july august shofar

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  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar

    1/2470 Orchard Avenue, Providence, RI 02906-5402 Ofce: (401) 331-6070 Fax: (401) 331-8069 www.temple-beth-el.o

    The Temple Beth-El Shofar is dedicatedby the Chase Family Foundation.

    Volume 85 No. 10TAMMUZ/AV/ELUL 5770

    JULY/AUGUST 2010



    Temple Beth-ElCongregation Sons of Israel & David

    Quidnessett Country ClubOverlooking Narragansett Bay

    North Kingstown, RI

    MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2010Chair: Neil Benharris

    Proceeds beneit the templesReligious School & Cultural Programming

    Contact Ruby Shalansky or inormation 401-331-6070or [email protected]

    Temple Beth-Els




  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar



    4 22 Tammuz


    18 7 Av

    AUGUST 1

    25 14 Av

    11 29 Tammuz

    28 16 Tammuz27 15 Tammuz

    5 23 Tammuz


    19 8 Av

    2 22 Av

    26 15 Av

    12 1 Av

    Rosh Chodesh

    29 17 Tammuz

    6 24 Tammuz

    20 9 Av

    Tisha BAv

    3 23 Av

    27 16 Av

    13 2 Av

    30 18 Tammuz

    7 25 Tammuz 9 27 Tammuz

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat

    21 10 Av

    4 24 Av

    28 17 Av

    14 3 Av

    JULY 1

    8 26 Tammuz

    22 11 Av

    5 25 Av

    29 18 Av

    15 4 Av

    2 20 Tammuz

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat


    23 12 Av

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat

    6 26 Av

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat

    30 19 Av

    5:45 PMKabbalat


    16 5 Av

    7:00 PMShabbat

    Under the Stars

    3 21 Tam

    9:00 AMShabbat Se

    10:15 AMTorah Stud

    10 28 Tam

    9:00 AMShabbat Ser

    10:15 AMTorah Stud

    24 1

    9:00 AM

    Shabbat Se10:15 AMTorah Stud

    7 27

    9:00 AMShabbat Ser

    10:15 AMTorah Stud

    31 20

    9:00 AMShabbat Ser

    10:15 AMTorah Stud


    9:00 AMShabbat Ser

    10:15 AMTorah Stud



  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar



    8 28 Av

    22 12 Elul

    5 26 Elul

    29 19 Elul

    15 5 Elul

    Beth-EldersTrip to


    2 22 AvAUGUST 1

    9 29 Av


    Victory Day

    23 13 Elul

    6 27 Elul


    Labor Day

    30 20 Elul

    1st AnnualGOLF


    16 6 Elul

    3 23 Av

    10 30 Av

    24 14 Elul

    7 28 Elul

    7:00-9:00 PMNew MemberOpen House

    31 21 Elul

    17 7 Elul

    4 24 Av

    11 1 ElulRosh Chodesh

    13 3 Elul

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat

    25 15 Elul

    8 29 ElulErev RoshHashanah


    8:15 PMEvening Service


    18 8 Elul

    5 25 Av

    12 2 Elul

    26 16 Elul

    9 OFFICE CLOSEDRosh Hashanah

    10:00 AMMorning & Youth

    Services3:00 PM

    Childrens Service4:00 PM

    Family Reception4:15 PM Tashlich

    2 23 Elul

    19 9 Elul

    6 26 Av

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat


    27 17 Av

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat

    10 2 Tishri

    5:45 PMKabbalatShabbat

    3 24 Elul

    5:45 PMKabbalat

    Shabbat7:00 PM

    Bat MitzvahBella Brickle

    20 10 Elul

    5:30 PMNew & Prospective

    Members BBQ

    7:00 PMShabbat

    Under the Stars

    7 27 Av

    9:00 AMShabbat Service

    10:15 AMTorah Study

    14 4 Elul

    9:00 AMShabbat Service

    10:15 AMTorah Study

    28 18 Elul

    9:00 AM

    Shabbat Service10:15 AMTorah Study

    11 3 Tishri

    10:15 AMTorah Study

    11:00 AMShabbat Service

    Bar Mitzvah -Henry Mayer

    4 25 Elul

    9:00 AMShabbat Service

    10:15 AMTorah Study

    11:00 AMBar Mitzvah -

    Maxwell Gessman

    21 11 Elul

    9:00 AMShabbat Service

    10:15 AMTorah Study

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar





    Weekly Torah Portion: Vaetchanan

    Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11Hatarah Isaiah 40:1-26

    Friday, July 23

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, July 24

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    unjb ,ca


    Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17Hatarah Isaiah 54:11-55:5

    Friday, August 6

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, August 7

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    vtr ,ca


    Numbers 30:2-36:13Hatarah Jeremiah 2:4-28;3:4

    Friday, July 9

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, July 10

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    hgxn ,uyn ,ca


    Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22Hatarah Isaiah 1:1-27

    Friday, July 16

    7:00 PM Shabbat Under the StarsChildren with July Birthdays willbe honored

    Saturday, July 17 9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    ohrcs ,ca


    Numbers 25:10-30:1Hatarah 1 Kings 18:46-19:21

    Friday, July 2

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, July 3

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    xjbp ,ca


    Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25Hatarah Isaiah 49:14-51:3

    Friday, July 30

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, July 31

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    ceg ,ca

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar



    Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8Hatarah Isaiah 60

    Friday, August 27

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, August 28

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    tuc, hf ,ca


    Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30

    Hatarah Isaiah 61:10-63:9Friday, September 3

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat7:00 PM Bat Mitzvah - Bella Brickle

