jan. 20 bulletin

“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.” Luke 1:78-79 KJV January 20, 2013 Dayspring United Methodist Church

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Bulletin for worship services at Dayspring United Methodist Church, Tempe, Arizona.


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“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

January 20, 2013

DayspringUnited Methodist Church

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DayspringUnited Methodist Church

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Our Mission Statement:To create disciples of Jesus Christ who touch and inspire people

through an open and diverse community

January 20, 2013 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

*As a courtesy, please make certain your cell phone is off during worship. Thank you.


MUSIC FOR GATHERING Rev. L. Michael Kelley at the Organ


THE PRELUDE Paul Manz “Adagio on St. Anne” 1919-2009

(O God Our Help in Ages Past)

THE CHORAL INTROIT9:00 - “Sing Praise” by Patti Drennan

The Celebration Singers

10:30 - “Greet the Dawning” by Jan SanbornThe Dayspring Chorale

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*THE CALL TO WORSHIPPastor: Come! Hear the call of God: “Speak of me to my

people.”People: But we are just ordinary folks. Who will listen?

Pastor: “I will give you the words. I will always be with you as you speak My words of truth and justice and love.”

People: We gather here to worship you,to praise you for your loving presence,and to be strengthened for the callingyou have given us.


*HYMN OF PRAISE Hymnal #698“God of the Ages”

SPECIAL MUSIC (10:30) Arr. by M. S. Edwards“God Hears My Prayer”

The Cherub Choir

A TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN(As children age 2 through 5th grade leave for Sunday School,

please join in singing Hymn #143)

“On Eagle’s Wings”And God will raise you up on eagle’s wings,

bear you on the breath of dawn,make you to shine like the sun

and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.

THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM9:00 - Macintyre James Ritchie (9/5/2012)

10:30 - Sasha Maki Tiede (3/16/2102)

Response: With God’s helpwe will so order our lives after the example of

Christ,that this child, surrounded by steadfast love,may be established in the faith,and confirmed and strengthened

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in the way that leads to eternal life.

HYMN RESPONSE Hymnal #611“Child of Blessing, Child of Promise” Stanza 1

THE ANTHEM9:00 - “Peace Like a River” by Donald Moore

The Celebration Singers

10:30 - “O Rise and Shine” by Donald MooreThe Dayspring Chorale

A TIME OF SILENCE (for personal prayer)

CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER9:00 - “Come, Spirit of Our Father’s Heart” by J. M. Martin

10:30 - “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord” by E. Fissinger


you are the hope of all the ends of the earth,the God of the spirits of all flesh.

Hear our humble intercessionfor all races and families on earth,that you will turn all hearts to yourself.

Remove from our mindshatred, prejudice, and contemptfor those who are not of our own race or color,class or creed,that, departing from everything that estranges and

divides,we may by you be brought into unity of spirit,in the bond of peace. Amen.




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THE OFFERTORY9:00 “Love Never Fails” by Julie Turner


THE OFFERTORY10:30 - “This Day of Gladness” by Susan Geschke

The Dayspring Chimers

*THE DOXOLOGY Hymnal #94Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia!Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*THE HYMN OF PREPARATION Hymnal #617“I Come With Joy”

THE EPISTLE READING I Corinthians 1:1-9

THE SERMON Rev Dr. Jane Tews“Doubting Our Own Infallibility”

*THE CLOSING HYMN Hymnal #408“The Gift of Love”


*THE BENEDICTION RESPONSE J. Strathdee“I Am the Light of the World”

Refrain: “I am the light of the world! You people come and follow me!”

If you follow and love you’ll learn the mystery of what you were meant to do and be.

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When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone,

when the kings and the shepherds have found their way home,the work of Christmas has begun:


Pastor: Let us greet one another as sisters and brothers in the ministry of Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord and Savior be with you.

People: And also with you!

(Please turn and greet one another as disciples of Jesus Christ!)

*THE POSTLUDE Gerald Peterson“Toccata Jubiloso”

PATIO FELLOWSHIPPlease Join Us for Refreshments on the Patio

*Those in the congregation who are able shall stand

Assisting in the Service This Morning:Rev. George Smoot

Pianist This Morning:Mary Sievert

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Next Week, January 27th isYOUTH SUNDAY!

Join us for worship at 9:00 or 10:30 as the youth group

leads a special service examining Christian faith in the

face of human tragedy and suffering. Don’t miss this

opportunity to think critically

about a challenging aspect of faith, to experience God’s

comforting love in a refreshing way, to be inspired to

Christian service, and to get to know better our church’s

next generation of leaders!

