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1 'I A r 4 b i q .1 I i n ' IS : 8 i -- a r 4 1 2 8 M I?. Ir "'' 'I - A I i -- i1 .1 -- if i& ill b-- j i! ?fisl HELP WANTED MALE. Mlacellnnrona. WANTED-Report- ers everywhere! What I mean by rewrten- - are people who will snd me nc a ueek a letter telling of the prospective uarpenlngs of their neighborhood. such an en- gagements, weddings, receptions, l.trthday parties, club meets, organisations, fur- nishing", etc. etc . alio death", births, etc.. etc For such Information will pay Illra!l rlt- - for further particular. IR. II ). Bureau or in- - 'ormatlon. Ell Chemical building, M. Louis, Mo. WANTED-Tv-io grocery clerks. JU week 'oloted butler, prnate place. 333. references. Hotel potwasher, $3); shinglers. S3 da. laundry drivers. r week, steady work urocery iJe.K. 325. room and boar. To desk cl-r- 343 to start, collector Traveling grocery salesman, $65. IL R. news agent, through Wcttn on bagballlng machine; 32 day. Hall roper that can tie the diamond bl'e.i Porter for wholesale bitters company. W week. Neat store porter. J 10 week, stock man Two young rnen learn grocery busings. .. Hoy to learn bakery trad. IC week rtcady. Delivery iagcn driver S12 week; steav Hotel houseman. 323, room, board; teadr. Window ash--- leigo office building. -. Ulacksmltrj and horseshoer. country op Baker. JS week, country board fre pm- - Ffirm hand". mllefis and gardeners. Hollers, stock feeders, Siuth A fries pas. I'M laborers, teamsters, W Mo free pan We ship to-l- Oklahoma, Indian Territory. 2 handy factory laborers, city work ;) teamsters, near city. 125. room, board. S steel bridge R. R men. Jl.,3. J2. National Emplojtnent Co.. 115 N Sixth St. Gold Platimum Anil sllr bousht and fold lous ir.rialr Itonn'p. 2 Lo'Jl?. Mo. X ?r . Pt HAYWARD'S. and thcrlhand College. Hi. ). SI and a Odi Fellow i pulldlrc. Individual Instruction i thor'hand Tvrwritme Arith-- - 'if mrt Phon. 7S Dt and Mercantile Coll-:- e. Ltticoln Trust bulldlrg. See- - nm and Chs'nul sta. Individual insttiCtlan I Urn In Bookketp ng. renmantitn nhortland. ijiewrlilnr., Oraiiraar etc. Ten. i.eil Main I0. Kin. A 10 Open dar and night. AGENTS AXV SALKSMEN. lrVSlrV--V-l Aucnli. nlabu AGENT? Write for particular: over 200 artl-- !. cood Feller. Anderson Companj'. Ui D'ck- - i ron &:., rhlladclohla. I'a. Th.INTS iZt every month rellne r tatentcd rarxr shaving oap; famples tree. Aii llic Co.. 48. Cincinnati, O. V.ENTS WANTEI Good live every ttnn, capable jf earnlnc pood valarj' Addret v E. I.. 4214 Eauton ave., St Loul. Mo AGENTS T5 monthly, one person each neish-hrhoo- work hard, but C75 Is ?ure; jodfa work I'ornhee Mfg Co.. 51. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS WANTED Six pood agent to reliable rtudlo in city handUrr no to coupon good pa. Muilllo Studio. 1314 Oilvc. AitlSVty 11? utliy made by wesu e:iir.rt ur al"n file; uyed by every merchant ard pav-et- 2ar. U Co.. 1)2. 40H Ollv. St. IuU. Ma AGENTS. Streetmn. Fakers We have aome-thln- ff new -- Pick Me Out" 10- - puzzle; preat II r; nd 10c for iample. Handy Novelty hiy Fulton t.. New York. AGENTS WANTED Hlz money ,iKent -- illnjr our contractu, territory anjwl.ere In the I'nlted States, ee tiur plan. Ozark Horn? Co., - u Ozark bulldlnp, St, Iulb, Mo. AGENTS HI?, fjulck money; $3 day ar; "Jioomer for a!oen clear store, etc.; rampl II. law-ru- froe like wild'lre. Marahneld Noveuy o. 6s; Van Hnren t.. Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTm-- To tell new booklet, "Why God Do Not Kill the Devil." It routs the irildel. Price. postpsJd. 10c Mall urder Supplj Company. Montlda. Kas AGENTS WANTED-Elth- er ex, fr reaiy reller at good profit In every cfnoe nnd liome. veibody tujs: send 10 cents for Jull-slz- e mm-i- prepaid. Ed Madlgan. Clarksville. la. AGENTS wanted cmtslde St. Louis; V) per cent rmflt, rell at sight; don't accer-- t an agency 'intU jou ct my fre sample anj liberal offer, "syinnn. ZUZ Franklin ave.. St. 13U. Mo. AGENTS We pay 30 weekly ftralght fa ary and exptns-- s to men with rig to irlvertlse and .ntroduce poultry ccrrpcund; send otamp Riyil Mfg. Co., Dept. ",, i Ind AGENTS WANTED With horse and wagon to I rrnke $35 weekly aelllna; to farmers a hsusfehold n cecity that they are Klad to buj. Cl'ar, pleas. . nt, profitable employment. I'artlculrs free. ' Add. Mercantile Syndicate. Dept. O, Kanaaa City. ,' Mo AGENTS WANTED Bright, energetic men and M&men to represent our business in ther lccalPy; Kitsintcit h'eh crade and tjroQMble: no cash re ujlred; write at on tot proposition. TfceSp:agu lub'.Uhlng Co., 7K Majettlc bulldlnK. Detroit, Xich. AGENTS WANTED -- For Brohar.2 sash lock and Brohard door holdr. workers averywher ran earn big ynonty; a ateady demand for theso goods; sample sasi lock free for re stamp to tay posuge. Tlw Brohani Co., Dept. II, Phila- - Jeipnia. ra. AGENTS American Leather Suspender sell themselves; I2S to $30 weekly easy; exclusive ter- ritory to hustlers; introduced by agent only; samples furnished. Brry Mfg. Co., B 103, Ohio. AGENT WANTED An experienced agent on ralary or commission, or both; financial business; all expanses paid; address, stating experience, live reference, place of longest and present e. M S. Republic. AGENTS wanted.male fr female; no outht capital or experience needed; you can devote nil nr any jiari 01 your iime tn 11 you man; winn- ers earn Jift per montb. AdJret O. V. Adams, I i07 Whtta Block. Ccldwater, Mich. . AGENTS WANTED Agents on salary and oir.mis!on tn represent us in arlom pirt of lbs- United States. If you are a good rd want a good situation, write ui or call rn ',v fiterprise Home Invest.ncnt Company. 511 N. Garrison ac. St. LotiK Mo. AGENTS WANTED We want Intellisnt wide-- I wake agents in ecry town and State to har.ll ur Electro-Me- d teal rpcel allies; cures all Kind of nilmcnte and sells rapldlv; no rapiul but brains nJ energy required. For full particular Hayes Electrv-Medlc- Association. 46J1 Washington bonier ard. St. Lcuis. Jlo. AGENTS WANTED- -I am trying to convince xou. that I have a plan which will enable v:u :oom a hundred doljars a month, or more; bit I hae" no mears of knowing who jou are unless tu firrt send me vnur name and addres. I would gladly explain this new plan to ou. a It s one which requires no capital, outfit, or former experience; 3 suitable to e lther sex. ard ho rne knows you are my agent. Ninety-nin- e pr t cent of the population are your possible custom ers; occupies all or part of our Ume. as ou wish. W. HI, Qriffin. Key 131 Fort Wayne. In J.. I Is.the add reus tou ehould wilte to for free nir- - . tlculars-- . The work Is permanent and the profits accumulate c. BIG money made In tni!l-od- T boMrieyr. by any ce, anvwhete: parlrul'ra for ttsmp. Central Supply Co.. Kansas City. Mo. CASH paid tcr ditrlbutlns- circulars; send stamp. American Distributer. Kansaa City. Mo. COMBINATION dinner mean a dozen articles In one llpper. strainer, funnel, measure, etc.; greatest combination eer interned; eery house- keeper buvs one; agents wantM; sample by mall fiV; cur catalogue of agents .specialties for Mnirr. World Supply Co., Dept. C, Arkansas nty. Kas. EXTENSES guarantee! en commission ton-tir- t; salary If nrefenvd- - sell to merchants gen- erally; make ?3CO) to JS.0); good territory. ts Box 706 Cedar Rapids. la. IIME. TALEn agenta ai-- rowln ilch. Ladle, write for terms and panlculara. Jim. Taia will pppij rou her tluable books on Health. Graca nd Beautv: also a baullful panel picture of 'terse.f tn life cole true to nature. Mm. Ta-- s called the most beautiful woman in tna world. This picture Ie almcst true to life fell rgth stvle. a incnes itng a nerf-- ct beauty, ".Vri'e Addre-- 3 Mme. M. Yale, W Mich!-n- ti rwwlevard. fblcro. WANTFD Aeents. men and women; perma- nent employment: gecd salary: vour own terrl-cr- Great Western Mfr. Co.. Tarsons, Kas. In Arkansas: "ls ard Mlrsourl: easy work: liberal contract Wr mone. Address C-- E. Ryman. Effingham, WAXTFD nider aaents to ride and exhlb"t ftmnie UC" model blr-ci- e and distribute n tfaloere. in nayment foe It; write for catalogue -- nd particulars T. W. Mead Cvcle Co ChicagnL WANTED Apents. male and female, for novlties: good wages assured workers: rent full Address Room 1CS Ar- cade. Cleveland. O. Monroe Co. WANTED rirst-cla-- s Intelligent repr"ema- - ve-- i frouchout the fnltc-- 1 States to -- ell coi-r?c- ts for a conservative hom" rora. -- Ty. having six times tlte maturity no a it of t) coratMnv en the globe; nl0,t nvrsl InJucr-7rt- -' olTered men of ability. Add- - at once "e Mrt'ial I'o-n- e Company. CSe.n- - al building. St. Iyiuls. WANTED Reporters evfrywhfre! hat I -- ran by reporei-- s are people who will sid me " v .re. a iener letting or me prop.ctlve pp'nlnn of their neighborhood. su.h as tg"pcnts. weddlrgs, receptions, arnlversar'e.. bav parties, club meets onranl-:stto- n f'ir 'hlntrr. etc. etc: also deaths. etc.. et c sjch Infon-'stio- n will jr-- - l.beniiy. Writ- - ''" further particulars. R. R.. Bureau ef In- - tli Chemical building. S. Louis. Mo. WE par S22 a week and expenses to men with n to Introduce compound. Interna- - t cnal Mfc. Co rarsons. Kas. ! !.0M per jesr positively made at borne or trav- - ' lntroduc're: our Jult pitented (Ire ulshers marvrlous Intention; big mo (at seller- - enormous demanl: ever ?S.foJ alteadv 1 1 d; everybody buvs. Tey save Insurance, pre-e- blc fires and prrt-T- t lives. We give agents '.;?!l",' tcrriton and heln tiem 'n n-rr- rite for rata'ogpe and te'tlmonia's from lsr-- ToTr-Dancrnna'o- "' "" , r, .. .. I UU TUU WANr rtKMAHEHT EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD PAY! WAXTtD-Rella- ble men or women to sell our fS?. AS' r In communities from t.OOO lo. lm pomilaUon: permanent employment St, Louis, X B Mo. SZj-tj- . --, .rtr ' yvunwji'V?"'??'' AGEVTS AXD SALESMEN. rAAMArVtjiVMV '"i'iriH-iria- Solicitors. V. COLLECTORS iVn BnT.TrrrnDo wi-rp- ti at T,?- - w!7nS5e?t.5.ood'I15lnK Positions. CaU hut hustler, need arpl. 2731 Franklin ate. MEN WANTED Reliable men of good appear- - C".,)''twn 4 and 5 p. m.. room 260 Arcade buHding.Cat St. Louis, IIL ii ?OI-'T- WANTCD-Flrst-c- ilss printing '" r'oure' Address A. McLean, . PHCTOnS WANTED-Pollclt- on. to sell oil tnlnlnc stocks. Apply 31S Lincoln Trust bldg. SOLICITORS WANTriD On salary or cominis-Ion- . for city and country, to call on business andprofesjlonal men. tt I.iclede bull.'.lnjr. SOLICITORS WANTED-M- en or women, nhu are capable cf earning JS) a week, position nt AdJret IIP Holland building. St. Louis. SaIsraeD A LI1IITKIJ nutTih-- r nf tratt--l nir cuttamen 1.i inabllohnl. wtll-rate- il Iiouff, ailractti?, falablc SALESMAN WAXTri-VeII-!re- ed. spil-;r.ctM rran. J20 weekly; afttr 5 May 11. r3? Market nt. HALKSMEN- - W.XTEf-Tv- io --- . men to H ' s ana rvizetr to private famlKr. 17 Ttilr-trsnt- t. SAIESMIC WAXTKD A few II ntn to -ll r liieliprt raj in the countrj; MonJay cnl. -- S Century bldjt MM.3JIAN WANTED Touns man to ell to the RTocerv and aln trade, state present Z ;s. Republic SA LkSUAN WANTKD-Plrst-C- la". eipeil-ence- d salesman for merchant tailoring. Tailcrirg Co.. 512 I'lne st. PAI.ESMKN- - WANTED Salesmen to handle Iln. of .klrts: state former exoerience and ter- - hd coporatlon: tj.'i confidential r 94 Republic. i "! ' "I. with coed salaried pol- - SALESMAN WANTED Enertretlr salesman: "hooI suppll"; countrj' work; Jlo a'.Iarj" and ccmmIion. It O. Evens & Co.. Chl.aso, III. .SALESMEN --To fell staple line direct frem factory to retail trade; expenses and comm!Irn to right men; none but the ben need applj. M K Kepublle. SALESMEN to e!l flrat-cl- nuitrr atock: all gooda guaranteed true to name; jreed jalarlea Laid: ivrie for terrca to Mount Hope Nui aeries. SALESMEN WANTED-- On haklne rwwder: 575 ir month and traveling expense; Induce- ment to dealer, experience unnecessary. .Puri- ty Companj-- , Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED Experienced pecta.ty ale?men for retail grocery trade, city and coun-t- rj Waltcn MIg. Co , 31R N. Second st. SALESMAN WAtrFKD HustllngTaiesman fur MlsMjuri bv wholesale harre; high commlIon contract, with $2.1 weekl while traveling. Jes II. smith Co. Mich. SALESMAN WANTED-Experien- ced a!rman. on ccmmlwlon nnlj-- . Applv. with St. LojI reference. Empire Sujender Manufactur- ing Company. SALESMEN WANTED To sell our srocd to general stores, clothier, dniggtns and grocers; flne side lines, big profits: liberal terms. Model Mfg Co., D-- pt 32. South Bend, Ind. SALESMEN WANTED active, to sell the Twentieth Century Encjlopedla on a t ew plan a monev getter for good I. F. Smith Puh. Co.. 210 Laclede building. SALESMAN WANTED-ExTrIen- ced man es salesman in stationery store: tatt pcrlence. reference and salary exjected; work to right party. 11 95. Republic SALESMEN WANTED Either sex. In every town and city to take crders for our high art f'hlrtwam Goods (exclusive ). also attractive lines cf cheap, melium and high giade dress goods: big- pay to right party. Ad- dress Buckley Custom Shirt Mfg. Co.. St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED An old. established company wants two men for the city and twi to travel in Mlsrourl. wltn large acquaintance, who hav had stccesful experience; l uay to men v ho have confidence In themseK es and neigy; a good business nropositlcn. Don't an- swer unlesn jou have snap. S 100, Republic SHOE SALESMAN WANTED-Exp- erl ned traveling shoe salesman; name territory and firm vou last traveled for full references and inferma-tk- n mut nrcompany application or no attention ram; .arce ana rename manufacturers. Ad- dress Y tfi. Care Lord & Thomas. Chicago. SOLICITORS or agents who desire to increase thIr salaries, call at room 203 Burlington bllg. STARK NURSERY pays cash weeklv If yna sell Stark trees. Louisiana. Mo.: Dansvllle, N. Y. WANTED Salesmen, local or traveling: wlary nr rommisslon. Perrj- - Nursery Co.. Rochester. WANTED A shrewd. experienced traveling ?iimnn to nil vacancv; general mercantile trade. Applv at once. H. F. Blxler & Co., Ltd., Cleveland. O. Canrnnem. TANVASSEnS WANTED Ex prrlenrvd houac-to-ho- canrafer for aTocery specialty. 'Wal- - ton airg. co.. sis '. socona t. , CANVASSERS TVANTED-- W I ener-- 1 rc men to can vacs the city; sell the bwt artl- - cl rf its kind on the market; ffood hustlers ir.HKe dik money; now is tne lime. Apply 1805 Washington a. Laily Afsenta and Soltcltorit. tx x?ttjtt -- tlcl used by all ladies: applr 2 to 4. 