    Daughter o Barbra & Max Brickle

    Saturday, September 4

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study11:00 AM Bar Mitzvah - Maxwell Gessman

    Son o Michele & Robert Gessman

    lkhu ohcmb ,ca


    Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9Hatarah Isaiah 51:12-52:12

    Friday, August 13

    5:45 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

    Saturday, August 14

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    ohypa ,ca


    Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19

    Hatarah Isaiah 54:1-10Friday, August 20

    5:30 PM New & Prospective Members BBQ

    7:00 PM Shabbat Under the StarsChildren with August Birthdays willbe honored

    Saturday, August 21

    9:00 AM Shabbat Service10:15 AM Torah Study

    tm, hf ,ca

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar





    ParentsRobert & Michele Gessman


    SchoolArchie R. Cole Middle School

    Favorite ActivitiesLacrosse, soccer, Eisner Camp, hanging out with

    riends and amilyTo Max, becoming a Bar Mitzvah mean, Becomingan adult in the Jewish community and being respon-sible or my own actions. It also means having moreprivileges which in turn means more responsibility. Forhis Mitzvah Mania Project, Max volunteered at a localpre-school and assisted the teachers with reading to thechildren as well as other activities. During his lietime,Max would like To have a career I enjoy and lots ogood riends and amily to spend time with.

    MaxwellGessmanSeptember 4, 2010


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    On SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010, Beth-Elcongregants once again gathered or our

    annual Mitzvah Day. This year, nearly our

    hundred o us-a new record- volunteered at

    the Temple, the cemetery, gardens, parks,

    a house being constructed, a residence

    or AIDS patients, and Camp Jori to plant,

    clean, rake, prepare ood or the homeless,

    stu envelopes, sort clothing, toiletries and

    canned goods, saw and hammer. Somecommittees within the larger Temple com-

    munity joined together at specic sites to

    solidiy their existing bonds as well as to

    do good. Families and singles, toddlers to

    seniors joined together to give back to

    the community.









    Ellen Berlinsky donates blood at the RIBlood Banks drive at temple








    Andy & Michael Matt begin building

    Earth Boxes on the back patio.



    Participants congregate in the meeting hallprior to spreading out into the community.

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar



    WHAT A YEAR!!!

    Herbert Wagner

    MemorialAPRIL 25th

    The annual Herbert WagnerMemorial Breakast withtelevision anchor MikeMontecalvo had great oodand Mr. Montecalvo entertainedthe attendees with his stories

    o growing up in Woonsocket,Don Imus trip to Providenceamong other stories.

    Mothers Day

    BrunchMAY 2nd

    Our ches were also busy onMothers Day during our 3rdannual Mothers Day Brunch.This year the event raised$150.00 or the Full PlateKosher Food Pantry.

    Lindenbaum Person

    o the YearMAY 15th

    We ended this busy periodon Saturday May 15 as wecelebrated the years o dediction to our Temple by honorinRona and Milton Nachbar asour Lindenbaum Persons o

    the Year. Over 100 peopleattended the event.


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    Annual HighSchool ScholarshipCompetitionOur annual high school

    scholarship competition, asalways, presented us withdicult choices with manyne candidates applying orthe two awards.This year the scholarshipswere awarded to MicahMoskoff and Chloe Ed-monds. Micah was award-

    ed the Gertrude N. andSeebert Goldowsky andthe Pearle W. and MartinM. Silverstein FoundationMemorial Scholarship whileChloe was awarded theSundlun Scholarship.

    THANK YOUThe Brotherhood would liketo thank you or your con-tinuing support. Our scalyear begins in September.Please consider joining nextyear to allow us to continueto provide services to ourTemple Community and

    great events like the onespictured above.

    You can always nd us onthe web at www.bethel-brotherhoodri.org and onFacebook.

    At the Annual Meeting on MAY 16,Carl Feldman, representing the board

    o trustees, presented Mel Blakewith a

    silver Kiddush Cup in appreciation o his

    tenure as President o the Congregation.

    In addition, the trustees made a contribution in

    Mels honor to the Temples Endowment Fund.

    KTANTAN concluded its most successul year on

    FRIDAY, MAY 14. Following the Shabbat service at

    5:45 PM, more than 50 participants enjoyed a dairy

    Shabbat dinner in honor o Shavuot.

    The temple is grateul to the Frances & David Friedman

    Fundor unding KTantan. Meredith, Adam, & Ella Sinel

    generously donated the dinner or the evening.

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    SISTERHOOD NEWSJuly 2010 Message from

    Barbara & Nancy




    I you could pick a riend tostand by you your whole lie,there wouldnt be a betterchoice than Paula. Those oyou who knew StaceyEdmonds, are probably awareo how Paulatransported herlielong riend toBoston or cancer

    treatment, helpedrally others to bepart o Lots oHelping Hands,and stayed withher, supportingStacey and heramily up to thevery end (and beyond).

    Proessionally, Paula teachesSunday School and HebrewSchool classes at Temple BethEl, and is also a Parent Educa-tor or Parents as Teachers,helping support parents in earlychildhood education. She ex-cels at crats and was a partici-pant in the Purim Spiel.

