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V - i:- - z 4s - raT MAFD KAMEY AS FRASQVITA. TvniTTEN- - roit tiii: repi'dmc. The law of the survival of the fittest ap- plies to opera companies as well as to In- dividuals. Other singers come and go, but the Castlo Square organization seems to increase in strength from year to year. For the opening week of its engagement at the Century Theater, which begins to- night, the Castle Square company puts for-- ward a repertoire embracing two musical classics of widely different schools. The florid beauty of "Carmen" and the sonorous The Sin Claire Informal pave tho eighth dance of the season's series last AVednes-fia- y evening. A host of congenial young tollcs assembled, among them being: Messieurs Chas. J. Warner, Wm. R, Huev. Jas. J. Daniels. Jos. A. Daniels-- . Arch. J. Hoock. Howard Swingley, George Bullock, Phil C. Bolm. Will Bresnaam, R. Shoemaker, H. Kabe. IL Fairback. Robt. Smith. J. H. Flaherty. Will Drtpps, Harry Hardt. S. Qulssenberry, H. S. Nichols, X. T. Bledsoe; A. C. Bates, T. J. Morris, B. S. Baumann. N. Gatewooil, V. Schulenberg, Paul V. Grether, Howard Ober, S. Jt. Holland. A. IL Frendenstein, V. P. Lami. C. H. Whltehili, I j. IJ. Harris V. A Holmes, F. G. Fahey. F. J. Miller. H. Woermann, Jno. Barron, Geo. Vogt, Frid Kolb, V. W. Rosenbrough, C W. Schuckardt, L. SchneMt. J. Glenn Lee. Lee F. Mitchell, Chas. Tliomas. Misses Bessie Huey, Rhoda Zesch, Helen Fisher, Yelma Furlong, Maizle Woods, Edna E. Dale. Mabel Diggc, Luella Bowker, Mary Page, May Bogy. Maud Jackson. Olive Inman Cole, Jessemine Lemon, Bessie Greve, Bert Allen, IJllian M. Harrison Grace Herndon, Emilv Irwin, Fanny Morthcad, Mabel O'Brien. Agnes Home, Mabelle A. Kellogg, Hattie Mathews, Maud O'Brien, Grace Miller, Josephine Goodwin, Birdie O'Brien. Lillian Butler. Ethel Short. Dollle Holmes, Dottie Kelser . Julia Schwartz, Moupie Kru;sch. Lynne Thoroman, Nellie Wagoner, Jpsselyn Dolen, Nettie Jordan. Mabel Hubbard, Laura Hoeber, Mrytle Ligon. Mabel O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. F. W Myrtle Drayer, I,. J. Wilson. noon at her home on Geraldine avenue. The young ladies present were: Misses-M- ary Wade. Jo Carten, Julia Carten, Edna Gamble, Cora Warde. May Gamble. Julia Burgan, Telegraph your friends you will arrive In Cincinnati via Big Four route. The Current Event Club entertained friends Thursday evening at the home of the Misses Nellie and Cornnne Goetz. No. S17 Salisbury street The parlors were dec- orated In pink and white. Those present were: Misses Nellie Goetz, Birdlo Herold, Corlnne Goetz. Edith Glllenberg, Margaurlte Eystcr, Lillie Feeney, Edna Brannon, May Wise. Katie Feeney. Augusta Luensman, Messieurs Harry T. Albers, William Goetz. Fred Fernon. James Armstrong, George Fabre. Mr. Johnson, Fred Wittbrodt, Fred Rltchener, Albert Goetz, Will Lestmann. Fired Hammacher, Mr. Spanee. Arthur Dilllnger. The Olympia Club gave its third dance of the season last Tuesday evening, which proved a very enjoyable affair. Seventy-flv- e couple were in attendance, among whom were: Misses Heumann. Nordslek, McLaughlin, Bowlin. Borgmeier. Newton. Jpnes, Potts'. Neave, .lames, Hopkins." Ifason, O'Donnell, Nauchton. Greve. fJrark. Costello, Rodgers. Cole. Wilson. Finlay, Stewart. Aycock. Mitchell, lyons, Weber. Jenks. Rutherford. W eaver. Kuhlman, Flarety. Siegrlst, Hopkins, Steele, Lovejoy, Hrownell, Dugan, Rohr. Pecout, Messieurs Mutrux, Rider. Fuchs, Crocker, BohJe, Klunke, Williams, Dichl, Flalff. Hopkins, Cole. " RIggin. Readey. Lincoln, , Thompson. Radar. Lamothe. Ashhoff. Dietrich, Lindsay, Dodge, Bersch. Aycock, Conrad, Busch, Charles Heumann, Maxwell, Peake, Doctor Baldridge, S.'egel. Gloor. Hawley, Johnson, Winters, Gllmore, Caughlan, Beardsley. Balmer. Doctor Meyer, Easter gifts of Bouquet Holders. Crosses, Crucifixes, Prayer Books'. Lily Vases, etc. at Mermod & Jaccard'a. Broadway and Lo- cust. Mrs. Callahan. No. 1113 Hebert street, en- tertained the Pleasant Hour Koffee Klatch, of which she Is a member, on last Thursday afternoon. Among those present were: Mesdames , Maher, McCarthy, . Judy. Mtilcahy, Antram, Bruen. Burgan. McDonough, T. J. Ward. Walsh, M. J. Ward. XaHahan. Powers, Miss Eugenie P. Dubois. No. 4144 Shenan- doah avenue, entertained the 1'Argentine Club last week. The afternoon was spent In piano solos, recitations and vocal solos, after which a dainty luncheon tras served. Among those present were: Misses ' Irene Damschroeder Nannon Gilbert, Ursula Dougherty, '.Hilda Sachleben, . Edythe Moone. Amelia Woolley, Blanche Costello, Winnie Walsh. . Entitle Dubois, Eugene Dubois. Ada Wllke, The Meteor Euchre Club was entertained t the home of Mrs. H. E. Raenckert, No. tH2 Hammett place, last Tuesday after- - aeon. Prizes irer awarded U?-f- i ; 'c- .; w -- X " Vfy V"-"- ' JsatVv r-- i- -- - THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. M&RCH 2, 1902. Lfc i--o -- 6he s ojCwNNIwHD A'2HS MARION IVELL AS .MERCEDES. dignity of "II Trovatore" will test at the outset the versatility of .the singers. Two distinct casts ha9 been arranged for the operas and the 'favorites of the organization as heard here in other Eeasons, together with a half dozen new comers. The cast for "11 Trovatore," which will be sung Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday and Sat- urday eveninss and at the Wednesday mat- inee. Is as follows: Manrico. Joseph F. Sheehan; Count Dl Luna, WInfred Goff;, Ferrando, Francis J. Boyle; Leonora, Ade laide Norwood and Gertrude Rennyson; 1 fcr, Mrs. Meiners. Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs. Reps. After the game, luncheon was served. "Music and singing were also fea- tures of the afternoon. The guests were: Mesdames Becker. Itodpcrs. Eick. Hucckert. Hagemaler. Schaefer, Mtiners. Walter, Miller. Werz. Reps. Wuellncr. Misses-Flore- nce Becker. Dorethea Werz. Tlie Loulsianas announce their third an- nual dance, to take place at No. 1412 North Grand avenue on Monday evening, March 17. The to Tenpln Club held its regular meeting Friday afternoon. So mo very good scores wereVmade. among them being that of Mrs. G. H. Strathman, who held high place, having scored 312 pins in. three games. Those present were: Mesdames G.H. Strathman. T. F. Wittlch, F. W. Krenning, Jr., L. Hoffman, J. Grenzebach. C Tesson. A. Bush, Jescheke, K. Engelsklnd, Schumacher, A. Reitz, Overbach, C. F. Steitz, C. MerUn, J. P. Rlechers, Miss Anna Fischer. The Young Ladies' Chrysanthamum CInt will give Its fifth Informal Monday, March, 10, at Jefferson and Park avenues. Mrs. F. W. Krenning. No. 3234 Barrett street, entertained the Tenpln Club Thursday In honor of her birthday. At 5 o'clock supper was served, after which various amusements were indulged in. Thoso present were: Mesdames J. P. Rlechers. C. F. Steitz. G. H. Strathman. T. F. Wittlch, " Charles Rlechers, L. Hoffman, F. W. Krenning, Jr., A. Bush, J. Grenzebach, F. Kramer. Messieurs T. F. Wittlch, J- - Grenzebach, J. P. Rlechers, G. H. Strathman, Charles Rlechers, F. W. Krenning, Al Bush, F. Rlechers. F. Kramer, On Thursday evening Miss Maud n, No. 2753 North Garrison avenue, en- tertained the Euclid Club. Tho meeting proed very enjoyable, concluding with a dainty supper. Among tho members pres- ent were: blisses" Mary Pierce. Joseuhine Fahrner, May O'Malley. Rosalie Sweeney. Maud McKeown. Messieurs - Frank Sweeney, Chas O'Malley. v Harry Webb, Chas. Frearfer, Ph. Riley, Chas. Thomson. Zach Hendrick, The sixth dance of the Iroquois Club was given last Thursday evening. In spite, of the Inclement weather, the afiair was a. com- plete success, and the following are some of those who braved the rain to trip the light fantastic as guests of the Iroquois: Messieurs John E. Tobin, Gilbert McCuIIach, Robert F. Wlselogel C. C. Van Graafti-Robe- rt C. Kaercher land, Neal Cowhey, R. E. Ham, Arthur A. Guenther Rudolph L. Wein-Fre- d J. Kolb, ert. Walter A. Starck. F. W. Nerllch, William J. Jenkins, J. R. Coleen. Frank D. Forlein, F. B. Gauneph. F. L. Hurford. Oscar Keichardt, George B. Williams Fred. Godron, Otto Harpe. J. Harry W. Orth, Ed Llndemann, C. F. Dwyer. Albert D. Thomas, A. E. Chedell, Harry Dausrnhelm, W. G. Fink, Ed E. Schick. Dolph Dleterich, Louis E. La Falvre. E. I Loyet, O. G. Hausner. A. J. Loyet, Henry Wettich, Dan Devancy? A. H. Brooks, L. L. Maxey, Fred Usher. Cliff A. Vogel, August Erker, Lewis Cbwhty, Paul Schoers, Ernest M. Hill, John Fernclother, Harry B. Frye, Misses "J Grace Large, Edna Lorlng, Fannie Iarge. Marie Marshall, Grace Clarkson, Jessalyn Dolan, Ida Mueth. Mary Gore, Rosaline KHpstein, Harriet Vordtriede, Laura .Mueth. Mabel Watson, Bertha Haggemann, Mary