Commodore will be stepping down – seems me being a Flag Officer is just going too far – he can barely deal with me on a boat let alone as a fellow Flag Officer!! So – we’re on the campaign trail looking for his replacement. Phil has done all the hard work in recent years so from here on it should be a plain sailing (pardon the pun)!! Do you believe me? Anyway – if anyone is interested in this very rewarding role – contact a Flag Officer or a Committee Member and we can run through the role and what it entails. It really is very rewarding!

This issue has snuck up on me and I haven’t had much time to communicate in more detail about what we are all working on but rest assured we have been busy working through this tumultuous time with the aim of our sailing season getting back on track!! Stay safe everyone. Pete Woolman Vice Commodore

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It is great to see the Club gradually re opening after our period of hibernation. Stephen has done a great job in quickly re stocking and getting our downstairs bar service up and running together with the re- establishment of a bistro service on the upper deck. Our Thursday night quiz will shortly re commence as restrictions are progressively eased. I would like to thank all our members for following the social distance and sanitation guidelines whilst they visit the Club. Thank you must also go to our Wednesday Warrior Group who too have returned from self-imposed isolation and are enthusiastically getting stuck into the endless list of maintenance items required to keep the Club looking great being located so close to the ocean. The back and front lawns are looking fantastic after a period of rest from salty boats and patrons and some TLC from the Wednesday Group. As most of you are aware after three years on the Committee and two as Rear Commodore I have decided to step down and I am enthusiastically looking forward to handing over to someone. What can I say, whilst the remuneration is not fantastic you get to work with some great people. You will be part of a very successful team looking after the commercial operations of the Club. You will be working closely with Clubs SA Manager of the Year Stephen Brind and

his team of dedicated professionals serving the members of our great Club. So, if you think you have what it takes then please contact me. I don’t want to be bowled over in the rush. Look forward to seeing down at the Club

Phil Scapens Rear Commodore The Gales Adventure 3

We weren't at all sad to leave

impoverished Djibouti. However,

ahead was the notorious 1400 mile-

long Red Sea with its reputation for

challenging head winds laden with

desert dust, rough seas, poorly

charted reefs and unwelcoming

officials. Light breezes continued

through the first day and night, but

as if on cue, as we approached the

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Red Sea southern entrance strait,

Bab el-Mandeb - Gate of Tears - the

sou'easterly strengthened and we

reefed. The wind continued to build

rapidly and soon we needed to reef

down further. 'An ominous start!' I

moaned, stating the obvious.

After dark I glimpsed something just

behind me and instinctively leaned

forward under the dodger expecting

a breaking wave from the building

seas to 'poop' us. Instead, a wind-

battered tern landed on my head,

and when I held my hand up it

stepped across like a trained pet.

Twice it briefly flew off into the gale-

force winds but returned to my

hand, before finally leaving.

As the wind strengthened to over 40

knots we charged headlong into the

black night. The Muhabbaka Islands,

which lay ahead across our course,

concerned us because the chart

indicated, 'Caution: May not be

charted precisely according to

satellite derived positions.' This

didn't surprise us as the Yemen

coast had been up to five miles from

its GPS position on " our old

charts. But, while discussing our

options, lights appeared - dead

ahead. Although well away from the

busy Red Sea shipping lanes we were

converging fast with an approaching

ship. In the circumstances its

appearance seemed malicious.

Suzanne monitored the radar,

showing the pattern of islands

ahead and the rapidly closing ship.

Soon after the ship was safely abeam

she called, 'The radar matches the

chart,' confirming our passage

between the islands. But we could

hardly relax. The wind continued to

shriek and the seas had steep four

metre faces which occasionally

broke with a roar of tumbling foam.

Our planned destination was an

island over 100 miles away, but the

chart showed a cape protecting a

large bay, Seca Scilla, on the Eritrean

coast, only 30 miles due west. It was

an easy decision. 'Jibe and head for


We fast-reached to the coast,

surfing across the larger breaking

waves, and around 4 am passed the

cape and anchored in the middle of

the large, well-protected bay. Caviar

was possibly the first foreign vessel

to anchor there for years; the

Eritrean coast had been off-limits

during the long-running war of

independence with Ethiopia. At

dawn figures appeared on the

distant beach, but contact was

impossible during the strong gale

which continued for another day

and night, whipping up surface spray

that forced us to keep the hatches


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When the gale eased we island

hopped north to the principle

Eritrean port of Massawa, which was

a prized possession in the war with

landlocked Ethiopia. Many vessels

were trapped in the intense battles

for the strategic port and sunken

hulks lay rusting around the

harbour. Most buildings displayed

battle scars; the mosque had gaping

holes in its dome. However, after the

depression of Djibouti, the Eritreans

of war-damaged Massawa seemed

surprisingly optimistic.


Qualifications and Certificates If you’re involved with teaching, coaching or volunteering at the Club you will be required to have some of these tickets. To some it may be confusing but many of the processes for gaining certificates are quite simple. Here is a rundown of most common and desirable at BSYC.

