%j - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · j! 2 ti-le bulletin-a hi-monthly journal devoted to hoo.hoo: i l...

s 6 THE BULLETIN-A QUARTERLY JOURNALDEVOTEDTO HOO.HOO VICECERENT SNARKS-Contjnuecl. JUtITI.It CO I.UMIIIA-(Coant I)l,trjct)-\V. ir. Crowo (290S3), 3aIo, :%fl1n.Lg( MISSISSJVPJ-_-(N0r{ Ilerli I)i3trjet)-11. L'. Bell (21 577) Corinth, MIsS. r ¡',',!or; I Ihr. Co., 1Th neou ver, fl. C. IJox 58 4 . (1JFOJL\1,%.-(ari 1'raiieliico IL frch (25IC,), A t1i8trIct)-F. 'I. Batten (27714), Secretary- H ItIIJr I ,lon Llir. Co ,, S i Fra ncnco, C;tit. Trenij re r M nls ppl I 9 ne An Ilatti eiburg Mn. 1'g rfltrjct)-1r. G. JarrcIc (28014), Salofl Mgi ni gr Iennon Lt)r. (; San 1)iego, Calt. IrSSISIJ'J'j*__(IorI,!jai J)IriI)-Sanjjiol J. AIIbrook (30697). ,. souuiern fl'jr.riat ¡' of Union \Vhole8IIIo Lbr. Co., Meridian, (lIPOl1IA-(9acromen(n Vlk.y J)jntrlct)-Enrl \Ç'hltn (28459), Tho C,IIt,rnIt I)oor Co., F'olom Calif. )lISSOtl61-(1:ut.r ¡)Istrïct)1.V, a. Fuock (180U) H, J, ShieId (ALJIOJ{'IA-(Sîin .Ti,nrpUln V;dh» 1JjtrIct)-C, D. ¡.oMnoter Co ... \ rc:iIe flklg., St. Lotfl, Mn. (29727). $nn Jr.aquln MIII Ow:nro' .., Fr.n(., Cnflt. )t(».TAN,-( TlMtrrl I)Intrlct)-T1 .. M. Yaw (23724), Strum & Yaw, t ti M IIMtrkt)-Jt rUi(7t7) \t;ì0 Groat Ij I Mont. i Craham (2t650) 525 Wogt ,8rIt1I r & (, LIJ'oJL ', It--(Nort )Irn I JMtrict ) --It. \S'. Cot. t 2 7 2 1 8 I, Mann gi Th NEIItASI6..MOrtOfl 1. Engelman (26256), M. jr, ngolman & Co.. LlttI(. itiver ltq'(lOoo(t Co., flUiWIY)t}O, COlif. , (OIMRU)O---.1,,hn 11. Cilr%oitlIll In (278M), Socy. Cunniogliarii Lbr. t'. 1trldgnitn ( I 2126), .gont, Verdi Lumbar Co.. " tUi,ply (o,, t.(,V('IIfl.I, CtItt. . . E, 6, I. % ' D-t .Munthe ro t lot rirE ) -Ed wii J t .tto., 'l'i zn)r '1ro I .. tour. N E%' YO11IÇ-Fret J. Run,rr ( 29260), F. 0ckonrot1i & Sou, I 86 LewIs jut t. 8 - I I IÇI trr1o4tr flow, Tûrito, I, C. En g I itid. St., NIV York, N. Y. EI.OftlIh'-1r,hri J, Enrio (8539), Ihr. Co., j'trnpa, Fia. Xt)BTIL I)KOT,t!fttrry 'r. A hint) (4239), Interior Lumbar Co., (IOH(.I t--(N,,rthrrrì r.rorgin Ji!rIct)--T1 .. 1, \ent (t031 ), \Vet Varga, N. I). t,hr (n,., Atltritn, (t:t. III()-(CJrwIun;,tI I)iiitrjrt)-JF,, rry A. IIolIo%%'eII (3661), ItolIowoIl & II),%IIO-fl 13. Sh'rin;in 1271 Ia), C. Il. 0kw \Vh1ia!e Co., ImOje, Co., (9ncf zinat, O. . 01116) --(SjrngftoliI I)IRtrct)-I1ú1TIr HoIIlng.r (30750, Clark County I hr. Co, NrIogfllI, O. I I.I.I ()I' - t \' r,rt)i.rri t )lMt I Irt ) --. I. ,. M . I kr. ' 2 I 1i t . I r, rd wont I,iiinln r IIII (2(,, ON'I'% itOU- t Vent,rTI )jnt riet )-1 torace \V. ftoI,Inon (21 1 55), PIgnon Itirer I,unI).r Co., Ft. \Vi II him, onto rio. II,rj OJS--(Joo. W'. A TlioI (2.S I S ) , iii i uni I on- o -\S'torii I II i nein, OItI()N( \Vest 'ru t)intrir t ) -.r. R. liertholf ( 9756) Itart4Voo(1 %'i,,. tr'nI.i.,it J Iauiiito,i tir. O .\I iii Co., IInTriIUln, I II. I,tiriil,rr t'ortinnil. (tre. I !I.I. 010 . ('ç,j I}iirtì I )IMtrli,t )---I'. .1.. I.n 'ottì t 2 4 0 t) ), P. T. I.angnn I'ANA)rA-\vI I I I an 'I'.Mc(o rin inc I 29329) . Mgr. , hubert Wilcox, I,hr C., Ctiro, I I i. A neon, Canai '/otto, it. t'. JOfl', -i North t'rtrti F it rict ).-t.V. ( titi kr ( 2 2162), RancIt & l'lui.! I' l'IN E I .\t'. G. Scrint (21(02 ) , IColarnbugnn Lumber Co.. \!unor .S:ith A I i,,,,r Cr,., i4ieux City, ¡n ltLflhI1, T'. I. ttI-(HritjiI,ern I I,trict).-It(Irt K. NtLit ( I 2 I I O ), M ioonrI Luot. 8tSI(A'I'CI1lVJN_(NottIiert I)IIrict)-C1oorgo lOiters (21890), lier ttt,I I;uii,i IxcIi:ingn itru Ioiiion, la. 'rocirtit St., Sanitotoan, .Snol. Cittiotin. KI\'ll1(K -(0oiititvontprn I)iMtrict)--W. I. tinti ( I 1314), 1%', IC. Itou SASICAfCIJI%'AN(9()ntij(.rrt r)ItricI)-v, V.', VIIoon (28820), TIto ¡br . lotion, Ky, I (Il I toy Lu ntIer Co, Iteci na , ilttk., Canada. 1(11 ISI A ---1 1. i t. F(,o Io ( I i7 90) .'4ilr' .M,uia cr I i trj,rino Ihr. Ci'., SUOTI. Nil-Co I ., In 0tH tAgli (ho dy I)SO ( i 2798 ), F. A. Liglitbody & ' i'x.ti.trIo, In, Co., S (lordon 01., ()lango%', (cotlan(I, 1,011101 .A-(Nrrtlt.rti IhitrIrt)--IeIin A. 'Irr7.itr (21950), (Jonortil TENNESSEI-(EnHtorn 1)Ittrict)-W', IL Murray (28880>, V. 11. Mur- Oni, n \I:,riiur l,rior City Ihr. Co .,. \Ioriro.. l.a. ray A Co .., inulitHOti City, 'Certi, J.OIJIi,I - . C ttnittlw:,,,torn i)ii'tric t)--Itoit, A. 1,tIUCIIILIt (27947 1, TINNFSSEI- ( \\'eiortl lilatrict) --I, IL (littan ( 209! 1 L Tn-State Anua, In t Iiit,n Noto Ortee it I,tinii,or 'rrL(lo ,Jotinnal, Now I,uniher Co., .\toiitihjti, 'Form. I rlm,mrmm, l.a IEXAS-(C.nIrm I I)inInIeI)-fl. C. \'arncr (13426), Vanner Lumbar & I.(IlIi,I%\ --(m2m,iir, I Imttmrri FIr dril -4V. II N al ty (2t323), Itamn- .Stiiitglit Cm,., Oolito, 'rc. Iflm,n.I Ihr. L'i., Ilanimnorici. tam. t)immtnict).-ltohcnt A, \VhItIeck (21391 ), EI t'neo 1.1)11 ISIm , A . ( Soli 1h mtO,I orn I )iI ni e ) ..-I t. It, M somm ( I (ti 3 ), Socretany- rumnI,r (m,,, EI l'tino, Tox. 'tri tI'mtmnm'r \mumcocm I,I,r. Cm,., t.mItm: UirnrImm. l.a . C'lA II--t'IIIiai,m Orvic ( I I iS i ) _ Morrinon 3IonnII I,nnmher Co,, Salt Ii M It9 ? i: ; Ieri o mmrltiig, tlI!'( I ()\-(O im n ltmmtr t)- f S tiraron (30121) SOcretar9 MI(II1(lA.-.-.( Itrol( l)inlr!ct)-.-I'. t. llol!nn.l (i1371) Maimngmn I)o. .°Iti ngle 13 ratait, O ent (..oammt trimmt harmon o À oaoclatmoij, I lanny trimiimiioc, 8.01110, \'tIUII. t roi t ',m i mn ((((ire V. It. licic cnimm I.i.r, Co., G 07 Ii ricain flIdc., I)otroit, mlmnim. ,. y t lOi IX 1,-\\, I t. Rau (mmmii i 14 38) St,mtcitt 1 Act. t'unchmmmmlrmm,' I)eI,t., It. & O, lit, Elimlrmrr. \oit Vo. I 1(11 I(I, -. I N t i' r 1ml Irlmigu mm, rom,, 1 I t trot I ) -i. A . M nOnni VIS(ONSI N--1 ) . 8. Montgomery ( 3918(), Secretary. \Vioconoin ltet:tII I .ì I t I 9 ) , .cr'tIm ny N dugan liria i i Jl.r. I 0m, I eno A norm, (Inn m,I I.umnlmn J),n inm ,t000ciatlon, 632 31. Ar l. hank Bldg., 9111- lit,l,ldtm. mlinim, mm'nrmlmee, \'inc. - Coming Concatenations Cliloigo, III ............ Allg. 19 ....... I', M. !ìlttkei, Vicogorent San Francisco, Ctdlf A .ig. 21 .......... liuo. Lerelt, Vicogererri (onlntII, Mis, .......... i\lig. 2S ......... Il. C. Bell, Vicogerent M('llIliflh1, Miss; ......... Saul. : ............ S, J. Allobroolc, Vicegerent st. I.(ilIj, 1c ............ eilt. ....... G. FtIflCk, \njcegeI.cnt Atinlila, Ott ............ Oct. 1'. ......... I 1. J. \\Test, Vicegerent l'iesìio Calif ...................... .................... c. n. Ielaster, Vlcogei'ent Elltliiit, \\ vro [J. 1attfiiian, Vicogorent Gn;itul Riltitis, Mich .................. li'. A. ?mlcCaul, Vicegorent i'ctoeky, Mich ...................... F. A. McCaul, \Tjcegcrent Laite Charles, La .................... B. R. Moses, Vicogorent )Iflli011, Ohio ................... 11011901 Ballinger, Vicegerent ( I )rm tmt left lila ilk vl I I 11e 911 IlolInCoti latci'.) CE4S L, M. TULLY (21549) SflItt'k of tite Univoi'oe St. Louis, ?1o. , .p. -.. ,1 A BI-MONTIILY JOURNAL ('T'\ DEVOTED TO HOO-tlOO , , . .i. \%J IJWE r -I :T: - . 4 - d I A

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Page 1: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death



VICECERENT SNARKS-Contjnuecl.JUtITI.It CO I.UMIIIA-(Coant I)l,trjct)-\V. ir. Crowo (290S3), 3aIo,

:%fl1n.Lg(MISSISSJVPJ-_-(N0r{ Ilerli I)i3trjet)-11. L'. Bell (21 577) Corinth, MIsS.r ¡',',!or; I Ihr. Co., 1Th neou ver, fl. C. IJox 58 4 .

(1JFOJL\1,%.-(ari 1'raiieliico IL frch (25IC,),A t1i8trIct)-F. 'I. Batten (27714), Secretary-

H ItIIJr I ,lon Llir. Co ,, S i Fra ncnco, C;tit. Trenij re r M nls ppl I 9 ne An Ilatti eiburg Mn.1'g rfltrjct)-1r. G. JarrcIc (28014), Salofl

Mgi ni gr Iennon Lt)r. (; San 1)iego, Calt.IrSSISIJ'J'j*__(IorI,!jai J)IriI)-Sanjjiol J. AIIbrook (30697).,. souuiern fl'jr.riat ¡' of Union \Vhole8IIIo Lbr. Co., Meridian,

(lIPOl1IA-(9acromen(n Vlk.y J)jntrlct)-Enrl \Ç'hltn (28459), ThoC,IIt,rnIt I)oor Co., F'olom Calif. )lISSOtl61-(1:ut.r ¡)Istrïct)1.V, a. Fuock (180U) H, J, ShieId

(ALJIOJ{'IA-(Sîin .Ti,nrpUln V;dh» 1JjtrIct)-C, D. ¡.oMnoter Co ... \ rc:iIe flklg., St. Lotfl, Mn.(29727). $nn Jr.aquln MIII Ow:nro' .., Fr.n(., Cnflt. )t(».TAN,-( TlMtrrl I)Intrlct)-T1.. M. Yaw (23724), Strum & Yaw,

t ti M IIMtrkt)-Jt rUi(7t7) \t;ì0Groat Ij I Mont.

i Craham (2t650) 525 Wogt,8rIt1I r &

(, LIJ'oJL ', It--(Nort )Irn I JMtrict ) --It. \S'. Cot. t 2 7 2 1 8 I, Mann gi Th NEIItASI6..MOrtOfl 1. Engelman (26256), M. jr, ngolman & Co..LlttI(. itiver ltq'(lOoo(t Co., flUiWIY)t}O, COlif. ,

(OIMRU)O---.1,,hn 11. Cilr%oitlIll In (278M), Socy. Cunniogliarii Lbr. t'. 1trldgnitn ( I 2126), .gont, Verdi Lumbar Co.." tUi,ply (o,, t.(,V('IIfl.I, CtItt. . .

E, 6, I. % ' D-t .Munthe ro t lot rirE ) -Ed wii J t .tto., 'l'i zn)r '1ro I .. tour. N E%' YO11IÇ-Fret J. Run,rr ( 29260), F. 0ckonrot1i & Sou, I 86 LewIsjut t. 8 - I I IÇI trr1o4tr flow, Tûrito, I, C. En g I itid. St., NIV York, N. Y.

EI.OftlIh'-1r,hri J, Enrio (8539), Ihr. Co., j'trnpa, Fia. Xt)BTIL I)KOT,t!fttrry 'r. A hint) (4239), Interior Lumbar Co.,(IOH(.I t--(N,,rthrrrì r.rorgin Ji!rIct)--T1 .. 1, \ent (t031 ), \Vet

Varga, N. I).

t,hr (n,., Atltritn, (t:t. III()-(CJrwIun;,tI I)iiitrjrt)-JF,, rry A. IIolIo%%'eII (3661), ItolIowoIl &II),%IIO-fl 13. Sh'rin;in 1271 Ia), C. Il. 0kw \Vh1ia!e Co., ImOje,

Co., (9ncf zinat, O..

01116) --(SjrngftoliI I)IRtrct)-I1ú1TIr HoIIlng.r (30750, Clark CountyI hr. Co, NrIogfllI, O.

I I.I.I ()I' - t \' r,rt)i.rri t )lMt I Irt ) --. I. ,. M . I kr. ' 2 I 1i t . I r, rd wontI,iiinln r IIII (2(,, ON'I'% itOU- t Vent,rTI )jnt riet )-1 torace \V. ftoI,Inon (21 1 55), PIgnon

Itirer I,unI).r Co., Ft. \Vi II him, onto rio.II,rj OJS--(Joo. W'. A TlioI (2.S I S ) , iii i uni I on- o -\S'torii I II i nein, OItI()N( \Vest 'ru t)intrir t ) -.r. R. liertholf (9756) Itart4Voo(1

%'i,,. tr'nI.i.,it J Iauiiito,i tir. O .\I iii Co., IInTriIUln, I II. I,tiriil,rr t'ortinnil. (tre.I !I.I. 010 . ( 'ç,j I}iirtì I )IMtrli,t )---I'. .1.. I.n 'ottì t 2 4 0 t) ), P. T. I.angnn I'ANA)rA-\vI I I I an 'I'.Mc(o rin inc I 29329) . Mgr. , hubert Wilcox,I,hr C., Ctiro, I I i. A neon, Canai '/otto, it. t'.JOfl', -i North t'rtrti F it rict ).-t.V. ( titi kr ( 2 2162), RancIt & l'lui.! I' l'IN E I .\t'. G. Scrint (21(02 ) , IColarnbugnn Lumber Co..

\!unor .S:ith A I i,,,,r Cr,., i4ieux City, ¡n ltLflhI1, T'. I.

ttI-(HritjiI,ern I I,trict).-It(Irt K. NtLit ( I 2 I I O ), M ioonrI Luot. 8tSI(A'I'CI1lVJN_(NottIiert I)IIrict)-C1oorgo lOiters (21890),lier ttt,I I;uii,i IxcIi:ingn itru Ioiiion, la. 'rocirtit St., Sanitotoan, .Snol. Cittiotin.

KI\'ll1(K -(0oiititvontprn I)iMtrict)--W. I. tinti( I 1314), 1%', IC. Itou SASICAfCIJI%'AN(9()ntij(.rrt r)ItricI)-v, V.', VIIoon (28820), TIto¡br . lotion, Ky, I (Il I toy Lu ntIer Co, Iteci na , ilttk., Canada.

1(11 ISI A ---1 1. i t. F(,o Io ( I i7 90) .'4ilr' .M,uia cr I i trj,rino Ihr. Ci'., SUOTI. Nil-Co I ., In 0tH tAgli (ho dy I)SO ( i 2798 ), F. A. Liglitbody &' i'x.ti.trIo, In, Co., S (lordon 01., ()lango%', (cotlan(I,

1,011101 .A-(Nrrtlt.rti IhitrIrt)--IeIin A. 'Irr7.itr (21950), (Jonortil TENNESSEI-(EnHtorn 1)Ittrict)-W', IL Murray (28880>, V. 11. Mur-Oni, n \I:,riiur l,rior City Ihr. Co .,. \Ioriro.. l.a. ray A Co .., inulitHOti City, 'Certi,

J.OIJIi,I - . C ttnittlw:,,,torn i)ii'tric t)--Itoit, A. 1,tIUCIIILIt (27947 1, TINNFSSEI- ( \\'eiortl lilatrict) --I, IL (littan ( 209! 1 L Tn-StateAnua, In t Iiit,n Noto Ortee it I,tinii,or 'rrL(lo ,Jotinnal, Now I,uniher Co., .\toiitihjti, 'Form.I rlm,mrmm, l.a

IEXAS-(C.nIrm I I)inInIeI)-fl. C. \'arncr (13426), Vanner Lumbar &I.(IlIi,I%\ --(m2m,iir, I Imttmrri FIr dril -4V. II N al ty (2t323), Itamn- .Stiiitglit Cm,., Oolito, 'rc.Iflm,n.I Ihr. L'i., Ilanimnorici. tam. t)immtnict).-ltohcnt A, \VhItIeck (21391 ), EI t'neo

1.1)11 ISIm , A . ( Soli 1h mtO,I orn I )iI ni e ) ..-I t. It, M somm ( I (ti 3 ), Socretany- rumnI,r (m,,, EI l'tino, Tox.'tri tI'mtmnm'r \mumcocm I,I,r. Cm,., t.mItm: UirnrImm. l.a . C'lA II--t'IIIiai,m Orvic ( I I iS i ) _ Morrinon 3IonnII I,nnmher Co,, Salt

IiM It9?

i:; Ieri o mmrltiig, tlI!'( I ()\-(O im n ltmmtr t)- f S tiraron (30121) SOcretar9

MI(II1(lA.-.-.( Itrol( l)inlr!ct)-.-I'. t. llol!nn.l (i1371) Maimngmn I)o..°Iti ngle 13 ratait, O ent (..oammt trimmt harmon o À oaoclatmoij, I lannytrimiimiioc, 8.01110, \'tIUII.

t roi t ',m i mn ((((ire V. It. licic cnimm I.i.r, Co., G 07 Ii ricain flIdc.,I)otroit, mlmnim.

,. y t lOi IX 1,-\\, I t. Rau (mmmii i 14 38) St,mtcitt 1 Act. t'unchmmmmlrmm,'

I)eI,t., It. & O, lit, Elimlrmrr. \oit Vo.I 1(11 I(I, -. I N t i' r 1ml Irlmigu mm, rom,, 1 I t trot I ) -i. A . M nOnni VIS(ONSI N--1 ) . 8. Montgomery ( 3918(), Secretary. \Vioconoin ltet:tII

I .ì I t I 9 ) , .cr'tIm ny N dugan liria i i Jl.r. I 0m, I eno A norm, (Inn m,I I.umnlmn J),n inm ,t000ciatlon, 632 31. Ar l. hank Bldg., 9111-lit,l,ldtm. mlinim, mm'nrmlmee, \'inc.


Coming Concatenations

Cliloigo, III ............ Allg. 19 ....... I', M. !ìlttkei, VicogorentSan Francisco, Ctdlf A .ig. 21 .......... liuo. Lerelt, Vicogererri(onlntII, Mis, .......... i\lig. 2S ......... Il. C. Bell, VicogerentM('llIliflh1, Miss; ......... Saul. : ............S, J. Allobroolc, Vicegerentst. I.(ilIj, 1c ............ eilt. ....... G. FtIflCk, \njcegeI.cntAtinlila, Ott ............ Oct. 1'. ......... I 1. J. \\Test, Vicegerentl'iesìio Calif ......................

....................c. n. Ielaster, Vlcogei'ent

Elltliiit, \\ vro [J. 1attfiiian, VicogorentGn;itul Riltitis, Mich .................. li'. A. ?mlcCaul, Vicegorenti'ctoeky, Mich ...................... F. A. McCaul, \TjcegcrentLaite Charles, La .................... B. R. Moses, Vicogorent)Iflli011, Ohio ................... 11011901 Ballinger, Vicegerent

( I )rm tmt left lila ilk vl I I 11e 911 IlolInCoti latci'.)


L, M. TULLY (21549)

SflItt'k of tite Univoi'oe St. Louis, ?1o.


.p. -..



, , .

.i. \%J IJWEr

-I:T: - .






Page 2: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death






: : Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death BenefitPobcy. You can renew it by paying now. Your Death Benefit will become

6 :1effetve sixty (lays after date of receipt of dues at our office.

: There is no time like the present, so SEND CHECK TODAY and keep yourPOLICY in force and YOURSELF in good standing.

EIGHTEEN members of 1100.1100 died in the last year who "forgot" to paytheir dues, an(I their families were the losers. Pay YOUR DUES NOW and PRO.TECT YOUR FAMILY.

We say, and we say without fear of contradiction, that the Order of Hoo-Hoohas made an unprecedented record, unapproached by any other fraternal order

: ° earth, and YOUR support helps to strengthen and maintain it.

: = MAIL YOUR CHECK NOW: Remember, by keeping in good standing YOURSELF you enable the Order

to perform its work, and YOU assist in extending a real helping hand to others.

:DO IT NOW-The annual dues are $5.00 per year.

Make your remittance payable to


i 174 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo Secretary.Treasurer.

= MORE POWERThe advance in dues of $1.35, or less than one-third of a cent per day, has met withthe approval of our members at large.- - i This is indicated by the increase ir the number of members paying 1921 dues todate, in comparison to the number paying 1920 dues up to the same date one year

= ago.

! The success of bo-I-bo is assureJ with the increase in funds, which will enable usto put into effect the new features adopted at the recent annual.

i If you have not REMITTED do s NOW and YOU will not REGRET it, but youwill have reason to feel proud of your menibership m Hoo-}loo.

i ìti

-:;: -::_ -- -'-.-,-


= /ä;:Oc* 'tyt 'ire j:f,


Vol. XXVIIsr. LOUIS, MO., OCTOBER 1920. No, 248 "

Pubilolied 13l-Mont),y by the Coìcite,iatei Order ot Hoø-JIoo. otst. Loul,j, M!oorI,

H. R. ¡SHERW000 (29516), EdItor.

TERMS TO MEMBERS.One Year................ Coilt,,

I Singlo CopIe' ...... li CeniR'I', I F 11V Id1I'1t' l n$IIa(1 In October, Docember, Iot)ruay,AprIl, j u no find August. Nono teten met he Iii tli Is dike on the5th dey oC month esued in orde,' to LVOI(I (lelily,

1iritorec1 a the E'otojo at St, LouI Mo,, Oocond-c0 matter.TUE 13jj'' le tio oElejat medIum et tho ConcatenatedOrder of IIoo-1(o,

Adirone uil corn(nuI(IcatIonn (or TILE DUJ,LETXN toH. R. SHERWOOD, SeCretary_Treasurer

1174 Aroado BuIIdnBst. Louis, Mo.

Assist the Secretary-Treasurer to helpyou fulfill your obligations-By advising of vacancy you may knowof or have in your organization that abrother Hoo-I-loo can fill.



HOO-HOO TODAYHoo-Hoo, fully recovered from ¡t8 adversities and with greater strength because of its trial by fire, beginsits thirtieth year in full vigor and with every promise of hplcndid aChieVement.In many ways the 29th Annual was notabk. It witnessed one of the greatest Concatenaio,s in the annalsof the Ordcr-one that is appropriately named for a man who has had great part in the renaissance of l-Ioo-f-Ioo,It adopted a phitform that is forward.Jooking and progressive and gives to those responsible for the workof the New Year every opportunity to carry their plans to fruition.These are practical things_adoption of progressive policies snd their practical working out arc essentialsin the growth of a business and are likcwi5 essential to the development of a fraternal organizationBut at this meeting there were in evidence new conceptions of the spirit of Hoo-I-joo. A broader frater.nalism embracing service to the members of the order and to humanity. There was a linking up of fellowshand buin35 that, to many, gave new interpretation to our motto : llealth, llappiness and Long Life,"In plainer words, a broader conception is being given to the straightforw0r answer to the question:"What does Hoo-Hoo mean to me?" and to its companion question, What does Hoo-J-loo mean to Lumberclo, ?"Hoo-Hoo is moro than a fraternal order, with occasional mectings at which its members "have a goodtirnel" Floo-Hoo is a living, moving, inspiring force! A force for good! A force for fellowshipl A force forwelding all lurnl,erdom into a compact, humanitarian body for SERVICE to God. Family and Couiit,,I


THE HOUSE OF ANCIENTSTh0 esteemed and distinguished company that embracestlie past leaders of IlooI-joo nadc its usualvalued and important contribution to the life of the annual.A loving greeting went to them as they appearedand gratitude to a kindly Providence th5t spared then,Was voiced.

A clever lumber advertisement in a St. Louis journal said, during Concatenatim,:'The Snark of the Univcrsc is the highest officer in Woo-I-jo0. T0 prevent himhaving any further pol}tica! ambitionss he is. at the expiration of hie tern, of office, embalmed anddeposited in the Flouse of Ancients, lt is a pity some of our candidates for office were not Snarks,"Now, here's the list: Johnson, Cladding, Stillwell, Ramsey, Bonner, Walker, Hadley. Miller, Boggcss,Trower, Kirby, Tennant, Seidel, Priddie, and the latest Ancient, Hiscox. Anyone who takes these to be niuminicsis in for a SUrprise Their sustained interest and valued counsel are prized highly.As the beloved I-liscox, suggestive in his great physique of th0 California forest gi,ints and in his wrsrrnheart of the golden splendor of his State, passes to his seat in the Ancient I-!oise, it is neither pickled norembalmed that he goes, The brainy and warm devotion of the year of service has bitt fitted hirn to sit with thesages in that house and for Iong-Deo volente_to

lend counsel and inspiration worthy his past ministry.'ro him, to Priddic, Tennant and the devoted Seidel, rejuvenated Hoo-Hoo will be forever indebted.Nine times Nine for the Hou of AncientslTIf

the Vicegerent in YOUR state is not arranging to hold a Coñcalenation in the nearGET AFTER HIM. Write the Secretary.Treasurer about it and he will help you out.


Page 3: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death


4 ThST. LOUIS, MO., SEPT. 8-9-10




R. A. HSCOX (14423)J';L (f .)ìe Un)verc.

San Frnisco. Ciflf,

THE SUPREME NINE-1919-1920Ä1tK Y THE 1x\ï:is n-j- H an Frhnç, riIif

Mr JflJ1:;1R Ï,_HT ....

rh4-. .

SJ1OTR-M: . ('Z1rLJAEBERVC,rK_W. A:d-:&,: St Me

Wuitim. A 1i,g N

GrflI,'.-y J W;rr A--J N.

FDITAT-T:AS1 ;1:-L i. r;'i, ìu

Change in Supreme OfficialsBiotLer 3. H Diet)nua; o .N w York. ho w ekcte1

prtm Nii ¿ Gnrthn. w)rd upon rcipt o! hisOf ekbc:

iv dtti the cir;i ar are snch that rn3es itipch) cir tr prp'ry serve on th Snprne Nine.Sor:-y such is the -ee. ii I con3d pprceite the boor."

Brr'tber Peter J W)Istn Uj.n reeirin notifi-uon lrcrn !r. Dicknsi. der cnsu3tin eastern mcm-

bcr, the- Sfl-3 c, the I. e:-se znd ether members o! thePEW Suprcxne Nne tnmucy )ected Brother Peler J.Wüan. el ew York. immer 3 A. flurter & Company, aslus tesstìr

Brether i1cn, u':n cng id )y wire of the de-tin C)! the Su;rerc N;ne -s-j-e.

.k(-cPTn th hccìr. 'v1:i ms.te ettry efiort o furtherthe ntcccts of pur grn oì orgrz1icz Eaendnrv thanksLt) hFOh'5 OL thE Sìprcrne Yi..

Ere:he; WIISDL 1t se'ed nc Ticeg&ern ' the NewYtìri. Dnstrc znd bi.s drrnc sp)n -werk in the pat,is akra ¿id cti inenber. a H-no is ssred cf a re-ju1-tør& in )ts ar.ities n tie EasI bh the electiono Brother itir.

-- --

THE SUPREME NINE-I 920-1921I'C T I J-: I NJ\JIlS1 I uIIy I ;4) 1rs.j'ktt. L

M . TuJty IA,r. ' o St I,,ui. MSJNJ')H Il'.))-l1( )(_i. J-; ( 1'r-í'1'rt, S:ra,lli-rit(,

¡ir. ( 'S arr-;. iflt-rÌ,,, (:tIijt t()J (,(.}{(,íi_-_!, S.. (:'cI _ - r.

H:, Itci; it 1u b-r I \- '-aIt'u. Lt.l'jn:f-. \Vjs_1n '1I:s1-t'n. I. n-t -p 1.Lr. S.-tik

Vati.s' in t ti-yrEit--1 ., M. J-;U-J ; .c.. i i;-t - i,.

(,ritjtti 1i'_JA flEIn\t( t, F(''( , ftf--Jrt IJr. 1. LIC.

At(xIin'1riII, J..'nsT(r,'rnAN-.J(J1t J. Earl- J.,Itrt tir r;I,

VJ'rtda.AN't'I-;Jt--(. l-. Murn'lìy (JI:;L --- r. FI3i IJ.r. II.

LIIk (il'. I IìtI.(;tItI,IN_--1'. j. ½tit,. .L .. 3;..: ¿ 4.c IV 1IIk

4ty N . Y.

tt:'InE1J-: (llAt'I.'1N--t-t -r i. SIIipkìI 111.1, 1I,ÇI S;ilt 1.IkC'i:v, ltili.

t;r:Jn-rAttv.TInl-:\sItl-:1n-It. t. ' -tIlil .1 .. t


The New Supreme SnarkSupreme Snark Laurent M. 'fully is a tigure vell ami

widely known in the iJoo-lIoo circles jf (tie \Vest Formany years an influential represeiatire. tie has passed tothe business which he controls anmi is a (actor in the trullelo St. Louis.

F'or years, too. he iia loen an earnest supporter of hicinstitutions and a participant in thl atìnuai Concatenations.

In the crisis of recent years his optiiiiiin. courage atiilinitiative served well the caiis. how in his unobtrusive wayhe had won piace in tue hearts of thinking Hoo-JJoo was cvi-denced in the remarkable and spontaneous unanimity vitiiv1ì teli iiis nomination IliLS greeted. Like a spark on powder,it brought a flash out (if CVCY Hoo4loo present.

Theres a reason" Built. like a cupid. with a smilingface and eyes that shine with cheer and kindness. with atongue lilie the pen df a ready writer-one tuai c-an ripple fineand charming things, vit1i a heart brimming vitin humanityand a brain that works swiftly. he is a great leader for1{oo-1Io.

Believing in the tine things the Order stands for, seeingthu t ii is an essential undergirnler of the lumber industryand a minister to social need, lie will put his gre-at energyand ability he-lund the plans for the year.

Every section ho may visit vil1 he proud of his leadership. In public address, in social touch. in hic plans for ad-Vance, this loving gentleman of the South. potiche-d and cuitore-ii, vili serve the Order vell and carry in the task a fine,sunny influence that vi1I inalie meitiorable, one dares say.the yeàr of lits service,

Frae Far ScotiaI

Perhaps tite prettiest touch of the whole CclncalenationWSS hIC moment when the t\ro cockades of ViiitC heathersent by our Brother. Major Jamie Lighnbody of Glasgowwere presented in a charming speech to Mrs. R A- lltscoxand her beautiful daughter. Miss Htscox. by Supreme SmirkTuily. It was a recognition of the two glories of \rOiflaflhlOOIi,the worth of sacrificing niotiter love and the beauty and innorenco of daughterhood and maiden grace, And it was a finedemonstration of tite fact that the Supreme Snark hasdrunken at the springs of chivalry.


See Page 34.




Iii Ii't/'ielctl l)\P Suptente t /t(!/(ti)t P1'i1', j .... iiiipI.'i,i i,t Iii.t iI1i e.c.v a! I )2O .1;:,, titi!,

Stipt'oitte Stititit of tite Ilnivet's, Ili'otlti' a titi Ittdios, Illave licou oit ttty foui. so often sittee ceittittig tI) St. [niis, Ifuel a little diffident in contlug I)ofnte you on ceag tilit, iflt %VOl'e hot foi' the S3'l1IflttltY aliti liI)I)t'ecllttl()tt tltut lUttI 1)0011accolti oil to in e al vay's i n i loti-1 11)1), t lia i. itieaitii t'e of d i ffhl once110)11(1 he greatly ileoli000li. As I ittico to sIlik tu you i lilaomm In g, t liortt is, h o tve s'ci, i n niy ii (na it. au alIt-ni a stilli t ft,lila institutioit, st fielt!) liti a fíectk)n foi- ils tttetiiliuis, uy it''lutions Ii ¡tt'e Iteeit t h ioni gli t h o yea t'a so t'tii'iii y i)itisittt t ltiitlcotIiitI, I 1111)03' if I s'o i-e lying 1111011, I (IxIteettul tu IutOtli, Si.l'ci or or sotttel)otiy else III t iiO ittIi(Ii' skie of I Ito ciii'tnili andif I \ver,n (Itileti for ei'viee lo iitl mati Intinti, i should HeIdtto it i'isí t, titi ti lacltti i'go I Ito ti u ti'.

'l'iirotigli t ito yeni's flott ytiti' io te i lert' .tti'y 'l'oit ititit t, inlttrtieuIar, ami ti'iI.It your tttit' St'ti-etiti-y Ittitti'tt'ittttI anti t Itoitieiil I)015 Rtittt.((t'(((I tli rttglttoi I. tite \\1(lHI(!i'it Stilt (IH, lt huaitOtlil ¡uy it;ttiittaa ii, liuii'tt ittttt. ItIetHulit, telltt mua anti jointt'lt.hi tiietit to glvtl ti) t Ii Il )ntliistt-y aitti tIit i ltt'I Itttt iii(ltttl)ei'Httaaociuitod with It sudi lttttttilna uts I \VitH, lit uy oiv,t iitt,t%%'113', utbhe to iit:tlte for tito sutke of thin ltttitisii'y aitti thittOril e r of I loo.I I Ott. A a it'e cotit (I li ein I ittay ltt tit i'd cited ltI talco iL few tttltttitot, t o siieak tif I ftjI-htitt toi' tite HIIÇC ofh loo-JI on ; I t scoli to i ni tt,tss ti toit yttit wit i> tito i I) scattertite g(tsI)oi ttf I hott.I lot), itortlt, sotitlt, )itii-tt utitti W'(ItIi., Solito oftite oltI t hlttgs tltat lie lit I ltto-I litt> 011(1 ittittfl of the niotviiilttgs that Jlot'lloo is itt Itelç,

\Vhile I iiitt tittei-l'- lit syittitat uy tvitlt tine tif tito i eltt-gi'ains jtisi i'(uiii [ioni oui tel,tv,ti itt't,i itet' ,tttitns(tit lit i'tlgtti'(iEt> i Ito llii'.iiti(IitititCC t)f lite ,tlil things in title liiatlttitioit, iiihite is'ith tito r'ectniiiiiei)(httlltt,is itluttle hy Mt', lsltet'>voo,I yes'l.eitiuiy, aii' Instittitloit ititiat. Ito fui'ovet' atatletl If ivithitiitself thiei'e la iittt I lie secret i)f Ii(IVeioltifloitl; If futre la not,ittlelhlgenco ipjtlieti in now tvays, the lit iflgs tltat. lt. litihtis foi'a ituin, thtitt. litatittitItto Itegins lo etuI iit, ivltltt't alitI die,I it tlt cite (1535, wit oit ive itrts'e Itegii n to silo tIte 'cii:, Issutii cetuttI cttittii'c 'isitig iii) iii utit ittitiii.ioii, esjecltihiy iii tItIs thun,hit ivhu holt tie nieve ivi thu stow auth cai'efu h RIOt, we ou ght tohear gladly the coming of a cOn8closns that this intltu-tlon has a new meanIng, a new program, a new purpose, andthe old spirit, manifested In new ways, to touch human lIfeas we are given the power to touch It In these days.

'l'ho inuit svltt is build liatletI in lioso tuya, lilie ntysehftinti lay fi'ieittl ttt tu . I oft, tue titfl it ich (1 titis iteeii gi'eah ly1)10850(1 ti itti a I owed t o itiossotii foi't.hi ;i ittinti utit thy in t hoci'o>vnihttg 3P(Mti'H of life, cuit stili lit, in suite tif 1hi(iitsoiv,t,boys. I tu rit, sttitteti tu es , t i I tile what fu I h y, to 'l'mii ì,1 core'soItI song nitti fi nil iii yso I f shitghiig, auth E hike to i'OcitI I ii i8is'orths:

'q retneni Itou', I reiiieitt bt't', III (I it cuse ' h oto I iva s horn,'l'ue little s'i:iilttw viiet-e lite ittiit cutine l)eeiilTig hit at uleroI roinenulter, I roui eiitl,er, t ito pItio I retts, tu , su Ii ight,I tuned to Lii in lt tileit' si eutti or tolta fl'ore tint igahn it (hiesky,"

Yet, i n ajti to ttf that I titi glati for tu e boy that I)ei'H istsjn evei-y one of ita ; E n ¡n ghittl oit accoti n t of i hie Itoys tu atss'oi'o hi ere hit (hi is i'ooni latt it igit t. \V(t ii i.e i ike thtoi4fl fvoidorftil sltit'ti tutu iiiovo itianit a (()iiitii()ti axis luid flic

uiatt'ononuors auiy yoti Citi) rut-ely see Eli etti bttit ii . J'dOHt of tu otinio one Is Itithitig, tite othor mut hit the higitt. tutti thin otlicut'one i ru th e tltirlu. 'iii a t is jtioi i I Ito ciii- Ii ii rutatt I y. 'l'li ei-e urotwo alilos to tin ; t lie aid e tint i feels t li e grout sorirttis tu higaof life and tito sitie flint nuittluet im hatigli like a boy,

I am glati Eliot lIoo'Iltio iumakes its feii lilie boys. Aishonig ais you aove groiving lises as ii>ihivi,itt1, as long as!-Ioo.JIoo as ito InstItution Is growing-anti titis Order (ufI-bel-bo Is ittost tutu ii-ut h> hy atiti PfeIl to he i iiiiiileus altoti t\vhi holt tile lutti tentino of tito Uui i t eti Httte titiy gutthi e1'---uiotonly Elio uutait s'hioae 1)riviltlgt) it is to vork in Elio lordlytemplos of Coti which lu ave oti)i)tl fur con ttti'iea ti ii nuittlioreil,whore no sitgti except the tutus' songs Itutve mcii iteutril utialElio optintisin which Gott wrttte 1w tIte Sl)I(ìil(liti aweetitess antiboaiil.y of Cuti-for tite i>ian In tite virgin forest tltero la themotion of wheels and Eh ere begins to lu mut that soumi ofmodern Industry. You toen itt the lumber yartis, in tite stuffyoffIces, know the huiniiruni of thin days as you neck to meetthe things of modern civilization,

For ali of these men Hoo 1-loo is an ideal thing, be.cause lt Is not only socking to sharpen trade consciousness and show the men In the lumber business how toget together and put over the big things, the big businessthey are trying to do, but lt is doing more than that-it Is trying to put into life the needs of mankInd ltis putting Into ail of tite mutterings and rumblings andscream of life u> song that we can sing, until the tiroswhen In all the world wc shall have made Hoo'HooBrotherhood a real th-dttg, and we shall stumble at last



SL -5

'I. k

PETER A. SIMPKIN (Hon. 106)Sit p i'iittij (iliuiliiutlii

into thc dg truth that God has been trying to make usBec all down the lIne of life, that every bit of work,everything for humanity io directed by tito voice stand_Ing at the altar of God, speaking to men the things theyneed to remember and live by forcvern-iore,

Yotir Cliii in lier of Coiniitor,'c la a Eli I ru g tif voltio, EveryA tuierican COlti flint lty lu as b I n Ch tint hoi' of Coin Tutoren, to leadlii tIto l)rogríuua t)f society, io I tiutti iii t li (1 liitIi)H of huislu ens,to bail in flic i CfoI'Iiìutt()Ey, suilutary soi-vicia tutet lutist buc'arrietl on in evei'y A li) cilia n ',it iii u n I (3', in croutsliughy Influ ese days ; lint yoti mou vhitt ti i o lii iti iii lint , yttti titoli lio aroin f Iont.I1 oo. titOli who usro lit steel, (lie in oit solio tel-o lii theI extile hod ustry, iiton vli o arti I n uil I luraiielics of huai nesstte(nl euch an orgai, tzuttloiu as (ii Is, tibotui xvii itlt tliei- allah h becrystallIzed their own cotuscitttisnesa, not to lteeotne so sharpfit itt they ahii Il lie iittitle Sepat ¿cte from ti i o rest, luit hn (histinte when (hiere aie so iflítiiv I)ítissing Infltioncos (fiat areseekIng to destroy everythhitg, thai old ordei', aetti throw usInto flic new woriti that scottts to ltc nteaisui'ed by sonto of(lic results of (ho dreams fluet iiy »rp lturtiahly rea1ld

Page 4: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death


J,/--- -


in other HÙCtIOHH of the earth, would Joavo thIs old societyWithOut ferio and without the great lofty epirit and purposerunning through all to the master IIIIOCIS of brotherhood.

You cien have learned to be specinlists, as you lieve(1)1110 lillo the new tlnie, There aro ¡noii hero vlio learnedh e J u iiiber business at the tliiie of tlie old linnbei vagon,

the txne of the hlt-or.iiilon husmees, Now organIzations andsjieelallzittlone, euch as you know in your business today, ireflhlloilgat the new order or things. Ñow wo have corne to theI inc vhieii there in est he es careful, ecleutifi e idaptati on ti)

hiu In ss iiiil ecleiith bi e liiiowleilgn as there le hack of iii eall i gcon'o Instruinen te which eniovo 1h e nos bus 1h logs andgi ve I o tile hinily I hfe iuid otrengb h ; uniI, ne I cm lib asized theothiei seiihng ab tue (111111er, hI ever tlure was a time forrare a id oli h Il as wo CII t ut) t those Citi) COFO b hiit ac va ni to))'i5O finiti the body, thiel. lhiiie is nov.', ¡inri if ever there,/ii '4 a thiiei shteti iiiiii iiieil 8itfeguarilH Of those tu i ugs bhii tthey IIISI a right ho rali heir ovii in the life of the Indi-lilVilil I ; it ver (here a-as i ill)))) for keen tlihiilchrig and eare,it i t hi tltiie anib speeiablzatioii IITirI scientific a(hjuot-iii('fl t øf lib niliot be 1110(10,

I , I f iio become I Il tense. 'lit he you r niudei'n bus I iiioe11111 II % 1)0 0 i'iily (lohjig iiiihiieii lila 111(1 is healing ii1e aniIiib i IC ciorfhhator iiiil h is Ilervos (jiIivtr iliicler tun strtiji 0fhe ilayc as IO 8001(8 tI) function and iinsver tite ilornaride ofib S'ibhi thin illlfllo.riiiin the problem of ho forest 1111(1 11111

utili, t I)( hiohilein of the liojeiling ami tile coiro, the nrohlcriil of111(11 iii't lug, thin liroliinai of crechhie uhu coibeitiøiiii, thin prob.ii'iii of dnitihng vibli liuttian oieiiìeiits--aii of those th Ingehavi' bi eaghit you to a critical, to a serious tune In ycallieI Ili'ie '4 ((11(111 Y(0) niOII ho vatch for th e next etep.

\Vliii YOU nilil to thioe tenhlelleIe8 of hiiIness ihn)l('l'(Hi( i t y for cliii riieii in g tilo I))'1)l)lelllC of your life, YOU viiiiIll e ho t lic retail l)lllib!ÌeHR, the prolilrnn of thrusting out byb bio gi ea t whi oleonle unii retal I CDIII p1111 les tile proilii et ui'oaib hei i' ya I 118-11 nil thin t hi one of tu e tu In ge th at Is goin g oni li A ni ( rl('ii litereits ingly-ao 3OII (111(1 bhat to al I the 'lest YOu(P01111' t (i HOC hiov th (uro Iliilet he In 3011 r hiiiel licuo it d eeiier((agile i b y, civuiror jitilgni en t of liiiiiiiieiiii ()fl(b tlniis, huis Sonic-bhiiiig le; uhu ht le thai i)liin thou I \vulnt to especiallyuiiiiii ('us 111(501 f to t lì lii iiiui'nlng.

i i.,1) ijiihil liaviu lonli very glad th le iuoi'iihtig, i'ere it. hub,fuit b hi' b luir ri (Viilcil \VO are living, to huye tuui'neiì to thunI ((IllS lib 3(' ululi, uf biloco hihuuHtioniu_ Si)hhiO I ¡une, Muihloch auuulI ui I I' gc)lhug lu) baiçuu a iiion thu off iiiiul creea liuto bun big \'Toeulounii ti y b (i iii oui hiuuu tu e ('hiC of the illuhluer 11(10111 050, hiecui use lthe hub ali Huui'uihul ; ib. le hut all 'iìste; lt is not all extravut.g:uu('v i t iuta 11(11 all 1)000 agitlnuct tIto vel1 luci n g of h liban ity,As b lii' lflu}(liitflhliui 1(11(1 tutu huhiluiluliis 111111 tIce vailoyc have uieuuiui'iui i ud of the wealth that God put there, nino lieve accesi-lii isii t'il nuuluiuu iuuhl'lu(u1405 itlilie I n thl(u ubol n g of liuiHiflCSS onululu'lual I n g hie \Vu)l'lul f(ur univ stages of I ifo. I leinen i ty, iiiuuii of I t s ('ill houa stages, inigii t rnpeat the bi liest h inge wIe huhA ligio Sa xuuii clvii cation Ji no knowiu I n ai I i to history. I on ighu Ltalk to you hihiOlit (lie soiutbrnoiibal bulo of your buslncuoc,luboilt how ahi thiel you do goes Into (lie iflakihig of the (empinoof knovleulge, thin tOmiilo of liiilno and the 110111es whosei oofs oh lilo s'lthi (hie Swoetluuus of (lie cradle, bue gladness ofiii r(hi n n d hie siiuinoss of ilf3uutll, uuiui ai i (li e Huveetiues of tli:uti'Ii blu Geil huas 111811 0 b (i guul huer uuhoij I, b h o 110100 bi res. Butb bi ero ai e tiiinge of greatuur Intorüst tb an sehitinlen t tub

moriibng ; thom lure tli inge gi-eater (111(11 the rohniiiutbiu sid o ofElio 11111e ber Ihhilliotry. I soluiethinee siuillo vhuen I go to visitiii V flic n du In thin dephurtninn t stores, an d I see (110111 vithuiuOV(uhl, P lgiit or 111110 deplirtuiients, 1111(1 1 say they 11l0 "ce;iRIng t o h c iuiiuilioriuuen .'' O nu'iiig ti) h)iislnes cluiuii ges, YOU h ave((u specialize,

One ei tue i;est things huit Gnu gave to nue was tite giftor tluroviiig liiyself Into lourd play. After the Cu)lflfort 011(1lul\ilrbes of ¡uy elirrounulinge In ChIcago, I was thrust Into aliflhllior cniiip In \Vbsconsln ill tu e oid days. I \vorkc(1 In tun11101 her calap. I put on spbknuil chocs n nil go t iu pole andb rInd to rbuio (lin logs. I ungari to 11110W, i ii (lic ,. elulenilor ofthin lionesby antI riiggeilneeo of (lie big troce, tIle nieiu whorun the luliHihi08(4. \Vhiile h a ni conscious of nonio l)f t hieil hificuil b i en that lie before us on blue iiiiu te nei s hule, consciousof the Ill aterbal probleni s a nui eager to d lscug b lieiii WI t Ii youfr0111 b h ni o to (1111e, that, vhulchu eniergos just hiO\s' ¿uiuul vh ichi \%hiflt to iuuidrees myself to, is this : That hiulnìun lifite Inthe rough, tilo 10011 vlio are iii thin lunilier Canips, thin men eublu' grounuh, the hiCO In (lie mill, noii the great rough mciiu'Itli (Jp Wihihil iiear( aiiil strong impuisna, o'hio are sentout to ioicet (lie ulealahuils of inodoro life. In (lie n'uofltlns oflily sickness, fi'oiiu vhiich I lieve ilet roturneuh, I wan made tofool more (lien ever before, the love, the tenderness atidhilo strength of flup pIOJI whom God han given me for frlenule


lo the iuimh)or life of the great West; and as we are comingto the hInco where readjiistlncn( is before us, (hiere is sometliiiig to lie salit for the iuinhbormen.

