joint transmission map estimation and dehazing using deep ... · extraction, (b) transmission map...

1 Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing using Deep Networks He Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Vishwanath Sindagi, Student Member, IEEE Vishal M. Patel, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Single image haze removal is an extremely chal- lenging problem due to its inherent ill-posed nature. Several prior-based and learning-based methods have been proposed in the literature to solve this problem and they have achieved visually appealing results. However, most of the existing methods assume constant atmospheric light model and tend to follow a two-step procedure involving prior-based methods for estimating transmission map followed by calculation of dehazed image using the closed form solution. In this paper, we relax the constant atmospheric light assumption and propose a novel unified single image dehazing network that jointly estimates the transmission map and performs dehazing. In other words, our new approach provides an end-to-end learning framework, where the inherent transmission map and dehazed result are learned jointly from the loss function. Extensive experiments evaluated on synthetic and real datasets with challenging hazy images demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods. I. I NTRODUCTION Haze is the obscuration of lower atmosphere, typically caused by the presence of suspended particles in the air such as dust, smoke and other dry particulates. The presence of haze usually reduces the visibility range, thus affecting quality of images captured by camera sensors that will be processed by computer vision systems. A sample hazy image is shown on the left side of Figure 1. It can be clearly observed that the existence of haze in an image greatly obscures the background scene. The problem of estimating a clear image from a single hazy input image is commonly referred to as dehazing. Image dehazing has attracted a significant interest in the computer vision and image processing communities in recent years [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]. The deterioration of image quality is captured by the fol- lowing mathematical model [22]: I(x)= J(x)t(x)+ A(x)(1 - t(x)), (1) where x is the location in the image co-ordinates, I represents the observed hazy image, J is the image before degradation, A is the global atmospheric light, and t(x) is the transmission map. Transmission map contains the per-pixel attenuation information that affects the light reaching the camera sensor and it is a factor of depth as shown below: t(x)= e -βd(x) , (2) He Zhang was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ USA. email: [email protected] Vishwanath Sindagi and Vishal M. Patel are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. Email: {vsindag1, vpatel36} where β is attenuation coefficient of the atmosphere and d(x) is the depth map. One can view (1) as the superposition of two components: 1. Direct attenuation (J(x)t(x)), and 2. Airlight (A(x)(1 - t(x)). Direct attenuation represents the effect of scattering of light and the eventual decay of light before it reaches the camera sensor. Airlight is a phenomenon that results from the scattering of environmental light causing a shift in the apparent brightness of the scene. Note that Airlight is a function of scene depth and the global atmospheric light A. As it can be observed from Eq. 1, image dehazing is an inherently ill-posed problem which has been addressed in different ways. Many previous methods overcome this issue by including extra prior assumption such as multiple images of the same scene [7] or depth information [6] to determine a solution. However, no extra information such as depth or multiple images is available for the problem of single image dehazing. To tackle this issue, different prior information has to be considered into the optimization framework such as dark- channel prior [5], contrast color-lines [23]] and hazeline prior [4]. For example, based on the observation that there always exists one channel that is significant dark in the captured outdoor images, dark-channel prior [5] is leveraged in the op- timization framework to guarantee dehazed images are “dark- channel”. Different from dark-channel prior, [4] leverage the haze-line prior in the framework, based on the observation that color cluster in the clear image can be approximated as the haze-line in RGB space. More recently, several learning-based methods have also been proposed, where different learning algorithms such as random forest regression and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are trained for predicting the trans- mission map [3], [1], [2], [8]. Many existing methods make an important assumption of constant atmospheric light 1 in the image degradation model (1) and tend to follow a two- step procedure. First, they learn the mapping from input hazy image to its corresponding transmission map and then using the estimated transmission map they calculate the clear image by reformulating Eq. 1 as J(x)= I(x) - A(x)(1 - t(x)) t(x) . (3) As a result, most of the previous methods consider the task of transmission map estimation and dehazing as two separate tasks, except the Li et al. [8]. By doing so, they are unable to accurately capture the transformation between the transmission map and the dehazed image. Motivated by this observation, we 1 Meaning that the intensity of atmosphere light A is independent from its spatial location x. arXiv:1708.00581v2 [cs.CV] 20 Apr 2019

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Page 1: Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing using Deep ... · extraction, (b) Transmission map estimation, and (c) Guided image dehazing. First, the transmission map is estimated


Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazingusing Deep Networks

He Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Vishwanath Sindagi, Student Member, IEEEVishal M. Patel, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Single image haze removal is an extremely chal-lenging problem due to its inherent ill-posed nature. Severalprior-based and learning-based methods have been proposedin the literature to solve this problem and they have achievedvisually appealing results. However, most of the existing methodsassume constant atmospheric light model and tend to follow atwo-step procedure involving prior-based methods for estimatingtransmission map followed by calculation of dehazed image usingthe closed form solution. In this paper, we relax the constantatmospheric light assumption and propose a novel unified singleimage dehazing network that jointly estimates the transmissionmap and performs dehazing. In other words, our new approachprovides an end-to-end learning framework, where the inherenttransmission map and dehazed result are learned jointly fromthe loss function. Extensive experiments evaluated on syntheticand real datasets with challenging hazy images demonstrate thatthe proposed method achieves significant improvements over thestate-of-the-art methods.