Brooks, Olive Inman Cole, Elsie Brueggemann, Bertha Brlnkmeyer, Margaret Bruegge-Berth- a Evans, mann. Cora Brady, Laura Frank, Ella Cowhey, -- Annette Colman, Julia Kenneth, Lola Capitan, Josephine Nash, Emma Hoppe. Kitty Sale, Carrie Conrad, Edna Woods, Cecelia Naughton. Alma Magulre. Lillian Kralemann, Josephine Godron, Tlllle Edle. Blanche Phlllppi. Tessie Neah. Lillian Summers, The only cure for some ontlcal defects la glasses. Consult Dr. Bond, expert optician. i jiermoa at jaccara sv uroaaway ana Locust. Ho will examine your eyes ftee of charge and fit them properly if glasses are neeoeu. ssieei irames, i ana up; gold, a tuiu up. Miss Hammond entertained the Wednes- day Club with nn eight-hand- euchre. iiss uammonu assisted. Miss Mllly Helnz-elma- n won first prize. The Harvard club will clve its srranrt dance Friday evening. April 4, at No. 911 uuu vuiiueveuier uvenue. The Prince Henry Euchre Club was en- - A. XT StrtuvMn Tlia ineA vn JAA .., with carnations LSi smllax. The prizes " "" "y jirs. a. tu jnamng, jars. Jor- - nfln nnil XT, TViiiirharfif n.., TllnVpH nftn, whloh liin.lnuii ... ., Mrs. A. B. Black will entertain next. The mciauera 01 tms ciud are: Mesdames A. E. Black. J. M. Dougherty. Edward Engelland, G. K. McGarey. H. IL Stelger, A. Holtzman, - G. Gorban, C Jordan, A. M. Stroble. M, Godfrey, A. H. Rahing, F. Spreen. Miss Agnes O'Neill, No. 3961 Cook avenue, entertained the 1903 Euchre Club last Thurs- day evening. Euchre was flayed until 19 lF"fflEi)PEftA s - t &Sjzzqs&!?& isffiKt35" Azucena, Marion Ivcll and Ethel Houston du Free; Inez. Maude lhmcy; Ruiz. George Tennery. As Manr o, Mr. Sheehan may be expected to duplicate former successes and to add new luurels to thoso he has alreudy won. Tho voice of the young tenor !; said to bo in capital condition. Mr. GoIT. r.s th Count dl Luna, is intrusted with e of the gems of the opera "The TemjKst of the Heart" and his hinging of this ly scored aria will be remembered with pleasure by those who have Hstened to it In former seasons. Francis J. Bojle will sing the role of Fcrrando. Miss Nor- wood will be seen as Leonora. Her voice. her dramatic feeling and her lyric meinoii o'clock, after which supper was served. Prizes were won by Miss Jennie Gorry and Miss Agnes O. Nell. Mr. Leon Dunn and Mr. John Dunn. Those present were: Missres Jorfe Figian. Ger.e Icve Moran. Adele Glnloux, Blanche O'Nell. Jennie Gorry. Agnes O'Neil. Messieurs-Jo- hn Amnions. John Graham, John Dunn, Leon Dunn. Thomas Culllane. John Blong. Louis Casey. ' Mrs. BoIIn entertained the Monday Club with an eight-hande- d euchre. The prizes were won by the hostess, the Misses Mllly. Helnzelman and Nlchaus. The Apacheg gave their fifth monthly dan- cing party last Thursday night at Mahler's. The hall was decorated and the members and their friends spent a very enjoyablo evening. Some of thoso present were: Misses Ida Hegel. Roth. Lillian Brown, Ella Hahn, Miller. Eans, t Huss. Ashton. Laura May Robblns, Ropg Hegel. Winn, Grace A ery. Mildred Calonca, Messieurs I Doctor Dunham, Doctor W. IC Clarence Robblns, Becker, W. J. Hegel. J. K. Sllverburg, IL F. Thlas. Doctor Edward J. E. Taylor, Hearestick. L D. Braden". Doctor Geo. W. J. P. McGrath. Hearestick. Paul Guissow, L. Muench. Jerome Colonna, Phil Sheridan. D. W. Saylor, W. E. Berger. Mesdames McGrath. Kansas City. Ethel Eflson of "IVOSIE.VS CLUBS. The Union Musical Club will give lis an- nual Lenten choral concert, under the di- rection of Mrs. Charles B. Rohland. at the Church of the Messiah, on Baturday after- noon. March 8, at 3 o'clock. The soloUts nro Miss JerIe Rlngen, contralto, and Miss Carolyn Allen, organist, assisted .by Miss Anderson, at the. piano: Miss Lowe, har- pist; Miss Gray, violinist; Mr. E. R. Kroe-ge- r. pianist. The programme follows: PAKTI. Group of Organ Solos JIIss Allen. Oie Hundred and Thlrty-eent- h FUm IJfzt Miss IUnsea and chcrus. with lolln. harp ana organ acompanlment. Cruclflxus PalMtrlna Chores. ?u!t Resplendlssant Clnq Mar?) Counod Miss Ittngrn. Brahm's lthapod (Arranged by Mrs. Itohland.) Ml?s ItinKen and Chorus. PAKT II. lle;a Solennelle Gounod (Arranged by Mrs. Kouland.) A1IJ3 llingen and Chorus. Chart Club drawing rooms will be held Tuesday, March 4. at 11 a. m.. by Mrs. C. H. Hilleary, No. 421D Washington svinue; Wednesday, March 5, 11 a. m., by Mrs. Agnes Hodgen. No. 1023 Thornbv place; Thursday, March 6, 3 p. m by Mrs. Geo. W. Allan. No. 3545 Flad avenue, and Satur- day. March 8. 11 a. m., by Mrs. Maria L Johnston, at Berlin Hotel. Tho Literary Symposium discussed St. Paul's, London, nt Its meeting last Wednes- day morning. Mrs. Griffith used a chnrt of the great metropolis, dividing it into flvo JlS i ijy JOSEPHINE LUDWIG AS CARMEN. i equip her for a rendition of the role of Verdi's Miffcring In other stas-on- s ' Mis Norwood's duet in the tower scene has been one of the Joys of the Castlo Square ergagement. I On Monday, Wednesday anil Friday even- ings, aini at the Saturday matinee. "Car- men" will be sung. Bizet's picturesque masterpiece will enlist the Fervices of the : following ca-t- : Carmen, Josephine Lud-- j wig; Miehaela. Gertrude Rennyson; Fras-qult.-- i. Maude Ramey: Mercedes. Marion lvi-ll- ; i:. A. Clark; Don Jose, Miro DeUmotta; Zunlga, Francis J. Boyle; Dancalro, J. P. Coombs, Remandado, Frank Ranney, and Moreales, Francis Car- rier. great part?. She confined her remarks to the central portion on tl'e north bank of the Thames, known as "The City," and to "the East End. where, amoug docks, ware- houses and seamen's homes, Dickens locat- ed some of his most Interesting characters. Slio called St. Paul's Cathedral the hub of the "City." round which this great em- porium of commerce had revolved for cen- turies. She closed with a description of old London Bridge, its quaint shops and houses, where Holbein and Hogarth had studios, and Thomas a" Bccket a shrine. "West- minster. Church of the Abbey." Is the sub- ject for next Wednesday morning at Hotel Betrs. The Ten O'Clock Musical met last week nt the home of Mrs. Grace Titcomb Dobyne, No. 5u0C Cabanne avenue. Tho programme consisted of Liszt music, as follows: Vocal Duet Selected Mines. Krohman and Dobyne. Tiano Solo !.!beiranm No. ; IJSZI Mrs. Lola McCreery BalJwln. Vocal Polo-Ki- ng cf Thule usit. Mrs. BIttman. Tlano Solo Eening Star ,"V agner-Us- MI"K Mabel Dvgge. . Vocal Solos-(- a) Da litst Wle Eln Blue (b) O Lleb "" Miss Hla Scheftler. AIolln Solo nomanre. op. 9 W lsnlawskt Mlis busia U. CudJy. Vocal Solo Know-a- t Ttou the Lind? Uszt Mrs. Grace Titcomb Dobyne. Tlano Solo Llebestrauni No. 3 uszu Miss Mary H. 1)111 Vocal Sol5-Con-ven Partlr (The DauKh- - ter of the Jledment) ixmizem Mrs. Harklns. Trio The Water Lily.. Franz AUt limes.- - Frohman. Bernard anl Dobyne. The Alumnae of the High School Girls' Literary Society will hold next meeting at High School building, Monday, March 3. at 4 o'clock, room 217. Last month's meeting-wa- a delightful one. "Success was chosen for a subject. Following was the order or programme: Leader, Miss A. Lorle Flint. "Great Men and Women." Miss Anna. Huj-doc- k: "Inventions nnd Great Undertak- ings. Miss Mamie Cerf: "Great Reforms Miss Ellen M. Duffy: "Governments, Miss Maud Miller. The chairman. Miss Laura Burt made a pleasing address. PKRSOXAL MEXTIOJf. Calling Cards Mermod & Jaccard's. "Mrs. nenry Wand. No. SOB Kossuth ave- nue, departed Friday evening to spend a fow days with her sister in Paris, 111. Mr Paul Moore of London. England, pon of Doctor W. T. Moore ia visiting his uncle, W. T. Bishop, No. 4510 Cook avenue Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Incalls are in Havana. Cuba, to remain until the middle of March. St. Louis to Cincinnati take one of the three Big Four dally trains. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hassett of West- minster place, havo returned from a trip to Cuba and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bishop. Jr.. of Los Angeles. Cal.. after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bishop. No. 45W Cook avenue, have returned home via Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hedges returned Iat week from their Eastern honeymoon and are temporarily established nt the Huse res- idence. No. 9 Westmoreland place. Mrs. Huse will remain in the East for another month, visiting relatives. She has spent the major portion of the winter with Mr. and I HI siHSe.LiMKl''lE i"v i ' JsslllKslllllllllllMsVslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHslV flslllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll& u .V r L " ,Jv 111) J in ill I HBsHLCSrl'jifS III I III ..,--- - lW.BW4Wfiar'-B.v.;- ill I II eh JSSS!vaKm nil II HI list's sHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIW iMTBp4J '' JstrslllllllllllllllllllHP I II 1 in &i'AnmW-u$-MklZ!Km- i In II tM yt" i)isisisisisisisisHKsS V III - lSSBW.''