josef tyls

JOSEF TYLS Josef Tyls M.Sc. Ph.D. Industrial Engineering He is skilled and knowledgeable in many aspects of modern science. His deep understanding of the fundamental structure of matter and its interrelationship with human consciousness is the basis of many of his unique technologies. He has studied and derives inspiration from, well known scientific pioneers such as Dr. Nicola Tesla, Victor Schauberger, John Worrell Keely, and Dr. Walter Russell Josef pictured with partner Lenka Love

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About Josef Tyls - articiles, sonic temple


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Josef Tyls M.Sc. Ph.D. Industrial Engineering

He is skilled and knowledgeable in many aspects of modern science. His deep understanding of the fundamental structure of matter and its interrelationship with human consciousness is the basis of many of his unique technologies. He has studied and derives inspiration from, well known scientific pioneers such as Dr. Nicola Tesla, Victor Schauberger, John Worrell Keely, and Dr. Walter Russell

Josef pictured with partner Lenka Love

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You could call him Vancouver’s resident genius. However, Josef Tyls III M.Sc. Ph.D. prefers to call himself an alchemist. What exactly is an alchemist?

Traditionally, alchemy is an ancient practice that is focused on the creation of the mythical philosopher’s stone – the one that can not only turn base metals into silver and gold, but can also bestow eternal youth and immortality on anyone lucky enough to have it in his possession. In addition to its science-based theories, alchemy also turns to mythology and religion for several of its concepts and practices, making it, for many, the perfect marriage of science and spiritual ity. For a world t ired of a mater ia l i s t i c , Descar t i an-Newtonian universe, Alchemy offers a cosmos steeped in “magic.” Enter Josef Tyls.

An industrial engineer born in the Czech Republic, Tyls became a Canadian citizen in 1972. Tyls has been involved with systems technology design for nearly 30 years and has successfully brought to market many of those technologies. His field of expertise covers all aspects of industrial engineering, electronics design and development, biology and bio-oxidative medicine, electro-medicine, water processing and high definition audio systems used for healing.

But his professional resume only scratches the surface of what makes this ordinary man quite extraordinary. Tyls’ deep understanding of the fundamental structure of matter and its interrelationship with human consciousness is the basis of many of his unique technologies.

“The creation of Life  is magically unfolding as it is intended to be, and all we need to do is be aware and see the magic which then illuminates our imagination and brings us the understanding from wisdom – which is deeper than knowledge,” says Tyls.


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Ty ls ’ cosmology has been

impacted by nine near death experiences that began in childhood and continued to

play out in his adult life. He jokes that he is like Felix

the cat, with nine lives. He says he’s often wondered if

there was a hole in the matrix that kept somehow

pulling him in!  His near death experiences gifted him

with a profound understanding of the dynamics of the

quantum field, as well as our place in the universe.  

During one of his near death experiences, Tyls

says, he could feel everything as a wave rushing to the

shore. That experience left him with a deep knowing

that we are like ripples in a pond. “We affect all those

in our wake; we have chosen to be here; we have

chosen our role. We are here to have this experience

called life.”

It’s Tyls’ unique background, and expertise as a

modern day alchemist that prompted Science to Sage

to seek out a partnership with this amazing

alchemist. Not only will Tyls contribute to the

magazine, but he will conduct classes and webinars on

a regular basis. Karen Elkins, founder of Science to Sage

says, “He is truly a unique and charismatic individual with

passion to teach and share his wisdom.  He is down to

earth, enthusiastic and fun loving.”

CLICK HERE - YOUtube - Josef Tyls on Near Death -

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Science to Sage: What would you say is

your mission and vision as a Science to Sage


Josef Tyls: I enjoy sharing the understanding of how all

scientific fields of energy  and light, physics and chemistry, quantum mechanics and string theory, share

a common thread with sound, music, art and living.

How they can be seen and appreciated in their interrelatedness  and how we may explore the new

field of un-dogmatic sciences  free of indoctrinated beliefs and superstitions. This

will  allow for the first time, a

new Renaissance  in scientific discoveries  with l imit less

consciousness opening up to vast unexplored territories.

StS: You have not only a s t r o n g t e c h n i c a l

background, but also expertise in a variety of

fields. Would you share

some of that with us and how it has impacted your

personal growth?

