january 2010 inmed newsletter

Well another summer at INMED has come and gone, leaving with it the memories of over 100 students and 25 staff to supervise and instruct these students. INMED has completed its 36 th year of operation, starting in 1973, ac- cepting thousands of students into our summer programs. This year the summer programs ran from June 15-July 24. The Summer Institute Program provides 90 middle and high school students an opportunity to spend six weeks at UND in a math and science enrichment program which emphasizes positive, healthy lifestyles and esteem building activities. Courses taught are biology, math, chemistry, physics, communication/study skills and health. Partici- pants are provided opportunities to explore various health related careers and learn from other students who share a commitment to academic achievement. But it‟s not all work…we also try to incorporate a little fun into our curriculum. We had several field trips this past year. Some of the fun places we visited were: •Aggasiz Environmental Learning Center in Fosston, MN for a biology field trip. •Red Lake Nation – Minnesota for a visit to an IHS facility for a visit with INMED doctors and staff. •Minneapolis, MN for a two day field trip to explore sci- ence, physics and social interactions. Visits included: Un- derwater Adventures Minnesota Zoo Science Museum and Valley Fair, along with a dinner, compliments of the Mdewakanton Sioux Tribe. Several speakers addressed the students to provide information on health careers in Medicine, Physical Ther- apy, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Nursing and other disciplines. Students toured the Human Nutrition Center and met with a dietitian who talked to them about exer- cise, nutrition and body mass. In addition, our Knowledge Bowl provided a fun learning opportunity with a team competition and questions asked from all classes being taught. Students also competed in an informal talent show. Every year we look for new opportunities for our young students, new challenges, new programs and new adven- tures. If you know of someone who you think would bene- fit from our summer programs, whether that would be stu- dents in grades 7-12, or community college students look- ing to transfer to a 4 year university, or students planning to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) for entrance into medical school; have them contact the IN- MED Program for an application. We are now accepting applications for our summer pro- grams. The application deadline is March 31, 2010 and this year‟s programs run from June 6 - July 16. Students that have participated in our programs come back year after year, it is a fun, rewarding program that gives you a chance to meet other students from all over the country, to get an insight into college life and to take part in new and exciting experiences. Come join us this summer - you will be glad you did! Another Year of Summer Programs Inside this issue: INMED Summer Institute..1 Doctor Martin....……..…..2 White Coat Ceremony…..2 Favorite Photos…….…...3 Summer Institute….…….4 Serpent, Staff & Drum Indians Into Medicine Newsletter - Quentin N. Burdick Indian Health Programs January „10 Pictured are the INMED Summer Institute Students from the summer of 2009 The “Serpent, Staff and Drum” is a newsletter of the Indians Into Medicine Program, University of North Dakota School of Medi cine & Health Sciences. INMED is part of the Quentin N. Burdick Indian Health Programs. The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the University or the School of Medicine & Health Sciences. INMED welcomes further distribution of information contained in this newsletter. We do request that INMED receive acknowledgment for articles reprinted. Submit articles for publication and address corrections to INMED Program - address on back. This publication funded through Indian Health Service Grant #D919400026/10.

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What's inside: INMED Summer Institute, Doctor Martin, White Coat Ceremony, Favorite Photos


Page 1: January 2010 INMED newsletter

Well another summer at INMED has come and gone,

leaving with it the memories of over 100 students and 25

staff to supervise and instruct these students. INMED has

completed its 36th year of operation, starting in 1973, ac-

cepting thousands of students into our summer programs.

This year the summer programs ran from June 15-July 24.

The Summer Institute Program provides 90 middle and

high school students an opportunity to spend six weeks at

UND in a math and science enrichment program which

emphasizes positive, healthy lifestyles and esteem building

activities. Courses taught are biology, math, chemistry,

physics, communication/study skills and health. Partici-

pants are provided opportunities to explore various health

related careers and learn from other students who share a

commitment to academic achievement.

But it‟s not all work…we also try to incorporate a little

fun into our curriculum. We had several field trips this

past year. Some of the fun places we visited were:

•Aggasiz Environmental Learning Center in Fosston, MN

for a biology field trip.

•Red Lake Nation – Minnesota for a visit to an IHS facility

for a visit with INMED doctors and staff.

•Minneapolis, MN for a two day field trip to explore sci-

ence, physics and social interactions. Visits included: Un-

derwater Adventures – Minnesota Zoo – Science Museum

and Valley Fair, along with a dinner, compliments of the

Mdewakanton Sioux Tribe.

Several speakers addressed the students to provide

information on health careers in Medicine, Physical Ther-

apy, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Nursing and other

disciplines. Students toured the Human Nutrition Center

and met with a dietitian who talked to them about exer-

cise, nutrition and body mass. In addition, our Knowledge

Bowl provided a fun learning opportunity with a team

competition and questions asked from all classes being

taught. Students also competed in an informal talent


Every year we look for new opportunities for our young

students, new challenges, new programs and new adven-

tures. If you know of someone who you think would bene-

fit from our summer programs, whether that would be stu-

dents in grades 7-12, or community college students look-

ing to transfer to a 4 year university, or students planning

to take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) for

entrance into medical school; have them contact the IN-

MED Program for an application.

