job vs passion

7/26/2019 job vs passion 1/1 I agree; passion is key to distinguishing between “just a job” and a lifelong career. To be a nurse professional it takes too much of your heart and soul for it to be “just a job”. A job involves showing up for the sake of a paycheck. A nurse who goes to work with the mindset that it is “just a job” may have the skills necessary to successfully care for a patient but a nurse professional “has a breath and depth of nursing knowledge that sets he!she apart from the person who can do the skills and do them well” "#ardin $%%&'. This distinction can make all the di(erence. I am torn between using the word terrifed  orsaddened  to describe my feelings when I think about the fact that there are nurses out there who consider it to be “just a job”. I feel that patients who entrust their care to these nurses are not receiving the best care possible.

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Page 1: job vs passion

7/26/2019 job vs passion 1/1

I agree; passion is key to distinguishing between “just a job” and a lifelongcareer. To be a nurse professional it takes too much of your heart and soul for itto be “just a job”. A job involves showing up for the sake of a paycheck. A nursewho goes to work with the mindset that it is “just a job” may have the skills

necessary to successfully care for a patient but a nurse professional “has abreath and depth of nursing knowledge that sets he!she apart from the personwho can do the skills and do them well” "#ardin $%%&'. This distinction can makeall the di(erence. I am torn between using the word terrifed  orsaddened  todescribe my feelings when I think about the fact that there are nurses out therewho consider it to be “just a job”. I feel that patients who entrust their care tothese nurses are not receiving the best care possible.