j09 wiesdn compufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01466/00717.pdf · coast line near kendrick...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN JULY 2fi J09 i NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED MATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST SECURED BY SUN REPORTERS y What Has Happened and What Is Go Ing to and Social Items of the City HappenPersonal from Vfdtai Daily Sun- J M Gulnn of Alachua was a vis- Itor here yesterday Hurley Butler of Morriston was a visitor to the city P Nipper and wife of Ncwberry were visitors to city yesterday- J E Janet the agent for the Sea- board at FalrbankH was a visitor here yesterday J R Zctrouer one of the most prominent citizens of the Rochelle section was a visitor here yesterday J E Starling of Trenton was among the visitors to the city yesterday While here ho made an agreeable call at this office Mrs S U Phlfer and children of High Springs were hero yesterday on a visit to the formers sister Mrs M I Saunders the yesterday- S r III ¬ T L Hlanton of Newberry was visitor here yesterdny He states roads are in a bad condition as a re suit of the recent heavy rains E F Zetrouer of Rochelle waif Gainesville Thursday He Is the depu ty sheriff for that district besides be Ing one of the leading merchants F D Irwin of Fairbanks the pope lar merchant of that place besides an extensive contractor In wood ties was a visitor to Gainesville yes terday S L Dlanton of Wade one of the prominent citizens of that section was a visitor to the city yesterday while here made a pleasant call al this office Mrs LoUie St Augustine who has been here for the past few days visiting her mother Mrs Woods in East Gainesville returned to hei homo yesterday- Col Fred Cubberly U S district attorney with headquarters at Key was a visitor here yesterday He may decide to remove his famil acre at a later day Dr Tbos McLeod of Newberry om of the prominent physicians of that place was a visitor to the city Ho has a number of friends whi are always pleased to meet him Mr aad Mrs W II Waits of Fair baRks have been hero on a visit for a few days the guests of tho lat ters parents Mr and Mrs Wlttstock returned to their home yesterday T P Maynard of Alachua was transacting business in the city yes tcrday Ho states that the crops Ills section are looking fine and the farmers anticipate a good yield all around Dr and Mrs S D Rogers accoin panted by their Interesting children lave returned from West Florida where the latter have been spending the past few weeks Mrs Rogers has not enjoyed the good health during her absence tsat ahe Inl anticipated much to the regret of her numerous friends here D II Grace of KviiiHton and J W Means of Mclnto h were in the city yesterday They were among tho excursionists in the wreck on the Coast Line near Kendrick Tuesday and came here for the purpose of looking after sonic damages for their injuries The former suffered injury- to the left arm while the latter Is bruised and incapacitated for duty tffutn Saturdays Daily Sun- J A J Strickland of Hague was a visitor here yesterday- F S Curl of Archer was circulating among his Uulnetivlllu rlunds yester- day Deputy Sheriff W C Hague of Alachua wus nniong the visitors to the city yiKterdny lion J A KonlmroiiKh and wife of Windsor were among the shoppers visiting tliu city Friday- C Ward of Newberry was a visitor- to the city ytwterduy and made a pleasant cull nl this office B A HIHW cud W Chapman representative n of Newberry were visitir 11 Uu city yesterday W W fn i many years liittchtr A ID at nan of High BjirliiKu i vi if r hern yesterday n the In and and Leyvrez of Ced who O G cit fair the J Ji L F yester- day a t L f z r a ¬ Newberry was here yesterday on a business and pleasure trip coublned J U Kennard of Waldo lor iiany years engaged In the livery business there was transacting bublnets In the city yesterday G W Call of LaCrosse one of the planters of the northern part of the county was trading in the city yes teruay While here he called to his subscription to The Sun Dr Armstrongs next visit to Gainesville August 3rd Anyone hav- ing any form of eye trouble or nervousness should tIle him Office at Drown House the one day only re- new head- aches ¬ ¬ C W Hauknlght one of the veteran business men of Archer and who ha done n great deal for the advance- ment of that section was here yes- terday looking after some business matters Ira J Carter Justice of the peace for the Ncwberry district was trans- acting business in the city yesterday He has a large number of acquaint- ances here who are always