I 811111)050 (hiero was jio sect4on of the business life ofAniei-ica bunt kept Itn baiuuiice and power and walked throughtilo (111)0 of trial alid uhifficiiity, wIth lens hiesltathon anuiniu iii) (ihm tile i uiinhuer inuiuistry. \Vliat do al I thuoe years ofst i'uiggle thin ( 1111W liiy beh hill lIC lii CO O ? \Viiat is the meaning(if (ii is Ci)hi(litiohi b hint we are facing today? I want you toluuhi] 0111 luuui' (lint b here i s hover uny(hulng (lint lilupluens in tuoworlul , biiuio in rievei a nyblu hug big (hut happeiis bu tuo worldliii t I li uL uhu gr(ua t "TOlOtiui' who is i'l)flnlhig (hile Universo,you r Faihiei 1111(1 lii ill e, ubes not have back of it all agrec t bIg lilii'iiOse. 'l'li ere is -- un odul phruse in the book of

I iii i; vii idi SiiYS, S iireiy tuo wiathi of man shah praiseb hico," uuiiul suiiiiehiow or obliei', ilS WO lieve panseil tliroughitlu ese fi un yeu rs of vra thu iuiìd iunger an (1 pennini, those wholi ii ve louuuii \vinuu, liuohul ii g fui' thuuu forni of tue iiihiJestI val In-bog i Il b ii u chu uuiovuu, su rudy iii uist lieve ca light t 501110 gllia pseof lu ihn . for (lucI lue s linen nov lug in (li ese ihayn unul lias beenNOI b IIi g lueluire is b lu e iIi hogs t hat in every great iflovoiflentu uuul seto iueuuurn IiI 1(11.

\nIien 3011 (('ii ii b b o s tiiuiy (huu inoveiiien (e (if God In unni anilfe, nvluuuuu you \(1iiit to lue guuuleil by tIle thiiiigs that are(-lull I ng buuiuuuii'uue', jiish, kuuik foi (lue 011111 , ioohc for th e bun anahle onu iu)olc foi' b hin b liiiuge b hieL solve I lie problem. As ve¡liii uitutiìuliiig fuice ti) f;u cc, uve lieve got to renienuber tient tu eb iuhlug t hut is suiiirviie is (hue Pi(tlirlu of tun hillul, the 1111111 offioul . (bud Is ii 't cuiii cern oui with lenili kus, Guid Isn't concerneulw i thi ni agnh bi nudi t Cii (hi ed ruile or cli u ich es . God is concerrueni'n'i li I i fe, vl t ii lii CII'S rehuutionshi i p to euclu other and theLii inge they do. h)on't th liihi I am getting away froni my (ext.I siiii u ly ii';iii t Ru Clii iuliast'ie Eli ab., so (lout you will khio\v what,iifter al i, in thiu lin poi-I alit Lii I ng in (h is new (mie, wh on h u-lullhhhity chilote iii hie fol'egrolinih and vhuore every auljust_iiuen t that lias to be IiI aun Is not goIng to be meile Oli (hliants s i iii lily uf llia(ei'ial velfare, bu t Is going to be madeiii) tue b)uishs of cliii 1)10 J ustice, brotherhood and human rigli ts.

As we face ahh these things we must not forget onething, and that ¡s this: You men are in this trade asso-ciation, yeti are In I-iooHoo-what for? To bring youtogether; to care for the interests of your own industry.I am saying what I have saId to every bunch of lumber-men I have talked to fer the hast twelve months-It isup to ynu who are In the lumber business; it Is up tothose who are In the textile business, it Is up to thosewho arc In the steel business to get together and organizefor the protection of your own business Interests. I

have no more sympathy with that Idea that lles back ofsome forms of so-called IndustrIal democracy than I havesympathy for the Botsheviki. I am as much opposed tosome of the forms of no-called IndustrIal democracy,that recognizes the human eiement of Bolshevism, thatwants to approprIate the capItal and thé property ofmen, gained after manyyears of labor and toll-I am¡15 much opposed to this as i am opposed to the manwho wants to destroy the Stars and Stripes, becauseultimately it means the same thing. (Applause.)

I Want you to go back to business from this con-catenation, gird up your loins of individualIsm wIth care,realizing that American genius, American spIrit, Amer-can ingenuity, and American doggedness, whatever stormsmay break on us In the next year-and some storms cer-tainiy are coming-there Is that in AmerIca which willcarry America and our new ideals and opportunities Intothe haven of safety and great achievements. (Applause.)

I waiit you to heniflifll)flr what I saId to you at. tlio banquetiahuhuu the olIno- niglit-reiiioinher, you can't turn the clockof b.iruio hineIn ; you can't go buccin to 1914, but (liera are somehile!] v1io 11111k they ciin. 1f tlloy can, God pIty (hem, he-cause thie noun vlio sIts on uu volcano Isn't bIg enough to heui phulg in any voiuuaiio that eIer existed. The world Is comingihibo a stato of lihirest flhiil hito a state of flux and God Is goingto iinuu it. bui brbiig us lieto a better WIy, into the Iflornhhig.\Vo lure nuit all going to wear tile same clothes, like a rogi-iii,uiut of sobuibci's; wo are net all going to bohr alike, becausethere vili lie for years to conue indIvIdualism, (lie sameohileludid .sei'vice lii thin future its iia i)e011 perforineul by manyIlion In the past.

I want to say thisto you: that every man in thelumber business ought to be in Hoo.Hoo; whether he isa retail dealer, a wholesale dealer, or a manufacturer,no matter what his relatIonship may be. We must goout after a 100 per cent , membership of iumbermeñ

(Continued on page 26)



'l'ho blunt buoi ness siussbohi of (hi o Cuuiuv(unti()il \('its cal 1(1(1to oi'uiej by itli'. La u lsut I. 'l'ihi I y ( s'li o n'as uil nob oil Sui preuuueSiizti'hc of thu o I I ii 'O1SC ,, 'ut tIle ins t hush liess sosnhuiii ) , wliuusini(l

Iblehhi hei's of thou C'uuiuiva toliateul Oh-Il Oh uf h h,uo- lloo, Jt nl leoil li cl Guests, as a ni (flihu(i' of b ii o Cuuin in i ttouu oli A i'I'aiigein cuitsof the St.. Luuiiis lloo-Jhuuuu, b iiii l)heuLseil bo cull to ovuler (hiuu'I'svehuty-n iiuthi A n ii na! Ciuli ('lull b ion. lb i s hiel iiicii iii lient onu uhuto go fiuu'thiuur tlii hi ((I iuiuuke (ii Is o liii ph e ail luouhulceineui t. licol.iuiv i ng iii e, you oh hi lime tIle p I ((esulI-e uf I boteii i iig to a d Istluugiuish cul incun buoi- of blue Ovuler, from thin Slate uf l(anstuu,lind thou you v1 I h lu ave tu n iiluuasii ro of I ici oui lug b ii Mn yoi'Kiel of St, Louis, (Ahuhuluolse,)

I talco PleasIuu-o btu lui'eseiu b. i uig to you uiiznv i',I u', F'raii kb folIgno of Oiatli e, Kaiunuus, wiuu w ii I nresiuiuu ovni' t li b iui rt uilb hue uuiuu(uthhug, ( AppIanino.)

ADDRESS BY MR. FRANK HODGES.lirotlini' i I oilgvs \%'iiH greeb uil nvh thi aluphiuiiso aiiul sluoke asfollow's:Ibiotliei' i loo-bfoo, h.uuulies aloI Gontheiuiiuii : 'l'Iuh Is an

lillO UI' tu lit is nu'li 01 iy liiuuhusei'u'eul a huh shiuuiiiui lieve (uil inn toshun eolio of blue local lhuuo-I bui; huit it iuliouvs thuuu gehieu-osltygooui fehiovshi i p of h loui.l boo, vhi Oui they nd! i tube a ccese

i)f Ttll550tt huit ITiliaui cuiul in b loll luce h I in us tu o (elli Iiou'au'yuro s Id ing offbcn I', gi r ing iiti b.il Is luouio r to b hiuuiii nel rius (ii ¿tuiuiliscui'o auiuh i ittbn Innouii iiiuuii friiun a fti' ii stout. State. ieuh liest shouv IIIy npiui'ociatlon by bohiig quIlo luriuf anuicuul I i ng fouvuurul th e ni usi foi' b hi e lug ¿tduii',s, o f blue nm ra-Ing. -

The bi rot ib ing u 1)011 OUi' hirogi-ani is b lie i nvuieatlouu by010' Siih)rehiie Ciiopha In, ['oter A. Shin pII lii.


Itoveu'enih l'dei- A. Sihlilulnili tli oit il el Ivoreul tu u foilowi nginvocaI Ion :

o, 'I'Iioui who alt tun ittliuui- of us ail, uvo wouulul uiot tuiliihulert luke to liegi uu the liiiiucìs of (li io ossioui nei tuo uttlil'uhi 51g our faces to ['iuoe 11h11 aushnlng 'l'liy bihessi ng uuuiil 'l'li ysull i h e 111(011 lIli. \Vo 01)11CC Lii tliuuiik riiee becauioe 'l'li Oli hi-ingestils joy iuiui colin fout ¿utiul bocuuse W(l h a vo henIl bou'ii in to atiuiie when we know, as wo nel h hun bei' or i'uhl)i'ujoOui t hundluoiuses 1111(1 do the (h I n go of I Ile bravely, Hweetiy ¿tout lovIngly,(hut i t lu; thou sliuiie itS thuouiglu wo wore gu-nuit Ululi nvortiiy and

lubesuueul of lui'Oh)iuets, 101(1 , us thioe chu! hue glul'ihlento of sei'viuutus,uio 'l'hy SP(hchuui cou-vIce. IVe hlrfly 'l'ueo, I ii Iluso lousy (lily S,(liai tile .51)1cl t ùf love alud huotli eiiiooul Ilhiiy fall u pou us a.1 I

so an we I lIt up oiii i n vncatloui th Is libia Ing tui hIessAiiuerica cuol Opeui the huuuui'ts of ai I Alnel-hehuilo luid ¿iii luau.hiluid, 'l'Iuy suint uuiay fail hein unii ovei' ¿iII land o, as ou rluuuiuuls leach out Ileunculy touch huig otiuoi' luanulo, huh uiuutuai undue'-.ntiuuud Ing auol sympathy, i huukuuul iii bi-otbueu-h coil iubuuuiu t 'J'luy gi-eatfootstool, GIve to those nvlio ui-e dear to us, lui ociutteredhomes oui thin huiotintains, iiu thin So ob huhanul b ho ihLSt ¿liii! tin ofuir 1'/euut iuiiui oveu-y a'lueu'o, 'i'huy Iulu'sshui alud 'I'huy cal-lu ; uta (1every vluerui, 1u1( ve pi-ay fun' tluuuiiu, biens b hueiiu al I , fluuul hflíL

'1 ohr d ear oiues lue in 'l'li y kuueuiiug iiui (il I t iileuunothi '1'hio foruil to see (110111 utguuluu ; aioi grita t that (lucro may coin o 'luigi nghere that greitt hoto tbuut wbhi reveal ¿LI. last (lie hueitiutifulSoli of thue (loluhen 1\lornhlug; rui'don 'Ihuoni uuuuu tu-auusgresstouusauuui bring tin iuuiuloi- 'l'hiy ui iocipihiic iii to tluuu Iuouuse of betterservice. Tiurouiglu Ihm, tue Master autri 1'atheu of us lull,

ask lt in libe nnuiie's siulno. AillolI.Hodges: Gittliereul lince this lnoi'iuiag iui'ound (lue nvaranhearthus of hospltabilo St, L(uuls i5 il body of unen

who bear as ¿iIi essential quality of :uduiiihoji to tills OrderI tIm Supreme uuauuue of Gooul Feilow, for uuue eue unity be a

hIoo-lioo wile Io unot ib ills heart a gooul fellow, huu ail thieL ltulivalls lui chulurlty, hoipflihlioss, cud beulevolent nupi lfthuug ofthose arouiìd lilla, ,

This morning in St. Louis, ut city of trouluohiuhous achieve-melito, a city lii tile reservoirs of whose baiuhco aro gathuoredvast announts' of capital, a city which in luit hills enade itsnauuuo; aclty whose authors are read throughout tile laud, thelione of Winston Churchill auidother authors-this city whlòh

-i created a few years ago l Forest Park and put on exhibi-


b 11)11 (ii i(i'e oxii huts of iuu't, u'epu'osouu b luig lhiduistl'y auuui iuccouu-lush lhiu(li toi of uuien in uil h I)uiu'tS of tile nvou'bil, nvh teli only uneui()iuilliluuuul i ng n'uuot (1iiluitlul colli ul lieve gatlueu'eul togotileu-uulu(utIn ¿ut gi'eat exhu 11db ion was on e uf tito gi-niutost ¿Idi luv('in ouutsei' ii I I times thu ho city nyu Ich ouvius u ai ti oauls, un i i Io iullul ex-u ouusi viz ti ni buoi- liuuuiio-.tlì Is ci ty iuuuo stu'et('iueuh its luiuuuubs ou tto 1111 il liii \O(), i)lli ghosts, feel blunt nyu tuo l)luu'til kIng of b hoii ()sIllb a hhty huid b bio geiuei'oa I ty uf oiun of (lie greatest cl (losuf (lue oui-lui.

'l'lu Is city him seui t to lis as luci' u oprosolutati Vo (lilo iiioi ui-iiig---iuuuui iiuu lo going tui houiuou' us buy spoakhiig to iis--ito Chiefl'xuucui ti run. iu iniuui nvluo is tilo liest iuuvc'd utuiul thu o mosb iupui liurob' it I I thun execuutives thu Is ch by hue ovei' luiuui , I un w iuuuve (holi o no i' of i ii b u'uuul ici ig to you thu is illudi loveul an d eotooiuieul1111111 huf grout uucuuouuu phisluuiueui Is, Mayor I leu 'y \V Tbuul, (Ap-Phitluoc, )

L____ Address by Mayor Henry W. Kiel'luyun' K luul nhu(uice lis fohlovs:

LI i', Ch ahu-uiuiuui, 1nllos 11JulI Oohitleun(uul : I t Is ney luheutsuuroto bue n'itii you tu Is uuiou'uuluug, on tiui beautIful, sii flsiuiluy iliiy,tu> nn'elcuuuii e ycuuu Io thue gu'eitt ( I (y of St, Louis. I ziuui Indoe(Ilub,uas,ud w i tuì Lii u In tu'ouiuuctou'y u'euuuuuu'ks of your Cht i I'iiiahi iuiuilu'iuiit lie sayo iuluuuuit St. Ioiuls, becuuuuse I love St. Louis fluid

I iii VO I h o pC(uIullì. I hOYO to iiavuu you V Is I tors cu)une lucre hundMI)(uliui lt fe ' ulays ui ut weohi o u' ut iuui)ul b h nvlthi us, so b huit weuhihuy «ouivincuu youu tinut wo aro it 'untI God-lovIng city of pea-lute, couuuiuoseul of tilo lIest cl tizeiuohu p thiuit citui ho fouunul any-WI) ero, (A pluiluluso.)

'l'li lo huiol'ui huug I outil i'euused a Couuven thon lupsta i ¡'s (uf (lueSitlVittl(uii Ai'iuiy, u body of five or six hiundroil unoui and womenfi-viii b lue states, nvhuo hiiuvuj cuino boro to ile 5()lh1O guuod forh u iuuiuuu ity, I wuus iuuu lur088eul vi (li huai aud Icuicui and vltiu (tuoi,ihl'lluSes flu)- whuiclu (hoy caine aiuui worked together, Theyhuteo In iuuinui lun iuphlfthuug iuiid tiuc upbuiiillng of lluuiuiuuul(y(Apiulauiuiuj,)

\Vuj luiuvo gomie (hli'oiughi a loua-mu that svan uiiost u! eIui'osslng,(I iIi'iuig thou hunt (lu u-oc or foui r or live years, und i t lino u'athioi'iuIltlhiì hiuunv inouu uuuiul wonuouu (lu t of us, Wo boglui to look atth logs uulong ul literont i lues. Yoiuu' Coining lieue an d luohul hugyoiiu Conventhuiuu iii St. Louis Is goiuug to calen an oxchuauigoof though t zuliul huhoais luunouugnt you that vii I help you, hiel ptu hionuu coni iuiuililtluzs-yos, hell) (lue whole Nation.

Tub Ordou' of yours Is ouue of iolig st andiuug. I reuuuounluor,iiiu u-lag tuo Wuuriul's Fail' IbrIdi of 190:1 utuiul 190-i, ticho 131110kCat buu ttouu, auuul tie (uunh)leullo at the \Vou'luI's Fuulr, I voiudei'u'uitli (lui whuiut i t sviun. I vils a good leal youuiugeu- thon tiuiuii Ilila 1101V. 1 unaule inquii'Iuis unid (lucy told inc (hint lt Ivas anlogan lzutioii tul Iluluileel-uluohi, lu soit of fl'ateruului.I)ulsh ness or-g;uuuizttlouu ; aiuul thiuun t.lue word FIoo-Hoo--lots (uf people hueve

V slcuuul uno vl out It wits, ¿unul I nanlil Juist \Vlhllt your CliairiiianSitiul, bluet lt nvius a lot of good fellows ; thuuit lt haul goodlun o ti vueis alud good lticauu in unhuici. Viueiu you have that itndyou c;uii c;urry ouib your l)lIrP080s Y011 will accomplish a grouutuloah.

'l'lu Is Cru nvguu tIen inoiuno untichu to yoluu' pooplo and hliulc'llto ou r hicuolul e. You cpu ono (lie luuubullci ty thuiut youa' Couiveii-thon cu-oates. Yolu aulvortise our city utuuul your ovai homo(uhtiu)8. Youu take back to your city a uiuessage from St Louis.'

' Wo vauit yeti to witness what wo have. We are prouduil wluat we have luuid we want to luopi'oos usti aligero with (lueHitlilO (huouughts luId Ideas thiuut ve luiuve. Forent Park Is one11f tu e greatest ¡oublie lllaygrolunds yuuuu ivhih fluuul auiywlioro in(lie world, Yoiu wIll luid that \V(( hueve dovoteul much (linoluui(l inouioy aulul euiergy to rocreatloui. Vhmat is bet(m forAunerlcaiis than recrea.(boui? We iuiuvo a zoological guuruiouuthat nvu.0 ith'() sluouiulhhlg $200,000 a yod' on, because (leo hooplavoted oui (lueinseiven a direct special tax to raise the moneyto equilp tuis zoohoglciuh gtrden, so bluet eveiy species of wildItninlal could bui dlsplayeul (huaro fui' the lieneflt of youngAuiuericiu. We will have a great: biunul concert there SundaymornIng, with hO or 200 niiuIcIaiuo playing; anul you willbInd (liti auiunlclpal golf links (nCluiilelpahhy owned), with a27-hole Course.

Page 5: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death




Wo have given a great deal of attention to In(IustrlalCOflditIOHF3 We have tuo !non8ter factory of tile GeneraiIGotore Company, tue Un i Leu Drug C011li)aflY afl(i 25 or 30otilIr llesv (Iliteip lIHCH sv}l ini ii ave Jus t located in St. I.oiii,We worked 1H or(ier to get them hero. It wan mainly or-gliflizations ilko yoHra wii Ich ileipeli il S. You probabiy don'tiUIOV I , bti t YOU (lili. \Vo iltVe OU r municipal liocko, 1,000f'i't 011g, bu lit vIt,ii Elio 11001)100 IJIOflOY, 110 tlittt 'WO COtll(l

Oi)Cll lii) navigation. \VO waiit lo revivo river navigation, Ho

[hILt \S'C dlii (10111 vitli oil r foreign couni tIlos through tue Guifof l OXICI), 1'} 10 tu e i'll I iiilHt t il reugii tile Panama Catial unito South Alnorica. St.. Laub io wl(in-Lvutk(u to tiun i)ossll)iIitiec thuti 1)1 00011 L tu enoivs, and s'o are trying to take ei-vantage (uf tuoni . I n liriiugl:ig you r (nun volition iiuuie yeti lieve()uulpllluuu'il td ne. S\r, are gril tetti! to yeti, Vo vant you toaccept (ill I houp! La i I ty. I)o't (iuvote a I I of your t! ¡ne to you rluuieiiieou H(HHloule ; inliugin a little joy tiid juinacuiro vltIi yourvio!!. i know yofli ont(urt;ulluuul(unt coin mitten Io going to giveyou a gouuul ti ne. 'I'hey vlI I umtun yo u r uiniogatee feel I hutthey iiuuurl (i 00 ii) I stalin i ii Collih ng to S t.. ioui lo. G o away lun-pruoceul v1 tu uui cl y ita! we ali i I ud oeil Je grateful to you.Avuti! y()II( uurlvuue of (uv(urylillng tii;ui \V() have that in good niel

Yi)Oi('HOflI( u ihi (u hatCh clii iug io (nu Eh ou lui(i)). 1f tuero 114

¿tiuyliilng t!iut )uii l()i(IO can do lui uiuulce yoni etuI' 11101(1 ¡)i(JuuH-

au!, xvi, eiiuill 1)0 vlihlng :uid glad o (lo It, itonip.niiuer, )'OIi

iI (I ¿(Ii velr'oiiuo an ti))) lloa'oie lui Spiltig utiel s'uu ((ri) gla(1 youre svitii lu (AI)1)II1IICP,)

(All of I lie iIu(,(iI)u'IH luIH4II!. ihIuiI1ioiu joined In a heartyI iuiltlon of tun i lo.i ¡(III yolI i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9 ! By tutu'Iuull of t lu (u (1 rouit Il luir k h ILl, illudi Cat, I f (11)-i loo ! !

Olnyoi 1Cm! I thank yell,

fuir liodgou: 'l'ho iuuuiuiuu nl tt. Lou ht heglus In roinanre.\VIe'n tIte joiu's of I lie (11Il()(1H utiel the hoale of the oid 1i-unclu

truelni n hieL l.ouieii eti I litt Iiiiie of the illoelsulppi, St, I_.oulemogutit, 'l'lui o lu nioitu, macmu, tluaii ioiuiutiictt to it. As lilo-tory liuie 8liowii tl Loliltu le a lliiuiiicluul conter. 'i'lii mornIng%VP luutcu us-lIlt tie (he ih'aii of hhitt 1"Iiianciuul liituurtuuutiu of St.Iouule, ut tuiuuii viio tu couiohuurtil eu'uuiy'iiete ¿III authority on)iii('lt Inutthti H, uuiiul i iinvuu iihiuuoiiiiu tiulu lulorning In introducingI (1 YOu ttii 1'Ii%V)Li(l i liiitinii, a Inuithei, a ¡inuininti or (hut Clanu.ij('i' of (nii 111(1 Cl), 011(1 iL ioüiuihut'i Of tliu.i Si., liiiig Conveu lionuiiii I'iihlIeity lftiienui. (Appiniine,)


tl r. i I kldoii 141)0110 tIH foilowe

1 i , Cii ai inian , ?,i r. Pruehtietit, Sn;triL of (lie UI) Iverne end( (lIutlL'Ji)eIi-- all I Ion-1 I no \VO uf St. Ioii le today feci, eoiiiei I OW 01 oth vi , i Iiui t. \V4t 1)1) in IL niyutical ut tuionpiiere. \ViinnI coule lo fil I ill i flY l)iCflHii ral)luu ('lugagene ont wIth you, I foundauj I iuniuu troni (iOHVIILOIVII (liii t I vau to Stoll at Nlñth Street,tiitl s'heii i got li (1 ic aiitl utuici noiiin of the lirograni, I fonini

t hut! (lilo ()(CU8h()i'. uvan ienlgtiaied for the iiliitli (lily of titoIII uhu iflotitli , uuiiti ii (iì I (111111e I ii llore Itilil euov your cliff cinicigrohijue, it ''icituil lo 110 lii 80)1cL) Wfl or other you repreuen tedt hut elconeic, V'iclCli verc thin Ninety ucoel N me that nafciy lay tict litt nlcoiioi of I Ice fold So Yoti aro ci ecthlicg willi soicceth lugluit! lipIttUle to tic e eut i, to the iuciiel , uLId to (ho couse of theIu)yotiC, \Ve huid i y k cour s'hiuct, lt lo, icu t wo uni d cjepiy lictor-entoil , itocutcinti ever since tice \Voc'ltl' lt Ir, tice hiOlilt of tincot owucrul uu'lc leu Iclu icoicoc', the Mayec', cl i recuted yoiii attention,soincIcow 01, oticor to i lin right, the left and lic fioul of u s c'eh aro unni tI a great cl cal of i loo-! loo,

I li iii)\S' tiilci. I 'ucs (uniteclucil)' hueros ted tice year tica.t myVcry clear fi'It'iicl, I loicocucitle Joic mc li . l' i rby of '1'nxcs, icecancnthe Smirk of tite Un I Verne, Now that i have lutti muy attentloic(! I i't'('t t'il to t lic vond erfiii t h iiigut t icutt yo u do, to tice wonderfulsiclilt (cf life amid hiiciicnitv yttci 11111 imito ytcur Ortiec', ticeim to(3Xtt'ic(i I ice iiavor (uf I hat jcii'l t to tice grout iiiiimiess tramio.ilCilOmlIt of ici iicbottl dcc, I lucho oil my lint i n Ihn itrenenco of ont)rtivc orgaic 1,111 OU tu (ICI) hi'onci imiti iiee p prinel iclen of hu mñiii i (ut, (Applauso, ) Amitl lt senticoti to ici e (huit tice touch of thenplrll I Icuct ail liicateut you i cc you r Order aiuti i mc yocir porsonucii i itt ute 1)1011) linie cul (litt Order u';cs icioiigh t out no i I lStene(i lotice iii Vci('uct bu of time mote-ic lug. it eei'nc(Mi to inn (iict ve vereI) ero amid (hid i cuits looking Imito a fores t icI tiene, cni1 that tiittI nvocai loll I(r(ciigh t cicuvic u ittmi us tic at. lice reiigloims i IglilvIiieii comcc(s i icrongii hiaicciirus icI (tees tuai iminileu an at-

Iciosith t'io splemitl k! ly it(i81(tOti i O tue olt('icliig exerelues ctf

your greutt Oidor.

'I'lic Cliamiciicir of Comnmni'ce, of wield, I uvas a forimmer1roni(lnmct, 11814 cienO miotic ing iiettnr tu ami m'ecogmml',,e tice hic.porluimice of (um mneetimmg of yocir Order at tuIs tlmne, becaunit%ve wammt to nemeo to you ((cil say timtt wtt icave the imighentIdoic of time vidime of having yeti gathered hero in this city,

represemitimig tice great imiterests of a great industry amidadding to tici in full iiceucsuro tice principles of the upirlt ofll(co-Floo; because, somntuicow or other, although we are ailiracti cui mccclii amid ai tictiugic we 1101(1 to the logic and ticereason of ticlmigs, yet after ail, ali of us, the most logical ofums, tice ntem'iment ci us, amici tice mont rigid of us, hohl to ticefccmidammctuntcls of life, which really lie clone to tice humcianheart. ; uciticoimgh they seemim, at hums, to ho of modest inipor-tance, yet they cire of (lie greatest valuo, I was imnpresnedof (ichs ii few veeks ago whemc Govermior Morrow of Kentuckycucmcme hero tic 81)0)1k at a Kemitucky dInner. 1mm his experienceamid i n iiiY (uXItOci emmo it SYItS lIco ii rut experiment of havimcga KO li tuccicy d lic mier (liai was absolutely dry, and after licechillier sucs ovni, , iii iciy gm'eat nymcii)atiìy with the KentuckyGovermctti', Si)euti(i mig a t i d ry lCemitiick y tiiomiem-, Invited ulmto cmi o old tu, ulcere I ii cd tic e olticortun ity to offer to upm'ay hinthroat, tini while this little senciomi of imosumhtallty was goingOil, U overmior fl ¡%iøi'i(i cv p c'ovtutl li limiseif ami omitertaimclng storyteller. (lice t)f tice stom'ien whIch goes to nlcow icow tice heurtis affect tu i)3' lic it fmi mc d amnemc tutis of i líe sonic an you unni in Inticie greuct Oc'tlor of Iloolico, wimme you give tice toast ti)mcclii) ki miti of ''I ioni tic, i-luttplmÌos8 utmcii Prosjuei'l ty : '' Governor

i Oi'i'() W ti) itl ti stoiy, imiti cutid , ' \Vii en i wan rimminln g for(lover mier (If Remi tcmcky ito (Ice Etopichl icamu ticket, i kmce'iv, lictical. l)oni'l)omc otuc te, i lutti ti; have comice hoccibon, Demnocm'aticVotes (it liegi ii w jtli , a icil uu'iientuver I vemct out on eue of meycucici lIa jIi (oui i-s i s tucmtetl ou t by teli 111g the mmcemc lit front ofmutt, iii uc cuy of ini omit I liiiov ti) 1)0 (i emiiocrats, tituct ' I nuim.ii iumi i ng fici' (it)S'O c'mi cm' of iemi tiicky oit tilt) ltepubilcucmc ticket¡cciii i iiuivc got i ci lcucv e yltici- victo amici your vote to vin, ' amici

i ii ¡cci (it estuciti mu icy i'tutcouitt for being theme, I started outIv l tIc ut ejttueeiu tic ai i ii ati rarefim i ly Pm'ePareti. 'Pite first tichmcgI suc iii \Vui uccttcic t (ii e re t'eniuce or Keuc tu cky, icow 1)1(11 ly theytvt'i'(u ci'titpleti, cicti I roftuu'reii to tice taxee, amicI I 5111(1, vhienh lii,ei nie Govei'mco r i w'otcicl attnmcd to th Imigu that would boit-e ii t tIc ut ci ti zeus ; auth 'lueic i loicked to got lico approvai of astciit citi l)eniecm'atic friemitl, lie nuchil, 'l'hai cion't get mime. Voucre )oor ucmcul ii mi ftcc'tii ucucltu emit! uve are miel lining properly(lii'íu(l fur,' Aictl h i'ocj lii etam't cgucimc sayimtg what I wocc Id cheI (i (N1i() fuir tunic hic ti er aiuti I looked (lO%Vu1 Cii muy oid bou rbomcfi'iemctt tinti tue olti gentiemimamc saul, 1'ii;ct doic't get mice.' i((iii (till iitui'e(l tutu ii mi PO Pulli i' clog luev of i(omc ((icky amid hcocv

tic ey [L i i loved tiicul r (hIKe, h le sucici, ''lucy hiucve to 1)0 t a mntizzloOil (ht ciii tini tie tic emit uit it mi igict.' i-le nuciul, '1 vocilil rel)clalI hi uc t I ILV it'iieii f i)OCII rile (iovecmmor.' I-I e euchci, You go heinetituc gli t ; go utict i o you r chcg house uclid put hi hin omi thin headucmicl say', '(eeti Didi friciitl, i)og, I amo goIng to vote for Edt\i orro'iv for Utct'oimi oc'. i itt icen got mm because ice hics vomc

tt'iiuct is tiearcìet Io my iceuirt.' "

You iicunt ucpccuai to intmc viioeo liCiLitíd have to be ncv'ayotlicy lOgic, yet i't'Oi'y OiiO lIt uuumseciptllcle Io the fluer and gentleriii ii unu ciun vii i('lc aro hilceech tipicii frlemmdsiuip, comm tl(iOIiCe anti(muttern ud ftuol mug, ( Applause.)

'ihtit Ciiucmiiiiem' of Coiuumiierce tvants to welcome you amidti) H1L,7 lint t Wtu tpit'ec jato him homier of your conclicg hero,iiotli ant iii Ortlni- uIucdi a great lud ustm'y. \Ve li ucve a city thatCli ii li Uitt k' tiit greutt preti iictn that conc e froiii Lumicherdomu.\Vo iiavtt wttmuiiem'fim I raili'oa(l facilities, 26 trumck ihices, awomul ( t'fui! ttui'cii !!cuci ucssoelucl bu, vli ich cunc carry a ciii' fromcitice roi-ont uciith ilcilver it to tice doom- of ammy Industry here,\Ve womit yuium, now tintI you hcavo comae hero, to iuiakoovec'y htt)isii)ie ilse you cuin of time Cliaieciier of Coinocorce, api'etty live orgucmcl'i.aiioui of over 2,600 members representhmcgtice best, tice ntmt)iigei4t llnamcciuii imitei'estn mind every oticordciii enc t tif ituininess ii fo ucicil i mithiistc'hai i i fo lii St. Louis. lvVe

appreciate youir coining inne, \Ve want to do ovorythhmigvo can foi' you. \Ve (l'iut you will have a good timo, a scie-

iuceuuufcl iiii'cting lui St. Louis, unid como beck ad ncc unucgutlic as sooui um i)OSshl)le.

t i' I. hut comiciims bu of r i-. ii hilden's address tic e membersugh ii i'ttiiti eroti I ice Jlool loo yell very heartIly.)

Mr. iiodgon: Out lic Caihfoc'uciuc, as you know, thimign growicig. Tuero ace (mees omit thorn 100 toot high; trees out there(huit vhii cut Imito hundreds of thousands of feet of lumber.'l'lmlmcgs gi'ow fuis! out tuero, 21 mouths lic tice year, becausetheme is inc cuimiter, 'l'li ere III-e 1,200 molles of sparkling water\vashihng tice sliomes of Cniiformiia, 'l'ilere cre trees out timoreso iclg (lint tiiey could ito omit imito hoariis unii build a box(hint wotcith iiolti tice enoriiioun world record breakIng wheatcrop of iiuy own State of Kansas, which. nuco produced 185,-0011,000 btishiein of (lie himiest s'!cea( the worlii ever uirodücednoii the iucrgent amount evem- uiroiiimced upon an equal areaof tice face of lime com'tu at any limite; and, big as we do thinguin Kannen, CalIfornia always ices saine outstanding thingtilult is iiigger, 'rimero hs a waterfall out tuero and Itcouldbesiiced lnhelght imito temi Nhagaran. 'Ticóre is a gorge out










F. E. CONNER (29832)St'mc cor I loo-! loo

S,i('i'ldiii()fl to, Cicllf.

D. S. MONTGOMERY (30285).1 dc mtioi' I foc)-! 11)1)

ì\liiwuiiilioc', Wis.


M. M. ELLEDGE (26427)Seil Vi rm(itt'i'

I__ I Ci(clmltii, Miss.






, 8992

(nil kitti Iiimtit uf 211th tiiuiiil-I)outji(i'dt),I u:. c, itlidii & ('í., IItiiLTII(ii, litt.



p. j. WILSON (28448)Ourdou

New York City, M, y,

; ,,,.



WM. M. DEEBE (8789)[10Juni

St,uui tie, Wash,


Page 6: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death

_ u ¡


tII(re big enough to bury a county n, the Yoemito. 'l'liereis a moti litafa In the ru;itli end of Cailforn ia-and in Cal I-foi iilit 18 the liJgliest iliountain In the United Staten-nail ve(oU lu taIci SOHl3 of the Irnardi left over froiji iiiaklng thathox uid iiia ko i HI j le aiiti 'e could put one end of that si Idoon Mount ShaLa, 14,110 feet alie the ijea, and let that hoardi (i(lt tu San l)Igo, uhu we coutil $tart the kldd io In Call-foi ii la 81 Iii I u g loan there ¡10(1 they would si Id o 800 iiille vItli-(,ut IL $lillflt1, (lutigIiter and iil)pliiiise.)

'Ilici a re Eremeiidous CrOl)H grown there. 'I'helr soil is14(1 rIch a lid tlwlr cl liiiato so goat! and favo i-able out therethat almost anything vlIl gro\v out there. My friend tells ¡nethat oii I h I ¡ig ni h h not grow In Cahiforn la, and that islUiiil)llJl I asked filin the ieasoii. Ile suhl the soll vas5(1 i Ich I lo y j nia gresi so fast that I t wore tu e I liti e I)iiIiiflkI n son t ( I aiigh ter.)

1v li ave luid as the S'iiprenie O (fleer nf tu o ConcatenateilI )rd nl hJoo-J loo, a tal h red voceI from San Fraiiclsco who(O IO4h)iii(l8 liì etici, In bigness of mind, In slz of heart \vlth¡il I 1h e othi er lilg tu lags thi a t grow I n Cal h forum. lt 110WIncoiioq ruy pl(asIi ro I i) I n rod iici to you tito Stiprenie Siiarkof thin I ¡n I verse, II ¿cIliar lt. It, I I iscox of San l'rancisco, toVb 110111 I li a ve Plasillo In tu III i ng ovei tl o gavel tu Is iiiorn ing.

(All nl the nieinhers in (lie audience thou Johiied In aI liai y renil I I i i in of the J loo- FI on yell, vh ¡cli they repoateilI iii lii weil by a lililitileo iiiid chit ers foi- the Su hiroiiio Snark.)

'l'lif Sil)liiiiii Snirk of the (Jnlvei'se, Tr. hi, A. Ihlseox,thou lii tite 111)811 lori of (lie proilding officer itiiil

fl(((hit(il I hie gti'el fi'iiiii l r. r-loilges.

Remarks and Annual Report of the

Siiprene Snark

'lin, S n li i'eflhi S iiark : B rolltei I Ii)()l loo 811(1 Iad les, Ili&vi cci I al ii i iccii very ¡iiiichi gratilled by the ciiliihil iiiieiitalyliii i oiliiiI Ion (jf llriithiii I Ioilgc8. \Vo have hioeii greatly hou-iii il uy I lii a(h(lrpHHfls hure hlsteuieil Io by I3iotlii- Iloilgos,

l a s ei k li I atol l r. Eu vaiil II Idden . I vas greatly honoreduy i nil I viis glati to h ear t Ii o wciril s spoken by our goodIii iihlu'i In i garil lo Cahlfou'iiit, hiecatiso vo Cahifoiuilauis ai-oPi(iiil Lii lie g ii ii I' of oxnggera thou, hut ii 10h10 i-t coin luig fioin(ho gitil leuini n fiiiuii ICituisas vlll iiieet your approval, and Im'luci' tua I I can asciire you that overythiluig hi, suhl aboutI lin wouiihii a 01 Cithlfoinla, Its iiiaiveliiis grovtli iuid hie alzaof li s ti ('(''I, viei not oxaggoiatoil. \Vo wo re to liase hiitil ali¡iilil i 'HM by ExSiinrk \V, À. l'rldd la, i n icHilo use to thin fl(l-(I iIii1fl, l yo ii i lnyor nial tu reh)ri(iitiLtI%'e of the C'liain-le i' of (iuii un o rei', bu L llrothior Tililil In hiit beeuì detti Iricil and(Lii uit li h)IoaiuI1 at hile nioient,

t iuhiseqiicen1ly, ¿thiùiit i i : 30 a. iii, Iliothier 1riild lo oiitei'o(lthu. kahl ),

h nigh t tu luk thai., coni Ing frein thin extremely il uy Stateof 'I'exiis, lie liad bacui overcome by the eXCeSSIVe uniilaturet liai iVit (hip hifl yesterday, b lit w Ithi Iirothuer Pi-idil le that('li ii il lint bu. the (uSO . \VO k ¡niw e iii-e gol ng to have agood Unie hiere, Oim of the genticiuien refou-ioci to youu' ivoui-il ''u t u! tui r iii St lÁ)li la nial ¡ii y mind w'euit l)ack to the foodlii odiieti4 c'dI i bit of our \Voild'a Fuir at San Francisco. Ii'(tlli(lliliOiO(l huit t here would hrn niauiy inioth s where theyn'olI hI be t x j)Iahiihuig certaIn th Inge, but S()lflO ohijects wouldhe cuitli i Iv au I:roiuul cil by 1100 h)le at all tImos 'l'hiese \veu-eI lin boni h i, wIe ere IIi ey vcie gl' i ng i(flhllhilei( of I)hchiled prunesor ietiuiphtts of iiiteet Pol atoes ti i at UI)h)eltle(l to tu e 11111er ilmo'l'li (y (flIl t eh h ne iilial they mmiii y aleto t tim Ings tim a t shh} iiipealI ii liii, liii t vhie n they over-fee(h us they alipeal to us omero,

\'.., li It\'Ç- a very CÚi:i liete 1 i'cgrauim , as Probably al I of youli mm'o iuimh iced 1'luom-o lo a l)rOgruimm for emery umilnuite. \Voii I t' mol gol ¡mg to litt h n I lue l(I tutu of ami Irishmnmami I hoard of-thml immay not lin ¡ion', limit lt is ipropos. An Irlahinmaim tiled

uhu thmiut evc'im i img li la frIend a gathiemed . ut Im i home to mmmourn.I\ '4 I li t'y gal he rittI oui i. miman ms'a.t ttvticomiio vlthi luI lmurity_ lialiuiughietl , aumd i aimglicd uuud hmmmgl cil. 'l'hmtt othiem- iimoiirners suhlIo lilium, ''h'hmls Im uiot sitoomly, Itutl i lyluig hefiure us deuilmutI )'iiiu miii' lutmighilmig about ht.'' Ilimt litt comuhilum't contahum him-

i,t.l f, unti hi ti I tmmglied , anti laugh al a titi laughed. 'I'hey sala,'\%1hual le Ihm (t ill milIeu t'''f lie ¡ita n Fehl Intl , 'Last vommk im e dldmm'f

ltehmt'vo iii hmt'avemi anti mllthim't bellttyc iii hii'll. I lore lie Is allil i t.setl imp min il litt phuice lo go' t

'lImai IM Ii O t gol mg to litt ou i- coutil I tittum In S t. Louis. We(iie mill lu 'hm'it it amid Hiere vill lttt sitmime hillice lo go umveì-ymii lumi t t', ( i\ lip h mtmiso.)

'l'ho hIt ut xii utttem- (ulm 0111' lH't)gm'uummm IM the Ann ¡mal lioport orIlma Suiau'lc

'FImo Smiprerno Siiark thmon i-end lila addioss, a follows:


__2- -e,-. . , .

In making this, the opening report, of time Twenty-nInthAnnual Coumc'ateumatlomm of the Concatenated Order of Hoe-Hoe,yomu will vaudou ¡uy ummaking a personal statement at time be-glum um hum g.

lt liuto luidetitl beemi a I)leasure to serve you during tlmlalloo.hloo year nial itii3' service I mnay hayo been able to runderliui lucen lillihily couimpensated l)y oid friendships renewed and1031V friemimis mamIe. At my age one does not make friendsmia i'eathily as timo yoiung man in his twenties, and my workthii year lias permItted ¡ne to muet a large number of him.ternmeim unii IiOO'II(iO,

At time Cormcattìmmuution In Portland, Oregon, Ex-Snark Boblumummaim, who han 111)1V passed through time gates (right andleft) lo time laimml of peace asid plenty, stated that what hievaiiutti fll(ultt in life wem'o the fm-buida hie liad ¡nade throughlila coumnoction wlthu iioo-i-hoo. He had anmassed large wealthammd nui iiROUiO(l hiOsithOui in time commercial world, but boyodtill ()lstl 1mo vahimemi 'fi'htmumdslilp. This Is typical of our Orderuhu the desire to be helpful to our brothers lias led our mcm-litti'ut to unumke nmiuny sacilfices of (lune and money In order toltmillmi lip aliti mnalimtnluu our Order. If lt was not for this de-satloum, hloO-Hoo Woulmi noi live.

Wo IIíLV(m p8550th tlmi'oimghm years of tribulation and dark-lilies luto time liglut ' 'l'luba year wo have ¡mot liad the financialItmirmlomma lmoriuo by Suimmulus 'l'ennant, Seidel and Priddle duringIluttir tei'umms Our Secu'etau-y-Treasuror's report will show thatlila year imt have closed our books with a credit balance.

hloo-lltio owtet mu great debt to time three Snarks lunune-tlluutttly l)recemiiug une-'h'anuiant, Seidel atud Prlddhe---for theirImmylul, Imnoellishi Work Iii Imolding our Order lumtact aummi 1mm

cuum'i'ylumg on (lie iromlu and at the saine time paying off theImiti tthmtmtth IlOSS of emir Omiler.

'I'hmtty huavr thmÚhm' u'owmurml lui seeing time iresont prosperousctmmmdhi bum of I-bulbo,

Ytmmur Sill)renimt NImio Officers for thIs presoimt year 1mayorouulteml time hiitrvictt sown by our predecessors. The workt'lilchi ive uumay liare iloume and (ho seed sown will lead, wo

limilutt, t t) a bilge u' lumi i'veat min ring 1921.Let mimo (tXpi'tets timo deep appm'eciation of our Order to

tIme himuumluer tra(ltm imi'ess for its support during tlmis past year.'(lilo ycium' luis hiettii a liant one for the trade papers, willi aatiero ahimriage of inuper and Increased cost of doing bumst-liess, yet they hava Imeoum most gonorous with their cuaco,lutithi ¡motus aummi uitiveu'tlsluig, In the interest of 1boo1Ioo.

My umei'e(mmmal uuimprumelution must bo expressed to the ¡nom-liera of tImo Smipm'eumme Nina for their loyal smmpport. They havemint faIled to I(-lSh((iuimi to all my conimnunlcmttlons, and whmilolt huts ¡mot lucen pousihmlc to hold a meeting of the Nino yet, timoItumalumess lias l)eOfl carrloul 00 as best possible by mail

During tuis ycam' emir Hx-Snarl( and Se'crotam'y.Treasuror'l'emiumaumt liuto 1)000 siicccetic'ml by our present Socu'otary-Troas-immer Ileumry Ittlierwoomi. Brothmer Tonnant lmas kept the Interestof oui' Ordem' always lmofora huhnm and lias devoted nmuchtiummeto time gootl of emir Order during this - year. I-Ils past ox-lerleuice, iiI itul vice mmliii -help 1mayo at- all times boon at timocall of time Sumau'k antI Secrotmmry-Treasmmrer lshmcm'wood. AllIlimiso of you who 1mayo unet Brother Isliorwood - already lovelthii-li hum ui ¡nao splcmutli(hiy iltte(l to act as yoimr diroctiumgttlflc'ci-, Ills enthimisiasumi aiim! tireless voi'k will surely sollI lmttu.h loo to uull lmummmbem'nmen, - - -

Wit louve lumuth a loyal, enthusiastic body- of Vicegeronts,who 1mayo worked uniti to build up our- membership. TheIrivork la ¡mot always one that is apprectatemh by time menmhmor-simili uit largo, a umumicim of it Is hum thin -lIne of prelmaratlon, butt'lthiommt tuch' atteumtloim to the mietahis of Concatenations we

would ¡uover - succocml. - -

Euchm year,- aumil rightly so, the halles nro floro and ummorolii cvhloumca and, lo ¡mot unisunilerstimimil mo, b mio ¡mot refer toflue chmnumgiumg stylmt tim dress, but to tImo lmtrgeu' number ofilUi)-llOO affairs to which tito ladie8 aro iimvhted. This should -

ltt fmmrthmor e000umageui miiuring time couning year.-

Mammy of time Vlcogerents am'm'ange dinners and dances froumi(line to (lino whore the ladies aro entertaiumcd, auid this addsvery much to the sudaI side of our Order.


TIme sliglmt.inci'cace in dues will admi matariahiy.to ourfmmummls and - wIll hiermit a niere freqmmon Imubhlahming of Timehimmlletlum. 'l'huis - limmhiotium should be published monthly, as itkm emir amost vuulualmlc unetliod of comimmumuilcathon with our mema-bers, uimany of whioun uure mumable to attonmi frequent Coricate-muathoums; as.you ail know, Concatenations io soma sections amevei'y iumfrequeumt.

Ouu' strength ls lui our Individuai meunborahmip and it iii -

their siustainluig loyalty that lias carried us forward to ourliEesttuit staumdlumg; therefore, to tImen be ali praise.

-. lui closIng, permit me to thank (hie lumbermen of St.Louis for their heuum'ty-welcoimmo-to (lila city, and In advaacefor the aplendid entertainment in store for us.





, '4-J



H. D. FOOTE (13790)


Alttxnunli'lum, Lu.

A fter commclmmml iumg li ha iudd reos, timo Smipm'o une Smmai'k cmmiiedatteimtioim to timo receipt uf I elttgrnuums fuoni alusent unemullerms,conveying messages of good ivill aummi best wishes fumr timeOrmler alm(l time Coiuvontioum, -

LLetters and Telegrams fromAbseritMembe

''lily coni itilmimoim Es to tim tu St. Lou lit Cumumi mmm i ttetm uf Armut,mgo-nieuits vimo se grachommaly i n y htemh multi to lumi k ut (lie Cb laterDimmer, but i t will be mm tterly h ummlmosaiblm.' hmm' in o tim 1mo hirilseumt,mus I 1mayo j ust how hearumcd . -ly mLuìever lias lttumum mlolaymimi.fooling that by Heine fortunato cimaumco I inlghmt lie with you Inperson as E itili 1mm Imeart and immiimmi, it Is uuuy vislu (lint Nolatmmi

- A. (hlumtlding. Seeretmury of Elmo Ibomiso Amuck-into, pi'oaeumt timoring to (hie rotlriumg Suiuu'k, lt Is my lampe (heat Fboo-Iioo willon limIti twonty.mmiumthm muumumivera;mry of ita ('XlstenCo Couiclunlo togo back to its original lines; except thmmit fiummummeinh imimpoasibihlty,time hboe-lIoo iland (look, and ium Ito imhimc'a establish hood¡mines- in nih Imummuluer centers vhmo viil fimul a ntucicmuum hmm thiosticoolers for tImo oatmmlmlheimmmment of mt iocuti officiai huoumie of timoOohor und Its iimaummbem-s mut commue repli (alilo hotel In Limosocantera, thus estabiishming hut effect time mysteries, 'l'lucio urnenough people min timo eurtim wlmo aro alu'oamly rmmumuiing aftem-timo mmntriemi anti umew foi- -i-boo-I-too umot to tumko up vigmtrommmily- aroinatmutomerit of mull timo first prlmiehimlea whhclm sarvoit ht so wellin Its formativo 'cam's, -

"I3OLLINO AItT1I UIt JOHNSON (2), Shravuimou't, La"'Fraternal gm'eetlumgs ; omc008c to I-Too-I-too. Som'i'y I ('nul

¡mot hie vhthi yeti.

"w, Ib.- NAL'I'Y (26312), ifamumionil, LuL.""Ciuliforn Imu lloo-IIoo send greetlumga to animmmuml utual houe

that immaqv good thihumge pltunneml for time Order for 1921 uumutyho successfully carrieml out. We wahl annual uicxt year utFresno, Callforuulmu,

OC. S, BRACE (2183e), Sacm'umoumto, Calif."'Greetings, liest fellows omm carihm ; Imoalthm, imahmhilnetis,

long life.