We are now accepting applications for our summer pro-

grams. The application deadline is March 31, 2010 and

this year‟s programs run from June 6 - July 16. Students

that have participated in our programs come back year

after year, it is a fun, rewarding program that gives you a

chance to meet other students from all over the country, to

get an insight into college life and to take part in new and

exciting experiences.

Come join us this summer - you will be glad you did!

Another Year of Summer Programs

Inside this issue:

INMED Summer Institute..1

Doctor Martin....……..…..2

White Coat Ceremony…..2

Favorite Photos…….…...3

Summer Institute….…….4

Serpent, Staff & Drum

Indians Into Medicine Newsletter - Quentin N. Burdick Indian Health Programs January „10

Pictured are the INMED Summer Institute Students from the summer of 2009

The “Serpent, Staff and Drum” is a newsletter of the Indians Into Medicine Program, University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health

Sciences. INMED is part of the Quentin N. Burdick Indian Health Programs. The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of

the University or the School of Medicine & Health Sciences. INMED welcomes further distribution of information contained in this newsletter.

We do request that INMED receive acknowledgment for articles reprinted. Submit articles for publication and address corrections to INMED

Program - address on back. This publication funded through Indian Health Service Grant #D919400026/10.

Page 2: January 2010 INMED newsletter

Students listed are:

(Front row left to right):

Patricia Richardson

Nicholas Hosey, Sydney

Rooney, William

Longhurst, Dr. Joshua

Wynne, Interim Dean,

(Second row left to right):

Jarrod Spring, Kevin

Bradley, Bobbi Thuen,

Frederick Redwine and

Jason Jones.

Nine INMED students

attended the annual

White Coat Ceremony

held August 7, 2009 in

the Reed T. Keller Audi-

torium at UND School of

Medicine and Health Sci-

ences. The ceremony,

along with the Oath of

Hippocrates states and

honors the professional-

ism expected of the stu-

dents and their pledge to

offer to future physicians.

Dr. Candelaria Martin, who is currently a practicing phy-

sician with the Indian Health Ser-

vice (IHS) facility in Fort Totten,

North Dakota was an INMED

graduate, and part of a team of

over 187 doctors that have gradu-

ated through the INMED Pro-


Dr. Martin grew up on the Na-

vajo Reservation near Tuba City,

Arizona into the Whitecorn Zuni

Edgewater Clan and born for a

white man. Most of Dr. Martin‟s

family still live on the reservation.

Medicine was always first and

foremost on Candelaria‟s mind,

according to her father and Dr.

Martin believes that this goes

along with her mother‟s teaching

that one does not choose to prac-

tice medicine, rather you are cho-

sen to do it.

Dr. Martin completed her un-

dergraduate degree with a BS in

Biology and Chemistry at the Uni-

versity of New Mexico in Albu-

querque. She did attend the Uni-

versity of Colorado in Boulder for

one year but transferred to UNM

after her first year.

Candelaria started receiving

information about the INMED

Program long ago, but never

really took a look at it until she

applied to medical school, when

she discovered she could apply

through the INMED Program for

one of the seven slots that are

added each year for native stu-

dents. She states that she wishes

she had read the literature earlier

on, as she would have taken ad-

vantage of the summer programs

that we offer to students who are

in high school (Summer Institute)

and students who are transferring

to and preparing for medical

school (Pathway and MCAT Prep.

Once Candelaria became a part

of the INMED Program, through

medical school, she states that she

received a lot of positive experi-

ences from the program. She was

pleased with the cultural support

she received, the assistance with

IHS scholarship paperwork and

the academic support that helped

her to succeed.

Since graduation in 2004 Dr.

Martin has worked for Trinity

Hospital in Minot, Altru in Grand

Forks, Mercy Hospital in Devils

Lake, St Lukes in Crosby, the

Free Clinic in Minot and her cur-

rent position in family medicine at

Spirit Lake Health Center in Fort

Totten, ND (IHS facility). Dr.

Martin also does weekend cover-

age for family medicine and Ob-

stetrics at Mercy Hospital a criti-

cal access hospital in Devils Lake.

Besides a full time plus prac-

tice, Dr. Martin is involved with

her husband Ryan‟s Taekwando

School, teaching classes after

work at the clinic. Candelaria

and Ryan have a four year old son

named Evan. Dr. Martin also en-

joys jewelry making, motorcycles,

wine and good food.

If you were to ask Dr. Martin

for advice on a decision to go to

medical school she would tell you

to do it because you want to do

it…not for anyone else.

White Coat Ceremony for Class of 2013

Dr. Candelaria Martin...


Dr. Candelaria Martin

Page 3: January 2010 INMED newsletter


Some of our favorite photos

Page 4: January 2010 INMED newsletter




Grand Forks, ND


INMED applications can be found on our web site at: www.inmed.und.edu

If you have any questions or need additional information please call (701) 777-3037

or e-mail us at: [email protected].

Join INMED - Summer Institute 2010


UNDSMHS Room 2101

501 N Columbia Road, Stop 9037

Grand Forks ND 58202-9037








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