july barroom, smith brothers the ci...

J~1~4t~~f~~~ 3~~ ~Cmrr July 6, 1907. S OiBce telephone 24-2 Residence phone 24-8 One Dollar a Year. SW Terms, CASH IN AD VANCE. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF - ST. TAMMANY PARISH CHURCH NOTICES Preaching at the Methodist Church in Slidell every first and second Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, at 8 p. m. Preaching at the Methodist Church in Pearl River every third Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at the Union Church int Mandevilie every fourth Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. The hour for the evening service will change with the seasons of the year. The public is cordially invited to at- tend these services. GEO. W. HIVELEY, P. C. -5- We have the nicest line of gentle- men's dress shirts in town. Come and see them. Also gentlemen's underwear that is up to the minute. D. M. WADSWORTH & BRO. If you want a strictly hig grade coffee for 9c a pound, go t Smith's General Merchandise Stor at Abita Spring;. Headquarter for Hamilton Brown shoes. FOR SALE.-A Pool Table with cues, balls, racks and everything complete. Apply to R. A. Nor- man. STRAYED A small two-year old red roan mare colt. Left with halter on. A natural pacer. Has been gone since the latter part of April. A suitable reward will be paid for her return to je29-Om. Emile Frederick. Bank of Hazelhurst vs. Nicholson. Lumber and Cooperage Company. Twenty-sixth Judicial District Court of Lou- islana, in and for the Parish of St. Tam- many. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sale issued by the above Court in the above entitled suit on the 25th day of April, 1907, I have seized, and on SAT- URDAY, the 3d day of August, 1907. during le- gal sale hours, I will offer for sale and sell to the hlgest and last bidder, for cash, at the prin- cipal front door of the Courthouse, in Coving- ton, Louisiana, the following described prop- ty, to satisfy the judgment rendered in said ac- tion, to-wit: All the timber, of whatsoever kind and character, upon the following lands in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, viz--South half of north half of section 43, containing 160 acres, all of fractional section 42, both in township 6 south, range 14 east; north half of section 38, township 6 south, range 15 east, containing 320 acres; southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section 8, township 7 south, range 15 east, containing 40 acres; all of fractional, sections 15 and 16, township 7 south, range 15 east, containing 593 acres" northeast Quarter of section 21 and north half of section 22, townspip 7 south, range 15 east, containing 200.92 acres. Terms of sale-Cash, with benefit of appraise- ment. je29-6t T. E. BREWSTER. Sheriff., United States Land Office. New Orleans, La., June 8, 1907. Notice is hereby given that ROBERT HILGNER, of Madisonville La., has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: homestead entry No. 25801, made June 18, 1903, for the southeast quarter of northeast quarter, west half of northeast quarter, and northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 22, township 6 south, range 10 east, St. Helena Meridian., and that said proof will be made before the Reg- ister and Receiver at New Orleans, La., on WEDNESDAY. August 7, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Edward Raiford, Charles Bush, Ar- thur Stanga, Emile Fuhrmann, all of Madisonville, La. WALTER L. COHEN, e 15.5t Re< ister. United States Land Office. New Orleans, La., June 1, 1907 Notice s hereby given that Elvanor Williams, of Madisonville, La., has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 24,519. made May 16, 1902, for the west half of the' northwest quarter, section 27, township 6, south range 10 east, St. Helena Meridian, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk oftCourt, at Covington, La., on July 30, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ed. Rayford, Ernest Goodbee, Fritz Stanga and Major Bennette, all of Madisonville, La. Ja8.5t WALTRaJ. Conta, Register TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, New Orleans, La., June 1, 1907. ( Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the:provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore- gon Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex- tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4.1892. CHARLES A. PINGREE, of Bayou Lacombe, parishof St. Tammany, State of Lou- isiana, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement. No. 1p77 for the purchase of the fractional section 21 and lots 1 and 2, of Sec- tion No. 22, in Township No. 8 South. Range No. 12 East. St. Helena Meridian, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim.,er or stone than for agri- cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver, at New Orleans. La., on MONDAY, the 30th day of September, 1907. He names as witnesses: Berry Todd. James M. Barringer, James Cou- sin and Norville Cousin, all of Bayou Lacombe, Any abd all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 30th day of Sptember, 1907. WALTER L. COHEN, u6-9t Register. iJUMBERLANU TELEPHIONE & TELEGRAPH COu Long distance lines and tpigphones of this Company enable you tb talk almost anywhero in Southern Indiana, Southern "and LouiSiana. We can put you in quick and satisfactory communication with the people of this great section of the country. Wo solicit your patronage. Rates reason- able. Equipments and facilities unsur- passed. E CALDW••LL, LELAND HUt. T. D. WEE. Wgshi•• It a •o w . s , * a: s a I Qm' MWsaa.m Albert M. Mitchell vs. Nicholson Lum- ber and Cooperage Company- No. 806 Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of Louisiana. in and for the Parish oif St. Tammany. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sale issued by the above court in the above entitled suit, on 25th day of April, 1907, I have seized, and on SATURDAY, the 3rd day of August, 1907,Qiuring legal sale hours, I will offer for sale and sell to the high- est and last bidder, for cash, at the principal tfont door of the Courthouse, in Covington, Louisiana, the following described property to satisfy the judg- ment rendered in said aztion, to wit: All the timber, of whatsoever kind and character, upon the following lands in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. viz- Lots B, E and G. on a map made by Leland J. Henderson, surveyor, in the matter of the partition of the south half of the Stephen Apple.vhite claim, all of the Duncan McCall claim, and pait of the John McCall claim, in town- ships 6 and 7 south, range 15 east, Greensburg District, Louisiana. be- tween the heirs of T. A. Mitchell, de- ceased, on July 2, 190{, ana which is recorded in book "Y,' page 91, of the conveyance records of St Tammany Parish. Said lot B is described as fol- lows: A part of the south half of the Stephen Applewhite claim. in Honey Island, in section 37, and in northwest portion of the Duncan McCall claim, in section 38, township 7 south, range 15 east, containing 160 acres, more or less. Lot E, commences at the southwest corner of the Duncan McCall claim. running thence north 40 degrees and 15 minutes west 20 chains to a stake; thence north 25 degrees east 68 chains and 80 links to a stake set on the west. ern bank of Pearl River; thence south- easterly along the meanderings of Pearl River to the center line of the track of the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad; thence southwesterly along the center line of said track to a point where the southern line of the said Duncan McCall claim intersects said track; thence south 49 degrees and 45 minutes west 22 chains and 41 links to the place of beginning; said land lying in township 7 south, range 15 east Greensburg District, Louisiana, con- tainining 160 acres, more or less. Lot G being a part of the John Mc-. Call claim, in Honey Island, in St. Tammany Parish, in section 39, town- ship 7 south, range 15 east, containing 160 acres, more or less. Terms of sale-Cash, with benefit of appraisement. June 19, 1907. je 22-6t T. E. BREWSTER. Sheriff. Joseph Bachet vs. Theodore J. Fischer -No. 881. Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of Louisiana, in and for the Parish of St. Tammany. Pursuant to an order of seizure and sale issued in the above entitled action on the 14th day of June, 1907, I have seized, and on SATURDAY, the 27th day of July, 1907. will sell at the princi- pal door of the Courthouse, in Coving- ton, Louisiana, during legal sale hours, to the highest and last bidder, for cash, without appraisement, the following de- scribed property, to wit: A certain tract of land, with the im- provements thereon, and the rights, ways, privileges and advantages there- unto belonging or in any wise apper- taining, situated in the Parish of St. Tammany, being a part of section thir- ty-seven (37), township six (6), south of range eleven (11) east, containing about three hundred and thirty-eight and forty-seven one-hundredths (338 47-100), bounded on the north and east by the Bogue Falaya River, and on the west by the Lee Ferry Road, less lots 1 to 10, in square 91; and 13 to 15 in square 91; lots 1 to 10, in square 94; square 12; lots 13 to 25, in square 94; lots 11 to 15, in square 87; lots 11 and 12, in square 94; square 88; lots 11 and 12, in square 90; lots 11 to 21. in square 89; lots 3 to 8, in square 90; lots 9 and 10, in square 90; lots 1 to 10, in square 89; lots 16 and 17, in square 91; square 86, lot 20, in square 91; lots 17 to 20, in square 90; lots 16 to 20, in square 87; lots 18 and 19, in square 91; lots 1 and 2, in square 90. All of said lots and squares will more fully appear by ref- erence to a plat and survey made by Preston Herndon, civil engineer and surveyor, on the 1st day of May, 1906, and annexed to plaintiff's petition, be- ing the same property acquired by said Theodore J. Fischer by purchase from J. A. Mercier and Robert Upshur. on the 9th cay of May, 1906, per act passed before Abraham Goldburg, a notary public in and for the City of New Or- leans, Parish of Orleans, State of Lou- isiana, recorded in the conveyance rec- ordsof St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, in book 44, pages 372, et seq. June 19, 1907. je 22-6t. T. E. BREWSTER. Sheriff. Martin H. Sullivan and Albert G Phelps, Testamentary Executors, vs. John Swenson, Twenty-Sixth Judrcial District Court of Louisiana, in and for the Parish of St. Tammany. By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale from the honorable the aforesaid Court, and to me directed, bearing date June 15, 1907, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the principal door of the Courthouse,in Cov- ington, La., between legal sale hours, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of July, 1907, the following described property, to-wit- The east half of the northwest quar- ter of section 30, in township 8, south of range 15 east, St. Helena Meridian, in St. Tammary Parish, Louisiana, con- tainins eighty and twenty-three one- hundredths (80 23-100) acres, with all the buildings and improvements there- on, and being the same property ac- quired bn John.Swenson from the Unir- ed State•iWot erfment, as per homestead certificaiteNo 7131, application 12,155, being duly recorded in the conveyance records of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, In Book Z, folio 223. Terms-Cash. June 19, 1907. Je 22-6t T. E. BREWSTER, Sheriff. S1RAYED.-White mare, with dark mane and tail; mane on left side; shoes on all four feet. Reward. A. EIMER, Covington La. LABAT'S STORE and " Barroom, B. LABAT, Propr. COVINGTON, LA. Choice Family G r -~iand Fancy GIIaUC• es Canned Goods, Etc. Also a Barroom First Class B Well stocked with the finest Wilnes, Liquors and Cigars. FRESH KEG BEER ON TAP, Country orders prorfptly attended to. B. LABAT, Covington, La. RESTAURANT Opposite Railroad Depot. E. ROMANO, PROPRIE'OR Meals Served at all Hours. Also Fresh Fruit of all kinds. No Trespassing. All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt, trap, or otherwise tresspass on the lands of the undersigned under penalty of the law. HOWARD A. PIERCE. JOHH D. COUSIN. TAYL R COUSIN. JNO. A. TODD, JR. The Northwestern Dental Co, When you go to New Orleansto get your dental work done, be sure to call at the Northw estern Dental Co., No. 1010 Canal Street. You will find the finest and best