j* < mj v write-book on in hungary proposed notre dame...

*a> ^ ^ '.•^•^•(4«aw^&ff--^ fc , . ^t> , \ ' « : i < al i I > 1 * ft \ SI. tt-i # V p, .*— s ^ ' * t *W* J* < Mj v yl < c Noted Bibfe Expert at Notre Dame t Nrin •Brfm^CNCJ—Ncttta-r the^OM Testament nor tfc« New T"esta,ment can'ofe fully* Kitcler- itopd tftthqut rerereriee ft each other, Father jftoland'SHvatt*,. Op., dliecwt of the JBeoleJhb- |i^ue in Jerusalem^ tojdt * tjfnp verstty of JSMre Dame sympo- jpagygto«-. 4s - .— #- •vWJ f«»* -'««W. "«ac*» *»)*>,, can .wilt' Pe{* (jwr« la * sis-'-:' there >i. ma ' r «iox-' -• • lOOSft" " JiShor I'T «*w» •••; ctohef •" lit nil ;> l rort«a- .- tifiey. Main* ..' orabw. bejui ttds ii i >•; <«For ns Christians," Mhit DoVaUx said, "the word ol God is contained in the Old and New Testaments, Jotfa Testa-- meats are the. source of divine- Itsvelation? both, were wliten under the inspiration aMJod^ And to Understand the srrtlfil St God In Jcath Testament, one rniiskconsider hoth Testaments, {together.*' jiNM'V The French priest-scholar, who has conducted research In Jerusalem for more than 30 , years, contended, there .epiofc: ' biacotnplefe thepgsrlHhe ; , pid fest8to*fit ai #Uttstiroi» * stid oselusiya of the jt^festa» ment^TJhore'sbOitfdbei»nWb- > ileal theology e n a c t o r w i s testsnieh^''fie-'ttiiii i'"ttl$ ©Id f esWto *1* -th« "lef^iifMIdn •* ' oii «J»4 ; thft^«p«tttl9» M the .. ; New^ Sltfe pltl- f estftraerir can be fally^^ trndcretotfo; oi& lifthe . '"'''";Wt^w : Bi^ft«M -sdhf ^t:«f . the- i«cent booSs ort hllmcal ffeitoio^' ?mpjoy it '$««& ra- Itonali'lnd scteftitfjfe BWtwd.** . He ariiied that Uieolpjtt goes: 'tooitlte tyfalutmtfM.'fMligW of fBlfb. thus, he : lnsi?t|i V trueitMaSy' pt m OM^tisU- t«ent can ^c written oiily 'bfonft who, has .tho toiih pt t|d Old New Delhi ~ fBNSjf Foster* In New Delhi oppo** Ihe projectca irfdt of Pofw P»»l VI Betmbiy *«d tA)l m ChrUtlan mlsrioaarlei tee "^uit Indl» t " T*e Sign *t left, irispeelect by an Indian student, states; ffcM* to <! bew»*e «f wefr liati-itaiifoiml i c t i v i | 6 ^ J « f|ttiB| on wissftrtarfello l««v^ <h« cwnntw. Itttir,'*• ireiottittaflfly ii(ijt-C*i^]tl«ii n»tlo»i :&M furifea tfttf foiie'iilti^nl* yislt w Ifie Euc!i*«i?Hc ^OMIKM ft Boinftjiv, HoWis^t, SQrtwr *xtr;eniists lulve «se« .ffc* Ml, -*s a meaww qf ievi*in| wtU-Kftfasiowofj? pr«i(< |. * ., , .. . . . . . Lay People Write-Book" on Married Life Th«rM«y» Ho** 5, 1»H^ * i t l K S v H S *>•*»*«fc'a^ftHMrw'toft wmm event ii the sue* '^-' ,r God'j World emmarians iletni jlutloa » rit 1H* Urnaj r irwa ..-, ueft *ss ^, fopthi' .. ple?«*i P|»W ",« :i- V '-- i *^S ^Kri^';^ "^v;; -i '4f ^f- \ lii recent times "s%i<^il)eisi«,feif|ete tdeed'ddn- ,feer)ijiig the syjsteiri $ 0nc§w: tjy Wflieh j o u n g ^ a system ^ e d t t c i w t m v/hm ^oung, , ftre pfepaxdd for. tiie jpflesttwoi, It Is sajdthpt oti^/setn- iaaxm &£<$ much toolftthttcBriait, both: in iidmioisfraV ••.;•' '•—tfon ^IffirtelSKtrff SiStii(j4s, fodivldual Initiative and, independent tmnkjiig are not- tooiifaged* €Onsfr- atieaflj'r ffteiewJy.ordained,prfesf is likely Id ia#,'tfnMfrifeatilr* ii^diwittiial, oiteii deftciejitln \W i<mQhe®.of judg- jn'eflf wliic&'iouldtiialatterize a man of fcwetjty-fiyo, '..', .-,, ' . '• ftietfrim*/ W soiftes : faitli lit .thiS-Cen?- isure* levietvlfig worn'early pffestr. Mod, I> strsjticfc that mine ^as largely ^nraddlfesfie»|mentslify*at iUe |Me of iny otdiriatlott* ptftca'fpesif mkfo A feimilaf esliiftate oi Vam iiiteHecWalWd .feniotloMalfleVelOpftietitppoia leaving the serftinaryi ' * ' '• In-.some sehTiaiirie*s* itim' already. art ; dbaiiges ' unde'r »*y and experiments feing thade te cdjttsr. tUi eo^ altipn, BloWeWr, .krnjbaafir lu- tfioritleS -at# p'ot'tft»»wnily,6Bte who crieotthter dlifieajiidi itt itriklfig *; happy balarfic?. jbfr- %ee"rj the .Irieufcation «f dlscfc- pjirie- and we cattlwtlaft of pltt- defttlal arid creatine tffixkii flits 1$ a dilernmn faced by partnts, teo; «ltt prldlts wHhlri the «h(ircto ki «apkMe 6f errors in a»tt*rs oi poll?!? and dlScfplIrti If Glir^t's Body k fo, Be 1 Wealthy, W -aottOeidfrtftr our lialfy fhe iressare" ol honsSt ipprslsaj ihd informed o'ptolori; - A Child must learn elieilleticev to patent* and to lw. tie must learn to control Impulse ahd to respect the rights of oifaertf Y*t» frSrn JhS discipllhe int#ii((t fey gareiitVlie' Wttst #r0* SrttO iseli- discipline, i( is'»; delicaf* tasfc Which chalichges jHotrt Mrents tttf <due*torSf ttits tttrtKlffg **i lilspjpiina while it tbt ttBte it is aoi hisiiop5> and priesis Mt£ Wild' make np fhe Church. Alf df Mi, # 1 ^ - *#.•!»% to* «ther, consfitute ihe Assemhly Of Cod, Indeed, ihe laity are ilie^anote irnportaant $m> 4Mfn Church. If «i$ to «er»e {his j)irihHil;neeaJf"tf lh*§ |ai# 1h*i teilv-lnmtjitea C&e-e>i«Hipiiel? ift'i flii latftexihaskid: Vt lhel« fire jfit Mfy, fhei'e irould' M o aieed for hl»h«p> or jtleats. % . ft iv-• .