iteration 1 object-oriented analysis and design

Object-Oriented Analysis Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Design with Patterns, Process, and the UML with Patterns, Process, and the UML Introduction Introduction

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Object-Oriented Analysis and Object-Oriented Analysis and DesignDesignwith Patterns, Process, and the UMLwith Patterns, Process, and the UML


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Welcome! Introductions

– Course leader: Dr. Trần Vũ Bình

– Participants: MSc. Nguyễn Ngọc Tú (Lecturer) MSc. Phạm Thị Thu Trang (Lecturer) Hồ Thuỵ Hương Thuỷ (Tutor) Nguyễn Bá Trung (Tutor)

Prerequisites: Object-Oriented Programming Logistics

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Overview and ObjectivesOverview and Objectives

Learn how to “think in objects” Requirements and analysis of the problem

domain Design of a solution

– Assign responsibilities to objects– Design patterns– Architectural issues– Java and/or C++ issues

Unified Process UML Practice!

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Assessment componentsAssessment components

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Team workTeam work

Software development is a team-oriented activity…

Two assignments will work around the same project

You need to work in the same team for both assignments

Preferred team size: 2-3 students You can do it by yourself Form your team as early as possible

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Team Project – Collaborative Team Project – Collaborative Tagging SystemTagging System

Your client:– Charities Inc. a search engine company

Your goal:– Design a system to allow users to upload and

collaboratively tag web contents: article or image.Manage registered usersManage contents and their tagsProduce summaries upon request

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Project TaskProject Task

Assignment 1– Prepare requirement document– Write use cases– Develop Domain Model

Assignment 2– Write Design Document– Implement the system (desktop version)– System Demo

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Software Software

Microsoft Visio– Licensed software– Installed on the lab PC

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What is OOAD?What is OOAD?

Lecture 1Lecture 1

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Today’s lecture topicToday’s lecture topic

What’s OOAD? Functional decomposition and its problem What’s UML? Software Development Process

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What is Analysis and DesignWhat is Analysis and Design

Analysis emphasizes an investigation of the problem and requirements rather than how a solution is defined

Design emphasizes a conceptual solution that system fulfils the requirements rather than its implementation

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What is O-O A&D?What is O-O A&D?

The essence of O-O A&D is to consider a problem domain and logical solution from the perspective of objects (things, concepts, or entities)

O-O Analysis emphasizes finding and describing the objects – or concepts- in the problem domain

O-O Design emphasizes defining logical software objects (things, concepts, or entities) that have attributes and methods

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Object vs. Function Oriented AnalysisObject vs. Function Oriented Analysis

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Library Information


Structured A&DDecompose by functions and processes

OOA&DDecompose by objects and concepts

Catalogue Librarian

Book Library

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Functional DecompositionFunctional Decomposition

A very simple development case– You are asked to write code to access a list of

shapes that were stored in a database then display them

What steps we need to achieve this?1.Locate the list of shapes in the database

2.Open up the list of shapes

3.Sort the list according to some order

4.Display the individual shapes on the monitor

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Functional DecompositionFunctional Decomposition

We might breakdown some step further– Identify the type of shapes– Get the location of the shape– Call the appropriate function that will display

the shape, giving it the shape’s location

This is called functional decomposition because the analyst breaks down (decomposes) the problem into the functional steps that compose it.

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How do people do thingsHow do people do things

Case:– You are an instructor at a seminar. People in

your seminar have another class to attend following yours, but don’t know where it is located. One of your responsibilities is to make sure everyone knows how to get to the next class.

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A “software like” optionA “software like” option

Steps:– Get list of people in the class– For each person on this list,

do the following: Find the next class he or she

is taking Find the location of that class Find the way to get from your

classroom to the persona’s next class

Tell the person how to get to his or her next class

Procedures needed:– A way of getting the list of

people in the class– A way of getting the schedule

for each person in the class– A program that gives

someone directions from your classroom to any other classroom

– A control program that works for each person in the class and does the required steps for each person

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A “human like” optionA “human like” option

What’s the alternatives?– Post a directions to go from this classroom to

the other classrooms and tell everyone in the class

“ I have posted the locations of the other classes following this in the back of the room, as well as the locations of the other classrooms. Please use them to go to your next classroom. ”

– Assume everyone knows what his or her next class is

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Option 1: giving explicit directions to everyone – pay attention to lots of details. You are responsible for everything

Option 2: giving general instructions and then expect each person will figure out how to do the task individually– Two kinds of objects

Instructor: responsible for posting the instruction Students: knowing their own next classes, able to follow

the instruction

Key point: Shift of responsibility!

