jewish voice for peace? really?? - by nahida the exiled palestinian

Jewish Voice for Peace? Really?? By Nahida the Exiled Palestinian It appears that, yet again, Anti-zionist Jewish organizations are trying to silence Palestine's supporters, to frame the debate, to secure the future of their brethren in occupied Palestine and to steer the course of Liberation of our Homeland I would invite people to hear a Palestinian voice, here: A strategy of liberation requires emancipation * No decent human-being would demand to live on STOLEN land and still claims to have a fiber of morality . * No decent human-being could claim that the perpetrator 

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Jewish Voice for Peace? Really??

By Nahida the Exiled Palestinian 

It appears that, yet again, Anti-zionist Jewish organizations are

trying to silence Palestine's supporters, to frame the debate, to

secure the future of their brethren in occupied Palestine and to

steer the course of Liberation of our Homeland 

I would invite people to hear a Palestinian voice, here:

A strategy of liberation requires emancipation 

* No decent human-being would demand to live on STOLEN land 

and still claims to have a fiber of morality .

* No decent human-being could claim that the perpetrator 

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should have the same rights as the victim while claiming to be a


* Palestinians are under no obligation to hold back their march for freedom, to curtail their aims or to smother their rights for 

the sake of accommodating and not offending their Jewish 

supporters .

* Palestinians are always grateful and appreciative of the hard 

work and dedication of all their supporters whomever they are,

however, Palestinians have NO obligation to adopt the aims and objectives of the anti-zionist Jewish supporters instead of their 


* Dismissing the Palestinian voice as radical, reactionary,

intolerant, or unreasonable, and requiring instead the Jewish- 

anti-zionist stamp of approval to have legitimacy to speak for 

Palestine, is preposterous and contradicts basic concepts of human rights and does not do justice to Palestinians. 

* Palestinians have the ultimate right to choose their vision for 

their future, of a FREE and sovereign Palestine including the type 

of government, the writing of constitution, the construction and 

implementation of their legal and juristic system, which stems 

from and corresponds to their ethics and reflects and protects 

their culture. 

* Palestinians have the ultimate right to make the final decision 

on who is allowed to stay in liberated Palestine and who is not,

using the legal procedure of their own choice. 

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* The future of the Palestinian struggle and the aim of liberation 

of Palestine should not be designed to shield the occupier from 

paying the full price of his crimes; including the punishment of all those who participated in transgression, and the deportation 

of the illegitimate Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants who colonized 

Palestine forcefully and were engaged in acts of aggression 

against Palestinians including serving in the IOF. 

* All refugee and their descendents have the unconditional right 

to come back home, they as the rightful indigenous owners are also entitled to the reinstatement of ALL confiscated (stolen) 

land and property, compensation for all their losses over the 

many years of exile and they are also entitled to Palestinian 

citizenship wherever they are. 

* The aims and aspirations of most Palestinians are not confined 

to the change of zionist regime or the vacuous declaration of abandonment of zionism by the Jewish-zionist occupiers, but 

rather to the FULL Liberation of Palestine and the restoration of 

all their rights. 

* It is the privilege of Palestinians to decide who should stay in 

their homeland and who not. 

* After a century of terror, theft and crimes; had the Zionist 

shown any signs of remorse, respect or willingness to be decent 

guests, had they embraced with open arms the hospitable 

people of Palestine rather than destroying them with fire-arms; 

they might have had a chance to be accepted and forgiven. Not 

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any more, as far as I am concerned. They have lost that 


As a Palestinian, I see the role of any "Jewish voice for peace"

who sincerely desire to contribute to the Liberation of Palestine

and justice for Palestinians, and who desire to be identified

through their contributions "as Jews", then their role ought to be

focused on cleaning their own house before sorting other

people's houses; i.e. that is to exclude any major role in

influencing, leading or directing the Solidarity and/or LiberationMovement of Palestine.

Through taking a leading role in campaigning to blacklist

publications, label intellectuals and limit the spectrum of debate

by censoring topics which they deem "controversial"; by framing

the debate they act against intellectual integrity, box

Palestinians and their supporters mentally and knowingly or notact as gatekeepers. They force people to self-censorship to

avoid been accused of antisemitism; hence preventing them

from acquiring, sharing or discussing information freely that

would allow them to make their own informed decisions.

Palestinians' grievances against the zionist theft of their land do

by no means justify antisemitism accusations, Palestinians and

their supporters are no lesser human beings, they are well

capable to sieve through information and make their own

evaluation, henceforth it is completely unacceptable that some

of our anti-zionist Jewish supporters try to dictate to

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who they should accept as a supporter and who should they


what speaker to invite and whose lecture to avoid;

who they should consider progressive and who can be labeled


what religion and religious group are above all criticism andwhat faith is deemed to be "backward looking and inherently

unable to deliver progress";

what books should be read, and which articles should be thrown


what narrative of events should be adopted as "reasonable" andwhich should be considered a "conspiracy theory";

what chapter of history should be seen as a "dogmatic

unquestionable religion"; and which one should be seen as

"hoax" or as a "useless hateful rumors";

what course of action should be taken and which one should be

dismissed a "distraction";

Furthermore, when censorship is practiced, when some books

become forbidden and certain speakers are silenced, it appears

to any self-respecting free-thinker that their brain, their ability

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to analyze and evaluate are being demeaned and patronized.

Rather than wasting their energy campaigning to ostracize or

silence some of the most outspoken allies and honestsupporters of Palestine, they should rather direct their efforts

towards their OWN communities where the rot is anchored and

festering: where supremacist ideologies reign supreme,

chauvinistic anti-humanist beliefs flourish, delusional concepts

entrenched and fostered, and criminal Mossadic activities thrive,

and where mossers are ostracized and sayanim are promoted.

This ought to be our Jewish allies' battlefield.

It is only in this specifically Jewish frame of activity, that

separate organizations identified as exclusively Jewish can affect

significant change and eventually their claim to speak in the

name of their Jewishness be vindicated.

The Jewish community: Friends of

IDF in a fund-raising dinner. Is this the Jewish community?

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or is it this? 

On the contrary, when specifically Jewish organizations or

activists ubiquitously claim to be the true representative of 

 Jewish people, or the voice of Judaism, whereas they are but a

tiny, minute, insignificant and ineffective minority, and what is

more an ostracized and despised minority amidst their larger

 Jewish communities, then these Jewish organizations by making

their false claim of representing Jews or Judaism as they bravely

expose Israeli crimes, are projecting nothing less than a smoke

screen deflecting from the sinister racist ideology which has

produced Zionism in the first place.

Since it is quite obvious that the Jewish members of 

organizations who claim to be Anti-Zionist, rarely are -if ever,

active members of their local Jewish communities and when they

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try to reach out, they are generally rejected;

since they pretend that exposing the ideologies and activities of 

their community is a "distraction";

since they accuse of being "anti-semite" whomever questions

the thriving racism and the powerful lobby within the Jewish

communities and

since they fail to infiltrate the nefarious Judeo-Zionist network inorder to affect real change from within:

therefore the claim that they speak for the Jewish people or

 Judaism is invalid, and the only reasonable consequence is to

dissolve their separate "Jewish only" Anti-Zionist or Pro-

Palestinian organizations, in order to become an integral part of 

the Solidarity Movement.


Nahida the Exiled Palestinian