'FiTZROY (8300), Niagara Fulls, N. Y.""Long live iioollimo; gi'eatlumgs to tweumty-ninthm aimimmmmtl.

- FI. A. HOLLOWELL, Cincinumati, O."[lest vialmos for u successful coumcatenumthon and colmtinuetl

growth anti incmeasiuig beneficimul iumulucnco for floe-I-Too,

-- 'JOlIN J. EARLH (8539), - Tuuummpa, Fia.""Greetings to time Great Blumolc Cat- nomI all it kIttens.

We huye dono one tIny's work for lbco-I-Ioo.- -

:. ,,j 5, BOLLMAN (17990), Aiexammtlrhn, La*"Best wishes for a good nieetiumg. Regret canuuot 1mo vithu

you. - -

- - - "20, 12551, 16661, 11130, Wcstlake, La."- -

JOHN j. EARLE (8539)ti: ilttl(teatloui

'l'ut imIta, l'la

'A hmttr.iuitttt rogm'ettmttl , l,iil mvh t lu you I n spirit STich ahigentI hiemultim, un imumlumoss, long lIfe,

"JOiEN L. GLAS ElI (:1217), New Yolk City, N. Y."''G u'tte tlmigs to Elmo iuuum imuul, b kecum I y u'ogrtmt my iimahiiity to

uutttili(i , ini t littlut I (i ¡imitai. yttmm uil I ut l"i os uitm lui 192 1. 'l'li omimihoyo i mi lii (t Giant Valley imtuvmt mimuml e mm s imbuti Id m't'cou'ml this3'OIi', uhu ',ytt i 'itid Il e Coums t ummtmmmimerut amo I) rtmtmmh of vlm itt Snarkihiumctmx iitit tlmmmme foi' limit Om'tlttm' tlmiu'himg hi is itmriim. I proposeit Immuni t to i Ittimi boo, iui'eammn t imitI fmmtmi u_tm


"FltANK \V. 'i'itovjg (i 21:16), San lrrutumclsit(), Cmii.''o

V() e xl imiti gm'eetl mugit, ltmmmg I I fo ii uiti h aitl)iflesmi.'''I', l, O'I)oummuul I , N. J. l'elmty, I Iattleabmurg, Mhiius''

°ltOgiíjl. ctmumum(ut uumttttt wIlli you todmuy'_ Bast svilme torsuccessful iumimmmmiml,

'hi, l"ltA'/i Hit .IONl']S (9:191), .Jachieoumvilio, Flag"'''l'uit ummyctic hour of niiio uiuizgiut imlume

hhiulhu commm e, mmuiml mmmay time i)ovor tllviume- - Ctti'tt Ito' ¡muy lt i umilly 01(1-Linie friemumis

(hull timobm lIfe iighmf softly bion(he\Vltlm that climi i gttmit mnysl t' m'y,'l'liti m'muti lii ummttt m f etmtu'jml I y.

GO(i(l I intli lo mmli.

"Slumeem'oly, i lAltitY 1. itlllLlìit (3166) , Soaltlo, \Vmuclu"'A imite n t lut tim im Il tush h u i, with you hum spirIt, Wishmiuug Jboo-

i i Ott ilmi)re sliemttttts tim im um o vom' auth to ovary immoummbor health,liii imltlmmc'mis amai ltirig i i fe.

"%VILI,hAil B S'I'l LL\VEbl (3953), and."WIillAI il, GIGNII4LIA'p (lion. 99),

"Savannah, Ga.""lt Is svillu timo tlnehittutt regriti (imiti b am obilgomi to forogo

(hi m gloat 1)1(08ml u'e of bttl mm g all Im ymmmm nmmmi ali timo other goodI limo. i 10m) il t i tiLt tivoum tylm In thu nui ¡mimai , liii t serhomus i linoss Infammi uy uilid litipei'ath vit itims i uuess mmuattt,m p, ahmsolutely Imrovont,Yttmi luid all lutte muy very ltst wicumea foi' ¡meut smicccssfmmh andenjoyable aimuututul aummi (litt Om'mlei' ¡ny hct svholuomi for a giantfutmmrm. B 'i' 'I' O 'i' (i B C.

"NO, 99 lndiimmmapohla, Intl."- "My thiomuglml go omit to yttim alItI tImo otimor loymui IIooIboo

oi'mttimeu'mm -Svhmti giuthu ci' todtiy for Ilmo ¡iimn uuul, ì",lmmy it lie tim o moatliicces.Mfll i annual lui the lu i s (cmv of i I on h i no Wommlmt uumggesttlmumt tua comimmnittee ha ul)pOltitCml to tim'aft. mumm tuimiitioimal totime rl tuai pm'tmvlmhl ¡mg fto- ititi) ropi'lattm ex'tm'cise to 1)0 hold whenummomumhiem- hiitSCOH to timo otliem- aliti, 11(10 lIØo occupies a mostimimumliant poilllm)ui lii tIme Lumuultem' lumduptry'_ lt Is growing 1mlumowor aimmi inhlmmcncc as its roui pmmrpoac is Imecomning kumow'zi,My mleop uegrtmt Is inaluhilty tim ho with you, Sincerely forcamisa of Iboohioo. - -


-r -

"flEO. M. COItN\VALL (7616), Portlil, Ore,"

Page 7: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death

. ---------




; Very sorry I cannot he with you on September 8, 9, 10,1020, My best wishes to all.

HENRY B. BYRNE (7158), New Orleans, La.Viry sorry cannot he prosont fit 20tl annual. lIeStwlahos fùr a aucceBsfllI meeting from

°FrtEr)ERICK KLAPPRØTIJ (7107), ChIcago, III,"

JIport of the Secretary.TreaHurorTI, Sipreme Snark; A you have notel, ve have liadthl year a change In. the office of Secretary-Treasurer, Mr.

'l(3flflaflt having resigneil to enter the Lunilier 'l'mila JoiiriialfIeld, lIaB'ing been aucceedeil by J3rotlior lelierwooti. Ile salr(;Ldy acquainted with PractIcally all of the IIoollo() in thismoni, Ills work, as I llave poInted eilt In ¡uy a(h(Ilesi4, lias1IIIIII of great. value lo our Order. Fie will outline the futureIflilIcy for 1921, arid In outlining It, lie will put It on broadgrounds lt Is O1ng to requIre sanie effort for the IncoiiilngSupreme NInA to lIve up to the program set forth, \Vo ivIll((01v have the rort of (lie Secretary.Troasiirer. (Applaiioo.)

$ecrctnry-Treasurer lslierwno4 read IiI report, a fol.lows

..- ,


fecr((h my lui li erwooch f li ave einhod heil In my reporta brIef, gen eiitl Htrltelllerlt (1H tú our Il ilalices , pulii i I)illiinhiorohi h p. h n crolice III ilieiii be rshihp ii ud retiiol t to.Hients. 'l'li e ali d I toro lollort of th e Il n uncial 0)11(1 I t i oitof lie Order, C()Hth)Iet.O In every ilotall, wIll hie pith.lIliod Iii (till in the Istio of 'l'ho BulletIn together sylt liIIi o roj)ort of thi I ii An n liaI.

'l'ho followIng figures aro hiikeit fioiii our rec(lr(lsitt the cloue of our fIsca year, Hepte;iihicr 2, 1920:

l'alti up members for 1920 ............... 16:«tNew meriiliers In I tIe ted for year clii! Ing ,\Bopt. 2, 1920 .........................


Members rejustatoil to Seitt. 2, 1920. . . 271 \Cash on hand tiitl In hlaul( S((Iit. 2, 1 920 . . 372,12'l'li ero a re t%V() reasitiis uhy 'clLiIl on hiiuitl'' Is sei a I I . )'['lie O rsh. Is lb it colisillcrahily ilil:rea sed (,xI)((ns(l of COnthin of tIle Order. Our ((xl)enoe for 1920 was apliroxi.

Inlitoly $1,000 loare Iltitit that of 1919. Our ortuhì balanceIs chieti t $2000 le en t hurt on t lie sa in o da te lu I 919.

however, reni I Ehitiices for i 921 lIlies dIth not hog i n((i machI ils until ifter .Septeitiltor i thIs year, Ourdiiec notIces Were ¡tilt mulled

0lit. U ¡1III August 28 ; i rilirevloiis years they have 11000 Illftilell Aligtiot Th. Tianil clay t lt Is year viic Iii euh en t to fi riih d celslon of th eSupreme Nine on litt (Ililuittlo,l of iidvaiii:c in dues.ilince the close of cuir Iuoolut on Septelnl)er 2, receliutsof il uns lieve roach ed the office In the followIng utlilituilts

Cahi rou:olpts, Soul ....................CsIi receIpts. Seht. 4 .................Cash r000llil s. .Se1tt. fl ................. I 371 ,gCash recoliuta, Sept. 7 .................Ceelt oui luuind Si1it. 2 .................. 172,57


Of tufo there Is ilut t ho Secretary ,,,... 61 1,19LeavIng iictuial eutithi ou h a ¡IiI niel I n

hank, Sol)t. 7, 1921)lut otli or o)rd s, ¡vIt Ii the rocoip tu of il lies thi le year

liii t (ill a lunu'Ity ' t thi t lie YOu r lietore, s'ui liutue, vI1h a IlIiIll paul, abouit the suiuiie flamant of cash In han(l andhayo weatliercil the hItIiei' CoSts of printIng. BlIppIlea.I 0fl15 rind generai oxpoiwes of tue past year-\yItIi wllleinHell ar Just as familiar as I am.

Now, as I ConceIve Il, ¡uy roluort. Hlioiihtl go furtherthuutn ut inei'e relìeareuih nf stat Istles. h have gIven you1h o flgui res tus to th o prosen t staiidln g of the Order, \Veurn today ou [lue. t lui'eshohtl of the new llotu'hloo year.utnul h \vlshi to hirieliv ouithiiie teiitath'e iuhuiuus for thesiork of the year and to gIve you someof the thoughtsutnul huleas for the l)ol(eriuciit of (he Order. Mauiy ofthose h have gaineil Iii ¡ny travels In colit.uiet with iIoo-¡loo thtrotigliout the country alud the Huiggested phuinslieve boon glveii carofuil thought by inysolf aiuti inemh>ei's(if t ho Order wIth 'vhioiii I have advlseil,

LETUSElevato this great Order, this great itioneor fraternal or

ganhzation, to n hIgher sIano. lui oidor to (io BO It nooths theniost earnest and careful consIderatIon on the part of each

-- :, ___


auth every one of you. Anuoutg the points WhiCh, in uuuy Oh)iliiOra,should receive your conshiheratioui are tIte following:

I s t. Phachuug greate i' restiletions li PO 51 tIto q nail hicationsfor luueunl)orship.20 d . l'hacluug gi'eater resI rictionut oit iienuIteu's i n crieurs

for i'obnstateiiieui(,3rd . 'l'o revise ritus lo to etinforin wiLli iresoii t Coilul hou s.4th. 'l'o i'uvlse thue .Juiuilor ¡look so thai it will carry a

luiesoage foi' the ullffereiit lurniuclace tif thun inulusti''I hat s'i I I have a Ituorut I 1111(1 \vi Il Jii'ol(uttto eulueatiiuia

5t1 . 'l'o theebul e upon titul hirtivitlo ii ew t ill ail ilitlona, IOil li lItauen t for i nitluition.

6th. 'h'(i oeeure propeu' reh)roueuitlitio1 uil the iltuhuistivuiiiuh bi ga bu th e theol reti sti'eitgth fou ea ch jui'loth e-tlttit : I lia t (tarli juii'istl lotion lucy ti tIne iuicii , to li:,Lccoitihuhlslieti by each ineituitci- tif tite Sui h)i'ouui C'

Nine illtj)Ohil tIn g iii Auis'hooi'y IIo&i'th of cIgli t.7th . To thls'ItIe occhi Slitto Into sotithh d ishtlets.8th. 'l'o olgulliize Ifoo'hloo Clubs, Chapters, Gardeits or

chia t ti'er ¡tt iuie ntity 1)0 oehecte(i ait iih)l)l'opriutte,91la . 'ho citttu lii i e curl fuirulslt libas utra (1 lihlIlls for couvi -

I les of Buchi cliiluo to hiring tui collais anti titherunii borilioll togothici' initie often, obhut' tieni a I cou -

elIte ¡ludion u,

1 01 ii . 'l'ho 00(11lii blini ont of i hotu.! fiuti hi iulituiuu 'Lois i ut lIto(liii Clhiith cItIes.

1 IhI . 'l'ti proviule a uhefhuulte plauu t)f tililiphyitig iitfoi'uuiauuuiiouch ut svilh hie of lieht oid tir hiiiu to ein' cutio-huit-u thiu'uugit h Ii e' Ihtitu-i loti luit ele uil'' ullahiho tu cciii-lucio iuu gruoti sttnihluug.

I ltli . 'l'tu uleeluic utoii ui lilao vlilchi suIII nuiahihe us tu (tilt-hlsli '''hIte 1iuihltiiu" inoiillih'; just vhtat thata aiutI lut-fou'inatltuii i t shin n huh ctiiital ut.

13th _ 'l'ti redIlee tIto i3uIlut i n (it hiouhct:t sloe or to a sizeuhu foiiui t hat Is ¡iuost eu:ouuoinitcth l.o hiutbil iou,

I 4th . 'Iliat we sehect a ¡ucino v I thi ut gi'i'ater nboutliluig. studi liii i'h h I sIgn ify its couu iioetfoui -ivlth tIlt) luth uislu'y,

othici' thin n '''l'ue Buulhetl ii.''

THE DEATH BENEFITI lits eluableul i I no.1 h tin lii ciii ltlitsI zu I u a tut(tst l)l'lteLlia h

11111 iiuior i to fraI ornai ohul igzc tutus to t hie inciti Pi etc sial t lu oIr le.l)lltht(ll tse. \Vhi I le (ii e arno u ut is stitut I h, yo i t oei'veo i to luit"lIOSO lit i lilliug titi' O nIer t o oxtenul a h ((litiOg Itautil to tite tin'hiOliihiilitS of thi e uuteni lucro zi t Ihn t liuto of h ii ti t' Pelt test ¡ieuuthA pl utii Whl'i'eh)y tue Seuretat'y.'l'i'euisuir(bi' euuuuhil foi'e'itutItu e utitiou ¡it of thin ti nuitli lcuielh t itullno(h lute I y lihiOii lecci e hugoffheluih notIce of heath of a uticinhiot', Oithtüi' 1y uhu or botter,ivouhui be 111lIre ilpu1ociilte(i buy tbuocj coiiee ulich,

THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED AWAYh I. hue(:ujtuiijH ¡uy suiii il ¡a ty lo ropoi't lluat_ duuu'iiug hin hast

YCill' 57 of oui- nteinb)pu's hava iiuisscuh tlirutuigla hie gateway tufIieathi. :Duil (uf titis ntiiiiiier Ihiat liceo hitOS Citi hoyo titi, 26 oftIlO Iueneflcluti'lcs or depeiidtiuuttu \b'ere (lehui'lVe(h of tilo DociliBonefit featutre of $100.00 due to tilo fact thuat lito paylnolil tifdiie itas uleghoelcii, Many (uf thiuuutu veu-o ]oiiowii to all ofyou, aiuti %'ero ilion \H'lio hiutel utivays taken a voi'y acthve lIaiti li lloo.lJoo lIeti tithes '' uut1 s'oro utiutolig It nttusi loyal licht'oorters.

Proni i liujitl iluttutlug ihteiva IChS otiu' Puist S nlrhc, Itobort if.Inhuliluu, knou'ui alitI loveul buy tluuuuisa ¡tuis uf 11(x)-J ita IIi roughiouitthe huniul.

(iii)' A , lluielb, utnothlor ouue of ou r ittuts t huiyah 1boo'Jluuiuss'orliors, one u'Iio hiaul ¡I iuriei'iiiuis I lit hi is hot_un iuuliiuh tile it IghiIdoak IIiI cl hirliuc.hluheut of thi i s uti'gaiilzation 81111 vliii liad inuieltlo do s'itI hit'Oiilotlutg I is causo iii tIsi \Voc't. recuuuutiy heft. nurlib hIlt &iì d uttlilbtil't)lis others urlio . have oui huporleul the Oruhormost hoya By utml tabou active ivau'ts lui its ilnvelohuiutOfltli. Williethey Itave guille froiii our ¡n idet lii ay llave left houhtind frielluhoof Iba hloo-hhoo hciuutl, anul theIr thevotloii to 1{oit'Iioo will hIveIn fliouuiory, is their proilluit ioui of lust h i li , Ita p 5)iui055 aliti hotigh ifo hiut srnouuthieih hife's ltlth s'ay fou' et hitos,

In reineinburaiiciu of a Il ib ose uvhlo luavuu lulls -ueuh huoyoiid thur.Ing the yea i' tui(i that thteir lieutuuficlaries lilitY huuow that hou'Iloo recuigai Ices citi] ulptrnciat(s ÏV9 litton bei's a.iuub licols thiouutIn Inoliluiry, h wouilul i ike to suggest tintI. the ConiaI ittee oliIhusohuitlon s hilt ill I)i'i)l)ol forni a ouibuugy to be iitutlhuud at tIiltIme lo all of tini buereaveti faiiullies of l-ioo-]Jou puisoluig beyouuulduring the inst year.

INDEBTED TO FORMER OFFICIALSI ulceeploul tile responsi bibities and dtitles uit (luis office

Iuecauiso of ¡uy failli and conihuhonce In its hwinciplos aiud J)llrposes.

I wut tabo this opportunity of bringing to your attentionagain the splendId services that have boon rendered this





C, E. MURPHY (11371;


Sait Luilce City, Utah

Oruber j n Ib tilie of ti lHtl'OOli by uity lund i'coosor, hi rotlior 'l'olI.liii il t, aiuii Ititlit Saut i'hs S e'luhtui Ilitti I'rIuitI i (i, 'l'ilO uui'o tilo Bieni'hio are roul)onHl bio for tltuu sldiiultl lu vay lii vlilt:ii thìe O rtiei'

tif I I 00_jJf00 has uveuutlie rouI the storm. 'l'liti Oi'tiuur, uuuui euuchiiuflui every one of Its ¡iiorìiluors, titres a great ticiit of gratltuuiuuto titese ¡uton rhi Ich it can llover l'oPa)'. It muta their spie nthluliilil il ty a ¡luI heulderiih Ip, antI tli o efforts cutI energy uvii Ich theyiuitui bill t fot'tii In thin lii oct officlen t lea uuutuw tiiutt huts placeult!il Oiiou' lii the shilOILcIlul Ilnuliiciah ilu)Sllluull 11h11, It uvetit liiiviioii ul ehlvuui'etl over to nie to proceed wi ti,

As i huuuve sIa teIl , tlae orgaithouition wuic hutiuui oui OVO F tulilo lu s iuhoitul Íd ennui I LIon . IVI til I li o WI) rhi uf tiioso mon coiiiltieteii i li bul'lnglltg it (ulit tif Its thhfficiihtlnii, It Willi titolI up tuililo to Pl'(uuibO to itio causo itli(1 to soll i te lurllielpios to tiloluiitu luci' nul ah h led iiiul us trios, h have l)rocontlod In earryliugnuit ¡uy (itIllos t O the itos t iiI niy ahi il ty, yud lt huis takori nieseveral intiulths, to lungi ru wIth, to acquiallil inysol f witla timfacts I n uuruler to foi'iiiti I uilo vlitiis thiutt wutuhul citable inn tuicarry on the voi'hc intel] igontly, Thoi'efoto, iii thit' tbtst fewumili ils I Iiui'o onu oluvoroel to phuuy th o gaizti tif a gooti olutiorveritnd ilutenci',

Yt)li ahi iuiuis t. hoi ow, d tirIng the past fou r inuintlis (iIi)Ord or o t I boo1ioo luts benut given ai u ¡tIlia I toil (1111011 0 t tuf

lui tlu Is lue O ruler owns the Iutiulhuer 'l'i'aule E'ress¡111(1 Ass ocluitlon PuliI lc'atloii of the Uil l ted States Intl Can aduta big 'ote of tIlulillOi, as tluuuy llave nuost wIllingly given luBellval ulahule SluIce In theli' 5) ubibicatiotuis in ciurtying tIlo advo rtls.lug alud ¡leurs of tun nc tIvitlos tul the Oi'ulor, roitewliig anilstl'ellgtla citlitg tilO ill teins 1. uf i to iuienihers atiti oiuuibil I iig us Ittgot tito nierits of I foo-Iioo huoforti hulnubor aiiuh ul i I loti i ntitist.r Ins,Aiuti lii the itast few nionthus we have gahuuoul thin uuulpport ofseveral of llio loadIng retaIl uuuusocluutiono anul uuiany othio acuso.eluitlons vhilch liare to ib wIlli tuo h u ¡iiiue r uil iiuutry,

'l'ho Oriler Is iiiiuior a tletui obi igatltuuu to the Loin lier'Iraule Prese anh the Assoclatioii Journals, thu Asaoehatloimwho hetve binen active and wilhitig in giving their support aiutiCO-011era t iou t o I loo-! i oui, utitul I luiuov th at a rosolo thon vl bi

he passed In JustIce to all.PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN

During the lilontit of billie h build ins" hubuilis fin' cutrryiiigoil a iuuihliclty cullnl)algH ill huhuu b f uf lii e (butler tf i Joo.lfoosoil prepared advertIsIng t:ehuy 111111 (:11(5 Hilcil luit uvouilth heappropriate for featuiring (lie iutni'lts anul lillrP(tse of I lueOrder. Tilo haslo of tuis (aluiliaIglt \vuus to sncui'e hic suippoi'tand tilo coolteratlon (uf nicuutlrni-s to ib Onu Day's Work forHoo.Hoo.

Tile l'esullts vere inuchi greuttor than h liad anticipated.'l'ho puliI 10113' prepared by 11H utud t bi e Liiin ihr Press, vltIi tileopecilic advortisliug copy uscii hty the I toitlier trade press,brought in excellent returns, urhicli iulo%'e(i agutin tivat ativertis.

and pubihicity pays.I- received many lettera from lulnborttieii seekIng in

as to how to quahify Xor melnberuliIp In the Order

kì' .:i]:,


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H. R. ISHERWOOD (29516)Sondai y'i'l'oiisllrpl'

st I4tulls, Mn.

aliti fur iLpphiiuutloii 1111(11 ku fi'ton thlo ti I fforniit Itarts o theIrlilteil Statco 111cl Canadii. I luso iiiuvt IlliLny cuitios of whomtliti (till menilters svhio have p0111111 teul theIr diat's to muso wroteIii reiiuinstlng lnfurrnuttioii ait tui how tu) roinsluito, 'l'ho cani-palgii iiutui ¡uiuuu:hi to ti o us'i tu Iii ouI rIng Lii ' vhu:ugoi'oiits luauthose viio '.Vel'e uttIviu in tian Order In uui'rituìgltug for colicuito-rutilIons, and iiii lnuuitlretl inaiiy in theIr d Ist r ido i u seek mom-hortuhllli in tuo Oruier.

A Atol) I ¡t hie rigii t il lmnctbon, uhu uiiu ft uuuui \vhl Ich tuoOruhtur huts uunil Cull lIent) Ill , lo seen Iii pl utn e llluLl lti'iiig tu e¡lbellillors aiul huiin Itorin on t ogotiici' ititti e' I rouhuieiu thy iuiitl atotilu3i' tiiiaes t hut ii conca tonatlons Now O r hoululo luts talionthin head with a Hoi'los of hllnchloons, 'osiliting itt tuo ol'gaiilza-tioll of ¡L suhuotutntliii ululi aliti ol'oetlon of a algo luui Ilulingto itutuiso the chili did provid e office sltiuco fo r Ill lilie viio llaveto do uvi thu tll(u huimnuier latin shy. CutI lfoi'n la iiuuitigui ateul tileItl oui et lu nciioono aliti i In ¡mr hitones, wit Ich bruuuigii t togetiloriuiiut tonnen limb theIr vl y es, tluuuiglt tcurie tiuub Huvuuotii oarts,l'ostili buig I n iluilcil good for tIti, Oi'ulor. A. ont'lu's of ii igiihylrofltuthhe gottogothior llincheniuiu wits held Iii Ht. Louis,

THE LADIES TAKE THEIR PART\Vo ai'e h Ivliug i n a now e rie h oduly, lii uvii i cil liii, leu hes nro

takluigiin lin lueltuuilt part, ut ii il hua 511111011 lItt tu (3Y lie con ti'oiihiigtimbro to tile extent of luboilt 80% of tim pllrt'bluuslng uioworfor hue huit her ltr(id lInt In tu o C(illliti'll('tlo ¡1 1) f tIte houito, lt Ish ighi timo that we gi ve tlieiii ilue COlisl(l('t'ILti(llu 11mb ¡'ocogni-tIna. 'l'bere foie, i wallt to s oui action I 111(011 lit this uiiootlilgwhllcil svii! entubihui us tut i'ovhuui oialio Iii us'llichi (lie hahlos vliIplay a plut. 'bile luiiC('(utiti of ¡iiuuiy colic;utonat ioius I n tun juiustyear 1h10 licou uhuin to tile fact. tliiit tilo hidIos have licou Invitedto take part In thin sossIoii on tilo ¡'lut.

While I have made many fluggostlonB whIch have to dowith the InitiatIon, I want to Impress upon your mmdc Inmaking these suggoetlons that the prIncIpie and the purposeare undisturbed, The changea will only have to do with thecourse that we wIll pursue and the method 'that we will useof applying the principies to the industry and In making theImpression upoti the member's mind.

'lucre la mulch that could ho accoiluitllsuind, If il vero pos.uil lilo foi' th e sneretnry-treasul'er or i cpi osOntill Ives to visittu o tibstricts aliul tOl'l'l t oi'Is vliIeia iiutvuu hoyrti uuutumn louis uindwiilcii aro reauly utliul wIllIng to put thiobi' efforts uuiiii eiiel'giestortii In orgailleluig their d Istriels aiiul In ii'v i vlutg lIetI vi ties,but it Is utterly Iuuipossihhe for tilo seei'otuiry-trenotirei to coverall ululo of the country as he would like, Thioi'efore, If tilofinances us'ouhd bu'uurrant, aliti in lIly ophillim they wIll, I wouhullike to see actiout taken whIch \S'(illitl ill(bt(3 118 lii llave a finidman or ilfl assistant secretary. Subit a loan cuuulul lue usedto splendid ads'ilnlago lia tue \Vest, Noi'tiiwcst aIuti East, andthe Order wouluh greatly beneilt by lilornaso Ill nienibinra nowell as Industry; and the returlis fIoul the effoi't of agoodman would, to an increasing extont, defray the o,cpensos.

Page 8: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death


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ADVANCE IN DUESTILO advance which lias been ¡nadO in (hieS was (liscilfised

n t (ho last smilla! in setliig In Chicago, am! wns erltrustc(I tothe Sujireoic Nine and he members of the lieuse of Ancientsfor their (lecision, was (ieei(lSrI upon and flflf101IflCC(1 aboutthe injilclie of August. I woe not in favor of the advmncc atIba time lt was placed loto cffect-ot because i helieveil tue;ftl VB flee u ii narran I ed or

u on great, bu t du o to tu e fact thatf 1)1cl i(,ved the t moie tthie iou (l be given ni e n ad vance toput firtii tiit reason for tile increase and given more time tosei u tuO InenhI)ereu u pon tuit neru (lie organ uzati on.

But I am nì ughty guRu to be abue to (1(uvus( you t hat theI ettiriis from the annual uj5 notices are least gratufying,Il n (i am n ut ing to tul ¡si It a t tu us time tu at I was in istakon inmy opinion, Jloviever, I ;iiii of (h e hou u f tut. the d lles slioiiWlin 1L(I'flhi(Oii to tt l(ast 7,5O or $9.00 fur 1922, aiuu that the(hCihkiJI in tuile respect iioiilil lie osado at tuile meetIng, so asto give inc i !suile tinì to sell the Ordei upon that heals forI 922, nial In wirk (lilt (111f plans aiiii actuvitucs lu a(lvance ofthat tliiio and in liropoition to tun dii that s'e vill (leCl(lOu jiiii \Vhat h e ni nisi hers ileinanil is action , icti y I ties andlife. We (nu croate uniI promote to their entIre satisfactionif we iliive the funile to lo vitli.

CO.OPRATlON WITH VICEGERENTSI IIILVP (ili(leli vojed to do ¡uy hes t I n copertitlng wi tu the

V i('(gPr(iits h)y keeping thiiiii hiifoiiiii(l of hieis as tliojr ciisie1(1 IIie n iiiy tiavels it nd hiroiigli tho tcthvhthís of the othici(lIai riots, und ti) insIst. them in every ViIY I)(isshl)be III ghvbiiglucir 111(1(1 luge billihbehly iiui In conves'hrig tui resulte of tliehinitivi I hu to the 1iiiiil,i 'h'raiie l'ines, tititi. Juicy iiiiiy sociiieIii piiiihhiity thiiit they \vcie disni'hiig of, yet I have not lotieRH ululi (15 1 (%i)lIl(I have licou IO, 'viiheh was hifll)Q55I))h( i'ithitui liolp sial i(bihIiiiieiil thilit I lisce to do si'itIi

1y (''l)(libeii(:c \VitS hibetiticith to I hittt (if ¡ny liÌ((I((:(ss)',111(11 ii or 'hotiriatit, aH i n smIting tun tetiitiithis vIihclt IiIiv((

IIOPII I aneth ve for any greit t length ((f t. h nie. I t was a I waysgr;il i f)' h iig i t) il ud , iiosv oser, that tu e s p i rl t of I Iool [oo won0(1 ly I y lag dotisati t an d that t hie old in cailiors wore al waysglad of lie ouiuiortiitiuty to i'en'Ive the voihc nial activities iftho Order,

As I have lirovhtilisly slated, ht s iinfiiittiiiato tliiat it viisIni iisa i ihn for tun in I h e ohfiehiths 0f thi Is organ bzi thin to covertli i vas t terri tory t hie t n oeils icorgati za ti on, and to seq nahtiti ho in 'situera eilt ii hi o n ccies h (y of gott i ng hou i id the Ordertinti esnbt Ing ho jirotsiolhtig tite uthiiciuhes niitl purposesviiti olty all siotihu gicathy bainefi t,

I atitio iii' I où iii u chi stiess n pou in y ahiliiechat Ion of hie8I)l(tiil bd Sliliplirl that bias hiinti ghvoii tue by tIto Siinrlc of thinIbnivot so, hltuthior I Ihscox, utah itieiiiliets tf the Nhiie vIio huestutlii'n au lui ve liait a inh hiuive ihono tishi' duty ha ()uLl'neiit,l'li iq e is ali lieti i'i' vutv uiuuh hid hiou í t u u hag yen vIiva1 theyItiivii uaccoinphhliviu i lien to cIte tIto i'epgrts fui flic juristlhet bon s, s hiIhi speui hi for t ileflhliehVOS.

CALIFORNIA LEADSTu e ophond kh svork fiait huts licou a ccoiuipl hshioii Ii)' thu

Saat k of this Universo in huis Jiirhuoihcthuin in certaInly of greatcredit to hihtii uniI hbs co-vorbiirìu. 'l'uic Stato of CuihhfornluL hasoil I n ntiuiuiuur tif aev rnetuibiors lui hi e ycuir, 'I'iiern 'va.ss noStitt I n thou Iltiion thiuit I huye vhnhteul ho iiiy ttuivehs seIt ere i

Ii ave fcai ith t iie sii Puuort ni h IonI loo as I foutal It in tuo Stateof Cuuhlfoiiiia They huyo grasped tIte higher usais and thio1)111 POSO of t h e Ciii or, ito il nich uhu every h iiI tvlilual wli o hastaken a puirt i ti litoliloti ti g the un'luci 11h05 la as iienolhted, as huisthe industry at largo.

't'li at vhi ich hiss hen acconipl shed is of greuit cred i t totIto vic'get en ts of tIint S tat n, is they Iiutvc unti rl ugly pitt iii siroffoi ts senil energy u n pronuothug tuo cutuse ¿mil i nereasiag tunnioinliersluip,

The Orihor owes the success for the pant yeuLr in t.h In.crease of Iiieiiiiuoriuliip to ihm sphoniuuiu vorhc that lias l,eoiiulone by this vbcogerentne. lt is only through (heu' supportand co'operathoii that It has lIcou p05811)10 ti) accomplish vhutthas licou ihane, sud I cannot express myself in words or wilt.Ing as I won Id lIlie in ox tending uiiy uipuircchatbon to the vice.goronts vhio liars renderci! this splendid service.

CONCLUSIONCopien of tIto report on tue 'orle of the \Ticeg(irutlts vhhi

1be made and (Iuntt'uhiltc(I that everyorìo. unu»' hinoes' vhuitlias been uicconlpbhshie(I by the Vhcegerents uii flic variousdistricts.

I vattt to letuti up to one thought, and I want you to keeuithinking along tlnit hue; that lie success of thin Oriler dOEpeilils upon the iiieit tliuut are ha flic ¡loitI, the toen who acceptappointments as offhcern of the organization and as Viceger.(lOts. ILS success, ian I have saId, in the future, and the creditfor Its succos, will be duo to titeas. It Only retnuilna, fromlily point of view, formo to l)i'OVIdOthe basis alud the methods

and plans that will assist them in carrying on the woric Inthe different jurisdictions aliti tite d i stricts.

'l'ue uiilestion which J liare biongiat tip In Connection witht he Suipt'oiui e Ni no is otie tiiuit is gain g tò itiean more in thisot'ganiauitioui thuin any ottici' one recohittion that cati 1)0uttlop ted hieiu ttitiuiy, us 11(1 tliuit is iluLviug sitie iii en in each Jons.(lictioti itisteuid of one. 'l'iiuit will enahihe its, by having themember of this iuiiie who is selected foi thiesri different Jans.dictions, select an advisory hoard o1 uuuetnbei's who are rep.reseji tativo of the ilhffei'on t litan chues of this iti(hltsti'y tu nought.out that JurIsdiction ; uitth I hopo I hat If this idea and planIs h)tit tiii'oitglt it 'ihh lie hiOssIlile, thieti, for us to holdan annush meeting of nun own iii each jiirhs(licthon prior tot hie aiititiuil tiuseti ng.

I feel flint I hiui VO tahceti n p otioughi of you i tIme, andhehheyü hit oniher for nie to, thui fuii'thei justice to tito ttiuittoru t u u I be !iacessuii'y ti) touihie fu t'Elio r exuihuuiuition s lUid stig.gen fions, which I hiuive hirepuiu'eil for p reseti tuition to fIte mciii.liens a t a lutter (hate. i than k you,

( This Stipretiuc Snuuihi h euh the iii e ir,hiens in l'()lI(lel j iig thislIoû.I-Jo ydll after tb Secretary conchuiuloth his l'sport amilue remiiarks.)

i tee, Siruphitu : I (lii not irish at this thus to u nd et'tnh(eti) ii cltiuiwh (sigo oti i' i Oli elitetitioss to out t SUpIetiic Stiarlc utniltIRI otlivi' officet's. of tuo Ordei', hitit I hohl) befote thIs sessiotiCtiliiOS tui it chose t hisi' wI I h lie ut 1)101) 01' resolut tian con veyhiugOil I' SC tise of grati tinI e to thiose wit o li a u's heil the Oid e r otitof tli o uhhffictzh tise of a few ycuins ago. Oiis of thi e tli i age t huitI t l'y ((i lo gohiig Lhìi'oughi life is tule : E (lotit vuiht titithh I Isolicui,aa'ti imito ii fellouve 01)1(1 face to teli hi i ni what I thiink of ulm,If h hilo uni h hot lihtiu hçtiosv ht uvhiiho lic is uihive,

I lisps Ihisie \vih I be a uii'omm' l'oic i ttg of flic gi'at.h tmho wefell to this Stihui'etne Snuii'hc, to tiiu Simprotiis Nino ululi tO thihY(iil tig euh \vhio cui tite i mi to tuihuc tuict h) h ace of i 'usi. Stiuii'li mdSeme tmmry, E. 1). 'd'eu imaim t, attih vli o Iuu; chotis so tnticii for ils.\Ve mn List t'cui hizo flint, iii li hs esloetiotu us sccI'etuu'y'ti'easurei'no ni istuhue wums umiumclo, \Vo huiro I oaI'iiech to hove BrotherI I mccx, uciot mmc mn hstuthce scuts muido vhetm tuu mantle of thisOm'der was h)tlt tipoti Ills shiouhhsrs. j nc.w umuove that thmeso reports, with tIiehr recolnntommdatiotte, now bis nsfsi'red uit ommeeto the eta tal h tig colmi nui ttees of this order. os thai humoper actIonCulli ho taken oit tIm e recotiuimuotmchum thons tiiuiiornow.

The mmtotiotm was secoitchech hy llrothier Iloggess and wascumm'ricd. ltovorsttih Simas philo tumeti Iìmutde um motIon to expressIlmo iil)h)I'((ciulthoti of tIme order tui limo officers amid umlh menuhernvlmo li uaui wom'i«sI faith fu Ihy to cuitry on time vorhc of thio Om'chsr

. nial for il s suiccose umtid 1(r(isluem'ity duum'i rig timo pumsi yeuar. Timelilo thou seims secoimch ish by lìrothuer 'IcG m'umili atol uvuis u miami itiititishy earned.

'l'li o Hiijursimic .Siiumi'k h t is cuis tolituii'y to have ut tocotmiiii suds Lion fi'oin flic ¡houes of ,\ ticients . to ii aro a comm I ttseOit Good of tIme Oudor, il. COtiiili ittee on ltosohumtiuctms and a comnIii ittec' otm Noam ilmut(jotis \Vo have vithm ais, uis immeta hmsm's of t 1mo1Iøitss of Ancistmts, l'ast Simuamhis Pi'Iddie, Iluidhoy nail Seidel.h f they hines atiy recoin Ineimduitlons, they Cliii ttinn tlmen orsi'to the propsi' committees.

Them is mio more loyal JIoo'JJoo timaim Past Snark 'roim-mint. When i heft him oti tImo Coast, he sxpcctouh. to go toSeattle uiiuuh return hiero thus nmorning, huit hie lias not boonuulilo to do so. We liare received it largo muummmthor of cotmainlltlicittiùuis, letters uttmij telogm'ammms vluichm cvi Il be rouuj J atom',hut h vilI mead at this thus ut lottea' 1maL mas lisca receivedfromii llrotlmor 'I'onnammt,

Letter from Past Snark TennantJ

'l'ho Sumpreimmo Sumimmic thmem'ouiiioti read thio following lottom'troia l'ast Shark E. 1). Tetuttcttut.

San FrancIsco, September 4, 1920.Mr. R. A. IJiscox,

Smmutrk of Elmo Universo,

Concuttemmn tech Order of I-Ioo'l-foo,St, Louis, Mo,

Ijsam' Brutluor Iliscox and Momimbers Asseimmbled at 'rwcnty-Nimitit Atmnucmh Meeting:

lt is withm a great deuil of regnet nfl(i a feeling of keenilisutppoimmttiieimt thmal I anm coinpeilc(l to fom'sgo tIme pleasureof 1)011mg wiLli tIme memmibors assemIih)he(i at tue 'rwenty.NinthAnnual Meeting of thus Coimcatetiated Order of lIoo'IIoo.

I huaro been hooking forwam'ih for months to tmusatlng withamy niumny oid Iloo.1Ioii friotshs at this year's annusi, but veryItiuportuant hiusimuens iuuattors which t'equino my personal iht-tolitiomm w ill dotumin mas en tIte \Vest Coast another week,imueking it Impossibje for nue to gatto St. houhs in timo forthe meeting,


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however, if I ata not vithi you lii h:ocly, I wIll lue In spIrit.l\ly bellst in and i'eguit'ih foi' tIme Order of JIoo'JIoo is stromigertahay i hum eve r, \\Tsnij i f hot for this fuuct tlmum t I fool I huiroel(em) t all tIm e tinco I lnsoihuhy cou Ich iiffou'd to In active iIoo.I Icco c'cii'hu att d that uy Pem'somual bttshnc'ss affairs noce demnamiultimo prefeuetice, I cc'ouml(i hmave il roppeil svei'ythuimtg acuti huurrledI o St. Lotus, but I feci eine evemy mmasimilier wIll rauthhze amyitohtIotu ummiul lin ow amy heurt ha stili itt tus mighi t iti ílCC,

Pm'echictiomìs whiichm I mnutuhe live ysnrs uugo that Iloo.híoohuid ut luhaco \vit]ihui tImo hummnbsr Industry, vIm Ich in tet'uiuml strifeamicI ii mutoi'tu ouate iiuuuitichal tm'oumhl os coit huh muot d eprhve i t of,humee nioi's t hiusti coins tt'ulc), 'l'ha t seim iclt I worke(I aluch hmouueuifoi' tim ncuutghi thi (s foui' yost's of may seth ve Imiuemiumgoxnetmt of thusOt'uhem''s heishmm oes chic im's lia s iuesn umm:ouiujuhhshioii, so t cat toilutyatiy nicimi nui' vls o is mmot P1011th of thou mecom'd uimu(l mutatmuh i mmg ofI loo'! loo, chili o m' lias soiimcthi h ng \vI'iuucg sell hi lì is tu cimfuil nuumlco.il P or huis ii ot gruispoul the greui t vumhuie amiul st m'oiugthu offriutoi'mtumh fm'hon d s li p uimmmotcgst much cliugagecl hit tu e natmie limeof busIness.

As tic tIm e \VOI'hu of i hi o [um tim n'o, I liare haul mnnmmy ceumfom'emtcostl tI viti g thou ua s L nix Itioiuthne withi Secm'etimny.'I'I'(ciLstmmol. Ishmer.vood, ii iiciom's tan (1 Ichs ¡datis uimmmi fin Ihy a 'urovo of (lieus, as hie

h ums, Ito cloum ht, i nu li is report fumi I y ounti Itinch e uggesh homus ammciI) lummis for tim e vou'ii ol' hm o cotum i mmg yeumm', It, 'wi h I timem'oforeIl (it ho tucico,ssum my him' nu o flu cluihcoi'umte oim tlmenu Im curo,

'l'li o salk o f Secrets ry-'l'm'cnis un m'ai' lshei'wootl, Snark Ills.VOX, iitiiei' ttiiciii h)Oi's ccf tIme Sulh)i'(mli(c Nitue nocI time VicogeromitSiiumt'hcic huts bicom toast SuiCCOSst'(Il. 'i'imc'y ums (Iosorviiig (if tImeli igboot l)i'uiISO l'üu' the s'cct'y (cffiOh(ctii ttiuuuitism' iii vhiichi tlmoyhave commcluncte(l this cvon'hc of tic o Oc'cici', Stnutn'hc I liscox luish is imormmci Statc', (ichhfçii'imbum, iitniit, tlh( c; lis it mno(Iei of \vlmmatI foe I h ouu cui nu um cccuiic ici ¡cli, luid i L ho amy gm'eat helio othuom'sl.uitc's \s'ihh 'fohio' Cujhif(ti'tuiut'u( oxu Ililcie timid do iIke\yhsù,

h tu t Im Is comm mi ((CtIOic I cii mnccui'ely lisps thmcc Imienm hem's 1)105(1st%vi ii accept t hi o i am vii mt ioni of thicc Ci ty of Fc'esmio, Cahifcim'n lui, toIn (1(t flu ei's, t. it t l'((Ut''H um n n tmuti, Ciii ifonnin hmas ilclmly stanimoulLii (i ii otmoc', atol i t, ccii h dci oti n' cuis Iciuc mmmeinlusn'cu good to ColimoOil t ici F'i'csnmii um (I cvi c'ti hi cc cv Cui I i fom'mmia inicia lien's d o it,

As stuitecl lucc fccc'e, S com'o . t uml'y-'I'm'eumsun ncr lhìcci'oouI is fui hhyeotmvorsummct hmm to ' icicucs is to t,iic'. fufcin'e of lIoo'Hoo, Ueyolmuiono (ir tuvo i lioiaghctn vhmhc:hm I vhhh uciOlith(itl luter, I mare 11m)s uggssthotcs tu) lii lt (cl Icoycutmil what, lue luts givemi yost. I wotildh lk', Imowovor, tI) turgcc tmlcon you to tumbe tinal actioii towiurdi n ''(crh)on'umthtmg t hi e icclet', uini cl mIso tic li h)lO mit a real activeCotucimuittos tic 1'((\'Ii(C lie nit.tiuih amid otiggest new inetrunctlonsIan ti bleuis to V icegccrccuits for thmo conulcict of coltcatenathons,

Itogam'chilug fli (u cy.iawiu, wo hayo csnuouigii of thonm to rummii, (ho/sim miniers. '11cc muet of ilicom'pom'at ion wIl I req uilro somascliuumges, JiO.,'oiid linking iimuune Iic(eesccumny 011(1 correctingSollas Immhtuoc' (letal Je, I stiggest leutvimig thmsnm tilonue and devot.I mi g al I Ilmo t i time I)lclsihicc towam'cI bimhhdhug for tIto ftltuu'o,

'lime foi'ogoiumg ici'cc uihI flic stiggcustiomms I 1mayo to ballo,Fcohitmg stii's there cviii lie a large lttniuilcor of old experiencedlIooiloo, svhuo have bio welfare of timo (biler at heart, unosentimt, (imbu nicetitug, i uiuuc t'c)tulc,II t to leave miiumtten'e i Il tIn elm' hmamimls,and feel scire that any action taicen at this utanual will Icefor time best in brous of thie emden uitcui tlmc imew Snuirk amicISu piemime Nl mi o Ich tIl (.y select \vii i bco fit I Iy caicumlilo ofcari'yiimg otu thie wucrk which timo l'ethl'immg Nine ¡cavo m'eiinm-quishod.

Agutimi c,xci'oss itug may gt'eat n'ogrots uil immy muai) i lily to belureevuc t umnuil utiusu ri tig yoci anac nail ail I etanmcu lead y to Johnyou wIth m'sm'y resccuurccc at my colnhiuumtmuh to go forth luto timeheir Jloo.l 100 YC11' ccliii ut ti citei'nmui n,'itloim to eth i i fain hiel' duc'voi oli touch stt'engtlneui timo gm'euttest fruutennial hum itib or icrgummmi.aatlonm on earth, I anmi,

YOU1'O fi'uttsi'lmaily and shmmeonsly,

B, D. 'l'ENNAN'I', I'uast Smtnt'k.I _Committees

' 'l'ue Stipreme Stcai'k tImoni anlmoumicc'cl this appointiimanit oftime foihowlmug commIttees:

Committee orn Resoiuthon81. W, A. Prhddhe, ChaIrman O. Ceorgo WiIsonJoñen2. J. C. McGrath 7. II. J. West:1. Don S. Montgomery 8. C. E. Price4, w, A, Hadhoy 9. Judge JIanlmnanmm5, Franhc Ilodges

Good ofOrder1, Peto Langan, ChaIrman 6. Jos. S, N. Fai'quhiar2. H. C. I3eiI 7. p; M, huilier:1. Clarence C. Mullen 8. G. Olear, St Louis4, B. li, Julien 9. P. F Cook5; E. li], Cottreli

Nom inathono

I, L. I), Muy, Cltahrtiuutmu ii. George Schwmtrtz2. L, .1. Pollieroy 7. IC, C Enarte:i, Cari Defonbaughi i. L, b'. Garrett'h, Simlimey S. May 9. W, Il. Laminuminfc, II. I), Foote

'FImo Supremo Sniutn'hi tiiemi roqulostoul timo chalnimion of theccciii tu ittees t ii cicli mmuoetins of the comuni i flees for threeo'ckmck of tim is il uy, amid 1mo ualso stato(i thmat at three o'clockthis miueuiu hem's of t ice I h aulne of Anteleim f5 nail Supromne NInohcresenm t utlst) iVOtI Ich hmoich a mileotinig ti) ci isctnss and (lommsi(iorruinous Itlatien'i., ucffei' fing thi e iii tei'ost of Ihio Orden Ail ofticc cottiin ilteeic a cci timo itienu ho t'e icf t lis Itcctiso of Amieiotttsnach Sin un'emmm(c Ni us miicut uit the iioti i' slut ecl , utimul at a litter

uciccum sumhctn i ttc'cl I lieu' I'(cicom'ts to Ilmo Con vetut Ioni . 'Vliese i o-huts umtuci icconti tiictiihaiiiiims iiu ncuti' uit it litten' pohimt In thisi'UlcciI't,

Oim mimotioni, thu mmneothng \S'a5 timen utcijotirneil ciiitil 9:09um. ici,, lm'hchity, S cc lilcummu lscr i 0th,

LForenoon Session, Friday, Sept. l'o'l'hO Cciii Vint lhccui vmis citi loch to tunIsi' mit 9 : 09 im. 10 , Frl.

mi icy', SilictOtim Icor 10, uitiil use i itg i (i t im i' luLcic of a (Iuiorumm, onI micctiomm Icy .M t'. Uni rgoyncc, s000licicii Icy 1\Tl'. lioggos s, flic 11100f.inig s'ums umchJocmi'ned umuitil JO : 09 ii. mii, oi' timls tiny.

