january 2013 fully alive

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 JANUARY 2013 LifeGroups Pages 2,3 Worship Page 4 Prime Timers Page 4 “the table” Page 5 LifeGroups Page 5 Mary Martha Page 6 Stephen Ministry Page 6 LifeLight Page 7 LWML Page 8 Concert Page 8 Candlelight Page 9 Youth Architects Page 9 Children’s Ministry Page 10 BLS Page 10 January Calendar Page 11 Coffee News Page 12 New LifeGroups Start January 6 Look for the new catalog at the visitor centers

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Monthly newsletter for Bethlehem Lutheran Church


Page 1: January 2013 Fully Alive


LifeGroups Pages 2,3

Worship Page 4

Prime Timers Page 4

“the table” Page 5

LifeGroups Page 5

Mary Martha Page 6

Stephen Ministry Page 6

LifeLight Page 7

LWML Page 8

Concert Page 8

Candlelight Page 9

Youth Architects Page 9

Children’s Ministry Page 10

BLS Page 10

January Calendar Page 11

Coffee News Page 12

New LifeGroups Start January 6

Look for the new catalog at the visitor centers

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God’s Limo This LifeGroup is an extension of the greeters minis-try. God’s Limo reflects the love of Jesus in assisting members and visitors with disabilities, the handi-capped, the elderly, injured and those with small chil-dren by transporting them safely to and from the sanctuary and the chapel on Sunday mornings in a 6-passenger golf cart. Call Randy or Sherri Wells at 303.238.5869 if you can assist.


Financial Peace University Offers New Class Join over 175 families at Bethlehem that have been through this life-changing class. Dave Ramsey videos lead us through 13 lessons that will change the way you think about personal finance. We learn about how to save money, live on a budget, communicate about money, eliminate debt, find bargains, and experience the joy of giving.

Laurel Gillund will lead a Tuesday evening group from 6:30-8:15pm in Room 303 beginning January 15, 2013.

Grief Ministry This LifeGroup is a group of members who provide care for people who are grieving through a powerful series of books, one-on-one conversations, or per-sonal notes and cards during the first year after a loved one dies. “Journeying Through Grief” is a set of four short books which are sent to people at cru-cial times in the grieving process. Each book fo-cuses on what the person is likely experiencing at that point in grief - offering compassion, understand-ing, and hope. If you are interested in serving, please contact Martha Rowley at 303.425.6971.


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Book of Matthew

In His Hands

Craig Parrott will lead a new Sunday morning Bible study that will immerse participants in the Bible and in penetrating conversations with fel-low believers. If you want comfort, or to comfort others better, these 12 weeks should be benefi-cial for you. The spiritual direction offered in this study envisions a maturity that goes beyond symptom relief, improved circumstances, sin management, or higher self-esteem. The matur-ity we seek is a growing love and trust in God above all things and an increasing desire to glo-rify Him by loving others. The study will remind us that everything--including our sin, suffering, emotions, relationships, prayers, salvation, and sanctification--is in His hands. This group will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15am beginning January 6 in Room 303 of the School.

The Epistles

Randy & Sherri Wells will begin meeting monthly on Saturday mornings in 2013 (check the bulletin for time and location) and will connect adult cou-ples without children (and older singles as well in this situation) giving them an opportunity to meet each other, plan activities together, share their childless life experiences, and pray for one an-other. Most importantly, be there for each other as we age and, since we don't have children, be ad-vocates for each other in our later years. Some people choose to be childless; others didn't choose to be, but we think people would enjoy sharing their child-free lifestyle as well.

No Kidding

Doug McKay will lead this LifeGroup on Sunday mornings starting January 6, 2013 at 9:15am in Room 215 and will study the books of James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, and Jude. These "catholic" or general epistles, as they are called, present a witness to Jesus of those who had seen him in his early life. They are notable for their practical Christian teachings and applica-tions. The format of this class will be twofold: in-depth instruction on the teaching presented in the text, followed by engaging class discussion of prepared questions.