JT: As an  industrial engineer, I hold a number of

patented technologies; and my fields of expertise are Living Systems analysis – specifically surrounding  the

areas of natural biology, health, water, pure air, healing, sound, energy production and recovery, mechanical

and structural  engineering, and materials and metals


In my  studies of trans-personal psychology, I have experienced profound shifts  in my awareness of

mental dynamics and emotional predispositions, which

have allowed me to gain a deeper understanding

of how limiting belief systems and fear interfere with

our natural destiny.

In my studies of classical alchemy, I came to understand how emotional  clarity and mental openness has a

profound consequence on  the fundamental structure of nature and the elements around us.

StS: What is your personal Philosophy?

JT: I feel we have an intrinsic inquisitive nature, and by

our design we are meant to explore our experiential universe, so

we may come to know

that which we call THE CREATION, and our

unique roles as part of the creation and its


StS: What are you most passionate

about? And why?

JT: My passion is  life, its

amazing and wondrous symphonies, dances and

forms, which are all the result of emotions, vibrations, sounds, and equations interacting with the matrix

called fluidic space, which we refer to as the universe,

nature or the Divine/Source/GOD.

StS: What do you think is your greatest gift to those on a spiritual path?

JT: The gift which I love to share with people who are

asking to understand HOW and WHY,  is the truth of the  beautiful interconnectedness that exists and

presents itself IF one has the eyes to see it and the willingness to let go of dogmas.

CLICK HERE - YOUtube - Josef Tylsttp://

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StS: What readers may not know is that you were the founder of Vancouver’s Sonic Temple,

a sacred space for workshops, meditation, various gatherings and music performances.

How did that come about?

JT: After a debilitating car accident, I became immersed in the sensation of vibration, sound and music. It was a type of

sound/vibration healing; the only medicine that was able to heal my body. This experience was so powerful, I was driven

to recreate this sensation. The result was the Sonic Temple.

StS: You will be doing a lot of teaching through

Science to Sage. How would you characterize yourself as a teacher?

JT: I love and enjoy sharing information from the many areas I have explored and researched. I am able to convey

very coherent and logical views of both the seen and hidden dynamics of life in a beautifully synergistic view of

systems that operate and produce the physical reality we

experience all around us.

StS: In working with people, what do you find

they most often come to you for?

JT: Insight, exploration, and revelation are the fundamental

elements of why anyone wishes to seek guidance. I can assist in the process of enquiry and discovery as to the

nature of life and our existence, as well as investigate and asses systems to help alleviate challenging issues

surrounding technical processes.

You can learn more about Josef Tyls, by going to the Science

to Sage YOU-Tube video of a recent interview with Karen Elkins.

Josef Tyls is a true ALCHEMIST and his quest is for the truth in

i ts most purest sense a philosopher - the basis of the

word philo, meaning 'Lover', as in Phi lo/Sopher, 'Sophia', meaning wisdom or completely

"Lover of wisdom". Josef is also an inventor and engineer.

The gift which I love to share with people who are asking to

understand HOW and WHY,  is the truth of the  beautiful

interconnectedness that exists and presents itself IF one has the eyes to see it and the

willingness to let go of dogma’s.

YOUtube Interviews

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By Josef Tyls


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Two Fundamental FormsThere are two fundamental forms in nature that express the movement of energy in the cosmos, they are the Vortex and the Toroid, which are mutually connected by way of an interactive function. The Vortex, being a tornado form, generally terminates and connects to the center of a Toroid form. The Toroid or Torus being a doughnut shaped form at the epicentre or end point of the collapsing Vortex funnel.


These two interactions create an effect which pulls and holds the form of our Milky Way galaxy which spirals around the Black Whole at the very center.

The Vortex and Toroid are essential constructs in the dynamic field of the three dimensional universe, by which energy/plasma moves from and to, between all states of matter. (These vortex are often shown in religious text as we ascending to the heavens/ethers.)

“if you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration”. - Nikola Tesla 1899

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In order to move all fluids and gases within our three dimensional space and be free of restrictive friction and conserve energy, the liquids or gases must implode and rotate about their axis through a descending spiral, forming the typical vortex tornado pattern seen in nature, such as a funnel cloud tornado or water whirlpool flowing down a drain.


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This Effect is also found within and around the human body such

as the Chakras /Vortices, and the energy which flows through the body as Qi/Chi, Prana, life force, and generates the toroidal magnetic field that is the same as the earth, as described in many of the ancient eastern texts.

