june 2014

Planet Nilknarf June 2014

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Planet Nilknarf

June 2014

Welcome to Planet Nilknarf

It's official!! Janette and I are going to GUELPH to celebrate my 50th birthday!!! This is the picture her dad took of her riding the carousel there back in 1987!!! She just called me to let me know that she booked our room. The motel is within walking distance of the carousel and several decent eateries including a Dairy Queen. I don't care what anyone says, I'm bloody well having a Peanut Buster Parfait on my birthday! And maybe a Margarita too if the Greek place serves 'em!! This is going to be the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!

Cover StoryThe “Positive Energy” Quilt is finished! I took this picture outside on the front lawn (if you can call it that, it's really nothing but gravel!) on the Easter weekend when Janette was visiting. In last month's issue I was down to the last three pictures. These included Grumpy Cat, whom I drew when I was in Kansas:

Then there's Twilight Sparkle, from yet another one of Lucky Lotto's My Little Pony colouring pictures on DeviantArt!

Last, but not least, an 11-year old autistic girl named Emma drew this beautiful carousel:

Usually, her favorite subject to draw is birds! And there are a few if you look closely; a seagull and a flamingo. I chose the colours when I embroidered it on my quilt square and used sequins in the circles around the bottom of the floor. One of my favorite things about this picture is the detail of the wood grain in the coffee table on which this carousel sits. It was a fun and interesting challenge to stitch.

But pictures hardly do this scene any justice. Hopefully by now you've been to my show in Bobcaygeon. If not, it will be there until June 30th. My “Wild About Jungle Cats” quilt will be on display there too, Janette's co-worker did NOT buy it after all. Pity. The money would have been nice. But on the bright side, at least the public will get to see it at my show.

Book Review:

Coming Out Asperger, edited by Dinah Murray:To tell or not to tell. That is the question. Coming Out Asperger deals with the subject of diagnosis and disclosure. It is a collection of writings from various people on the autism spectrum, especially those of us with Asperger's Syndrome, some who were diagnosed at an early age and many, like myself who didn't find out until we were older. It made me remember my own experiences with learning about Asperger's Syndrome. Many of us have felt the same way. We always knew there was something different about ourselves and often felt a great sense of relief when we finally found out. I was nearly 40 when I learned about Asperger's Syndrome. My mom had already known for about two years but didn't know how to tell me. This book deals with how and when parents should tell their own children who may have it and how and when we, ourselves should break it to others. It's not always easy. We don't want people to think we use it as an excuse or a demand for special treatment. Not everyone understands the autism spectrum the way they should.

Face the Music by Paul Stanley has been the third in a series of a wonderful tradition my husband and I created! Whenever a new book by a member of KISS comes out we have the enjoyment of making it a shared experience by having me read it out loud to Dave before we go to sleep at night. We hadn't adopted this tradition yet when Gene's books were out. We waited over a year for this one to come out. It was supposed to come out last spring. Paul is perhaps the most private and secretive member of the band and it's not very hard to see why. This book is full of all kinds of fascinating facts and stories. Did you know that Paul was born with one ear? Because of this he endured merciless bullying in school. Other kids would call him “Stanley the One-Eared Monster”. All through his career in KISS his hair kept his deformity covered. He was finally able to get surgery to create a new ear some time in the late 1980's. It took a series of five operations including having to remove cartilage from his rib cage to create a new outer ear, even though he has always been deaf on that one side. This experience in his life is what most likely made him the most credible lead in his role as “Phantom of the Opera” and got him involved with About Face, a charity that helps children with facial deformities.

Did you know that when KISS' Hotter Than Hell album was released, they were only taking home $60 a week? That's even less than I made working for Maggie. Rent was cheaper then and in 1974 $500 seemed like a fortune for a luxury apartment. When KISS made it big, Paul wanted to live in a place that overlooked Central Park, but Jews and blacks weren't usually allowed to live in this area.

Paul did not mention anything about his second solo album Live to Win or their involvement with the movie Detroit Rock City. He does, however, mention how things were anything but harmonious with Ace and Peter, especially after they started the Reunion tour. He also talks about his family, his divorce from Pam and his marriage to Erin.