Book of Mark



You are invited to meet in Room 302 on Sunday mornings beginning in the January/February, 2013 timeframe (check the bulletin) at 9:15 where Joanne Petersen will lead a study on the Book of Mark. Mark is the shortest of the Gospels and deals in greater detail with our Lord's acts than with His sayings. His is a book of action that rap-idly proceeds from one incident to another. There is no homework in this class. We read a section of Scripture and then discuss questions on how to make this meaningful in our lives. Drop-ins are welcome.

Dick Aufdemberge will lead this LifeGroup on

Sunday mornings in the NW corner of the PAC

at 9:15am. Join us for a deeper look at and lively

discussion about the Book of Matthew.


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January Prime Timers Activities by Pastor John Petersen

Saturday, January 5 Bunco in the PAC at 1:00 pm

Tuesday, January 15 Committee meeting in the PAC at 8:30 am Bible Study in the PAC at 10:00 am Out to Lunch at Jus Cookin’s at 11:30 am

Saturday, January 19 Boulder Dinner Theatre “42nd Street” (sign up in PAC)

Sunday, January 20 Potluck in the PAC at 12:30 pm Guest speaker from the U.S. Forest Service


The Bethlehem Prime Timers’ Committee

wishes everyone a most Blessed and Happy

New Year!

It seems to me, that in our present world, where everything is “awesome”, or “incredible”, that we’ve lost the real power of those words. As we seek to become a true worshipper, we really need to recognize who God is. I would contend that our perception of God is way too small, or at least that it’s watered down. Almost anything we think we understand about God most likely falls light years short of reality.

Twenty-five years ago Robert Bailey wrote a book called New Ways in Christian Worship. In it he said this: “We cannot worship rightly until we recapture, as the principle element of worship, the overwhelming sense of awe and reverence in the presence of God.” I love that phrase: “recapture…the overwhelming sense of awe and reverence in the presence of God.” When we do that, the natural outcome will be worship.

Here’s a regrettable fact: In our society, once we’ve done something once or twice it becomes old hat to us. “Been there, done that.” We need “new and improved.” Last year’s model isn’t good enough. What do you suppose would be the response of Wilbur and Orville Wright if they took a ride in a modern jet? Their first flight was about the equivalent distance of the wingspan of a modern Boeing 747. What would it be like for them to actually fly on such a plane? We, on the other hand, get on the plane, take out a book or magazine, or curl up for a quick nap. It’s old stuff for us.

Our corporate worship gatherings can end up the same way. We do the same things over and over, and those things become old news to us. We need to recapture that sense of awe and reverence in the presence of God.

Psalm 92:4 says this: “For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.” I found in the New Living Translations this rendering of that same verse: “You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.” What a great attitude. You thrill me, Lord! The psalmist was thrilled by God, and in response, he worshipped.

As we thrill and marvel at the wonder of God coming to us as a little baby last month, let’s think of how awesome, how incredible, how thrilling it is! What an amazing gift! We’ll explore these things further in the new year.

See you in worship!

Remarkable Worship by Marilyn Havekost

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“ I Need This!” By Pastor Tim Ahlman

How Can I Best Serve at “the table”? By Pastor Tim Ahlman

People are so kind and giving. So many people consistently come up to me and say, “Pastor Tim, I’d love to serve at “the table”. What can I do?” My immediate response used to be something like “you can help serve the meal, set up, clean up, etc. etc.” My first response has drastically changed over the last year. What can you do for “the table”? Come and eat. Make friends with folks who are different from you. Hear stories. Pray with people. Receive a gift from God in journeying alongside those who are struggling, and recognizing your mutual broken-ness in the midst of a mutually beneficial relation-ship. “the table” is not a place that is primarily about doing - we’re about being present with all people. We would love for you to come and be fully present with us!

