jamie mc gannon personal learning project

Jamie McGannon Personal Learning Project

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Post on 17-Feb-2017




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Jamie McGannon Personal Learning Project

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Jamie McGannon Personal Learning Project

My chosen topic is:

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• In my proposal I explained that I would be researching mobile marketing and its relationship to digital marketing. I chose this topic as it has been my observation that we are getting smarter and faster phones and that more of us have access to mobile phones. I also believe that we are seeing a shift from traditional online from that of the PC or laptop to the tablet and mobile phone.

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• As a digital marketer this is something that I believe we need to pay attention to as mobile technology as it appears has the ability to reach out to a much broader audience.

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• I can after researching exclaim without any doubt that everything I thought to be true is and more so!

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• Something very interesting that I discovered in my research is that 2014 is supposed to be the year mobile exceeds desktop usage.

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• I guess time will tell but it seems obvious to me now.

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• I guess time will tell but it seems obvious to me now

• But first I should explain my learning goals

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My Learning Goals:

I wanted to have an understanding of where we were , where we are now and where we are headed . I Intended to learn this by researching the below questions:

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My Learning Goals:

1. Why Mobile is the future and why we should take notice, what are the drivers behind this?

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My Learning Goals:

1. Why Mobile is the future and why we should take notice, what are the drivers behind this?

2. An understanding of how web sites can or should be optimized so they are mobile friendly, how does viewing and the whole online experience change when we are mobile VS traditional online and can they be blended?

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My Learning Goals:

1. Why Mobile is the future and why we should take notice, what are the drivers behind this?

2. An understanding of how web sites can or should be optimized so they are moblie friendly, how does viewing and the whole online experience change when we are mobile VS traditional online and can they be blended?

3. Money and Mobile how is money being made, is there more opportunities with mobile.

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• First off I know the course has 2 separate segments on mobile I have read both segments over several times. The course explains the history of the web all the way up to mobile phones as good or greater than anything I could find on the web. This wasn’t one of my numbered learning goals but I think you have to grasp where you came from in order to understand where you are headed.

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My Learning Goals:

Knowing there are 2 segments already in the course I still chose mobile as my learning goals as I wanted to leave no rock unturned as I am primarily taking this course to augment my real world situation as we are selling products online through The Home Depot. Of course THD and my company want to drive sales and the real world questions are of course always being asked how do we do this. With 2014 the year that is supposed to be the most ever for mobile I have to take notice.

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My Learning Goals:In order to go beyond what the course offers already I have

kept my focus primarily on what Google thinks we need to do.

Dare I say every Blog or Web page I read borrowed from Google or was substandard?

I have to point out my opinion because I honestly feel the other references I site all seem to confirm in my opinion that Google IS the one to pay attention too after all they are they largest and have the access to the most data.

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My Learning Goals:

1. Why Mobile is the future and why we should take notice, what are the drivers behind this?



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My Learning Goals:

Answers: The obvious is the sheer number of cell phones which is over 6 billion currently out there compared to the world population of over 7 billion according to Wikipedia. You have to take notice of this but I am more interested today on what a 1st world country specifically Canada habits are. I in the short term anyway am not going to be marketing to a developing country through SMS. I want to know the trend in the market I am selling in now.

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My Learning Goals:

• Not only is smartphone ownership way up in Canada, users are getting increasingly addicted to their mobile devices, suggests a new report released by Google.

• Based on online surveys with 1,000 Canadians earlier this year, the report estimates that 56 per cent of adults were using a smartphone, up from 33 per cent in early 2012.

• 33% in less than 2 years is a BIG! In the USA the number is even higher.

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My Learning Goals:

• Now I know the course details usage stats that are impressive and detailed so I won’t get into numbers but my take away is that I believe the trend is exponentially growing.

• Recently my business partner THD had Google in their offices and Google recognizes THD as an early adapter of Mobile. I will segue into my next learning goal using them as an example.

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My Learning Goals:

2. An understanding of how web sites can or should be optimized so they are mobile friendly, how does viewing and the whole online experience change when we are mobile VS traditional online and can they be blended?

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My Learning Goals:


Answer: Before my research beyond the course

offering I was under the impression that certain tools could be used to automatically optimise web sites for mobile and they can but I would only advise this for the short term.

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My Learning Goals:

If you take a look at THD they have really embraced Mobile optimization. Best practice examples I now recognize are:

A. First and foremost optimize the site so that a mobile phone can easily navigate with up and down scrolling. I am keying in on the current Gen Smartphone here. I don’t think you are going to buying for example building materials on a 2nd gen Blackberry the screens are still to small.

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My Learning Goals:

B. From there it is all about Apps the I Phone store and Google Android apps for operating system specific.

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My Learning Goals:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qvwLPdX_7j0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-UAPDaXExuU

C. But what really opened my eyes up was what consumers are doing with their phones. The course offering does bring up the subject of how if someone has a bad experience on mobile they may then go to the competition but the part that my further studies have shown as this may be happening while they are in your store. Furthermore they are searching for the best price, my take away is along with the QR codes and videos we are planning we need to counter the “show rooming” effect and capitalize on retaining the sale in store or online by marketing digitally as well as traditionally price match guarantees.

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My Learning Goals:

3.Money and Mobile how is money being made, is there more opportunities with mobile?

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My Learning Goals:

Answers: When I wrote this question I was primarily thinking more of how are companies like Facebook, Google and Youtube for example would continue to make money on smaller screens but after my research other avenues are almost unlimited so I won’t expand too much . But will breakdown the 3 I listed. EG Google doesn't have 3 ads at the top or room for extra sponsored ads on the side bar so with big push to mobile how are they going to be able to sustain their sales and growth?

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My Learning Goals:

• Facebook appears to be pushing ahead to full mobile platforms and it looks like their ad revenue is paying off and they are gaining market share.

• You tube is embedding ad videos in the videos you want to watch EG you have to watch an ad for 30 seconds first. Still seems like a good deal when you consider you are mobile and compared to anyoying TV ads every 5 min it seems like.

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My Learning Goals:

• But what of Google the Kingpin? They are still making money hand over fist but they are challenged in mobile. I asked myself these questions because when your consider all the other topics like SEO and digital marketing strategies etc I think you need to pay attention to the leaders in the field. Without listing everything that Google is doing as I don’t think this is what this is all about so I will sum it up with they are diversifying and they still need to be paid attention too.

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• To sum it all up is there more opportunities with Mobile they answer is astoundingly yes. This again is because of sheer numbers of people with access but in the background our mobile usage creates other behind the scenes for revenue generation as our phones go everywhere with us and this provides specific localized content.

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• Not only that but the creation of Apps along with technology like Mobile Payment are changing our world as we know it. We can witness billions going missing in Bitcoins but we can also see stable banking programs like taking a picture of a check, electronic money transfers and electronic card readers like sqaureswipe emerge. All of these allow money to be transferred easily and the flow of goods to be move more easily.

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• At the end of the day or should I say our 24/7 always on digital marketing day Mobile and marketing is making it easier to buy and sell products and services easier than ever before.

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