Haze is the obscuration of lower atmosphere, typicallycaused by the presence of suspended particles in the air suchas dust, smoke and other dry particulates. The presence of hazeusually reduces the visibility range, thus affecting quality ofimages captured by camera sensors that will be processed bycomputer vision systems. A sample hazy image is shown onthe left side of Figure 1. It can be clearly observed that theexistence of haze in an image greatly obscures the backgroundscene. The problem of estimating a clear image from a singlehazy input image is commonly referred to as dehazing. Imagedehazing has attracted a significant interest in the computervision and image processing communities in recent years [1],[2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14],[15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21].

The deterioration of image quality is captured by the fol-lowing mathematical model [22]:

I(x) = J(x)t(x) +A(x)(1− t(x)), (1)

where x is the location in the image co-ordinates, I representsthe observed hazy image, J is the image before degradation,A is the global atmospheric light, and t(x) is the transmissionmap. Transmission map contains the per-pixel attenuationinformation that affects the light reaching the camera sensorand it is a factor of depth as shown below:

t(x) = e−βd(x), (2)

He Zhang was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineeringat Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ USA. email: [email protected]

Vishwanath Sindagi and Vishal M. Patel are with the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,MD, USA. Email: {vsindag1, vpatel36}

where β is attenuation coefficient of the atmosphere and d(x)is the depth map. One can view (1) as the superposition of twocomponents: 1. Direct attenuation (J(x)t(x)), and 2. Airlight(A(x)(1− t(x)). Direct attenuation represents the effect ofscattering of light and the eventual decay of light before itreaches the camera sensor. Airlight is a phenomenon thatresults from the scattering of environmental light causing ashift in the apparent brightness of the scene. Note that Airlightis a function of scene depth and the global atmospheric lightA. As it can be observed from Eq. 1, image dehazing isan inherently ill-posed problem which has been addressed indifferent ways. Many previous methods overcome this issueby including extra prior assumption such as multiple imagesof the same scene [7] or depth information [6] to determinea solution. However, no extra information such as depth ormultiple images is available for the problem of single imagedehazing. To tackle this issue, different prior information hasto be considered into the optimization framework such as dark-channel prior [5], contrast color-lines [23]] and hazeline prior[4]. For example, based on the observation that there alwaysexists one channel that is significant dark in the capturedoutdoor images, dark-channel prior [5] is leveraged in the op-timization framework to guarantee dehazed images are “dark-channel”. Different from dark-channel prior, [4] leverage thehaze-line prior in the framework, based on the observation thatcolor cluster in the clear image can be approximated as thehaze-line in RGB space. More recently, several learning-basedmethods have also been proposed, where different learningalgorithms such as random forest regression and ConvolutionalNeural Networks (CNNs) are trained for predicting the trans-mission map [3], [1], [2], [8]. Many existing methods makean important assumption of constant atmospheric light 1 inthe image degradation model (1) and tend to follow a two-step procedure. First, they learn the mapping from input hazyimage to its corresponding transmission map and then usingthe estimated transmission map they calculate the clear imageby reformulating Eq. 1 as

J(x) =I(x)−A(x)(1− t(x))

t(x). (3)

As a result, most of the previous methods consider the taskof transmission map estimation and dehazing as two separatetasks, except the Li et al. [8]. By doing so, they are unable toaccurately capture the transformation between the transmissionmap and the dehazed image. Motivated by this observation, we

1Meaning that the intensity of atmosphere light A is independent from itsspatial location x.








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Fig. 1: Sample image dehazing result using the proposed method.Left: Input hazy image. Right: Dehazed result.

relax the constant atmospheric light assumption [24], [25] andpropose to jointly learn the transmission map and dehazedimage from an input hazy image using a deep CNN-basednetwork. Relaxed constant atmospheric light hypothesis withina certain adjustable limit not only allows us to exploit thebenefits of multi-task learning but it also enables us to regresson losses defined in the image space. By enforcing the networkto learn the transmission map, we still follow the popularimage degradation model (1). This joint learning enablesthe network to implicitly learn the atmospheric light andhence avoiding the need for manual calculation. On the otherhand, previous learning-based CNN methods [1], [2] utilizeEuclidean loss in generating the corresponding transmissionmap, which may result in blurry effect and hence poor qualitydehazed images [26]. To tackle this issue, we incorporate thegradient loss combined with the adversarial loss to generatebetter transmission map with sharper edges.

Figure 2 gives an overview of the proposed single imagedehazing method. Our network consists of three parts: 1.Transmission map estimation, 2. Hazy image feature extrac-tion, and 3. Dehazing network guided by transmission mapand hazy image features. The transmission map estimation islearned using a combination of adversarial loss, gradient lossand pixel-wise Euclidean loss. The transmission maps fromthis module are concatenated with the output of hazy imagefeature extraction module and processed by the dehazingnetwork. Hence, the transmission maps are also involvedin the dehazing procedure via the concatenation operator.The dehazing network is learned by optimizing a weightedcombination of perceptual loss and pixel-wise Euclidean lossto generate perceptually better results. Shown in Figure 1 is asample dehazed image using the proposed method.