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Dealing with changing Dealing with changing requirementsrequirements

Impact– What if you need to distinguish postgraduate

students from undergraduate students?– Option 1: change the control program a lot– Option 2: add an additional routine for

graduate students to follow

The second case can minimize changes

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Dealing with changingDealing with changingrequirementsrequirements

What makes it happen?– The people are responsible for their own

behaviour– The control program can talk to different types

of people as if they were exactly the same– The control program does not need to know

about any special steps that students might need to take when moving from class to class

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Key Steps in OOAD [1]Key Steps in OOAD [1]

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Use Case: a textual description or “story” describing the system

Play a Dice Game: Player requests to roll the dice. System presents results: If the dice face value totals seven, player wins; otherwise, player loses.

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Key steps in OOAD [2]Key steps in OOAD [2]

a domain model that shows the noteworthy domain concepts or objects, attributes, and associations

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Key steps in OOAD [3]Key steps in OOAD [3]

Interaction Diagram: shows the flow of messages between software objects (method invocation)

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die1 : Die

fv1 := getFaceValue()

die2 : Die



fv2 := getFaceValue()

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Key steps in OOAD [4]Key steps in OOAD [4]

Class Model: shows attributes, methods and associations for software (solution) objects (not domain objects!)

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faceValue : int

getFaceValue() : introll()


die1 : Diedie2 : Die



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Iterative and Evolutionary Iterative and Evolutionary DevelopmentDevelopment

Iterative development– Development is organized into a series of

short, fixed-length mini-projects called iterations.

– the outcome of each is a tested, integrated, and executable partial system.

– Known as iterative and incremental development

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Iterative and evolutionary Iterative and evolutionary developmentdevelopment

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Implementation &Test & Integration

& More Design

Final Integration & System Test



3 weeks (for example)

The system grows incrementally.

Feedback from iteration N leads to refinement and adaptation of the requirements and design in iteration N+1.

Iterations are fixed in length, or timeboxed.


Implementation &Test & Integration

& More Design

Final Integration & System Test

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Handle change on iterative projectHandle change on iterative project

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Early iterations are farther from the "true path" of the system. Via feedback and adaptation, the system converges towards the most appropriate requirements and design.

In late iterations, a significant change in requirements is rare, but can occur. Such late changes may give an organization a competitive business advantage.

one iteration of design, implement, integrate, and test

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How long should an iteration be?How long should an iteration be?

Most iterative methods recommend an iteration length between two and six weeks.

Iteration are timeboxed, or fixed in length Date slippage is illegal If it seems difficult to meet the deadline, the

recommended response is to de-scope – remove tasks or requirements from the iteration, and include them in a future iteration

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How to do Iterative and Evolutionary How to do Iterative and Evolutionary Analysis and Design?Analysis and Design?

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Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Iteration 5




















90% 90%


requirements workshops

Imagine this will ultimately be a 20-iteration project.

In evolutionary iterative development, the requirements evolve over a set of the early iterations, through a series of requirements workshops (for example). Perhaps after four iterations and workshops, 90% of the requirements are defined and refined. Nevertheless, only 10% of the software is built.

1 2 3 4 5 ... 20

week 1

M T W Th F

week 2

M T W Th F

week 3

M T W Th F

kickoff meeting clarifying iteration goals with the team. 1 hour

team agile modeling & design, UML whiteboard sketching.5 hours

start coding & testing

a 3-week iteration

de-scope iteration goals if too much work

final check-in and code-freeze for the iteration baseline

demo and 2-day requirements workshop

next iteration planning meeting;2 hours

Most OOA/D and applying UML during this period

Use-case modeling during the workshop

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Agile Methods and attitudesAgile Methods and attitudes

Agile development methods usually apply timeboxed iterative and evolutionary development, employ adaptive planning, promote incremental delivery and include other values and practices that encourage agility – rapid, and flexible response to change.

Example– programming in pairs– test-driven development

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Agile ModellingAgile Modelling

Adopting an agile method does not mean avoiding any modelling

The purpose of modelling and models is primarily to support understanding and communication, not documentation

Don’t model or apply the UML to all or most of the software design

Use the simplest tool possible

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Agile modelling (cont)Agile modelling (cont)

Don’t model alone Create models in parallel Use “good enough” simple notation while

sketching with a pen on paper Know that all models will be inaccurate Developers themselves should do the OO

design modelling, for themselves, not to create diagrams that are given to other programmers to implement.

