journal of chemical education paul a_the great fallacy of the h+ ion and the true nature of h3o+

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  • 8/10/2019 Journal of Chemical Education Paul A_The great fallacy of the H+ ion and the true nature of H3O+


    P a u l A. Giguere

    Universit6 Laval




    The Great Fallacy of the H Ion


    and the True Nature of H30

    Th e term hydrogen ion a nd the symbol H+ are s t il l cu r -

    rently used to designate the entity characteristic of acids

    (BrQnsted's definition), especially in aqueo us systems. Y et,

    th a t formulation has been a p erennial source of confusion, not

    only in teaching, bu t also in interpreting ex perimenta l results.

    Even am ong modern chemistry textbooks one f inds an in-

    credible diversity, if not discrepancy on this most fund am enta l

    quest ion. M ost au thors d o acknowledge a more complex

    species than the over-simple H+ . They call i t var iously hy-

    drated proton (protonated water would he more logical ) ,

    proton hyd rate, "wet" proton, oxonium ion, and more ap-

    propriately, hyd roniu m ion'. As for th e formula, beside the

    right one, H30+, authors use any of the following: H+.,,

    H+(HzO),, H+ (H20)4. (H 8.3 Hz 0) +, HgOqt, etc. In a recent

    "comprehensive" monograph


    H s0 + is barely mentioned

    as such But there is no longer any excuse for such uncertainty.

    We now have suff icient data, exper imental and theoret ical ,

    to get a clear picture as


    intend to show hereaf ter.

    Historical Background

    The question originated with the theory of electrolytic

    dissociation (A rrhenius, 1887). Since all comm on acids contain

    hydrogen, which the y give up readily, i t was logical to identify

    them w ith the H + ion, the coun terpart of the OH- ion in bases.

    Th e invention of th e pH scale (SQrensen, 1909) established

    definitely that practice. However, when physicists began

    probing th e structure of the atom, it was soon realized tha t H+

    is no ordinary ion. In fac t , s trict ly speaking, i t is not an ion

    according to th e def ini t ion th at an ion is "an atom , or group

    of atom s tha t carries a positive or negative electric charge"

    I ) .

    Th e symbol H+ represen ts , no t an a tom, h u t a subatomic

    particle, the proton.

    Th e proton is unique in chemistry by vir tue of i ts atomic

    mass an d electronic size. Because of the la t ter i t exer ts an

    intense electr ic f ield on i ts surrounding. Therefore, i t cannot

    remain free under o rdinary conditions. In th e case of aqueous

    acids i t mu st he combined with the solvent , and H 30t is the

    simplest possible en tity. Now, the concept of H30 + got a bad

    star t when i t was f irs t mentioned, a t the turn of the century,

    in a paper dealing with organic compounds of..





    Th e fo rmula OHsOH and the name oxonium hy-

    droxide were suggested for it by analogy with ammonium

    hydroxide, NHqOH. S oon afterwa rds, physical chem ists rec-

    ognized various indire ct evidenc e for H:iO+ in aque ous acids:

    for instance f rom acid catalysis (Goldschmidt and Udby,

    1907),cryoscopy (Hantzsc h, 19081, molecular volume (Fajans,

    19211, and refractivity (Faja ns an d Joos, 1924) (Cf. Bell (4)

    for a review). Following the discovery of X-ray diffraction by

    crystals, V olmer


    showed that the sol id monohydrate of

    perchloric acid (M.Pt. 50C) is isomorphous with am mo -

    nium perchlorate. From th is he concluded rightly that i t is an

    ionic compound, HsO+C104-, not a molecular hydrate,

    HC IOcH 20, as it is still often considered. Definite identifi-

    cation of H 30 + ions finally cam e with th e discovery of nmr.

    In 1951 wo independ ent groups (6) showed that in the crys-

    talline hydra tes of strong mineral acids the th ree protons are

    equivalent. Shortly after, the fundam ental vibrations of H 30+

    ions were identified in frozen acid solutions 7).

    Sti l l , f rom al l tha t evidence one could not infer the natu re

    of the ion in aqueous acids. Indeed, due to t he much greater

    mobility of liquids the association of a proton with a given H 2 0

    molecule could well be too short-lived to vield a distinct

    chemical enti ty . T ha t seemed al l the more l ikely as a num ber

    of early attem pts to de tect th e vibrations of HnO+ had failed.

    But ,


    explained below, these ea rly studies, mostly by Ram an

    spectroscopy, were doomed t o failure. Infrared spec tra turned

    ou t to he m uch m ore revealing as we reported some twenty

    years ago 8 ) .Our assignment of the fund amenta l hands of

    HsO+ in aqueous aciddwas disputed by some (9,10) hut later

    on definitely confirmed (11,1 2). Finally, an elaborate X-ray

    and neutron dif f ract ion s tudy of hydrochlor ic acid 13)has

    given Hs 0 + the consecration of direct experime ntal proof. Yet,

    in spi te of al l this evidence, i t is a safe bet that al l the

    "doubting Thom ases" will not he convinced.