    In her Sisterhood involvement,

    Paula has been the liaison withBrotherhood, and has beenable to acilitate communicationand planning between the twogroups. This year, she has

    taken on the roleo Vice-Presidento CommunityOutreach. This

    covers such activi-ties as the FilmFestival, theInsight Luncheon,Learn, Lunch &Play, WorldUnion, the staappreciation

    luncheon, and a ew other

    areas o social concerns, likesimchas and bereavement.Paula would be happy to meetyou and/or have you join acommitteeso now that youknow who she isstop and in-troduce yoursel when you seeher. Youll be glad you did.

    Instead o using this space to tell you all about what Sisterhooddoes and why you should be a member (which should beevident in this column anyway), we want to use this space thisto introduce you to some o our ocers and board members.We eel we have a great group o women in Sisterhood, andwe would like you to get to know themboth through theirSisterhood activities and otherwise. Were starting alphabeti-cally, with our vice-presidents, and so today you will learn alittle about PAULA ANNENBERG.

    Paula Annenberg

    Food BankSisterhood took our turn withcollecting and delivering ooto the St. Michaels FoodBank. Its great to have somany segments o the Templeco-operating in this eort. Les

    Chazan and her son wereinvolved early on with sortingthe ood, and Leslie drove itdown to St. Michaels.

    Reading CircleOur summer reading circlemeeting was so enjoyable layear, we are planning to doit again. There were so many

    good books to choose or thiyears list, we have two possbilities or the summer. You caread either one, or both, orthe discussion. The books areYiddish Yoga: Ruthies Advetures in Love Lost in the LotusPosition by Lisa Grunberger;and Keeping

    Faith, by JodiPicoult. I believethe date o the

    meeting will bein your member-ship mailing, butyou can alsocall the Templeoce and checkwith Rona.

    Note:You will be receiving a Sistehood dues mailing soon. Welove your support and/or yoparticipation.Pat Blake will also be sendinout ino on how you can sena Sisterhood New Years

    Greeting shortly.

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    SisterhoodInstallationOn the evening o WEDNESDAY, MAY 12,Sisterhood held its annual installation. We weredelighted with the responses o well over 40women who rsvpd that they would be attend-ing this meeting. It was a very upbeat evening,with lots o celebrating all the women who havemade the past year a success, and those whowill be working together in the coming year.Bobbie Wallick was in charge o ood or theevening, and besides ordering the meal thateveryone enjoyed, she and Carol Desorgesalso made all the pastries. Thanks also to SherryCohen, Barbara Brown and Leslie Chazan or

    their help with this evenings event, as well asSherry Cohen, Rachel Woda, Nancy Rife andElaine Dickstein who helped with the invitationand mailing.

    A highlight o the evening was an ode com-posed and sung by Nancy Rife, noting thecontributions o those who helped Sisterhoodthis year. *Rabbi Sarah Mack did the open-ing blessing, and perormed the installation

    ceremony. The theme o the evening was aboutbeing blessed, and indeed we are blessedin many ways, including having such a great

    Sta enjoying the luncheon

    Sisterhood helpers getting ready or staappreciation luncheon

    Staff AppreciationLuncheonOn TUESDAY, MAY 4, Sisterhood membersreated the administrative sta, clergy andmaintenance sta to a delicious lunch to thankhem or all they do or us all year. Thank you to

    all the women who cooked or oered to provideomething or this meal, as well as those whoelped set up or the event.

    his included: Laura Levinson, Paula Annenberg,eslie Chazan, Carol Desorges, Barbara Brown,

    Nancy Rife, Cheryl Greeneld, Diane Duco,

    Katherine Cowett, Ellen Silverman, Elaine Dick-

    tein, Alice Eichenbaum, Sondra Price, Rachel

    Woda and Gaye Belsky Gluck.

    Elaine Homan, who was honored or 40years o volunteering or the Insight Talking

    Books program.

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar





    team o women. Gits were givento last years board and ocers,and fowers to the incominggroup. It is never too late to jointhe team. You will be gettingyour membership dues letters inthe mail beore long, so look at all

    that we do and support, the greatpeople youll meet, and the un wehave.and join us. I know o lotso newly installed vice presidentswho would be happy to have youhelping out.

    New oicers and board members in attendance

    Co-Presidents Nancy Rile & Barbara Brown

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    An Ode to SISTERHOOD(2010) (To the tune o Clementine)

    Got to thinking, got to thinking, got to thinking, one sleepless night,

    Wrote an ode about Sisterhood and all we did that turned out right!

    Oh, the New Years greetings listed, all the eort we give you thanks,

    And her work on the House Committee, Pat, will never go unthanked!

    What a hostess with the mostess, Gaye has served us very well,

    With receptions and Insight luncheons, we will miss her eor ts well!

    Oh, those bake and holiday sales, we all thank you, Elaine and Deb,

    We all thank you or all the unds to lessen our debt!

    Oh, the Paid Up Membership luncheon, came o without a hitch,

    All the music, provided by Fischel and Shelley, and the ood was so delish!

    A non donor, and collecting ESM receipts , came so easy to Leslie,

    And she managed with Mindy, college gits with such grace and such ease!

    Oh, the budget and the monies, we all counted on Laurie Sholes,

    What she did and how she did it, no one else will ever know!

    Keeping track o all the members and their dues, that they did pay,

    Shandelle came through with fying colors, that is one thing we can say!

    Oh, the notes, she did gather rom the meetings were so neat,

    Typed up by our member, Katherine, were concise and quite a eat!