pleased to welcome him to Gainesville Dr W C Johnson of Mlcanopy was among the visitors to the city yester- day He is one of the most prominent citizens of that place and has a large number of acquaintances here who arc always pleased to meet him Mrs Maggie Shuford of High Springs Is In the city for a few days ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ visit and while here Is the guest of the family of J E Hurtz She Is accompanied by Miss Kathleene Hives one of the popular young la- dles of that city Geo W Livingston deputy sheriff from Ncwberry was a visitor here yesterday He came for the purpose of attending the execution of it H Owen which did not transpire and states that a largo number were here for the sonic purpose A J Feaster one of the substan- tial planters of the Rochelle section was a visitor to the city yesterday Ho has recently added more register- ed stock to his cattle farm and within n short while will have the leading herd of stock in that part of the county frnm Sunday faiu Sn F M Ramsey of Wacahoota was In the city yesterday Vance Winter of Waldo was a vis- Itor hero yesterday Miss Margaret Merchant Is visiting relatives at High Springs G A Sparkman of Waldo wo among the visitors to the city yes- terday M Venable the sawmill and crate man of Archer was a visitor here yesterday Geo Law of Arredondo one of the plasters there was a visitor to the city yesterday- L H Hall and of Orange Heights wero visitors to the county capital yesterday Mrs S 0 Phlfer and children of High Springs who have been here on a short visit returned to their home yesterday Mrs W T Gill of Alachua arrived In the city yesterday and will spend the next new days hero visiting her sister Mrs S H Register Typewriter ribbons for sale at this office The best on the market Only eventyflve cents All colors and for on all standard machines The Standard Fertilizer Company is giving dcuble votes on all cash sales from now until close of piano contest Goods shipped when you want them- J H Molly the cattleman anti merchant of Arredondo was In the Sky ot terday He states that they gave had an abundance of rain In ils suction and the roads are In a had omlltlon Henry 3 Futch and wilt of Miami and Miss Marion Fetch of this city are now on a pleasant visit to Knox yule Town Front that they will proceed to Tate Springs for u hort ftay before returning home T R Hennett and daughter Miss Ruby have been In the city several on a visit to the family of J W Hennett Mss Ruby has been attend- ing school nt Douglass Ga and ex- pects to ntitirn there the coming fall Mrs F M Prewitt and children Louise and F M Jr departed yester- day for points In Alabama and Geor- gia where they will spend the next few weeks with relatives and friends Mrs Prewitt has been a persistent rooter for the Oak Halls and re gnu that she will be unable to be here when the tames take place with point hfgh grade son days ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WIESDN GAINESVILLES FASTGROWING STORE Already the carpenters are remodeling the upper floor of our pres ent quarters which we will occupy the coming season with High Grade Millinery and ReadytoWear Goods Every convenience- to make you comfortable 1 AJoI 0 COMP y I I t d ¬ 12 12 and 15c White Goods special at 912C 25 yards good Un bleached Muslin 1 SILK SALE Ta ¬ ¬ ble of 50 75c Silk all new this sea sons goods some very neat styles for suits this week your choice per yard 39c ¬ BASE BALL NEWS How Other Teams Have Fared With Gainesville Rivals From Fridays Dally Sun St Augustine defeated Ocala at Dcala on Wednesday afternoon by a score of 4 to 3 and they stated they did not hove such an extra team Ithtfr a they passel through here Sanford Wins From Palatka Fridays Dally Sun Sanford defeated Palatka In two In- teresting games In Sanford the first one being 3 to 2 and the next and last 10 to 4 These pickings are scheduled to come here for another game and we will get ours Waldo 4 Lake City 3 From Fridays Dally Sun The Waldo ball team went to Lake City yesterday where they defeated the former University City boys in i good game the score being 4 to 3 The Lake City battery was composed jf Brown Cox and Mance while Cricket Prewitt and Harvey did the work for Waldo Waldo 6 Lake City 3 From Saturdays Dally Sun In the second game of the series hetween Waldo and Lake City at the utter place yesterday Waldo won by- i seer of fi to II City battery fill Seagle lord Tompuu Waldo Pearce and Harvey Waldo also won he first gnmu 4 to 3 Four Games Next Week Fridays Dally Sun Dont full to remember that we are o hair four IntereftiiiK