    T h e



    I t is in the realm of thermodynamics tha t the H+ on con-

    ce pt seem s particularly fallacious, and even a bsurd . As early

    as 1919 Fajans (14) est imated the proton aff ini ty of the H 20

    molecu le a t 182 kcallmole, a remarkably a ccu rate value for

    th e time. F rom t ha t he derived th e oreno sterous fieure 10-130

    for the conc entration of free protons in water. In a more pic-

    turesq ue vein Sidgwick (15) wrote th at "in loT0 niverses filled

    with a 1


    acid solution th ere would he only one unsolvated

    hydrogen ion " Therefore, the equati on

    Hz0 H+ +OH -


    still curren tly used to des cribe the ionic dissociation of water

    is purely fictitious. Even in the gas phase this process is

    physically impossible. Because of the high ionization potential

    of the hydrogen a tom i t would require an enormo us energy:

    387 kcal mole- ', to he exact. And even if tha t much energy

    were provided, complete atomization would take place in-


    H 2 0 - 2 H + O

    (2 )

    since it requ ires only 221 kcal mole-'. Forma lly speaking, th e

    ionization of water is a bimolecular orocess. which shou ld he

    writ ten as such

    2H20= HsO+,OH-


    Th e conventional excuse for the H + formalism is that i t stands


    H 0 .

    But experience shows it is not always


    ake, for

    instance, the u h lr s of thermodvnum ic functions for hvd rati m

    of ions (16). I t is customary to head th e list of ions with th e

    'T he present state ul ron uiiun


    wrll rxl*ml,lifird

    , .


    { 14


    the NwntncIature


    Inr,ryanic ('he m ~st ry


    the IL 1'.4CI


    "The ion HgO ', uhleh is i n fact the monr.h\dn,ted

    u n , t u n ,

    s to hr

    known as the


    ion when it is


    have tdis constitution,

    as for example in H zO+C IOc,oxonium perchlarate. T he widely used

    term hydronium should be kept for the



    it is

    wished to

    denote an indefinite degree


    hydration o f the p roton, as, for example

    in aqueous solution. If, however, the hydration is of no particular

    importance to the m atter under consideration, he simpler term hy-

    drogen ion may be used." (Italic s mine.)

    And for good measure there is a footnote.



    concur in

    oxonium or the ion H-Of. but see little


    All this notwithstanding, hydronium sees preferable o


    which applies to a ll compounds of rival ent oxygen.







    1979 1


  • 8/10/2019 Journal of Chemical Education Paul A_The great fallacy of the H+ ion and the true nature of H3O+


    object ionable H+. In the case of par t ial m olal volumes, the

    accepted value,


    = -5.4 cm3 mole-I a t 25", refers ob-

    viously to th e H3 0+ ion, not t o the b are proton. However ,

    when i t comes to the enthalpy of hydration, this time th e given

    value, AH


    -270 kcal mol-', refers not to th e HaO+ ion, hu t

    t u H ; hich explains why it is more t han twice as large as for

    the oth er monovalent ions. Actually, that qu antity is the sum

    ot'two quite different terms. P irrt i i the enthalpy of the gas-

    phase react ion

    H 2 0+ H +




    = 166

    kcal mole-


    also known as th e proton a ffinity of HzO. It has been m easured

    accurately, in particular by mass spectrome ter (17). (Cf. (18)

    for a review). Clearlv. it does no t belona in the above tables

    since reaction (4) is no t a hydration. In hy dratio n processes

    the H z0 molecule retains essentially i ts s tructure. W hat we

    have here, instea d, is a true chemical reaction, with forma tion

    of a stronz covalent bond. Incidentally, th e O-H bonds in th e

    free ~ ~ 0 :on, 130 kcal mole- ', are even strong er th an those

    in H ~ 0 , 1 1 0cal mole-'. Th e other term, namely the enthalpy

    of hydration of the gaseous H30 t, is not known so accurately.

    Values ranging from -70 to -125 kcal mole-' have been re-

    por te d for i t (16) . Th is wide uncer tainty may stem from th e

    prese nt dichotomy . At any rate, the accepted value, -103 kcal

    mole-', seem s reasonab le by com parison with -106 an d -101

    kcal mole-I, resp ectively, for th e isochore Na+ and OH- ions.

    In r e t rospect , the confus ion between H + and H30+ appear s

    as a rem nan t of the tradit ional lack of concern of thermody -

    namicists for things s tructural .