The Electric/Magnetic Fields of Influence (from a cell to a solar system)

Life Force Energy Accesses the Crown (NASA confirms earths crown)

Electric & Magnetic Fields Light & Illuminate. (aura or etheric energy field)

All life forms exhibit radiant energy, which emanates from the body. This energy has been described as the aura or etheric energy field. The fundamental similarity with plasma is the charged state, which has the characteristics of a glow and radiance emanating from the body like rays of light.

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The Torah and The TorusThe oldest text which best describes this movement and the creation of matter is in the Hebrew TORAH. And the similarity to TORUS is amazing. In the first verse of GENESIS states:א  בראשית, ברא אלהים, את השמים, ואת הארץ.1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

If we were to use a conversion number set for each letter of this verse we would find an interesting new level of a mathematical statement, which better defines the process of creation. The verse contains specific instructions and coordinates as to the nature of the creation and exact movements to express the creation into form and function contained in the singularity of the matrix defined as GOD or the IT.

The hyper dimensional instructions are and state:• The ‘IT’ which occupies the entirety of what IS, referred to as the Universe

or Cosmos, and contained within the IT, at the exact co-ordinances defined by the vectors ‘X’ , ‘Y’, and ‘Z’, in order to set a start point in three dimensional space.

The ‘IT’ in its entirety moved into an implosive vorticular pattern.

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_____________________________________________________________________________WikipediaIn mathematics, a Toroid is a doughnut shaped object, such as an O-ring. Its annular shape is generated by revolving a plane geometrical figure about an axis external to that figure which is parallel to the plane of the figure and does not intersect the figure. Our Milky Way galaxy is a beautiful example of the amazing structure.

• Causing the creation of a TORUS at the focal point of the implosion vortex eye, and by this action, rotate upon the axis of the TORUS, in a manner that creates all the polar dynamics of duality. “The heavens and the Earth”. The in and out function of a revolving Toroid.

• From the exit eye of the TORUS forms an exhaust vortex relieving the energy back to the universe.

In order to conserve energy and be able to move within a confined or the defined space, the motion of the movement must implode into a vortex pattern and come to equilibrium by expressing a toroid. Then flow out as an expansive vortex back to the universe to complete the energy balance.


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Divine Order of the VortexSince the beginning of recorded history, mankind has witnessed the effects of hidden energy systems that affect and orchestrate the physical world. These vortexes and tornado movements are based upon a descending spiral that operates upon the mathematical formula 1.618 to 1 to .618, also called by the ancient peoples, The Golden Ratio, Golden Section, Golden Proportion and many other references to the divine order within the Cosmos.

This graph shows the movement wake of the sun (the still center line) and planets orbiting the sun as our solar system moves through the cosmos. Notice the unique harmonic wave which our solar system makes in the cosmos, the melody of our journey through space.

Image by Richard Merrick copy write

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As you can see in the Milky Way spiral galaxy, the macro aspect of this self organizing movement, is also the same movement structure, which has been witnessed at the subatomic level of matter. The evidence of this is within the atom collision photos provided from The Large Hadron Collider in Cern Switzerland.


Vortex & Flight vorticular movement of energy and matter also

form around flying objects and are a source of turbulences and drag.

A C-17 Globemaster III from the 14th Airlift Squadron, Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina. flies off after releasing flares over the Atlantic Ocean near Charleston, South Carolina, during a training mission on Tuesday, May 16, 2006. The "smoke angel" is caused by wing vortices at the plane's wingtips"Information presented on Air Force Link is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested." (

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Non Manifest to Dense FormThe vortexes unique implosion movement of energy moving and condensing from ‘non manifest - open still field hyper space’ into the dense form - confined material space matrix, to create the fields which resonate as crystals, called geometrical forms, also called Platonic solids.

The best example of this effect is when the element hydrogen and the element oxygen are exposed to an electric arc, which causes the two elements to combine by means of an implosive force during the combustion stage. This process creates great pressure fusing the elements into the liquid called water, which is given the formula H2O.

Another great example of this is the creation of sugar through the process of plant photo synthesis. Whereby; the water molecule is cleaved releasing the oxygen to the atmosphere and capturing the hydrogen molecule. Through the respiration of carbon dioxide the plant cleaves the bond and releases the oxygen to the atmosphere, then combines the carbon and hydrogen elements to form the carbohydrate commonly know as sugar or polysaccharides.