After his divorce he took up cooking. One of his specialties is Brussels sprouts cooked with prosciutto, Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar (From Umbria???), lemon zest and dried cherries. I'd like to try that one of these days. He says even people who normally hate Brussels sprouts enjoy this dish! In light of this I think that when the time comes if Paul should eventually retire from KISS, or even during one of his breaks from touring maybe he should do his own cooking show or publish his own cook book! I want to learn how to make this dish!!

Carousel Magic: A pioneer Farm Family Buys a Carousel, by N. Frank HoppesCan you imagine a time when most people had NEVER seen a carousel before? Back in the late 1800's most people didn't even HAVE electricity? And the new steam engine was the height of technology.

Our story begins when the Hoppes family goes to an event where crowds are mesmerized by the whirling spectacle of wooden horses and lining up in amazement for the next ride. Seeing what a lucrative venture this is, they are inspired to buy a carousel of their own from C.W Parker himself and tour the country with it as the money rolls in while other people look after their crops over the summer.

This story follows all the wonderful and exciting adventures they have as they set up their carousel from town to town, the parades where they get to show off the ponies, the hospitality of friendly townspeople, the adversity they sometimes faced with inclement weather and so on.

At one point they even get a gig working for Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus. Proven to be a successful attraction, they are invited to stay with the circus but prefer to go back to working for themselves after all. They get more respect from the public when they're not part of the circus.

At the end of the first season they sell the old merry-go-round and buy a new one for the next spring.

Spoiler alert: I cried near the end!!!!!

The Hoppes family actually have a display of their miniature carousel at the Dickinson County Heritage Museum in Abiline, Kansas.

Here you can see a model of both the carousel and the wagon that transports the carousel ponies from place to place. Imagine seeing that in a parade in your town!! :)

A carousel very similar to that first one purchased by the Hoppes family can also be seen and ridden on the premises of this place.

I was there last fall when the NCA was in Kansas:




Yes, I know I've already shown this carousel before, back in the January issue, but it's kind of neat to read about a place and think “Wow! I've been there!”

Bobcaygeon Art Show: My Victoria Day Weekend...

Friday, May, 16th, 2014Let the bells ring and the banners fly! The bus was ACTUALLY ON TIME today!!! Well, it was only five or ten minutes late, which is EARLY compared to what I've been used to on previous journeys. Normally the bus from Toronto to Lindsay (and onward to Fenelon Falls) arrives in Oshawa notoriously late. In fact it's usually been up to an HOUR late. I got on and it was quite full. There was no place to sit without being next to somebody else. But at least there were no babies on board and it was a nice, peaceful, drama-free journey.

However, I must say, regardless if I've had to travel as far as Toronto or even just Oshawa, it is one of the most boring journeys imaginable. At least Oshawa is the halfway point between Toronto and Fenelon Falls and Port Perry is the halfway point from Oshawa. Enough borig rambling already. I don't

remember whether it's before or after Port Perry but they had to let someone off in Nestleton. Nestleton. The perfect name for a quaint, sleepy little town in the middle of nowhere. Nestle in at Nestleton.

When I arrived at Fenelon Falls there was nobody there to meet me yet. I guess nobody's used to the bus actually showing up on time. I asked the man behind the counter at the convenience store if there was a phone I could se and he pointed me to a phone booth across the road.

The phone was in questionable condition. I had to fiddle around with it to get a dial tone. I must be the only person in the world (other than my husband) who still actually uses one of these things. Everybody else nowadays uses cell phones!

I had just deposited my quarters and finished dialing and Jean's phone rang twice when I saw her and Joe pull up into the parking lot across from me. I called out and waved to them as Jean came out of the car. It figures there was no traffic on my way to the phone booth, but on my way back it took forever waiting for it to stop.

It had started out like any other day, except that Dave was home from work, as it's a holiday weekend and he has Friday off as well as Monday. I still had to go to school. So I waited across the street for the Olive Harmony bus this morning. Even if it didn't look like it was going to rain, there was no way I was walking with this heavy bag to school. I figured I'd rather take it to school with me than come all the way home and back downtown again. The school and the place where I catch the Lindsay/Fenelon Falls bus are just down the street from each other and I can kill some time in the library until it closes and then I'll go to the burrito place and order my usual veggie with the works on whole wheat and hang out there until the bus comes.