    The Real H 3 t

    T he above men tioned nm r studies (6) not only established

    th e H 20 + ion as an en t i tv hu t a l so v ie lded some s truc tu ra l


    - ~

    information; i.e. th e nonhond ed H-H distan ce (Fig. 1). Be -

    cause the O-H distance was not measurable by tha t tech-

    nique it was not possible to decide between a flat tr iangle and

    a shallow pyramidal s tructure. Th e lat ter , more probable by

    analogy with the isoelectronic NH3 (19), was later confirmed

    by neutron diffraction (20). In fact, the O-H bond s have th e

    same length as in ice, and apex angles fal l generally between

    110" and 115". This m eans a rath er f lat pyram id, 0 .25 to 0.3

    A igh. Likewise, the dynamics of H30 + have been s tudie d in

    various crystalline compounds, mostly by infrared (21). In-

    deed, because of the ionic charge on the hydrogen atoms, the

    HqO f ion is stronelv nolar. There fore, its vibrations (even the


    parallvl ones) art: t w weak tu bc, detecte d ens dy V the Hamnn

    effect. Th is accoun ts rm thr a h w e mentioned failure of mrly

    studies. In liquid acids the overwhelming absorp tion of water

    makes more difficult the observation of the HaO+ bands;

    particularly th e two O-H stretch ing (Fig. 2). Still, th e weak

    maximum aroun d 2900 cm-' clearly belongs to th e ion. Its low

    frequency (compared to 3100 cm-I in watr r , is ind ~ rn ti w f

    \ cry

    s t rong hydrogen hm ding . The tu ,o bend ing m o d w I.,.

    the sym mrtric , rentt nvl aruund 1200 cm-1, and u 1 . i t I X 0

    Figure 1 Structure ol,the average H 3 t ion in various crystals.



    Journal of Chemical Education

    Frequency (cm-')

    Figure2. Infraredabsorption spectra


    thin films of the four hydrohalic acids.

    Concentrations in mole per cent). Reproduced from 12 .

    cm-' are muc h more obvious. Th e former, located in a "win-

    dow" of the water absorption, can be de tecte d even in a 1M

    solution: tha t is with some fifty water m olecules per hydro-

    nium ion. Interestingly, the sa me lower limit holds for the 3610

    cm-I Ram an hand of the OH- ion in alkal ine solutions


    Finally, diffraction methods have provided direct confir-

    mation of H3 0+ ons in liquid acids. Liquids always give rathe r

    diffuse diffraction patterns from which structural information

    is not easily extracted . Nevertheless, m uch progress has been

    achieved by using these dat a to test theoretical models. In th e

    case of water this had led to acc urate interatomic dis tances

    (23) .


    similar extensive investigation (1 3),using both X-ray

    an d neutrons, has enabled measu rem ent of th e O-H (or

    rathe r O-D) bond length of th e ion in con centra ted hydro-

    chloric acid, 1.02 A More im porta nt, perhaps, is the O-H-0

    dista nce, 2.52 (Fig. 3) , signif icantly sh or ter tha n th at in

    water, 2.83 A (23). From these da ta a model , was proposed

    (Fig. 4), in which H3 0+ s coordinated to four wate r molecules;

    three of them linked by strdng H-bonds, th e fourth , by much

    weaker cbarge-dipole forces. In short, the geometry of the

    H:%0+on, whether in crystals or in liquid acid s, is now known

    with same accuracy as tha t of H2 0 n l iquid water , ice, or the


    The Average Lifetime

    ol H3 0 +

    Obviously, an important property of the HaO+ ion in

    aqueou s acids is its average lifetime T I t has been the ob jec t

    of mu ch spe culation a nd calculation. A first estim ate of 0.24

    psec (lo-" sec) was calculated pr or by C onway, Bockris

    and L inton (24) from their elaborate m easurem ents of proton

    conductance. A higher value, by abo ut one order of magn itude,

    was derived by Eigen (25 ) from his dielectric relaxation d ata.

    Th e exact value, however, was found by m eans of nm r through

  • 8/10/2019 Journal of Chemical Education Paul A_The great fallacy of the H+ ion and the true nature of H3O+


  • 8/10/2019 Journal of Chemical Education Paul A_The great fallacy of the H+ ion and the true nature of H3O+


    0 0

    distance of 2.37 or less the notential curve of the nro-

    ton is of t he single, symmetric-well type. This is reasonable

    considerine the short distance involved. Therefore, it seems


    tunnelling plays no significant rdle hericontrary

    to curren t belief.

