jeopardy review game population genetics

$ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 100 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 100 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 100 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 100 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 100 Genetic Variation Forces of Genetic Change Natural Selection Speciation Mechanisms of Isolation Final Jeopardy

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This is a jeopardy game designed to review population genetics.


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$ 200

$ 300

$ 400

$ 500

$ 100

$ 200

$ 300

$ 400

$ 500

$ 100

$ 200

$ 300

$ 400

$ 500

$ 100

$ 200

$ 300

$ 400

$ 500

$ 100

$ 200

$ 300

$ 400

$ 500

$ 100

Genetic Variation

Forces of GeneticChange


SpeciationMechanismsof Isolation

Final Jeopardy

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The major source of new alleles in natural populations.

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What is Mutation?

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These are characters that are influenced by several genes.

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What is polygenic?

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This is another term for “bell curve.”

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What is normal distribution?

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This is made up of the particular combination of alleles in a

population at any one point in time.

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What is a gene pool?

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This is the proportion of homozygous dominant,

heterozygous, and homozygous recessive individuals in a


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What is genotype frequency?

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When genes are added to or removed from a population.

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What is gene flow?

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This is the result of limits or preferences of mate choice.

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What is nonrandom mating?

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This results in alleles for particular traits, which are not

favorable, becoming less frequent.

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What is natural selection?

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When frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population do not

change, it is called this.

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What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

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When the number of individuals in a population greatly decreases

due to a catastrophic event it causes a drastic reduction in the

variation of a gene pool.

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What is genetic bottle neck?

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This is an indirect force from the environment that can only act on


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What is natural selection?

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The bell-curve shape becomes narrower, in other words,

selection eliminates individuals that have alleles for any extreme


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What is stabilizing selection?

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An example of this pattern is pesticide resistance in insects.

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What is directional selection?

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Birth weight of babies is an example of this pattern.

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What is stabilizing selection?

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In this case, forces act to eliminate individuals with average phenotype values.

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What is disruptive selection?

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This has occurred when the net effects of evolutionary forces result in a population that has

unique features and is reproductively isolated.

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What is speciation?

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A group of natural populations that can interbreed is a specific

definition referred to as this.

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What is the biological species concept?

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The state in which two populations can no longer

interbreed to produce future offspring.

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What is reproductive isolation?

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This is a population that has taken a step toward

speciation by diverging in some detectable way.

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What is a subspecies?

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This is when a physical barrier acts to isolate populations and

prevent interbreeding.

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What is geography?

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The peacock is an example of

using this mechanism for reproductive


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What is mating behavior?

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This isolation mechanism is when populations of the same species take on different roles

within an environment.

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What is ecological niche?

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This can be observed in many plant species, and is when an

organisms receives a duplicate set of chromosomes by accident.

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What is polyploidy?

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This is the name given to the offspring when two closely

related species mate.

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What are hybrids?

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In addition to natural selection, this is a result of environmental change.

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What is extinction?

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Final Jeopardy

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The process of natural selection is a result of three facts. Identify

those three facts.

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1. All populations have genetic variation.

2. Individuals tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.

3. All populations depend upon the reproduction of individuals.