And I've basically solved my dilemma about finding a presentable nightshirt. The KISS nightshirt Allan gave me may have a couple holes in the back but it's not nearly in as deplorable condition as my other two.

When we drove past my parents' old house, it didn't even look like the same place anymore. It's gone under so much renovation it looks like somebody just picked up my parents' house , took it away and plonked down this smaller, charcoal gray house in its place. At some point this weekend I would like to take a walk there and get a closer look.

When we arrived at Jean's place I had a glass of wine and some cheese and crackers and we watched an episode of “Monk.” I love that show but I never know when it's on or even if we get it in Oshawa. Jean gets it on a Boston channel.

It's so quiet around here I'm going to see if I can get away with not wearing ear plugs tonight. The only pair I have are in my “survival kit”.

Yesterday I gave myself a haircut. Combined with the heat and humidity it was giving me a rash around my neck and shoulders and besides the ends were fading and I couldn't get rid of the tangles anymore. Hopefully, it'll grow a couple inches before I go to New York in September.

This morning I added another slide to my PowerPoint presentation on both flash drives to show the cover of my book at the end. Maybe I'll have it up on the screen while we wait for everyone to settle in before the presentation starts.

Tonight when we were watching “Monk”. Jean and I got a major case of the giggles over an Appleby's commercial that said “Bedelia Onions will take you back to your summer happy place.” Great, now I'm thinking about it and laughing again. I hope I didn't wake anyone.

Saturday, May 17th

I can't wait to go home. I tried asking politely if they could turn down the T.V but Jean said “no.” Okay, so my door is closed, I have my earplugs in and a towel tightly wrapped around my head. I couldn't enjoy my bath because of the loud T.V downstairs. I've got one of those grating headaches where every noise feels like it's drilling into my skull. I'm afraid to ask again because I don't want any drama.

Today's been trying enough. At first it didn't look like I was going to have any participants for my art table, let alone a way of showing my PowerPoint presentation. I think it's kind of odd that the gallery has a screen but no way of projecting anything onto it. I was dealing with major anxiety when I got there.

At least the first two women who had arrived had read about my show in the paper and one of them remembered me from my mom's neighbourhood.

Thank God I remembered the fan. A little white noise really helps. Frankly I feel like I want to cry. I'm cranky, tired and headachey and wish I could be home right now.

At least two people decorated horses today. I took pictures of both the horses so they could take them home.

And when Lorraine came we found a computer in the other room that everyone could gather round to watch my PowerPoint presentation.

Damn my stupid sensitive Aspie hearing!! I feel so trapped! I wanna go home! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

At least Lorraine and I enjoyed a great lunch at the Grilled Cheese Hideaway. We had today's special: “Orange is the New Black”; cheddar and Swiss with avocado, jalapeno, tomato and cilantro. It was awesome!

This morning I took a walk up the road but didn't go very far because it was SO DARNED COLD out today!! The weather this spring has been bloody ridiculous! I found a yard sale where I found a couple of books that looked interesting for only ten cents each. One of them was “The Indian in the Cupboard”. I am taking Aboriginal Studies and I remembered my teacher telling the class how much she loved the movie when she was a kid.

I probably shouldn't have been drinking wine this evening. That's probably why I have such a headache. With or without wine I'm afraid I've reached the point of sensory overload. Perhaps the best thing for me at the moment is just to be left alone. I just need quiet so badly.

Today I was up earlier than usual because even with my sleep mask it was so painfully bright in this room. And, yet, I need a night light because at night it gets so dark here I can't even see my hand in front of my face!

This business about the TV volume just feels like it's really soured my mood for the time being. At least Janette would understand how I feel.

Jean was having a yard sale out in front of this place too. I picked out a white, wide-brimmed cloth sun-hat that I'm going to decorate with carousel horses and she let me have it for free. It'll be fun to wear at the convention, sort of a walking advertisement for my work.