This paper makes the following contributions:

• A novel joint transmission map estimation and image de-hazing using deep networks is proposed. This is enabledby relaxing the constant atmospheric light assumption,thus allowing the network to implicitly learn the trans-formation from input hazy image to transmission mapand transmission map to dehazed image.

• We propose to use the recently introduced GenerativeAdversarial Network (GAN) framework for learning thetransmission map.

• By performing a joint learning of transmission map andimage dehazing, we are able to minimize losses definedin the image space such as perceptual loss and pixel-wiseEuclidean loss, thereby generating perceptually better

results with high quality details.• Extensive experiments on synthetic and real image

datasets are conducted to demonstrate the effectivenessof the proposed method.


We briefly review recent works on image dehazing andsome commonly used losses in various CNN-based imagereconstruction tasks.

A. Single Image Dehazing

Early methods tend to address the dehazing problem viaincluding certain prior assumption. For example, the authorsin in [27] tend to recover the contrast for each patch relyingon the assumption that that haze greatly decrease the contrastof the color images. Then, Kratz and Nishino [28] proposedto model the image with a factorial Markov random fieldin which the scene albedo and depth are two statisticallyindependent latent layers. He. in [5] proposed a dark-channel prior based on the surprising observation that RGBimages from outdoor scene tend to have one channel thatin significantly dark. Built on dark channel prior, Meng etal. [29] imposing a specific boundary constraint during theestimation of transmission map. More recently, Berman etal. [4] proposed a non-local prior method based on theobservation that the colors of a haze-free image can be wellrepresented by a few hundred different colors that fall intoseveral tight clusters in the RGB space.

The success of CNNs in modeling the non-learning mappingbetween input and output has also inspired researchers toexplore CNN-based algorithms for low-level vision tasks suchas image dehazing [1], [2], [8]. Unlike previous prior-basedmethods in the estimation of transmission map, Cai et al.[2] train an end-to-end CNN network to directly estimate thetransmission map from the input haze image. More recently,Ren et al. [1] proposed a multi-scale deep architecture todirectly regress the transmission maps via a course to finefashion. However, the method of both Ren et al. [1] and Caiet al. [2] still leveraged a two-step procedure and hence thewhole algorithm is not end-to-end optimized. Most recently,Li et al proposed an all-in-one dehazing network, where alinear embedding is leveraged to encode the transmission mapand the atmospheric light into a single variable. Though theseCNN-based learning methods achieve superior performanceover the recent state-of-the-art methods, they limit their ca-pabilities by learning a mapping only between the input hazyimage and the transmission map. This is mainly due to the factthat these methods are based on the popular image degradationmodel given by (1) which assumes a constant atmosphericlight. In contrast, we relax this assumption and thus enablethe network to learn a transformation from the input hazyimage to transmission map and transmission map to dehazedimage. By doing this, we are also able to use losses definedin the image domain to learn the network. In the followingsub-sections, two different losses that we use to improve theperformance of the proposed network are reviewed.

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Fig. 2: Overview of the proposed multi-task method for image dehazing. The proposed method consists of three modules: (a) Hazy featureextraction, (b) Transmission map estimation, and (c) Guided image dehazing. First, the transmission map is estimated from the input hazyimage and it is concatenated with high dimensional feature map. These concatenated maps are fed into the guided dehazing module toestimate the dehazed image. The transmission map estimation module is trained using a GAN framework. The image dehazing module istrained by minimizing a combination of perceptual loss and Euclidean loss.

B. Loss Functions

Loss functions form an important and integral part ofa learning process, especially in CNN-based reconstructiontasks. Initial work on CNN-based image regression tasksoptimized over pixel-wise L2-norm (Euclidean loss) or L1-norm between the predicted and ground truth images [30],[31], [32]. Since these losses operate at per-pixel level, theirability to capture high level perceptual/contextual details suchas sharp edges and complicated contour are limited and theytend to produce blurred results. In order to overcome thisissue, we use two different loss functions: adversarial loss andperceptual loss for learning the transmission map and dehazedimage, respectively.

1) Adversarial loss: The adversarial loss, formulated in theGenerative Adversarial Networks(GAN) work by Goodfellowet al. [33], has been widely used in generating realistic images.GAN consists of a generator and a discriminator that arejointly optimized. While the generator’s goal is to synthesizeimages that are similar in distribution of the training images,the discriminator’s job is to identify if the images fed toit are real or synthesized (fake). After the success of thismethod in generating realistic images, this concept has beenexplored as different formulations in various applications suchas data augmentation [34], paired and unpaired 2d/3d imageto image translation [35], [36], [37], [38], [?], image super-resolution [39], image inpainting [40], [41], [42] and imagede-raining [43]. In our work, we propose to use the GANframework as an additional loss function to guide the learning

of transmission map, which when optimized appropriately, willgenerated realistic transmission maps.