hero next week one of the best lobs on the bench will be here fur of three games while th of Jacksonville COin fr- me garni Tuf dn Marriage at Rochelle UOCHELLE July 24 There will be a box supper nt Martha Perry In titltut Rochelle Via Saturday night July 31st 1909 Everybody cordially Invited Tho young ladles are especially requested to bring well boxes There was quite a surprising mar- riage July 23rd Mrs M K Drown anti Mr A J Sprott of Altoona Fla were married by the j w Hil- ton of Archer The happy couple left on the 130 train for their future homo at Altoona If Its prlatod UtloB ry you nut fro I Sanford t series tilled lake rom flutes llyrhq ics Rev ¬ > ¬ ¬ Sole Agents Cadet Hosiery every pair guaranteed pair 25c Pure Silk Hose black and colors a 150 value New Dutch Collars 2o 85 50c New Hair Ornaments 25 0c New Belt Pins Dutch Collar Pins Beauty Pins THIS WEEK loc 9 l2e lOc Ging- hams 7 12c 12 l2e Ging- hams i l2c 40e Linens 2tc 99c Li- nen ¬ ¬ BURKHIMS BIG SALE Has Full Page Advertisement An- nouncing the Bargains to Be Had- L J Hurkhim the east side clothier and furnisher has a ment in this Issue announcing his Prosperity and Remodeling Sale lie states that his trade has in- creased more during the past year than ever In the history of the busi- ness and as a result he is going to divide his profits with the people who have traded with him by offering them his tremendous stock of goods at about cost for the next twentythree days for the store must be cleared lie Intends making extensive Im- provements In August and In order to make room for the carpenters will sell the goods as quoted In his ad- vertisement which will be at CO cents oa the dollar A discount of 40 per Read his announcement elsewhere The 8oa office for cards SHERIFFS SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a certain execution issued out of the Justice Court of the Twentyfifth Justice District In and for Alachua county Florida by lion I A Carlisle the Justice thereof and the 23rd day of June A D lJO In favor of Stun Cook and against Shad Sams I have levied upon and will sell at public outcry at the ast court IIOIIM door In Gainesville Alachua county Florida on August 2nd A D Hum during the lawful hours of wile the following property Two pillows 2 mattresses 2 blankets 1 set bed springs 2 bed s ruK quilts 2 lumps 1 runt 1 pair pants l shirt 2 overcoats 1 gunk anti contents 1 Hock I wat 1 snubs to be o aU fy said execution and mat P 0 RAMSKY As Sheriff of Alariitn Court1 Fi CIt can tow It shotgun sill page advertisc t1 3 ti kit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Few Wash Suits and Dresses to close at very low prices One lot Shirtwaists- were I cleanup price 69c Our ReadytoWear- Dept some values in Fine Shirtwaists Tailored Suits Skirts etc Cleanup that mean selling 1 quic Phone 109 WILSON COMPANY Patterns Butt Roads in Bad Condition From Sundays Dully Sun- J XV May county commissioner from Wacahoota was a visitor here yesterday lie states that the public road which has recently been built in that section is In a bad shape For the mast two weeks there have been- a number of automobiles stuck there which had to be pulled out with mule teams and as a result the road teams have been busy Luncheon for Miss Lucia Patton On Monday Miss Lucia Patton of Gainesville will bo the guest of hon or at a luncheon given by Miss Flor ence Stockton at the home of her pa rents Mr and Mrs Telfair Stockton Jacksonville Metropolis WANTS WANTED WANTKD One or two men of energy- to handle our goods Good terms will be given desirable parties HuHlitess P O Box 177 IF YOU WANT to get the highest price and quickest returns slid your eggs chickens cants peaches melons tomatoes Irish potatoes etc etc to Mohr Son Commis- sion Merchants St Petersburg Flo FOR SALE MAtHINKHY FOR SALK One grist JT mill ioinch Esoper rocks cut for making jill meal one Kngleberg huller No 2 nearly new No 2 Si OUT Mfg Co torn and cob fiwl mill Will hell all or than cheap for cash If taken now I In at Sin fr one D J 11 F Ad- dress t- rice one ¬ ¬ UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY First National Bank GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Capital 10000000 Surplus 6000000 We tak j pleasure in placing our facilltiea at your disposal and will b- pleawtl to have you writ or call on us if you contemplate opening eidr a checking or saving account FOUR PER CENT PAID IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Jan M Graham Pad F R lr ViroPwn E Taylor C- U Graham h nl lit CONSERVATIVEPROGRESSIVE nc as tel Im Ve coy rMhJff or h 3n 1 4 S T fir w