->»»y' - .1;, . '••' x f : :"--;M'"-' - tlrfl^ ^roinffllfte #afflfc\Miiik tmoticrtit and weriUi xhiittirKy, ' Jftdopeiialinee o^ffionaiiife^ ahlli^iiCWelei cen&ellsriKa* J im to"%^f%itfnd*iud*giiieh ; t5i trie couraire id differ *itfi the i.- ©fiSrlt^*#heh ffis m*|(jfify fa Wtdtigi &ies'&' are- rTo{ -trills *cs ttUtodbrs *iW (or * sfiwtenCj; whd ha?r otto (*6fldJ.tI6jiJd[ to Jutt6|t*ajs a«-the«isa>;6f an •' gets,- •-.••*' • "Iliere* iK-jfte value, -<Sf couftsei irt tiorieotifeftttity for Mficte ierrBltys-slke, M ialCf, pWtmi e- Mncflrtfonnafel ,i. „_.. hahituallX ie'el* ^jhpellfd i& challoftgei tct^st8(i g*My 4s msstytiai rnvsmtt $&&& WL& »-tiffiadinj^f tt8ej£«fealiij^%y Awtt'ihrier f | g f i n f . K l S ^ ^ I ^ ; S^erHtel'ess -^e^nja^-'ffls^ WhlH::ttti# wisdom v^Jvfllciife. n^®^T^;^||tt|^;.; *- - '; S t e ^ > ) t « d f ^ r ^ | - -tefte »«a.-;flii<. 4ewa«fei8j^*fft d& crpllsi*. amdi ifc&3$fc •»; iryfr^ <i)r&r;,itf Jriailfttsfir^y; ••$$•&& ,mm0iiM f*cr ; tfe*p'fe : i' diftieui^th mm *«%<^ . r|is^:l'^ti'-'«|6lj |!ttst,.|siirta dfceo%Stss:tG Ms lawsiiiite^ dttt- pheaittee IHte-BMafc x»f oa»16Vp'f6rMrrfe.fidd : ^1l i :KA^ .'OSihiiieP' oar atOeptarfl'Se ; - til ' truths *hkh He l)a» w^ealelrli I t Wottffl to a De{ra>al' Of 6tfr intellect to r&icet tratrtrwfiiidrl sx$ vouched for by jrriSrlHe WJs? dom Y«f, our free \yfll Slid te- teiUgehce. are giftsfcdhltitGod dae* wahttiis td.liSe. % alf* saeajisyM -iiSj, .ctergy altd laltj? aifft^r impi 6Ws IrutfiS Ah* 'oBey Sis •!*»!(,'• tie* Id' «tt h»m ih fr»* tfrfit* t «c» |s r GhtiSfj.th*oh'C co'«irrio»'pWi« 0s4 MWmMgJoulis *^Go^t H6«ev<5r>. %ltoitffiio4rcf*f field Oi.Wftailjind r&etliofl^ lei ffiS Ik* the mteiiigeaiBarioT irltrctf- !8(e esflTesslori: oi.lay jojlnforfc IMesllo'tSSi «e^ds;hl8 <^puitt.fr' HyiS critiasrhs . '.-. -• ' J . '^ethfr.rHrifei r»aftiart.bishops' to" priests' unay *0V 6«a^i-jf» it^'irice'fiilly t*".th« ^odiilttg ptcte-Jfiey |ei,fcoJB>t6«^*8i' But *h^t#f61fflft^tonitej^ n ^. te- M t h » *ea«fr^i. ~4nffifcs ! ^ c ^ ; S ^ y - : < y •;•!; ; . }nt»epeade.Hfce. Sue* * eulrflirtailon -would have been almost unthinkable about a arcade 1 «»* "whert the i!hur«S» y&s -atlli ?uspect. to Miry Indians because of wa legaiey of Etfwpeiosjcul*, . v. •' iim iduiQK''pr*«Hf' t>t ii dianfiatiori of the hierarchy, the Winy atatemenU *y th* Catho- lic Bfihops' eonlerence at Into falling ,fpr Catholic partfclpa- Jori In tlie aatlon** "public life, the policy .oJTJroaii, secularism Parted; tinier the Wte Frimo Minister Ueipii * the 'personal contacts betweeft N«htac*M the MlinfrSV otfly Tiufifiiialf the pf^etIcal,Tienc*Uts to' th« twlifts party |r*o» ttoe v Chn«H'« bpp'osC* tiori to e6thraur(isH4 t|ie;masiilli* cerit xe'sponsfc by the fkthojlc ^mrminity tolthp sail for cOrt- Iribufions to (he jaatiojiat do- fchse "fund ^ihth India was at* lacK if CofnmurJsi China tWo years ago—all these: are, be- lieved : ttf hjt*e played a-pttt fn thytodlarf governrri*nfi_inv]ia' TU0B»WP6jej' .-', The visit k is expected to give a treineniloas boost to the? pres- tige at the Ghurch tft- this ]^»rt Of th# V(otl(L , ftdfafrrt front tkaVjKe rtfoat stiMtf.ttntfil itl&m .visit nia* be ht a brlRfcleniag of th* pro* ptets oi a «fal6g!ie l»«twe«a the CMtW* *fti aihidiaM. : 'The -visit -will • aaatie .at 'fit- rilflcanf #counter j l»tf6e*- the priChrlstiaa rclfgie* ( .oI Hho> dsilsm and moaem £awoUcttht< It will 1ielp ifirneasUt*Wy ia Wiping out prdjttdfses.fiato the Church. And the l?op*'fIn- sistence mm visitorMtejr sir* pUeit# k u the tradition *f-Kac- Kjktrfi* Oandlit wilt enfur* that new' prejudices 4Te ijor'— to - j ;Wh€n firs*- proposed in ^Otnf H c ye4r ago l>y.Bishdp > tMmfl Rayrrwirid, ttfif' Archbishop-ttt rlagpti^thfe id6* of i dlalogtie tieceivea' th« eiitfrusisistMi -j* spfee of Hindu jNaigtoos lend- ttec^rtt headline* from Rom? •cfcoitd tht thajm* «f * new bo«k, "The Eip£rifnc^ of Hnp ri*«e," edited hy the ardculite layxutft mfehael Jfjovaav Wit a^HeclJoToT *®ay*T>y married cwple* whe have tw*n led by partial anonymity to an unusual ifranWsa about their marriage*. The book could *el' be aub-titted "Sex«tlity lit Mar- rlajee" HOT ever, since it al- ready hear* the suh-titie **t*he Testimony itf Catholic, laymen," the sujsfceation 1»st sents as a description mf th« Shiest matter. lite fhtrleen e«w!e» *h» eo» ttlhutef m*n. we,ajll iledleai- eft, lBf«r»e*/*»sslo»»<e Chrlf* «*«»> eaeh.«lf mUm «** Midi- tated deeplyafeflttl tt| nafem of the nerat«*nt an* # e »Wt« tlom to «9d* ?*ft f»d .*ne'« sponst tetposfcir %f :w# '*»«»• ment .^hif'.fpirittwt tppriach tjev. iojwcs Jjnnteaiia.tely^pparent -to tht rlkd«r t is : does the IML that le wAtm are. nejKhefc proftsstonal iheol08WS. _ nor, ftrdffsslwal e^|iyb% This is « Istreniithr of thehooltrathe!! than «• wejfeiessj tor tnis'lMtuly-ine testimony,« those whose, pro* fesstoni trft marriage: and Jay- hood,\ . *wshyferia»*!msbaiia, 1>nd N art " ffcK aptoved method* omm aS.dH*n*el% tin ,at,"«xri.