9M . exas- - N. Garrison ave. "CANVASSERS WANTED Lady or gentlemen I cantarrers; salary .11 per week; chance to make ' cons'derable extra: work easy and plearant: petition to good party. B ?. J tepublic. LADT agents wanted e.ery where to sell the Vlctcrla protector: J5 to J10 per week easily made; sells to ladles on sight; circulars and terms sent free. Dept. 22. Ava SreciaJty Cj.. Aa. III. SALESAV03IAN WANTED Experienced n that Is capable of earnlnc 520 a week; good worker; permanent position. Apply to room S41 Planters Hotel, after 2 p. m., Monday. Ulaetlneiia. CIVIL Service Goemment Positions D.S'3 made last year: probaWj- - 13.0CO this vear. Only common school education required for Catalogue cf Information free. Columbian Correspondence Ccllege, Washlnrtcn. D. C LA DIES Special home work ; Room OS. 8:i Cbestnut st. call at one. LADIES, copy letters- at home: $1 to ?& p- -r week; sent stamped envelope for application. Monarch Novelty Co.. Dept. 5. Chicago. MAN WANTED A man thorouihly familiar with babbiting bearings; psrmanent position to good man. A 90. Republic. MEN and women to do copying at home; $5 to $12 weekly wcrklnc evenings; no canvassing; in- close stamp. King Mfg. Co., 3 Warren ave., Chicago. WOMEN to do patchwork; Jl ner 100: C2n man j an nur; no sewinx maenme required Send eddreed renlv envelope for sample and full particulars. Hutton & Co., Dept. S. Phila- delphia. Pa. $1S weekly Introducing my beauty prepara- tions; same rate nart time. Mme. La Pierre, Dept. 430 W. Ohio. Chicago. $13 to $20 per week at home writing durine-spnr- hours: no canvassing or peddllrg: no outfit or goods required: either sex: send stamp. Ad- vance Adv. Agency. Cleveland. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Imi- - ALL those desiring help or soeklnr situations matr resrlster with the Free Emnlwment iiniti I of the Stite Labor Bureau of Statistics. 813H Chestnut ot.: situtl"n and help furnished free J of charge. Tel. Klnloch A SSI. ' CARPKNTERK WANTFD-Twent- y bridge for Tennessee; $3.5? day; free oass; apply quicic tvoemg s Agency, w; wamut st. FABM HAND. ETa. WANTED-Twenty-f- ive farm hands, rardenenr. milker, houseman, man for private place; all work guaranteed by Koe nig's Labor Agency. 612 Walnut st. LABORERS. ETC.. WANTED-Fi- ve bnndrd larVirrt f oml nvlrmcn nair . rood arect In ever,- - tqivn Illl- - I inwa. Illino'. jlifFOuri and free Wr(i- - Kcenlars Labor Agencv 612 Walnut st. STOXEM PON-- ! frr rallrosd cnl'erts in Illinois; e pass; ship jionaay. ivoenig-- s iaoor Agency. 613 vaJnut st. WE "tipply all Ial-- r free tn the emnloyer and want laborers of all dcrlntlons. International Emplpmcnt Ca. 10- X. Eighth st. MAIL. OnDERS. B17SINES-- ? little cap- ital: lsjorabIe enterprises uggested. taught, by our iKKtk: mailed Ji; circular free. Pleas- ants Co.. St. Ixnil. COMPOUXD that will keep eggs fresh and sweet for a vear: xl per package; agents wanted. Coggefhall Co.. Webster Groes. Mo. PATtTTfEnS VAXTED. ENGINEER WANTED-Ycu- ng mechanical en- gineer, wht- - wll Invert some money. M Si Re- public. GEXTLEMAX in every sense, good aidless, that ceslrts en interest In manufacturer's bruk-era- Imslmss. calling on tne tilde here, lines crtabllsced. can Interview me clo If party has rtme cash ant Is th'r! sa'lsfaitt.ry W E2. Republic. MAX with JIM ln established offlcs business big prcfits. R S7. Republic. I'ARTXER WANTED In established merchant tailoring business; good prodt; excellent oppor- tunity to right party: references exchansej. L 110. Republic PARTNER WANTED-Intelllge- nt. honest pusn-e- r. able to secure advertising contracts with banks. large concerns everybody; unusual oppor- - . tunlty. H to. Republic. PARTNER WAXTED With JiOOO to JS.W0 to take active part In large St. iiuts -- FniH-i. ' wire and liquor house: must be a bright and able business man. Address Geo and O G. Stark. Hermann. Mo. PARTNER with capital to buy half Interest ln State of Missouri, valuable Invention, ln an ex- tension chimney top and protector: Indestructible nd Indispensable: already Introduced; have ble demand: tnveatirate. F. II. Jacoby, 2103 Mis- souri ave.. East St. Loula. III. .FFEEPAVDATEa' T"-- i .YOUNG man with business quallticatK-n- s will CU . buv lntirft In aantahlinh nn.u-.ii.- . k..- -i "-. .... .,, . ja ULlf t" I nm: ojvoie nis time, d 107, Republic. THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. MAY 11, 1902. BUSINESS CHANCES. Wll llll, S.WI.W iw ADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED. Btoi.K Companies Organized. .Stocks and Uonda underwritten or Eolc nncer guarantee and en commlasloa. Chartera Secured la any State. Good Inventions Marketed. Can furnished for any good enterprise. DANIELS & COMPANY, BANKERS. I WALL ST.. NEW' TORK. Also LontfonPhlladelphla. Boston. San Francisco. CAPITAL placed with us earns from 3 to 7 per cent weekly; highest references lumtshed; eight years 01 unnroaen succc"S. no losses; uescnpn' pamphlet free on application; no wlldiat or oil tiCheme; established IS54. Drake. Allison Co., Hammond. Ind. "DOLLARS ANDHORSErsENSE": our new booklet; Interesting reading and aluable infor- mation showing- permanent weekly income from imestments of Jlo to JlS.nrtO; statement of rnflta actually raid to date; extensive reference llt rrom satlMIo! cutomers. W. W. O'Hara. union Trust tldg.. tanclnnatl. O FEW I'artfes to Invest from JIO to $1) aci In a company that will "tand thorouxh Investi- gation. Fafe and pro tl table Investment. II. AjECha.L Wbstrr Grove, ilo. GOOD opiortunltv for drujtK.Pt with stock of tfGoJ or capital J 93. Republic. 1 HAVE Feve-ra- concessions anil acencien. all Rood monejinakerji. for i eople who hav fnim Ji'O up Call and Investigate. M Louis Novelty AVorkt. 2S03 Iucag ave I CAN sell jour business or ai ertBt". na natttr vth- - it la, send tiwctlptlon and jxlc anrt learn how AV. M Ostrander, N A. bMje.. rhiladtlphla. Pa. I INVKSTORS-F- cr sale and prsfttable lnvest- - ment. which earns 4 to T per cent weekly, where l jour capital Is .af nd alwajs ubjeet to our ururr, nnir iur mil lamcuiars 01 uui inruii-- " i doin huine5s AH ddends pajable weekly. . Car tal Investment Co., Suite 32. i3 Dearlorn st.. tnleago. I WANT to retire from business m account of old ape i own interest In :fvl- - drew dnd-payln- rltory. all replies examination. WANTED-- A pass.' null ne. nun lltuuivi. avaav. . a. Box No. Ct, (Chicago LARGE monev made in stock. KTaln or cotton when handlfd bv our method no loe. afeand sotind Our pamphlet, -- The One Way." tells all about It. Snd for it. Am. Finance Co, Pruvdt building. Philadelphia. Pa. LARGE and steady rroflts paid semimonthly on moderate Investments, the most nccful, n and permanent inonej .earning medium on the market. Snd for free booklet. Davenport JL Co..rId building. New York. "contract- - n the Mutual Heme Company I 10. Rep-bli- c. MAGAZINE devoted to the poultry and pet atock interests; ha a large paid circulation; pav- ing handcmely now. reaon for ell ng. have e- - eral other publications that take my entire time. K 91, Republic. MAN with 5:W to superintend corporation office; good salary: position permanent, investment safe It ST. Republic. MEDICAL MAN WANTED Medical man to take charge of a specialist' office; one who ha' had practical experience in this Hn and is a good casC'ffetter; a grand opportunltj- - for t!t rlcht man. X l'7. Republic. OUR method cf turf sieculat!on net 1 p?r cent weeklj to Investors; J10 accepted for trial. Address SolUtt & Co., 125 Cedar st . New York. OlR new sjslem of turf speculation show profit of S5 per cent It 15 das at Aqueduct, ex- planation free. N. S. Hand. Expert Handicapper. &04 Iark Row building. New York. 1 'ARTIES Ieavlne city will sell, with Ieae. at a big sacrifice. roomlng-nou- eleven rooms, mce- - voung ly and newly furnished; bet location In city; al- - waja full. Income now jw) per month u 3, . PARTNERSHIP Party having J2 to Inv-- st In g business seek silent partnership; state full particulars; reference A92. Republic. "PARTNER WANTED To manage, at good pal-ar- j. manufacturing plant, emplovlng from 2T-- to 1 men; shipping facllltle gnol; term reason- able; references exchanged. If jou mean budine, answer T 99. Republic. SALOON and restaurant men. why don't vou go and ee the new e'ectrif toropnone 6'l Mar- - ket. Hi Olive and 3773 S. Ilroadivav. SALESMAN WANTED-O- H stock; hustllni. man to sell oil stock; splendid opportu nlty: enormous pronts. wilte immediately. In- closing reference. Z 8S. Reputllc STOP and think what It mean in double jour money in two mostli; ne never fillrd to rv ptofltp on time or to return principal m demand; this plan of owatlnc Hcettmjlte profits while it Incraw each day. Send for fre bookUt. Henshal!, Rror.ner t Co.. 1133 Drcaday. New York THR Crat fTnnnr Trust "A Rrlef nnd Tntrr- - estlcg IIltor' of the Great Cbpptr Tni't" and "Th Only Way to Rent It" la th till of a bookie? Just i?sued; thlrtv minutes of our ttm Trading thi will proe worth 5 ) a mlnut if jou act on th. BUSeiOior.F irlen; it contains the bt nauce of Uie day nr tn.estor: "nt rret?; limited; write to SHniritiea Co. Union Trust Bunding:. Cincinnati. O. THREE contracts with Mutuat Heme "o.. No. SW. 97 and &; price P. ttti Fark ave TWENTY pr cent per annum budncs offered for ale: a rafe Iniestment In an enprainp: and electrotjplng plant locatd In one of. the lartzRst cities en the irr?at lakes: cleared I oerJ7.0i3u last ear: ilinesp only reason Xorwll-In- g a rare opportunity for th rlcht man. Flaher. 638 Ellicott Square. Buffalo. N. Y. WIH. pell interest in company, incorporated, doing good business: unlimited excellent chance for right man. W lfl7. Kepubne. WOULD ycu visit th wonderful Texii o'l , fields if your expenses were paid? Oprortunlty juui D. vuuuitiuito mj;. . ue.ii, mum iibiii, YOU have tried lotteries and all sorts of money-makin- g schemes; why not put your monej-I- n a safe gold mining proposition? SI per month for ten months will pay for 1,000 shares ln an Arizona mine that will ray ditldends in months; this Investment may be worth will bear investigation : I deal in reliable Arizona and Cblorcdo mining stocks, an! the safest Texas oil stocks. Write F. R, Pugh. Monr-am- . Tex. JS09 invested will bring an Inccme of $7 per menth to a wide-awa- man and will not inter- fere with his regular work. ZJ2, Republic. 0 PER CENT average monthly profit under our new system of turf speculation; share $10 eacn; dividends paid r; send for circular. White gc Co.. Sc. Pulitzer bldg. New York. (Mention paper.) Wireless Telegraphy Taught bj- - mail, race (Including etudents" outfit) $2. Communication everywhere without wire, toon be unUersal. Ecrbody man learn. Start no-- Obtain first knowledge and earn Rteady Income teaching others. child can learn in thirty das. WIRELESS TEX.KGRArj INSTITUTE. 19 and 12 East Twenty-thir- d St.. ."ew York. LAPSED INSURANCE POLICIES. Holders of e company policies. laptel for nonpayment of Dremium. will to advantage 'by addressing B 95, ieam sonieaing Republic DIVIDENDS PAID To our clients last jear averaged $3 IS per week for each $10) invested with us. We are doing as well thl. year Come and examine the record! Wo have EIGHT YEARS EXPERIENCES with- out the loss of a dollar of an body's money In- vestments from $20 up to any sum. subject to withdrawal on your demand. Call or write. AI. Fetzer & Co.. 322 Emllie building. Ninth and Olive. St. Louis. CARPET CLEANING. ACME Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.: cleaning and laying; reduced prices. 40(r2 Easton. Kin. D 2032. W. C. McKowan. manager. AMERICAN (Verdler) Electric Carp- -t Beating and Renovating Company, Nineteenth and line-- All work guaranteed. Kin. D 0, Be, I Main 659. EMPIRE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. Carpets taken up. cleaned, mode oer and laid; best vork. iowt prices. 213 Lucas MLl 1131: C S5. ENTERPRISE Steam Carpet Cleaning attention to alterl.ig. sewing and relating Easton and Pendleton. Lm. 2T4M : Klnloch D a! LACE curtains renovated. 40c and 4i:. loch D 2163. 43S4 Easton ave. Kln- - SAMS jour carpets, tacks, nerves, time bv using Hercules Tack Puller: best made; mailed 2jc. Pleasants Co.. Box 731. St. Louis ST. LOUIS Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. beat, renoiate. alter, sew and lav carpets. 4J79 Eas-to- n ave.: phone Forest 268: Klnloch B 1634 CPHOLSTERING. caning: good work; 474') Easton ave. mattress making, chair send postal. II. Vallanse. LPHOLSTERIXO. mattrersmaklng and feath- er renovating, satisfaction guaranteed. Dinisan. 1512 and 4230 01le st. Main S7 M. SI I.M.N G ISTERESTS. Jtft tnousana ehares "erde Grand' wanted wrl'e how much ou have and lowest prli selllrr p S3. Republic FOR Seteral selected tracts Iron. leal and copper larjs in Southern Missouri. Owner. 40J. tia Pln L. St. Louis. Mo. TRESSED for cash: mast sll mr "Verde Grande' etock; make me jour beat offer: state how many shares. K M. Republic. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A MINING Stock en Its real merit Just crranlzedr All EU lends business men: well known: only thiity thousand more needed: for full this Inside price; real value; no stock to bj r.die:-tlse- d. W M. Republic. PKIflTlllb, .J'WJATS '? the business card, and noteheads. JLW; quick seriice: Stapleton & Co.. 40t X. Twelfth st. LOOO Mr. cards 20c. notehds.. blllhds.. evns Jl cut prices. Denton & Co.. Ult Pine st. BUSIXESS cards. 1; billheads, sutementi or P" u,ou5J---(-- - - p- - V1""ey. 108 N Tw Ifth CRESCENT Printing Company, 07 N. Fourth 1.000 blx carda. 3)c: notehds.. blllhds.. envs.. prices. Benton'A Co.. 131S fine. 1.0CO blx cards. 30c: notehds.'. blllhds., envs . 11 cut prices. Benton tv C- o- 111! Pine. 'iOfc.iS..' A MATTER of fact: Never too late to mend. Schnaus. shoemaker. 3009 OIlv e st. BOARDING or rooming house, state lowest price, fullest particulars; must be bargain; am a lone widow w 94. Republic DON'T forget to give ui a call; we make a specialty of gas and ga"ollne stove": bet Tel. D '9. sot N. fourteenth, rt. GET our a.he. and refuse hauled cheap: send postal Alex. T. Miay; 4438 Cottage ave. HAVE the West End Repairing Co. ngure on our Ebbing 4133 Easton ave. HCLLO. B 1(93 We bay rags. Iron, roprer, zlnr. lead, sheet iron and wire rope. 11. Nelort &. Sons. :S3 N. Nintli. I COME anJ paper our houe and ale fll'count, tell paper. 3"c and c en rapr Gu. Sheldon. fe7 Market ft. I CONTHOL ten of the best canva-.r- s Jn Pt Loulv am open for business handled through ayer.ts y u Marti n. W3.) Lav ton ave. J II. GRinwK & CO.. palmers and s. W2 Chestnut Tell . Bell :31A; Klnloch Ii 1410. Call for estlmates: LOCKSMITHIN"Gand electric bell put up and itpalred. lawn mowers repaired, and for sale b V Stein. 