james a. taliana, editor newsletter of the scarab club...

Scarab ^^•••fel J J )L Newsletter of the Scarab Club James A. Taliana, Editor Summer 1973 THE SCARAB CLUB CALENDAR July 6 Old Board/New Board Luncheon Meeting July 14 The 2nd Annual Scarab Club Picnic (all day) September 10 Club Dining Room Opens for the New Season September 17 Club's Sketching Sessions Start Again Autumn date to be announced later A "Golden Earring Party"! One of the first shows next season will be the Gold Medal, so get your paintings & sculpture ready this summer. Many thanks. As the outgoing President, the Raffle-Auction was the last activity of my administration. As many of you no doubt have heard, our June Raffle/Auction was a great success. We came very close to our $10,000 goal and the credit for this goes to all Scarabs and our friends who all cooperated in many ways to make it the success it was. We had contributions of paintings and other auctionable items totaling 192 pieces that were donated by our own members, including many donations from non-member artists in support of the Club. I would like to thank all of these donors. The success of any activity always depends on the depth of involvement of the committee in charge. There were dozens of Scarabs and non-member friends who performed in many ways and the Club owes them many thanks. It is with great appreciation for a fantastic job that I thank the Bowen-Keats Committee. Ginny Bowen and her husband Bob organized this event beautifully with countless hours spent on the phone, soliciting paintings, with Bob not only doing an excellent job of auctioneering, but also gathering paintings by personally picking them up. On behalf of all Scarabs, many thanks for enriching the Club - not only from the financial aspects but also with the enthusiasm they have engendered in the Club. Joseph Maniscalco

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Page 1: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting

Scarab^̂ •••fel • J J )L

Newsletter of the Scarab Club

James A. Taliana, Editor

Summer 1973


July 6 Old Board/New Board Luncheon Meeting

July 14 The 2nd Annual Scarab Club Picnic (all day)

September 10 Club Dining Room Opens for the New Season

September 17 Club's Sketching Sessions Start Again

Autumn date to be announcedlater A "Golden Earring Party"!

One of the first shows next season will be the Gold Medal, so get yourpaintings & sculpture ready this summer.

Many thanks.

As the outgoing President, the Raffle-Auction was the last activityof my administration.

As many of you no doubt have heard, our June Raffle/Auction was agreat success. We came very close to our $10,000 goal and the creditfor this goes to all Scarabs and our friends who all cooperated inmany ways to make it the success it was.

We had contributions of paintings and other auctionable items totaling192 pieces that were donated by our own members, including manydonations from non-member artists in support of the Club. I wouldlike to thank all of these donors. The success of any activity alwaysdepends on the depth of involvement of the committee in charge. Therewere dozens of Scarabs and non-member friends who performed in manyways and the Club owes them many thanks.

It is with great appreciation for a fantastic job that I thank theBowen-Keats Committee. Ginny Bowen and her husband Bob organized thisevent beautifully with countless hours spent on the phone, solicitingpaintings, with Bob not only doing an excellent job of auctioneering,but also gathering paintings by personally picking them up. On behalfof all Scarabs, many thanks for enriching the Club - not only from thefinancial aspects but also with the enthusiasm they have engendered inthe Club.

Joseph Maniscalco

Page 2: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting

From Your New President - "Bernice's Bulletin"

Scarab Members, I thank you for your vote of confidence.

It is an honor to be President of the Scarab Club. The most distinguished Art Club in

Michigan, but it will be hard to follow Joseph Manescalco, our Past President, as he did a

magnificent job.

I am grateful for the sincere board and with cooperation, introspection, and intuition, we

will be able to build on our fine heritage.

What a great source of untapped power we have at our disposal -- the energy from our col-

lective minds and all we have to do is plant the right seeds for thought.

Dream the beautiful dream for the Scarab Club, as your dreams are the first steps to reality-

Can you picture in your mind's eye the first international Grand Prix of the Scarab Club?

You may think, where would we house such a show?

It could be held in conjunction with the Builder's Show -- or better yet, the Flower Show

at Cobo Hall.

Or, picture a Buckminister Fuller Geodesic Dome maybe in the parking lot--

This is not a new idea as it was done in Birmingham for the National Ecclesiastical Art


Now let us transfer our thoughts to new programs --maybe--a series of mini music appreciation

courses, or poetry reading--solo drama performance or dance.

This type of program was accomplished by Raymond Duncan in his Paris Gallery on the left

bank--a so-called dangerous neighbor-hood, but the Gallery was packed.

Also, I hope we can do something about our menus—more weight watcher meals and I think it

would be thoughtful to have a weekly menu displayed on our Bulletin Board.

All our dreams cannot be accomplished in one year--but let us project a five year plan for

renovation of this venerable building as we will be the most unique contribution to the

cultural center.

Five years from now we will be even more proud to be a Scarab.

