jl ingigs wnufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/58/92/00066/00114.pdf · 2009. 7. 14. · i crystal...

i CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RiVER FLORIDA t O- oIftJl j lUll JL fit S T r p 7 A a e It t < < Wrong He Came Back Next Day ASHINQTON Lemuel ambled license office the other day wearing his workaday clothes Does 1 get my license heaht Lemuel wanted to know You do responded the clerk Den said Lemuel with dlgnlty you kin make It out to me He unhesitatingly gave answers to the various form questions pro- pounded to him And when this Was concluded he reached for the paper which he had signed i Not yet gently not yet You must take the bath and pay the dollar- I de said Lemuel kind of oath la datr you must that what have stated is the truth And flan saidLemuel In pained voice I take dat oath I gotta pay a dollar besides v it Is the law said the marriage license clerk solemnly v Lemuel turned toward the door 1 reckon 1U wait till next yeah he stated I didnt reckon when I cum to get married you white folks would make me do all do wok But Lemuel was wrong He didnt watt until next year He came next day And UIde door of the courthouse the voice of his future bride hoard asshe dragged him toward the office And these were her soft sentiments trlflln you all gimme dat dollab en 111 pay to do license And if you dont tak dat oath right 111 bus when I get outside bos I live Shedding of Teeth h a Most Interesting Subject- OU are respectfully Invited to consider the shedding of teeth It Is a most interesting subject of thought In that It touches the connects with our own milkmolars way back In the last century when t we ivererReraember There is a young gentleman out Cleveland park- A way who had two loose ones In front CREAM i AH offered every inducement to have I them pulled Ice and other lures but as every proposition had a UHIR very literal string to It the young gentleman hung oci to his teeth And A the teeth hung on to him as a door r barge on by one binge other day the special Provl f dance which plays to small boys arranged that Virginia ln a hammock on the swing against the young gentleman with such satisfying results that the fiat thing the Big Man heard wheri he whizzed out papal out 7h household celebrated with due arid more enticing iKHfiestlons were to the advisability of Haying mamma Bother to6thwhlchwas ao rUnf go possiblyIftrt- riFH1Pir8 ny ariPtwlxt shobtfmr the train rtbtyr and the v Jim of Be filuff Cal i gofng ftWunhpse- dayi wjil a raefuhcountenance on which the gloom Is as thickly the white powder on some of tho artificial ladles we see nowadays Jima a train hand of Home ebrt It may is an express messenger or a conductor his real grade I 1 know naught All 1 know Is Francis Johns Dyer of Los Angeles and other pacific coast points told your correspondent and ho Jim IB a train hand At any rate Jim saw two men crawl Into the mall cat of his train while It was stopping at Delta Cal Like a true moving pic- ture hero he drew his irons and began peppering the robbers They the fire but Jims unerring aim brought one of the villains to the ground allent Jim had The other fellow ran that was a fair days work for a train hand and Jim began to get all swelled up over and applied to the post office department thou- sand dollars reward which he understood to be standing for such The post office department opened his letter yawned stamped it passed it on through million miles ot redtape and returned It to Jim with something like this Sir In reply to your esteemed favor of recent date we beg to advise that th reward which you claim Is offered pnly In the case of mall train robs hers and convicted Jim waa dumfounded He had neither arrested nor convicted his robber fvi He bad merely killed him N Tho next time he sees a man robbing the malls he Intends to throw