16C7 P JelTerHon ave MENri shoes Iialf soled an I heeled: work puaranteeil. iV a pair American Shoe lie pair Co.. ;. Mark, t MOL'NTAIN ff Co. clean r rf vallpapr. fre-o- woodwork, window?, ett 2a3 N Thlneith st. IOSTAGE Marcps taken In exchange for to- bacco, clear?, Ptationerj. etc. Bok Store, 701 Market t. SALOON and proce-- y, Ftand I) 'ji Republic mu5t be pood paying &AIjOON In central or northern part of the citj ; mut be tand C 94. Republic, SALOON and rctaurant mn. why don't jou go and c tfc new Electric Tcnophone, 01 Market. SC Olive. 37;; S Kndway" SEND postal to A. P Shnv. 4CS Cottage ave. .he and maiure hauled cheap. SHAVE and hlne. 10c; hair cut. 15c; hot and edd bath. 15c 706 Market st. TKK People Mutual Claim and Collection Co.. Incorporated; rlty collection a speclaltr. Rorm R10 Holland building Klnloch A 63; BeH Main C2U. WANTED To buy drug store. Miouri town. any part of State Address Druggist, i;il Mc-G- e st.. Kana Citj'. Mo RUBBER COLLARS, Cuffj. shirt fronts and neckties; corcp'ete Una latet stvle. linen finish s.mple collar, Sic. Thread City Cellar Company. 1S.0 Olive ?t. I D1TC11TC Obtained. Hlftdon &. Incan. rM I Crl I O I'atent Law Eictusiv ely. Rooms Union Trust B'Jlldlnc. drinks "Direct from the Wells. PONCE Lemon etc. Case six l. bot- tles, 33c. DE LEON Carbo- nated Orange, Cherry, Pepsol, A pure natural water from aur own artesian wells at De Soto, Mo. rncniPT Works, 711 S. Theresa Ave. Phones: Klnloch. D 647; Bell, Llndell 1105. IV ANTS. AN writing dek and book case combined. D g7. Republic of ITopie contracts at once. W 97. Republic. PESIC WANTED A good. large second ha n 1 double offlc1 deek. must be In good condition and cheap. 913 Chestnut st Tel. C 2WA. GOOD secondhand microscope. J. C. Fetit. M !.. Ult OIKe Ft GOOD lands and lots, raying business: bar- - galn: ineiiirate What hae jou? Any and all offers flft itadlon st. GOLD, platinum and silver bought and mW: we handle nil precious ratals. Rowan's, SC2 N Tenth Ft., t. Louie. Mo. HAVE jou a patent or an Idea? We will It HlftTnlon Trun bldg- - I WANT tn ty for special rtrder. lot cf nM feathers, furniture, etc.; ntgnest cash price, call or write. J. Bensln-e- r, 113 N. Twelfth st. J. MILLNER. wholesale and retail dealer old Iron. metal3 and all kinds machinery. Office and yard. 14S5-S- 9 N Eighth st. Kin. D 1C74. ONE soda fountain. Tufts make, ln rendition; will ell chap McKlnney Broad Cu , Fixttentn and Franklin ave. WANTED To bu nil the female canaries I can get. 1 N- - Twelfth st. WANTED To buy a nonl table cheap; must be In good condition. S 53. Republic. WANTED Three electric ceiling fans. Hut, 5443A Easton ave. WANTED OM f"td and sll-e- diamond". Jew- elry, etc; cath raid Downing. IB N. Seventh. WANTED To buy econdhand pool an I Millard taMei. In any kind of condition. I hoenlx Tool and Billiard Co.. IT'S S. Ilroadnar- - Hoth phones. WE pay cash for diamonds, old sold. Mh-- r, sold nucicets gold teeth, gold natch ca-e- s. Downlnc & Co.. Mi N Ferenth t. HIGITE3T CVSH TRICE PAID FOR OLD GOLD AXD SILVER. 3EXD TO ME IF AMOl'XT ALLOWED IS XOT XOTIFY AT ONCE. AXD WE RETl'RX IX FOME COXDI-TIO- A3 RE'CIVKD. HT THE JEWELER. DIA- - M0XD3. WAT-HE- S. JEWELRY. 13) S. BROADWAY. ST I1UI9. MO. JIT CATALOGUE FREE. IRON Uo. BUSINESS WASTED. WATER CO. delivery. Bottling MISCELLANEOUS ""CONTRACTS HATISKACTORY I1EWEXSTE1X. MATISFACTORT Fcrap iron, etc Write for :,! Maj er &. 9on.f3-.-S3- Choufau. SecriJhand. or all kind, bought and snio: all the year round. Geo. Main and Valentine. NICKEL PLATING, Also gold, sil'.er. brass and copper plating: re- pairing, oxldixlng and Iacouerlng at reasonable prices. Degge A Mmlck 1 Market at. PATENTS OBTAINED. Mark R. Chartrand paten sollctwr exaralna. tlccs and advice free. 913 Carletcn ouiidLng. SILVER, NICKEL, Gold, brass and opper plating, pollsttog. lacquering and repalvlng of all kinds. Kin. El B. S SA"JILLE. 413 X. Seventh at. SCRAP IRON, U. bt. Louis. prices. Brqfckmann. Bones etc Mayer Fertillxer A Junk CD.. 3 X. Twelftk Est. 1X3-- aend for prices. DOGS, CATS. PETS FOR SALE. BELGIAN hares, fine stock: will exchange for poultry. Bonlta Rabbltry. 424 Scanlan place. BULL PUP. thoroughbred. I 2033 Rutger St. IfOG. ETC One fine watch dog; also dee 'house; good hunter. 2343 Park ave. ENGLISH setter pups; alro Rufus red Belgian hate.. Wlchraann. 2-- - Dickson st. TINE little Irleh water spaniel pups, cheap. 3231 Knapp st. FIXE line cf monkeys, red macaws. Im- ported birds, gold fisfi. small pets, all sorts docs. Wehrman's. 417 Walnut: branch. g26 X. B'way. F1XD lot of monkeys, pirrots. red macaws, im- ported birds, gold fish, small pets, all sorts dogs. Wehrman's. 417 Walnut: branch. 25 X. Broadway. llARIZ MOUNTAIN and roller canaries, par- rots, pigeons, reabirds; all kinds of pets. 1317 S. Broadway. LARGE thoroughbred English mastiff: good watchdog, sog x. Broadway. NEWFOUNDLAND and pug puppies, mocking Dims; guaranteed In full song: parrots, pets cji kinds. Warner. 1518 Franklin ave. PARROT A good jarrot: good talker, rose st. PUPPIES Fine white French poodle puppies. 2022 Wash at.. 2d floor. . nRnmrii t. j--- r- exeat ret: im nsiu-jg cards and aluminum card case ' with ' Jn Franklin. nerXolVLoufsfMr14 fOT " -- j SCHULTirs msng. cun: guaranteed; 50c. For sai at ail drug; store. I fiiee Number National flrt-cla- s parrots, FOR SALE"MlSCBLUyEOU5. in - if,,.. , . REFRIGERATftoe iicciiat-- pat- - price. 494 N. Third .f. uet catalome. A MErIt?AI. hn!l. 1141 Olive st. A IIANDSOJIE polnt-lac- e col- lar, cuffs and frontEJj: Republic! ' tunfl l'ure "hit. lead. X.-- J5r?n. 4)c. ereen. 10c. Duck- - - ....... ...... v.k.. wit p.. Hrortdwav. miTT'iriJ', .rTw'n,r fln ba'-- ' nd trout files. r'-'l-- r ,1y book- - a "" e Standar-- I Tool Co.. st. Neit to Hilts. T1UY buBKjr. cost ) Horton place at a bargain. I.1LJJARD and pool tables; new and second- hand; cloth, ball urd eve-- , A. K. tchmldt. r Market st. 1'hune Main ifiM RRILLIANT arc lights to rent for lawn par- ties and all sorts u: occasions, repairs far all lamps. Windhorst & Co., 4 ,- Twelfth st. RPENTERS tco! chet. with lot r,f k1 too.5, which I will ell verj cheap. Call Jlon-da- j, 113 N. Twelfth m CIICAI; 300 cots st LouN Belting and Sup- ply Companj, 509 s. Fourth st CHEAP 1W t garden betters, also Ti gar-dt- recking chair and I) round oak table, on iron itands. suitable for summer garden or sa- loon. ? 37. Republic CIGAR store fixtures, cigar wall cae. counter. large mirror, cheap; florWs ice boxes, complete set trajs F. II. I'ortman Storage Co.. 2fcH Ca. DESKS Ti, oak Cat-to- p office desks, alm-s- t new. cost 15 eath. wi.l tell at JS each 91 Chestnut ht EGGS for Setting White and Brown Leghorns, Jl per setting; alo Black Polish, with white crest, $1 ZQ per ettlng Call at 34 j S Grace ae EIGHT-FOO- T French plate mirror, one oval top gla umbrella case, all kinds cf counters and caw, cheap. SU N Seventh st. T.LEGANT l!runwick pool and billiard taUe. sell nr rent reasonably, also all kinds of supplies on hand. J. L. Fowler. 1321 Market sU HLKVEN-FOO- T gla8 counter, as gcod asn'w; cnl) two month K lfti. Republic FINE roller-to- p desk, with rvolvln? chair; will sell cheap. iall 4I2S t. Ferdinnnd avt FIRE and burglar prcof safes and ault door. Ihi1 Ber. 210 walnut st. GOOD heconanand nafc. wlta locks: Kood as new. 113 Olive t OltCEN upholsterctl rcick.r. large oak chilr. fine Japanese screen ell cheap. Thirteenth Et 5 OIIWTRY seventy-enllo- n oil tank; ccst J35; sell for 513. 1315 Chouteau Itn ltox nutchers ire box; in good condition: l bargain. 3439 ChouUau ave. IF you want hralth. buy one of our germ-pro- filters, only 33c. regular 5b pressure filter only J4.E. 7n3 l'ir.e st. INVALID'S chair. In perfett condition, can be ued in or out of doors, mide strong: Iron axles. Sll X. Seventh st. JACOB IiONDCtt, large Etock coed", second-ban- d clothing, wholesale and retail, countrj or- der, solicited, write for price IIt. S3 Morgan st LADT"S cherrv- - writing dek 44S3 Wabhington ave. sell as new. IJvDV wishes to sell dress; brocade satin. L SI, Itepubllc. IiAItGC oak !c lox. cuitabl for confectionery or tenHnK-hous- J5. 43V7A p:oiton. totlc urate bars and castlnc. Star dart! Founr. !" Lol'WL IRCK Ice box. suitable for pmcery or nine feet long; capacity 8 tons; cheap. 22 15 Madison ft. LARGKlron tank, lftxil fet; alo all klnd bulMinjr material; VA prch butldlnt; rock; 2.0 fire brick X A. Thom. . 1W S. Twelfth t LARGE hotel range; solid pat top: double fircbx and oen. Majestic and Horre Comrort. connfctioi. barcaln. ffll N. Senth. LAUNDRY mangle rrlce. 1215 Chouteau. good es new; j'our own LOT of counters suitable for restaurant. 12 to 20 feet long.- - Sll N. Seventh t. MERCHANTS' Republic. Rxchange membership. O 1M. MERCHANT tailcr wall cae. sliding doors; also counters, shelling and show caes. mirrors and tables, at a bargain Sll N. Seventh st MIXED paint, oils, enamI. brush- es, wall paper, and glue at downtown prices. John C205 OUe t. "NEW billiard and poo! tables, nrst;f in ev- ery respect. IJell nhona Blue l't: Klnloch 37 ilx Pool and Billiard Co. 1713 S. Broad-ay- . NEW billiard and po-- tables; Jl) per month; cheaper than renting rame. Phoenix Pool and Company, 1700 and 17. Broad war. NO 14 Baltimore handrrei-- and complete outfit cf news and Job type; separate or together; bar-gal- 3 Easton ave. ONE surgical chair, in good condltlcn; for cheap. 1313 Cbouteau ONE drove of b--e. full of honey; no r.oom; cheap. 215 Part an. OPERATION chair. Just used two months; cheap. Inquire 13 Cass ave. TOOL and billiard tables, new and secondhand; cheap. Louis Walter. 2613 Franklin. TOOL and billiard tables to rent. Phoenix Pool and BI11Ib.i1 Company, 173 and 17"0 S. Broadway. St. Lout. Mo. REFRIGERATOR, in good condition; cneap. 2S- - Washington ave. comblnatloo good turpentine, paste .sale REFRIGERATOR, for family ue. made to or- der; cost Jl-- 5: can 1 had for S?5. Call $30u Vulcan st.. South St. Lculs; RESTAURANT Fixture Complete outfit; must be sold Monday regardless of ccst. part cash;" balance easy pajments, get full particular. 13 Chestnut. SAFES One large and one -- mall secondbanl safes; cheap. We'- & Co.. 13 N. Ninth st. SALOON and restaurant men. why don't you go and see the w Electric Tonophone? C01 Market. 5 Olive and 37J t. Broadnar S. B. LEGHORX at Jl per setting: Wjan-dott- e. T3c. Charle. Cantell. Jr.. Mil Julian ae. SECOXUHAND Ice boxes, scales and trucsj; all repaired and varrated. Ht X. Third at. SI CCXDHAXD school and teachers" desks and chairs, window shades and sashes, cas fixtures and sash eeisfct: large assoruneat. low prices. Beard of Education Warehouse. 4H S. Eleventh strest. SEVEN fine box stalls, all conveniences. 1315 X. King's hlgUsi ay. BEE the Great Western Paint & Color Co. for Fherwin-WIUIar- paints. Xortheast corner Twelfth and Pine sts-- : Klnloch C SJT: Main 1K5A. SMALLlot of Verde Grande stock at J7.M per share. T $. Republic. SMALL refrigerator, also Icebox. 2x3 feet: pood condition; sell cheap. S09 X. Fifteenth st. SOLID oak double standing desks; also roller-to- flat-to- p de.ks. chairs and tables; bar- gains. Sll X. Seventh st. STOVE repairs for "any old" stoe. Ill X. Twelfth at. Klnloch C 7. Forshaw, STRICTLY pure oil. 61c: turpentine. 43c: lead. 4c to c: get prices. Xleman Bros.. 1311 Park ave. Klnloch D Sidney 42SM. STOP at 1202 Clark ave. or 511 Plna st.. if rou need white enameled letters, gold glass letterr. or blue enameled steel signs: our prices the low- -t and our work the best; all work guarant-- d two years again being stolen or dropping olf. TEX-FOO- T plate-glas- s show case a-- d counter; cheap. 143S Missl'slppl ave. TEXTS of all tizes: balloon;, chutes, spin- dles. tnIIes. nigger babies, shooting galleries. G. W. RlclMrd. 2J02A Franklin. THREE matured contracts in one of the bet companies in the city; JIOO each. C V7S, Republic. THREE tanks. In first-cla- condition: on nearly new; about 16 feet long and 4s or 5 feet wide; price J65 apiece. St. Louis Belting and Supply Company. - S. Tourth st. TWENTY tons street. mineral wool. 313 Walnut TWO ice boxes; small show case: also sprtnR acaJe; cheap. Apply meat market. 3200 La.vton. USE floor enamel: 50 cents will enamel jour floor and sa.e scrubblner 13 cents will kalotnlne your room. I1S17 Franklin ae. WAII cae and plate-clas- s how case; on ta- ble. Jcs. Lehnbeuter. Jr.. Twelfth and Gratiot. l!sht and suppllts; good mantle, 10c each. Jl a dozen, at Condon's. S Mar- - i ket st. WISE people Relcaelt's floor enamel. "O cen's; enamels your floor and saves scrubbing 33 cents kalsomlnes your room. 1S17 Franklin ave! TES. the lawn furniture does look rather rusty, but a can of our Lawn Seat Colors will make them "like new." Piatt Jt Thornburgh Paint Co. 620 Franklin ave. 25 lc boxes, larse and small. SI up; refrijr?r-ator- s. 1 up. 13 Franklin ae. 3rt.oi feet lumber. 19.W0pieces lxl4- - fet louc. HZ.Zd per thcuand; S).0 nieces 20x10. 31 feet, onlv Jla per thousand: ro,t pieces 2x36. IS lonir. oniv tl2.sft per thousand: 29.0-- pieces 2x11 34 feet lonjr. price onlv Jl.i; nieces Sr3. 15 or IS. 20 and 25 feet lonp. price 15- - Columbia WrecUne 70 . Rjtger and Leee1. TENTS,TENTS,TENTS And tarpaulins, all sizes, for sale or rent. St. Louis Belting and Supply Company, u0 S. 1'ourth street. GUSJ.GRUENDL.ER REFRIGERATOR COXSTRUCTIOX CO.. AXD DEALERS IX BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. Soliciting correspondence for bids and drawings of any kind of general office, store flxtures work, fancy residence Ice boxes; also hotels, saloon. etc. Tel. K. B 234. Have In stock new and sec- ondhand refrigerators, counters, etc.. at office and factory. Soulard St.. St. Lculs. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. Tool and billiard tables. Large stock saloon fixtures and Ice boxes. eeralseu: grocery and tar flxtures. Two coffee urns. Several complete sets butcher flxtures. One safe, rmall. Several cigar flxtures. Largest stock flxtures In cltr. SARTORE STORE FIXTURE CO.. 1125 X. Broadway. arm N ave. Ja S. ave. FOB SALE MISCElyUASEOCS. Watches and Diamonds On Time Payments. vV 0!;r. " " "Peclal Inducement a Elgin. altham. prlnBeId or Hampden roove- - meni. in a e case. vMrmnted for 3) jearV wear, for Jli with U first pavnent ' anil 51 thereafter We are lllre; motormn ind . - - ..... j oi .. riiuiii. I1UL Uir lllJlk Inc, for larger field". h!ch accounts: for ?bove Inducement. We at-- . hait hlTh.