A t tul io ttm iii ii tes lacet toit, S.uptc,nnl)(ul' :1 0, Sti i)roino Sibilii I isc:ox cul bd timo tuucceti ng to on'ch on', a quoi unii hiel ng proscrit,

Stmicu'icimie f'4miat'iu h hïnc:ccx m:umhietl umpciim Smniuromno (ihaphaitm''Siiuihch(Imi, ct' ;ilt. I,uchuu (ity, Illudi, ici iuhcli'css time mtlou,tlng atlimb linie,

1) i(:cc)u:tuI( i'it((i(l(i(l'M ¡((l(it',,l;l( is )il'Ii(iQ(J mm') ii. n1)ataio imitinolicc(ifl(' t cu,, '''ice Si,lcit ol iiu,i-i Im,),.' Il m'iii lin tmccmn,tl elm cago G)

'limo Sciumm'enao b'uiumnic : (h iciitlaimmeim, I Jimuit loe, z lind a fuvIii iuium tOi' migo frci mm oui r ciclCi'otuil'y flint sve hiitvj vIthm us thisliicciti Ing tli(c gen tiontmiuu vhio ss'roto tlmuu hiookhot rcforrod toh)y '' h'ai'eon '' Si ni idus, liti ' hvsl Io wslm Ip ; 'Ilmo Ba sin of Truelhiuit ions Iic)t\'icoii iii piccyc I' utili Emtm Iuhoyo(c '' V7'o ire tomlsygl vitig gl'OiLt er SVO Igic t Iliums (i vom' to fol I movshm Ip arid brotherlyh 00) in h lcci.I hua. \Vo \Vuuii lii app i'tceiat o im fosv svtim'chs froual'uI r i h owuin'il at t lais fummo, ( A hihihuttlse)

.AI)l)IthSS fly Mli, ClAltENCI II, JIOWATIDI'm'oicI.mi f of tim s Coimcumiuinm went Ii S fuel Coimm limmoy, St. Louis, Mo,,

. imnm(l l'ina i cisti I, l'lt, fotmls Cocmnmcli, Boy Scou te

of Annem'lca,I i'. h losviu'&i : Sicuirhi of thue (lic IVOI's() timid goimfielalon, T

a ni gcd mig t o tel I ycci a little story about thio origlicatlomu etthis little hiumnImhullIet, mimI 'liuit cuit' tlouim' frind said today hattm sii m'e lie mom Ici froiui im is imeam'l , liecumunse ut luau cou hut speakiii:) his duos tnimleics lie liscI his Cotulioctlomi svltha (bd, 'I'oo1)1 uuiiy of us aie goitmg a n'citi mmml cvi tim ou I oui' switch tuned onunicI wo ut's hot gettitig im climoct cotimiectloni You hayo hoardt f thicc cotmiech luLlm lm'umti hi 'i'l titi uy, Soincoime cimIci , ''I'rank, bowul iti 3'Oil i' stoic t takcc him Iumgiuitiih ? ' ' h I e cutId, ''Fla cuy thoughti t . scums ati Ini tenui issiotm, I )mI t i t oven', but it Just. laId thora,''\Viietm I s'mms outil ed tcc I'hihiuuth ci ulm la lico years ago to make afallu at time Etimploymimemmt Miummuigon's' Aseociittlon I slicks ontimO ocil)Jc3ct m'eforn'c'(h to atni thmocmghit it wits pretty gocud, Ev!-(duly Il wits uiheacl uf Its thimis, E "put lt over, but it laIdtiuoi,ci,,, I toit som'x'y fuir it and felt eoi'm'y 1w niyeeìf.

. I wan cumh led to Puns lui coni mmectl(cnu vhthm timo Peaoc 'frosty,just tubi the umrnmhotim,ic, and was itI Itllrolie thiroc or fourmniiucticcu, I welmt all mcvoi' timo (ievastate(i districts, talked InflUt Y. M, C. A. liuitn unici showed ut hot icC etoroopticoni ploturcco thmi'iiuighotlt tilo tsm'ritoi'y from Imcmi'l up bisar to Colilena,(ìeI'ucuumlny,

Dii Immy i'(utul ro I hail iimì invitation to an inujuq m'lui couiferoces at Silver hay New York, I suald to Mrs. lEeward,"Of coures, they d(mtc't want ii niinssumge from Ilosvard ; they%vammt mm iilsssulg(i fl'ouui (J och, unici i nmumcct l'ecolve th at tlmrougiihìuiiitilty' luid iiie1cnesn," S'o I teiegm'umphed lilY office to senilI)) (i ummiy lmmemuoran(l ciumis I luid hirenuurc'nh omm flic subjoct of''h tilsiilm .uilghuneonlng'' und they son t me timle artIcle, It sr-t'i veci Just uit the nncctiueni t I liad fi nishmed a little ouitlino ofwhat I wotIluh talk iuhcotmt, J i'ucuttl tluI atmil if I had atado myoutlitis fieni fInit anIdo I coulihmi't, imctve ulono botter, 'WhileI vuie j'emcJ Ing i t I wits cahlsil mm the phone by Mr. Towson,vlio imehisul me if I cotmlcln't giro bmimn the fundamentahu of myaddi'eemu, so they could pnimit It, After my address thmoy saidthey 'wantod 1,000 mImeographed that nIght. ThIø article

Page 9: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death

-' . .




IIIUI $JHCe found it way Into twentyKoyen different parnphIet.Over 300000 wero dfHtrfbnte(I Yeateiday I received a littlelinie i'l' lot troni England referring to it as having becii quotedlu ÜU AU8tralIan bulletin.

I oui 81)Oakiflg about tuis Inipereonaliy, l)eeauso vlìeii(bu liV(tR you n ma8eage, you can talk about lt withouthaving You: l)ernonality enter Into it. The only Jot) a mauhan la lo got rid of aelf, and whom lie can control himNelt liabaa accomn IiI hum 0(1 a great deal.

I s'nnt to refer to one point our brother Slmnpkin unen.I iouieii i'Ii ich I)ringa ou t the true relation of mimen and whichuhiHregauila a fehlowmana race, andaI pocition, wealth orhick of i t. \Vhi ( n Eli i N uator (iO I i vcured the greatest prayeit Inthin ivøi Id, I Io Halit, Our Path er.'' I Io (I lii ut leave anybody(uil \Vhiui Jk wiia tVelV(, yeari old lie wua taken to tankfor not going v1 tu h In hiuii'cn tu, and lila anewor bn ngn ou t ar(uuiQii il oli s jiro«,f of relmit oui. II e null, \TInt yo n ot I nhionhul

liii iilioiu i sii y I':i thema biihuì omis ? ' Ile certain ly knew whoIi l Fitthi im i';i H ; iuud when they niild, Your nie timor, youriiiHtei," etC , li (' lilikeil, ° Vhi o are may mother and alHier?'l'lume who il I) t li (i wl I I o! in y F'athior,' 11e alno tmnid Callno uuiin you u fa timer uipoui the earth ; for one In you u, Fiithier,whi Ich in In hieavnni,'

We have npleuidld educational advantages In this Country,with our colicUes of technical engIneering, and they have beenno nucccsofui because they are ba8ed upon a principio whichcatabiiohen right rciation., irrespective of language, art, loca.tian, or any other conditlon. But our cohieges have IgnoredHuman Engineering, which Is baned upon Feliowehip andmeans the treatIng of men as men, and not as machines.We must hnve "Humanics' as well as mechanical

I il on t (iii e ii ii\i' iii iiCii a uiiii ri uiiay iciunv or hio'v uiuiucii houliav J(t fi ciuui Ii1)1)110, i f ii e iii a n ot h'eiiiivshuhji to euuablo liliumto iium'ii vii ii musid for (diioiii, IR, cuirtuiiuuly canumot tino sohiat

hui liuto,

\'i'iipii .i(itiiM (ululi, io ihit huoiiie of ?ulartlma and liuy,iariiia'o uu'ioii st'a.o lo onluituuiui .Jusumo by giving hiiuii a spiouimhid

(i iii ii(.i, tl uiry \vutut si tiuig at li is feet to try to got. spiritualfeid ti (liii Ii imii Pd i ri lia coin J)iu I n ed to Jasmin IIOCuIUOO ?ditry(i lii iliii ululi S(I'Vtu. h lo reliihtuil , ' ÌiT uurthiuu, thi ou art careful antit ron lutti iLi)t)il t i n iuuiy tu lugo ; htu t. (mmiii 1h Ing is mined ful ; and

l riry ii at lt ChiflSi n hint good Inirt, vii (uil shiuii not be takenii molly f;iiuii Iicii ''--a mol tm, today vauit to ho 0lire th at ç'e artitimoûoiuig t iii' one I hing heedful.

'l'ut' F'thitnvali Ip deflutition you viIi find in this Pítiuii)hilotJ iuuuiti fui thirty years stiutiiecl ;uutl euuileavoied to apply inblini miens Thu e i d ciii I hi ad was to falli i I flic ÌIutster's couui.uiiuuuiti, t iiuit t hie VIO 1 ittys shioiuid hut exaiteil and tun h Il la broughthut'; that mut niIti mili get on iou etiulti htmisis 'tvlmei ail,fi'ttiii i ii tt offic' i) Oy i o IIi e jireohti m'n t, would ito ou the sumoitiauut''' 'l'i, 113 it V tuitis mut iou mutleiti t a miti iuigs, ii ed imios t. of thet i ttuuiti cit of lii ' voriui uit ve comum tu froiii muilnumuuilorsta miti higo-tri, tut htit'tl Ui ito diritta miti hug,

i have been much heiped and delighted to note that youlumber people are setting such a good exampie In giving at.tention to the higher things of life. You are the foundationworkers in most everything we have, We must have lumber tostart the foundation of concrete; we must have patterns be.fore we can make a casting; lumber has to be the forerunnerof aimost everyth ng, lt grows out in the forests, where ltshades man and beast and takos care of the bIrds and Is a ra-minder of the protection of our Creator,

You iii e itiitti ng imltt) ItrutetIce (liii Munter's comomnanule that,vt, itt' ii fItti imp und ii i'iitt' ¿il i unen un Lo tin, tumid Limiti vo lot ciii'light oui sitimie Iueforo miuemi thimtt they may Seo our good worksutmiti ghtm'ify-Uo? No, buit git)rify timo ltt)\vor that onablco uste ho hifi t'il iii) ililCi draw all unei uuntú thu Truth. This servicet (i tuai' I'chhon muian also gives us goiuumhmio peace, aud wo fiutiin the 3('i'iiuhimup tito Ituhlowhmig geins on the subject of Pomice:'"J'iuoui wilt keep hiiuu iii iterfect iouuco whose mind Is stayedon theo, htou:aiuuto lIC trustotli iii theo-' "GramiL Peaco havethey thiuut hoyo III)' imiut', amid miotiil ng ohinil offemuil them.

Youi cannot be offentletl or insulted until you get on thelovei of thut' fellow that ti'muuiL to Ifloflit you. Jesus refusedti) tin uivat Anti Solomon salti : "VIuen ut mami's way pleasethin Lortl hie will nitite eremi luis enomuuies to be al peaco withhhsu." And l'mitii sayo, "tioti la not tito author or confusion,bitt of pear' '

i remuiemuilmem tim o they s'hu cmi, I f a. momio ou' a boy would speakaluttuit i ehigion oi iiitttiit God 0m' about the Master, SOuuioonewoniul omey, "You ought to ho tied to your uuiothier's apronstm'Iimg," Now we humuvo founul out, as (hie previous speiikertohil you today, tluat (bd staiuuis in the stuoie reiatláu to niamuuts the reluitiomi or timo princhiule of mathematics to nuuiibors,Whçui you itpply niutthmemathes you uso the principle amid timoprincipio hinds the figures. You never foûnd a figuro hurry


jug to his Job, resuiitimig in fatigue. You never saw a mimantryimig to luIdo figure 9 freni a foliowmnan because ho uhldnt111(0 him. You \%'olmid lunghi at him. So we are learning thatthere is a Principio governing man in time saune way.

J liare tried to io iii muy business just what our brotherhero iimis taikeul about an(l In conclusion I will give you seinereasons. I lived In a little country town, where the Indiansuscii to chase tus somuietimes, and whore timo cow.boys used toshoot up tuo town. A fellow with a six-shooter and a pairof buces would whmu evou'ytiuing in sight. I had to go out tovork because somneoiue hail to help to earn the lIving for the

famuiily. i liad time nicest, mmuost loving, gentle mother any boyever limiti. Of course, now, you will nay, "No, you didn't; Ihaul," Wo vill comnimi'ouliise amid say, "\Ve ali liad." Sims neidthin to nie, tuiiui she wrote it imidelibly oui my ileart-"My hoy,%vo lieve sii m'round eti you with Lii e liest muerai uumiul ChristianInfluence that we know. Now that you mire going to heavehouute, (lie m'esponsiiuliity is Oui your siioumlders; you can uuiekoa ftiiimmro or ut success, I know boys isn't like to be preachedto, but J mumm goim;g tut teli youm fivo timimigs, and. If you viii doth ein, wiuemm YOU are muiii imiti le-ageil mmiii you vi il lieve a miicel)Uttifleoti, a good houuiçt muid hotus of friends." She said, "First,seek comuipammy frosui wiiommi you can inermi and bocomno hustLerby mtssou:imiting with tuoni. Second, never gamniule nor go wheregauuuhii ing is (10110. 'l'li in] , mouver (i rink muer go whore d rimukhuug13 done. Fouuu'tli, siiuokimug is miot so lotti, hut if I used as muiuichiinouutiy for chewing gumimi as seine nisti use for tobacco, theytvouiiil thimik I wits extravagamit," Site said, "Put away themi) outey yell would shuomud fuir these tliimugs to hol1m you throughii fe, aiuti mis you go uuittmug you will always have that money toLeiht thin fellow v}mo was less foi'timmmate thaii you,"

Shin smuid, "Luis t, ittit not heist, I f youi are asked to go any-tvimtirt untI hueve any thouibt uiiuo,ut whether it is prouor for you1.0 gtt, itsie youirsuelf, 'Coumhth i take muy uulotluer?' aiuti if youcouiti hot, uion't go. Neveu thuhmik ou- say anything you aro notto, i I himug for you r mn othueu' to iiear ou' iseo,'' She saul oh e wotihulhot hti'oiuchi to mii e, huit I tui I i heave lt tui the ni huster if thieLis uitut iihtou t mie Ci)uucroto aiuti as gooti a sermn(umi as any miiaucondii ireuuciu.

\Viiemu I wuts a utuitchu h musts' mui)ln-ommtico i woiihui study theenglues in time repaii' suoi) mmmiii i wouiti ask tile umian how thisor that thing worketh, lie said, "lt cost mime moumey to learn(hat, What vhil Yeti ItCY mimo to teli you?" I couidn't stayhim auiytiihmig because i received oniy 24.00 per month andI huuth t(t filly 2O.00 omit of that for luoard and room. I saidto mmuyoolf, "Wimeum I got to be ami employer and lieve a iuiaut,mio Itey will h(t tm'eateti 111cc thiutt, miii I will lieve a placo fori)oys to study, svhmemo they will lieve fice courses." I inviteyou to go to Granite City, whore you will find a ilttle schoolfor enuployoous amid where thit.t Govorumituomit luis somit returnotiwouuuitled soldiers.

'h'odmuy the world hooks dmurk, and It we judged troni justwhat we saw we wouulth be uihscourageth. I whii toil you fourtim Ingo that Indicato Iutuw tutu wom'id is developing. There as-scumiitieul iii l'ano, iii Juumuo, mimen of big caliber for tImo purposeof orgamuizimig ami in toi'iutitlonai Chambeu' of Commerce, In ordertiicLi. sie comuiti balance truole relations and money conditions,get a closer view of occhi other-get arounmi tuo table


look ut ouch otlitti- aliti talk heart to lieau't. At the saune theethere urus being fornisti in Loim(iomm, where the fuithei' of BoyScouts lives, time Intot'mmmutiomuai Boy Scouts' Jamboree, whuorotimers itere boys froue idi ovutm' timo worhti. They couldn't talkthe omumimo hmuumgmuage, itiut they simoolc hamuds amid smelled at each0th Ci' uuuiti timey said, "h'huuut Shells friendship lu my languago,"Now', those boys iL1O gehumg to ho time reclus, absolutely, in thefoucmdathon of time Lemugue of Nations, of higher civilization;er' .d Uiomme boye ;vihl umtivom believe that tuo boys wimo PiuiYOdvitii thiemmi iii thiet i'ing tut timo Olymmipic gammios and contests mire

I)utd fehiows, Oromtt fm'iemiuinimips voro ceumionteul Limero. Amiditt tituit mumouuiçmii. there smuts hieing formuuod, in the city of St.iMuis, mit time i)avhd it, Frmtmuchs uomo, a United States JuniorCicammmhuer of Conmineree, coimmuecthmug uit, mmli over the UmmiteulStates, the boys frommi 18 to 30; and I viil send OU interestingpamphlet oui that suhujoct to any of you who are interested.\Ve hope to couple up 500,000 of tIme best young unen who willhe pm'oivared for any emnem'gency, of Quick initiative, of resourcofulness, unie vhii do a trememiulous work,

At thin sanie thins timore was presented to England asta timo of the imimmn who stood hum this country for tito greatestdemocracy we ever lumuow-'Abraimamn Lincoln: Our esteeuumodcountt'yummaum, Elihu Reot made aim addressand delivered timestatue of Lincoln to our sister country, and a reply was amadoby that wonderful man,Lloyd George, Of course, Mr. Rootreferred to the extraortihmmary condlthoimsunderwhulcim Lincolnlived, and Lloyd George at time conclusion of bin beautifulacceptance speech said "May I respeetfuily but earnestly say


sume vÓm'ti frommi titis itimu u forum t tu tIm e great iteophe of Amneu'hca.'huis tom'mm utitti h)ltuv(hjimg utrtii is cutilimug tmtthmty for time lieht ofliti' Auuuemieut umf ¿\itt:tiu;tmuu Limmcoimm,'' h timimuic n'e should ali icho

mull h mm vuumu tutm'y tu) se( if we iii omm stiro u t I o LiuicOhum 's uiommmocu'acy.

TuI y closimug tvttruis uum't' Limoso : \Vlmtu osimuhi isimed d emnoermucy,tu'imomi miuiui wit (uie ? 'l'lu e Itiastem' estahilehmel it 2,000 years migo

mumutl 1mo Ithit time Setuuutmmm nu time 1\l oummt iummder lt for a founuia.utili cmiii hceystuumeth it tritim thun Goluheim Rumie anti said, "Notutili) tvtum'ti shiuti i 1)0 lust,'' aumd, muy fritummuis, you knott' Gunstloomis' \u'oruis min d miel jouis tomiiu y mtie mus lumuteum t as they wem'edieu, Ytumu huavc gtt ti) uSO tiieiui to suive (it Is \vou'ld, cumul womite gttiuig itt tb it.

jestis tocchi i migo imiti ttxammu iih are also li m'immgiiug mus ttutimtyt) iii iututhem'uutmtumuiimtg of thou futet i iutt time Gohuheum Rumio umumust

itti tutu utmi ly slut imuiut'tl mtf lIC litmit i>t ttt'ettit cmii i)ioyc'u' mum (i oui-itloyetm tti' it muy t) tillO poiuut tif comm tui e I muimmmtmug mmmcii.

VOTE OF THANKS. '1itc Sum iti'('ifl (i Sutmolu : I i. is misar thutu ti mie for adJommu-nnumont,

itmut imefutmut tue u i uhjtttm m'mi i u'mm mm t to talio mm jt, omit of oruier, thesuiltuetittui fou' time ullUCO (if iIi (i mmcxi. miiuuuuiai-

?lr, P. F. C (hull : i lu'tuthuem' Smuaric, r smiggestioui liais boemimtumt(h(i i tu iii (i tim at mi 'is i mug Vttt(m tuf timuimuks lue teimmieu'od to M r.i ituuvmtm'ui fon it ho y i sit vi thu mus thu s mmm o mum mug cumul for lu is eloquentmuituh tveigiu u.y m'o nuuutks iii (:ouuumeetiolm ivi I ii li huu muhthu'eiss_

i\Iu>tiøim 511Cl) Ii uieti lUtti cmuu'u'heuh mu imaumiummoushy. Accord hmuglymi 'iii i mug t'tu to tuf tiuumuicum n'mis ieuuui cm-euh to ill u'. Il m)\vanul.

'['hie Siumumim : (uumml iumiiiiug vil.hi ummy m'cuummuu'ks as to tuo placetuf thu iì iÜuX t cmiii tu il muutmeti umg, mi voto vi I I lue tmtkeum omm tic is attito mtfi.tum'mtttttmu s Ositittit . \Ve Iuuuvc uvi (im mus mm mum mum vhio. himi tmivtmitni t)Vti' 20(11) umuiics io (Xtumuui ami iimvitmithouì to the Orulormutti muli smi liuu hea Vos ii((i'tu hie tvi i i utitcimul t lie 64 Lb mummuilversmurytuf iii o noti ii i mug t) f iuis lumi remito. 'l'lu is geimtheuuiaui uuioved , verytaiu'iy iii i i fe, i o Cuti i foi mu mu . i u'efer to ?1i-. V. ]. Land nummum,iui.uisI(I t)uui. i}f iii o Smumu ,loaqui i mi i uuumm iut3uiuuo um's Climb. (Applmtiiouu,

Landrum on CaliforniaI

\ii'. \V, J']. I amuuI mm i mm ?,Iost wo rtiuy Summuu'k anul bro timons,I centmuimmhy iuithti'i 'Cimt)t( hmuuiimg mit tule Comuvemition. Quo of timetiti tugs Lumi i. Iui'ouu g hut une lmtum'e muid two (mf iii foi low Cuti ifom'mmiaiiumuiiiuuu'umueuu, WitS lo itt hi omiom' to tue S cmmumk, to hot you Inmost' thielWuu mm m'e vit.ii hi ¡u us mtuuui vi tu i ioo.h h où.. Aumotlicu- timing vas tohutcumu i. i ii is iii V I I uttitci futmmi Cmii i foi'muimu. I vmts huerim uiearCu)u'o, \i istituti m'i, i 1,0 mmm hies fi-oui h om'uu ; i vmus u-eared oui isfmurmuu . ,S'uuvuum'mii youuu's migo, i ike mu gm'ectt ummuuiuy others, I got time\Vuuuii.cu'um fevom' it mm d tremi t. \Vest to uiei muy foi'tmuume, hot kumow.tug tx achy u ii mi). I omis goiuug lo uinop i mite tue iii mmi ber butai ness,

'liumut humus ittuetu muy uuiol)toth Stattu since 1887, antI I can assumeytmtu i t. humus iueeui t iiomusumm'e fou' imiti to womit ivi tim the hmimniuor-

muuuumu Ihm tutu muuuui ovem'ywii m'e, I foi I hmm Ici u mat Lii i'omugim muy brothuom'mutti tliOit li utti himt vo iueeii iii Iii o luumsi rices umov, muctiveiy, 2Ooddyuimiu.ui.

Cmuuifuuu'iiiu himt mt iummiuiiio huistouy. In 1767 those littlebttuuwum umueuu fu'uumuu lito Seim lii . Iii e i'iluuxi camus, liad tin'. smeummo I ntumi-tiomi timmi I itinity o f uts lu nui --'thi mut timore was souneth lug betterstumuuucu'huuum'c, mi muti t I i tuy ein bgu'muteti Nou'tii to c'xhulou'e those regionsi ii Cal hfom'mi imi, 'i'ii u'y uu'eu't' heft mihoimo vRii ihutu mu iuuuus to lIghttiueir lumuttios mu im u miuiuei' of ycuui's. 'J'iiy lumI i t thiohr unhussiomis,tt'yhuug tut roui uem't thtuu h miti imuums to tuoi r m'oh ighoim. 'l'limul vent ouimm titi h I s:::i, vhminu I'.lexico vi Iii ti i'cw lier (uuuuuluort uuuimi couilhiscatotititoli' i'uoiutu'u y. h ii 1Si9--titmut is a by-uvot ti mvi thu ail Cnhhforuì imumis--"io, i liti tutu tu of goid ; huit Lii e sima içhy mimen fu'oumm time Jmustumuuumie C'ui ifuuu'uuhmu. 'lucy iuemtu'ui of tl e goid ii iscovonheto amidI hey loft tim ohm' im cimuuuus, their tibios mouth olfhceus amid startedoit titoli' itumug in's tenui iou i'iucy. 'l'lu (v cu'uusooul Ovni the piahums,Elmo m'i veut,'',tuuth ti) o iii ils, uiot k mmuusvi mmg whiotimen thmoy voumhdm'emuli thu tuhm destin atluuui ou' miot, mmmiii unaau'y of thmoun d id hot. lii'19 tuono w' m (3 itt haust 100,1)00 luouplo unie uiottemj thi(( u-ivorsmuiuuuug t lue ummommum talus, tImo 5heures. A gu'oat nmammy of them¿tc'Ititìveth fontummue. ,S'ummumo uum'uì yct d iggimug, 'l'hiey ml id mmot dot huutt ithOulu), huit tile)' 5iSS' tue feu'lihhty' o1 thin iammti. 'fluey con-veiled tue s'atenuo nuumuimhumg miowmm thios(u umuighity rivons, and afew mutIles fmi m'tiiuuu- detvuu they comivc'u'ted it liii o ilgLt amid posver,aiuti after thiel Lii ey nmt it oui the hand to l)nOduce fruit muumti

vegetables. 'l'ho itihi Ocean, whierc'ven it heats uiuoma ourshutunes, himi similis fouie evony nmutiomm, emunnylmig comnnience alioven timo su'onhui. Such , is CalIfonuuha, which is an empire luitsudf.

Not umhuume tim at, iuu t we have. mu vmuhiey 100 to I 50 in llesvitiu, oxtommul hug freut Stocktumm to Lmukeliehul, mi h ouest 100 mn hiesvhthe, 'i'hiee can ito raised ahimmos i, uuuiythu lug timol can lue

ruisoul ou I Ii e face of thu o emurtim. in tue couLer of that is alitho tou'um we call lulencedes, which i think lui one of timo mostbeiuuuthfmul towns in lito %Vcst. Of couu'se, Fresno thinks dii-forent. Wo caum show you from our place one of God's master-


imieces--thuat is time Yosemite Valley. li you will coumme noxtyear and hum'hmig your friendo, mhoum't forget Yoseuuuito or Mor-coules, becmumuso that huis Yoseummite Valley next to it. it timoGoveu-nom' hta(1 imeoum iuoumme wluemm I was thmtune last week i wouldlieve mi siceth hi juil to extemm(i thu is hums' h tatlomi , limit as Im ti Is mt per-stummel fulemmuh of mii lime, i nimm goimmg lo ex tout! an Invii ilion fiomumtime State of California to lhoo.iloo to go to Cahiforimia nextyomur to imoid its Comiveumtiomm.

I have time houer of l)oing time presidoumt of the San JoaquinVailey Lmmmumberummemm's Climb, villi headquarters in Fresno, and(mdii' climb humus OXteii(leui liii Invituttion to tuis Order to 1101(1 the1921 Convomithomm hut Fresno, aumul the Seim Francisco 1-loo-fleojoin iii tuis invitmuthoum, Latem' yeti will hoar what Fresumo hasti ou o.

iii bohumuif of the Picono iIoo-I-Joo, of Saum Joatinin Valley,muii(h i U behalf of Seim Joaqmi i mm Vahiuuy Luuiumhmerunemm's Club, wolunte you ti) go to Fnosimo fou' youu- 1921 Conveuiticm. I williuhmic'e Fm-osmio iii minimi iuuathon , si> thmtt h vi li lue before you thIsmuftonimooru,

'l'ho Sumpm'emmme Sumutrlc: Uruthiors, I lieve lettera and tole-gniuumis fromui Cailfonumimu, whichu h wits askeul to dohirer, whicimWO will talio imp Limbo afternonu. 'l'iiero lo a niatter of generaiihisc'missioum cii (lead of the Om'uhou-, but I uioum't want to start(hie ihhscmmssieum mut this tiuuio, as it Is neon the hour of adjourn-uuiuumit. Very iummptii'taumt uumutttons hiavo been placed iiotoi'o tbocoiuiuimitttìt's, which huavo hoch lhiu'osiieul omit fluid reports are ho-hug iunepmtm'euh, Ali of mus imuuve hie privuiege an weil mis the dutyuf oxproussiuug oumn imiti Ivid muni ophuihouius oui all niatters. '(,Vowmumut uuvenyuiumuu to be lmm'eseuut at 2:09 this nftcnmmoon. Theiiuitouiiohi litt ti'h I) for tue imumi huis humus broui called off, for theu'tumusomm th mut thou thiuuiiou' ton hglit ho for ovou'yhiody, at 6 : 15, andtutu mmi i es comm lii muot get i)ack early eumoughi to properly dollmild ftiu' tu (t mhiumnei. ¶i'iie i i club fon timo di minor will be readyfuir d hu4trihutiouu fnoumm 2 : 09 Lo t : Oh) tiulum afternoon.

PRAISE FOR VICEGERENT FUNCKhiie c'itiuc'ateummttion 1101(1 last imight vh1l go down Into

hiiotoi'y of hico-lico mus tuo Julius Seidel Conicatenation. Manyumimty have thiomughit limitI concuttosution "just happened." itmilch hot just limultiiefl. 'l'lucI cuuncatonation was the result ofveoims of u:murc'fmmh, painstmukhimg work. ConcatenatIons ieyorjust iiaipoui, Souumohouiy hats got to do s lot of work. At thisthmmue we wituuhuh 111cc tu) lieve it few words troni the VhcegerentSmiark of the St, Louis district who hun! charge of the coumCitteiuitthoui imust iiighmt mind who iuuut the work on so spiondidly.

limite umovei' socui mu eouicatouiaihtjmi (limit vus so weil bandied,fi'eum mitau't te lhmmish, Ami osiuocimthiy lilemisant feature was IlmosOssiOui oui thin nutot' wiLli the indies, Wo would hike to hearfm'omum i3uethmium' Fu uiCk. (Ai)l)lmtnsuì,)

Mi-. W. (1, Piuimchc: I hardly know what to teli you, unlessht wouuhd ho (urtI it Wii ail the natural outcome o fellowshipcumul eumthuoimtsmmm. lt wom-ked lui diluito naturally and wo cx-tuenheuicomi ittit iittle tu'oiiblo in getting kitteuis for the Initiation,iunohmuiuiy mhuio to tuo tact that we lieve worked together Inhumui'mmmommy hun tiul coiivemmtion.

Wo worn till pioaiueui, of cuuim'se, to have brought 52 kittenshuitui tue f(uiu] ; so we believe thumut ts'hiomi we shook licinio withdimir MOW nitumiubers we buoi a licuo understandIng such na haslIcou buougiut to ums by time Panoeii. i nui sorry that ho does -

unit hive in thus umecit of tini woouls (mo that wo might have moroOf hilo unc'iiichuie. I.Iut it is ali fellowship, such as is going tomummuimo iioo-ikuo what It might. tui be. I believe the organizationuu'oiui Coast tu Coast is 110111g stneuigtiienod by the absence ofthe olui fasitioumed hionse i)lay, uuhuiehi wits nothing amore thaa aIioouiionuumig. iii timo oid days nod liquor liad a tendency tohuimluuuln oui' mmieeliimgs. Again we 1mayo gomme hito the morrow,as (lie varsomi smului, and we have iuow life betox-o us. 'rhatOùuii(uH omiiy wiLli it lhmorough mimidoretandlng of friendship.

We have all booiu pleased lioyormml oxpectatlos over theluCid itttOfl(iuuuiCfl WO have liad. Mutny of you lieve como longiihstmtmuces aiuti lieve matie sacrifices to ho willi uus. Omm behalfof St. Louitu hloo-lIoo I tliiuimk yomu. (Applauso.)

On ummolloim, a recess was (lien tudcoui until 2:09 p' am.Fniihuuy.


Thirtieth Annual


-September 8, 9, 10, 1921

Page 10: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death




Afternoon Session, Friday, September 10

Tile mooling wa cnhlc(I to oi'der by the Suprorno Snark,i3roLncr ji A. Jili3coX, at U9 p. in., and tuo flrt matter of1)118 i 11008 WRH (I fHcusolon on I lie Goiiil of the Order.

Nr. Jlodge (691) : Worthy Simili and lJrotlier8, In listeii-Ing to tli( call of (lie Seer o! II(>ol!oo, put Into the yell, I aiewonderIng If that could ¡iot he Improved 80 (lint It would honiere catchy, I lieve I n iiifiid Eh e col loge yell of (lie Universityof IÇiinsas, iloiie hy certa ii lii tonatlons. 'lue coil ego yell irofor I o Is ItaiiJawk.Jayl iawlc-Jay.Yoo. improve ouryeIl---piii a little iiiorc kicli luto lt. 1\Iako lt a little rnereattractive ¿iiid d lo ti tict.

'Vito Siiarlc : Start iilosv aiid conio ha cli fact?i1 r, i loilgo : No, irioie I n (ii e Inton atloii.'I'Iie iiiiiiilc : Ca ii you ib (luit ivltli the numerals ?Mr, iloilgoli: Yec, I t}iiiik lt can lie worked out.'l'lui Siiark: 'nial in a genil sugge s (bu. \Vo v1ll boar

that i n inliiil, I (li lii k (fiat Cit n lo tried out by (lie local conCitt(2flíLtIOlIH Bring lt to the next iLiiiiiitI meetIng,

'l'arffl)ii" Sliiijiliiii : Why woimldmit lt lin well for (lie Vlcogcreii to iiiiil other mn cmii bers to send I ri anythIng they Ji avato suggoct?

'l'ho Siiiirk : YCH, (Ii il t sel I I be roimiean hore(l

1I r. J tillen ( 22118I ) : I n'ami t to celi I L a now yell, somiis.what comii 1)11cc teil as lits beemi ciiggectcd , would not bu rathertough on I lie no w iiieiii ho e?

Il r (loi uiimli ( 7, i ) : I VOIi I d I i lie I o know what Brotherfled gea' object oit la to oui 1)1(1 yell. or cou m'so, If it can helimiproroil mill right, luit It seemmis to um to lie a nilgiity goalolio lJmilii there la ciain gnou iciicomi for Imiiproving It,It ought to etmimid.

'fImo Snarlc : Vo climi 't, tel I alio I hei theme Ic mi good reasoiiu mitI h the mioiv yol I I jrseii toil.

?lm JulIemi : I liiiiim traveled ovni' 2S $tatec Iii (lilo countrymuid liare attenti ed min un erotic roui catomiuu tiouu, 'l'ho you that\v( liare lo very d istl mm clive, mtuuml I u'um 1 d ¡ici lilie to seo ltcli uungoul,

1li', hodges: I would muot eluuuuuge I he uuuuiuuerals nor tuowords, hut muy sliggectiouu hits to climuigo the Intonation, sothat lt woulul lie muore d lotimuotl ve. 'l'in ni ualoal ciulonco thatthey have at Lii o Uni ve m'elty of iCiLm1s:o a tulkes muy fancy.

luIr, Gorsumc'Ii I would suggest luau. Brother Ifoulgos sotour yell to iiuuslc mind lo t us lieve I t uuext yoci'. ( laughi ter.)

rReport of Committee on Resolutions

Tim report of (lue Conuuuulttoe alu ltosolutloiuo was thaiprecentoul muaI road 1)3' 1 'usi Siuuui'k \V, e\.. Prklul le, Chlairnianof tu e Conuuuul tte(', aiuul, o mu uuiotloiu d u ly Cit rrleul, (lue I'oport vaouiiuuun I miuouhl y adopteul and ou'ius UM follevs :

%Vhuareuuo, 'Flue Comm catemuateul Ordeu' of I bol loe lias thisuhu)' celobi alud Its tivoli ty-mu lii thi munmil vemsary, nuud li mud s itselfsolvemut, wiLli min I iuCi'IOIHe(l uuuiuuibei'shi p ; tluorefom'e be it

Jlocoiveil, 'l'luiut wo huoriuby i'xpm'oss ((ill' shmucere and heart.felt thiuuuk to Piust Smuarhu lt. A. ihhseox, \V, A. I'rI(idie, JulluisSeidel, Id I). 'I'eiuiuuuit, E. Stu'hiugor Iloggess, il. It. ishorwooul,Sccretauy-i'u casumror, ami (1 ulitu Suipu'cmiue Ni no, for (hiel m- u ntiringzouul amid ilorotlouu for (ii e gooui of t lue Order uamuul foi' the suc-

uecuults of tiuclr vorIu duurimug the yoau Just closoul. .Anulbu it fuirthor

it000l ved, 'FueL we luereby (eutin' tim o sincero tluammks ofI i oo'I foi) to (li e lupin luorelu p iii St. l.uuuil s alud to tlue I unibur.much of St Louil for (h oIr cphuud hI uuuel gemul'ouio ontortaimu.liuuut of i lue il ologatos amud (lue I 11(1 leo In uuttomuihiumuce at thisliiecting, Auud, be it further

itonolved, 'Flint, remtll'i.luug (hunt muuuich of (ho success of(lue paot year lias boemu duie to thue gommerons amud valuable cooperatIon amid su pport of tuo huumumbor Liado press and the dailyiress of tue coummutry, hereby tiiuiipm to the lumiuber tradel)l'ChS iuiuul (hie da I ly press of (lue couumutry cuir lu emurtfelt thanksanul appreciation for their gemueroums suupport during the pastyear

cas, Tue Oidor of L[ooJIoo luco couifforeil n great losoin tim o loiti li of Past S hark Rolourt FI. fmiuuuuun, of Poi'tland,Orogoiu, amid fifty-six other loyal ]uieiiui)eis d urhiug (hue pantyear WO rejoice that befoi'e they left us we hinui the privi-

of u emuilchmug, I n numtn' uvays, tim du' worth as mumemi ; lie it: 1.osoived, 'l'iuuit our lienrufelt oyiiupntliy is extencleul to the

famuuii ion of these nueumubers lii theIr Iliac of bereavement,: \Viiereius, Variouus humilier assoclatiemis of tIle country haverendereuh tuo most: valuable service to our Order by their

,-,- --D '

co-oporatlomi and support, uluIchi Is greatly appreciated, Itis cuir earliest hopo that a grouter Interest in thu Ord'er besocuumed mud nualuutalmued durIng the coming year.


The repoi't of the Comuuuuulttee on Good of the Order was(lien subuuultteul mund rouul by Brother H. C. Bell (21577),

Dm'otluer i', 'I'. Lamugan uuuoved that timo report an a wholeho adopted.

Mr. Langen : i tlulnic (liai, instead of saying that theIluilletln skull lue pumlulislued hfmnontlly, this should read,At least hI.montluiy."

Jirotluer Luumugami's suiggeotlomu was regarded as an amond-In00 t U mitI ivuis aulopteul.

'l'lue Iteluort of the Commuuiultlee on 000(1 Of the Order wasthmereujoiu uiluaiuimuuouisly q.dol)te(1 and was as follows:

Report of Committee on Good of the Order

Oui the subject of good of the order. we, your committee,i'eeuiniiiìouuil

FIrsI : Tluutt I ho Bull etui lau inilullsltoul at toast Iulmonthlyamuul tu at I lue minutie Im cii angeul ; that the Secretary put on aluiLino cOlutect, uumuul tluiut tus lhullotin be reduced In Blze, tooht:ulmu thus most. econounicuul cost of printing.

Second : 'l'luci (lucre ho ostabl ich ed, iii the Principah(itiO5, tluuongiu (lue VIcogeioiltH amuul members of }Ioo-Hoo,I I oo'l io luci e i lu (ìll(lululau'te ru amid clubs

'l'lui i'd: 'i'Iuat (lue Secietary ProvIdQ a definito plan ofsupplying luufouniatloiu such us ciii ho of help and valua tooui r mnonihet' iii i'ouigli IIoo'lloo luci ois av aliable to membersI mu gooui ctuuiui Ing.

Foui rtlu : \Ve m'ocomnuu43uud that the Secretary be authorizedtui pueivaie a pluuiu of I-lao-Hoc activities, to be furnishod to allV icegero lu to.

Flfthu: We rocouiuiuuend that (lue Secretary-Treasurer ad-vlsuu Vlcegeuonts fully iii regard to the eligibility clause, and(bitt Vicogouents ho liiotructed to adhiere strictly to the spirituuiuui iottou of (lilo law.

Sixtlu: \Ve suggest that the Secretary and the SupremoNiiue, uluring the lur050uut year, ium'oiare a revised ritual andJunior book foi' sumbiuulssioii to (lue next annual mooting.

Sovoiuih: Ycuir couumnulttee suiggests that the plan out-lineul by Heci'eIaiy.'l'i'easuireu' Islierwood in luis report, toomilai'ge thu activitIes of the oruler, by cadi member of theSui m'cui e Niuie utl)l)()lui thug iiii uuul visory board of eight Hoo1loofu'oiuu luis distiiot, ho (:ai'I'io(l Into effect, And wo furthuor sug-gest that iviieiivoi' uleeiuuod wise, state districts be reduced insize, tluei'eIiy adulluug io the iuuiiiil)Ci' of Vicegeronts.

F]Ighitlu: Wo i'ecouuumnemuul tluat, whenever possiblo, theVicegoi'euuls hohl meetings of Iloo-1ioo antI lumbermen, towliiclu shiuull bu iiuviteul all luiuuboruiieiu, whether msmbers ofOil I' orul or or hot, aiuul (li eli' wives,

Ninth: We u'ecomniiuemud that a committee of three be;ui)polluted by (lic Shark, to uumako suggestions of changea Inthe colistlttitlomi aiuul by-laws, in couujumiuction with the Score-tiui'y'1'i'Oasuui'er, Io be presented to tuo Supreme Nino and theIlouise of /uiuciouits uit (lie earliest possible moment.


Brothel' Mai'k M. Elledgo thereupon offered tue followingi'esoluitlomu as au amouudmneiut to the i'eport of the Committeeoil (iced of (lie Oidor. After brief discussion, it was consld-cred as a 8e)ai'uìte resoiuutlomu and wan unanimously adopted.

Bi'otluerlhledge's m'esolullon was as follows:As I-leolloo stanils for what is best in Brotherhood, and as

(lue buittomu Is aim InsignIa of the Order alud an honor conferreduupolu (lue WoitiCi', Be lt Resolved, That anyone who has noth)uii(l huIs l)QHt dues for ii period o two years has no right toweal' the huuttomu of thucOrder. 13e It FurtherRosolvod, Thatthe Secretary-Treasurer muotify any suclu person that be raunteIther pay tip luis dues or return the button, and on failureto doso that tliefãcts be published In The Bulletin,


Mr. Riledge: I hopo tiumut tuis will be adoptoul. I havecome into comutact vithi macmu in this hotel the Inst few daysviio were weai'ing time huttoiu after refusing absoluitoly to bereinstated or pay their ubes,

TIte Sulprenue Snarbu: If (liera is nmuy imuformuuatiomu you wantilS to any of tluese m'ecommnonulationn we will try to enlightenyou. No, 7 Is a distinct 8top lii advance. 'rho sire of theVicogoromucies huas boemu reuiumceul abreauly, in nomuue sections,and it has workeul out suiccensfuilly. Timo iubea of the Secretary-Treasurer is, for instance, tuera is alu officer in timo Californiauiistrlct, taking iii California, Arizomuui amuul a part of Utah. 1-fewill appoliut elgiut others hmm California muid tuo oilier states.'I'hey Can get togutluor at timumes inuit conshuier iuuuy troubles womimay have iii (hunt il lstm'let amaI take care of ticen, hustend ofwaiting for a miucotimug of tuo Supremmie Nimio. We have locuLI000(iitions which cmiii be takemi cain of butter lii this. lt linsbonis uuuggosteul flint (lioso mulditlomuuul officers lie selected fraisatile Vicegorents.

Mr. 1. Strlmugor Boggess: I woumhul suggest that it incluidonil of the Vicogoremutio.

The Smuutm'k: \Ve will insert, iii paragraph 7, Tuo AdvisoryBoard to indium, mus far as luu)ssiiule, the Vicogorents."

The Advisory Boards

Pd r. El lodge : 'l'ue bubon of imucoi'l)orati mig I hunt is hoenuisoof (ii e fact tiuit we. veil i ho alilo In euch jiam'iai ictloa to huitIii Oli Ofl the Advlsoi'y Board vlio u'ouiiui hot lue Vlcogeromits,bu t aveu iii lie cmi thin Ail r usury Iloai'd uimud vouild lie able toami a' ice vhiii (lue iii omnliei's of (lue Siii)i'Oliio Misse itt huis cull, amidthu oroby select (11(1 V icegoremuts. 'l'ho, itar(ioot Joli in thicvorhui foi' tite miuomiihuors of the Suuluromno Nimm o lo (hie soloctiomu

of t lue Vicogereuut liii' auuy imarticul lar d ist rIet. 'l'lueroforo, i f yenmuppo I mu t ami Auivlcom'y Buuuui of elgh t n'emmihioi's In carli Ju ris-iilcthon, 'is'iuii vill c'oimuiult the mnemmibem of (ho Suproimmo Nimio,ve avoul I d got good resu I i s. lt is ummmderstuuod that you vvouiul

scattem' the Ail visom'y hoard uivor (hie emutlmo districts iii UUstate, and you would lie ablui to get whuievor you wanted. Iiloim 't seo ito ytlu i ng to lie gained by putting a Vlcogeront ommtite Ail r isuui'y Hon rd. I i' I ¡miii a umuan omm (lue Advisory Boardiii lily J urisul Ictiomi as'bio Is nuit a Vicogeremit, I woimhul be ascapalulo of muivlsing w ithi lilia as to vhuo would lie on thuAuivhsory hlemurd as (lue Vicegiui'emit. b ilihiuk it ought to be

- optiommah vi tu thin mnsmnlnr of Ilmo Su imreimuc Nine to ahulmol mit amiAilvisory lloai'uh i'egam'(hiesuo of the Vieegom'onts,

'['lue Shark: 'lucro huavimug boon objection, it cannot benuideil to tito roseluithomm submiuhttod, Now that tuo matter lutslicou lirouigiut to cuir mittomithomu by Mr. Riloilge, i can seo veryc'ieuui'ly how (lie uu1uhui ii I ¡lient of the Vicegoiomuts wommld imitum-fore with lt for tite reason that (hie mnemiubers ebocteul ori theSuprouume Nimio at tuIs meeting will, omm motuuu'nlng hionlo, appoilutthe Ail y j siii'y hIoam'ul. 'lime greatest d ifficuilty u mnonahier of theSuipromne Nimio humus is to secuiu'e Vicogeremuts for the difforont(iiStl'iCts. As I im muulerstamiii it, tuo utppoimitulioiit of (lioso eightadvisory intimi, together with (lue mumemmilier of the SuihirelmioNi no lii muuiy il lstmict, will give lilium a largor iiowor to enlIstIllesi ilS Vlcegeremuts. I Cliii 500 110w they avouhd lue muore likelyto Laico Vlcogoromi(s of (ho proviouio year riUhou' (bau Viceger-emits of tub year, because they will limuk lip (lie formuuer Vice-goremits avl(ii (hie muew year. 'Plie omuiy way to a(iui to (bittrosoluitiomu would be to effoi amiother rosoluthoiu.

"Parson" Shmiiiukin : f think every iIoo-IIoo hiero todaysees the wlsdomuu of (luis poimut, I-leo-lhoo depomuds on Just somuuniiy poimuts of human contact, i thuhmik (lue point raised byoui. Brother Elbeulgo is worthy of serIous consideration. 1

believe wiumt( wo walit to do for 1100-lion would be strongerif, instead of takimmg those that aro already officers, wo goteight muon lii (lia district who are not officers amid will have timowork ulone.

Brother I3oggess: Worthy Smmuui'ic, (hie idea was to developthe strength of tuis Order ¡mi the resolution offered, that theiumoiiihoi' of (hie Suipremne Nine have charge of luis jurisdictionund is going to be active.


Supreme Smuark: Brther 1-foe-I-too, I want to cahh yourattention to an exhibit propam'ah by our secrotary-troasuror,whaichi you wIll see in time otimor roomui, of the advertisingmatter fum'muislmed to us by the lunuber trade press; I moanjress notices iii (lucir reading columns during tuo past year.Wo are grateful to tuo trade Journals for the publicity theyllave so generously given us. (Applause,>


Resolutionsof Respect

Aiio(luoi matter of comusluiem'nbho impom'tanco huas macnhm'ought up buy Socretnry-'l'romusimror lsbierwood ; (lint somime

formumni roso luitlomu lue iruuinired. ii) lie somit to (1mo families of(luiceuisoib nieiuuiioi's of (lie O 1(ler at (lie (I nue of thou' death,OXl)i'flssh mmg oui' ooi'i'iuw eroi' (helm' iioreiuvomuu cmi t. it cmiii be miii-uborstuioii (li at the Seciei nry'i'i'euusuui'or himtvo su chi ut resolutionliropareil iLll(l lirimuteul , ((i liii fom'wardeil to the fmumuilly of every(leC(uuuscil mum emuihcm hiuummueul intel y uuf(or lu lo ileuttli

S(!Cm'0tai3' lsluoi'avoeil : f in mile (lint as a I'ocuumuulimomi(lation,utuuil i lieb levo It voiiiil lou il (ti ng foi- (lu i muuoo(iiug to iuuuss (linti'Cciiiluluiølu(ia(lIh, iii thou fou'mn iii ut u'(ucehuitiemu, just as it luts11001m slittai.

lb r. Lamm guuui : I ofl'em' (li he its ut tuoi homu.

Lob ui(iomi scu:omuul ed amuil cmi i-neil,

Sii uran e Suuanlu : Ame (lu (urti ammy other rocomuummiondatiomush ii youui' report 111m'. Siucriui.utu'y, thu t sliou lui lie nu:toul impon at(luis timo?

Sia'm'o(ma.m'y lshiom'wuimh : No, I (lu hum ovorythhuug hun baciaiui:teui ulmen. 1


SALARY OF SECRETARY-TREASURERs il lii'iiliÌ lì Scambi : \Vn IV h i I mueur liemtr any i'oeeuuunueuudatlons

(ii. iiIs(illItlimi1io fieni i lue I louise of Amuelemi(s.

rtl r, \V. A. l'm'hdil he f I 'uus t Siuiu'im ) : 'l'ho maiemiuhuors of theh i(iilioil of Alicieuuts oo'huo iuiui houe avnmu( iii i'eu:uumnuuiuimud, lii view(ii' tlu (u fact ( iumtt oui u' S ocie .tai'y.'i' i'uuusumu' i huas d o ne filch iophemm-

(i lii voulç, thu at ii Is Omthutu)' In, luiereuusu'ui . %Ve mili kmuumav thatI lii' hIgh cost uf living luso emulereil hmum'goly intui overythimig.liriillioi lchuemïveoii lias iuuuuiho giiuiul, uuuuil I llmumiiy holievo tluuttdimming (lue coiuuluug yeuii' lie vv lii lmucu'ouicm' Oli i' Iluuuuuil)Oi'si(il) byuiluii'O ilumiui I (till (mi(uuuuiiuuus. lii iiuilom' tu) do (hunt. lue lias got totravel i good ileal cmiii ilovid.e liluululY of t line to it. It. is hunm'(lviiik mimuil tli(u h luiuuci, ei' A muelout to i, is u'aco mumuuuoimded that

i liait bu' Ishi (l'Wiuiioi 'ii saliui'y iii u unni ut .$fi,íOO. 'l'ho Socm'uatnm'hca(if nl lieu' Aceocimui huis, vhuui iuta iiuufuuu'uuìhmig I lue situuuo work (hintllu'iithi ui' Ich em'uviiiid is ulel uug, a 'e recel r i ii g muore iuiomuey thamut lin iuiuuiiuiiit i hiav muammmoui, '/e feel t lumu I tuo Orde,- will he Imiit lillo I i ion ii) lilly lu ho liiOiPlLSe, iouih i t vh li be uuii incentivo(ii i Iroiluer i shiervouuil (um wuimic limirilor, amI v o houe tlmuit (litiriacuimiumumomud athouus of tuo I I omm se (it' Aimcinmi(s will iuuuet 'tyitliyou i' aiul)moval.