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To You, Our First Time Guest: We’re delighted you’re here! Please stand when the pastor asks for first time guests, so we can recognize you. We also invite you to stop by the Welcome Table near the church entrance and pick up a packet with information about our church. Welcome to Dayspring!

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING are given by Jim & Barbara Coffman in celebration of their 44th wedding anniversary; and given by Blyden Boyle in loving celebration of Florence Boyle’s birthday.

THE FOOD BASKET ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING is given by Suzanne and Laura Roosen in loving memory of Amy Watson.

NEW PARENTS - Dayspring has a tradition of placing a rose on the altar to announce a new baby in our church family. Be sure to let the church office know when your child is born/adopted and we will honor him/her with a rose.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS are available each week. Please ask an usher if you prefer large print. Also, please return large print hymnals to the narthex following worship.

HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - This sanctuary is equipped with a hearing system. Please ask an usher for a receiver.

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP GUIDES are available in the narthex. Ask an usher if you need assistance. Please return the folders to the “USED” box following the service.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are located in the pew box. If you have a need or celebration, fill out the card and place it in the offering plate.

IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW is a victim of domestic violence, please know there is information and support available through Dayspring. There are packets of information in the narthex, or for assistance, please call Rev. Jane Tews at (480) 838-1446.

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with the confidential one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help through a difficult time. Call Sally Butler, (602) 524-2109; Elizabeth Winkler, (480) 456-6573; or Liz Alden, (480) 497-0929 if you need someone to care.

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As Members of The United Methodist Church, we have pledged to support our Church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.


The Louder & Smith Families, following the death of Patsy Dean Smith, sister-in-law of Maxine Louder and aunt of Jerry Smith, on Jan. 10th

Joe Smith, brother of Kay Akers, just diagnosed with lymphatic cancerVince Olson and Mike Branigan, brothers-in-law of James & Barbara

Miller, both dealing with heart issuesKatie Sacha, recovering from surgery on January 8th

Karalyn Kroeger, having open-heart surgery to repair a defect and install a pacemaker, on January 24

Ongoing Health Concerns

George Elley, Karalyn Kroeger, Les Mesbergen, Polly Smith, Teresa Webb, Pam Narcy and Joan Venturini

All military personnel and their families, especially those who are actively serving our country during this time of war.

*REMEMBER all those, known and unknown to us, who are in special need of prayer.

PRESENCEAttendance for Jan. 13, 2013


GIFTSOffering received Jan. 13, 2013


Acolytes This Morning:9:00 - Robert Grahmann • 10:30 - Marianna Adams

Greeters This Morning:9:00 - Billy & Glendoris Cheek • 10:30 - Hildie Brooks

Coffee Hour Hosts:Jan. 13 - Jan & Dutch Vanderlaan

Jan. 20 - Betty & Bill Pettit • John Blanchard

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BE A PART OF THIS MINISTRYWe invite you to explore the Dayspring family by attending our next NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION class on Sunday, February 3rd, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. with a light lunch served. The NEW MEMBER SUNDAY will be held on February 10th. Childcare is provided. To register for the class, or for more information, please contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or (480) 838-1446

Food Drive Next Sunday! Bring any non-perishable food. Always wanted: canned fruit and vegetables; canned meat and meals; cereal; dry rice and beans; peanut butter and jelly. Thank you!

Boy Scout Troop 172 Pancake BreakfastPlease plan to attend the Annual Boy Scout Troop 172 Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 10th from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. There is no charge, however donations are gladly accepted with all proceeds from the breakfast benefitting the boys of the troop.

The Explorer’s Class continues its series today on “The Evolution of Marriage.” Today’s topics include “What the Bible says about same-sex relationships” and how the mainline denominations are dealing with societal changes in the perception of marriage. Next week we will discuss the UMC’s position. 9:00 a.m. in the Adult Room. Coffee is served.

Contemporary Issues - The Adult Contemporary Issues class begins a new series on the topic of “Happiness”. The series will involve videos and discussion based on the views of multiple philosophers and our Christian heritage to understand the state of “happiness”. Sandi Chamness is leading the discussion. Class meets at 10:30 in the Adult Room.