Page 3: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting








B. Carmichael, President - TU-4-2603J. Taliana, Vice President - 646-1000/739-0636C. Smith, Secretary - LI-5-5985I. Latimer, Treasurer - TU-2-8504

F. Moorhouse - 575-6405A. Parquette - 427-3486Doris Padys - 868-7465Robert Blanchard - 833-0242

W. Bostick - 831-0360E. Roth - TU-1-2178F. Gille - 773-4250Margaret Wilson (To fill I. Latimer one year remainder

of term) - 963-8869

13. J. Maniscalco - PR-8-9190


14. Gale Dransfield - 873-525215. Harry F. Evans - GA-1-4067

Whenever any Scarab has a question or an idea or even a gripe...please call one of us.

Page 4: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting




(See Chuck's Map For Directions)

A picnic for the whole family...on private grounds prepared by Scarab Chuck Herzog.

Just as we did last year, all families will bring their own meat and drinks but also bringa dish to share. That dish could be a salad, beans, gelatin, fruit, melon, dessert or asnack.

Bring a portable grille, and a portable table with chairs if you have 'em. Bring lawngames too. There will be swimming but no beach.

Chuck says there is plenty of trees for shade, plenty of cut grass to play on and a cleanlake the size of a football field he had dug last year. There will be a few games for thekids and for the adults...with prizes too!



Lucy Carmichael Milner, 15650 Windmill Pte. Drive, Grosse Pointe Park.

Lucy is self-employed being president and owner of the Milner Hotels.

She is interested in film making, photography, painting and crewel work and has exhibitedwidely.

Lucy is sponsored by Scarab Margaret Wilson and Bernice Carmichael.

Jonathan Edward Rice, 76 Amherst, Pleasant Ridge.

Jon is employed as a sculptor by General Motors at the Tech Center.

His works have been included in many Michigan Exhibitions. Scarab Joseph Maniscalco isJon's sponsor.


Scarab Joseph Maniscalco has a painting in the Michigan Watercolor Society Show at theBloomfield Art Association.


Scarab Joe Franz, past Scarab Club President (almost past everything) has been a member forover 25 years and is now 65 years of age. At this juncture he is eligible and has now re-ceived the Senior Member designation. Congratulations Joe.


Scarab Edna Branch, a new club member of only a few months is the only Scarab Club artist tohave a painting accepted in this years Butler Institute of American Art National Exhibition.Edna entered the Exhibition after seeing the notice in the May issue of the Scarab Buzz.Congratulations to Edna is certainly in order.


Page 5: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting


, 739-0636






of off 1-75get you-there.

Page 6: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting


The figures are almost all in ... as far as we can tell -the Spring Festival Raffle/Auction has cleared $8,000.Congratulations to all. The full accounting of this eventwill be published in the fall Buzz.


Looking over all the beautiful recipes the Scarab members and theirfamilies have contributed to the Scarab Club Cook Book, I can't helpbut believe it will be anything less than magnificent.

So far we have received as many as 13 recipes from one of our membersand as little as 0 from some others. We're still looking for manymore recipes...so please all you Scarab's who have put it off or isafraid their lettering is not good enough, please fear not, just writeit out, it'll be just great.

Our Scarab Club Cook Book just won't be complete without a coupleof yours.

We plan to print pages of the Cook Book all summer but we can't putpage numbers on them and make an index without having all of therecipes...so LAST CALL FOR YOUR FAVORITE RECIPES - contribute to thefine art of cooking! For information call Jim Taliana, week-days646-1000 - evenings 1-739-0636.

* * * *


Scarabs Bob Cox and Chuck Herzog are having their talents putto use on the mass media of television.

WXYZ - Channel 7 is using portraits of people in the news on itsnews broadcasts...done by Bob Cox.

WWJ - Channel 4 has Chuck Herzog sketching at the Hayward Browntrial in Detroit and is using them to illustrate the trial onits newscasts.

Page 7: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting



-I I

Page 8: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting

June 20, 19"3

"ALL MICHIGAN II EXHIBITION"November 18, 1973 - January 20, 1974

The Flint Institute of Arts announces its second "ALL MICHIGAN" juried exhibitionof painting and sculpture open to all artists presently residing in Michigan. (Onlywork completed since January 1, 1973 will be eligible).

AWARDS Three thousand dollars in purchase awards will be announced at anopening reception Sunday afternoon, November 18.

JURYING For preliminary jurying each artist must submit one 35mm color slidein 2x2 cardboard mounts of each painting or sculpture (no more than three slidesPER ARTIST) - name, address, title of work, medium, dimensions of work, clear-ly marked on each slide. SLIDES ARE DUE FOR PRELIMINARY JURYING BYFRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. Upon preliminary jury acceptance, artists will beinvited to submit their actual work for final jurying. A one-man jury (to beannounced) will jury both the preliminary slide jurying and the final jurying.