Sunday, May 18th

Went to church this morning. Jean and Joe drove me there and dropped me off. My heart sank when the first thing I saw was a baby! My first instinct was to turn away and run but too many people had already seen me, especially old acquaintances of my mom! So I braved the service and actually enjoyed it. The musical guests were great; a trio called Caygeon Spice. When Jean asked me later what the sermon was about I said there really wasn't that much of a sermon, that the minister just told a few funny stories and let the musical entertainment be most of the service. At least the baby did not cry, like I always worry about. She babbled most of the time when the minister spoke so I didn't hear most of what he was talking about, and at least two or three times gave out high-pitched squeals. I think her parents were smart and took her out halfway. I hung around for awhile after the service and socialized a bit. The weather was starting to get warmer.

I walked all the way back from church to Jean's place. A little disappointed that I can't get CBC radio on my MP3 player up here.

On my way back I came across a terrific yard sale where I really lucked out on some amazing fabric. I got some black fabric with white polka dots and a lot of that plain beige cotton fabric that I use for the panels on my murals. I gave them $20 for the lot. Bonnie, one of the ladies in charge of this sale, needed a break from packing up so she was glad to help me carry some of this and walk with me.

After lunch Jean drove me into town. She had some business to take care of at the museum so I got to browse around on my own in various places. The first place I went into was called “My Favorite Things”. Ironically, the first thing I heard when I stepped inside was my LEAST favorite thing!! As the little bugger screamed I couldn't get my MP3 player plugged in and turned on fast enough! Of course as I fumbled with my earphones the lady who worked there asked if she could help me. Sheesh! And they say Aspies suck at interpreting body language! I'm fumbling around with my survival device trying NOT to hear that screaming kid; the LAST thing I want to do is talk to anyone.

I looked around in a few more shops kind of glad there wasn't anything there I was tempted to buy. 2:15 came soon enough so Jean and I met at the coffee place. While we were sitting there having our drinks she warned me that tonight she and Joe would be watching “CALL THE MIDWIFE”!!! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH! SOMEBODY KILL ME NOW! I'VE DIED AND GONE TO HELL!!!! I am SO dreading this evening! Last night was bad enough.

On the way home we stopped off to visit Joey and her husband. I didn't know until today that they have a summer cottage up in the Beehive area. They've had this place for nine years. I saw the KISS quilt they'd bought from me hanging in front of the side door window. We dropped off the latest panel of the mural for them, a picture of Samson and Razzy grazing in the field, and showed them the latest work in progress featuring her cats.

Now we're aback at the house. I am holed up in my room at the moment with the fan on because they have the T.V on in the kitchen and I don't feel like hearing it.

I am making sure my MP3 player is fully charged because while Jean and Joe are watching their Dreaded Screaming Baby-Fest From Hell I plan on curling up in my cozy bed with Boy George!!

9:22 p.mHad an awesome supper this evening. We had salad, ribs, mashed potatoes and BRUSSELS SPROUTS!!! YAAAAAY!!! The other day I had been telling Jean I haven't had Brussels sprouts in YEARS! Actually not since mom had made them for Christmas dinner.

Seriously, I wish Paul Stanley could send me his recipe for the way he makes them. I'd really like to try that one of these days. I read all about it in his autobiography “Face the Music.” He talks about how he got into cooking after he and Pam got divorced. He cooks them with balsamic, prosciutto, dried cherries, a sprinkle pf Parmesan cheese and a dash of lemon zest. Once his son even phoned him from college asking for his recipe.

Speaking of celebrity chefs, yesterday the guys at the Grilled Cheese Hideaway were telling Lorraine and I that they have Boy George's cook book. This I've GOT to see! Somewhere I have a link to his guest appearance on Queen Latifah's show giving a demonstration of his vegan cooking skills:


I'd like to know where he buys that contraption to make those zucchini “noodles”.

Now that's another vegetable I haven’t had in ages. The trouble with zucchini is that it tends to grow like crazy! There was a story on the news once that somewhere in the States the zucchini crop was growing so abundantly that people were told that if they didn't lock their car doors thy would find their vehicles STUFFED with zucchini.

Boy George is going to be in Toronto on the weekend of June 14th (his birthday)!! I wish I could go but I'm pretty much broke. My dwindling finances are pretty much earmarked for A. NCA convention registration and B. a new computer.

There's only one problem with Brussels sprouts. They tend to stink up the place. I kid you not, downstairs it smells like the Jolly Green Giant just lifted his leg and let one rip!!!