The feature of this crystal is its cubic nature and contained within the cube is the star tetrahedron or stellated octahedron.

ElfQrin/CC 3.0

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Creating Energy? Energy can be summarized as a charge or charged element, charged particle or a plasma.

An electric field will be produced anytime you have a charged particle.  The electric field of a charged particle will be a three dimensional field that extends radially from the charged particle. 

The direction of the field will be away from a positive charged particle and toward a negative charged particle.

This field decreases as you get farther away from the particle.  If a second charged particle is brought into the same region as the first, then the fields will interact resulting in forces on the charged particles as described by Coulomb's Law. 

These forces are: Like charged particles will cause repulsions, and unlike charged particles will cause attractions. 

For a single charged particle there is no force on electric fields. This field is transmitted through space without direct physical contact and is continuous. (Life without end.)

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Radiant Energy

The source of energy in the Cosmos, which the material universe operates upon, as suggested by Nassim Haramein, is the ‘black whole’ that exists and is contained within all elements and molecules at their center, and is the same energy focal point of all energy found in the Cosmos such as the center of the Milky way galaxy.

It is believed that this is also the key to energy systems which may be in use to produce free energy technology.

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Earth’s Electromagnetic GridIn Dowsing terms, ley lines are energy lines, which encircle and cross the earth, forming an earth grid and also the Earth’s electromagnetic field. The intersecting points of these ley lines are high energy areas upon the Earth called ‘focal points or hot spots’, which we know as the vortices of the Earth. NASA research has shown that the human energy field is tuned into certain ‘Earth Node Waves’ which are connected to the vortices of the Earth.

Earth vortices are analogous to the chakras in the human body. There are 9 major chakras in the body, counting two above the head within the etheric field, which are not normally referred to. There are several minor chakras throughout the body. The arteries in the human body are analogous to the rivers and waterways of Planet Earth. Ley Lines are analogous to the nervous/energy system in the human body.

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After a near death experience in 1926 Dr. Walter Russell, explained what the base substance of the universe is, and what interacts with it, to produce the material plane of matter. Contained within his book ‘The Universal One’ states; the cosmos or universe is comprised of a fluid-type energy called the Luminiferous Aether. Wikipedia - light bearing substance of super fine or gas like quality.

Upon this Cosmic Aether fluid that pervades the entirety of the universe, the dynamic movement of frequencies or sound waves are impressed and create movement of the fluidic space. This creates all of the known dynamic fields of interaction, which are experienced as the material elements, solids or constructs known to make up the material planes of matter, space and time.

The primary aspect of this dynamic movement are oscillations that create polarity and polar opposites, namely positive and negative, male and female, black and white, heat and cold, vacuum and pressure, and north and south.

Walter Russell - insight by Josef Tyls

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This can be seen on Dr. Russell’s chart of elements as a detailed map of a side profile of the wave form function creating elements.

And as seen from a top down view of the elemental vortex flow form which resides upon a TOROID.

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In 1973 my journey into sound began as an

after hours trip to the local garbage dump.

Josef Tyls

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These after hours treasure hunt adventures were

always very rewarding for me in so many ways, tons of

interesting things to explore, and many times I would

find wonderful jewels others had thrown away, items I

could take home to repair and enjoy. On one

particularly good night I came across a perfect

condition album of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the

Moon, and moments later a classic Gerard record

player, which even had a good needle! Truly amazing

and what a find for me. Most pleased with my haul, I

placed the items in my Sun newspaper sack and made

my journey home. I was 11 at the time, and the trek

home was long and heavy…

Being proficient at repairing electronics and

mechanical items, it wasn’t long before I had the

record player working and plugged into my rebuilt

Electrohome tube receiver. Plugging in my KOSS

headphones, a gift from my dads good friend Stan,

waiting for the tubes to warm up, I started the record

player and placed the needle on the record… With

the typical crackles and pops, and slight hissing from

the contact with the turning vinyl came the gentle

sound of an ever increasing heart beat. With each

passing second the volume increased to become so

intense I was amazed. I went into another reality

within my mind… I closed my eyes and saw sonic

visions that dissolved everything…

Absolutely captivated, I journeyed into a world of

sonic bliss, which stripped me of any connection with

my present life, opening my being to cascades of sonic

textures and realities, which dreams are made of, that

had only haunted my imagination and teased my mind

until this very moment.