- . 4T 4JltJltJltjFJI- V'tBSSSstV,T'i-- 5JejPHBB I II HK!. " Bsiiiin siiiissHhABIlK MtssiiH 1 1 K Rv I II I I sllllsllllllllllllllllBslllHnt'sBassv"4BiPV llli I &i$ V. Hii)VsHS IKiP llll i tz'i74mm'imx::trii& iu . S&. H .'! -- siiiiiiiiiiiiiiSsiliiK'siK''.siim 4iVt IllltX II V fl Pt.llllllllllllllllH.IIIIIIHiKJJiIS III II sZX A V II I Tp.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.H.&.IIIIIIIKMK.IIIIIIIKA1Dt III II Mw mm Wvll UWVLJ MISS LUCILLE OVERSTOLZ. .Who has Just returned from a- - long Eastern visit. This picture of the young lady In Alsatian costume ia here reproduced Xor the first time. vr-- i 4iki REGINA Box Jm-rZ- S" ' SErSESSeSSSEr VfTkmmmWBLEBBki. kiiKSTx sHHssHM fevmi Music K SiVLg&ZrS, 3iiaiKNeifi FRANCIS J. BO VLB AS ZUNIGA. On Wednesday night the title role will be sung by Miss Adelaide Norwood, who has never be"n heard as Carmen in St. Louts. Of course local interest centers in the debut of Miss Ludwig, who was born and educated in this city. Miss Ludwig has made the succs of htr career in the role of Carmen. Two St. Louis favorites, Messrs. Delamotta and Clark, are cast for the parts of Don Joe and Escamlllo, while Messrs. Ramey and Coombs, as the pic- turesque pair of smugglers, and Misses Ivell and Ramey. as the hand-om- e gypsy girls, are a quartet of comely merry-maker- s. Both "II Trovatore" and "Carmen" afford scop for much plciuresqueness In scenery and costumes. Mrs. William Loomls. who reside In the Na-rar- io ApartR.ent, overlooking Central Park. It was there that Mr. and Mrs. Hedges were married early in February, as Mr. Loomls was for many years a business associate nrd partner of tho late William L. Huse and a very intimate friend of the fam- ily. The wedding was in all respects an ex- tremely quiet one. owing to Mr. Huse's re- cent death. The Reverend Doctor Mlnot J. Savage read the service, with only members of the Immediate family present. Attend Rosenheim's millinery Monday. Mrs. E. A. Mackay and son of St. Joseph. Mo., aro lsitlng her sister, Mrs. J. II. Gallagher, No. 1UG& Monroe street. Miss Annie Laurie of Nicholson place is entertaining guests from Kansas City. Mrs. S. M. TenBroek of Buffalo. N. Y.. has been spending the past week a" the guest of Miss Gtorgina Ruby. Correct forms of wedding invitations are assured when ordered at Mermod .t Jac- card's. Society Stationers. Broadway and Locust: lft) finest engraved calling cards and plate, JI.M; ICO cards from your plate, J1.00. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. North are now located at No. 5j77 Cabanne avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fillingham. the lady formerly Miss Emma Trapp, are at home to their friends at No. 43CS Labadie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Longaker of Russell avenue are making a short visit in Indian- apolis, Ind., before going South. Mr. Max Weiss will depart Wednesday for an extended trip abroad via the Kron-prln- z Wllhelm. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Weiss and their little son. their si3ter. Miss Josio Lcewensteln, and Mrs. Henry Grunhut. Rosenheim's millinery opening Monday. Mrs. Andrew Helsler is In New York studying dramatic art, with a view to going upon the stage. An appropriate birthday gift is a solid gold birth month ring. For March the Bloodstone, signifying "courage." We have them from J2.W to $15. Mermod & Jac-enrd- 's. Broadway and Locust. Miss Sarah E. McAdam. a former St. Louis musician, has been pushing to the front In the ranks of Chicaco nlanlsts. and 5 has been lauded both in professional circles unu uy auuiences ui mo uiiri euciai ciuii-acte- r. On last Wednesday night he was one of the nrtlsts who were heard at a mu- sical In the home of Mrs. Fanny Bloumfleld Zeisler. The following afternoon she played several numbers ut a large musical given by Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, On March 13 a reception will bo given to Miss MacAdam In the assembly-roo- m of the Fine Arts hulldtng. Chicago, when she will furnish the programme. Miss Stella Culver of No. SS13 Maple ave- nue departed this week for an extended visit with her cousin, Mrs. George Proctor Wlnternute, in San Francisco, CaL Mra. Wlnternute was formerly Mils Ida Culver or St. Loni- - Miss Culver was accompanied by her brother. Wallace Clarence Culver, as far as Las Vegas. N. M., where he will remain for some months on a ranch, later joining his rlster-an- d brother, Luclan Cul- ver, who has been In California for some months. Mr. George Wiley of Albany. N. T.. after several weeks' visit with his daughter. Mra Nicholas C. Nolan of Delmar boulevard, re- turned yesterday well Impressed with the World's Fair city. WEBSTER GROVES ITEMS. Mr. Frederick L. Stoddard of the St. Louis School of Fine Arts gave an illustrated lec- ture on "Municipal Art" to tho Monday Clb In their clubrooms Monday afternoon. It was giten in the unconventional, crf-- style with which Mr. Stoddard always his audiences. After throwing on the screen various examples of municipal art in Paris and Versailles and giving sev- eral views of portions of our Congressional Library at Washington, explaining the features which made them of highest ar- tistic merit, he spoke of the danger in America, arising from the Juxtaposition of tho artistic structure and the gigantic money-makin- g establishment, the latter swallowing up and spoiling the former. Instances of these are the' United States Mint at Philadelphia, surrounded by sky- scrapers, and Old Trinity Church in New Tork. The particularly Interesting part of the lecture was its application to Webster, whose pictures of various familiar spoU were shown, their pointed out and hints given as to how they might be devel- oped into artistic features of the growing city. Mr. Stoddard announced that, after traveled over a great deal of the world, he had concluded that Webster had more natu- ral beauty than any suburb west of the Mrs. Weldcmtcr of Kansas City Is visit- ing Miss Harriet Deane. The Reverend G. W. Chalfant of St. Louts will give an 'address on China, and Jap-i- In the Presbyterian Church, Wednesday night, at the conclusion of which there will be a Japanese tea In the lecture-roo- Tho maids will b: fti Japanese costume, and Japanese ware will be used, Mr. E. S. Hart and Mr. W. C. Jager arc putting up new houses on Maple avenue. Several cablegrams havo been received from Mr. M. W. Warren, who sailed recent- ly on the Celtic of the Whito Star, bound for Palestine. The last was from Gibraltar. Mr. Warren expects to be away for threo months. Mrs. Warren will meet him at New Tork on his return. Clarence Crosby of St. Louis, the boy soprano of Grace Church. Klrkwood, was -- visiting Sirs. Carvel on Friday, nnd sang for the Congregational ladies, at their mis- sionary meeting. He, with an older broth- er, has put his musical training' under the lrectlon of Mrs. Jas. L. Blair. The Reverend C. L. Kloss's Browning readings very Friday are drawing good audiences. A fine discussion follows the reading, each time. "Johannes Agricola in Meditation" was the subject for this Miss Gertrude Dunning of St. Louis is spending two weeks with the family of Doc- tor R. A. Quaries. Mn. A. S. Kendrlck. formerly of this place, is settled on the tract of land drawn :SSA..jjii.-!yjf.-:'&aH-'-- JSpMnSiil JSiW3m!mmW 1100 OLIVE STREET. TESTED FREE Only Western BOLLMAN Representative RS131 EYES gWSS'BES fej) Spectacles, $1.00 AND UPWARD. Our long experience in fitting glasses is a guarantee to you of accuracy li and a perfect fit. WK7nRSWs9 ii ii AND TO SEE YOV Need our Opera Glasses or Field Glasses and to obtain his plioto onr Kodak's are A big lot of fresh just arrived. Remember we can do and printing better than any one else. by her husband In the recent land lottery. Jlr. J. H. Trembly has postponed his contemplated trip to California on account of the severe illness of his wife. Mr. Malcolm Magehan has taken a flat on Bell aenue. where with an assistant he devotes himself to teaching a class of ath- - Jltes Tlchenor has been spending several days in Chicago. A birthday dinner was given to 3Irs. Henry 1. Wilson Friday, in the lecture-roo- m of the Presbyterian Church, by tho Ladies' Aid Society. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Martin departed Mon- day to spend ten days with Mr. Martins brother In Washington, p. C. Mr. W. a Itumsey will break ground for his new- - home in Webster Park within the next month. The parlor entertainment at Mr. l .11. Skinner's. Thursday night, drew a large au- dience in spito of the very disagreeable night. "The feature of the evening was the presentation of George Ellots "Spanish Gypsy." by Mrs. Henry Jacobson of St. Louis. The work, as given, was her own arrangement, and the threads of the story were admirably caught together. The uni- versal selections, interspersed, were all on Spanish subjects, and were as follows: Piano duet. Spanish dances, Moskowski; Misses Sklnr.er and Quaries. Alto solo. "Habanero" from "Carmen," Bizet: Miss Gertrude Dunning. Violin solo, (a) seren- ade, Pierne: (b) romance: Svendsen: Miss linen 15. jonnson. isass sum. ime swin- ish Sweetheart;" Mr. Hurt McKInnle. Piano solo. "La Morlna." Chamlnade: Mr. James T. Quaries. Miss Bertha Simmons entertained for Mrs. George D. Barron of llexlco. Thurs- day afternoon. Among the amusements of the afternoon were the observation test nnd tho drawing of animals to be named by the gutsts. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. A. McCarthv. Mrs. Barron and Mrs. F. S. Plant. The table woo daintily set In Ted and white, with ropes of smllax reaching to thj chandelier, and the refreshments were es- pecially dainty. Besides those mentioned. tnere were present; -- Mmes. uonaiusun, Charles Knlglit. F. II. Knight. C. R. Siddy. Hermann Bollmann of Glendale, Fr"d Gore, Charlea Dyer. Misses Emily Simmons. Fannie Goodwin. Hattie. Gertrude. Blanche and Eugenie I!rook. Mrs. J. F. Allen gave a. Christening party Tuesday evening for her little granddaugh- ter. Louise Walbrldge Harper. Those pres- ent were: Messrs. and limes. C. L. K10S3. J. D. Hlpler. C. L. Martin of Web- ster, and Reverend and Mrs. Reeve. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen and family of Bast St. Louis. The Tuesday Evening Club 'will meet Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. X. D. Thompson. Mr. Walljr J. Blakely. pres- ident of the Audubon Society of Missouri, will be the speaker of .the evening. Mr. Otto Widmann. Mr. T. 'B. Boyd of Klrk- wood. and Judge Enos Clark of Klrkwood havo been asked to participate In the Mr. JZ. Jt. Kivegln gave a lecture recital to the members of the Morning Choril Club ami their frierds. Friday morning In the recital hall of the Odeon. KIHIvWOOD MTF.S. Mn. Sarah Delaplalne and her son. Mor- ris, have moved to'St. Louis. Miss Carson Is vls'ting her cousin, Mis3 Sarah Abraham of East Main street. The Monday Evening Club meets Monday night at the home of Judge and Mrs. Biggs. Professor Francis Cooke has the paper of the evening on "Our Two Mythical Jacks and Their Meaning." Mrs. James L. Blair has gone to Omaha to give a recital ror the benefit of the Day Nursery. Mrs. Blair Is accompannled by Miss Scheetz. who always plays for her. They are both to be entertained by Mrs. Edward Cudahy while there. Mrs. Berenice Crumb Myer played at the Church of the Messiah Thur3day night. It was such an exceedingly bad night that many who would have attended were kept at home. Mrs. William Albright got home Satur- day from .1 long visit to relatives in the East. Mls3 Rosa Harrison is going to Join her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrn. John Good, and go with them to Pass Christian. Miss Harrison Is Just recocrins from a very severe operation. Miss Harriet Whyte has gone to Indian- apolis to visit her sister. Mrs. James Cop-pfng- er Cotter. Miss Whyte will be cone till after Easter. The Piano Club will hold ono pf Its closed meetings on Monday at 3 p. m. The work of altering the east ind of the Episcopal Church has begun. The church will be greatly improved, and much needed room added. Mr. and Mri. Henry Hyatt. Mr. Edward Hyatt, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGeary dined with Mrs. H. H. Hyatt Wednesday night. It was Mrs. H. H. Hyatt's birth- day. FERGUSON XOTES. Mrs. Ida Hoffman is visiting lira. Charles Cunningham. Mrs. Mamie L. Crabb Is vlsitlnjr Mr. and Mrs- - J. D. Crabb of Lltchlleld. I1L Mrs. Crabb went there to be present at the wedding of Miss June S. Crabb. and will re- turn In about two weeks. Miss Susie Worth is the guest of th Misses Watson. Miss Derinda Staley was obliged to re- turn to the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staley. She was taken III at the Notre Dame Academy, and exoects to return as jon as her health permits. Mrs. W. L Currle- - will leave with her two children to visit relatives in Acadia. Mo. Miss Belle Garth of Cabanne Is the of her grandmother. Mrs. 8. R. Layton. Miss Bessie Payne is spending the week with her pister. Mrs. Frank Tiffin. Miss Helen Barret has returned from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Fred Zeiblg, of Washington boulevard. Miss Mabel Stone, "daughter of ex-Go- The perfection of self-pla.yi- ng music the most tuneful of all music boxes. Cha.ngea.ble tune disks costing the same as sheet music thousands of tunes to select from. Fully guaranteed and sold on easy payments. BROS. CO., SEE PRINCE HENRY TAKE HIS PICTURE. INORDER. Eyeglasses, indispensable. films have your developing guest By the Optical Authorities of America. the services of an oculist are necessary we tell yoa 50. 608 OLIVE ST., Opposite Bart's,' ernor Stone, has returned from a prolonged visit to friends in Cuba. A home missionary meeting was held AVtdnesday afternoon at the Methodist Church. The llrst meeting of th Musical Cms was held at the home of Mrs. Christen. The "Rosary." from Nevin. was sune by Miss Julia Dalton. Mrs. Arthur Harrison King one of Mendelssohn's songs without words. "Midsummer Night's Dream was played bv Mrs. Christen, and a selection from Mendelssohn by Miss Margaret .Pat- rick. A. supper was given on Saturday evenins by Mrs. Oscar Rend. Jr. Among the sests were Misses Lillian Reld and Helen "Bar- ret. Messrs George Belfry ar.d D. W. Currle. ST. LOOS COl'STV. MUs Clementina Eenk of Ballwin has been visiting relatives in St-- Louis the last Mtes Bertha Hollocher of Cadet won the first prize at a progressive euchra party given last Tuesday evening at tha Arthur Marqult in Merameo HMto E?ia NorrlsC who has been vlsiUnf-he-r sister?, Mrs. J. W. McElbinney Mrs R. H. Stevens. In Clayton, for nearly two months, returned last Wednesday to her .. home in Palmyra. Mo. ..1,-- - - .i. nn.knmMa Trnvteri&n Church gave an oyster supper Frida nlgms at the home of Mrs. Jchn Muchlman. Miss Alma Meyer, daughter of & B. Meyer, of Clayton, entertained a numDeroE friends at her home last Wednesday after- - DMlss Madle Hom ot Eureka Is vialUn friends In St. Louis. Miss Annie Bock of Barrett s Station ia visiting her sister, Mrs. Katie Hornbeck, In St. Louis. NEW PIECE BY PLAYERS' CLUB. l "Love's Mastery" Will Be Present ed at Fourteenth Street Theater. The Players' Club will produce at tha Fourteenth Street Theater Friday evening. April 4. under the direction of Harry M. Hon the five-a- ct comedy entitled "Love's Mastery." preceded by the one-a- ct farco "A Quiet Family." with the following cast: Messieurs J. M. Chouauette. E. H. Miller. King Baggot. Edward Doody, Henry Otto, Charles H. Alley. Harry Scott. C. L. Wllburn. Warren Raub, Rabb Raffayohv . Amy Lang. Salon? NIcse. Martha Miller. May Stelleon. Laura. Torbush, Corlnne Horn. Beatrice Brlnkmeyet Gertrude Seibert, Mamie Dickmann. Maude Allen. APPLE PRIZES WERE AWARDED. Illinois Captured Four at the Pans American Exhibit. RKPUBLJC SPECIAL. Nashville. III.. March 1. The Illinois Com-missi- on to the Exposition at Buffalo. N. Y.. has made public the names of the illinolsans who secured. prizes at th fair, and among them are four of Washing- ton County's foremost fruit growers. ,JV V. Stanton of RIchvIew was awarded . gold medal for a continuous exhibit, of ap- ples. "W. W. Shanks of Rlchview was awarded a bronze medal for his exhibit of jellow transparent apples. A. A. Hlnckey of Dubois was awarded a bronze medal fors a general display of apples. C. Young of Rlchview was awarded a bronze medal for his exhibit or Jonathan apples. J. W. Stanton, who secured theK0l4-medal- , is president of the Illinois Horti- cultural Society, and had charge of ths Illinois horticultural exhibit at the Pan s American exhibition. YOUR HEALTH fiBafoiucft 3shE9B EljBjBjlB m tsl 1 l "Al -- a -- fS 1 depends eatirelyJJ upon the con- - ditton of yowMll stomacn. if it t Is out of order. ,& tne isiooa, i,iv- - er and Kidney are affected. Hosteller's 3 Stomach . v.. Bitters is the best known: 4J remedy for th$ stomach. KMN Migistlin, CoMtipitftn, BII!o3nm:ii4 Lifer in KiiMi Trnlles. -- M Be sure to try it. The irenoins most havs Oar Prtvasst Die Stamp over ,tb seek of the hottfe'- - ...-..y. .. -- . 1 El