Women’s Retreat 2013 - Strength for Your Spiritual Journey - Mark your calendars for Saturday, Feb. 23, and plan to attend this one-day retreat led by Jane Tews, Jen Rooney and Carol Coleman, at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale. The cost is $45 which includes breakfast & lunch, and the book, Life of the Beloved, by Henri Nouwen. Sign up on the patio beginning Feb. 3 or contact Carol Coleman at [email protected] or 480-838-1446.

Singles at Dayspring - Singles, Etc. Lunches - Each Sunday after the second service, those who want to go out for lunch as a group meet at the restaurant listed below. If you attend first service, please join us! We gather

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around noon under the name “Dayspring”. Jan. 20 - Charleston’s - NW corner of Ray Road and 54th Street.

“Connections” is a Dayspring mission that advocates for the intrinsic worth of all persons, regardless of their sexual orientation. It offers support to and education about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons and their families. It also hosts the Tempe PFLAG group meeting each first Friday of the month. Our clergy can provide the names of “Connections” members for you to contact.

Brown Bag Lunch - Come join us every Tuesday at noon. Bring your own lunch and socialize with people from the church. We always have a good time! Come and be a part of this fun group.

Koinonikos Schedule - The next deadline date for the newsletter is February 15 and will include events in the month of March.

“Sometimesyou will never know the value of a moment

until it becomes a memory.”Theodor Suess Geisel

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SUNDAY, JANUARY 209:00 AM - Worship

- Children’s Sunday School- Explorer’s Class, Adult Room

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship - Children’s Sunday School- Contemporary Issues, Adult Room

1:30 PM - Confirmation, Room 111

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Media Center- AA Teen Meeting, Room 202

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Media Center- AA Teen Meeting, Room 202

6:00 PM - Jr. High UMYF, Fellowship Hall

MONDAY, JANUARY 21 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Office Closed7:00 PM - BSA Troop 172, Fellowship Hall

- BSA Venture Crew, Room 201- Missions Team Meeting, Adult Room

TUESDAY, JANUARY 228:45 AM - Yoga, Media Center

12:00 PM - Brown Bag Lunch, Room 1126:00 PM - Dayspring Chimers, Choir Room

- Yoga, Media Center7:00 PM - DayStar, Choir Room

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2310:00 AM - Disciple 1, Room 11211:00 AM - Prayer Shawl Ministry, Room 1125:45 PM - Esperanza, Choir Room

- Sprouts, Room 2016:00 PM - Cherub Choir, Adult Room

- Sunshine Singers, Media Center

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 (con’t)6:30 PM - Celebration Singers, Choir Room6:45 PM - Genesis Choir, Media Center7:30 PM - Dayspring Chorale, Choir Room

THURSDAY, JANUARY 249:00 AM - Bible Study with Pastor George, Adult Room6:45 PM - Stephen Ministry Training, Room 1127:00 PM - Sunday School Volunteers, Room 203

- Staff Parish, Room 201


SATURDAY, JANUARY 268:00 AM - UMW Prayer Breakfast, Adult Room8:45 AM - Stephen Ministry Training, Room 1129:00 AM - Mini Maestros, Media Center

10:00 AM - DYM Youth Sunday Rehearsal, Sanctuary

SUNDAY, JANUARY 27 - Youth Sunday9:00 AM - Worship

- Children’s Sunday School- Explorer’s Class, Adult Room

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- Children’s Sunday School- Contemporary Issues, Adult Room

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Media Center- AA Teen Meeting, Room 202

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Media Center- AA Teen Meeting, Room 202

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. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

The ministers of this church are its members.Those who assist them are:

Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata Rev. Robert Burns, District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tews, Senior PastorRev. George Smoot, Associate Pastor

Rev. L. Michael Kelley, Minister of MusicCarol Coleman, Minister of Spiritual Formation

Jill Moyer, Church SecretaryKris Kroeger, Program SecretarySusie Seckel, Financial Secretary

Mary Sievert, Music AssociateJulie Hackmann, Director of Bell Choirs

JulieAnne Weissberg, Director of Children's MusicJackie Miller, Director of Cherub Choir

Carrie Mook, Youth Ministries CoordinatorBecky Sindlinger, Children’s Coordinator

Linda Falk, Preschool DirectorMarilyn Bunte, Nursery Coordinator.

Frankie Vasquez, Custodian

Dayspring United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation. We welcome all people, regardless of age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, or ability into the full life of this congregation.

Dayspring United Methodist Church1365 East Elliot Road • Tempe, Arizona 85284-1608

(480) [email protected]