-ayef*a{ed.t l HKHttal *t (* the Bsyeatattlst's {«tt, Tha attewalto eoa^uer by faltk th«<«rrt*ledfiemm» posed by theChirrtlt'* atUI Incomplete, aa«V i* the«tt faoale, JlWgical toaKhlfKf »a the plate >«!, »et la maTjriaK,:mait j»teetg.»jLfa satrlBf iaty reader. fto«tWt*ta» to U addelimi pet«s to the newly genoiaicd dme *f theologians to work out a wore complete theology of «r and m«r»"i»|e. to the married lay reader, the book his value of a differ- enf kind. To those vrtitf ha>e not .vet ajtwvea* at the etatted view of the sacrament of marriage held by the authors, this book is wrth wore than all the mar- riage manuals and Carta confer- ences pat together., tor ntMs, » win b* war- cpjif irraatiori of conelu- kbrls are^.ch# |n the privaey of conscieflle, tat never discussed, New Wthops In Hungary Budapest ~w WIS) — St Stephen'*' Basflka, here .was wooded to* overflowing when the Ave bishops warned by Tope Paal Vf as a result of; the r^ cent ^ttngary-Vatican agwfr flienf w&re consecrated in a three-hour ceremony, TChe n*w olshops. who had rHurncd from Rome whew they attended the Second Vati- can Council, wertt U-lshop Jo* eci-^wrtwtwfcpotfollc Admin- istrator of the Pecs dJofc-e; KwtiMty Bishop Jprsef Wink- I6r of Szomhathely; Ausiliary Bishop" Swet BjfllQ of Gvor; ^uxHlary Bl^hctp PAI 8re- /anoc7^ of l)£2r,* and Pl"hop Joj^ef Iijias, Admlnhtrator of the Csanad diocese. Laity Council Proposed Rowe>--<BNS)-~4 .Ooiirtett Of tfie Laity during the interim tetweejfi tfie%isd &M lourth sessions of flbe Second Vatican Cptincil was proposed by an American expert on the lay apostelate TJie oecaslon marited the first episcopal con r -?sration in the lountty in 13 years and the first ma*s consecration ever held outside Koro^. Tho conse- crating prelate wa$ Arehbfchop Cndro Ifanivns Of Kalocsa, hend of the ltungarfolrt ^ p h of Blsh- who, u in Rom/ gaftAfhs' dlata for * »oolt on Uic layman's role ittthfrChurth,' Ml<» Catherine Buchler ^s one of the leading U.S. dele- gates a| the ffirSt Congress of the J^ay Apo^lolab held si IJome MP 1831 and^has fesci? studying and wrltln* on the lay , aposTofate for 1? y « r t Sh? has long betn active in religious pUtilWttag; Site salit a fay Council would have particular relevance to the schema an "the Church la the Modern World «a? which dis- cussion at the Council way run over (a 1U next session, foots the laity In every walk of Hfc." She said i lay caweli cottld be attended by experts In mass communication, socl^i «orK, s;ci- ertee and technology, fatntly re- lation*, eluld eare, etc., as well 49 leaders Jn the lay opostolate. "Such a meeting," Miss Bueh- !e* safd, "would engage the at- tcnljon of the whole world and dramntkfi the pfcwiof the losty ht the Chutchynjsre than y0ars Offircaehirt&lt'wouldshow thn good fstJth of the hierarchy in '••lying/tnit the laity also havo tbelr place In buMtos the Kingdom of God, in serving their fellow men and In work- irtg for the good of hamsnlty at Inrge." "Wliy net," *he ursod, "let thejniiy in tis rrreantifno en , raged Itt »Mderat^« Of sora0 . ops. foasserly Ulshop of t^nad, S f w t ^ j s t s os^UinSa ift the the real purpose of a Ct ho was promoted to his new of : schemaT^of for the p«rpse pf of the r^ity ^couid not bo ftee by EopoSPaul nt the same ""'*— "" "'* *-**-«" ——«- '--> ..--.— .—.-*-• .-.. ttrn«? no itemed this 06w bish- ops. Ilo was sehedulea to be: solemnly enthrorfcd 6s head of tho Kalo«5sft Sea on Nov, i. However, she cautioned that Coan< I SPrv coming tai'iby dsfiflitoricoaciu-Ied "unless senuino laity took ^iaw o* tnakingi dccl^s,, bufipart, certainty not theorists, but to csntruurte tnelr> 'esperiftneerhonest to-Cod* people; as on» fn trie jseiuai ficld$ covered bylpHest puf it when I discussed the draft, <mt%M dirCCtfy at-the subject with him.** the KarnaltfisRns ttsonsstery/of 'ftadrssv SiM he would 1foll«rw pletnenUllBft of SlshOpl 'Kay : Vdth interest" th« prlcBcalf ffi» ittohd'i proposal, $ » # Svvarrii exptelsed Mpi9 ^."•concr^e- and tangible" re* SWti-fronttfte(dialogue. •<?,&•• . i ^ B S i f l ^ ^ } ^ ' Ttte-"'ehHr^ «ttdMtv.*0dy>--'ot/^^'>rJ0r3ffl fesis; llteotogi^ 'dMaif^'that w«t,,fra\flfe an4;COnitW[cli¥« Qod#eaches tts-urtflbr His aBd-fir* ttutflstthtough ttes Church #hfcft Ife'hsat «8tab«irV «* wm visible : ip% ; 6f «is SOB irj'Me -wofld of «Me* *m« C$bx&'^im$tik& W ' f Chri»t t - fs -Offe #fjOWb|»gnia;ii te .fliiltett^flf ;:f|iteall#mi*wilSi ; Eowever, individual. bishops *!*. lOniilB' ea«ff*sei Jfa'satlpji the difficult deciiloa, con* 'lM*'j.'