january 2013 portfolio, r. pierson

RALEIGH PIERSON Urban Planning Portfolio

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This portfolio demonstrates my class work, co-op professional work, and independent work developed over the past three years.


RALEIGH PIERSONUrban Planning Portfolio



The objective of this urban planning portfolio is to relay the learned design techniques and the reformed style that has been adopted during my time as a student in the undergraduate program of Urban Planning in the School of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning at the University of Cincinnati. Work completed during cooperative education sections is also included, contributing to my portfolio of professional work.

Permanent Address

5248 Settlement DriveNew Albany, OH 43054

Current Address

2634 Stratford AvenueBuilding 18 - Room 207Cincinnati, OH 45220

Contact Information

[email protected]@gmail.com


About MeContact Information

Course WorkIllustrative Site Plan

Hardscape and Softscape TechniquesArcGIS Mapping for Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnnati, OH

Comprehensive Site Plan and Concept DesignSite Planning Housing and Mixed Use Portions

Poster Layout DesignOver-the-Rhine PostersDevou Park Poster OneDevou Park Poster Two

Pleasant Ridge Proposed Projects OnePleasant Ridge Proposed Projects Two

Professional Co-op Work Future Blooms

Building Revitalization

Independent Work Writing Sample

DAAP Works PosterWalt Disney Typography Poster

Walt Disney Quote Posters









COURSE WORK: I l lus t ra t i ve S i te P lan

An illustrative site plan serves the purpose of personal artistry while including the required elements that may consist of foliage types and hardscape material types. I chose to follow a warmer set of stones and woods for the patio. The layout of tree landscaping was intended to reflect clusters of certain types meeting clusters of another type with random outliers.


This design plan includes the various landscape elements, natural and man made. An understanding of materials and vegetation was part of the design process.


COURSE WORK: Hardscape and Sof tscape Techn iques

The initial studio work pertains to understanding the basic design techniques and elements. These techniques were used in the previous illustrated site plan. Adopting a graphical style was emphasized through out the entire course. The work is reflective of landscape design materials and the like.

This sheet shows the graphical representation of ground plane hardscapes and soft plane techniques. Brick, stone, concrete, wood, and ground cover are shown.

This design plan includes the various landscape elements, natural and man made. An understanding of materials and vegetation was part of the design process.


COURSE WORK: Over- the-Rh ine ArcGIS Mapp ing

ArcGIS, a geographic information systems program, transfers data and other statistic data or information into maps. Data pertaining to housing tenure, income levels, transportation systems, and other relevant data was utilized in the following maps

regarding Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, Ohio. These maps were developed in a group project with Stefan Molinaro.


COURSE WORK: Comprehens ive S i te P lan and Concept Des ign

Site planning is the process in which a design plan is made to improve a specific site, the one below being a portion of Devou Park in Covington, KY. The park was used as a sample site to understand the difficulties with topography. The concept design plan on the left shows how the areas of development correspond to green space. The comprehensive site plan to the left shows development of 20 townhouse units, 20 family housing units, and then a variety of mixed use units. This project was a group effort with Stefan Molinaro.


The left image shows the townhouse and single family housing units. The right image shows the mixed use housing units. The green spaces

above the mixed use buildings reflect rooftop gardens.

COURSE WORK: Si te P lan Hous ing and Mixed Use Por t ions




The following two posters reflect a project on analyzing the demographics of Over-the-Rhine and Findlay Market.

POSTER LAYOUT DESIGN: Over- the-Rh ine Posters


The following poster presents a site suitability analysis regarding our site plan project for Devou Park, in Covington, KY.



The following poster presents a case study reference and a street layout regarding our site plan project for Devou Park, in Covington, KY.

POSTER LAYOUT DESIGN: Over- the-Rh ine Posters


The following poster presents projects relative to aesthetic appeal and community integration in Pleasant Ridge, OH.

POSTER DESIGN LAYOUT: P leasant R idge Proposed Pro jects One


The following poster presents projects relative to reconstruction and structural improvements in Pleasant Ridge, OH.

