j.hairhouse, big orive iii shoes! heagan &...

VOL XVII DOVER, MOBBIB COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27,1887. NO;>9 Ultta OKII>a:l oVtet (111" M M Ow. lut " lux lira. tmiMgi In il IN 3= S3 NM1NM QBO.0. ••». •OfH.1.1. DOVER. W.-'. '.•.JOLUIY,rVo»»i1ttor, M""! J. i. VBEKLAND, DOTE* >. I. A LIMM1 a MUM, |M« I urn,!,!, •nr •ouorro* in MUIU neuMin. wtuvon.1.1. HOTEL. Cmly Cilwtit'i litln. •ILLINERYI •ILLWHVI OEO. PARR'S IMEWi.e. mmu. •••> *H*"*•? s^ FLASK. •• rum THOS. JOHNSON, PAINTIHt. mniuamiini, ' u u lorinoia, *.». ro*iM CARRIAGE PAINTINO. CIAS. G. etlDVEf, 8EARINO SHARP. CMKHTEnMIIUILDEn, DOVU,N.4. [*ef saSaieelMef. ttM 'J.HAIRHOUSE, CARrtlTlllMtilMlKU. Butru,aj,|, ' WILLIAM KINO L. W. THURIER, DOTII, X, i. JOHN DBUMMBHt flMVIM Ml HAIR MTTIW SALOON. DB.O.W.IeDAYIT DENTIST, I (Oil [MM,! UrV-)rt*fu.it<ltVl O'JNG MEN. mrauci «D HAL skin - UttOt, BOMB, I. J., mmuni Io tall all «|Bl.. r J£wiL«Y UJd Open eli nal aX I havs renoved to their asw HITMII Niklnf EtlibllikM*! •trtwtx tyraEBT. OOVKB, R. J. -.Is. A. UVLM A UK. •ENJAMIN « BUCK, wVSE AND SI«N PAIRTEUt, BIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO. ; Will offer for th« next lew-dajrs 1.500 PAIBf of LadiM'. Misses' and Children's fine Ooat, Dongola and Olastd Kid Button Bhoea, Opera aad Common Sense last, and every pair fresh goods and made in tbe very latest styles by reliable, makers tut have always manu&otnredtornc at less than ONE-HALF THE C08T OF MANUFACTURING. LOOS JLV OT7JR. PI|L>tTH 300 PAIR! Ladies' Genuine Kidand Doogola. Opera and Common Bonse Button at ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the same shoe being offered nowhere at |l.6O. 300 plnti , Ladies' elegant Kid Frenoh Heel Opera, and Common Sense Button at ONE DOL- LAR AND FORTY CENTS TO TWO DOL- LARS, and we ourselves have told worse shoes for $3.00. 100 PAIR! Ladles' very best Frenoh Kid Opera and Common Sense Button at TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. No better value can be offered regularly by any one less than $4. 300 PAIRS Misses'Ooat, Strait Ooat and Kid. Opera, Common Sense and Spring Heel Button, from EIGHTY CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR AND A QUARTER. Every pair worth from $1.60 to MOO. _ _ ISO PAIM Children's Ooat and Kid Heel and Spring from FIFTY CENTS TO ONEDOLLAR, and a big drive in Infants' Kid Turns for THIR- TY-FIVE CENTS, worth from fifty oents Mauri, ;:-. , •!•. to one dollar. Thk lotmutbenldqniokuwe mat their roo* fornhojfe Fill •took »lie»ily MHunwncingto urly«, and the wonderful lo# pncei we htm pit wlbem wUl MOB tire it to u». your umtoi width. Come eiriVwfctle wo htn| HE^OAN k CO. LARGE FURNITURE riiaeui >I>eiil» of Ikeaoeleeie will be - of laurlera M aawehaa, mi. (Met la UM OM IM* fat iMikllai, Morrti M.a Pofet, H, J. The Oalr tte»« Wsrim Is Daver. aiQtteeehanled Wernalel loslaad earciiaMI.toesay time. Oavessstalir la Hjme.l'e lawer aad fcteotl aawTTliaaa. 4T.;.Kno». tkw.The " atila lMmafaai.uAlsamiaanMarrraal n ka*o> Ma a a d l l a m l W.Mrs, lar- Itig ike kMaa isellilie. we tut oter ibe CASE & HctULLT | «• Mat/ InMraMntf, Daw jut rmtal a! NEW OROF TEAS, --/"• aallallHaeel ' " • ' BAKING POWDERS Sugars, Spices, de., *UA*mU*U* prim *UA rm'IU bmttto *ktf Nnr York. Onli «d i AkhfbiUl •LACKWBLL OLO.FASHIOIUO ROSEft fffaoy ain't uo style aUuial no. And they're sorter pule uud fuded, Vil Ilic UiH)r-niy l,ere vlUtout 'uni Would lie loiiCjiiiner. uuii sliudtt With ftguoJ 'uul Itluckur sliuUdur Tliun the uiomin* gluncH iimkei, And tliu »unMiiui' WMM look xudilcr, Pur their ifoud, aM-fiitbiuiiud KULUS, I ilhe 'am 'amo thiiy hind g' BurkT muku u fcilnr llk« 'tin; AuU I lull jouwhen you11ml u Iluncli iml whur the inn cuu ilnko 'em. It •lliu M.11 uatblukls' O' thunLUB't Ubt'U 10Km*, And peek In thmvlj ihu iliinkln 1 O- tlM cabin, dun' I you ktiuwf Ana tlw&I Ihink a' moilier, m up iihivo 'emt ui shut -.un, nnle, uud null Pu^ Bilwtiiaauyiu', Thcj uln't no stylu ulwut *i'io Vcty Kiiurtj- or illH|,hiyln', Hut I wouldn't bo irltUout 'pm. x'auso I'm bu|,p nr In thesis vjMice And HieftitllyliuivlHmill N!th Tliuu Ihu buinmln' bird '.t nuiee In tbuMf e« of Hie rich. •Jam,, nurmt 11,1.;, IMunnnMi I '•untnurtli Anddrlfit) THI TRAMP. *> paced, wllnllBtlL'G. atep be movfid along To wliera tbe woodlilnii luiuiUi'il all ue floor, AnA toucd its reatlvu ehadova oa ska Hoar: Me Idle tirc.Ui, cscaolnir lit a aong, nore«onl.oioidm»l Jaalitralsiifl Vt»B botli feet bo llmpud, u truVBl lore. Far slui. bs u.ked; .10 tboiu aud iwkudfor I llngorod yol, the. banquet to prolong Wnilo I fell sstrof hie oono anil brawn. And bi. glail llto, .0 trco Iron loll or Ididnotknuw, uu uftor Uo vu. Bono, That ao aud ultim with Itim uif be.t pair »«r tlolnos, noilotber thlncs, to pawn, drlluiil Idly off—w. know not when. At, wcnld mat I, lite bin, nlgbl mine an) CO, A. bird, and wind, and .luuln*. git sal come, Carole*, ol ulttblnfli.nilorbiirdcti.oiiiei Uvlni aa Idly ul f ulr I:IL'. KTOW Iksldetbiiaroiiny riior'nlunuon. Bow, At mom, svulwm-il bytho hullo* drum Olpartridge lu tlu thliket; by the hum Of over busy bco. at jiouiiittne'n (flow Lolled to my mnMuy slumber lu tha wood; Droue ll!;o*. ta cut the BWCOU by other. Btorod; To lire with bird. .1:11 wind* in Iff fa.hEon-ylatti tbo dotbo, line, IM boiii-J « furmer 1 . cwc-lmt, ah, It Juno (rood; 1 a>ve no luoH; I oould (it e««n; ua Moroil. ~Jt. I lIUHlttt', II A RELIC OF Tr1[\fV0I.UT!O«. Tim ulil Revolutionary borne of tfae Vml family, ut Morriilown. which i. being preserved liv tbe Washington As- "Million ol New Jcney, on ncconnt ol a bavins; been occupied by<JcD, Wash- igton as his ticiilqimrlers vliilo be waa >Morrialown ilnring Ilio winter ol 1 W 80, is licfa ia documentary relio. ol ihe •e of the Revolution. Of all these ie> there ia probably none more vain- iblo lhaa anold order book, whose record, rover tha brief period bateeen 'eb. 10 aail April», 1780. It wis wiit I al Morrielown, aad a i m tba lapse ol century bu» found its way back to Ibe Bid bouse wliere micb ol it was indited. SJwin W. Coggeshall, an active men [ ol the Waibinaton Associalion, has in sladlingtbiii old book, »DJ in an inkrcling psBphlrton tbe mbject gliea e hiatorioal faola. Hu MJ« : 40,000 8QU1RB FBGT MOW OCCUPIED BY H. VAN HORN. 73 MARKET STREET, To cany on U s laneaae bmineee, havingjuat oompkted aad moved into Ms sew addition, Mot. 93, « aad Mdanpfleldstreet, adjoining the fear (No. 48) of his mamnoth store, ranning tlirongh the entire, block from 73 Market 81, BOW otters to the pnbiirj the Urgest stock of | CUPETS IND FURNITURE that hat ever been on exhibition, and at S5 pet cent, below regniarpricea. OaroonMtitorsaak: " What ia the naeol advertising? The trade is over, no one wants goods." My answer i a : "I have never seen n person refuse to buy II worth 1 goods if he could get the same for 75 cents." And tb.it is why we are doing all the trade, and are goingtooontinne to tell at the redaction ddring the dull season, simply tokeep things iDg^ and to make it livelj-r Kowbera in bera in the oily will rou Bed-room Baits, of all at Ind a larger stock ol Carpets, Parlor atvles and a f all grade* of pn'cea. JOHN J. ECKHART. IMaawaaWesiauiaiaaaaatt,) " lAMffl IBB BUHi>BB. ll-U [EALTHFUL LIQUORS. I VABtJLI OSI AID HUI0DUL PCS- OtuUf Ihe) •anuaer teaaei lasisa inm Us •rsslslolts aT .11 alada af| L D. SCHWABZ, SUSSEX STREET, DOVER, N. J. SIDEBOARDS, OHIFFONEREfl, LOUNGES, MARBLE TOP TABLES, HALLSTAND8, MATTBE8SES, BOOKCASES. WARDROBES, [WRITING DESKS, FOLDING BEDS, LIBRARY and READING TABLES, MANTEL and PIER GLASSES, i : EXTENSION TABLES, SHADES BEDDING and SPRINGS. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS. WIRE SAFES, at coat, to clow the balance of the stock. <SOASH OR CREDITS Amos H. Van Horn, 73 . J. ( m u m wunaoTotr AHOrun an.) N. B.—It will pay 70a to purchase BOW, at this great rednetion in prices. And!fToudonotwa»«U«igoodaWoreF»aiwiUito« aid oliug* nettling. I over its |»ge> we can see the Ecantilv-clatl aoldien nnoving •now from around tbe hnta bnil! on the leclivitlei ol Ihfl alllaorbDitdloghila nr tbe reception of storea, nr guard- MM at the quarters of Bare* Stenben. ace oe the graad ntrade aome na- fofleaale talering tba aeaali/ istposed Hnartlil of lube, of rtaalh. low a nan/ wiaas oat el eseap oa Ha iaj toEaalon aitbprissnenolwarwho i aw loaser be led Iran. Ike lematj atovfc ol food, or driving away bones lor " n tonga e n nolotier be supplied, e i partv ti on its way in aleighs to ihe hoapllsl at Biakingrldge to cnt wood ille snothn ia biuling eupflie. i a |o n». " Tbe winter camp, with all it. iletiib, la before oe. We leel tbe .uferiugol tbe soldier In bis hot, and Ihe Con- naiaJfrinCnlcl at heedqaarlelt during th<l WiiUf sud Spring ol unparalleled eold. ' The oMnt people liiing In thia eoonlrj,' writes Waabinglon to Lalajelte ia Hutch, wilh anowthen on lite gronod, do net remeKber w hint i witter la theoMweareaowainenjiafflrosi.' He kadwritlei roOea.Orseae la Jinoatj front bl.beaclqiianera: 'Ibavabecaatiiy nreaaat qiarlrra ainn ibe Irat da; of Deneabei, and nave not a kilchea Io nook a dialer in, although tbe lop bare been pat lofetbet leoma coniidanble time bv m; v i s ga«rJ. Nor 3 there a plsee at this mo- swat it which aaerraat eaa knit* with Ihensallert detcree of comfort. Eigh- te«n beloating to mv lanily and all ol sin. Ford', are crowded lojelner In bar Mtebeo, and tciloe one of Ibsaa able In •peak foi ihe eokla Ibev bMecaaihl. I bive reuealetllv taken notice of Ihia ia- eouveuieuce to Uej. Oibba, ud have as often been told that boards m not to be bail. I acquleiced, aid believe von Will do me Ihe joslioe Io acknowledge Ihut It hia never Ixxu mj pnetice to is- volve the public in an; eipeises which loanaotslblv avoid or derhe iKStnU which would be iaecsveaieat or nreja- dloiel toothers. To share Ibe common tot and partieipate in tbelncoivenienoea which Ihe srmj, from the peeiliarilv of loar einanalaneci, an obbsed to inoei- go, baa with me been a fundamental principle ; and, wbile I mnceived thii to bo the ease alivenalljr, I wu ptrlMtlj content, That it 1, not so, I appeal to yoor owa ubsenalios, though I never inleaded toauke the remark, nor tnonM I bare done it bill forthe qacitioa which iuvolnntuilj dnw I n n nw Iho answer whieb baa become Ibo subject of •enr letter, Equllv opposed ii il to ar wiaheasnd upmlaliol Ihet sonshould be tronbled ia matters respecting rot •oMuinioJation. furltwr thai to give Ibe aeceasarj onlrrs nnd fnraish mate- rials, without whioh orden are nnotorv. From what yon ba,e asid I am full* aatiileit tbat tba personi towbomyon ialnaied the enoallon of the budnen are alone tobl.me; for eertaia I am they might by attention hnve outlined, BOjnally with otben, as many lioarda aa woald hive answered my purpose, lung entail. 1 "As we t u n Ihe pagea of thi. old book we realiie Ibe Innumerable anxletie. and perptelitiea that llkd tbe benrt and mind ol Iho Oammanto-inebiel; the paternal aolicilntetbit wsiebei ovir the welfare of thesoldier, while bia own M'ered neglect, tbe lindnesi of heart that ialieled panuhmeit altaj. wilh regret; prompt to extend pardon where pardon wu possible, or iolemper justice witb naerey, where tbe eonne so near bia heait permitted II. 'ThslfKjaenl oeeaaion Ihe 0>nenl takea to pardon,' we read, 'when strict jnetlee would eomiel hia to puiai, onght Io onanh In Ibe year 1720, we. tbe son of a bater. Entering tbe army of 'the Emperor of Oermany at tliB age of 11, be liMik part in tltn war between the Autlriins and Turk., whicli oceaned Iwtweeu the yean 1780 and XT*). Al ib olose Le spent seversl months in Vicnnu. lie wss ia Prague diring in lung siege, and when it aamadered to tbe Frencti in 1741, be enlialed aa private aoldier in Ibe Prnaaiae army. War being over be weal to London and became a baker oe tbeDuke ef Cum- berland, Eat iDdiiaua, bound to lbs E a t Indies, under Admiral BoaMwee. Daring hia three years and a half of vojsging his fslher died, leaving bis entiie estate of 0(10 gaitdera to bin. Thii be Boon apent in London and again went to aet, Ibie time ai a comnioa uilor, and front IW to 1759 aailed between London, Holland and tbe Weal lilies. " In 1745 we find bint permanenlll tied in Lotitia Court, in Ihe city ol Philadelphia, us a gingerbread Inker, His love for Ihe country of hia adoption nunifeiled itself earl; in the great elriig' glo, and all bis means, »lilob for those days waa conaiderahle, were freely riaked Io ber caaBD. He wss a member ol all tbe comniillcc. and conventioua which, during Ihe years 1774 76 oonduetcd tbe Revolutionary affaire in Pennsylvania. On May 8, 1777, Congreaa adopted the following reaolau'oa! Beaoivav, TbatObriatepbnLudwick and be ii hereby uppoialed etaperia-, lendenl of Ihe Bakers and Director of Ibe Baking in the Army of Ibe United Bute.; aad that be shall have power to engage, and by p&rmisaioa ol tbe Oom- muouer-iu-Cbief, or ottoer conmsnding at any prineipal poat, all persons Io be employed in thia buaineaa, to regulate their pBy, making pro ' * " nroeeedings sad using to reislify all abuses in Ihe Illiole of bread ; tbst no person be permittedto eiuclse Ihe trade ol a buker to the said army without such license, and tbat he receive tor bia aeivices herein an allow- ance of I7S per month and two rationa -*y. . . .. "Ludwiek died Jan. 17,lR01,andwaa| bnried in Ihe Lutheran cbnrcbjard at Oeruaatown. A low* epitaph aa hi! tomb record, bia virtue, aad eoncladei: saehwaaUlwIet: AH tsoa posr, vassme his eksraeisr AH Ikoa riot, Isltals sis .ismale. 'Ho antie.uatiaa research will ew reveal to aa where, laMorriasawn, the ovea of Lajwick was built, bat pslriot Ism lach a. bis ihould not be wiltoat monument, for it amlnaally dcaerves our gralllade snd osnieslu laana for all lime.-jV Y. World, in the minds of offendera toIhe improve- ment of their rnorab.' When in Fel rujrjr Coupes* had eonfirnied tbe aen lonco of Ihe court-martial sittingat Ho: riatown ou Ibo trial of Arnold, tbii tbe gentle reprimand. Tho Commitnder-in'Ghief a have, been nineb hnppier inan cccaaio of begtowing commendation on an utY 'cer who bun rendered such diatiognisiied aeivices to hia country u» M^jar^jonurai Arnold, hut iu the prenent case » >eDi ol duty anil regard to candor oblige bil to deetaru what he cousiden bin condui in Ibo instance of ihe permit a. aecu liany reprebaaslble both in a civil and uililiiry view, and in the affsirsof Ihe wugons ua imprudent and improper.' Under date of March C, 1780, < tnd lbi> entry: The Vecond Uurjland Brigade will furuiib a litigue parly of a captain aad four privates to build an oven for Mr. Iiudwick, Ihe Baler-General, ia Home- town,' " There sre few prubabty who know of tho eiislence of aucb an ottoe io the stevolrjtionary army, or knowing of tbe oSee know by whom it waa nlled, Christopher Ludwiek, born in Hei liking proper report of ail •ad naing nil best endeavors HOVTMEla pomuirDiuiii, loMcuoavaunonss, wim Bom osaanvAnoai oa tna war. 'icisoirnLU, Fu., Aogolt atNh, 1187. Leaving Portlaad, Joly lltb, after a moat deligblfnl visit, dirlsg which drove to Ibe plaoeaol iatenatoa kad, aad viilted the most Impettant ol tka maa; bnaUfal ialanda that dot tha har- bor, we carry wilb « plaanat raanlea of lbs ell; aad ha snrii ilb ahop, aad wish to revisit it al [oluralims, sad laara more of IU tea- ore, of ialareat. The irat atop oa oar westword trip waa al Bavarkill, Maaa., a a which it oaly sMoal ia Ibe Called Slate, in Ihe manahctare of ahoer, II ueaniilnllr lilnaled oa a hill boat which it denvesitaaame, and ruaalai down Io lbs Unks, and acnaa the Her- IniBca river. Tbe eit; ia oompaetl; built and bu about Iweaty tbouasnd isliabilaala, a large part ol whom an ia 1 way connected wilb Ibe aaaafae- Inreofsboei. 1strolled into tbe park ia tic evening which wu tiled wila girla and young BHB from tbe factories; The girls were well dressed, looked happy and contended, and ahowed mark! of considerable oallare, aad renaemeul. Tbe park conlaiaa a pretty little auaa- ment which perpataalca Ihe aMawrj ol Hannah Dnataa, who avenged the death of ber babe in Colonial HUMS, by mar- deriag aeven Indiaaa whiU they wan asleep. The tollo.lig moniag I dim cat on tbe hill overlooking the oily, and was affunled a Hue view of Its factories, and Inedwellisgi, with rich eaHivatea neld.of waring grain ia Ihe diauuen Lcarini Havnhill. via. the Bottoa aad Hain B. B., one hour's rile brought aa 1 Boston a distance of thirty miles. Aa intended to eta* a fewkoura nl Ibc Hnb, I went to the Adanu Honsa, rbicb la one of tbe ubslaallal old hos- lelries of Ibe dty, aad is associated with it name whieb stand, by Ihe aideof Washington, and otter, of the father, of be country, and which has honored tverj branch of the government service from Preildenl to foreign diplomat. Aa had no other basiaeaa than tight-seeing u d aa m; time waa limited I could visit only a few of tbe many places of his- torical and local Interest which ia Ihe pride of New England. The tido tbroogli tbe thriving town: and well oaltivaled l a m . ct Maaeaehu- •elts and Connecticut waa delightful and lull of interest, and Ihe railroads are mond to none in equipment snd the arrangemonls for comfort and con- lenienre of travelers. My ant atop waa at Walerbnrj, Conn., where the people have more time loan those of aaj other lection ol the coantrj, a. tbe famous W.tctbnry Clock Co. bu itaaorkl there and eloeka and watches are turned out by tbe cord. Tbo people ( h o buy the W.terbury watch need considerable of time, u it takes most of the business hours of Ibe day to keep them raaaiag. eoaskUrabla work la doaela eotmer and bra- alao, and like all Hew Eagtaai towns Waterbury baa many features loeal interest. I enjoyed tbe war hospitality of Mr. Oaorge C. Minor, (oao of Ihe cities hading mcrebalts), and hi. estimable wife daring mv slay here, and shall not toon forget the pinnae! drii lhron«b tbe picturesque valleye witb their high aad ragged mountain peal jotting up on ever} Hide. Tbe oool pn: mountain air waa laden with tbe aweet perfume of new mown hay, aad tbe beautiful scenery and bright oompan; all added to the enjoyment of the nee sion. The drive look u to Nagatul Ihe SMI of one of tbe Urged rubber manufacturing eenceina in the country, and although lasted late ialo Ihe eight, was ended too soon. From Weterbury I returned to New York where a m i let. lers were in wailiag whieb required nae to return to H.rl'orf. Tbe Capitol Oil] of Connecticut ia oae of tbe awatlisat ia all New England, aad baa more wealtb per capita that aty other dty in tba United Wile». Il ii lli< seal of auay of Ihe large leaareoee aompaalaa, and their coally and iupoaing buildinga woald dc credit to London or Hew York. After! attending to anne fewness hare 1 re- turned to Wsierbary from which city ~ weot to New Jersey and after a abort •lay started southward. 11»'factories of Mew Cnglud which kavseMhed aod anod aid furnished mist of the auebia- cry used by tbe people ol Ibia eoaolr; during Ihe past ifly years have made her eitiseae rich, tad brought Io her aborca skilled workaasa front the wott> ehopa of Europe. Wbile lbs eoMoa teld. of the South aad sheep fame ol the Weet have paid Maale le bar geslas and enterprise, but some pollltesl eeoa- il.ta Ihlnk they can see la the distant eastern sky aigis ef a eb.nga that ia soon to aome over Ihe soelil aad potit- ieal life ol the diterent aaetioaa of Ibia • n a l country. They prophecy that Ihe new soela will aom compete lor eaere- msej ia msnnfietnring and foraisklng Ihe commodiUes of lile. M. ingnMa, Oa., will lake ia anate it lei.1 the Bhnei ol Maacbaeler mil •ill Hirer, Man., aad that Columbia, 3a., and Birmingham aad BaeaaeM, Ala. will compete witb tba Lehlgh Valley for Ibe Uagnf metals. Over oae haadrad ind forty million dollar, hit ban vested in aMnnfaetnriag Mtarpvfsee luring the put yeai aoalh ol the Potomac river, aad Ihia lid. ol fold is till lowiegaoathward from Ike Monk, and from Europe, Mew iveaaae tor investment and salerprlss an beuaj opeaed by the dawliamant el the rs> aoarcssoflbia asaNaa, an! aha sfriaal- tariatssreadoptlag aaw ideal tad Ihe to get aaore oat of Ike anil so tha cotton u not en muek "Klag" en it eaee as. After a abort stay uaoag Iriaada in lew Jersey I ataitad suathward, laavlaf lew Tork vU. the Fianaylmia B. H, reaching Philadelphia iatwo aoura bom Jersey City, which waa a aaeet daUfat- ~ il ride through the rich fsma aad leemlng elllea of Mew Jersey. Ia all Ihii broad eonntry, no belter, aura leated, or happier people live teas in Sew Jersey. Holdtag Ihe key aa she does, which tuiooks the'great otatrsof atrOBataartaW*! waaatwl M a M a T M H M | O ttt aaataaal •elds anil iron fnraaca, of Fesaaylraila aid filled aa ska ia with rich faraaaad treat I.etorlsa, producing saaay mlllioaa Illaeatttlaounlthsstlaloom, potteries, Ineoaaotive works tail glaaa Bar dUaeaa an ealerarUag aad her lawa aad eoarte an Ihe admir- atlon ol all (no) paopk sad kmaaaa stay alwaya be arena ol Ikeir attire lepeat oeeday ia the eityit bnlberiy love, aad theaght that the people of the Qmker dly eagll havo atroag love lor the ieeilMtenn et Ihia country from their easoeialloaa withIke whiah torn- memorate tha birth of maa; oltiesj. Leaviag Phlladelpbia ia thseveaiagl eoadnded to enme toalh throagh Ike Sbenainiloah Valley, which hu recently •n tba eabjeet ol tanwgkl and dlaeni. » oa aeeoaat ol flan. Bbartdia's pro- fed visit to tta letdofkrlbrlltiail umpbi deriag the war. biaassstt lenaMag ride Uroafh this nut el tat old Dcesialea, across Ihe Bhaaaeidoak river, past the laasoes nave at Lara;, aid the aeeiril taioge aeu a atatlMby BMlh of Boaaoka we crossed Ike Alia.beayawaalelea, tal at wss just altar suaat. the leene was baanUfal fat tka eilnau, tka eool asoaalaia air comlag ii tbroigh the window ol |bi Pihasaa ear whale we ware eatlag .upper. TathifhtMat- tall peaks, and bsulifal wallsys, with hare aad there a farm hotae, aad berda ul cattle grasing oa Ihe man- tain aides, ell added ialtraaa to the At Ohaltaeoofa we oonaeotioBl, anal apel along Io Borne, Oeorgia, when we made aelt stop, hen we wen aseaatatl, entertained by Mr. D. B. Vemtlye le> nierly ol Orange, Hew Jaraay. Mr. T. with havouH win from Baaak, IwH- aerlaad, hi located (il budaMS) ban, udaetBtoeaJoyUfewilh tie sal el their fwaK attars, aad an tally i f la •oetktrakosptUlily. Leaving Botw, low koanrtdibnagM lotbeCapitot, aad "OaU Oily" d Crawford, of Monmoulh; John Wilkar- Jaeob B. Bsraeabergh anal Frederick FreUngbujnen, d lomenal; BsytoUa, Oeons Aadanoaaaa M. Wallaew, d Barliagioa; Biebard HoweU, Aadnw BaMU?aad Beuiamia Wsilall, olOloucealer ; Vtit- tet Oriaps, Edannad WetUrky aai B « - aelDietTof gaieai; Jean o a t * Jar*. mUb EUretga aid Matthew Whilldea, of Cine May; John Hewtta, David Brearlet ted Jubna Oonhot, ol Mat- terdon? William Wiadsa, WUUam Wood- bull aad Joan J. Faeaea, of Morrui David Potter, Joaathaa Bowse ead Eli E'mer, ol (Inaberiatd: aobert Ofdei, Tbomn Aadenca aad aMen 10011, of BnuKt. John Stevens wet sleeted Pretl- daalaad Baausl W. BtoaUca, isors- Ury naOonveatlonaaopiadlkaeoa- sUtalioa ea Taeaday, Deeawsher IM, tad ill iprenda) tbeir aigaelnm Io a oertlaealstolhateflecttaaaertaVy. II diaMlmd oa DeoesjUr Mb. The minnsaa are priateol by Mr. Tnvat la oM style type. Irom 1 aonf sriaM by Isaac OotHns, "Prialer Io las Slate,'' •honofloewaain an old atoaa aaiU- lag an tha preaeat rile ol the True American oBce, on tbs comer of Oreeec and Btala (lUn Second ead Qoeea) . It was afterwards aaad as a aader the name of the •••onel The nsinntss an a fte amatla ! ol IU erlgiaal, and anlnlMaaang, kasa •jalao.apadmea of old^iaw attatin< " - U; ambodvof eac all VwfwM IMH 9VwMt udlorllM noordtiw/ tM MM! iMpMnMt Wffetl In Ihia oily ~ sniallrssmlsBsOalaa s m s s l l U awe. Tta e « M an ,»»laloels again ealsr Us. t •> AssMMy aaaan. lass asM •mi vii| ,Msa> hi aajia nan saqtagqaalMaw, U w m r , let Ha aaaiaaa rtllastar f , j y > Col. ft A. Atwood. editor of IhoAaw- <sso7 OifiW, aad hia esalaat woeaf loaal editor,Mr. J.H.Tinif. Alike dinner table Col Atwood aiplsiied Ike work- aga of Ibe prohibition law la Allaatt, and iUefbcUupoo trade to. Be nid wonUbeasnonea, as I U leaden ia Ibe move wen men of ohanclMand wealth, aad w e n datarmiaed to Ight it onl on IUprohibition lisa. Leaving Allaatt ia the evening, Iwslv, icurs ride brought aa to IU Metropolis Florida. The yallow fever sear, Ul bad but very little elect In thia oily, nepl to decreiH Ibe trade with U» lets- and Soalbata part of I U Bute, where II be. had considenbhs eteot both lessening trade, ead ia adding to Iks anmber ol 8anmer viailora North. The weather baa been more aadanbii bere than it nun; of tbeoilie, Horth. TU record for July showa aa avenge ol 83° endowing to the moutareof the al- moaobcre, and t b , cool hvwse that t|. wa;a prevails inthe eveaintt*M endnnbh bere tban W would be It [ew York if itoontiuued for aa; eoasld- erable length ol Ume. Then has not been ncase of auHtmta ben Ihia Bum- mer, and men an employed in building and aU the out-door work that is tnlat »in other pleees. T U Sah-Tnpical EipoalUoa wbioh Is 1U opened hen Jaatarf M MM, k U»gaa>onltoptoof aoavraatioaot the stiastaaadaawH>»"laminii, and II is bopsd that this will U sa attractive ealun of tbii Wilier raant. I inland- id to deMriue oee of Ihe huge Lrasoa :rovei in thii gtale, aad a fens farts, but this letter is ahead; loo loaf, aad we'll lean this for aaotherliaaa. M. •a»a»o A Centennial rnManallea. Clayton L. Tra.er, of Tneton, Ike Qreeo Mreet booknlb-r, ba.repsbli.aod the •• Minutes of tbe Oonnalioa al Ike UUte of Her Jem;, HoMel at Traatoa, tbe Ulkds; of December, INT." Ilia a very interesting Itochun. AUadnd yean ago tbe oonreetion that framed the Federal GouatiMlioa mat and eom- pleted ita aiapieions and imporUut work in Philadelphia. TUInallemaat wee aubuitled to tfae aeveral SUIss lor rallt- cation or rejection. TUStale of lew Jeneywasoeeof the«rat toadofttae Coistilotion. The Gonvenhon Ml ia this oil, on Ihe lltb of Deacmber ol the •ame year, Ibe thirteen ooantisa iato which Ihe Slate waa then devided U i a g nprassated by three aicmben aact, or thirty-niuu it all. These aiembaei w e n : John Fell, Fetn Xebriakie and Ocmeiias Uennioa, ol Bergen ; John Okotwood, Bamnal Ma; aad David Onne, of E m ; John Keihoa, Joba BaaHf aad Baahv min Maniiig, ol Miodletei; Eliska Bnataaad Wltnam •V. Mil a atiMaw, Dr. l a M , si Wsshmlaa, X. I. Isjssi new WAIHIIWTMI UTTML r'ursiin IVaaiwanaaga M th as Wawasagasa w l t i l s t laawaanBto Icamv^ AJeeie. Tkslr ekMasitkaia new sa 'ssUagMaMaskssBseeamest urrgaruHassaC aha wfkneman. Bla laUaUfsa^aatanlawta, I lUaUmaneaaMk»i<1aurge the m a t . asallsallswnnllisas ta U run Itnafti anrvall.a TaeTTelia l e l l . inuiawt tabe na tsrsagai i. nstTaisalVtliaMaae •esatkwwattsraa t "imaV w sarawga Ujt rkt Ossar IVAaase asaa*y,aatOsagvaHlaHwttuawamiea>> esrMsaUu>>BsUsrsa4|amaersttj|el weyteeeyiwad. naOssarD-AlssaaUat wma nas rriillnl ta 1st lha nartkara .•anagk BabaSBaaaavanalawi I • jm kaita ^SBssiB^^Bfe * m ' ^H^BH^SBI E VVJanaavVia'JsUal Uew aWav teVsWaWjT waaVaV leHsnaBWaaV " W a a n a a t maay," aasa «ss an anm, aVaagk Ua artHti.lss wwaa I saaaat ew aha. "lasea are airtaa. star k latjal CtsarD'AkwnnaidCa. Welive the raw.' wsiteassa»aaitarau. Taa,a<aUvel»s*nr IkaaaawywaltaBecelaL W t a r a a h a a a * ttfsl mtwuuuaaTvatleya,ea we kaae iwtheptaMn ef huaUag? bat we ktwe Ssaharaaa aaat aaary caWaaal aarea laatt Hgrala, low mack gram da we rajael UaUlaVMhuahala. Waau ttwUk kef vtstlMBSKiiaeaaadyeaag man walk ate sacUaea. TkrlknaanttksgrslakaaBa sail Ml aa tka mrenaal wttk 1ka> ask*, laalrslgHera ssjlas army aid wkm pan -'—njwasrsaaj oargrala, batiweiea wnelvea. We ahaU aantTsBsak If wsoaa a a n e n U t M l . kaswaaat Tas.ws hare M s d a a i U i which aaanwa amch, and ear bya saal (Me can n a i ml amwaB. Wtiaal earn eak tat asmtt lataar aat aa aty~ aotawl aasaay. Ws •sa |ay hr ear aobssla •umrvsa. Thsf lDMeaMlM laaUftMl Wtrsslt aafOH W Mafk ' h food *£m\U mmAmSi , DOM aad Mate « u f srMltnll Itatravelsnaallk aad km* nlmiketaemaay muchmcasr taran* lagtassa ear wauifal kukl Tk«ytea mi year One* Chief (Qeaenl iaaamaat wtneaaeteaMHaracthatU wWWal etna houas, that Uears ear hsai leaaa •esthsaatifitaaUaarar aasaaUUkea anil tB hues smear us ana. Wan,!* eaaw. The Cuetr D'Akma naaaan a gkd. They wttl lira h h n S saloslrauakraia. Waaknllnat km arallnsl tale eaaanw. We meat drive » mllealathe nilraal far saMkar W* hops Cnuneaa will give as a itirtai«r7 Swaeitirt hniaawnarjadaowerfaur sf CMat Jssaps,tte Ha. ntnTnt (asTalat ka we. nsiln.fr-T-Iii. Hia— TUaUmms a.Haialii|lLlr»laytoaU>rliaui,tUlaa •enad taea s a aak t k y i a u , t a , d taea as a aaaack t kswanag atoeaaet asrlswi tana ta task* 1MB thekr mwttalr.tl.rwar, aa* tsht tkam ha an< " SSSXSSffSA hi 1.11 thin la Ike nun liillal rnaaaat ttal Hike, h w h * aa koor leagar eathasr, emna U waald arrasttaam aat lam Ihemerertslhiwaieas. j nrkasUasMoraakuas Mnee ana Hai mnpntsxullhawuusattanaaaaaalr etsakWlU*ea!*rees,B»4 tss wanea

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Page 1: J.HAIRHOUSE, BIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-08-27.pdfBIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.; Will offer for th« next lew-dajrs


Ultta OKII>a:l oVtet (111"

M M Ow. lut

• "

lux lira.