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Layers and textbook case studyLayers and textbook case study

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User Interface

Sale Payment

Logging ... Database Access ...

application logic layer

other layers or components

minor focus

explore how to connect to other layers

primary focus of case studies

explore how to design objects

secondary focus

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Case study strategyCase study strategy

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Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3Introduces just those analysis and design skills related to iteration one.

Additional analysis and design skills introduced.


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Case one: The NextGen POS system– A POS system is a computerized

application used (in part) to record sales and handle payments

– Hardware: computer, bar code scanner

– Software– Interfaces to service applications:

tax calculator, inventory control Case Two: The Monopoly Game


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Lecture 2Lecture 2

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Recap Inception overview Evolutionary Requirements Use cases Other requirements Assignment 1 instruction

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What we learned last weekWhat we learned last week

Difference between analysis and design Different focuses of functional

decomposition and object-oriented approach

Benefit of OO approach UML Iterative development Agile modelling

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Inception QuestionsInception Questions

What is the vision and the business case for this project?

Feasible? Buy and/or build? Rough estimate of cost: $10K, $100K,

$1M, … Should we proceed or stop?

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Goals of InceptionGoals of Inception

“…to do just enough investigation to form a rational, justifiable opinion of the overall purpose and feasibility of the potential new system.”

Envision the product scope, vision and business case

Do the stakeholders have basic agreement on the vision of the project? Is it worth investigating seriously?

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Artefacts in InceptionArtefacts in InceptionArtefacts Comments

Vision and Business Case

Describe the high-level goals and constraints, the business case, and provides an executive summary

Use-Case Model Describes the functional requirements. During inception, the names of most use cases will be identified, and perhaps 10% of the use cases will be analysed in detail

Supplementary specification

Other requirements

Glossary Key domain terminology, and data dictionary

Risk List & Risk Management plan

Describes the risks (business, technical, resource, schedule) and ideas for their mitigation or response

Prototypes and proof-of-concepts

To clarify the vision, and validate technical ideas

Iteration Plan Describes what to do in the first elaboration iteration

Phase Plan & Software Development plan

Low-precision guess for elaboration phase duration and effort. Tools, people, education, and other resources

Development Case A description of the customized UP steps and artefacts for this project.

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It is not an inception ifIt is not an inception if

It takes more than a few weeks You attempt to define most requirements Estimates are expected to be reliable You define a concrete architecture No business case or vision document Too little or too much use case modelling

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Understanding RequirementsUnderstanding Requirements

“Capabilities and conditions to which the system and project must conform” [Jacobson et al., 1999]

Challenges: {find, communicate, record, manage} the requirements

Requirements always change, so effective management is critical

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Evolutionary vs. Waterfall Evolutionary vs. Waterfall requirementsrequirements

UP embraces change in requirements as a fundamental driver on projects

Start production-quality programming and testing long before most of the requirements have been analysed or specified.

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The FURPS+ ModelThe FURPS+ Model

Functional – features, capabilities, security Usability – human factors, help,

documentation Reliability – failure frequency, recoverability Performance – response times, throughput,

accuracy, availability, resource utilization Supportability – adaptability, maintainability,

internationalization, configurability

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The FURPS+ ModelThe FURPS+ Model

Implementation – resource limitations, languages/tools, hardware

Interface – with legacy systems Operations – sysop management Packaging – delivery, installation Legal – licensing, etc.

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Use FURPS+ as a global checklist when identifyingrequirements for a system you are designing

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Other TerminologyOther Terminology

Quality Attributes, or “-ilities”– Usability, reliability, supportability,

performance (non-functional)

Functional vs. Non-Functional– Behavioural features vs. everything else

The quality attributes have a strong influence on the architecture of a system

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Document RequirementsDocument Requirements

Primarily, in the use case model– functional requirements

Also, Supplementary Specifications– other requirements

Glossary – noteworthy terms Vision – high-level requirements Business Rules – Requirements or policies

that transcend one software project – many applications in the same domain may need to conform to them

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The Use Case ModelThe Use Case Model

“Writing Requirements in Context” Identify user goals, corresponding system

functions / business processes Brief, casual, and “fully-dressed” formats Iterative refinement of use cases

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Using a system to meet goals E.g. brief format

– Process Sale: A customer arrives at a checkout with items to purchase. The cashier uses the POS system to record each purchased item. The system presents a running total and line-item details. The customer enters payment information, which the system validates and records. The system updates inventory. The customer receives a Receipt from the system and then leaves with the items.