a Gets Amusement Out of Being a Doppganjier j V TRY seems fated to have somewhere In his neighborhood a doppelganger as the Germans call Itt in EBgllsb a double eome- me who him BO closely that he Is continually being salBtaken for klB9 Wilson B double l tlvwfKcKeMle of lUindb and they aUk than the reaident according to T9 TtffM the wit of the hosaa press gallery fUBTP Who te an Irishman of course tftWg Representative McKenzie was KWWUU strolling through the lobby of tv hotel one evening tut winter straBger approacBed- tt Pardon me Mr Rre he with frown of concern I know are Democratic la bablU and the people admire you for It but really sir this too great a risk for Ute ruler of the United States to take I thus wandering about the city at night alone and unattended by even a fiagle guard YOT owe it to people to be more careful Mr VcKeatle bowed in acknowledgment and laying his hand upon his toealder ia fri way thanked him hid kind Interest and promising p be is futere p 4wed on leaving the stranger in an ecstatic truce vth hart ta tell fellow the and spoil hie f t t t Lemuel Was J t h t 0 said j Manwhat oath you t fit could lie f you that I u CfT TOIl A- j rJ led fl I ir T e porch I bome s- Its VIrglnllt cked It thrown put as It Wij i ii 1 A ifJ W f f IIi t t- e antltafs J sJi > belie ill ootlng t y r killed blm ti It forthat CAses- I f j tj l I I ii f i and take to to J I L E r embI h 4 uo public life He to t kel mIlCh Mr KcK Zt8 iea more YOU lkif t le h JJ Jo- t left f t t I j jf bnttal truth i wterat tilt COIUaay ar Kr tv it Of I t J r i- rJ41 t r 1 tAoo r- I it 1frr- r r jIi- 1 f s L A 2 y- r e4 i jM a t- i TIIl INGIGs Y th- e IA r Neuaca tsaa r r i k the clerk j 4 i Tate oath f take sitter Now you no account 1 memory wire I r s CPRAT 1119154 that put would not hed Ile AII R t t was cream WILT i P r i nurse e ehonid w pug out loos Tyy T- A r m tattled r i what J raid t I 7y e returned h xV I r rubber several f arrested F net over him him Washington the postmaster general In- to box e president a 1a R t SlorMR as aetwtaralthough r1 to look rr a i GG 4- y r- v a w 1 1A said a r you most your fir r y the s for more careful 1 dldat have the sveattlle for the re of the the lodge aa4 corner drq atore- l r W tbR al WheeitkefVI tor dialer xcXaaiSe f dl aY y r ¬ > < < < < > ¬ < > > > < > < < < + > < + < < < < > < ° ¼ > WICKERS MANY USES QF FURNITURE GIVE DISTINCTION TO By No Means Costly and Any Ono With Taste Will Ba Able to Select Just What Is Required for the Apartment While rooms are delightfully at tractive furnished throughout in wicker it still remains true that one or two of wicker furniture add distinction to almost any Sometimes this piece or two has been added for effect sometimes for com- fort Perhaps some of the older wooden furniture has given out and some wicker Has been added at a lower cost than It would have been possible to duplicate the older pieces for or again perhaps It has been Impossible to match in color or kind wornout furniture So it can be seen that wicker will solve many problems writes Ethel Seal Davis in the Philadelphia North American Among the different colors offered for Choice we find the natural willow unstalneQ And instead pf this seeming raw and some rooms It a very unusual note hourglass armchair at sU or eight dollars Another good color- Is mocha brown and there aro two particularly attractive greens forest and sea green A wicker sofa costs about thirty five dollars the covering of the up holstered seat being extra ARTICLES ROOM room espe- cially an I the crude tn ¬ ¬ ¬ In Dainty Wicker flower Btand is aboutj foxir doi lars add a half and the dollars V Imagine livingroom in a little summer cottage furnished ln this walls and white a summer woolen Tug wicker in- cluding table desk and desk chair davenport window bench book- shelves two straight wall