• tmiMgi

I n





QBO.0. • • » .


DOVER. W.-'.'.•.JOLUIY,rVo»»i1ttor,

M""!J. i . VBEKLAND,

DOTE* >. I.




•ouorro* i n MUIU neuMin.



Cmly Cilwtit'i litln.



IMEWi.e. mmu.

•••> * H *"*•? s

FLASK. •• r u m



mniuami in i ,' uu lorinoia, *.».

r o * i M


CIAS. G. etlDVEf,



[*ef saSaieelMef. ttM


CARrtlTlllMtilMlKU.Butru,aj, | , '



DOTII, X, i.








mrauci «D HAL skin- UttOt, BOMB, I. J.,


Io tall all «|Bl..r J£wiL«YUJd Open eli n a l aX

I havs renoved to their asw

HITMII Niklnf EtlibllikM*!

•trtwtx tyraEBT.


- . Is.





HEAGAN & CO.; Will offer for th« next lew-dajrs

1.500 P A I B fof LadiM'. Misses' and Children'sfine Ooat, Dongola and Olastd KidButton Bhoea, Opera aad CommonSense last, and every pair freshgoods and made in tbe very lateststyles by reliable, makers t u t havealways manu&otnred tor nc at lessthan ONE-HALF THE C08T OFMANUFACTURING.

L O O S JLV OT7JR. PI|L>tTH3 0 0 P A I R !

Ladies' Genuine Kid and Doogola. Operaand Common Bonse Button at ONE DOLLARAND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the sameshoe being offered nowhere at |l.6O.

300 plnti ,Ladies' elegant Kid Frenoh Heel Opera,

and Common Sense Button at ONE DOL-LAR AND FORTY CENTS TO TWO DOL-LARS, and we ourselves have told worseshoes for $3.00.

1 0 0 P A I R !Ladles' very best Frenoh Kid Opera and

Common Sense Button at TWO DOLLARSAND FIFTY CENTS. No better value canbe offered regularly by any one less than $4.

3 0 0 PAIRSMisses'Ooat, Strait Ooat and Kid. Opera,

Common Sense and Spring Heel Button, fromEIGHTY CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR ANDA QUARTER. Every pair worth from $1.60to MOO. _ _

ISO P A I MChildren's Ooat and Kid Heel and Spring

from FIFTY CENTS TO ONE DOLLAR, anda big drive in Infants' Kid Turns for THIR-TY-FIVE CENTS, worth from fifty oents

Mauri, ;:-.

, •!•.

to one dollar.Thk lotmutbenldqniokuwe mat their roo* fornhojfe Fill

•took »lie»ily MHunwncing to urly«, and the wonderful lo# pncei wehtm pit wlbem wUl MOB tire it to u».your umtoi width.

Come eiriVwfctle wo htn|HE^OAN k CO.


>I>eiil» of Ike aoeleeie will be- of laurlera M aawehaa, m i .

(Met la UM OM I M * fat iMikllai, MorrtiM.a Pofet, H, J.

The Oalr tte»«

Wsrim Is Daver.


Wernalel loslaad ear ciiaMI. toe say time.Oavessstalir la Hjme.l'e lawer aad fcteotlaawTTliaaa. 4T.;.Kno». tkw.The" atila lMmafaai.uAlsamiaanMarrraaln k a * o > M a aadllaml W.Mrs, lar-Itig ike kMaa isellilie. we tut oter ibe

CASE & HctULLT| «• Mat/ In MraMntf, Daw jut rmtal a!

NEW OROF TEAS,- - /" • aallallHaeel ' " • '


Sugars, Spices,de., *UA*mU*U* prim *UA rm'IU

bmttto *ktf Nnr York. Onli «d iAkhfbiUl


OLO.FASHIOIUO ROSEftfffaoy ain't uo style aUuial no.

And they're sorter pule uud fuded,Vil Ilic UiH)r-niy l,ere vlUtout 'uni

Would lie loiiCjiiiner. uuii sliudttWith ftguoJ 'uul Itluckur sliuUdur

Tliun the uiomin* gluncH iimkei,And tliu »unMiiui' WMM look xudilcr,

Pur their ifoud, aM-fiitbiuiiud KULUS,

I ilhe 'am 'amo thiiy hind g'BurkT muku u fcilnr llk« 'tin;

AuU I lull jouwhen you 11ml uIluncli iml whur the inn cuu ilnko 'em.

It •lliu M.11 ua tblukls'O' thunLUB't Ubt'U 10Km*,

And peek In thmvlj ihu iliinkln1

O- tlM cabin, dun' I you ktiuwf

Ana tlw& I Ihink a' moilier,

m up iihivo 'emtui shut -.un,nnle, uud null

Pu^ Bilwtiiaauyiu',Thcj uln't no stylu ulwut *i'io

Vcty Kiiurtj- or illH|,hiyln',Hut I wouldn't bo irltUout 'pm.

x'auso I'm bu|,p nr In thesis vjMiceAnd Hie ftitllyliuivlH mill N!th

Tliuu Ihu buinmln' bird ' . t nuieeIn tbu Mf e« of Hie rich.

•Jam,, nurmt 11,1.;, l» IMunnnMi I



*> paced, wllnllBtlL'G. atep be movfid alongTo wliera tbe woodlilnii luiuiUi'il all u e

floor,AnA toucd its reatlvu ehadova oa ska

Hoar:Me Idle tirc.Ui, cscaolnir lit a aong,n o r e « o n l . o i o i d m » l Jaalitralsiifl

Vt»B botli feet bo llmpud, u truVBl lore.Far slui. bs u.ked; .10 tboiu aud iwkud for

I llngorod yol, the. banquet to prolongWnilo I fell sstrof hie oono anil brawn.

And bi. glail llto, .0 trco Iron loll orIdidnotknuw, uu uftor Uo vu. Bono,That ao aud ultim with Itim uif be.t

pair»«r tlolnos, noilotber thlncs, to pawn,drlluiil Idly off— w. know not when.

At, wcnld mat I, lite bin, nlgbl mine an)CO,

A. bird, and wind, and .luuln*. git salcome,

Carole*, ol ulttblnfli.nilorbiirdcti.oiiieiUvlni aa Idly ul f ulr I:IL'. KTOWIksldetbiiaroiiny riior'nlunuon. Bow,

At mom, svulwm-il bytho hullo* drumOlpartridge lu tlu thliket; by the hum

Of over busy bco. at jiouiiittne'n (flowLolled to my mnMuy slumber lu tha wood;

Droue ll!;o*. ta cut the BWCOU by other.Btorod;

To lire with bird. .1:11 wind* inIff fa.hEon-ylatti tbo dotbo, line, IM

boiii-J« furmer1. cwc-lmt, ah, It Juno (rood;1 a>ve no luoH; I oould ( i t e««n; u a

Moroil.~Jt. I lIUHlttt', II

A RELIC OF Tr1[\fV0I.UT!O«.Tim ulil Revolutionary borne of tfae

Vml family, ut Morriilown. which i.being preserved liv tbe Washington As-"Million ol New Jcney, on ncconnt ola bavins; been occupied by <JcD, Wash-igton as his ticiilqimrlers vliilo be waa> Morrialown ilnring Ilio winter ol 1 W

80, is licfa ia documentary relio. ol ihe•e of the Revolution. Of all theseie> there ia probably none more vain-

iblo lhaa an old order book, whoserecord, rover tha brief period bateeen'eb. 10 aail April», 1780. It wis wiit

I al Morrielown, aad a im tba lapse olcentury bu» found its way back to Ibe

Bid bouse wliere micb ol it was indited.SJwin W. Coggeshall, an active men

[ ol the Waibinaton Associalion, hasin sladlingtbiii old book, »DJ in an

inkrcling psBphlrton tbe mbject glieae hiatorioal faola. Hu MJ« :



To cany on Us laneaae bmineee, having juat oompkted aad movedinto Ms sew addition, Mot. 93, « aad M danpfleldstreet, adjoiningthe fear (No. 48) of his mamnoth store, ranning tlirongh the entire,block from 73 Market 81 , BOW otters to the pnbiirj the Urgest stock of |

CUPETS IND FURNITUREthat hat ever been on exhibition, and at S5 pet cent, below regniarpricea.

OaroonMtitorsaak: " What ia the naeol advertising? The tradeis over, n o one wants goods."

My answer ia: " I have never seen n person refuse to buy I I worth1 goods if he could get the same for 75 cents."And tb.it is why we are doing all the trade, and are going to oontinne

to tell at the redaction ddring the dull season, simply to keep thingsiDg and to make it livelj-r

Kowbera inbera in the oily will rouBed-room Baits, of all at

Ind a larger stock ol Carpets, Parloratvles and a f all grade* of pn'cea.

JOHN J. ECKHART.IMaawaaWesiauiaiaaaaatt,) "




OtuUf Ihe) •anuaer teaaei

lasisa inm Us •rsslslolts aT .11 alada af|








at coat, to clow the balance of the stock.


Amos H. Van Horn,73 . J.

( m u m wunaoTotr AHO run an.)N. B.—It will pay 70a to purchase BOW, at this great rednetion in

prices. And!fToudonotwa»«U«igoodaWoreF»aiwiUito«aid oliug* nettling.

I over its |»ge> we cansee the Ecantilv-clatl aoldien nnoving•now from around tbe hnta bnil! on theleclivitlei ol Ihfl alllaorbDitdloghilanr tbe reception of storea, nr • guard-MM at the quarters of Bare* Stenben.

ace oe the graad ntrade aome na-fofleaale talering tba aeaali/ istposed

Hnartlil of lube, of rtaalh.low a nan/ wiaas oat e l eseap oa Haiaj toEaalon aitbprissnenolwarwho

i aw loaser be led Iran. Ike lematjatovfc ol food, or driving away bones lor

" n tonga e n no lotier be supplied,e i partv ti on its way in aleighs to

ihe hoapllsl at Biakingrldge to cnt woodille snothn ia biuling eupflie. ia |on».

" Tbe winter camp, with all it . iletiib,la before oe. We leel tbe .uferiugoltbe soldier In bis hot, and Ihe Con-naia JfrinCnlcl at heedqaarlelt duringth<l WiiUf sud Spring ol unparalleledeold. ' The oMnt people liiing In thiaeoonlrj,' writes Waabinglon to Lalajelteia Hutch, wilh anowthen on lite gronod,

do net remeKber w hint i witter latheoMweareaowainenjiafflrosi.' Hekadwritlei roOea.Orseae la Jinoatjfront bl.beaclqiianera:

'Ibavabecaatiiy nreaaat qiarlrraainn ibe Irat da; of Deneabei, andnave not a kilchea Io nook a dialer in,although tbe lop bare been pat lofetbet

leoma coniidanble time bv m; v i sga«rJ. Nor 3 there a plsee at this mo-swat it which a aerraat eaa knit* withIhensallert detcree of comfort. Eigh-te«n beloating to mv lanily and all olsin. Ford', are crowded lojelner In barMtebeo, and tciloe one of Ibsaa able In•peak foi ihe eokla Ibev bMecaaihl. Ibive reuealetllv taken notice of Ihia ia-eouveuieuce to Uej. Oibba, u d have asoften been told that boards m not tobe bail. I acquleiced, aid believe vonWill do me Ihe joslioe Io acknowledgeIhut It hia never Ixxu mj pnetice to is-volve the public in an; eipeises whichloanaotslblv avoid or derhe iKStnUwhich would be iaecsveaieat or nreja-dloiel to others. To share Ibe commontot and partieipate in tbelncoivenienoeawhich Ihe srmj, from the peeiliarilv of

loar einanalaneci, an obbsed to inoei-go, baa with me been a fundamentalprinciple ; and, wbile I mnceived thiito bo the ease alivenalljr, I wu ptrlMtljcontent, That it 1, not so, I appeal toyoor owa ubsenalios, though I neverinleaded to auke the remark, nor tnonMI bare done it bill for the qacitioawhich iuvolnntuilj dnw I n n nw Ihoanswer whieb baa become Ibo subject of•enr letter, Equllv opposed ii il to arwiaheasnd upmlaliol Ihet son shouldbe tronbled ia matters respecting rot•oMuinioJation. furltwr thai to giveIbe aeceasarj onlrrs nnd fnraish mate-rials, without whioh orden are nnotorv.From what yon ba,e asid I am full*aatiileit tbat tba personi towbom yonialnaied the enoallon of the budnenare alone to bl.me; for eertaia I amthey might by attention hnve outlined,BOjnally with otben, as many lioarda aawoald hive answered my purpose, lungentail.1

"As we tun Ihe pagea of thi. old bookwe realiie Ibe Innumerable anxletie.and perptelitiea that llkd tbe benrt andmind ol Iho Oammanto-inebiel; thepaternal aolicilntetbit wsiebei ovir thewelfare of the soldier, while bia ownM'ered neglect, tbe lindnesi of heartthat ialieled panuhmeit a l ta j . wilhregret; prompt to extend pardon wherepardon wu possible, or iolemper justicewitb naerey, where tbe eonne so nearbia heait permitted II. 'ThslfKjaenloeeaaion Ihe 0>nenl takea to pardon,'we read, 'when strict jnetlee wouldeomiel hia to puiai, onght Io onanh

In Ibe year 1720, we. tbe sonof a bater. Entering tbe army of 'theEmperor of Oermany at tliB age of 11,be liMik part in tltn war between theAutlriins and Turk., whicli oceanedIwtweeu the yean 1780 and XT*). Alib olose Le spent seversl months inVicnnu. lie wss ia Prague diring inlung siege, and when it aamadered totbe Frencti in 1741, be enlialed aaprivate aoldier in Ibe Prnaaiae army.War being over be weal to London andbecame a baker oe tbe Duke ef Cum-berland, Eat iDdiiaua, bound to lbsEat Indies, under Admiral BoaMwee.Daring hia three years and a half ofvojsging his fslher died, leaving bisentiie estate of 0(10 gaitdera to bin. Thiibe Boon apent in London and againwent to aet, Ibie time ai a comnioauilor, and front IW to 1759 aailedbetween London, Holland and tbe Weal


" In 1745 we find bint permanenllltied in Lotitia Court, in Ihe city ol

Philadelphia, us a gingerbread Inker,His love for Ihe country of hia adoptionnunifeiled itself earl; in the great elriig'glo, and all bis means, »lilob for thosedays waa conaiderahle, were freely riakedIo ber caaBD. He wss a member ol alltbe comniillcc. and conventioua which,during Ihe years 1774 76 oonduetcd tbeRevolutionary affaire in Pennsylvania.On May 8, 1777, Congreaa adopted thefollowing reaolau'oa!

Beaoivav, TbatObriatepbnLudwick• and be ii hereby uppoialed etaperia-,

lendenl of Ihe Bakers and Director ofIbe Baking in the Army of Ibe UnitedBute.; aad that be shall have power toengage, and by p&rmisaioa ol tbe Oom-muouer-iu-Cbief, or ottoer conmsndingat any prineipal poat, all persons Io beemployed in thia buaineaa, to regulatetheir pBy, making pro ' * "nroeeedings sad usingto reislify all abuses in Ihe Illiole ofbread ; tbst no person be permitted toeiuclse Ihe trade ol a buker to the saidarmy without such license, and tbat hereceive tor bia aeivices herein an allow-ance of I7S per month and two rationa- * y . . . ..

"Ludwiek died Jan. 17,lR01,andwaa|bnried in Ihe Lutheran cbnrcbjard atOeruaatown. A low* epitaph aa hi!tomb record, bia virtue, aad eoncladei:

saehwaaUlwIet:AH tsoa posr, vassme his eksraeisrAH Ikoa riot, Isltals sis .ismale.'Ho antie.uatiaa research will e w

reveal to aa where, la Morriasawn, theovea of Lajwick was built, bat pslriotIsm lach a. bis ihould not be wiltoat

monument, for it amlnaally dcaervesour gralllade snd osnieslu laana forall lime.-jV Y. World,

in the minds of offendera to Ihe improve-ment of their rnorab.' When in Felrujrjr Coupes* had eonfirnied tbe aenlonco of Ihe court-martial sittingat Ho:riatown ou Ibo trial of Arnold, tbiitbe gentle reprimand.

Tho Commitnder-in'Ghief ahave, been nineb hnppier in an cccaaioof begtowing commendation on an utY'cer who bun rendered such diatiognisiiedaeivices to hia country u» M jar jonuraiArnold, hut iu the prenent case » >eDiol duty anil regard to candor oblige bilto deetaru what he cousiden bin conduiin Ibo instance of ihe permit a. aeculiany reprebaaslble both in a civil anduililiiry view, and in the affsirsof Ihewugons ua imprudent and improper.'

Under date of March C, 1780, <tnd lbi> entry:

• The Vecond Uurjland Brigade willfuruiib a litigue parly of a captain aadfour privates to build an oven for Mr.Iiudwick, Ihe Baler-General, ia Home-town,'

" There sre few prubabty who knowof tho eiislence of aucb an ottoe io thestevolrjtionary army, or knowing of tbeoSee know by whom it waa nlled,Christopher Ludwiek, born in Hei

liking proper report of ail•ad naing nil best endeavors


pomuirDiuiii, l o M c u o a v a u n o n s s ,wim Bom osaanvAnoai oa tna war.

'icisoirnLU, F u . , Aogolt atNh, 1187.Leaving Portlaad, Joly lltb, after a

moat deligblfnl visit, dirlsg whichdrove to Ibe plaoeaol iatenatoa kad,aad viilted the most Impettant ol tkamaa; bnaUfal ialanda that dot tha har-bor, we carry wilb « plaanat raanlea

of lbs ell; aad ha snriiilb a hop, aad wish to revisit it al

[oluralims, sad laara more of IU tea-ore, of ialareat. The irat atop oa oar

westword trip waa al Bavarkill, Maaa., aa which it oaly sMoal ia Ibe Called

Slate, in Ihe manahctare of ahoer, IIueaniilnllr lilnaled oa a hill boat

which it denvesitaaame, and ruaalaidown Io lbs Unks, and acnaa the Her-IniBca river. Tbe eit; ia oompaetl;

built and b u about Iweaty tbouasndisliabilaala, a large part ol whom an ia

1 way connected wilb Ibe aaaafae-Inreofsboei. 1 strolled into tbe parkia t ic evening which wu tiled wila girlaand young BHB from tbe factories; Thegirls were well dressed, looked happyand contended, and ahowed mark! ofconsiderable oallare, aad renaemeul.Tbe park conlaiaa a pretty little auaa-ment which perpataalca Ihe aMawrj olHannah Dnataa, who avenged the deathof ber babe in Colonial HUMS, by mar-deriag aeven Indiaaa whiU they wanasleep. The tollo.lig moniag I d i mcat on tbe hill overlooking the oily, andwas affunled a Hue view of Its factories,and Inedwellisgi, with rich eaHivateaneld.of waring grain ia Ihe diauuenLcarini Havnhill. via. the Bottoa aadHain B. B., one hour's rile brought aa

1 Boston a distance of thirty miles. Aaintended to eta* a few koura nl Ibc

Hnb, I went to the Adanu Honsa,rbicb la one of tbe ubslaallal old hos-

lelries of Ibe dty, aad is associated withit name whieb stand, by Ihe aide of

Washington, and otter, of the father, ofbe country, and which has honored

tverj branch of the government servicefrom Preildenl to foreign diplomat. Aa

had no other basiaeaa than tight-seeingu d aa m; time waa limited I could visitonly a few of tbe many places of his-torical and local Interest which ia Ihepride of New England.

The tido tbroogli tbe thriving town:and well oaltivaled lam. ct Maaeaehu-•elts and Connecticut waa delightful andlull of interest, and Ihe railroads aremond to none in equipment snd thearrangemonls for comfort and con-lenienre of travelers. My a n t atop waa

at Walerbnrj, Conn., where the peoplehave more time loan those of aa j otherlection ol the coantrj, a. tbe famousW.tctbnry Clock Co. bu itaaorkl thereand eloeka and watches are turned outby tbe cord. Tbo people (ho buy theW.terbury watch need considerable oftime, u it takes most of the businesshours of Ibe day to keep them raaaiag.

eoaskUrabla work la doaela eotmer

and bra- alao, and like all Hew Eagtaaitowns Waterbury baa many featuresloeal interest. I enjoyed tbe warhospitality of Mr. Oaorge C. Minor, (oaoof Ihe cities hading mcrebalts), and hi.estimable wife daring mv slay here, andshall not toon forget the pinnae! driilhron«b tbe picturesque valleye witbtheir high aad ragged mountain pealjotting up on ever} Hide. Tbe oool pn:mountain air waa laden with tbe aweetperfume of new mown hay, aad tbebeautiful scenery and bright oompan;all added to the enjoyment of the neesion. The drive look u to NagatulIhe SMI of one of tbe Urged rubbermanufacturing eenceina in the country,and although lasted late ialo Ihe eight,was ended too soon. From WeterburyI returned to New York where a m i let.lers were in wailiag whieb required naeto return to H.rl'orf. Tbe Capitol Oil]of Connecticut ia oae of tbe awatlisat iaall New England, aad baa more wealtbper capita that aty other dty in tbaUnited Wile». Il ii lli< seal of auay ofIhe large leaareoee aompaalaa, and theircoally and iupoaing buildinga woald dccredit to London or Hew York. After!attending to anne fewness hare 1 re-turned to Wsierbary from which city ~weot to New Jersey and after a abort•lay started southward. 11»'factoriesof Mew Cnglud which kavseMhed aodanod aid furnished mist of the auebia-cry used by tbe people ol Ibia eoaolr;during Ihe past ifly years have madeher eitiseae rich, tad brought Io heraborca skilled workaasa front the wott>ehopa of Europe. Wbile lbs eoMoateld. of the South aad sheep fame olthe Weet have paid Maale le bar geslasand enterprise, but some pollltesl eeoa-

il.ta Ihlnk they can see la the distanteastern sky aigis ef a eb.nga that iasoon to aome over Ihe soelil aad potit-ieal life ol the diterent aaetioaa of Ibia•nal country. They prophecy that Ihenew soela will aom compete lor eaere-msej ia msnnfietnring and foraisklngIhe commodiUes of lile. M.ingnMa, Oa., will lake ia anate

it lei.1 the Bhnei ol Maacbaeler mil•ill Hirer, Man., aad that Columbia,

3a., and Birmingham aad BaeaaeM, Ala.will compete witb tba Lehlgh Valley forIbe Uagnf metals. Over oae haadradind forty million dollar, hit banvested in aMnnfaetnriag Mtarpvfseeluring the put yeai aoalh ol thePotomac river, aad Ihia lid. ol fold istill lowiegaoathward from Ike Monk,

and from Europe, Mew iveaaae torinvestment and salerprlss a n beuajopeaed by the dawliamant e l the rs>aoarcssoflbia asaNaa, an! aha sfriaal-tariatssreadoptlag aaw ideal tad Ihe

to get aaore oat of Ike anil so thacotton u not en muek "Klag" en it eaee


After a abort stay uaoag Iriaada inlew Jersey I ataitad suathward, laavlaflew Tork vU. the Fianaylmia B. H ,reaching Philadelphia ia two aoura bom

Jersey City, which waa a aaeet daUfat-~ il ride through the rich fsma aadleemlng elllea of Mew Jersey. Ia allIhii broad eonntry, no belter, auraleated, or happier people live teas inSew Jersey. Holdtag Ihe key aa shedoes, which tuiooks the'great otatrsofatrOBataartaW*! waaatwl M a M a T M H M | O ttt aaataaal

•elds anil iron fnraaca, of Fesaaylrailaaid filled aa ska ia with rich faraaaadtreat I.etorlsa, producing saaay mlllioaa

Illaeatttlaounlthsstlaloom,potteries, Ineoaaotive works tail glaaa

Bar dUaeaa an ealerarUagaad her lawa aad eoarte a n Ihe admir-atlon ol all (no) paopk sad km aaaastay alwaya be arena ol Ikeir attire

lepeat oeeday ia the eityitbnlberiy love, aad theaght that thepeople of the Qmker dly eagll t» havo

atroag love lor the ieeilMtenn et Ihiacountry from their easoeialloaa with Ike

whiah torn-

memorate tha birth of maa; oltiesj .Leaviag Phlladelpbia ia thseveaiagleoadnded to enme toalh throagh IkeSbenainiloah Valley, which h u recently

•n tba eabjeet ol tanwgkl and dlaeni.» oa aeeoaat ol flan. Bbartdia's pro-fed visit to tta letdofkrlbrlltiailumpbi deriag the war. b iaasss t tlenaMag ride Uroafh this nut el tat

old Dcesialea, across Ihe Bhaaaeidoakriver, past the laasoes nave at Lara;,aid the aeeiril taioge a e u a atatlM by

BMlh of Boaaoka wecrossed Ike Alia.beayawaalelea, ta l at

wss just altar suaat. the leene wasbaanUfal fat tka ei lnau, tka eoolasoaalaia air comlag i i tbroigh the

window ol |b i Pihasaa ear whalewe ware eatlag .upper. TathifhtMat-tall peaks, and bsulifal wallsys, withhare aad there a farm hotae, aadberda ul cattle grasing oa Ihe man-tain aides, ell added ialtraaa to the

At Ohaltaeoofa weoonaeotioBl, anal apel

along Io Borne, Oeorgia, when we madeaelt stop, hen we wen aseaatatl,

entertained by Mr. D. B. Vemtlye le>nierly ol Orange, Hew Jaraay. Mr. T.with havouH win from Baaak, IwH-aerlaad, hi located ( i l budaMS) ban,udaetBtoeaJoyUfewilh t ie s a l eltheir fwaK attars, aad a n tally i f la•oetktrakosptUlily.

Leaving Botw, low koanrtdibnagMlotbeCapitot, aad "OaU Oily" d

Crawford, of Monmoulh; John Wilkar-Jaeob B. Bsraeabergh anal

Frederick FreUngbujnen, d lomenal;BsytoUa, Oeons AadanoaaaaM. Wallaew, d Barliagioa;

Biebard HoweU, Aadnw BaMU? aadBeuiamia Wsilall, olOloucealer ; Vtit-tet Oriaps, Edannad WetUrky aai B « -aelDietTof gaieai; Jean o a t * Jar*.mUb EUretga aid Matthew Whilldea,of Cine May; John Hewtta, DavidBrearlet ted Jubna Oonhot, ol Mat-terdon? William Wiadsa, WUUam Wood-bull aad Joan J. Faeaea, of MorruiDavid Potter, Joaathaa Bowse ead EliE'mer, ol (Inaberiatd: aobert Ofdei,Tbomn Aadenca aad aMen 10011, ofBnuKt. John Stevens wet sleeted Pretl-daalaad Baausl W. BtoaUca, isors-Ury naOonveatlonaaopiadlkaeoa-sUtalioa ea Taeaday, Deeawsher I M ,tad ill iprenda) tbeir aigaelnm Io aoertlaealstolhateflecttaaaertaVy. IIdiaMlmd oa DeoesjUr M b . Theminnsaa are priateol by Mr. Tnvat laoM style type. Irom 1 aonf sriaM byIsaac OotHns, "Prialer Io las Slate,''•honofloewaain an old atoaa aaiU-lag an tha preaeat rile ol the TrueAmerican oBce, on tbs comer of Oreeecand Btala (lUn Second ead Qoeea)

. It was afterwards aaad as aaader the name of the •••onel

The nsinntss an a fte amatla! ol IU erlgiaal, and anlnlMaaang, kasa•jalao.apadmea of old^iaw attatin<

" - U ; ambodvof eacall VwfwM IMH 9VwMt

udlorllM noordtiw/tM MM! iMpMnMt Wffetl

In Ihia oily ~

sniallrssmlsBsOalaa s m s s l l U awe.Tta e « M an ,»»laloels again ealsr Us.

t •> AssMMy aaaan. lass asM•mi vii| ,Msa> hi aajia nan

saqtagqaalMaw, U w m r , let Ha aaaiaaartllastar

f , j y >Col. ft A. Atwood. editor of IhoAaw-

<sso7 OifiW, aad hia esalaat woeaf loaaleditor,Mr. J.H.Tinif. Alike dinnertable Col Atwood aiplsiied Ike work-aga of Ibe prohibition law la Allaatt,and iUefbcUupoo trade to . Be nid

wonUbeasnonea, as I U leaden iaIbe move wen men of ohanclM andwealth, aad wen datarmiaed to Ight itonl on IU prohibition lisa.

Leaving Allaatt ia the evening, Iwslv,icurs ride brought aa to IU Metropolis

Florida. The yallow fever sear, U lbad but very little elect In thia oily,nepl to decreiH Ibe trade with U» lets-

and Soalbata part of IU Bute,where II be. had considenbhs eteot both

lessening trade, ead ia adding to Iksanmber ol 8anmer viailora North.

The weather baa been more aadanbiibere than i t nun; of tbeoilie, Horth.T U record for July showa aa avenge ol83° endowing to the moutareof the al-moaobcre, and tb , cool hvwse that t|.wa;a prevails in the eveain tt* Mendnnbh bere tban W would be It

[ew York if itoontiuued for aa; eoasld-erable length ol Ume. Then has notbeen n case of auHtmta ben Ihia Bum-mer, and men a n employed in buildingand aU the out-door work that is tnlat

»in other pleees.

T U Sah-Tnpical EipoalUoa wbioh Is1U opened hen Jaatarf M MM, k

U»gaa>onltoptoof aoavraatioaot thestiastaaadaawH>»"laminii, and II

is bopsd that this will U sa attractiveealun of tbii Wilier raant. I inland-id to deMriue oee of Ihe huge Lrasoa:rovei in thii gtale, aad a fens farts,but this letter is ahead; loo loaf, aadwe'll lean this for aaotherliaaa. M.

•a»a»oA Centennial rnManallea.

