j j't v v, -- 8team!rtable.-- evening bulletinv tssss--m ijrtdijefljm)in5(9 i u '& makers rttvyrk i...

zv-- . h J M lrFSff Q J 8tEam!rtablE.-- " J'T V COLORED COMIC SUPPLEMENT V, -- "; Little Is an Dora's advertising papa man f Who talks his business everywhere From tin Francisco. Ever) where be can. Souoma . ,,...OcL 5 For San Francises: Oue da thero came a babo Alameda Sept. 28 Evening Bulletin To llll the liouno with Joy Ventura . . Oct. 4 A great big, bouncing baby, r T Prom Gaelic Vancouver! ..Oct. 8 A ten pound baby boy. And when Dora saw her brother, ...Oct. 22 Aorangl s As she tip-toe- on tho mat. Par Vaneouvar: And saw the babc.she said: "Mamma, Miowcra Oct. 10 s&saa Did ou advertise for that?" 3MMWIMMMMaBaIJWWWIIWlt' o'clock TODAY EDITION wimmimmmMmimmmmmmmm s Vol. XVI. No. 2885ffi HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, OOTOBKR 3, 1904 Pbioh 6 Obktb 4 u i . f, I 9 " V bl Destructive Fire. At Aala Street RuinsHalf Block Karl) this morning halt of the block lio heard a polite whistle blown from which extends from King street mauka, " vicinity of the. railroad station. As i,i. ..... thero wns no Blgn of Are to be seen bordering on one Aala ,lo30 lhought a pr0BrcM and on the other by Aala Park, was ,, lia8tCned toward the ptacc whence Iiractlcally totally dcstro)cd by fire. bo hnil licar(, the wnl!tle. When he There can hardlj be nny doubt but rearhP,t the King street bridge he saw that the conflagration was or an lnccn-- , Brao)0 88UnB from the mauka part of diary origin, ns tho fire started twice thc buildings, nose told a foot police in the samo place. Thc first time, at onUcr W10 wng t090 behind him to about 7 o'cloik last evening, It was turn i ,ll0 aiarm. This wns done at promptly extinguished before It had exactly 3:35 a. m. A moment after the had time to gain any headway. The arm in(, bccn t,lniea ln tnc roof ,. lime the fire gained such a start trnB tho middle part of the block before It was discovered that it was fell ln ltI, a crasll nml nt tho Bam, Impossible to put It out beforo half of ,noment n tremtudous sheet of flame tto block had been destroyed by the hurst forth allowing that the blare was Hntnes. of far greater magultude than It as The ground on which the ruined first had seemed, buildings stood Is the property of Chief, TIle flro department answered the Justice Frcar of the Supreme Court. call wlth grcat alacrity . At tho first It had been leased by him to two Sep- - rnu cnKncg numbcr ono and two and urate companies of Chinese who had the chemical engine turned out. On I'rccted buildings on It. The buildings arriving on tho scene Chief Thurston in the corner of King and Aala street, MW at a glance that the fire was at a lacing King street bb far as Aala Park '.y advanced stage and liable to bo nnd Aala street for quite a little dls.!vcry ,iangerous. He consequently tuncc, were old nnd apparently not very lllrneil nn general alarm, wlilch called valuable. They were the property of out the rest of the department's engines tho Sang Chong Lung Company. Malt- - so that very soon five Btrearas were kn of these buildings was a long Iodg-'payn-g on the fire. Ing house facing mauka with one emit Tho firemen had a strenuous pleco fuclng Aala street and the other thojof wor before them. The blazo was Park. This building belongs to tho ratniz go nerrelv ln the bulldliies ln l.eo Chong Company. It 'was these. buildings wlilch were destroyed. The first fire was discovered at alout 7 o'clock In the evening and an alarm sent ln from tho box on King and ltlver street. A man rushed from the, the nous mug mreei uui mw uiu.nro by the heat but this was tie met .Moume.i cxtlnKUtshcd. of tho Wright and told hm that fire had ue cllonB i0,iging are several started In ono of the rooms Wright ,,. tbo Hurried to tho scene, lie found t no . jtru in one ui wie ruuma iu cuv luufc-- i in,; belonging to the I.co Chong Co. The room wus unoccupied but tho lira was first discovered by a Jopnnciw who lived in the room next to it., .Wright found the room to be devoid "of furniture. A roll of matting lad been placed on end np against tho wall und was burning fiercely. The matting had evidently been soaked In keroseue und placed on end so that tho flro Mould have a good chance at It. Wright and n couple of men who lived In the nouse, munKeis urn, ., u... mnnno aimnnnilfiil In Hmntlinrlnf till fir ..... ... . .i.- -. ... ho lh(J iue wum so iuai wiw umi . - were suffocated by it. government five per tho flro department on that par. a tew ago a tho had already ox at the same tlngulshed, Wright In the room for this of un empty had evidently contained keroscno as it had a of this The second fire was in the of buildings. It was discovered at o'clock this morning but had at time gained such headway the building not be A custom luspcitor who was on at the railroad thai ho saw a tiny of rise tho middle of the A row minutes later the middle loot of tho collupsed and an of This Is corroborated by Mount-i- d Charles he was standing nt tho of and Kekaultke i . - i Tssss V -- M IJrtdiJefljM)in5(9 I u '& MAKERS rttVyRK I J-Bse- 7! Cornet Ch&es far r i. S "W -- n . fem. m v - , tnp part of the no honc or 8avlng (ncm In the meantime was great danger of neguuorUB buildings catching nr Thn mti,ilnir on rorner of lacing street, Mauka house y,00lea buildings, Including Iioubo urocnrai suiuko strung almost When cent bonds todoy arrived Only days block Kcne blaze been 'of j 10,000 worth wero sold found figure. Orders class secur- - bottlo which strons odor same block about 3:30 that that could saved house duty vhart states column flame from about block. entire block im- mense sheet flame burst forth. Police Officer Itoso. nose states that cor- ner King street when Mm WL $m Il)Wl.r ,,i0ck that thero cotlI(1 thero fierce woman fluid. story Klng Mrcet am, 10 ,cl roa, cauRnt jBpaneB0 ,hcatcr an,i a large Japan esc lodging house. This block of build lugs' wns separated fiom tho Leo Chong building by a very narrow alley only and was saved with great diff- iculty. The large Chinese wooden bull-din- g on tho opposlto corner of King and Aala streets also had n very on Page S.) WANT HAWAIIAN BONDS Tho Walerhouse Trust Com I Mianv sold ISO.000 worth of Hawaiian .ltles have como from Australia and Kurope. The above sales wero made to local parties. Hawaiian government bonds have stiffened decidedly In the last few weeks, boned now selling at par which were then quoted at ?9t and .7.50 Jury In Judge Robinson's court this forenoon returned verdict for plaintiff in Harry Johnson vs. Leo Toma Co, an It to iccover remuneration' for ser- vices rendered, awarding Johnson ? .1,500. Plaintiff sued for 5,000. He saved Leo Toma $18,000 customs duties alleged to havo been duo on a big ship ment of Manila cigars, by advising the company to protest. For this servlco the Jury now rewards him. Public Confidence Is difficult to obtain and easy to lose, For thirty years thousands of correct dressers have had Implicit confidence In the clothes bearing this famous trade-mar- k jljredenjamin5(? MAKERS -- ftflEWyoRK There are more reasons for this than there Is space In which to tell them. Take BENJAMIN Spring Suits a an example. The fabrics are rich, varied, and exclusive; the fit Is Individual and perfect; the styles, like Poole's of Lon- don, are conservative but correct; the tailoring Is equal to that of the best London and New York custom shops) the prices are reasonable and right Is It strange that BENJAMIN Clothes have enjoyed public confidence for so many years? Is It any wonder that ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. are to America what Poole Is to En- glandleaders In sartorial art? We are Exclusive Distributors here of this famous apparel. The Kash Go,, Ltd,, Agent, Insurance People WEIE SHY Of Aala Property It appears that thc properties on the corner of Aala and King street which were destroj ed by flro early this morn Ing, were covered by only comparative ly small amounts of Insurance. In seV' eral Instances tho Insurance companies have very recently cancelled policies held there on account of ovorlnsur- - " novo "cen consumeti. nine. Ab far as can lie ascertained the' A special venire, to fill out the Jury, Insurance carried on tho destroyed ' returnable at 10 o'clock tomorrow properties were ns follows: I morning. Then forty-nin- e men nro Clinton J. Hutchlns' companies havo summoned to appear In criminal ourt. one policy of I1000 on Tong Leo Yuen's ' Attorney General I.orrln Andrews shoe store. The Hawaiian Trust Co. and Deputy Attorney Oencral M. K. bad 13000 in policies on the property I Prosser are prosecuting, while defend-bu- t withdrew them a few months mo. nnt Is ably represented l.j attorni-v- s Irwin & Co, representing the Scottish, i co. A. Davis and Frank K. Thompson, llojal and Alliance Insurance by tho court, lianles have policies amounting to " Case of tho Tcrrltor) apilnst Joso MfiOO on the I.ee Chone bulldlnc and on the contents of tho building on the corner of King and Aala Park. These '" contents were only partially destroyed I Miranda stands accused of the brutal by water. Thero Is a policy of $1100 and causeless stabbing to death of Sam-o- n the stock of a shoe store and one Edward Damon on Tueslny even- - or ifinn In the stock of a Chinese ilnur' Btore. About a week ago John Walker, who conducts the business of these companies, withdrew a policy of 11000 on one of the stores which were des- - . . sn. , A.pnn't.nmn day ttn.1 pleaded "not guilty on iroyeti. uiner cuiiipuuies curry idvu on the Chock building and 11000 on the Wo Chan building. 10 Shaw Withdraws FROM TICKET In Harmony's Sate of James Shaw has decided In the In tcrcsts of Republican harmony to with of draw from tho ticket as a candldato for Representative from tho Fifth DIs trlct. Mr. Shaw has carefully thought tho proposition over and while he feed that ho Is Justly entitled to politico support in Bplte of his offense commit ted ln his jouth, ho is willing to give wa. Tho Fifth District Hcpublltan Kxec-utlv- o Commlttco will meet tomorrow at noon to close up tho matter and de- cide upon a man to take Shaw's place. U. S. Weather Dureau Office, Young Building. October 3. Temperatures C a. in, 75; 8 a, m, f0; 10 a. m, 80; noon, 80; morning minimum, 72. Barometer, 8 a. m , 29 92; absolute humidity, 8 n. m, 8,200 grains per tiiblc foot; relntlvo humidity, 8 a. m. 75 per cent; dew point, 8s.ni, 72. Wind 6 a. in, velocity 1, direction N. K ; 8 a. m, velocity 5, direction 8. E i 10 a. m , velocity 13, direction 8.; noon, velocity 10, direction 8. Rainfall during 24 hours ended 8 a m , .00 Inch. Total wind movement during 21 hours ended at noon, 142 mites, ALEX. M'Q. ASHLEY, Section Director, U. S. Weather Bureau. SIMKfiWj Japanese Consul Salto has received information to tho effect that a strike of the Japancso laborers at Laupahoe-lio- o plantation Is Impending. Ho has been making arrangements regarding tho matter and may possibly go to tho plantation. Laupahochoo plantation Is situated at Papaaloa, In North Illlo district. While the strike has not ac tually broken out yet the situation Is said to be exceedingly strained. BAWAMSTOCKS Henry Watorhouso Trust Co, Ltd, received a cablegram from Pollltz & Co, San Francisco, today, giving quo tations on Hawaiian stocks on the San Francisco Stock & Bond Exchange, ns follows: Hawaiian Commercial & Sug- ar Co, C2 50; Houokaa, $15.25; Maka-well- , 128 25. Territorial Supreme Court this morn. Ing opened tho October term, calling the calendar and taking up tho "Hagoy Cure" case, T. M. Harrison vs. J. A. Magoon, ct al. LADIES' FACIAL MASSAGE By telephoning Main 22 ,olLENT BARBER 8H0P) ladles desiring fa- cial massage can secure the services of an expert operator at their homes. Getting Jury To Try Jose Miranda Damon's Murderer Arrest, Indictment, arraignment, pica He and the first day of the getting of a lal Jury for thc trial of the Porto Minn, Jose Miranda, for the murder of S. K. Damon, have passed and but four court b) his his of by Miranda," called Judge Oear In irlm- - 'nnt irt nt 10:12 o'cloclyJliU morn- - tn 'the Ing last on the highway near tin Damon Moanalua residence. He wnsj 'apprehended an hour later, indicted by to the specially convened Grand Jury on lno morning toiiowing, arraigned tiiu as Thursday morning, tho tourt havlni) then appointed Davis arid Thompson tu defend the prisoner. Trial was set for o'clock this morning, At tho hour named the large court of room In tho makalEwa, or southwest corner of tho Judiciary building, was paiked with a sweating crowd. The court room atmosphere was almost be sltfllnc. Jurors, attorneys and a crowd curious spectators mado the door-- ' WB)8 impassiuie. rno recently loriincci and more or less doubtful floor of the chamber trembled with the vibration constantly shuffling feet, Murderer Miranda was brought to the court room, heavily gunrded nnd handcuffed, shortly before V o'duilc i lft. Mil Mlo Home Rule Meeting Is Captured By The Delegate ARGUMENT L4STED TILL LATE SUNDAY MORNING NOTLEY AND KUMALAE FLOORED ON THEIR OWN GROUND. THAT HAWAIIAN LAN. GUAQE LAW. Thnut.li TVplefrntn tflltiln Wflft tinnkpd , ., . , , ... 0.,i . - lU, u. u.u j.u.a ...-..,- , , nigiu nnu mauy with uituijiuimt:u uiui be did not appear, ho was by no mains Inactive. After the meeting of Republicans at Halelwa Friday night, tho Delegato learned that tho Homo Rule forces were to hold forth In Walalua Saturday evening. The two Kahaulelios were with Notley and Kumalae and hoped to overthrow the favorable Impression created by tho Republican speakers. The Delegate decided to stay and Ilia c- - Tine Care Of Wealth The impotent question with men. women and children who own per- sonal or real property is Wiat to do with ii? The ttust company is orjfanitid to manaue and invest such property wisely aud economically. Consultation costs r.oth-in- g. HAWAIIAN TRUST CO, FORT Limited, ST. . A was seated next his counsel. Spec Officer McDuflle had him in charge Miranda's Irons were removed be- fore entrance. Ho wore thc black and white netted undershirt In which ho was arraigned, dark trousers supported a belt, red soiks and clestlcsldo shoes. He held his hands crossed In lap, palms up, occasionally rubbing wrists. He wit and Intently wntclud court, counsel and Jurors. His fate has penepttbly thinned since the day of his arrest; hla c;cs have taken on n more defined look anxiety. Miranda was bought out the eves of all. Two Porto KUan negroes In the audience arose from their seats to get a better view of the prisoner as he was brought In. They remained standing during the examin- ation of Jurors as to their qualifications iwi-i- Thn rnlirt room rppkpil with smell of mixed humanity In an overcrowded room. Twelve men were called to thc box be examined on their voir dire. The caxmlnatlon was productive of Intense interest. Matters generally atienoca, far as appearances go, by llttlo more significant than routine or formality, seemed to take on a coloring of the unusual. The questions of counsel and the court and the answers and remarks Jurjmcn appeared weighted with more than ordlnnry feeling. As If feel- ing this to lie the case, his Honor evi- denced more than ever, if such a thing possible, a peculiarly Jealous caro of the rights of the inclined II. P. Dwjcr was not a registered voter ot mo Territory anu was cuai' lenged an dexcused. Ed. Ilenncr was called to the box. Ho knew Mr. Damon; not intimately; bus- - Incss connection only; know Miranda's counsel; no objection to capital pun (Continued on Page 4.) political discussion at Walalua lid net ttaso until 3 o clock Bunda) morning. It was not a large meeting Tho Homo Rulers succeeded In turning out only aiiont ten voters. Thc rest of tho crowd was made up of women. Hut It v.as a hot time, ono of thc memorable events In Walalua politics, Tho Home Rule speakers, thinking to shut out C'upld, talked till 1 o'clock In the morn- ing. Tho crowd stayed. So did Kuhlo Then Kuhlo talked two hours and the people remained until he had said tho last word. Former Jmlgo Kahaulcllo darted tho ball and was followed by I). II Kalian kilo, who, when the Delegato tirrlved, was saying tl c people should not vole for the Republican candldiito becaiMO he was tied by tho nose nnd could not bo independent. Ho claimed Wilcox did more than tho Republican Delegate, therefore tho people should voto for the Homo Rule candidate for Delegato and nominees for the Legislature. Kumalae followed In the same strain Ho warned tho people not to affiiinti with the Republican party, because It did not keep faith with tho voters. He cited the county act as an example innd said the Republicans knew the law (woul(J not hoI(, g00d wh0H lboy Uruw It. Ho closed with quoting liberally from tho Scriptures and urged the vot ers to bo good. Notley was then presented by S. K Mahoo, tho presiding officer. He Im mediately Sailed Into the Delegato fur Introducing tho act that provides thai English and Hawaiian languages shall bo the official languages ot tho Leglsia turo for the period of ten vears. Not- ley said if such an act were passed by Congress it would disfranchise tho na- tive Hawailans, Ho claimed that the word "may" In the law was the secret of tho wholo trouble. In consequence of this word, the Board of Registration two years hence, If tho law passed, would be freo to use Its discretion and (Continued on Page 6.1 Delegate Kuhlo leaves tomorrow In canvass tho Island of Hawaii for t ha Ropubllcau ticket. Ho will open tho campaign on Kauai at Nawtllwlll. Judge Dolo this forenoon naturalized James dimming, Scotland; Antono Martins and J, V, Ilento, I'ortugal; and Clias. D. DcCew, Canada. Trolley Car Conductor: Did I got jour fnre. Passenger: I guess so; I didn't sco you ring it up for tbo cpm pany. Utlca Herald. "u.i "Wsnt -- s:e 6. Wells, Fargo & Co. EXPRESS. Masonic Temple iTd. H ue 58 Kuroki's Army , Has Been Lost To Russia's Scouts lAssoclatcd Press Special Cable.! ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Oct. 3. The Japanese have strengthened their rdvance at Tengtleapu. The Russians are unable to locate Kuroki's army. Russian Warship Finds Refuge In Hungchan Harbor fAssocIatPd Press Special Cable. SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 3. A Russian warship, supposed to be the Dayan has anchored In Hangchou Bay. McCormick Leaves Russia ST. FCTCRSOURC, Russia, Oct. 3. granted leave of abtence to return to the r For Home Ambassador McCormick has been United on Secretary Hay At Peace Congress BOSTON, Matt, Oct. 3 International Peace Congress opened here today. Secretary Hay an address. Senator Hoar Buried WORCESTER, Maes, Oct. today. 3. were here Fairbanks On Coast 8AN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 3 Fairbanks, Republican candidate for Vice President, his tour of the State Wrecked Off Norway FREDERICKSTAD, Norway, Oct 3. The Norwegian bark Sir John Law. rf nee is wrecked and crew of fourteen V jksA CHILDREN'S A school shoe must be hard vear. It must Injure growing feet. These low prices nere. Boys' lace of vici leather States business. delivered Senator Hoar's remains burled began today. drowned. stand shoes SCHOOL SHOES strong and of pood material-- ) to fit accurately so as not to qualities are combined with of velours calf, $2.50 anJ Z pair Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Ltd. 555? ! m