. . Me |oninfi« thread of the ijssaj* \is\ iM ' ielf*btailned knm»led«4fll th«ssacred nature Of jllieranarriajie act, the inrowih in Christian ch«rlw •which c*n r*su« : *«»ni it, and ffi» »0Me atfenwlorl %hich results/-fwflri artificially enforcedab^fnSrtce; Discussion ^»f this «Jble% In terms, of. j*indtji«en^'» Ntnd "self-(centre** forW » •-' thesi people. Hather, jelf «in« troirpr-«ior«, p»perly H a coif- gem for ohe't rniirriage partner, ft? jirf essential elenjentw every jistfoer of njarried life, inclOd- nf this *rn»rrla}te: a.ct itself. ' m*i fs often termed 1 «*indu!. gejlcjs" |S re«UV a i m i n g to- ward tho marflage act as one Of the Cod-^ven- me»ns for growth ia love for one's' spouse, ehildrer* ant ultimately »Gc4' rdJns*lf._ - ^ -: .ju All of the attthor* agree that at tee; point in their marxlage, llrnitation of children becomes: * flet^ssIty/Uuit th«y eaftnot contlnttt to hive children as! frequently as- it bfofog&alij' possible. Ho tvio couples ^rnong thaf thirteen agree as to the ideal number, but more atrnifl-] cantly, none RI^M evidenee of *ettlnjt an -un<oi*nging r^ume^ icai goal. For Whatever rt«onsv ill sljotf aft acftfe awareness of ar! oMigitfidB io? form- a'.right con- science oh thisi. most .SftrsonsI subject- nsfnf t «on\Mf<atton of fnraytfr. With in God *p « con- cern for* thett,own 'growth in 8»trltualiiy in§ ih* ^ro*th of theif spouse, THeir espo's^re of tlieif reasoning process demon* s&ate* that if is * deelslori only the spouses themselves cart make, that, of its nature, the decision taftftot be made bv their confessor or anyone ehe. Glv'eni tho declsiett to limit tneiif fawKy, 3 the oiajsriiy at SwamlKaliasarr«rld«»head,Of toe-couples) for whom rhythm 1fasniflgWH -* . , many Anioriciri* ''no longer cafe- about' felfgio*** Idiais add far tjndependabie, vie* as much as twenty years of abstinent with understandable disrhay, gad in Some cisest bittemesS'al Ifie ChrttchTs appaYent tmcori* cerji frfth this* |robter*. KoVak, In his Preface, points en* taaC they air* wreitg la this assumptisit, juta that the Church ,f* IMleed aat «ary ?e«cer«eil l«Hs tsd.y strtsltrMg §i firm flis afuthor*fcavevjul been ttraifrieff, Iorii^riott|» t<f\h»ve c^afa>-vW^rtW?w'!» rnir- w^j. i^&wt&mt&mt ficisr w ftOfe;fro*.fhe deEtadih* point &f.yje* Ot f jrieartsf of ayoldlttf mm:^t-^m^. ^^^mM^t±f^ ' &MIectufc r vvhlcK ?f as en- thteiastieafly sppi|'udfe* o> tfie soBBriflaHaas, Father/ "Kwtes; stressed the vital CdrttributicM IheoloBical studies, have been tftadfeibi irr th* ^afen CovnuSL .'-•*.; v , - •*•• i '• 't ':" v'-. ; Sfe said 1 -that what IS hiddW rnq#. b^ 'dlscoyeiedVby'^tOMs Spplijltiern of th'eOlffgl#' t# seaccch «th a xeslttfeotf-ihat liiflnBOilhTjftgii^Ilt alWiiyii'.'rirnaln |trysteflii ; tn miasr; but USat ffie &*$$<& '-Of tb»-'great, d'ociJoia o|v.||feC>riutch Sbtf-'Mit ~MM WMmmMtA W-t0riin1rit ? a# plication.and tireless eifori --A ^a*<;Iis*eer'''h»'* detfafS* in; t;%fta1n^gWri|,;rHcsplgr m Jaw .«h^o;^i«^;of|ici|tfsi v - '•* Ko^vwC.^iinr "i« : teC,Mo-' '«ttb^;;is.s^# ; #;,^.e*fJf» Vat. <6mmi&y !Butfeiitti^'wg«i ' ' ' ' *'•-•*•"•• "'•• a* ,„.._ ,,.., „,._._„ our ; * W e ..Aiwettcaosc MtsC; ^utvar lose- sight of the? fact; that; otft 0«wSr4. i^ttetarlth, -' ai*8>: hap|iiftesi Co^e?cHWclX3Mtfe iBdliectfif from our MM fifeiCjod^*W said. * '•-'' "" " * ' ^ ' ^ ;it>epfOrjhigr the ^ictpefOf>r«- ligioas coiteein: a*tbnjE,^'mer- (caftsi the «Sr^fe»d ; li*clared ttiat "fo sojrrM, jfi^tf colmtry is aJf|atasy}aSd^fi|ted':Wiite com- ptEBaeiil{a#T handDtit9 of rights Ijsdt IjieocHiis, tvi^tout ohliiga- <4- Kosher KenW,^..- . Charfeslatof «.e,*-(kCj~St francis Xavier Sospltal here tes*-:*or|od&c:ea( '.koswr trays f&r te;^ffis^$I^rai' , #lio%b*erve OS etar#- ? Iam "<*••' " - ' e#|Tf«*thin-J0seifOi« ttm o#e and-cf jnUta jnlrtf each othe* lr» tSie laafitable dMIcaltle* ^hlcri; tmt-% -aiitrlige 4hei*vSftijil*r *'Iln»-#j4rk : -*#ar^i^si ; of'a. u& rarae^fal^ilhis^o-- the^a«t' ; aif a wal.M iffiiiffit.M «rjfeev-0l «a>|||tf 'eldMrwfioA' . ,<- .•, 'fhVlai&i^p'flrjoach- B*eli*# et0|e-t|te«0ih8rs,a* ftet gr*sp pa^f^#^l^ii«brj : oT'&4s, .tSidaigriii-." M?t^?:prdri^ionat : jB^toj^invf' •' ••• • ..^'e-ivritew aeent. -Well 'aware i a s r Jhey ate gt««gr t^fimony tin the nitaral law and on, an tttjpoirtant aspect of the. ilf*; of mmiMC "mi as.Votea to be ejuraiedV but as evId*tWie , td or wMghesdi". Their* is generally an existential rather than specula- tive approach to the subject,, ftut ija».a"tt #i* more Value fori .a&ffacfe rtliav* ralne for the tneetoglia M, the pastor, fir the Jeep ydhopglwr tnrths which ' (! «OTiored 'wllii JtMnbit - m J mmH la" ttotiftoieiry YOU'LL START THE CONVERSATION ROLLING WITH THIS HAM OP SPORTS TUMBLERS BY HICKOK! set of s, 5.95 What could b« HM»r« appropriate for serving refreshments on Sunday afternoons watching the football games than these handsome tumblers! Shown here are the NFL Eastern ana Western Conference sets and the Boxing set . . . you can choose from Riany ©iher professional sports: World Series, Stanley Cup winners, etc. Tumblers are 12-ounte s&e. And what wonderful gifts they'll be for sports lovers. Sibley's Glass- ware, Fourth Floor; irondequoit, Eastway, Southtown, Newark -,*,J«f-ie"S*i*" "J.** - **