equipped dental office in the South, under the management of Dr. L. A. Brewster. Moderate prices; first- class work, is the motto. Everything strictly first class, and a ten-year guar- antee on all work. Open Sundays from 9 to 4; evenings until 8 p. m. NORTHWESTERN DENTAL CO., 1010 Canal St.. New Orleans. La. FOR SALE. One 15000 Capacity Saw Mill With Planer and Dry Kiln All in first class running order One mile west of Folsom, La Address SMITH BROS., Covington, La FOR SALE. Lot and Building now occupied by C. C. Champagne & Co., Druggists. Apply to J. M. CLAVERIE, JR. In care of Miller & Morgan. TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, . New Orleans, La. May 3, 1907. ( Noth.e is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim- ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend- ed to all the Public Land States by actof August 4, 1892. James Lossett, of McKee, Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 1053 for the purchase of the north half of northwest quarter, and southeast quarter of r.orthwest quarter of Section 4, in Township 6 south, Range No, 10 east, St. Helena Meridian, and will offer proof to show that the land sorght is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab- lish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at New Orleans, La., on FRIDAY, the 19th day of July, 1907, He names as witnesses: Charles T. Bradley, George W. Core, Thomas Coyne Rea McKee, all of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of July, 1907. WALTER L. COHEN, mayll-')t Register. Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby warned and prohibited from cutting, burning, dead- ening, carrying or floating away, or otherwise injuring or destroying any trees, timber or wood growing or lying upon the lands of Poitevent & Favre Lumber Company. Any person so do- ing will be prosecuted under the pro- visions of Act No. 103 of the laws of 1902. W. G. HUTCHISON, Land Agent for Poitevent & Favre Lum- ber Company. ap 27-t In the matter of Chas. T. Bradley, Praying for a monition.-No. 882. Twenty-Tixth Judicial District Court of Louisi- in and for the Parish of St. Tammany, Whereas Chas. T. Bradley has on the 17th day of November, 1906, by act passed before Harvey E. Ellis, Notary Public for the Parish of st. Tammony. purchased the hereinafter de- scribed property from John C. Friebert, Katy J. Friebert, wife of Charles F. Dutsch, and the minors, Walter H. Friebert and Frederick W. Freibert, represented by the " utrix, Mrs. Caro- line Schmidt. Whereas said sale was made un- der order of court in the matter of the Succes- sion of John P. Friebert and Barbara Englehardt, his wife, No. 754 of the docket of this Court, in order to effect a partion of the said hereinafter described property, at a private sale, on the terms and conditions recommended by a fami- ly meeting convened on behalf of the minors in said proceedings and ordered held before Harvey E. Ellis. Notary Public for the Parish of St. Tammany, on October 3, 1906, thedelibera- tion of which family meeting was duly homolo- gated, and Mrs. Caroline Schmidt, the Tutrix of said minors, was duly authorized to sign said act of sale for the purpose of effecting said partition by private sale by an order or decree of the Honorable Court rendered and signed on October 3 1906. Whereas the said Chas. T. Bradley has appled to the Court for a monition or advertisement in conformity with Sections 2370, 2371, 2372 and W73 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana, approved March 16, 1870, and comonly known as an act for the revision of the Statutes of a general character. Now, therefore, know ye, That all persons in- terested herein and cited and admonished in the name of the name of the State of Louisiana and the Twenty-Sixth Ju'dicial District Court for the Parish of St. Tammany, who can set up any right, title or claim in and to the property hereinafter described, in consequence of any informality in the order decree or judgment of the Court under which the Sale above re- ferred to was made, or to any irregularity or illegality in the appraisement, in the time or manner of the said sale, or for any other defect whatsoever, to show cause within thirty days from the day and date on which this monition is first inserted in the public paper, why the sale so made should not be approved and ho- mologated, the said property being described as follows; That certain tract of land situated in the Par- ish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. more especially described as follows: The south- westquarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine (29). the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of section thirty 130), the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-one 31 ), and the .northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thsrty-two (321, all in township five (51, south of range twelve t12) east, containing one hun- dred and sixty-two and 13-100) (162 13-100) acres. Covington, Mai 30, 1907. THOS. M. BURNS, Judge. A true copy, JUcLES B. MAILLE, Deputy Clerk. Children's wash suits and linea snits at D. M. Wadsworth & Bro. Smith Brothers SUCCESSORS TO H. H. SMITH & SONS HARDWARE FEED PAINTS OILS. HARNESS WAGONS BUGGIES. The Old Way of doingthe family washing is not only laborious and unhealthy, but is altogether out of keeping with the idea of modern living. s tandard" , Laundry Trays I -. •makeit possible to do the"wash- ing" with the least labor and best results to both mistress and ser- vants. Is there any reason for not having a modern "Stamdard' Laundry in your home? If you thinkthecosthigh,consultusand " DIsconTE T * you will be agreeably surprised. W. J. KLEIN, Plumber. S ELIP..ONE NO.288 COVINGTON, - Tresspas Notice All persons are hereby forbidden to cut any timber, or otherwise tresspass on the lands of the undersigned, in St. Tammany Parish. without permission, under penalty of the law. ap20- y* Mrs. Laurance Cousin. Mandeville, Madisonville and Pineland Park. THE STEAMER NEW CAM ELIA Commencing Saturday, April 20, Will reave blilneburg. on the arrival of cars from . L. and N. Depot, head of Canal street. DAILY, (except Sundays and Wednesdays 4 r. at. train. Returning leaves Madisonville, DAILY, at 4:40 A.M. Water and weather permitting EXCURSIONS Mandeville, Lewisburg, Madison ville and Pineland Park. SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 8 A. M. Train. Freight received daily at the Louis- ville and Nashville Railroad depot, head of Girod street. W. G. COYLE & CO., Agents. No. 323 Carondelet at. cor. Union. For Madisonville and uovrng- ton. The" Schooner JOSIE WEAVER H. T. G. WEAVER... .MANAGER. Will leave head of New Basin, New Orleans, every SATURDAY, 3:30 P. m Returning, will leave Covington every WEDNESDAY, at 12 K. RATES OF FREIGHT: Cotton, per tale.......... 50 cents Dry barrels .................. 