    Oh, the Shoar was chuck ull o all the things we did this year,

    Thanks to Barbaras writing clearly, we all give a mighty cheer!

    Did you ever wonder how you got all the books and Uniongrams?

    Came rom Lisa to Nancy and sent out by Diane! (Duco)

    Learning rom our own Rabbi, eating lunch , then some games we did play,

    Thanks to Diane and Stephanie, the olks there, they had a great day!!

    All the years you given to us, Elaine, we thank you or all those books,

    All the people who still use them, cant be counted with just a look!

    A Reading Circle, A Reading Circle, lled with yarns about the Jews,

    Linda helped us learn about us and the strength we always knew!

    Had a tea party had a tea par ty, yes, we had so much un,

    We give thanks to Meredith, or the work she has done!

    For the ruits o the season, all the ood we did partake,

    Thanks to Katherine, we all thank you, or what we heard and what we ate!

    For the lms, we all thank-Joanne, Ellen , Elaine, Katherine, Gaye and Reva, too,

    All their eorts are ever noted, helping us learn about the Jews!

    At our Open Board meeting, we al l heard about Tai Chi,

    Thanks to Cheryl, Rhonda and Sonie, or the rafe and World Union, respectively!

    Once a year, we host Shabbat and the beauty o it all,

    Lynn and Laura did outstanding with the largest prayer shawl!

    Now, its Carols turn to ponder, what shell do with all her time,

    Come this time next Spring, well see her, with the Womens Seder on her mind!

    Thanks to Stacey,Janet, Bobbie, Lisa, Paula, Phyllis, Renate, or giving us their time,Cant orget oce sta (Kim, Chris, Sylvia), or keeping us in l ine!

    Ruby, Lisa, Rob and Rona, we all thank you , youll never know,

    Les, Anita, Sarah, Reini andJudy, or all the support and knowledge, you did show!

    Thanks to Rita, Toly, George and Ray, the Temple crew,

    Setting up and tearing down all the rooms we did all use!

    Just another thanks to Rona and Gloria, her pal,

    All the unsung heroes not mentioned, we all thank you very well!

    Heard the nominations rom the foor, rom our own, Sherry,

    At the Installation, sworn in by Sarah, we did view grateully!

    Thanks to Barbara, Carol, Gaye, we did it all you can see,

    Another year ahead, what youll nd, youll all have to see!!!!!!!

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    Presidents Barbara Horovitz Brown & Nancy Rife

    Vice Presidents

    Department o Membership Services Rachel Woda

    Department o Community Outreach Paula Annenberg

    Department o Fundraising Cheryl Greeneld

    (Ways & Means)

    Department o Education & Religion Ellen Silverman

    Recording Secretary Katherine Cowett

    Mailing Secretaries Gloria Jarcho & Rona Nachbar

    Financial Secretary Lisa Bigney

    Treasurer Laurie Sholes


    Robin Baron Sondra Price Meredith Sinel

    Lauren Weinstock Beth Weiss

    Two Years to 2012

    Diane Cerep Arline Elman Phyllis Fleisig

    Rhonda Lax Laura LevinsonOne Year to 2011

    Deborah Barshay Pat Blake Rhonda Labush

    Lynn Rakatansky Bobbie Wallick


    Janet Engelhart Gutterman Rabbi Sarah Mack Cantor Judith Seplowin


    Carol Desorges Gaye Belsky Gluck Shandelle Kenler

    NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR 2011-2012Bobbie Wallick, Chairperson Pat Blake Sherry S. Cohen

    Wendy Joering Sharon Teich Beth Weiss

    RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY THENOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR 2010-2011Sherry S. Cohen, Chairperson Pat Blake Katherine Cowett

    Stacy Emanuel Sondra Price Janet Zurier

    Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El2010-2011 Officers

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    BeyondTemple Beth-Els spiritual leaders lies a bevy of

    over 30 devoted, inspiring and dedicated Religious and Hebrew

    School teachers who provide an impressive 200 students with the

    cultural and educational foundation upon which our youth can

    build their Jewish lives.As a salute to them, this monthly series will highlight these

    highly valued individuals with a brief profile that is an opportunity

    for deserved recognition and a way for us to get to know those

    who are helping to develop tomorrows generation of Jews.


    Teacher:Stevan LabushGrades:6th Grade Israel and Jewish Lie Cycleyears on Staff:10A Numbers Man:Theres an interesting twist to Stevans vocation as an accountant and his avocation as ateacher. He received his Associates Degrees in Data Processing and an Associates and Bachelors degree inAccounting rom Johnson & Wales. He is a partner in Labush & Company, an accounting,tax and bookkeeping rm. Having been a youth advisor at various temples beore joining Beth-El,Anita Steiman, Religious School Administrator, asked Stevan i he would be interested in teaching. He

    enjoyed it so much that he went back to school, received his Masters in Financial Management and hasbeen a part-time proessor o Accounting and Finance at Johnson & Wales or the past ve years.Mishpacha: Stevans wie o 23 years, Rhonda, is the owner o Baskets Galore and works at University ENT. Their daughter, Jenna,s in her third year at RIC.ommunity Involvement:Stevan has maintained a very high prole in his volunteer activities, serving on the Boards and as pastresident o Temple Brotherhood, Touro Fraternal Association and the RI Executive Association o RI. He currently serves on the Boards the Accountant Proessors Association and the South Providence Hebrew Free Loan.nteresting Tidbit:At one time, Stevan had seven jobs at one time. His specialty, apparently, was weddings since he drove limos,artended, catered, designed centerpieces, served as a disc jockey and produced video.