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    J 8tEam!rtablE.-- " J'T V COLORED COMIC SUPPLEMENT V, --"; LittleIs anDora'sadvertisingpapa manf Who talks his business everywhereFrom tin Francisco. Ever) where be can.

    Souoma . ,,...OcL 5For San Francises: Oue da thero came a babo

    Alameda Sept. 28 Evening Bulletin To llll the liouno with JoyVentura . . Oct. 4 A great big, bouncing baby,r T PromGaelicVancouver! ..Oct. 8 A ten pound baby boy.And when Dora saw her brother,...Oct. 22Aorangl s As she tip-toe- on tho mat.Par Vaneouvar: And saw the babc.she said: "Mamma,Miowcra Oct. 10 s&saa Did ou advertise for that?"3MMWIMMMMaBaIJWWWIIWlt' o'clock TODAY EDITION wimmimmmMmimmmmmmmms

    Vol. XVI. No. 2885ffi HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, OOTOBKR 3, 1904 Pbioh 6 Obktb4


    i .







    Destructive Fire.At Aala StreetRuinsHalf Block

    Karl) this morning halt of the block lio heard a polite whistle blown fromwhich extends from King street mauka, " vicinity of the. railroad station. Asi,i. ..... thero wns no Blgn of Are to be seenbordering on one Aala ,lo30 lhought a pr0BrcMand on the other by Aala Park, was ,, lia8tCned toward the ptacc whenceIiractlcally totally dcstro)cd by fire. bo hnil licar(, the wnl!tle. When heThere can hardlj be nny doubt but rearhP,t the King street bridge he sawthat the conflagration was or an lnccn-- , Brao)0 88UnB from the mauka part ofdiary origin, ns tho fire started twice thc buildings, nose told a foot policein the samo place. Thc first time, at onUcr W10 wng t090 behind him toabout 7 o'cloik last evening, It was turn i ,ll0 aiarm. This wns done atpromptly extinguished before It had exactly 3:35 a. m. A moment after thehad time to gain any headway. The arm in(, bccn t,lniea ln tnc roof ,.

    lime the fire gained such a start trnB tho middle part of the blockbefore It was discovered that it was fell ln ltI, a crasll nml nt tho Bam,Impossible to put It out beforo half of ,noment n tremtudous sheet of flametto block had been destroyed by the hurst forth allowing that the blare wasHntnes. of far greater magultude than It as

    The ground on which the ruined first had seemed,buildings stood Is the property of Chief, TIle flro department answered theJustice Frcar of the Supreme Court. call wlth grcat alacrity . At tho firstIt had been leased by him to two Sep- - rnu cnKncg numbcr ono and two andurate companies of Chinese who had the chemical engine turned out. OnI'rccted buildings on It. The buildings arriving on tho scene Chief Thurstonin the corner of King and Aala street, MW at a glance that the fire was at alacing King street bb far as Aala Park '.y advanced stage and liable to bonnd Aala street for quite a little dls.!vcry ,iangerous. He consequentlytuncc, were old nnd apparently not very lllrneil n n general alarm, wlilch calledvaluable. They were the property of out the rest of the department's enginestho Sang Chong Lung Company. Malt- - so that very soon five Btrearas werekn of these buildings was a long Iodg-'payn-g on the fire.Ing house facing mauka with one emit Tho firemen had a strenuous plecofuclng Aala street and the other thojof wor before them. The blazo wasPark. This building belongs to tho ratniz go nerrelv ln the bulldliies lnl.eo Chong Company. It 'was these.buildings wlilch were destroyed.

    The first fire was discovered at alout7 o'clock In the evening and an alarmsent ln from tho box on King andltlver street. A man rushed from the,


    nous mug mreei uui mw uiu.nro by the heat but this wastie met .Moume.i cxtlnKUtshcd. of tho

    Wright and told hm that fire had ue cllonB i0,iging are severalstarted In ono of the rooms Wright ,,. tboHurried to tho scene, lie found t no .jtru in one ui wie ruuma iu cuv luufc-- iin,; belonging to the I.co ChongCo. The room wus unoccupied but tholira was first discovered by a Jopnnciw

    who lived in the room nextto it.,

    .Wright found the room to be devoid"of furniture. A roll of matting lad

    been placed on end np against tho wallund was burning fiercely. The mattinghad evidently been soaked In keroseueund placed on end so that tho flroMould have a good chance at It. Wrightand n couple of men who lived In thenouse, munKeis urn, ., u...mnnno aimnnnilfiil In Hmntlinrlnf till fir..... ... . .i.- -. ...



    iue wum so iuai wiw umi . -were suffocated by it. government five pertho flro department on that par. a tew ago a

    tho had already ox at the sametlngulshed, Wright In the room for this ofun empty had evidentlycontained keroscno as it had a

    of thisThe second fire was in the

    of buildings. It was discoveredat o'clock this morning buthad at time gained such headway

    the building not beA custom luspcitor who was on

    at the railroad thaiho saw a tiny of rise

    tho middle of the Arow minutes later the middleloot of tho collupsed and an

    ofThis Is corroborated by Mount-i- d

    Charleshe was standing nt tho

    of and Kekaultke

    i . - iTssssV -- M IJrtdiJefljM)in5(9I u '& MAKERS rttVyRKI J-Bse- 7! CornetCh&esfar

    r i.S "W--n


    fem. m v



    tnp part of theno honc or 8avlng (ncm In

    the meantime was great dangerof neguuorUB buildings catchingnr Thn mti,ilnir on rorner of

    lacingstreet, Mauka

    housey,00lea buildings, Including



    suiuko strungalmost When cent bonds todoy

    arrived Only days blockKcne blaze been 'of j 10,000 worth wero sold

    found figure. Orders class secur- -bottlo which



    about 3:30that

    that could savedhouse

    duty vhart statescolumn flame

    from about block.entire

    block im-mense sheet flame burst forth.

    Police Officer Itoso. nosestates that cor-ner King street when



    Il)Wl.r ,,i0ck that therocotlI(1






    Klng Mrcet am, 10 ,cl roa, cauRnt

    jBpaneB0 ,hcatcr an,i a large Japanesc lodging house. This block of buildlugs' wns separated fiom tho LeoChong building by a very narrow alleyonly and was saved with great diff-iculty. The large Chinese wooden bull-din- g

    on tho opposlto corner of Kingand Aala streets also had n very

    on Page S.)


    Tho Walerhouse Trust ComI

    Mianv sold ISO.000 worth of Hawaiian

    .ltles have como from Australia andKurope. The above sales wero madeto local parties. Hawaiian governmentbonds have stiffened decidedly In thelast few weeks, boned now selling atpar which were then quoted at ?9t and


    Jury In Judge Robinson's court thisforenoon returned verdict for plaintiffin Harry Johnson vs. Leo Toma Co,an It to iccover remuneration' for ser-vices rendered, awarding Johnson? .1,500. Plaintiff sued for 5,000. Hesaved Leo Toma $18,000 customs dutiesalleged to havo been duo on a big shipment of Manila cigars, by advising thecompany to protest. For this servlcothe Jury now rewards him.