15 cents Sacks............. .... ... 10 cents Other rates in proportion. J. J. CLARK, Agent, iead of New Basin 'Ye,. OrlIans. For IMadisonville and Coving- ton. The Schooner SOSA .6. Will leave head of New Basin, New Orleans every TUnBsDar, at 4 P. x. Returning, will leave Covington every MoNDAY, at 10 A. x J. S. JONES ........... AGENT. RATES OF FREIGIIT. Cotton, per bale............50 cents. Dry barrels ............. 15 cents. Sacks ............... .... .. 10 cents. Other rates in proportion. a JONES &PICKETT- owners. Office in Covington, on Columbia street nadisonville and Covinaton The Schooner EMMA HAWKINS. C. H. WEAVER, Manager. Will leave head of New Basin, New Orleans, every TUESDAY, 3:30 p. m. Returning, will leave Covington oevery FRIDAY, at 12 m. RATES OF FREIGHT. Cotton per bale ............... 50 cents Dry Barrels......... ... .. 15 cents Sacks .............. ...... 10cents Other rates in proportion. Trespass Noticeo All persons are hereby warned and prohibited from cutting, burning dead- ening, carrying or floating away, or otherwise injurlng or destroying any trees, timber or wood growing or lay- ing upon the lands of the Salmoen Brick and Lnmber Company, Limited. Any person so doing willlbe prosecuted un- der the provisions of Act No. 108, of the laws of 1902. Salmen Brick & Lumber Co., Ltd. -my,-lv. W HY not use Concrete Building Block for tha* building you want in the Fire Disstrict or anywhere else? Looks better, is stronger an' .,heaper than brick, For information, see JOS. C. BECK, ARCHITECT and BUILDER COVINGTON, LA. P. O. BOX 352 TEL. 182. St. Scholastica's Academy Covington, - - La BOARDING AND DAY "' IOOL The Scholastic year is (" led into two sessions of five mont. each-the first begins the 1st Mono - of Septem- ber, the second, the 1st Ihnday of Feb- ruary. Boys under ten years of age will be admitted to the Day School. Bates of Tuition for Day pupils: per month. Primary department $1 50. Intermediate department 2 50. Senior department. 4 00. Academic department 5 00. For further information apply for catalog. Address, BENEDICTINE SISTERS. Covington La. John Steiner . EXPERT Sheet and Metal Worker. Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Etc. COVING-TON. LA Next to John Theobald's Black- smith Shop. W. A. Dutsch, COVINGTON, LA. Deep and Shallow Well Contractor. - : ALSO : Plumbing, Pipe Fitting. Apply to Ozone Lumber Co. Phone 40. All orders pomptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. 8 ALOON. FRANK CARAMBAT Proprietor. No. 107 DECATUR STREET. Old Number 5. Ielephone 706 Opposite the Postoffice. New Orleans, La SM. F. Meilleur Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED. Shop at Ab. Blattner's, on Boston street. All work guaranteed. mhl6-tf. GEO. KOEPP, JR., President. W. G. KENTZEL, Secretary. For Madisonville and Covlngton. The Schooner. ANITA D. L. P. DELCROIX.. MANAGEr Willleave head of 9ew Basin New Orleans, every WEDNESDAY, 8:80 P. M. Beturning will leave Covingtov every SbATURDAY at 12 a. RATES OF FREIGHT. Cotton, per bale............50 cents ry Barrels..............l15 cents Backs.................. ....... 10 cen L Other rates tin proportlon. The WIle Fied cI hlse Life PHONE N0 o. : Fire Health I Accident Insurance, Buyl l JNO. B.' KENT d CO. Southern Hotel Building. Fidelity dsoveFoldo a+Ndbt Spite BRANCH OFFICES - Mandeville, Madisonville, Foloom and Abita Spring r-- - ww---ww - tt tttmmm tttt!1trt mmt m 11T IMIM M't " CITY DRUG STORE. COVINGTON, LA Opposite the Ba -uildln, ag Prescriptions filled Promptly-Day and Nig- A Full Line oft` PERFMES FRESH DRPGS .. FANCY CARDS FR S DR and AN D LOWNEY'S TOILET CHOCOLATES ARTICLES. ARTICLES. Always Fresh. J. L. WATKINS, Prop E. V. RICHARD SUCCESSOR TO RICHARD & BARRERE. REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS. Next to the City Drug Store. PHONE 300 COVINGT LA The M. B. C. AN1n1S Will positively cure any case of DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERE and CHOLERA INFANTUM. Absolutely harmless. Full instruotions with each bottle. Endorsed by Doctors. Price .50c. Ask your Druggist to get you a bottle. At wholesale by blINIlAY, DICKS & CO., PARKER BLAKE & CO., 1. L. LYONS & CO., New Orleans, La. SDIXON ACADEMY. d ; Corvington, 'ea. One of best and most completely equipped Preparatory Schools in the South. Thorough courses in all branches. A new ten thousand dollar gym. nasium, with a large swimming pool in connection wjth it, has been added. DAY TUITION. High School Grades ........... $15 00 Per Term Grammar Grades............. .... $9 00 Per Term WILL OPEN OCTOBER 1, 1906. Owing to the success of the school in the past, and the fact that only a limited number of pupils can be accepted, it is requested that applicants for admission for next session will send in their names as early as possible. SCHOLARSHIP TO THE COVINGTON PUBLIC SCHBOOL. DIXox ACADEMY offers a free scholarship, for the High chbool depart- ment, to the pupil of the Covington Public School who makes the highest average in his or her final examinations. For Boarding Department, see catalog, Wnm. A. DIXON, Principal. .... .' G. E, MILLAR. IReal E~atatt Agi•t ABITA 8PRINGQ8, LA." .g,,Agent for PrTTsSnoa STEEL WIRE FcCh _ CYPEre's INcncTaons aeoD PoUultU POST OFFICE BOX. 8. %-- JOSEPH GERSTNER FURNITURE MOVER Furniture taken down and put up, packed and shipped. Pianos a specialty. MATTRESSES MADE OVER. WAGON.TO HIRE Phone 228. Covington, La. * Well Driver. Wil drive wells in Coviwgton and vi.nity. THOROUGH 'EXPERIESNCE. Telephone No. 282., E ::