I’ve never spoken in Fully Alive about how “the table” is funded so here you go. “the table” is self-funded, meaning we’re not in the church budget. It’s been that way since we began in January 2009. All monies that go in our basket before receiving your meal get placed right back into our weekly

meal and continuing care for our community. If you’d like to write a check for “the table”, simply make it out to Bethlehem Lutheran Church and write “the table” on the memo line. We have always had more than enough to do the ministry that God has called us to. Thank you! Yet, in 2012, expenses exceeded income for the first time in our four years (we celebrate our four-year anniversary on January 3rd!) We trust that God will supply our needs through you. Thank you for your continuing partnership with what God is doing at “the table”.

NEW SERIES starting January 3rd - Dreams! We’ll be looking at the Old and New Testament at how God spoke to His people in dreams and discussing if He still does today. Don’t miss it!


Our society is so lonely. Even though we have so many means of reaching out and striving to connect with others (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), so many of these relationship vehicles offer false intimacy and connection. We hunger and thirst for real, authentic, face-to-face encounters with others. God gave us this yearning. We’re built for community. Intimacy with the Father in worship is an incredible gift. Yet, intimacy with the Father through Word and Sacrament in worship will always propel us into personal relationships with others.

We are blessed to have a number of young couples joining our body of believers. Every single one of them has expressed a desire to be intimately connected to others through our LifeGroups. Praise be to God! One woman actually said to me over coffee, with passion in her eyes, “I need this!” LifeGroups have been a part of our community for almost five years now. They are certainly gaining

traction and momentum, but well over half of our body of believers is not connected to a LifeGroup. Please spend some time in prayer and ask God, “What sort of LifeGroup would you like me to become a part of? I know you want what is best for me. Please lead me to the LifeGroup that I need.”

Please contact Sandy Wendelin ([email protected]) or myself ([email protected]) with any questions you may have about LifeGroups at Bethlehem.

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Mary Martha Society - “In love, Serve One Another” By Jean Wendelin

The Mary Martha Society has been a part of the Bethlehem community for 34 years, organized as a daytime service organization giving support to the church, school, vicarage, individuals, and families within our congregation. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am in the PAC from September through May. Visitors and guests are always welcome. Each meeting is started with refreshments, followed by a devotion led by one of the Pastors or Vicar. The activities scheduled for the meetings alternate between special speakers, a craft activity to benefit our shut-ins or a group such as Good Shepherd Communi-ties, and special brunches, followed by a business meeting.

The organization supports several specific areas of service. Some of these areas include Chrismons Committee; Food Pantry; Vicarage Committee; Ministry to Shut-ins; a Heart-to-Heart family from the school; Bake Sales on the fifth Sunday of the month supporting different causes within the church; and Reception and Funeral Committee that serve after a wedding or provide a luncheon to bereaved families after a funeral at Bethlehem.

We would love to have you join us at our January meeting! In all we do, we must strive to let God’s love shine through to those we touch.


Stephen Ministry Corner By Dr. Douglas J. McKay, Author of Where is God When Life Hurts and Healing Words of Hope

My name is Douglas McKay, and I have been blessed to have been a Stephen Ministry Lay Leader and Stephen Minister for nearly fifteen years. Back in 1998 when I was asked by our parish priest to consider Stephen Leadership training, Stephen Ministry was absolutely foreign to me as a caregiver ministry.

Training in San Antonio, however, was a truly eye-opening experience, as soon as I realized that Stephen Ministry was an extensive network of trained caregivers throughout the United States, representing a variety of Christian denominations, sharing a singular goal to be effective Christian caregivers, with leadership responsibilities in their respective churches. This biblically-based training in psychology and counseling would become foundational to our care giving ministry at home.

Stephen Ministry is foundationally Christian, providing the best in care to those who are struggling in those difficult and trying moments of life. And, a fundamental focus of the care given by Stephen Ministers is the practice of attentive listening. Many

of us find the skill of listen-ing difficult at times. People will often say to me, “I don’t feel as if anyone is listening to me”. Then there is the old adage of “in one ear and out the other”, reflecting, of course, our tendency to not listen very well to others. Most of us would rather be talkers, to make our point or to focus on effectively ruling the conversation. But, the Bible tells us to be “slow to speak, and quick to listen.”