ENTRANCE FEE There is a non-refundable $5.00 entry fee to be received withthe slides - as well as a sel f -addressed stamped envelope for prompt return ofslides. (All checks or money orders payable to the Flint Institute of Ar ts ) .

SALES All work submitted must be for sale. The Flint Institute of Arts willcharge a commission of 15% on all sales.

Inquiries concerning the "ALL MICHIGAN II" exhibition may be made directly tothe Flint Institute of Arts. In order to simplify clerical efforts, we are notutilizing entry blanks during the first round of jurying. (Slides).

HOURS;Mon. -Sat . 10a .m. - 5 p . m .

Sun. 1 - 5 p.m.

Slides may be sent from the date above through October 12.

Flint Institute of Arts in the DeWsters Art Center D 1120 E.Keansley Street n Flint, Michigan 48503 tel. 234 1685

Page 9: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting

The Scarab Club Arts' Auction and Raffle, held on a lovely and reason-ably cool and almost dry evening last Saturday, June 23rd, was afantastic success — a success both in crowd and in finances.

All of our success is due to the many people who helped in many differ-ent ways. We had really marvelous art donations from over 150 artiststhis year — both from our club members and from outside artists too.We had 193 fine pieces of art donated — a truly remarkable number!91 in the auction - 102 in the raffle.

The "COUNTABLES" came through with flying colors as usual - and therewere many new helpers (members and outsiders) who also worked extremelyhard - phoning, cataloging, hanging, organizing, cleaning, movingfurniture, selling tickets, recording, announcing, etc. — and eachone having a darn good time!

George Booth Harold Grandy Lucy Carmichael MilnerBob Blanchard Leon Haskin Oscar MlejnekPat Bramley Chuck Hyder Fred MoorhouseEdna Branch Russ Ingham Doris and Joe PadysJackie Carlson Ernie Junker Art ParquetteBernice and Curtis Carmichael Marion RingeAl Decker Ira Latimer Mary and Curtis SmithLarry Dishman Irene and Al Keats Irene TothJoel Durand Joe Maniscalco Bob VanderklootF. H. Evans Alex Marines Jim WilsonJoe Franz Margaret Wilson

. Thanks to all those who made the Scarab Auction '73 the smashingsuccess it was, and for those who donated from their own privatecollections. A special thanks and sincere apologies to anyone notmentioned - it was pure oversight - not ungratefulness.

The laurels are all yours - and so is the gratitude of the club. Nowfor the really fun proclamation — It worked! Our gross figure isover $9,000.00!!!! It really makes all the effort worth it, doesn'tit?! A truly respectable figure - I think you would all agree.

Again, my sincere thanks to all of you — I look forward to workingwith each and every one of you on future Scarab activities.

Thursday, June 28, 1973 Sincerely,

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Ginny Bowen

Scarab Club New Members (July)

Alfred J. Bochenek, 650 E. Snell Rd., Rochester.Al is Graphic Artist/Director in Instructional Technology & Media atWayne State University. His art has been seen locally and nation-widein University related educational displays. Al's sponsor is ScarabGeorge Booth.

* * * *

Anastasia Lucas, 681 Covington Drive, Detroit.Anastasia is employed as a secretary at Wayne State University/PhotoServices. She has studied art at W.S.U. and at Arts & Crafts. :

Anastasia1s sponsor is Scarab George Booth.

* * * *Jennifer Ann Dossin, 17121 Maumee Rd., Grosse Pte.Jenny is interested in photography and writing prose. Scarab EldonRoths is her sponsor.

Page 10: James A. Taliana, Editor Newsletter of the Scarab Club ...scarabclub.org/archives/files/original/11/Scarab-Buzz_1973_07.pdf · She is interested in film making, photography, painting


The Board and members wish to thank all the Scarabs for their generous

donations to the Scarab Club. Your efforts and work made this the most ,

successful fund raising auction.

With cooperation and interest we will be able to make our group the most

creative organization in the city.


S-T-R-E-T-C-H, stretch your MIND can you think of anything more delight-

ful to create this summer than Original Toys for Children, handmade by

Artists! AWAY WITH MOLDS AND PLASTIC TOYS. We are contemplating a

Children's Toy Fair in November at the Scarab Club. Get your whole family

involved and THINK:

mobiles cars booksgames sweaters puppetsdolls tables and chairs wall hangings

The idea is more exciting as you dwell on it and is generating a great deal

of interest already. You may work all summer on your creations. I don't

believe this has ever been done before. Think of the excitement! Picasso

and Miro made toys for their children and through the ages many other

artists have delighted their children with original toys.

We are expecting a beautiful display of articles for sale and a percentage

of the sale would be the Club's commission. All these little details will

be worked out later in a letter. In the meantime put your creative minds

to work and have a wonderful summer. Sincerely •>

-•; -j • -** , - . /r U >?̂ £t (̂1 y• sL-^rr-, , i A«_^_^Bernice Carmichcbe-LPresident