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Page 1: J09 WIESDN COMPufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01466/00717.pdf · Coast Line near Kendrick Tuesday and came here for the purpose of looking after sonic damages for their injuries






What Has Happened and What Is Go

Ing to and

Social Items of the City


from Vfdtai Daily Sun-

J M Gulnn of Alachua was a vis-

Itor here yesterdayHurley Butler of Morriston was a

visitor to the city

P Nipper and wife of Ncwberrywere visitors to city yesterday-

J E Janet the agent for the Sea-

board at FalrbankH was a visitorhere yesterday

J R Zctrouer one of the mostprominent citizens of the Rochellesection was a visitor here yesterday

J E Starling of Trenton was amongthe visitors to the city yesterdayWhile here ho made an agreeable callat this office

Mrs S U Phlfer and children ofHigh Springs were hero yesterday ona visit to the formers sister MrsM I Saunders







T L Hlanton of Newberry wasvisitor here yesterdny He statesroads are in a bad condition as a resuit of the recent heavy rains

E F Zetrouer of Rochelle waifGainesville Thursday He Is the deputy sheriff for that district besides beIng one of the leading merchants

F D Irwin of Fairbanks the popelar merchant of that place besidesan extensive contractor In wood

ties was a visitor to Gainesville yesterday

S L Dlanton of Wade one of theprominent citizens of that sectionwas a visitor to the city yesterdaywhile here made a pleasant call al

this office

Mrs LoUie St Augustinewho has been here for the past fewdays visiting her mother Mrs Woodsin East Gainesville returned to heihomo yesterday-

Col Fred Cubberly U S districtattorney with headquarters atKey was a visitor here yesterdayHe may decide to remove his familacre at a later day

Dr Tbos McLeod of Newberry omof the prominent physicians of thatplace was a visitor to the city

Ho has a number of friends whiare always pleased to meet him

Mr aad Mrs W II Waits of FairbaRks have been hero on a visitfor a few days the guests of tho latters parents Mr and Mrs Wlttstockreturned to their home yesterday

T P Maynard of Alachua wastransacting business in the city yestcrday Ho states that the cropsIlls section are looking fine and thefarmers anticipate a good yield allaround

Dr and Mrs S D Rogers accoinpanted by their Interesting childrenlave returned from West Floridawhere the latter have been spendingthe past few weeks Mrs Rogers hasnot enjoyed the good health duringher absence tsat ahe Inl anticipatedmuch to the regret of her numerousfriends here

D II Grace of KviiiHton and J

W Means of Mclnto h were in thecity yesterday They were among thoexcursionists in the wreck on theCoast Line near Kendrick Tuesdayand came here for the purpose oflooking after sonic damages for theirinjuries The former suffered injury-

to the left arm while the latter Is

bruised and incapacitated for duty

tffutn Saturdays Daily Sun-J A J Strickland of Hague was

a visitor here yesterday-

F S Curl of Archer was circulatingamong his Uulnetivlllu rlunds yester-day

Deputy Sheriff W C Hague ofAlachua wus nniong the visitors tothe city yiKterdny

lion J A KonlmroiiKh and wifeof Windsor were among the shoppersvisiting tliu city Friday-

C Ward of Newberry was a visitor-

to the city ytwterduy and made apleasant cull nl this office

B A HIHW cud W Chapmanrepresentative n of Newberrywere visitir 11 Uu city yesterday

W W fn i many yearsliittchtr A ID at nan of HighBjirliiKu i vi if r hern yesterday





Leyvrez of






fair the













Newberry was here yesterday on a

business and pleasure trip coublned

J U Kennard of Waldo lor iianyyears engaged In the livery businessthere was transacting bublnets In

the city yesterdayG W Call of LaCrosse one of the

planters of the northern part of thecounty was trading in the city yesteruay While here he called to

his subscription to The Sun

Dr Armstrongs next visit toGainesville August 3rd Anyone hav-

ing any form of eye troubleor nervousness should tIle him

Office at Drown House the one dayonly







C W Hauknlght one of the veteranbusiness men of Archer and who hadone n great deal for the advance-

ment of that section was here yes-

terday looking after some businessmatters

Ira J Carter Justice of the peacefor the Ncwberry district was trans-acting business in the city yesterdayHe has a large number of acquaint-

ances here who are always pleasedto welcome him to Gainesville

Dr W C Johnson of Mlcanopy wasamong the visitors to the city yester-day He is one of the most prominentcitizens of that place and has a largenumber of acquaintances here whoarc always pleased to meet him