    Public ConfidenceIs difficult to obtain and easy to lose,For thirty years thousands of correctdressers have had Implicit confidenceIn the clothes bearing this famoustrade-mar- k

    jljredenjamin5(?MAKERS --ftflEWyoRK

    There are more reasons for this thanthere Is space In which to tell them.Take BENJAMIN Spring Suits a anexample. The fabrics are rich, varied,and exclusive; the fit Is Individual andperfect; the styles, like Poole's of Lon-don, are conservative but correct; thetailoring Is equal to that of the bestLondon and New York custom shops)the prices are reasonable and right IsIt strange that BENJAMIN Clotheshave enjoyed public confidence for somany years? Is It any wonder that

    ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO.are to America what Poole Is to En-glandleaders In sartorial art?

    We are Exclusive Distributorshere of this famous apparel.

    The Kash Go,, Ltd,,Agent,

    Insurance PeopleWEIE SHY

    Of Aala Property

    It appears that thc properties on thecorner of Aala and King street whichwere destroj ed by flro early this mornIng, were covered by only comparatively small amounts of Insurance. In seV'eral Instances tho Insurance companieshave very recently cancelled policiesheld there on account of ovorlnsur- - " novo "cen consumeti.nine. Ab far as can lie ascertained the' A special venire, to fill out the Jury,Insurance carried on tho destroyed ' returnable at 10 o'clock tomorrowproperties were ns follows: I morning. Then forty-nin- e men nro

    Clinton J. Hutchlns' companies havo summoned to appear In criminal ourt.one policy of I1000 on Tong Leo Yuen's ' Attorney General I.orrln Andrewsshoe store. The Hawaiian Trust Co. and Deputy Attorney Oencral M. K.bad 13000 in policies on the property I Prosser are prosecuting, while defend-bu- t

    withdrew them a few months mo. nnt Is ably represented l.j attorni-v- sIrwin & Co, representing the Scottish, i co. A. Davis and Frank K. Thompson,llojal and Alliance Insurance by tho court,lianles have policies amounting to " Case of tho Tcrrltor) apilnst JosoMfiOO on the I.ee Chone bulldlnc andon the contents of tho building on thecorner of King and Aala Park. These '"contents were only partially destroyed I Miranda stands accused of the brutalby water. Thero Is a policy of $1100 and causeless stabbing to death of Sam-o- n

    the stock of a shoe store and one Edward Damon on Tueslny even- -or ifinn In the stock of a Chinese ilnur'Btore. About a week ago John Walker,who conducts the business of thesecompanies, withdrew a policy of 11000on one of the stores which were des- -. . sn. , A.pnn't.nmn day ttn.1 pleaded "not guilty oniroyeti. uiner cuiiipuuies curry idvuon the Chock building and 11000on the Wo Chan building.


    Shaw WithdrawsFROM TICKET

    In Harmony's Sateof

    James Shaw has decided In the Intcrcsts of Republican harmony to with ofdraw from tho ticket as a candldatofor Representative from tho Fifth DIstrlct. Mr. Shaw has carefully thoughttho proposition over and while he feedthat ho Is Justly entitled to politicosupport in Bplte of his offense committed ln his jouth, ho is willing to givewa.

    Tho Fifth District Hcpublltan Kxec-utlv- oCommlttco will meet tomorrow

    at noon to close up tho matter and de-cide upon a man to take Shaw's place.

    U. S. Weather Dureau Office,Young Building.

    October 3.Temperatures C a. in, 75; 8 a, m,

    f0; 10 a. m, 80; noon, 80; morningminimum, 72.

    Barometer, 8 a. m , 29 92; absolutehumidity, 8 n. m, 8,200 grains pertiiblc foot; relntlvo humidity, 8 a. m.75 per cent; dew point, 8s.ni, 72.

    Wind 6 a. in, velocity 1, directionN. K ; 8 a. m, velocity 5, direction8. E i 10 a. m , velocity 13, direction8.; noon, velocity 10, direction 8.

    Rainfall during 24 hours ended 8 am , .00 Inch.

    Total wind movement during 21hours ended at noon, 142 mites,

    ALEX. M'Q. ASHLEY,Section Director, U. S. Weather


    SIMKfiWjJapanese Consul Salto has received

    information to tho effect that a strikeof the Japancso laborers at Laupahoe-lio- o

    plantation Is Impending. Ho hasbeen making arrangements regardingtho matter and may possibly go to thoplantation. Laupahochoo plantation Issituated at Papaaloa, In North Illlodistrict. While the strike has not actually broken out yet the situation Issaid to be exceedingly strained.


    Henry Watorhouso Trust Co, Ltd,received a cablegram from Pollltz &Co, San Francisco, today, giving quotations on Hawaiian stocks on the SanFrancisco Stock & Bond Exchange, nsfollows: Hawaiian Commercial & Sug-ar Co, C2 50; Houokaa, $15.25; Maka-well- ,

    128 25.

    Territorial Supreme Court this morn.Ing opened tho October term, callingthe calendar and taking up tho "HagoyCure" case, T. M. Harrison vs. J. A.Magoon, ct al.


    By telephoning Main 22 ,olLENTBARBER 8H0P) ladles desiring fa-cial massage can secure the servicesof an expert operator at their homes.

    Getting Jury To TryJose Miranda

    Damon's MurdererArrest, Indictment, arraignment, pica He

    and the first day of the getting of a lalJury for thc trial of the Porto Minn,Jose Miranda, for the murder of S. K.Damon, have passed and but four court




    Miranda," called Judge Oear In irlm- -'nnt irt nt 10:12 o'cloclyJliU morn- -


    Ing last on the highway near tinDamon Moanalua residence. He wnsj

    'apprehended an hour later, indicted by tothe specially convened Grand Jury onlno morning toiiowing, arraigned tiiu

    asThursday morning, tho tourt havlni)then appointed Davis arid Thompson tudefend the prisoner. Trial was set for

    o'clock this morning,At tho hour named the large court of

    room In tho makalEwa, or southwestcorner of tho Judiciary building, waspaiked with a sweating crowd. Thecourt room atmosphere was almost besltfllnc. Jurors, attorneys and a crowd

    curious spectators mado the door-- 'WB)8 impassiuie. rno recently loriincciand more or less doubtful floor of thechamber trembled with the vibration

    constantly shuffling feet,Murderer Miranda was brought to

    the court room, heavily gunrded nndhandcuffed, shortly before V o'duilc i


    Mil MloHome Rule Meeting Is

    Captured By The






    Thnut.li TVplefrntn tflltiln Wflft tinnkpd, ., . , , ... 0.,i. -lU, u. u.u j.u.a ...-..,-, ,nigiu nnu mauy with uituijiuimt:u uiuibe did not appear, ho was by no mainsInactive.

    After the meeting of Republicans atHalelwa Friday night, tho Delegatolearned that tho Homo Rule forces wereto hold forth In Walalua Saturdayevening. The two Kahaulelios werewith Notley and Kumalae and hoped tooverthrow the favorable Impressioncreated by tho Republican speakers.The Delegate decided to stay and Ilia

    c--Tine Care

    Of Wealth

    The impotent questionwith men. women andchildren who own per-sonal or real property is

    Wiat to do with ii?The ttust company isorjfanitid to manaueand invest such propertywisely aud economically.Consultation costs r.oth-in- g.






    . A

    was seated next his counsel. SpecOfficer McDuflle had him in charge

    Miranda's Irons were removed be-fore entrance. Ho wore thc black andwhite netted undershirt In which howas arraigned, dark trousers supported

    a belt, red soiks and clestlcsldoshoes. He held his hands crossed In

    lap, palms up, occasionally rubbingwrists. He wit

    and Intently wntclud court, counseland Jurors. His fate has penepttblythinned since the day of his arrest; hlac;cs have taken on n more defined look

    anxiety. Miranda was bought outthe eves of all. Two Porto KUan

    negroes In the audience arose fromtheir seats to get a better view of theprisoner as he was brought In. Theyremained standing during the examin-ation of Jurors as to their qualifications

    iwi-i- Thn rnlirt room rppkpil withsmell of mixed humanity In an

    overcrowded room.Twelve men were called to thc boxbe examined on their voir dire. The

    caxmlnatlon was productive of Intenseinterest. Matters generally atienoca,

    far as appearances go, by llttlo moresignificant than routine or formality,seemed to take on a coloring of theunusual. The questions of counsel andthe court and the answers and remarks

    Jurjmcn appeared weighted withmore than ordlnnry feeling. As If feel-ing this to lie the case, his Honor evi-denced more than ever, if such a thing

    possible, a peculiarly Jealous caro ofthe rights of the inclined

    II. P. Dwjcr was not a registeredvoter ot mo Territory anu was cuai'lenged an dexcused.

    Ed. Ilenncr was called to the box. Hoknew Mr. Damon; not intimately; bus- -Incss connection only; know Miranda'scounsel; no objection to capital pun

    (Continued on Page 4.)

    political discussion at Walalua lid netttaso until 3 o clock Bunda) morning.It was not a large meeting Tho HomoRulers succeeded In turning out onlyaiiont ten voters. Thc rest of thocrowd was made up of women. Hut Itv.as a hot time, ono of thc memorableevents In Walalua politics, Tho HomeRule speakers, thinking to shut outC'upld, talked till 1 o'clock In the morn-ing. Tho crowd stayed. So did KuhloThen Kuhlo talked two hours and thepeople remained until he had said tholast word.

    Former Jmlgo Kahaulcllo darted thoball and was followed by I). II Kaliankilo, who, when the Delegato tirrlved,was saying tl c people should not volefor the Republican candldiito becaiMOhe was tied by tho nose nnd could notbo independent. Ho claimed Wilcoxdid more than tho Republican Delegate,therefore tho people should voto for theHomo Rule candidate for Delegato andnominees for the Legislature.

    Kumalae followed In the same strainHo warned tho people not to affiiintiwith the Republican party, because Itdid not keep faith with tho voters. Hecited the county act as an example

    innd said the Republicans knew the law(woul(J not hoI(, g00d wh0H lboy UruwIt. Ho closed with quoting liberallyfrom tho Scriptures and urged the voters to bo good.

    Notley was then presented by S. KMahoo, tho presiding officer. He Immediately Sailed Into the Delegato furIntroducing tho act that provides thaiEnglish and Hawaiian languages shallbo the official languages ot tho Leglsiaturo for the period of ten vears. Not-ley said if such an act were passed byCongress it would disfranchise tho na-tive Hawailans, Ho claimed that theword "may" In the law was the secretof tho wholo trouble. In consequenceof this word, the Board of Registrationtwo years hence, If tho law passed,would be freo to use Its discretion and

    (Continued on Page 6.1

    Delegate Kuhlo leaves tomorrow Incanvass tho Island of Hawaii for t haRopubllcau ticket. Ho will open thocampaign on Kauai at Nawtllwlll.

    Judge Dolo this forenoon naturalizedJames dimming, Scotland; AntonoMartins and J, V, Ilento, I'ortugal; andClias. D. DcCew, Canada.

    Trolley Car Conductor: Did I gotjour fnre. Passenger: I guess so; Ididn't sco you ring it up for tbo cpmpany. Utlca Herald.

    "u.i "Wsnt -- s:e 6.

    Wells, Fargo & Co.


    Masonic Temple iTd. H ue 58

    Kuroki's Army ,Has Been Lost

    To Russia's ScoutslAssoclatcd Press Special Cable.!

    ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Oct. 3. The Japanese have strengthenedtheir rdvance at Tengtleapu. The Russians are unable to locate Kuroki'sarmy.

    Russian Warship

    Finds Refuge In

    Hungchan HarborfAssocIatPd Press Special Cable.

    SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 3. A Russian warship, supposed to be the Dayanhas anchored In Hangchou Bay.

    McCormick Leaves

    RussiaST. FCTCRSOURC, Russia, Oct. 3.

    granted leave of abtence to return to the


    For HomeAmbassador McCormick has been

    United on

    Secretary Hay At

    Peace CongressBOSTON, Matt, Oct. 3 International Peace Congress opened here

    today. Secretary Hay an address.

    Senator Hoar BuriedWORCESTER, Maes, Oct.


    3. were here

    Fairbanks On Coast8AN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 3 Fairbanks, Republican candidate for

    Vice President, his tour of the State

    Wrecked Off NorwayFREDERICKSTAD, Norway, Oct 3. The Norwegian bark Sir John Law.

    rf nee is wrecked and crew of fourteen

    V jksA

    CHILDREN'SA school shoe must be

    hard vear. It mustInjure growing feet. Theselow prices nere.

    Boys' lace of vici leather

    States business.


    Senator Hoar's remains burled

    began today.




    SCHOOL SHOESstrong and of pood material-- ) to

    fit accurately so as not toqualities are combined with

    of velours calf, $2.50 anJ Z pair

    Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Ltd.




  • E




    W- ,n "W'jay" h" yw Tny




    MONDAYHawaiian Stated.


    WHDNOHDAVPerfection 14th Degree.

    THUHIIDAYHawaiian 1st Degree 7:30

    p. m.Rote Croix Regular 5 p m.

    PRIOAYHonolulu Chapter Royal Arch.


    HI visiting member! et tteraw are cordially Invited to at.

    meetings of local lodges.

    HARMONY LODGE, No. 3, I. O. O. F.

    Htett every Monday evening at 7.30la I. 0. O. F. Unit, Kort itrcet.