BOAT LICENCE Similar to getting your L’s, if you can remember that. Read the SA Safe Boating Handbook (google) and do the online practise test (www. https://www.ondeck.sa.gov.au/). Head to Service SA, sit the test ($45) and pass,

then pay for your boat licence ($43). We will organise a group test at BSYC, with revision, as soon as the government allows us to do so, hopefully in September. The BSYC Powerboat Online Theory Course is ideal preparation for this test and other courses.

BSYC ONLINE POWERBOAT THEORY Currently underway with 45 participants this course is ideal preparation for sitting a boat licence or permit test and is required pre-course learning for the Powerboat Handling Certificate Course. Once this group is finished the course will be packaged for one off enrolments so that people can take it on year round. The 3 worksheets will be combined into one assessment paper for this purpose. Enrolment info will be provided in July.

FIRST AID I looked into organising a group first aid course at the Club but it looked like costing more per person than going it alone. There are heaps of providers offering first aid courses and google will find them all. The ticket you need is APPLY FIRST AID (HLTAID003). I am currently doing my first aid course and found one that includes a 2 hour online course, a really easy exam and a 1.25 hr practical (Safe Place Training). Most providers charge just under $100 and the Certificate is valid for 3 years.

WORKING WITH CHILDREN CLEARANCE All instructors, coaches and volunteers working with or near to children need one of these. WWC Checks are administered by Dept Human Resources (DHS) Screening Unit. BSYC has an online

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portal and can start an application for you. We become your requesting organisation and can verify documents and as a volunteer there is no cost. It is not a difficult process and here are some tips. To request we need your full name, best email and a DOB. When you receive an email from the screening unit ACT ON IT. Get a login, add your details and answer All the Qs. The last section is your 100pt identity check and there are 3 options Option 1: ONLINE – use an Aussie passport and drivers licence add the numbers and submit. Option 2: Requesting Organisation – Choose this one and bring your docs to me or Lisa. This is best if you have to use different documents like a non Aussie passport, student card etc. Option 3: Print & seek – TO BE AVOIDED as you will need a JP and post office!! If you want a WWCC please email myself or Lisa ([email protected])

APPROVED TRACTOR DRIVER We are currently tidying up our list of approved drivers to include accurate contact details and a copy of a driver’s licence. Bob Couch and myself are the only persons doing the inductions. Before the season begins we will be sending out a Tractor Drivers Refresher with some new information and guidelines plus a simple test. This is mostly just a smart administrative tool to ensure we have correct records and are doing something to ensure guidelines are being met. If you are a tractor driver expect your email in about August. The best tractor drivers are those who drive regularly and those who drive slowly!!

COACH/INSTRUCTOR INDUCTIONS All paid instructors at BSYC undergo an induction prior to each season. This involves reading a 10-page document, spending some time at a staff meeting discussing changes and signing to accept on the final page. A similar process will be designed for our volunteer coaches and a new course will be presented in September for new coaches especially those who do not have a great deal of sailing experience or an instructor or coaching background. The 3 hour session will include policies and procedures, powerboat handling guidelines and basic teaching technique. The date is set for Sunday afternoon 13th September. SAVE THE DATE.

VHF MARINE RADIO The Australian Maritime College (AMC) is a part of the University of Tasmania and is the regulator for this qualification. The certificate is now known a SROCP or Short Range Certificate of Proficiency. You can also get a LROCP which includes MF/HF radio if you wish to sail around the world! The certificate lasts a lifetime and we will again have one at the Club on 23rd August. All boat drivers at BSYC SHOULD have the SROCP. This ticket is handy to have for working at other Clubs keelboat sailing or chartering a yacht. Peter Briton Jones does a great job and keeps it simple.

POWERBOAT HANDLING CERTIFICATE This is an Australian Sailing (AS) Certificate course and includes practical skills and assessment (minimum age 12). It is ideal for those wishing to coach,

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volunteer or just operate a recreational boat more safely. This year we will shorten the practical course to a 5 hour day with the pre-requisite being the BSYC Online Theory Course. PBH practicals are now to go ahead on Saturday’s in September and will cost $145. The plan is for a trip to Glenelg and back lunching at the marina.

DINGHY INSTRUCTOR COURSE This is the goal for anyone wishing to instruct for money. All paid instructors at BSYC have this AS qualification. The minimum age to gain this qualification is 16 but if you are 15 ½ or more you can sit the course. It runs over a weekend and requires some prior online learning and preparation. Have an early night and arrive early on the Saturday!! The next metro course is at Largs Bay SC on 26th and 27th September. Pre-requisites are Powerboat Handling Certificate and Senior First Aid. For more info or to register your interest contact Nick Neale: 0437 360775 [email protected]

RACE OFFICER TRAINING This is an area that has been developed over the last 15 years and is probably still evolving. Start with Club Race Officer Course and learn the basics and all about the higher levels. It’s now being presented online (3.5hrs) and for $45 you receive an AS Zhikdry shirt. It is a good grounding and compliments experience on the course. Get involved if you can. Here is the AS link for the online options https://www.sailing.org.au/course-finder/46/

I hope this has cleared up some questions and helped you to understand what is required and when. Please contact me if you have any questions and I will try to answer them for you. Last big tip – Get a folder, keep copies, list expiry days and login details. A good coach/instructor/race officer is an organised one!