chairs and two armchairs one a wing and the other with a side pocket for maga- zines For the notes of color in this room we will depend on window hangings which are dullrose upho- lsterers Bilk the pictures which should all b6 framed Idblack and the flowers which should boused In pro fushlon One of the prettiest seta Is a win- dow most attractive piece of furniture and a nitty little book trough What will we not adapt Time was when troughs were used only for holding water or feed for animals and here we have them In our best rooms with books In em In almost any shop the sent might be priced at 16 arid the book trough at eight dollars lH a also For Chapped Hands There la nothing better to keep your hands from chapping and them soft than glycerine andVlnegar- Fill about halt full of glycer toe then nil up witheti Kvl eg r- and well Keep where it Is handy After washing your hands and while till moist put on a few drop and ruff until dry You will never be troubled with rough hands Chiffon Blouse One of the Interesting developments ol the styles is the blouse of chiffon or crepe de chine which shows a lltth tucked vest of organdy or linen with a folding or flaring organdy or linen collar The use of handkerchief linen with chiffon strikes one as a little heavy at fret but the combination Is really attractive Unique 0ive is going home a shrubbery shower to which each friend brings a bulb pr catting of her favorite shrub with di- rections an to Its care To have those lasting suggestions of friends would her new grodadi not only a Tlftce of beauty but a of happy k 0 f- tI e i tor 23 lC wood- work sag green bencha toot the bride liard ell r t- ot I- r r 41 l- j t z t w three wise Cream gree0 sea furniture this Sundaygo to meeting lx3 to keep Bridal Shower who a- new Igisssbria- at 1 4- s e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > + KERCHIEFS ALL IN COLORS Modest White No Longer In Fashion Even for Wn With the Costume New handkerchiefs riot o color White kerchiefs are certainly not on display The fashionable to be worn with tailored suits are In solid colors or the same thing with a hemstitched hem In white The colors run all the wayfrom a dainty palest blue and most delicate lavenders to navy blue dark brown and crimson For afternoon wear the colors are not quite so pronounced There will be the merest threads of color border- ing the white handkerchief or the Ini- tial will bo worked In a color Again the background of a whlto embroidered letter will be of a color woven In with the white but there Is sure to be a touch of cblor someWhere While most of the handkerchiefs are finished with a narrow hemstitched hem even for formal wear are showing the dainty scallop in- closing a bit of roarelra embroidery- also the initial all carried out in a pretty color It would seem the polka dot never goes out of fashion for one of the new designs shows In the center of the handkerchief in a solid blue while the wide border Is dotted with white Stripes cubes and odd colorings may be found by those seeking after the freakish v Dorderlngs In plaids are new and are at all as loud as one might think The white centers with wide border- of the plaid finished with a very hem of lawn in the predominating- color of the plaid are very smart in deed Those with solid dark color centers are nice too but they suggest tho handkerchief less than do those with the white centers area not nar- row After- noon hand- kerchiefs quarter Inclt shell pink there ¬ ¬ NOVEL FANCIES IN FOOTWEAR With Their Trimmings Have Decome aMoat Important Part of the Costume The fanehaped plait and therosette are the trimmings bf the house and evening shoe now and the place to wear them is at one elde of the Bhtfe instead of In the center There must be a handsome orna- ment or buckle made ot chased Huge stone In the mlddlp Brocade gold