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Page 1: July Barroom, Smith Brothers The cI hlsechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015387/1907-07-06/ed-1/seq-8.pdfJ~1~4t~~f~~~ 3~~ ~Cmrr July 6, 1907. S OiBce telephone 24-2 Residence phone


3~~ ~CmrrJuly 6, 1907.

S OiBce telephone 24-2Residence phone 24-8

One Dollar a Year.SW Terms, CASH IN AD VANCE.



CHURCH NOTICESPreaching at the Methodist Church

in Slidell every first and second Sundayin each month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. PrayerMeeting every Wednesday, at 8 p. m.

Preaching at the Methodist Churchin Pearl River every third Sunday ineach month at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.Sunday School at 10 a. m.

Preaching at the Union Church intMandevilie every fourth Sunday ineach month, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.Sunday School at 10 a. m. The hourfor the evening service will changewith the seasons of the year.

The public is cordially invited to at-tend these services.


We have the nicest line of gentle-men's dress shirts in town. Comeand see them. Also gentlemen'sunderwear that is up to the minute.


If you want a strictly higgrade coffee for 9c a pound, go tSmith's General Merchandise Storat Abita Spring;. Headquarterfor Hamilton Brown shoes.

FOR SALE.-A Pool Table withcues, balls, racks and everythingcomplete. Apply to R. A. Nor-man.

STRAYEDA small two-year old red roan mare

colt. Left with halter on. A naturalpacer. Has been gone since the latterpart of April. A suitable reward willbe paid for her return to

je29-Om. Emile Frederick.

Bank of Hazelhurst vs. Nicholson. Lumber andCooperage Company.

Twenty-sixth Judicial District Court of Lou-islana, in and for the Parish of St. Tam-many.

Notice is hereby given that under and byvirtue of an order of sale issued by the aboveCourt in the above entitled suit on the 25thday of April, 1907, I have seized, and on SAT-URDAY, the 3d day of August, 1907. during le-gal sale hours, I will offer for sale and sell tothe hlgest and last bidder, for cash, at the prin-cipal front door of the Courthouse, in Coving-ton, Louisiana, the following described prop-ty, to satisfy the judgment rendered in said ac-tion, to-wit: All the timber, of whatsoeverkind and character, upon the following landsin St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, viz--Southhalf of north half of section 43, containing160 acres, all of fractional section 42, both intownship 6 south, range 14 east; north half ofsection 38, township 6 south, range 15 east,containing 320 acres; southeast quarter ofsoutheast quarter of section 8, township 7south, range 15 east, containing 40 acres; allof fractional, sections 15 and 16, township 7south, range 15 east, containing 593 acres"northeast Quarter of section 21 and northhalf of section 22, townspip 7 south, range 15east, containing 200.92 acres.

Terms of sale-Cash, with benefit of appraise-ment.je29-6t T. E. BREWSTER. Sheriff.,

United States Land Office.New Orleans, La., June 8, 1907.

Notice is hereby given that ROBERTHILGNER, of Madisonville La., hasfiled notice of his intention to makefinal commutation proof in support ofhis claim, viz: homestead entry No.25801, made June 18, 1903, for thesoutheast quarter of northeast quarter,west half of northeast quarter, andnortheast quarter of northwest quarterof section 22, township 6 south, range10 east, St. Helena Meridian., and thatsaid proof will be made before the Reg-ister and Receiver at New Orleans, La.,on WEDNESDAY. August 7, 1907.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence uponand cultivation of said land viz:

Edward Raiford, Charles Bush, Ar-thur Stanga, Emile Fuhrmann, all ofMadisonville, La.

WALTER L. COHEN,e 15.5t Re< ister.

United States Land Office.New Orleans, La., June 1, 1907

Notice s hereby given that ElvanorWilliams, of Madisonville, La., hasfiled notice of his intention to makefinal five year proof in support of hisclaim, viz: Homestead entry No. 24,519.made May 16, 1902, for the west halfof the' northwest quarter, section 27,township 6, south range 10 east, St.Helena Meridian, and that said proofwill be made before the Clerk oftCourt,at Covington, La., on July 30, 1907.

He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence uponand cultivation of said land, viz:

Ed. Rayford, Ernest Goodbee, FritzStanga and Major Bennette, all ofMadisonville, La.Ja8.5t WALTRaJ. Conta, Register


UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,New Orleans, La., June 1, 1907. (

Notice is hereby given that in compliancewith the:provisions of the act of Congress ofJune 3. 1878. entitled, "An act for the sale oftimber lands in the States of California, Ore-gon Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex-tended to all the Public Land States by act ofAugust 4.1892. CHARLES A. PINGREE, of BayouLacombe, parishof St. Tammany, State of Lou-isiana, has this day filed in this office his swornstatement. No. 1p77 for the purchase of thefractional section 21 and lots 1 and 2, of Sec-tion No. 22, in Township No. 8 South. RangeNo. 12 East. St. Helena Meridian, and will offerproof to show that the land sought is morevaluable for its tim.,er or stone than for agri-cultural purposes, and to establish his claim tosaid land before the Register and Receiver, atNew Orleans. La., on MONDAY, the 30th day ofSeptember, 1907.

He names as witnesses:Berry Todd. James M. Barringer, James Cou-

sin and Norville Cousin, all of Bayou Lacombe,

Any abd all persons claiming adversely theabove described lands are requested to file theirclaims In this office on or before said 30th dayof Sptember, 1907. WALTER L. COHEN,u6-9t Register.

iJUMBERLANU TELEPHIONE & TELEGRAPH COuLong distance lines and tpigphones of

this Company enable you tb talk almost

anywhero in Southern Indiana, Southern

"and LouiSiana. We can put you in quickand satisfactory communication with the

people of this great section of the country.Wo solicit your patronage. Rates reason-able. Equipments and facilities unsur-

passed.• E CALDW••LL, LELAND HUt. T. D. WEE.

Wgshi•• It a •o w . s , * a: s a I Qm' MWsaa.m

Albert M. Mitchell vs. Nicholson Lum-ber and Cooperage Company- No. 806

Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court ofLouisiana. in and for the Parish oif St.Tammany.