    Debbie Waldman

    Stevan Labush

    Teacher: Debbie WaldmanClass:Music SpecialistYears on staff:13Her Musical Evolution:Born in Newton, MA, Debbie has warm memories o her mother and grandmothersinging everything rom Gilbert and Sullivan to Yiddish olk tunes all day long. Learning piano at age sixand guitar at 15 was good preparation or the BS she received in Early Childhood Education rom

    Wheelock College and her MA in Ethnomusicology rom Brown.ishpacha:Debbies husband, Ellis, is president/CEO o Walco Electric, a nearly 80-year-old RI business; their daughter, Edie, is 11nd in the 5th grade at Wheeler; Poppy is their beloved 13-year-old Black Lab mix.n Tune:In addition to working as a part-time copy editor at Walco, Debbies boundless musical energy and talent is always in rhythm.he is a volunteer music teacher at Wheeler Kindergarten and a very amiliar voice or events, such as the AIDS Seder Hope, the AIDS Healing Service and numerous Jewish community programsff Hours:Even in her ree time, Debbie writes songs, oten or children and with Jewish themes. She and Edie are taking clarinet lessons,nd Ellis and Debbie have been taking tap lessons or the past two-and-a-hal years. Wed love to see a little o their sot shoe!nteresting Tidbit: Debbie can play The William Tell Overture on her ace. Would we make that up???


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    Talking Books




    The Final Chapter of the Helen DonigTalking Books Program

    Whether you scroll through a

    best seller on your Kindle or

    iPad, with a book in your hands,a CD in your car or an iPod in

    your ear, youll love the story o

    Elaine Homan and the Helen

    Donig Talking Books Program.


    Nearly 40 years ago, the Library o

    Congress sponsored national audi-

    tions or volunteer readers to narrate

    books onto tape or the blind and

    handicapped. O the 2500 se-

    lected, ve o the readers were rom

    Temple Beth-El and one was Elaine

    Homan. Though Elaine recognizes

    many devoted program leaders --

    Lee Zarchen, Priscilla Husserl, David

    Horovitz and his daughter, Ellen

    Jagolinger -- she has been a long-

    time guardian o the program andagreed to share her story with

    the Shofar.

    In the beginning, readers recorded

    their books at home on reel-to-reel

    tapes (those o us who remember

    those are really old). That soon

    became impractical and unwieldy

    so readers ound a new home in

    the temples choir lot! Around that

    time, Helene Bernhardt, a temple

    member, decided to und the pro-

    gram in honor o her mother, Helen

    Donig, and the Helen Donig Talking

    Books Program was born.

    TALKING BOOKS SPOKE TOCOMMUNITY NEEDSWith new resources, a nearly

    soundproo reading room was es-

    tablished downstairs at the temple,

    equipped with recording machines

    or the newly invented cassette

    tapes. One set o tapes was sent to

    the Library o Congress and one set

    was housed in the temples WilliamG. Braude Library or members or

    others in the community who were

    in need.

    As certain Library o Congress

    program requirements became

    dicult to satisy, Hayvis Wool, a

    RI optician who was losing his

    vision, ounded INSIGHT, an orga-

    nization or the blind and visuallyimpaired. INSIGHT later merged

    with The RI Association o the Blind,

    and the Helen Donig Talking Books

    Program ound a new partner-

    ship, reading or the organizations

    closed circuit radio.


    About a year-and-a-hal ago, as

    recording technology evolved,INSIGHT began using CDs in lieu

    o tapes, and Temple Beth-El Sister-

    hood, that administers the talking

    books program, determined that

    perhaps the timing was right to turn

    the page on the eort. Beyond the

    necessity o purchasing new CD-

    compatible recording equipment,

    Elaine, the loving caretaker o

    Helen Donig Talking Books, decid-

    Elaine monitors Natalie Bowen, oneve volunteer readers, as she comple

    the programs last recording,Dreams from My Father.

    ed it was time or her to close

    chapter o her approximately

    40-year involvement.

    So, on May 18, Elaine and N

    lie Bowen, a reader who calls

    sel an honorary Jew, comple

    the nal recording. Over 40 y

    and 1000 books later, they cl

    the book on the Helen Donig T

    ing Books Program with Presid

    Barack Obamas Dreams fro

    My Father.

    Asked why Elaine became suc

    voracious reader, she claims s

    couldnt excel at sports, music

    so, as a child, she ound ulll

    within the walls o the Rocham

    Library. The books spoke to and so its only tting that she

    on to shepherd a talking book

    program. Elaine will continue

    combine her love o reading a

    her generous spirit one day a

    as a reader at INSIGHT. She

    her late husband, Dr. Melvin H

    man, who said volunteers rec

    more than they give, and I h

    says Elaine.

    by Karen Borger

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar




    One o the nicest ways to honor a special occasion is to sponsoran Oneg Shabbat ollowing services on Friday evening or Saturdaymorning. Temple Beth-El is grateul to the ollowing OnegShabbat Sponsors:

    May 14, 2010: Parents o the Post Conrmation HighSchool Graduates.

    May 21, 2010: Robin and Michael Stern in honor o theirdaughter, Julia becoming a Bat Mitzvah and the Adult BneiMitzvah Class.

    June 4, 2010: Jewel R. Paley in honor o her son-in-law,Fred J. Franklin being installed as President o Temple Beth-El.