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Page 22: Josef Tyls sonic awakening, my mission in life, to seek

sonic perfection, to cause shifts in my

consciousness, to bring bliss into my body and find

GOD at my core.

I had found the Rosetta stone of audio bliss, to my absolute amazement and total disbelief, I thought, how could have anyone given up and thrown away such a master piece of music, the likes I had never heard before… The album became the instrument of my sonic awakening, my mission in life, to seek sonic perfection, to cause shifts in my consciousness, to bring bliss into my body and find GOD at my core.

In years to come through an amazing set of circumstances, coincidences, and very good luck I suppose, considering the 1984 car accident almost took my life. After the incident, I found myself extremely sensitive to all sounds, especially to aggressive noises and amplified sounds such as from a stereo. The kind of sounds commonly found with recorded music and produced from stereo systems, and especially the kind of sounds at rock concerts. When I was exposed to these sounds they made me feel physically ill and quite debilitated. This presented quite a challenge since electronic sounds are all around us. It was until I experienced a classical symphony with the VSO that I realised WHY! The cause of my discomfort was subtle and gross artificial sonic artefacts commonly found within all reproduced sounds. I spent the next two years investigating and researching all of the available data and theories to do with electronic eng ineer ing , sound eng ineer ing , sound reproduction and monitor design, and also patents of unique military abstracts.

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I came to realize the magical secret to creating perfectly coherent sound and developed an entire sound technology based upon my personal findings from research I had done.

The unique method I discovered utilizes the entire spectrum of audible and inaudible harmonics free of many typical adorations, and deformities and is able to produce absolutely breath taking sonic imagery. It also has the ability to magnify that sonic image to immense proportions without causing pain or fatigue to the listener. I developed a system which mimics nature and creates sound with almost limitless ease and without any noticeable degradation, independent of image size or sound volume. The key is within the details of the sonic image and the ability to enlarge that sonic image without altering or colouring the original image in any way. The fundamental core of the sonic experience is to maintain all of the ‘true to life’ key points of the sonic image, and be able to manipulate it to any size. This enables it to become profound with absolute presence without shock, distortion, or pain of any kind, which would immediately distract or disassociate the listener.

In the process of exploring the effects of this coherent sound system upon myself and my friends, I developed a sound bed, which enhanced the visceral experience by directly channelling the coherent sonic frequencies into the body. The first sound bed prototype was completed in 1992 for re l axa t ion , then l a ter developed into exploring inner journeys, and later yet to discover it was beneficial for heal ing of mind and body traumas. Over the years I have literally spent thousands of hours o f r e s e a r c h i n t o t h i s phenomenon. I found that by utilizing particularly inspiring and emot iona l ly mov ing mus ic compositions played though my sound system, I was able to witness profound and long lasting physiological, emotional, and mental transformations taking place, which would promote healing of old emotional as well as physiological issues.




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Performer Thilo “Many Bears”Photo by James Scott


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In 2008 I created the foundation of the Sonic Temple, .

Utilizing my entire 20,000 watt Coherent Sound Technology within a permanent building structure I developed a uniquely designed floor capable of providing all the necessary support and integration processes, to allow for sound to freely be transferred through the entire floor of the building. In order to share the sonic bed experience with more than one person as the first bed was designed for, I developed a 12 foot diameter sound bed which could support upwards of 19 people at once. One year later with the formalization of the fully operational SONIC TEMPLE we opened with David Hickey’s Crystal Journey Concert. The Sonic Temple project ran for two years and hosted hundreds of events with wonderfully talented musicians, dancers and artists from across Canada and the United States, providing a unique consciousness enhancing atmosphere tuned to the coherent sound frequencies of healing.

In closing, sound has transformed my health, and wellbeing in an amazing journey of discovery and transformation. I have explored many of the finer sciences to see how the interactions of healing frequencies affect the human body, mind connection, and can attest to its efficacy, as the proof is always in the end product.





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Sonic Temple

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Josef & Lenka

Sacred SoundSacred Space

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David Hickey



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S o u n d s o f t h e S o l a r S y s t e m s

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jay schwed

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Sonic Sound

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Sonic Bed

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Images by Lanka& James Scott

Temple by Josef Tyls & Lanka

Design by Karen Elkins & Lankaʼs loving eye