Notice is hereby given that underand by virtue of an order of sale issuedby the above court in the above entitledsuit, on 25th day of April, 1907, I haveseized, and on SATURDAY, the 3rd dayof August, 1907,Qiuring legal sale hours,I will offer for sale and sell to the high-est and last bidder, for cash, at theprincipal tfont door of the Courthouse,in Covington, Louisiana, the followingdescribed property to satisfy the judg-ment rendered in said aztion, to wit:All the timber, of whatsoever kind andcharacter, upon the following lands inSt. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. viz-Lots B, E and G. on a map made byLeland J. Henderson, surveyor, in thematter of the partition of the southhalf of the Stephen Apple.vhite claim,all of the Duncan McCall claim, andpait of the John McCall claim, in town-ships 6 and 7 south, range 15 east,Greensburg District, Louisiana. be-tween the heirs of T. A. Mitchell, de-ceased, on July 2, 190{, ana which isrecorded in book "Y,' page 91, of theconveyance records of St TammanyParish. Said lot B is described as fol-lows: A part of the south half of theStephen Applewhite claim. in HoneyIsland, in section 37, and in northwestportion of the Duncan McCall claim, insection 38, township 7 south, range 15east, containing 160 acres, more or less.Lot E, commences at the southwestcorner of the Duncan McCall claim.running thence north 40 degrees and 15minutes west 20 chains to a stake;thence north 25 degrees east 68 chainsand 80 links to a stake set on the west.ern bank of Pearl River; thence south-easterly along the meanderings of PearlRiver to the center line of the track ofthe New Orleans and NortheasternRailroad; thence southwesterly alongthe center line of said track to a pointwhere the southern line of the saidDuncan McCall claim intersects saidtrack; thence south 49 degrees and 45minutes west 22 chains and 41 links tothe place of beginning; said land lyingin township 7 south, range 15 eastGreensburg District, Louisiana, con-tainining 160 acres, more or less.

Lot G being a part of the John Mc-.Call claim, in Honey Island, in St.Tammany Parish, in section 39, town-ship 7 south, range 15 east, containing160 acres, more or less.

Terms of sale-Cash, with benefit ofappraisement.

June 19, 1907.je 22-6t T. E. BREWSTER. Sheriff.

Joseph Bachet vs. Theodore J. Fischer-No. 881.

Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court ofLouisiana, in and for the Parish ofSt. Tammany.

Pursuant to an order of seizure andsale issued in the above entitled actionon the 14th day of June, 1907, I haveseized, and on SATURDAY, the 27th dayof July, 1907. will sell at the princi-pal door of the Courthouse, in Coving-ton, Louisiana, during legal sale hours,to the highest and last bidder, for cash,without appraisement, the following de-scribed property, to wit:

A certain tract of land, with the im-provements thereon, and the rights,ways, privileges and advantages there-unto belonging or in any wise apper-taining, situated in the Parish of St.Tammany, being a part of section thir-ty-seven (37), township six (6), southof range eleven (11) east, containingabout three hundred and thirty-eightand forty-seven one-hundredths (33847-100), bounded on the north and eastby the Bogue Falaya River, and on thewest by the Lee Ferry Road, less lots 1to 10, in square 91; and 13 to 15 insquare 91; lots 1 to 10, in square 94;square 12; lots 13 to 25, in square 94;lots 11 to 15, in square 87; lots 11 and12, in square 94; square 88; lots 11 and12, in square 90; lots 11 to 21. in square89; lots 3 to 8, in square 90; lots 9 and10, in square 90; lots 1 to 10, in square89; lots 16 and 17, in square 91; square86, lot 20, in square 91; lots 17 to 20,in square 90; lots 16 to 20, in square87; lots 18 and 19, in square 91; lots 1and 2, in square 90. All of said lots andsquares will more fully appear by ref-erence to a plat and survey made byPreston Herndon, civil engineer andsurveyor, on the 1st day of May, 1906,and annexed to plaintiff's petition, be-ing the same property acquired by saidTheodore J. Fischer by purchase fromJ. A. Mercier and Robert Upshur. onthe 9th cay of May, 1906, per act passedbefore Abraham Goldburg, a notarypublic in and for the City of New Or-leans, Parish of Orleans, State of Lou-isiana, recorded in the conveyance rec-ordsof St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana,in book 44, pages 372, et seq.

June 19, 1907.je 22-6t. T. E. BREWSTER. Sheriff.

Martin H. Sullivan and Albert GPhelps, Testamentary Executors, vs.John Swenson,

Twenty-Sixth Judrcial District Court ofLouisiana, in and for the Parish ofSt. Tammany.

By virtue of a writ of seizure and salefrom the honorable the aforesaid Court,and to me directed, bearing dateJune 15, 1907, I will offer for sale andsell to the highest bidder, for cash, at theprincipal door of the Courthouse,in Cov-ington, La., between legal sale hours,on SATURDAY, the 27th day of July,1907, the following described property,to-wit-

The east half of the northwest quar-ter of section 30, in township 8, southof range 15 east, St. Helena Meridian,in St. Tammary Parish, Louisiana, con-tainins eighty and twenty-three one-hundredths (80 23-100) acres, with allthe buildings and improvements there-on, and being the same property ac-quired bn John.Swenson from the Unir-ed State•iWot erfment, as per homesteadcertificaiteNo 7131, application 12,155,being duly recorded in the conveyancerecords of St. Tammany Parish,Louisiana, In Book Z, folio 223.

Terms-Cash.June 19, 1907.

Je 22-6t T. E. BREWSTER, Sheriff.

S1RAYED.-White mare, withdark mane and tail; mane on leftside; shoes on all four feet. Reward.

A. EIMER, Covington La.


Barroom,B. LABAT, Propr.


Choice Family G r-~iand Fancy GIIaUC• es

Canned Goods, Etc.

Also a BarroomFirst Class B

Well stocked with the finest Wilnes,Liquors and Cigars.

FRESH KEG BEER ON TAP,Country orders prorfptly attended to.

B. LABAT,Covington, La.

RESTAURANTOpposite Railroad Depot.

E. ROMANO, PROPRIE'ORMeals Served at all Hours. Also

Fresh Fruit of all kinds.

No Trespassing.

All persons are hereby forbidden tohunt, trap, or otherwise tresspass onthe lands of the undersigned underpenalty of the law.


The Northwestern Dental Co,When you go to New Orleansto get

your dental work done, be sure to callat the Northw estern Dental Co., No. 1010Canal Street. You will find the finestand best equipped dental office in theSouth, under the management of Dr. L.A. Brewster. Moderate prices; first-class work, is the motto. Everythingstrictly first class, and a ten-year guar-antee on all work.

Open Sundays from 9 to 4; eveningsuntil 8 p. m.