Stephen Ministers aren’t perfect in this regard, but we have been trained in attentive listening skills, and we are sensitive to the very need that others have to be heard, especially in the hard moments of life. Stephen Ministers want you to know that we are listening, and want to hear from you concerning your deepest needs and concerns. Our care giving is focused on hearing about the crises and tragedies that have affected your life. It is our goal that you be heard. And then together, we can find encourage-ment and hope through the word of God and prayer.

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Fully Alive

Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School

2100 N. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214

Church office: 303-238-7676 School office: 303-233-0401

Visit us online at

www.bethlehemfullyalive.com E-mail [email protected]

KLTT 670 Radio Broadcast 11:00 AM Sundays

David J. Langewisch, Pastor

Tim Ahlman, Pastor

John Petersen, Pastor of

Visi tat ion & Older Adul t Ministry

Caleb Kruse Vicar (Student Pastor)

Michel le Fischer , Princ ipal

Sandy Wendel in,

Director of Discipleship and Early Learning Center


Mari l yn Havekost, Director of Music Minis try

Scott Bubke,

Director of Operat ions

Paul Beasley, Director of Information Technology

Adam Winterhof,

Director, Student L i fe Ministry

Suke Gnagy, Preschool Director

Mel issa Meuzelaar & Timi Schuessler

Cornerstone Counsel ing, 303-238-7676, ext . 315

Fully Alive is published monthly for the members and friends of Bethlehem Lutheran. It focuses on news within the congregation and activities in the church each month. Articles may be submitted to the church office by the 15th of each month for the next month’s issue.

e-mail to: [email protected]

Count Your Blessings By Mary Anne Brossman

During this past holiday season my husband Dave and I attended “White Christmas” at the Temple Buell Theatre in downtown Den-ver. When the song, “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep” was sung, my first thought was of our current LifeLight study of Selected Psalms, specifically Psalm 77.

This psalm was written by Asaph, one of David’s Levitic music lead-ers in the temple. Asaph had been feeling that God had abandoned him, and was perhaps even angry with him. Instead of continuing on in his misery, he decided to recall some of the miraculous works of God and in doing so finds comfort (Psalm 77: 19-20). As Pastor Langewisch told our group, “God’s footprints may often be unseen by us, but God is still there.”

Our LifeLight classes are life-changing. I have been a member for a little over five years and no matter what we are studying, you can apply it to your life. Each and every week as we study Scripture, the Word is given life. When you pray be-fore you study and ask God for help with clarity, it is like you have suddenly affixed a book light to the cover of your Bible. Without warning you find yourself IN the Word instead of just reading the Word. Paul said the Word of God is alive, active and penetrates us (Hebrews 4:12). Likewise, I’ve found the Word can gently tiptoe up on you, often when you are just going about the hum-drum chores of daily life.

Then, many doors open: daily devotions, Sunday sermons, our lit-urgy and hymns become fully alive. From your previous study you will recall a certain phrase or phrases, who said them, under what circumstances they were spoken, and then discover that what they meant, in say 650 B.C., is still pertinent and applicable to this very moment in your life. LifeLight unquestionably leads to avenues of learning yet undiscovered.

All those centuries ago, Asaph verbalized God’s mighty works in solemn prayer. In a sense, he counted his blessings and found this brought him comfort and confidence. It’s pretty amazing to me that words spoken to God in the Jerusalem Temple suddenly became very clear to me at the Temple Buell Theatre.

What a gift this LifeLight study is!

Please plan to join us - you may register online at

[email protected].

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LWML By Kay Koch

Answering the call to ministry does not come without significant cost. In addition to the cost of attending seminary (tuition, books, and housing), there is the cost of meeting the needs of daily living. The Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, has a Food Bank to offer assistance to students and student families. The Rocky Mountain District LWML selected this Food Bank as a recipient of some of the 2012-2014 mite mission funds.

A second recipient tied into meeting the needs of those committing to the Lord’s service in ministry is the Rocky Mountain District Debt Assistance Fund. This fund is set up to help reduce the student loan burden of new seminary graduates.