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TvniTTEN-- roit tiii: repi'dmc.The law of the survival of the fittest ap-

plies to opera companies as well as to In-

dividuals. Other singers come and go, butthe Castlo Square organization seems toincrease in strength from year to year.For the opening week of its engagementat the Century Theater, which begins to-

night, the Castle Square company puts for--ward a repertoire embracing two musicalclassics of widely different schools. Theflorid beauty of "Carmen" and the sonorous

The Sin Claire Informal pave tho eighthdance of the season's series last AVednes-fia- y

evening. A host of congenial youngtollcs assembled, among them being:Messieurs

Chas. J. Warner, Wm. R, Huev.Jas. J. Daniels. Jos. A. Daniels--.Arch. J. Hoock. Howard Swingley,George Bullock, Phil C. Bolm.Will Bresnaam, R. Shoemaker,H. Kabe. IL Fairback.Robt. Smith. J. H. Flaherty.Will Drtpps, Harry Hardt.S. Qulssenberry, H. S. Nichols,X. T. Bledsoe; A. C. Bates,T. J. Morris, B. S. Baumann.N. Gatewooil, V. Schulenberg,Paul V. Grether, Howard Ober,S. Jt. Holland. A. IL Frendenstein,V. P. Lami. C. H. Whltehili,I j. IJ. Harris V. A Holmes,F. G. Fahey. F. J. Miller.H. Woermann, Jno. Barron,Geo. Vogt, Frid Kolb,V. W. Rosenbrough, C W. Schuckardt,L. SchneMt. J. Glenn Lee.Lee F. Mitchell, Chas. Tliomas.

MissesBessie Huey, Rhoda Zesch,Helen Fisher, Yelma Furlong,Maizle Woods, Edna E. Dale.Mabel Diggc, Luella Bowker,Mary Page, May Bogy.Maud Jackson. Olive Inman Cole,Jessemine Lemon, Bessie Greve,Bert Allen, IJllian M. HarrisonGrace Herndon, Emilv Irwin,Fanny Morthcad, Mabel O'Brien.Agnes Home, Mabelle A. Kellogg,Hattie Mathews, Maud O'Brien,Grace Miller, Josephine Goodwin,Birdie O'Brien. Lillian Butler.Ethel Short. Dollle Holmes,Dottie Kelser . Julia Schwartz,Moupie Kru;sch. Lynne Thoroman,Nellie Wagoner, Jpsselyn Dolen,Nettie Jordan. Mabel Hubbard,Laura Hoeber, Mrytle Ligon.Mabel O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. F. WMyrtle Drayer, I,. J. Wilson.

noon at her home on Geraldine avenue.The young ladies present were:Misses-M- ary

Wade. Jo Carten,Julia Carten, Edna Gamble,Cora Warde. May Gamble.Julia Burgan,Telegraph your friends you will arrive

In Cincinnati via Big Four route.

The Current Event Club entertainedfriends Thursday evening at the home ofthe Misses Nellie and Cornnne Goetz. No.S17 Salisbury street The parlors were dec-orated In pink and white.

Those present were:Misses

Nellie Goetz, Birdlo Herold,Corlnne Goetz. Edith Glllenberg,Margaurlte Eystcr, Lillie Feeney,Edna Brannon, May Wise.Katie Feeney. Augusta Luensman,

MessieursHarry T. Albers, William Goetz.Fred Fernon. James Armstrong,George Fabre. Mr. Johnson,Fred Wittbrodt, Fred Rltchener,Albert Goetz, Will Lestmann.Fired Hammacher, Mr. Spanee.Arthur Dilllnger.

The Olympia Club gave its third danceof the season last Tuesday evening, whichproved a very enjoyable affair. Seventy-flv- e

couple were in attendance, amongwhom were:Misses

Heumann. Nordslek,McLaughlin, Bowlin.Borgmeier. Newton.Jpnes, Potts'.Neave, .lames,Hopkins." Ifason,O'Donnell, Nauchton.Greve. fJrark.Costello, Rodgers.Cole. Wilson.Finlay, Stewart.Aycock. Mitchell,lyons, Weber.Jenks. Rutherford.W eaver. Kuhlman,Flarety. Siegrlst,Hopkins, Steele,Lovejoy, Hrownell,Dugan, Rohr.Pecout,

MessieursMutrux, Rider.Fuchs, Crocker,BohJe, Klunke,Williams, Dichl,Flalff. Hopkins,Cole. " RIggin.Readey. Lincoln,

, Thompson. Radar.Lamothe. Ashhoff.Dietrich, Lindsay,Dodge, Bersch.Aycock, Conrad,Busch, Charles Heumann,Maxwell, Peake,Doctor Baldridge, S.'egel.Gloor. Hawley,Johnson, Winters,Gllmore, Caughlan,Beardsley. Balmer.Doctor Meyer,

Easter gifts of Bouquet Holders. Crosses,Crucifixes, Prayer Books'. Lily Vases, etc.at Mermod & Jaccard'a. Broadway and Lo-cust.

Mrs. Callahan. No. 1113 Hebert street, en-tertained the Pleasant Hour Koffee Klatch,of which she Is a member, on last Thursdayafternoon. Among those present were:Mesdames, Maher, McCarthy,

. Judy. Mtilcahy,Antram, Bruen.Burgan. McDonough,T. J. Ward. Walsh,M. J. Ward. XaHahan.Powers,

Miss Eugenie P. Dubois. No. 4144 Shenan-doah avenue, entertained the 1'ArgentineClub last week. The afternoon was spentIn piano solos, recitations and vocal solos,after which a dainty luncheon tras served.Among those present were:Misses '

Irene Damschroeder Nannon Gilbert,Ursula Dougherty, '.Hilda Sachleben,

. Edythe Moone. Amelia Woolley,Blanche Costello, Winnie Walsh.

. Entitle Dubois, Eugene Dubois.Ada Wllke,

The Meteor Euchre Club was entertainedt the home of Mrs. H. E. Raenckert, No.

tH2 Hammett place, last Tuesday after- -aeon. Prizes irer awarded

U?-f- i

; 'c- .; w -- X "Vfy V"-"- 'JsatVv r-- i- -- -

THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. M&RCH 2, 1902. Lfci--o




dignity of "II Trovatore" will test at theoutset the versatility of .the singers.

Two distinct casts ha9 been arrangedfor the operas and the 'favorites of theorganization as heard here in other Eeasons,together with a half dozen new comers.The cast for "11 Trovatore," which will besung Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday and Sat-urday eveninss and at the Wednesday mat-inee. Is as follows: Manrico. Joseph F.Sheehan; Count Dl Luna, WInfred Goff;,Ferrando, Francis J. Boyle; Leonora, Adelaide Norwood and Gertrude Rennyson; 1

fcr, Mrs. Meiners. Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs.Reps. After the game, luncheon wasserved. "Music and singing were also fea-tures of the afternoon. The guests were:Mesdames

Becker. Itodpcrs.Eick. Hucckert.Hagemaler. Schaefer,Mtiners. Walter,Miller. Werz.Reps. Wuellncr.

Misses-Flore- nce

Becker. Dorethea Werz.

Tlie Loulsianas announce their third an-nual dance, to take place at No. 1412 NorthGrand avenue on Monday evening, March17.

The to Tenpln Club held itsregular meeting Friday afternoon. So movery good scores wereVmade. among thembeing that of Mrs. G. H. Strathman, whoheld high place, having scored 312 pins in.three games.

Those present were:Mesdames

G.H. Strathman. T. F. Wittlch,F. W. Krenning, Jr., L. Hoffman,J. Grenzebach. C Tesson.A. Bush, Jescheke,K. Engelsklnd, Schumacher,A. Reitz, Overbach,C. F. Steitz, C. MerUn,J. P. Rlechers, Miss Anna Fischer.The Young Ladies' Chrysanthamum CInt

will give Its fifth Informal Monday, March,10, at Jefferson and Park avenues.

Mrs. F. W. Krenning. No. 3234 Barrettstreet, entertained the TenplnClub Thursday In honor of her birthday.At 5 o'clock supper was served, afterwhich various amusements were indulgedin. Thoso present were:Mesdames

J. P. Rlechers. C. F. Steitz.G. H. Strathman. T. F. Wittlch, "

Charles Rlechers, L. Hoffman,F. W. Krenning, Jr., A. Bush,J. Grenzebach, F. Kramer.

MessieursT. F. Wittlch, J-- Grenzebach,J. P. Rlechers, G. H. Strathman,Charles Rlechers, F. W. Krenning,Al Bush, F. Rlechers.F. Kramer,On Thursday evening Miss Maud n,

No. 2753 North Garrison avenue, en-tertained the Euclid Club. Tho meetingproed very enjoyable, concluding with adainty supper. Among tho members pres-ent were:blisses"

Mary Pierce. Joseuhine Fahrner,May O'Malley. Rosalie Sweeney.Maud McKeown.