--ifl- HiAhn and diamond which we offer on term satisfac- tory to purchaser. Call at our office and lnestl- - gate. H a Ik rman JL. Co.. 413 Holland bulldln. Seventh, near Olive. FOR SALE. ONLY A FEW LEFT. $15.00. A lot of discontinued pattern steel ranges; ab- - OIUtel 11. j n.l u niT-- in nt.A .lo.f.r atli. ." ha1 ,x lids. rcMtvoir. clowt, oven 17x21x12. for wood or roil; '."T,.?,?15 n,'t Juilfv thp qualltj- - of rani:'. Win. "lll'T.I I)cpt. No. S3l. 6l9-6- X Kuurth n. FOR SALE! THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED. slx 2Al ln F0II, oak roll.r-to- n ds.. Sll 7S jach. i. 4 ft. In solid oak roller-to- p AniA ach: IS j ft. solid ak rollfr-to- p k. CI each. 12 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 In ard 5 ft nat-to- p dAk.. yp.,l.r.l.ter dr,k"- - JI: a'n 4) artM rfrolilnj aod tlltlrc nfnee chairs and rfvolvlng stools 11 i nnd up. Wm. 15. WHIard lpt. No. Ml. 1 N. Fourth st .i?,GJ,,lr(i.RAPE tl' for sal.: good condition; SI? . Fonrtf nth st.. third floor. TEN m'wjTn. usI Mcycles; par cash: descrlb. prl.-.- ; special are ln new l,!cyd- -. Knlshfs, 311 N. D 2C17; Main 7711 For Sale. nEAiTTFlT. names lady's wheel. ot J1C9; gocd as new. will ..!! cheap. Ji1 West Delle place ave In good condition. 3333 Nebraska HICVCLE-Clev-el- and bicjcle. In good repair: will ei cheap. Inquire at tZA a'henandcah ave. ROOIl wheel. ..,i.v 1, .v taken at once. 4163 Olive t. mcycles. tried and true: bicycles, and tire rrpalrinr. Morgan Hardlnr. Olive Hell phone. IJndell 1414A. HARRY R. GEER, BICYCLE REPAIRING. All work tmanintwL railed for and dellvrl at factot prices. 101? Tin t.. I01T. Opn m- - EXCLUSIVE call and let r Cjcle Co.. 13QZ A LDY'S bargain. UK : it a Uarzain t. st agncj for the Recycle bicjl: ie show jou points. South Side S. Broadway. llcycle in fine condition, at a 5. Tenth st. HARRY R. GEER. MOTOR CYCLE AGENT. For the Mitchell In St. Ura!. Ft, lul Cbuntr. Kellftllle ar.l East at. Iouls; the Orient ln St. ,?'w mill civ. L41UIS u)univ 1017 Pine st.. 1017. Both phone' Samples In stock. 12 blcjcl... JII.B"; coaster brake put on any wheel, all kind, or repairing done anJ work .uaranteed. Jack Terrell. JUS Iyxust "t. MOTOR and bicycles do!U and re- paired: ulcanizlng; tire? of all kinds a specialty, atewart & Co.. 3U jr. Nineteenth st. HARRY R. GEER RENTS Bicycles, Tandems, Triplets By the day. week or month. Open Sundaj-s- . Plna at., 1017, Bicycle Bargains. Pierce, and Andrae bicycles. $3 to J75. None better at any price. Secondhand wheels-take- in trad on liberal terms. Lance stock of high-trad- e secondhand wheels. In perfect order, for sale cheap. Send u your bicycles to be overhauled and re- paired, repair work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. MORGAN & HARDING, Phone Undell 14I4A 3S5-- Olive st. NEW wheels. J 15 up; secondhand wheel alwaja nn hand; repairing a speWaltv; work guarantee-- Scuth Side Cycle Co. S. Broadway. $2500 GEERCYCLES, $25.00 For the Workingman. Built In our own factory at 1117 Pine t, Come-an- ee us build bicycle sold on time. $5 cash, $1 25 weekly. We pell direct from the factory to rider Yu have no doubt noticed Um tnanr imi- tations of Geercycles in St. Louis, but the gen- uine can only be purchased frcm the factory direct, and bears Harry R. Gee-r- ' nameplate. no other. Sacrifice sale of secondhand blcvcles. WIT Pine st.. 1017. Bicycles $ upward; all makes TANDEM. make, and renlckeled; flrst-clas- a order. 61' N. Vandeventer ave. TIRES AND COASTER BRAKES fan be purchased from the Geertycle factory at factory prices. 1017 rIne. mt., 101T. Both phones. DVEIXG. CLEA.MXG AXD REPAIRIJtG. AIAVATS !atlsfled when you have your clothes made, cleaned. ded or repaired bv American Tailors'. Cleaner and Dyers. 20S X. Eleventh st. LACE curtain, cleaned at lowest: price: wcrfc Buaranteert. Phoenli Cailom Co.. z:a Ca-- s ae. IADIEs and gent", have your garment cleanel. dj ed and repaired: ladles' Jarkets remodeled. Paris Dj elng Cleantng Co.. 13s) Franklin. Main 13S"A. STORAGE AXD MOVT.SO. AMERICAX Storage and Moving Company. J311 Olive St. Packlne. ahlppln?. Morage; separata rooms. Tel. Main '571. W. IL Lanrjale. Prtildect. BONDED Warehause Hy. C Wlehe Storagi and Moving Cornrany. Xo. 1312-1- S Franklin ave.; money advanced when desired. Klnloch S51 F. H. rORTMAX Storage and MoMnir Co. Separate rooms; low price on reliable moving end storage. Office. 2Sdl Cis ave.: phone D 1247. FRAXKLIX Storage Co.. 1KU rranklln Storsg and packing: estlma'es free; 100 dust-pro- rooms. Both phoree Cnas NledrlPghans. prop. LINDELL Storage and Moving Company moves furniture with care by experienced men: send postaL 1227 X. Taylor, or telephone Klnloch a 1S6S. BOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co.. IS8L-19- ana UPS Sidney st. TcL Sidney 2SS: Kin. C His Amarlcan Storagt and Moving Co. aratf rooms. Phones: zg. shlpplnc. storage; lep- - Aiain zii d it., w. ii. Lantdale. President. Estl nates free. UIIG1I i TATLOn STORAGE AXD MOYIIS CO New warehouse. IS23 Washington a vs.: 500 pri- vate storage-room- s: movlnr. packing and ship- ping. Kin. C "41 or Main 2t5t and get our rates. CTflRlCC ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Xew dlUrUlSI. Warehouses. Grand and Laclede, for safe.keeplng of furniture, pianos, trunks. Tala-rble- a. boxes, etc : strictly flrst-clas- movlnr. nacklnr. shipping, etc Our fire Insurance lbs lowest. Money advanced- - Ship goods our cars. Estimates free. Get rates. Phone C 135: Mala 1S.SA. M. b. UAJAUKl. JtC. ft KX.. ihs-- a olivs st. SELKIRK'S STORAGE Hcuse for furniture, etc: new and dean: lowaat Insurance; careful morinj. pscklnr and Chouteau. Licensed by the Stata and tniaranteed bv Mississippi Valley Trust Co. for J.ooft House Cleaning. 4JSS LOCCST ST. ST. LOUIS Housa i Window Cleaning Co., Cleaners of Wall Paper, Frescoing, Water Colors. Windows. Woodwork, neors and Carpets. Plionea Slain 411, B S07. OLD CLOTH I. "IQ BOUGHT. HIGHEST prices paid for cast-o- ft Write to J. Dal. 1335 S. Broadway. if C clothes. HIGHEST price paid for cast-of- f clothing- - nav more than any one; mall orders prompOr at- tended to. S.Gordon. 717 X. Eighth HIGHEST cash price paldfor ladIesTarid s cast-of- ii 'f" f 5"- - Mrs.. Miller. WJJYalnnu KIuVa"tuTSS brSSt B. GEIBER runs store 624 Morgan "largest j. ,u uafc it.. Erna pcsiai. X For V "Want"Ai!s i ioo iaie ror I I classification I see Page 2, Part 3. y OCSEHOIXI GOODS. Wuttt. ABSOLKTEtT highest cash price raid for sec- ondhand furniture carpets, stove, and feathers. Send postal. 113 ?v. Tnelfth st. Joe I!enstr. ALL. kind, of household roods bought: ntlr contents of houses wanted: lull value psld. Jone. & Co.. 1143 Olive st. Main C ". ALL kinds furniture, pianos, carpets, contents "r rouses, nats. stores. oouKnt; ntgnest price paid. Wolff. 3645 Park are, rhone C 463; Main 15S0M. ALL kinds furniture. piano. carpets, contents stores, bought; highest prices paid. J. a. Woempner. 3M1 Cass: phone D 1317; call or write. BEFORE moving sell furniture and feathers ou don't want: send postaL Ashton, 1111 S. 4, DDST cash prices paid for all kinds bouseholl good. furnished flats, houses, etc. bought out- right. 1316 Franklin ave. CAHTEK gives more cash for furniture, car- pet., piano and household goods of any Kind than anyother dealer. 3107 S. Jefferson ave. FEATHERS WANTED-1.0- 00 pounds old gee .eathers. pay good price. L 87. Republic. ,FEATHERS-Se- nd for M. Srelman. 3S3R if ycu want to eel highest values and honest welsht Send postal (LATHER beds wanted. $3 to S15 each cahi; prompt, reliable dealings. Postal car, or call. Mr. Gay. 3331 S Broadway. FEATHERS he.t nrice paid: honest weight; moving vans for hire. -- ...- jfumt. - . . ..j, nmi. t none l llr. FtRNITI'RE.carpet.. stoves, ranees- - coed pr.'c paid; send oostaL. Jaeger. 3)33 Franklin av. WANTED Old feather beds: will ray from"r7 to S3), y. Batavla. lis N. Ninth t. WANTED Contents of furniture of thre. or four room flat: state price. 3iS43 Park ave Fr tale. A PERFECT gas range, with four llles: as goM es new, for K. at 113 N. Twelfth St. A rorP.-HOL- Quick M-- iI ra range, in fine order, for t at 113 N. Twelfth st. Call Mon- day Ka" rans- - ""h vcry chear. at 113 N. Twlfth Mondlv A ll'Ii'K MEAT- - gawllne rare, as good as jew- - for J., KS: at 113 N. Twelfth it. GUI Monday A LATEST style family gas range. In gM r. for l"i. at Mil rterth-- aw.: Ollv st. or Suburban car Don't call Sunday. ALL kinds cf secondhand rarges and coking stoves; bard and "oft coal heater". tae burners cheap. Sll N. Seventn st- - ALL gas and tove" repair"! it your romes; good quick and cheap; s"nd postal. Jo Ilenslnger. 113 N. Twelfth st AN eight-hol- e Home Ccmfort range; onb!e oven connection"- - rne order SO. at lis N Twelfth st. Cll Mccdar. 1IEDSTEAD and springs, couch, extension ta- ble, mattress; sell cheap. 2737 Sheridan ave. CONTENTS of nev.I- - fnrnl.hed loarding ma rooming houe on terms; TAet End; parti"s In now will remain. O 10S. Kepublle. ITXTRA large bedstead and dresser: large plat mirror; antique oak: new. M17 Vernon. FINE rangoranv dre"ser and bedstead; alo rlas-ioo- r mabegany wardrobe. IHJ ollie st.. 2d floor. TVlI.DtNf; bed. In good condition: cheap. KSX jiaffitt ave. FURNITCRE of a seven-ro- house. In for rent to purchaser. i;r!A Goodfellow. FURNITURE for eight-roo- house for sal". 305S Sheridan ave. FURNITURE for two room: gaolln Mov. and Icebox, etc; call Monday. 1S Franklin ave. econd oflor. AS fixtures: w1 . new will k. .m ... " " " v"" TCO Page axe.' broiler; worth C3; sell js. 33)1 Eaton are. GOOD gasoline range, dining-roo- outfit bed- room miK. $3 up; hall tree, folding bed. 316 ave. ,r.Rf?AT twain trr inlck ale; lantest slz- - H?',.-a-- ran- - In good condition; Maple ave. HANDSOME brry cheval bedroom set. VS. yninrrcom set iih- - iinm rmr-- r . tm. - 1.V. "V" "iirw -- ".er- 1''- - ... ;.. wuri; rnrap. .w Hn ave. MAN lh la t ir9lt9rw1 nm V .-- -- art i-rrv.ri "':""iv"-.'4-,"- ', H g "" "" -- u Ktove. am Qllvft. -- ..'."i-Lr. Snl-.',!it?'i- r. Tr-ittT-l " ""-J- nit.. yarn - t .,t,H .a" 8T, NEW furniture. riLTntn rti-v 1214 N. Sarah st. J9 Arpy at NICK Quick Meal gas range. $3: good refriger- ator. 13: two nice iron bed, complete. $4; Brus- sels carpet. $4. Corner. 3744 Wash st. XO. 1 stove In perfect condition. Apply is estmlnster place. OAK mantle folding bed. i. Jr nllv st second ftoor. OLD rnahorany. rosewood, teak and tnllp fur- niture: Colonial: jrllt mirror.. Louis XIV oblonc mantel, antique. Gay. 3XW S. Broadway OXE eirht-nurn- Majesiln m ntte. sood a new; one medium rater filter. IV r reventn st. RUGS. We up: room-I-:- d rur. R.S" ni-- t rat and stoves; chear. Brasch. ZUS Pranlc- - IILGS Preclal sat. of and carrets left from storage: room-Mze- d rues. K.S0 up rn'nf carret cheap. SOT Franklin are. foldin-- r ted. bedroom suits -- ' "rardmbe. houwhold rood., refrlcerato, cooklar and CTsolln. stove. Sll X. Seventh st. SP'ii.tiL.Stonri,"e - aimo-i- t ' StVi "S-."- ? Sh "- - r- - " Porttnan leiFirFP. ?ll bt3lm, "tr- - : "anlrob-- s Kz kIX"..- - iLif Wc: clocks, folding stoves. i70 Eleventh rt ' Irtrraln eivets. room rugs, linoleum, mattln.; oil cloths: big sacrifice. 710 X. Seventh st. SIDEBOARD, brass bedC gas fixture, thre. rugs, gas rango. Home Comfort. 2744 Franklin ave. SOLID walnut bed. with nrlnr and tnattre.j. .; reau. nd kitchen table and two feath-- r pillows and blankets. 2V) Wash st.. upstairs. SWELL parlor set for less than half. 4V3V Evans ave. THREE-BlTtXE- R ga rarge.for sale cheap. 1103 Glasgow-- e. THREE beautiful gas fixtures and kitchen l'ght. 1: also three and kitchen light. Ill.SO. JfO Pine st. THREE cak be,lroom suits, two mattresses nail and stair carpets, folding bed. ltJi Chest- - VNCAI.X.CD-PD- J? snd U pant. and ! Main.? Tailoring Co.. 2116 Franklin a" " WARDROBE. U: halltree. $3; J3; rocker. $1. C0TA Easton. Brussels carpet. "n3 sp1p- - also fine wal-n- nt folding bed. 4313 N. Twentieth st: mALS'x-- hta ."- - this; bargain: CheaP;i4l0 Warren st.. upstairs. WHITE Iron bed brass trlmmlEgjrnaTtre : almost new. 3180 Kensington. WILL sell mr range, sideboard, dining table. screens, couch; cheap: Monday. 261Q Dayton su M0 gasoline stoves and Ice boxes, larrs raso-lln- e rang: your own price. 2SH7 Laclede ave. 33 bus J1S three-burn- gasoline stove-aft- Sunday. 2715 Salena st. CHANDELIERS immense storlr nt rf-.- Below co-- t. Closing out inir BELLE-HICKE- T MFG. CO.. 901 Lucas ave. OUR RUG DEPARTMENT I. offering some rare bargains this week In Brussels. Smyrna. Orients.) Velvet Ingrain: all sixes. If rags Hnolenm SECONDHAND FURNITURE- -For Storage Charges. ... . CASH OR TIME PAYMENTS. .Mi-- carpets, room-siz- e rugs. $3.50 up. Matting. 124 cents up. 60 yards Inlaid linoleum. little used. loo bedroom sets, low as $3. 200 wood bedsteads, cheap. Gasoline stoves. Ice boxes and bl? bargains la all household goods. CASH OR TIME PATMENTS HENRY C. WIEIIE STORAGE CO.. 151S Franklin ave. OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT fall big bargains In Furniture. Rugs, a'l size. Iron and Brass Beds. Refrigerators. Sew-ln- g Machines. Leather Box Couches, etc. A large stock of new as well as used goods always on sale. If you need anything In the household lln. It will pay you to see us. Langan & Taylor Storage i 3 Washington are. SeTTlnjr Machines. ALL dlner-n- t makes automatics: all kinds family, tailor's and shoemakers halt price. IK , X. Sixth: Davis Machlns CO. . "s IMPROVED Singer machine, with all latest Improved atuchments: equat to new. only 115 great bar-rai- 2S22A Dayton st. XEW drophead Slngermachlne. on easy month- - ioIePaLmiS?.taepubMc!t"a'"! VTlC' IaKa" T5Sy2SGr.555i' Sti!Sf.r.d.roI'h'-i "."J . 4. k, iss j. jenerson ae p.JfOlr.',.S.0m"t!c- - laVa: .s'er drophead. .13: au'omatic Ike new x5- - bargain mo Franklin KtotocA D '372 TVV O aitn-n.- t rr- r-- r. ' Krod as new; for sale; 315 up. ir -- i T n sewing macblnes; 2323 Franklin ave. e,TSL .n ? nk-' of high-grad- e sewing ma-??- i? ?1, 7?1 I"1-- " - Per dar will bur cne. Franklin ave.: Klnloch D 372. DA cine. ses swii.,1 -r DANCING .Terr ThursdaT. Saturday and Sun- day evening at Harmony ilall. Eighteenth anJ Ulire; best music and coolest nlace n city. Ahem Albers. PROF'. PARKE guarantees waits and two-t- for tx. e lessons anv Kour. IflO Olive st. PROFESSOR DE HONEY'S Academy. U44 OllTe Cooled with electric fans all summer: re- ceptions every Thursday evepclasses Monday (rss Klnloch ohote U99A. B rn-- ! s. Is of 4 - "1 . , ' i i 1 fl ;a W I It" m. Jfcsfi- - 'i"'-'&aitf&j3k?- . .tafciUvvtf--- IMIIlBMilMlMilMiiMaMitH