    This, then, raises the question of why the protons spend

    most of their time covalently bonded in H30+ ions? The an-

    swer must be th at proton transfer in aqueous solutions is a

    concerted process involving reorganization of the hydrogen

    bond pat tern around the "excess or defect proton." Indeed,

    th e short lifetime of HsO+ (and OH-) is comparahle to the

    lifetime of the hydrogen bond (31). This model, which relates

    proton transfer with thermal agitation, can account for the

    anomalies of proton conductance; in particular the large de-

    crease in the heat of activation with temperature, from 2.5 kcal

    mole-' at room temperature down toone tenth tha t value near

    400K (32).

    What about

    H.04 ?

    Th e H904+ ormulation often used in textbooks was first

    postulated in 1954 on the basis of such indirect evidence as

    s~e c if ic eat and entronv (33). Since then it has received


    si pp or t from various sources, both experimental and theo-

    retical (10). Eigen (281, with whom it has become identified,

    looked upon it as the hydration complex of H30+ (primary

    hydration shell); that is, essentially, as


    the abovemodel (Fig.

    4). Nevertheless, the Hg04+ formulation is misleading because

    it does not distinauish between the covalent O-H bonds of

    H30+ and the hy&ogen bonds to the three water molecules.

    Furthermore, i t suggests that the ionic charge is evenly dis-

    tributed over the whole complex. Chemical intuition tells us,

    on the contrary, that it must rest mostly on the central H30+

    ion. Actually, Newton and Ehrenson (29) have calculated that

    in the free H904+ species, only 7% of t he positive charge is

    transferred to each of the three water molecules. In other

    words, the various building blocks in this complex largely

    retain their identities. A better formulation would be H30f

    :iH20. But even this is not always correct; as, for instance, in

    very concentrated acids where there is insufficient water for

    complete hydration of the H3Of ions. At any rate, there is no

    need to specify the exten t of hydration in this particular in-

    stance. Here again the OH- ion provides a valid term of

    comnarison. Because of its neeative charee it is a strona hv-



    drugen Iwnd ucreptor. 111 fact, there is conrlusiee widt nre,

    tanh from mass snertrumetrv 18 ) and o in ir io calculations

    (29), that the 0

  • 8/10/2019 Journal of Chemical Education Paul A_The great fallacy of the H+ ion and the true nature of H3O+




    HF Wcigh1.l. HCi

    F i g u r e 5. Boiling-point curves 01 the binary


    H20-HF and


    Ion pairs of hydronium chloride and bromide had been de-

    tected previously in liquid sulfur dioxide (43). Normally, one

    would not expect them in measurable concentration in

    aqueous solutions. However, the case of hydrofluoric acid is

    unique in tha t the F- ion is the strongest proton acceptor

    known, as shown by the remarkable stability of the HF2- ion.

    This, coupled with the strong proton donor nature of &0+,

    explains the great strength of these ion pairs.

    Therefore, the dissociation process should be represented

    as follows:

    H 2 0 HF H 3 0 t . . - ) H30+

    F- 11)

    Judging from the freezing-point lowering (41) only about

    15 oer cent of the ion oairs are dissociated at infinite dilution.

    As the concentration of


    increases, the F- ons gradually

    reolace the H,O moleculee which stabiliee the ion pairs. This ,

    cdupled with ihe incipient formation of HF2- ions, increases

    th e number of charged species, and the apparent strength of

    th e acid. Thu s we see that , contrary to the heavier hydrogen

    halides, H F behaves as a weak acid in aqueous solutions be-

    cause the


    ion is a hetter proton acceptor than H20.


    Th e present review may be summarized a s follows:

    (1) The hydronium ion H30+ is just as real as its counter-

    part , the hydroxide ion OH-.

    (2) In water and aqueous solutions both ions are equally

    short-lived due to rapid proton transfer. Their average lifetime

    a t 25OC are respectively 2.2 and 4.0 psec, as measured by


    (3) The existence of discrete H30+ ions, first detected hy

    infrared spectroscopy, has recently been confirmed directly

    hy X-ray and neut ron diffraction in hydrochloric acid.

    4) In aqueous acids the H30+ ion is strongly H-bonded to

    three Hz0 molecules, with 0-0 distances (2.52 A much

    shorter than in pure water (2.83 A .

    (5) Proton transfer between H30+ and water (or water and

    OH-) is a concerted process accompanied by rearrangement

    of the H-bond network. It takes less than 1per cent of the

    average lifetime of the H30+ ion.


    Contrary to current theory HF is mostly ionized in

    water like the other three hydrogen halides. I t behaves as a

    weak acid because of the limited dissociation of the strongly

    H-bonded ion pairs, H30+-F-, the predominant species in

    dilute solutions.

    7) The erroneous H+ ion formulation, and names such as

    proton hydrate should he abandoned to avoid confusion.

    Likewise, there is no need, in gerneral, to indicate the extent

    of hydration of the hydronium ion as n H30+.3H20. The term

    hydrogen ion

    is here tostay , of course, like other time-honored

    misnomers in Science.

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    September 1979