    F. M. McQREW, N. d.,E. R. HENDRY, Secretary.

    'All Tliltlng brothers cry cordiallytavlted.

    MYSTIC LODQE, No. 2, K. of P.

    ' ImU every Tueiday evening at1:30 o'clock In K. of P. Hall, KingItmet Visiting brothers cordially InBB4 to attend.


    AHU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P.

    Meets ccry Friday evening ntat. P. Hall, King street, at 7:30. Memtmn ot Mystic Lodge, No. 2, Wo.

    Lodge, No. 8, and visiting broth-M- .eerelally Invited.

    Work, First Rank.O. M. WHITE. C.C,

    . M. COLEMAN, K.R.S.

    R4H0LULU LODGE 610, P. O. E.

    eiolulu Lodes No. tit, 0. P. 0. E ,tarSi neet In their aew hall, on MillerMB Beretanla streets, vry FridayHceUag.

    atyr. order ot the B. R.HARRY H. SIMPSON,

    Secretary.B. K. FISHER, B R.

    Sraa. M'KINLEY LODQE No. 6, K.of P.

    seta every Saturday evening atF:S0 o'clock In K. ot P. Hall, KingtfkMt Visiting brother cordially In--

    to attend.Work In Third Rank this week.

    H. T. MOORB, C. O.M. M. JOHNSON, K.R.S.

    HWNOLULU HARBOR, No. M, A. A.f M. P.

    Meets on llrnt and third Sundayevenings of each month nt 7 o'clock atK of P. Hall All sojourning breth- -run are cordially Invited to nttend.

    Uy order W'oithy CaptainB II. PARKER,

    J. M RADWAY, C C.


    Tin B. F. DILLINGHAM CO., Ltd. I

    enerel Agent for Hawaii

    Aeeurance Company of LondonWaenlx Assurance Co. of London.fSVawr York Underwriters' Agency.PrvvMenco Washington Insurance Co.Heetilx Insurance Co. of Brooklyn,


    tee 4th floor, Stangenwald Bldg.

    Manufactured fromICE pure distilled waterDelivered to any part ot

    ty by conrteoua drivers.

    9tbi Ice and Electric Co.wala Telephone Blue SISI


    INERAL CONTRACTORS.ftaM and eaUmatea furnished for

    M aUnea. Coatractlng work.Tel. Main 245.

    KBOM S00, BOSTCN BLK, Honolulu.'

    P. H. Burnette,1Mbrn?y-at-La- and Notary Publicujent to Grant Marriage Licensee.

    steal Estate, Insurance, Collections.Wee, 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

    Restaurant.HONOLULU HINODE CO.

    II N. HOTEL ST.eJtrely reaovated; New Management

    New Service.MEAL8 25c


    For Rt" cards on aale at Julletlr,


    Olympic ,Rubdown

    For Football Players andother Athletes.

    Prepared at the

    Hollisler Drug Co.,


    I056 Fort Street.





    The most delicious, the most

    healthful drink.

    75c a Gallon


    Hoffschlaeger Co.,


    25 King Street, near Bethel

    WtH. G. Irwifl & C()., Ltd.

    WM. 0. IRWIN... President and MglJNO. 13. SPRECKEI.S...lst Vice Prcs.W. M. OIFFARD 2d Vice Prcs.H. M. WHITNEY, Jr TreasurerRICHARD I VERS. SecretaryA. C. LOVEKIN. Auditor


    COMMISSION AOI3NTSActQll lof lilt








    Oceanic Steamship CompanyOF SAN FRANCISCO. CAl.



    KALIHI, and other desirable licatltlea.

    Alio 1 JTJMP-SBA- BDCXBOARD,second-hand- ; good aa new.

    Horse Shoeing.--. -- . -- . ..,.- -YV e YV e W riant CO.

    I.lmltf,have opened a horse-shoe-lo-g

    department in connee-tlo- awith their carriage

    op, etc. Having secur-ed tae services ot a first-dai- s

    shoer, they are pre-pared to do all work

    to them In a f rat-ela-manner.


    Dealers In Lumber and Coal

    ALLEN & ROBINSON,Queen 8L, Honolulu.

    Weekly Edition of the Bulletin, IIper yr


    Read "Wants" on page 6.Now lino Mechanical It. It, Trains.

    Wall, Nichols.Mr and Mm. C. J Hutilitns returned

    from Mail! yesterday,

    Paul Jones, Ityo or Dourbon, at thePantheon same old stand.

    The best cup ot Hawaiian coffee Intho city. N. England Bakery,

    Harmony Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F.,meets tonlKht nt 7:30 In I. O. O. F. Hall.

    Neatly furnished rooms at the Pop-ular. $1, $1.60 and $2 per week. 1249Fort Street. '

    Ou Wednesday the jncht Skip willho sold nt auction by Morgan at theboat landing.

    A hunch of kejs have been lost findcr plenso return to this office and re-ceive reward.

    DON'T FORGET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOUMUBT REGISTER.

    Ask for "Old Kirk" whiskey at theColumbia, Pantheon, Favorite, Cri-terion and Fashion.

    The Never Sweats bent the TarFlats nt Maklkl In a bnseball gaino)estcrday, 20 to 12.

    Tho Miiy & Co. ball team defeatedtho plajors of Lcals & Co. at Maklkl

    esterduy, 2(1 to 14.A few moru of those smooth running

    rasy-rldln- rigs have been put In Berlie at the Stock) nrds.If ou wnnt the best bread In towlijvlslt Revnl on Tuesday, to bid farewell

    cci u ni I'cnection noma uauen, iicre-.i- "tnnla & Emma streets.

    At tho Mnnon golf links yesterdayMr Sheldon defeated Allan Dunn withfour up nnd three to piny

    Dr. Jus. Roauc Is a resident of Vah- - 'ingtoii, 1). C. who, with his wife, liamade n trip around the world.

    Miss I.lndn Srhncfor has su ess--fully pnsse.1 her entrance uxumlnn- - ., LNE3 FACE.Ions nt .ollcge In Philadelphia. are four ,101.

    The best cream the Islands afford ' Kl(nis of Russians at Mukden, two utwo uso in the manufadtiro of our he'nunho nd the remainder ut Tiding.creams, tinrt t u , i.iii. i no Mite. "

    The Y. W. C A. basket ball HamsWill meet nt the Y. W. C. A gjinnns- -lum nt 4.30 this afternoon for organ- -Irnllon !

    The band of lliu llnllril Hint Train.Ing Ship IlufTnlo will give n toiuvitWeduesdny evening nt the Young Hoteli oof garden

    Cy Russell will, after this wiek, ro- -tiro ns inptaln of the Elks bnsebaltt.nm llob White Is mentioned as pUJ- -sll.le successor.

    Cnptnln R. MiO Duiuansnn In oughta vessel from England to Japan, when

    was hisCAR,


    S. "cr0wrvltcs. Ho killed,wife Ing futnl thhtecn

    On Tuesday. Oct. 10 a. in . Mor- -gnu sell 1.10 pairs of Yn4- -tlnn window and door blinds; alsotoino rnro law books. '

    Midwinter Liaguo bnseball Ka- -plolnnl Park jisteidny resull.Klfollows: Anlas vs. Mnklkls, tiS, IronWorks vs. Pndflcs, 11--

    sport go to the Saloon.Rowling alley free of charge. Hotelstreet, near Nuuunu.

    New lino lllrthday Hooks nnd Din-- .Cauls rcccUvil, Wall, Nlih- -

    ols. ,The important question nlth men,

    Cornell olid children who own pctionnlreal properly What do with

    It? The best method be lenmclecusultlng Hawaiian Trust Co. ,

    REGI8TER early and avoid therush. you want a vote this year youMUST REGISTER.

    Harry Johnion's cnBo acaluxt IoTema Co., for remuneration set- -vlecs In saini; the tobaieasome 118.000 eustoms duties clgar

    ro to Jury In JudKO Roblnsou'HMonday, evidence being all

    is within everybody's reach.Tho Bonnon by Hov, W. Klncalil

    . . . ,nt .l.. 11.. t. ttii uiiiuii uinivub on the theme Thirst ot theSoul for God." offertory solo was,

    by Hugo lienor. He 'Milendld "The of Day,"by


    C. A. BENEFIT.

    ' Charley's Aunt" to bo repentedmorrow evening for tho benefit of the1. C. A., tho players hnlng agreedto fc'hc services for laudabltpurpose.

    Prices for thenow- - being Wall,


    wo! nut(Associated Prss Cable.

    RUSSIAN CAVALRY.Petersburg, Oct. I. The

    cavalry lime checked the JnpnneseIn tho direction of YniiRsmmtung

    nnd Fcngtlnpu. Thpy Imve burntseventeen Junks In the river, tar.r.vlng nmmunltlon.

    ARMIES INACTIVE..Mukden, Oil. 1. Inactivity continues

    on both Bides.

    FIRE DE8TROY8 AMMUNITION.Sebaslonol, l. fire In the ar

    tillery ammunition magazines will, Itfeared, lauso considerable loss


    JOE JEFFERSON RETIRES.New York, 0t. 1. Joseph Jefferson,

    the veteran actor, hns announced hisretirement from the stage.

    HUMBERT FINALE,Paris, Oct. 1. The Humbert ired

    Itors have received one half per cent,of their claims.

    PAYNE UNCONSCIOUS.Washington, Od. 1. Postmaster

    General Payne unconscious.

    FAREWELL TO BALTIC FLEET.St. Petersburg, Od. 2 The Cnr

    mo imiiu- oiuuiuh.

    MINES SINK SHIPS.Toklo, Od. 2 It Is leported that

    a Japanese gunboat lias been sunksouth of l.lntong by n mine ofthe iew was rescued A RussianMcamcr clearing nwny mines PunArthur has been sunk.

    tlrcc ja)mtiPip nimles nuiipy ufiont extending twinty north ofI.lnojnng.

    JAPANESE USE RAILROAD.Ni'Ul huailL'. Od. 2. llrst trnlil

    over the rttunstrui ted rnllwny has leftfor the south with 5U0 wounded Japanese.


    FLOODS DESTROY,6". 'l,n- - l'u';" N"w,)f ,nw" W",r,r llnH hecn

    IICKVlueU uy iiihjiih. iweie lieiWMlitdrowned The Ions IluO.nou.

    severely Injured.

    CHURCH HORROR.Hostoti. O. t 2. Tin- - lloor of the Cntli- -

    .. n.. V . . . ' V.""'the lias mut. Twe , p were Injured

    . ,.....,.. ,., ,.,w,mlle,i ,y r,1B i,H ,.Xperleii.e.ln southern Italy,

    LADY CURZON BETTER.Iximldii. Oit. 2. l.ndy Curon.

    rnentty undmunt nn opeiiillon, Is roeotorlng.

    PAYNE BETTER.Washington, Oit. PtiHtmiiHtir

    (lenornl I'ujne Ih hrtler.


    A Q(lil 1)B).. fp , ,i.ci.s ni , An,iru'. r,,ti,.,iri Tim.,.. n m. , .. m,,,'Rlu w'111 "

    ' ,, "'.ration of ,,.,

    Communion t 10 u. folloneil li,meditations und prnjers until 12 in.

    BU", """ nnu wome" iwni'")'',.,,.,.



    Under the nchlce of his phjslclnn.Major Wolters has decided withdrawfiom politic s. He will therefore nothe n candidate for thu of Henaloioil the Demoi rntlr tic ket. Kuplheii. lieluuse ho st.ijed with tho 1 Iodic Ruloorganization, hns been ankec! get off

    Democratic, ticket.


    ac anty tho Demociutlc-- Senatorlal ticket not bo by .1

    the sold. Ho Is now on wayhome England. STREET ACCIDENT.

    Pram Is, fo.Od.2-- A worn..Captain Wm. Ktdston was formerlytho U. A. T and the M S a l,ol,H l' '1,ll " Hlri,t ,l,r

    Is accompanied 1) hit ' re. One whs nnolber ieelvand daughter. Injury, noil weia

    4. atwill new


    'CMninwuMrvc hi nnui,lor cxorclRe, recreation, health and. inm. 0,t - eaitlinuake lumin.Horscshoo

    nT Just

    or Is, tocan hy



    onwill thelourt ou in.





    Though Iron roofs last longer ,,lm" u) Mv'1 '" 1"n ""shingle, peoplo not liked them 'lay 8.I100I room. I'rom 1:16 p. in. thubocauso of tho heat. This difficulty isi ",l1 J01ltl,1,,c "'.,tl1 ' !'

    hin exenlng prner w 11 he Thoovercome with "Arabic" wht.hcools Iron roofs at least 15 degrees members of other auxiliary l.rnniheand

    M.!. .iiiu tyvuuui dunlin iiikiici

    "Tho I

    Thetiling rendered the

    baritone Closellnrtlett.

    Y, W.

    Is to

    W.their this

    redurcd 00laslon, on salo at




    In of







    v.ero Is


    T. V





    n..i.,. ,.,i.... n.,. ,,,.m..