and sliver tissue and when the pftc is stated They are coftes In cases of old designs and some so cleverly contrived that they look real ly antique Furniture brocade has been round so comfortable for house footwear that It is in high favor and the short rounded toe is popular the rosettes and ornaments making up for the pau city of covdring on the instep CHARMING ROBE Shoe promln nt with bl red are yM1 a metal b cabochon ribbon used for the plaits all F- d v da sae yed The line t buckl weak hEr- emarlf without pecea wary ot the footwear many ate ¬ ¬ ¬ < > Robe Pf old blue souple satin formed- or made With a long cape Variety for There are afternoon gowns this summer the more simple kind of sprigged Dolly Vardon mate rills to a degree and the after- noon dance frock which Ja of more pretentious fabrics Vf v v Wear w 1 Afternoon I- r ¬ < doctor for nineteen yeast Heal skin with Resinol NO matter how long you have tortured Itching burning raw or scaly skin put a of that soothing Rtsinol Ointment on sores and the suffering right there and cai your skin well so quickly you feel money you threw way on w l treatments Resin Ointment Ma and It Insurar K Kidney In roedonlar roe keep will ih jr b trued to the meat o thci ortaoi DR DEWITTS r Liver BBoftdand Kidney Remedy action drir out of Sick Headaeh Palm In Back Shoiddtn and Rheumatism Syphilitic Taint Removes Ptaplw aOOD BtOOD TONIC Bminit tf TtftiulsU tf Kaurk U Ont W J PAMCOl CO WtbMr Md nU tin Rnwdl wilt B Make the Liver Do Duty Nine time In ten wh a the right the stomach and bowel are right CARTERS LITTLE UYER PILtSg- entlybutfirmlyconv a r do Its f- MEtWi ROOFING Shinqlas Tila IN H eUlkOINO BUST THAT MONEY CAN 3UY M EDWARDS CPRRUOATIMG cp- OVINCTQM V- WinEAWAKK AGENTS WANTED for our quick icllln Patented Add Th HprlngHfld epee C n 114 BprlatlltlJ Mo rilES CURED AT HOME Bummers fill Cure N r r fans Writ itnd 1 rasa tntecd curs A Burameni H3 Tliomailon Ou Marvelous Intelligence v The wonderful Intelligence of the human being Is such that after thou sands of years ot assembling together occasion they are still unable to gather ln large concourse wlthout trampling colliding with each other fatally No SIXSIXTYSIX This Is a prepared pecially for Malaria or Chills and Fever Five or six doses will break any case and if taken then as a table tine fever will not return 25o Adv Not that Kind Is this Institution of an eleemosy- nary nature No Its orphan asylum Japanese Business Fell s Japanese Industry k seriously rivaling that of Pills Cured ta 14 drarttil will refund motet If OINTMENT fills to cure eate at Itchlof- llnd Bleeding or Protruding piles la 4tp d r- bt Brat tpplUatlaa ilv and Roll W- Its when the weather Is top that wo feel like getting away Spme men born with black eefl and others have to flght for them Take dreye The Old Standard Groves TMteleai hill Tonic equally at a Jeaeral Tonic use coalalra rell known tonic properties of QUININE ad It acts tri Drives i t M J ria BTrfricheH the Blood Bolds op Jh Wbole System J P r1b a b 4 I 011 Healing very ashamed of the Mo t5o du lfS slack j Main lid Sasses aUdrullPta- fllols tlae liver one UI truly den p rf Rldnen tb1t the OUI secretiona such U Uric and RIch healthy B female weakness Chronic tad aDd Scrofula Eruptlonl JIJntllUla U row its utE ItT MATERIAl Mucruaaa I 1t11 jo Smlaltl e It r for F Or t i f tt Y i it hrlmpcan lng f u j tf t 6 tt Days Year u f Sue WIIRever YOM bl It the IRON 8- J d 1 v t i t s a t V p- i v l- RNi r A 1 stops I c a d Ilutdbr Ninth Ill Acid Beta due ReiIyn t Pries gfUO P6r HNM USA r Drsaela4 a d J 1 Is w f raiwaNKor driiigl y 1- 3WAIJa f h ilitAWrlta08i 1 M1TAt t t a l- Our T- on t r e it taint fir t 21 4 PAZ 1 r i aloe are NeiaOesiscaf Yesrls r Ill F aegis data r y- ti i r- k 1 e- y 1 4 Y iy- i ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < > + ° = + < + + μ