2) Perceptual loss: Many researchers have argued anddemonstrated through their results that it would be better tooptimize a perceptual loss function in various applications[44], [45], [46], [47]. The perceptual function is usuallydefined using high-level features extracted from a pre-trainedconvolutional network. The aim is to minimize the perceptualdifference between the reconstructed image and the groundtruth image. Perceptually superior results were obtained forboth super-resolution and artistic style-transfer [48], [49],[15], [50]. In this work, a VGG-16 architecture [51] basedperceptual loss is used to train the network for performingdehazing.


The proposed network is illustrated in Figure 2 whichconsists of the following modules: 1. Transmission map esti-mation, 2. Hazy image feature extraction, and 3. Transmissionguided image dehazing, where the first module learns toestimate transmission maps from corresponding input hazyimages, the second module extracts haze relevant featuresfrom the input hazy image and the third module learns toperform image dehazing by combining the feature informationextracted from the hazy image with the estimation transmis-sion map. In what follows, we explain these modules in detail.

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A. Transmission Map EstimationThe task of predicting transmission map from a given input

hazy image is considered as a pixel-level image regressiontask. In other words, the aim is to learn a pixel-wise non-linear mapping from a given input image to the correspondingtransmission map by minimizing the loss between them. Incontrast to the method used by Ren et al. in [1], our methoduses adversarial loss in addition to pixel-wise Euclidean lossto learn better quality transmission maps. Also, the networkarchitecture used in this work is very different from the oneused in [1].

For incorporating the adversarial loss, the transmission mapestimation is learned in the Conditional Generative AdversarialNetwork (CGAN) framework [52]. Similar to earlier workson GANs for image reconstruction tasks [43], [53], [39], theproposed network for learning the transmission map consistsof two sub-networks: Generator G and Discriminator D. Thegoal of GAN is to train G to produce samples from trainingdistribution such that the synthesized samples are indistin-guishable from the actual distribution by the discriminator D.The sub-network G is motivated by the success of encoder-decoder structure in pixel-wise image reconstruction [54], [55],[53]. In this work, we adopt a ‘U-Net’-based structure [54] asthe generator for the transmission map estimation. Rather thanconcatenating the symmetric layers during training, shortcutconnections [56] are used to connect the symmetric layerswith the aim of addressing the vanishing gradient problem fordeep networks. To better capture the semantic information andmake the generated transmission map indistinguishable fromthe ground truth transmission map, a CNN-based differentiablediscriminator is used as a ‘guidance’ to guide the generator ingenerating better transmission maps. The proposed generatornetwork is as follows (the shortcut connection is neglectedhere):CP(15)-CBP(30)-CBP(60)-CBP(120)-CBP(120)-CBP(120)-CBP(120)-CBP(120)-TCBR(120)-TCBR(120)-TCBR(120)-TCBR(120)-TCBR(60)-TCBR(30)-TCBR(15)-TC(1)-TanH,where C represents the convolutional layer, TC representstranspose convolution layer, P indicates Prelu [57] and Bindicates batch-normalization [58]. The number in the bracketrepresents the number of output feature maps of the corre-sponding layer.

To ensure that the estimated transmission map is indistin-guishable from the ground truth image, a learned discriminatorsub-network is designed to classify if each input image isreal or fake. Inspired by the success of patch-discriminatorin distinguish real from fake, we also adopt a 70× 70 patchdiscriminator, where 70×70 indicates the receptive field of thediscriminator, to generate visually pleasing and sharper results.[59] also explores other ways to make the images sharper. Thestructure of the discriminator is defined as follows:CB(48)-CBP(96)-CBP(192)-CBP(384)-CBP(384)-C(1)-Sigmoid.

Furthermore, we propose to employ gradient-based lossfunction in order to enforce consistency in the gradientsbetween the estimated and target transmission map. The useof gradient loss function is inspired by its success in severalother tasks such as depth estimation [60], [61].

B. Hazy Feature Extraction and Guided Image Dehazing

A possible solution to image dehazing is to directly learn anend-to-end non-linear mapping between the estimated trans-mission map and the desired dehazed output. However, asshown in [53], while learning a mapping from transmissionmap-like to an RGB color image is possible, one may loosesome information due to the absence of the albedo and thelighting information.