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Mlacellnnrona.WANTED-Report- ers everywhere! What I

mean by rewrten-- are people who will snd menc a ueek a letter telling of the prospective

uarpenlngs of their neighborhood. such an en-

gagements, weddings, receptions,l.trthday parties, club meets, organisations, fur-nishing", etc. etc . alio death", births, etc.. etcFor such Information will pay Illra!l rlt- -

for further particular. IR. II ). Bureau or in- -

'ormatlon. Ell Chemical building, M. Louis, Mo.

WANTED-Tv-io grocery clerks. JU week'oloted butler, prnate place. 333. references.

Hotel potwasher, $3); shinglers. S3 da.laundry drivers. r week, steady work urocery iJe.K. 325. room and boar.To desk cl-r- 343 to start, collectorTraveling grocery salesman, $65.IL R. news agent, through Wcttn

on bagballlng machine; 32 day.Hall roper that can tie the diamond bl'e.iPorter for wholesale bitters company. W week.Neat store porter. J 10 week, stock manTwo young rnen learn grocery busings. ..Hoy to learn bakery trad. IC week rtcady.Delivery iagcn driver S12 week; steavHotel houseman. 323, room, board; teadr.Window ash--- leigo office building. -.

Ulacksmltrj and horseshoer. country opBaker. JS week, country board fre pm- -

Ffirm hand". mllefis and gardeners.Hollers, stock feeders, Siuth A fries pas.I'M laborers, teamsters, W Mo free panWe ship to-l- Oklahoma, Indian Territory.2 handy factory laborers, city work;) teamsters, near city. 125. room, board.S steel bridge R. R men. Jl.,3. J2.National Emplojtnent Co.. 115 N Sixth St.

Gold PlatimumAnil sllr bousht and foldlous ir.rialr Itonn'p. 2

Lo'Jl?. Mo.X ?r . Pt

HAYWARD' and thcrlhand College. Hi. ). SI anda Odi Fellow i pulldlrc. Individual Instructioni thor'hand Tvrwritme Arith-- -

'if mrt Phon. 7S Dt and

Mercantile Coll-:- e. Ltticoln Trust bulldlrg. See- -nm and Chs'nul sta. Individual insttiCtlan

I Urn In Bookketp ng. renmantitn nhortland.ijiewrlilnr., Oraiiraar etc. Ten.i.eil Main I0. Kin. A 10 Open dar and night.




AGENT? Write for particular: over 200 artl-- !.

cood Feller. Anderson Companj'. Ui D'ck- -i ron &:., rhlladclohla. I'a.

Th.INTS iZt every month rellne r tatentcdrarxr shaving oap; famples tree.

Aii llic Co.. 48. Cincinnati, O.

V.ENTS WANTEI Good live everyttnn, capable jf earnlnc pood valarj' Addret

v E. I.. 4214 Eauton ave., St Loul. Mo

AGENTS T5 monthly, one person each neish-hrhoo-

work hard, but C75 Is ?ure; jodfa workI'ornhee Mfg Co.. 51. Cincinnati. O.

AGENTS WANTED Six pood agent toreliable rtudlo in city handUrr no

to coupon good pa. Muilllo Studio. 1314 Oilvc.AitlSVty 11? utliy made by wesu e:iir.rt ural"n file; uyed by every merchant ard pav-et-

2ar. U Co.. 1)2. 40H Ollv. St. IuU. Ma

AGENTS. Streetmn. Fakers We have aome-thln- ff

new -- Pick Me Out" 10- - puzzle; preatII r; nd 10c for iample. Handy Novelty

hiy Fulton t.. New York.

AGENTS WANTED Hlz money ,iKent-- illnjr our contractu, territory anjwl.ere In the

I'nlted States, ee tiur plan. Ozark Horn? Co.,- u Ozark bulldlnp, St, Iulb, Mo.

AGENTS HI?, fjulck money; $3 day ar;"Jioomer for a!oen clear store, etc.; ramplII. law-ru- froe like wild'lre. Marahneld Noveuyo. 6s; Van Hnren t.. Chicago, III.

AGENTS WANTm-- To tell newbooklet, "Why God Do Not Kill the Devil."It routs the irildel. Price. postpsJd. 10c Mallurder Supplj Company. Montlda. Kas

AGENTS WANTED-Elth- er ex, fr reaiyreller at good profit In every cfnoe nnd liome.veibody tujs: send 10 cents for Jull-slz- e mm-i-

prepaid. Ed Madlgan. Clarksville. la.AGENTS wanted cmtslde St. Louis; V) per cent

rmflt, rell at sight; don't accer-- t an agency'intU jou ct my fre sample anj liberal offer,"syinnn. ZUZ Franklin ave.. St. 13U. Mo.

AGENTS We pay 30 weekly ftralght fa aryand exptns-- s to men with rig to irlvertlse and.ntroduce poultry ccrrpcund; send otamp Riyil

Mfg. Co., Dept. ",, i


AGENTS WANTED With horse and wagon to I

rrnke $35 weekly aelllna; to farmers a hsusfeholdn cecity that they are Klad to buj. Cl'ar, pleas. .

nt, profitable employment. I'artlculrs free. 'Add. Mercantile Syndicate. Dept. O, Kanaaa City. ,'Mo

AGENTS WANTED Bright, energetic men andM&men to represent our business in ther lccalPy;Kitsintcit h'eh crade and tjroQMble: no cash reujlred; write at on tot proposition. TfceSp:agulub'.Uhlng Co., 7K Majettlc bulldlnK. Detroit,Xich.

AGENTS WANTED --For Brohar.2 sash lockand Brohard door holdr. workers averywherran earn big ynonty; a ateady demand for thesogoods; sample sasi lock free for re stamp totay posuge. Tlw Brohani Co., Dept. II, Phila- -

Jeipnia. ra.AGENTS American Leather Suspender sell

themselves; I2S to $30 weekly easy; exclusive ter-ritory to hustlers; introduced by agent only;samples furnished. Brry Mfg. Co., B 103,


AGENT WANTED An experienced agent onralary or commission, or both; financial business;all expanses paid; address, stating experience,live reference, place of longest and present e.

M S. Republic.AGENTS wanted.male fr female; no outht

capital or experience needed; you can devote nilnr any jiari 01 your iime tn 11 you man; winn-ers earn Jift per montb. AdJret O. V. Adams, I

i07 Whtta Block. Ccldwater, Mich. .

AGENTS WANTED Agents on salary andoir.mis!on tn represent us in arlom pirt of

lbs- United States. If you are a goodrd want a good situation, write ui or call rn

',v fiterprise Home Invest.ncntCompany. 511 N. Garrison ac. St. LotiK Mo.

AGENTS WANTED We want Intellisnt wide-- I

wake agents in ecry town and State to har.llur Electro-Me- d teal rpcel allies; cures all Kind of

nilmcnte and sells rapldlv; no rapiul but brainsnJ energy required. For full particular

Hayes Electrv-Medlc- Association. 46J1Washington bonier ard. St. Lcuis. Jlo.

AGENTS WANTED- -I am trying to convincexou. that I have a plan which will enable v:u:oom a hundred doljars a month, or more; bitI hae" no mears of knowing who jou are unlesstu firrt send me vnur name and addres. I

would gladly explain this new plan to ou. a Its one which requires no capital, outfit, or former

experience; 3 suitable to e lther sex. ard horne knows you are my agent. Ninety-nin- e pr tcent of the population are your possible customers; occupies all or part of our Ume. as ouwish. W. HI, Qriffin. Key 131 Fort Wayne. In J.. I

Is.the add reus tou ehould wilte to for free nir- - .tlculars--. The work Is permanent and the profitsaccumulate c.

BIG money made In tni!l-od- T any ce, anvwhete: parlrul'ra for

ttsmp. Central Supply Co.. Kansas City. Mo.

CASH paid tcr ditrlbutlns- circulars; sendstamp. American Distributer. Kansaa City. Mo.

COMBINATION dinner mean a dozen articlesIn one llpper. strainer, funnel, measure, etc.;greatest combination eer interned; eery house-keeper buvs one; agents wantM; sample by mallfiV; cur catalogue of agents .specialties forMnirr. World Supply Co., Dept. C, Arkansasnty. Kas.

EXTENSES guarantee! en commission ton-tir- t;

salary If nrefenvd- - sell to merchants gen-erally; make ?3CO) to JS.0); good territory. ts

Box 706 Cedar Rapids. la.IIME. TALEn agenta ai-- rowln ilch. Ladle,

write for terms and panlculara. Jim. Taia willpppij rou her tluable books on Health. Graca

nd Beautv: also a baullful panel picture of'terse.f tn life cole true to nature. Mm. Ta-- s

called the most beautiful woman in tnaworld. This picture Ie almcst true to life fell

rgth stvle. a incnes itng a nerf-- ct beauty,".Vri'e Addre-- 3 Mme. M. Yale, W Mich!-n- ti

rwwlevard. fblcro.WANTFD Aeents. men and women; perma-

nent employment: gecd salary: vour own terrl-cr-

Great Western Mfr. Co.. Tarsons, Kas.In Arkansas:"ls ard Mlrsourl: easy work: liberal contract

Wr mone. Address C-- E. Ryman. Effingham,

WAXTFD nider aaents to ride and exhlb"tftmnie UC" model blr-ci- e and distribute n

tfaloere. in nayment foe It; write for catalogue-- nd particulars T. W. Mead Cvcle Co ChicagnL

WANTED Apents. male and female, fornovlties: good wages assured workers:

rent full Address Room 1CS Ar-cade. Cleveland. O. Monroe Co.

WANTED rirst-cla-- s Intelligent repr"ema- -ve-- i frouchout the fnltc-- 1 States to -- ell coi-r?c- ts

for a conservative hom" rora.-- Ty. having six times tlte maturity no a it oft) coratMnv en the globe; nl0,t nvrsl InJucr-7rt- -'

olTered men of ability. Add- - at once"e Mrt'ial I'o-n- e Company. CSe.n- -al building. St. Iyiuls.

WANTED Reporters evfrywhfre! hat I-- ran by reporei-- s are people who will sid me" v .re. a iener letting or me prop.ctlvepp'nlnn of their neighborhood. su.h astg"pcnts. weddlrgs, receptions, arnlversar'e..bav parties, club meets onranl-:stto- n f'ir'hlntrr. etc. etc: also deaths. etc.. etc sjch Infon-'stio- n will jr-- - l.beniiy. Writ- -''" further particulars. R. R.. Bureau ef In- -tli Chemical building. S. Louis. Mo.

WE par S22 a week and expenses to men withn to Introduce compound. Interna- - tcnal Mfc. Co rarsons. Kas. !

!.0M per jesr positively made at borne or trav- -' lntroduc're: our Jult pitented (Ireulshers marvrlous Intention; big mo(at seller- - enormous demanl: ever ?S.foJ alteadv

1 1 d; everybody buvs. Tey save Insurance, pre-e-

blc fires and prrt-T- t lives. We give agents'.;?!l",' tcrriton and heln tiem 'n n-rr-

rite for rata'ogpe and te'tlmonia's from lsr--ToTr-Dancrnna'o-

"' "" ,

r, .. .. I


EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD PAY!WAXTtD-Rella- ble men or women to sell our

fS?. AS' In communities from

t.OOO lo. lm pomilaUon: permanent employment

St, Louis,X



SZj-tj- . --, .rtr '




V.COLLECTORS iVn BnT.TrrrnDo wi-rp- ti

at T,?- - w!7nS5e?t.5.ood'I15lnK Positions. CaU

hut hustler, need arpl. 2731 Franklin ate.MEN WANTED Reliable men of good appear- -

C".,)''twn 4 and 5 p. m.. room 260Arcade buHding.Cat St. Louis, IIL

ii?OI-'T- WANTCD-Flrst-c- ilss printing

'" r'oure' Address A. McLean,

. PHCTOnS WANTED-Pollclt- on. to sell oiltnlnlnc stocks. Apply 31S Lincoln Trust bldg.SOLICITORS WANTriD On salary or cominis-Ion- .

for city and country, to call on businessandprofesjlonal men. tt I.iclede bull.'.lnjr.SOLICITORS WANTED-M- en or women, nhuare capable cf earning JS) a week, position nt

AdJret IIP Holland building. St. Louis.

SaIsraeDA LI1IITKIJ nutTih-- r nf tratt--l nir cuttamen 1.i

inabllohnl. wtll-rate- il Iiouff, ailractti?, falablc

SALESMAN WAXTri-VeII-!re- ed. spil-;r.ctM

rran. J20 weekly; afttr 5 May 11. r3?Market nt.

HALKSMEN-- W.XTEf-Tv- io --- . men to H'

s ana rvizetr to private famlKr. 17 Ttilr-trsnt-

t.SAIESMIC WAXTKD A few II ntn to -ll

r liieliprt raj in the countrj; MonJay cnl.-- S Century bldjtMM.3JIAN WANTED Touns man to ell to

the RTocerv and aln trade, state presentZ ;s. Republic

S A LkSUAN WANTKD-Plrst-C- la". eipeil-ence- dsalesman for merchant tailoring.

Tailcrirg Co.. 512 I'lne st.PAI.ESMKN- - WANTED Salesmen to handle Iln.

of .klrts: state former exoerience and ter- - hd coporatlon: tj.'iconfidential r 94 Republic. i "! ' "I. with coed salaried pol- -

SALESMAN WANTED Enertretlr salesman:"hooI suppll"; countrj' work; Jlo a'.Iarj" and

ccmmIion. It O. Evens & Co.. Chl.aso, III.

.SALESMEN --To fell staple line direct fremfactory to retail trade; expenses and comm!Irnto right men; none but the ben need applj. MK Kepublle.

SALESMEN to e!l flrat-cl- nuitrr atock:all gooda guaranteed true to name; jreed jalarleaLaid: ivrie for terrca to Mount Hope Nui aeries.

SALESMEN WANTED-- On haklne rwwder:575 ir month and traveling expense; Induce-ment to dealer, experience unnecessary. .Puri-ty Companj-- , Chicago.

SALESMEN WANTED Experienced pecta.tyale?men for retail grocery trade, city and coun-t- rj

Waltcn MIg. Co , 31R N. Second st.SALESMAN WAtrFKD HustllngTaiesman fur

MlsMjuri bv wholesale harre;high commlIon contract, with $2.1 weekl

while traveling. Jes II. smith Co.Mich.


a!rman. on ccmmlwlon nnlj--. Applv. with St.LojI reference. Empire Sujender Manufactur-ing Company.

SALESMEN WANTED To sell our srocd togeneral stores, clothier, dniggtns and grocers;flne side lines, big profits: liberal terms. ModelMfg Co., D-- pt 32. South Bend, Ind.

SALESMEN WANTED active, tosell the Twentieth Century Encjlopedla on at ew plan a monev getter for good I. F.Smith Puh. Co.. 210 Laclede building.


man es salesman in stationery store: tattpcrlence. reference and salary exjected;work to right party. 11 95. Republic

SALESMEN WANTED Either sex. In everytown and city to take crders for our high artf'hlrtwam Goods (exclusive ). also

attractive lines cf cheap, melium and highgiade dress goods: big- pay to right party. Ad-dress Buckley Custom Shirt Mfg. Co.. St. Louis,Mo.

SALESMEN WANTED An old. establishedcompany wants two men for the city and twito travel in Mlsrourl. wltn large acquaintance,who hav had stccesful experience; l uay tomen v ho have confidence In themseK es andneigy; a good business nropositlcn. Don't an-

swer unlesn jou have snap. S 100, RepublicSHOE SALESMAN WANTED-Exp- erl ned

traveling shoe salesman; name territory and firmvou last traveled for full references and inferma-tk- n

mut nrcompany application or no attentionram; .arce ana rename manufacturers. Ad-dress Y tfi. Care Lord & Thomas. Chicago.

SOLICITORS or agents who desire to increasethIr salaries, call at room 203 Burlington bllg.STARK NURSERY pays cash weeklv If yna

sell Stark trees. Louisiana. Mo.: Dansvllle, N. Y.

WANTED Salesmen, local or traveling: wlarynr rommisslon. Perrj- - Nursery Co.. Rochester.

WANTED A shrewd. experienced traveling?iimnn to nil vacancv; general mercantiletrade. Applv at once. H. F. Blxler & Co., Ltd.,Cleveland. O.

Canrnnem.TANVASSEnS WANTED Exprrlenrvd houac-to-ho-

canrafer for aTocery specialty. 'Wal- -ton airg. co.. sis '. socona t.

, CANVASSERS TVANTED-- W I ener-- 1rc men to can vacs the city; sell the bwt artl- -cl rf its kind on the market; ffood hustlersir.HKe dik money; now is tne lime. Apply 1805Washington a.