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Page 1: J* < Mj v Write-Book on In Hungary Proposed Notre Dame ...lib.catholiccourier.com/1964-catholic-courier-journal/catholic-courier...*a> ^ ^ '.•^•^•(4«aw^&ff--^ fc , . ^t>



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Noted Bibfe Expert at Notre Dame


N r i n •Brfm^CNCJ—Ncttta-r the^OM Testament nor tfc« New T"esta,ment can'ofe fully* Kitcler-i topd tftthqut rerereriee ft each other, Father jftoland'SHvatt*,. O p . , dliecwt of the JBeoleJhb-| i^ue in Jerusalem^ tojdt * tjfnp verstty of JSMre Dame sympo-

jpagygto«-. 4s - .— #-

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JiShor I 'T «*w» •••; ctohef •" lit n i l ; > l

rort«a- .-tifiey. Main* . . ' orabw. • • bejui

ttds ii

i >•;

<«For n s Christians," Mhit DoVaUx said, " t he word ol God is contained in the O l d and New Testaments, Jotfa Testa--meats are the. source o f divine-Itsvelation? both, were wli ten under the inspiration aMJod^ And to Understand the srrtlfil S t God In Jcath Testament, one rniiskconsider h o t h Testaments, {together.*'


The French priest-scholar, who has conducted research In Jerusalem for more than 30

, years, contended, there .epiofc: ' biacotnplefe thepgsr lHhe ;

, pid fest8to*fit a i #Uttstiroi» * • stid oselusiya of the jt^festa»

ment^TJhore'sbOitfdbei»nWb-> ileal theology e n a c t o r wis testsnieh^'' fie -'ttiiii i'"ttl$ ©Id f e s W t o *1* -th« "lef iifMIdn

•* ' oii «J»4;thft^«p«tttl9» M the .. ; New^ Sltfe pltl- f estftraerir can

• be fally ^ trndcretotfo; oi& lifthe .

'"'''";Wt^w:Bi^ft«M -sdhf ^ t : « f . the- i«cent booSs ort hllmcal

ffeitoio ' ?mpjoy it '$««& ra-Itonali'lnd scteftitfjfe BWtwd.**

. He ariiied that Uieolpjtt goes: 'tooitlte tyfalutmtfM.'fMligW of fBlfb. thus, he:lnsi?t|i V trueitMaSy' pt m OM^tisU-t«ent can ^c written oiily 'bf onft who, has .tho toiih pt t|d Old

New Delhi ~ fBNSjf — Foster* In New Delhi oppo** Ihe projectca irfdt of Pofw P»»l VI t« Betmbiy *«d tA)l m ChrUtlan mlsrioaarlei tee "^uit Indl»t" T*e Sign *t left, irispeelect by an Indian student, states;

ffcM* to <!bew»*e «f wefr liati-itaiifoiml ictivi|6^J« f|ttiB| on wissftrtarfello l««v^ <h« cwnntw. Itttir,'*• ireiottittaflfly ii(ijt-C*i ]tl«ii n»tlo»i :&M furifea tfttf foiie'iilti^nl* yislt w Ifie Euc!i*«i?Hc ^OMIKM ft Boinftjiv, HoWis^t, SQrtwr *xtr;eniists lulve «se« .ffc* M l , -*s a meaww qf ievi*in| wtU-Kftfasiowofj? pr«i(< | . * ., , .. . . . . .

Lay People Write-Book" on Married Life

Th«rM«y» Ho** 5 ,1»H^

* i

t l K S v H S *>•*»*« fc'a^ft HMrw'toft wmm event ii the sue*

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God'j World

emmarians iletni jlutloa »

rit 1H* • Urnaj r i rwa ..-, ueft *ss ^,

fopthi' .. ple?«*i P | » W ",«

: i -V ' - - i *^S ^ K r i ^ ' ; ^

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• \

lii recent times "s%i<^il)eisi«,feif|ete tdeed'ddn-,feer)ijiig the syjsteiri $ 0nc§w: tjy Wflieh j o u n g ^ a system ^ed t t c iw t m v/hm ^oung, , ftre pfepaxdd for. tiie jpflesttwoi, It Is sajdthpt oti^/setn-iaaxm &£<$ much toolftthttcBriait, both: in iidmioisfraV

••.;•' '•—tfon ^IffirtelSKtrff SiStii(j4s,

fodivldual Initiative and, independent tmnkjiig are not- tooiifaged* €Onsfr-atieaflj'r ffteiewJy.ordained,prfesf is likely Id ia#,'tfnMfrifeatilr* ii diwittiial, oiteii deftciejitln \W i<mQhe®.of judg-jn'eflf wliic&'iouldtiialatterize a man of fcwetjty-fiyo, '..', .-,, '

. '• ftietfrim*/ W soiftes :faitli lit .thiS-Cen?-isure* levietvlfig worn'early pffestr. Mod, I> strsjticfc that mine ^as largely ^nraddlfesfie»|mentslify*at iUe |Me of

iny otdiriatlott* ptftca'fpesif mkfo A feimilaf esliiftate oi Vam iiiteHecWalWd .feniotloMal fleVelOpftietit ppoia leaving the serftinaryi ' * ' ' •

In-.some sehTiaiirie*s* itim' already. art ; dbaiiges ' unde'r »*y and experiments feing thade te cdjttsr. tUi eo^ altipn, BloWeWr, .krnjbaafir lu-tfioritleS -at# p'ot'tft»»wnily,6Bte who crieotthter dlifieajiidi itt itriklfig *; happy balarfic?. jbfr-%ee"rj the .Irieufcation «f dlscfc-pjirie- and we cattlwtlaft of pltt-defttlal arid creatine tffixkii flits 1$ a dilernmn faced by partnts, teo; •

«ltt prldlts wHhlri the «h(ircto ki «apkMe 6f errors in a»tt*rs oi poll?!? and dlScfplIrti If Glir^t's Body k fo, Be1 Wealthy, W -ao ttOeid frtftr our lialfy fhe iressare" ol honsSt ipprslsaj ihd informed o'ptolori; -

A Child must learn elieilleticev to patent* and to lw. tie must learn to control Impulse ahd to respect the rights of oifaertf Y*t» frSrn JhS discipllhe int#ii((t fey gareiitVlie' Wttst #r0* SrttO iseli-discipline, i( is'»; delicaf* tasfc Which chalichges jHotrt Mrents tttf <due*torSf ttits tttrtKlffg **i lilspjpiina while it tbt ttBte

it is aoi hisiiop5> and priesis Mt£ Wild' make np fhe Church. Alf df Mi, # 1 ^ - *#.•!»% to* «ther, consfitute ihe Assemhly Of Cod, Indeed, ihe laity are ilie anote irnportaant $m> 4Mfn Church. If «i$ to «er»e {his j)irihHil;neeaJf"tf lh*§ |ai# 1h*i teilv-lnmtjitea C&e-e>i«Hipiiel? ift'i flii latftexihaskid: Vt • lhel« fire jfit Mfy, fhei'e irould' M o aieed for hl»h«p> or jtleats.