The LWML of Bethlehem Lutheran Church will feature these mission outreach projects at the January meeting. Vicar Vanderhyde of University Hills Lutheran Church will be guest speaker at the meeting on Saturday morning, January 19th at 8:30 am in the PAC. All women of Bethlehem are welcome to attend this meeting for coffee fellowship, devotions, and information presented by Vicar Vanderhyde.

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in

cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.”


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Christmas By Candlelight

What a blessing! We’ve grown so

much that this year’s festivities had to be

held in the gym. Thank you to our

guest speaker, Mary Lou Powell, and to all of our wonderful hostesses! If you’ve

never been to Christmas by

Candlelight, you'll want to plan to join

us next year.

Youth Ministry Architects By Adam Winterhof

In late January, 2013, we will begin an extensive process to evaluate our youth and children’s min-istry at Bethlehem using an outside agency called Youth Ministry Architects. They spend 4 days on site interviewing staff, parents, and students and observing the ministry. Before leaving they provide a compre-hensive evaluation and set of recommendations.. The goal is to create a sustainable and en-during ministry that will last over the years.

Bethlehem has experienced youth ministry and seen ups and downs over the years, and we want to strengthen the program in a way that is not contingent on the person or personality of the Di-rector, Student Life Ministries.

Youth Ministry Architects exists to:

Build sustainable, deep-impact ministries, one church at a time;

Expand the competence, joy and longevity of ministry professionals; and

Provide the most direct ac-cess to the best ministry re-sources available today.

We are excited to work along-side YMA and will share their findings with you.

“their counsel is gold”

“a much needed resource in the youth ministry world”

“a valuable tool for any youth worker”

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Children’s Ministry and The Next Door Project By Marva Tonniges

KidzClub is Bethlehem’s Sunday morning children’s LifeGroups for ages 3 years through 6th grade. We meet Sundays at 9:15 am in the school. We want our children to be Fully Alive in Christ using a fun and positive learning environment.

As our Sunday morning classes grow, The Next Door Project will add additional classrooms that will become available for children’s ministry. It is an honor to partner with you in helping our children grow in their faith!

Sunday School students/teachers moving bricks for our building campaign!

Happy New Year from BLS By Michelle Fischer

As we ring in the New Year, the school year hits the midway point. Most people are starting to think about the end of the year and summer vacation plans, however, in the office, we are hitting the ground running with plans for next year. Our community Open House will be Tuesday, January 15th from 4-7pm. If you know anyone that might be interested in enrolling at Bethlehem, this is a great time to have them come tour the school and talk to the teachers.

Every year it seems like registration comes earlier and earlier, and this year is no exception. Registration will officially open on January 21 for current students re-enrolling. February 1 will begin open enrollment for the community.

An Investment Strategy: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. . . For where your treasure is, there your

heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.

Jesus pictures us as managers of His Father’s world. Scripture insists that everything is God’s. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1). Our role is to manage

the part of God’s resources He has given us. So, even though we feel like owners of our “stuff,” we are only managers. God is the owner. We want to make sure we know what God wants us to do with His resources and to invest them in the right way.

Our resources, whether that is money, possessions, time, energy, etc. give us opportunities right now. We can exchange these for investments that will last forever. That exchange takes place when we use the resources we have to strengthen the well-being of our own soul, the souls of our children, and the souls of others in our church and the world.

In these more difficult economic times, we are probably faced with making some hard choices with our possessions. Shall we continue to give our children a Christ-centered education? Are other choices more important?

What better way do we have to thank God for opening his heart and his home (heaven) to us than to invest our earthly riches in spiritual treasures! We live out our gratitude to Him as we invest in heaven’s currency, especially as we consider our greatest earthly treasure, our children.

Join us on Sunday mornings!


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Non-Profit Org.




THE CREMA A good espresso always has compact golden foam on the top. This foam is called crema

and is one of the most important components of the espresso. Come

volunteer one Sunday a month for about an hour and we'll teach you how to make an

espresso shot with good crema.

January Specials

Snowflake Latte/Steamer Winter Wonderland Mocha