I've had a nice peaceful evening here by myself listening to Boy George on my MP3 player and reading A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. Dave gave me this book for Christmas bt I never had the chance to read it until now.

By the way we had an excellent dessert this evening. There was strawberry-rhubarb crisp and apple crisp with raisins. I had a little of both with just a tiny bit of ice cream. Until tonight I don't think I've had ice cream since at least March!

Monday, May 19th

I'm home. Jean drove me back so I wouldn't have to carry all that fabric on the bus. I thought I'd never get to sleep last night. I had a hell of a time trying to get comfortable. Usually I'm like this on the first night, not the last. These beds are so hard.

Aunt Anne is finally back from Florida. We dropped by to say hello but she was still asleep. She must have gotten home late last night. I will have to ask her if I can stay at her place the last weekend of June because it sounds like Jean will be having a veritable clown-car's worth of company!

I will be doing my presentation and Decorate Your Own Carousel Horse workshop at the gallery again on Saturday, June 27th and taking everything down on June 30th.

Here are some pictures of my display:

Here's Lorraine helping me on set-up day.

Here we are with my Christmas tree full of little carousel horses and here are my soft-sculpture “Gas Sign” horses on the table.

And I am happy to say I have already finished embroidering those first two designs onto quilt squares!

Part of the fun has been picking out the fabrics to go with them! I knew I had cute “alphabet” material among the scraps that were given to me and something in a nicely coordinating colour scheme to go with the “Hope” horse.

My aunt also gave me a cute white fabric sun hat that I plan on decorating with several of my embroidered carousel animals. It'll make a whimsical walking advertisement for my work.

I am hoping to do another one of these presentations/workshops at the gallery again on Saturday, June 28th. Meanwhile I shall send these squares to Lorraine so she can pin them to the wall for guests to see when they visit my exhibit, which will be there until the end of June.

Hope to see you then! :)

Joey's Project


Dear Mom and Dad

Sunday, May 25th, 2014

Dear Mom and Dad,

Hello! How is everything up there? Life is very busy these days. School is going great. I've really been enjoying Aboriginal studies. I am doing my summative project on Candy Palmater. She's amazing! I enjoy her show every Wednesday night.

Had a great time in Bobcaygeon last weekend. Will be going back there toward the end of June in hopes of doing another presentation. Looking forward to going to the Grilled Cheese Hideaway with Lorraine again.

Janette is coming over next Saturday to stay for the weekend. She sent me a cheque for $400 to tide me over until your money goes into my account next month. Then I can pay her back. I just sent in my registration fee for the National Carousel Association convention. Janette and I are both very excited about going to New York this year. In the meantime we also plan to visit Guelph on my birthday even though funds are tight. I pray that I sell at least a quilt! Or two or three!!! What I need is a CELEBRITY endorsement. Imagine if OPRAH came to the Bobcaygeon gallery and bought one of my quilts! Whatever Oprah buys, EVERYONE wants!!!

Looking at how full the room at the gallery is with my creations, I need to slow down for the time being!!! What I really need to do for the next couple months is concentrate on Joey's project! As you can see, I'm more than halfway finished the latest square. I actually started over a week ago. Good thing I wasn't already finished. The cats, Tigger and Spot, are relatively new additions to their little family.

Boy George is playing in Toronto on his birthday, June 14th. Janette and I wish we could go but we can't really afford it at the moment. My first priority is paying her back when my money arrives and paying off as much as I can on my VISA account.

I really can't think of much else to talk about for now. My computer has been giving me attitude today. Pictures have been jumping around and I keep getting “itsy bitsy” fonts.

No word on whether or not I am getting a new computer from the school. I bet they'd hand it over in a heartbeat if I had KIDS!!!! And I'm NOT popping one out just to qualify. That ship has sailed.

One of my assignments for Aboriginal Studies is to write my own creation myth. I thought I was finished but I thought of an interesting new plot twist to add some extra drama. Perhaps I shall publish the completed story in next month's issue!! Yesterday we did art and we created our own animals masks. Each animal has a different meaning. I chose the wolf because I like what he represents:

Loyalty, perseverance and success!

Well, that's it for now. I've got to get this issue published.


Carousel of the MonthKansas City Royals Baseball Stadiumhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNO2q_-_4Xw