Clayton L. Tra.er, of Tneton, IkeQreeo Mreet booknlb-r, ba.repsbli.aodthe •• Minutes of tbe Oonnalioa al IkeUUte of Her Jem; , HoMel at Traatoa,tbe U l k d s ; of December, INT." Iliaa very interesting Itochun. A U a d n dyean ago tbe oonreetion that framedthe Federal GouatiMlioa mat and eom-pleted ita aiapieions and imporUut workin Philadelphia. TU Inallemaat weeaubuitled to tfae aeveral SUIss lor rallt-cation or rejection. T U Stale of lewJeneywasoeeof the«rat toadofttaeCoistilotion. The Gonvenhon M l iathis oil, on Ihe lltb of Deacmber ol the•ame year, Ibe thirteen ooantisa iatowhich Ihe Slate waa then devided Uiagnprassated by three aicmben aact, orthirty-niuu it all. These aiembaei w e n :John Fell, Fetn Xebriakie and OcmeiiasUennioa, ol Bergen ; John Okotwood,Bamnal Ma; aad David Onne, of E m ;John Keihoa, Joba BaaHf aad Baahvmin Maniiig, ol Miodletei; Eliska

Bnataaad Wltnam

•V. M i l a atiMaw,Dr. laM, si Wsshmlaa, X. I . Isjssi new

WAIHIIWTMI UTTMLr ' u r s i i n

IVaaiw anaaga M thas Wawasagasa w l t i l st laawaanBto Icamv^

AJeeie. Tkslr ekM asitkaia new sa'ssUagMaMaskssBseeamest

urrgaruHassaC aha wfkneman. BlalaUaUfsa^aatanlawta, I

lUaUmaneaaMk»i<1aurge the m a t .asallsallswnnllisas ta U run Itnafti

anrvall.a TaeTTelia l e l l .inuiawt ta be n a tsrsagaii. nstTaisalVtl iaMaae•esatkwwattsraa t "imaV

w sarawga Ujt rk t Ossar IVAaaseasaa*y,aatOsagvaHlaHwttuawamiea>>esrMsaUu>>BsUsrsa4|amaersttj|elweyteeeyiwad. naOssarD-AlssaaUatwma nas r r i i l l n l ta 1st lha nartkara


BabaSBaaaavanalawi I • jm kaita ^SBssiB^^Bfe *m ' ^ H ^ B H ^ S B I E

VVJanaavVia'JsUal U e w aWav teVsWaWjT waaVaV leHsnaBWaaV

"Waanaat maay," aasa «ss an anm,aVaagk Ua artHti.lss wwaa I saaaat ewaha. "lasea are airtaa. star k latjalCtsarD'AkwnnaidCa. Welive the raw.'wsiteassa»aaitarau. Taa,a<aUvel»s*nrIkaaaawywaltaBecelaL Wtaraahaaa*ttfsl mtwuuuaaTvatleya,ea we kaaeiwtheptaMn ef huaUag? bat we ktweSsa haraaa aaat aaary caWaaal aarea laattHgrala, low mack gram da we rajaelUaUlaVMhuahala. Waau ttwUk kefvtstlMBSKiiaeaaadyeaag man walk atesacUaea. TkrlknaanttksgrslakaaBasail M l aa tka mrenaal wttk 1ka> ask*,laalrslgHera ssjlas army aid wkm pan-'—njwasrsaaj oargrala, batiweiea

wnelvea. We ahaU aantTsBsakIf wsoaa aanenUtMl . kaswaaat

Tas.ws hare MsdaaiUi which aaanwaamch, and ear bya saal (Me can n a i m lamwaB. Wtiaal earn eak tat asmttlataar aat aa a t y ~ aotawl aasaay. Ws•sa |ay hr ear aobssla •umrvsa. ThsflDMeaMlM laaUftMl Wtrsslt aafOH W Mafk

' h food *£m\U mmAmSi, DOM aad Mate «u f

s r M l t n l l Itatravelsnaallk aad km*nlmiketaemaay muchmcasr taran*lagtassa ear wauifal kukl Tk«yteami year One* Chief (Qeaenl iaaamaatwtneaaeteaMHaracthatU wWWaletna houas, that Uears ear hsai leaaa•esthsaatifitaaUaarar aasaaUUkeaanil tB hues smear us ana. Wan,!*

eaaw. The Cuetr D'Akma naaaana gkd. They wttl lira h h n Ssaloslrauakraia. Waaknllnat

km arallnsl tale eaaanw. We meatdrive » mllea la the nilraal far saMkar

W* hops Cnuneaa will give as aitirtai«r7Swaeitirt

hniaawnarjadaowerfaur sf CMatJssaps,tte Ha. ntnTnt (asTalat ka we.nsiln.fr-T-Iii. Hia— TUaUmmsa.Haialii|lLlr»laytoaU>rliaui,tUlaa• e n a d taea s a aak t k

y i a u , t a, d taea as a aaaack t kswanag

atoeaaet asrlswi tana ta task* 1MB thekrmwttalr.tl.rwar, aa* tsht tkam ha an<

" SSSXSSffSAhi 1.11 thin la Ike nun li i l lal rnaaaatttal Hike, hwh* aa koor leagar eathasr,emna U waald arrasttaam aat lamIhemerertslhiwaieas. • j

nrkasUasMoraakuas Mnee ana HaimnpntsxullhawuusattanaaaaaalretsakWlU*ea!*rees,B»4 tss wanea

Page 2: J.HAIRHOUSE, BIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-08-27.pdfBIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.; Will offer for th« next lew-dajrs

The i)j.-u !VuUinf; Co

Satuidaj, Aug. 2T,1887.THE VACATION EEASOH

Mi»» Kiln.• lli.-w.it-.l- i* .iwiitimt,! u W.KI.

Ut hllliilllll.

ill-.- IJitm.i H (.|l..-«-...f \Vlii|,|i.i!.y. is ;itAnbury I ' J I L -

M!J.» Aili-! ';.!.• 1-. 11 in;n». nl M.tni-i >« n, i-

ut O.f.iii ...•..,.•.

O n . i . i ; i n ' i m M . X V.

MIM* r i . n i . - l U . n . l . " ' ?l»rr iHi. .«i . '• ."I

Mutll. . .VY... . .>.. . . l . M . i -i v i . itis.i :.'.'.-. i: i. i'.,i i M t . n i '

Mr. J . !>• I.,IV.IVLM.V. ••; s u u U « i » \ i-- Mil"

ni i - r i i " iu i!.i .'bifii-.-i.-t i. Its.

Sli . r i ; , , , , , . : , 1(. l!ii.-l'. •'•• I > " V . T . i- hi tin

Orit i i t . iHiiHil . . ' nVnn l ' ; n l .

MlMin Kili'li .mil f l . i l . i l l r i - l t f . iu l ia ic I"'"1

vi":"»K"':^' i l»>t;rl; l^; l l lI; i. i imitv .^..

illriliillr. Hl.rl.-.Mli.M'l Until.'".

Will M..li.u,il. - I ' H.il.iuVl,.liiii. l':'* ' " r l

,1m oi l ' s . IV.i.l.iii.-i'. »i M;i<li-..n. i- wliitin:

"WMLVin"\>'lii"^r"'Vl>i!;^M.,.. In- K.mtO Ul'l"lH (il'OVf l.'l'il I' * Hlfkri.

A. H. VmiMu uud I-.nu.ly. M M.irri.-tuwiior.-utUn-IWH.IIi'ii-<-.S.M*lin.

HOT*. K. 'I'll '"' »i"i' • "• l"1!lll()l1 l l i (Vl ' '"'' 'nUi't».in« ..n>>». T.ill«v iwitui'iH.

,111>, Win. II. I^ml'i-ft i>till ilnlilrfU HIT ntb*- <lrifiil.il II-tf1. A^l'iii-v I'.nK.

J0UUK.».«.ii1,..tl,.T..l..1i.iR.i.«-r. .-iM..rriUwn.liMM-R-"- l - X i ^ a i i F . . : ! . .

.Mr iiii.lMrr A. !.. DiTit.i-. i-t Newjr.--, ur• M..,..l.tfr...V..-..IW....l..i.iH".«t -

i n l l ,

lli» Sllllill'ti ', ;ir:i!i..n ill l.:i!:v I !• nr^i'.

'IVll'-r Jus . K-nm.l.- ' is.itVmil.i!. Varat

tnkii><! in Kiln- J-'ln' =*-•-• . idi.r r ^n r ! - .

Mrii.Coui.i.r.wi.ltfwi.niii latr.,li....c_'oo

t W n«t<<l t\ |u- tV.«mt*-i-. i« nt Mt. Tiilcir.

Mix* I.. KrM.-i l iin.1 .Mi,* N. Kit..lit>;

M.ilTii«ti>\»i». h. i^ ' ivc iu : ' OMI.I I l i imi- .

Mr.anrtMt.-. l>. II. Miiv.-tMtl. "I Mml

i . rea t .WCili-masi llmi-p. .\rtlnirv J'lirlt.

Mrs. B. DinLnwiv is vi.hiuu IKT fo

linmn »t Uuni.fpn. N Y . niili ln-r .l.mj...H

Ciunli Oi i tn i i , ut Kit..- ll»]Mitr-.,ti», i

eiij.li'il liy ii |':ii1v el Scin.Tvill*' Ki-utli'mi

Ttn> V)>III.IMI.:.' If. v. l>r. J.'lin S. p.iric

Hiirlliifc'loii. N'.J.. Ii,'* Irt-ii nt Mt.Tnlu.r


James II. itnUi r ;iml l..iii,!v,i»rJliii.irn,iT

upending two i.i'.-lit nt Jhirtlm** Vmi'v


Mr. nml M M . A, C. Smiil,, Int.. nf lh

lmvoljceu p],.n (!ij|- th.-ir V i luiiiuu at ll


Mr. Wni. II. SpanpliT. St-.. nml infolitxl wi-ck u>i li.it iliuir ul.l Ihmi.. ui

]{,.V- K. ]t,V--.-1 1.11.1 „

tii-tl minin

i. ii ;iu'l M. I). K.-

\»tU, lv.t* Lew -.,1 tlifll<i|iiit<-»ni:. tin- t>anl " T

N. If. ]/iii[!'l"'i unit *IT., ionnpri.vtrfr.liiHtt-r,trip ID S:initnj!ii, vii Lu

Cliurl^ Liufor.1. i>l HJH},'»niiJOol tlic l.ii'l;ii'i'Mrldiodlfl'w Mo mil i


n r t . n l i i i . L i i l u l l f t i i i i l t O t i B . w i r M , MCutlrr, luiil Mr.iunl Mr*. ,1,1.4. K. llutkt'.

Ki-AsuniUlyiUiiu (Ivu. \V. .l.ukinF.JJoimtoii, inid K, S. It.imi-, uf Nrwink, h>*[)iii' to tin- A'iiioriilark." lur ilm'u wrrlis.

Slr.««o, SLl'iirlwr.itf Su-Titv. Inw,ticonvlfitiiigrrii-mNaKlcruiuii Vdl|, *-.wl],JR iumik I,;,.- 1,,-,-n Hix'hiliu^ lli<- Snii.ui.-r.

11. i'.Vuatlfc. Mi!** Kll.1 M. C>,iiiln. IJlwuJemiiol.'. Mi-Oniittll. ol I ' . I . I I^TI. l.I m i nt ttii' A1.UTK.1n JlnuH... l uk- M,T ,

liev. (Jli-is. F.Klitfi'l.v. iil"i:iii>MtTf N . J . ,romiuiif with W. A. Iviuii.l-.i., KM\., U:JlianE. Lanudiiir, ul t>>» KSUII' jiluc-', | ia^tliroufh Ticotuknouu "» WcliicmLiy vn K,Ifur Tlionaaiul lalumi^, vi;i UuU^uti iivi:r, tlafcon, mid it


+++tlthlKQ «OTEl.

Amos Wurlnnl, uf Fr.mditmvii, raui;lilWaeV \>A«9 "KtisUiii;; ftls jwuiul* mnl «*v

It iri mild tlie IMI-- uiih which IMinptLake 1B rtm'Veil lmvr I'i-eu dostmycil Vi.v !KotfMTt' swann.

A. W. MrLfiin ttii.l IMjtrl LIKUT. ot H;nettHtowu, ekim tl.u luiKfit 1'iilrli ,»1 fit).Jtudd'u U k c tliU Huuxnu, in all ll!'!, iiikcn (

diij-last week.W,n. S, Vnii<l<<rliiifl', J^H. II. Dumuii.' an

A. E. Wullijorileik^rtiiwn. niuj;lit ^Kl Iin n viiPk** fl'lilnK »t tt'u>v*wiuiia L,il'lin largflut welnliril Our JIOIIUII".

Jonepli U. WIIHOU, t.f IMvi'Ici.'. li,m w-.Mtl t

flro iwniiil Mnek linsRware river at Unit jiliu

ii fi. i ihr It(Ins

J'lsb Conimtscintier Illiit-kfunl. c.l Kcw Y01anil Fisli CuminUtiiotiir Wri^iit, nt' New JiBBV, It lH Knlll tllllt h|Vi< lloi.lllri.il,' Willl*•toclieit tlii* lull witli liir-.. niiniWr* of 1UI1

Slimy fl-klDS ]u r t l » nt flmn i'ond 1c»tt:liiua (iroat IMIIH "I .Yi'tlnw lilies every 1I1but of the Hue pick.Tf 1 Fur v,h\d, tU« tukenotcil tiarilly it mil']ian ).rou t'mijjl.l timaltlii« m'nann. Ln»t H;ilurJH.v Mr. lloLmllun»on cauglit Mliumlri!il baw hi 11 v " j Mn

v flii^'ti*


11 ban*; Henry Ii ood ami J.iiiie. EnUrbio18 snuiU-nioiUli biifs; A. DuKUOtt, two Ua3 . rminl.-mmitti OHM. nml 1. V. Hull. VA m,imonth laen-Cnl l .

CorarniloirinBii.ornrrkprtovrii.if.'lianv.i . i ii KOO<! i.rat'tli'iil Juki' nn a JMM.V of u•nmincrinx at 1ii« limnr. j*s l arwa* th.t WItlll, ID Veraoo inwnnUip. lie twk tlin RW.cut for a. hm fl-Ii at Trua-lell,. in.ni),actually got them to we watirmdim fmM u i i o t t o l w U n l u B t l i P bu«fi'i* ur t l i !dcpeniicut.

Mr. Oscar \V. Mapc-. of Mapk D.ile,•Patvwon, bad & «'«p patty recently, ttihffl iriemlH bow (ti>nn:m carp tiislolproperly rooked- T h i n ^ n e.irp w n ' «>HP, nail utter vntin), uf Ibem mm» n

t h u t a r e u l lmnarj nmn uityhl i-ujny rcarpif lie rould net gi-t iinytlmig «1io tu

SOHO learn Jijpi notuc pirp i-tmil*m vent wiMfciH. away jiml the CM

Id tu


latotlinPawaierlor; yMpomlft furihiT npthc ilvrr sleo l»n>k<\tticcarp in llionver ri'ti'ivcil a timtcrmldltion. TI10 nsult of ll i* tlmt row tlurc .tbomnnila of carp Is tlie l'**nnic, MU\ tlo n being ciniilit daily, iliu Idofenrpin thotivpr, thecflinnrjiiirjuiiiifenthcr-lmrV. Most uf Uw»e rwnUt do•weigh mom tbim Imlf n |mmi<l or » ]KIUnull, but there h HO doubt that thi-ro urr 'Clbtffonei lu tUe rirrr. Thu lu-nt baicarp ii doiif;1i mited v,iili onum; (himaiDft tm fbe litKik i»f a tonsiiU-rnhltwhich plain Uousli would uot, utidIt wijerly- Bnilcii iieas, t*it or tlion a hook, arc also ROUA uait.

flu* Ball I n n .Tbe Morristnwn Y. W. C. A. brat tin Ui<

iaou T. H. C. A. 0 to «.TLfl Cuban (limit* bent tin- Newark* I

Bands? by a ecori of 10 l«> 5.Tlie Hover nnd Tort -Irani jnninr v\

played limt Sfitorday, the former winnluj;uacoTuaflLU'tt.

The Boontoii Club fuilcd to put in unpearann .ant Saturday nud Ihrrn waK

gamoon iLq 1»OT»T grottnl*,.J.Arty White, tbe will known i-.ili-lii-i

the Dover ctitli. baa a<ln" •" 1'l>rl Jpr*l*,V., to wci* nt ti'w tniiii'«- uiucliiuint.

Tbe Mon-is club temi'ti-J tlm yoimj{ itoexperipncoil country boya nf Culdwiili ofci the county "tat In tl ButnrJnr anil 1tb«in.23tol.>.

Tlio ruMlri, of Ctatbam, anU « c 1Btoa-lnga, of HammH, ptajtd tlwlr third L

duciiling Rotno laat SatunUy, wbicti WRH VbytUor*a"ic)i,lltoll.

Tlio rover tint ban flot a new pitcherJohn ItablM, « "llinit m'11 *V» w h o h u

miiliBf tielirerj. On Batnnlay week 'f itcled in Ibe game with tie Cains Gl*nwhen tlic Dover dab waa beaten C lo 4. "Cuban W«o\* got m\j four btu Md _taae on balla oa thla cceasfon. On WedmSlVtbe two clabi met ajtaifl. ami iWa"-t£- teir* w u Pover 15, Cuban Giant* K.

StaKturttatoftau^-ji notthree baaw OB b»Ua^-««w«k Call.

I iliiii.ktiilli i-inliia

; . . r ^ a , | . - riHinin l . l » H . . l k i i . . « u.1,1 l... .,„.. illil.r..v.-i...-ril> a»a I In-

, , . . . i . l b . - ! c . t i i r a lii- .....»• to r-iul nt hoi;r .,„»• ,.•„• uui i i iUt i i i i i. i"i*»i"<"-i"1111

b«i W'Ul'lM . ' . v . r . U i l l - i i .

MI-It i,1 ill II 1 tin

.li.iiutf tliir. n.:l1lfl

hiM'n.t ?. . /vVr.r- of'.ii;i' . I i i iui 1 1M-V n-utl it.T h t n i MMil'i-'miir'i r rml fra . w b i l m m y b o j

I H A h i i n l i i t ' i f - ' l i i l . l i r i i iMiiii.pt r.-.ul il.,.,a DM

Win- 11.. «-'l>

'I'i'ii'' l' .".Vnvtai. Mv -ittvit'i- wuuUl lw l<

;.1'i,;,,k4iMti,i.1i-hiwi;i.-*.i.Hiiii.iiu.iiiii..pII- (-1 t i l l " (-1.1 • ( . In l lUIIH' l l , UII1H II I " 1 ' ! "

, U ' » h u l i c a c U i P ^ : t l o l i o l i . t

. » i i l i l . ] i " I , s , ( i , p | »!h-! t -<: <ii

' ! 1


. . ' l l . ^ l IV i l l I . H O l .

H H11IIV v Alccli. fini

.1 tVn hti 'i i m i r i l .

|>|UI'I- r



[<-, t i n

ittl Oil'it liud <lii il T ' K ' i l ' l ; i " i <>' ' I " ' I n f i i i i ' r 0

M.I SUIMI:IV i.iiilii nml tlm latti-r Mumli

" •. Wiiiii.-t lod from tliiit ilim-ar'i'. Wo 1«-.' Illl,U-NI1lllll.'.ltl>.'l'l.

title f uil nOI,;.tl.-KS;.iiil.>rMli-«in-« (•• cxlfiitl Ihfinki

l i l m l l y . . M M h i m i n . I n

il HIM nl t Ml.til M'IUH'1

liipu'- U>r .'IN i-M-ai-sioii to l.ukn Ilouutcui.i Si-i.T. IM. Inn itie.v h.ivi' d.-.:i.lfil tu iibim

>IMUI-of Miirviniiii; lliiiiliriwii.TlinyitlJiiii!,-;i in llu-ir IJI'IIIU llutt ll'i-y i-imlil |>Liy Inl iirnitiji.'.l for n jjiinm tn be pluypil willif l.iiiiTliiii Hinr .lint SiilniiliiJ. Thu '

ii'iii will) ;i M-oir »f :i,'i.o II in llii'i-t- inn I n(,'iv,n..tc fi ' l lwiJWH Nwnvl i . wli«

U-IIIM-I-C.IHI.-.I un pitukiT lu the IIml I lie IMlKTM.iliiH'uhdn^tohiil.livomiutifiit* Ituutiwi. l-*.tlU«i- i t lUm' t tii

i"l,l by their lu-nvv lutlti'ii: untl Hourc.l '£1li,.»l..'f.iri' IlirvnillM !•!• |il.Mi-. Uolifil l.ui- ilirilnii.Klin Kiiin.'i... .HI Sumin nl..). ]i;iM In ..Vliii'ti. nl [iriimici'J <>r Hi

'jirt. U P » J * HI VIMIK "IHii'1 mill liiirn..iiniMll. Kiiiliinil. Almut l.-iorlS.vPiiiHii' r,-*lil.',i in Mt. Hii|»'- !!•• WSIM tntnti'liir l i r l p i i l l r ill III.- lliiiiillE l i l l - i . n ' " . I l iH . l l ' I

xl iio I.0I i l l - lll.'.lltll

iiniruin^ tic dii'tl. Vor I In- |m-t ai\ \«'r!(in. twiiimiiflsrt tititliln1 tV.iiil.m. r-iulilil,'. Tlii-litiirnil WIIM liL-hi nt HID KnuiHim-.-, uf wliiclilii' WIIK tlm pniprli'U:

stlny i.ft^i..««« i^ - cVin-U. Mv.v. MlilUon, I'i.Mnr •>< ilix li'-fi>riii<il C'liurc

illifii.f.-.l. >l r. l iiiiK wu* «:i>"l' n-flp-H-tctl ai.•Id in I'iiiU r s twu . iu tlic catuuiunlty

II.>wn. lh> hMvi-Hinviiliin-aiiilNi'vcriiiurov

ti i-lilMrcn I- mourn hi*»ln^_ Tlio funri

I'cilii-i-im'lvi.iui), Xo. IH. I. t>. "f '•- !•'-.Ills iiliici-, it .Monition nt Ou- iiii-mln-ts fniI,-!.- vert' i>t. Hi-tif ID JNIV ttic IIIM trilmlr,\-I.M.| mil.i (lie .l<-pnit>-d hi-ollior. Tin' il. | . |ii.i l | |<«ili |iltin-ii: N<>rtliri.iiri'n>'i'iiii

]'(.tcr Hin-iMiill, a ltiil^:iri:in. ili-lkn.'i>tnr<- in 'tli.Hi-i-tuni mom uf Iliu IV•TiiiiiCliuivli Wi'.liifrtiluy cv.-iiltii:. 11lui.k^ivrr. ' |.iiiin|iiil)v nfim lluiuuiiauiciijili'. Hi! rim... to tlna I'oimtry ni(I^II l.i.-.iui'.ito liiiiir.ll' (nr it .minuteraridLO•i> inlvmU U« r i ' .nm \\\ a tilioit 1'mKIn re si* 4> iiiH^iniiitiy. A cnllci'Iioui]i lorliic lii'iiclil.

Ut'v. Me, Kimtuu'l will jrtem'U In tint Pttri-ivtt'iiiui Cliuicl. mt Suiiilny.' l»r Fluui;'1 luw M-rlM«i »mt iiiwh-il In tlii.Kt ollh'c rnli'fl vniili.ltfil li.v tlic NittU)tot.nl nl Jlmltli W pPL-v<-iit thu 8|ireatl

:s SABK.

. . _.,lii.slmui{1il it new fumll

inn purtluini'il it imw roml «iiM.It i* ninioitil Hint Hiiiiiiiiie .hraloman

;tiiui! tu luiivo tnwii mid taku a roc loin I

•W-llMt,I.Mi^ii,,. A' KIT.I; I .K ciirbliiK llnir «(••

vulln ivilh t!n«»l.nio. Honii-.'Htrul.l.ua di.iiliu wuik i.»»l «vtT«i'iii8 tlie j«V».Wm. (iUiv.r nml riunilt- are lio.inlin^

own, BtopiiinK ut the I'ruiiklb ll-u-.. I 1

(Lib (I.iblc, thu ti-rrur ut 1'urt Morri*,i.ii'K ri^uiu (inmml L;iUo Hnimtconji. CiIHIIIO Wm. Api.lcn.itu wuiild like tu «ct hoiif him.

TlieM.E. Smi.luvMdimilh.w bail HIi IU.Ilifts iilc-iiirnlliisSiiiiiiiicrtliiil the m-tiuli

.IOIID (\>n*« mid ll^tiry VOWM and f.miiHS-twf;m'i.1ittti1.l.,M'jli II. (Ji»«o oftlit) Fr.iiiin ll.iuso on Tticsdiiy lii*l. 1'lifV ti'Mdo in

Ni:wltm wlipn ln-inn I wt-rrt otil m-i|iwln>..» nml (.inner u.^Uhnr* of Mr, Cnxe.'1'Hc n. V. 1. <V liiw nttaviveil n luw n<li<r l.'ii^.io to Hai.l xodKt.v ; and it lirnt LIK

[in.nl . HVtt ii|ion tlie bchuvior at rtuuni ul'oi

,f tlm nuiall Uoya nrt> lookingfiwith <lrci.il, •« Ituulilu in oilf p lib I If Huliool

In «E'*»n Mn««Uy» 8cP t . Gth. Talliojn, uujfiiil will wlah tbene

dura Imrk rtotoctimc iu yunr life, and tbe tit

ll.'iiiiiDScliiK)i]iivrri.n>l fumlly, wbo ha•cit ruRiic»lin|[ in upper llyrttm, nt Ittirr-iii-UwN, Mr. .hm. MrlYefn, returnMlioirliDincat Niwurkou lueiilny of tl<>i'lt.Ur. J imibW. Bavin, attorncy-nt-law, (*>

ot llackrttHtuHu, w;u In teia town on !*•«liiiweck, Mr. Pitvidia ODB or I*ryera of Warren enmity ami woitoil \ AM Ami pi for In nt |u>)mWu» nui

viclt. Ho in poxNOriW uf u ifooil penonul u]lie luw lii-ucb. I,U

D U M . I TALUT.Urt. .Tub llnycocb \* vl-itinti in 1li« pl*<lU»l«t !-\au lUitT'tTtl liail tbo ni^{t»tuu<

Ui^iiti; tliii, fuil «1 liU tint finger on tho rijflliaiiil. *

Mr. WliitchcuiIumUaaiily, of New Vorlhave ln.'u si.cudiiij; u f w II»3'H at H,IK-elxli'n.

(jail.' n iutTiit.fr I'mni thin plni'e s(icntlili'iiimit day at LaVo Ho|i[itcttut;on Saturdayl.ott.

Mm Williiim DulTor.l in sttendioK the cniivitiig »t <K't?im Oroi-R.

RL-V. II. 11 i:»lliti» ami visitor #ptiitThuiduy nl I his ivrt-k tit lake llopttcouu.

V. 1). Sic.)ilifin» uti-l party will go <o Coniltuii] on Friday to reuinin n lew <tnr«.Mr«, Curtrluht nud «• tillilrt-n, ol N.-wu

rn M K. M. Ut.ttl.'S ftit u cu;ipU> t>l Kt>fk>HOT,. L?wii C (Imvit. of Newark, nnw

mUfi.tli HoiiiKMimiluHKUiocailainaiirtoliwl week.

i-Sltt-rifl Il(it.'ni»n Im* teen .-onfined totitiiHf with JI htMT.vcolil for tlic pnut week,

Mr*, littid l»- Nurlnti ban alto bceuiiiilil. butijicnnviileHcinitDow.

(ii-ornii lliirknmn ix asaiitiuj; N. H, Coolhf biiti'licrtmsiuoin.

The ceiling IIBH lici>D pitt on In the pubclionl liall, which ad.U v<<ry tnncb to ita a

Jonnattiitti ftM-tlry and wife are rustkatio;il Comv Isliiml fnr a week.

Sonmof our .-itixot)* «ill attend thei-auaiL-.![lnKatMt. Tattorthia mftk.


MIODU TA1X1T.The pi-rM.n wlio fumlshft! a rnmtnHniratl

<• tl.- KKA lu>t vi.->lc trxn, Ilii* iilui-a .ijinnl " L'-in»»-linp," "tiouhl tr jatxl Imnle n w i ' trutbful in W» wtitins-i. Tfan brii

.it Culiluu VM not tiiken atvuy by tbt> 1.fre Kin't m ho naid, onlf apar t nf lip Href,nml Cillfiu lio« mi hoitM cullp.l •-Hum'Uim«c" ITiiiou Hi>u«ii in the timun ot ilm .,tfl, mid llii- vill.ide IJHM only our nalu.in, uinl tlit! tnct-litiy of tlin lloitiil of Krt-eholilti•'»'ri>i'linlili-r Friul," us U UHiiliLliiin, ihdtotTot* '-lorHritiiiiolniiltti-,'l,M«u«fi tn i* a uiaHim. but hei'atiaotia !.__.„a Hiiiui- hri<ti:e<>i)ii1d l>e Imilt tniict cln-»iitti&t. oilf ot Iron. Anil Hi* \i\Wt* rwntM.plate ar« rnaiiloK •.runnernow tban for aonitime punt. Three ran of ore were i" *lakt Saturdav.

Mr. Juhn llulmcr baa none lo Xcw Vnrkviait bit brutlier-ln-luv, Mr. laaUli ~hammer.

JuLn U\\\er vho fell ft ml broke onribs Mine ttne tine* f» able to tlo tuuiwork.

CanpcrC.Apt.arja Itniljing an additionbin bun,

Jolm SeishbourhuioldliiR croporMaclto a Kew Ygrk firm, tor tidci-tita per baak«rUie orchard.

Tbe Vleaaftnt Qrove ». 8. « n « e | U b a t texennioa t« Ocean Qtoraj,

At pnawt aad fat m i l Urn* to «peael-ea ahlppeil from thti itatioB willtaken on the milk train luitcad of tb# Hmight u keretofoie. l l o U. C

i rtaltau'a gin mill »na ibut low told h« lift* *

t up fur B levl

1.. Tl..- ]iiir.t«r is

iUKly. Thi-y 111 titledi' ground ut Noli

uiv td«t tlio

ux laid downlimy km'*

HIIIM ufiar tlm KimtLniM' on WMlnt'iida.v of tuir

t b

i WMi-krt, thcit«l. Hi.- ttiui

lii! (-iiiMlulilc nt HorrU 1'luina, hiI up in out' til' tin* Newark bosj-italbi<ilii:ii nml iiuil it Imdlr nomli'litd

ttiini<<s buttliiilstiiry <-au't bo true,ir lio v,n* in Alloiilowii onNtiiiday IIUJ »[II. niylit Il.nr.-i wi-ut to Hnntklyn auil got

Inline: Niii.i lioiliiluotjumi.offtbetraoni.H I'ltiiiM, hut »ti>|i|it<(l out tlie door,til tin tin- li.ud ltr.>kv and cliuilitil to tlieut tlip cur. win.it' IK* lav fl:it until tbtii nnt tu Mum-town, w'tii-n lie t-liuilu-dni.tnl went nbnut lil» buniomri wliiln tlie'tubkM lli.injztit Im .iuiiipeii fiH Ht Morri-IIM. Ciilu lliiltlc! He juiu|.od out of •, h ^ r mr window on tlit< 8u»»cs liL.ilI, v.ltlitli«bitu»l-cwtl* o», and Hoi »**yi tlio Intti Hlierilt Arvu. Von BL-G be Is anhiiiiil ul It. Il<> liad Uuftcr uol bu tooh aruiim! bece, or tltuy (uuy catcl bim je t .m. Ntoitt HHJ'H rilto iHpiIiiK to put II hfad

iln itltimi litiblp.mi' ^lnd Mrs. A. J. Force In ut>k> to be out

T. J. II alary, -Tr., ofll'Udvn, MiMDuri, baavihiliiK Ui'ttimi llurtt, of Ibis towa.!)<iverrciuk'r<i it ml luitiiy u!d milrnid

riicii will roiufnitier hlH futliiT, Mtijor T. J .WIM-J. l inwaaonoorrcurUl t jVat lMn. 1

ik hiM i.i.iure in .ruined with other* iu tbei uttlfc He wwi train denpntober here lorm>ft or tmirr iiuit U(t najinB tWe bundled..rxuiuui.th would uotblra blni lo atay'. Tliiit^'n liuvc eluiLjted bvre H.UCU tbeu,

Tlio yoimc potHile of tbe TresbyUriaBburcu I'lfun-d about flfly doUan at their

Innu fmtivul OD t'liduy itifibt lt»L theHlinutw luulerUH wh\ch weru BtreU'hed oukiitlltuut ttwi tu tntt oittsiu a vet? prettyi"In luukiug at tbeui item a di.tanco.Ituriui! 4i mvtT* storm wbiet v»it*d tbis

wli.iu KU Hunday. tbe Nauxioa HOUM waatniL'k by ]|ghluiuK,iwdvoniidcrablcd..mageotic. Tbe bolt entered tbe roof, and golagUrontili the room below aiada Itaeiltou tk«iiic auil alto on Ibe rear of tU build.sg. At

..ai'km.nvflli', nft'w luilei Iwlow ben*. I a»>lold tiiHt a baru was ulao strutk tbe aaue d»y,uud burned to the ttrouud, tonetber with aoaieliluen loadi of ueir bay.

J'.ird's hack with it* uew to it of pafut BN-wnttt u tiuu ajipfurantc.

Tbe old ProbihUiuu pole which bat beenan eye «ure for eoaietiuie paat haa at laat top-pled over.

Auotbvr bone bai cmabt the n * a » rimirio which lit MI pravaleut iu tbla |»lac*.