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Page 1: JL INGIGs Wnufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/92/00066/00114.pdf · 2009. 7. 14. · i CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RiVER FLORIDA t O-oIftJl j lUll JL fit S T r p 7 A a e It t




oIftJl j lUll JL



Tr p






Wrong He Came Back Next Day

ASHINQTON Lemuel ambled license office the otherday wearing his workaday clothesDoes 1 get my license heaht Lemuel wanted to know

You do responded the clerkDen said Lemuel with dlgnlty

you kin make It out to meHe unhesitatingly gave answers

to the various form questions pro-

pounded to him And when this Was

concluded he reached for the paperwhich he had signed

i Not yet gentlynot yet You must take the bath and

pay the dollar-

I de said Lemuelkind of oath la datr

you must that what have stated is the truthAnd flan saidLemuel In pained voice I take dat oath I gotta

pay a dollar besidesv it Is the law said the marriage license clerk solemnly

v Lemuel turned toward the door1 reckon 1U wait till next yeah he stated I didnt reckon when I

cum to get married you white folks would make me do all do wokBut Lemuel was wrong He didnt watt until next year He came next

day And UIde door of the courthouse the voice of his future bridehoard asshe dragged him toward the office And these were her

soft sentimentstrlflln you all gimme dat dollab en 111 pay to do

license And if you dont tak dat oath right 111 bus when I get outside

bos I live

Shedding of Teeth h a Most Interesting Subject-

OU are respectfully Invited to consider the shedding of teeth It Is amost interesting subject of thought In that It touches the

connects with our own milkmolars way back In the last century when

t we ivererReraember There is ayoung gentleman out Cleveland park-

A way who had two loose ones In front


offered every inducement to have I

them pulled Ice and otherlures but as every proposition had a UHIR

very literal string to It the younggentleman hung oci to his teeth And

A the teeth hung on to him as a door

r barge on by one bingeother day the special Provl f

dance which plays to small boysarranged that Virginia ln a hammock on the swingagainst the young gentleman with such satisfying results that the fiat thingthe Big Man heard wheri he whizzed

out papal out7h household celebrated with due arid more enticing

iKHfiestlons were to the advisability of Haying mamma

Bother to6thwhlchwas ao rUnf go possiblyIftrt-

riFH1Pir8 ny ariPtwlxt shobtfmr the train rtbtyr and thev Jim of Be filuff Cal i gofng ftWunhpse-

dayi wjil a raefuhcountenance on which the gloom Is as thicklythe white powder on some of thoartificial ladles we see nowadays

Jima a train hand of Home ebrtIt may is an express messengeror a conductor his real grade I

1 know naught All 1 know IsFrancis Johns Dyer of Los Angelesand other pacific coast points toldyour correspondent and ho JimIB a train hand At any rate Jimsaw two men crawl Into the mall catof his train while It was stopping atDelta Cal Like a true moving pic-

ture hero he drew his irons and began peppering the robbers Theythe fire but Jims unerring aim brought one of the villains to the

ground allent Jim had The other fellow ranthat was a fair days work for a train hand and Jim began to get

all swelled up over and applied to the post office department thou-

sand dollars reward which he understood to be standing for suchThe post office department opened his letter yawned stamped itpassed it on through million miles ot redtape and returned It toJim with something like this

Sir In reply to your esteemed favor of recent date we beg to advisethat th reward which you claim Is offered pnly In the case of mall train robshers and convicted

Jim waa dumfounded He had neither arrested nor convicted his robberfvi He bad merely killed him


Tho next time he sees a man robbing the malls he Intends to throw a

Gets Amusement Out of Being a Doppganjierj

V TRY seems fated to have somewhere In his neighborhood adoppelganger as the Germans call Itt in EBgllsb a double eome-

me who him BO closely that he Is continually being salBtaken forklB9 Wilson B double l

tlvwfKcKeMle of lUindb and they

aUk than the reaident according to T9 TtffMthe wit of the hosaa press gallery fUBTPWho te an Irishman of course tftWg

Representative McKenzie was KWWUUstrolling through the lobby

of tv hotel one eveningtut winter straBger approacBed-tt

Pardon me Mr Rre he with frown of concern I knoware Democratic la bablU and the people admire you for It but

really sir this too great a risk for Ute ruler of the United States to takeI thus wandering about the city at night alone and unattended by even afiagle guard YOT owe it to people to be more careful

Mr VcKeatle bowed in acknowledgment and laying his hand upon histoealder ia fri way thanked him hid kind Interest and promisingp be is futere p 4wed on leaving the stranger in an ecstatictruce