POSTER LAYOUT DESIGN: P leasant R idge Proposed Pro jects Two



From the end of August 2012 to early December 2012, I continued my cooperative education experience at Future Blooms, a Keep Cincinnati Beautiful program. Future Blooms strives to reduce blight and crime in Cincinnati, starting with the city’s most historic urban neighborhood, Over-The-Rhine. To restore the community’s sense of identity, Future Blooms addresses problems of negelct by painting boarded vacant buildings with representations of doors, windows, and flower boxes. These buildings then become a potential site for economic development. Future Blooms also stablizes and cleans vacant lots,

establishes graffiti abatement murals, and creates public eco-art installations.


The following pamphlet I created during my time at Future Blooms provides more information about the program. It is presented in this portfolio as a representation of my work.



The following images reflect vacant buildings I painted during my co-op. The fence weaving represents an eco-art installation, hiding unslightly settings from the street view.

PROFESSIONAL CO-OP WORK: Bu i ld ing Rev i ta l i za t ion



Whether they admit it or not, government has its ideas or flaws that get in the way of working for the common good. The citizens may recognize the flaws and even the corruption within the government but very rarely will do anything about it. In some instances though, people will rise up and confront the immoralities of the government. In the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington from 1939, an ordinary man has the opportunity to go to Washington D.C. and make the dreams of a citizen come true. This man, Jefferson Smith, takes the place of a deceased Senator in Congress. However, Smith is unaware of the reason of why he was selected over other possible picks. Smith was originally chosen because he was less knowledgeable of the inner workings of Congress. Once Smith discovers the corrupt acts of other Senators, he re-examines his purpose for being there but, unlike the ordinary citizen he was once was, he can confront the corruption. Thus, he displays the virtues of Plato’s philosopher king while the film also makes a case for the philosopher king over democracy. After Smith recognizes the corrupt nature behind certain acts of the senators in Congress, he decides to expose it instead of take it and display it. This is characteristic of Plato’s idea of the philosopher king. The philosopher king is a ruler who seeks the truth and only the truth. Furthermore, they do not seek power for the sake of obtaining power and cannot be bribed. Smith enters the Senate with the mind set of helping others and he demonstrates this with an effort to create a camp for the Boy Rangers, similar to the Boys Scouts of America. This act of kindness and selflessness is reflective of the philosopher king’s approach to not seeking power for the sake of having power. Later Smith discovers that a large dam is being constructed in the location where he wants his boy’s camp to be and the dam’s proponents then approach him.

INDEPENDENT WORK: Wr i t ing Sample

These men are building the dam for their own personal investment and attempt to bribe Smith with money in order to see that they advance their wealth and power. When Smith rejects the bribe he is displaying another characteristic of the philosopher king. The only attribute Smith does not full exemplify is that of being the wisest. Plato’s philosopher kings are wiser than anyone else and if Smith had also portrayed that aspect of the persona, he would have sooner realized the corrupt plans of building the dam and thus the corrupt nature of its proponents. With the philosopher king in mind, the film makes a case for rule by philosophers. The corruption in the United States Senate in comparison to the moral personality of Smith exemplifies that democracy is flawed. Democracy in the sense that it is not ruled by a tyrant and the people have some level of a voice is ideal. The representatives of the people, although supposed to uphold the wishes of the people to the best of their ability, may use their power for their own personal advantage. This is only possible within a democracy and does not exist within the rule of a philosopher. Both democracy and rule by philosophers are systems that can become corrupt but philosophers themselves are not corrupt. Smith could have easily chosen to follow in the corrupt democratic state of his peers but he chose to take the route of a philosopher king. Smith demonstrates the majority of the philosopher king’s characteristics and the film thus portrays rule by philosophers in a better fashion than democracy. His attribute of not seeking power for the sake of power and his ability to refrain from accepting bribes is what helps make Smith be a philosopher king. Democracy allows for a philosopher king to take rule in some way but it also much more corruptible. With that being said, democracy may be the most ideal form of government if only it is overseen by a philosopher king.

Philosopher Kings Surpass Democracy



This poster advertises the end-of-the-year showcase at the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning at the University of Cincinnati.



The following poster was made after taking a course focused on typography. The fonts are labeled beneath each word that changes. The poster was made with the purpose of relaying multiple messages through layout and color and emphasis.

INDEPENDENT WORK: Wal t D isney Typography Poster


The following posters were made in my free time after exploring the fields of typography and graphic design.

INDEPENDENT WORK: Wal t D isney Quote Posters

THE ENDRaleigh Pierson

Urban Planning Portfolio