Thin tinit< il in Mr. FiUtibboii'. horac. TbeIv lolt the auluial ataittling in

front of Maiid'eTillu'r) buttber ahop for a fewtoiU'JNln, thnt't all, but ttie Iteaal, to keep uttitli tbu runaway rarara, I aupuoaf, took

ad?aut:iue of tho tine and etarted down Maioit at ii lively rate, He croaae.. tbe

bridge aud turoe.t tbv corner by tb« %ftpnr«otiai;e ull Hit lit, but wli*o be trird to taketbo road that Irade to tba witch groundi,

i.c.1 i* Tery atony ami narrow, thkogi diuu't>ik ii-iltc ao aioootlf. Tke phaeton becameunkd auioiif, tlie rucki and tree* unlil tltw irtfAw IIVOM, aud awnj b* n w t !»i- wooda. It toitk acrcrat men an bonr orto.lnd bin. Ko one knew wb#W be liodtio, but th«y Bu."y found him, Ukio). a

bath hi Ibo river, flow lie got tbera I. aitliin, bnt tbon La Mood, In tb« middle ofatrraui, faal, tbe reiua Lavlntt caugbl

mil a Mump aud a reck, which I.eld blio,

pronoE.Estate or Mary Darey,



no ea«y mutter to briitml to cllnb Ibe iteep euilbad gone down, but after

brJpg himibaPkuvut

him touvutwbicbkc

.._..„ i trouble Ilirjbroiigbt Urn out all ritffat. I wUb aouebotljwould rinjt tbe obealuut bell on Ihtw raaawara. Tliry ure gmliBK too niaDOtoaou*but theu, wliat a n you going lo ia about It

juat. beard tbat tberc was anotherjWe<lnc*iU?bi l t

wtrtujE, but I won't •»? 5tbat, otber tban tbat no *>»e waag ,

injured aud but little damagJ t 8 l i d < i oJo.«(ti 8 l i n B t d < o

who WBN injured on tbe railroad hut Thnra-d lh l i till li d I uodrntaad )•

il like they used to auil UIOIO tbatif) liave u titliu moro venvrdtion lor gray

Irxtliuii tlipy liad tliBii. Tho juuun nutniMimh lllyeum uld wbun Lu weulout went

irli liix t'nther, but ht can remember bow»ko lluiiuliniiitc luokrd IDyrars ago and waa*huiis!iu.l to nee tlic iujprufemeDt in it

Our friend Mr. IICHU^', whoiaMr. Btirkle'aii^tatiii. tbiok- ibuBtuoUopfl Eagle i t a littleui ricflt wiiltitH luit; tliut it ouxut to b«iHt.ij iUiiiH^ii.wtiulilllc. HiMouuooKoiruHi.|i|ii-il itii Ili.tiiiiiUi trui'li, tlicin wan ai iei t ra

' d hu win trying to get the

jtil«hl, ii «till alive, and

ifle bitter at Ikia writi• a> •

uodrntaad )•

A MA far AUlaordci(o«iTBallacluLBoe to loal IIma be conrloceU of III nou jarful emi.wen, Dr. Ktof'i |Ie» DiKOvary fur Con-tuptlon, Coitgbt and Golds, will be, (ur i

limited time, glfen a»iy- Tbii offer ia tt>\itilr liberal, but luoKiOubjaBdedfalltiin theoei.ii of tbu Kre.t nnedy. At. wborum Coughs, C'uldi. CoDan«p:ion, kHha*.

Uroncbitii, or aojr affeetion or Tbroat, Cbeit,ur LutiK"r are capeclaHy r<?iji)ei.ted to eallRoluri Eillfforo'. Drug Store, iDd gel a trialbottle frif, largo tolt'ci «1.

Mtnrtcil HO it ( y getttuh IIIM train,

tmtmt Bar TMtk.Hra. Plitl* Cbeitoy, fetvnoa, Clay Cunntr

Iowa, tells thu following remarkable atory, ttiitrull) of nl'lou is touched fur l>r tbo rcaidsaliorthctono: "Ian 78yL-»r* olJ, bare been

-oablid wilb klduof vumplaiat and Uuenfor raioy yearn; could not <lre«i nirgelf wiluut hctp. Ktiw I tm fte« ITUM tit palu n%

eii1, aud am able to d J all my own bomwork. I own my iliauki to Kleutrio Bitten

vlus reuoweit my juulli, and ttmotcapbtely all <liwa«o 1D1I puin." Tryabol

;U, only UK •( R. Killgore'i Hrpf 8lore.

viuii trmii]ir, toliHccn, etc. It in eauier toII l«i fun in a uorrrpiipor tlihOit Into rall-iedTh.- I'rcHbytcriHU Suo.lny eclnwl childrenliked up on Wednemluy niotniUK Hud lookeiljl I lie wimlow lo 11ml it m iagg^ they could

'i:.i *t-l.v m-ninrosu tlwxtruel, UDII they MUWi.ct'r'it wm a budiltv fora piu-niu. An theV iidvitiiccd Din Dl)iiicrsiitidt«»fbrtriiwirwlyicludt'il Unit it would never do to tuke lit*l'lrca in the WOOIIM on nucli a ditir. SotiiPK \V<TP pugtcd Around fllsnhopu tbattbe

Hi>h,,iil would tnct-t lu tba tiutn'iniint nf theurih nt 1::<D 1'. M , anil for every body toiiii: :i dltih iiuil Bpoou. Ho Ibuy liwl theiri-iiic hi tlio bimtiruciit uf Itic tliurclt aud en-

juvp.l their ii* urcnti), pciitmla uuil tnuily Juati wi l t a« It tliey bud been iu tlie wood*.Mt. nittl HI-H. W. ». llrtilr-y am. af>verat

lli.T Hliinbiipfl folkfi iitlcudcd the Prohliil-oii ]ii<--uic ueur ltrituc|irlll« depot ou Wed-k.tby. II' it cuiutd tlivru lik« it did Iteten-vliit.l ii lair share «f satol-.Thtv iiiu u»lufX to luiili! a lluptift Chnrch

u ll.i-i.- lot ut Mautli Btuulioue.'llic Odd F , l l^> of New JuriH'y 8red«-•nuiiieil lu raimt flint fl.'.WNI foru|n>ri)imiODtiu.1 i..r tlic mippi.rtof tb.-lr HOIUP, by tlie4t of llcccnilit-rai.il ifult sljjnn dnu't fail

:biy will ilu it am) tho lu^ardd will «#t Ifft.iliiutu Udj:.'. No. Hi. 1. U.O. r \ will be in-rtituti'd ia Trmton ou Aunmit 3»tb. I'may

tcn-ht your Odd ftdlnw reader* to knowmt tlicroU a piper puliliiihed at Troutnnille.l tlio 'l Sew Jersny Odd V.How,'1 eOlted(•(iriuitl Secretary Le*irt 1'arkcr, Maiatcd,-1'. O. I'., (Je.r. N. Nutt. It ia devoted to* iutnrctsU of tbe otilpt »tnl .» a n

itMtiuu 5l> feutu a year,Tliey tfll a alory ofbaw a tall man w uUiujt dowu M«.lu ettcet u n « w«eka a(o onai<ry tall bicyc^, (Htaubup«'a Main efrMt "ii'iiu) whoa It* damn to tbu top of tbe bill be

thought newould like to ride t<> Iho botttmwitbout n»iuit Ibe i*d»l i - . f that U whatwheulnien call thorn. Ho bu opread

nd waaicoliiK duwti •witnuiiuul" wheaall nfa aodden tlm tall whrwl it ruck a atoii>

upw'tllin rliler, falling on top nf ttiw,s gat out Iron under the wkeel be wasI to OIOI.IIDJ. "I anppaioloufioBe wilt

tell thin and ll will get in the I BOH ERA.1

mum Mwie llurgMt, of hyatn Partui, laiRitini; M.«H l..ub.e Bull By. of 8tanho|*.Siio Hojdt-r fint bin aria piuuhed white>niiliu^ curs ou« day In it week. 8am willw mmf- t.nif> witb it but I • « iilml to say

In ;.rm will be nil right afirr |lie palu ot tbo

Duu Uukco, «haw liiuul «nouiri wpfk» unit betwwo the buaaim while

lukiiiK » guiding, will probably b« able toa tu work aeaiu m i f weak. The h u d ii

Mrmuwbat atiffaad tender ye I, bat a good'mud.

Wiu. lmld, of Htanbopr, buried bU l » b ;MomUy. Tbe child died at the reiideace of I(H urandfathorat Delaware etatiuu.Tliom «iu .trong talk of forulBf * l a w

md Onl.r |.eHeuo in Sunbope laat Fridayliebt, one of whoxe aiala obj.ieM waa to aap-

(>K>a tbe Iwya who loaf and fiutkeant, a wear<•» tbe lidewalka night* aud Suadaya ao that

iHV a man uan'l |I«M thvae ytMpg tel-witli bin wife without goioft alngle file.

Hu UJP, won't (tlvo aa luck ol the road. If1

~ii*atory lielrne tbe boya bad better lookout. I do not know how thw Made out Fri-

ainht.UaT« net Ward. V.i.

BaAbB'i A n i N 4 U T I .

The beit ailve la tbe world for cuts, ur«i,ruiH0, ulcrra. aalt rbean, fevt>r » r « , teltr, cbupjicd baitdi, cbilbUina, corn*, aid all

riun eruptioui, aud yoiiti.ely lurei pllea, orIO pay rei|uirc.l. It ii guarauteed torcrfevt untiifitetioD, or money refuidet).

Price. 25 cenU per hot. For aala by KstteitKitlgerv, Dorer, N. J.

of pure CIMI liver oil, with hypoBkoapkitN,for i-Mldren and uulaoBttry IrouklH. Dr.W. 8. Hoy, Poiat Pleaaant, W. V», My,

hove ma4e a iLorougb leit wltk itwtt'iultioa in PaluMDaryTlwiblMaBdOMenl

Dcbllliy. and h a n own uMRlati** M tkeliood reaalta; for ckildnn witk Bfck«ta «r

It i» uufqualli


HTURDAr, Auf. 27th.


rreooolioi IPO Jollleol, too 1.0.l«l Irtoo.ni.dj oior iroAool, ••.HIM "MoloMj'oNloaan," or.oooMdowu u d wo'l. Boko Uiiloouot lor too..

Irak Pip.ro, Irlji DOHOM,lri.li Wo.et.. l.loo C o i i o o i ,

••I Ike VaMloot lrl.baaoa U i l . | ,


noilo(li.6fpWed lo bio bold, b ; o> .ludia mieoioflarT tbo fonnulo of . oilople VOB-eubk rp»eJy for oao ipoedf ood ocraooer*care of Coauinptloo, Hro.chltl.r<;.urtlA.lhoii. .nil .11 Ibroot ood LOU| AtfeoliatL,ol.t> o poalliTO ond rodlool euro for MorvouoUebillt; oad »ll Nervoio CoHpMoto, oftelfaKtugteritaUawowaerfri oomivo powr~lolboauoihofcuoi, boohltll bli dolj ..make I. kaiiwa to bio It.Verios followo. AeUMtej by tbi. uolivo ood o doefre to rellorch.inaa .aneriog, I trill Mod froo of clorge,to oil wbo deiiro it, tkio rooloo, i i Oorouo,Frooeb or Kollloh, wllk folldltootlou for

' ond Aolog. Bent


r. 1. 00LLAMD,Fnrnltiro •:• Upkohtereia«l dealer in M»ttnatH, •prlwa. I ^ a g « .Bli*4t». Otutu* tola* art OtwlM* Purtitt*Fnmef, Ao.

BLACIVflXL 8TBIR. D0TU, M. I.(Hell to *ard« k OtaiVt.)

Dttter, R. J , A«t Mtk. IHT.Wn. Hartoa, Mn. A. K. VMM,Mln«t« Bwkor,

•ra.J.__ Hlh>

Hartle tUiHeld, Chaa. ViClara B.Vaok. ttwlt "



ToobuiiMFolthtotofilallmtorli»<"«ii ( i n tewaf tkkUM.

a. a. nuanua, r. u01BU.

KHJ,AKDNfawtfecfThwaiM irTjaw..

aged 71 j9&n.

A plmaiint time wan tbe feature ef a pioileof the yaung pnopl« of thla place to Like Ho-ln.UonRlaitTbura.lay.ia which ttu couple*ofraprry nak«n nv.lPt.. Nearly alt went Itcarriugea and the drlre i u eioeediBglylwly , taking in theUrMliu Hotel, I t . Aruiltan and UICTUI other itaporUm driia-

wuya and pleatmn apoU. ktaiyof tlte cow-pnny had tocrer before vltit«d tke bcaajifolluk*, und their ftntt-uioat of delight * • »numeronii. To all the day wu happy andeventful, and may tbe time hanlea when theyoung people can agaiu aavetcd la ao n-murkalile an oceaaioD.

Mr. Will Yager bat wanmed tbe privilege.ot painting bitrbing poatiaroand town. Inpricratapd thai )• one caet the 'flqnlre oea-Bored hfm oeverely.

Mr. A. I- Malroon In aeriottilj ill.X pariab meet ing of tbe eonxrrgattoa ol tbe

Prenhyt*?rlan Cburcb convened ou Mondaying for tbe purpoaa of taking MHOM 1Bng & pi*tor, Rev. Mr. ficfaoneld acllag ai'

Moderator. By unaniagoui vote Rev. G. H.Srephent, of North llraacb, wu eboaeo,

«all vllt b« preaenlad to him in seat («t«K.Mr. Wm. K. Miller at(»Dded awviee In MM

Pre*tiyt*riaa Cbarcb laBtlabbitfaevealog.lt would certaial; be credible to tbe over

•eer of tbe roads In tbe vicinity of Naugh-rijfht villelf be woald make aone efort Mw»rlimproving tbe atreeU. A atnager wrinigtliroui-l. that ii*iahhorbood on a dark lightwould Imagine bimielt orotaiigft field liter-ally lined with utoae walta. hto.

The pntt*iry at tbla place la taniiag ««tuse very fine Occoratwl wan, ia Ike farm atInlrtHburfi vaae#, Mother Hubbatd Ttaea,

nmhrclia aUoda, urna, fie. Tbe dMontfoHabo« a ROW! degTte ol •ktlt and taate l lworken. Hr. Hartoi, the Brad worki .ceriniulj uu«lf talanda hi* baitnefa. It willV»5 auvone t« vlult Ibe eaUhlk(t«Miit »*4 a nIbeprtHliictaof bia labor. M M Katie OitUgil»o drier?" a atiar* ot pralae far her faacylouchHnfornanienlatfon, la tka way af Boat-in it. leaflnpT. making of row*, ate, for tke va-rious article* of manufacture. Tbe pablkiireiuvltHl tocxnmfoe the work and * III henbeerfully aaowti tbe manner or working byilia KPutlemvs and ladieala ekarge;aa4 allmay rcat flflRuretl of a coarttiona woepUon, aa

work* are in charge el ne t ladim andikuwp, who do not Ikiok it My M M }i or trouble to give their flatten and pat-

ton* an; inform&t.on that toaj bedtt iml .

A new l>lackeniilh ahop Ii going np 1B towa,on tbe grouoda of Hr. Blmiaiu al the m r ofthe H, K. ChutcH. I balten Mr. Earl, wbaformerlj worked for Mr, NCIMK Toang, fa tobe Ibe work«aa.

Moatimioea aw apl«»tlf«l crop W M Jartnow. Thej-iwaent their bilta Uo freowwUfor oor plitaanre or conveaience.

Our publici aetiool will eamaMM* M t l». ot Bostamner. KBBO V. Moll*.

PaitalMia, tWtrall* uA JM1rtt> M Strait

?sgvairv«ara aid 7 wwtha.

.Io1?SL7hAirBSkK«JM; ii«4 9 ; » n ood I

• C L W B - l a ^ - _Andrew H. aad HargtMyean aad B Bwotkt.

WAER-At Eotkaway. Aag, MHL.ABMB » »BOB tt W i m i H. aad Bank J. Watt, BfMiIS jeara, 2 •wttMtw* l t toja.

*NDE.lS~A.Bmiaw.v. A«f. 1MB. MrtJIL.daaghtertf ChartotBadlliuBi " "dera. agad 8 jeara aad 1 awwlk.

FRANCIIWU-At Qflakar Cbink,



• a m i « . , Doror.


Too lobitrlber hu fcr ook o> bk ploeoH A 0, lot l m a t a j I

U dHt. H n « Avetw a lo* o:tilaiaor aU klBdi. MM! Bba»d «oek tad beatitf ttmm. Attw • Ml

99 tw Donr.J..


•lOruMoai,Oo^ X. 3., •

To.lutoultabo«IID|«niboBriw»o^ ,fnit, »o .« , IW1I.I01. oTfiro. Ur, . ,lrtf.oleic.IUot quilt,, old otoor ntdoot l . ; Iho boikll.,. Il oood ooooitloo, Ibo

H Holr amrt* I M t*frui with

dron, or drarie Culoaorr, M tbo premlHo.IT.il.cl.or.) » t w


Niw itrny Bitl'tn Calltft,Ntw Jirtty latlaut Calleia,Nnr Jtraay •lilacsi Calli|a,


•:• Du IOIOIOH o,.« aopttntor M. •:•

lo Ue order ol lfc>l f W »

ibero, oo or btk.ru .be Iwen.y Hub do»ol,yoo>t, l . io , Moo oiuolbofroa tbo iloloWU ordor; u d >DV orodilor ot,lotlln," i , lo u d oiblbil oil or tw Mm, udor' or.lr».lb.,>ilbiolb.ll«.«.lloi»J.

bo fmnc bomd of bl. ot -• " -


UNO EXC0RS10N' - T O -


Iwitchback Railroad,id tho Pf nnivlraBU Coal fieldi, OBder tic

aaapicia of tbe

IcwrlUi AtUitlc AMdttta,

VESDAT, Aagttt »Otb,

i., L. k W. OKI Lcbiib T.lloy bllnodf.

Tnlu "ill leoto ioVnilhi at 7:M:«fonirol, 7:97 iE.olOr.ue.TM; Bnot libureb,SI 1 ilt.miV, 1-M; Helikod L o o n , 1:9i|ogllMo7).bTi M l Orow.J-fjlfam,

,00. Anl.mK at Curb Cbuk I1:U. b>lornloi, le.fo Oloo Oooko 01 • t. M, irmo

We hive just received • large lot of Ladies' Kid Button Sboei, OperToe and Common Senie styles, trhieb we offer it

'IV F01 T,E BODMD TE1F FMH PvTtl, tl.ti

Potllf. J.pirio. .pc.1.1 tcoo»Biid>.loa eoncum it by BI...X **o dv.' lotlco to (be«o!llt~ F.ro iruiod owltobbou X OU..ut. KcfiMliiueot. ou Ibe tnio.

f xouioioo will ran uio orriiloo.


a* NO iROF WORK OOODf. <Mbut til nice clean stock direct from the tnanufaeturer, and good value at #9.00.

AUo a line line of

0URAC0A AND PARIS KID SHOES,in all the new and pretty atylea, at extremely 1W prices. A. full line of the

"MUNDELL" 80LAR TIP SHOESfor Missei and Cbildren; none better. We are selling a M.nses' Extra High Cut

Grain Button Shoe, solid and well made in every part, for

and all other kinds of

BOOTS AND SHOESfor Ladles, Misses and Children, Men, Boys and Youths, at correspondingly low



Ho Will oifeor lo bio inotUI>U CHAIACTU l.fBMOMATIOm,

itorlooud Croioa Pnvliao,•I Irioh DlaloolMu,

HE II TBE BMTIAo • • Irioh HiHir.

HE 18 KLIUAHtlAo *l Irioh Duoor,

BE M WOSDEWULIAo • r i i i y CirtMi Artbrt,


HI Hallo Whoi T M too Bin! 'Yoo U u h Wb»o Bo f l u . I

Voa Hboit Wbn Bo DOLY M A».loo4 I I kteo Km A(olo!


26, 35 and 60 Ot*.• r h n l oooM oow fcr MV> ol Bool

Kllllon'oUnf Utonj,

, yprices.












LAW* QBiag

ibooi otodo hj cw-loidolilt, H« 111 IIOPUOI 10lo floMi hiyir*. Bor*

WM. W, WOODWARD,•ah, U«tau4 Splat tu.,

NEWTON, N. 1.lewtM, Auul Ol. un. « l a

S H E B I F P B HALE.l» Ciuoair or Ri« Aa.tr.

ml.«,oooukbiul i d l M .It, ODd K o k i Booll bio

!«>••*] • • l l t t . tot of ttO I

HONDAXTIE IM .-IAI or u m i i i iI. A. I). Ion, brlwm tkr kotn of IIH.

••dlo'cbckP >. .tbUbiloouoiaoUooklo tbe ollnuooa of oud do;, all Ib.l oorWainn or w m l of load ood praailoi. .Itaau atba TbwaoWo of otnbn, om tko Ooool, of•tonaaad tulo of few Sana,, oollod a Uboolded M followo, kvoil:

BeRiooioB at .0 1.00 drivew io 0 roek la Ibo•pool nod HodioColairlll., Mtotlaad.ofOdob."

o« Ira. Moaeono to « ot tbA witb OJOll Conor of. Llrrnoxl. —i ro»f toon.

01 IM leo<Uo o«r Mole: (1) eoiib fcelr-IhrHilogroootNotMOebirlioiliirtv^ivoliIliho eloof mit rtU; Iboooo II) oorlh Ift..000 tleirtri oroot oil cbiko old tloilo IliriMt b t , of Horn o n M i olinlMl twoi;

ll) aonb M i l M o lo >iet tiiolrfcoioooi(«i oootb M t M uIM tr»o. llooo;

l VMM WOlt

tleirtri oroot oil cbiko old tloilo IliriMto 1 bet, of Horn o n M i olinlMl twoi;them ll) aonb MilMolo MtooMovlord o o >iet tiiolrfcoioooia tblrij I n liubi;

(«i oootb M t M u dvtron ooil MrIM tr»o llo *>oo« («) ooilb

,"•"« tow icno of•oiai Ibo aoao tnol of luO wUeb wu

A. anui*



Or oe^aolauaeo wllk Dr. Vnoaiaa I M . . .leadod onr o toHod of Boor Joan, tor

•0H00, b• l o r bjbXolii.il l g•bon oolloo, ft BojontTobwjH.

V*.ii w boM . » . » i o n » » b MhMO toTOO biim Boohtlobwi wo

Da. r u u u i - D M f Hrt If tbo aoo olmj H i b u t m hoooll 101 roleione, nmorewelnoOHUwlt. C. B K i u u , Mjl .

A bw aoan of D M M oooo lo I K wkM Idowo work l l tho foot taotttf M Hi

FIAZHE, CONNET 4V Ce.Ctatral Bf| Inja Han.

657 I 659 MOID Si,

Oc.Wo>.H.goMoto, ftwM.


I, X. J.


Claatleal Course andQajMral Courat.

OCEHS • N U V , KPT. Itlk,




CH««. 1. run,«. a,


MI88 i . E. JEWn.8o o m Woom l l owobl i t Donr, X. J ,

m MOKDAT, (Err. 1Mb.



rtll.l.llOo.a Imrwl t*lb n i i oo»l atowo. , . to do taoiaraad roaaMHwfplaan.


M i l tbu iborwUI booDolco.Ulo. V o on«er . lb l i |Moooi ,u<MmwoMrftdtomrihib ft




b > ToMo, Tbnolon, ko. Aloo oUInMiMI IMMOMIbl IM •MbfaMCT.

GSOBOE E. TOOSHEEN•euiiram, a. J.

F0B8ALE.rbtraUowoj at • •


roauunnu.Two lwo.anl eurbra, loa olio bar o.r-

J J j j W j l .no oouIUi MIIUU for afaniie,

' A. JU080R OOB.Bttl btet* ud Iuoruc. AgNt,




«I0. IICkUlM.

MH>SU BEDUOTIONS.bMo»»niUn mtt hi o . aOMMaB 0




avaaax araBBT, («•»• »• Covta% Mb** Mowto ooraa, K. t.

| M f >

•MMIttH lMi> bio. w» t J H l . I k o i k a m f oboothtMotoofollboibiifHI oMTHtBACAlL.


WE MUST HAVE ROOM!jMyo^«ojtwMorMo.ti.|ii

.FALL (ROCKor. okobl Oowoa of



• of, Uwo




Uro JOHIOM ao» bwaooto mU oMhol, m Ml oml oteok ot

Htmm —dm%wnuirijor WMiaaaalno'iamj o. ofr, MOMQ/JFOB] BBwl jit* oTBav, MiMliot OBI1 anHajRat Hrfof I R B B ^ B I B aVHav if

Page 3: J.HAIRHOUSE, BIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-08-27.pdfBIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.; Will offer for th« next lew-dajrs

fMEIMQAEMA•aturda*. Aug. 27. 1887.b M M tae feet Oi«e at Dover, >. J

Irtet Cowed v Co.Al laker Open lleaseT i . itiataey-eTall

aaalyA aa

'I BUBNltt, baa beaa ai

bstbaoa parekaoedlor tke

Taeatrleo heMeg tote bava neaslljbeta aaM at U . Taker.

Tka letMai eWasreeebitorlaaaen absaltoeraelBiniliBBBBUt.

Tke taaaeer pasabjltoi at Ml- Tabor talea'teati tea baea snow 1 Jet.

I i A I I I B B I I ire. 0. Ladle*, sf Hewark11 III al hansa;'! •eeoleW.

Mr. Heel. AUra bee a Work kotos wbleb ItU aaa eaa tare ef a alia la I *

Ten osassl Hap al M a s a i Bell, kneelso'allL, waa heal last aaterlay atwal.

A teaeaea' enataalas will ta bell et IbeDeter awUle etbsal balMial leHBSttew.

Tss Satan at Psaplas Flalaa win salago! k7 Vgtlalag Isrlag kl.ad.Ti atera.

lev. Norse legeta will Breach la tkeDover rresttttrlaB Chsreb BB lasdsy aors-iag.

Tkt loyal AresSM-Oaa VWIswa eiHealeCeotylttBel leet wtak settel akaal

Tat avis lewdoy ataorla tf Meedboatewitklp BBllel la a pic-lle It sanlselllekilaalwaak.

Tkt leetewir rrtobrterlso Onlay natalwill asks SB eiaanka to U f a HepateeegBMlTbareatr.

ThtotlgtulUkaHeeatoiegeiliidtdetl!Ireel HeUv lelaslIs t peiat satastta loateiraaeViUaas.

•sa. ABg. W.Cstler set bets appareled bjtba Oerenor s Illagall le let reraera'•eeleaal Congress.

I . I rarkartii psreknedMr O.rdlnler1.latent) In Its oboe I r a ef Oerultler a. Ma-

Malta lartka M i l Deaeerttle earalr se»

TkaHanWa«a Ileetrle U|kt Caaaaav laBllllag aa a toeser «ln that (III oapvl.tS,«aleeeae>eetel llgMt.

Tka Via aaaaal pinto* Ika ClMa ba l l ;»lll tali aha* aa tka Hat af Aagatt, at Husk•esalala, star Mas Brest.

Tke fast of Ibe NorrMeae rireara'e Ik-•MAaMiallaala H m * otabkhCLUOIa

A large ttearalaB ef Ika VSBgrrgalleaslCaercb i f aerrtotowa pswed Ibraagb Doverte Uke leasteesg tut Betting.

Ire. P. A Weal kai beaa aalte III aid wewaearataad will M a n Is Ualllerala le a fewtneka kr tee keaell af Mr kealtb.

Jeok leAilnfe, tke prise I .bier, Mt Lake•eoeteaag jealeilar tar nsattB, It caae-«asass ef lbs llloeee ef bU Irslaer.

An ansnlei af let ear tala al pasplaetas fnat ICIliaaeth w Lake HopateiagWedseedav aad kad s vsry wet day,

lew. Mr. leCeralcl, faiksr aT Her. w. H.•eCeraM. will proseh l l tke leeea! • . ECaarek eaaday aersilg a l l at.iiet.

llgapwr Jatapk Nrtws. It sktsl a atari a•awksaetlaleekaway. I r . I . J. Vreotatl.af tbat pitta, aat Ikt kaMeg (etlratr.

Ikt lad; •Beets aflat f o w l l o w , laeU'el»te,garo aeep Istkrir fneadalee etbarevealeg, Is whleb a * ptreeee aeitMeeled.

A Heat Illaaieetry aeaUag will we held.IB Ike tree Melbollal Claret oa SunderBtenmg,wltbaeimtj»ev.ar.BnlbreBb.

JobB laaaaariala. ef llteboat, s vetoraaaf Ibe loth X. I . kegiaeel. wet we, Iwlee

•aaantaaa ara aaaMliaMa raa oa piattjataaaawiiu. Tkatattka >aaaUa talamalVkank la aha lilaai atearal |aal l lbtaaaau,

I n . C. > Iaatluaa< «ifc, aalMaaTaaa-

tka daatklar af «ra. lakart Alkajaa, al

Dai lMlaal t tkatMtaaiMlaPlkakl iMa flawarfriaa, wltk a iaww •aaaarlBR IBtoakatta alaaawr, ( r a n aaaa a aulk I I )tratkltk.

aaaaal I . MaHlaaa. at Xaw ratk, « Ui M M HI. Taaar tar tka teat tlaja kai Maa,• rMakjkt a n kai awakaial fewMMUflauikata.

Tkaa. I . M M I la araaMai Ia4a> la ttaO«ka>lakaat«aaak»> • <tt<Mat<)<taa|•raalla aaaaaMl ftt WUIUaa m , | | , afktlaallK

Tka »aaa>a. lafarmi aaaaa> lakaal «lllm M laakawaj aa • eaoat kail al Tkarada,?•ai l , Baalearim Ut, <rkaa Ika Haaal flc-altaiUkakaU.

Mr. laki I . DteknaM aa. aanluwl alUwari C. Hard » anaa af llaiarurar tkafartaiUa ItkaakUaKll iairFitaailka ib lar j laa .

Mr.lakaH Rar«a,a rWH'aaaiU.tar,aad a aaa af klr. Ckaa HaHta, af Chain,kai aaaa aaiililU naiHl la laa Xtaark

Tkara la talk af Ika bkl«k Talk; lall-taal Caaiaaar MMlai • knaak Haa ta1

Laka «ataHm|, aamaUaf v t t Ha M lUMalWaatlat.

Jaka Dana —i «l», al Tnka, ka«a kaaaka»d M k» imUm 8aaa laaaawar alCaart akacra af kaaftaf a Oaaratrlj kaaaa

( M f ta a n t Ika paal auanlaaal tka•akjkai aad Lallaa af tka OaMaa Mar taUka »n»l i ia i aa Wadaaaaai. a m , Ilk.IVtiaalaraaaiKatk

Haaara. Marra Caaa aad laka A. Lj- aa-aaMa>aaaaa|raadadlai>i*aralaa>|lnak j a > « T a * kaaaa u aVmtM S«l a mTaaadaj aad Widmiajr.

Mfa lak B. »nm will ml at awlajaaaartaakViaat ajlaaaatt Taaalai, at 1 1 \

alia aad aa.TkafajkMlaaaaat aaaa. aa HaaaV, (art.

Ilk, aat .111 arakaUa alaata M aflataaaalatvlkatkalaitka MaalLaaat Halldajaaaatad kr Ika la.tUfUla.ara.

laa. Dta. (ana aat ril.iwald, af tkla

laa liakaai-a aaaaa at tka aaarauklai 0<a-aral Caaftwaaa at tka » . « . Caarak.

Wkaa a jaaai Baa ate la tka farta. lalk-laf ai.iaaaa la kh aaat.IrWlaaf. aaallal.•ataaaakaaaauauj aiat analaaa attarIkai-ra »a f *d IkaTa laaar.-Tka JUaa.

TkaTwaMkk Aaaaal laaalaa aftka rlrallkFaaMIr « l l kakaM at IMaaek aaat Waiaaa-a>j. TUOamaa Valler laad«lll faialak

^ aimlu • • ! aiiiaawii f l l l k f i f i i f " TTka fcaaat laiUar atja Mr, Calkfa ai-

l ' L ^ l l HjMMtflkaa"ajuklkatwaa iinl»llaadlaMn»llTa,aj-

[ f i l i a l Itllk n 1" * ~ •*•— " *—Ckarlaa O. raatar, aaa« aarrlalawa, kaa

MtakMit af Haa-a. CaOd. It WUUM, h i[ m,m. twMlj^m a « t» laH U f li Ua a n jaaaartl, aa tka aaMk aUa at a .

. Aa»Mtk«r»Ut>na>Mt>l U M H.A.I atatu, tt Draw aa-taarj, fcr tka aaa^f\ jaar. la iaa. Jaaaak Caak, «ka ain laUnr1 • at M m aa ••Tka lalallaaa • !

, tmmlillUWllrtiamli.atliiE fcrftaaiar««ataWaat hrlaa taadaaf tka[(.We. Mmnaaakail.afttalll.T^t laaaa, kta kad M Ura anr aa aav aa

I t s Whs. Const BWBl will rveapaoalet at MUlaa wait WedaeeUy afltraaee asli avewlsg. Tea Milieu M M bead willlawkavaaalar ewsnag BBS BsfrsskaMaleaflsUkbtdew1llbBBBSt«ot.