    The 011will flllc-- S.




    than v,ie" w,havo


    hae beenscats


    Nichols & Company, where tickets sold l.ow. .Mr. Low declines to , nti-- thuby members ot the Y. W. C. A. are aim mco on account of pressme of

    Iless mutters. The aiumy will bA full nnd clnborato piesentntlon tilled before the end of tho week, nl

    will bo ghen as on previous perform though 110 candidate is In sight todayances and Mrs. Drown hopes to net 0 . . .substantial recompense from the bene-- Plnco tho catering for jour pnrtyfit. Any funds so acquired will bo wel or reception In our hands and wo docorned by tho Institution, which U the rest. Our handling of theso socialgrowing rapidly nnd needs funds t (unctions nro a continuation of sue-kee-

    up with Its march of pi ogress. Iccbtes. Hart & Co , Ltd. Tho Ulte.

    $100 RewardFOR PROOF that I did not make mysamples. Anyone who cannot make goodsamples cannot do good work. For mywork compare my samples with others.




    Anybody enn test jour ees, jouenn do it yourself; few tan examlnoeyes and do it Intelligently nnd satis-factorily. Quito a difference betweene)o tests and

    Our examinations nro based on anIntimate knowledge of tho cyo unfl Itsneeds.



    Over May & Co.

    Fire! Fire! Fire!

    Another residence destroyed by firefor want of water In time, but had a

    Quick Action Fire Extinguisher

    been In the house the firs couldhave been extinguished. So avoid the10 to 20 minutes' delay of the Fire De-partment by hsvtng your house equip-ped with our Fire Extinguishers, forwhen you need It you need It badly,and there is no other machine manu-factured which you can rely upon towork properly at that critical moment.Can be operated as successfully by aWoman, Child or Man as when In thehands of a trained fireman. For fur-ther particulars and circular Inquire of



    TEL. MAIN 145.

    The Merchants' Protective



    Established Twelve Years.

    Publishers of Rating Hook for theHavvnilan Islands.

    O liken: Rooms 5 and 6 Progress block,HONOLULU, II. T.


    HOUSEHOLDERS Improve yourmuddy walks and driveways with blacksand dressing always clean. For thenext ten days we sell the finest blacksand aellvered for 75 cents oer yr.

    Cheapest price ever known In town.Telephone your order.

    Lord & Belser.Tel. MAIN 198 P. O. BOX 192.


    RICES. Also a fine line of ALUMI-NUM GOODS. BU8INE88Men use our goode to advertise theirsind please cuetomere. Write ue If Inieed of anything.




    Improved and Modern SUGAR MACHINERY of every capacity and de-scription made to order. Boiler workand RIVETED PIPES for Irrigationpurposes a specialty. Particular atten-tion paid to JOB WORK, ana repairsixecuted at ehortest notice.

    The Lewin-Mey- er Co.Epicnreai and Palace Goods

    E. J. WALKER,Wholesale Agent.


    Importers and Dealers In Hardware,Cutlery, Stoves, Paints, Oils, Brushes,and General Merchandise.

    Nos. 4450 King St., Katsy Block, betNuuanu and Smith 8ts.; Tel. Main 189.



    ADDRE88 M., P, 0. BOX 36.

    "For Rent" cards on eale at The Builetln office.

    ?P3pijP J

    Granite and Bronze MonumentsAt Prices To Suit.

    Hawaiian Iron Fence and Monument Works, Ltd

    176-1- KING STREET.

    NOW WE'RE JTWt are prepared to supply the People of Honolulu with Freshed M

    ISLAND MEATS. Also, Garden Produce ol all kinds; Butter, Eggs, Chleb-ene- ,Turkeys, Sucking Pigs, Bacon, Ham; In fact, everything that A FIRS'

    CLASS MARKET la called upon to furnish.









    TELEPHONE 221.



    Hacks, Carriages, Buggies an! lad-

    die Horses on short notice.

    Carriages meet all steamers. Com- -

    peteat drivers, reasonable rates, new

    vehicles and live stock.

    Alexander & BaldwinLIMITED.

    OFFICERS.J. B. Castle First Vice PresidentW. M. Alexander... Second Vice Pres.J. P. Cooke TreasurerW. O. Smith , SecretaryOeo. R, Carter...., Auditor

    Sugar Factors and

    Commission AgeitsAQBNTS tor Hawaiian Commercial ftSugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co., Pala Plan-tation Co., Nahlku Sugar Co., KlhelPlantatloa Co., Hawaiian Sugar Co.,Kabnlul Railroad Co.r--WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., LTD.

    Atlanta forWaMtorn Sugar RsflnliiB Co ,tinn Pranolsco, Cal7Unltlwln Locomotive Worka,Philadelphia. Pa.

    tSawall Unlvaraal Mill Co.yianufacturaraof National CanShraddar, (Saw YorK. N.Y.Paraffin Paint . rnpany,Han Pranolsco, Cul.

    Ohlandt A Co.,Man Pranolacn Cal.PnolMe Ol ranaportatlon CoHan snoisoo, vaii


    1'ieali piotUtons nnd fruit by everyCalifornia steamer. Tresh Island but'ter fiom Hawaii.

    1123 Fort St. and 1186 Nuuanu St.2875 tf


    YoshikawaTke Bike Doctor. I have a bigstock ot wheels. Repairingour specialty. Wheels Rent,ed. Two Stores: 163 King 8L,Hotel near River.

    S. SAIKI,Dealer in Bamboo Furniture, Pic-

    ture Frames, Grass Linen, DrawnLinen, Table Cloths, Collars, Neckties, etc.



    Also CURI03 of all descriptions atliving prices.


    OFF ?

    i.-- r-




    peaka for Itself .Jbut le not noisy.

    E. R. BATH, THE PLUMBER, .165 King Street. 'Phene It.

    LIFE asl FIRE

    Insurance - AgentsAGENTS FOR



    Castle & Cooke, Ltd.HONOLULU.

    Con.miss.8.1 Merchants

    I.I Su.ar Factfrs

    AQHNTS FORThe Ewa Plantation Co.Tke Walalua Agricultural Co.The Kohala Sugar Co.The Walmea Sugar Mill Co.The Fulton Lron Works, 8L Louis, MeThe Standard Oil Co.The Geo. F. DIake Steam Pumas.Weston's Centrifugals.The New England Lite Insurance Oe.

    ot Boston.The Aetna Fire Ins. Co. ot Hartfora.

    Conn.The Alliance Assurance Co. of Loasos.

    C. Brewer & Co., Ltd.Queen Street, Honolulu, T. H.


    Affonts forHawaiian Agricultural Co., Ookala

    Sugar Plant Co., Onomea Sngar Ce..Honomu Sugar Co.Walluku Sugar Ce.,Makes Sugar Co.,HaIeakala'Ranck Oe.The Plantera' Line ot San FrancisesPackets, Ckai. Srewer ft Coa lime elBoston Packets.

    Llet of Officers:0. M. Cooke, President; Oeorae

    Robertson, Manager; D. F. Blshoi,Treasurer aad Secretary; CoL W.Allen, Andttor; P. 0. Jonea, 0. B.Cooke and Geo. R. Carter. Directors.

    P. O. Box 161. Tel Wklta Ml


    HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU.SnIU made to order In tke lateel'

    styles. Perfect fit guaranteed. ClotaIng cleaned, dyed and repaint, .



    Ln 'T






    V W -- ' ytKHUtMUe TBRLjr" ' ' '' - ' . i"'' ."- -- jfjrrjLJy'?J

    Bountiful display of New Goods from the


    Every department has been replenished withthe latest novelties and these are now beingopened. There is a wealth of beautifuldress goods, laces, neckwear, etc. You arecordially welcome to see the handsome new


    Our Ready-To-We- ar Department is

    stocked with the very latest garments.

    Splendid Millinery Department

    Our opening display of hats and bonnetsthis season will surpass any we have yet

    made and the department will be in chargeof a very competent and stylish Easternmilliner.

    Watch for announcement of our Fall

    Millinery Opening

    N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Company,



    J ' " Drink MoreDr. Titus Munson Coin, In Harper's Magazine, declares In favor

    of " Soda Water" for table use. " Soda Water (more properlycalled Carbonated Water) whether manufactured or natural Is aPOWERFUL AID TO DIGESTION by stimulating the stomachand also probably aiding to dissolve the mineral Ingredients of thefood. It Is very appetizing, It corrects acidity In the stomach,checks the disposition to nausea and cools the system In febrilecomplaints and Is Indeed the Ideal beverage for the water drinker."

    May me not supply you with our beverages?

    Yours for health, first, last and all the time.

    Consolidated Soda Water ltd.TELEPHONE MAIN 7J


    The United States



    26 King: St. Phone 58

    This Is the lightest running machine on the market, Theclothes are turned and through the hot soap

    "suds, cleaning without rubbing to pieces. ThisIs our second shipment and parties who have usedmachines speak very highly



    Wc pack, haul and yourgoods and tave you money.

    Dealers STOVE WOOD, COAL and

    Storage in Brick Warehouse,


    Clothing, PajamasEtc,4


    " And T.D,i.ik,


    Rotary Washers


    and Neckwear, Ties,

    back forththem them

    theseof them.






    Lando, Hotel St. Store.






    Special to The Dullclln.lWalmca, Hawaii, Sept. 2C On the

    afternoon of Sunday, tho 25th Inst,Walmca wltaesscd an unusual scent).A largo crowd, of a size even largerthan at rt Walmca raco meeting, assem-bled to witness an exciting baseballmatch between the Parker ranch boyand a scratch team selected from our-hal- f

    the Island of Hauall. People hajcome the day before. Those from HI-l-

    Hakalau, Paatillo, Honokaa, Kuku-Ihact- eand Walplo were conveyed by

    the Volcano statu line.- - Frhato car-riages also brought others from thosamo places. Tho North Kohalaltcsnil turned up In full force on horse-back. In fact, tho Interest dlsplaedfar exceeded tho expectation of thepromoters. It was surprising to thinkhow in such an Icolated and compara-tively empty spot ns Walmca such acrowd could liao collected.

    Manager Caitcr had thrown openthe ranch houses for tho accommoda-tion of the lsltlng team. Ho with thoaid of the ranch bojs, had also takenmuch Interest In carefully preparingtho grounds, which were certainly Infine condition for play, gUIng tho spec-tators good lew of the proceedings.

    The vlsltlnp team Included all thecrack players of Hamakua and Hllo.Amongst theso was tho popular en-tertainer Zamloch, front Honolulu,who apparently adds the art of pitching to his other accomplishments, being as wo understand aplajcr on the mainland. Inspltoofallthese adantagcs and though theyplayed a remarkably good game, theywcro unablo to withstand tho superiorskill of heir opponents, who made thegamo their on throughout, ending Ina victor-fo- r tho Parker ranch boj s bya scoro of 27 to 0.

    Tho fact Is that tho ranch teamholds several ex champion playersfrom the Kamehamcha and St. Louisschools, Honolulu, who In splto of bo- -ing out or ptacllcc and the ucterlora- -tlon popnlirly supposed to accompanyage, do not seem to have degeneratedin thc Ian" so that their victory.though unexpected even by them--selves, Is readily explained. I

    Thousands GreetAt Aala Park

    Republican NomineesTho largest and one of tho most do -


    outI'ark.wn8 tllcnJi

    the thecompany

    specchmakers. All classes, all race9,and, it seemed, persuasions, werewell represented, women childrengathering In great numbers with thomen and making themselves comfort- -ablo on the grass. Hawaiian families,with lunches, wero conspicuous,taking of refreshment In circledgroups by the light of Innumerablytorches planted round about the plat- -form raised In mtddlo the greatexpanse. two thousand persons attended tho meeting.

    John C. Lano and J. U. Dowsctt,Senatorial nominees, were welcomed

    tremendous ovations. They wcrocheered again and again. dwelt

    length and with forceful eloquence


    This versatileFifth fortlv enthusiastically applaudedIlls speech English was unfaltcr- -

    as his Hawaiian theho scored Advertiser for

    attacks Iltth Districtsentatlvo ticket. Tho speaker referred

    to effect thatFifth's wero unfit to asbeing to laws since theywero versed In English Ian- -

    upon whospeak Into ability hand- -

    ling ot tongue. Tho domonstrn- -tlon that followed proved clearly that

    appreciated speaker'suso of best English and

    Mahelona expressed himself notlegislation protecting gam- -

    bllng. Ho gameschance did no goodwere bo tolerated,

    I fectlng Individuals communtty. Ho strongly

    factions,gambling against Fifth

    i ,- - ii. irlW

    An amusing Incident happened Inreference Mr. Zamloch. He shineschiefly a pitcher, hut of putting tho strikers out as ho was confidently expected to do, he was hit r.llover the field, so that ho had howithdrawn and another pitcher, Una- -una, from Walplo, substituted.

    Tho umpires wcro Sam Woods ofPuuhue, North and J. Irwin orKukalau.1

    Tho makeup of the teams follows:VISITOIIS. I'AflKUIl IIANCII.