%. • ft

iv-• .->»»y' - . 1 ; , .

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: : " - - ; M ' " - '

- tlrfl roinffllfte #afflfc\Miiik tmoticrtit and weriUi xhiittirKy,

' Jftdopeiialinee o^ffionaiiife^ ahlli^iiCWelei cen&ellsriKa*

J im to"%^f%itfnd*iud*giiieh;t5i trie couraire id differ *itfi the

i.- ©fiSrlt^*#heh ffis m*|(jfify fa Wtdtigi &ies'&' are- rTo{ -trills *cs ttUtodbrs *iW (or * sfiwtenCj; whd ha?r otto (*6fldJ.tI6jiJd[ to Jutt6|t*ajs a«-the«isa>;6f an •' gets,- •-.••*'

• "Iliere* iK-jfte value, -<Sf couftsei irt tiorieotifeftttity for Mficte ierrBltys-slke, M ialCf, p Wtmi e- Mncflrtfonnafel ,i. „_.. hahituallX ie'el* ^jhpellfd i& challoftgei tct^st8(i g*My 4s msstytiai rnvsmtt $&&& WL& »-tiffiadinj^f tt8ej£«fealiij^%y Awtt'ihrier f |gfinf .KlS^^I^; S^erHtel'ess -^e^nja^-'ffls^ WhlH::ttti# wisdom v^Jvfllciife.

• n ^ ® ^ T ^ ; ^ | | t t | ^ ; . ; *-- -'; S t e ^ > ) t « d f ^ r ^ | - -tefte »«a.-;flii<. 4ewa«fei8j *fft d& crpllsi*. amdi ifc&3$fc •»; iryfr^ <i)r&r;,itf Jriailfttsfir^y; ••$$•&& ,mm0iiM f*cr;tfe*p'fe:i' diftieui^th mm *«%<^ . r|is^:l'^ti'-'«|6lj |!ttst,.|siirta dfceo%Stss:tG Ms lawsiiiite^ dttt- pheaittee IHte-BMafc x»f oa»16Vp'f6rMrrfe.fidd :^1l i:KA^

.'OSihiiieP' oar atOeptarfl'Se;- til ' t ruths * h k h H e l)a» w^ealelrli

I t Wottffl to a De{ra>al' Of 6tfr intellect to r&icet tratrtrwfiiidrl sx$ vouched for by jrriSrlHe WJs? d o m Y«f, our free \yfll Slid te-teiUgehce. are gifts fcdhltit God dae* wahttiis td.liSe.

% alf* saeajisyM -iiSj, .ctergy altd laltj? aifft r impi 6Ws IrutfiS Ah* 'oBey Sis •!*»!(,'• tie* Id' «tt h»m ih fr»* tfrfit*t«c» |srGhtiSfj.th*oh'C co'«irrio»'pWi« 0s4 MWmMgJoulis *^Go^t H6«ev<5r>. %ltoitffiio4rcf*f f ie ld Oi.Wftailjind r&etliofl^ lei ffiS Ik* the mteiiigeaiBarioT irltrctf-!8(e esflTesslori: oi.lay jojlnforfc

IMesllo'tSSi «e^ds;hl8 <^puitt.fr' HyiS critiasrhs . '.-. -• 'J.

' ethfr.rHrifei r»aftiart.bishops' to" priests' unay *0V 6«a^i-jf» it^'irice'fiilly t*".th« ^odiilttg ptcte-Jfiey |ei,fcoJB>t6«^*8i' But *h^t#f61fflft^tonitej^n^. te- M t h » *ea«fr^i. ~4nffifcs ! ^ c ^ ; S ^ y - : < y •;•!; ; .

}nt»epeade.Hfce. • Sue* * eulrflirtailon -would

have been almost unthinkable about a arcade1 «»* "whert the i!hur«S» y&s -atlli ?uspect. to Miry Indians because of wa legaiey of Etfwpeiosjcul*, . v. •' iim iduiQK''pr*«Hf' t>t ii dianfiatiori of the hierarchy, the Winy atatemenU *y th* Catho­lic Bfihops' eonlerence at Into

falling ,fpr Catholic partfclpa-Jori In tlie aatlon** "public life, the policy .oJTJroaii, secularism Parted; tinier the Wte Frimo Minister Ueipii * the 'personal contacts betweeft N«htac*M the MlinfrSV otfly Tiufifiiialf the pf etIcal,Tienc*Uts to' th« twlifts party |r*o» ttoevChn«H'« bpp'osC* tiori to e6thraur(isH4 t|ie;masiilli* cerit xe'sponsfc by the fkthojlc ^mrminity tolthp sail for cOrt-Iribufions to (he jaatiojiat do-fchse "fund ^ihth India was at* lacK if CofnmurJsi China tWo years ago—all these: are, be­lieved :ttf hjt*e played a-pttt fn thytodlarf governrri*nfi_inv]ia' TU0B»WP6jej' .-',

The visit kis expected to give a treineniloas boost to the? pres­tige at the Ghurch tft- this ] »rt Of t h # V(otl(L

, ftdfafrrt front tkaVjKe rtfoat stiMtf.ttntfil itl&m .visit nia* be ht a brlRfcleniag of th* pro* ptets oi a «fal6g!ie l»«twe«a the CMtW* *fti a ih id iaM. : 'The -visit -will • aaatie .at 'fit-rilflcanf #counterjl»tf6e*- the priChrlstiaa rclfgie*(.oI Hho> dsilsm and moaem £awoUcttht< It will 1ielp ifirneasUt*Wy ia Wiping out prdjttdfses.fiato the Church. And the l?op*'f In­sistence mm visitorMtejr sir* pUeit#k u the tradition *f-Kac-Kjktrfi* Oandlit wilt enfur* that new' prejudices 4Te ijor'—to-j

;Wh€n firs*- proposed in Otnf Hcye4r ago l>y.Bishdp> tMmfl Rayrrwirid, ttfif' Archbishop-ttt rlagpti^thfe id6* of i dlalogtie tieceivea' th« eiitfrusisistMi - j * spfee of Hindu jNaigtoos lend-

ttec^rtt headline* from Rom? •cfcoitd tht thajm* «f * new bo«k, "The Eip£rifnc^ of Hnp ri*«e," edited hy the ardculite layxutft mfehael Jfjovaav