To generate better dehazed image and enable the wholeprocess (estimation of the transmission map and the dehazedimage) end-to-end, we propose a deep transmission guidednetwork for single image dehazing via relaxing the assumptionof constant atmospheric light. Inspired by guided filtering[62], [63], [64], where a guidance image is leveraged toguided the generation of high-quality results (eg. depth map),a set of convolutional layers with symmetric skip connectionsare stacked in the front and they serve as a hazy image featureextractor. Basically, the hazy feature extraction part extractdeep features from the input hazy image. Then, These featuremaps are concatenated with the estimated transmission map.Then the concatenation is fed into the guided image dehazingmodule. This module consists of another set of CNN layerswith non-linearities and it essentially acts as a fusion CNNwhose task is to learn a mapping from transmission map andhigh-dimensional feature maps to dehazed image. 2 To learnthis network, a perceptual loss function based on VGG-16architecture [51] is used in addition to pixel-wise Euclideanloss. The use of perceptual loss greatly enhances the visualappeal of the results. Details of the network structure for thehazy feature extraction and guided image dehazing moduleare as follows:

CP(20)-CBP(40)-CBP(80)-C(1)-Conca(2)-CP(80)-CBP(40)-CBP(20)-C(3)-TanH,where Conca indicates concatenation.

In summary, a non-linear mapping from the input hazyimage and transmission map to dehazed image is learned ina multi-task end-to-end fashion. By learning this mapping,we enforce our network to implicitly learn the estimation ofatmospheric light, thereby avoiding the “manual” estimationas followed by some of the existing methods.

C. Training Loss

As discussed earlier, the proposed method involves jointlearning of two tasks: transmission map estimation anddehazing. Accordingly, to train the network, we define twolosses Lt and Ld, respectively for the two tasks.

1) Transmission map loss Lt: To overcome the issue ofblurred results due to the minimization of L2 error, thetransmission map estimation network is learned by minimizing

2Note that our network is quite different from the network proposed in [62]in the sense that the proposed network is a multi-task learning network witha single input while the network in [62] is a single-task network with twoinputs.

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Fig. 3: Transmission estimation results for Ablation 1. It can be observed that gradient loss enable sharper edges and final GAN frameworkhelp to preserved better structure information for each object.

a weighted combination of L2 error, an adversarial error anda gradient loss. The transmission map loss is defined as

Lt = LtE + λaLtA + λGL

tG, (4)

where λa and λG are two weights, LtE is the pixel-wiseEuclidean loss, LtA is the adversarial loss and LtG is the two-directional gradient loss. These three losses are defined asfollows

LtE =∑w,h

‖(φG(I))w,h − yw,ht ‖2, (5)

LtA = − log(φD(φG(I)), (6)

where I is a C-channel input hazy image, yt is the groundtruth transmission map, w × h indicates the dimension of theinput image and transmission map, φG is the generator sub-network G for generating the transmission map and φD is thediscriminator sub-network D. The directional gradient loss,which has been discussed in other applications [65], [66], theis defined as:

LtG =∑w,h

‖(Hx(Gt(I)))w,h − (Hx(t))


+ ‖(Hy(Gt(I)))w,h − (Hy(t))


where Hx and Hy are operators that compute image gradientsalong rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical), respectivelyand w×h indicates the width and height of the output featuremap.

Traditional techniques for transmission map estimation em-ploy only the Euclidean loss (LtE) to learn the networkweighs. However, Euclidean loss is known to introduce blurin the generated output. Hence, the use of additional lossfunctions (adversarial loss and gradient loss) incorporatesfurther constraints into the learning framework. Specifically,the adversarial loss (LtA) enforces the network to generatetransmission maps that are closer to the input distributionand the gradient loss (LtG) ensures consistency between thegradients of the target and estimated transmission map. Theweights λA, λG are set using validation.

2) Dehazing loss Ld: The dehazing network is learnedby minimizing a weighted combination of the pixel-wiseEuclidean loss and perceptual loss between the ground-truth

dehazed image and the network output and is defined asfollows

Ld = LdE + λpLtP , (8)

where λp is a weighting factor, LdE is the pixel-wise Euclideanloss and LtP is the perceptual loss and are respectively definedas

LdE =∑c,w,h

‖φE(I)c,w,h − Jc,w,h‖2, (9)

LdP =∑


‖V (φE(I))ci,wi,hi − V (J)ci,wi,hi‖2, (10)

where I is a c-channel input hazy image, J is the groundtruth dehzed image, w × h is the dimension of the inputimage and the dehazed image, φE is the proposed network,V represents a non-linear CNN transformation and Ci,Wi, Hi

are the dimensions of a certain high level layer of V . Similarto the idea proposed in [45], we aim to minimize the distancebetween high-level features along with pixel-wise Euclideanloss. In our method, we compute the feature loss at layerrelu3 1 in VGG-16 model [51].3 Note that the dehazing lossLd is also to be propagated to the transmission estimation part.

D. Discussion

Relaxing the condition of constant atmospheric light enablesthe network to be trained in an end-to-end fashion, thusallowing the network to implicitly learn the transformationfrom input hazy image to transmission map and transmissionmap to dehazed image. While it allows more flexibility inthe learning process, it introduces more complexity on themodel. Hence, to efficiently learn the network parameters, thetransmission map is considered since it preserve informationabout the portion of the light that is not scattered that reachesthe camera. Furthermore, additional losses such as adversarialloss and gradient loss function introduce strong regularization,thus enabling better estimation of transmission map.