'l'huiro i s t fiii'(luou' co n slilerathomi I mi conmuectiomu withi I 'nl h ei' blu trwuuu)ih'o suhl 'y, auuil (lu ut i s, urli i I e ave vamut topay lu h mn fumi- ayunte vom' lie liai i vous, 'tve fool (limit If ive plut titomliii i'k at i 000 mue'tv mii e tui lions, 'tes tvinm Id li d i s Iuuusod to giveli liii miii uil ii h thuuuuuti $ 1000 itt thu e cliii of 192 t, 'i'liat himoroase orhou ii ii w(iii iii mint lin pulii, huovcuvei', imiulocs lOOt) new nicmnborsaVei(ì Cecil i'(aih ah (lu iii (lie yeam', utnil I mu I lu o miumnher of newmuaeuuuhmers rohmustmutemuuoiul. of ob ti muuenmliors is mmot iuuchumileui, butt lucy maulst 1)0 uuc(umnily munir mii euuuiiium's uidtei to (lue: Order,

('l'ho ti ilesti(mii leus cal led foi',)Suiiui'eumm o Huumirk : (il ouul.liuni nui, yeum hueve lu nam'ul tue recoin-

luueiuiluttheii pm'eoeuu(oul by I li'otiier Pm'iuld*,Mr, Ilodgeo: I nuove Its adehu(lomi.IIi', I mumiguuui : i milsum socon (1 i lue u'ecommmuiuendmttiomi.

hi 'tither i 'ultimi lii's m'ociimn mmm nuudmttiomu 'tvmts also secomudod byMm, E. S(m'hngeu h3oggosc, Mr, Eiltuulge limiti others,

Sumpm'nmmuo Smuam'k : 'l'li Is nuittom' wits tmtko n u p by theStipi'eiuie Nine after lt uu'uts comisidturimul by tito lieuse of Ami.(:10mm (s, miii 'tvmie favommilaly l)utssal milieu, lt i ii uliiutnimnotmstocona iumomuihathøii,

A vote tvmis (lieu tuthomi on Mm'. Prhddlo's rocomnmeniiatioiuto llx (lue smulam'y of (ho Socu'etmti'y-'l'i'easimrcr itt $6,500 fortui) Cimsuing year, lie te receIve $1000 lii ulditlon to his salary,militia' (he coiuilltiomis above s(nted, und thin rocoinmnemuuhationuhu immotloim were cnru'leul uimuanhuuuouuoly.

A rousing Ifoo'hloo yell was (hou dehivored in honor ofSocretnry-'I'remisum'eu' Ishuerwood.

Mr, Eliedgii: I suggest (limit we hueau' from Mr, Ishiarwoodhm'iofly.

Secm'otnry lshierwooil: Supreuuie Smuark and Brother Hoe..lino, I thank you very shiucorely, I de not think (luat I haveliad an easy (music iii what bias linen stlpuulatal to secure thelioiuims of $1000 If I get 1000 new muuombers, bat lt can be donethroumghu co-opermution. I will do mumy beEt

Supreme Siumirk: Omue thoumoauuul new members mumoans$10,000 to us Freni (lint amount, howovom', mulot be taken((lit tIme cost of (lue hmumttons and tluó oximenso of insurance,heaving it net uuinouim( imotween $7,000 amid $7,500. So the Sec-.rotary will pm'aethcalhy take came of huis owmu salmury from time1000 new meiuuimers, if lueuocuros thiommu, as he assures us hewill do, nim(1 I huivo mio doubt aliout luis ability to do it.

We will now have (lue report-ofthe Comiialtteeon Nomi-nations,

Page 11: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death

_ -riff


j REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONSrrh (i r(q)ort of the Coin miuce was HtIInn i tte(I I))' Mr. May,

No, 198r, aiiI w;t CU(I by hhn assn ;trl( of the tIn IVarHe Lauren I AI. rJIljIy st, Louis, \to.Senior 1100 Iba: J'red E. (oniioia Saeiaiejìto City, Calir.Ju n lar I I ().J 101) : I). S. \IoIItgç)I)Io ¡3, M i I ivan urn, \%TIIL

[loi unì . \V Al . IlÙ(})t, Seattle, \VsIi.Srrivenotpi I. \I, II Ic(Igft, í)i1lI1, \I isa.


Jablwrwock J tarry I). Foote, AlQxandria, La,C u atocatlan . .Joh n J. I!LrIa, 'l'ain I)t I'Ia.

rcanopor Cliarlea JJ . M n rphy, Salt LaIte City, Utah.Ï flOR . j. J f, I)lckIiioii, Now York City, N. Y.

\V(' alH() I ((0111 nienil to the liicoin I g Sl11)vetn( Nino that: t)iy iiiake 'I'a Hou" SlfluI)kifl SUJJICIU Chaplalii.

Coni ni I ti nffa IOI)ort waa u lanilnojisi y a(IoI)totI.lI r. ¡Iay CIIi e (n ¡n I t tea Io hot ),el leve that they haveri gli t to er(nt e h he (j ffi ce (if StIh)relne Ch aI)lain and elect

l'areon' HhIlll)klfl SIl)r(Ifl( Chaplain, hut If tildO lu no ohI he (oininItlee ree() in nieIÌ(l thU ' h'trson Slnipkln ho(I((t((1 Sflfl ('Ifl(' Chaplain of thu Oider at thi lo time.

SUI)! emime Simmi rim %\ll Ii tub imimmlerstamimhi ng, amid vltlioiit()hmJ((tI()mI, 'l'mii aun'' Slaipki r elli he imiamle Smijmmemmmo (]haplalmm,lt (J((,t1I O to ¡mit that h am rmow mimic to mae a ici). Omitaltie eti\Iui k Jhhdgi' I I hlmmk that you mamo humieli of scomicemo oil timoNimio (Limmmglit'm ) immmlc io getting Imetty ivell e'omkeout,'' hut, 1mo lie etui lì ac soame kmelc left.

lt'ti m Ing Seam k I I lH()X mtl)l)(Imll (al a Coiìimìilttee commaistimigor i li oh Im om H II lumi I , lI le(lgc :i mìml 'Joui 'mlm:mmme to eocort SupremnoSmimim k 'Fully to time Sriamk'a Statloim mtmmd the (!omummmlttee unimmodimittly mild co, aiim Id mimplmtiism mimmi time h loo-lio() yell.

.\l r. lIleox Ihm'ohlmei '1' u uy, Iii ammiremimleri ¡mg the robea of(mitico to you, I deslio to Hmm .' I lint I do mint kmiov of a happlumai'hirI bu timol rimimhil ulivi) hE:im itule mr (lus inmpoi'tant office,''m)lm litt vii \V()m 11(41 himmig uhu laIthilmilly to fmi Ilium time liitemoatmir llom.1 liii,, ¿mmmii v'i)iI uliVi (.4 j)'iiiihly lCmmmOmmiitmmtiql yomim abilitymmmiii loymmhty t ii hum Omdem, ml ii rimmg Ilmo imiatmmt immeetimig mmmd atmill timmi'a, I timlim gmeal lilLsmm lii ttmmmilmmg OVii i) yomm the

gavel mimd nimm thy vilmmimliig you IO mmm) almccessor, (Apmlammse)

Smi priimmi' Smmmm k 'l'imhly : Ilmolhiem lilcox mmiiml hhmotliem Itou.I I ou, I n muiPpt I mg t Im le gmemtt i'eHl)()mmiilh)ll I ty, I fmi I ly mcmii Izo vlmatl hiefort miii, niel I ilmmlm on tim io occimaloim that I Inni tImo verea.

itemil tImt qimmim lcllmmg vit ut muy fm10m11 l)omig llahlock, umI li H1);iI lug omatom y of mmiii frlemmil, lime (lmimplaiiì, to toll you 1mm

mt mmm(img(m lilly, islm,mt I 111111m) I (i mlii mii \vlhl try to mio vltli your(i) mmliI'rcLt omm bm lIme ipllftlimg mmmiii 1mm, imttemmmmejmt of IlmmoIimio.

"Voti mummy hmm miic, yemm mn ay imlimmttem Ilmo vesnol mit will,11mm t tIn' acmmmt of moRco vlli climig to lt atihl,''

I lool lumi lmn4 lmnao(il tim romigli tm'l I);mlmttlomiS ; I lomm.Floim hmmm

' H'm'mm (1 mtrk thuya, hmm t time mmi rmmlmig miller' Immimi conio lo mio, muni'tui' mmi cirimimig mmft'i '' mimmilna tin lmoli I u to time vis lumi of a briglm t

nomI brilliant hmmtimm im. (AlmimimLlise,)- I f'm'i loihay Ilimit time lmi(emmtiv(m mmmii time voric that vihi lie

(homme for hoe-hon will immt it. omm mt bottom mmi immure lastInglmlmmmw Lli aim It Im mia i 'em l)uen o mi . I loo.11 omm was imot commntrmmctedor cm m'mLteml 11m' rol)' for a joy ride ; i I omm.I tom) n'as mmmmt om'gmtmmi',emitom' a ont 111gb t J mi lili atlomm. .\ I timougim I t erigi limiters did notmow lt i limo I bu vmis mimi timol it mmiighmt gIve to mmmcii mimmil toliii grt.mt mmiilmmiry o( lmmmmm1,iz- time cal ecocimee ol lmmotlmerlmoomli

tlimiimk yoim, mutti ivill (io muy mmtmmust, so tImol next yearvhomm i i el I miqmmlmmlm tim lo offl m, I bol 1(1(1 viii 1)0 strommgem, not

(mil ly I mi mmmimim in'm'sim mp, himt s t rimmmger I mm lirmmtlmerly feolimmg miniallonger 1mm imvem'y way so that mio will miii uimjoy iommg life,homil tim a 11(1 limipimluess, (Appi t USI', )

i Ii n(iorMtalm(l timo mme,t ei oat Immipomtamm t tim i ng la timo coroImmommy o f the Spulchmem, A I' 1er n Smmmirk Immis officiated twelve-iiioimtlms in' la ('1)0', hlememi a ' (1011(1 emmo.'' mimmii I 'Ill call uponlirotimor I'm luI it' to 1mmm'formmi tu I ii cememmmommy for Jirotlmom' II lscox,

of the SnarkMr. W, A. Prlddle: Brothem' Illocox, it lias beoñ the cus

tom of timo Oidor of i ioo-Froo, mmpomi time retiremmiommt of theSmirk, to lreseni to Imlimm a m'lmig, wimleim I Icilow you wIlltremisimro amid vill imot alice' anytlmimig to talco il. away troni you,Tuis ring la lii eiioiiteil to you iii appm'ec'latloim for your servicesto thl Order, mind wimilo you miro Comisimlered "mm dead orme,"\o will hayo you iimcimm'ceral.ei] I mi tImo tomimb out mit Crown

in limo Vista I-louse, on timo Colimmimbimi River, In Oregon,'whore ve have a ilmost bemmutifimi tonmb ovem' thee restiimg piaceof time Snmmm'k of time Ummiverime. lii tIme cellar they uovo amanilo entmanco, with a slab that ca!'m'ies tIme Imamnos ut the1mist Snarics of the Uimivermie (Appiammee)

(Mr. Priddie' thou Pm'esented timo Snmu'k's ring to retiringSnack Hiecox.)

Mr. Rfscox: Brother Priddle, nieimthors ot Hoo.Hoo: Icertalmmiy appreciate tuis gift, at time ciese of my activities asSmmlmrerno Snark, lt i5 Ospecially i)lOaSlng to have lt presentedti) me by Brothom' Primidie, who was embalmed a year ago,I like lila reference to tile collar. That does not sound soterrifying. W'iien you talk abommt a vault, lt does not soundso gnou, but mt cellar lias imot such mi terrifying sound thesemimmys. Formerly they lmmmd a process of onibalining the Snarliwhlcim I novel' liked. I tlmink now, if Umey would talk aboutimlckliimg the Stimirlc timore would lie somimetlilimg muore attractivemiliommt it. Fortimmmateiy timo act of emubaimning tIme Snark is notmum actual ozio. We ame supposed to ho stili soanewimat alive,( Limuigli ter.)

I 111011go to yomm and to thuit Order timo smttno degree ofImmterest anmi unni work that I 1mayo given to it 1mm the past.I mmmii going to Imy to provo Lo you, as the other Past Snarkolmmmve mione, altomigh I am supposed to lie embalmed, thatI mmmii limit mt ' 'dccii one.''_____l timank yomi. (Applause,)

I_ Place of Next Annual MeetingSmmpi'eme Smmmmm'ic 'fuhiy limen eaiiemi time attentIon of the

immeotiimg tim time Invitation troni time Pacifl Coast mmieimmherim,iL iotter froni Vicegerent Snark Chanes D. LoTaster, ofii'osimo, Call forum, liivi ting tue Order to hohl the mmext alumniimmeotlimg mit F'rosmmo; lie also reami otiiem' letters anti telegrammiJoining In time lnvltmmtion, after which, by mmnamilniomme vote, timeliuvllmitlijim to imold timo miimimmimti mimooting of 1h21 In Fresno,Cailfomimimi, vas miccopted,

'l'ue nmessmmgemi vore mmmi foiloirmi:"Fresno invItes yomi to hold 1921 conveiltion lii tue City

mit irimlts and Flowem's.'FiLESNO COUNTY CFIAMIlilt Oli' COMMIdILCE,

"itaisin Ceimtor of timo \Vorld, Premino."LETTER FROM LE MASTER.

Mm', R. A. ilisciix,hotel Statler,

St. Lommis, Mo,

Munit Worthy Smiark amid Brother hloo'Iloo Amioihilsii Iii Con.vention:'L'lmere ar e immimny mloiigimtruil reasons wimy I would ho happy

to lie whim you nl this Annual, but time omme almost Irresietibieremuson Is the imrieliege and th immIuie I womilul have to inviteyou to come to Fresmio tim 1921. however, our district will bemelmresomiteui h))' muir Past Vicegormimmt, Mr. O. A. Cottreli, andI lie i 'remilmieim t. of mmmi i' Lii mmm herum cii's Cmb, I',Ir. \V. E. Lanmirani,i mimim sure timat these gentionien will ieimii evom'y effort ti) timeprommmotioim of tImo iimtei'ests of I-bulbo, Nevertheless, I fecithat I milmoumid tulio Omis Ol)l)Oi'tunity as Vicegem'ont of time San.loaqmmlim Vmtiiey i)lstrlct to extoimil to timo Conventlomm ali in.vi tat leim to lue I mi time iiext A nno ai lui oui city.

It is needieso to ammtielpate that St, Louis is emitortaimmingyou roymtiiy and timerefore setting a high mmìrk for tho nextcIty wimicim tintloitmilies to elitertalmi time Annummi, but you ailhiiw time hospitality of Cailfornimm ami Fresno Is mmc laggard.'lime Smi .Iormquln Valley J)istrict, time youiigcst or the fanìliy,lmami l)m'oven by lint' mecord, wimicim otanmie among tile foremost1mm time intst t\vo years, timmit miLo Is vortimy mmmiii ocimmal to timooccasion of earlmig foi' such mt gathering as time 1921 Annmiaiwill be. 13esimis, Fresno offers mmmáimy special attractions,mummy of Wimicim icoimid be incentive oimougim to croate a desireiii time iiemmrts of ali immenibers to visit our Valley of timo Sun,"luit timo orme attraction, inure timan all others, wimich liromupte uslii iimv!to you to our City is tIme ommo wimleim imi symbolic of timoIndustry of our cm'eation anti that attraction Is:

TiRi blond forests of virgiim tiinisir of which timQ Remi-Vomis mime them roignlmmg immonarcims, 'l'imose Redwoods, the

Seulimolim (i igmi raten, muto nature's fom'omnc'st masterpiece. Theymire relmuted to lie timo greatest arid oldest of hiving thIngs.'i'liroiigim time i nilolinito thousands of yemurs thmoy 1mayo witim-stood time wratiu of time Wili(is and the doadly force of light-imiimg. 'l'lmey have heoii stripped of theIr hurancimemi and eventheir imemuls, hut they llover sicken and mile or show time slight-est sign of decay, They simply lIve cii hi their benevolentway, forgiving oeil fom'getting time attachrs of the elements,recordIng time by eontum'ies, a nimmte evidence of timo -powermit timo Almighty, It is the gran(leimr mend time stupomimlomisimemis(if those Redwoomis wl'.icim we offer mus a special incemmtive forimoiduimg time 1921 Annual at Fresno, We imavo in nilimml, If weire grmmntod the Convention, a ommo.day session Jim GeneralGrammt Park among time Redwoods, and we assure you thatwe mviii stage a show-that wiii go down In the annals of Itou-Iba, hover to be forgotten. -

_1 am serious In ali I say. However, while in San Fran-cisco time other day, I heard ruimmors - that a story liad pre- -comici! tiiisCoifljlmmmnication to St. Louis cautiohing delegates totake with a grain of salt any communication or utterance

.- .___



delegates fm'oni Frosumo might say, amid the best that I canimmmiice of lt is tlmat a story lias gomme broadcmist that Fresummunsaro lmm'olme to exaggemate. i belIeve tuis stomy originated iiiSmmmm Francisco fr0111 time rehearsal of arm incident. -,vimlchm imap-i)eimmiil rnmmmiy years mugo, i n whIch a Fresno Imimmi bermmman tookliait.

A goomi mummy years ago, vlmen time Imito Brotiiem' C. S.Plomee was limit a hoy, then mosumhlumg iii Naiv York City, hismincie mmc mumlim a till) ti) Cailforimimm and, in im lo tours over timeState, he vislteml time same Ramiwood DistrIct to wimicim wemule miumv lmmm'lti ng you, \Vimilo l'omumuiiulg tim mommgli timo forest, becolime tu tiiiii mi imm;uimmnmotim Itemiwooml, wimicim hail heemm uprooted.i t immimi boemm mmsemi by time limmilaime mmmi mt hmm ch log for their carmmpfi l'es, Timmi lie imami hmmm'mmed omm t time imemurt of timo treo tom abouti 00 fouet fmi wimeu'e it lmmmrned timm'mnigli tim e milieu at mmm outlet(:muumumeii l)y mu lirolceim liimuncli, 'l'lle troc wmus mu moumster, mundi ilø iioie wimlcim liad beau hmirimeui timrougim it wmimi hurgo emmomighto muli! t ii lìois( mmmiii 1-1(1er, Mr. l'loice nimio thu'omighm tileol)eimlng_

Utmon hIs i'etiii'uu to Numw Ymmm'k hue was roimuting time luci-deimt and to immmprmìss his bm'otlmer mcliii the slum of this Itemiwoodho said : Wimy, I roue immy horse foi' 100 foot timrommgim timeli curt of that tree muimmi ou t a kumot imi)ie. '' 'i'imlmi was too immucim.Tim im iidi' Mr. l'i u'i'ce unheil time iatc 13m'otlmer C. S., \Vim()\vas tim en emily mu smmmmmll boy, mmmiii told im unu to immuy no mmttentloumI um hml u nclo, ami iii, wmms crmmay.

As ysmm's roi luSh uy, C. 13. commimi not forgot time story oftIme muid o, mmmii \vlmon lie beciuuimo a yommimg mmmmmmm lue cmmmmmmu \Vemit

to verify lie 'kimot immmie'' story, Sure enommgim, timo tree wmusmmii the 1.1 ueb hmm ml s tateml . I I mmuoi'em', im um k um cmi' I i vmmmmlml mie vmmm'

mio to go teich imoimmo mmmiii teli of it, mus lie wits emmre Now Yorkerswoimlil hover belIeve uhu, aim lue pmircimmuee(i mu itedwood troc ofmmliii lam' size mumimi stmirtmmcl Immusimmoss in thu thou 1lllagc ofI''i''.iiiiiii, vlilcim liimsuimesmi is stili rmmummmiuig mind stIli selilmig Item!-vooil , l)resmmmmmmtlmiy frmimmm t! e omuimme tree.

No', If muy i)f ymmmm gomimi immemmmimcrs douuimt time com'm'ectnemisof i Im Is s tomy, i vmuim t yo ti to colime to Pi'eminmm muid i schi imotoli Iv show ymnu time imi imilmei' lmmmuulimomis of timo Imite fli'otlimmr C. S.i'ieu'co, vltlm il mi iii lea of i toilwommmi , immit I svIl I tithe you to timesaumme tu- co mmmiii tim m'ommgli timmm minime '' 19mL unu,,'' j mist to pioveto you timmit i"m'emiummuums mio not oxmmggormt! (u. We waumt time 1921Anummmal . \Vm wmum i time privI kmgo of umlmowlimg youm cmii' grammiorchards mimmml omm i' vmust vin eymmrmis, omm r 11e his mit gi'mmiim ammml omiiV irgl mm foi'motmi, mmliii ummost of ail, we wmuim t tlmmm opportmmnity toal i.'iy an y ilmmmmiit \viu leim immay lie lii mummy of youmm mmm lumi mimi to timeimizo of ' limmmit iioloui'' lii Itemi\voomis.

1"maturmmmuiiy yours,C'. D. LE MASTER,

Vicogem'eumt Smimirk.- Mr. W. A. Priuimllo: Bm'otimer ilool-luo, wimeim i went to

Frumommo I ui'mms received ummost cormilaily timore mus ovorywlmom'e oleolii Cmiliformmia, 1i y visit to Fm'osimo wmts a roimmmml of lmlemusmmre,fi'ormm tim e tlmmme I mmi'rlvemi untIl i left. 1'Iy wIfe anmi i cherishmi fenil rommiommm imm'ammce of oui' visit tu) Fresimo, muid I mmmi sure,

after oua i' minet mmmmnimmul mum eetlmmg Is im miml I n Frosumo, all vl li hogremmtly ¡miemmnimi svitlm tho roemmimi iou 'e olimil I immivum hail.(Apimimmumme.)

Sup remmem - S miimrk 'l'mmiiy : I huye umo mioubt wo vlli Immuve awoimmleifcii (mlii mmmiii immost smiccouumifmmi umneting mm Pi'esmmo, Anysessleim of ihm)o'!-1m30 wommid lie iimcommm lilo tui without immuvlmug timeiul.uumm_illt miii tIte mmmi vise of tlmosum - ivlmo immuve womkod unni aimuifmul tim fmi i i y tom' J Jumo'lloum, \Vo immuni jiiumt boemm imoimoiemi by timejuieS(mmiCc mit ii mimmumi ui'iio iimu miommo, Imi i ilcuims, moro flur I loo-i-iou tIm an mummy otimm' miman iii time comiuii ry, muimmi i vill miow mimikilru)tlmeu Solmiel to immake a fimw remmmarkmi, (Aimimlammue.)


(ilrotlier ,luiiuu S'cimici, i'mtt Summmi'k, was greetoml with 11w-

i Iimø-i loo ymill, muimi Rimollo nui foilimws :- -M r. Salud : \Vom'timy Summirk mimmmi ilmeumib ers, timom'o Is a littie

mimmylmig, ''You could immure (lumia bottom'." I know whmit ilm'otimor- 'l'umlly mund timo oilier St. Louis hoya have denim to lmoiim mimo. Inliii ildlmmg mmii miii oigan Iziutioum it is mmcl a otmommmmuum affair. Oume

nf time first humees we tu-leu to timoroughiy om'ganize when Lhecmummmm Smmmmrk, wmus St. Louis. \Ve ivayo a wommmierfui macumber-simili lucre, i3rotimer 'l'imiiy was mummtiring muli time time andimelpemi in svei'y way lie could to immmukc Hoo'FIoo wimmut it lui

tommy. i. Elmimmic, wheim e commeidor time vork that he hmis doue,all of us ivill agree timmit iuo lias earumed the imosutiomm lie liashiemi givomi tomimuy. Of course, wo wahl to honor differentsectlomms mit time couimtm'y, timo wimolemiale and retail trade, asveii as saw mmmiii supimly anon anul ummacimiumory lumen, but I feel

limmut vith ilessi's. 'I'uiiiy ¿mmmd Isimerwooui iii St. Louis, Mr.'I'umlly imavimig luau! time imroami oxpsrleimco 1mo lias liad, there Isimo m'camion why you caimimot look forward to mu nmost íuumceessfuiycarl next ysmir. Mr. 'l'ully has been In doso toucim withaffairs anml luis Immud his liando oui time puise of time sItuation.- - You. uovo imoard time reimort iii regard to financial affairs.The very foummdàtion of the Order Is moumey. When I started -in, the guros were in red, and did not look good. Today,

while time mmmmmojmiit is imot large, you hmmu o got lt omm the correctimlmle of time ledgsm' at mummy rate, So you immuvo a good uitmurtiimgimolumt foi' tuo umsir yole', without iiliY udii s ovem' yomii' head

I wmus Smi aulm fu)i' (iVi) tei'uns, miot imccmuuism' I wiiiitemi to be,limit iuecmuumso comimlltloims i)m'evaiied vimlcIm immmimi e lt imecessary.llrothmor l'i'iuld io memus Simmuric foi' two yomum s, mmmd he imimuiuitmminsmi

timo Om'mier mmn(immr vai' coum(iitlons with mm great uim'iul of work.\\To iimuiml off all of time old ulebto amid hmmmn(lemi back I ho Omuiemwithout mu ulobt, \Ve liVed tiurommgh tmmrhmiieiit tiummmms last yemmm'um the buillui lui g mmii of timo oi'galmlmmutioum, mu 11(1 lt 'vmms mi i fflcuilt toimmullui mii) mummy mmrgmuml'i.atioum. New coii(mltmoims wmmro created,limit oui r fm'ioim d i I houx cmmm-i'lod time Unici' I hi ouglm, niumi lt Ismitroumger immmw timimmm i t luis imoeai fur sovm'rmu i years,

i irotimom' Lshmsm'woomi Im as boon gu'omutly cmincem-mmoml mubauut limom'mmisuumg of time (limos tui fl.00. I-Is sent moe coimlums of luttais ammulgiuve vem'y geoul m'mimmsummms wimy tile Omiec shmmmmmid lie rmulsemi to$5.00, mmmiii I 1h hum timem'um is no dommlit tlmmit lie lii com'm'mmct.

i imolue tim at ymmmur visi t to S i. lomi is lias i)oen ummumot imiemusmumtmimmul mugmeemilmi o. IVim mmm'mm gimul to uovo soon you agmilmm muid vlsuiymmuu (!omlspee(l lmmmm:k hmumimmo menti hopo tiummi mui i of mmmi v iii ummeotmmlix t Y011 u' lii li'u'sKimim. i limed occasion to be timor-o milii)mlt timroemmmumuii ini migum ; I olimmim t two or turco \vuieks limero, mmmii wies timeguest. Of Il i'. i I Isc'umx. Cmmi I fou'imlmu iii o chmmmutiiumg slate ; itsmme tmmi'mml imemuimt.i os mmiii mtl mmi (Ist iuimllmmml cmi. '['lie atti mietmoims I immit

tlmuiy Imiuvum tu o u.0 are mmmmmgn i lic'uumt, i hopo tiiat ovmmm'y ummeinimer

mit tim, Ormimmr v ill lie imi'mmmieim I mi i l"i'esumuu umo't yoai', 1,999 imloiim-lmmii.s, imumcmummse lucy cmiii tmmke carmi of ovemy olmo. (Aluluiamiso.)

FR0 M JAMES "H()OTMON" LIGHTBODV.Simium.mìmimm) S mark 'l'ui iy timo im memud mt coummnlulmlemutioim froimm

llmimtiiem .1mm mimes ( I li)otmimu)im ) lI glmtbomiy, of Glmusgow, Scot laumui,Nmi. I 21 98, (littOul it i(mumtai'mu, Jgypt, huy 24, 1920, aduii'essemiI mm tIme Soul vo im otimm, mmielus i img sovemmul Imieces of vlmlto hmummutimem'

I mu lin lum'mseimied tim i Imo lumi leim mm s mu tokcui of im Is es luimimim llrotiuerLigim timomly w i'() i.e timmut lie iimimi 1)00mm iii t lie hold simice the Itiimml' Amigimmit, 19 l'i, immui Ilimut. hie vmtii 'pretty veli temi imp.'' Ilesimii, milaum, timmut il, lo his limloimlion te sel the Iii Cmuiifom'mmlmm om' coniommtlu mi' lmimum:mm I u Ilmo \s'miitmi'im liiti t. mil time Un heil S Imites, pm)suiihiyLus tmmgelem, miltor imimeumui i ru g mu. aliolI humo iii Scotimuni, foiiow-lug imis mi lacha i'ge immimmi the i!i'itls)i Arimmy. I',ir. \Vllllmuum Light-lmmmmiy, u cmmiiirmim:hmm' tul (l imuag(mw', imi'mmtimvr mil ".Jmimilimm'' I lglmtlmuuily, oui r ml ist.l imgm lsiuuml liuoliuer I [mmo.l Loo, also vu'oto hu'ioliy Lotlmuì Secm'etmum'y , smiylimg tuai. lu ts iim'othmem 'Lloumtcimmummt (Joioimei.lmiuimus Llgli tl)O(l Y, i ). S. O. 'J'. I).,'' ii mtul somit a cmtblmigu'muiu fioimlEgypt mmmi lie i 11th m)f Ammgmlst, smuylmmg that lie was emuli i umg fu'omiuit hmxmuimmi rlmu (iii that mlmiy foi' Scotliimmmi.

Ilmotimumm' 'i'mmlly timemi mequmestemi Mrs lt. A. hIncos mmmiii MiceM mim'v i i i I lscimx , ii ii Ieee of Iiio them' 1-I lcmux, to couic foi'warui,mcli leim they (i i d , amimi Smmmui'i 'I'uliy minimi:

l\-1 i'. 'l'miliy : llmmitimom 1-too-I-I ea,- it linie iieemm emmetonimury fortweimty.ii i mme a n mimmul immmm(mtiuugiu to i'OcL'lV(' fm'm)uTa timo mi istmumt

iilmmmi'omi of Seo t. imummmi, oyumm'mii pi ecos of hemmt luci', frimai one viuoluis beeim IL most loymul IIoo1-Ioo, nilimougim minable tu) attendomur muimuiummul mimo otlmmgs, imius mU vays remmucimmimeu em! tite gm'mummi tiuingu

timis Omdem' immus uiomme miamI the mmcagimlll cent I imlumgms ve hope to do,immui e'iu I lui hie vmms llgimtlmmg tom' h lii commimtry muiiui fo i' time emmuce of

lmmmimmmiuilty, imm d iii imot liii h io m'e nmomimlmer I i ou-hou. i miemeire hOWtim imu'mimiimt tim i a; tokemm fm'om l3 mother Llgim thod y to youm, Mrs.i i Iscox, aimul tule (miumotimou' Piocmi o f m'im I le imeatiiem') to thislmemuutlfmi I, m:kmm'mmmimmg youumg lady (mudml i easing M los Iliujeox).llrotimer Ligim i i,omly mied m'ed to tlmlmmlm of u omummmtim Ing grmmnuior amidmmim)i,() immmugii lilcent timan Iioo-l-ioo, lt PoeMi lite, that which makesmmmi muli f(i)l that tini womIt! Is gm'umwlmi g lict tom mun d miobier, iuroivoumiiuimlmommml, armi! i huyo gremut iuIiimsuii'e I mm limuumd i img timimi white

liomuthem' to mt V0Iiiiifl ii'lmo m'olmuesmìmmtuj pumi I ly muid sweetmuess ofmVouumiiimimoomi, aimml tim is 1110CC O f licatiucu' to mu young woummanmelme u'epm'esmiim Leu tuo immiritY lun (i clmmu'imm of yomin g womimmuimimood.

(Applauso,)Mm's. lilocox mmmiii Misme Mervil illumcex thou eximmesujod their

imlmpm'cclmutloum m:Lnd limlumills foi' thu m:oummpi i rumeimt liestoived ipoimtiiemmu, muirmimi :uI)plimlmse. 't'am'soul" Hlmnjmlmin timen ummoved that am'mite of tlmauuks mmmd mLlmprocimttlmma be coumvoyo(I to BrotherLiglmthomiy foi lilo timoimghifmlium eso munil cimivmulry, mund limaI timotlmmuumks of time Ormier be sent to ilimithiem' Ligimtlmody uy RotlrlumgSimmurk Iliemeox.

Ilm'otiiei' Slmmmimliimm's mmmolioui was secoumdou], miami carriedmmummumimm)ommsiy.

- NEW BUSINESS'l'lue lirogralmi mit the uumootilmg Immuvimug beemu eorniuiotod, under

tImo ommiom' of nmiiv - bumelimess, Smcm'olmum'y 'I'mu'musurom' Ichorwoodmild ressed time nmmmmtiimg tumid said:

Mr. islmerwomiil: Bm'other 1-bol-loo, lt will be umocessary formis to rummuke sorne cimmumgos in lice jmmm'Isdictlons, puttIng some oflime uitmmtuìs Imito iaw jmim'lsmilctiorms, und lt Is necessary that timoSmmpreumme Snark immml tuo Seeretmmm'y.'rremieumrer be authorIzed tommmmmke such (lilaimgos mmmi liioy desmil hemmt for the good of theOrmlor iii euch -jurisdiction, - -


Mr. Isimerwòoil' suggestion set forth above 'woe regardedmus- a motion, duly linseed,- and 'wits carried,

Page 12: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death




Continuing, Mr. IBherwood said frutlier:During t ho ¡f181 W(flk or ten tayH I hayo been on ¡ny feel

noHL (if I h e t I ¡no and J hope Eh at you \vlI I pardon ¡ne in itiak-Ing ¡ny resI)on8o 1)rjof. iIowover, I destro to Lender to you lilyrirt (IiLt 11)11 (J f 111(1 Hpl Ofld fil eu J) l'ait J llave received froni allloyal llo() FI(1O 1111(1 1 thank you very 8fncoroly for the resolti-houe you hayo 101R8011 iO that ve niiy faca tilo now year \%'ltli¡t ¡)illfl ¡tri (J W I lii ftotlii ie tiiitt sv i I I gain for tie the recognitionof t iii i n ni i,i lutti ai i ied i nhlliHIri et. I fool highly elated overJiitving tilO Sliltik of tilO IJnivorio ¡t reoltiont of thi8 city. IHil al i illLV( tu (I °PPorLll n I ty to co ufer w i tu li ill frequently,

A ftw iiiontiie ugo, when I 11111(10 the Htalemenl tlitt WOùiigiit to gti n ¡III i iicre;toc in III eillijnruii i p of 1000 now liiciit.lloro, i Mti(i t li Il t I Ii at \vou (i litI lt ratiter ity task, 1)111 thatfly l4ll('(!('3q I n ()l)tlttuhlig ¡40 ¡00n3' le\v ¡110111 hiorlI %vOUl(i not Ile(111(1 to lily ('ffOi'tU 01(1110, hut tilO credit. iiiut be given itilii xviiigo to tiioíi vli o are CllOJ)Orttti,i g iilth in o. I t VllH very glati.fyi ng to in n, (t iìøi't ti inn iofo re i (:01110 1 oto tu i s meeting,t (i Ile ¡1111(0(1 by (Ill (i (If the 11111cl loyal ilierililora vIiat i wouhi('Xp('et floW h I il H tiict (Ir Htat(t ¡LIII!, vhen I gave it lin tuofigu e, i 25 iil( ¡il itero fi'oiii Ii H o tato ii oaitl , ' You viil lievelily gliltrItli t((I (II tIl itt ililtity ¡lo 'V illilìboni.' I (1 oil't kiio'wii ,'tt wo nro going to he up ltgi I let i oforo tue end of tiiiaVIii i , hut i f i it in HIICC(188fl1 i in ii IL % i 1g tut' Vlcogeiont t ii rough-oli I (iii' J ii 111(1 StIl t(H ¡((1(1 (found a 111011(1 ¡fl O a defin Ito proie-113(1, i Iiiil'vti \VO 811(111 111(1/O lot. oniy jODO, hut I ctndkily iu.ulivI' ive 8111111 lievi 2(1110 nosy lllCIìi!}OlO,

0111 Of t ho gl'iIiII8t MtOi)o forward in hioo.IIoo, ti lilyiii I nil, \IIi$ t ii p Ii(iilf)b bug of f hie reRlihli t Iiiii itiifiiori zlng (OtciliiI(uJlihiOi of t ii' f'iii1iir'iii0 Niiie to tph)iiIiit eight other iiiiiiii)eraIi) iteelet him I Ii(iil't i(iiO\%' iii>v 11111(1%' Of you realizo thiitt inthe hoi I ii itiiil fl\iU Ui e hiiiiiier, i ri to (anitib ¡t, our \'i cogeient siii-1, eiiiihiig for itouisjp, niel th ' is iii uiaiilly t luau iii ivhifchii III) 11(11 i ('(OiV(I it i(IttIIi' iii liii iriiliuiy from (aioida_ i lievetod ¡iy ori iii y ti (INtl ¡1)11)13' Itphil CIL t. uhu W i LIt Cioinil lzt n ni oney.iirii(irs ithitrii('(l, for huh ii tien of lUIS iiI(lfl Into tue Order,iiiiil thin (i(ISiIiOhiiilOiil of t hie iicnv liltiit oh' ¡in Aiivisoi'y lioniiiinh enithili. lis t ii 5(11101. ii)(hlilh)I1i Oil t liti Ail ViHOi'y Board noii


(By Parson SinipkIn,)

I ii tu (' ik'I ugh tfii i ii aye of t. 1 e i ff21> (ìolicatonatIoii tuoiuilooiiiy (uy of tIi gient valley Il %'eil lii) t)) f lie historie etniiii.iii'íl of lei- licol) i tniity.

One i hioCt i.) Iii iii hIerin oil to ii () tu inge snI i aiway iii iiìiit.toi a of (ii tortii i n iiieii t , for they a I ways lieve. No C oncntciiat Ion iiii i))' ii h iItt(i' eltilId for (Ii ¡in tuo one just I (Jill, ¡luthut Ill iiii I ii ttl ng tuiit tue ¡noei. iio:i t'ty ich novieiigincnt Ohinuhiiii)) 1)111(1 II of tut' hull Ii liti Indfiit igaliie cciv Ice (if tu i xneulib)orsor uti I tilO itililuul I thou, is vei i is to Othioi St, Jd)lif5tfl t seiiiici-lug Uiii' p ffOIti4_

Fui 1)11 I i()i)ii(iO itilil tilPil laiilts alike (ìvei'ythiuig that((01h11 ItO (I (lull' t O (1111ko tuo sftiy l I (trIllai) t ¡tuiih iuiteie thug \I1IH11)1)0, Ji1 i iii Sc iditi oven Itiii)ii)g i zvd for t h o rai ustorio t hut

uhu Ic('th tu O ti rH t.

Sill i'iy thu full prilvisinui thiuLt \'ift3 umile for the iunlieotrite ii iiioit grutif1iuig fouttiito utn (i WI) liiay hook for futiiieii('ftthuig)) to in I iiiuirketh by thii iiieiiiiu t I ii liovatloil thatbi ought tiit'iii tO iiiii'e t hie C(iiICtL tiittio» social licuar at tiiii

liii IT't Hiiiii)()i ¡tui (I itii ¡tttuuiiiuiiit iir(>grauul Of III lisie an d )iutilOe,lt trIll) it d'highit to get. a glImpse of tuo \vou)tlerfiii cIty,

h tu illirks a od h)()uihOy oui, i ta tin iqU? thicatcu' auth ¡ti I tilo illut-cii In ry (if ¡t ui()(I orui et ty f h ¡it operates foi- tile woil-beiuig utuid'uiJoyiiiPiit CIlitilFo ¡iuid uuitilft of ¡ti i Its Peopie.

Juil fIuu'i' thau tilO city WItS LilO flagrulitce of tito iioiii-tahhty of the SI _ b',I)lii$ iniitbrttious 1111cl tiicir ttffoit tI) he niltiiitt (i hiot iioui I h hio-niid a hi t rsoio,


Hoo-Hoo Annual

LADIES' RECEPTIOW COMMITTEE\l u'i, C i. Price, Chiuiiriiiui n

11.lra. C. C. MuIln Mrs. GavinMrs. Grauit Gloor Mrs. i). B. FitzroyMrs. Arthiti,- Golsíuhing Mro. hi. C. HailM1HH JulIa Gavin Mrs. Ed. (loeddoMrR. Gee, Fiuuick Mrs. W. (, FtinckMrs. J. F, Judd Mro, II. lt. l8hlei'woodMrs, T, W, Budde Mrs. S. S. Mev

give our Cuinaihian metiihiers more recognition, as wo wouldlike to ib, moue frequetutly tuait wo llave done in the pant.I look forward to a very prosperous yoau-; I am lookingon tue bright skie of everything end I hope I will not ho disap-

pOIulti3(i iii my anticipations. I h)Chieye I have (tsuoehitjcd withune those who are Ioyuil, not only to tile Order of Hoo.Hoo,but to the hn(hiintry at large, cud I beiIve that they vilh gIveune the support thutt 'will put IIoo-}foo where it properly be-longs coli make It what lt ought to lie lui 1921, I lielieve thatI will maim a report at Fiesno thai wIll be ut credIt, not onlyto tuo Order, bitt to th euiUro luimhier industry. I thank you.(Alhilause.)

Stipi.euno Suiuii'k 'fully: Is there Itny fui-tuer now bU8iii?(There vas no further new busIness,) Brother iIoo-Hoo, woCIfl hardly clone this locating without OXI)rosniulg our beliefthat Wi lieve hietielited a grout (bull by the conferences wohave iiold iior uiuiti the now utciiiialntauuceg we lieve made, VeiieHiro to extend a hearty vote of Ihinuills to our distinguishedguest nov our Chiaphaiti who han ' so brilliantly shown usthe \vuty to i'enIIze many boauitifiil Iilenlc and who has shownlis hiiiv wo caui iuiiprove the Ou'dor'--i refer to our boioyetlhirothor, leter A. Shunpiuhti,

Now, getithcunen, cuich and ovou'y one of un must workfa i tiifiil ly for I ioo-iloo. You cutn't t8ltIt moro oui t of It thiaiiyou luit into it, If you think a great ileal of the Order, auidIf you ni-c hirouil of it, loiti fail to wear your button, OurOrder hiut tieoiì copied by othot' orgnuii',uttiouis biocttuni it nun-lind hes tuo i'Outl, true idea of iii'othflIiood. which origl uiutteil,we nro pritiol to nay, i ii tue I uunhpr lutti tin try,Suiai'hc 'I'ii i ly : I ho po to iii cot unRuly of youu at Pros no iiex tyetti-. I htiiow thiutt no seetioul of tiet country is so proud(if lt.n hiOHItititlIty as is thin Pncitic Coast; iio section is íuiiitosq protiti of thou' unagnhihi:ont forests ¡tut d othicu' uuatu ruth re-

Mliii l'Cit ututil gi'euit ticcouluhul tali iiton Is. Agal n I very sincerelytiliLlilu you for your uis()st gonoriiuus support uuid for the con-uile liCo you hi ¡tvit uiinn i l'eHteii In uno. (Applause,)

Nvoi'youio Iii'i!soil t thitit ini ulell I ti thi (n lute-I loo yol i uiuidt lie I)iootlilg wan adjou l'tini!,

RECEPTION COMMITTEE(hi'an t (lIcor, (llinii'titltn

V. A. SchnitteC, IC. i'IcChiiu'o

I'i'od (iriinihuili \v, %V. IthihuicEt!. (iiinii1n---. -.-..

idoI pl liocekoici''i, IV . Uiuiiiuhuig\V. A. elnic'kei'

F'. (. l'i'ouuuhileyF, (i. flintier

I Iutrry \VuI lhitff1. 1_ i\lenciiaiitOtto lfeffei'Il, iìeeketiieier

\v, IN, l)ings\v, Bledei'inuiui

Pittti' FreyetniiiIIiI. l. I),I iutk

G. \V. (liadtihuig butt A itehiehnViil hlos Alex HessI',. %J i tolekui unP 0. L. 'l'Itittii

FINANCE COMMITTEEw. o. luitieic, Cllairultan

1, A ¡Id ei'eouu Jtuiltis Sehtlel'I', C. riiILliIarsIi Stephan J. Gavini,, Vetnii Sithutey S. Mny

PUBLICITY COMMITTEEh I. hi l8hiiti'tvooil , Chiiiiruttazi

Juihi u e SeidelE. I), 'J'eniiutui L

Roy 1hiiio(i)l8 Ttt Cook

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEEStdnoy S. May, Chiuihriitan

A. G. (iuicsisliuig H, A. Sciiiiinitciie,'w. Pfoffeu' A. T., SmartF. 'r. flecke Jaitios Miiuie\Vni. F, Kiouik Leoui Heu't'hckE. .T_ ifleMahion liens \VaciinnnithII, J. (f, Ktliiffold \Vin, L.()thietnan,Eti, Selltiett .Ir.

AUTO COMMITTEET \V_ littilde, Ch airuiiuiui

rl, C. ¡hillW, IL flehen>'

T. C. Whltiiiun'sli Guy B. FiultonL. FL Cornelius

C, W. FUulck\v, \V. i)iuigs lt. \V. CushiuivanV, H. Stiiuirt

P. C. l3ejleyjIle[butte Morris

HOTEL AND AR RANGEMENTS COMMITTEEC E. PrIcer, 11 5(.._» D. lt. FItzroy----

')uiiuu L. M, Tuhly






Present: Supreuite Snark hliscox Past Suiuirlls \V. A.Prithulle, E. Stringot' ]3oggess, \V. A. 1-ladley; FT. ht, Isiiei'wooiiSecretutry-'irittsiii'er ; ( \,7 loues l. 'I', Langutti, J, C. i\lc-Gi'iit ii , P'iuttiIc I ledgos, tut d nininbei's of (ini iii i ttoo tin Conti(if t lie Ortlor ; Gliene Iihou'sey, utttotuioy-utt.hitsv, St. Loti is, \1o.,it iso present,

O fliciuth fteIiOi'tei', Getirge W. fJlit'goyii e, i)i'ooeuit, ituithA(t i tig Secretan'.l)lscus,slon tif Vuiys 1(11(1 heuitiis nuit! legal tit ethiethit fot

i uicoi'porzttluig lion-h loo ivurs the ti mt (lider o f ItiuttIutos, tiuid?l r. Morsoy ivuis i'e(htlesteil huy Suiai'll h I mmx to stILts In'he thyh is vletvs till the stubject.

INCORPORATION OF THE ORDER.fil r. I\h oiso>' : 'l'li ere tvouiil uiot lie Ilitich po i'siiutuii lieb i h i t y

(lint you \vtiui Id uissti nie un I ese Yeti ntiguigi)ti I n the I tinti i'itiiCttI ei siiiost If ytiti eutgnged i n f lie iuisli)'aiice fottuno >till ivOti hi¡tSituii)iO I initilhty, 'l'ii(t tO ¡tue lOti wuiys of luCi) r poruithiig ti unie u'the laits of tli SlItto of P,Iissiitirb, FIi't, as tii (tilt, tintI (nitCni'itotul t i o ui ni' ycitu could get. i pro forma )i(t(Fii(t of iiicit t'pn.i'atloui tu-oui thin Cotirt lii lii City of St. ltii is. I ut iii toIt Ito-latrai itt pnsseii t to sii>' ich cet s thin hn)st 5101) Ici t ui lItI.

Secre! ¡tiy isliou'svotiil : I)oits ud ¡e voltio tzLny ¡tssi)CII( t ionhiutt'ij a d i ffeien t fou'uti of iuicoi'poi'uttiiin fiotti ¡t regiiluiu- husmeesc'orporuiti Oui?

11h r, i\1 Cune>' : Oule Is oI tItitteil Ity ,'i ilei'reo of Court, svlu licii uiiiou' ti) O otlior yotu cotilui not ¡tvtiltl iCily lier8oiiutl responsI-hihity.

'l'ho Secretary : 'tYhien i t coiuieit to ¡t hiosviiowti wo cou liinot utvoid titi>' rnsltonsiitil I Ly

Mr. IIot'sey: No, utoitlior ono,>1 i'. Pi'tiiii Io : Ccii iii t h i s Oit! ou' hie lucorpo votati uts it fia-

tot'tnd orgauilyuttioii ivi titoli t auiy caititttl, shtliply for pi'otectionut nlottgst oursoi vos, ivI tiii)iu t I liCO i'i'ltig haul li t.y ?

M r. ful orsey : Yes, you colihti tie thiuit.?thr, [-liseox : l-loiv iiiueny offieis sliotihti we tact,?Mr, Mosey : A I1reshi ciut, ut iecu'etuiry ito (I 'l'reuusti i',,r.Mi'. Fliscuix: 'l'ue>' would hiutve to hold it niouthuig of Oie

Gettiti o f Dhi'ecttirs proue lilly ?

JIii i', I'IOi'sey : 'l'lt oie he uio i'etpu i i'Lillieult to unId those

in eotiuigi;.

fMr, I-1 levez : Supititse ve wein inc(ti'Itoi'ttteti cotulti wo

couithiuet tito utffuiii' of lino-Iba the 5)11110 ¡15 WO lieve boniicoutthtuc'tiiig tliouuu?

l'tlr. i'I(>rsey: .htist tuo Siltill),Iii r. I i isCt)x : 'l'ho Prettid cuit of tuo Uturitoratioti iii Ighi t not

ho at ill e itijutti tif tito O ii et'. \Vo elect ¡t Stark tif iiiUnIverse as tI', Stipreutue Olficei' of hIno-1loo, 'Ve wotihti ilot.tvautt thin Stiuink to ho Pi'eultiont of this Co rltoruutittti, iiiother wor(itt, IlOohilo residing ttt Missouri sliou iIi Ito officeiof the Corpoi'atioti, I presume.

Mr. IVlorsoy: I ihn not. tiiltiic tltere is auìy reqtiireunet,itt

that the officers shoulti redIle lui MissourI.ú_ Mr. Jiiscox: ft wouuiti ho better to iiitvo liovililti lic-ic

ç nuuiuiluig ti)e orgauiization ¡unIl carryhitg oui tue ot'gutuulyuttioui,f just as we nro.

,Iosies: Isn't It wise to lieve the Socrotitny-Treutsuiu'eu'two hersons, not incorporated-.

Mr. Morstty: Not necessaihly.: M t', il i ((lOX : I tli luik tve shon Iii Iuucorporato ¡cuti hinv

the Scoot dny.Ti'ouisuii'ei' tliu liltilie litt WO lieve now ituiti liutvotite other officers lui St, boum, i'arihloss tif the ou'gauulzatlouuof tuo Suprohuie Nluie. Tiien, In cuino of suit, tile officers ts'oultlmt hiero to dofend Huit.