NORTHWESTERN DENTAL CO.,1010 Canal St.. New Orleans. La.


One 15000 Capacity Saw MillWith Planer and Dry Kiln All in first

class running order One mile west ofFolsom, La Address

SMITH BROS., Covington, La

FOR SALE.Lot and Building now occupied by

C. C. Champagne & Co., Druggists.Apply to J. M. CLAVERIE, JR.

In care of Miller & Morgan.


UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, .New Orleans, La. May 3, 1907. (

Noth.e is hereby given that in compliancewith the provisions of the act of Congress ofJune 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim-ber lands in the States of California, Oregon,Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend-ed to all the Public Land States by actof August4, 1892. James Lossett, of McKee, Parishof St. Tammany, State of Louisiana, has thisday filed in this office his sworn statement No.1053 for the purchase of the north half ofnorthwest quarter, and southeast quarter ofr.orthwest quarter of Section 4, in Township6 south, Range No, 10 east, St. Helena Meridian,and will offer proof to show that the landsorght is more valuable for its timber or stonethan for agricultural purposes, and to estab-lish his claim to said land before Register andReceiver at New Orleans, La., on FRIDAY, the19th day of July, 1907,

He names as witnesses:Charles T. Bradley, George W. Core, Thomas

Coyne Rea McKee, all of St. Tammany Parish,Louisiana.

Any and all persons claiming adversely theabove-described lands are requested to filetheir claims in this office on or before said 19thday of July, 1907.

WALTER L. COHEN,mayll-')t Register.

Trespass Notice.All persons are hereby warned and

prohibited from cutting, burning, dead-ening, carrying or floating away, orotherwise injuring or destroying anytrees, timber or wood growing or lyingupon the lands of Poitevent & FavreLumber Company. Any person so do-ing will be prosecuted under the pro-visions of Act No. 103 of the laws of1902. W. G. HUTCHISON,Land Agent for Poitevent & Favre Lum-ber Company. ap 27-t

In the matter of Chas. T. Bradley, Praying fora monition.-No. 882.

Twenty-Tixth Judicial District Court of Louisi-in and for the Parish of St. Tammany,

Whereas Chas. T. Bradley has on the 17thday of November, 1906, by act passed beforeHarvey E. Ellis, Notary Public for the Parish ofst. Tammony. purchased the hereinafter de-scribed property from John C. Friebert, KatyJ. Friebert, wife of Charles F. Dutsch, and theminors, Walter H. Friebert and Frederick W.Freibert, represented by the " utrix, Mrs. Caro-line Schmidt. Whereas said sale was made un-der order of court in the matter of the Succes-sion of John P. Friebert and Barbara Englehardt,his wife, No. 754 of the docket of this Court, inorder to effect a partion of the said hereinafterdescribed property, at a private sale, on theterms and conditions recommended by a fami-ly meeting convened on behalf of the minorsin said proceedings and ordered held beforeHarvey E. Ellis. Notary Public for the Parish ofSt. Tammany, on October 3, 1906, thedelibera-tion of which family meeting was duly homolo-gated, and Mrs. Caroline Schmidt, the Tutrixof said minors, was duly authorized to sign saidact of sale for the purpose of effecting saidpartition by private sale by an order or decreeof the Honorable Court rendered and signedon October 3 1906.

Whereas the said Chas. T. Bradley has appledto the Court for a monition or advertisementin conformity with Sections 2370, 2371, 2372and W73 of the Revised Statutes of the Stateof Louisiana, approved March 16, 1870, andcomonly known as an act for the revision ofthe Statutes of a general character.

Now, therefore, know ye, That all persons in-terested herein and cited and admonished inthe name of the name of the State of Louisianaand the Twenty-Sixth Ju'dicial District Courtfor the Parish of St. Tammany, who can set upany right, title or claim in and to the propertyhereinafter described, in consequence of anyinformality in the order decree or judgmentof the Court under which the Sale above re-ferred to was made, or to any irregularity orillegality in the appraisement, in the time ormanner of the said sale, or for any other defectwhatsoever, to show cause within thirty daysfrom the day and date on which this monitionis first inserted in the public paper, why thesale so made should not be approved and ho-mologated, the said property being describedas follows;

That certain tract of land situated in the Par-ish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. moreespecially described as follows: The south-westquarter of the southwest quarter of sectiontwenty-nine (29). the southeast quarter of thesoutheast quarter, of section thirty 130), thesoutheast quarter of the northeast quarter ofsection thirty-one 31 ), and the .northwestquarter of the northwest quarter of sectionthsrty-two (321, all in township five (51, southof range twelve t12) east, containing one hun-dred and sixty-two and 13-100) (162 13-100)acres.

Covington, Mai 30, 1907.THOS. M. BURNS,

Judge.A true copy,

JUcLES B. MAILLE,Deputy Clerk.

Children's wash suits and lineasnits at D. M. Wadsworth & Bro.





The Old Wayof doingthe family washing is not only laborious and unhealthy,

but is altogether out of keeping with the idea of modern living.

s tandard", Laundry Trays

I -. •makeit possible to do the"wash-ing" with the least labor and bestresults to both mistress and ser-vants. Is there any reason for nothaving a modern "Stamdard'Laundry in your home? If youthinkthecosthigh,consultusand

" DIsconTE T * you will be agreeably surprised.

W. J. KLEIN, Plumber.


Tresspas NoticeAll persons are hereby forbidden to

cut any timber, or otherwise tresspasson the lands of the undersigned, in St.Tammany Parish. without permission,under penalty of the law.ap20- y* Mrs. Laurance Cousin.

Mandeville, Madisonville

and Pineland Park.


NEW CAM ELIACommencing Saturday, April 20,

Will reave blilneburg. onthe arrival of cars from

. L. and N. Depot, head ofCanal street.

DAILY, (except Sundays andWednesdays 4 r. at. train.

Returning leaves Madisonville,DAILY, at 4:40 A.M.

Water and weather permitting

EXCURSIONSMandeville, Lewisburg, Madison

ville and Pineland Park.


Freight received daily at the Louis-ville and Nashville Railroad depot, headof Girod street.