Messieurs -Frank Sweeney, Chas O'Malley. vHarry Webb, Chas. Frearfer,Ph. Riley, Chas. Thomson.Zach Hendrick,

The sixth dance of the Iroquois Club wasgiven last Thursday evening. In spite, of theInclement weather, the afiair was a. com-plete success, and the following are someof those who braved the rain to trip thelight fantastic as guests of the Iroquois:Messieurs

John E. Tobin, Gilbert McCuIIach,Robert F. Wlselogel C. C. Van Graafti-Robe- rt

C. Kaercher land,Neal Cowhey, R. E. Ham,Arthur A. Guenther Rudolph L. Wein-Fre- d

J. Kolb, ert.Walter A. Starck. F. W. Nerllch,William J. Jenkins, J. R. Coleen.Frank D. Forlein, F. B. Gauneph.F. L. Hurford. Oscar Keichardt,George B. Williams Fred. Godron,Otto Harpe. J.Harry W. Orth, Ed Llndemann,C. F. Dwyer. Albert D. Thomas,A. E. Chedell, Harry Dausrnhelm,W. G. Fink, Ed E. Schick.Dolph Dleterich, Louis E. La Falvre.E. I Loyet, O. G. Hausner.A. J. Loyet, Henry Wettich,Dan Devancy? A. H. Brooks,L. L. Maxey, Fred Usher.Cliff A. Vogel, August Erker,Lewis Cbwhty, Paul Schoers,Ernest M. Hill, John Fernclother,Harry B. Frye,

Misses "JGrace Large, Edna Lorlng,Fannie Iarge. Marie Marshall,Grace Clarkson, Jessalyn Dolan,Ida Mueth. Mary Gore,Rosaline KHpstein, Harriet Vordtriede,Laura .Mueth. Mabel Watson,Bertha Haggemann, Mary Brooks,Olive Inman Cole, Elsie Brueggemann,Bertha Brlnkmeyer, Margaret Bruegge-Berth- a

Evans, mann.Cora Brady, Laura Frank,Ella Cowhey, --Annette Colman,Julia Kenneth, Lola Capitan,Josephine Nash, Emma Hoppe.Kitty Sale, Carrie Conrad,Edna Woods, Cecelia Naughton.Alma Magulre. Lillian Kralemann,Josephine Godron, Tlllle Edle.Blanche Phlllppi. Tessie Neah.Lillian Summers,

The only cure for some ontlcal defects laglasses. Consult Dr. Bond, expert optician.i jiermoa at jaccara sv uroaaway ana

Locust. Ho will examine your eyes fteeof charge and fit them properly if glassesare neeoeu. ssieei irames, i ana up; gold,a tuiu up.

Miss Hammond entertained the Wednes-day Club with nn eight-hand- euchre.iiss uammonu assisted. Miss Mllly Helnz-elma- n

won first prize.

The Harvard club will clve its srranrtdance Friday evening. April 4, at No. 911

uuu vuiiueveuier uvenue.

The Prince Henry Euchre Club was en- -A. XT StrtuvMn Tlia ineA vn JAA ..,with carnations LSi smllax. The prizes" "" "y jirs. a. tu jnamng, jars. Jor- -

nfln nnil XT, TViiiirharfif n..,TllnVpH nftn, whloh liin.lnuii ... .,

Mrs. A. B. Black will entertain next. Themciauera 01 tms ciud are:Mesdames

A. E. Black. J. M. Dougherty.Edward Engelland, G. K. McGarey.H. IL Stelger, A. Holtzman, -

G. Gorban, C Jordan,A. M. Stroble. M, Godfrey,A. H. Rahing, F. Spreen.

Miss Agnes O'Neill, No. 3961 Cook avenue,entertained the 1903 Euchre Club last Thurs-day evening. Euchre was flayed until 19

lF"fflEi)PEftAs - t

&Sjzzqs&!?& isffiKt35"

Azucena, Marion Ivcll and Ethel Houstondu Free; Inez. Maude lhmcy; Ruiz. GeorgeTennery. As Manr o, Mr. Sheehan may beexpected to duplicate former successes andto add new luurels to thoso he has alreudywon.

Tho voice of the young tenor !; said tobo in capital condition. Mr. GoIT. r.s thCount dl Luna, is intrusted with e ofthe gems of the opera "The TemjKst ofthe Heart" and his hinging of this ly

scored aria will be rememberedwith pleasure by those who have Hstenedto it In former seasons. Francis J. Bojlewill sing the role of Fcrrando. Miss Nor-

wood will be seen as Leonora. Her voice.her dramatic feeling and her lyric meinoii

o'clock, after which supper was served.Prizes were won by Miss Jennie Gorry andMiss Agnes O. Nell. Mr. Leon Dunn and Mr.John Dunn. Those present were:Missres

Jorfe Figian. Ger.e Icve Moran.Adele Glnloux, Blanche O'Nell.Jennie Gorry. Agnes O'Neil.

Messieurs-Jo- hnAmnions. John Graham,

John Dunn, Leon Dunn.Thomas Culllane. John Blong.Louis Casey.

' Mrs. BoIIn entertained the Monday Clubwith an eight-hande- d euchre. The prizeswere won by the hostess, the Misses Mllly.Helnzelman and Nlchaus.

The Apacheg gave their fifth monthly dan-cing party last Thursday night at Mahler's.The hall was decorated and the membersand their friends spent a very enjoyabloevening. Some of thoso present were:Misses

Ida Hegel. Roth.Lillian Brown, Ella Hahn,Miller. Eans, tHuss. Ashton.Laura May Robblns, Ropg Hegel.Winn, Grace A ery.Mildred Calonca,

Messieurs I

Doctor Dunham, Doctor W. ICClarence Robblns, Becker,W. J. Hegel. J. K. Sllverburg,IL F. Thlas. Doctor EdwardJ. E. Taylor, Hearestick.L D. Braden". Doctor Geo. W.J. P. McGrath. Hearestick.Paul Guissow, L. Muench.Jerome Colonna, Phil Sheridan.D. W. Saylor, W. E. Berger.

MesdamesMcGrath. Kansas City.Ethel Eflson of


The Union Musical Club will give lis an-nual Lenten choral concert, under the di-rection of Mrs. Charles B. Rohland. at theChurch of the Messiah, on Baturday after-noon. March 8, at 3 o'clock. The soloUtsnro Miss JerIe Rlngen, contralto, and MissCarolyn Allen, organist, assisted .by MissAnderson, at the. piano: Miss Lowe, har-pist; Miss Gray, violinist; Mr. E. R. Kroe-ge- r.

pianist.The programme follows:

PAKTI.Group of Organ Solos

JIIss Allen.Oie Hundred and Thlrty-eent- h FUm IJfztMiss IUnsea and chcrus. with lolln. harp ana

organ acompanlment.Cruclflxus PalMtrlna

Chores.?u!t Resplendlssant Clnq Mar?) CounodMiss Ittngrn.

Brahm's lthapod(Arranged by Mrs. Itohland.)

Ml?s ItinKen and Chorus.PAKT II.lle;a Solennelle Gounod

(Arranged by Mrs. Kouland.)A1IJ3 llingen and Chorus.

Chart Club drawing rooms will be heldTuesday, March 4. at 11 a. m.. by Mrs. C.H. Hilleary, No. 421D Washington svinue;Wednesday, March 5, 11 a. m., by Mrs.Agnes Hodgen. No. 1023 Thornbv place;Thursday, March 6, 3 p. m by Mrs. Geo.W. Allan. No. 3545 Flad avenue, and Satur-day. March 8. 11 a. m., by Mrs. Maria LJohnston, at Berlin Hotel.

Tho Literary Symposium discussed St.Paul's, London, nt Its meeting last Wednes-day morning. Mrs. Griffith used a chnrt ofthe great metropolis, dividing it into flvo

JlSi ijy


i equip her for a rendition of the role ofVerdi's Miffcring In other stas-on- s

' Mis Norwood's duet in the tower scenehas been one of the Joys of the CastloSquare ergagement.

I On Monday, Wednesday anil Friday even-ings, aini at the Saturday matinee. "Car-men" will be sung. Bizet's picturesquemasterpiece will enlist the Fervices of the

: following ca-t- : Carmen, Josephine Lud-- jwig; Miehaela. Gertrude Rennyson; Fras-qult.-- i.

Maude Ramey: Mercedes. Marionlvi-ll- ; i:. A. Clark; Don Jose,Miro DeUmotta; Zunlga, Francis J. Boyle;Dancalro, J. P. Coombs, Remandado,Frank Ranney, and Moreales, Francis Car-rier.

great part?. She confined her remarks tothe central portion on tl'e north bank ofthe Thames, known as "The City," and to"the East End. where, amoug docks, ware-houses and seamen's homes, Dickens locat-ed some of his most Interesting characters.Slio called St. Paul's Cathedral the hub ofthe "City." round which this great em-porium of commerce had revolved for cen-turies. She closed with a description of oldLondon Bridge, its quaint shops and houses,where Holbein and Hogarth had studios,and Thomas a" Bccket a shrine. "West-minster. Church of the Abbey." Is the sub-ject for next Wednesday morning at HotelBetrs.