SNARK TO BE PRESIDENT.Mr, l'ridihio: I think it wituild Ito weil to let the l'rosi.

(lent of the luicorporateti cot-ziltutny he the Snaric of thin Uni-verso and let lt peu'potuatë Itself.

Mr. Ellscnx: You say thons is ute objoction to elcethugI- a non-i'osideiit of MIssouri as Prenluient of ii MissouiI corpo-



Mr. Morsoy: 'l'hiero is as u'tgutu'tis ¿t buisIno coi ioratioiu.hi-_ PuI(ltiio: I thitik tite Stiueu'hu tttigiil t o Ito Pi'esldouittir tito Seor of tIte httttttiii Of Auicleutts I'reehihi,tit ou' Vice-i'i'eshileit t auth lilt (lic Score taiy-'i'u'ttutsti i (,r ) f tilo ei gut it iza-

hou be tu e Secreta ry-'l'u'euisti r(1r tif t lie ut o iv coitiiui y.liii-. Luingeuu: Yes, unuti ve rtiuihti lieve it tutest huig lIvely

YOli r und ei Oct the uiow Suiuiu-1,lhu'. h I Iscox 'Ilion youuu- suugg'si btu nitos Id ho t hie Seertf litt I lttio of iuicltjiit shots lui itt' bi't'nliioutl of tito orgutuuizui-

thou, thio Suintk of tint tJiiivoi'i, to litt Vice-I'issi(iouit, antI(li nl ivotilti 11(1 ich ons'ot' is ttle eteul at t h Is ti ne thuig 1',Ir. mli ei--ivoitti, Stjci'ottit'y-'l'reasti i'tti-, I zL'tirltou'uit titi foi' uuitti Protit phi--P05011. 'i'luuet is tigi-neti to?

Nr. Pniddlo: Yes.lili'. hiisco,: Vllo lino til stttchiiuttitie,u s"ill i-, il OisilY : 'l'hiou'tt ato Iliut nuiv titttu'ic liuthtito-e I ut tu u

Couina tinti 510(111 is issued. irs oliiou \vttu'tiut, yciir Goiintlttttltuuitinuh ruy-Jutis'e li'uttul(i gt)Venii, 1oui cutut st ¡t i t I n Iiy uuunkl uig ltl r,L. T. 'l'udiy, Presideuit; ,htulius Snitiel, Vitlu-Pi'etl(iOuit, utritiI F. it. Fslieu'svotiii, SocrntuirY.'I'reuisti 'ei', 'Iii e>' ('titi rosigut iuiulive c'uu n (IhOC t uttlut,i' Voti cien uiuiuiu t) f iitiito gii tiitiiutuii iii thu10005511 l'Y h)itlters ; h mu got tite it iit fuiu uiitt (i connut froiii th o

Outhit, tciuti they etui nlgui lui St. 11otiin, 'Plico, f you tilishnit,iii ey can res Igui tiui(I tlitìi u' sluccossors nui but o I ou:teti

i'ihu. i i Iscox : It cuiut liii zìi'ruuuigeti so t Ita t they c'en btuolocteti wltiiotit cuy tu'ouililo.

Mr. Morutey: Yes.IlIi, Diledgo : 'Vouuid ott r Jìyllucws lue sui ff1 cittuit for I iuuttM i', l'doisoy : 'os, they voiiid iii,, You Cuiui ti stt I ii eso

liy-h1aws 1111(1 tnt eau rovine thttuti for t li o ito VI tilgucuilcatioutlVti ciiui nittke wiiuitovot- rovisi() li is uiici'ssui i'y foi' tun I)iirhtt)snstif the bett rponuutlouu . A ftor tli o citin Ittuiy le I ii COi'hlttn)tt oti, youCuLli Ott 'uy on tIto I tinti 'uttien ft tuurut t liti ;tit o ¡us tttti ay.

tu'. i iicox If ive vutuit tut iluti'i'y tiull' Iuiu,uiniitieù ive t'niil'e'iiu cttrporuu I. e ?

. ,l i', Pdortiety : 'os, ytuii cut I) riiI iil'ttrluti ui te) ¡LS ut fnitlt'i nutliirgutui catIni,.

A flou' Lii rthtnt ti lsctussloii tif siuttul ry tuiuLttei'u. tegrt,'uh lug I h (tiiO(ttl of tue Ortisu', tu t uiiLuetl n g itas athjou, nutriI

fltainiai1cJSocialFeatures_fCouttlutuilng titú etustouti lust )Jgiiruu toil it>' Stut'i- of ho lhtttino

tif i\itcieuits ilutilliug Ai'tlitir ,Johiuisttut utt (fliirztgo last yettr,Pututi Suuui'k Itillits Snitiol euit('rtutllio(i i'ltst, Suiuu'hts unii titeiu-butti it's uit I ti ui citititti ii t thitt l Ii s Liti b ii tu, 'l'li tu intl cty, Se'pteuii hieri 0th, 'I'Iioo PiSelli t ivuri, : 1'ttst Snutt'lcs V A l'rhtiti io ofllelttl itlt)t) t, '!'OXuiH lt, Stu'iuigel' i3oggess of Chut nlcHbtlt'g, W, Tut,\V_ Ii, ilatliny of Chiuttliutiti, t) nt, (tiituiula ; it A, lilsciix ofSutu) Fi'utu)ciseo, Cuti . ; fil u's, ib le' cito, M tse Itlyrt i o il Incox, Mr.iiii(i l'une. Seldol tuOi i'dlss AdtIti Auitliouiy

'I'iueu'í., Ivitrit uttitny highly ofljOyuihileu uiftains c>fl fits 1)r(tgriohuof tini 29th Atittiuti . 'ihr lut t! i e tvri'o giton tt4 ti ut t hioutterituui-ty (iii tue ef'5ttiflg (if tlt Ctitucuttluuatiout, joltifuig iii theituiffet siijiper (lutti foiloweti tItis tiffuthr Oui I hue I)tiWlotiB eveui-luig nil visiting hlou)-IJt)o uiutil tu oli' iuiuilrs unti heitut nulle tvel-t1t)ine ti t, thtt Oslrlui tu (flttistru' ita Xl(ltiet. Ouu '['lt tii'eiuty i fteruuoonii tleilgi)tfuui utlul(itttobIItl t nIt ,vuLiu lituitiercil, sIuos'lng tue' sightsiiI tiit city to thtit vlsltttrs uiuitI liit:iuit]itlg a visit tut the ilevotient.

'l'ue crow n lug fc'atut t'e tif th c suii:iuti sltl e of I ti e Atm uni Ivanfiutu (hlitulQE.(lu)flcti uit (hit, Coitiuiuitbtc Itittit Chili ouu F"rithuiy evouihuig,'l'li ere tvuis ¡I iuit'gtt ¡tt.ttttititi lu re autti it tit'higiut ful uiffuthi' I t tvanirotui iucgiuu tui ng tt e iiti. Dough as >buil indu vauu tutastunnstor.-which is nuiothier IVItY (if i4ILY rig that the progi'uiliu \viin unitiuuì.hloyeui uhohigiit,

it siuouiid hie repeutteti thiuet 'tu of thu ese occuisionui iconottttt outiy:pittuineti hty St. Lotuhn i-1001 ion auth liseociuttetl miter.titn , iuuil tutu t' iiuuspltahlty iveit t. tite 1h ni it. Al i }Jts lico wereweicouuìetl itt every affair anti lucio WIcht ilO charge for any oftito çvont, :

Page 13: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death




r r1 Osirian Cloister


J\ I a ini'Ung of h e Osirla ii (Ioi$tcr, (t I 10(1 I)y I-flgliPrfeMt of DHf! s 'IV. A, 1':jddje, th following officeti sveropia cetl tri IÌ(>1 i flat ion for tu oíulcr 1)eIov nn!ne(1 ; thouII()J[1 I ¡1(11 1r1 %VaH (I U u y $((()ld((I ((u tu \VolO uflanlino tiolyOI(ct((i 11 O(fjc(rH of fl( Cloistor for flic ensuing term:

I I gli ! 'ri('t of ()4l ris U. A . f I Iscox, Sau JrancIsco, CRI.

J u gu i' utHt of ptu : t'(t.or A. Sin J)hufl, Salt Lake City,1JULI)

I ilgi ut (Ht of fti : V. A. J lad ley, (1tthan, Ont., Canada.I fIgli l'i (hi ((f Isis: \V. A. J'rua(uu(, J3OILUI000t, 'l'ex.I ugh u':'utat f Shit : lark i\1. Elle(igo, C)i!tlI, 1iss.I lugu J' leal ((f 'i'iI((tI( Peter JL!IgaU, Cairo, III,I Jugi l'i h't of I lather: I 1. it. isherwoo(i, St. LoulH, Mo.I I Igli l'i at of S.l : l'raiilc \V. 'i'OV(r, 1I1 Francisco, Cal.f Ugh J'Iie$t ((f Aiiiil;la E. I). 'l'onnaijf , St. Lotilo, 1o.l'lipi P lieng ftc) further 101HlI)eO8 0011110g before the ineot

leg if 11(0 (liat(r, I lie II(eetiflg \s';( a(ljotlrne(i.

IOsirian Cloister Initiation J

SiU(I E) LII ii (19 P. ¡(I. (\'e(1fl($(hly, Sl)t(OI1l((O' tli, (lia()olriiii ('li'lhlei Iii il iatloii ICiIik j)liiC(( le (lie iiialiì eonveiitliiiihull coi he IIi al lloii of lie Statler I lot el, 'ltli ¡'aaf. Snark1,v J\ I'iid(ll( Of Jleaiiiiiioil, 'l'axas, Ieeai(I ¡II lO I he capacity

r CI) (f l'i laal (if tILO Oairl:ijia.I'olIoe lag la a liai of lie I 1 cand iilaloa picaneen t. lo

I liiii I loo eoi k v}io ('Pi( iiItii)ililCC(I itid lull laled in (lieniyat(-'i laM of tli' Oiilrian liiglila

II lt lahervooil 12! I ) I 174 Aicule Bldg.tUoi gp \Vilaon,lonis ( I 1((1) , ìIi iiliaUiii lllili., (hl.

cago.It(,(' i'(t(Ii A. 'iiiijikiii (lloii. lÙ(). Salt I;tlie (ily. (JMaiiiiíi i. SJiri3 (22S7 I ), I i I 8 A Y(iil( likig.l ;ii 'i'iilly' (21 l9), I 21h llooi, A icule 111(1g.Il. C. hell (21 i77), lox 8l. (((riI)tli, 1lss.I) 8 \1oiitgoiiiei' (:l02s5), l;:12 1. & 1. ¡bou illlg..

Til((;Iiik(((.Boy \T iil iii (ii) (1(4 ( I OJ 17 ) , c;ie l'ergiiaoii liii tibor (J o.,

st. Louis.

I Address by Rev. Peter A. Simpkiii at OsirianJ

Cloister Banquet, Wednesday Evening,

L September 8th¡(Ir. h'Iinpiclii (,u4 lnIioilui,ed IS .\lr. I'IL(ri,I i'. ((,()lL, or si.I .()tiIi,, W'll() t(CI( I,ii çi ,ii JIi:I'Itui.air SIii1ili1 i'')1(C' LI fOIl()%v8air 'Jiit inaqi r, I ,ul i tul Ovii i l(IiÌ(ii I toi ifloilt Iiaiìiy,n fI'r f ho bug Jtitii iit, fiouL the I';uIiÌc Co:it, o ioolc Into yourfaro, a ¡iii t (p ii t4(IIIt ¡I t ((ils coniil ifIlifli IflTi LII(I IF) touch 1iindo

)fl(fl iigr(Iii ( liii '«une nf i lii niii %('1i,, Iii ()ILL (1f the greateat lii(1utLt riti of ihn rililliry, have sIi('trellr(I lii c;irri 1g on their greatl)IIMIII(i-.S nuil ln.tlIii:LliiiTIg Ii)t ii t hutitaitily, a. hiot}ierhooil noti :tlligtiritt4 (ti lititti i ha t it iItirticltrIíttic of tilt) lndiitry In sthootILLiit(I }-lûn-Ileo rarricit oit (q nilnititry,

A J funi to t lie ()il at (ti (litI O%'enl rig, you iiiay iierliaps t}ilnlc t101 (,,tqt a itti nit ge oii' w1in t tilted io alirtit t i lie 'moni Ing after. '' J¿lo noi tt ¡liii yt,li io t h tilt toi' a nuutiiiìt hat I atti ihont to lii:r1.nyou w lt lt any dIrilMoli ()t (lia 1:tirtit aiticittlioctit to tuo ConMtltu-(lot, toit I tt flM tt'r ouch iiiìiitii witait, on tliitig tilt, yatjr battu.t1ftil ri t y riti tt,i'ii ittg, I ell!Otl iii ttretl n (ktrtnan vlio bao long licouir u 'liliti li'ri, tuoi lìcì told iiio lie wondered c'liy (lia foiiui(lerM oft li 14 t'i i .' li,tcl alti (rd Si . l.oiil itliere tin ':toi. ¡t hotly of toator aittli4' l I'. rjiirI it ud tl i'títlititii)lll s'oiilil ilott' by yoiuu' (1(1(1ra l)ilt I itt hOStilpitilil t lilla IL tlliti ii iitlaustiiitl lic, lilie i lia gctotl neo or I'rovl'lc,u ccittiti i lii' aislotit nf vain' (((refit tlierit.

I\ " I 'iIPL to oui of LILO 'iIiI,lllilig t ft(r,'' I aititii rey oit i hat veryremai ' fi atti nit 01111(1 lit the t ioiigiit of I liase tlilrigii aIlloli a ro((1(1,1 t (.1 (III, nul at vIlll O Plifoiliul ayiliiOitllv foi i lic 01011 vlìoscI faloii Ii,ti,, i M lii e lutait cii t aliort oli t lit, 'tIge of t gradI 01(1 tige,I t':tii llr'taq lia i ici t:tl S'il1lO( i liy i,at.ttiita r)roh)erly, Iii ny ot uilIr(P4U n, i lie dri' 0h01 I tttit t t h,I uig of lo tIlt. -

Meeting, Banquet I.',


li. J. SVeal (30315), Wool LI;r. (Jo., Atlaiita, Ga.B. lt. Jillice (22382), I-lamIng I-total, Casper, \Vyo.C. C. Million ( J 8055), Arc;itle Bldg.(j. E. Mattloon (15282), Ark. Lanil & LllIlllier Co,,

Maivorn, Ark.v. w. l(ellooer (1032), 1121 Cherry St., Ililntlngtoli,


lt. C. Scearco ( 18111), Coiiior & Scoiil'ce Co., Mooreavilla, mil,

(J, I_i, Schvartz ( 111:17), \Vaslilngtoii St. & C., 13. & li.li, lt., Napiervllle Ill,

w. c, FllliclC ( I F1048), 151S Ai'cado lllilg., St. Lou Is.'l'h e ceroiii (ill les vere followeil by ii l)a il let at I 'ti'1 () A

ini tile secollil (loor of I h e Statler I li)(el, i n which the Osi r ¡ana(11(1 theIr l:ujles lad as 11101v gilasts vIsitIng I-Ioo-}IocjIll (il he F111011 (LIli! liiil los--antI (lic bu les svere (here lo i uni.hei's, I ll non (tn tal a liii yuca I ohmIc en I i veiieil (h e ha iuq t) etan excotlent lirogia In, I n vlilcli ¡'ator A. SIm ¡(1(111, SlIpronloChaplain of lIoo.i Loo, \%LS a pilnclpal speaker, followed.

Patrlcl F'. Cook was (009tlnastor, and the otIlar speakoraItere Snai'Ii lt. A. JI Iscox, Post Siinrk Jo 1 lu, Seidel tiiiil \T i ce.gerenL W. (1. Fiitick (if St. Louis. Mr$. Peter LILliga n ofCaii'o. Ill., In a few gracious worila, vol ccii li ei lileIlsure la(i t(Ofl(] Ing tui la ¿iliil other lileotings, 'lii e li ial feo tarit w' as itgct.toge (lier and getacqua Ial oil meetlllg.

Ch apIo Ill Slinpkln 's B iiliject was ''Iii e Nett' 1)ay,'' o r, nalie facetiously atyleil lt. "Tint Ballung After," Ills iiinglicitlsiii(11(1 fe rviir iliVelit h lo h corers ayllu h i in iii serions 1)11 a sea

of Ii is a iliireas 811(1 flic h a Il resoilniieil v'i th laugh ter wi t h Ii laIiiiiiìiii'oii sallies. Oiu, thoilght hut Ile a(lVlilicVil, having lodii Ivi(i) lie econoiiile phases of ¡irolilhftioii, ives (lia t "tintJi(IXI_ tOn yeiii'a lVlli give to (lie liIliiii011)lCli of thIs countryI lì t' grea teal ((13011010 Ic a v;ikoii Ing la lin I I d Ing iii li um is t hallias ever laten 10mwh In flic h lof iiry of the Un i teil Sta t es.''lie picturt'il to fils licorera hie diffIculties of ¡lie tralisitioiifroiti t h (' wrecks of tu voi'lil coiitilct and nalil I lint liii 1(1(1 lO i ty,fcllo%'shlp 1111(1 love nro (lie savilig eienenla in (lie newiliorning that is dawning out of I1ien difficultIes,

a Scotch nino over (I uIt lo Irnitcif allowing h la priilo to tinliottle a Il -(lie resources of lila life and 1il pocket, lt is whaii l'rovklonco. entl,(i, liii,, l-u in lirai boy; tinI I roiitarnbei' trill tin' tiara of one g:ouìrltn{ePliersoii io ahane (ionic tlierii liad cattle ihn tiret boy aiid whogathered (n lila frienila for the clirlatonhig.

- Abunilant. preparatleelitaI l)(ì('71 (untie foi ((litio' (mnJoyiiieiii lotti li stillil atol - lIquki, onilSitli. on ilio erdung of tha chr(stoiiliig. comliig lione early liiorilei' to lialii (lia gnarl wIfe lia proitioreil for the Important avent,\VILI( uiiiicli otartloti to have the loiig.tl(atanco drioiber of the county(lila Ot li i M gucots. Sn tilt' nrc'i'ivi annie tu pi'I n g ni the door tt SIXo'cloo'(ç. Suipr(oeil, hut licOl)! table, uit liest Itiv i t eil him In antI i lu ayitt down by (lie fire, tv!tli a (cattle of hot Wator nail (ho aligar Intim ltott1. '('lie host linde uhu malte ldmaclt at (lomo, which hl(illCQ(,tlOd earneath' to do. ¶l'lie iniiiiaier canta .. ot eight, the chris-i ciii log 'aa (o'er, hie ha (»''ii health was tluunlç :ieti the gnou niaTi(le(ltLrtecl. About ii(iie o'clock MeTav(oli sul'prisc(( (ho company byrioltig aru,I stoggarliig over to tlui hoat anti hosicato ariil oqoylng,'Vell, Mfaireoo MaP horton, I trill ho Ottylng gobi nIcht (o you."Slit' replied, 'Oli, don't go away at this hour of tite evening. It Iscarla', only nIne o'clock, ann ((taro lo (l(ity to etit arid drink,":lte'l'Itv IM)) itk'cti(i(eii i lie caen (lIma I»' ielila'liig. ''((iii na tas,'t, yr-ari: I tini Ito g,)(ng boum. but. I Jti,t ivithlieti to 'an 'riihl urbui.' ioyell ich Ile I could sao you."

Perhapit (ii Se(iaittl "och seance itta' ' be repc:t(eiJ, hut only inio'all.gtiarde(l liotiion, slid in singular shots in thug land of liberty(t'lu 811Cl) SCitflet( be wltiienned by un of America.

T,et uno Hay :t ocrIons vorcl, '('liare Is no man liera vlio isenita(,Tc of reaaoil(lig icho lias oat cccii In the treniandoiie economicclin agos '.v (deli lieve liccii brought alioiit by (luit conot(tiit(on:i I rogu-haiku0 ivh ¡cli, (Olio foi' (lie exigency of hic war, IX'oukl lint llave beenrealizel in (lila liepiolille for a liait a century Co cerne, hut tos hearea (lie econoiloic going and (lie social safoty that lins tocen('iiini iilO(1 iii i lie perlions t(nia (lito which we linie entered vhollaca mint realise t hut , willi nl I lin ol (aulvantages, I I. etirries also pro-foiiiid ad 'aiitacen,,,,.. I '(ll( ((lleS (li (litlilligLy iii our ein, oisrcltt'es io hOu rs l l sa fc (or nc to assert t lint In i lic tient (en 'aars lila lumber

i liii I il t' ulivi' ((t'lIti n (n t lia yaoieiilny, n ad J I (i iuiic tif ilio oui c'erg>' - ( iiiltititry .'Ill (tilia lii tilo, creai Ion of mies' lioin os, eilt of the noevn it ii n, (uil t cil In spend noi availing (n an Em, gi oh (bide, iotinring ecllliO!ii IC l)(lil.Si(l((ltletl (If the i%'(liltern itt A nicrlc:o. i lia (argent s(ngl oI 'i li(ii i (tIllo I' ti (tu Il uil Ing I lic lloiinIL( ((rpihl rofrealiniarit of such a (ittOi' Of gain (lint ta'il( coLee citi of (lilo (tait' li nUll 1011 regulation.- '-

liorna, o) Pon c'iin(iìg i (I h (ni calf liaxi moitirmilmig titos a lii i le slio"(iil to ''1 (lout VClltiti(llg nny 0(11ml lori ito to (((10' ftir I he pilitlic opinion orr('e('lvp a 1111(0 fi 'ait ii ito 11,1st of tua even lag heforo, who caki, ''j an-i the publie .. eiii(rnaiit of I lie ltpeh((c iiitiy, iii rough Its re presea taheuidliig bath to 'tiii by ,lttuneit i lie (io niei'mo vii Ich n'ot left (tare last I Ives, mod ointe the preach t condition. cite ((i (ng is very I rue : that. I evening. uhu lt JIll! IlmO quitt' lhroug(i ivllii icy parrllt uniI r;gc, I hie \mnerIcae hoopla io((( llevar tignin revert to tba steine form of'tilamiic liii lo mal urm t (letti,'' dealimig c'i tu lilla qiieotlon os lins marked ((io yea ra gomia by. Anddays tVltelL the blililiolls atoe tite iinfttil(mig attomiclant nf life flOtt' Collies the question of the Morning After.

\o'aM herbais (n iio (tono] litare siiarii(y acklent than In obi fJcothe, Ic \ve are lii a nest' day. Back of tile eartliqualia 8iiork and the. : settles to aoinellitng of ihtt (1101 foundation, but it also manifonts tromendeaus upheavals of the past five years, tIto world slowly -

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Page 14: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death




tI(W HtrIatIo,In, %VhOe urifnrììlllarlty puzzles the mInds of thaa whohavi' to ¿lo )tJ'ltjeM In thig ¡00(1. Whon ono thinks of the agoniesof tile torus (J(llIrIIrtIVe thtil. have spent lhemeIves, of the crystal-II7tI1Ifi, or tl ('III urks anl riveti ;in'ny (ioni hijtìian life. of the(le9f rin t ton of «p JI);uIy or t ti e O!eaCn Ls that \vere clear and familiarto 1H In liii Liy toit tie upon the other side of the conflict, vofled ou r silves 't i t led. ta t a lice vothI, after ail ? Vo ask our-eIvs, gtinld t tie eifel ilol rtL1t azul fog that titl liatig ovci us, it

hiirIUIHIt3 ti ÌO lilo saine. As we ee the 8eltiuhnoss of man, as wonet) tile ,Jih(I( II(C1C08 ()l)elatiøn of tnisineos, canted on vittiout tuo

s a I ri t '4 (II fa truena ii ud econoin e Justice ; a.j wo ieo men botterl'a lii, ijt t r LlOCI, (or t cinallor nleasllro of crytcc tlLfl humanIi IStOt Y ever Ic iivs' Iii led vltti n liacon ten I whoso rumblIngs arolicarri tui ()IIIh(,lJt I tiri Iii nit , vo svinder whether, u n the ''IornIngA(tcr' there h.0 hei, any cintogo. fuero han been. lt ta nit to beIon d, niet t ht ore Is Or) gloater tOOl OU the soll of America the n tuo

icen svtio OUIguau u he u I I te can be ca rrled back zud run Into the(orniM n 11(1 l)tiil(1f(l II)()II u lie intcn OH shilcht I i fo rested elx ycare ago.'I'Iic woi 1(1 11:1,4 niovrd fni t oward the now ¡floro tog, ami eveii thoughIt) tIO .1 t IIU)UlJiI 01 1H W( k fl()V 'VO CIIflhIOt lICO just how far life hasOjIV(fI , J lint o V fully I h e f;te tor8 of life have changed. fiìlc woiii, hnocr . huit hi lier ;ìiìil i,niinon nìu:ìlìood ctn never ho uut againiiìlrì liP 811111e jìI:ìrí, atiiI nitii ihn i;ìino Oi:Ltionslìip C8 upon theolhtei eidc nf i iI(Hì (ilì)'ti of stiess. Do not nistako ¡no. I cvouidluit iiiderliilçì t o nut hue (or you either tue prospect or the policyì%ili( li ii (iì ir t ìltlorr(ill lviii bring to us. 'Pliera is only ono policyfOI ,iIt, huit ììlìiìlì ile,i iii tll( I)IIlcIII.

'hULl IIIIII i H III IgOlIJIlO t illi t l,rofe800s to carry a largo construc-I lì iiicìi go I (I 11111V. I t l tilO Morii ing A fier.' lijo greatestl!C)l,tll(tl (lt ii I Mt cry Is ''V((. i'ii at is (lot 1.0 nneieroetimnte thefililelilior of iil((4l iiìliiìii,lìs that IlilizOli \VItil (ltl(i3'i;lg glory lier to(liii ill lIilfil 'iit u 11g u tie ClilllO()ll cì:uriilce (fla(le by tlio youth of(ìiiiìiììlìlt ;ìiììi u iiì Allieli (((Sin. lut tito cvorld in (IhnorleILl, nervo-litrailIll! lt (P011i iiierhliìi t (Ill It io 0(1 holii for Soidhitz powders.liPlil(lili)lìZ h lii ((ill ,piva h:

'lier ì if(o lie ll(li/ of A ((Il Jane Lowìler,Shie huid. ìilìiIe (irinlcilig a $eidlitz powder.

I tllid ft ciii títil iì I i lier iieavetily rent,i)(( 011IlLIlli lOt', Oil ilììi t Iii ii Cfl(l%'(ileCll.'

! ( ì,i,eìi I I ii;ìt i I IO tul 111)10' for ì:nrcttih ;Ll:tiol( . LI fo'n foundationsiìeii I r; li ( ion n eli ore you ii tidertaiíü i o erect the ternIllas ILCII tinoiaIle9 (Ir tue New itay.

i if' I ii ill VO io tIll I1i111 i i t íìlosiy, 'l'o nuark tincio rather thanht ¡juin Ic snviftiy hi l)l( order fr the (inLy, 1'hno '!rorniing After''lìninigo nj a Ill'ItI(('ill . \V( etllnioi. tillil bReie io the (uil nlney. 'line((IllilIlil nIlell ninç, fììIii' I nìy (1(11 II re tiì he ¡litiod. 'l'hey aro an groatInitninnive i o i me cc orini'c ieInno('nn(e%' ¡InI Irin i lie cornonin n into who wouldiioet rev t lie i¡iii i viii iii i clii niel 'l inortin ni ity of the /trnorican-thoÀiigiiì-H,txon í'iviilzationi.

'I'tiì'i o ,ni e ta (i choir iiìiiign t iìni t eliiriil oint inn t)ii niese morning,

ITHE SPIRIT OF 1100-1100


(iiuti n n od fniiii )itge 6)omong Hoo-Hoo, simpiy becauoe of the things that areIn Koo.Hoo for the welfare and the interest of ail um.barmen (Appiausc.)

i kinone I hai inveny ilnl)oiiant iiuliistry is l)ecoining elle-i:liiiizpci , litai inc iry iiill)Oititiit ti'nuie anuil in(iustry IS fightingror i t i igit te, ,'tniii i I is lnni)i)n)s(ni , i'in out Coligress iiieol s agitlinlii iii t i uil nico a liii i to do for tin o unti hei' inni ustry whintl theunit'i'el ni t i' Conin ¡tierce Coiti in ionioni 'nne 01)1)0 in ted to do fol'lin rnniironiiie. I eti'taiitiy iioi)nn it 'iil luth. 1)0 nlonie, I vant

u) Hill' I ii p A inn en itou fi overuunnen t stop wineti ng utìoiioy. I wantlì) 8CC I uP J\nuln leant (o'ei'nìnuìeint give Serioile atteiitioit to(iii ì iii iii lien' i)i'(ii)iCTni ii, bil t tile foirer bitten ins ve have, i h einnern i'íinsli i ii t i oniH i \voi'ic foi' froenionni c'e ivii I lieve in thehjiiihiìii i';tntf i' (/l)lìiflil8O.)

I wo ii t you geni tieni c'ti in) n'eiinenniuer titeL the Federal(ii)V('fiìlfl('fl i 114 iii I oreeteni ht your intel 01)58 and hue a rightEi) ho '11h o l'il orni i (Jovernitti ciii. io going to stiend in tino Vi1Y(il svaciegi', iiitìl ii ought to, 011(1 if ns'ltiì th,'t it viii begin acr118 i mu' unid t h onoingin sysi enin (if ieforeetnttioni, fifty yearsfreut nnov Aintì'i ira ntiii nave nne milieu iiinnnbni' as it itas todaymiii! you ini ni ('ni t ein inn('nlnne i ng i'itlio livor \vhlt t. you oro cuttingbuoy. 'l'li e liii ti iìer i nil ins try niust hot ion al ios'etI to d io oint.'tin' wr )ungin unii wnietntgo of yennten'ìluy must ho rolne(iiod,

liii t you it i e CinIil(i ing 110W, genii leinen, '1i en'o every jacklii I it e i u inn b('i' I nihiietn'y wan i s t (n got into tin le Inidinstry forcii hielt etHic, ilk i tin e nimm vin o, i ni tin o dark ness, attempts toravish tine titi rest joen'ei inn anioth er inno in's moitie, aun! tine unanof tino itounie i iS('í4 to ii efeind h iii in olino by eveuy uuenns at lilooinnnnanid ; s'o i, t muni Wii(lt'e ainarelniete and Boishnevists arogowi, hint thou' eyes seo too closely near tine two lines runncling in innig t iii? 8 mia of the incoe, niuiìl against tu ose danigersy(ili i1('('nl t I) n,in n i'puui year venn p(nnns of (i(IfOflSe, foi' your ownointe ni od n n (ii d er t hit t you ii gii t y ein n' oivnn maiLles.

13ml t ii ('u'o Is ni higgen' thing t linie that, in J e' or (Jointiin,iii I ni lion' ou CnLi)ltiti'--i lie int'cani tin of vision inn every lnnan'nnilfo tient h('i liii it inn I O iooi ili3YOflli tin o i it tie circio aboutiiliiieruif anni ope uno eimer mutins VI(',V, 'nus end is attainedbnrgliy my iuienLflq of unii; association nit minne, couining lutondoonn pn'i conio i conntnnci , excinnungi n g vi (Ovni ii nil enjoying goodfolioweitip Let ins look oint heyoiinl einreeives ; let us seemou ,'tinti ii nose' meni in unni know life, aunii let us kuiov thatbiijiic'nnti . le jnibt in great viece of inachiunerv, vhiero tinderhuit wino Inn the Fnntiner of us nil, we are reachninng out totouch tine i Ile tin at is ainoint uts ; se t mat in seiiing umidi lf101'y,luuinber or otinen' PiO(iUCtS we can nie lt inecause life Is richernuid happier ou incconnnt: of ( -porsoñal touch wo enjoy inpassIng along day by day.

tivo notos that ring out swoetlyamid lifo's rumbio. One Is that ofIninmanity. Out of tine furnace of war, oint of the fires of agony,emerges ciennrly tine figure of Ilumanity, tino message of its rights.

'l'inc (inneotiori of tino (leniiocnacy of ito ainni tino roiationns of meniii tino supreme questioni Just note.May I conninnnenni to you the new book of Lord Leverinulme, pub-

iinnined by l)ornn n 9-Tine Six 1lonnr Shift anni Jifficienicy.'' lt bins innlt tino conical inunnnnnii fl(ite ainni tino moot practical and conservativecointrihutioni to tine vexent question of tino rciatioins nit cnpitnni andintiior that inns beeni given to tine cs'orinl. As a great und wenLitinyliniiiioyor of Inn bon iie Potin ts out that it io proinostenous to tiniunktinat ube irorini cani go on tn'liln ton lier cent of tino people owinitignninnety lIer ceint of tino weniltin, enel goes inni to show tinat life anndtnuiii (ness nimmt I evei nip tino in inety per ceint tosc'ards tine ton. J'rac-ticínily ii iii inmolo tinouglnt inn tIno in u onion izinng aind tonncining into. apractical iinotiirinonnl tino roiatioinnn of innaintor and miam.

Fei iowniiniin tninieii ou inuinninnity inn tine inoynnote for nell humanreinLtiennnnì. \rC shout 26 l)iliioii5 of wealth, wo left ff0000 of tInoi)rnLvenii ainil hes t of Unir A itnerican yonitin tin i io i)esiiie their foiion'nnuf i hin A iiieii la rini ein tino crimson lunes of far-tini tic lint the. \V'oricen moon bCe's hid (y tini inge to tIna nnnnejeutic inoigintit of nnntionnaliiiiniinicss nnud sacrifice, For winat? 'Finat Inn tino eiays of fennec ailt tie i inn pl lcìi i lonnn4 uf (ieniOcracy inn igint tie ronhizcd ¡lad tino inuitteutiges of oint foniiinniinnn nilo trono out of life. 'l'inoir (rouses gicannii innniy out yiiinnl er iinniier tIno Fianinierni inky, hut thoir oonniti, riLnnhedniiiove tIno muni for winit'tn they (lie(I, aro witnncnes temo wait to neoliii realizo iii 1108cc WiilLt they cenol e inn tenir, Not tine dream ofweaitui, hint i no clreonnn of fellowniii ip sinonimi he onnrni note. As ninnidnue shaniow ann nenniin, nihnovo nno iii a niiiverinng siny ¿noii wo onuutrnnnnnonnnliei' it is rnnirnninng, a ilote mon-tiling tutti cnnnn tne gloriouo onniytin lino light of love anni hnriectical hrotinerliood,

I t is t inc ''lion-n ing After' '-tino ninenrinling win indi inn tu oan tin o opiritof iot'nì giorlfyinig' inninoant iifo. %Vittn ¡cii tino ot renigtin ninnih tine Oubli-ion' of thin nìnttinin'o ilfe it can oiniy sii free tuo future, a future in

win ichn broi inerinooni einnnii cenino to ho ni linero hiotiticnti ideai, hintii'inere it nitinnui ho cornnnl svitlt (Inni t gobnieni cord ceiticii Inn lnnnnnnanniiyiiiiinit my ninnii J unitice nilinill blind togetinon' t mo inenirtin of anon inn aieiilcr anni ioftier service tinnit nihnail nnnnnko ni tinily hnnippy America.Onniy so cviii lt II nni itneif abio to serve inn tine ts'iiler tocino tlnnit linie(.Iiiil -nleveiopeil il ennocnacy ninny do for a.nnceìiy aind a hnlonidlnng world,

Yea, it io tino 'nnnornniing nfter"-nifter ((crini, after mate, nnftorninnrr.tvineno, ni ftnr oeiiiein forgottiing, hint it io intona inig, a innorninig inntviilcit . tino tn'iiite (nice of humanity turnio wltin winnitnnl Inope towardtue rioting omm nnnd the nnoonday.

Iii tile liCO' lIght iet un go to carry a ineeunnge of inope and Inoipinuit lve. No religioni io worth the having tinat does mot have thiswilli it, flu iioilcy io seorUn its ovoiutionn teinlein inno not tints for itseuiirit, und tie may be surin that as wo hear it, it oinaii lie to ininoint the innorninig onniiiealy ant we realize tino dream of film wino ls'Our Father,"

it is said in tine I3ook by one wino was wiser thnan wo are,"Tinoy teere ali brothiers," because lie taught us to say "OhrFntlier." Aind it. is written In the Book-iund I wish evotyeine of you wouinl tonlay put tuis new sentiment comewinore(nui your stationery funi on your hiteratnnre in youni' inusineoc-you are just one big inrotherhooni, ad yonn anni your customers,ynnit and younn' connipi'titors tnhnouiltl realizo tinat you are justolio brotinerinoo(j ntunnh that tine i)Oflni that binnis you togotinorio i h itt of cotni in oit righteotisuness, cnnniìnnoui inrotincrinood.

'lite vicious emolo in which vo ivave i)een travelling ishike t ito niog Cli asluug lilo owni tail : hlginnji' prices nnunnl h ig'ìorini'in:es; so Litai. tine hovel of life, tine econonnie level ofItunnet'ica ovili be so lundi (nuit of bniiuuice tinat soninethirug isgoing to finii; the countn'y cannot stanni tito strain; we nnrecouniiing to ni tlne when there 11111sf. ho ut re'nndjuistmeuii it isnitiner that or nationni banikruiptcy or nnatiouuai lunacy. If weti'nnint. to ho nut oxinortinig nation and go oint into the marketsof tIte won'lnl, where we mayo to compete with tino Jap orwhit tine Fronehmain or have te fight the O .rman er saineoilier nnationi fer Jolie l3uii and ineip to inriig tine markets oftine world to Lonniout or bring tinem inn Aunterica, wo have gottnn muli down tIne economic level again. ltntther than soc lifeget heyonui tite proper level, I would ratiner seo not anotherinitio of cotton Ó'r unuiot.licr potnnni of Atinericain goouie go outof tItis country to nnotiner nation. But tve can auijnnst, conditionis; we citen iintsteni productIon; wo can increase officioney. We can -nient tino needs of iiftn if only, unenneinow, wocan put Into inusinietus LinIe spirit we are taikling about, liniennith'it et inunnanity that shah bring inrotinerheod anni follow.uniuip te tine places winere we cani laker smb by side.

Tine tiret tining for yen men to do le to seek tine welfareof the mcm lin your own employ, I tient cane whtetiior thoyare Americane or aliens, AntI I aun an alien. I was borin intiu land over the ceo and T always take unto myself overytinintg said about niions. inn days gone by I henni innnslneeelinen taiking unhout eninnare heads," "(lagoon" and oilier radafreni foreign countries; and I used to feel a i)it cati, becauseI knete tiutt a potential American (not a real American)wann nothing inuit a "tungo" or a "round henni" or a "squarehenil," anni tlnat those wino teere conning to ins woulni tIntI ltdiffienult to inoinnn American citizens, ilnnt ali of that. hasi)eoun changed.

Tine ounly way tinat you can intake Americane le bysynunpathy, unnnlerstaunnling, love, ne warnni welcome anti intiman.fly, in tine new spirit of life we nomi to understand thatAuinorica can only enduin'e as Ainericut Iceepe its grip upontines things. Can you fancy that witliout justice, tvlthenthnuunanity, without cieanhinese inn life, without devotion tothose Inleals that Itaca been the glory of America, from thedays of Plymouth Rock and the Virginia edionies clear acrossto the Pacific, nd out beyond into the Philippines and to



Hawaii-do you fancy for a itninnutnr that America can hivewithout those inieals? if you nb, I don't tininik that you seoeltinen' clearly or right, because tine ett'engtin of Almenen, afterail, is the strength of its ideals,

\'Tinen I tenne in tine Y. M. C. A. service niui'inng tito warsoinetiinnes, ivitin blurred eyes, i cinte splendid, sturdy, sun-burnt Annericatne crowniiuug the traitis to ¡no soint across tineseas, tuch' facce beainniing with joy as they stood minder OidGlory, goinng to tine hattiefielde over yondci', eutìlhinng. I noven-saw them without feeilung sad becannee E could ¡net ho tiieu'eto aliare tite agonuy ainii spieinnlid sacrifice of it all; noinni winenI read Aninet'ican history and l'cani that nninreeioine epoch be-tween 1620 anni 1920, iii the ninstery of tuis coninntry nund intin o tiii'uisting oint fn'onn Notv Engintnnni I in p;nntic'nniar, tino nioutn i-mating ideals tinat miado Atntet'ica, i thank (Ioni because eversince Almenen was touucined by tina Mayilowen' Ito math kointalive our beautiful idnonie that nnnnke Atnonbent gn'eat. As wepass unto tin le niew ore of jnannsinnn nnund suilichn liess tee feeltinat there muet como a reiunissnnnce, a re-birtin of onir ininanis,if we are to servo God ioyaily.

Lonng ungo people fauncieni Litai in und er to be genti tinnycouiinl hot unix tun tvitln the vorini. i inni giind tlnnLt tli'at daylias gonne by and that a nininister cinun sit Inn un coincateinationof iieo1-loo aiuti still ha a inninnieter, i bibi you tite otiinnrnigint, ini these niays wheln we mro Inntesieng nito a unaten'nnuuiiaof tuiitlen'ial lene annnl laysteria-becinnige Auìacn'ica li as beeit, foroven, a year, In a conniltionn of inyeteria--aunli inyotorin le mot.peculiar to wolnteni--tvo lisce bnìemn passung t hreumgin a inationialhysteria freitn tino reaction iui(i tino strain of time tenir. Nowwe are beginning to fool sonne couneciousunesu of dear Itnaninoanti consciousness of a cicar vision,

We ought to rcrneinnhor title, gnmnntieinnoun-itnnni you iitnowmost Americane don't see It-they ntnight oonno nlay-tiuei'earo a great maiiy Arnoricauns who fnnncy tient in miam beconnisa good citizen of this Country suini hcinowo nionunoeracy suiniAniones because he was bern Inane. Nounoouiee, No intonethaun a minan is it gentlonunan inecaunse. inn is hou'nu in a gonniinu-manie lionnee on' ni nninii beconnos a mou inicinnun bocntiisnt libofathnen' was a nnnnsician, 'linie is tino ineinaity tinunt tve pay imAnnoricnn, just as every goineratioin inns to cuit its intvin teeth,as (ivory genneratloa luis to learn to walk, itas to learn thennuitipiicatiein table, as ail generatlonns linee inn go over titesanee steps, you have got to learn democracy, nnit'vice, limi

sl1isinrleee and ideals. When we coiinpn'ehncilni tinntt tIno inn'iceof niemocracy is to Influso aund cannsnr to Inc reborni in cinchgenoi'ittion tite sinirit of the revolution, the spirit tvinicit meyerhas niicul eilt in Aunnericin, tine sooner wo Je nr ii tintI. the betterable tee email 1)0 to do cuir ditties. Lornl G ediles nnnnrlo it gn'enntopoocin the etluci' day boforo tite Aninem'icaun unni' Aseociationi.11e spoke of tine AingloSaxonn'un inloit of freethnnii ntunnl diminue-racy, Ile said, "Fn'eedoinn lias te ho founglnt foi' in every geni-oration; lt le something tlnat bins to be fougint fon' becntutsothe forces of autocracy un'e against ft'cedoiun mud tve need toreahiv,e today, in lighting tino connnnununnisttn muni bolalneviete,lighting ali those nuten who have nno ideals at uli-tinat we mmflghtingfor tine continununco of ruai fn'eenionn iii the ean'tln tinatnohali permnnit our child.reun aiuti out' citiinlren'n ciniidrent to ennjoythat fi'oc'nlomn. lt is a- Ilgint for fairuunlos, for justice, for oppot'-tt.tnhty, for inumnainity, ligiitiing as we do, janet seltene we iivo,in onu' onvmn life aund In ciii' own business,

'l'lione le one thing that is a rittlier nieiicatn titling tospeak aboint-titut ins titis: Yeiu know feunliniisun received atinrust into Its meant yonnulor lin Ningiand winenn tinny wroteMagma Cinmtrta. It received Its last deatin Ihumunets on tineMarine sutil tine Aiinne, where they connue togotltor nit tineArnnnngetidon, as wo called it a fete years ago; but remembertin at ''itnnnuaunienn'' is not dead, anni its we wnnik, seeking toinainntalmn evoiy bit of worth out of the oui civillzatioin, eiltof tine oid ergani'ied binsinese life of America, seeking [omoyo fomtvmnrd through uniiil er initnnp or store tir yard, ut' forinter moine or schooiu'oom, iutinnisteriuig to lnumnmnui iifo, seeking toinnaintain tite fonos so pn'ocious that citino to unIt yestemnlay-remcuunbor that we have got to toucin inmnnds willi tine innen motthe bottone outil level um life uno tust it shmnii be dearer aludsweeter, anti In fellowship and mnccornl we nuuay live togetherto do tito business of tino world

i relient nny advice to you, to get the iitlnor nuniens togive greater efficiency. A little wóman saul In the Pest-Dispatch yesterday, "One cause of unmnrest lin America Is be.cause we have miado labor so fatiguing; in man is 111cc mt.

macmine as he stands at thehonch anni does hie work. Titomain tiningth te malee tino man realize that, ito lias a share inthé husmeas and Is a factor in doing the work that must bedone lun the faótory. Tinank God tito employers throughoutAmerica understand now, unôra thoroughly tinann ever before,the nnennlng of comradeshIp, followsinip annllnumamnity, and

they uovo caingint tine sjnin'il , aund aitrum istle spirit, tile Clirletiautnilnirit.

Tino satine civai'nno:teristic iii bumelunoes tinmot wo have inn

lnnnlitics, iii enluientliomi amtl lii socimni life sinahi live to mnnmtko tintibiggen' life titel iics inonfnn'nn Aunien'it'mn imnni domt't fon'got, youwito arti gooni tJnntlnoiies or gooni Motinenlists, gooni Preeby-tonu'iaune on' goond nnnytiu ini g else-nioun't fon got t mii : titntt jutetit5 they bnìgmtn t in budini tito Aninou'icann civil mzation inni! wen'e,my sinit'i [nia i fnnrces mtitni biennIo, nne Itoger liabeomn tolti tinemusi niese nuneun of Anuericit, Elirnu gli I lie \Viill Street Journal afete utontiis mngln-u'euinenun innn n' you caniL icoep Aunnen'ica alivetvititemn t tine giant siniu'i thai fonces foi' win ich the grninnt toacini nigs ont Cint'is t ut in mini lnot'inotnlai I y. Ynnun inmivot got [t) iiut.vnn titogn'eat spi iituimti chinons, beennnnse (iii t mt tinenun t lt e gm'n'mnt innunnamu

in ein 't ti minis stn'onngi.ln t o utnovon anni ¿net,

i tvmtint. to talio in iittinn innnrmthie of ute muni iemtvo it tvitinyou mot tino ClOU(i of muy mehl ness. i have trieni t o sntggniet toyniui [mm t youn' bnisiuness inn unsi. Inc gin ninini nt unni bronigin t togethen',mini. fon' i ts osvun ttieii ntiontni, ai tlnoungln titen'e is aun oieinnomnt ofsei iinnln i)enis i n tinnit, inciense tve mace fotigin t for ot'gntnizeulInnnoiiness mngalnst tine y i s louis of cnnninnnnnnunisnnu---1 have un genlyinni to cnntcln tine menu of inni in mtii it V amini inrotiiei'iuooìi tinattui ist get iiotvn iii tin you i' inuisinness noii Inri tug tIn e 111011 nvino utm'ontoiiiung for you nuunnl eau'n'yinug orn you r lintel niese to feel tel tinynnnt tine oiic'ness uf lnniu'inose ont life. i itnovo siinipiy enuggestonl,ni s a ci ei'gynnn ann unungln t ti) ninn, tino tu inge that I seo nttost clearlyof in i i : that 1f you tvnnmn t [n) ni o [In ese tin iungs [mat you ioariiedit t yninim' unnotinen"o but nie ; tin oso tin i ugo t inuit i lynn iii t ho sunionntiormmmi tin e giou'y nnf A nun en'lentuu i i fu annnl ciinni'aetni', vitln ini I of itsfinutits, tito [hung titutt teins mot lito core of it tine greatstrength itnol mcmii l.y nit spiu'i tnuntl lucius.

hit a few holme tee sinnt ii Inni goimig inwiny, \Vinat to nb ? Aroteli going ntvnty Jitst to fon'get or ¿nro we going to n'emuteinberhunt titis nnetv hune coils itinonn nil of is Ion uigint? \Vinon Itvits it I i ttio iclilti ion, iii tlnnn I i ttio lnomuu on over tin n seit., [hoy usetito inuit, itne to l)cui hirnutty emily, oevein o'ciocic. My little wIndowitiointini tiotein tino nlni i tonnnnn n toad, mn t'nunnnl t Inc itomnnanne built2,000 yemnu's ngo, muni leali mug d otvun i inc t'omtnl I mutt ioni atyityt t) iomnnioin nine tenny ntiiii [(n Sn:ot.l amuil tine u)l in et', where itty boy-loin min i unni unseni inn ruun, i un ennui to i ion lin tito gloauinlng alitIteittcii tine i igli t oit tinmit ronnoni, Ynnui who muco ever beoni tol'nnglnnii ni nir Stntintmnnl ot' I)ontnnnnm'k nun' i4nnn'tyay on' Stvenlen,kutnnw vimat tinti giotiin big is. l.onng after t lie sinn lias gonneyou cani sit te I tin ynnuu' n n\vspalnou- or book mutti l'timoni uuitil miimnotui' inni f lnitst in inne o'cioi:lc. '' I in t Inni gionnnuuing ! '' 'I'hunt la theiitt'etìtii nmnn t't ti mnniu, tine du'eaunn mug tiuuuo, iii e ioviing time aiutitine i i vi mig tini ni. A inni in tino giouuun ing I uiscnl to liii lin my bedmind ionic tin u'o)nngh tu o i it tini ennsemnnniin t wininioty, nlotvmn tine oinlroad mtnnl i niscni to iocnic foi' tin e nmouitinng of obi 10Juni Turner,tinti houp lighter, Bye mnmnnl bye I would unce the ligint itt linotrillion' Of oiunn' gn'oiuuinis, John teonini lift lujn h is I ong stick alitiI igli b tine gnns lmt inuit. I imseti to teatcit in inni liglttiuug bump nufLorlnouniiu, nonni icing utter i mmmi lost sight ont John I linoty Ito witslinero, inenrnutse tinti imu nmninnn wonne holing i it mili along tino line,

0m , iminnin , zuteil, il. is a inuntn'ky tinny ! 'l'in em e momo saul tinlmuginInn tin is life, wltoin ynnt think of i t ali ! 't'moro moro nlaya tinatnuuigin t tnn nain ko nus glati mund tuero aro oiaye t mitt onnght to nialcouns sani , bun t i ni tine gloane i ing m'c'nndJ itutninemut coin lie intitule. Aroyi)nn goiung inmock ton yonmn' nifuices, to you r yarois munIt otherInmutes of htiunir moud I Igin t a Imtuap to nuumuko It I iglitor sindeinsier foi' youmi' euunpioyos? i nion't waiut a piace in tino hall(nf F1ani o or a in'etenntiouns uinolt u intent, butt whom my life isennuleol, h moine [list uuny otvnn little ennin ivalit niown thou remoti orI i fe, polin t Lo toomune fi icinci'imng ligit t nun t inn romnol, lii tin o nunuo'Ie oflito, anni say, ''Ny nimni oilnl Llnmtt.'' if nno, I uninali be satisfiod,%Vn ato living tin tito days cn tinti gu enttennt c'nviiizatnon theworiol lias ever kmnowit. I tvmnuut you to look out ein ituunntnlife, mtnd mus you walk lun tue niays ont reanljuistnìneiut, let yourligint l)tni'n wiLli tine gn'emot iuinmmils that have untmunlo Anglo Saxoincivili',,mttioin, monti let Clod use your little lunnunin auud any littlelaminlu, nno that tluu'lmng Lino ston'nuny ninnys that, liti bofou'o us wocan go slinging oiowmn tino roani inmiottlung tinmot tee amt mnnoviuig to)tlnat monitor temo only can hnraise uniti wino only rann bhinunno, annulwlinn iloe'nimtt care nnbonnt out' lnoiiuu g slnccossftu i mnnnol nionnsiu't, cat ti:ninoinnt otnn' mein g cionvoir, mut temo vaunts uns Lo be lovely aunni tolie ini'etittin's, anni hut upon tino unnap hnlintus of our ptin polios, blinimitch of It ai I tito hennit amtl pulse outil tlnn fmti tin tuf Inunninanity.

r tlnaink you. (Aiuplause followed by tino Jfoo'ifoo yell,)


See Page 34, ..' «I;

Page 15: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death

_:._:' '-- -thL:7- __E -

: /1( /J9





O St. Louis Hoo-Hoo Capture the Honor,

"The Best Ever"

On of tile frItereBUhIg ftEiiies of I lilI 920 Aiiiitntl vathe gra t ('(IIlcatenatoII un lii evening of SpteinIiei D Lii i n

th(, ilOifil COUVOfltiOfl hail of the Stauer Jiotel,Vfcegereiì t Siui:k \V, (L I'ii liCk, of Lb o St. Lou Io J)Jo1ic t,

uhu h Is Ifl(fllhf'rsh Ip coliiin i t (((3 00(1 co-svoikers certainly vei'owii I'lW(LI (11(1 for tu oir tiTOi('8 uffortIl juil. forth TI 1H'eIflLr-Ing itoti OliflhlgiOg for huH eoncat(oLI I()? 111(1 iO H(IOIII'iIIg ofthe 6 1 CUII(Ii(ll(I4 itiltioteil,

At n'tiy t 1)9 tIi IVILH iii I'(i1(iiIl_'IK foi' tiu. C(O'olIl()Ilt(rSto iigiii aïiI Elio 51 hittol)r SVoI'o ¡lot 1IIIIIIIItId ¡1(0' theirI)ittiPfl((' t ('(i in vaitiIIg f(u' tilO 1111)0 to C()ItÌfl for them h

,HI(O tb IIUl(h of I loo LIII! to I(OLI'!I of i li o nyoiei'Ioo of i kx-Itou,

TilO 01111 ()ffiC(II'i ífflriILiiug C(II'iIIiIIiy (011k tItoli' jIlItu Ifl(l

('OHf(,l ¡'('(I tII( (I(g'cf4 II IL HIIITIIItI' III al IVOS IluhII(MSiV(,viIi(hì %VOH ¡lOt (lilly el' gII'IIt (P(ill. to I iIeU, bill i IhI(Iflflt(I(i Ord of I loo. fi eu.