Wit a^HeclJoToT *®ay*T>y married cwple* whe have tw*n led by partial anonymity to an unusual ifranWsa about their marriage*. The book could *el' be aub-titted "Sex«tlity lit Mar-rlajee" HOT ever, since it al­ready hear* the suh-titie **t*he Testimony itf Catholic, laymen," the sujsfceation 1»st sents as a description mf th« S h i e s t matter.

lite fhtrleen e«w!e» *h» eo» ttlhutef m*n. we,ajll iledleai-eft, lBf«r»e*/*»sslo»»<e Chrlf* «*«»> eaeh.«lf mUm «** Midi-tated deeplyafeflttl tt| nafem of the nerat«*nt an* # e »Wt« tlom to «9d* ?*ft f»d .*ne'« sponst tetposfcir %f :w# '*»«»• ment .^hif'.fpirittwt tppriach tjev.

iojwcs Jjnnteaiia.tely^pparent -to tht rlkd«rt is : does the IML that l e wAtm are. nejKhefc proftsstonal iheol08WS. _ nor, ftrdffsslwal e^|iyb% This is «

Istreniithr of thehooltrathe!! than «• wejfeiessj tor tnis'lMtuly-ine testimony,« those whose, pro* fesstoni trft marriage: and Jay-hood,\ . •

*wshyferia»*!msbaiia, 1>ndNart " ffcK aptoved method*

omm aS.dH*n*el% tin ,at,"«xri.-ayef*a{ed.tl

HKHttal *t (* the Bsyeatattlst's {«tt, Tha attewalto eoa^uer by faltk th«<«rrt*ledfiemm» posed by theChirrtlt'* atUI Incomplete, aa«V i* the«tt faoale, JlWgical toaKhlfKf »a the plate >«!, »et la maTjriaK,:mait j»teetg.»jLfa satrlBf 4» iaty reader.

fto«tWt*ta» to U addelimi pet«s to the newly genoiaicd dme *f theologians to work out a wore complete theology of « r and m«r»"i»|e.

t o the married lay reader, the book his value of a differ-enf kind. To those vrtitf ha>e not .vet ajtwvea* at the etatted view of the sacrament of marriage held by the authors, this book is wrth wore than all the mar­riage manuals and Carta confer­ences pat together.,

tor ntMs, » win b* • war-cpjif i r r a a t i o r i of conelu-kbrls are .ch# |n the privaey of conscieflle, tat never discussed,

New Wthops In Hungary Budapest ~w WIS) — St

Stephen'*' Basflka, here .was wooded to* overflowing when the Ave bishops warned by Tope Paal Vf as a result of; the r^ cent ^ttngary-Vatican agwfr flienf w&re consecrated in a three-hour ceremony,

TChe n*w olshops. who had rHurncd from Rome whew they attended the Second Vati­can Council, wertt U-lshop Jo* eci-^wrtwtwfcpotfollc Admin­istrator of the Pecs dJofc-e; KwtiMty Bishop Jprsef Wink-I6r of Szomhathely; Ausiliary Bishop" Swet BjfllQ of Gvor; ^uxHlary Bl^hctp PAI 8re-/anoc7^ of l)£2r,* and Pl"hop Joj ef Iijias, Admlnhtrator of the Csanad diocese.

Laity Council Proposed

Rowe>--<BNS)-~4 .Ooiirtett Of tfie Laity during the interim tetweejfi tfie%isd &M lourth sessions of flbe Second Vatican Cptincil was proposed by an American expert on the lay apostelate

TJie oecaslon marited the first episcopal conr-?sration in the lountty in 13 years and the first ma*s consecration ever held outside Koro . Tho conse-crating prelate wa$ Arehbfchop Cndro Ifanivns Of Kalocsa, hend of the ltungarfolrt ^ p h of Blsh-

who, u in Rom/ gaftAfhs' dlata for * »oolt on Uic layman's role ittthfrChurth,'

Ml<» Catherine Buchler ^ s one of the leading U.S. dele­gates a| the ffirSt Congress of the J ay Apo^lolab held si IJome MP 1831 and^has fesci? studying and wrltln* on the lay , aposTofate for 1? y « r t Sh? has long betn active in religious pUtilWttag;

Site salit a fay Council would have particular relevance to the schema an "the Church la the Modern World «a? which dis­cussion at the Council way run over (a 1U next session,

foots the laity In every walk of Hfc."

She said i lay caweli cottld be attended by experts In mass communication, socl i «orK, s;ci-ertee and technology, fatntly re­lation*, eluld eare, etc., as well 49 leaders Jn the lay opostolate.

"Such a meeting," Miss Bueh-!e* safd, "would engage the at-tcnljon of the whole world and dramntkfi the pfcwiof the losty ht the Chutchynjsre than y0ars Of fircaehirt&lt'would show thn good fstJth of the hierarchy in '••lying/tnit the laity also havo tbelr place In buMtos the Kingdom of God, in serving their fellow men and In work-irtg for the good of hamsnlty at Inrge." "Wliy net," *he ursod, "let

thejniiy in tis rrreantifno en , raged Itt »Mderat^« Of sora0 .

ops. foasserly Ulshop of t^nad, S f w t ^ j s t s os UinSa ift the the real purpose of a Ct ho was promoted to his new of: schemaT^of for the p«rpse pf of the r^ity couid not bo ftee by EopoSPaul nt the same ""'*— "" "'* *-**-«" ——«- '--> ..--.— .—.-*-• .-.. ttrn«? no itemed this 06w bish­ops. Ilo was sehedulea to be: solemnly enthrorfcd 6s head of tho Kalo«5sft Sea on Nov, i.

However, she cautioned that Coan< I

SPrv coming tai'iby dsfiflitoricoaciu-Ied "unless senuino laity took iaw o* tnakingi dccl^s,, bufipart, certainty not theorists, but

to csntruurte tnelr> 'esperiftneerhonest to-Cod* people; as on» fn trie jseiuai ficld$ covered bylpHest puf i t when I discussed the draft, <mt%M dirCCtfy a t - the subject with him.**

the KarnaltfisRns ttsonsstery/of 'ftadrssv SiM he would 1foll«rw pletnenUllBft of SlshOpl 'Kay:

Vdth interest" th« prlcBcalf ffi» ittohd'i proposal,

$ » # Svvarrii exptelsed Mpi9 ."•concr^e- and tangible" re*



. i ^ B S i f l ^ ^ } ^ ' Ttte-"'ehHr^ «ttdMtv.*0dy>--'ot/^ '>rJ0r3ffl

fesis; llteotogi^ 'dMaif^'that

w«t,,fra\flfe an4;COnitW[cli¥«

Qod#eaches tts-urtflbr His aBd-fir* ttutflstthtough ttes Church #hfcft Ife'hsat «8tab«irV «* wm visible :ip%;6f «is S O B ir j 'Me -wofld of «Me* *m« C$bx&'^im$tik& W *»'f Chri»t t - f s -Offe #fjOWb|»gnia;ii te .fliiltett^flf ;:f|iteall#mi*wilSi ;

Eowever, indiv idual . bishops


lOniilB' ea«ff*sei Jfa'satlpji t h e difficult deciiloa, con* 'lM*'j.'. .