The Ten O'Clock Musical met last weeknt the home of Mrs. Grace Titcomb Dobyne,No. 5u0C Cabanne avenue. Tho programmeconsisted of Liszt music, as follows:Vocal Duet Selected

Mines. Krohman and Dobyne.Tiano Solo !.!beiranm No. ; IJSZI

Mrs. Lola McCreery BalJwln.Vocal Polo-Ki- ng cf Thule usit.

Mrs. BIttman.Tlano Solo Eening Star ,"V agner-Us-

MI"K Mabel Dvgge. .

Vocal Solos-(- a) Da litst Wle Eln Blue(b) O Lleb ""Miss Hla Scheftler.

AIolln Solo nomanre. op. 9 W lsnlawsktMlis busia U. CudJy.

Vocal Solo Know-a-t Ttou the Lind? UsztMrs. Grace Titcomb Dobyne.

Tlano Solo Llebestrauni No. 3 uszuMiss Mary H. 1)111

Vocal Sol5-Con-ven Partlr (The DauKh- -ter of the Jledment) ixmizem

Mrs. Harklns.Trio The Water Lily.. Franz AUt

limes.- - Frohman. Bernard anl Dobyne.

The Alumnae of the High School Girls'Literary Society will hold next meeting atHigh School building, Monday, March 3. at4 o'clock, room 217. Last month's meeting-wa-

a delightful one. "Success was chosenfor a subject. Following was the order orprogramme: Leader, Miss A. Lorle Flint."Great Men and Women." Miss Anna. Huj-doc- k:

"Inventions nnd Great Undertak-ings. Miss Mamie Cerf: "Great ReformsMiss Ellen M. Duffy: "Governments, MissMaud Miller. The chairman. Miss LauraBurt made a pleasing address.


Calling Cards Mermod & Jaccard's.

"Mrs. nenry Wand. No. SOB Kossuth ave-nue, departed Friday evening to spend afow days with her sister in Paris, 111.

Mr Paul Moore of London. England, pon

of Doctor W. T. Moore ia visiting his uncle,W. T. Bishop, No. 4510 Cook avenue

Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Incalls are in Havana.Cuba, to remain until the middle of March.

St. Louis to Cincinnati take one of thethree Big Four dally trains.

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hassett of West-minster place, havo returned from a tripto Cuba and Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bishop. Jr.. of LosAngeles. Cal.. after a pleasant visit withMr. and Mrs. W. T. Bishop. No. 45W Cookavenue, have returned home via Mexico.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hedges returned Iatweek from their Eastern honeymoon andare temporarily established nt the Huse res-idence. No. 9 Westmoreland place. Mrs.Huse will remain in the East for anothermonth, visiting relatives. She has spent themajor portion of the winter with Mr. and

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MISS LUCILLE OVERSTOLZ..Who has Just returned from a-- long Eastern visit. This picture of the young lady In

Alsatian costume ia here reproduced Xor the first time.

vr-- i 4iki REGINA BoxJm-rZ-S" '




fevmi Music




On Wednesday night the title role willbe sung by Miss Adelaide Norwood, whohas never be"n heard as Carmen in St.Louts. Of course local interest centers inthe debut of Miss Ludwig, who was bornand educated in this city. Miss Ludwighas made the succs of htr career in therole of Carmen. Two St. Louis favorites,Messrs. Delamotta and Clark, are cast forthe parts of Don Joe and Escamlllo, whileMessrs. Ramey and Coombs, as the pic-turesque pair of smugglers, and MissesIvell and Ramey. as the hand-om- e gypsygirls, are a quartet of comely merry-maker- s.

Both "II Trovatore" and "Carmen"afford scop for much plciuresqueness Inscenery and costumes.

Mrs. William Loomls. who reside In the Na-rar- io

ApartR.ent, overlooking CentralPark. It was there that Mr. and Mrs.Hedges were married early in February, asMr. Loomls was for many years a businessassociate nrd partner of tho late William L.Huse and a very intimate friend of the fam-ily. The wedding was in all respects an ex-tremely quiet one. owing to Mr. Huse's re-cent death. The Reverend Doctor Mlnot J.Savage read the service, with only membersof the Immediate family present.

Attend Rosenheim's millinery Monday.

Mrs. E. A. Mackay and son of St. Joseph.Mo., aro lsitlng her sister, Mrs. J. II.Gallagher, No. 1UG& Monroe street.

Miss Annie Laurie of Nicholson place isentertaining guests from Kansas City.

Mrs. S. M. TenBroek of Buffalo. N. Y..has been spending the past week a" theguest of Miss Gtorgina Ruby.

Correct forms of wedding invitations areassured when ordered at Mermod .t Jac-card's. Society Stationers. Broadway andLocust: lft) finest engraved calling cardsand plate, JI.M; ICO cards from your plate,J1.00.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. North are now locatedat No. 5j77 Cabanne avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fillingham. the ladyformerly Miss Emma Trapp, are at hometo their friends at No. 43CS Labadie avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Longaker of Russellavenue are making a short visit in Indian-apolis, Ind., before going South.

Mr. Max Weiss will depart Wednesdayfor an extended trip abroad via the Kron-prln- z

Wllhelm. He will be accompanied byMrs. Weiss and their little son. their si3ter.Miss Josio Lcewensteln, and Mrs. HenryGrunhut.

Rosenheim's millinery opening Monday.

Mrs. Andrew Helsler is In New Yorkstudying dramatic art, with a view to goingupon the stage.

An appropriate birthday gift is a solidgold birth month ring. For March theBloodstone, signifying "courage." We havethem from J2.W to $15. Mermod & Jac-enrd- 's.

Broadway and Locust.

Miss Sarah E. McAdam. a former St.Louis musician, has been pushing to thefront In the ranks of Chicaco nlanlsts. and

5 has been lauded both in professional circlesunu uy auuiences ui mo uiiri euciai ciuii-acte- r.

On last Wednesday night he was oneof the nrtlsts who were heard at a mu-sical In the home of Mrs. Fanny BloumfleldZeisler. The following afternoon she playedseveral numbers ut a large musical givenby Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, On March 13a reception will bo given to Miss MacAdamIn the assembly-roo- m of the Fine Artshulldtng. Chicago, when she will furnishthe programme.

Miss Stella Culver of No. SS13 Maple ave-nue departed this week for an extendedvisit with her cousin, Mrs. George ProctorWlnternute, in San Francisco, CaL Mra.Wlnternute was formerly Mils Ida Culveror St. Loni- - Miss Culver was accompaniedby her brother. Wallace Clarence Culver,as far as Las Vegas. N. M., where he willremain for some months on a ranch, laterjoining his rlster-an- d brother, Luclan Cul-ver, who has been In California for somemonths.

Mr. George Wiley of Albany. N. T.. afterseveral weeks' visit with his daughter. MraNicholas C. Nolan of Delmar boulevard, re-turned yesterday well Impressed with theWorld's Fair city.


Mr. Frederick L. Stoddard of the St. LouisSchool of Fine Arts gave an illustrated lec-ture on "Municipal Art" to tho MondayClb In their clubrooms Monday afternoon.It was giten in the unconventional, crf--

style with which Mr. Stoddard alwayshis audiences. After throwing on

the screen various examples of municipalart in Paris and Versailles and giving sev-eral views of portions of our CongressionalLibrary at Washington, explaining thefeatures which made them of highest ar-tistic merit, he spoke of the danger inAmerica, arising from the Juxtaposition oftho artistic structure and the giganticmoney-makin-g establishment, the latterswallowing up and spoiling the former.Instances of these are the' United StatesMint at Philadelphia, surrounded by sky-scrapers, and Old Trinity Church in NewTork. The particularly Interesting part ofthe lecture was its application to Webster,whose pictures of various familiar spoUwere shown, their pointed out andhints given as to how they might be devel-oped into artistic features of the growingcity. Mr. Stoddard announced that, aftertraveled over a great deal of the world, hehad concluded that Webster had more natu-ral beauty than any suburb west of the

Mrs. Weldcmtcr of Kansas City Is visit-ing Miss Harriet Deane.

The Reverend G. W. Chalfant of St. Loutswill give an 'address on China, and Jap-i-In the Presbyterian Church, Wednesdaynight, at the conclusion of which there willbe a Japanese tea In the lecture-roo- Thomaids will b: fti Japanese costume, andJapanese ware will be used,

Mr. E. S. Hart and Mr. W. C. Jager arcputting up new houses on Maple avenue.

Several cablegrams havo been receivedfrom Mr. M. W. Warren, who sailed recent-ly on the Celtic of the Whito Star, boundfor Palestine. The last was from Gibraltar.Mr. Warren expects to be away for threomonths. Mrs. Warren will meet him atNew Tork on his return.

Clarence Crosby of St. Louis, the boysoprano of Grace Church. Klrkwood, was

--visiting Sirs. Carvel on Friday, nnd sangfor the Congregational ladies, at their mis-sionary meeting. He, with an older broth-er, has put his musical training' under thelrectlon of Mrs. Jas. L. Blair.

The Reverend C. L. Kloss's Browningreadings very Friday are drawing goodaudiences. A fine discussion follows thereading, each time. "Johannes Agricolain Meditation" was the subject for this

Miss Gertrude Dunning of St. Louis isspending two weeks with the family of Doc-tor R. A. Quaries.

Mn. A. S. Kendrlck. formerly of thisplace, is settled on the tract of land drawn






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Need our Opera Glasses or Field Glasses and to obtain his plioto onrKodak's are A big lot of fresh just arrived.

Remember we can do and printing better than any one else.

by her husband In the recent land lottery.Jlr. J. H. Trembly has postponed his

contemplated trip to California on accountof the severe illness of his wife.