Laily Afsenta and Soltcltorit.tx x?ttjtt --

tlcl used by all ladies: applr 2 to 4. 9M . exas--

N. Garrison ave."CANVASSERS WANTED Lady or gentlemen I

cantarrers; salary .11 per week; chance to make 'cons'derable extra: work easy and plearant:

petition to good party. B ?. J tepublic.LADT agents wanted e.ery where to sell the

Vlctcrla protector: J5 to J10 per week easilymade; sells to ladles on sight; circulars andterms sent free. Dept. 22. Ava SreciaJty Cj..Aa. III.


that Is capable of earnlnc 520 a week;good worker; permanent position. Apply to roomS41 Planters Hotel, after 2 p. m., Monday.

Ulaetlneiia.CIVIL Service Goemment Positions D.S'3

made last year: probaWj- - 13.0CO thisvear. Only common school education requiredfor Catalogue cf Information free.Columbian Correspondence Ccllege, Washlnrtcn.D. C

LA DIES Special home work ;Room OS. 8:i Cbestnut st.

call at one.LADIES, copy letters- at home: $1 to ?& p- -r

week; sent stamped envelope for application.Monarch Novelty Co.. Dept. 5. Chicago.

MAN WANTED A man thorouihly familiarwith babbiting bearings; psrmanent position togood man. A 90. Republic.

MEN and women to do copying at home; $5 to$12 weekly wcrklnc evenings; no canvassing; in-close stamp. King Mfg. Co., 3 Warren ave.,Chicago.

WOMEN to do patchwork; Jl ner 100: C2nman j an nur; no sewinx maenme requiredSend eddreed renlv envelope for sample andfull particulars. Hutton & Co., Dept. S. Phila-delphia. Pa.

$1S weekly Introducing my beauty prepara-tions; same rate nart time. Mme. La Pierre,Dept. 430 W. Ohio. Chicago.

$13 to $20 per week at home writing durine-spnr-

hours: no canvassing or peddllrg: no outfitor goods required: either sex: send stamp. Ad-vance Adv. Agency. Cleveland.


ALL those desiring help or soeklnr situationsmatr resrlster with the Free Emnlwment iiniti

I of the Stite Labor Bureau of Statistics. 813HChestnut ot.: situtl"n and help furnished free

J of charge. Tel. Klnloch A SSI.' CARPKNTERK WANTFD-Twent- y bridge

for Tennessee; $3.5? day; free oass; applyquicic tvoemg s Agency, w; wamut st.

FABM HAND. ETa. WANTED-Twenty-f- ivefarm hands, rardenenr. milker, houseman, manfor private place; all work guaranteed by Koenig's Labor Agency. 612 Walnut st.

LABORERS. ETC.. WANTED-Fi- ve bnndrdlarVirrt f oml nvlrmcn nair .rood arect In ever,- - tqivn Illl- - I inwa. Illino'. jlifFOuri and free

Wr(i- -

Kcenlars Labor Agencv 612 Walnut st.STOXEM PON-- !

frr rallrosd cnl'erts in Illinois; e pass; shipjionaay. ivoenig-- s iaoor Agency. 613 vaJnut st.

WE "tipply all Ial-- r free tn the emnloyer andwant laborers of all dcrlntlons. InternationalEmplpmcnt Ca. 10- X. Eighth st.

MAIL. OnDERS.B17SINES-- ? little cap-

ital: lsjorabIe enterprises uggested. taught, byour iKKtk: mailed Ji; circular free. Pleas-ants Co.. St. Ixnil.

COMPOUXD that will keep eggs fresh andsweet for a vear: xl per package; agents wanted.Coggefhall Co.. Webster Groes. Mo.

PATtTTfEnS VAXTED.ENGINEER WANTED-Ycu- ng mechanical en-gineer, wht- - wll Invert some money. M Si Re-public.

GEXTLEMAX in every sense, good aidless,that ceslrts en interest In manufacturer's bruk-era-

Imslmss. calling on tne tilde here, linescrtabllsced. can Interview me clo If partyhas rtme cash ant Is th'r! sa'lsfaitt.ryW E2. Republic.

MAX with JIM ln established offlcs businessbig prcfits. R S7. Republic.

I'ARTXER WANTED In established merchanttailoring business; good prodt; excellent oppor-tunity to right party: references exchansej. L110. Republic

PARTNER WANTED-Intelllge- nt. honest pusn-e- to secure advertising contracts withbanks. large concerns everybody; unusual oppor-- .

tunlty. H to. Republic.

PARTNER WAXTED With JiOOO to JS.W0 totake active part In large St. iiuts --FniH-i. 'wire and liquor house: must be a bright andable business man. Address Geo and O G.Stark. Hermann. Mo.

PARTNER with capital to buy half Interest lnState of Missouri, valuable Invention, ln an ex-tension chimney top and protector: Indestructible

nd Indispensable: already Introduced; have bledemand: tnveatirate. F. II. Jacoby, 2103 Mis-souri ave.. East St. Loula. III.

.FFEEPAVDATEa' T"--i .YOUNG man with business quallticatK-n- s willCU . buv lntirft In aantahlinh nn.u-.ii.- . k..- -i"-. .... .,, . ja ULlf t"

I nm: ojvoie nis time, d 107, Republic.


Wll llll, S.WI.W iwADDITIONAL CAPITAL SUPPLIED.Btoi.K Companies Organized.

.Stocks and Uonda underwritten orEolc nncer guarantee and en commlasloa.

Chartera Secured la any State.Good Inventions Marketed.

Can furnished for any good enterprise.DANIELS & COMPANY,

BANKERS. I WALL ST.. NEW' TORK.Also LontfonPhlladelphla. Boston. San Francisco.

CAPITAL placed with us earns from 3 to 7 percent weekly; highest references lumtshed; eightyears 01 unnroaen succc"S. no losses; uescnpn'pamphlet free on application; no wlldiat or oiltiCheme; established IS54. Drake. Allison Co.,Hammond. Ind.

"DOLLARS ANDHORSErsENSE": our newbooklet; Interesting reading and aluable infor-mation showing- permanent weekly income fromimestments of Jlo to JlS.nrtO; statement of rnfltaactually raid to date; extensive reference lltrrom satlMIo! cutomers. W. W. O'Hara. unionTrust tldg.. tanclnnatl. O

FEW I'artfes to Invest from JIO to $1) aciIn a company that will "tand thorouxh Investi-gation. Fafe and pro tl table Investment. II.AjECha.L Wbstrr Grove, ilo.

GOOD opiortunltv for drujtK.Pt with stock oftfGoJ or capital J 93. Republic.

1 HAVE Feve-ra- concessions anil acencien. allRood monejinakerji. for i eople who hav fnim Ji'Oup Call and Investigate. M Louis NoveltyAVorkt. 2S03 Iucag ave

I CAN sell jour business or ai ertBt". nanatttr vth- - it la, send tiwctlptlon and jxlcanrt learn how AV. M Ostrander, N A. bMje..rhiladtlphla. Pa.

I INVKSTORS-F- cr sale and prsfttable lnvest- -ment. which earns 4 to T per cent weekly, where

l jour capital Is .af nd alwajs ubjeet to ourururr, nnir iur mil lamcuiars 01 uui inruii-- " idoin huine5s AH ddends pajable weekly.

. Car tal Investment Co., Suite32. i3 Dearlorn st.. tnleago.

I WANT to retire from business m accountof old ape i own interest In :fvl- -

drew dnd-payln-

rltory. all replies


WANTED-- A pass.'

null ne. nun lltuuivi. avaav. . a.Box No. Ct, (Chicago

LARGE monev made in stock. KTaln or cottonwhen handlfd bv our method no loe. afeandsotind Our pamphlet, -- The One Way." tells allabout It. Snd for it. Am. Finance Co, Pruvdtbuilding. Philadelphia. Pa.

LARGE and steady rroflts paid semimonthly onmoderate Investments, the most nccful, n

and permanent inonej .earning medium onthe market. Snd for free booklet. Davenport JL

Co..rId building. New York."contract-

-n the Mutual

Heme Company I 10. Rep-bli- c.

MAGAZINE devoted to the poultry and petatock interests; ha a large paid circulation; pav-ing handcmely now. reaon for ell ng. have e- -eral other publications that take my entire time.K 91, Republic.

MAN with 5:W to superintend corporation office;good salary: position permanent, investment safeIt ST. Republic.

MEDICAL MAN WANTED Medical man totake charge of a specialist' office; one who ha'had practical experience in this Hn and is agood casC'ffetter; a grand opportunltj- - for t!trlcht man. X l'7. Republic.

OUR method cf turf sieculat!on net 1 p?rcent weeklj to Investors; J10 accepted for trial.Address SolUtt & Co., 125 Cedar st . New York.

OlR new sjslem of turf speculation showprofit of S5 per cent It 15 das at Aqueduct, ex-planation free. N. S. Hand. Expert Handicapper.&04 Iark Row building. New York.

1 'ARTIES Ieavlne city will sell, with Ieae. ata big sacrifice. roomlng-nou- eleven rooms, mce- -

voung ly and newly furnished; bet location In city; al- -

waja full. Income now jw) per month u 3,


PARTNERSHIP Party having J2 to Inv-- st

In g business seek silent partnership;state full particulars; reference A92. Republic.

"PARTNER WANTED To manage, at good pal-ar- j.

manufacturing plant, emplovlng from 2T-- to1 men; shipping facllltle gnol; term reason-able; references exchanged. If jou mean budine,answer T 99. Republic.

SALOON and restaurant men. why don't vougo and ee the new e'ectrif toropnone 6'l Mar- -ket. Hi Olive and 3773 S. Ilroadivav.

SALESMAN WANTED-O- H stock; to sell oil stock; splendid opportu

nlty: enormous pronts. wilte immediately. In-

closing reference. Z 8S. ReputllcSTOP and think what It mean in double jour

money in two mostli; ne never fillrd to rvptofltp on time or to return principal m demand;this plan of owatlnc Hcettmjlte profits

while it Incraw eachday. Send for fre bookUt. Henshal!, Rror.ner tCo.. 1133 Drcaday. New York

THR Crat fTnnnr Trust "A Rrlef nnd Tntrr- -

estlcg IIltor' of the Great Cbpptr Tni't" and"Th Only Way to Rent It" la th till of abookie? Just i?sued; thlrtv minutes of our ttmTrading thi will proe worth 5 ) a mlnut if jouact on th. BUSeiOior.F irlen; it contains the btnauce of Uie day nr tn.estor: "nt rret?;limited; write to SHniritieaCo. Union Trust Bunding:. Cincinnati. O.

THREE contracts with Mutuat Heme "o.. No.SW. 97 and &; price P. ttti Fark ave

TWENTY pr cent per annum budncs offeredfor ale: a rafe Iniestment In anenprainp: and electrotjplng plant locatd In oneof. the lartzRst cities en the irr?at lakes: cleared

I oerJ7.0i3u last ear: ilinesp only reason Xorwll-In- g

a rare opportunity for th rlcht man.Flaher. 638 Ellicott Square. Buffalo. N. Y.

WIH. pell interest in company,incorporated, doing good business: unlimited

excellent chance for right man. W lfl7.Kepubne.

WOULD ycu visit th wonderful Texii o'l, fields if your expenses were paid? Oprortunlty

juui D. vuuuitiuito mj;. . ue.ii, mum iibiii,

YOU have tried lotteries and all sorts ofmoney-makin- g schemes; why not put your monej-I-n

a safe gold mining proposition? SI per monthfor ten months will pay for 1,000 shares ln anArizona mine that will ray ditldends inmonths; this Investment may be worthwill bear investigation : I deal in reliable Arizonaand Cblorcdo mining stocks, an! the safest Texasoil stocks. Write F. R, Pugh. Monr-am- . Tex.

JS09 invested will bring an Inccme of $7 permenth to a wide-awa- man and will not inter-fere with his regular work. ZJ2, Republic.

0 PER CENT average monthly profit under ournew system of turf speculation; share $10 eacn;dividends paid r; send for circular.White gc Co.. Sc. Pulitzer bldg. New York.(Mention paper.)

Wireless Telegraphy Taughtbj-- mail, race (Including etudents" outfit) $2.Communication everywhere without wire, toonbe unUersal. Ecrbody man learn. Start no--

Obtain first knowledge and earn Rteady Incometeaching others. child can learn inthirty das.

WIRELESS TEX.KGRArj INSTITUTE.19 and 12 East Twenty-thir- d St.. ."ew York.

LAPSED INSURANCE POLICIES.Holders of e company policies. laptel

for nonpayment of Dremium. willto advantage 'by addressing B 95,

ieam sonieaingRepublic

DIVIDENDS PAIDTo our clients last jear averaged $3 IS per weekfor each $10) invested with us. We are doing aswell thl. year Come and examine the record!Wo have EIGHT YEARS EXPERIENCES with-out the loss of a dollar of an body's money In-vestments from $20 up to any sum. subject towithdrawal on your demand. Call or write. AI.Fetzer & Co.. 322 Emllie building. Ninth andOlive. St. Louis.


ACME Steam Carpet Cleaning Co.: cleaningand laying; reduced prices. 40(r2 Easton. Kin.D 2032. W. C. McKowan. manager.

AMERICAN (Verdler) Electric Carp- -t Beatingand Renovating Company, Nineteenth and line-- All

work guaranteed. Kin. D 0, Be, I Main 659.

EMPIRE Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. Carpetstaken up. cleaned, mode oer and laid; bestvork. iowt prices. 213 Lucas MLl 1131: C S5.ENTERPRISE Steam Carpet Cleaning

attention to alterl.ig. sewing and relatingEaston and Pendleton. Lm. 2T4M : Klnloch D a!

LACE curtains renovated. 40c and 4i:.loch D 2163. 43S4 Easton ave.Kln- -

SAMS jour carpets, tacks, nerves, time bvusing Hercules Tack Puller: best made; mailed2jc. Pleasants Co.. Box 731. St. LouisST. LOUIS Steam Carpet Cleaning Co. beat,

renoiate. alter, sew and lav carpets. 4J79 Eas-to- nave.: phone Forest 268: Klnloch B 1634

CPHOLSTERING.caning: good work;474') Easton ave.

mattress making, chairsend postal. II. Vallanse.

LPHOLSTERIXO. mattrersmaklng and feath-er renovating, satisfaction guaranteed. Dinisan.1512 and 4230 01le st. Main S7 M.


Jtft tnousana ehares "erde Grand' wantedwrl'e how much ou have and lowest prliselllrr p S3. RepublicFOR Seteral selected tracts Iron. lealand copper larjs in Southern Missouri. Owner.

40J. tia Pln L. St. Louis. Mo.

TRESSED for cash: mast sll mr "VerdeGrande' etock; make me jour beat offer: statehow many shares. K M. Republic.

DO YOU WANT TO BUY A MININGStock en Its real merit Just crranlzedr All EUlends business men: well known: only thiitythousand more needed: for full thisInside price; real value; no stock to bj r.die:-tlse- d.

W M. Republic.


.J'WJATS '? the business card,and noteheads. JLW; quick seriice:Stapleton & Co.. 40t X. Twelfth st.LOOO Mr. cards 20c. notehds.. blllhds.. evns Jlcut prices. Denton & Co.. Ult Pine st.BUSIXESS cards. 1; billheads, sutementi or

P" u,ou5J---(-- - - p-- V1""ey. 108N Tw IfthCRESCENT Printing Company, 07 N. Fourth

1.000 blx carda. 3)c: notehds.. blllhds.. envs..prices. Benton'A Co.. 131S fine.1.0CO blx cards. 30c: notehds.'. blllhds., envs . 11cut prices. Benton tv C-o- 111! Pine.

'iOfc.iS..'A MATTER of fact: Never too late to mend.Schnaus. shoemaker. 3009 OIlv e st.

BOARDING or rooming house, state lowestprice, fullest particulars; must be bargain; ama lone widow w 94. Republic

DON'T forget to give ui a call; we make aspecialty of gas and ga"ollne stove": bet

Tel. D '9. sot N. fourteenth, rt.GET our a.he. and refuse hauled cheap:

send postal Alex. T. Miay; 4438 Cottage ave.HAVE the West End Repairing Co. ngure on

our Ebbing 4133 Easton ave.HCLLO. B 1(93 We bay rags. Iron, roprer,

zlnr. lead, sheet iron and wire rope. 11. Nelort&. Sons. :S3 N. Nintli.

I COME anJ paper our houe and alefll'count, tell paper. 3"c and c en rapr Gu.Sheldon. fe7 Market ft.

I CONTHOL ten of the best canva-.r- s JnPt Loulv am open for business handled throughayer.ts y u Marti n. W3.) Lav ton ave.

J II. GRinwK & CO.. palmers and s.

W2 Chestnut Tell . Bell :31A; KlnlochIi 1410. Call for estlmates:

LOCKSMITHIN"Gand electric bell put up anditpalred. lawn mowers repaired, andfor sale b V Stein. 16C7 P JelTerHon ave

MENri shoes Iialf soled an I heeled: workpuaranteeil. iV a pair American Shoe lie Co.. ;. Mark, t

MOL'NTAIN ff Co. clean r rfvallpapr. fre-o- woodwork, window?, ett 2a3N Thlneith st.

IOSTAGE Marcps taken In exchange for to-bacco, clear?, Ptationerj. etc. Bok Store, 701Market t.