Wbolileeeei te ssersbt a greal l aj ka iedr»d heat tka feet taaa Ika

Ika4l»k<kr.kaa k, a Hal.MMtTatar.•Tkanai a> Ualaaaa al antk aa Ika aaw|aaa><rr^ farakaari tva wanlal ari>all d a . taak Baatlaramad Ian.. «4_,j*lele,afrTaea«tld,aeBtto0ea.leTsJMaiar IHtaa Ma eeatribstlaB trwarat

ast Iba gnUeatrf af 1st Bavwaeaif ValuBttaBt, two ttwejawl


» a Ftraal Sonet, Budd'e Lab. wat bultUrtr-twa yam age.

CvnaA. Wolfe la SBanlBgaa Iron alna onbiefaraaearStsBlinpe.

Mr. J * Tort, nf Merriauwn, bae alarManon a alt weeka trip to England und Ireland,

htael Furdr, of Ifendbas, a aallor af Ue>xiran war, aaa baee giaaled e peaaleB ef

18 per aeelb.r«nt kaaett sew Wing M r l al

oreetiaHorrittoaBWllleoallKllin 1hoseta It enarse af eneilos In tbe plate wllsaste»t.MB.

Tbe aew enatna tailoring eetablk^atriapeaol (r Mr. A. t. realtor la DeaalJaoaBelldla, Mfcehrs is sWIiussd Ittatalaa-lioo aa tea pert of Ibe pmptleter le BBpplyits ptewlt sf Uever out leaoslaal wsrl.

Tto elli papen tetko, t l i e tatleur mis-• 1 1 * 1 a^aWlaol"^*geMkB # t ** l f *eTl0£Gi*Mt| t ' J

elair.at which mm pmei . Mr. J wMriffbhw.^ d . ^ t - r tad Mr. M ritM.r.• I Ikwt , Mtt Hf. J. K. Xvnrmt, • ! Wotntam.

Mn. lanli tlipfciai. tfc* aMnt Udj ia MLOlto tmMkty. It Mil tery Ht in •Jnpile

af tka aa .ataal», la MM akta la <• aart It I t t a v i n•ME.« r«tt.r. Ika Fart Oiaai aaaaalka kaa "kaitd MH taaiaaW'af aultliaB,

k l M t T k l t U t oaitai. aa | toaataaat aaaqtklaf alaa at la ptakakla tkal Mr.ru k t Matka4M—»>, Takar

kb. Jaka C. Walak, at Oanaa Valk.T. eaa-aldad a m l Batata traultrwllk traaklnaaruataa landv lbaII.>olfcdm.Kll. Tlwaukaaaa lailmlaa taeCrataa Mill M , g M I .atlalawa aad f a n laada It Itajirnl aoatlr

•laataltalawa Oaartla.A bul jpu» at Mwrtotowa jfUrtmf W-

t m n Ik* M w « M < tMs-stkld etvlM i t«411 to t (• Httr «T Plalal^d, wbea tba Morriacl»l> kteka4 tgwMt • tUcUron of the aa^r*u d i - M w f\mj Unfit, Viricr tke ntaIW vfeitui t i a tba fUM.

Mr. feawl fwaekbiaiMr, at Irvala, bub«(ht ikla j w r ibbiMt I I . IM poaadt «r woo)•rklck k M t a IVaettoa «T mkmt, the bMtveM• H M awH»t U fa thlt aaolfoa if ««rililHa4*pwm»«p«ralU*4tanf tM.« i t tot .v»tiWrtaMt attim9 ntaiif.

4 M . S. lUl-tk, «f !>••«•, toa^kMi f m pMrikk IK«acr«tlc o»dld.u for

h«n M M Cbtvt BMd«l|th and Hircb«w»- towt•blp* kan tao aaa; fnaakj OMCM M W , Md•u t i wait tilt tlw real an aarrad.

A fmto*4. mt iMdlag toWplwMtwn Mely rtitibaMd Iba latta plaet, attUWar aa w«tt «f M*ftt»t.w», and pra»aw to(Mil* «tlM«I btvtr-aa*-. IMIMM for thaw*... t>

alw pul ip • lane Sunmar kakl, wtiicbwilt te tto mart of tt» Itn4,»n elenricUaaortbaewatr/t

Umm\ Cwl lu iad C H. Hnddea, al Na*ark, rtPt aixtf thm etiflUk auip*. ana d»ilaat«e«kay tbe Bv i*i<v«, a w Pine Brook.Mr. CkvatlM kada a ituarkkl-la ab<H. HBklllad m talpa and apixouu iaoae abot,«tidTtNiad tkat tlw »U«au bad a aMlal band mttoi*.Mtiw4l>.M.

A wry y U i i u t gwUi yarty » • • WM atMoaut Tabor aa tfaMnkf by four little girliCnnHnuktKtlw. Wbltebirai., M-nil-L.trwr, Arliae ibuurru nutl Lul-» KjDtrtit, m-aiaWHtoy H -Wj Urierutd Uuill^ De V.BoberMt T*» procrtdi, aaotiHiK w W ) , l i1 M tha k m m at tbe Irak airivpd.

Ttwaelitrit til elaacitujr LrtWdnr U, Ford, ulUMeter la»UMiii|it ID twatMuiiiy tbti IINIJUJIIJ-at Ht. Tabar, ia mid t* bare been butd Ufwita lax pMwd laat alator Wbiofc t«ada aa fol-

i*a:All kMana. toiU*** aa4 olbw bulldlasi

•bicbarapenaa»l ttruptirlj aliklllMuaaaHcdt*»d laud IB tba luilK 4iniitti wltiub tke

are •Iliiated ia the aaMM af tba otacr•I*, Ilka !• U»J«B, u d U he ta HkiMvii,

tlwa la lha M M ul ,ltti Mtwp.at ot lite w««at rf ttw « * • » or tlw bad « uenoa tka uuwanailut«d.Hd tb«t»ua levied Hpoo itieb

i, eMtagea Md bm.t.agi way be cul-ia UM •*•>•) Htauer u taxea on utbsr

pataoul imiMtv ww evltacttMl.Tka tjutuUoi ai to tlie Icgalitr ol tbii lav

haa U M tatVini bj the cMlagera to e«-Ckaaaallar Itaajoa.. Thaaa ar«altbr eattaprabuna kentalon eaoipetl tantlon * • tbufMkd Ibat Ika Ht, TaUr AMOoialioa, which

a iaU|waa ea*porattoa, aarua tbe $ruundaid IBMM It te Ibe colUfen for Bfimj-niue

Bal all Iba ama Ue fraaMr |>*vrl ofIkete cattMfti aie aied by wealilif citr y*o-yla fat Briaaara ivrpoaca oiilj, wlw b•T•lw^baaa laeatod kwi (ulf a aUtwt «f m ^ n f ,aad llva la Mew Jermj • |Mttt/ part • ! tbaraarwItbMt MMtUiiike than oTpibli.tv

**imp<m& aa olbet t«t>>la. I t Ii aboatthey ««fa ewH)HlUrti t» }%y up >tvd u-)tl»t4rrrw<p-ralMnv^lv.vtHpnB]n»ftlH

thry nja* Hla.

Tbo f\t-*k ml tba Ofaagwa of Varrie. Ufaad Fawtc eaMlWe a.tlwlaefteid »ridi*

yaaacfvlatj' waa aa m r * N i aCair, aad wwby gnat thr«*|. ot ttmrn who

wanlalMMMl la tbadralaac*olthaPaaaatcr. wbtch vaitko ptimttfi tfto afall Ike

ad^MaasWtbaday. • « . *. W.CaiWrjwfiad iBtrodacrd th« apeakara. Htaie

QaaUiht Gee. H. Cook nad* Ibe prioelpiladdnwaa*! with tbe eld ol aiaiMaad rtaili-

• jbotTttl ih*> larwra btiw U M J r ^ a m «li P.wtio wljtbl tie efftxtHall? aco aa»liabed.tbt )k«r i i f« ( ih«l*UI*F»Uia*« . Tbt

Mbldacwt af tbe work, Uo!ndi»« tbe a|i-|wait«d «.w«|% tf •U.tno te tft* tittlu VM*M»«f«elar«H, *Mld I * $11,000, aad alHwtl»p(Wacna af Iu4 W M U b«rin.a>d,Biak-laf tka cart «!.• akMt «8 per att*. Dr. E.

R » t , el tbr 8UI* f n r d of HraUb, J. M.Btakk, taraMtly i.f Mwtta ca*Btj, bal BOW or1Vlwtra.li, aad Blahard CtrW, Muter of tkeflaw anwgen. ele» an4e addm«a.

auta4*iMva.Ntrrtt Rraila*, • aMf|Himltea. Tartwaa le

MarristeM. *aa ywiorfay aiaraliK ««•«•»*f lilac • aart fraa m day kaak abaat ae*aa

tmt klfk 4M WaaWa aveaK. Vbila la *BlMplBji paaUra tba wall of etaf. wade fcea*/by tbe rftwat tt&m*. Ml anr aa«a klai aadbarkdblnaadanMMhll. Thno eamBUfoaiwarklai «Ub Wai tt oate b- t u ta Ixlp kfai

aa«l coald (War bla aader Ibe taaan Irll-1*1 thca. wbtf« to dig. They warnabaral*. jat tt teat kardlf taa artaatca tateackhlm wllktkelf htada, but wbea lk*j

dlad<piageatb«y CaaaaiblHi atariyaakaattad, aad ka d«d la a taw Blaatee alteratlrlealialkhe. Utanaaealrreof Irelaad,abaalBjeen aM, tad tad lltadla Herri.-tawa BiiBy jean, wkrfwka wat aiaek re-epecled. ilia alia died anly a few werkeago.

DaaalaBewdea.i kelller, deli| kaaiaeaala BeeatBt, waa •rNated oa Maaday algkt byIMatlltt Bewaa, el Ike Nat Jtrary aialeBattalia' ProBMtire AeBMialiea, lor aala|tketllae kabaflaf la Mawark mm. Tka aaavplaaatwaiauaa kelata Jlatka Beejamn, al•ewaik, bat lawdia wti tataa la Marrla.M e , aad Jeettee Cllfk, wka kai atdtraidtka wtrratt, adaiiutd kla u kail It tkt mel M i a appear el tka topleaiker tarai aftkaKaaeaCaaatyCelvla. YattardtyOaBata-b*nSjeeeadTr»a>aakk wail la leaalaaaad antalel lawdaa ae .l««ar aeaiplalati•a le ky ikHa Braa., af laataa. aad KaaaaMa> kWlar, el Derat. Ha waa area|et kabreJaatlaa Olia at Pater aad gate aaaarlly farkla aaaaataaat I I • aatrlai aa Friday alaui

e t a

UaUra U M . ttoptefttotw altte Taav•naaa flaw* al fnahlla. taaaM eaaaty,

Ud a w.1. ka*»B alalai aad nltnad CM-ir,dladTa«yoad«raly af heart 4iaaaee

1M« lartay aMnJef, ju t trfltr «alii| •hearty bfwakfHL Mr. Liag waa *1 yaara ata r . • t-ttit* «T Bqlaad, aad a highly r,•paaMiHian. I H H I b»tborl*-Uw afttoMaBlelaHStopbaaa.arilt Bapc, andkai way Mewae la tkia eeetlw, aaabara .fwbo« allndtd t(M faa-reJ aa Tawfey, wM alaa a dett>«itloa of (ka a n b i n W GUI'Mae Ladge, I. O. 0. F^ af Bockaway.afwhfebhawuaaeMbar.

A ailltejaalBat at the tames keglatertaia! "ta. MatteaaikaiatU her keaattallet ea Braaklya A«eaa u t u t Cartekanar. I l k <eM let « , M . a n . H.wlll

• le Batkkaea l l (Maker M i l A.LClark kaa eaU three aan kaUalag letat twoto Ckaa. r. aultk aad aaa ta Oearga WUIfaa,all a* ateaanelr A w n . Bi|k Ulea ktaaleeeald taa aan ea Allaa t^eat, l e B0. Beagaa. Mr. A. J. Drake ia kit iei kitIwaliUaaMaduala ttrwt etetrelafataaa,aaaar rtary f tnttiag twa kaaiei laata tkia

Wtaeaw aad Dear •ciaeet.al tka tteia at*• m i talakkf aHre W D. B. iUat.

Ika JeneyaMl af laat WBrkJMiad Ika atn-enl how! mt the Mertietowa peaaa agaiaat

ei aaii tbe Dover ball elab, aal aaoag

Dover Ho?, not anew to bavfi a gteat anvwof lack i« itetUngBKitla-t tba tUnMawa boj«on ball •alcbea, but tber would Am well toUke (Meat ia • v»4 aatrnwd and rt»lU»»-Qly•Hatr . It b a dlafliwftil buiiaeMto B»»keiaMbll*cof»,l««lllajate *por(—and tbaa to'eqiuvl"*.Ma}oiili>H U botk lodUh Md

Us«ii*iverMMlauid U k a n ItMltlSO labeltiajf oa lha CbMtcr-Porer-MorriMowgiaelaatTbandajr. Herwd b)a ri|fat H• nbt aet to have bat.

We affi-w »itb tke Jeweyaiau'i (rittaiea.a'wat mAln* gaaibllaX at * loKitlaiaU mftt,It it wa »)BO Iwlieve that lying ie abac* eo it-

«n. ant urry Ibe Jeraajiaboald Ik.-* leat ila «ln«.M to lbs aillj liestulJ br the Morrietown boja ia refcr-aoo to.bfiHtTMat Clieal«r, tbe iMta about wbfebat» aiaipl.r tlieai-: When Ibe ke.Ti tf tbatliillrj onantr.v village -rc-nt lo Hurrialown lelilar b»ll witli n l i tbeir local |»lay«rt Ibayfound tbe M irrUtown clttL bail M|Md in

hired prufoMiouBvl ttalUr; C M * K*W-•Mfc Wbau ilm retan **m+ VIM |tln;ed alC •-ll< t ttw MuTtlttuwa club bnvugM nitith. u. Miiorbfr blr-.l bait^r^, antl ia anlfvi|>e-tiau tit U (tie <'.|.t>v.taT eUb elinlimJ » iiattet;

I'lit-tr. A ftjir I),ivitr people w«at »»*rto aae l U naw*, bat tbe atory tbnt them waaaaj rou«klnf-l..e tt«i«ai<t of mm**f waf^Md

.•tbiiod. OooPovt-raiMDj,iiIt:a(>io..U wwKurwilk a Newtnu fnciii

wlioje >uintut i i t,|«k« l*y balb awlea b«bly a Hut a Murri.towu WBU a-oa •

ilitilttr lioui a I uviT aiaa oa tb*( KaiatF. ae

ILtTt «tU aOlklllR to " sMJlMjl " nboH( M tbti-i-ittjaiiui rnv'labljr iolfioatra.tint lie Jrrwj-iuMO btti uvuixtd a fertile aub-

jeel wboa ft aaya "Dover d«ea set aae« tehiMaimiBbow oflMk lakeufig IWUMMthAHorrlawMboyaaabali aiatebea.1

:WJ hu btwa the oaae aa4 we are |(adto aay Murrlalowa hai alwaya beaa Ike ag|ma-lor. Kotow«ktMtak«Bat>«>torifttBfeatisMbleifo aparta for pan r i n t f i t tkaaDover, bauhe MonUtova afMtta, J*»IMU oftbair inferiority la tbia reapeot, UveslvayiiMt thvir judtttaaBt. aad aoaay by betttagainiaat tbaai. Aa far back aa 187S tkey uadtoeme to Dnv«r to bet a*a.Mt tba Baa*(.alpha Bad alvayo weal beoje broke. Tire*jeara age . l>»rer An csmpmrng mi a Morri*-o» i I n ooaipaay nut at tba latter plan Uplay a rrlendl.T t»m*> «nd alter It waa vwt tbeMutrlatovi betters tbratl Ibvir BMWJ aiderilia aoara nl tbe Dorer boji tadtbcj could not via a gaoie for f 1(0 a aide oa •

Tb« (jM-UfDj.* wsa aoeeptcd•i.«J llin Ihrnr lu'i* beat t4w Mvcrleb'**)-.*eat uf •trtit al lljoatoa, WIMUIBK Ikrlr I I I *

j »id« Iwte ia addUUta. A jfuf *%*iu-t •.iulr.ralMver p»lo leaui UeneaMwila-W»tt Uuu, * bttteupur. IU« HotnHtowi tvpttttcta.lleuft J ibea to play at Hobokca for fSO m«ld«, -tbwt. tb-j ••»» wa wo» tbt g«i»>-xally. ABd uHljrlaat WM-k lh« Hurn»b.watH-i.|i>ifr.ui6Hy t\M,.mA to Ue*«i wiik flate

II of nancy to bet Ibat Ike Djter elabwould be beataB by tbe Onb»n Mania. Tbey

' M totbafalleiteatortlwirwho bad eoatdwe ia Ibo

tuaa aad witnt boate with poekel-bockithat looked aa If (bay had «MB traaiplodoBlij a bird of eirpbeute. If the Je.-M.raBawvre Nrquilutnd trliii ib* fauU U waalda't(•Tire tu IMIIJ/ tllugraeatiie nmiuitetwet lor

Monialuwa Uttlog eroird, by nufttag•illy lie* like tbuu quiled abaw,

fatHal iMrtt i iat lkav.l'-t Hatoney'a gnat Imk •JwoiAdj' Can-

paui ft hilvMi hi H|ipo)ir in H»k*>t Openlo-niormw—(Mtunltij—«FeBiDg, m liveuttifuhfag Iriat. fionwlj kuvati u

'.4lBltiB-y'e Uilctttiia,' partiuMlare olwbMlBt« |tvt» by «4««niaBaHat oa th» opptMtte|W||«, II h a ibo* that baa a greet repala-

ou all n e t Ua country, aa .be foUowiag'atiBfoulttia t i l l abaw, Md aboaM ka*o awailed boate.Lau evealog Ike P4I Mttoaey Coaiaaayivi. «• Hwiuiug ana eBjojabto perlomBtaee. ibe «J|wr« llotiw. ilw how i w packod,

tatl tbU fHtH .ndWattto tbu » ll b<kM haveu •«i»eijtin| aa exMsUJcUianxj aitd Haaea-

. HueKnt«tu>iiii«i.t. to. tttit, tfc»t« coaldout t a n IH«H a etngltieptotnturdUeppvlitWd,li>r wbiie lite re t u 41 mutt taughaMe tMotadji,and a Kemiiae raritty ofattravtloaa, Ue aa*wrtaiaaitBl waa IB at wiaoa variety ebow.Vnt Itva all vbjeetiutaakl* ftalHNe, aHok aaal«ii| and vBlxu-kiy, tbe fjmpaay'a rcadiUeaat a lac pi-agrata-aw ei Mirth u d aiaalo waeesceptkraallj calertalRiug to M antj)«a«e

ru-|y Eoa.|*uMMtol|r«oplaofgoodtoBte. AjburlaMqBt. «oail)lualhia, wlia BOHM ot Ika

beat N I D I U N gi'eh ayva Ibo itago, ImmMaJMry l!tM|H«y la a geaekaa B»)e**ia, M diltlalwaya tMeivvahwiiy walcutrwla tbuoItj.-Piiu«-<IJ (MaeB.) btfla.AtaMMtttJay. BaMUtalWHM. Ktt t j -

eaadellgkwd, VoaNtig--a—Pbwai* (M. l )Utouer.

Tb- beat aatertaiaaMet we ka-a kad few•ran.—Watarbary A«*rktta.

VeHtMcea. Ikpera. A graatl dlaptaj afanaiaabiy-rMffiaeeiaaa (Naea) Herald.

r u M a l n r j ' i Utow eai>riMd m all tm•Ight at Ibt Upera Haam Aad tka fardlat« u tbat Ikf Ir eitBMii waa tke praaaaatow trabe*e bad for j**ra.-Biidgewate* ladafdeal.

F t * V f ta f M H I BUST O MTbe wwBt soUov of Jmtice J. C. bavk, of

•DcawiBVB, in -.otioj aa k Cotouer of MorriieeoDty in tbe caata or two bo4\t. drowisW oatbe Buaex aMn of L»k» H»p»tcraui>d duiiaiili-riible covuieat we fiuit, andwUI J>n>b»l>lj creatn tnorf .1 be prrteiii* a billfor forvJcFB ia tbe Morrin COBDI/ »«-boItan. It alao r?rat.i •notlter cir.'oi*»lii)cwbiob baa fMtrbapi be*, loo li«iitlj dealtwith fur Ibe public Kood-tbe r«ne of thei<raaaiite fiplorint. at tfuCalaa-illo l-ut j » rwbeg toBllm wen loet. Tbe lawaor tb#•Hale («e« ReriMon, ft* ITO, paragraph *)•akea It tlie duty or a J at tke or tbe .'we* to•et aa Comner oolj " II a Conner c«t.not be

in due ii.ju." Wkit tbU meaiie bu lopgiloctWea clnrl- d.iaed.ard ia "Hi•an'a Practice* and Pr-eedenla, Juatite'HCouH. New JetMt," la a raling or tbe COBIla Ibe C M of Obadwkk « Emk*oa, wtlob•aji:

If thn eoedllioa ol a dead body wbea.bHd,ihoi>d be t u b that U would be anni-tbatly laipmiMr, fa tbe jadguat el oroiaarj• t a , UdW-r iia burial laageaoagt, to notifye emnaer, la 1Mb uaae a jaallee woald UB-^• t imaUv be aBihvriaed to Mt. aad, n»oa

tn a«ii*taetory praof #f tb* ttreim-•toaara, wlilcfa rendeir*! it aooeaeary for bliplo do io, would bn eatMM lo bave b»i cnalitaieil bf tke clerk, But Ib*. fttet teat M JBItvcenaj lkcmtreixiDveoteutly •DtiH«d thau •ewooer; tbat be Laa r«ocl*ed tlie Irataoilep;ttwt be ha*. In loud faitb. v»H.rM*il the Kmoaldal act, IwiieHaK thai a ooroaer could aotke bad <a da« litwe—no OB« .1 ih*ae faeU, orall ol thM logtlbar, will beailoleat to aa-

a jtwlkH to act, the* it pluialy ip-pesra ikat • coroa-r atlyht ba had in due flawietbeafoaf jtutatotod"

lo tka MvCiiliiBville diiaater tbere oaald beno pntea <e Ibat * t'oroaer coald not be had•• da*, tiina. la fat. Uoraaer C. B. Oiiff, atOorer. wiuapea tbe gfoaad wltblu at baurafter tba acuideat aeoamd and took all tbeattoUl Mitten tbat it w u Bcewaary .otCematr to Ukr- Froui tbe IraKaieoto ofbodira iivovcrtil henntde a t>l»»rj,fi (or ?i*>wlug " pr.l>.bl* iwc boUlr.,- wblob witk ail'-age BBII oaet of tntlee Bt«de a \Ml ot »7.»agaloat tb« eoaniy. Tfai>a«aiea.orBiogbody nmitcd Jui' ire i V. H IM* , wko at OBC«went t» tlw rWebB1, and itBOtiug tbu ptvuoceot a rvgatarly vlectad Cumaer of Ibe couatrpiw*««jM. to act aiauob. Aftor viewing tb«*• e m be wekt kMae tad aiide out bie billageiwt tbo ctwutj. Aurntg other tillage be

aNdavit to bat iDg vtawadlea ksdlm,altbwgh tben were b.rdl- aaaviblMgiwiKigatlMrvd to Mahv two IMMIIM. Tbea bowwle

cbirge for tra uoticei, aad aiilcaga lor earliane nl IL» BX-I klllu). Ja tbia v^y tbe »aii-erablv 'Squire aiadvup »WU fortBCW fwprobabl/ not Bwrethua u boaf'#aer«tkM a •srt.tje wblek tbe law ••}» » c<nwfeb»ll perf.rm If |w eaa be bad iu dtte line.Tbe CntM«r u«d tlw 'fe^air* aeat tbtit bill*to tin* lluard ul rrvMliiiUcra, wl>o laal J.nry (ittttl 'fij I.T* Btiekblacl i.a.it.f | M I * > , aort

iNcii lu pu.v ttie [Mirfruil.v jiiat t'laliof W60 tireMiiU'i, by Coroner C U. Out.*. I f

like ibiae »r« tu b« piruilttvd, wlint iitlt« DM wfehftlegCumiieiaT

t i e

Mr. B. P. rnialaikaai. • will-htawi Howt baalnraa aaB, awd aa rtpert eaglet.

•rllnfo Ike K.-erk Call te defead Marriallerkrrfrew Ittatlatianpea hla. ai]lBgtkalbe la peraaaslly eeeaalatel witk kla aBl

lowakiate aa a Ikaraagk leberaaa wkaald aat itasf te lew at lo l i t la aa ilnga!

aaaaer. lie aaya tkat be ku Itkal wltkint aanMbereftlari aad haa atwayt keaB

inrcBale.1 van elbrit b in filled, I f thetuaattoai tgalntl Mr. Deekar wati tna, Mr.

I'lolklagkaaenraka wenU be tke Iral I *tMdeal ktat, lit HTt Al t Myktiy eat | *aal witk Mtrrie Deeker aad ealek flea Ulnatn tkirty uaaa aad aai ^aatllty ol PHtkara) la

day.aad Iketeaaaatfcalaaaanypaaalafalllo ealeb Ink la Lake Ropaleoag la tkat thaiae aot taww kew ta celeb Ikea. He area Ba

1 wky Mt. Derkar ebeaM aet to able taaallmpaailiatlihta tka Betel Bretlla,foreebaataeiktaaote tkia that blaeeiriatwo daja while lakilg with Deekafa tea

a> mlibel <1nlH l l I l k l taaark

Tke newly eo.aleled belalal Lake Daa-BSlk, wklck kaa beeaibrlateaed Mrrtltt ParkHotel. Bill to tptatd ta tka puWte la aapbfeprinla aaatet aa Tbniaday kait, 8apt.

lat.>BfUrBoBaaadavcniag, The UeverCav-net Bead ead Darar tiring bead bate toea•HUta ie j IhnecaaaieB M l Ikart will toinBotng ta tke ewmag la tat ball roea af ttontri anl Bpoai t kbtfora aataMe. Baala

sill alaa to pravlaM fat aiearalaat ipealake aal tbere a l l keelhetdtvanieaeferinegii«la,aBklif adellgkllBl d«y. The aeaageroflbeaew atlalwlll at Mr.J. W, M l .liagwaT, who gaited aa azHaled reptlauoanetba aaaagarartBBhoetclrjrofttofaaoaaBlooaalBI llrtra raft Ainr lnm.

Aaaaai lh« g*Mt* at aka Anwar ratorta lathU aectioa tba fam af Vartaiaa'a BBiawborioliT io ••leadiac waaalrHuly, aad people

be hare tranletl all «nr Ibo lead yratae ItM O M of Ibe bwt road fcaMH tbey lurefaa.Ml.wywlrrtNbtteeoaati*. OmWadaaa-day avHlag a tarty ot Mtyaaratfa at tbaH«M BewUt aaaw «>wa traat tW Uk» UW i 4 aa anaiai at tkla d'lightfBl laa aad'artana Bt>Tte«l ikaaiaaa aftbeaa atataap-

p«i for wbleb to jaatly faaiaai, aa a tcMli•f which aa«a« af lha gaeatt have flatted IkaBsUaaV* teaak ae lo u * haw teawael.Ttb«j Wei* pittaed wlik the HkptHM tfmi

bickVmaMB Wdaatfactboaiaa Ihiaoc-

t i t

Had Ibe nJtctlM af Mr Matt Meamd at attw wbea tlH fall k m »f a Cau(r MycriitoadeBt kad upiied, ike aM Baptriateadratwaald kara beU aver ia a«ea uetll bla aat>

rwMcb*OT,battW aMltafHtolaaAntigr^^.aad"biaiWffiMr«ifcafiBi

bow aenptcd to toko #fccl Bept lat, ka 4**aaat Uld er*>r aader the law, wojaadcntaad,aad tlw ooaaty will ba wltboal « Sapecta-toadeat at tke opeatagof tbe aibacl yaar.That our BdttcaUwa. ltt«r«ttB an ta t«CeteaalMiwwMat aad paaelblj ham baeaaae IktDtrWoci-aAle »'re«lKi.d«n ol tW» tcut l kadecided tbal a saa'e p-litlci ara a aaflctoatbat to ktt mM\mt tha peettio*.

Te eeBllaaa Ito eonUaveny with Ito Uaek-ettatewa Daltlte ebeal Itorcaark attrltatedto kla ia nrfeiaBea te the O. A, K, aeeaa likeaaltlplylag word.. Ike Uaaelle aaurleltbat tto KBA diebeatelly attrlbaiBil Ikea tahla; tkaa we gave ear aetkertlj, which wtUlkre abaalt rtlUia at al the lapautlaa it

Vmrtbtr. wa ktllert a greatpablle •eirapapar like tto nilaeMpkiaPteownall aat to perailtad ta aale tba atatitlailitkaateBBtrnaieUi


•alllgbttWaina U BlUalaklal law Btkaa

The Haawer naMeata of Ml. Ts.i* are veiyimligaaet over a alory tfant bnn nppanted atleegtk ia eae of tke Kew York pnpare la tbeaffect tbat ea aaeBetatioa of youug area at

leaert ante been iu the hnbit of enttlagallla In the leBU, wituhilit: leaale oeounnnlwkeu tbey dlento tor the Bight aiwt thenaeetiog lugelber te relel" Ibe reaMlta of thaileUertntlwe. It Wat alaa natened tbat oDeefibejoBBgineB aade eouie plcturee withtbe nid uf au Mintear pbotograptora antlt.Tbe loung Ben of tto groaad deay eapkat-leally tbet tberearaaay wreicbeaallhbt cbar-acler BBena- tbea, aiid tbe oflcen of Ike aa.eDelaHea nrc Indigaaet. kectate t ie / feartka tbe BBhllcBtKW of tuoh a nlory,tkoagk BBIIBC, will war* Injury to tbe place.

av*-e>U k t lota.

A World corrrtiMMeut wrltet fnm LikeHapatcoag: The Vaa Avtry propeMy, overlooking Vaa Avery'e Core, hea brea pur-chaaed ky Ike Haul Dredie I'mpaoy lmrailroad teraiiaBl tuoilitita. The Brine reperiod ia llt.UW. Tki. piece of land waabuuglil by Hndolph or "Pop" Mhltar, aaold aeltler kere, alaagia tto Ifllea, lor Ml),and afterwudo eaM I I I Mm tn Van Avery l u

Both Ibaieraad Vaa Avery bare llvtdante •eartthaBthe allotted thrteicue and

and giro Lake HepalvoBg Bfr creditbtrelntr. Ibia oalle to Bind that tbere ara

lirlng on Iba aboraa ml Ito lahB Ire aea Baretbaa aeventy yeara eld, tbe ullett tomgBlart>-.iK. Tola It a teallaeelal to tbeBealtklulBtttet tbe place, II any acre Beaded.

tWm^mht m^fmmmmn.AttlM aaaaal cecltn fjr Traatree ef I t .

Tabor «a Moaday the otd aieatbrra ef theHvwrd wbos* l-rat. had nplred-Ktf. D. B.Lnw*fy, H. tf. Lo«f, W. W. Tat* aod Ber. J.it i aow*paon, Va re s'e'viecteu. A •eeoiailirai

I l.r.d b> lav T H. iBlIb Ibtl 1st itaocle.Iba he saki^ te donulo groundt on wkluk sbuilding any bannoted for aaoatefnraaptr-aiouued alnliun ut tka t'oilanue,

id. Tea Idea Is te pnvlde e perBeaeal1 tor taperaaaneted aleialcia, tae ventId, and It It uellerel Iba C'ollereare willtniuenettea In rttatlnB totbit antler.

