
How many Earths can you fit into the Sun? And other interesting facts. By Jess V

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Post on 11-May-2015




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Page 1: Jessv

How many Earths can you fit into the Sun? And other interesting facts.

By Jess V

Page 2: Jessv

Last night Johnny spent the night at his Grandpa’s place in New Zealand. His Grandpa is an astronomer witch is a person who studies the sun.

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Back at the house his grandfather said “Why don’t you go outside and take a walk?”, “ok.” said Johnny

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Since johny always dose what his grandfather says he did. All of a sudden he stumbled upon a blue duck named Ducky Boi.Since his Grandfather is an astronomer he wanted to ask Ducky Boi a question. He asked the duck “how many miles till you get to the sun?’’ the duck answered “about 93million miles.’’

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Then Johnny asked Ducky Boi “How many stages does the sun go through?’’ , “Well” answered Ducky Boi “It will go through 5 stages of life,”

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“How old is the sun” asked Johnny “The sun is about 4 Billion years old’’ answered Ducky Boi.

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“When will the sun die?’’, questioned Johnny,“ It will die in about 5 billion years.’’ answered Ducky Boi.

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Johnny asked “How many earths can you fit into the sun?”, “You can fit about 1.3 million earths into the sun.’’ answered Ducky Boi.

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Johnny decided it was time to go back to his grandfathers place so he said by to ducky Boi. As soon as Johnny got back to the place he was all full if energy he went and told his Grandpa to come here. When he came into the room Johnny said “guess what?’’ What Johnny?’’ Then Johnny told him about his day with ducky Boi and all the interesting stuff he learned.

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The End!