    Throughout the generations, TempleBeth-El has published a Book of

    Memory which is distributed during

    the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur.

    The Book of Memory is a time-hon-

    ored tradition o remembering

    all those who were dear to us by

    inscribing their names. During Junecongregants will receive a letter de-

    scribing all the ways in which a love

    one can be memorialized, along wi

    a orm to complete and remit.

    I you would like more inormation

    regarding the Book of Memory and

    other memorial tributes, please call

    Rona at 331-6070.

    The congregation notes with sorrow thepassing o:

    Larry Morse,brother o Paul MorseClaire Cath, sister o Barbara Miller

    Harold Wallace, ather o Marilyn Sheale

    Ruth Weinberg, mother o Nancy Kirsch




    Engraving a Memorial Tablet means thatthe name o your dear departed becomespermanent remembrance in our Temple. Ttablet will hang on the marble wall inside entrance to the Fain Sanctuary during the

    anniversary month o ones passing.The ollowing tablet has beenlovingly inscribed:

    Claire Ernsto f



    Susan & David Kertzer on the birth o their grandson, Charles HillBear, daughter o Molly Kertzer & Gregory Bear.

    Sarah & Douglas Silversten & David Casten on the birth o theirson and grandson, Max Beckett Silversten.

    Susan Markoff & Gary Dressler on their marriage, daughter oRoslyn Markoand the late Burton Markoand son o Phyllis &Abbott Dressler.

    Jaffa & David Davies on the marriage o their son, BenjaminDavies to Adina Matusow.

    Monica & Scott Laurans on the birth o their grandson,William Laurans, son o Maxwell & Monika Laurans.

    Personal Finance, written by Rachel Siegel, Proessor o Finance atLinden State College was recently published. Rachel is the daughteroJason & Tovia Siegel.

    Paul A. Silver was awarded the Herald B. Soloveitzik ProessionalLeadership Award at the Rhode Island Foundations Annual Meeting.

    Joseph Homan, son o Millie & William Hoffman, was awardedthe Secretary o States Civic Leadership Award in recognition o hisoutstanding contributions to his high school and community.

    Marilyn Rueschemeyer is the new Community Relations CouncilChair o the Jewish Federation o Rhode Island.

    Carol Golden received the Outstanding Fundraising Proessional othe Year Award by the Rhode Island Chapter o the Association oFundraising Proessionals.

    A Blessing On Your HeadMazal Tov, Mazal Tov




  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    D A N N Y M A S E N GRenowned composer, playwright,

    actor & singer, will visit Temple

    Beth- El as a Scholar- in- Residence

    on OCTOBER 30 th & 31st, 2010.

    I you would like to commit to a

    short rehearsal period and join

    our Adult and Junior Choirs on

    stage with Danny on Saturday

    evening, October 30th, please

    contact Cantor Seplowin at

    401- 331-6070 X118.

    Lenore Piper Bunting purchasedour Earth Boxes, in memory oMilin C. Bunting.

    On Mitzvah Day volunteersassembled the boxes andplanted a variety o vegetableseeds. Labeled, Mis Me-morial Garden, vegetablesharvested will be donated toCamp Street Ministries.

    In Memory ofMifflin C. Bunting

    RECEIVE NOTICE OF: Upcoming events


    Special announcements

    To participate, email Rob Massi at rmas si@temple - beth - el.org

    SIGN Up for TBE Live !

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    Temple Beth-Els Hineinu

    Friendly Visitor ProgramVolunteers are available to visitmembers o our Temple communitywho reside in independent o assisted

    living or in nursing homes.

    I you know someone who could beneft by a visit,please call us.

    Caregivers Support GroupCaring or a loved one can be a challenge.Join us or our monthly meetings andtalk with other caretakers.

    331-6070 or

    [email protected]

    The Col lege Outreach Programwill keep your son or daughter in touch withhome. Throughout the year, we will sendcare packages o Judaica and treats to your

    college student.

    Please send your childs name, the name otheir school, their 2010 -2011 college addressand e-mail address (i available)to Rob Massiat re l ig iousschool@temple -be th -e l .org

    COLLEGE OUTREACHis unded by The Sisterhood.




    Its easy to becomepart o our temple amily.

    We invite you to learnmore about

    Temple Beth-El at ourNew & Prospective

    Member Open House

    FRIDAYAugust 20, 2010

    5:30 PM Sizzlin BBQ

    prior to 7:00 PM

    Shabbat Under Stars

    TUESDAYSeptember 7, 2010

    7:00 ~ 9:00 PM

    Bring the

    Whole Family!

    For more inormation,

    call 401-331-6070


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar



    In AppreciationSusan Marko & Gary Dressler


    In Memory ofDrs. Sarah Aronson & DR. BETTY ARONSONVirginia Ayres


    The following donations aremade In Honor of

    Gloria Feibish RONA & MILTON NACHBARRobin & Burt Homonoff on receiving The Lindenbaum AwardLester & Rose Saganane & Alan JacoberRob & Shira Goldbergane Nelson

    Ann BrassardBessie LindenbaumKen Orenstein & Barbara FeibelmanGloria & Sam JarchoMarian KnappRoberta & Steven Lasseroanne & Shelly SummerAnita & Mark SteimanLawrence & Barbara Levin, Aaron & LauraBarbara & Jeff Brown

