
Jaguar (Panthera Onca) The jaguar is very well adapted to where they live. Jaguars may live in rain forests or swampy areas so they are excellent swimmers. This allows them to cool off or catch food. The jaguar has a large jaw and head that helps them to kill their prey. The jaguar kills their prey with a bite in the back of the head instead of by the neck so they need a very strong jaw. The jaguar also has unique spotting all over their body. This allows the jaguar to camouflage in their environments. Over millions of years, the jaguar has adapted into what it is today.

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Post on 05-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Jaguar


(Panthera Onca)

The jaguar is very well

adapted to where

they live. Jaguars may

live in rain forests or

swampy areas so

they are excellent

swimmers. This allows

them to cool off or catch food. The jaguar has a

large jaw and head that helps them to kill their

prey. The jaguar kills their prey with a bite in the

back of the head instead of by the neck so they

need a very strong jaw. The jaguar also has

unique spotting all over their body. This allows the

jaguar to camouflage in their environments. Over

millions of years, the jaguar has adapted into what

it is today.