    Catcher.II. Moto (ss). Jos. KoM

    Pitcher.Zamloch (lb.) (ss) David Kan at

    first Base.Win. Unaunn (p.) ...... Wm. Lindsay

    Second Base,.............. M. Spencer

    1 IlirCl llflRCtSimmons (c.) ....... Wm. K. Spcnce- -

    night I leld.trcd Walker (c.).....Thos. Kannnim

    Left Held.Illckard Amos hokl

    Center I leld."orner Not ley

    Shortstop.Klcntki (3b.) A. hnain

    Substitutes.W. Smith n. Knnpunlrnuony dicihc1 ntiiiivr


    rromXIaulports,ierRmr.Cla die2.- -3. W. Schultz Jno. C.ull.1. ('

    J. lIiitehlM and w I e, Jno. Thompson,t. H. Anderson, Miss I. llorba, Jas.

    iMcnuhamin, mos. uwmun, uuu.ur- -Miss T. Klcdel, Takahashl,

    Chock See, Alencustre and twochildren. Miss A. (Merino, Miss Witt-roc-

    Master Jas. ICalua, Mrs. NairnHnkuole. Itev. n. S. Tlmotco, S. a

    and two children, C. I). I.urktn,Mrs. Geo. Copp anil two children, C.Wnldeycr and wife.

    From Kauai ports, per stmr. W 0Hall, Oct. 2.-- Mrs. C. Cooke, fito.ii. ruirciiim ami win--, j. n.. v.uiiuiui,K, A. Knudsen, I.. Marks, Mrs.Kneo, A. Hanebcrg. A. II. Crook, II. (0. Hamsay, J. U. Hanalke, Sam Kic,Jan, Miss Elizabeth Kahanu anddeck.


    a now messenger sen lie hns beepestablished, knonn as City Metsencer Service, with offices on Forinear Hotel street, next to thc Clnhstables. M. J. Santos Is manager. Mr,Santos for four years connectedwith tho Territorial Messenger sorvitoand experienced In all branches amidetails tho work. Tho senilev. employ a number uniformedboys and guarantees a quick, reliableten Ice. Telephone, Main 78, will riail'

    head office.

    District nominees, ns a tricky scheme,

    Carter Administration. IIo assur- -cd that tho rirth DIstrlct would win a great victory, add- -Ing that ho do all In his power,fighting last, to help winday. He work up toment casting his ballot. All othershacking the causo good governmentand Republican should dosame. Mahelona exhorted voters notto split ticket, but to voto tho tick

    lotTwo women Mcsdamcs Ma- -

    pahulelua and Kekaha called upon allto support the Republican ticket,men to voto straight and tho women to

    tho spread of Republicanprinciples. They wcro heard with

    ly engaged In working for tho wolfaroof Territory, good all, thoadvancement government of, by andfor tho people. "With Carter as Gov- -crnor," declared Kalelopu, "every citi- -zen has access tho head of Gov- -eminent." Ho such athing had been Imimsslblo undermonarchtal and Hawaii Republic ad- -ministrations,

    Two fnrmor Homo Rulers mountodtho platform to speak for tho Republl

    lean cause. Palekaluhl and Kamakoadeclared tho party hadnever accomplished anything for thobenefit ot iBlnnds and never would.

    Samuel Allen presided at mcotIng, Among tho all insist- -Ing on a straight voto for Republl- -can ticket, wcro Charles Rroad, OscarCox, Mahupalu and

    Far Into tho ovonlng the park rangwith tho voices of earnest men. Thocrowd was as full ot enthusiasm thoend as at tho first. Tho meeting wasvoted a grand success.

    l -REGISTER early and avoid tha

    rush. If you want vote year yoiMUST REGISTER.


    raonstratlro crowds of the campaign ' composed of lies and "hotair", snj tig that charges of favor ngturned and completely spread ,uPf mt

    self over the level lawn ot Aala no truth in AI1 tnBj ,iP.on Saturday evening to give ear to clared speaker, was hut bluff oteloquent of Republican tho enemy whoso solo nlm Is to knock


    par- -

    tho ofAt least -







    criticism tho












    of newIll of


    totho mo--











    OCT. 3, 1904


    -- ......, fe19 rcNDINuON HAWAII AND 0AM)



    rioth tho Hllo and Honolulu herds af,:,U9 havng rC(, of clty lfo lmpundertaken short stampedes Into thel0,m(ry, TnB IIUo e grc of freghunlnr anil a tinu? irrrtwtli nt In tit inn nrnp(,,11K to I)atc , Ul0 ,,of I'ann. The Honolulu herd will headfor 10 Ball(, tlunca on thc Wnlalu

    where grass Is Ion?,nc Ia)elwa Ilotc, A BtranK0 mind

    'dence is that thc stampedes are ontool tor lhc , cacnuar day, provlnK tnc hai,ilH 0f tnc noi,0 to

    the WUBlcM.r 0 mar ,e u,habitat.

    TIlc iu0 proclamation reads as fologDear Sir and Ilrothcr Hllo Kll.l

    will atainpcdu Sunday, October 9th,at fnl.nlll 1iitm Thn . nt

    h ,, m ho ,760 cr hcaJlllh ,ni,ud f

    ,.ortntlon am, refreshments. A specialaM ,H lwg 0 t g oVo(k a M

    Sllnila.. rc.llrnnc .l10 , .. .,..,1, , ,of the party before da) light

    I'oholki is tho most attracihorpots on rkli In beautifulscinery and cool, refreshing Blindtrees, besides shelter laso of rainIt an Ideal ptaio for a

    will be good bathing (for thounwashed), roast pig (which Is not poidog), ample liquid refreshment (butno wh8key), donkey (to ride), and a

    ot guaa Joll-- . Ker)bod,cmei

    Kalthfully fraternally jours,t. Lake, chairman; C. I Htow.Soura. W. H. Schoenlng, H. Vltars.

    Tho Honolulu manifesto is as totlows:

    Oa Saturday, October 8lh,there will be a run of the HonoluluAntlered Herd to Haleiwa, returningu thc Limited train on Sundav eien.

    lug, October 9th. The hotel maken sneiial rato of 1100 00 for tho roundtrip, transportation. If asumclcut number jou 111! a iar,notify I can obtain a special par- -lor iar for Saturday, n luauand Sunday, golf, lawn tennis,fishing, bathing salt orfresh, canoeing, driving, pool

    Jnnil billiards, croquet, etc-.- , etc.Coma jourself and help with som

    missionary work among tho otherbrothers. of who have wivesuud daughters with whole

    the more tho merrier. Lit ml.now by telephone, King C3, or better,by letter just what accommodation!jou jours will need.

    Fraternally,niEDEKlC J. CIIUtlCH.

    DON'T FORGET that to vote Ini coming election YOUmust

    mi Mini dmA gamo was plnjcd n thn

    Maklkl last aftunoon between teams picked by It. Auderson Stanley Ileaidmore Nclth

    'or team distinguished Itself by an cpeclally largo score. I.lcut. Gibson, 11.Anderson and T. GUI made scores20, 19 and IT runs nspcctlvely. Thorest tho of Anderson's teammadtt but small scores. Consul It, dqII. howled flvo men of thlt

    .team.I Stanley Dcardmoro's team withpoor luck. Captain Heardmnro waicaught by Martin, bowler McAullffenfter he had mado only threuThis Is by far tho smallest score maihby this reliable player for many a da)It. do I). Layard 34 runs, th

    I.lcut. Gibson, run 20K. Harrison, 7T. Gill, c and b Catton 17R. Anderson, c Wagner, b Catton 19J McAullffe, b l.ayard8. Jordan, h 311. I Auerhach, h l.ayard 4I) Center, h l.ayard SV Martin, not out 0T. Royd, b l.ayard 0

    Extras f

    Total for 9 wltkcts 85S. HEAItD.MORE'B TEAM,

    R. do II. l.ayard, h McAullffo .... 31I). V, Hoard more, s Anderson 1W. I. Stnnley, c and b Anderson. 4S. Ileardmore, c Martin, b McAu- -

    llffo 3It. It. c b Gibson 41A. Maitln, h MrAuliffo 2It. Mytton, b Gibson 8A. Jordan, h Gibson 7I. M. Tucker, not 7II. Wagner 0

    Extras u

    Total for 9 wickets 79'

    Head page R.

    on the great works hitherto accom- - careful attention, Interrupted by loud largest scoro of tho day. Arthur Jorpllshcd by tho Republican party and ot cheering now nnd again. dan distinguished himself bythe work which tho party was bound to Solomon Kalelopu, another man seven runs, which is qulto a respect-ic- e

    accomplished. Ho particularly who speaks both English and Hawaii- - ablo scoro for so new a plavcr. It Itmentioned efforts to euro leprosy, an well and understands and means hoped that Jordan will step inpledging tho interest of tho party in what ho says In cither tongue, spoko tho footprints of his Blre, Veteran Jorthis Important matter. Dowsctt urged of tho party and ot Delcgato Kuhlo in dan, who Is ono of tho most enthuslastho unqualified support of Kuhlo for terms of emphatic praise. Ho main-- J tic crlcketerB In Islands. AnderDelegate, giving convincing reasons talncd that It impossible to test son's team won the gamo by a sioro olheretofore advanced In his masterly tho capabilities of candidates by hold- - 85 79 runs.addresses. Jing back votes. Governor Carter was I Tho detailed scores wero as follows

    Solomon Mahelona spoko In both referred to as a man most strenuous-- 1 It. ANDKRSON'S TKAM.English Hawaiian.

    District nominee Iloprescntu- -o was

    in asIng address.former tho It

    on rcpre- -

    to tho thocandidates run

    unablo makenot tho

    guago.Muhelona called tho'so

    beard him English to bearwitness as his In tho


    tho crowd theforcefulHawaiian.


    believed thatthe peoplo and

    a curso not to atboth and tho

    characterized accusatlons of opposing In

    connection, tho



    toas Instead


    nnatta 8.


    '-- Wm.

    Oct- -






    thothe muttltudo

    wouldtho tho


    success the





    the thoof

    tostated that


    Homo Rule



    a this



    a w,ng ,,,,

    leach, tho around


    IfWll not


    one ofHawaii,

    inis stampede.



    and II



    Includingof to




    Those oucomo the





    of cricketgrounds Saturday



    of players





    nutrun out


    Catton. Harrison,


    "Want" on






    fV visyi?tt-r!"l.- , JsW



    It PaysTo Get the Best

    No matter what you are buying, it alwayspays to get the best. Ever sit kown next toa kerosene lamp and try to enjoy a goodbook ? Impossibility. Excessive heat dis-pels all idea of corrfort.There is no heat if you use incandescentelectric light, but there are comforts and con-veniences innumerable.If you are one of those wide-awa- ke citizenswho desire to get the best for their honestmoney then phone us tor information.

    Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.Office King St', near Alakra.

    New Shipment Of

    Crystal Springs ButterThere is no guesswork about Crystal Springs Butter and never

    any variation In the quality. You can order It at all timet with theabsolute confidence that It is perfectly pure and tweet. We tend Itout In neat cardboard cartons that keep It from contact with otherfoods In the Ice chest We have Just received a large new thtpmenton tht "Sierra".

    Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd..TELEPHONE MAIN 45







    : ; : T. H.


    otof an

    of of




    ot alltc. by



    Is ato








    Of ail and

    J. Hopp Co.,Dealers and


    Mrs. HARRIET C,

    Hair Dressing, Mattagt,Chiropody.

    No. Bolton Bide.

    Evening Work by



    'Phone Main )o.





    Claua 8prcklt, Wm. Irwin.

    Claus Spreckels & Co.,BANKERS.

    San Francisco Agtnta The Nt-ra-National Bank Ban Francisco.

    Draw Exchange the Nerada Na-tional Bank Ban Francisco.

    London The Union LondonSmith's Bank, Ltd.

    Ntw York American Exchange alBank.

    Chicago. Corn Exchange NationalBank.

    Parla Credit Lyonnala.Hongkong and Yokohama Hong-

    kong Shanghai BankingNew Zealand and Australia BankNow Zealand and Bank Austra-

    lasia.Victoria and Vancouver Bank

    British North America.Depottta rccelred. Loans made

    approved security. Commercial andTravelers' Credits timed. Bills

    bought and sold.Collection Promptly Accounted For.

    Blank books aorta, ledger,manufactured tbe Bulletin g

    Company. gjy

    The Weekly Bulletin sourceof pleasure its readers and ofprofit advertisers.

    covers all thc Islands, everytown and hamlet gets A goodAd thc Weekly Bulletin willsell Island goods and preventmoney going thc Coast.

    sizes descriptions.




    FacialManicuring and


    Appointment Only,




  • f $g$m

    i r--


    vreun BVENiNG BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H.. MONDAY? OCT.'1',,19(H.-- ' . j" ','.,--

    ' '& "! pSr3j& ; fc$Nfc"fr '' ?3EVENING BULLETIN

    aklltked Krerr Dy Bxcept Bandar.4 m King Street, Honolulu,

    T. B., by the



    l&Ured at the I'oitofflco at Hono"lata a second-clas- s matter.


    Evening Bulletin.Wm Konth, anywhere In U. B...I .71let tuarter, anywhere In U. fl.. t.0(

    year, anjwhero In U. 8 8,019 rear, postpaid, foreign 11. 0C

    Weekly Bulletin.Ola months I .61Itr rear, anywhere In U. 8.... l.Oirer rear, poatpald, foreign .... l.C

    relepbone 268PottofflceDoi 718

    MONDAY OCT. 3, 1904,


    Jonah K. KalanianaoleFor Senators.


    Fourth District Representatives.W. W. HARRIS,CARLOS A. LONO.E. W.'QUINN,




    Tho keynote utterances of the Demo -ciatlc campaign voiced lit Saturdaynight's rally, all point to vlgorods op -losltloii to the Carter administrationas the chief Democratic doctrine. Thecampaign I based solely on rltlclsuiof the Governor uud his alleged partic-ipation In u variety of public mattersiu which Governors an- - supposed tohave something to say

    The Republican party endorses thoCarter administration uud Its legisttlve candidates am pledged to Its sup-port.

    lloltlng Republicans urge voters tofust a portion of their suffrage forcer- -tain Democratic candidates on the basisthat they ore "good men."