3 val.prototxt

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In this section, we present the details and results of variousexperiments conducted on synthetic and real datasets thatcontain a variety of hazy conditions. First we describe thedatasets used in our experiments. Then, we discuss the detailsof the training procedure. Next, we discuss the results of theablation study conducted to understand the improvements ob-tained by various modules of the proposed method. Finally, wecompare the results of the proposed network with recent state-of-the-art methods. Through these experiments, we attempt todemonstrate the superiority of the proposed method and theeffectiveness of its’ various components.

A. Datasets

Since it is extremely difficult to collect a dataset thatcontains a large number of hazy/clear/transmission-map imagepairs, training and test datasets are synthesized using (1)and following the idea proposed in [3], [2], [1]. All thetraining and test samples are obtained from the NYU Depthdataset [67]. More specifically, given a haze-free image, werandomly sample four atmosphere light A(x) ∈ [0.5, 1.2] andthe scattering coefficient of the atmosphere β ∈ [0.4, 1.6]to generate its corresponding hazy images and transmissionmaps. An initial set of 600 images are randomly chosen fromthe NYU dataset. From each image belonging to this initial set,4 training images are generated by using randomly sampledatmospheric light and scattering coefficient, obtaining a total of2400 training images. In a similar way, a test dataset consistingof 300 images is obtained. We ensure that none of the trainingimages are in the test set. By varying A and β, we generateour training data with a variety of different conditions.

As discussed in [1], [3], the image content is independent ofits corresponding depth. Even though the training images arefrom the indoor dataset [67] and hence depths of all the imagesare relatively shallow, we could modify the value of the at-tenuation coefficient β to vary the haze concentration to makesure the datasets can also used for outdoor image dehazing.Meanwhile, the experimental results have also demonstratedthe effectiveness of discussed training datasets.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodon real-world data, we also created a test dataset including 30hazy images downloaded from the Internet.

B. Training Details

The entire network is trained on a Nvidia Titan-X GPUusing the torch framework [68]. We choose λa = 0.003and λG = 1 for the loss in estimating the transmissionmap and λp = 1.5 for the loss in single image dehazing.During training, we use ADAM [69] as the optimizationalgorithm with learning rate of 2× 10−3 and batch size of 10images. All the training samples are resized to 256× 256. Toefficiently train the multi-task network, we leverage the stage-wise training strategy. First, the transmission map estimationmodule is trained using the loss in Eq. 4 . Then, the entirenetwork is fine-tuned using both Eq. 8 and Eq. 4.

TABLE I: Quantitative SSIM results for Ablation 1 evaluated onsynthetic datasets for transmission map.

Input T-L2 T-L2-G T-L2-ALL Target

Transmission Map 0.4523 0.9052 0.9257 0.9388 1.0000

C. Ablation Study

In order to demonstrate the improvements obtained bydifferent modules for both transmission maps and dehazedimages, we conduct two ablation studies for estimatingtransmission maps and dehazed images, separately.

Ablation 1: This ablation study demonstrates the effectivenessof different modules in the transmission map estimation blockand it consists of the following experiments:1) Transmission map estimation using only L2 loss (T-L2),2) Transmission map estimation using L2 loss and gradientloss (T-L2-G), and3) Transmission map estimation using L2 loss, gradient lossand adversarial loss (T-L2-G-GAN).

Sample results are shown in Fig 3. It can be observedthat the introduction of gradient loss (T-L2-G) eliminateshalo-artifacts near complicated edges [26]. Furthermore, theintroduction of the discriminator (GAN framework-T-L2-G-GAN) effectively refine the local regions and enables sharperreconstructions, thereby preserving the structure for eachobject. Results of quantitative analysis on synthetic datasetsare presented in Table I. The effect of different modules inthe proposed network can be clearly observed from this table.

Ablation 2: Similarly, another ablation study is conducted todemonstrate the improvements obtained by different modulesfor dehazing images. This ablation study involves the follow-ing experiments:1) Image dehazing using L2 loss without estimation of trans-mission map (I-L2-noT),2) Image dehazing using L2 loss with estimation of transmis-sion map (I-L2-T), and3) Image dehazing using L2 loss and perceptual loss withestimation of transmission map (I-L2-Per-T).

Sample results are shown in Fig 4. It can be observedthat the method (I-L2-noT) is unable to accurately estimatethe haze level and depth (both are inherently captured inthe transmission map) and hence the dehazed results tend tocontain some color distortion. The introduction of the branchfor the estimation of transmission map helps to generatebetter quality images. This can be seen by comparing thesecond column and the third column in Fig 4. Furthermore,the final involvement of the perceptual loss I-L2-Per-T isable to generate better dehazed images with high qualitydetails (observed from the zoom-in parts in Fig 4). We alsocompare the inference running time for each ablation study,as tabulated in Table III. It can be observed that the multi-tasklearning results in slight increase in complexity of training andinference time. However, it leads to substantial improvementsin the dehazing quality. The introduction of different lossfunctions such as gradient loss and perceptual loss increase

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SSIM:0.4551 SSIM:0.8241 SSIM:0.8452 SSIM:0.8838 SSIM:1

Input I-L2-noT I-L2-T I-L2-Per-T Target

Fig. 4: Dehazed image results and certain zoomed-in parts for Ablation 2. It can be observed that the introduction of transmission mapreduce the color distortion and the involvement of perceptual loss enable high quality dehazed result.