II le nropeted te doaate a Her al lole en tbeheat uf tbt irniadi aa wbleb laVallo net-lageafur tbe seeapenaj' oltbe eeoennaaatfd

ibnre et the poefereaeB eBd their feaillee.ll le t»,|«tlr4 tint aa lot CeBfrranre m i l

la Xswsrt, Ifcst If Ikat bnnaa wen eeldthe preeeodt eitgkl be need M l two good eel-llgee eouldbe balll witb Ibe proeaeili andIkae a sun bo asde, Uee ef Ibe aeabenaf tbe Ceareneoeeaa eftrad eee beadrrdlellara lo alert I eabaerlutinn lor a tkird, «ld

la bellrvrd thai at aantiet eoald be raisedle ballil ona eacb jear nutil ult willing tomake I peraiaatBI reableBee then oeuld be"W'l«d. > t <

(tatalkelsrBi War.A aanrtftBdatl wrllat it ai ttlnBwIy

Mngth; esaaBtticatbHI abattt s netel At VetHill, tke gl.tof wbleb le t ie! be apeila algbta m tat b t i l ; that ht taw a dotes VOBI Iaten aad bore draak aleag the roade near

tbatisths earlv BVSBIBI ke uw thneatnwwagts lalla sf BMS aad huya ga Istbebatal, a t l st allaight basil BBSB esa-log away, tiling Ibe ek with " dranken jelliaal UibsHiial ttegt," aal kesllag torlrksrtea. I f all teat le eeld shoal the betel beU M H k perleotl/ Ukt ta I I I newepeptrawl lb l l .Mtaanaetalkalsaennkeepl i feaeh a ditorlerlj plate weald be BKsrla la-petileselaaaatslsis BSwejapst awthl atvshall ana. I f tkt hoses Is Ike dleeHerl»

H k slaiatal ta ha Ika heat we| Is rasaltka bearer el It la tbreagb tss Cosna, sadIka UW,Biding asl atlf-napeetla, paeole efIka aslgthithltl esgbl Is SITS eoaregeeaougbttaWltpnaatlir,

llltlMBlai k l l.htbblkw, at atosewB.rer shest aa hoar Header aftarseat lha

llgkulH Plait i areutd tee vMaitt ef Itedl-ens te et naeeael attest, sal the leeeeewen la ealet tsitasaleB t a l axtraaaljr krll-Uaat, A gnat sttaj telegrepk ealee wentpHtana le Iks greaad. A kan aa Ikeaeult of tbe lala Jteaes Iryae, SI lat t Vodl-tea, wasttrael ssl tat BalMlag, wblek earU I H 4 ttt ttat sf ha* H 4 S hanker af fsra-leg laslcaoile, ws, eeos esssaaed. Thneberate sldSfeBSafstea were gat sal wllk-sallt)arr. WneBlfceiesweresaeipJeBeaWllete. wko waa tkjaghlag I i as aliening•eM, I n n Ma Maa late Ike bare te eteesetkt n l a . u d wbea Iks k i n wea newel hawss HaaBBd kj tha ahaek aal reaelatd la-

1U0 ler aaaa Uaa. Tbelaaeeatneeeaaj Hra. M I Tata, sad aba raa is the drlvlag nlautbeeckealbente aed real Ibt ball.Anstter hslt atrack a large liwtaasttsqair-I trsl » all*treat tkthsta a fsw •lailaa

It it act luaay yean ago lhal Vendkaatewaealphad Ito Caaoly boperataaatat afflobeele, bat Bocknwny never kad tbeeoWWlen al laal it I. lasdtnl la 1 Itocktwayaua the Meadbaa Paaoerala grew ewe be-au»e It U not Benin giraa 10 Ibeir tewBahip

eui aeaar tkal au B I B living IB Dn-kaaay ttUaoualpb toanabiptaball beeoodnaed. Moawcuud.ltued that e l t'retbelder Jaaaph t!Lnrk. ul Meldliae. ia » oandldatn for thelieauernue noattnaliuu. Ur Sheriff. If Metul-

tawaabip baa eeeh an anlluathy to Rock-w i i t a d KudalDh Ptople It abanlill't Itelreatly narprleed aad dleeppeiatel if the

people af Ibtkaway and Hanlclpk aboahlbar/ Mr. Leek will a laaple al Ikalr aid-aBeatiaritat,

Tto llecktillatowa Gaeeite, a Deateetw4iiaewapaper, tayt: " I I the DeaMratlo nm-iontyialto Metrit County board uf treekoldera had BO olber reuon for ike rrjaetijaolEilu H. Mott f « Venn, lapatlateadealIkm a political one, Iben Ika Deaecratlopatlj of Murtl. coaaly baa brea dlegraeedand ibe eaaldeaeeel an inlelllgeat pabllebetrayed. Wbea pelltlea tad Betuaal plejaeIt carried Into air pablle ecboola good bye letke public achoala. We me Uvlat n littleupeileaee ol tble klad right tore la Bank-etUtowB u l ttettMlt It waefslly, abtBH-lallytod. But there will be a dayof reckenlng very aeaa."

Tkt Aaaatl t i w inOf tto anrvttKta af tto gallaatltk Betl-

•rnt, N. J. V., will take plact la MerrlaUWB,ItpttabertttkBau. The vctartBaaal theirgaenla will to eMartaleel by A. T. A. Ter-kan Faal Xa. H. I t la eitaeUl tkal ItoFeeta af tke Oraad Amy mt kaetlaa aalDover will panielpata Aa aetlva mmllteareBBBeed tl aeatoin nl TarUrl Pool aal lataentlal eiUaw kaa Ito Batter la ekarge,tad liteid to wake ikii ra-ailei a greed ate.etaa, bath ia kaaor ef Co. K., it btlag ItoIrtt te welaataer rival Mirilalewa,aal alaall IWBOT el aat of tto braTrel aal hctlofRgiaeaU it the Bell dnriag tto late war. ItIt eanaally kapel, therelere, that tto elti-raa will eterplitally ea eetrtle with ItoPert ta l giro ItoTtk Baglaeel Veteran Aa-ateiatlea agtatl wileaai. VatU partiealuewlllbtilniktreaiwr.

•» a> »A laak IBJUMII,

Oae at ait Mtntaindialn lattwtak antaa Ito tollewiag le kle iteat i

'• The HckateM ajlae In rtponel ae Bel atfeeadBBaabtretBlaantovaleft."

Iftea wbtt wt kava alnenlaarnnl wakaawIbat thai tot leae Ito BatoltH Bine a atrt-eatinlaatHt. than, who ara Inn petlilea tafcaew aaNii w tkal tto MUM ie aal aaaaia)• aayparooBUv aal tkat awaiaere toreMl there fertbureaaee, aad fraa tatlrt>parleaeaBBdaartralaaeawaaiHlvaiaalwUttaty aav. Other alaa eapaHttnlaaU la Itoeidaity, wto waall to aft te kaaw It If nthwera Ito lite, alee eayUat Itoydeaol to-liava Iketa la aay Maaaatlaa wbatorer letetek a rrpart. >7e treat Ikae oaaknlla et<anaalaat will Ikpal ia* wtaag apiaiawa teatkava beta eaaetd by thU uafeandtd report.

The faraenla Hatrlaaad Earn eaaBlleewbt terido h tbt vsllara IrttaeA by tke FBB-•ale river n 4 In tribabtriM ban Becsan

lallgttBt tbaa ever koeasae BI IkelaediBg s i tbeir Isade kr the riaa ef leaeUesBB sad Iks tiers sal dtaage leer nave

naer Ihla yenr In the loee of their heyaad grain erspe. Tile It canoed lergely bytbi dawailig af tbe rivar at Uttra Falle foraunfitlurttg parptaei. Ta da tab theannufttlwren oblslaed eeae right, bj kgie-Ullir. eaaelBeat, bal Ike feraera saw kanevataeveaiteke •eaasrea tooveraeas tbia,aaIbl luolrd enaatrylaasidtnheseTendwIthtattlsg tad ileeailng vegeUtioa, le tha delrl-anal sf tke heallb sf lbs people, aad Balertke beelth lawa of tke Hiele Ihey hatkiTe leeyoaa aaapal a hsnar draiaago.

Deeneb'a rile Deaiela, Cnmeen ealFnaekKM Bbea let udlee lad B a m la

.oieeaaa aed owtra atylea, all olaeaanlerldtha,atllrall»ot,Beckawty.

BaWelUiMtaltaale tewrdat gito A . 1 ,

»ey Matt Wa.t a Laif Wktla.rnabeldrr Walla Uwrenra, the Mcndbna

peach aaa. waa ia towa tbe other algbtaaM that tto rejection of Mr. Noll lor CountySuperintendent waa due to n deuftraluutiottnaoiK Democrate iu otber parU of the tnunirUatR»i;kawaynBftltiuidf>lphte>1t«ahintabellhave nu BMte ooant.T oltere till tto otbertewntbiaa in tbe oonnt.f have bad their there.Ameagtbe caadidalea In llendolph aad Koi'k-awny wao tove been epoken of lor count)oMcet Ibl. tall are Moaara. U. A. Ulllen.olMnndolpb, aad Ttoe. Hoaglaad, of nockawty,for Hurrogate, aad Jea. a. Meliek, of ataa-dolpli. and Wa. 0111. of llockawty, for Uer-iff. Tblt toiug tto cere tbe gaBilemai BMn-lleued will pratobly grow weary with tbat" keae deferred wkiek adetk Ito toart tlel."ere tbeet oScea go the ronud. of the thirteenelberlownBblpaajtdconie back lolLaadolphaal Koclaway la due coirae of rvlalioa.

• - # • •

By refeteBea to adrertlaeaent oa oppoaitetga ll will be toea that an exonreioi to

•tank Cktak anl (lien Unoki will ta Badeeverttol), L. A W. k. E , aadnlto.uapioea ot tke Boaevllle Athlellc Jaodntlon,ttglTneaiiy. At Muck Ckutk Ito Iwilokkack railroad, bnriog alar, iw eave, lu.,offer IrrcBlailble atlraelleui, while tke oat-ral ocaBlMi of Qlen Oooko, tad the oitayrovlabnn lor ooufort there, will fully 1

peaanu lor erery moment tpeit ia teeir en-Jojuiem, Tie train will Bike rapid milproapttiBBilhetbdireelioBe.and 10 effortwill be epeiwd by tto committee to unbe ellwho gooejny tto l a j . Ticket! i t |1 It etc*lor tto Mflad M|>, are far tale by tke 1aittea nal at tto railroad etatteu.

Wane rneholdtr Lawnnee, of Metdkia,had Bald the slker ereiitg tbat ht volfd•galatt Mr. Hott'e eoaBiatstlaa baenaunKeadalphaad Kotkaway kad tooaaayofllon,ha W H Itkal K kewimli btvs inlMloroaI r a Mr. Jea. O. Ceoper, ef tbla Inwatblp, IIha l td haaa BBBriaatal, ta whleh ba tapllellhat I I weald depend os what sari ol s B I Bbe waa. He wealdu't, be aaid, vole for Mr,hlellek, for Buerlf, boraaee Kaudolth hodtoo aaay osieee, but ke wae wllllag |e vote

ir lbs iMlrasllta sf Mr. Tbarber, af thlelowMhiu, If he were naapolaled, becauae hewee a ptreeonl frlaid. tot rsatlBleaer rrae-holder Uwntea least Iba Bake.

Taao| aoyt Amam.Merahal Kelley leal Batarday waa 1

prllel to artatt alt yaaai koya ipea sea-plaiaU Bade by different people. All wenyonng Udt, moglng in ««t froa twelve toIflMa yean, a l l Ito BUM ef fllbtra whobnva toea wartby aad reapeelable patple.Three wen erretted far aiilleloae alteklel laniBliff tto rolllag Bill cart lato Ike pwd,aid their lathenbaeaaa Itoirearellea wkaaJaatieeQage tonal theaorertoeoirt. Ttoelber Ikne wen brought ep ea. onanlaitt ofBanjbben, for Ihroelag eleace nl ebiUrat,ntatllaff frnll anl attag MeMBt hmgnaga.Sack wae lued ( I aad reau by Jaellae Oage.

T tn at Lato . .DarlagttoatowrloarridBy aClatt weak

Ike tore aad aaw aeatt at kt. Jaka lahBlala,uBttoaVaianildatlLtkBHapnIeaBi, wenattack by ligalalag aad wtolly eeat.aal, lagather with hUteUre aaaaar ereo, laelod-Intaubaetola al sail, I M baahela aaek afwbatteadrya, aed ever twealy teat of bay.aealaiUatbUlana aaaea, aavttnl eoU alkerwata. windaill, fodder eullor aed ether


Tke flnill aal Unlay aahaal of « . Joka'aCkunk, of tkle plaee, will Bake a vary

tat eieaMeu lo Lt>t Hopthtoag at•atirdiy, aepUaberSd, gelag u tbepiceiegroanla at Molaa'a Poiat, wton there ieevery facility lat beellig. laklnf nnd ItoanjoyaHBlatchlldreB. Tha reaad trip fare

Uerat will to IS ceau for edalU aad 90BCBIa lar children loo grata Bad attorn-fraabaeata will to fataletod aa tka greaadtaad Ito euunioe will wlthoat doakl to arary pleataat aaa. Lnare Daver at tt«5 A.M.) ntarelag leave tto like at kin P. M.

Total lain, MaWi litarel lei n , m hi IktaMataal. Mr. aMahUs la a »try toll


e t a

A valeraat're.iloa u l aleak will to toldat Haetottolewi aa eatarlay, Sept. lotk,aader tto eaepioeB af tto Wanea Ceaaty•ahliare'lBl Ballan' AnBaclallea end Badg-wiekPe*t,Ite.U,a. A.M. Ten Poet, of IkeO. A . » , iBelaliBi M, Davit Peat, ef Dover,kan ana laviled, tba rellreode will eaUtlaketo al redaotd talet f n a all tUtUtt,aedmtalowill hprevMel hy a ereti toadead a.anrvtwe elan. Tke eroakan atpaatadMlM.Caad.Bltraai.ka, efPatanaa, Ma|.A. I . Hawaii, ef EtMsa, aad Jaka E. Olbeae,et Dover.


Mr.liaaeaiUOnHerl>a..wtoneld>iatlwtUaleaSaneel aeaar, wae »7 yaara eU batKaren, bat deopne hit grwat ega k aa haleaad hearty tknt at bee Bowed, aradkd eatBleweltBlanetaaB, BUfueer ll ledu to B)n a n eU aad reared a laallr af a aklldrei.DavktCaaper aal wile, wto lira abaalanllafroa Ito Uaiea eetool hoaae, are aged » andat, napecUvery, aad bare beta aurrtei Boretbaaalxtyyatre. Mn.CoaaMkaa Balkanla reed health e> late, bit Mr.Ceeperit rag.(ad and native nnd nil! ralea ea hentheek

OaaPMl I f tkt M a * .Diablhaete, lypkeid, djtealeryeed etherlneaenanpnvalllaito a ataaldaaHi at-

tn t It wirtoni tatta of tto eeutvai l anaelle.ed to have beta tinted hy Ito aarlaeaWHhlagaaf tto Ratal heevi tabtn. WbeaIto Mllllawa I t s al Ike Blaek rim brake llcarried tto and al tto teal aad that and•ealkral II over Ito lelde far ailaa. Tto

la tkm> an wnty akaa alU|*eU aM ether leten froa Mllllewa toPettevavUle, IB • Itntlen walak torelotonbat keaaeeeaMand very VatkkT.

PetaiHltoaiorBy^tapnatiaiigaan-lag ef Wtdeeaday taiu a •aBBnerehle aattfwaatwIthltoataataloBaltbleoeBl M. E.

aktoOlaaMaal. Al tto Maa* tktfUtored bal aaa akewer dariag Ito day,

aal bang wall abellered tkal aM BM llejeavaeda Ibea aeok. Tkay eBrlyod tto laytbanaiklr aal arrived heaa al M l It tkaetawlag. Tto natlpU aaaastal ta .tain nwaaaa. which wa. letag wan wallBalar Ito tlMBMaBere.

totatel at 7M tod W Bread at , Mawark,lauperieredvaatntetUyeaBipe'taaa,

staeth aeiea, al a law rale of talllae, ta

tea kava ftwad tbe ta i l lm collegeetepaiarttoaa to laeeeea | auay la Ikla oea-BiBilyeaaaUetltoiaiafaet. Paraetoaeeklag tbe tool latereau of Ikoir ehlldrea, willds well M motor with prinlpal C. T. Millar,efttoatovaeollege.

* w-o-e)llamtwayOar.

Aa an ear at Mt Hope .tarted eowa Itogtaleat BtekeryHllllull-rHayBlttanltleaaaad BB! na Iowa to tto ajeatii af Ito taa-•altolenltwmatatped. aaa.jBe.anHltu. Cavaaagk, wto wen eatta ear, triad iaatop It witk tto brake, tot hung JaekeeaJaaped efftal broke Iwa laell torn la kta

. Gavaaagh leek the caaBeaa of rtatla-iag on tto ear anl eacaped nnkart.

• • - 1

Tuath eeae palnketly if Dr. Utad'a Teelk-l i f LatM to bathed sa tto gnaa, I

h t o P k aDr. Handt Diarrhea WitanfarCbildrea

will aat ean every taae, bat it will eata•spa tkai M7BKdxlaa tvar pat i i sw tot-' Pltoa twaaty-ive eeate. -

Ml. «aa. Celt,ItieW Valor, iea


>. r.aaltbeao wto leave

rheMt- Tabor Caap Meeting baa been laprog-rena title, week, bat tbe weatber baa notbeen propitioaa. allliougb »e learn tlie u ting. hive tots good avtl tlie Internet oeralilc emonit tbe people lucwuil Ibore. Tbere1H not, however, the largn pnlil^ inVereeV lutheae aectiBjtn Ibat exiHled Mme yeero ago.The caaipweeting feature Vaa oecu aoBcdwnrled by Ibe elegancfl ct ita growing aur-ronndleg., auu while it hue been growloga-OhdeHully ne n ilclijiutful BUiniuer rtIt ban beeu kalai favor witb Ibat d m . offervent people who wen ever attracted bythe Joya of tbe priallive MRttiodiat eainpaweUeg. The programme of eerrlcet forthreaninder ol the BeetlatEa ia at followa:

ettarday-IOd) A. »., Bet. G. e Coll,Hewerk; S:9DP. M, Bev. l a . E. Hlntoalee,Deter; 7 * P. B , Bev. B. X. Beboat, PerthAatoy.

Bnadey-lltaiA.M,Eev. R.Luew, M.DMariner.a Huner; 7:90 P. M., Kev. JanetMotiiinaHry, Jenry Cify.

Oa Monday tto Beetll** done, there beingaa early aevttee, at whieh thnae wUo bava

aelln ia Ito eervioee, tto aew convertiaad ethert lato leava ef each olber.

Mra. Mary Pollard, Blfe of Capt. Tbet.Pollard, dwd at her boae Bear Itia placeas rarly towr 01 oaadiy aornlng, after tloag aad terribly aevere Illneaa, occnaioihy n iuaor, which finally rencbed tbti beertMn. Pellard ate a unlive of England, bu

1 to tbla country many yeara nun witkher kuabaud, wbo baa been a well-knowiBitting eapeliaUBdeBt in vnrioua neetlma.' 1871 tkey lucated m tbeir fata in tbl.townabip, where they would have celeuretedIhrlr goldea wrddlig Ibia Hmuaer bul forMra. Follard't illnea. Mr.. Pollard Wat aa

•u Cbrinlun lady, a aeaber af tto e'lratM. E. Church of Duter, end Ourlug her Ion,and trtloj Illnraa eUBpllled the atreagtbaf berlaltb. Hbe I n alee bigbly eltoencdat a ndgfabor and frlepd, whllu aa 1 wife nadBolker Bbe wea greatly eadearcd tn tor kun.tialHl nod children, ta about ebe gave thefull ntaaere of a aetrae'. lore end duty.Tbe fnberal Wat oooducud at her lite Mei-detice on Tuesday bj Bev. W. K. BlHke

1 Ihc |>reeenonefalargeeeaanny ofaai( frieale, after which the iuierueDt waa

aade In Loouat Hill ocaietery.

lataae af AaeUer lataaa tklstEdwatd Kentedj. a teUulous ertalnal nf

Kenark, wee Bent te Bute Prlaew e few yearsago te serve a Kalenee of all yeara for faigb'way robbery. Me wee pardoned by Ibeaov!rnDr,bBtWM returned fnrenotber eraselaatjear, butte |il»;ed Ibe Insanity dnegeu d waa traatfened ta tbe Merrla flalneAnyluiD. Yealerilay the Ifewerk police n-

itvtd word thnt Kennedy had eleeted kineecane fnHBtheaayluni and weaallarge. Hier/wipe, follawing ao aeon alter Ihet af tbeuotorieua "Hilver" Downing, ahnaM ceuaegnaler eere ia the etaalaatlea af tbe pro-MHd lusty af easrltlsi erlBtliall.

A l n s l e t sftwla.Mr, DsvM R, Dlekiraaa, s feraer a M tsi .

Ideralat living seer Chalhaa, la probablyIbe ally breeder ol owle la tble nenntry.rrou bellow llaka e l lne i htat lea cslln-dere enclosed witb berk aad' plaeel tbea latlw troukaet ttetaneir ttenverbntk. lute

dosen ol Ihean aklirully Bade beaeea ewlawere lured tble sear, and at a reetlthe eb-tsfoedelevra broounefyeungowln. Tkaeeketamta by feeding Ibea row Best. After Ibeyere avewa ke will kill Ibea, aat tkaa up witkwlrs vtrtebrai a l l yellow glue aye,, aal aellIbea la the aarket, whan they alwayemuadngoodiirlne.

A i Allagtl d n a ,A show adverllaleg itaelf sa " Vallace'a

dnaa" le Ulled to appear la Davtr belenleag. If they bave as advance agea.1 we bavenever teen hltn, anl wnara Boablelo IstrBaaytblBg aboat Iba ahow heynad a nptrttlattntyethlblted la Plalnleld recently at

nta adBMeu. O i Ihalr UlUtkey lonot lire uny prlete ef edalaelen, wkleh alItMlf ia a very peauliar elrcaaetesee. A leea.1piper lattwtek advertised Ika aagtlloeeieef their bill ear, bat eBpiojeet at Ike eartkoijalilonaBtltwsaa roltea eld afalr aidL. l teta npalnlrlowB tbnatakHpU aa

A Taewkiai t u t to Motilmwi.A direct telepboae liae f n a Newark U

MorrialewB le abodt to be built by Ito MewYork nnd Hew Jeney Telepboae Coapaay.Tie liae will to over tto eld Columbia tan-pike md tkrongh gouth Orange, aeveralelhtr routoi were earveyed, bat thia waaetoaona tba Beet direct. I t o project kaabeea Blder wey aboat two awatha, aal Itoobject ie to pnt ttoooapaBy ia tottor ekape

ipels wltk tto tolegrapk oaaaaaieCopper win will to aaed aal Boas af Ito

wlllheltettkaulblrtj-tveleetblgh.ltwill to ete el tto but llr.ee In the UtU.

Tke gaeale al tto Hotel Bretlltetjoi Ihea-atltta greatly atari gatardar by efaajagprim lee atkletia eeataoto. Ltal Batardayftts. MeCallaagk earrtod at Iwe allver capekywIaaltlttoMyitdaiarflBayardtrweee,aadJaokBnrray wea tke prlaeef t i t le teehalfallinsi. Twwntw ttora will ta IWjataw, Hwyarda aad kalf-alla raete, petateanek tea BkaalhaanB tneea aBl a lag atw , aUaojarltaakvs; klaatll la tall Isto afiat tpriator sad kai s Beaker at toad

1 U Haas pail la atkl

AietsMtsaaMtasOeBset.Patrick Marakj. af Medlaae, aaarly aav-

etly yam at am kaa tost nrreeud aa eea-plant af Mra. Tayte, a yeatg lehaalaa

wto allegee tktt Mlrpky, white. eeaaaaa work la tor keaer., awl

lapraptrlaagBage a i l tank toilet bar. I Ialia ttld that dartag tba aaat day he nted

(aprapar Ittgaagt la s widew, wto dntcUa oat al tto hem witk a kreaaatlik.Marpky lealel Ito sbarga, tot teyl to aade1 taaark ta Kre. Vey» that alght have hen

Me |ava tall to newer at

Ia Ike Special leashaa t l MtrrMetm laalFrtday Ja lp CUM envtoeel Miektal Mat-ter to bar aestto laprieetaoa! tar aaalrey-Ug ebnbtory on tka Brepany ai Oes. O. l ip ,iBMerrietowe. Mnrtertod alnsl/ beea ialall ikrrtB weeka, awalUag trill. Jaatt B.Hard/, a nay frea Beoalea, wet tried toraleaUng leaaleea sal paUlag aa tto vleet la•alaea Beware gardea. RawaaaaaluitoHtfetaBcaeel.

Iswa rally.Tke lallea al the CryMsl BtreM ehsptl WlU

knve s lawn party l l the greve as Crystalstrati, tenrly ossonlnl Mr. Pedrlek'i beete.leodeT slbnassa sal evealsg, lag. Mk,laewlll bafnraitaed at s very naiitihluante. Alts lea onta aid niMotavMa.•Meaeda lar tha purebeae ofalsilsg haaka (etthe Hknlaa eebaal All ere la tiled. Ir atevaylataeileleardsi. ByarltrstCtmmut.

Tkt Bwrnsl Thknt al I U a f tIa their edtertwrml at Ihla pagt Ber

esa * Cs aeaaaaei tba eBsaisg al tb.ltbailenai Meek of rail bale far gealleBea.Wllk their eewaaaty etterprlte tbey olsearat preaeal everylklag new la tale Ueeasl tvery aaa aal hoy whs weull be IttedWlU tbe oerrot* ea4 Meet tklag l l head(Mr far M l wear akaabl call early, whilethere la a gnat aeaertaeul ta stleel frea

Ik t Travel k «ar ssaasr lanrki.Tka Ittkatageotlef tte I)., h. t W. rail-

real atHewark atya tea Invelthie aeaaaafreallet.lly Uaarrktswa ski Mr. Tektrkstlsaraaaad rally I9lat*.|vt par ant. tvtrtke travel rf laat rear, r n a Ibe eeae illythelHrtl Is Lass (sbaaeeagkaa been doe.Ha thai si laet year, wkib that ta Baed'tLusaka b a e M a a a l a a d a f c o e l Btka BBBBWBBBvasBBt BBBBBBBVI.

yTGas. W. Btoear. af Mine am, waits aatvlag

Is Ito arayit IMS waa atrietatwIU pan.Ijaa, wblak afeoted kla till I M , wkes tto

"dbtyllatppaanl. twctaayasntokianliavirlagtoaBcireeacaalas fertkU

enaee.nndialtoaiiatlat two el kk otter-Beyakevadled. Tble week bereetlved tnaIka aavenvaatt tn, sllawakta al tall t7.

Tto lallee ef lie ooccuaaae M. K. Cbanhwill toU a fettled aaeW a teat la Int ttkelr eknnh aa TkarsBay snenaoa aad area-

•apt I t t lfateraty tto Best lair even.lag. Coaleclloaery, k« creaa, pteokee aadBBpparwIII to protUai. Sapper ler aBelAcerdlallBvlulleeUeiteaded. BrerlarotCsaaitlet.

lair lad ratrvtlTtoladlaial tto at. I o n M. E. Ckank

will told a Pair and Faalival as Ito greaaltItoekarekea Tkanlay, Bail. Mk, all

daynadeteaiBg. froceedafur Ibe toatlleftbecbnrck. AllatelBViul4Uthatovelaiakaald ta atorai Ito Bail lair day. BytrderefCeaalttea.

hw-HtvSBaal Dt. Tbaaat' Iclettrle Oil far

map Md oeWe, aal declare I I a poallltek" Ceatribeted ky Wa. b y , UO Ply-

aeatk Ave,, Betel., H, r.

Bet Air Pataaaaa, PlaaUag, ate., ga ta P.nl^NlnHaiMwwtk. P. IHi|knt, QaratM VaUej aal CtHlai.

•saeie >y Ugtlslsg.Beaidee the etrfkieg of tbe United SUtet

Hotnl, tbe Buantou Bulletin notkee tlte tal.uwing cntet af danege by lightning Ja tliatkluit; during t l f atom) tvf Monday:A rurrcut pimwd down tbe nklBney nl tbt

reitlrrDce uf Jan. NeuHr, rimVlDK srtli-leafK«niIbn mantel mid greatly atartlieg tbn fanllv.

The .lwrtllng bouu ef the lato TbOBBlllodekloe. now ocitunieil by bit widow, realtbe Boer-ton silk factory, wee aleo Itrark byIbo eleotrii curnbt usd sllgtllT damaged.The inmatte of tbe hoate wan etaaasd eBdfrer--.lv frightened.

Tko llglilnlng alnuktbe ben sfalcbslsaVanDujne, on Die read lending froa White,•til to Pint Brook, nnd Ike building weeioturni. Tlw owner .umwled In [tttiig Ikoree, wagon end elejgh from t U baniBgbuildlofc. KlIteeatoutofbaY wetelealteyad.Tb> linllding waa partially Hears!.

Tbe Urn ef Mr. Jnatt A. VanDBfae, BtPine Brook, wat alrnck nnd tbe westkerkoardatitpnloK. HoMberltlugewtKlonBtalkabuilding or lie eontenta.

t i e lew lallel (earnHew eoaea auetker Uteb Bbeat Iba aew

pnlent cntoh-ew-alive-o ballot boiee. Tbe lawae;a tbtt they eball he of the k i l l Bale ky11.11 A Wood, one tb.ll be of the etylela CtadoBUl. Tbe feet baa recently tiea-eulrrd tbet tbe boiee Bode by Hell m Woodare not of the Cistlnnall patleru, tad, IbtM-liirr, tbe lew caonet be oeaplied with asleeaHell Ir. Wood luinHBt to make a npeeial lotof b i e t for Ktw Jeney, bearing their tradeBark bat built upon tbe Cincinnati plan.Thlitker cannot do wltbest fnlrilfiag snoaibn patent of tbe I'urkopolllea Bra. lawwbnl la In be dene In tbe dlltaaa I Tee Inwnnya tbt boica Bait be pnrcbnned by leplea-brrlat. Tka BUlout who Btada Utraltr thisatelt leal wlalar Bede a good deel ol Iroatilegaueruily, bat tbn appeare to be skmt tltewore) muddle «f them all.





0. H. BaflRllY * OOTkt aieple a( the bit. r t t i lea K. «.

Ckank an Bating eileetlve asl elabtralepnpareHtutfot thUr eanul Harveet loaereellral.W ba lul l as Iks llUrasst a l lsvetlsgefTaBalayBeBt, Atgaet nth, saltka npaMloa Ibey ban galled la elaln afIka Had IB tke peat, u taple guraalei Oatsllwkoatleed Ike eoalsg ntt lnl wUI hibtaliiaily aalerialaal. Casbntleaeiy, lee

, <Ue,peeonea,eU., will ba BSfptMla abesdaaoe, ead a good tapper will btpe^vbtad. Iviaitdi aWtkaktaeltsflkeshawb.

' e» S> m* '

sMka 1 gsa] (Mali .Waaeei O. Alloa, ef Peepeeh, tgel • , waa

treroaai wilt Iks kaal wklla at kXlkaailaet Friday aadapea klsrattra aaaae HalrreaeeoMratlat. fnseU Ktnyea.sgtd « ,loraarly a atereheat af PlaiaMs, died albhtity Cersera sa Taetdty al laet weak, sallee. H. Day, af lbs Has plsee, aged f, I Men Tbendty lelloalB|, ar. Day Wats BeUre

Utalkaai, blanktallb byeoeenauea sal• tatsa ky Ika aoatrifeetel "leaeal

TtobstBarMI.Tto •agtaatrkji aal kUBhtg Jearaal si

laetlatareevotye.TbIiBlarkellteatlrely foUanleea, aal itteaarkakls Ikat wltk tto atatkiBtl aceeei-

yafgaadhMadaef lesaerrlnsa wkM wek i n nsarlal at eiietlag fet etas UaM Beet,ererjIblagabeoMleeeetcelBlyaal with.attuyedrnseelBariea.-IfB. 1 X, ajgjta)mK'-'X. lUMkMMJtt! Pane, HMO*)•U,ellatt«UwMar.


Tto teotad aaasal plc-ile af tto A. O. H.eaeHt of la n , Msry't Orate, tkla place, u>aorrtw-Suarday aflenaaa eal tkan ieBgraatsaenBt sf saJavBeBtisatetefar allwbo aussl, l a tM i i i dastlai la tto lasBBsieef Ito Malasr Bralhen, relnekaeetoaf all kIBda, teal aal aaek recea ler pnaee,cleg end jig laadag ret priaa ead olber

e>«-e>———fflCLfllTf IBWeV

Tto Mortisaeboe betory si Mtwteaoa-ployaaW haada.

Tto r e r w ' t dab sf leadyaloa, Baaaieeeatr, bat decided Ibet ilia aetwpreltobUto keep chlekaae tkaa eewa.

Av> flVawwSB'jrVaaB^VMt HVV V I HVwnTsl DleaavB| VV

DaUwtn rtoliea, ant Irersod ia tto eatslneerBnchtlletawi, while vkdliag kla greed-

Jadglig fraa Ika IlKklllatows OuelH IksJlttialltai if Warm Deaueritl prealat toliveet witk eaaailanblc iatoreet Ito Beliti>aal eaapalga la Ikat aaaaly tbia B1L

Jaaee Pair, s descaled Bee ago! I I yeere,tlflBgat8tewBruville,died Irea iajBriaere-atlvad wklle walhlag oa tto railroad track.I l l r-1-1—1~* * • • — r * r - ' • i k m i

A. Lastaek, prapiieur ef Ito AajstksaHaste, VMvUete, sadaltoik at taa kla totalas Itoteaanuraaee plas laat Bpriag. I t kasaet toaa •ataota aal ar. Laabaeb, toagdaeearagad, will aptly to Ito eearl tor II-


Wtnatsaany, Baw.W.B. Hattall srasttsBase aataleaaat, kat ttoy waall ast hearkla. Wan ua IMS It wtt Votnet Ikolbewaa about to ptaatal aa afar frea Mr. Bath-orlwrl agtatiag ta toer all tto atpaata avotHuOlnctrred la tto arectiee al a aew eeneal

1. I t waa alts taM tkat If tbapoaeleWOBH build a gaol otheal toast Mrs. Bsttoflerd weald creel a neat ekapel ler paklie

la M a t asd i t tto M a tDraateelalidreedlal. Dlenrdend liver la

aletry. Iaojgetlles U e fet le good nvtarr.Tba knaua digestive asaerataa ie aas af

the aeet eeaplleated aid woaderfal tblsgaI etleleaee. It k easily pal aal af orderOreeay load, teagl leal, eloppy leal, hal

eoakerv, ataatal worry, late hsare, tnegaltrbaWIe, aal many elber thlaga which eaghtsot Is ba, have eteda tbn Aaerleaa panpteaalios af dyapepllee,

BetOreea'tAuraal flower kaa dene awnlerfel work IB nleralag tbla eal hextantaal oaUag the Aaerieta people ao keallkythai tkty a a tajeytstllllaall tnd.ee tatty.