    In Memory ofSteven Abrams LEONARD ABRAMSArline Slack HARVEY COOPERHarry Shore HYMAN SHORE


    In Memory ofLynn & Laurence Pohl MORRY FINKELSTEIN

    CEMETERY BEAUTIFICATION FUNDFor landscape enhancement at the Temples cemetery

    In Memory ofGladys Jacober PHYLLIS SIGALBurton Fain HARRY FAINMadeline Lovitt BENJAMIN SIMON

    Jim Tobak mother, FLORENCE GOLDBERGSonia Pliner JENA MOWSHOWITZMardelle & Bennett Berman ABRAHAM BERMANFrances Soper ALLEN SOPERDorothy S. Goldblatt BURTON GOLDBLATT

    ENDOWMENT FUNDHelps to establish inancial security or the Temple

    In Honor ofZelda & Edward Feldman RONA & MILTON NACHBAR

    on receiving the Lindenbaum AwardElaine Buckler STEVEN BUCKLER on his birthdayEvie Saltzman RONA & MILTON NACHBAR

    on receiving the Lindenbaum Award

    In Memory ofMarilyn Schlossberg MARVIN TESLER &

    CLINTON GROSSMANDick & Dolly Misch MARVIN TESLERPhyllis & Norman Goldberg MARVIN TESLERRenee & Alan Flink MARVIN TESLERThe Alperin/Hirsch MARVIN TESLER

    Family FoundationJane & Alan Jacober MARVIN TESLER

    MAY 1, 2010TO

    MAY 31, 2010

    ...who donates much to charitybecomes the richer for it...

    Zohar, iii, 110b

    Marsha Jackson & MARVIN TESLERJohn DockstaderWini & Bob Galkin MARVIN TESLER

    Don & Dotty Horowitz her mother, REBECCA LEVINPhyillis & Joel Curran MARVIN TESLERRandy & Benji Rubinstein MILTON & RITA RUBINSTEINMyer Jarcho MARVIN TESLERStuart Einhorn MOREY EINHORNCaryl & Brian Andersen & EVELYN & PHILIP ZIMBERGRebecca Ralston on their 65th anniversary

    Judy Aaron LOUIS ROSENTHALAbraham Horvitz MIRIAM KRASNOWRoberta & Steven Lasser ALAN SATURN

    Speedy Recovery toDon & Dotty Horowitz ALVIN KURZER

    FELDMAN FAMILY GENERATIONS FUNDFor programming to promote Jewish continuity and/or youth groups

    In Honor ofCarl & Jocelyn Feldman CAROLYN SALK on her special birthday-

    FINE ARTS FUNDFor the purchase o ine arts

    In Memory ofPhyllis & Norman Goldberg MIRIAM GERSHMAN,


    Alan, Jane, Suzanne & dear ather, grandather,Andrew Jacober MAURICE J. SHORE

    Speedy Recovery toSharon & Perry Garber ALVIN KURZER

    FRANCES & DAVID FRIEDMAN YOUNG FAMILIES FUNDEnhances program opportunities or very young amilies (KTantan)

    In Memory ofAlan & Karen Bergel ANITA LAZAROFFMartin & Charlotte Bergel ANITA LAZAROFF

    LARRY H. FRIEDMAN FAMILY FUNDSupports arts enrichment in the Religious School

    In Memory of Jane & Alan Jacober HAROLD WALLACELEONARD C. MANDELL MUSIC FUNDEnhances worship services through music

    In Memory ofLois Blazer MOLLIE ANDRIESSE


    Enhances educational opportunities or youth in Religious Schooland/or youth groups

    In Memory ofFrimette Roberts BERNHARD NATHAN

    Speedy Recovery toFrimette Roberts EDITH NATHAN


    In Memory ofDorothy & Milton Rosen brother, HAROLD MILLERDavid Cohen LESTER COHENAnne & Gerald Sherman SADYE SHERMANMorris Weintraub ALBERT WEINTRAUBBessie Lindenbaum ANNA WEINBAUMLillian Dressler MANUEL J. LESTER & sister,


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar




    NATHANIEL SUGERMAN MEMORIAL GARDEN FUNDSupports the outdoor Spiritual Garden

    In Honor of Jill & Michael Thaler RONA AND MILTON NACHBAR

    on receiving the Lindenbaum Award

    In Memory of Jill & Michael Thaler MIMI BOSLER


    In Honor ofDavid Golden BEV AND STUART HALPERT

    on becoming grandparents again & again

    In Memory ofDavid Golden DAVID HORVITZ

    PROVTY FUNDIn Memory of

    Pearl & Richard Shein ROSE HORVITZ


    In AppreciationPhyllis FernMardelle & Bennett Berman

    In Honor ofLinda & Nat Baker BERNARD WASSERMAN

    on his special birthdayHelen Grossman FRED FRANKLIN becoming

    President o Temple Beth-ElRuth Marks FRED FRANKLIN becomingPresident o Temple Beth-El

    Lillian Zarum FRED FRANKLIN becomingPresident o Temple Beth-El

    Lillian Dressler RABBI GUTTERMAN

    In Memory ofSandra Hamolsky BERTHA ROSMANSandra & Joel Krinsky ARTHUR B. RICHMAN Joanne Forman & Family ROY FORMANSophie Waitsman, Kenneth, MORRIS WAITSMANDiane & Carol

    Hazel & Stanley Grossman LEO GROSSMANNetti Vogel RICHARD D. ROSEN Jerome Weiner NATHAN WEINER