TABLE II: Quantitative SSIM results for Ablation 2 evaluated onsynthetic datasets for dehazed image.

Input I-L2-noT I-L2-T I-L2-Per-T Target

Dehazed Image 0.7041 0.8835 0.9002 0.9133 1.0000

TABLE III: Average running time for Ablation 2 evaluated onsynthetic datasets for dehazed image.

Input I-L2-noT I-L2-T I-L2-Per-T

Time (s) 2.65 3.33 3.33 3.33

the training time, however, it does not affect the inferencetime.

D. Comparison with state-of-the-art Methods

To demonstrate the improvements achieved by the proposedmethod, it is compared against recent state-of-the-art methodson synthetic and real datasets.

Evaluation on synthetic dataset: Synthetic dataset, as de-scribed in Section IV(A), is used for the purpose of trainingand evaluating the network. Due to the availability of ground-truth images, we conduct both qualitative and quantitativeevaluations.

Figure 5 shows results of the proposed method as comparedwith recent state-of-the-art methods ([5], [70], [4], [71], [1],[8] ) on a sample image from the test split of the syntheticdataset. After carefully analyzing these results, we observedthat the recent best methods resulted in either incompleteremoval of haze or over-correction which reduced the visualappeal of the image. Even though, [4] is able to achieve goodperformance in the presence of moderate haze, its dehazedresults tend to contain color shift. In contrast, the proposedmethod is able to achieve better dehazing for a variety ofhaze contents. Similar results can be observed regarding the

quality of transmission maps estimated by the proposed multi-task method as compared with the existing methods. It canbe noted that the previous methods are unable to accuratelyestimate the relative depth in a given image, resulting in lowerquality of dehazed images. In contrast, the proposed methodnot only estimates high quality transmission maps, but alsoachieves better quality dehazing.

The quantitative performance of the proposed methodis compared against five state-of-the-art methods [5], [70],[1], [4], [8] using SSIM [72]. The quantitative results aretabulated in Table IV. It can be observed from this tablethat the proposed method achieves the best performance interms SSIM. Note that, we have attempted to obtain thebest possible results for the other methods by fine-tuningtheir respective parameters based on the source code releasedby the authors and kept the parameter consistent for allthe experiments. As the code released by [1], [8] cannotestimate the predicted transmission map, the results forthe transmission estimation corresponding to [1], [8] is notincluded in the discussion.

Furthermore, we also evaluate the proposed method on thesynthetic images used by previous methods [2], [8]. Resultsare shown in Fig 6. It can be clearly observed that Bermanet al. [4], [71] and the proposed methods achieve the bestvisual performance among all. However, by looking closerat the upper right part of Fig 6, it can be found that methodfrom Berman et al. [4], [71] tend to bring in the color-shiftand hence degrade the overall performance.

Evaluation on real dataset: In addition to the syntheticdataset, we also conducted evaluation experiments on realdataset which consists of hazy images from the real world,collected from the internet. Since the ground truths are notavailable for such images, we do not use this dataset fortraining and we perform only qualitative evaluations.

Comparison of results on four sample images used in

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TABLE IV: Quantitative SSIM results on the synthetic dataset.

Input He. et al. [5] Zhu. et al. [70] Ren. et al. [1] Berman. et al. [4], [71] Li. et al. [8] Our

Transmission N/A 0.8739 0.8326 N/A 0.8675 N/A 0.9388

Image 0.7041 0.8642 0.8567 0.8203 0.7959 0.8842 0.9133

SSIM: N/A SSIM: 0.9422 SSIM: 0.8633 SSIM: N/A SSIM: 0.9307 SSIM: N/A SSIM: 0.9733 SSIM: 1

SSIM: 0.5788


SSIM: 0.7169

He et al.[5]

SSIM: 0.7821

Zhu et al.[70]

SSIM: 0.7055

Ren et al.[1]

SSIM: 0.7232

Berman et al.[4], [71]

SSIM: 0.7267

Li et al.[8]

SSIM: 0.8346




Fig. 5: Dehazing results from our synthetic images, where the first row correspond to the estimated transmission map and the last rowcorresponds to the dehazed image.

