jose lopez


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Page 2: Jose lopez


Orchids can take you from the worst day at work to tropical jungles in an instant.  Many varieties bloom for a long time - some flowers will last months before fading which makes them a perfect way to spice up a home or business environment.


Page 3: Jose lopez

bromeliads Bromeliads are a

Neotropical family which means they grow virtualy exclusively in the New World tropics (and subtropics). Most come from South America with the greatest number of species found in Brazil. They range from Chile and Argentina in South America through Cental America and the Caribbean reaching their northern limit aroung Virginia in the southeastern United States.

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succulentsSucculent plants, also known as succulents or fat plants, are water-retaining plants adapted to arid climates or soil conditions. Succulent plants store water in their leaves, stems, and also in roots. Geophytes that survive unfavorable periods by dying back to underground storage organs such as tuberous roots, corms, bulbs, and rhizomes, may be regarded as succulents

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aloeMany species of Aloe appear to be stemless, with the rosette growing directly at ground level; other varieties may have a branched or unbranched stem from which the fleshy leaves spring. They vary in color from grey to bright-green and are sometimes striped or mottled. Some Aloes native to South Africa are arborescent .

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canopyDominant and co-

dominant canopy trees form the uneven canopy layer. Canopy trees are able to photosynthesize relatively rapidly due to abundant light, so it supports the majority of primary productivity in forests

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Great pigreat Hornbill is a large bird, which grows to a height of around 100 to 120 cm. It wingspan measures somewhere around 150 cm and the tail feathers are 36 inches in length. The Great Hornbills of India have an average weight of 6.5 poundsed hornbills


Rhinoceroses are universally recognized because of their massive bodies, stumpy legs and either one or two dermal horns. But this animal is most famous for the fact that it has got a very thick hide.

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The Hog Deer (is a small deer whose habitat ranges from Pakistan, through northern India, to mainland Southeast Asia.

Snakes Many snakes, such as pythons, have lots of sharp teeth, but none dedicated to delivering venom.

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TigerTigers have great hearing and they use it to communicate over long distances.

They are the largest species of felines.

“The tiger's striped coat helps them blend

in well with the sunlight filtering through the

treetops to the jungle floor.”

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Facts Keystone Species

Quercus oleoides (live oak) is the dominant tree species in these remnant forests and its ability to recolonize abandoned pastures will play an important role in the restoration of tropical dry forest in the Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG) of northwestern Costa Rica.

Characteristics of Tropical Dry Forest

With a well defined dry season, tropical dry forests have high temperatures throughout the entire year.

A home to such animals like the Tasmanian devil and the American alligator, this biome occurs in areas of slightly lower rainfall next to tropical rain forests. Found primarily in Central America, southern Asia (forests here are known as Monsoon Forests), and some portions of Australia, their well defined dry season limits plant growth and the activity of animals.

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Climate & Location Climate

Generally warm year-round alternating wet and dry season rich soils subject to erosion.

LocationsParts of Africa, South

and Central America, Mexico, India, Australia, and Tropical Islands

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Tropical Dry forests grow in places where rainfall is highly seasonal rather than year-round. During the dry season nearly all the trees drop their leaves to conserve water. A tree that sheds its leaves during a particular season each year is called deciduous

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Tropical Dry Forest has good soil to grow crops such as:

sugar cane corn Beans

Tropical Dry Forest have good soil for cattle to graze.

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Tourism Hiking Camping Swimming in the

river, Bird watching Fishing and Hunting

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Exploits and Conservation

Deforestation Hazardous pests

introduced by humans Species Extinction


More efficient agriculture on suitable farmland

Efficient forestry practice including plantations

Reserves to protect species and ecosystems.

Human Exploits