'i'hi ninny IIOO-hf()(J of oh! 0111) 1Ifl'e %viIII($Oe(i 11111113' mt-

tIation in th leiHt frel}' (Xi)I'(IHH(!(h tioIflì H(IV(IH Litai tutu svtsOTOl of hie theol 111(1 mont iIlIjIT'(S8i%'O (I()lI(tlt,IIILiit)Ilu (11111 I hey1111(1 l''I ILl t('lI(kI(l, nod lili dv iir'JIIo:IOl l'a f 'iI i Iitt I 1001 loo 14living up to 118 lIl'lflCtI)hIH 01(1 PIII'IJ)O(u ZtttIi IO I lie itlitifltI()11of today an ittlpl'08u1()II io ,iiih 01)1111 the (IIIIIhi(hitlO$ uhiilvliicii In ('l('Vfltitlg ¿iiicl hunelirial, md uIl1I IH oUi cause uhu

to gruoup Its high hdeatu tuoi to 1,0urut, t io gioIti Oi'iiei' of¡loo hoeSNARK OF THE UNIVERSE HISCOX, PAYS A TRIBUTE

Seau k of the 1Juìi'eiuu, h hiucox, hiit'lng lilo (IOUJ'Oe of t

ceNuuc)uuies Htuutd that uinre hi l)((tuuu( IL J hoe-I ¡0(1 uuoiuiefolli teen yai o ugo lu i' tutu w i i ui uuI!(h nu zu ny uoui (!atenatiu)uushuui (lout le couhd ah va)'u !uIIuIlIuI' Ihie h1121) ()uueIulenathoIuIn It, Louh8--thIe gr(Lt(,ut ('VOI',

11e 1L18() took the OCCItHk)II lo h)I'IthOO :uru(l COIIIh(hhIIIeIIt tiIOiI(,Itu cliitrge rol' thiohi' iu1tlitiiih 01)1k 011(1 (ff()I'tu.

DEDICATED THE JULIUS SEIDEL CONCATENATION"SIIUI k of the (titi vurup h Ilurox, iiii'iiig till (l)lII'H(I ((f I

('VlPll(011h(iI, 011(1 (III t lia i 0111(1 lue herallu (.' I h hoeh loo seineCOfl('UtOIIILI lull ' Atid Ii Mt(l(I(I, 'Ve know hiitl. oliai Inni1)0011 ILCCOII(hIhjUhI((I 1111M I(IPUTIL li hot of \I'(u!hÇ, 111(1 gI(Iltt (I'(((I i tIn IIIO to all who gtie so iluclu of Ihiii thuìu ((((i [Iuûhi' (ftol'tiuto ¡(111ko the ('01 ('1jUl11 I ('S II 5(1001(55.'

I n resp((l(s(' to l'oli 11(IHt fIole t 1(0 ChI (I Ir, 'tcogeu'euit \V. (FUI(Ck 1iIil that it \('(S ((Ii I(hI((I(iy (111(1 lIíttLI('I(IJy the OflicOlIliiof 'fol tos'shi ill lt III! OxithI((Hiasl(l.'' '' \Ví al I wo('ke(I h)gothuerIn hou Iuiofly, 1111(1 ft Is III) hoiiot OI(lI(iUlI tI101 I loo-hloo Is he-Ing strelugtllol(((l, 1111(1 g((hlui( its ('er(,gnitioi( this ((veilingtu rough the l(hH000e of loose play.''

One of the lug features of the 01(11 CaL011ati011 W'Si( thu oI loo I loo 111111(1, '['hey oi'ta lIly li hI th ciii .seivos p10(1(1, luId

i)U t tilo spiri t of III i i'tlu ailil liniutur i oto tu e (IOl(CatOIlflt Oil, alud

everybody felt 1(5 I)PY I n tlUI gloat. spirit (If g((U(i-fOiiOV5i( p.tJiie of i lue 11(1(1 (al foahu'es Of I il e gr011t C((((L'ateillttIOl( ('ItS

thu n sess io ii oil tIu o roof ((I (('II cli tilo hall i es W(II'(( i IIVite(i, 1(11(1%'O bei love I t vl il go \viti((((l L Say 11g thlli t the ll1(tny 'ives,

Ii Istl'rs and S(('((OtlÌ carts (vilo PII thenU)' (VILI tisi for the 0105111go? tile ((OI'0llI01I los n ud for (11(1 openi ng ((f I lo sussion on theroot felt volh repallI by tilO grett treit Ihe3' found in store.I t was cou t1111113' II lu III)I)Y ((11(1 1(101 ry uOul'tY tuSt partook of tuolu nciioon alOi OlIjoynd tito eIltei'I II hl(lI(Ol(t t (((t IlrO(IgIIt the1920 C011ClttOlIflt101( to (L close.

rli fohio' IIIg is a list uf uifficeis ufficiatil(g lITRI Cliii-d Idutes,

81(11! h-\V (i FUOChI.Soulor I (ou-1 loo-It, .

J(Il(iOl Itou-1 Lou-I , 1(5. 'l'u((y.l(uJoiiu-.'--1 hurl )' 'i1. %VhlIhIte,.S('r(VefloICr- 1-1, 1'ngter.J(uh)hc'ra ock-h(ohhlo Ball,CuMlocatiaTu-Otto l'felTor,Area 1(011Cl -U-E, B. Eversiill,(turdoiu-l' .1 l (,\TltluOlI,

CONCATENATION. St, Louis, Mo,, September 9, 1920.

JltIu(fJ9 lionry ,i(I'u 1'r1'(l(It4It, S(.'rI(iig I(x nrI1 (,I(flIhcr (Niinpnny,SI Louis, Oil).

InunIs Carl l((lI'r'OII, So l' \1(u (uIg'r, flldi''in -\lld(r,(j 1,. & \I,(2ouniatns', St. LoUIS, Mtt.

Karl I. Asc)(l)aci(eI', $eeret(Iry-2111111(uger, eVan ('111k LululIer &Supply COlIIlIRI»', 'i'oltIo, O.

Johuil hirmo n Bfll'lter, Pu r'has(ng AgI'l(I , Ai ¡ trIm T,uiuuber L'unI -l(OIIY, St LOUIs, MO,

ltichnrd Loo liarron, Ài4SlS(fll(t 'PratTle Mnong('r. (iooi1(ehiov i,lIH(b((rConupany, St. Louis, Mo,

Ludlow WIlliam )3onnehl, Assistant Treasurer, ChIngo Luinbur andCoal Company, St. IouIs, Mo,

I '(i:( 11PM A, lJOO'('I(, S((('lCtaI'y-.'l((I(l(ger, Nal 101(111 1(50(11 LIllulberI (ea leull' ASiI(,Ch(Lt(O(I. I(etu'oit, i\1 chu.I"u'uu( (l, (11u1'istluaIlu(, l'r'eOIunt. (hrlsI 1(0(1(0 \'(((IO('I (((II lu,nbei( '()(I(JZ( IIÇ. S'I. (,iuu(s, ubu,. O

((PII,, I I ':u'y ( 'hI'l(I'(I(, lIlo ((0(2 (1onagui', I(,CC((e(((r Jiiniluet- C'COI-Su l(', Sl , h on la, 111o.

(':Iuruiut ,(iuu((,u I ''h, I'au'(uui, .1, Il. l'e(i(ou l,u tuIuu:i' (iIIII(l)itI(y,SI. ,'.UIH, 2h.','u.Iu 'ls)I) (.nrIIf'(I((, S'(!('C(iI:'2, (uI'IIe(t(ua luni(,-i (2)I(I(u((!(2', St.

I,(I((S. 2h.(((ru '('hius h fl hI'I(I('(', I 'li'tk, (Jh(lu'((gl) (IInulr (((l (_uui (2uuiu-

(Cl 'f2', Sl. l.uut 1$, 2h o.I '1112' 'I'(o'ul'u'u I )d('H('((, \5Mll( (u nl tiOCI'O(OI'2', .l(llvuurl( (1oat Ju(-

f()l'I((I(l j,,I( l(II(';tII, ( '(llc'lug?, (lb.\((luIIou L. l'Il)((((Ig, SeuIel:lr'2' -'('lI'usIn'iI, I", 'I'. l(t''OM l,unuu(uu'r

( '(11(1(01 iuy, SI. louls. 21e.I (:uIu((('e l.i'sl(u l"oriI uhu, u bulu uljuIs((u', (h(u'a (,unl(uol' (((lui(('ill ''n((IcuI(%', (1(uli:igo, ill,All Cd l"(l'((IJ'Iu' (a'(lu( u'i,S u( I ut-lut,, ((ubu'agu llllt((,ti' ,(( (2uu1 1u(II(

ICI 112'. ( lÌlI'ugl, III.(i(')(gl. I". I 1i:iiu's, I1IlotIo'ua 21u iu:gii', I ()(Iul((Cl'('(II I .JOI((I(iul ('1(1(1-

O (a113', SI. lubo, 91u.((ul(('( SyuIiii'' ((uI'(IIaI(s('(I, 5(1(1'S i'.l:uII(Igu'(', (ll'II'(( l.uluh'r ({)I((-(doy, SI, I .01(1(4, 2iii.l"u'u,ul.'ibi'l I (it ¡'(CM I (iurilng(oI', I 'ulllI1r, '((uoiuuto ir. l'IC('u'

u '0111(01 ItS', Sb. I.00lil, 21(1.

I 'bulo lhi'oj;i ((((( I (l'SCI', '('Iad'l' 2llIluuge(', ((t(iug-, 1,(I(I(hJu(I' (((((II '(CII I 'l((I(PClI, SI, l,uiií.o, 2(a,

.('hu, K. (alu 1e.,(j..S Ihu'suueu, I\'. 'b', l"urgijsoiu l.luuiuhuei ((ll((Iu(Ll(2',b-it. 1.111(01, 21u,.

10h11 '('(((,t(ISs lI(uIIu, 2hiivagu'u', (lruIg(( \V. 2lllu (((l,(l,((l-(ln(oLul2, SI. I,oui. Oil).(0 I (JIgu lu'.ou(u'r', Auei h O(, (21 cago lllIflbu(l' 5Iu(( (ui (onuhuluy,

St. 1,oulu, Mo,I '(io rh's \Vlli,i;t:' iI'lgb(;IT'l(, Su'cI'etlu3', (hbcag I(I(Ii)L'l' arai C'onl

I 011(lI(( ((3', Sl . l,iiu la, Oho.((o,(( ("l(gu')u)' lu'Inol(, '('i'nflli itOlI('eHe)((ati%'O, (;I'(u rid 'l'IIII(k luth-

fl0fl%' SI, Lu'iuI, Mo,I '01Cl,) ('hhoh:i ObI (51(101, Slat bol (clou, Oiarle't lltIl('ZL(i, (2onnn'l'eial

,h,u.ruuu I Coolpally, SI . l,oii (S, OTo.I. 21. 2l:uiui(iii, )C5hi4UII(( SltieS OT8((((g)'l, 2), (ndy I,lI(luhleI

u ')rlu((fl.f(y, OluNiui'y, l(.((hirt \\'l(fortl OIl'guo((tv, \l'cuuIuu t ((Il, ( ((lt!Ig() LluiI(I5r 1(11(1 ((>l(I

u '('IlIlCI 1(2', Sl, l))(Iio, Oto.(h. Ob Ills, ('u r( l"))I('I((i( lu (1(11 hiioicu(ui, St. 1,()l ii) (1olfhii (otn-easy, SI, 1.01115, Oil.

((III A Oli' Auuhh(o(', ii'. .1. SubIdo '2 ('l)Iflpl(l(y, St. 1,oulu, 1o,deshilo Il. Olou'i'lo, tiahualleula, \V_ 'I', Ielg(Iu((lu i,uiuuuler (ulÌluI2',

5h. CIlnio, Oil,I '(loll'S \ ((011o t N('llt'II((((((lI, \'(u'e- I 'iuj«ie:u( (11(1 Sieretory, (e(ltlal

SIIu(uo 'l'il' 11)11 I,lI(fl(J(l' u OIuÌ(((ll)y, St. l,uuis, I1uu,\lt'i(uI(l(('l' I. NI')%ClC((((, Sulusoitn, Vii Ch1'a%'() 1:-uu' 21(11 Co.,

41. 1,0)115, 2!,I':)luVhl( I I, Nbeiiauo .,( ((luI (l(t'k, ( 'h)ll'agc l,lll((h(Ol' (LIlI1 (Oulul CollI-

(II) )y, (.inibs, Ob.('hell ("l'nlIcIs ( )h)(hnln, S(t(l'o)(I;(lu. VILlI (l;t' 8n' I1hiI (Osulany,

St. LOluls, Mo.I ((q htoger's ('Ill. 111Cl!. Olniougei. C. It, I 'l'OuI(eli TuIlnla(- ColuI-

h ((((3', SI . l.ou(o, Mo,lteren'i' l, I 'u'b CI'S ulosolno, (iooihfcljon' 1uio(uer Coniitoy, St.1,1)11 la, 'I1(l,

(Ihn 'i, lOuin'-. SaIus(((:(n, F'. .1. Sii hebdo , (oulllaoy, St, b,u(u(o. Oto."rook l'al Itl'(Itel', S;uhuSunO Il , 'IV. 'I', l'orguool( 1uI(ubel' (roto-

101(2, St. 1,11)11(4, 210,lOe( lOiI(or, I 'ut(tii'', ('orth hook I )llIl((l' (ruulul1)(110, t. L(ulIiO, Olu,.(uIl ¡it lii u,hi( 1us .u' .11, Äss(SU1 ((I 'I'l'alfl) Ol;tIIagul', (i1 i:igo 1(I(IIhueu

Ciii (2ei I ('ouiuouluy, St. i.uuI(h8, Oh)).bo:uIo'i I 11(112' Sieks, iu(i'siiu(u'(, \\. 'f, b'oi'giiooji l,iun-iijci' (r(iuu)li(luy,

St. 1,11118, Mo. ,

h hiory 1"rcihi'riu'k Sihik'ibc')h(ur, I'I'kMi)l)olt-'('ueaS(ireI', ('CullaI StitIco'l'ho 111(1 I.iiitit)C(' COlIil)(1i12. St. l,úulo, Oto.

I hiuInII:i I rl: ((tot iO'h)V)(i'Zll', Soleo .Ol(ii()ig Cl', ('oui'eo ItIi(iher CO(I)-p)uIi', 141. l,oiibo, Ojo,

\('al (nue (), Shufl 1)1(1V, 'I'I(Ls'u'l(IIg S:tleo(ilal(, Chihcugo 1,uinhe:' 1(11(1('on I ( o fli(CiliO', St. f,i,uibo, 2,Io,

((oberI Â . 'l'ti OflUllu i, Cti;ut'ge uf lAg)) I 1)el)t., \V_ 'I'. Fel'giloonIUIilh)Ol (ouinuiiy, St. l,iulu 5. Oto.

Ihalluhu \V. 'I'iohl .SO)'i'Ohfli'2', SOIt I,a ko L(IIiil(OIli(Cl('5 JllVO)()I of 1(1-fol'Ino(hoti, S:tbI i,ahce 11t((tu,

(Vh((Ciiui 1,, 'f ..... _. )O!,_ )il)1'll' \'(iI) (IOIIVI? 8)t(V 211(1 (_()Ii)lU(!IO'. St.I 1)11 ho, 2.lo,

I tarry A, VliOliOlu((ili, Jr. , SUlliSTOhtli , (b. C. A t k (no & COili5tli3', In -ihhILlOulo)1 IS, Itiul.

\'oI t er S'h('o)', Sniestioun . 'l'iuooias 0. ('t u)017. hAllt) (,or Colnpaluy,St. Louis. Mo.

(.tu I . \S'( boon. J( toI (ter, 1iot Sitie 2umtuei 'l'unito 1xciange, EastSt. Louis, Ill.

'l'in fl)fl))Wi lu ( lilolliblero users present:11)11, 22(20, 280iit, 21701, 3232, 29119, 20052, 1(017, 9t38,

305:12, 25050, 29110. 21252, 21171G, 1032, 2I88, 8B(, 25226,:1228, 29712. 21261, 181(58, 16778, 14137, 11974, (SIt, 17381.2(1)0. 18681 . (F252, 22871, 152:12, 26869, 11h21, 29615, 9202,

27251, 2h 519. 26(13 h, (797, 29975, 1 1 632, (1(1(11 , 281137, 30097,21277, 2tGbO). l52:, 30:109, 30001, 29607, 18740, 29778, 29118,19838, 2(1316. 29113, 7021, 2995, 2960, 25258, 21278, 10180,29957 12295, hOst's, 7817, 29180, (0057. 20036, 13293. 29178,31(419 6932. (155:1, 20027, 22:182, 2131, 25408, 7530, 661,30212, 13293. (6715, (GhI, 29(023, OStI?, 25600, 24249, 13251.27161, 5678. 120, 24693, 29952, 28207, 30056, 7187, 23011,21576, 29622. 137hi0, 16721, 30282, 26020, 1105, .10698, 29298,

2977, 9335. 3)1537, 2195)1. 29621, 2980b(, 29409, 11885, 1638,13100, 8306, 29300, 13233, 8740, 29773, 2921, 26178, 20953,29296, 27170. 30315, 30316, 8885, 13367, 8314, 27910, 102,24263, 12867. 593, 12280, 414, 13099, 5102, 29771, 28565,10983, 18048, 30054, 11351, 28033, 13826, 21577, 29516, 27169,


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Page 16: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death






SCI)tern))er 9, 1920.Mr lt A. 1Ihcox, $nnrk of (ho Universo,(orIca(onattJ Ordot of 11oo-iJ();,

Ht LoiiI., Mo.l)(OU }lir-

IAq rcqueste(l we liu.ve 11)8(10 mn OXltfliI,ÌItt füiì of t1i (:lL8h accountof lite C(flI(fltOILt(t(l Order of fToo-lIo for the fiscal year oncled$CJ)tOIiIhCr 2, 1920, trat Submit herewith report thorcon, togetherwith the atta(h ed ntatoinjri t, oIiovliig In cc,ndenoed form tho cachrl(eiIIts ((0(1 (liH9)urHcTnefltß for the perlotl mentIoned.'l'ho each I n I)nnlc at the e nil of (Ido Period undor rovlewIttimouliling to $2.i9 1)9, %VdIH rec(),r(iII(l %I (Im I IO 1)11 hLnee ILs re (Iltefily tIe 91amclnstcm' idank of St. IdIo, Lid (ho CR811 on land n thelidi úf 14 82 svnn L000tOdI. \Ve icc seen Cancellol cIecIç andfllLIIH(1ttQry vouchero for all dlnburoememto, and svo certIfy thatill enoli rerellta (Ud eVIdIOdICOdI by t Io ddì oi,Ieio) Ip ecimil MtiIn ctc.,live boom dm119' need, ted tom.'I'll (y- t s'o (92) donI h cIaInH f 100.00 eneI mor0 pall toIodIIrIrIp cf d(((dLH(,(I dIelTijern (1 OV t ho liman rico lILO OfIle (loir I iring Ile PerIod undor review.'l'ho loi ¡III rocorid OXaiflIdlel by mo were found (o be

II idLIIdfaC(nry CotIllIon,Your very Iruly,îCESShlOfl, (1AIt'IAI,J, & CO,,



Cauh on Hand und In Depoultoric September 4,1919 ............................... $254L85fleccIpt for Period

l)11e9 ,;Io,eto.olII (Ion, i:t ..................................... i 78.1

( IdCm t (nl (1dm q 2,83 0.01 ,'.\l I:IImrI Slate I.Ife huiro (o., I)(,aI IfIlin ...................................... 3,100.00EeIrtnge, It( ................................... 539091m Ill ('Inlet m' ............................... I

'I'd al I(C'iiI for I 'oiled 22,898.61

$29,110.49Dlsburecment for PerIod!dIddJddI 31e tixig IXI,I(....................... 17.1 .03Atilil Ing .................................. 100.10

IdimII'IIn , . , 1,22889 ;(.lImIti,, I'de ........................................d()'t'I(Imm .................... 257.10I 'In ILtI I!2('C(I on ()54 II )tes 1tm'(tIt'J ............................. 63.11) ,J''cIang' ............................ 18.8:16 ...',W'qr'ss (21m g" ............................. 84!I vhuronee I'm 'iflIi)io (l Ill 9tiI, IttItmrn('' I 'ii,) .......................... 1,955.18 'office iOmIimiIc' ................................. 2,371.79 . j .t )iïli'e ltet .................................... ()94 99 . ., .,URlo 1iddI Int'l (lIivgaII ) ............ I3r..00UcInan do tel [1mo ......................... 121(181)oaIh ('Itlii J'kI ($, Itc(iiM -d 'lit I,. ) ..,'I,20Q.0i) J,

fI'otg, .......................................... 593.66 f ,I 'rImmting idI SIti(m('ry .................... i 610. 1 I '$ecretary.'I'reaqr'r' SnItry . j($611 IS UnItI(I) ........................ 4,388_SISet'i elary-'F eamdIIer' Ilorl ........ i 2&. 00 .,,,Heed etnry-'l'rea'tmer 'i'rav'IIng IXIICflee 2;Ir:I3. 28I4mmulry Exj(n5c ......................... 88 _6I'L'rio PaptTrik l(iUiI)dfltdt ,,..,,.,,., .-,..,,..,,,..

_1'l'ei nl I Oit ut Ceit fer I'erflI 2t,O67.9

Cath Blanco, September 2, 1920................. $ 372.57 -

ConSIsts of' -- .i 'n si , Iii Man denier 1 ink, St. 8.oiiI, Mo, . $ 299. 09 -

Dii huid ....................................J'oiI.ÛITI'o I eilt ................ 29. 1 6

'l'otal ............................ 372.57

Record of Work in Vicegerencies

Froto September 9, 1919, to Augumt 1, 1920No. of No. of

Stitto i)lHtrIdt nleegereilt (itnt InitIalAlhama brestOrii Oeil, V. l'utIli 1 39Alabama ('entraI E W. 'doIÇiiIev I 15Alabama, S. i4outliern ti. I, 'l'nyiorAlbertit, Can, Nortlorti A . I. Mci)oiaidAlberta Can, Southern .1,1 M. NelsonAilmona SItte of Arizona J. A. Joli100Arkansas titttto et Arle. .1. ]I. VelsierIdrilish Col. lii ltIIi CoInibla \V. II, Croie( 'nllfornia San Franclseo TIny 'rho. Lerci I 19CalifornIa Sai-i 1)logo l-8. ti. Lni-rlck i . 9('Ilfornla Stermionto Valley EarI E. WhIte 2 .10 -California San Joijuln Viti. ( . I). I e?liter 4 49CalifornIa Los Aigles lt. A. loriytI :i 41CalIfornIa Nortliermi I I . W. ColiColorado Statt' of Colorado .1. A, Ctmniilnglanm 1 16England Southern ICdwlii IJayie :

Florida State et FlorIda Joui J. Earle i 6Georgia Northern H . I, \Vest iIdaho Stato of Idaho l'i. B, Slierniai i fiIllInol Northern F. l)eAngeora :3 40fillol So Ia-West, Ill. Ceo. W. AngelIlIlnola Southern P. 'i'. Langami i 16Iowa Northwoatern v. e. ButterZowi Southern Ft. IC, Eaton

Kentucky Southwestern v. oc. I-tallLouIsiana Central I-I. D. Foto i iLouIsIana Northern F. A. TorciaLouisiana Southern it. A, ìtcLauchlii 2 24IouIslana Centrai Eastern W. 11, NaltylouIslana Southwestern i. li. MosesMIchIgan Detroit ii'. M. Holland I 5MIchIgan All Mich. ex. Dot. F. J. McCaul 1 iIlisilsIppI Northern H. C. Iloll 2 263l!simIlppl Southern M. 'I', MuttonMissIssippi MeridIan S. J. All:l>roolç 2 12MIssourI Eitern W. (1. Funk i iMintana Eastern I-L M. YawMontana Butto Dit. A. R. GrahamNolirika Stateof Nebraska M. F. Eiigelrnan 2 16Nevaila State of Novada C. C. IrhlgmaliNew Yorlc State of New York P. J. ItuinleerSortI l)aliota State of N. DIc. i-1. 'I'. AlsopohIo Southern 11. Ilollowell011o SpringfIeld j-j Ballinger i 19(littarlo E:titerii a. i I. \Vebb -()iI(arlo \Vester,i 11. IloblionOregon %Vosterm j. It, Bertliolt 2 35l'atiama All Pamntia \V-n, T. McCormIckIIi il lpplgio 181. t'hillpplec Iii, r e. ScriniSakatetiewami Norllierii Goo. SIlleroScotlaijil ScotlaiiO (ìI. jiiios Llghtbody'lonnessea Fas(erji W. 11. i\tiirray t 4'limemee \Vesterii I. F. GIg i 8'l'exnim Contrai . I-9 C, Varno,-'Cans ,Vester,i lt. 'S'bit lock'l'xis - Southern13th Stiit of Utah Vm. Service i iilVlumhlngton %Vestern .1. 5. WillIams itVeu-t VirgInia Stub of W. Vu, N. D, KaufmanWIsconsin Stale of \Vt, I). S'. Montgomery i 22'l'olai

IO í5

LIRecord of WÑkiniurhdjctjons iFrom September 9, 1919, to Augut 1, 1920,

No. of No, ofCoiìe:tl s I lt lte.Iuurlutllctlom No, l-Uidr S'nani of (li o Ui,-velo It. A. t-ilcox; CilifornIa, Noval,,litait noii Arizona; aIl foreign countries(XCelt Camiada ............................

I I 79.liii'ldlctloi No, 2-Untier Rouler I-too-Ho'Poi,, A. tEnore ; Nor(t,erii hilf of Ill I mils,MIchigan, %Vlsconlii, Otilo aile! Indlaji 7 lOft.lidiIs(lIctI,)n No. 3-tinder Junior IIoo-110ol3en 8. %Voodheiil; New MexIco, Texas,Arkansas, Oklahoma, 'Loullina, Z'íoxic,, /itn(1 Camila ...............................

37JtirIsditloii No, 'l-Ijodor Bojem SVrn, 1' J -.McPlioe; Colorado, MeIralca, lCuna,e, -\ .

North ni,d South 1)nliota ..................:1 iiJurlilletlon No. 5-Untier Scrivemioter MarkSt. 1lleilge AtlOIssll,i,l, Alabitina IntlGeorgIa und Florl,la ........................ I i lOft.Iirlsillctloii No. fl-Uiiiher .labberuvock, wr. I'.An,heron: Mliico,irl, Southern half ofI lillois, Iowa nich Atleu,esot,, ............. 2 28.11,rIodlctIon No. 7-Untlei' Custoc,ttlan it. q',

SVIIIIamns; Delaware, riltrtet of Colui-bItt, Neo York. Maryi,und, Now .leraey, -New England StiLt, POflhisyIvnnl,i, -Nasicro Canada .....,,.Jiirludlctlon No. 8-tinder Arcanoper Coo, II.ComitatI, \Va8lilngtoi,, Oregon . I chi,l,o, -

\Vyoiii li,g, Idon titiiit, Steten, Cii na di,. . 4 5f,.Ju,rlsdlctlon - No. 9-IJn,ler G iirtlotu N. 1.Warner; 'I'eriiìosee, North and SouthCarolina, Kentucky, VIrginia and 5.VeaIVlrginliL ...................................

.1 20

'i'otals If 55:1'J'lie above report sl,oivs tInt Im iitmn,ier ihltla(eiJ Jurls,lletlo,No, 1, under S,utrk i llscox, hohl fIrst plioe..luils,llctfo No. 5. niulor 21, M. NIlelge, holds-second.liii Is] letton No. 2, tiunlem 'l'mi A. MoorO, hohl Il rl..FurluuhlcUoi, No. 8, huiler Geo. 71, Corowall, hohl fourth,.lurlchlctlon No. 3, under Itou S. \Vooillionu], hohl fifth,.Iurlsdlctlon No. 1, timider \\iii. P. Mcl'I,ee, holds iIxth..Iurledlctlrjn No. 6, tinder \V. I'. An(lcr000, Idoli eventI,.JurIsdIctIon No. 9, under N, J. Warner, holds cIghtI,.Jurls,llctlon No. 7, untIer R, T. \Vlljtains. hint.

IVicegerents' Record for Nine Places - -Vlcogorent CIty DIstrIct Moi,ibersist: C. I). leMaster Freno, Calli. Situ .Ioaquli ViJloy .19Ii,,l: R. A. Forsythe 1,s Angeles, Cil. Los Aigelos liir,l: F. 19. Auguera Chicago, III. i'ioith,ern III. IO3r,I: i'arlo N, %Vhiito " íktcri,n)euilo Vt]1ey 40411,: Go. -5V. PhalIn 'I',nicalooaa, Ala, 5%ester Alc. 19Ithu: Joe Berthiolf lortland, Oro . \\Tostern l)Islrlct li6th: 11. C. Dell CorImithi MI. Northiri, Ml. 257II, R. A, McLaughlin Ne,v Orlean, La. Southern La. 24OlI,: S. L. Montgomery Bliuvaukee, Wis, Wlgcodigiii 22*9th: 'rIco. Larch Sam Framielso San Frnticisc'o Bay 19StIi: 1-loinem IlahhIngor SprIngIIelch, O. Si,ringfleld DIt. 19

'l'le'l:3rd Piace-I". E:. Auguera, ChIcago, III.

EflrIe F7. White, Sacramento Valley.9th Place-TImo. Lorch, San Francisce,

Homer Ballinger, SprIngfield. -

rf _- ,

;_:. -'-'

- - - -


Members Whose Deaths Were ReportedL During the YearNo. Naine 'l'Obi].LIfe

0041 A. I)eutscli ....................... AlItonjo, Pox,I-Ion

27 1). A. Fiolier ....................... MemphIs, 'l'Cilhi,52 N. C. IJuirie .......................... st. Lotus, Mo.

127 1-J, I). Fletchici' ...................... r3O1LdlIl101It, Pox.397 E. 1'. Porter ........................ Plttsburg, Kaii,427 C, I), lionedhet ......................... Clitcago, III,571 CoO. M. GrIffon ...................... s. rouiIs, Mo,583 A. A. LeLaurlIl .................... ¡'liia lhluff, Ark,904 J. I). Bollomi .................... Lt,s Angeles, Calif.

1649 Clin. L. Wliltniarsli .................... Illialon, Ia,2186 10 obt. I). hollIno ...................... I 'oriliiuiui , Oro.2227 \Vhltney Newton ..................... E)eulvor, Colo,2385 \\miii, C. l'utero ........................ Ui,sliii, mid,3296 N, C. KIngsbury .............. Nmjs' Yi)rk City, N. Y,3620 I". N. ¡(lIse ............................ MoIjIic,, Alit,3798 C. Il. Baines .......................... l,oiils, Mo.1261 J, N. 1"oi'ge,Io ........................ lorI,tiuciu, Ida.'0(176 (L l-l. VInilici' ........................... l'ourla, I Il.il; 1 3 Cliii, I I. LIilIbitehi .................... IVilIltiI , I Il,5863 A. Il. Itussel I .................. San li'tiicIoco, Cal If,6111 I'. S. llori'jl ...................... llnhlallapohis, hut,6721 VdIu. Il. \Vi'Ighit ..................... Poiisuc,>la, ich1.7970 lt. S, Itobertootu ...................... PnullIcaIl, Ky.8582 bOlito Bohitnd ........................ GuIhirlo, Okhi.8711 :57. II. Eckard ...................... Citi't,,,11,hitle, i hi.9480 II. A. Cragel' .......................... Orange, 'rex,9754 1-h. Il. SibIl ...................... IIlrinii,ghii,in, ,\lmt,

12081 C. W. Mulrheaii ...................... Woh,ion, Ark,12686 C. (. Northiel'II .................... Nashville, 'l'onu,12723 1. (1. Jnrrott ........................ 'rinulii,ico, Mex,12825 .Jeliui II, 1)oichcntan ............. Franciocci, Calif.16608 J011ies (J. Dozier .................. Haloui 11011go, La,16945 Miles D. Jamoson ................... Portiiuiil, Oro,17865 A. N. Plirnoll ............................. ett, Mo.1942 1 J. '1'. 1"ietchlor .................. P't. hlayitrd, N. Mex,203 13 S(iId)Il Eau'lo ........................ 5h m'ovepomi, Ian.22260 1"ralllc Stuitzmnaii .................. \VlI i hau,IOI,,)Ii, EIL.22913 C. H. Setitt .......................... PIiotilx, Ari',,26510 11. S. Fllllor ............................ Lo,ii, Cal if,26876 It. Kri huller ........................ li l'uso, '['OX,27756 Chus. L. KIIlghit ................... sieiiiiocino, Ct1lt.28723 13. J. 1tOiiiflSOII .................... Vfchcoburg, Miss,28739 \V. W. LOWOI' ......................... Iloaniilto, Va,28810 G. SV. ButIner ....................... oat laIhiu, Mey lit,28894 .1. l. I-[oiigland .......................... hClroii. In,

Guy A. Iluiell .................. San Fi'auicisco, Calif.29003 I. W. Slioi'maui . - Watsonvlllo, CalIf.29281 Win. T. h3ouinotto ....................... huka, Miso,29293 W, (, hlailinítn ....................... t. louis, Mo,29317 Ii. (1. Ethiorldgo .................... Asheville, N. C.2939G Cinto. j. l'lei", ....................... IIrooklyn,- N. 'Y.29737 - .Iohii C. Chuleo .................. 'LI l'i'ancico, Calif.29176 Ic. A, Sattoi'whiito .................... , Louilo, Mo.29802 - .J. i, JiIt'kon .......................... EunIce, - La,29876 - it. 'r. Ilaslilussemn .................... Oaklaul,h, Calif.29892 R. I,. 1-feuglor ........................... Ii,i,go, mu,29999 L. il. J3ahlinitn ....................... St. Louis, Mo.30099 1T CIvIlI ............................. ilaytI, Mo,

r- Vicegerent of the Tuscaloosa District

l3rothei' A. J, McEachers (30010), of lie Aliloil SalesCorporation, l'tiscaloosa, Ala., tut boon appointed VicegorentSnark of the 'l'uscaloosa DistrIct, ouccoedlng Brother Georgew. Pliahimi, of ¶I'usc'uloosa.

Brother McEit'Iiorn is m very loyal and activo hoe-I-too,dimId lins taItoli it great interest lu the activitIes in 'l'liHCalooSai)istrict in tIlo pnot, amI assiiu'os ihoo'l-ioo of much actIon intue tutoie ho [lint District.

Brother Piinllui io a loyal Ihoo.I-loo anul Inno unuul,, lt recoril-- foi' tIle 'l'IlSC[lhOOSit DIstrict huit he can be liroud of antI ono

tIlitt Is of greutt cro,hlt to the Oi',Ior. 1-bo has oct a rapId pace1oi hIs 8uccossor, Ito is now hloilored with appohlitnient bytuo Supremo Scrivonotei',-M. il. Eihoilgo, of Jurisihictlon No. 5,

. 85 it member of the Advisoi'y floard-t new lloarcl createdat the recent annual meeting, which asoures the-Order- ofcontInued support In that district.



Concateiijon for MoberlyJ

5111011 iI lui Iii'ogi'es,Is bolii g miunul it for big con catenation, toI)? held at Mi,berly, Mlsso,,i'I, on the ovom,lIig of Novemberh 0th, in (i,llflc(I loti bb'iI,lt lie N,urtlicmast il lssouu'l luiuiiborl)ealor (ouuvelltloui, u-hIeli viii ctuiiveno nl hobel ly on timofol howluig il,,iri I lug,

S,,crel ,ry Kiiigsliuli'y of (he AssocIatIon, who is OlIty aI, iI.ttii, li t> w',ib't'i, lt ill (Ii ¿tige of I ho n i'i'ilngedilen to iiiid io one(u (liti iiiool ,lLi'ilibst iciuil euItIiilsInstle Voiktjis in lululnihlg for[hie success of I lie I I ciii too tonciitenit (Ion

'l'i,,u Siupriui,, i$uiuilu '['dilly f11,1 St'ci'c'titi'y 'i'm CaHIll 01' lotior-bv,i(),I bb' I I I all ,un,I. I t I mZiltlC pilteil t tIlt t iluidily of I lie loyalI lcuc'lIu,,i if St. i,ouils nu-iii t.Ii,i ruii'i'ouiunhing torrilot y utIli atteint,cisl li l)i'o)lillObft Iii t)) li i'i)huibiuIg daimIcatolliet lodi 00(1 1,100(111g.

111l1 J)tdl'iiiII foi' ho lilca'tlhig tif t tì u1081)ctItIe iliOIlitlOi'H1111Cl lllIlihOrll,P.n s (dill 11111 1 i'llI 1)0 uf liltOr,j5[ ,tod of tuonefitn nIl bb'td() llll,' iiI (011(1, IS IlIr olIIljuctiu (bitt uo'Ihl ho distill etl

ítI'd (lilie I y thu II (ti n g tu, the i,i'oseii t t'tiuiel I 110118.

Vicegerent in WisconsinI

lhi',u(Inor IL A. ll7IlI()rt (:1160), of l'il IllylilIkee, Vlo., 1111e!1111db of f.m o iii i ii lull t all d illiPIliHr III Ill t)Oi'hlitbil of I hILt cityuhu of t I i o Stitl o, tills j usI loømi itlIllo liii til 118 Vlcegoron tSilil 111, I i> Iftic(libO(t I Ii'oitie r I). S, SI olitgolnery, n o wly oloctod,JlIlil,,r I i oo-II,1i tIf t lic, Sllpl'OIiie) Nino.

'l'ho cIeli It fi,i' (liti roi uvIdilatilig of 11 oo I I no In the Sfitteof \Viseo nsllt I o d tie to t tie optolIlt lei voi'li (iii [hie pitrt otlIi'(,thlpr 1\loi,lgoiiiei'y. I Ils Illotiel Id roce)rd 01111 the slipport heWi I I InnI ii Is 8llcL'e.980r 111)1 lit lo goo,l resti its,

h ii 1.1:1 ii tilpolli 1111011 t (1f Iltothie u liiIe,rt i loo I loo imitelui'l)iil leo (1 f (OlItilil1011 actIvitIes Idi 19/Iocolioln nuit a groatluicreaso h n 1110111 tnu'sii p avIli SII Pilon for (lie Order,

Rousing Concatenation for Atlanta, Georgia jVleegcl'oIli I I . .1. \Vost, ut tIti A f tan t a h)lotricl , advises

I hat al a i'Olft)li t uuinotlilg tIuoy liad colli plolcui their arrange.liteliln 111(1 l,r,,gl'aili fol' iL big collc,llonatlou lo tnhcc hinco lui,\ (laut t u nl 911111 lIly ovo li l ng, OctoIuc i i G tu

I Ii'ol.ho ei' lVest um Il ml li Is lIii,ek Cat I lrlgnilo Phon Oli iiiiiklngt Il Is (dill) O f I lie lii i'gost itnel illost III t(ul'e)isttlig and llllcCoHsfulI'Oiitiil.flhi dt (1)111.4 'ver slogeel Ill A I lutti ta, line! uiticlpato at tim ioI I lIlt' (luit (lay unii h ave a t host 15 to 30 (lali,li,lates,

Seci'e ta l'y"I'i'L'llSllI'el I sllt'i'vtuo,i h no Itl'i'fltlgod to pal'tict.luttI) Ill tub t',}hICiLt,)lll,tIoti uhu iLls,, (lXliOctg oevorat of [lieofI'iciale o i! I,) Ol'dldlr I il tim o Soit (ii to 1mo 111080lIt.

I Reinstatements Froni Sept. 3 to Oct. 1 5, 1 920I

No. Nittiic, - Town.23078 E. I), [loyers .......................... St. Louis, Mo.10787 J. I'). Moglen ........................... Molinelo, La,11618 jc, II, GoolmI ........................ louto, ido.26317 L, A. 'l'lomnalill ..................... Now Orhoano, La.13538 A. I. h3,tcicwaltor ...................... Union, Mioo.22182 13. R. ,Julloii .......................... Caspor, Wyo.

593 jc, Io,ige,u ............................. Olalite, Kan.16111 e. F. Cioe ......................... St. 1401110 Mo.18058 G. I'. 51101mo ........................ St. hauls, Mo.25408 A. W. hios .......................... st. Louis, Mo.25598 .J. A. Bu'ower ........................ St. ioula, Mo.

I_105 I). N. Cilapin .................... Kansas City, Mo2820'! E. I. Ihootitle ....................... Galveston, Tox.29625 A. SV. Smith ......................... St. Louis, Mo.20215 C, Vlet'ì.ùim .......................... Oakland, Csut.2300 S. i)Ickaon .- .................. Kansao City, Mo.9205 E, Il, Moore' ......................... St. ¡jOUIR, Mo.

II I UI i 1, W, \Vagoui ........................ St. Louts, Mo.20716 \-V, II. l)rlpps ..................... Indianapolis, md,22167 0. N, Piel' ............................ St. Louts, Mo.2 464 .J . I J ki'ui ............................. st. Joitlo, Mo,29178 L. O. Sn,ltli .......................... Detroit, Mich.

92(17 C. I'. Yeggo .......................... Evanoton, ill.12296 E, C, ltoI,inson ........................ St. Loulo, Mo.29561 T3.

Ib. Carter ................... MinneapolIs, MInn.loll? H, IC. Follanshee ................... Redford, Mich.297611 ' P. 0. llohtovlhio ...................... St. Loulo, Mo,-


See Page 34,

Page 17: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death


- Registration Listp, 'r 24 00 ,..( 'ti:',. 1H.A. ti, Fflgk'r OO51 , , . SI. houiH, Mr,.%v N Nixon ,....,.,.. 27287 I' uk,,.Q. N ()rtn;ii 29621 M t. I,,iu,, Mo.I f) 111113' 9895 ,,.. l:IrIIs(,I1%JIe, FIt.

.1 II (2rni:ttt ,.....,,. 9202 ..i t. alo.(le,, %V lliirguyn e .2 :14 21) Chicago, ill,v l IlII(IrII,,I 14S85 Ie,ct.c!, (iIlr.I 11trlr,,jt,, .......,.......... 271 O , , lc,IIl(l,I (2Ie,I(. ( .ItIIf,C A (Hor .....,..... 874 , ..:'i :IIì;tlIa, Ill.II J. Vct .._,., 31)315 ,\ll:ii,t;i, (la,V A HcI,u,tte I 252 . , St. L',iila, Mo.v I' IlIckn ......., 27170 .1 Iiieagi, III.j ( !,(l:,ttli ....,,,,, 291;(J .ilaIver,i, AllI.Il Il llr;,er ........ I8fi 'tIeI,l,,ii Tr,.j. ,\ (rItI(l ..,,., J:{:15 , x;tulrt,,, A i1.VitItr Hugh iOYl(H .,.........., 7:187 .,i I. l.°iia, Mo.H P (',III,, 18911 I St, Ir,iiia, Io.(lr', 1 SltipI,y IJ3r.1 Aiu,o III.(,, A loihell ..,...,.,, 2flI7I ..,. I',',.st,,,, ( allí.I, I I)iitti 10M18 Ii I. Litla, MoJI Iii 1l,,,,,,,,la ,..,,,. 1(1 I 7 S t. Ioula. Io.J. S N I,t, qtilutr .........,,, 11)1)97 . li(,EleIi,kt(), 'J,,,v v 0:12 ....11IIIliItglii, id.v i' 18(199 St, liitila,

.1 (; li,ioii li .1 . t. Iiii,l., alo.%v A ZillihIcir 2fl3 I ,., tt. l'iil. lo.ll lijiig,r I It . . . IÌilitIIl,l,li1 litil(h',, %V %%'ILl,rH 709 E ..,( at:'Ia,,II j lCiiiiffkld, Ir 87111 SI. I.oi,l, Mo.f I.,. ('i,, 'trilir ..,,,...,, líJ28 I liiiiig,,, Ill.E SIrIIIH,J liiigriiii .,, 7197 ...(' .lrilcaliiiig, v( IIi , 2IiIf ., I. l'iilii, alo.T íd I11iIg 21ll27 .,. I orliiI I,, \Ilii.

I,. \ i1( itijI .......,.,..,,. l:II9 , (ilajol IlillilfIa 'il iel,.I. r' (,iIi 2l2r,1 . HI. liiil, l.lt \ I lIai o ,.._.,., ll121 .8 Iii I'i;iitiiiii, i ;, Ill.%. I Sl1j1i 2:iH2 .\Til lOipii, Ill,i; (loculi.

I 191l1! ... l. l. lo1118, Illl, I I (i 1111111 .................. :1797 SI. liiiiia, ilu,.I. II XViii Slildia ii ..,..,... lifil 2 til. loiia.s i.', i;.,, ill ll)12 . ,''rl,iI),.If ( 1111 21577 t orliil),, Mla.li 'l, kiiiiiv,'r ..,..,,,. 131 2 .8 I. L,uls, ilo.l i1 8h Ililaial ..,,.p Ifl7 . Si. ltiirr, ali,.( ; I1Ioit ,,....,.,, 6Q8 ..S l'iiii, l.it I Illiirot '.........2 97711 . . SI. liiiiia. lii.l'iii il, I loIlgl4 I1 .... )ltil lii, laii.l I I lohi,iiili,g lfll7i . SI. li,la, \lii.l'jtrzoii Sititlili, .....,..,..,. Il,,, l(; ...H ill liili, (lI, l;iliA i; iliieii t81r .,. l'ictli,,, Ill,l. I lolnIlliHol, ..,.,,, 76I N 'iki,iiila Ill.

I 2d li,ll 2lrl, ... SI. liiiila, alo.I i \ lti,il IiClliii,aO , 1 laluir, Aliltilil ..,.,,., Ilr9 ....l' lgg,Il Ark,M M kk'a'iiir lotilo, Mu,kV A lInulluy ,..., lIrSI; .1 lualluu,i,uH It rll 2:l8 .1 ulapul, \v%(,.l' I Iluvutui .,..,,o..lf;7s HI. luuil, u111.liigotii ¡Ii luIgi ra .,.,,,,., 111fl911 .... luriulk, i. jJa.j hull 11:111 ... litltoit. ICy.Ir uI Ititluit 2157fl ..i Ill.