••Beaker !-Xo bapplaatt wlthost ksaltk,Hal Onea'B Aagaat flower briars kaallk aalsapplBtaitstaBlftBtpUe. Atkvenrlru-gUtfor.bollle. Befeily-I.a eestn.

Miner.' heavy kip toela, toad Bade, waraanwl, a l » » . al MnH Hrea.. Beekewsy.

tooaoteeelcl aalll at lew Igaret at A. I .M'tiCK.BlstknU eatVamilhB,














1 Isnnli









WAY DOWN PRICES.^ ^ m ^ m ^ m m ^ ^ m mmmWmmmm*mmmmmmmm%m^mmmmmm- m\mmmmmmmm%mm%mmWmmWmmmmmWmmmmmWm

Parasols, French and American Satines,Battiste, Lace Flouncings, Saisse Flounc-ings, Hamburg Flouncings, Robes in whiteand colors, Seersuckers, and all SummerGoods for the next 30 days will be sold at

SWEEPIHG HHWCTIOHSto make room for early fall goods.

Baker ft Tippett,a.


DXZVXN-C3- R O O 1 U ,Uf B00I TO IAI1I O H U BOOSI VAIIIM kT. ev9*satl.oa


gfanwAury, Saddle Bock and Ionia Cere Oytten,


Page 4: J.HAIRHOUSE, BIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-08-27.pdfBIG ORIVE III SHOES! HEAGAN & CO.; Will offer for th« next lew-dajrs


A '

Tli.-n 1

* *"rii i l i f 1 1,

l u r . i rtiff.

ih !t>vc lh;it Inpcra

"'>* • '"' i ' 'm'p hi'i'ii


il.-r ut Our Avm.r>*-A,i In-.-I li ..I 'Hi. l.il. ni,,| »',inn>tof Win-ru llu !,,>!.. uuil

Lioutc:i:iii1-i;.-tt.'riil I''ii!i;. JI.ilieL'oi!i!»..ii.!.i-..ti!i-iL'i:iv «•• li


Hint \l..' s-ii.iM,


ii isoqrf.-iKM )

tha t lit iiiul;.-1 li

:,,!, neat Ul.- ln',;i,i M M I V P-.\:I

ithith tulli-

iif :IS:H h em, tin; O

ynl w

ing-jQciM-'riil, \\vi KtifiMtury o I W.«•,".« id lCongress, and Iiiul boi-i.tiiu tlir horo of IViichi'stor, to hi; hii:i<li'.l rtiWi to l.iirr fji-iiotiotiBin WUIL% story iuul, General Nh.Ti.i.m si':

A y i t i / i - n (if tho X it inn who waiitstoBbako li.uuls with "jr.ilUmt I'hil,'1 may uj:lit..j«-hh..iL h. iv. Til .-i.i,n:i..-.i!v.-!ui(lo uv


,! 1r: ' i i l itr Ji! •', ilt'.l tmi-t !•-'

l ' n v l f , a i i t li t i lh ' - - l-Ji.-i.!1 l i i i i i i . -vcii i . -nt 1..WUI-.I l in- !«•!>-V.!;if i ^ / l m r - l v t a l . U 1H Ui-U-Ul i ly Inni^h i ' i l . a 1"! u |il 'ulij - i i l l iif Nifi ;sjk> hl-illlii 'UM'dui t | - n i , . , , . l n . j i . m u n > ! w a r t n . j . h i i .p i f m in h. . i i . . r ..f h i s v i , - : , , r , ^ , m i d m u i i y l i i -

fr l i! ll 1H!I<'!V«^. X"! t

-i i.-. tin- l-<:>•.• IV.-iiiti-l for h is fc

l::.-.| of liio ti"i!.Ti to UfiiMi-i.:u, Iliiiiiliinysfsiii tin- Hhi>

:!. ' i.r ShiTMliv in U'iiuU<"*t.

* hr.-li.-ii Viw.:n'ri-l.tii. It. v.'iiy,«( N,-w YwU,


flii'la him-

itniiv lmtjl iutl v.d\ it it luit for short. Iu»l it iroLM. Imrso 1 lu-ou lvrt'!,!* IISO f nun tho

•nut. Tin' |*MIP uuiiji.ils^.-tii^l ullrifjlit wlic-nlio KUIIU <mt. of tl;i! l.:ini at six i/cloi-lt in the

Wjadii.u!. .In.-t'hiv i-i-rlildniv!. iuul ilii'd itsif ho Iuul Imcii hinu'litiu 1hV< hi-iid vit.lv H.nmo. I inii.li' n]imy].:t:.il H w;n uVi'i'lu'Ut-

un'tliis li it iit dii.'.1 tu si.- if it would notsuvuiiiy ii"xt lini-jf. You W.OHIO lop of aimrscVli'Mii i.*!i.'ii..ilivo. A lirtiiso thi'i-ola

To'htiii.il nil ilny iu 't!..- ln>t *'.m with noI'OViT (rt'iT 1l.i' lit:;. I i.-..l tin' lii-i-sul tltiflt

fuvort'tlHwii iijini li.-i c.wn ni'-i-it. JiuLtlnlK)ywh»Wii.*l..-nn.i. Maivliii. [<\\, m, Hornrracl, JVIT.V r .';;.iy, ()., i.1>ir-iiis v.is.i li.nl

JinmlKmu-a fn-m '< my I'-iv-m. IViiBiiut,;.m,T,']yM.t.:m,S;v».'i1:U uf fate.(Gem-i-al Slit-i-i-ltm WMS Wrn in AlUuiy, N.Y. , lm.to.nl nt iu niiin. Mis o'.vu moilMT,Vhoiastillli'.-injMsouriiuili.inly for lUi•tatomnit. Th'.rtiiit.mnf Hiiip.-rs1, ,w ih

nattvo iihuv.J l l . r li.uf''p>'J iti him. At

fomlof .iiirs.i.'S!HJTJrls(..rili.it ii'.'o urn fondof dolls.him Ilia first M,„,,!•• l ,s^u* f.uiml llio"gr i t " in himthiii iiftor.vuvd ikivi-lojujd iitliotlrolens cumuii/iicr. Liltia limo hitiiJm for Bellini]!., uml it iv;i« wln-ti hoiJiurOwnroHU<1 anxi

BtmU'tit ut

I I I T I I , l>r,u!it, rlicurfii . .n i , iti.it lu- iisj.iiv.l tn Iw-

U ' l'<>inL Mil i tary

o i-iio tu th

His way nr mii-hiii-,' tltnnnly mid ilirert. Un wi'<ut G)Hpv*s loi- Uw dthtrii-t hi wtwlv U>lived, uskinirf-T l!:o ..i-iniimufiil, ami lu

got it, at B(!\.'lilr.-:t VfiiriU'fHV. ApMKl,but not flic of tli.i l).*sl, s<-li»::ir<. f.ir uliovoIllClIilvnlV, Inn un! ill ill" 1"1>, h" llllfiiCtll-tiatuly ullinvi •; Ills* IV.::li sj.-rit I.i l> ;id liim ttJlotfacaili t, win, ii.» nVil Itim, m:il w ..•* Kfttacitft.vciif iii his f:i-i.l!.i.ti,m. At twentyIhrcohiik-ft thfi Mi.irary .AiinlPiiiy.niiil unIho Ix-nl.'r liu was w n i n i W llioMfWit*vor1t lifiwit-s liitcrt-illi1!. 1o i«r-r.irtii. Wlionllio war bn>!tc out lu van i. I'i.-.-t Lieuten-ant, ana wln-n In; iv.n iti.nlo u i.';i|i:i.in,


r tho

I tli.it !i- luijrlit win

v.;.,,:iho li

jmiv.'f. I-nil, inilvo

l Ins.-u aobril-I, llmcTulHbi-rnli.iiL.i.'iiiii.nifu'H w u r theuniform of H:> V.D,:;. IU- i.i ^ m hi it utleast tivii'o n JVIII1, lisnvi.'UT-iit tho Scw-Ycar rt'ccpti'Jii ut tlw White Himae, imd•teain wUen the l'reHik!iit :nut liis wifu Juivotho Gowml i-f llio Army tm.Uho Ailmlralef tlio Navy ftt their lahiu to im-ct other dis-

tlnguishcd picsts. tliTasionallv he ai-iM-ana t llio haul ot u i»roi'i"ssiini, us ho <lhl win.1,ho rode before thu tr «i]is Unit t'»a>rtoi. tintoody ol Loj^m to tin; Hmli, iuul ha KH* Iconspicuous il^uro .it Iho iiiaumunition o

.prcBiilcnl CK'VCI;UK1. Nmrly every ihiy ilthe your ho rnu bo found, soun iiftcr i.imD'cltvb in 1 ho morniiiir, in liU ufileo iu thoWar Depart.iiciit.luililitijr, <>u 1'fiiii.sylvj.iii

Cu thn main lljtr, wi!h win'iUws over-liwltiiiPennsyhiiiiiaAviJiuiolothoNovtl. uml tliWhitoHousoprouiulstotlio oast. ThuUOera]'sde*W stimtls ohhqni'ly ni-i-.'ss the nt-tcrmoBt comer, in BUI-II U y.^WUn th;it UB he•Its Lelilnil it Uie lijrlit {nils ;i]»m Uis Viack•nd ilium ihe fiit-es or.ili visitors to Hie rooin.

Indian lil;,u,.-i'ts, lnuvs uml umnw, lu'uil-gear, club.* iuul otlior iirticlcft enllivW intho Indiiin country L. fmv utul MUCO tho waref tho rebellion, niuiid ut oi>pn»itu nidi's oftho apartment. Ujwii ihu wnllauro j«jrlraits

logaii, IJluir, MfiiJo. ;'»i-l 'si'cl*ln.'i::.i iii"uuilKOVCnil aplrited iliustriilintia uf Western

| Jus t beyond Gencrul Hh.nidiiii'mU'sJtnotlthe t^rcD [jri'ivt ltvai\\ii*r-uiiti• I\MUTI'J cliairsthat always iavito wi-.iry ullcra i*au cuscl


tearing n Rmal! jilrtun-, to which thoQon-aral directs atientioa us botnutho best rep-resentation he lina over seen of tho famouschargoatWindiesU-r, In tho Valley ram-paipn of is>l. It li t y Do TnuUtmp, and ia•plriled as w i l aa accurate, and shouldCnd a place, in an enlarged form, in thoilowly-occumulaliag gullery of historicalpictures. Upon asofulcaoaa hanilsonioly-jramed escutdicon, or infold, upon which a•kilful artist has cmblaxoned General Bhcr-ltlaii's military historj-— tho record of hiaIfroduation, jiromption, battles, honorablemention of hi* tiamo by tho PrcMdrjnt, theffcerctaryot War and Consrcaa, andtutotshich, in their proper colors, are intro-duced the emblems of tho branch of thtfarmy with which Gonemt Bhoridan m iconspicuously idoctiileJ, as well ns thosa oftha Loyal Legion, tho societies of tho Armyfit tho Bhcnandoah and tho Army of tho ICombcrlond and that of tha Grand Army oftteRciuLll

y(jive ii | . t h in .I... S i l li...l :ii:;;i-uitr.i]>tiniiitiiuU'. It is siin;i!v ii li,::it. htiv-ii),' wii'ofnuiio .-••v-r.-.l v.. .h tii .ni u H t m clnth.T W R - I H I M I I . U - . I . 11 f-r. l i . ' . iM.nd « tai l -

Illitljf iw t.;!:lj.l.'. 1:11 I 1 diil •<•.! f..f •-- HUJllUHlti!iinl:li..Trv/:.i.iLii..-l1.inpi:. it nmrc lhais IDtit'i'|i l.iy own h-.-wi- i-iiinrcriiilil.1. Hut 11frii-mliif i i im! iidvi.i. d iai! tu jmt-dit tluilOi-ii, anil I linvo_i.i:;*!i-^ &>.•..•«. J imt two

(.iTuril >«<•• 11 lUiuU-i:'.' Hniiw I»r tin- rightto niimiifiii-tiiri'. V^ twd. iv 1 s:i\v liiin imdIw suys In' <"iii"t b'.'i» up willi hid urdi'i-s.-Till' htH'SJ'! Ilitl HIV!!!* lU llLlVl! IMtlH) U)'•stay, ' ' Houo.

i l ls Opini.m.

Aniiili-ur ^ *':•• trii-nd)—AVhut doymi tliinki'f it. rii.irl. 'y! II liiivliii)ttf;iillicnnj,'..l'l'i'l-«- I »*nll i t "A P a yitiJiitiii."

Krk-i«l—W-ul.t my o|iiiii"ii is, .dd Iwy, thiitif t lmsouivhii iscataiivi . ' f Iho I . ^ I M * theylira Kulln'i'iii." lu ,1 inn- s-'iuoliudy wilt Ituvt:t«Bi- tujf!n tti<'i.ml<;U< »C tho nib'ht m i lruu fur thu doi-im'.—X lr. Him,


Tim lii'iiiniTi.t!.' ruiKliiluti* Tor (.umrnori.f tin. Iliirlicyit sintK — Ilrii-r Kkrtvh utHi* l.in< uml ntii't'i-.Tluiiuin K. l'-iwcll Wat iM.rn in IMuwnro,

lvliero u«.still rifiitlost, 1-vijmary a), 1443.H;s iimT.^rv is UYMi, iuul his father,,lndi,M T;i':iias II. J'l.w.-lt. wast a famousOlii,, lim-jvr, v.im ili< .i ct llm ri]» did ujfOofi-i-rhfy-llVL' years, untl wan yi'iivw jn-inr to hisiIeittlitlit*oMi?bt. Juivyi'i-in llin Htato in Uii-

mhl3iiali'.-rJtOM-iMi!iilti.',\-s;i-;!tlio dcao ofIho war w n l ii;t-i ilnMinuv. Ujhm li is re-turn V.o (s.uilifil law vilh li"m father, and,upon beingu.!:,ili:, ,1 to Ihu Iwr, bwaaio tlioIwrtiH'i- i.f CUK1.-1 Iti'id, under tlio firmtiiunu uf JEi-iiltt I'l-'.vcll. lu 1S7J honntoredIKilities, iuul Htmnp.-.l tin H!iito for tho

uud ability iit-

received tho


uitii)!i f.ir Atlorney-Oon-d ll rt l t

yil, find in.iwitHtiiudtii',' llm (rrcsrt mnulart-

tyamihin-iiL'thofilifth/u (Suvcrnor Allen,win) headed t!ui tiel;et, tho nujurity againstrowidl \V;H icsHihmi th;:l ujraliist AHvil.

Iu }Ss-2 hia jKirty. iijfiiinst l:ii wishes, maileliiiu llio iKiinini'i; fur f.Jii^renn in tho Ninthdistricl. 1!<> iii;i'1oii must e!T»ctho cum-pnign, and ni!rei>o.lcd iti nariMWingthoRo.puhliuim i.iiij.si-itv ilirtvsi t-i fuur tnmdivtlvirten. Thw emivass iv.i-i niado ujjainstUt'ii-eral Jatucs K. Jluliiiisnii, it man rmtablv pop-ulur irtUiiidlstrli-t. I« l ^ i ho \ w ^ \ thollcmocraliit i-li:et.ii-iil tiel,<t in tho fiiftlo.In 1SW5, tfl tho ear-nest, soln-itation of Ifov-prnor lliwiliyniidn'-her 1 in-in incut Demo-umts, lio wci'i>•.,.,! tho chuinimnshii* of theDcm«:r:i!ii! HtuXa Kxmitivn Ci-minitteo.Tke i

yearn ago Mr. Powell 0]K>UP4 a Jaw offlL-o inCulumhus, BIUI inabru'f timo necurvd kliftrailvo um-th-o, whieh lias steadily in-crpasnl until it is one of tins bout in thatCity. (fi>veriior I-'nrakur (lltendcd the sum*collego oa Powell later on, awl the »torypoos that both men wrra rivals in a levaaffuir.flie objm-tnf their nffeetinn beiny*daughter of ]:i»h(ip'rhninpscii. Towt'llwouin this tfonlcit, if Iteilatcd. Bo i sa red-htiircd, hish-voiced, florid-faced mun, tallandontrgetle. Hi* brother,QeneralEugenaPowi-ll, Is tho bank examiner vho closedupthaFidcIityltank. PowllliTftB at Dela-

, wlu-ro he ha^ boca tho lending lawyerand jioliUeian.

COUNTIHQ THE STARS.A I t o l l u AUBI to'll«~ti

Fin U d lTrench vtronomGra h i re in inpir t tcd a

movoaicnt to chart in ttieir true- positioiiaalltho millions of stars whiL-h uro lueluded intho flret flfiwn magnitudes. In order toaooomjllnbtU t W a t o t ibo cilutiliiihcd In differen, parts of feeNorthern anil Houthoni Hemisphere!!, on A tojwh observatory photographs on 610pIntcte&h aro to bo ma>lo. Tho charts thus ob-tained nro to bo combined in sets of fourplatwtothoBliret,wid thoro would thcro-fore bo l,5H nhects in tho wlmlo atlas. Pre-paratoiy cxiioriaiffntii have been made un-der directkma of MM. Paul and ProsperHenry, which aro critically explained i a *recent French publication. HcientiiUpre-

' cm of stellar astronomytacca-ilh the opening rf lhi» WretX pao-wnrl..

Kichttril A, Proctor, in i recent paper,caUinnlcs thut twenty nlllluns of stars willhj,shown tu their ctnwi jMiHltiott ant]fltorcforu t«) in oiilcr fi>r nomcnclaturo otid•aUIoj.'uinir, which would enable thoMre-tt.trin(ft<iF«t closer culculnliuns in rword-Jiff phrnomcnn, to have object and data atmix en band. Tho great gauging tclo-

•cope.'.of tbo llnrsfliela wuuld bavo nho«rn,Ifitwcro iwssililo thus to bring tho whalecircteof tho starry anaaniL'iits undertheirtrarvry, according lo tlio cRtimatoi of a dis-tinguished trientlst, ia ft lato European ro-TJOW, 1«I,O0O.IU(| or more. When wo as-ramo, accwrdln^ to t t o generally accepted

theory, thut each of this great number oflarsia a center of a system liko ours,•Llch it In supposed is no bigger than the

average, we are reminded of what wo havaoftea bad oowloa to admit tefom tkM CM>tiwUaqttl^Bit*asive liuUttitim It tofre»t pity « • know >o littto steai tt, and

•ttba Mmatlrao It tarery fortntato thatknow as machci wo do. —

it<><.]> iiiiiiiy ofI'lllillll'I, illlll H!linn i \V.ivU lit tin.

m =:—

i ciithusiurtfiJ luniki-y vt Uull-t NttllK-U-luiilfiC K|H>kf.

H.;«MK riL'lit. Any rnio K'.iinil'iK,' in theroll-rail mmi iuul li>''.l(iiii,' ..•«>•!( to tlwRriiifitcmo ei-Hs ami ln'iiriiis tlio r av inp o:drink-maUili'ai'ti briiiim wouldn't think iwoiimn liv.-.l ujr-Htaii's. lint lliLTi)ili"-'sTainliu (In; must lii.un'-i:lii', IiniuKiriinis way, tuu.Xlif is Mrs, ,M. M. Ik-nlti-rt. emu <jf tJi« four

tu Iho J'utho lifu

. . uiLifnriiirtiiiiil aiv rrsimiiHiljlii luUn) Jii'iilfiiaiils lih« tlit" ri'st. Tin) Imuhiiinuiritii!>iii-i'sliiii(«in.'J in H»> Third, Kiiv-t.vntli.i-'iiih inn! .Sixth diHti-ids. TlK'.vmeruh^-utii-. Iv Wra. JU-nUi-it, Mrs. M. J.I'tioli.', JlrV. U. V. U-liiimii uml Sfrn.ri,:l.'her. Mrs. l-diinan bun ri-sii-'iu'il uudnrt.'i- Aiifru;.t I iiiii'ilii'r will bu in- IU.T i-lm-o.

aji]i/nHi',l iis mi csiiT.mf.il liy ex Maywr

tlu-y w r1 tin

(if lifiy ili-ll

iul ii.f tin-Hi, tlii-v luivt

•uiiii,li»in-i, jiiitiiy .«•

«L uml [jut in tlu:ir i-li,irgf.

KubinSy iijijuvi-iiili'tt HID iisufuliu-'im of

UMlJlli'iTH lit tilt! Pt.ltillU-llliUHt' . lllllilL'll,•DIII thu lii'uli'iiimtdo.ni Un\v t r ra i Iliem•ittinll tlia cimsUlfrutimi thai u farmer•.mill KIH.IV a high-iirit'L'U suiiitnor Iwartler.

Hn,whi'ii a J'hiUtt'jthi't JV.s*i'i>iiurleraill«ila t tho TliivJ disli-U:, Htutinu tlio otUur duyami usl«;d fur Mrs. Uonlwrt tho tmiiltuytook liia jimtio uml iJUHiuuas, uud,knodihiK ut IU.T diinr and pivneuUiig thuL'arii, ri'tunicd Baying that sho would IHIijliMscd lo BL'O ttio visitor.

]ali-D. lk-nlii'rl'H t-ooiuB aro lmmoclintolyova- Hio n i l s in t in bade of tho juiiou sta-tion. Tlx'y coimiHt of u BittiiiK-rnoni und bud-room, uud uvo furjiotcd und fumislwd prist-lily. Tim runilluro i« walnut, uud tho «usyiliairi* «ud iiirturi:;*, llowcrs and U woman'sar t in ui-i-uiiKcuii'ut, tuudo it look liko aUun<S»™.« l u M Icvi-iuir. Ou tlio tablo inIIKJ HorK'-'iiufn muni lla-ro wits a rcvolvor t*tbair-i;'>.'kuuauliuttlQ of |M*i»oti. Oa HiJtciikorl's tablu roi>((.'d un ulbuia und fainIJibli-. Pho in a iiiiildlu-UKod widow, mid wiu tlio ahoo biiHinusa beforo her aupolnt-

Ulfllt."Vou want to know what a houso matron

hn» to dor1 Hliu Hiiid. '-Well, somutiuieiinothing but wait, but ofU-n u proal ucul.l inn on duly msitU.uully, duy und lii^'ht.Wlimx:vei-'u woM.m i.i bi'uu^lit in Uruukit 'smydiitytogiiuntihci-,.tadif B1*O is violenttoiiiirsi) Iwr. IVo I»TO in llio slums, yuuIdunv, nnd drunlmn womenThen I .-aro for nil lost d.ildi

hero in tho room vi l l i 1110 unti l they urodiijioHi'dof. I taku the. litUu Jiatiy frmu it*drunken limther's iiruiH und wash it, andj^ivo i t un iden (if what a r ea l mother wouldbo to it ."

TJioso WLI-O Biinio uf tho duties M n .lleiikort dutailcil. HI10 will tell ymi tha t horposition hart taught her thut U bad wuuiuucan lw ninth wmno thim ft bad num. "Wht r .avvmuairB head awiuia with. driuU,1* shoBuys, "it brings ull thai i s uuiiiiul in h e r t oUioBiirfuco. KlitHjihiuiyittiiutliing to her.Hhu'Hiifhe-devil, nml yut In the morningwh<-n sho walmn ii[i tiolwr i t would surpriseyuu to Bfo lu-r rcul nature.

" Ln.it ni^lit a youuK \TOman waa broughtin hero iiiliLvicaU'd. Bhu Ball Bii.'h thingsus I had mn-er heard in my experience. Bhacouldn't du imy thing too wicked. Kite oill-cer» held her wliilo I sciirched her. Theyhold her uflorward unti l they wero uxhuuat-ed and thim tied lu-r. In tho ui(U'iini|,'Iwisul to \w\> cell with wjm« wffuo mvi bvtiwl,Hura wasn ' t tho fa>u of t ho night boforu.itciuorsQ wus jiit'tured iu it, und it wus ruth-« r » i , r e t t y face. 1 mild t o her : 'Uli h u tniylityou wen) terrililo.1 ' W a s I(» t i e e«-cluitned, oitcniiiK her hij? brown eyes. ' Ves,you used tho worst hitif^iugo I vvcr heard.1

'Di i l lC eho rciilii^i. ' I ' m m m i i n y ; my hea r ti n u m i U i u g . ' "

UI-M. Ketikert go t thut pr i soner A home.Bhe thlnlis tiiere itt HOIUO of tlio wotuuii leftin h e r yet. HtmnIiiiicB tho uffleitrs«f ttioThird dtatrtct iilek up a girl new in Hie\-\\y and tvh» i» utniyinjt l o t ho bml for w a n tof a \1\1n\3 to go. l i ra , llt-ukurt s h u n s herrooina with her uud keeps her unti l thochuritublo n6uu'tiua huvo iilueud h e r buyoiultomptttUou.

Mrs. l'uolti'n riunia, in llio KInuicenlh dli-trU*stut iot i ,«ro ciuially ua vluttsuut. Him]wi-foniis slmilur duties wiliiii^ly, midtliariiHtlo of her skirts Is thu only iioiso slionmkoB. Thcro h Ibut In h e r fuco thut tellsyou a t cincu she wait a n u r s e ia tho hospitalboforo sho bci-uuio a matron.

Mrs. Lehman has i io thud much to d o i ttlio Fifth district, h u t sho In known a» t l *churiuiblu wouiiin who hu» oft«:n ^ iwi t heruwn earnings to p u t food Into tho mouths ofwaifs mid fullcn women. Bho luu oneehronio chargo in m " lady" who b knourn ssU n . Kelly. M n . Kelly Is nrrentcd for e»-i'csalve drinking every o the r ui^lit. Thoreason «ho isn ' t urresled eve ry night i s bo-rause (die R]>i;iidi e v i r y other uinht hi Moy-umciisiiit;. Nho always IuU money etioughon her to i>uy Imr line, but prefers t o stay lujail Jii-nt.

In tlic morning after her a r r e s t Mrs, Lett-man, in hor white ca]> und apron, uppeanbefuro lier mid it gnxsteil w i t h :

"Hood iiuirniif .JlM, Lwming,Ood blessyour wiwl. It*«» kinil, indado, yo'vo Iwcn toWO this hot weather.'1 "Mrs . Kelly, Ifoundlive dollars <>u you when 1 Hcurchcil yuu lastalKlit~!iu*ln't ymi Ix-ttur pay >-o\« i lno l"

"No, I'll go to jail ilrnt and tiavo it lo buy•omcthiuK fur tlio childer. Tlio Government

T S have inonry enuugli, had luck tothem." und oR slio goes <ur twenty-Igurhouri.

An lloDKut Lot of"Havo you an honest vHv govcrntnent

here I" ho asked of a Itetroiter whom he Mlinto cou%-ur>ution with 00 the City Uull»te]is.

"Wo have, sir.""So chuge* »sala»t tho •Uermm"Noue thut amount to any thins."'"You believe them, honest thciii""I do, sir.""Perhaps you are a contractor l'» •uggcit*

ed the stranger.'No,>ir,ianinot I am oca of thosidcr-iH]"~Jtttr0it free I'rr*.

YrratMnnl of laltata.-'Von should hare a thermometer to M-

mrtoin tho proper temperature- of t to wa-tor,"Mi]d au Austin mother to the coloredBttnw who vwt gtviug tb* baby a birth.

"VVbuffoti1'"To k l l when tho water la too hot or too

cold.""Don't nerd no sirh dockerment, Ef da

chils turns Lluo do water am tuo add, an' cfhit turns rod dun hit mn loo hot."

And uuw tho colored l*dy Is open lo aaoffer.—Tatm HlflinffM

A. XeMlt ef Jnry-FtUMt.Light of His Life-George, dear. Would

you do *uy thiug I uskwi of you IG o r g e - Y o u know I would, dueling.

What it it, light nfuiylifolLight of His Life - I want yoa to becomet-riniiual.Oi»rgiJ-What crime, dearest, eculd t

cwmnittoiuukojtm huppy)Light of Ills Life-Embracery. (TUtoo is acconjpliihcd.>-r«i-JJ.rj.

CMMn't He!* tfetUaa Weh."Tho Economy IIOUHO at Juvville, U

about tbo worst hotel I evtT Ktuppt-sl at,"ruiuiu-lct'd a travding m;m to hi* foiuiwniotton tho cars.

"Yen, that'* a mighty poor hotel, but thaproprietor is got ling rich."

" I should nay he Is. Any hotel keeperthat mukus u u p by washing tho break!ustiliBheB In hot water, rouldu't avoid gettingrich if Im wimteil to."—Jftrdtail TravtU,-.

»tw Thought H t WotUd r » S M t ."Darling," bo whiaperod, "did you ever

experience a fluttering sensation of thebear t - sn inward sinking, so to •poakl''

"Yea, love," she faintly murmured."Why!"

"BecammH you have, Iknow how tt> pre-

«Oh, John, tell me how!"

S!2S*Ai m i x letter! hurt tho sight, so dotmaU

Mttenhiai ttat it too mock intent ope*


Kiir>i<.Uii<I U i e li'llivir Ilu».iUun llomt'.


or*- u»y ui iiis •••l-'i-'ii'ii>i,niii;v, 1S-1, U nut •«.•u'.v tiui'll.'il liv thj jHvsciiti! uf thri

,•.-, f i n -

\Ml llUlldlVd Ull

iuBt ttt't'ii introducedtoun-vuluiii'ii. Kal-UILIIIIU is fthrewd, uudlot it tmuulo uu ul-


in in tlioir eekrliuii ofmintcH, us "liitiini" means''Palacu of lleav-fiiT"und if mortul uiiwiiiliceuce ia nyuuu-vnious wit li |iuiiidiHUi:.il Iteuuiy, ecrlainlyIho nii|M'!Litinti is di^rvud. How proudKidultiitia imiat liav« U It f«ur years ujrOwhen ho left tho Hlllo tme-ttlury Iniildhif,',built of c;iral, th.it. hu,i BO liux; doiio duty ann royal h:mn:, mill was insiulW in thoBpltsa-diil wliflcu iliat iu'vv Krui-u* Iloin.lulu.

Tho fnuniliitioli Blono uf lulaiil J'ahicemm lui.l with full Bhi^nic, cvrviaouies(Rii!;i];iiuu bJinjT u pi-miiim'tit Masdii) ouyuuen Kiipifiluni'n hirlliilny, tliU lust Hay intlio year W.I. It Btiiiah 011 uu immenseU,n% cliwo to tho ln-iiit ct tho city, boundedbvKinn, ltiulmiil und Liliflilm streets midl'alaeu walk. Tin) ii.ilaco il-sulf wivera on

3 i ' l l thus nearly

H tut. Jlliuxi

list;* mil ar.il I

ji'i-Kiii llio hum) lei tho tup cjf Iljn r.-utiiiltower it in bi feet, bi«li. Tho ori;rinal BUI--miHivl cunt was *-Vi,t*«l, but by IMO t'fi,(WOhud \mn\ C-XJH-HLII'II unJ (i furl tier upprtipnu-ti.ui of >(I,IKM W;ia askcil tu t.'olii]ili:lu it.

buLut it« (ijii'iiinff in 1SMI tho whulu affairwa» fmii.il In him> fi>st t:HO,Ull, It in builtof briclf (i-cHioiitcil) from dL-uiffim by Jlakor,rt'inutlt'Unl byC. J. Wull, und tho rxiorioris

•chibonitiily onituiieiiliHl, whilo tho interioris—well, an urlislks surpriins.

Iu ull tlxiv iii-tiXiirty riKims, nnd consli]-ccllij,' tlmt (ill buL those in tho b.iM-UK'ularo Boldum usiid, i t will uuzzlo tlio ri'iidurto iiiiiiL'iuo wliat couli bo uriungi-d in sumuiiv uuitrimoiita. But tho IlawiiiiuiiKaUielmiiiL-lma ivero imworful and hadimtiiy vtaitova, buftW«» wlwh Kttlakuual.ini-Bdf hint bwa uluiiist niuiid tho fe'ljibfi, uudtho foundation of dociiriitivo old urn bringsabout tho ]Humu!|,ralit)ii of utlll inorodoo-orutivoBiftri,»o tlntt lolnu. l'ulntso Is litur.allybaiUil with curiosities, both novel und

Tlio front or Bliito cntrunco to thoJKIIUI-O, ivhii'ii cntmiii'ii i« nnly «si-d on veryKiK-'i-inl ocL-i.HifiiiHt itt on Kinff Bhvct, iicurlyKplioslto Iho <Ji>vmiiiiciitlmi.<lii>I,

ra. Kuter-iiiK llio i».ilacu tliix way, thisu, tho visilortomes llrst uf all lo u VL-i-y hi-.nul liall k'ail-ing from tlii* entruntL, cul l sulo of \a»

right tliraufjh W thubuik of 1'alaro lVulitend of thu buililiiiKTho flint room to tliorie,iloftUin hull i* tin.

lB IwniKU X'Sum.ir-of t b o b a i ' l i u r i i ! . ^

nd llu* odenn Kmystify tlio l.eluJdcr. /,All rouuil thu Wiilla yaro wun-trxri-ulul ^ J ^ ^ ^ .jiortralls uf tin) foruin

ut tin) cxlreiiiij cail tt jmrtiilt whiih both theKing and Queen have often silently gnzodupon. It is an oUjiaiiitingof Kuahuniauu.tiwir« of Kuuii-.tuitiK-ha tli« Creul, who,itfIcr bis ilualli, lxnuno Frline Minwtcr audwas viiltiuliy iuniuui-h during the shortroitfti of Kuui<.'tii.iiifhu II. FerhapsKu]iiulnni objects to her <iume ("Captive ofIlcuvoii") aa BIU luuka on tula savageduniu'sdetfrmiiuJ feulurcH and hitijjs tocniulatn her. Hut her I>^UHU k|iuws thatlht«o dii»iKitlu times liui'ts long sluco goneby.