vth hart ta tell fellow the and spoil hie





Lemuel Was





0 said

j Manwhatoath you



could lief



Iu CfT TOIl A-


rJ ledfl



T e


bome s-

Its VIrglnllt cked It

thrown put asIt

Wij i ii1 A ifJ W

f fIIi t t-


J sJi>


ill ootlngt yr killed blm

tiIt forthat


I fj


I I ii fi and take to to



Er embI

h4 uo public life He to t

kel mIlChMr KcK Zt8 iea more YOU





t left


t Ij

jf bnttal truthi wterat tilt

COIUaay ar Krtv

itOf I

t J r i-

rJ41 tr 1 tAoo r-

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INGIGsY th-e


Neuacatsaar r


the clerkj 4

i Tate oath

f takesitter

Now you no account

1memory wire

I rs CPRAT 1119154

that put would not hed Ile AII Rt

t wascream WILT iP


i nursee ehonid




Tyy T-

A r




i whatJ



7y ereturned



I rrubber


f arrested

Fnet over him him Washington the postmaster general In-

to box



a1a R

t SlorMRas aetwtaralthough r1

to look rr a

i GG4-

y r-


a w

1 1A said ar you most your

firr y


s formore careful

1 dldat have thesveattlle for the re of the the lodge aa4 corner drq atore-

l r W tbR al WheeitkefVI tor dialer xcXaaiSef

dl aY y



































By No Means Costly and Any OnoWith Taste Will Ba Able to Select

Just What Is Required forthe Apartment

While rooms are delightfully attractive furnished throughout inwicker it still remains true that oneor two of wicker furniture adddistinction to almost anySometimes this piece or two has beenadded for effect sometimes for com-

fort Perhaps some of the olderwooden furniture has given out andsome wicker Has been added at alower cost than It would have beenpossible to duplicate the older piecesfor or again perhaps It has beenImpossible to match in color or kind

wornout furniture So it can beseen that wicker will solve manyproblems writes Ethel Seal Davis inthe Philadelphia North American

Among the different colors offeredfor Choice we find the natural willow

unstalneQ And instead pf thisseeming raw and some roomsIt a very unusual note

hourglass armchair at sUor eight dollars Another good color-

Is mocha brown and there aro twoparticularly attractive greens forestand sea green

A wicker sofa costs about thirtyfive dollars the covering of the up

holstered seat being extra



espe-cially an



crude tn




In Dainty Wicker

flower Btand is aboutj foxir doilars add a half and thedollars V

Imagine livingroom in a littlesummer cottage furnished ln this

walls and whitea summer woolen

Tug wicker in-

cluding table desk and desk chairdavenport window bench book-

shelves two straight wall chairs andtwo armchairs one a wing and theother with a side pocket for maga-

zines For the notes of color in thisroom we will depend on windowhangings which are dullrose upho-lsterers Bilk the pictures whichshould all b6 framed Idblack and theflowers which should boused In profushlon

One of the prettiest seta Is a win-

dow most attractive pieceof furniture and a nitty little booktrough What will we not adaptTime was when troughs were usedonly for holding water or feed foranimals and here we have them Inour best roomswith books In em In almost anyshop the sent might be priced at 16

arid the book trough at eight dollarslH a also

For Chapped HandsThere la nothing better to keep your

hands from chapping andthem soft than glycerine andVlnegar-Fill about halt full of glycertoe then nil up witheti Kvl eg r-

and well Keep where it Ishandy After washing your hands andwhile till moist put on a few dropand ruff until dry You will never betroubled with rough hands

Chiffon BlouseOne of the Interesting developments

ol the styles is the blouse of chiffon

or crepe de chine which shows a lltthtucked vest of organdy or linen with

a folding or flaring organdy or linencollar The use of handkerchief linenwith chiffon strikes one as a littleheavy at fret but the combination Isreally attractive

Unique0ive is going

home a shrubbery shower towhich each friend brings a bulb prcatting of her favorite shrub with di-

rections an to Its care To have thoselasting suggestions of friends would

her new grodadi not only aTlftce of beauty but a of happy


0 f-

tI e i tor 23lC


work saggreen



the bride

liard ellr


ot I-


r41 l-

j t z t



wise Creamgree0

sea furniture


Sundaygo to meeting


to keep

Bridal Showerwho a-






s e











Modest White No Longer In FashionEven for Wn With the


New handkerchiefs riot ocolor White kerchiefs are certainlynot on display The fashionable

to be worn with tailoredsuits are In solid colors or the samething with a hemstitchedhem In white The colors run all thewayfrom a dainty palestblue and most delicate lavenders tonavy blue dark brown and crimson