Mrs Maggie Shuford of HighSprings Is In the city for a few days






visit and while here Is the guest ofthe family of J E Hurtz She Is

accompanied by Miss KathleeneHives one of the popular young la-

dles of that cityGeo W Livingston deputy sheriff

from Ncwberry was a visitor hereyesterday He came for the purposeof attending the execution of it H

Owen which did not transpire andstates that a largo number were herefor the sonic purpose

A J Feaster one of the substan-tial planters of the Rochelle sectionwas a visitor to the city yesterdayHo has recently added more register-ed stock to his cattle farm and withinn short while will have the leadingherd of stock in that partof the countyfrnm Sunday faiu S n

F M Ramsey of Wacahoota was Inthe city yesterday

Vance Winter of Waldo was a vis-

Itor hero yesterdayMiss Margaret Merchant Is visiting

relatives at High SpringsG A Sparkman of Waldo wo

among the visitors to the city yes-

terdayM Venable the sawmill and crate

man of Archer was a visitor hereyesterday

Geo Law of Arredondo one of theplasters there was a visitor to thecity yesterday-

L H Hall and of OrangeHeights wero visitors to the countycapital yesterday

Mrs S 0 Phlfer and children ofHigh Springs who have been hereon a short visit returned to theirhome yesterday

Mrs W T Gill of Alachua arrivedIn the city yesterday and will spendthe next new days hero visiting hersister Mrs S H Register

Typewriter ribbons for sale at thisoffice The best on the market Onlyeventyflve cents All colors and for

on all standard machines

The Standard Fertilizer Company isgiving dcuble votes on all cash salesfrom now until close of piano contestGoods shipped when you want them-

J H Molly the cattleman antimerchant of Arredondo was In theSky ot terday He states that theygave had an abundance of rain In

ils suction and the roads are In a hadomlltlon

Henry 3 Futch and wilt of Miamiand Miss Marion Fetch of this cityare now on a pleasant visit to Knoxyule Town Front that theywill proceed to Tate Springs for u

hort ftay before returning home

T R Hennett and daughter MissRuby have been In the city several

on a visit to the family of J WHennett Mss Ruby has been attend-ing school nt Douglass Ga and ex-

pects to ntitirn there the coming fall

Mrs F M Prewitt and childrenLouise and F M Jr departed yester-day for points In Alabama and Geor-

gia where they will spend the nextfew weeks with relatives and friendsMrs Prewitt has been a persistentrooter for the Oak Halls and re

gnu that she will be unable to behere when the tames take place with


hfgh grade










Already the carpenters are remodeling the upper floor of our pres

ent quarters which we will occupy the coming season with High

Grade Millinery and ReadytoWear Goods Every convenience-

to make you comfortable

1 AJoI 0






12 12 and 15c

White Goods special

at 912C

25 yards good Unbleached Muslin 1




ble of 50 75cSilk all new this sea

sons goods some veryneat styles for suitsthis week your choice

per yard 39c



How Other Teams Have Fared WithGainesville Rivals

From Fridays Dally SunSt Augustine defeated Ocala at

Dcala on Wednesday afternoon by ascore of 4 to 3 and they stated theydid not hove such an extra teamIthtfr a they passel through here

Sanford Wins From PalatkaFridays Dally Sun

Sanford defeated Palatka In two In-

teresting games In Sanford the firstone being 3 to 2 and the next andlast 10 to 4 These pickings arescheduled to come here for anothergame and we will get ours

Waldo 4 Lake City 3

From Fridays Dally SunThe Waldo ball team went to Lake

City yesterday where they defeatedthe former University City boys in

i good game the score being 4 to 3

The Lake City battery was composedjf Brown Cox and Mance whileCricket Prewitt and Harvey did thework for Waldo