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Usually, writing the stories is more important thandiagramming a use case model in UML

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Actor: something with a behaviour; person, system, organization

Scenario: specific sequence of actions and interactions between actor(s) and system (= one story; success or failure)

Use Case: collection of related success and failure scenarios describing the actors attempts to support a specific goal

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Handle Returns– Main Success Scenario: A customer arrives at a

checkout with items to return. The cashier uses the POS system to record each returned item…

– Alternate Scenarios: If they paid by credit, and the reimbursement

transaction to their credit account is rejected, inform the customer and pay them with cash.

If the item identifier is not found in the system, notify the cashier and suggest manual entry of the identifier code

If the system detects failure to communicate with the external accounting system… (etc.)

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Why use cases?Why use cases?

A key attitude in use case work is to focus on the question ‘How can using the system provide observable value to the user, or fulfil their goals? rather than merely thinking of requirements in terms of a list of features or functions

Focus on business process, not technology features

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Common use case formatsCommon use case formats

Brief: one-paragraph summary, main success scenario– When? During early requirements analysis

Casual: multiple, informal paragraphs covering many scenarios– When? Also early requirements analysis

Fully-Dressed: all steps and variations written in detail with supporting sections– See– When? Before each elaboration starts, do it for a portion of

use cases selected for the following elaboration

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NextGen POS exampleNextGen POS example

A fully dressed example– Use case name– Scope & level– Primary Actor– Stakeholders and Interests– Preconditions– Success Guarantee– Main Success scenario– Extensions– Special Requirements– Technology and Data Variations List– Miscellaneous

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Details ...Details ...

Use case name– Start with a verb– “Process Sale”

Scope– The system under design– “NextGen POS application”

Level– User-goal or subfunction– “User-goal”

Primary actor– Calls on the system to delivery the service– “Cashier”

Stakeholders and Interests– Who care about this use case and what do they want?– “Government Tax Agencies: Want to collect tax from every sale”

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Preconditions– What must be true on start, and worth telling

the reader– “Cashier is identified and authenticated”

Success Guarantee– What must be true on successful completions,

and worth telling the reader– “Sales is saved. Tax is correctly calculated…”

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Main Success Scenario (or Basic flow)– A typical, unconditional happy path scenario of

success– Record steps:

An interaction between actors A validation (usually by the system) A state change by the system

– E.g.1.Customer arrives at a POS checkout2.Cashiers starts a new sale3.Cashier enters item identifier4.System record sales line item…

– Cashier repeats steps 3-4 until indicates done.5.System presents total with taxes calculated

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Extensions ( or Alternate Flows )– Alternate scenarios of success or failure

Scenario branches (success/failure) Longer/more complex than basic flow Branches indicated by letter following basic flow step number, e.g. “3a” Two parts: condition, handling

– E.g. Extensions: 3a. Invalid identifier

1. System signals error and reject entry

– When possible write the condition as something that can be detected 5a: System can not communication with external tax calculation system 5a: External tax calculation system not working

– If condition can arise within a range of steps 3-6a: customer asks Cashier to remove an item from the purchase

1. Cashier enters the item identifier for removal from the sale2. System displays updated running total.

– At the end of extension handling, by default the scenario merges back with the main success scenario, unless the extension indicates otherwise

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Special Requirements– Related non-functional requirements

Touch screen UI on a large flat panel monitor Language internationalization on the text displayed

Technology and Data Variation List– Varying I/O methods and data formats (non-

functional constraints expressed by the stakeholder) Item identifier entered by laser scanner or keyboard Credit account information entered by card reader or


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Guidelines 1Guidelines 1

Write in an essential UI-Free Style– The narrative is expressed at the level of the

user’s intentions and system’s responsibilities– Essential Style

1. Administrator identified self.2. System authenticates identity.3. …

Concrete Style– Administrator enters ID and passwd in dialog box – System authenticates Administrator.– System displays the “edit users” window

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Guideline 2Guideline 2

Write Black-Box use cases– Focus on “what”, not “how”– Good: The system records the sale– Bad: The system writes the sale to a

database– Worse: The system generates a SQL INSERT


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Guideline 3Guideline 3

Take an actor and actor-goal perspective– “a set of use-case instances, where each

instance is a sequence of actions a system performs that yields an observable result of value to a particular actor”Write requirements focusing on the users or actors

of a system.Focus on understanding what the actor considers

a valuable result.