Here, also, ard tlio marvellous royelJcatbt-r rubes, iho gur^fi'iiHiii'Siiof whichno OHO citn imufini'. Tlio robo usct. byKtalUJi.aUiif mtA i'S\iiW\^il in tliSii thronei-ooiii, in the idenllt-ul tiuimo (munUo) wornliy thu prtat ilrst Kiuiidiauichit. It is clovonfeet in wiillh iuul livofout in lonyth.uiidmade entiivly of (foldou fuatbom from theOo, or royal bird, (July two fuuthun amfound (ouo iimlcr cm-li wiii|*t on each bint

ttukus a IhouMuil feutlmra to inuko no

ordinary uct-khit-o, ivlutt a vnst quantitymust this robo contain f And thia ia not onlytho colU'dkmof a lifcllmu, but tho isombina-tiou of tho hounlt. of eight or ton nmx-etalve

f». At tho oi»udtiffof I'l.vliiinioiittbi.robo is siireud on tho throiiu us eyiubollcalof loyalty, but ut other times it isalwaytkept over In tho puliicd, and i t ia said thatKulakuuawasonooiUBeovored al(*no U t h ttln-oiio mom with tliis roba orouinl him,

InilulAug mni Voii-lng Iwth vowel* tehis uuccstorx, liko uflilid witli a now toy.

Kulukuua in now iifty-ono years of agetuid l"w been drawing ti*,(J0O a year overBini'C ho iturttd, iMWidts extra money beingpuii.his<juoon, hi* and her fttuffs andlhoirhousehold expeim'H. Altuounh the t i n gbos an intercut In thrco saloon* and bat•om« goal pD.>crty In land, and certainlyoften h'eljM nomo of his poor subjects, vettho iiiuss of his wealth goes for the Foifeiist* and Hula dunt-os, in which hit prate-coHHvrs ulso m-olkd. Kven when tbo white]icoi)lo nro now luvllcd, tho old luuufl otLuati (native feuct) is usod and tho gyra-tions of the finger round the calabash ofiticky tiiro form tlio princiiuil ovcut HuUdancua ure cwn givon lu the nubile frrounds,but under grwit iratrit'tioiis und shorn, Iniho prt'souoc uf Europou'ns, of tlwlr domtmint foulureB.

Hoc Kululiaun on • stuto occasion, and, fair-ly eirpulunt as ho is, ho neemn hardly toliuvo room to hold his medals und doooru-tioiiH-allonoblazouf usck-att glitter. Butti-vcp ilami lo tlio Union Kaluon early somecveninp. There you will see His Majesty,King Kaliikuuii, of thu Hawaiian Jslands,•Ittliitf bi!fi>roatoxlily. drcssLHlinanoldbluotorgo suit, with a cheap straw hat on t b tbuck of his head, and looking, abl far bap-fier, after a l l


C. rathsm Hhol**, the OriiteatAr of 11MTjr|»e-Wrll#r-ltit«r«MlnB HkcUh of UMMnn-Tho *'ir*i Trfc-Wrltlng HjwIUwtitHcntodtntl lC

(Special Corraipondeticc,]MitWAUKEt, Wls., Aug. 4.-In this com

try alotio there aro upward! of SU.OUO men«nil women who aro known as professionaltype-writer operators. Of thin vast numberprobably a hundred, certainly not more, areawaro of tho foot that this almost indispetiM-blo machine is the invention of a Hilwau-kecan, C. tatham Bhoies, a retired bnalneH•nd professional man, who has been an in-valid for wary years past Yean ago If r.Bholos was believed to be at the point ofdeath with consumption, but while • cou-flrmed Invalid, and eouflned to his room Uwmost of tho time, ho continues to workoutmechanical problems, invent iugeaiotuthings, and dory the dreaded disem thathas so long had hold of urn.

Several yeart ago> while dty editor ofone ol tba large city dailies, 1 was Informedlate on* Bight that Mr. Bholet could Dot live

much longer. Ihutl-l y w t a good man atwork on M obituarysketch which waspigeon-holed for earlrase. That sketch lastill In lla pigeon-hol*•s Mr. BUolea is ubusy as ever, and de-spite his precarioushealth bids fair tolive many jcars long-er. He bai just so-cured a patent on a4yi«o- writer that givespromise of revolu-tionizing the busi-

0. LATIIAM SIIOI^S. nogs, and the fewpeople who huvo seen the new contrivancesay that it is a marvel cf tuot-luuiiciU in-genuity and intelligence. Initead of writ-Ing si letter at a timo this now machinewrite* a whole word auiHtwUl runaboutten timn as last u the m&t-hlnei unr Inuse. Mr. Bholes has been vorldng for manyyean on this new mikihine, and ha kept hissecret so wull thut no one suipoctfidwhat heVM cluing until tha report of ft patentgranted to him wua nuula public A de-scription of this no w writer hsa not yet fceeagiven to tho public

Over a century ago, Indeed w far back asin4,onelleni7 Mill* took outs patent Inb g k n d fur nuking ft writiM •»****• Itwateftpabla at wrtuffcar/Ma tottsrstfttine, and Bern asHKaMitoaa/ihiag. TheMxt bsarf of writing a v h i n e s t e il A t h W b s s i C LUb

.,..r..iiii« «1 l.tsneml lntonmt Reanhedliy tho IT. H. 1'uri-f.try UtfjiwrttuwiL

Mr. 1!. AV. Prirruj, un uj-'<'i)l "C Iho t'liitt!.!StLil. s r..i*-.^ij i>i-lKLirjuint, wb'.l«W(,'ivi-i.

.•.,'i,ml,,tiiL'u«eofmrfO^» imii-I'iiifc'MWmll us M the jwrlod uttMofiliiTtfruitthi^-it'i «»»P firow-

lug, anil Hint wliiciitlie wouil is ul Us bust,hiia vou<-lnnl BOMWI UVUO'.VIHIOIU ut guttural in-terest. Un Buya: "C-mi-unlriu or annuul

"ag», wliich wre om^ uweplud as giudpal cviiU'iK-c, fJiil, px.-i-jit where diiuale,il, tKiup'i-aUirc, liiiiniility. iiuii ull oilierud

ndrrmi!idiii!T», uro rci.nhirttiu'wl. otlicnrisn tln-v are gwork. Tlio only rcBi-n within myUiiowl-tdgo wlieru cither rinj!» nr lneiisun;iiiunt»wero ri'liiiblu iiulicutiniis, urn in tho M>i-luded. even, fliul rupulurly 1eni]Muvd vi;l-leys of Iho Knuthorn l':u\t\ti cimst."

Ainiiiai incn»uromcniB of wlilio-tdui, cat-alpn, Bofitimple, Bynniiur% pis hifhory, ct>t-

vwd, t-liehtiiut, box cKler, imiicy locust,n....;i} t rve, 0111T and whilu oak, bluc-k wal-nut, O9Hgo orango, whilo pine, rod codur,mulberry and ydlow willuiv niinetueii

iOH iii^ilo in finuMii'iisterii Nebmska)jthow that "jumuul y:-i>wih is very irregu-lar, fiuriio lilacs BOII-I•"•!}• perceptiblo nndU(!iiiuquite largo." At.dthisiio ullvibutcsto the diffurenit) in seasims. As trocalu-

INO iuupe inner riiifrs decruasoin nine,eliiiieR atmnflt disii|ij«:a! iiifj. JJiiuiuiiih-

,..„ rule of growth iifterntvrlnin (i';oiaarulo. Df Iliofuiirgrc.tlln'rchffliueiitioiicdby Louden, tliure weru thrtiu, cueli ubuiit17fe<!t In Kirlli,wboso ages wore rcsiKC-lIvclj-MMlL'andaOO. Slr-Fiirras found 12:-ings in abliu-k locust il years old,!il riiipsinttthull-biirkliiclmry of I'.' yuars, 10 ringsiunpig liiek.n-v at nix yearn, 11 Hugs in aWild-crab tipple of C yearn, und tiuly 'M ringsiu a chL'Htnut oidc of '> t Vk-iirH. An Americanck-'Hiinit of only 4 jvur.4 Imd ft liu.-w, whileapt'iuliof Syciirs hud wily 5 ringii— Map-li.t Wok'u,


ME uh m i r TradeJ. J. LANGDON



u Hour 1 slill li-u'i. witli lUe Mia We


AT 95.50 I'KH HARKEL.luo offuring the mipchor


wMili urn ftlwuys a priirnt ftrlide. I HIIUIIuUueniliiuviii'tdkeep tlm lei.ditif! nrtielw* iu

DRY OOOHi,of all ldDda, sulleil lo tbo MBIWU uml full

lines ol

BOOTS and 8S0E8.from rrilitlila mnkors. lu nil l inn of trmli

Sllllll (|IIOt<: llricOS UK cllHR|> M tllO 4!ltllH||HSlj r t l c s.itne cin»* ol uuodt, and ruwute jiroiup

iiulivt>rv ol nil ordura tu iiiHtoiuur.t.J. J . 1.AN0D0N,



Ati.l alt Uio.'.T.ei, 1'i^i.ioBi and TableHupplieKutlow.it prices.

BUILDING LOTSFOR BALE!I hare three large

lot* for sale on Randolph Avenue.

I have three lotsforsaleonBlackwellstreet, near the riverbridge.

I have fifty-eightlots for sale on FennAvenue, 1st, 2d, 3d,4th, 5th and 6th Sts.

I will sell any or allof the above cheap forcash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgive all the tine required. Apply to



Form»r FttroM and thi Public.I wifth tolurarm mvoU pitroimftuiltliupul-

livin Kdttural Hint 1 luce cmohiilod to LMID-itiinn liiioineiis lit mv nld Mind ou BlackwtI)Mtd Eatez itrcili In Dmtr iu



I1 Isu Isku 1.1c-nrf in iiif.rminc tbcin thatItitveUkvD Mr. Lnaiii Sunder »• pirtnerintlila bnuob of tli* bnxini-M. llnpin« tlial mjtunnei hi*»«l» iitll tnttiiftwi lownAin tli<itarilemis hefoio, »<• mil do tlieir work u l U -fiotDnly at Hie luKfit piieei to nut the tliaeiiud we snarinteo llif beat ofoislniial

B l l

E. Slcbcr * Ltsli iNnder.S- B. -Oriien b<r mid uromptl; *tton4ed 10I' O.Bot,aM,t}nver,y.J.

H. G. RORIGE,•iwkMlUr anl Stationer,

Cot. Bltokwall and B U I M I Bts., Dofer, N. J.

Alwui b i t nn btiid K full line of BOOK* nftil hind., STATIONERY or erery nort,Houtbly HaK'Bipei ind WccVv anil t t i lyPiunn. Pent, both ROI4 and stetil; WHIIORPiper of e»ery J.-acnptiofi, (••elnre Pramc*,all lift.*; aniT s lull stock of F.mcT ABTICLF..tun nomeroai to mention. 1 also keep » Urcr

CONFECTIONKRVwhich arc alwan frrrti and anld cbeip.

Notice of Settlement.Hotieeta hereby ilvea thit theeecoantao

llu anburlbtr, amrdlia ol H m li. I t . idrceaerd, will be audited aed aUteo Iftbe Surrogate, and resorted for aettlentatto the Orpbana' Onart ol ttje OonDty of Horn*,aa Moadei Ibe «rih ila, o»«»p«w,bfr i—•


Netict of Settlement.HotiM la her«br §\vn that tbe atwona's ol

the saUcriber, Admlolitnior ot Jane E*n.•iMeased, will be tmiiled l i d ttaled by theBsrrof tie, t t d raporlod foi Httirnnenl to tbeOrpkani' Court of the Comely of M»rris, obMfJiiDAT t i t third * - - - • • • - *

Piled JnljaSlh,18H7."

Notice of Settlement.Kotice is hereby Riveo that tlm tecnaati or

tfa*Mbtcrib«r,EiecatnrurrairiGkMcU.>veiD,d«cctwil, will bu lodlted and itsttd li* theHunojtale, ami reported far Kttlcmtat to H10Orphans' Court of llio Chanty a ' Murrls. on

Notiet af SettlementHotke la hereby fticca *b*l Ibe tccooali

of Ike ••I'Mtibcr, AilBiilstntnr He txiiilanon of BMVIICB ffrtatru, *<***&, «*"b« audited anil aUled t* tilt BimogVr, andrerarted for seltleineut la tbe Orubatt.' Conrlo ibe Oounly cf H' tn i , oa Tnetdiy Ibe Ibti-" eoth d»» ulSeptiinl) rttflt.


t i tedJuly Oth. 1»7. 31-ta '


XOX0DOVEll, If. 1.

H« »!»•• «U b l i m n *T •><•». •» ' i»«trnnib boi.K, ptIHtn I M eiranitiB ,«r•In, plc-nlo or K.lbeci«n. •>/ muv kind will,.llj.»iifiotor«mol lh.Tta»lni.k.«lprice.• • IMulb . limrt. Allardtn M i r i bjn i l »IU m . l n pnnpl uumaiol •» cmanll mbM >w


Uopt't, tu NfH VoiK, fuel ul Biti-clt-} gt .an.

xxxx" • • :


A W . 41. BiirtiiwuuiiJUii tDrwlii,Boom UuK4tta,cti«d ,itow >»• L'ui'i vi».i'»t-anou and iJionton^uu* (nruu^u to WalciG J d i u n r e , f**"1 n. Unat UaudtiingLAmtou.ooaiietmtit, «i 1>UVUI wiUChester UuJrotd, a t tfaterlut .»iiu JUMCJBail road for Andover, Newton HLO t lJ*utioni; at Doitware witli t l l t i r i ton Hy.,»tjet(.oton,«itb jLrwuiaburnll;*istoi toj •>iti+.toB.Kiuvston, ^ilkeabarre.Uauvflli Morth-umberlaud, Jtc Ptfl.rtUifti ;aling tbktiuf ro tu New Kork.i'aternoji AidBoantos

connect at Washing ton witl. train foifhUUwbcri.EaitoD, ButLlelieni, UlcaloaH»rri»bnf*(iitiiip(iliilfcon the Lai',,i ftiland Uhigb and Hutqiiulmuiia Uailrcatfa -, tiPiiiUipibnrfi witb Belvidere Oivisioi. ol Fa. B.B.forUuHJert»ilio, Tfentou and Philadelphia.

At w.VU A. H. BuffaloKiittUnwego Kipcest[Drawing Boon Cars) Water dap, mwutl*iiirs, SonnloD, BinRliamtou, Qwtsgo, Itfaava,itfuv.Tly.Klittirt, Mount llorrin tui9 Bufli41uo fljraeiue aud O»*^BII, eouQi-BmahaiBlou for UUoa aud Bicbflold

&tV.10A.H. D u T u r A d t iAl W.W A- II. Dover

) HE



HOISTING KSUINEH,• • 4 revaruble.

PIT.MP0, 4««>U m

tiia*« tlTULB••4 •••II.

d Ugbt Oaitiogs fn Iran, BrsM,tndPhnKphorBrouzn, FurffingB of ttvory <li•orlntlun 1 BOILEBB, homoDtnl, tubular an


The Equipment of IronMine. • specialty.





Dynamot f i r Incandescent andArc Lights,







TbiMliinntiiiiry liner, uui'le to nleaoe tbyp, lmt vnrriinti'il m»il<i fnnii tlio IIKST)niiada Mr.lt and IlnliKrulim Hop*, nn<l Mnred

to a |»roiier fico 111 kcc|> witliom tliu nid ota t i d . Tlie wittar usrd in (rom thn tamounl l Niauiira St.nn« ao htog nuted for iU

l.nrlty. Also



nnd vnrtons Ml.NKKAL WATERS andBlUCIIUGKIt.tottHherwitliHUKIAHODA,

l i b u b d k i l t itlmt nmkei It oue ol Ibn ttiMt benettcisldrinki at tbn ago. 1'ricei low I Sutlifsetioaguarantee..! tUtuiilcs free) Csll and be— r o w n judge.


D n c r . X. J., A|itll O.lh, 1887.



Insurance and RealEsiatB Business

Civil an ! Miningnr»ojiDc»ii(l tnnpiiltiR. Thitiil* i>r tioiwitj1, iitj-otiaQllicUons o- r«uU.OFHCE-Naliotal Union B».,. Building.

S. T. SMITH Qta. E. Joais i

iiig ofiom

NEW JEUSEVState Normal u d Model Sohoo's,

TREKTON.Fall Terra nil! commenceUonfe;, 8«ot. 10th.

COST FOB BOARD. TOITtW,' ' !,. at the Noraul Bcliml, 1154

Hiiaici griioof 1*00 per vear. BtltklittRH tbitr-oacb ' j be i t e t ] ly u-.tim. the Model Schooloffcra lr> both Tonitj,- Lailic* anil Qeiitlemti

iip«-rl'>r a ikaui iRei In all i ts (leparlmtDlr<z,: XnHicniitlical, Cumira), Ooramcrctal[iiaiirjl, Drtwitif,', anil in Bel lei-La. I r<*. Foiircal.is cuntaioiL^ full (mri tcalui , addr^n

W. HMBIIODCK, Principal,

36-1 in Tr tn ton , Sew Jersey

Protpsct Hill School

mil re-open Moni]i]r,8i|iieiiiber IStli.For particulars aililrc«n

HISS L B. HA0IE,30 Im Dortr.N.J,




Notice ef Settlement.nuttceis herebrelven Unit tbe ncoonntiof

tbe anbicnber, fiiecntnr of Hiocrn H. Leek(leccjued, will be auilitcd and stated bjtbeBurrop.te, and repnrtej for settlement to,h« Orphana Cnort of tbo ConnljofMorrii,m HouUay tbe flftfa day or BeptnaW aeitT'


atWtLerluu.fuiiudovor.NowtoiiftaualUtotiunH! lb.«D.,L.* VV.ii-U. at (V*»bio«t«BortfauiiiikaUuuuk.WtttiUKv.itrgudjibBri

tou. iJiugbaiutuu, Dtii-a,

nrt »uil Hudnuu ii*(lroad*;rg witli LUIIIKL V'mk:;jttil

tdttudlitibi^b and Suxjaebmuii Uailroadr ButbUboB, MftncltOunok, JteadiDC and

t H.Euk>u£<pr»i.1:01) F. M. Blmirs ktprees, Dr»wln« Hn.esttoelied rans tuKtuL to Wafer flap, mn all

tr t t t i l i SlailaaitBI/tMBMSidUiweow««Uu«tia»&a wltb Lack t> WooH. • • I or WtUtoo, Wfoailtiff .KinRttoii an<l IIIMiwr*. P«M«f«n ttktiif this train fro* Me*Terk.VatareoBtadlooutop can ovaawtatWata-I t l t b traiB Ho, t .

V k t ijreii)uonnwtinfi a t Waterloo for AndoTor,Uowtoiiatid firaoab*ille,Bnd at PhllliiMtvltb Loblffb rall«v B-flfoad aod Lehifib __HusQiiehiuniB. U. rorBothleheni.AUcuitown,

jjattiiifr *nd HarrikburR.*iaW p . M., Dover E i p r e n for flnnmlt.

(BorDar(H»illcBMBiii«ri"i(('-o'l»IIPf>luti«iiPaiiaio aud DeUwarD B*ilroid.) Ohathaa,

pins at Milburo, tmmuit, Obalhaiu, MKUMD,Monistova tad all stations went to BackatU-towti,QOiiiiectin|»t Waterloo witb trainAnieOwMi-avudNewlon.

f;0O p.|C.0«wu(oati() Buffalo E i . fron Me*XorkdleBpiiiff cMmtlaebeO) via, t ' t tonou*Boon ton t faronsfa to Water Qaii, Slrondiblir.Scrantou, Binghamton, Liik Jlaratboii ,Oort-land. Homer, Byucnse »nd Diwcito,AtBiugbftttlomritb train for Greene.Oiford,Norviofi, BioblteH Bprinffi, UUoa. Ac. TbitiralE ran* t h roub lo Oiwego Buffalo andRichfield aprinRB 1 bnt not to Ufawa) tjuda;luoruiiiRi,

i tS t ao P. Jf. Dover AceomDiodatiOB foiL'batham, Morrfetown and Uuver.

for Barnordarlilo, Baokiujtridite, hjOM,JillingtaD. Htirlmg, aill«He, Berkeley Height•MidalTutatlons on Pasiaio and Delaware B.B. (N. J . (fott Llae BUttcid) 7:W, 1Q;U> A« . and t;»0 and 6:» P. H.

A. SfiiBOHlB, BoperioteBdi

DOVEB TIME TABLE.Tralm arrive u d depatt fro» tbUitatlon

A. * . WUTBODDD 4 . 1 .

Buffalo B>press* 6;3S


t.m.Dover Aocom. U;t5Elmir.bi." 1:31Entlou Mftit 8:41O*wc«o E*P««* hMDuvur AeeoBi. 6:65BuRklo R K P » M * 7:38BMton AOOOB. l:M

Bingii'toD Mall* 9Mfreton Mail 0;S9Dolfalo K i p ' 10:11Pover Aooom. 11;>I

* . m .Dover ADOOB), 11:16EiitonEipreii^aiO

Emtoa Etpresi 5:WBern n ion Ei.* 5:Ut

Buffalo E i p . ' 8:31

iim ;V:(i.VIU:2H M:f.r1(1:12 2-,mUMi 2:17ttifes 2:13


I ' M .


A M. P. II. r . K.7?aT, 12.D0 4:00IM VIM 4:107:47 12;IS 4:VA

e 7:55 Vi:'ii ii*0

Central Eaihoad of Hew Jeraey,

lAasmiaiTAtioHiIn Haw Icai, fool or Llbertj Bl., North rlnr.


nliiDdOrMDat*M u d l e r k l ••rnulonNe»tfk• l l l h

t . N 3.45


•liwlKlhBom<S DroolBUbBcidjieOtiltoaV«raofUMhTtllai

lUiiUjPlandano«>'i •.DnkertllII|»ICO»K Jno .PoTtOriB..DotwHoeUww.. I r r in


IM 1.00I.M 1477.10 >.wT.59 (.HI7.58 t.fS•.UTII.COU S 10.(17

».»10.11%M 10.88t.ano.as>.IS 10.91 U0.15 U.31 I.M 7.00».*> 10.10 (.S17.M8 H 1U.U «.9S 7.096fi8 10.S04.801.iat.oo 10.H Me 7.10


XT'. .tow.m


o r«iierrrai

A.M. A.M. A.H.P.II. t. >.Msi.aoie.ioi.i5 •.»

oe 7.»>.W1O.»<II3 i . l l7.a7i.aiio.u«.« 61s

.UDm OHLV-Ortmtn Val!«!t 7:01 r. x.;Oheatur raro.ee 7:11 '• » i CUciter 7:10r. M



oowx muss.*•• . ».«. ff.«. r.m. r. u.«.«3 1J» •.!« L »«.» M l I. i! 1.U0.11 111 S.47 1.19

, «.» l.W U l I.H, «.<S 1.W 1.57 (.00•.aa 4.00 6.01 ,

I.IBii.Mi; 613a.08 6.1f ' - ~



' ..Si

LSI «.<T S 7 «• " 1 7.17

ar.::::::::TrenUn,-?hiltOelph!i.~,3d aud BernDthmlQreea....NflwTork


, l'.l<

?:K «.«..«£;.»•.00 I.S0 9.10 10.00I.H «.«».35*M M l »H

10.33 • « 10.179X< 8.0310.049M *.6S f.10 10. W

i . « . h. M, a. a. t , H. * .».Oheiter to«To6.48 7.55 9.4T 4.HI 6.15Chester Furnace 6.S3 0.00 9.E2 t.10 «Ma V a l i d ..Ar.7.18 8.10 10.13 4.30 «.t0

i* OSLV—Clioiter C:33 P .M. ; OfapsleG:llP. u.\ Qermaa Valloj 0:52r, M.

Ilopnt,>onf[ fi30, 8.35 aud II) 28 *.. H.; 11 . , 3.1.1and 5 451>. m. For all Btalioo* to Og<ien at630A.M.«udl,12r.H.

Convcyaucci can be procured at GermanVallev to nnd from Scboule.T'* Mono tain; atPlunder* to ami from Kndd's Lake.

EASTOX CONNECTION-CoDnectlmmade at H\gH llrWse to aud from Eastou.

ii p. HA i,i>w i s .

J. H, OLHAt'iER. Gen. Snpt.Gea. fas*. Agent


SUSSEX S i GROCER,•till LTuiBtaio; his reputation fsr kteplH M

and ctrtujlete atocki of


PROVISIONS•tthabMtcndn. tlM

runm. ras. amini. m n a ,

JtranierivliJtlof Dover art Invlled lo call eel

lefitleliaaTen. JOadTuSnt.



om. PMI oatu, O«T«, A. J.

riH GlatUu •< l a m A i i XMn.-i-



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

•aimfac'iirpd l i j tb« Duplex Btr t» BeaterCo.. of No. 10 Barclnv Hi., llgw lotk. Tkn.re made ol wrought ouller lloo, liave8n.., nod cl . iu j .up. rk . i i i , Im Ita lepolou:

Grtii Fcenimir ia F N I , -

•( CuwtrwIiM

I ) lliMMHfrlMf Matt,

No Loog Fines or Heating Surface Difficult to Keep Cbra. K u j toMnnoge. No Cool to Lilt to th» Top ol a Large

Magazine. Perfect Siifety.


Plumbing, Roofing and Sheet Iron WorkSatisfactory Executed.

In ttock tt •» tim« ITOVII w< HOT•very detcriptton; H41DWAB1, 0DTLI1T. RV W i l l , OILCLOTHS, CiBFITI. «to. Lthifh u d leruitoa Coal, Umf,Painti, Olli, Fiirbank'i Boaln, Hnyt'i Chain Inektt Pi«i«.


ID alinninnoeit tho '


(New ilapea u d grcai virielf.)

Dccanmtc* Tra «•< O l » » ftUfnm ••» O*t».

Splendid lino TOILET HTB frnm H.T5 to•3$ ptr aet, all ol the lateat patleraa.

r i l io > Hood line of plain «bll« Boot.i iam and Tallow Wiro al MEMaBKlBLI


O. S. JENSEN,•latkmll St.. Diver, N. I.


Carpel Weaver and Dyw,


povaa, n.

OleantBir aad

•apHltltj. A lu|a ilMk af

-:-RAO OARPET-:-alw.Ti oa bail tt la. lena* eMk priew.

Extending their Business!


DOVHR, nsr. r.

hat engagmii In the coal builaeu, and will keep the

best ira«e» or COAL «f all klndt. They will also keep

Fire, Common and Frost Briek, Llate, natter. Shore

Sand. Cement. I m n t ' •ittriah. Ftrilllztrs, At.

CASTOR IAUtr Infante ami Ohlldrew.



TM, Corns an BUKR laox Boonfto,

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ac.




loalab llartiti. aoecnaor to Ike I n of Ik.k Bail, e«a wdl be Ibral al Ihe old atwa

ont Illlton'i Dra« I a n kc l v

2J SHjBiJ'i11 O


CEILING DECORATIONS,» FATTIMI.yiqiiittT, Btrnioa ro An a

lailaalltiadaorwnd, »•«?••'.i t t^ ^ * \ aS . * i ~ — - -. v^r^. * H | " W « wHwavwa aveewtaaiand rrcneb Boatwood. Oak, Satin wotfd, *c.Ttn paiolfof branch I sball itrlclly aoperia*wdl •yaeirandeaiplortlMbPM of neebaataa.ask a fair tiial tf nv •b.litv and will M-

P O . I o a H .


DR. EDWARD'SBlackberry Brandy md Ginger.

Tbe Beat Pain Belief ia aae foi


MUUBOU, HOT 'Hoal lemarkablo rarte hue boeg npartti

n the twfnlr-B.,,e,r.of ItablaUn.aoSdor-lot tbe abon u.mri p,riol tt baa Min.da


tattial Bitttri ttlttf latrIx Onsem or Bur Inuar.


iffinno D. uun,IWrfO«.»laiaaal

iffinno D. uun,IWrofOi>«.»laiaaal.

f l y firlw* ef » deam awada> bt l ie Cbu*D eelloioflbalnteorllaeijit

abv l t d beui dt

Ifirlw* ef » deam awada> bt l ie Cbu

D eelloioflbalnteorllaeijcraw.iataoeaaaa above elated beuiac date tfc. fih dayot iMuat, A. D. n n . I . jaxua O. to«ai-blml.oacofilicBprcl.lllaiMreol.iMOiartor Obineery. will »ll al Pabllo •foatie, to IbeM b l Wider, al tbe U«tl HoaeeVa Hot-

la llCwf efAjaWJi ^

HOIDAT, Ibe lHk aay of akftoaibtrmat, 1MT, belwoea tbe boon of It aad 9o'cloel, tblt la to ear. al I «feloea l» eke atlafnoo. a aaM dar. all laoao two wwte « fwoma of land aid prenlaei herelBAIIHr aavtlca*l.tlTckmrtlmlu follow. lo - . l l :

ConntT, made np of two lr ;.la.Taanarr Taacr la lae a a c . ewtvvai to

aald Jgehna B. lala-e ef Chone IT. Makerl.j dn.4 deled Xmwael l « > , MM, aaw re-carded In Marti OouplIOlera'a OCoaia MXI of Xnea. naaea Ml, Iv., .ad laerela *>-ecillieilaabiluwes Bea.aiiliiatieeiea Ineaundla. I . Ibe b u l o f WnbSaar neat aad anrnet ol Iekera lohaioaVlaadi Ibeaeeaerlli fcrtj-.li degree! aad lUHr adaale.weatltrtoiUlM aad .iMn-alM Vat. la acorner o> Dt. Tiewnjt ewaa-a bad; laeaceawtb rony-lbres ewereea aad thlrtr adaaleaeail « • • • «»al" aad da.lr4ataea.aa u l a .akMlealapoadu.ririfTMUJahaOpba'iaottaa and to a U T . at Oaaea'a lend; tVaeeoa aaM Oiden'a lie. eaala lon.ma depeeiend inr anaalea eau aana eaalaa awi M M . .l e t . Uaka lo a balternil tree e . Ib* wealbub at aald rlrerslkeaee ap eeM rlnr oalae weet ehla eowla rwne4lTe jagrtli aaatruarciainaandloar Hake la In. anddl. oftbe roed aelow Ike mill f ttwae. an Ibe raaaaarlb amalMwa d u r a awl oafeaah u dforty Unka; tbean. eoatk l*e.ljr«a* decreeawni o n eaala and M i l liaai; Mean aaalatortj^liTBl denree. aail nie.1; Uaka lo a•toae hire entatr oa Ike wael aidaef Ike Billpond; theaea ap Ike Hid aoad Ike Midton.in .a Ibe aud t . . . I. Ike pkea of beele-ntat, coniajalai fcarlea. urea b e l k . en>e

or land ro.ui.ed "l. I H akar.' draarlniMiabrrelolore » ld br H.urr Malic; >ad wira wJonalban lord, non weteaeel, aid eeawfadbedaedloklaikrikaaald B u r r Meleet and

r Conor la oa

nun • MD N on. m

anl wire b; ,lWd ei i .d 'D^i lbr , M. i t « .reeorded In atonU Ooaaw Gl.rk'a aaVe lalook X H ol Dnia, nanwa l i t , * . . , naaM aad

baaaded aa lulkU.: B . l l n . 1 . . al • ruae I .Ik. BW.II . ol ike rad. leadlei a n a MoreeBill lo Boaiae; laaaee ( l j j i a lk lbrlj«.idexrrca and ft»tr-a«e Mlaalaa weal elckiebuna and Jorl,..ii link, lo a al ia. In Via."itreoD'ri line; tbcaee (I) iluuc .aid Wm.-leraon'i line ennlh F»rl]>ar eeireea n a lalx cbaina lo a curuer of Joebaa fi. MiUee'alaad; Ibcnee (I) aloai and adael'a nan•orlb fi»tj-rlx ilrane. n d foHj I n aHaataaeert clgbt cbaiaa u d torlr^lx Hak. to Ikemiddle of Ibe road nfareeiNl; Ineaea (4) tlonatbe a>mfl Dorlb rorlj-'oar degnai weal aisebilna lo lh.pl .ro or brtlnalBlf, eowtalnlafIreaeneol taa>, teaetkn vHb all u d alii.finlar tbe bcnditanit.li lad awwleneaeea- \be talil pretaliea belonging, n. la aalwiae

•rtaln t-uma fl 1actlavU)qBi

Saadal Maaler In Obaatne of » . w Jener.Dalad lagnil l l u , MtT. lit I.

Nttlct of StttltMit