    Now- - If these selected Democrats aremen of honor they will, It elected to theLegislature do all In their power 'to op-pose, hinder and discredit the Carteradministration. That Is what they arcpledged to do.

    If this talk Is made and pledge givenmerely-t- gain votes, then these select-ed Democratic candidates arc not menof their word; they nro not worthy ofany trust; they uie weak tricksters.

    The iiosltlon taken by the Democratputs the Issue up to bottlug Itcpubllmns straight as n die.

    Do they support thu Carter adminis-tration!

    Promoting thu election of a slngloDemocratic uomliieu at the expense ofstraight Republicans is mighty poolevidence of such a faith.


    How to escape Jury duty is one of thefirst studios In some men's lives,Though they may not think so and c

    their action us best thuy can suchmen arc supremely selfish, fearfullythoughtless Indeed when they considerthat they arc lending their influence toImpede Justice and fair play. It Isuometlracs the case, particularly lathis Territory, that laws or custom orpremeditation of authorities add to thuupleasant features of Jury duty by hijuneven division of tho duty.

    There arc men in Honolulu who havebeen In evidence on Juries for years,Not because they seek tho service. Theyare busy men. There arc certain menIn tho town who seem to bo the specialquarry of court clerks or Jury commlssloners in making up Jury lists undertho various laws we have struggledunder. Term after term they arocalled to the Jury box, while others noloss brilliant and with no more timeon their hands are never drawn. TaUils extent tho methods of tho courtsns outlined by the law have done muchto school citizens to Jury evasion.

    Equality In assigning the responsibil-ity of Jury duty is no less importantthan readiness of acltlzen to fulfill alltho demands of patriotic citizenship,The commonwealth has no right to sad-dle all Jury work upon a few any morethan tho Indlvldaul is Justified in striv-ing to escape, doing his share.

    In this connection the Century Mat;azlne has put forward Ideas on the ben-efits of Juiy service which nro partiesularly timely white Hawaii is struggllug with a cumbersome and inadoquale Jury law, Tho Century says;

    "A reform much needed In at leastono large city of the United States Isa mora uniform enforcement of the

    ' laws relating to Jurors, Altogethertoo many classes of citizens are exemptfrom a service which Is ono of the beetpossible Bchools of citizenship; but ifnil who are not exempt by law wereheld to their duty with tho strictnessof a compulsory military system, a ser-vice which Is now vexatious and bur-densome to a relatively small numberof citizens would be light when dis-tributed among many, and would beaccepted In a cheerful spirit as a faircontribution to the welfare of the State,

    "A groat many abuse cluster aboutthe shirking of Jury duty, or the gener-al dfsi re to shirk It. Hundreds of citizens never go to the polls lest theirnames kIiouM get on thn Jury-list-They have not the manhood to assert a(onvlitlon In regard to public men andpublic measures, nor the fairness toshare In the ordinary burdens of

    This Is n spirit of meannesswlilih prevails mostly among those who(an best afford thu loss which may besupposed to he Incident to the gift oftheir time, and who can least afford tobe without (he phjslcnl and moral prolection of the laws. Willi an equanim-ity which nobody frowns upon, theyvpongo upon their fellow-citizen- s Inthe matter of personal sen Ice to tne'ommunlty.

    "Other hundreds of citizens whojumld think It cowardly to throw awnyheir votes In order to esc ope Jury dutyire willing, nevertheless, to seek ex- -inpllon kh a favor from politicians

    and taw j erg who do a wholesale brok-erage of friendship In this line, solightly do the commissioners of Jurorshold to their duties. This method ofuvaslou by favor Is so general thatthose who connive at It suffer abrasionof conscience to no greater extent thanthey would If they were to encouragebeggary by bestowing a dollar of sometony else a money on every passcr-uy- ,

    "Those who seek exemption afterthey nro summoned to appear In courtmeet with firmness, yet with properconsideration, at tho hands of theJudges. If every branch of the mochln-cr-

    of the republic stood the strain ofhuman weakness as well ns the bench,ours would be. Indeed, an Idenl form ofgovernment.

    'Our Judges, with their ability taWeigh the nvcrnga Justice of decisionsby Jury, arc always the stoutest defend-ers of the Jury system. They wouldperform u public servlti If they wouldbad, unitedly, In a movement to stripthe sjstem of many of the present legaloxemptlons, and to hold every citizenof (iimMtbiit Intelligence and educution to compulsory Jury duty in rota-t'ou- .

    from the obligation to renderJ.(r- - service, every citizen who evade

    .ji, ,, mutter what his status In Ufamay be, throws nvvay a great opiiortun-It-

    for and for Mmcultivation of interests in his fellowman. Employers of young men in po-sitions of trust could not seek theirown Interest more surely thou by subrulttlng to the Inconvenience and exvvwe vt encouraging their assistantsand clerks to study the errors and eontuitions of life from tho vantage-groun-

    of tho Jury-bo- Every fathershould urge his sou to look upon thsf(,y of Aenll nli ,m9,ou from thubulwark of Justice, and should do sofirst of all, by his own good example inu faithful Juror."

    (Julto Unnecessary. Merchant "Doyou want mo to put sumo holes forventilation In thn crown of this combicro?" Irksome Ike "Nope; don'ttrouble yerselt 'Unit do holes, cully.When I git back ter drove-yar- Gulchlie borers will look ter dat." Judge.

    Morn Troublesome. "It's pretty hardto be worried by u lot of debts you can'tpay." "Nonsense! That's nothing tobe lug worried by a lot of debts yousimply have to pay." Philadelphia

    REGISTER early and avoid tinrush. If you want a vote thl year youMUST REGISTER.

    .ofty Ambition. "It is .your duty,"said thu earnest man, "to assist in lead-ing the world to higher things." "Well,"answered the "nm I notdoing my best? Look at the price ofmeat. Washington Btar.

    Tho Joy of Escape. Pessimist"You haven't bad all that you wantedIn life, have youj" Optimist "No;but I haven't bad all that I didn'twant, cither." Brooklyn Life.



    The United Stales Fidelity

    And Guaranty Company

    Of Baltimore, Md.

    j Cash Resources, $3,000,000 8

    Abundant Resources,Thorough Organization,

    Progressive andConservative Methods

    Enables this Company toexecute all kinds of suretyundertakings with utmostdespatch and satif faction topatrons.



    Local Agents,

    Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts.Honolulu, Hawaii.






    Wallukii, Maul, Oct. 1. The ltcpublkan Senatorial and Kcprcscntatlvecandidates will hold a mass meetingat 1'ala this evening. The candidatestelephoned from Mnkawao this morning that they had rousing meetingsthroughout East Maul, from llnua toKnupo. Thu natives camu nut Iularge numbers to listen to speechesmade by the candidates. Until Kalamaand llavselden, tho Senatorial candi-dates, met with hearty receptionsthroughout (ho trip, Kalama Is aforceful talker In Hawaiian, whileHaysehlen Impresses his audlenco,both whites and natives, very muchwith the depth of thn arguments insupport of Republican principles.There Is no denying that tho two Hopublican candidates for tho Senatehave been winning tho hearts of theirhearers wherovcr they went. As tothe-- Hepiesentatlvc ticket Nnkuana,

    , Pali, llala, Copp and Knllnonro far above thu combined Democrat-

    Rule Itcpicscntatlro tlckot.White Hlchaidson may be ra tilled withsomu of thu Republicans In ability, thoU'inalndcr of tho candidates Knuhi,Kahniilcllo, Katilmnkiiolc, Keklpl andKookoo, or tin) five "KV never In(lod'H world will have the audacity toassume themselves ns peers of tho Republicans. Thn Homethemselves feel Hint way. bill theydarn not comn out In tho open andmake n declaration of their Intellect-ual deficiencies, for that would boequivalent to nil admission of defeat.Thn .Man I Republican ticket towelsabove tho Democrat-Hom- e Rule uggrcgallon In capacity as much as thn On'hu Hepiibllcan ticket excels tho HomoKillers nil Demociats In the I'lttliDistrict.

    The Hoard or Itegls-trillio-were nl Makawau postolllco

    registering voters from lu a in. lo 'in. Tills afternoon from 2 p. m. to 4p. ni the Hoard will sit at Knupakulua School house. Up to 11.30 thismorning the totnl leglstiatlon so furwas ISSil, from present indications.It looks ns though tho totnl registration In this circuit would amount toover --',ii( when the Hoard closes Its

    on October luth. Wnlluku Isthe largest precinct jet to lie registered. The lloaul will sit ns follows

    week:Monday, Oct. 3. Kllul store, 8 n.m

    to lo a.m.; I'uiineno office, 11 n.m. toS p.m.; Knhiilul depot, I p.m. In 3 p.m.

    Tuesday, Oct. 4, I'ala plantationstore, 10 a.m. to 12 in.; HamukunpoKnpostolllco, : p.m. to 4 p.m.

    Wednesday, Oct. S. Wallukii CourtHouse, 9 n.m. to 3 p.m.

    Thursday, Oct. (!. CourtHouse, it a.iii. to 3 p.m.

    Friday. Oct. 7. Wnlluku CourtHouse, 'J n.m. tu 3 p.m.

    Saturday, Oct. 8. Wnlluku CourtHouse-- , H a.m. to 3 p.m,

    Although the Hoard did not start towork according t Its scheduln timofur lack of means of transportation toMolokal, yet tho Hoard has caught upby doing overtime work, for whichthey rccelvo tho thanks of tho voters,who are nil pleased with tho fairnessdisplayed by the Individual membersof tho Hoard, who are all Ilcpublleans,Tho members of the Maui Hoard ofRegistration slnco 1900 have all beenRepublicans, but they have been sothorough and fair in their work (hatall parties have Joined hands withthem in seeing that all the voters aroregistered.

    The Democrat-Hom- Ilulo spielersstarted last Wednesday morning foritheir campaign tour on Kast Maul.JaB. Ii, Coke from Wnlluku Joined his

    at Makena church on Wed-nesday evening. Tho Republican vol-or- g

    thcro were surprised why Cokoshould select Makena as a startingpoint unless It be because ho foreseesa coming defeat nnd Is beginning towall already, for Makena In Hawaiianmeans "to inouin". It was so namedbecauso tho "Menchuno" (a dwarftrlbo of fairies) undertook tho diffi-cult task of making a llsh pond at

    and exnected to rnmnlntn theJ Job In ono night; but when dawn camethey found their work only three-quarte-

    clone, and that Is why Moloklni,tho homo of tho Kuhnlmo- -nna, appears like a crescent surround-ed by deep sen. The Menehuncs onlyworked at night, and always under-took a contract to bo completed In ononight. So when they failed to carryout their contract at Moloklni, (hoy re-turned to Makenu beach and there be-wailed their unsuccessful utlempt;henco thu nnmo Makena, Tho Democrat--Homo Rulers, however, never

    last Wednesday, because theynever saw Moloklni, hut becauso thoplum Is still among tho Republicanranks, and tho chances of Parker'selection Is getting slimmer everynight. So Makena was Indeed a nictbefitting Initial point.

    Dinks "Wonder why Jones nlwaysprefers to spend bis vacation In (hemountains instead of at tho seashore?''Dluks "He works In a salt factory."

    m i

    The Evening Bulletin, 78 eetttamonth.

    Deemed Bis LifeWORTH

    Eighty-Fiv- e Cents



    disqualify Examinedby


    cording to evidence; had not formedIlowcrs, night Inspector of the fixed opinion; would defendant

    custom houso force, had his lonely fair and Impartial trial; would requirewatch the waterfront last Saturday evidence to remove his present Imprcs-nigh- t

    enlivened by rather a peculiar "'on: ho had an opinion formed byexperience. Dowers had his attention newspaper reading; Frank Thompsonattracted by a peculiar noise In the challenged for rnuso; Juror excused,water by the wharf where ho was sta- - James Lawclawe called: Had

    On examination he found a ,C!) against death penalty; excusedman struggling the vvnter. Dowers 'mm former Juries for the same

    got hold of tho man hut found sun! i"tor excused,that ho was so heavy that he was not Andreas Nelson called: Knew

    In ilrncr him nn mi thn wharf. .censed well; read papers nnd formedIlowcrs called for nsslstance. A

    Jnnnncsn resnnnded and be nnd tho In- -snectur mannered to mill tho man unnn thn wlmi-f-. Tim mnn wn wnlldressed and still Bhowed that ho had "T'1"0 wa something that happenedbeen Indulging moio liquor than ho Friday night last that might


    carry. Ho was evidently onnr0 mc-- " "cclarcd I'lerce.of tho boys" who had ended a Sntnr- - "' l"'t n"t to see that man railday night carousal by tumbling into' "aded to death Just because he killed(ho harbor. Ilowcrs was not nblo trr,"r- - I'amoni nc saiu,discover the fellow's Identity, ns homodestly declined to give his name.