SALOON and proce-- y,

Ftand I) 'ji Republicmu5t be pood paying

&AIjOON In central or northern part of thecitj ; mut be tand C 94. Republic,

SALOON and rctaurant mn. why don't jougo and c tfc new Electric Tcnophone, 01

Market. SC Olive. 37;; S Kndway"SEND postal to A. P Shnv. 4CS Cottage ave.

.he and maiure hauled cheap.SHAVE and hlne. 10c; hair cut. 15c; hot and

edd bath. 15c 706 Market st.TKK People Mutual Claim and Collection

Co.. Incorporated; rlty collection a speclaltr.Rorm R10 Holland building Klnloch A 63; BeHMain C2U.

WANTED To buy drug store. Miouri town.any part of State Address Druggist, i;il Mc-G- e

st.. Kana Citj'. Mo

RUBBER COLLARS,Cuffj. shirt fronts and neckties; corcp'ete Unalatet stvle. linen finish s.mple collar, Sic.Thread City Cellar Company. 1S.0 Olive ?t.

I D1TC11TC Obtained. Hlftdon &. Incan.rM I Crl I O I'atent Law Eictusiv ely.Rooms Union Trust B'Jlldlnc.


"Direct from the Wells.



Case sixl. bot-

tles, 33c.

DE LEONCarbo-nated



A pure natural water from aur ownartesian wells at De Soto, Mo.

rncniPTWorks, 711 S. Theresa Ave.

Phones: Klnloch. D 647; Bell, Llndell 1105.


AN writing dek and book casecombined. D g7. Republic

of ITopiecontracts at once. W 97. Republic.

PESIC WANTED A good. large second ha n 1

double offlc1 deek. must be In good condition andcheap. 913 Chestnut st Tel. C 2WA.

GOOD secondhand microscope. J. C. Fetit.M !.. Ult OIKe Ft

GOOD lands and lots, raying business: bar- -galn: ineiiirate What hae jou? Any andall offers flft itadlon st.

GOLD, platinum and silver bought and mW:we handle nil precious ratals. Rowan's, SC2

N Tenth Ft., t. Louie. Mo.

HAVE jou a patent or an Idea? We willIt HlftTnlon Trun bldg- -

I WANT tn ty for special rtrder. lot cf nMfeathers, furniture, etc.; ntgnest cash price, callor write. J. Bensln-e- r, 113 N. Twelfth st.

J. MILLNER. wholesale and retail dealer oldIron. metal3 and all kinds machinery. Office andyard. 14S5-S- 9 N Eighth st. Kin. D 1C74.

ONE soda fountain. Tufts make, lnrendition; will ell chap McKlnney Broad Cu ,Fixttentn and Franklin ave.

WANTED To bu nil the female canaries Ican get. 1 N- - Twelfth st.

WANTED To buy a nonl table cheap; must beIn good condition. S 53. Republic.

WANTED Three electric ceiling fans. Hut,5443A Easton ave.

WANTED OM f"td and sll-e- diamond". Jew-elry, etc; cath raid Downing. IB N. Seventh.

WANTED To buy econdhand pool an I

Millard taMei. In any kind of condition. I hoenlxTool and Billiard Co.. IT'S S. Ilroadnar- - Hothphones.

WE pay cash for diamonds, old sold. Mh-- r,

sold nucicets gold teeth, gold natch ca-e- s.

Downlnc & Co.. Mi N Ferenth t.















Fcrap iron, etc Write for:,! Maj er &. 9on.f3-.-S3- Choufau.

SecriJhand. or all kind, boughtand snio: all the year round. Geo.

Main and Valentine.

NICKEL PLATING,Also gold, sil'.er. brass and copper plating: re-pairing, oxldixlng and Iacouerlng at reasonableprices. Degge A Mmlck 1 Market at.

PATENTS OBTAINED.Mark R. Chartrand paten sollctwr exaralna.

tlccs and advice free. 913 Carletcn ouiidLng.

SILVER, NICKEL,Gold, brass and opper plating, pollsttog.lacquering and repalvlng of all kinds. Kin. ElB. S SA"JILLE. 413 X. Seventh at.

SCRAP IRON,U. bt. Louis.



Bones etc Mayer FertillxerA Junk CD.. 3 X. Twelftk

Est. 1X3-- aend for prices.


BELGIAN hares, fine stock: will exchange forpoultry. Bonlta Rabbltry. 424 Scanlan place.

BULL PUP. thoroughbred.I 2033 Rutger St.

IfOG. ETC One fine watch dog; also dee'house; good hunter. 2343 Park ave.

ENGLISH setter pups; alro Rufus red Belgianhate.. Wlchraann. 2-- - Dickson st.

TINE little Irleh water spaniel pups, cheap.3231 Knapp st.

FIXE line cf monkeys, red macaws. Im-ported birds, gold fisfi. small pets, all sorts docs.Wehrman's. 417 Walnut: branch. g26 X. B'way.

F1XD lot of monkeys, pirrots. red macaws, im-ported birds, gold fish, small pets, all sorts dogs.Wehrman's. 417 Walnut: branch. 25 X. Broadway.

llARIZ MOUNTAIN and roller canaries, par-rots, pigeons, reabirds; all kinds of pets. 1317S. Broadway.

LARGE thoroughbred English mastiff: goodwatchdog, sog x. Broadway.

NEWFOUNDLAND and pug puppies, mockingDims; guaranteed In full song: parrots, pets cjikinds. Warner. 1518 Franklin ave.

PARROT A good jarrot: good talker,rose st.

PUPPIES Fine white French poodle puppies.2022 Wash at.. 2d floor. .

nRnmrii t. j--- r- exeat ret:im nsiu-jg cards and aluminum card case' with ' Jn Franklin.

nerXolVLoufsfMr14 fOT " -- j SCHULTirs msng. cun: guaranteed; 50c. Forsai at ail drug; store.



Number National

flrt-cla- s


FOR SALE" - if,,.. , .

REFRIGERATftoe iicciiat-- pat- -

price. 494 N. Third .f. uet catalome.A MErIt?AI. hn!l.

1141 Olive st.A IIANDSOJIE polnt-lac- e col-lar, cuffs and frontEJj: Republic! '

tunfl l'ure "hit. lead. X.--J5r?n. 4)c. ereen. 10c. Duck- -

- ....... ...... v.k.. wit p.. Hrortdwav.

miTT'iriJ', .rTw'n,r fln ba'-- ' nd trout files.r'-'l-- r ,1y book- - a "" e Standar-- ITool Co.. st. Neit to Hilts.

T1UY buBKjr. cost )Horton place at a bargain.

I.1LJJARD and pool tables; new and second-hand; cloth, ball urd eve-- , A. K. tchmldt. rMarket st. 1'hune Main ifiMRRILLIANT arc lights to rent for lawn par-

ties and all sorts u: occasions, repairs far alllamps. Windhorst & Co., 4 ,- Twelfth st.RPENTERS tco! chet. with lot r,f k1too.5, which I will ell verj cheap. Call Jlon-da- j,

113 N. Twelfth m

CIICAI; 300 cots st LouN Belting and Sup-ply Companj, 509 s. Fourth st

CHEAP 1W t garden betters, also Ti gar-dt-

recking chair and I) round oak table, oniron itands. suitable for summer garden or sa-loon. ? 37. Republic

CIGAR store fixtures, cigar wall cae. counter.large mirror, cheap; florWs ice boxes, completeset trajs F. II. I'ortman Storage Co.. 2fcH Ca.

DESKS Ti, oak Cat-to- p office desks, alm-s- tnew. cost 15 eath. wi.l tell at JS each 91

Chestnut htEGGS for Setting White and Brown Leghorns,

Jl per setting; alo Black Polish, with whitecrest, $1 ZQ per ettlng Call at 34 j S Grace ae

EIGHT-FOO- T French plate mirror, one ovaltop gla umbrella case, all kinds cf counters andcaw, cheap. SU N Seventh st.

T.LEGANT l!runwick pool and billiard taUe.sell nr rent reasonably, also all kinds of supplieson hand. J. L. Fowler. 1321 Market sU

HLKVEN-FOO- T gla8 counter, as gcod asn'w;cnl) two month K lfti. Republic

FINE roller-to- p desk, with rvolvln? chair;will sell cheap. iall 4I2S t. Ferdinnnd avt

FIRE and burglar prcof safes and ault door.Ihi1 Ber. 210 walnut st.

GOOD heconanand nafc. wltalocks: Kood as new. 113 Olive t

OltCEN upholsterctl rcick.r. large oakchilr. fine Japanese screen ell cheap.Thirteenth Et


OIIWTRY seventy-enllo- n oil tank; ccst J35;sell for 513. 1315 Chouteau

Itn ltox nutchers ire box; in good condition:l bargain. 3439 ChouUau ave.IF you want hralth. buy one of our germ-pro-

filters, only 33c. regular 5b pressure filteronly J4.E. 7n3 l'ir.e st.

INVALID'S chair. In perfett condition, can beued in or out of doors, mide strong: Iron axles.Sll X. Seventh st.

JACOB IiONDCtt, large Etock coed", second-ban- d

clothing, wholesale and retail, countrj or-

der, solicited, write for price IIt. S3 Morgan st

LADT"S cherrv-- writing dek44S3 Wabhington ave.


as new.

IJvDV wishes to sell dress; brocade satin. L SI,

Itepubllc.IiAItGC oak !c lox. cuitabl for confectionery

or tenHnK-hous- J5. 43V7A p:oiton.totlc urate bars and castlnc.

Star dart! Founr. !" Lol'WLIRCK Ice box. suitable for pmcery or

nine feet long; capacity 8 tons; cheap.22 15 Madison ft.

LARGKlron tank, lftxil fet; alo all klndbulMinjr material; VA prch butldlnt; rock; 2.0fire brick X A. Thom. . 1W S. Twelfth t

LARGE hotel range; solid pat top: doublefircbx and oen. Majestic and Horre Comrort.

connfctioi. barcaln. ffll N. Senth.LAUNDRY mangle

rrlce. 1215 Chouteau.good es new; j'our own

LOT of counters suitable for restaurant.12 to 20 feet long.- - Sll N. Seventh t.


Rxchange membership. O 1M.

MERCHANT tailcr wall cae. sliding doors;also counters, shelling and show caes. mirrorsand tables, at a bargain Sll N. Seventh st

MIXED paint, oils, enamI. brush-es, wall paper, and glue at downtownprices. John C205 OUe t.

"NEW billiard and poo! tables, nrst;f in ev-ery respect. IJell nhona Blue l't: Klnloch 37

ilx Pool and Billiard Co. 1713 S. Broad-ay- .

NEW billiard and po-- tables; Jl) per month;cheaper than renting rame. Phoenix Pool and

Company, 1700 and 17. Broad war.

NO 14 Baltimore handrrei-- and complete outfitcf news and Job type; separate or together; bar-gal-

3 Easton ave.

ONE surgical chair, in good condltlcn; forcheap. 1313 Cbouteau

ONE drove of b--e. full of honey; no r.oom;cheap. 215 Part an.

OPERATION chair. Just used two months;cheap. Inquire 13 Cass ave.

TOOL and billiard tables, new and secondhand;cheap. Louis Walter. 2613 Franklin.

TOOL and billiard tables to rent. PhoenixPool and BI11Ib.i1 Company, 173 and 17"0 S.Broadway. St. Lout. Mo.

REFRIGERATOR, in good condition;cneap. 2S- - Washington ave.





REFRIGERATOR, for family ue. made to or-

der; cost Jl-- 5: can 1 had for S?5. Call $30u Vulcanst.. South St. Lculs;

RESTAURANT Fixture Complete outfit; mustbe sold Monday regardless of ccst. part cash;"balance easy pajments, get full particular. 13Chestnut.

SAFES One large and one -- mall secondbanlsafes; cheap. We'- & Co.. 13 N. Ninth st.

SALOON and restaurant men. why don't yougo and see the w Electric Tonophone? C01

Market. 5 Olive and 37J t. BroadnarS. B. LEGHORX at Jl per setting: Wjan-dott- e.

T3c. Charle. Cantell. Jr.. Mil Julian ae.SECOXUHAND Ice boxes, scales and trucsj;

all repaired and varrated. Ht X. Third at.

SI CCXDHAXD school and teachers" desks andchairs, window shades and sashes, cas fixturesand sash eeisfct: large assoruneat. low prices.Beard of Education Warehouse. 4H S. Eleventhstrest.

SEVEN fine box stalls, all conveniences. 1315 X.King's hlgUsi ay.

BEE the Great Western Paint & Color Co. forFherwin-WIUIar- paints. Xortheast cornerTwelfth and Pine sts-- : Klnloch C SJT: Main 1K5A.

SMALLlot of Verde Grande stock at J7.M pershare. T $. Republic.

SMALL refrigerator, also Icebox. 2x3 feet:pood condition; sell cheap. S09 X. Fifteenth st.

SOLID oak double standing desks; also roller-to-flat-to- p de.ks. chairs and tables; bar-

gains. Sll X. Seventh st.STOVE repairs for "any old" stoe.

Ill X. Twelfth at. Klnloch C 7.Forshaw,

STRICTLY pure oil. 61c: turpentine. 43c: lead.4c to c: get prices. Xleman Bros.. 1311 Parkave. Klnloch D Sidney 42SM.

STOP at 1202 Clark ave. or 511 Plna st.. if rouneed white enameled letters, gold glass letterr. orblue enameled steel signs: our prices the low- -t

and our work the best; all work guarant-- d

two years again being stolen or dropping olf.TEX-FOO- T plate-glas- s show case a-- d counter;

cheap. 143S Missl'slppl ave.TEXTS of all tizes: balloon;, chutes, spin-

dles. tnIIes. nigger babies, shooting galleries.G. W. RlclMrd. 2J02A Franklin.

THREE matured contracts in one of the betcompanies in the city; JIOO each. C V7S,Republic.

THREE tanks. In first-cla- condition: onnearly new; about 16 feet long and 4s or 5 feetwide; price J65 apiece. St. Louis Belting andSupply Company. - S. Tourth st.

TWENTY tonsstreet.

mineral wool. 313 Walnut

TWO ice boxes; small show case: also sprtnRacaJe; cheap. Apply meat market. 3200 La.vton.

USE floor enamel: 50 cents willenamel jour floor and sa.e scrubblner 13 centswill kalotnlne your room. I1S17 Franklin ae.WAII cae and plate-clas- s how case; on ta-

ble. Jcs. Lehnbeuter. Jr.. Twelfth and Gratiot.l!sht and suppllts; good mantle,

10c each. Jl a dozen, at Condon's. S Mar- - i

ket st.WISE people Relcaelt's floor enamel. "O

cen's; enamels your floor and saves scrubbing33 cents kalsomlnes your room. 1S17 Franklin ave!

TES. the lawn furniture does look rather rusty,but a can of our Lawn Seat Colors will makethem "like new." Piatt Jt Thornburgh PaintCo. 620 Franklin ave.

25 lc boxes, larse and small. SI up; refrijr?r-ator- s.

1 up. 13 Franklin ae.3rt.oi feet lumber. 19.W0pieces lxl4- - fetlouc. HZ.Zd per thcuand; S).0 nieces 20x10. 31

feet, onlv Jla per thousand: ro,t pieces 2x36. ISlonir. oniv tl2.sft per thousand: 29.0-- pieces 2x1134 feet lonjr. price onlv Jl.i; nieces Sr3. 15or IS. 20 and 25 feet lonp. price 15- - ColumbiaWrecUne 70 . Rjtger and Leee1.

TENTS,TENTS,TENTSAnd tarpaulins, all sizes, for sale or rent. St.Louis Belting and Supply Company, u0 S. 1'ourthstreet.


DEALERS IX BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES.Soliciting correspondence for bids and drawingsof any kind of general office, store flxtures work,fancy residence Ice boxes; also hotels, saloon.etc. Tel. K. B 234. Have In stock new and sec-ondhand refrigerators, counters, etc.. at officeand factory. Soulard St.. St. Lculs.

STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE.Tool and billiard tables.Large stock saloon fixtures and Ice boxes.eeralseu: grocery and tar flxtures.Two coffee urns.Several complete sets butcher flxtures.One safe, rmall.Several cigar flxtures.Largest stock flxtures In cltr.








Watches and DiamondsOn Time Payments.

vV 0!;r. " " "Peclal Inducement aElgin. altham. prlnBeId or Hampden roove- -meni. in a e case. vMrmntedfor 3) jearV wear, for Jli with U first pavnent 'anil 51 thereafter We are lllre; motormn ind

. - - ..... j oi .. riiuiii. I1UL Uir lllJlkInc, for larger field". h!ch accounts: for ?boveInducement. We at-- . hait hlTh.--ifl- HiAhnand diamond which we offer on term satisfac-tory to purchaser. Call at our office and lnestl- -gate. H a Ik rman JL. Co.. 413 Holland bulldln.Seventh, near Olive.


$15.00.A lot of discontinued pattern steel ranges; ab- -

OIUtel 11. j n.l u niT-- in nt.A .lo.f.r atli.." ha1 ,x lids. rcMtvoir.

clowt, oven 17x21x12. for wood or roil;'."T,.?,?15 n,'t Juilfv thp qualltj- - of rani:'. Win."lll'T.I I)cpt. No. S3l. 6l9-6- X Kuurth n.


THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED.slx 2Al ln F0II, oak roll.r-to- n ds.. Sll 7S

jach. i. 4 ft. In solid oak roller-to- p AniAach: IS j ft. solid ak rollfr-to- p k. CIeach. 12 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 In ard 5 ft nat-to- p dAk..yp.,l.r.l.ter dr,k"- - JI: a'n 4) artM rfrolilnjaod tlltlrc nfnee chairs and rfvolvlng stools 11 innd up. Wm. 15. WHIard lpt. No. Ml. 1N. Fourth st

.i?,GJ,,lr(i.RAPE tl' for sal.: good condition;SI? . Fonrtf nth st.. third floor.

TEN m'wjTn. usI Mcycles; par cash: descrlb.prl.-.- ; special are ln new l,!cyd- -. Knlshfs, 311N. D 2C17; Main 7711

For Sale.nEAiTTFlT. names lady's wheel. ot J1C9;

gocd as new. will ..!! cheap. Ji1 West Delleplace

aveIn good condition. 3333 Nebraska

HICVCLE-Clev-el- and bicjcle. In good repair:will ei cheap. Inquire at tZA a'henandcah ave.

ROOIl wheel. ..,i.v 1, .vtaken at once. 4163 Olive t.

mcycles. tried and true: bicycles,and tire rrpalrinr. Morgan Olive Hell phone. IJndell 1414A.


All work tmanintwL railed for and dellvrlat factot prices. 101? Tin t.. I01T. Opn m- -

EXCLUSIVEcall and let rCjcle Co.. 13QZ

A LDY'Sbargain. UK


it a Uarzain



agncj for the Recycle bicjl:ie show jou points. South SideS. Broadway.

llcycle in fine condition, at a5. Tenth st.


For the Mitchell In St. Ura!. Ft, lul Cbuntr.Kellftllle ar.l East at. Iouls; the Orient ln St.,?'w mill civ. L41UIS u)univ1017 Pine st.. 1017. Both phone'

Samples In stock.

12 blcjcl... JII.B"; coaster brake put on anywheel, all kind, or repairing done anJ work.uaranteed. Jack Terrell. JUS Iyxust "t.

MOTOR and bicycles do!U and re-paired: ulcanizlng; tire? of all kinds a specialty,atewart & Co.. 3U jr. Nineteenth st.

HARRY R. GEER RENTSBicycles, Tandems, Triplets

By the day. week or month.Open Sundaj-s- . Plna at., 1017,

Bicycle Bargains.Pierce, and Andrae bicycles. $3 to J75.

None better at any price. Secondhand wheels-take-

in trad on liberal terms.Lance stock of high-trad- e secondhand wheels.

In perfect order, for sale cheap.Send u your bicycles to be overhauled and re-

paired, repair work guaranteed. Work called forand delivered. MORGAN & HARDING,Phone Undell 14I4A 3S5-- Olive st.NEW wheels. J 15 up; secondhand wheel alwaja

nn hand; repairing a speWaltv; work guarantee--Scuth Side Cycle Co. S. Broadway.

$2500 GEERCYCLES, $25.00For the Workingman.

Built In our own factory at 1117 Pine t, Come-an-

ee us build bicycle sold on time. $5 cash,$1 25 weekly. We pell direct from the factory torider Yu have no doubt noticed Um tnanr imi-tations of Geercycles in St. Louis, but the gen-uine can only be purchased frcm the factorydirect, and bears Harry R. Gee-r-' nameplate. noother. Sacrifice sale of secondhand blcvcles.WIT Pine st.. 1017. Bicycles $ upward; allmakes

TANDEM. make, andrenlckeled; flrst-clas- a order. 61' N. Vandeventerave.

TIRES AND COASTER BRAKESfan be purchased from the Geertycle factory atfactory prices. 1017 rIne. mt., 101T. Both phones.

DVEIXG. CLEA.MXG AXD REPAIRIJtG.AIAVATS !atlsfled when you have your clothes

made, cleaned. ded or repaired bv AmericanTailors'. Cleaner and Dyers. 20S X. Eleventh st.

LACE curtain, cleaned at lowest: price: wcrfcBuaranteert. Phoenli Cailom Co.. z:a Ca-- s ae.IADIEs and gent", have your garment cleanel.

dj ed and repaired: ladles' Jarkets remodeled. ParisDj elng Cleantng Co.. 13s) Franklin. Main 13S"A.


AMERICAX Storage and Moving Company. J311Olive St. Packlne. ahlppln?. Morage; separatarooms. Tel. Main '571. W. IL Lanrjale. Prtildect.

BONDED Warehause Hy. C Wlehe Storagiand Moving Cornrany. Xo. 1312-1- S Franklin ave.;money advanced when desired. Klnloch S51

F. H. rORTMAX Storage and MoMnir Co.Separate rooms; low price on reliable moving endstorage. Office. 2Sdl Cis ave.: phone D 1247.

FRAXKLIX Storage Co.. 1KU rranklln Storsgand packing: estlma'es free; 100 dust-pro- rooms.Both phoree Cnas NledrlPghans. prop.

LINDELL Storage and Moving Company movesfurniture with care by experienced men: sendpostaL 1227 X. Taylor, or telephone Klnlocha 1S6S.

BOUTH Side Storage and Moving Co.. IS8L-19-

ana UPS Sidney st. TcL Sidney 2SS: Kin. C HisAmarlcan Storagt and Moving Co.

aratf rooms. Phones:zg. shlpplnc. storage; lep- -

Aiain zii d it., w. ii.Lantdale. President. Estl nates free.


New warehouse. IS23 Washington a vs.: 500 pri-vate storage-room- s: movlnr. packing and ship-ping. Kin. C "41 or Main 2t5t and get our rates.

CTflRlCC ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. XewdlUrUlSI. Warehouses. Grand and Laclede, forsafe.keeplng of furniture, pianos, trunks. Tala-rble- a.

boxes, etc : strictly flrst-clas- movlnr.nacklnr. shipping, etc Our fire Insurance lbslowest. Money advanced- - Ship goods our cars.Estimates free. Get rates. Phone C 135: Mala1S.SA. M. b. UAJAUKl. JtC. ft KX..

ihs-- a olivs st.

SELKIRK'S STORAGEHcuse for furniture, etc: new and dean: lowaatInsurance; careful morinj. pscklnr and

Chouteau. Licensed by the Stataand tniaranteed bv Mississippi Valley Trust Co.for J.ooft

House Cleaning.4JSS LOCCST ST.

ST. LOUISHousa i Window Cleaning Co.,

Cleaners of Wall Paper, Frescoing,Water Colors. Windows. Woodwork,neors and Carpets.

Plionea Slain 411, B S07.


HIGHEST prices paid for cast-o- ft

Write to J. Dal. 1335 S. Broadway.




HIGHEST price paid for cast-of- f clothing- - navmore than any one; mall orders prompOr at-tended to. S.Gordon. 717 X. EighthHIGHEST cash price paldfor ladIesTarid scast-of- ii 'f" f 5"- -

Mrs.. Miller. WJJYalnnu KIuVa"tuTSS brSStB. GEIBER runs store 624 Morgan "largest

j. ,u uafc it.. Erna pcsiai.

X For V

"Want"Ai!si ioo iaie ror I

I classification Isee Page 2,

Part 3. y


Wuttt.ABSOLKTEtT highest cash price raid for sec-

ondhand furniture carpets, stove, and feathers.Send postal. 113 ?v. Tnelfth st. Joe I!enstr.

ALL. kind, of household roods bought: ntlrcontents of houses wanted: lull value psld. Jone.& Co.. 1143 Olive st. Main C ".

ALL kinds furniture, pianos, carpets, contents"r rouses, nats. stores. oouKnt; ntgnest price paid.Wolff. 3645 Park are, rhone C 463; Main 15S0M.

ALL kinds furniture. piano. carpets, stores, bought; highest prices paid. J. a.Woempner. 3M1 Cass: phone D 1317; call or write.

BEFORE moving sell furniture and feathersou don't want: send postaL Ashton, 1111 S.


DDST cash prices paid for all kinds bousehollgood. furnished flats, houses, etc. bought out-right. 1316 Franklin ave.

CAHTEK gives more cash for furniture, car-pet., piano and household goods of any Kindthan anyother dealer. 3107 S. Jefferson ave.

FEATHERS WANTED-1.0- 00 pounds old gee.eathers. pay good price. L 87. Republic.

,FEATHERS-Se- nd for M. Srelman. 3S3Rif ycu want to eel highest values and honestwelsht Send postal

(LATHER beds wanted. $3 to S15 each cahi;prompt, reliable dealings. Postal car, or call.Mr. Gay. 3331 S Broadway.FEATHERS he.t

nrice paid: honest weight; moving vans for hire.-- ...- jfumt. - . . ..j, nmi. t none l llr.

FtRNITI'RE.carpet.. stoves, ranees- - coed pr.'cpaid; send oostaL. Jaeger. 3)33 Franklin av.WANTED Old feather beds: will ray from"r7

to S3), y. Batavla. lis N. Ninth t.WANTED Contents of furniture of thre. orfour room flat: state price. 3iS43 Park ave

Fr tale.A PERFECT gas range, with four llles: asgoM es new, for K. at 113 N. Twelfth St.A rorP.-HOL- Quick M-- iI ra range, in fineorder, for t at 113 N. Twelfth st. Call Mon-day

Ka" rans- - ""hvcry chear. at 113 N. TwlfthMondlvA ll'Ii'K MEAT- - gawllne rare, as good as

jew-- for J., KS: at 113 N. Twelfth it. GUIMonday

A LATEST style family gas range. In gM r.

for l"i. at Mil rterth-- aw.: Ollv st. orSuburban car Don't call Sunday.ALL kinds cf secondhand rarges and cokingstoves; bard and "oft coal heater". tae burnerscheap. Sll N. Seventn st- -

ALL gas and tove" repair"! it yourromes; good quick and cheap; s"nd postal. JoIlenslnger. 113 N. Twelfth stAN eight-hol- e Home Ccmfort range; onb!eoven connection"- - rne order SO. atlis N Twelfth st. Cll Mccdar.1IEDSTEAD and springs, couch, extension ta-

ble, mattress; sell cheap. 2737 Sheridan ave.CONTENTS of nev.I- - fnrnl.hed loarding marooming houe on terms; TAet End; parti"s Innow will remain. O 10S. Kepublle.ITXTRA large bedstead and dresser: large plat

mirror; antique oak: new. M17 Vernon.FINE rangoranv dre"ser and bedstead; alorlas-ioo- r mabegany wardrobe. IHJ ollie st..2d floor.

TVlI.DtNf; bed. In good condition: cheap. KSXjiaffitt ave.FURNITCRE of a seven-ro- house. In

for rent to purchaser. i;r!A Goodfellow.FURNITURE for eight-roo- house for sal".305S Sheridan ave.FURNITURE for two room: gaolln Mov.and Icebox, etc; call Monday. 1S Franklin ave.econd oflor.

AS fixtures: w1 . new will k. .m ..." " " v""TCO Page axe.'

broiler; worth C3; sell js. 33)1 Eaton are.GOOD gasoline range, dining-roo- outfit bed-room miK. $3 up; hall tree, folding bed. 316ave.

,r.Rf?AT twain trr inlck ale; lantest slz- -H?',.-a-- ran- - In good condition;

Maple ave.HANDSOME brry cheval bedroom set. VS.yninrrcom set iih- - iinm rmr-- r . tm.- 1.V. "V" "iirw --".er- 1''- -... ;.. wuri; rnrap. .w Hn ave.MAN lh la t ir9lt9rw1 nm V .-- --

art i-rrv.ri "':""iv"-.'4-,"- ',H

g"" "" -- u Ktove. am Qllvft.

-- ..'."i-Lr. Snl-.',!it?'i- r. Tr-ittT-l

" ""-J- nit.. yarn - t .,t,H .a" 8T,NEW furniture. riLTntn rti-v

1214 N. Sarah st.


Arpy at

NICK Quick Meal gas range. $3: good refriger-ator. 13: two nice iron bed, complete. $4; Brus-sels carpet. $4. Corner. 3744 Wash st.

XO. 1 stove In perfect condition. Apply is

estmlnster place.OAK mantle folding bed. i. Jr nllv stsecond ftoor.OLD rnahorany. rosewood, teak and tnllp fur-niture: Colonial: jrllt mirror.. Louis XIV obloncmantel, antique. Gay. 3XW S. BroadwayOXE eirht-nurn- Majesiln m ntte.sood a new; one medium rater filter. IVr reventn st.RUGS. We up: room-I-:- d rur. R.S" ni-- t ratand stoves; chear. Brasch. ZUS Pranlc- -

IILGS Preclal sat. of and carrets leftfrom storage: room-Mze- d rues. K.S0 up rn'nfcarret cheap. SOT Franklin are.foldin-- r ted. bedroom suits -- '

"rardmbe. houwhold rood., refrlcerato, cooklarand CTsolln. stove. Sll X. Seventh st.SP'ii.tiL.Stonri,"e - aimo-i- t


StVi "S-."- ? Sh "-- r- - " Porttnan

leiFirFP. ?ll bt3lm, "tr- - : "anlrob-- s KzkIX"..- - iLif Wc: clocks, foldingstoves. i70 Eleventh rt '

Irtrraln eivets. room rugs, linoleum, mattln.;oil cloths: big sacrifice. 710 X. Seventh st.SIDEBOARD, brass bedC gas fixture, thre.rugs, gas rango. Home Comfort. 2744 Franklinave.SOLID walnut bed. with nrlnr and tnattre.j..; reau. nd kitchen table and two feath-- rpillows and blankets. 2V) Wash st.. upstairs.SWELL parlor set for less than half. 4V3VEvans ave.THREE-BlTtXE- R ga rarge.for sale cheap.

1103 Glasgow-- e.THREE beautiful gas fixtures and kitchenl'ght. 1: also three and kitchen light. Ill.SO.JfO Pine st.

THREE cak be,lroom suits, two mattressesnail and stair carpets, folding bed. ltJi Chest- -

VNCAI.X.CD-PD- J? snd U pant. and !Main.? Tailoring Co.. 2116 Franklin a" "

WARDROBE. U: halltree. $3;J3; rocker. $1. C0TA Easton.

Brussels carpet.

"n3 sp1p- - also fine wal-n- ntfolding bed. 4313 N. Twentieth st:mALS'x-- hta ."-- this; bargain:

CheaP;i4l0 Warren st.. upstairs.WHITE Iron bed brass trlmmlEgjrnaTtre :almost new. 3180 Kensington.WILL sell mr range, sideboard, dining table.screens, couch; cheap: Monday. 261Q Dayton suM0 gasoline stoves and Ice boxes, larrs raso-lln- erang: your own price. 2SH7 Laclede ave.33 bus J1S three-burn- gasoline stove-aft-

Sunday. 2715 Salena st.

CHANDELIERSimmense storlr nt rf-.-

Below co-- t.

Closing out inirBELLE-HICKE- T MFG. CO.. 901 Lucas ave.

OUR RUG DEPARTMENTI. offering some rare bargains this week InBrussels. Smyrna. Orients.) VelvetIngrain: all sixes. If rags Hnolenm


Storage Charges.... . CASH OR TIME PAYMENTS..Mi-- carpets, room-siz- e rugs. $3.50 up.Matting. 124 cents up.60 yards Inlaid linoleum. little used.loo bedroom sets, low as $3.200 wood bedsteads, cheap.Gasoline stoves. Ice boxes and bl? bargains laall household goods.


151S Franklin ave.

OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENTfall big bargains In Furniture. Rugs, a'lsize. Iron and Brass Beds. Refrigerators. Sew-ln- gMachines. Leather Box Couches, etc. A large

stock of new as well as used goods always onsale. If you need anything In the household lln.It will pay you to see us. Langan & TaylorStorage i 3 Washington are.

SeTTlnjr Machines.ALL dlner-n- t makes automatics: all kindsfamily, tailor's and shoemakers halt price. IK ,

X. Sixth: Davis Machlns CO.. "s

IMPROVED Singer machine, with all latestImproved atuchments: equat to new. only 115great bar-rai- 2S22A Dayton st.XEW drophead Slngermachlne. on easy month- -

ioIePaLmiS?.taepubMc!t"a'"! VTlC' IaKa"T5Sy2SGr.555i' Sti!Sf.r.d.roI'h'-i "."J . 4.k, iss j. jenersonaep.JfOlr.',.S.0m"t!c- - laVa:.s'er drophead. .13:

au'omatic Ike new x5- -bargain mo Franklin KtotocA D '372

TVV O aitn-n.- t rr- r-- r.' Krod as new; for sale; 315 up.




sewing macblnes;2323 Franklin ave.

e,TSL .n ? nk-' of high-grad- e sewing ma-??- i?

?1, 7?1 I"1-- " - Per dar will bur cne.Franklin ave.: Klnloch D 372.

DA swii.,1 -r

DANCING .Terr ThursdaT. Saturday and Sun-day evening at Harmony ilall. Eighteenth anJUlire; best music and coolest nlace n city.Ahem Albers.

PROF'. PARKE guarantees waits and two-t-for tx. e lessons anv Kour. IflO Olive st.

PROFESSOR DE HONEY'S Academy. U44OllTe Cooled with electric fans all summer: re-ceptions every Thursday evepclasses Monday (rssKlnloch ohote U99A.


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