Me |oninfi« thread of the ijssaj* \is\ iM ' ielf*btailned knm»led«4fll th«ssacred nature Of jllieranarriajie act, the inrowih in Christian ch«rlw •which c*n r*su«:*«»ni it, and ffi» »0Me atfenwlorl %hich results/-fwflri artificially enforcedab^fnSrtce; Discussion »f this «Jble% In terms, of. j*indtji«en '» Ntnd "self-(centre** i» f o r W » •-' thesi people. Hather, jelf «in« troirpr-«ior«, p»perlyH a coif-gem for ohe't rniirriage partner, ft? jirf essential elenjentw every jistfoer of njarried life, inclOd-nf this *rn»rrla}te: a.ct itself. '

m*i fs often termed1 «*indu!. gejlcjs" |S re«UV a i m i n g to­ward tho marflage act as one Of the Cod-^ven- me»ns for growth ia love for one's' spouse, ehildrer* ant ultimately »Gc4' rdJns*lf._ - ^ -: .ju

All of the attthor* agree that at tee; point in their marxlage, llrnitation of children becomes: * flet^ssIty/Uuit th«y eaftnot contlnttt to hive children as! frequently as- it bfofog&alij' possible. Ho tvio couples rnong thaf thirteen agree as to the ideal number, but more atrnifl-] cantly, none RI^M evidenee of *ettlnjt an -un<oi*nging r ume^ icai goal.

For Whatever rt«onsv ill sljotf aft acftfe awareness of ar! oMigitfidB io? form- a'.right con­science oh thisi. most .SftrsonsI subject- nsfnf t «on\Mf<atton of fnraytfr. With in God * p « con­cern for* thett,own 'growth in 8»trltualiiy in§ ih* ^ro*th of theif spouse, THeir espo's^re of tlieif reasoning process demon* s&ate* that if is * deelslori only the spouses themselves cart make, that, of its nature, the decision taftftot be made bv their confessor or anyone ehe.

Glv'eni tho declsiett to limit tneiif fawKy,3 the oiajsriiy at

SwamlKaliasarr«rld«»head,Of toe-couples) for whom rhythm

1f asniflgWH -* . , many Anioriciri* ''no longer cafe- about' felfgio*** Idiais add

far tjndependabie, vie* as much as twenty years of abstinent with understandable disrhay, gad in Some cisest bittemesS'al Ifie ChrttchTs appaYent tmcori* cerji frfth this* |robter*.

KoVak, In his Preface, points en* taaC they air* wreitg la this assumptisit, juta that the Church ,f* IMleed aat «ary ?e«cer«eil l«Hs tsd.y strtsltrMg §i firm

flis afuthor* fcavev jul been ttraifrieff, Iorii^riott|» t<f\h»ve c^afa>-vW^rtW?w'!» rnir-

w j. i^&wt&mt&mt ficisr w ftOfe;fro*.fhe deEtadih* point

&f .yje* Ot f jrieartsf of ayoldlttf mm:^t-^m^. ^^^mM^t±f^

' & M I e c t u f c r vvhlcK ?f as en-thteiastieafly sppi|'udfe* o> tfie soBBriflaHaas, Father/ " K w t e s ; stressed t h e vital CdrttributicM IheoloBical studies, have been tftadfeibi irr th* ^ a f e n CovnuSL

.'-•*.; v , - • * • • i '• ' t ' : " v ' - .

;Sfe said1-that what IS hiddW rnq#. b^ 'dlscoyeiedVby' tOMs Spplijltiern of th'eOlffgl#' t# seaccch « t h a xeslttfeotf-ihat liiflnBOilhTjftgii Ilt alWiiyii'.'rirnaln |trysteflii; tn miasr; but USat ffie &*$$<& '-Of tb»-'great, d'ociJoia o|v.||feC>riutch Sbtf-'Mit ~MM WMmmMtA W-t0riin1rit?a# plication.and tireless eifori --A

^a*<;Iis*eer'''h»'* detfafS* in; t;%fta1n^gWri|,;rHcsplgr m Jaw .«h^o;^i«^;of|ici|tfsiv - '•*

Ko^vwC.^iinr "i« :teC,Mo-' '«ttb^;;is.s^#;#;,^.e*fJf» Vat.

<6mmi&y !Butfeiitti 'wg«i ' ' ' ' * ' • - • * • " • • "'•• a *

,„.._ ,,.., „,._._„ our

; * W e ..Aiwettcaosc MtsC; ^utvar lose- sight o f the? fact; that ; otft 0«wSr4. i^ttetarlth, -' ai*8>: hap|iiftesi Co^e?cHWclX3Mtfe iBdliectfif from our MM fifeiCjod^*W said.

• * ' • - ' ' " " " * ' ^ ' • ^

;it>epfOrjhigr the ^ictpefOf>r«-ligioas coiteein: a*tbnjE, 'mer-(caftsi the «Sr^fe»d;li*clared ttiat "fo sojrrM, jfi tf colmtry is aJf|atasy}aSd^fi|ted':Wiite com-ptEBaeiil{a#T handDtit9 of rights Ijsdt IjieocHiis, tvi^tout ohliiga-

<4-Kosher KenW, ..-

. Charfeslatof «.e,*-(kCj~St francis Xavier Sospltal here tes*-:*or|od&c:ea( '.koswr trays f&r te;^ffis^$I^rai',#lio%b*erve OS etar#-?Iam "<*••' " - '

e#|Tf«*thin-J0seifOi« ttm o # e and-cf jnUta jnlrtf each othe* lr» tSie laafitable dMIcaltle* ^hlcri; tmt-% -aiitrlige 4hei*vSftijil*r *'Iln»-#j4rk:-*#ar^i^si;of'a. u& rarae^fal^ilhis^o-- the^a«t';aif a wal.M iffiiiffit.M «rjfeev-0l «a>|||tf 'eldMrwfioA' • . ,<- .•,

'fhVlai&i p'flrjoach- B*eli*# et0|e-t|te«0ih8rs,a* ftet gr*sp

pa^f^#^l^ i i«br j : oT'&4s , .tSidaigriii-." M?t^?:prdri^ionat:

jB^toj^invf' •' ••• • ..^'e-ivritew aeent. -Well 'aware iasr Jhey ate gt««gr t^fimony tin the nitaral law and on, an tttjpoirtant aspect of the. ilf*; of mmiMC "mi as.Votea to be ejuraiedV but as evId*tWie, td or wMghesdi". Their* is generally an existential rather than specula­tive approach to the subject,, ftut ija».a"tt #i* more Value fori .a&ffacfe

rtliav* ralne for the tneetoglia M, the pastor, fir the Jeep ydhopglwr tnrths which ' (! «OTiored 'wllii JtMnbit - mJmmH la" ttotiftoieiry


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