For afternoon wear the colors arenot quite so pronounced There willbe the merest threads of color border-ing the white handkerchief or the Ini-

tial will bo worked In a colorAgain the background of a whlto

embroidered letter will be of a colorwoven In with the white but there Issure to be a touch of cblor someWhere

While most of the handkerchiefs arefinished with a narrow hemstitchedhem even for formal wear are

showing the dainty scallop in-

closing a bit of roarelra embroidery-also the initial all carried out in apretty color

It would seem the polka dot nevergoes out of fashion for one of the newdesigns shows In the center of thehandkerchief in a solid blue while thewide border Is dotted with whiteStripes cubes and odd colorings maybe found by those seeking after thefreakish v

Dorderlngs In plaids are new andare at all as loud as one mightthink

The white centers with wide border-of the plaid finished with a very

hem of lawn in the predominating-color of the plaid are very smart indeed

Those with solid dark color centersare nice too but they suggest thohandkerchief less than do those withthe white centers






quarter Inclt

shell pink





With Their Trimmings HaveDecome aMoat Important Part

of the Costume

The fanehaped plait and therosetteare the trimmings bf thehouse and evening shoe now and theplace to wear them is at one elde of

the Bhtfe instead of In the centerThere must be a handsome orna-

ment or buckle made ot chasedHuge stone In

the mlddlpBrocade gold and sliver tissue and

when the pftcis stated They are coftes In

cases of old designs and some socleverly contrived that they look really antique

Furniture brocade has been roundso comfortable for house footwear thatIt is in high favor and the shortrounded toe is popular the rosettesand ornaments making up for the paucity of covdring on the instep



promln nt

with bl red




metalb cabochon

ribbon used for the plaits all F-

d v da sae yed

The line t buckl weak hEr-

emarlf without peceawary ot the footwear







Robe Pf old blue souple satin formed-

or made With a long cape

Variety forThere are afternoon

gowns this summer the more simplekind of sprigged Dolly Vardon materills to a degree and the after-noon dance frock which Ja of morepretentious fabrics

Vf v v


w 1






doctor fornineteen yeast

Heal skinwith Resinol

NO matter how long you havetortured

Itching burning raw orscaly skin put a

of that soothingRtsinol Ointment on sores andthe suffering right there

and cai your skinwell so quickly you feel

money you threwway on w l treatments

Resin Ointment Ma and It


Kidney In roedonlarroe keep will

ih jr b trued to themeat o thci ortaoi

DR DEWITTSr Liver BBoftdandKidney Remedy

action drir out of

Sick Headaeh Palm In BackShoiddtn and Rheumatism

Syphilitic Taint Removes Ptaplw


Bminit tf TtftiulsU tf Kaurk U OntW J PAMCOl CO WtbMr Md

nU tin Rnwdl wilt B

Make the LiverDo Duty

Nine time In ten wh a theright the stomach and bowel are rightCARTERS LITTLEUYER PILtSg-entlybutfirmlyconv

a rdo Its f-

MEtWi ROOFINGShinqlas Tila




WinEAWAKK AGENTS WANTED for ourquick icllln Patented Add ThHprlngHfld epee C n 114 BprlatlltlJ Mo

rilES CURED AT HOME Bummers fillCure N r r fans Writ itnd 1 rasatntecd curs A Burameni H3 Tliomailon Ou

Marvelous Intelligence v

The wonderful Intelligence of thehuman being Is such that after thousands of years ot assembling together

occasion they are still unable togather ln large concourse wlthouttrampling colliding with each otherfatally

No SIXSIXTYSIXThis Is a prepared

pecially for Malaria or Chills andFever Five or six doses will breakany case and if taken then as a tabletine fever will not return 25o Adv

Not that KindIs this Institution of an eleemosy-

nary natureNo Its orphan asylum

Japanese Business Fell s

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