    As the young man was not much theworse for his experience, Ilovvers sugRested to him that it would bo tlu.'proper thing for him to ruwnrd thotsldesJapanese who bad been InstrumentalIn saving his life. Tho Individual nc- -rordlncly began lo dig about In hispockets. After n lengthy search hu-jo-dcceded In producing S3 cents, Afterciiiiiitlnir thn nionev In- - ten- -deicd II to his rescuers with the-- ic- -mark: "Well, here Is f." cents, If mylife Is worth more than that I'll hopoverboard again," to sny.Dowers assured his watery friend thathis life- - wns hardly worth the modestsum, and tho man started un nn un-even course for homo.

    Chinese Suspected.

    Of Causing Fire,

    Deputy Sheriff Chllllngvvorth and'

    Detective McDufflo this noon examinedtwo main witnesses to the Anln streetJlie, They were the Japanese vvomiiuwho discovered the first lire nnd n Ha-waiian boy, who was the llml to enterfliii trwitn ti li ifii (tin tiliivii tiliirlriit findliic iuuiii miriv i.i iMii(,v riciiicu mmi ,attempt to extinguish It. Iloth stiltedthat as soon as the tiro started theyculled the Janitor of tho building, aChinese, and asked hlni to help themput out the fire. Tho Chinese refused iIn itn ct ntiil rnti rtf i

    Tin, second Are started right behindthis Chinaman's room. Detective Mo 'Duffie knew (he burnt premises verywell uud states that a big pile of empty Iboxes liiid been placed ut the spot menHoned. As fur as can bo leuinc-- thelire strntc-- lu these boxes.

    These facts. In connection with Un-suspicious mtlon of tho Chinaman asHinted by the two witnesses, hnve ledthe police to believe that this man mnybe responsible for (he tire. Hu will lnriested this iifternon"

    Those who spend all their ,.ll'US'iII


    .Andrews luterruplc.dTll.;l",on

    About Kven.- How aroouout III writing for the mugailucs?"

    holding my own. They scud moas I them."

    Tree Press.

    Teacher what arc thecolors?" Johnny "lllack and


    Vou pray Just as fervently Inthe pew as you can in thepew.

    The"Arnold" Goods

    of the manufacturersof the "Arnold" goods Is thatthey produce finest knitunderwear babies, childrenand women in this country.

    also tlut their under-wear is cut In such liberal pro-portions that It does bind,draw or lose in shape, there beingno strain on the fabric and hencewill outwear all

    That this soft, absorb-ing, elastic and material

    , is essential to the tender babe(jrowinu child must be apparent.

    The Arnold (summerweight) knit night is onlyone the many garments made

    company that wins everymother's heart. An Importantfeature is the absence of anywatchfulness or care of her sleep-ing child and danger be-coming uncovered and of resultingcold.



    (Continued from Pagel'hmcnt In proper rase; knewto hi m to serve.

    Attorney Davis: Had received anImpression as to facts from

    Ilert give







    I .i.Ailln,, l.,il V. t.u ,1nfAn,lnn n ...

    opinion; no evidence could romovo hisopinion; excused,

    oami. n. oo ncrupicaognlnst death penalty In proper case,

    Wo don't wnnt to see anybody railroaded to death," said Andrews.

    Doth passed Pierre.Juror Mcrrlfleld knew of nu dlsqiml- -

    Ifylng facts and was passed by both

    J'1""- - Parmnloe, In answer to theCourt's question ns to whether hadformed nn opinion, sold ho had recelv

    an Impression nom the newspapeimtlcles.

    "I don't allow mind to get preju- -diced; 1 try to ulvvays have a Judicialmind," snld 1'urnialee.

    "Have you uxpiessed nu opinion?"asked the Court.

    "No.""Will II take evidence- - to icniovo

    yefur ptesc-u- t tiiipicisslnut""Yes,""We will have lo chnllenge the Jur

    or,"' said Davis."I will excuse thu Juror," said the

    Court,Jiinieg Tlion-- had scruples ngalnst

    death would refuse oath;challenged and excused.

    (icoigo Dillingham next calTcd; scru-ples against death penalty; excusedaccordingly.

    I tho Jury panel was exhausted.l'rosei iitlou asked that three tales-tni-

    be culled. Defense made no ob,

    '.;.,"'"1 know that the man Is guilty." saidCeo. Ijilule in answer to the first questlon of Andrews, is all." de-clared that ho would convict u man ofminder In the first degree on no tsrong- -ct cvl,',"u" l""" ,itri'cl ,alU' ,l" WUexcused.

    Judge dear interrupted thu cxamlualion of tho next Juror to say:

    "Mr. Merrlllcld, I believe tho question win not asked you havu you anyopinion, lu this matter, which wouldrequire uvldeiuic to remove? this ques-tion is one asked alvvnjs under theMassachusetts law,"

    "No, sirl 1 huvc not!"11, 1'. ltoth had formed nu opinion,

    but not such us would require evidenceto overcome

    Pl.A .... fAH .l.f.H. A,t.. IiiuuiirnMii, tut UWIKIIPV, UVIHIU11VU. ..,.,...n l.l II. I, ..!.. I. ..Iuna iiuv utin iniiiq iiiiw

    ,,U'M " ' J' ' ' """"""'iiiHinLU fitmik'i,.,

    test said the court."Certainty!" commented ThompsonThompson, examining Roth, asked:"Did you not express au opinion at

    tho Young hotel that night, Tuesdaynight, as (o whnt ou thought shouldbe with the man, with the dofeudnut?"

    "1 do not think thai I did.now I have an opinion. it wouldtake some evidence to remove the oplnIon I now entertain. My present oplnlun might unconsciously affect my arriving at n verdict. I do not think nnjman can wholly put aside thu Imprestion be gets from reading of such aoccurrence!"

    "That last sentence surely dlsquallties tho Juror," exclaimed ThompsonJuror was excused by thn court aftelprosecution had passed him for cause

    C. J, Flshel, one of the twelve firstcalled to the box, was excused on stating that the late Mr. Damon had beenau officer of the corporation iu whichho Is Interested.

    Prosecution passed K, K. Nichols, andafter narrow questioning the defenseulso passed the Juror.

    Thn occurrence of Friday night retirrcd to by Juror Pierce as possiblyhaving Inlluenco In his considerationof (he cubo may have been tho Hayaslilda murder trial Jury deliberationPierce vvus a member of the Jury nnd Itsaid to have held that Hayashldsshould be hung. Verdict, In this case,was "manslaughter,"


    Summer Itesorter: Hut how can youfresh vegetables when you

    don't "kuow whnt kind of yougoing to have? Landlord:

    I my establishment on sci-entific principles. I leave nothing tochance, you know; I rued my boarderson nothing but canned goods, whichcan bo depended upon, weather or no,

    Hoston Transcript,

    in"Yep," said Uncle "Down ter

    bum we to go swlmmln' nn'up ler go to a dance, an' here

    It's JcBt tho other way about,"Judge,

    inWeekly Idltlon or the ullstln,


    watching their uiuutj'neighbors never , , him,.i.. iu ..ni. i ., ... iW know I both"It's har-Uo- r a man lo lose hu

    file .ids." "Oh, I don't know," replied "f H?v,f. t0U ? "" f'"'.Mnrkley. "It's easy enough; ill , .."eHt '""'"""l' J"." ! "'MH to do Is to lend them ...onc-y."-- ,I'lillailelphla rrcs,. ("..' , lnKe R hat ,w;r mi(


    "Justback as much scud


    canback front

    The cl.im


    They cUim




    " "drawer


    the of


    rierce cniicu:





    "that Ho


    Yes, JustYes,







    Art Department of the

    Pacific Hardware

    Their Pictures and Aft Novelties will lethe Leaders of the Season. Just thething; for Wedding- - and BirthdayPresents.


    keep your property properlyOur paints arc the best

    don't kucss it.

    1 Stanley The PainterP.ione 42

    '137 King Street.

    S S. Signs will both makr and save you money.

    IliWHl'Declining Hint ho considered that

    thu verdict of tho Jury should hnvflbeen "murder In tln first degree" In-stead of "mauslnughtei" as letuiuuJ,Judge. Oenr this inclining sentencedllayasbldn, the 'Japanese who clubbedone Saltu. n fellow countryman, tudeath with a klnwc stick ut Wuialuu'last May, to servcOwenty yeais' Im-prisonment lu Oahu penitentiary athard labor, twenty ears being thelimit fur manslaughter. I

    Said the Court In passing sentence: IThe Jury In your has seen fit to

    return a verdict of manslaughter. Tin)law piuvldes n punishment of not lessthan ten or not mora than twenty)cnrs' Imprisonment at hard labor.

    "The- - Cmiit considers that you areguilty of n most cruel, brutal nnd cow.uidly cilmei. After J on had beaten aman with n stick until ho lay sense-less nn the ground ou deliberatelyhunted for nnother stick, having brok-en tho first on your victim's head, andwent hnck to where he lay prostrateand heat him to death,

    "In the opinion of litis Con 1 a verdict of murder In the first degreewould have; been fairly returned,

    Thu Court believes that you havoto thank your counsel (Attorney J. V.Cntheait) for nn escape from a ver-dict of murder In the first degreeThrough his nblo defense you escapothe penalty of the crime, of murder Inthe first degree, or, at least, murdctIn thu second degree; the crime lu thofirst degreo being puntshablo withdeath.

    "Whllo the Court, being human, hassomething of pity for you, It can secno mitigating circumstance In joincase nothing that In any way couldreduce the cowardly cruelty of yourcrime.

    "This Court thoioforo fixes thgreatest penalty allowed by law, ac-cording to the verdict returned; thatof manslaughter, and It is the sentenceof this Court that you do serve twentjyears' Imprisonment at hard labor inOahu penitentiary."

    Hayashlda stood mute and pale, during tho passing of. sentence, severaltimes wetting his dry lips with his nervous tongue. A look of positive reliefpassed over his anxious face when thoInterpreter told him tho sentence oftho Court.

    Jury returned verdict In Hayashlda'fcasei last Friday night. Seven membnrs of thn Jury at first wanted a verdiet which would mean death; two vot-ed murder In the second degrcef onovoted manslaughter; two declared thattho man was not guilty. "Manslaughter" was finally returned.


    Joso Itodrlgo, a prisoner at the OahuJail, ellod from dropsy last Saturdayiiigni at 7 o ciock. He was burled yes-terday morning. Itodrlgo was servinga sentence of eighteen months for aburglary ho committed on Maul. Hahad about a year yet to serve at thotime of his death.

    K SIP TICKETThe Hepuhllcnn legislative ticket for

    Kauai, nominated at the Kauai con-vention last Snturday night are as fol-lows: Kor tho Senate, John.Gandall;for Representatives, M, Rego, nice,Knudse;i and Mahlkoa,

    Company, Ltd.,



    paint is house insurancelosinc money if you don'tcovered with good paint.

    there Is we know it, we

    JSearch White Race

    In Chinese InteriorSt. l,ouls, Sept. lu. Professor Fred-cric- k

    Starr of the University or Chi.-tag-received a cablegram tonight

    from I'ekliig, China, notifying bjm thatEmpress An of the-- Chinese Kmpliohad granted him permission to tako anexpedition lull) the Interior of Chinato hunt for u lost whllo race.

    Professor Starr belloves that deepIn thu mountains, hundreds of milesbeyond wheio Chilstlnu explorers havuever penetrated, thcro lives a whltopfopla as different fiom tho Mongolianaco as whlto is from black.

    This official permission from Em-press Au means that ho Is now free toprove his theory. His adventures Inthe Celestial Kmplro will rival thewildest fiction of Illder Haggard. Cutoff from civilization he will go fartherand farther Into Hie unknown parts olChina, a region as mysterious ns thesacred cities of Thibet, and if Vo does ,. yfind a whllo race, the aboriginal lnhaj)w ItHants of Chlnn, us he thinks, all the-'- "Sorh's as lu (ho population of Asia willhe rovolutlonlied, Thn scientist amihis explorers will start on the periloustrip next year. Perhaps ho and hisparty will be wiped out,

    "Well," ho suys, "we shall go pre-pared,"

    Professor Stair has been in tightplaces before and knows that ho is go-ing Into danger. Hut he has remark-able ability for handling savage peo.-pl-

    and ho hns always' won his way outby diplomacy.

    OONT FORQET that to vote In thecoming Territorial election YOUMUST REGISTER.

    "I suppose. Senator." she said, "thatyou try to keep In touch with thennanciai interests of the country." "III didn't, my dear girl, I'd havo toculdown my llvln' expenses or prsctleelaw- - a good .deal hardor than I do be-tween sessions." Exchange.


    She: Truo happiness Is found Inpursuing something not in catchingII. He: If you had ever pursued thelast car at nlgbt you wouldn't say that.

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    lias been-th- itandanl ofexcellence for over a

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    - it.

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    Ruberoid Roofing

    Statistics prove that less than i percent,of the roofs in which millions of rolls ofRuberoid Rooting have been applied duringthe past twelve years have been palnteJ orcoaieo.

    This Is a record of durability never evenapproached bv any loofiug whether ofmetal or other material. It Is a positivedemonstration of weather-proo- f, water-proof, acid-pro- and qualitiessucn as are tounu in no oiner roonng.

    This roofind Is for long wear. Fo ternporary rooting we have cheaper grades.

    Lewers & Cooke,Limited.

    177 S. King Street.

    F your horse needs clipping do notfacet the


    Electric Machine, E.tperl