Mr. Malcolm Magehan has taken a flaton Bell aenue. where with an assistant hedevotes himself to teaching a class of ath- -

Jltes Tlchenor has been spending severaldays in Chicago.

A birthday dinner was given to 3Irs.Henry 1. Wilson Friday, in the lecture-roo- m

of the Presbyterian Church, by thoLadies' Aid Society.

Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Martin departed Mon-

day to spend ten days with Mr. Martinsbrother In Washington, p. C.

Mr. W. a Itumsey will break ground forhis new- - home in Webster Park within thenext month.

The parlor entertainment at Mr. l .11.

Skinner's. Thursday night, drew a large au-

dience in spito of the very disagreeablenight. "The feature of the evening was thepresentation of George Ellots "SpanishGypsy." by Mrs. Henry Jacobson of St.Louis. The work, as given, was her ownarrangement, and the threads of the storywere admirably caught together. The uni-

versal selections, interspersed, were all onSpanish subjects, and were as follows:Piano duet. Spanish dances, Moskowski;Misses Sklnr.er and Quaries. Alto solo."Habanero" from "Carmen," Bizet: MissGertrude Dunning. Violin solo, (a) seren-ade, Pierne: (b) romance: Svendsen: Misslinen 15. jonnson. isass sum. ime swin-ish Sweetheart;" Mr. Hurt McKInnle.Piano solo. "La Morlna." Chamlnade: Mr.James T. Quaries.

Miss Bertha Simmons entertained forMrs. George D. Barron of llexlco. Thurs-day afternoon. Among the amusements ofthe afternoon were the observation testnnd tho drawing of animals to be named bythe gutsts. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. J.A. McCarthv. Mrs. Barron and Mrs. F. S.Plant. The table woo daintily set In Ted andwhite, with ropes of smllax reaching to thjchandelier, and the refreshments were es-

pecially dainty. Besides those mentioned.tnere were present; --Mmes. uonaiusun,Charles Knlglit. F. II. Knight. C. R. Siddy.Hermann Bollmann of Glendale, Fr"d Gore,Charlea Dyer. Misses Emily Simmons.Fannie Goodwin. Hattie. Gertrude. Blancheand Eugenie I!rook.

Mrs. J. F. Allen gave a. Christening partyTuesday evening for her little granddaugh-ter. Louise Walbrldge Harper. Those pres-ent were: Messrs. and limes. C. L.K10S3. J. D. Hlpler. C. L. Martin of Web-ster, and Reverend and Mrs. Reeve. Mr.and Mrs. Leslie Allen and family of BastSt. Louis.

The Tuesday Evening Club 'will meetTuesday evening at the residence of Mr. X.D. Thompson. Mr. Walljr J. Blakely. pres-ident of the Audubon Society of Missouri,will be the speaker of .the evening. Mr.Otto Widmann. Mr. T. 'B. Boyd of Klrk-wood. and Judge Enos Clark of Klrkwoodhavo been asked to participate In the

Mr. JZ. Jt. Kivegln gave a lecture recitalto the members of the Morning ChorilClub ami their frierds. Friday morning Inthe recital hall of the Odeon.

KIHIvWOOD MTF.S.Mn. Sarah Delaplalne and her son. Mor-

ris, have moved to'St. Louis.Miss Carson Is vls'ting her cousin, Mis3

Sarah Abraham of East Main street.The Monday Evening Club meets Monday

night at the home of Judge and Mrs. Biggs.Professor Francis Cooke has the paper ofthe evening on "Our Two Mythical Jacksand Their Meaning."

Mrs. James L. Blair has gone to Omahato give a recital ror the benefit of the DayNursery. Mrs. Blair Is accompannled byMiss Scheetz. who always plays for her.They are both to be entertained by Mrs.Edward Cudahy while there.

Mrs. Berenice Crumb Myer played at theChurch of the Messiah Thur3day night. Itwas such an exceedingly bad night thatmany who would have attended were keptat home.

Mrs. William Albright got home Satur-day from .1 long visit to relatives in theEast.

Mls3 Rosa Harrison is going to Join heruncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrn. John Good,and go with them to Pass Christian. MissHarrison Is Just recocrins from a verysevere operation.

Miss Harriet Whyte has gone to Indian-apolis to visit her sister. Mrs. James Cop-pfng- er

Cotter. Miss Whyte will be cone tillafter Easter.The Piano Club will hold ono pf Its closedmeetings on Monday at 3 p. m.The work of altering the east ind of the

Episcopal Church has begun. The churchwill be greatly improved, and much neededroom added.

Mr. and Mri. Henry Hyatt. Mr. EdwardHyatt, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGearydined with Mrs. H. H. Hyatt Wednesdaynight. It was Mrs. H. H. Hyatt's birth-day.


Mrs. Ida Hoffman is visiting lira. CharlesCunningham.Mrs. Mamie L. Crabb Is vlsitlnjr Mr. andMrs-- J. D. Crabb of Lltchlleld. I1L Mrs.

Crabb went there to be present at the wedding

of Miss June S. Crabb. and will re-turn In about two weeks.

Miss Susie Worth is the guest of thMisses Watson.Miss Derinda Staley was obliged to re-

turn to the home of her parents. Mr. andMrs. Robert Staley. She was taken III atthe Notre Dame Academy, and exoects toreturn as jon as her health permits.

Mrs. W. L Currle- - will leave with her twochildren to visit relatives in Acadia. Mo.

Miss Belle Garth of Cabanne Is theof her grandmother. Mrs. 8. R. Layton.

Miss Bessie Payne is spending the weekwith her pister. Mrs. Frank Tiffin.

Miss Helen Barret has returned from avisit to her aunt, Mrs. Fred Zeiblg, ofWashington boulevard.

Miss Mabel Stone, "daughter of ex-Go-

The perfection ofself-pla.yi- ng musicthe most tuneful ofall music boxes.Cha.ngea.ble tunedisks costing thesame as sheet musicthousands of tunes toselect from. Fullyguaranteed and soldon easy payments.




indispensable. films haveyour developing


By theOptical Authorities

of America.

the services of an oculist are necessarywe tell yoa 50.

608 OLIVE ST.,Opposite Bart's,'

ernor Stone, has returned from a prolongedvisit to friends in Cuba.

A home missionary meeting was heldAVtdnesday afternoon at the MethodistChurch.

The llrst meeting of th Musical Cmswas held at the home of Mrs. Christen.The "Rosary." from Nevin. was sune byMiss Julia Dalton. Mrs. Arthur HarrisonKing one of Mendelssohn's songs withoutwords. "Midsummer Night's Dream wasplayed bv Mrs. Christen, and a selectionfrom Mendelssohn by Miss Margaret .Pat-rick.

A. supper was given on Saturday eveninsby Mrs. Oscar Rend. Jr. Among the sestswere Misses Lillian Reld and Helen "Bar-ret. Messrs George Belfry ar.d D. W.Currle.


MUs Clementina Eenk of Ballwin has beenvisiting relatives in St-- Louis the last

Mtes Bertha Hollocher of Cadetwon the first prize at a progressive euchraparty given last Tuesday evening at tha

Arthur Marqult in Merameo

HMto E?ia NorrlsC who has been vlsiUnf-he-r

sister?, Mrs. J. W. McElbinneyMrs R. H. Stevens. In Clayton, for nearlytwo months, returned last Wednesday toher.. home in Palmyra. Mo.

..1,-- - - .i. nn.knmMa Trnvteri&nChurch gave an oyster supper Frida nlgmsat the home of Mrs. Jchn Muchlman.

Miss Alma Meyer, daughter of & B.Meyer, of Clayton, entertained a numDeroEfriends at her home last Wednesday after--DMlss Madle Hom ot Eureka Is vialUnfriends In St. Louis.

Miss Annie Bock of Barrett s Station iavisiting her sister, Mrs. Katie Hornbeck, InSt. Louis.


"Love's Mastery" Will Be Presented at Fourteenth Street Theater.The Players' Club will produce at tha

Fourteenth Street Theater Friday evening.April 4. under the direction of Harry M.Hon the five-a- ct comedy entitled "Love'sMastery." preceded by the one-a- ct farco"A Quiet Family." with the followingcast:Messieurs

J. M. Chouauette. E. H. Miller.King Baggot. Edward Doody,Henry Otto, Charles H. Alley.Harry Scott. C. L. Wllburn.Warren Raub, Rabb Raffayohv .

Amy Lang. Salon? NIcse.Martha Miller. May Stelleon.Laura. Torbush, Corlnne Horn.Beatrice Brlnkmeyet Gertrude Seibert,Mamie Dickmann. Maude Allen.


Illinois Captured Four at the PansAmerican Exhibit.

RKPUBLJC SPECIAL.Nashville. III.. March 1. The Illinois Com-missi- on

to the Exposition atBuffalo. N. Y.. has made public the namesof the illinolsans who secured. prizes at thfair, and among them are four of Washing-ton County's foremost fruit growers. ,JVV. Stanton of RIchvIew was awarded .

gold medal for a continuous exhibit, of ap-ples. "W. W. Shanks of Rlchview wasawarded a bronze medal for his exhibit ofjellow transparent apples. A. A. Hlnckeyof Dubois was awarded a bronze medal forsa general display of apples. C. Young ofRlchview was awarded a bronze medal forhis exhibit or Jonathan apples.

J. W. Stanton, who secured theK0l4-medal- ,

is president of the Illinois Horti-cultural Society, and had charge of thsIllinois horticultural exhibit at the Pan sAmerican exhibition.













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