SSIM: 0.3882 SSIM: 0.7648 SSIM: 0.7131 SSIM: 0.7340 SSIM: 0.7712 SSIM: 0.6007 SSIM: 0.8026 SSIM: 1

SSIM: 0.3313


SSIM: 0.6919

He et al.[5]

SSIM: 0.6358

Zhu et al.[70]

SSIM: 0.6282

Ren et al.[1]

SSIM: 0.6680

Berman et al.[4], [71]

SSIM: 0.6176

Li et al.[8]

SSIM: 0.71180




Fig. 6: Dehazed visual comparisons for results of synthetic image used by previous methods [2], [8].

earlier methods compared with various approaches is shownin Figure 7. Yellow rectangles are used to highlight theimprovements obtained using the proposed method. Thoughthe existing methods seem to achieve good visual performancein the top row, it can be observed from the highlighted regionthat these methods may result in undesirable effects such asartifacts and color over-saturation in the output images. Forthe bottom two rows, the existing methods either make theimage darker due to overestimation of dark pixels or areunable to perform complete dehazing. For example, leaning-based methods [1], [8] underestimate the thickness of hazeresulting in partial dehazing. Even though Berman et al. [4],[71] leaves less haze in the output, the resulting image tendsto be darker as the haze line is tough to detect under heavyhaze conditions. In contrast, the proposed method is able toachieve near-complete dehazing with visually appealing resultsby avoiding any undesirable effects in the output images.

Furthermore, we also illustrate three qualitative examples

of dehazing results on real-world hazy images by differentmethods. He. et al [5], Li. et al [8] and Ren. et al [1]method perform well but they tend to leave haze in the outputleading to loss in color contrast. Even though Berman et al [4],[71] perform better, they tend to over-estimate the haze levelresulting darker output images. Overall, our proposed methodis able to tackle the problems brought by the other methodsand achieve the best performance visually.

In Fig 9, we present a very tough hazy image to illustrate theresults. The visual comparison here also confirms our findingsin the previous experiments. Particularly, from the highlightedyellow rectangle, it can be observed that the method can betterrecover the Mandarin characters hidden behind the haze.

Through these experiments on real dataset, we are ableto demonstrate that the proposed method, although trainedon synthetic dataset, is able to generalize well to real worldconditions.Run Time Comparison: The proposed method is evaluated

Page 9: Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing using Deep ... · extraction, (b) Transmission map estimation, and (c) Guided image dehazing. First, the transmission map is estimated


Input He. et al.[5]

Zhu. et al.[70]

Ren. et al.[1]

Berman. et al.[4], [71]



Fig. 7: Qualitative comparison of dehazing on real-world dataset that is presented in previous dehazing papers. It can be observed from thehighlighted region that previous methods may result in undesirable effects such as artifacts and color over-saturation in the output images

Input He. et al.[5]

Zhu. et al.[70]

Ren. et al.[1]

Berman. et al.[4], [71]



Fig. 8: Qualitative comparison of dehazing on real-world dataset. Results on two sample images from a set of images downloaded from theInternet.

for its computational complexity. On average, our method isable to processes 512×512 images at 18 frames per second(fps), thus providing real-time performance. Further more, theproposed method is compared against several recent methodsas shown in Table V. The proposed method is comparable tothe Li. [8] but with better performance. On average, ittakes about 3.3s to de-rain an image of size 512× 512.

E. Failure Cases

Although the proposed method is able to generalize well tomost of the outdoor cases, it results in saturation of certainregion of specific images. For example, as shown in dehazedimages in Fig 11, central part of the sky is not recoveredappropriately and it looks over-exposed. This is primarily dueto the rarity of similar samples during training. This is acommon problem in most existing methods.

Though the success of using synthetic samples for avoidingthe need of expensive annotations has demonstrated the ef-fectiveness in single image dehazing, the performance gap be-tween the results on synthetic and real-world images illustratessome of the limitations in learning from synthetic data. Hence,it is necessary to explore new possibilities for leveragingsynthetic data in order to obtain better generalization acrossreal world images.


This paper presented a new multi-task end-to-end CNN-based network that jointly learns to estimate transmissionmap and performs image dehazing. In contrast to the existingmethods that consider the transmission estimation and singleimage dehazing as two separate tasks, we bridge the gapbetween them by using multi-task learning. This is achievedby relaxing the constant atmospheric light assumption in

Page 10: Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing using Deep ... · extraction, (b) Transmission map estimation, and (c) Guided image dehazing. First, the transmission map is estimated


Input He.[5]

Zhu. et al.[70]


Berman.[4], [71]



Fig. 9: Qualitative comparison of dehazing on real-world dataset. Top row: Results on a sample image from the real-world dataset providedby previous methods. Bottom two rows: Results on two sample images from a set of images downloaded from the Internet.

TABLE V: Average running time on the synthesized dataset. M: Matlab implementation, P: Python implementation.

He. (M) [5] (M) Zhu. [70] (M) Ren. [1] (M) Berman. [4] (M) Li. [8] (P) Our (P)

Time (s) 25.08 3.92 3.75 8.41 3.18 3.33

Fig. 10: More dehazing results on the real-world images. The firstrow show the original hazy image and second row show dehazedimages of the proposed method.

the standard image degradation model. In other words, weenforce the network to estimate the transmission map anduse it for further dehazing thereby following the standardimage degradation model for image dehazing. Experimentswere conducted on multiple datasets (synthetic and real) andthe results were compared against several recent methods.Further, detailed ablation studies were conducted to understand

Input image Dehazed image

Fig. 11: Failure case of the proposed method,

the significance of the different components in the proposed.method.


This work was supported by an ARO grant W911NF-16-1-0126.


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