M ItuuIu1, luuui 28:9x ..(. lulluillut Ill,v h IuiiiiHI,lui ., tor 4 )rl,;iris, ¡a,Ii ( liui ¡q

il I . IlliIfuilo. N. Y,p IC Nluuij 2()KI .,l ''liii, I loo,If (j. (huhn ,,...,,, lI,U; .l uulu,i,M I 'laiuuiuuu u ......,,.., IO.1C2 .,,c lulungo, Ill.(urgu' I IIliuulI ...,,,9 Ui .. I ii ¡las, I'e.('url \V ¡l,(uluuuIigI 102S:1 ..t liltuigo. Ill.Luuui, I lei i Iu'Is .... :lOI; .., Hl Luido. uIo.Ir ¡ l'all,,' 29115 ,.I liluogo, Ill.\Vin I l'folfii ....,., 2fl021) ,$ l lr'uilo, Mii,

uk I. Sinai t _,o jj9 ,$ I l,"uilo. iluu.(I IC Mutt lion Jr,28: .. Mnlvci'ii A 'k,HliIny s Mil)' (i932 S t. Limb. Mii,('lIflq I Maiali 90115 H t LuuIuls u1(,,IViui Iujt)iiii un ,lr...,,. 21278 .$ t ¡uuiilo, \tui,l J Liiii.ii, 8Or, ....... uni. Ill.(iruurgi Vlluuui .Ionoo ..,.,,,.,,.1I j7.1 . .Cliirago. Ill.I i 14 itoti tgoinirv ................. l(12Kk .... M Il uni i ¡ici, kVlui.

.1 I' b(ho tro ..................... .1il23 . . . SI. lflilo, Io,II I I I 11111CM Ht. ¡u'iilo, iIuu,II S Illiutiuni .................... Ilill8 . .(luIu'ti. Ill,II I ' l'onte .................... 79 . . .u\lxirui,l;i, la.P, À Ter7 la ................... I .... Moiiiu,o, ¡ ,;,lu I" Vorl.u,iil .................... , . . I uuI2lolllu. IC)',(oui 1k \luaui r ,....,.,,,.,,, .S111t1 U luiuuiguu, Ill,lo I Nh liol ...................... 'kI .le uhu, I Il,Il I' 1'rao..íu rd i77k .ii. l,i l,,,, , iIcM,iluori ïO3l ..H t. l,uuutj, Mii,v , I' ld,llt ,.,,,,,.,, 121) liiu,tiuuiuu,uI l'io.Al I I eo ......................'i III ..... t , ,,, lo, Nip.k,l1i J I,'oq .................... 9)f'.,,.,, i . I , u, ilpu,.1 I II,'i,I 27lfll ..... t, lapilla, :tlui.\v ( I IiliIuIulJt?u)Ier ................ (CII ..... t. l,oluio, iluuIi I.' \'Iiiler ,,.,..,,, :72xl ..., khi,, Ill.l' II \\uiuiI ....................... luil, lp,

.1 \ iIev,r IC)3 ..... i, ¡rutilo, ulpp,'r c vlult,uiarol, .................. I.ipilo, .\lii,L O ¡iiiltli ............................. lt)' I II o', ljp'

%, I llover ........................... lIuplt:uipaiuppllo luit!.011o T I'(iulTu'i .................. 21701 ....i t. l,ouit. Mii..liilluIM iilulol ..................... . . . , SI. I,utti, uli(I r Slu'lian ................... ¡8058 . . . Ml. pils, M.II \' \'agun ................... 18118 ..... t. l,iuiiis.\v II, I)rllul,M ................... ui7lfl . . . . liItl;itliilir,llH, ¡tul.¡lorry À (uroulr!I ................ 7G1 .1' luigi, Ill.('litt , I)oo en ,...,,,.,,...,, ¡CIlla lii' t l'pii! , 11 lilt,I nul', Ilolt'ltei t .....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ttt la)!! k, iluu,N, II. 1111v) .,,.......,.,.,,,,,, 2l7tt. .('liltoigru, Ill,CIIM. II. Ohrocl< ,,,,,,,,,,,' (II!) ..... 'q, l,oijis, Nip,ItR Iqhort outil .......................... , l.iui o, \lup,

H, ?if. WilIhite ,....,.....,.,..,.,,,,,,s t. l,ouio Mo,

, ., ,-

\v, L. liroiry t, Loolo, Mo.lì. L. Vaui Cleave ,,,,,,,,,,,, 13494 ,. St. Laub, Mo.I,. (2 bit rit ...,....,,,,.._,,,, 1G208 , .Contralla, Ill.I'. F' Clor'u ....................... 16411 ,,. t. Loulo, Mo,(2lnuui. L, Scliwuui'! t' .,.,,..,,,,, li 13? ...N íiI)CFVliI(, Ill.'I', kv, Iliolde ...................... 8297 . , . St. Iti8,t leu. (J. (ka ri' ....................... , . . Totiln, ¡!rp,lt. M . Mriu'rioo .................... 11:1)11 . , . .. IoI, lo,I , I i. lieli'lii'rt 29622 ,,,, T_,oiilo, 1kb.l'ti! A. (leibe ..................... 18323, , St, Loufa, Mo.

huh i i. M i iil ..................... I 02 ,,, i. Toiiis, 1'.Io,I', I. lJi'I'Itt!IIi'r .............................St. LoullO, ,S. i i. j I iu'i attui ..................... 0052

. , . . St. ruriln, 1',Io.Iau s tirli litait .............................. I.ohilii, ?,! o.l'. I ', l,iliu'liig 170:11 . . . lva novillo, ¡nu,( . 1!. ( iUlt t ,.......,,,,,._.,,,,, I 1583 , , , St, I,(ll!lH, 1kb.l, .1 . ItIifl lug 1672 I ..,.. St. T,oiiIs, Mo.I I. I L iltill ......................... 28665 .,. t. ToiiI, Mo,kV. IC. kVoiiul '103 I 6 . . . . IlIrin Iniglitinii , A lui..1. Ii. (luuwlji ........................ 8081 ,,.( .liicago, Ill.kV, I", Ilolliuiti ii 29771 , , , st. Inilo, 1kb,I". kv lCtiI!ztL ....................

t. Tniilo, Mo,I I, \ . love ...................... 2iO1k . . . .i\olnley, Ill.A. kV. Sutill), ................................. 1,ruiulg, 1klru,IL Sier"y .............2' 87 I , . St, I,oiilo, 1kIu,l'I. l'. IC\'ei'.siill ...................... .1293 ..... I, I,.oiiln, 1kliu,I. .1. Siilllvu,ii ..................... I3l67 . homing, N. 1k!,M. I, lkluuipliu ..................................

SI. Iruuluu, Pulo,S. M. ICtiloni ......................... . , .MrN'at'y, l,ui.kk', (1. Nililutt'ipi;ii ................... 8tl37 . , , St. I Otiio, Mo.t i, I I 1klut'illiuirtL St. 1Oiilti, Pulo.I". i. Iiiiikt.y ................................. Irle flu Itoelier Ill,I. It, I'uiluiij ................................. I. 1otilu, Pulo.A. t '. ('luutouslltig ............................

. builo, Pulo.I ita o JCuioílucrg ................... 2996! ..... I . Eoulo, Putt,,I ii'ii, I I ttllt,,uuup'liei' 8711; ,,., Pulurihyului,ro, Ill,.1. k , I ¡rtw ......................... 2rMl8 ti I. t,on,tpi, Pulii.A. lt. Sittiiioiuii 875ti .,,, Slui'lnig!liIpl, Ill.I I. )l. k'ljllil(iu ..................... 0983 , . . t'lt, Iouls, Pulo.I", 'I'. I!io'lçs ....................... r7r,7 . . , .51, lo,lo, Pulo,kV. I,, I bury ...................... 27161! ..8 t, lr,,,lo, Pulo.1k'. 'I. Ni'lluuti') 29712 , . . Ilutyt!. Pulp,.kV. II' . I op,ilopui, ,,,,,,,,,, 2031!; ..., OuLloI;Lle, La,M. llorlii',,pi'l, ,,,,,,,,.,,,' Pl 13 ..... t, E,o,ilo, Pulii.''liuto. "N. ."l'liHo ,.,.,,,,,,..,,,,, 299)7 . , lit. L.onilo, Pulo,i l'Purgo 11l,ti,p,,,,k' I '. Pule,t ill I (21)2 ..., Sut,, t"nui pilot',,, Call f.I iiuiigiiou Pulo llio'lp .................... l HI

I,. (1. 1"íxp I I, llouvuLt'ul ...................... SI. Iu',uiln, Pulii,.1, A it I,tui' i\ hot, ........................... I ippi'by. l'li,glu, nul.

I Ladies' Registration, Hoo-Hoo 29th AnJ


\lt'o. I'. 'I'. lai,gan Pul,'o, l. L. l'isvellulloi, un,,t,fu;, l'louì,iitg PulIsti Ituill, 11111

Pub loo kV . I , ' l'troia' , Pub n'o. I'. O, M ('yu'Mio, lt. I", ()l,llp;i,,, Pubis. J, A, PuboyerPub 'o. I . lo. u PhIlo, ou M 'o, I", M. lIrticorPul ro, k' i t /4pll,li(,u,s

Pu? 'o. 1 1. lI. (lun I I nuitla,uuu':, J inluprt,p,p lIra, Put. l)lec'lcePuli'o, u I" (2l'i Putn'ui, (I, N. Pulattlo,iu,

Pub loo ( I norPub ro. le,,rp I I

Pul a, 'I'. kV. lliuul,lppPub 'tu, I Iol,lçl,,o

Pub loo Vuoti l!u,il,IiPu! ro, W, l'(otïcr

Puliti , 'il u, litoPub 'a. u ,o. I 1. (lOti l'y


M ro. A . N. Snì li rl.M ro, Sliliur' S. Pulii)

Pub .. M , Pub oi'u'loo

Pubu'o, kV. Il, I ItuilluugM ro. l,ot. lu ,uisuu,

Pulii,, I', I. Idi flIti!iPub 'o. I I . Sel,uuol luM 'o. lIta iul,rt Pul i's, .1 . E. Sol, v,'uurr,

Ab 'ii. l"ril A . (itirbetPub ro, I I . k'. I I u nucoPub ro, II, A. Seli unnai'lior

.'ul ro Ii obi ii I'). M Itulc Ab 'ui, I I . PleNa bio,uPub ri, l. (1. Wi,'uiter,nuu ,u M lo Pu! . Pul)taJaupnuN ra. u.j. lIei'uuuuuerMro, S. O. lIeront,,

Pub t'o. 'I. 'lorneyN 'ii. I". J . ItlelIlnug

Pubu',.', Al llcooPuIro, \Vn,u, I leo

Pulitio I I, IllelIluig Publoo J', Pulule,,Puliti. l'. C. liCht

'SV,Pubro, V. L, 1lolnnhacluutr

Al 'o. l. lClc,i',.lePu! loo lIeluuulutuccher

2ullu.'o 'l'n'r,v19 .Pub,'o, I, .A. lrcruel,

Mro, E, B. WoodPubr, E. 'l'luo,,,pouo,,

1kb ro, t, I , ,bcnuuuluugurPuliti. I Iciglu Ionico

Puls's, '1', C, kk'l,i t.ln,Q,'ol,

Mio. S, L. C,ulleiuPubu'o, 10, Ii. lol,erwoo,lPulro, O! to I'fffer1kb,i, It'i3' M. l'l,li,,uun,,Jo Mro. ,Jllljt,o Spuldol

Pu! 'o. k' . I", Jbl,,tcrn,,n,,, M lii o. 41 lpuc Held clPub n'o. l'u1 Pult,,,guji' Puliti, I I, W. Vutgo,iPub'ui. Il. .1. ICanlfluplil Mro, (l. I', SlupuhanuPulii,. I .Al,( irlife,,Nro. t,, A, lier Mro, O. ,V, (iladdli,gPub 'ii, k n tu Pub lilen'

Pubru,. G. W'. (iladdliugPu! n'o, 'J'rlru,lpu (JluuilillnigPuliti. lt. .A, lllru,'ox kIno ,. I. F'. Olulliann1k! liii .Muo' Vil Illopuox

Pub 'pu. l'iI r,uouud Uoqpul,IelIbio. 1', L. Young

Mio, Il. il. Triulpul,Mro. Chupo, A. Dowet,PuIro, \V. N. Landruu,nPuliti, Il. c:, hell Mro, Loulc Reichert

Pub s'o. l, E'. (',tu rri'tt M loo 'I'. lluil,lo'ib 'o. I" , \l, Strlu'lula,uul Pub rs, N, O, I bi'rm llAIro, ,lohni ,lujililMIpupu Ilpoopli'

Mro. W, (i, Funck'I'.,luu'l,!

ib upu, i; ,. I uuilulMro, W, UncidoM ro. kv. I, IfolTer

rub loo lluurhuuu'uu I lui,'! in nu Pil'o. Il. Vanu Cleas'o1kb lpi lrenìe ,Joluiio libro. A, C. Goeosll,igMio. l','uu nip IlodgepuMro, Il. J 1. Mro. C. it, l'rcsnoll

,liiluauiiil,ig.l n'o. A. IC. Aluretuo

Mro. Jo1111 llruisoMrs. A. B, Slnnontpo,uMro, D. A. lUau,!

Pu! ro. L. il. 'l'iull'Pubro, IV, (J. Yu,,uck.

Mio. Ilarny AltlupululpuMrs. I Itillle lluuI0Pulrpu, I). il, FitzroyMro, C. E. l'neo )lloo JulIa GavInNro C'. C. Puliulloiu


l'ho A I tar I II tlu (I ru nid THru Ilululull Itolill nf the Nl u LI io i' I luul el i u n'lu ¡cli I 1w C olì'tlu tluuln UIHl()nIH unnI Lii e Cuuluc'u!t('luiu titubi vutl'(u Ii obI,


I'h e Snip renne Sr,i rk R. A . I usu.ou, relerrinu g I ,i the II,ui'o of t h c Aunen onu A,,00' ii,led P,,wu, ri, I lit u.ru I lillo! lue r in in, n rl inticlnuuifln,cr on the wall, back of the Sn,,rk Stuituorn, n lIol Uliol! Reverend I'ctcr A, S,,npkin to j,,u,knu n few lirici reniiuirkn ,propo oFthe occuori On . /utIu II of tue in it i,utco !duil!(Iifl nE ,utlnunu( o,, uunicl u, Jot r ii iidk,uc.c ronco n ,ui,ug u, (ter tuo u oI!cpitcnuptjon Irothrr Soup.kin opoke fl8 Iollown

My Uroihcr: It lulling nuuw h,t un you oitu,,i,I w,tI,in thc ci rcic el I Ioo.I loo your -yro boiuld fuuji 111)01! 1k,- ,nuicned flngn(licit 1ncnk for all l}uocpu fourtoco I,,iido in wluudu I lo I loo lu,un orguniioI luir.

Most of yo,n stood ii latle whim ago whore thconu fluugs II,,ttcred togetluor in Ilic plitr oF ntrugglc tri e,nphuuic thc frc.'lonn01 hunntunity and the unity of ír.,cnocn, 'h world crouu,,'l,

Thc vicion of the An,u'rican you!), tluuit worat nuouncil uu,,cIu'r 01cl Cjory, onnil,ng tutu lic wily to is.ucrificc, wo ought lucvcr toforget. Su rely there amici the lin guinh youi (ormoci .a yuoio,u of hunnun ity und nervice fc,r il,

roniglut you llave uutcppccl liuto thu' circle of ii Wilier lilo. lt n, not l)ppi( lC8N but ,n,,rc olalI be tun "PIlou1 oi 01,1 Glory,fluttering in the windo of Gaul over hic Fl,ur ennliurc of Liluorty cu,rth'ru pr,,uudct ,n,d liuippk,t L,n,uI, (or throuuI, liii,! primary loyinllythe An,cricnn cuir, best serve thc, corll,'s wdct fuirnuly,

Yet thi,n group of I,cout,íuI I1uìg, ciel, crinn Mo,u nIycrl will, fr'-en,ue,,'s kloo,l, it jo, yripurir to cutiii Elio v,icun, of world norviceunid brotherhood,

You rcncnnbcr l,ow Tcn,ìyoon 'ouu,I prophctiuilly : 'lilI tu. war dru nur tI,roblicd np langer,''for I dipL mIti) the future Io r no lu,un,,uu,, cyn u_nun (I pur, Aticl t ho bti t tic lliuíi we r folded,

Saw the glory of the euurlh .izi,I uil hue wo ncicro llu,,1 l, Ihr Puirlii,nucra t of in,,,,,should Ire, I lue gruoutcot ini the world,

Aye, it comes in })ond like tI,00e crcuuted h er tonuuglut , th,,t you Iniuuy follow the trcoi,n ittirl lic living Free in th!A new duty,love mu,,, and nerve better your An,crnc,i, onying n your lucuirl alw,iys on you look to the Stars and Stripenu'

"Loud of I-lope and Glory, Wider yet md wider,Mother of the free, My thy hounds he nul,How hall we cxiIt (lice, God who mode tlicc mighty,Who are born of thee? Makc thee mightier yel,"

Page 18: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death

.__*t _ r -- ,_, , ' '- -. -a ,n- rl_t - Cctt1Pr7-? t . ,,t -

r :

il /



''II()ltH iniitli In (t IIttwu! 'l'liOlO nro men of your great 1)O(1y of }Ioo.iIoo membership, vas tito couro decidedI IL((IIt1I In ti iue, to (loll )t wii OHO 1)01)11 ILIJIty lins linon enhanced ctt-aiid iloro'8 tue appeal:

I,y I()UHOHIIi(}II of a 11111110, flhli4Y to HjlelLl{ aiiii ¡'Ofletfll)Or. AIU1 A iiani e for llio JJulletln'' is vanted.YOU ICIII hi l(3H l ii OW of foui o iiii vlloHo liftieR h ave intor i t shoti Id 1)0 a itinc lesonan t with the lofty purposes ofr(9l () lift OXt(3flt VItII unii ¡)r()groHH iii I)t1HiflC8, Thorn llno.I-Ioo; suggestivo of It potentialities for lumberdorn.i Uro i:n 3ftH J WII i CII niteh n un u ppertl io tuo cou rt8 for per- i loti Id bo brief, easy to remember-ui fact, i1LV(f toUI IHHIOU tO cItngo il iHfl(I VR H I 1tgOol! linhiìe. forget,NOV tuo muno of a JoulIIILI io of oepeclol hIII)orLIIn(:o to Evei'y E-Too'lloo is i'eqiiestod to submit suggestions to tue

.,: IlIl('('OOH --%ylti)Oi 1101 HICC(0H JO 0f nu huloperulont von Soei'otnry.

u u re or of ii Joli ru a i 10H ignod to 1)0 tilO oi'gaii ¿md enlivoning 'l'ue ¡laine d 001110(1 by the Supronie Nino most appropriato( C

i III(ulIIIIII nf couic gOII) 0f IIITI,vlIl 1)0 selected.

(loi ting lm,t't, to I he Point, tilO (iII()Htk)fl of L change of Stiggosticiis oltould be in hot latei' thaii Deceìuber 1, 1920.,,- li ¡t HIS of Iii (1 liii liOtlO ' otH bI'oacIIe(i R i tile Ani tini in St, J 1O(»I Ioü w i I I , we ato stiro, give this thou' thought, forI()tIIH il s'as agreed fleit I lin rinto I11(Jans little. lt loesrit t io good of the Order.'gI n t t (ait;' w! ti iiii °l'°(i ti C i(lftU cou oni'nitig I i oo'lloo or A t i 01(1er vislies to give to tilo successful co!itostniitsv1iiil h Io journal really ieutua Iic)O'i loo. lt (l008lit oven toliori of esteem as a momento of the fli's second andel IJ0l I i i i1 i (0) 01' Iu in ,iiiI 0111 !

third best nuggestions, prizes ivill be avarded as follows:APPEAL TO THE COURT' let Prize: Pair Solid 001(1 Cuff Links.

ç'Viii0 %VIIH tun Ilfllt((i 01)111 IOU of titO couhluIttees (OU8i(iOI 211(1 Prize: Sterling Silver Belt Buckle., lug lie tiitin , "li u flot I ii, (iiii ngeo \vere HI!ggeHt.e(I, but it 3rd I'l'lZO : Cold I'lflted Evorslìarp Pencil.%vIIH iIOI'i II1!LlttItiy deiIiIil thai to ()llt'Of'llflhI(j deeision '''i' ni '..11. I... .




'V»-» I-lU LJI)(JFI()O ciuniem on lt unti ap.1)lOIIll lOI l!lU(l(,. Alli011il tO tii C()lIl't,'' conipoaod of tuo I)I(Jj)I'litteiy eIlgl'ove(I.

IBig Concatenation at Marion, Ohio

,- , , .

Tite i i (0)-i 10E) of ¡l ¿i ihni ti n d tuo ou n'oit lid Ing territory t' . . -, -.liti '(I (l)I)li)iIli.o(i lrro!lgeluInu foi t rousitig concatenation ..±((1 111)11 i)lll('O Ill IIllri(,ll 1)11 'I'llt'8(l113 evening, October 26th,i'hO)' llaVe OXil'll(iod III illIltatioll io Soiiator harding, \Vil()is n llllllllJ('l' Of iliti Ordur, lo ¿ttl ''1111, 'iiIcii lin Prolnisos to ' "?; )-(Il) 1f in is III (lie oit)',

,- ', ,lire1 !II't \V, (. lll8t'il (If t Ill' 1\Illl'iOIl LlitìiI>er Colll$tlly,,,,, , : - - -I s I I ('11111 0 Of i be aira Il gOlfe n I i etui i)rogi'iun, VII lelo assures - '

-Il i I I (Ill J I (0) (Ii lt HI) 101111 ii i llgrn III anti a n i ii I eres ting oven iiìg.Al li lll0(tillg of l)iatiit't Nu. ii of tim Ohio LllflhI)Or Iol, i)IHtl'ihute(l at Annual I)y Hall & Brown \VoodworklngI }efl foi I 1\sMoc a i 1(101 1(11(1 JIlot rol' ('n t i)' at ] lucyrlis, O , 11101 hoi'

ach i nery Co., St. Iottis, 1\Io.Iti.eii 11111110 t Ito Il !lll(IIIIIC('lllt'llt ILS tO 111(1 contelnIllatoll Coil.('Ill UlUli 11)11 1111(1 Hi'I IIl iilii. tn,ll I ,. t tll ,

........................ 1 UIlL ¡11UUL1115,

À i()l)li ('111MO ii tilt icipaitqi. lIii tue lIlt (ElidIdo lint olilyiii ?ltlll loll but ill tile 8ilrl'(lllil(iiil territoiles nie searchinget'IlnrlI iliti ¿lIh')'; for kittens, 1111(1 it is nllticipateti that n class11f 2 a iii io' i il i't'riIilies 1) October 26th io onter J:loo.11ooI 4t lId IO 11C(1llO i Il t t ti lllOei V(S \V i t li t h e Illyiltories aliti thu ilialii'l'l', lt t lie 1ig 11111 Cii Cat.

i'il0 i lOO- I I eo Of l iricii u re loyal anti ont iiiisiastic aillis i I I 11111 evrr t'(Íort (erUi t n iii akt' t il io l)ll( 11f Lite largest

'0111 l4t L'0lll'1 t ella t ions ever i t ng'(l in t he State.

HOTEL HOO-HOO\VotliJn: it ht' floe if t vere t()5ibl0 for titis orgaiti-

ZOittt le er-t-t1 and own itt cadi of the prittcipai cjtles aI1et'i }I't'ttir tiut "t' ar tt going to spetit! ,fl). of'tlr ton c t'.. t1; t1)ut build ï ng I liese hotels.

\.-' 'n1(\1 ,:t itttt ilXtv dayS ago to estzalilisii''uz: of thh (i)nlcr lIoo-lloo hotel head-ii-t. V- t V' 'r::ip-ai Citlts. amt a large nutuber a'er',tv -' '-'1e-ti ami nttted. but there are rnatty

t,) t'' "-; :V.i lt h\ldqltarterj har nott-'-o ruy. i up iO yc'tl a llitznbert-' 1 t '.-: :o%e:ìe;t by :ldriing itttte.

:tt h- 'f V:1r --t. t -, t w' tnav natue the hotif '«, . :- . :-: t nar!ìet posibie date,t'. -.ti.»» ,-.- .': :a e rde vallahIe to ther- :tt' :--- -' --VV ar of the ctuntry at

T-c fl-' }c tnoveaint., \' -- - 'î

re:t'r had l»zlore¶ lì\: vì Y :vERv CITY. Andt;r"tc' t: o- - a thar will

tV.' '' b: t; e-:- mrbe- ofiì.tt trç. tVt t H-- - 1ó rt- vLit' -'tl C 'i : ltrso-th- tte tt't \-'tt:- ct-r

Tht. cvet -.-i-taad e'pert

Vte the eTr:-tO rT NOW.

tParson Siinpkin Is In DemandJ

Ml of those 'tio had tite opportunity of meeting nullhearing the ;lti(lresseO lIlaIla by Pureen SimI)kin. SupremeC- h aidai n of our O rder, d tiring our a oli uni meetings will vouchfor tite statenietit that he matie good."

l)uring hits slìot't stay itt St. IottI.q, September liii, 9thUnII lOtit , bi o intuhe folli' UtIli i'eses. On \Vothitesday, S optent herSLit he address the ,Junhor Chamber of Commerce; on tite

sa 1110 thaïe in tite ttfternooit, tite National Retail Lumberh)eaiors' Association; in (hie evening, tite Osirian Cloisterllanqitet ; tutu anotlter on Friday ntou-nittg, Septentber 10th, attIte il(tSiflC8H Sessioti of tite Order.

h he ittalle ti i :ustíttg ïtttpression tie an orator víthi ahi.!ttt)' insIstent inqithiles were made by various organizatIons

as to tite I)OSibihi1-Y of scetit ¡11g his services at later (latesin ('()ttltCCtiOil uvith conventk,ns and itidiistrial organizationitucetlugs lita t VO tooi( tite matter u i 'il h lit e Chaplain antihave rotnpiete(i nrrangemettts for bringing hint back litio tite('(St dtortiy ttfter hue first (If tito year et) these organizationscould avttll titcttt'1ves of iti services.

fitse arrangemeilts have been cotiupleted and lie isalready booked for tite inst two 'eeks of January and thefirst Ebreo weelts of Febrttazy. lt apparently appears nowthat sou'erah of tite organizations u-iii nteet with disappoint-rtunt for they xviii not ite aIlle to secure hint, as lits titite inthu east is iitttited.

OMISSIONOwing to lack of siace, we are obliged te ermit in

zhis isuuc contpiete reports of coticatenattons:2l4-Chietigo, 11h.. August 19th.21 44--Coritit lt. Miss., Augttst 2Stht.2l45-I-'resn. Cal.. Attgust 2Sth.

1-ï6----Meri(jjatt, thlss., Septeuubvr 3rd.Ail 'sill appear in thie 110x1 isSite of Tite Bulletin.



LThe Supreme Nine

SNARK OF 'I'IIc lJNl'iitSF-1. M. 'I'IItt,V (21510), tresid.'iit, J, M.# 'nut,. l,uuitìtitr ('i St. louis, Mo.SEN ¡OR itOO-1l0O--.V. E. (o,aIIer (21)532 ) , i'r('StIleIIt, Su,raiiii,iiio

1.110111er ('0., .SfLeruhIIcnto, (iil(,j U-NI() [t ItOO-lIOO-J), S. ltOfltgOhlIrY (10280) , Stvriliiry, IVIt4COHNIHJ(ilnit intolor l)'itier' o(tIIti()uI, (I i ivitiiki'i', llH,11(1.1 tfli-lt'iii. .i, Jte'lie (8789) , iicI,te-lturj()II Lunil,ir Co., Siiit (io,

1%' 11H Ii.

Scit I \'iNOii Il-M .. \I, E I it'ItO(, (Si i2 ) , I .. i, i:ttIllc i,Ilitiior C).,torijil ii, (Il.


.L% itiz iii(t'OCi(-I i. D, l'ohIO ( 13711(1) , I'oote-iiiirt l,iitiii,r Co., liìn,,lIxIlrJ)irtIt, ill.

(US'I'()(A'iitN-,ioilTi J. aiiric (8031)) , Tlluu1l,)k t.tiinlpi'r ('o., 'l'IlIIltlII,liii,

t Jl('t N Oi'i-it--('. E. UlIrpily ( t 1375) , atilnilgor, Utiuti lu olor (1),,5)111 1.111(0 ('it_y, IJI111.

(,UitI)ON-I. .1, \lIIHHII (281 I(I) J. . liniiter O Cu,, Now \),rk lily,;. Y.

The Jurisdictions

,JiiiUSi)1('ti()N NO, t-tinlier Siijirk ,f lii,. l;IIlv,rHe, L, i. 'Itilly:liiMHl)IIll, Solitijorzi huit ltlluiiits, 1,1)1 II, illIIHI)H, ilIlillIllIlJ"or(,ICII (oiiiilrtoo 111(1 llIlIlIli,1 II il lt -t,)iI E tiriliHi) (),illHh)Jj)),

IURISI)J("i't(}N NO. 2-iJ,ulor S)'nl,)r itlIl,.l1,,f,, F, E, (bibi': ('uIl-tllrl)luI, %rI-oiuiiui N)Vl*dlI 11111 XIII ,)i)'i rl).

1 t) It 0(1 II I ''l'iON Nl), 8-Un (1(u)' ,Jiiiilor I tIll). I i III), i I, 5, IOIl(g011Il'ryv iM)'(r;uulIIl, ìtlIlIl)'Hl)i Il, Noriliori, 1Iiti ilIlilotH, liIOilIglLlI luitOhio, -

1 U 1(151)1 ('l'ION SO, -i-Uuuli'r itiijiiuui, Win. M, iteolii, : Wuoia i ngtoui,()r.'u,'iiii, Iuiuìlii,, (IiiuiIiuui utili lirtliNti ('otiuiiuliliu,

,J(îiiii)i(TiON No. a-uuiuli'r Sill%i'IIoIl'r, I. M, i;iioitgí': MlilHtiliiIIitii,' iiihiuiiiui, 'i'l'lIIIi'HHI'l. ituuttililly uhu t%',-s( 'Irgluilui,

,JijitiI)IC'ii))N l'-t. Illii't' ,iillilil'l'tl'(il'ii, I I, il, I"iiii(i' l.i)lItHtuiiiil,'I'l'%HH, llIIlli,ili) iiuuil (ItituliliullIll,

,J(uliisiii('iiN St). 7-inuiu'r ('uisluucullluiuu, J, i. I-uu)-1,': }'ti)ditul,(l'uurg(uI, Suirt ti ('iii',,iiuuuu, Suuuillu (ilI'lltiIlul uuuuui S'lIglIliuI,

1 II it istu i('iII)N 5(1. 8-.--(JIllil'r tr)'uluuu)tl(r, U, I, .illi'liliy: i;tuilu ('uuiuj-ruuiluu, Il')uuuuluulr, Nl-ilruluulcul, NuirOi 11111 Oouullu i

,ii1itl$i)I('i'H)N NI). O-.-Uuiutu'r (iIrutull,, 1. i, %lkuuui : Suo- u,uu'k. J),'IH.tHIIE)', ilIu,(rli'( (it ('uliullululul, ululr.%-tnhlui, N ,uui- .il'lH)'Y, I')'lllilyi luluulil,

,,ui I'uugIui lull Sull ('H.

IThe House of Ancients

. - ____________!" Il. Su:UA1&Eiz (i), ( tOui'i'ulHl'lt), 1i,t'i'F it, l(. i.iti:,t ( lo) . I-:ull(uu', 'l'lui' .11Hul..11ulul Vuillu'i i,uuuuulu,'r,uuuuu,o

10115505 (2), 1,uluuut,cr tvuuriit ite-Iuiu, Ciilu'uigu,. ,'ih1u1'u1t1H, iluuuu,

1. E, t)l' i'Eli (JO I i (It) , (I)-cculHu'll I . ' It.(,1I,II.I% ( i tru101) , 'lilo 5. i iullttl'y i,uuiiu iuu'i' ('I),, ('luuutiuuiuuu .

u li. I F. ii E.MtS %'AY ( I (3 i ) ( I(u'u'ouIMu'uJ) .

; %. J . uvsti'ri: ( 152) I i)u'l,l,uIHu'ut) , I I. J. 'I1 lii.iU(8iO(t) , il. .1, Ml Tir l,ul,uutuuur Cui., I, f, Stuill iiN. it . (. t,t lliIIN(. (lIt)) , i:. c, AltuiluN & Co. tlliiululutIuu)ilH, Itul.

,, t SUER itI)(iG iMS (7 t07) , ClilrtuHtulurg, W', \'ui,(s ii 'I i I I i t I i I (JO 'I) "ouuiluu'ruu I lIC Lo IIf I t'ori. ui 5i uluuaia (tul ,,,, it SS I ltl))t I R ( i 28 0) 1 rouu or t un)iuor ( o 'unlu jflhll)iH(OI' , Il. V it tt (2Me) , ( l0'e'IIHI'ui) , Cuitit,)l.,fl. I t. NOititi S ( t 0(10) , ( L)ll'uuul(.lt> . JI) ItS i I . it I lillY (7778) Klr)uy i,uuuuuluor Co,, VtrHt Nuit louai liuiuuk 11111g,,- Ici). )i. 1' Ei'l'i Ei Eu, ( iO'eensu'ul) , i i ouuNluulu, 'l'uu.V, I). lU) U tIRE (t2 t ) , t lu'.oulou'll) . EM l II(.()N II. 'l'JN N% N'I' ( t 11)79) , 'i1)-l'rlHilleIit (Jo,uinuircjnl louriuuuiIt, i). i ; ,iutN t2 ti(0) , t Ill''euLHu'ut) . (., PulilIlulIuI'rs of 'i .uiluuluu'r,'' S) . I olliH, SIui,i. C. ItA )iSi)' (2:13) Inul1 r,iuíH, i)ui 10H & (uui t Jluuilroutui C),,, (It Nuti. J iji,I US .tli)Ii, (3221)) , jis tluuH Sulilet Luiuuuluer Cui,, SI, 1,111110, StO.

'itIe, Irtu. v, ,t. i'Itil)J)Ii ( 121)) , i1-utuuuuuuuuul. t,uuuuului'u' Ce,.. uit iil'uuuuluuuuul,, .1. 0. lION Ni;it (520 i ) , liunu lio Oil JioltahlIg CHI., ifouttuuu, Tc. it. t, I I lSVI) ( i t i:t1 ) , i i u rl -lYu,uuut l,uu,.i Ior ('Il,, Sutil l°rulII)'lHelI, Colif.

Osirian Cloister

lfl(l[ Ilci101i' OF OSIJ1IS-lt, A, 11IHcur, Muu,uuiter, lruIrt-s'OoIt Lluuui-lut-r ('lu,, Suhl FrulIueluueC, (uuli(,

li it; ir tit i i:sr oi i'i'%li-i'cer % . .SIuntliuluu, uiit L,itto lIly, Ululi,till; li in I l'SI' OF IIA-)V. ,t. Iruidley, 'J'iuu, S. lIuldtP,)' 1Iluuuiuu'r Co,,

CillI I llouul, (hut,, (uulluuului.

1111,11 eec I I0('l' ()V XSIS-..1%. t, Vridiltc, 'i.'e-lr,Hl(tunt, lIrutu liluuuiLLii,ui i,t'r ( 'i)., Itt!illJluuollt 'l'oouIs.

II1(. li PJt1Ji4't' (IF SO U-Mu ni M, JitrutCo, M. )1, Elll'uigc Juuuuuiuer tui,,Cori Hliiu MilO),

il l(l1 P It lltSt OF ¶111011 l-l', 'i'. l,uiuuaui ru, lut uitluil l.lullutuur Co,, ChInI,I I I.

lil(11 F Ill bIT (IF hAiti E lt.-ll, It, lHiuoru)'o',ut, Secrctuury-'l'rnhL.ulrcn,('tjuu'uiliuuutli'ui I)ruti'r of Iiuuuu.ltuu,u, SI. l,u)uhiO, Mu),

1111.11 P Ill 1041' (II SEI)-J'raiuuk M'. 'l'ruluvl'r, 'iruuuu-i'r l,uuhuulil'r Cuj, MulaJ'thIJuulHu'o, (.11111.

Ii loll J'lttlM'l' (I F A N iJ Ill S-'.-i. i), 'i'couuuiui t, )'lni,-l'riustulouut, Couui-,Illru'luut ,luuuurlhult ('o,, i'uuluiluiuer of 'luullllpl-r,'' 5(, ),iuuIo, St)).

Vicegerent Snarks

ALAIIi'.MA-lwu'oteruu Dlotrict)'-A, J, Mc1nctuern 130040), Atticul SaittC:urpuruution, 'ruocai000a. Ala,

AI.t1l%SI,t-(Corutruul t)iotrjct)-'t, W, MctÇlrotoy (24t79), Socrotuut'Ju(fc'rooui l,br. Co., tOrnii uugluaun, Ata.

AIiltBAMA-(Soutttoruu 1)iotrict)-S. IC. Taylor (tOMO), 5. IC. TaylorLt.ur. Co. Moldo, Ata.

ALBEItTA. CANAI)A-(Souttierui t)iotricU-John M. Notoon (13875)-Cuddy 1 Neiooiu, Cuiigai-y, Alberta,

A Rl'IÁ)NA -jul10 A . ,IOtuiuu lu ( 24 5(0 1 Stut (o of Arizona, ,lotiuuovn (uKoch, t'iuocuulx, Arlo.

ARIC1tNSAS-J. t), Vu'oiuotor. (2-17M), Soc', Artcaruonø liNon, of humijort)ialOro, 827 Southeruu Truiot 1114g., ¡jttto Stollu Arto,

AUSTItA LASIuI-\Vjtljouuu G. liuuuuruuuuin ( t O(i), tr(iuu SløcIujuue \Vuurto),SIdrIuiy, N ., '4, W., Auotrailut.

Page 19: %J - hoohoo.org 1920.pdf · J! 2 TI-lE BULLETIN-A HI-MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HOO.HOO: i L REMEMBER YOUR FAILURE L1:: Io pay (lues before OCTOBER 9TH, 1920, cancelled YOUR Death







IlItITISIr (:()rLlIIL%-(co;1 Dktrct)-W. ir. Crosvo (29083), SnIeMarlII .r Felcrt ¡AIr. Ca., Vancousr, B. C.

(IJFøitNI,--(San FranclIIro II3 DIitrJct)-Theodrc Lorch (2466),$a(M ,. anner Albion Lhr. Co., San Franci,co. CaUI,

C,tI.1FORNIA-(8n rkgo fljMLrct)-JI, G. Lnrrlck (28014), SaloaMa na g'r Inn ¡br. CI,,, Sa n I)Iego, Cti Ij(.

(IU,JJOIN1t-(8IIcrarneno VaIIcy J;IjMtrcI)-1arj Whtto (2S45), TheCIl lrr,rI I l)I,or CO., Fohiorn, Calli.

.lo:tquln Vnfloy Dietrlet)-C. D. LeMaster(2I?7 I, San ,JIIIIJIIIII MIII Ownera iIesII., Freino, Cllf,

(I,II()UNI--(l,I .ATlI ,eli t'lftfrt)-n. A. Farayth l7l3), Mari.:i.r H,it. Ilipoalt hart., 1,i,n Angelo,, Tr. & Savinge ianli, LoI tI;;IIlia, CcItt.

(t LI ro it c i . - - t Nort horn ilatriCt I .---1I. V. ((ilc ( 2? 2 1 t ) Ma nager Thel,tll(, Itiver Itnriccood Ce., flutwielile, Calif.

('OI,OJtt I)--..JoJiii H. ClzririiilRhri In t 2B&ø), Secy. Cu nningham Lbr..e 8u;qly Co. IeVelRfl(I. Calif.

ItN(; LA NIi--(Scu there Lileirl ct)-.id wìii ita ynee, 'l'i mI,ar Trailer ., Tour.uil. 8 -T I Pa ternocirr lIce, f,on len, T. C. 1ngiii nil,

(iEOhi(ilA-(Norttirrn Cleiirii l)ietrlcl)-lT, J. 'Vcat (TOBt), 'WestTir. Ce., Atienta, 0e.

libUfO-E. ri. Stiermiiri (2711C), C. il. Shaw Wiiolcenle Ce,, ¡Toiselila ho.

rI.l.IX(iIii--IN.IrllII,ro ¡Iiolricl)-1 ,. \l. 111,11cr, (2i1 7t), llarilwoodl,oiiihcr i1 t Ile Ci., Chicrigo.

1I,IINOITT-Ùeo. W. Arigil (21Ml). itoutliern lowa-Veelern Illinois,Vtce'pr..oi.l.'iit llIuaili(a llr. & Thu Cri. Ilainilinn, Ill.

III.JNOIH-.(Sau lliirii l)iotrict)-}'. T. lanìgen ( 2400), 1', T. Liinganl,hr. Ci.., (2iiiro, Ill.

IO'i% --I Neri Ii rvi''ilrii 1)1cl rjc-V. C'. Ito tier ( 227 92), ¡bach &Miieotr Sri oli ti i )or Co ..8i(, u x City, la

U)%sA-t Soli t Ii.. ro I jiitrict)-ltol,ert X. liitoii I I 2 1 1 i) , Niocauri Lurn-ber unii J;in4 ixctiarige Co.. loi; lolnro. la.

Ii JN'II]CI( Y.- t $'iiiitiweolrn I )iolrlct ) -W. K. Thu I I I I 1 1 4 ), V. IC, TintiIhr, Cc,., Fiilliin ly.

LO II ¡Hit N%-. ( Nertiiirzi l)liitrlct)-Velix A. 'feralii ( 2 1 910), (JonerniSI, leu M ii n agcr l'anar Citi' l,lir. Ce,, Monroe, l,ii.

¡(TU JSl (Soiittun eiern Dialric t ) -Iliitit. A . M e l,iiuchliio I 27947),A ioael i lo l'iltti,r Now Orbe no Itinilier Trarlo Jaurnal, NewCinca rie, Iri

ioi; isit Nit-- (CCIilrii I N:iotero Dlotrlct)-W. il. Nalty ( 26323) linon-flhllill Ihr. Co, Ilsiniinonil, Lii.

I,()111i41A NA- (Sculliripoerii I i,trlc t ) -li, li . 'il ascii T I 5 9 1 3), Secretary-'irifasa rer Ariticoco l,tir, Co ,, Lako Charleo, La.

TTItltT'l,'ANI)-(FIiIIir'rli Iliotrict)-(ìeO. lt ., latineen (27711),Ceo. lt.,lotihai,ri. 'lIIIlIMlile l,urnt,nr, Fntclrcrt,c,ctrer lililK., lialtimore, 1I1d.

M IUIlI0i N-( i i.. t nil t I 'idricI )-l. E. liohIrind I 2 4 17 3) . Manager 1)0-trait untie office W. Il. l'icliering l,br. Co .. 607 Lincoln Bldg.,luttait, Mcli.

il 1(11 111,% N-- t 140a Ir of M icliigriri, except 1 e I rol t )-F. A . M iCicul(21349), i4'crct:iry Michigan Itelail Lhr. Ocelots' Acoli, tiritadIlii pl ils iiI i cii.

IlSIStll'A.l -( NiIritlIrn l'istricl 1.-Il. C. lIeti (2 1 ¡77) Carletti, Miec.,Box i4.

loo-loo HoeI Headquarters .

SpIeetitl to ItiR ¡li; f()il0\% S :

AlIlolitlI, ÙInl'gir, .............................. I\ 1111e)' f lotol13011(0, Itlitlto ................................. O vyiioe Jititelllolil(lir, Cc,lci .................................... 130l11(ierltlloCitiro. Illiilciir; ................................ i iaIlI0ay Ilote)('211011 ('II y, (0)l() .................................. Strlttlllllore(flhjl'tigt). lillilois ................................ ., Ilotel('lilcjltllfl I I, Oli It) .............................. G 11)1011 lIntel('nl ititi io Spil li gtt (oIo ......................... Allililo I Intel(orilith. tlienlssipil ......................... Tiilrlll linteli 1111 'e t, ('oie ................................. II ronli Itniaeel)itl(ilt. ti eli glitt ............................. Stittlei' I Intel¡I.E Collins, ('nie .............................. ()itilel'lT lintelF ?ti(trglill, Coin ................................ Clilly I lote)(i liii unI S Ill t H gH ('o io ........................ D'lÌi'er lintel(iillil il ill iiit loitì . Cttlii ......................... La Court I IntelI r'i'I', ('o lo ................................. l 111 uniti I Intel1lliiiis. \\'ei$t \'ilglIltJl ............................ City I Inteli,lillglllOill . Ctili't .............................. lin ¡iei'iitl I Intel(il tui! IllililtiM ..illi Itigitli ...................... r'alltllll(l lintellIrti.cIilll(I, ('ob ................................ 1iflC011l lIntelLn A itguies. ( . 'ilifcii'ii a ...................... I lay soriI I Intell llWiill Iiit, \Vii colui i Il ...................... \VltC()lIItIfl I IntelPli(llll), ((ll() ..................................... il lintelPll(it.hlllX I\ Ii Z()flfl ............................... \(lUlflS I iotelSitliti l,otil, 'iliiatiiiii ........................ j\llTClCllli lintelSuit Llille City. ululi ............................. utili l-intelStill l)iego, Calilotiila ........................ San J)ltgo lintelSso- FriicIsco. Californio ..................... Roniona l-lote)SIll illgilelil, 011)0 ............................ Ilaucroft ilote!Steilliìg. Colo .................................... Cole l-lote)TrinItIllil, Colo ............................... Cnlunilila Hotel

M1SSTSSll'l'l-(]-latllesburg l)jstrlct)-E. T. flatten (27714) Secretary.Troaeurer Mjseloolppl Pine Aeo'n, llattleoburg, Mba.

MISSISSIPI'l°- ( Meridian Dbotrbct)-Saniael .1. Ahebrado (loll?),Southern Jlelrrsontati'o of Union Wiiolcaabe Lbr. Co,, Merbilian,211es.

THSSOIJIOI-(llnotern fllstriet)-W. G. Funcic (18040), 11, J, Shioldu& Co,, Arcade 13Mg .,. 'lt. Louba Ma,

2t0NTiN%-(NrisOcre Pbotrbct)-1l. M. Yaw (23724), Stojini & Yaw,Great Fable. Moat.

MOSl'.%NA-(Tìutto l)botrlct)-A. It. Graham (24600), 025 Weot.\ Itiminurn St.. Iltitte, Mont.

NEIIIOASIIA-Mrirboa F. Engeiman (21201), M. V. Engeiman & Ca.,Omaha, Neb.

NF.%.%ITA-C. C'. llrldgman (121 28), Agent, Verdi Lanibor Co,,Bono, Nov.

NI%% V01tItiireil .1. Baratter (29200 ), F. Eckonroth & Seo, Ill Lewbelit., New Yorli, N. Y.

NObIlI 1)'tIl0T%-1larry T. Aloop (42311, Interior Lumber Co.,Forgo, N. D.

01110-i Ci tiri n nei Lb lint riet) -Ilarry A . Ilolbowell ( 3(6 1 ) . Ilollawell &Co., Cbnclnnabi, O.

OIIl0-(Sprbeglbeid l)Iotrict)-llomer Ballinger (30756), ClatIe CountyIhr, Ca,, Springfield, O.

0NT%ItI0-(W'eetern lliolrlct)-ilaraco W, RobInson (21151), Pigeon¡liter lumber Co.. Ft. WillIam, Oetorbo,

OIIEOON-( OVeol orn Diotrict)-J, It. Jlertitoif (97GB ). llort-Waodliionlier Co., l'orlia oil , Ore,

I'ANAM1-Willbarn 'I'. McCormick (20322), SIgr., Robert Wilcox,.tncon, Citneeb Zoco, lt. P,

I'lIIl,Il'I'JNE L-W, G. Scrini (2iC82), Knlambugien Lumber Co.,lIt.0 lii, J'. I.

SAS1C%TCl1ET%%N-iNorthern Obstrictl-Gourgo TOIlers (21191),'fweltlli Se.. Snelcictoon, Siiob., Canedo.

SA.ST{AT(JIIDS'AN-(Southern IlIstric t)-W, W, Wilson (28121), Theils t ley Luin ber Ca.. itegitta, Simio ., L'florida,

SCOTI,1%N1)-Col. James Lightbody, OSO (12791), F. A. Lightl,edy &Ce., I (lardon St., (Ilaugow, Scotland,

TIiNNIiSSI(E.-(Easbern l)lstricl)-W. 11. Murray (2808G), W. 11. 21cr-ray & Co., Johnson City, Teno.

TENNliSi41(Ii-(Westore Distriet).-L. lì. Omen (2(91 1 ), Tn-Stub1,uml,cn Co.. Ibcuoplils. Teno.

TJlXitS-(Cenlral l)ictriet)-J1. C. Vnrnon (13426). Varnor l.ember itSluingle Co.. Dahus, Ten.

'JEXAS-»-(Weolern l)botnbctl-Itol,ert A. Whitboclo ( 21 391 , Ill PaooLunubor Co.. lii l'uno, Tea.

(ITAII-WIlliam Serubco (1 1 ¡13), Morrbean MonnIl Lumber Ce., StiltLatte City, Uttlu.

W'ASIIINOTON-(W'eotonn r)istnict)-J .. S, Williams (30421 1, Secretary,Siubou.nbo Bmnnciu, \\'eiit Coast Luunhtrmcuu'e Aneoclatien, HoaryBuIlding, Scatbbe, Wash,

TtEST Vllt(tINIA-W, D. 1'sutman ( I 4131), Special Ant. Perchacliugl)ept., li. & O, fly., EhluIns, Went Vn.

WISCONSIN-E. A. lihiert (lui(0), GOS Forty-eIghth St., lhlluvaulueo,WIe.

Coming Concatenations

ltt'ion, Ohio, October 2Gtli-W, G. LIIScIl In charge.

llObCl'l3, Mo., Noveinbei' lOtIi-Robei't Kingsbury in charge.

Sttn Fb'llIiCiSCn, Cal-Theodore Lei'ch, Vicegei'ent.

Chicago, Ill-F. ol. Baker, Vlcegerent.

Ihitcohi, (lii.Jnhn J, Earle, Tanipa. Fha., Supreme Custocatlan.

Tampa, I'Ii.-John 1. Eaile, 'l'ahilpa. Fia,, Supreme Cuotocatlan.

JIickunhivIlle, FI ¡1 .-Johon J. En l'le, 'l'anipa, Fii ., Supretne Otis-tocilt i il fi.

hiuttIctshllrg, MIss-E, 'r. Ilatten, VIcegcrent.

Lube Chanes, La.-'-B. R, ì\loses, Vicogerent.

Oiilotlehol, La,li. I), Foote, Alexanchi'ia, La,, Supreme Jlllll)er.votili.

Shreveport, La-O, N. Cloud, Vlcegeront.

Ijibtes nlblittC(h vIll be tnnoiiiicetl later.


See Page 34.

. 'tC1 e