W. G. COYLE & CO., Agents.No. 323 Carondelet at. cor. Union.

For Madisonville and uovrng-


The" Schooner


Will leave head of New Basin, NewOrleans, every SATURDAY, 3:30 P. m

Returning, will leave Covington everyWEDNESDAY, at 12 K.

RATES OF FREIGHT:Cotton, per tale.......... 50 centsDry barrels .................. 15 centsSacks............. .... ... 10 cents

Other rates in proportion.J. J. CLARK, Agent,

iead of New Basin 'Ye,. OrlIans.

For IMadisonville and Coving-ton.

The Schooner

SOSA .6.Will leave head of New Basin, New

Orleans every TUnBsDar, at 4 P. x.Returning, will leave Covington every

MoNDAY, at 10 A. xJ. S. JONES ........... AGENT.

RATES OF FREIGIIT.Cotton, per bale............50 cents.Dry barrels ............. 15 cents.Sacks ............... .... .. 10 cents.

Other rates in proportion. a

JONES &PICKETT- owners.Office in Covington, on Columbia street

nadisonville and Covinaton

The Schooner


Will leave head of New Basin, NewOrleans, every TUESDAY, 3:30 p. m.

Returning, will leave Covington oeveryFRIDAY, at 12 m.


Cotton per bale ............... 50 centsDry Barrels......... ... .. 15 centsSacks .............. ...... 10cents

Other rates in proportion.

Trespass Noticeo

All persons are hereby warned and

prohibited from cutting, burning dead-ening, carrying or floating away, orotherwise injurlng or destroying anytrees, timber or wood growing or lay-ing upon the lands of the Salmoen Brickand Lnmber Company, Limited. Anyperson so doing willlbe prosecuted un-der the provisions of Act No. 108, ofthe laws of 1902.

Salmen Brick & Lumber Co., Ltd.-my,-lv.

W • HY not use Concrete BuildingBlock for tha* building you

want in the Fire Disstrict or anywhereelse? Looks better, is stronger an'.,heaper than brick, For information,see



P. O. BOX 352 TEL. 182.

St. Scholastica's AcademyCovington, - - La

BOARDING AND DAY "' IOOLThe Scholastic year is (" led into

two sessions of five mont. each-thefirst begins the 1st Mono - of Septem-ber, the second, the 1st Ihnday of Feb-ruary.

Boys under ten years of age will beadmitted to the Day School.

Bates of Tuition for Day pupils:per month.

Primary department $1 50.Intermediate department 2 50.Senior department. 4 00.Academic department 5 00.

For further information apply forcatalog. Address,


John Steiner. EXPERT

Sheet and MetalWorker.

Plumbing, Gas andSteam Fitting, Etc.

COVING-TON. LANext to John Theobald's Black-

smith Shop.


Deep and Shallow WellContractor.- : ALSO :

Plumbing, Pipe Fitting.Apply to Ozone Lumber Co.

Phone 40.All orders pomptly attended to,

and satisfaction guaranteed.




Old Number 5. Ielephone 706

Opposite the Postoffice.

New Orleans, La

SM. F. MeilleurWatches, Clocks

and Jewelry Repaired.PIANOS and ORGANS TUNED.

Shop at Ab. Blattner's, on Bostonstreet. All work guaranteed.

mhl6-tf.GEO. KOEPP, JR., President.

W. G. KENTZEL, Secretary.

For Madisonville and Covlngton.The Schooner.


Willleave head of 9ew Basin New

Orleans, every WEDNESDAY, 8:80 P. M.Beturning will leave Covingtov every


Cotton, per bale............50 centsry Barrels..............l15 cents

Backs.................. ....... 10 cen L

Other rates tin proportlon.

The WIle Fied cI hlseLife PHONE N0 o. :

FireHealth IAccident Insurance,Buyl l JNO. B.' KENT d CO.

Southern Hotel Building.Fidelity dsoveFoldo a+Ndbt SpiteBRANCH OFFICES - Mandeville,

Madisonville, Foloom and Abita Spring

r-- - ww---ww

- tt tttmmm tttt!1trt mmt m 11T IMIM M't

" CITY DRUG STORE.COVINGTON, LA Opposite the Ba -uildln, ag

Prescriptions filled Promptly-Day and Nig-

A Full Line oft`




Always Fresh. J. L. WATKINS, Prop



Next to the City Drug Store.PHONE 300 COVINGT LA

The M. B. C. AN1n1S

Will positively cure any case of DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERE and

CHOLERA INFANTUM. Absolutely harmless. Full instruotions

with each bottle. Endorsed by Doctors. Price .50c. Ask your

Druggist to get you a bottle. At wholesale by blINIlAY, DICKS

& CO., PARKER BLAKE & CO., 1. L. LYONS & CO.,New Orleans, La.

SDIXON ACADEMY. d ;Corvington, 'ea.

One of best and most completely equipped Preparatory Schools in theSouth. Thorough courses in all branches. A new ten thousand dollar gym.nasium, with a large swimming pool in connection wjth it, has been added.

DAY TUITION.High School Grades ........... $15 00 Per TermGrammar Grades............. .... $9 00 Per Term

WILL OPEN OCTOBER 1, 1906.Owing to the success of the school in the past, and the fact that only alimited number of pupils can be accepted, it is requested that applicants for

admission for next session will send in their names as early as possible.

SCHOLARSHIP TO THE COVINGTON PUBLIC SCHBOOL.DIXox ACADEMY offers a free scholarship, for the High chbool depart-ment, to the pupil of the Covington Public School who makes the highest

average in his or her final examinations.

For Boarding Department, see catalog,

Wnm. A. DIXON, Principal.

.... .' G. E, MILLAR.IReal E~atatt Agi•t


.g,,Agent forPrTTsSnoa STEEL WIRE FcCh _

CYPEre's INcncTaons aeoD PoUultU




Furniture taken down and put up, packed andshipped. Pianos a specialty.


Phone 228. Covington, La. *

Well Driver.Wil drive wells in Coviwgton

and vi.nity.


Telephone No. 282., E ::