Waldo 6 Lake City 3

From Saturdays Dally SunIn the second game of the series

hetween Waldo and Lake City at theutter place yesterday Waldo won by-

i seer of fi to II City batteryfill Seagle lord Tompuu Waldo

Pearce and Harvey Waldo also wonhe first gnmu 4 to 3

Four Games Next WeekFridays Dally Sun

Dont full to remember that we areo hair four IntereftiiiK hero

next week one of the bestlobs on the bench will be here fur

of three games while thof Jacksonville COin fr-

me garni Tuf dn

Marriage at RochelleUOCHELLE July 24 There will

be a box supper nt Martha Perry Intitltut Rochelle Via Saturdaynight July 31st 1909 Everybodycordially Invited Tho young ladlesare especially requested to bring well

boxesThere was quite a surprising mar-

riage July 23rd Mrs M K Drownanti Mr A J Sprott of Altoona Flawere married by the j w Hil-ton of Archer The happy couple lefton the 130 train for their futurehomo at Altoona

If Its prlatod UtloB ry you nut

fro I


t series





llyrhq ics






Sole Agents CadetHosiery every pairguaranteed pair 25c

Pure Silk Hose blackand colors a 150value

New Dutch Collars 2o 8550c New Hair Ornaments25 0c New Belt PinsDutch Collar Pins BeautyPins

THIS WEEK loc9 l2e lOc Ging-

hams 7 12c 12 l2e Ging-hams i l2c 40e Linens2tc



nen ¬



Has Full Page Advertisement An-

nouncing the Bargains to Be Had-

L J Hurkhim the east side clothierand furnisher has ament in this Issue announcing hisProsperity and Remodeling Sale

lie states that his trade has in-

creased more during the past yearthan ever In the history of the busi-ness and as a result he is going todivide his profits with the people whohave traded with him by offering themhis tremendous stock of goods atabout cost for the next twentythreedays for the store must be cleared

lie Intends making extensive Im-

provements In August and In orderto make room for the carpenters willsell the goods as quoted In his ad-

vertisement which will be at CO centsoa the dollar A discount of 40 per

Read his announcement elsewhere

The 8oa office for cards

SHERIFFS SALENotice is hereby given that under

and by virtue of a certain executionissued out of the Justice Court of theTwentyfifth Justice District In andfor Alachua county Florida by lionI A Carlisle the Justice thereof and

the 23rd day of June A DlJO In favor of Stun Cook andagainst Shad Sams I have levied uponand will sell at public outcry at theast court IIOIIM door In Gainesville

Alachua county Florida on August2nd A D Hum during the lawfulhours of wile the following property

Two pillows 2 mattresses 2blankets 1 set bed springs 2 beds ruK quilts 2 lumps 1 runt 1

pair pants l shirt 2 overcoats 1gunk anti contents 1 Hock I wat

1 snubs to beo aU fy said execution and mat

P 0 RAMSKYAs Sheriff of Alariitn Court1 Fi



tow It

shotgun sill

page advertisc



ti kit








Few Wash Suits andDresses to close atvery low prices

One lot Shirtwaists-

were I cleanupprice 69c

Our ReadytoWear-Dept some

values in FineShirtwaists TailoredSuits Skirts etcCleanup thatmean selling



Phone 109 WILSON COMPANY Patterns


Roads in Bad ConditionFrom Sundays Dully Sun-

J XV May county commissionerfrom Wacahoota was a visitor hereyesterday lie states that the publicroad which has recently been builtin that section is In a bad shape Forthe mast two weeks there have been-a number of automobiles stuck therewhich had to be pulled out with muleteams and as a result the road teamshave been busy

Luncheon for Miss Lucia PattonOn Monday Miss Lucia Patton of

Gainesville will bo the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Miss Florence Stockton at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Telfair Stockton

Jacksonville Metropolis


WANTKD One or two men of energy-to handle our goods Good termswill be given desirable parties

HuHlitess P O Box 177

IF YOU WANT to get the highestprice and quickest returns slidyour eggs chickens cants peachesmelons tomatoes Irish potatoesetc etc to Mohr Son Commis-

sion Merchants St Petersburg Flo


MAtHINKHY FOR SALK One grist JTmill ioinch Esoper rocks cut for

making jill meal one Kngleberg

huller No 2 nearly new

No 2 Si OUT Mfg Co torn and cob

fiwl mill Will hell all or than

cheap for cash If taken now I

In at Sin fr















Capital 10000000 Surplus 6000000

We tak j pleasure in placing our facilltiea at your disposal and will b-

pleawtl to have you writ or call on us if you contemplate opening eidra checking or saving account


Jan M Graham PadF R lr ViroPwn

E Taylor C-

U Graham




rMhJff or