    Fannie Shore JACK FRADIN, HY SHORE and brother,ROBERT MELLERSpeedy Recovery to

    Sophie Waitsman ROSE SAGAN


    In AppreciationJared, Ben & Ethan Goodman SANDY LAMCHICK, STANLEY FREEDMAN

    & STEVE LABUSHJared, Ben & Ethan Goodman DAVID ARNDT, ITZIK SAMARA &


    In Honor of Jane & Alan Jacober NORA STOLZ MANbecoming a Bat Mitzvah

    Gloria & Sam Jarcho CHLOE EDMONDS & SHANNON BENDERon their Post Conrmation High SchoolGraduation

    The Homonos DREW ZWETCHKENBAUMon his Conrmation

    Anita & Mark Steiman TONYA GLANTZ becoming a Bat MitzvahAnita & Mark Steiman ALEXANDRA HOROVITZ on her college

    graduation & SHAINA LAMCHICKon her college graduation

    Anita & Mark Steiman RUBY SHALANSKY on her 15thanniversary at Temple Beth-El

    Anita & Mark Steiman birth o MAX BECKETT SILVERSTENAnita & Mark Steiman marriage o BENJAMIN DAVIES &



    In Memory ofRobin, Amanda & beloved ather and grandather, AL PZachary Baron

    SOCIAL ACTION FUNDFor social concerns

    In Memory of Judith Litchman ALBERT MELNIKHenry Gewirtz HYMAN HORWITZIna & Bernard Wasserman JOSEPH WASSERMANHarold L. Cohen SAMUEL LEVINE

    Speedy Recovery toSheila & Arnold Kauman ALVIN KURZER

    SUMNER MARSHALL SAKLAD BOOK FUNDPurchases childrens books or the William G. Braude Library

    In Memory ofPaul & Janet Fradin HY & DOT FRADIN & MIKE & LI L SAK

    WILLIAM G. BRAUDE LIBRARY FUNDFor purchase o new library books

    In Honor ofSharon & Perry Garber SANDY & SHELLY GOLDBERG

    on their 50th anniversary

    In Memory ofGrace & Wesley Alpert mother, BERTHA KENNISONNancy Troy Lovett ESTHER SCHEFRIN TROY &

    SUZANNE TROY ZAHLERAlan, Jane, Suzanne & dear ather and grandather,Andrew Jacober HAROLD JACOBER on his birthday

    Alan, Jane, Suzanne & dear sister-in-law and aunt, KARENAndrew Jacober JACOBER on her birthday

    Alan, Jane, Suzanne & dearest nephew and cousin,Andrew Jacober ERIC JACOBER on his birthday

    Milton Lewis MARY SHRIBER LEWISReva Lewis DAVID & TESS STEINGOLDCarole Millman mother, MILDRED BACKMANAdrienne & Martin Uer MILDRED BACKMAN &

    SIDNEY BACKMANDorothy & Jerry London LOUIS SCHUMANTovia & Jason Siegel FLORA SIEGEL Julius & Marilyn Levine IRENE WEINER


    WINKLER CHILDRENS LIBRARY FUNDEnhances the childrens secton o the William G. Braude Library

    In Honor ofGloria & Sam Jarcho MICAH MOSKOFF & MEAH POLLOC

    on their Post Conrmation High SchoolGraduation

    In Memory ofBeautiul Beginnings Child STEPHANIE NACHBAR RAINEYCare Center

    Lynn Ann & Stephen Dressler BETSY HOLLAND SHINER

  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    Rabbis Study: (401) 521-0343website: www.temple-beth-el.org

    Senior RabbiLeslie Y. Gutterman x.112

    [email protected]

    Associate RabbiSarah E. Mack [email protected]

    Cantor Judith A. Seplowin [email protected]

    PresidentMelvyn [email protected]

    Executive Director

    Ruby Shalansky [email protected]

    School AdministratorAnita F. Steiman [email protected]


    Reini Silverman [email protected]

    ControllerChris W. McLain [email protected]

    BookkeeperSylvia Benedetti x.103

    Senior Rabbis AssistantLisa Cassani [email protected]

    Development Assistant/Assistant to theExecutive DirectorKim Campbell x [email protected]

    Assistant to Religious School/Associate Rabbi/Cantor/CommunicationsRob Massi [email protected]

    Ofce Manager/ReceptionistRona Nachbar [email protected]

    Maintenance StaffGeorge Hetu [email protected]

    70 Orchard AvenueProvidence, RI, 02906-5402Oce: (401) 331-6070Fax: (401) 331-8068

    Congregation Sons of Israel & David

    Temple Beth-El

    The Shofar is published by the Harold A.WinsteadCharitable Trust in his m emory.


  • 8/9/2019 July August Shofar


    Because oF REGULATIONS PROTECTING PATIENT PRIVACY, hospitals no longer provide patient lists.I you want a visit rom the Cantor or Rabbis, please inorm the Temple Oce, 331- 6070.

    Non-Proft O

    U.S. POSTA


    PERMIT No.


    This issue of the Shofar was mailed on June 23. If you receive it after June 30, please call your local post ofce.


    Temple Beth-ElCongregation Sons of Israel & David

    70 Orchard AvenueProvidence, RI 02906-5402


    Under the Stars

    JULY 16that 7:00 PMShabbat Under the Stars

    AUGUST 20that 5:30 PMSizzlin BBQ

    AUGUST 20that 7:00 PM