Brett Yardley SAILING PROFESSIONAL [email protected] 0438 800 501


Sunday 23rd August – VHF Marine Radio Course Saturday 5th September - Powerboat Handling 11-4pm Sunday 13th September - Volunteer Coach Induction Saturday 19th September - Powerboat Handling 11-4pm Sat 26th & Sun 27th September - AS Dinghy Instructor Course

Other Dates to be advised - SA Powerboat Licence - Youth Permit Testing

Go to bsyc.com.au…. Click on Sailing School… Click on View all Courses www.revolutionise.com.au/bsyc/events/list/

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JUNIORS AROUND THE CLUB What Winter off season!!!! A few brave souls still getting in some midweek or weekend sails.Well done to young Henry Zubb (1522) tackers Graduate getting out in his new boat. Although the IODASA Frostbite is now in September (read on for details) a number of BSYC junior sailors and families were keen to put the traditional sailing June long weekend to good use for a sail / surf / fun on the water.

Then there is the great work Brett has been pumping out for the online Power Boat Handling Course, just add in a bit of rock star work from our Instructors….

..of course always under the watchfull eye of Brett…with the special permits applied for at hand.

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Special mention to Jim Lelliot for coming down in the cold and rain ( in his slippers!) to make sure the Club wasn’t burning to the ground…. And Phil, the mystery to that strange patch on your grass is solved. IT WAS CAM!

It has been great to see the restriction lifting and with that the GAC winter season commenced on the 14th June. A number of BSYC sailors travelled to participate, with a support rib in tow. The first race was pretty blowy to say the least. Well done to the Junior Laser sailors for keeping your boats upright- not a feat managed by all. Good to see the Optis add to the GAC race fleet numbers. Big Thanks to the GAC for holding the race. They have two more scheduled winter round races coming up- check out their facebook page for upcoming dates. Yup it was pretty dark skies – but thankfully the rain stayed away for the racing.

Jack Higgins / Grady Sayers Lois Diko Zoe Robinson

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VR e SAILING- FINALS- Congratulations to Ben Hinks

State Winner : Nationals 3rd : Trans Tasman 3rd

What an amazing effort from Ben clearly excellent on and off the water. All you aspiring Optimist/ Laser sailors keep this sailor on your radar!

Age:15 Club: Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club Esailing boat name: Zig-Zag Esailing experience: First started racing 2 years ago Regular Sailing experience: I started in and Optimist, then a Laser, but now I usually sail a 420 Best result: I’ve represented Australia in the Optimist in the European and Asian & Oceania Optimist Championships. I ranked 2nd in the U17 age group for the 420 at the 2020 Nationals. Sailing ambition: to sail at the Olympics

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G’DAY BSYC I’M…………….. Zoe Robinson

AGE 15

BOAT/SAIL # Laser 4.7 / AUS 202925 FLEET Laser 4.7



My parents don’t sail very often but they support my two brothers and I. My brother Hamish sails an Opti while my other brother prefers surfing..

HOW DID YOU START SAILING? I did the learn to sail course at Goolwa.


The racing, adrenaline and the people


20+kts and big waves

SAILING WOULD BE EVEN BETTER IF…. I lived closer to a Club/water source, so then I would be able to sail whenever I wanted.

WHATS YOUR NEXT SAILING GOAL? Practicing more technique and coming top 30 at nationals.

WHAT BOAT DO YOU WANT NEXT?.... 29er or waszp


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Extract from Windsurfer Championship 2020 Competitor Survey held at BSYC

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Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club Inc







COMMITTEE – THREE (for two year term)

THREE (for one year term)


It should be noted that in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act a person cannot be a Member of the Committee if insolvent or convicted of an

indictable offence under the Act Section 30.



Notice is hereby given of the

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Postponed from Friday the 26th of June

2020 now to be held on

Friday 31st July, 2020 at 8.15 pm

at the Clubhouse

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ELECTION OF OFFICERS For the Year 2020 - 2021


I nominate

for the position of

for a period of years.

(a) Officers of the Club – One year term commencing August 2020

(b) Committee Members – Three for a two year term commencing August 2020

(c) Committee Members – Three for a one year term commencing August 2020

PROPOSER (signature) (print name)

SECONDER (signature) (print name)

If elected I agree to accept the position and declare that I am eligible to be elected to Management as I am not insolvent and have not been convicted of an indictable offence under the Act Section 30.


Name (please print)


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Don’t miss out on your 100 year memorabilia, purchase your


Merchandise through bsyc webpage.

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