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How to find use cases (Guideline 4)How to find use cases (Guideline 4)

Choose the system boundary– Software, hardware, person, organization

Identify the primary actors– Goals fulfilled by using the system

Identify goals for each actor Define use cases that satisfy goals

– User-goal level use cases will be one-to-one with user goals

– Exception: CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) E.g., “edit user”, “delete user”, … Collapse into a single use case (e.g., Manage Users)

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Choose the system boundaryChoose the system boundary

In the case study, the POS system itself is the system under design;

Everything outside of it is outside the system boundary

Identify what is outside would help to identify the boundary

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Find primary actor and goalsFind primary actor and goals

Questions to help find actors and goals– Is “time” an actor because

the system does something in response to a time event?

– In addition to human primary actors, are there any external software or robotic systems that call upon services of the system?

– …

Actor Goals

Cashier Process salesProcess rentalsHandle returns

Manager Start upShut down

System Admin Add userModify user


Analyse sales andperformance data

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Actors, Goals & BoundariesActors, Goals & Boundaries

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Goal: Process sales



POS System

Checkout Service

Goal: Buy items

Enterprise Selling Things

Sales TaxAgency

Goal: Collect taxes on sales Sales Activity


Goal: Analyze sales and performance data

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Valid or useful use casesValid or useful use cases

Which of these is a valid use case?– Negotiate a Supplier Contract– Handle Returns– Log In– Move Piece on Game Board

All are valid, but at different level; better question is “what is a useful level to express use cases”

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Guideline 5: TestsGuideline 5: Tests

What tests can help find useful use cases?– Boss Test

Log in does not sounds like something that will make your boss happy

– The EBP Test Elementary Business Process

– “A task performed by one person in one place at one time, in response to a business event, which adds measurable business value and leaves the data in a consistent states, e.g. Approved Credit or Price Order.

– The size test A use case is very seldom a single action or step.

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Guideline 5 : Tests (cont’ed)Guideline 5 : Tests (cont’ed)

Applying the tests– Negotiate a Supplier Contract

Much broader and longer than an EBP

– Handle returns Ok with the boss. Seems like an EBP. Size is good

– Log In Not OK with the boss, no measurable business value

– Move Piece on Game Board Single step – fail the size test

Reasonable violations of the tests– It is sometimes useful to write separate subfunction-level use

cases representing subtasks or steps within a regular EBP-level use case.

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Applying UML: Use Case DiagramApplying UML: Use Case Diagram

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NextGen POS

Manage Users

. . .




use case

communicationsystem boundary



«actor»Tax Calculator



alternatenotation for a computer system actor

«actor»HR System

Cash In

«actor»Sales Activity


Manage Security

Analyze Activity



Process Sale

Handle Returns

Use case diagram is anExcellent picture of thesystem context. It servesas a communication toolthat summarizes thebehaviour of a system andits actors

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Diagram notationDiagram notation

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Process Sale

. . .Cashier

Show computer system actors with an alternate notation to human actors.

primary actors on the left

supporting actors on the right

For a use case context diagram, limit the use cases to user-goal level use cases.



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Alternate actor notationAlternate actor notation

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Process Sale






Some UML alternatives to illustrate external actors that are other computer systems.

The class box style can be used for any actor, computer or human. Using it for computer actors provides visual distinction.



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The The includeinclude relationship relationship

Partial behaviour that is common across several use cases– E.g., PayByCredit occurs in several use cases:

Process Sale, Process Rental, and so on

Solution: represent as a separate use case– “Refactoring and linking text to avoid duplication”


“Use include when you are repeating yourself in two or more separate use cases and you want to avoid repetition” (Fowler)

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Example of include relationshipExample of include relationship

UC1: Process Sale– …– Main Success Scenario:

1. Customer arrives at a POS checkout with goods and/or services to purchase.

7. Customer pays and System handles payment

– Extensions:7b. Paying by credit: Include Handle Credit Payment.

7c. Paying by check: Include Handle Check Payment

UC7: Process Rental– …– Extensions:

6b. Paying by credit: Handle Credit Payment

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Included use caseIncluded use case

UC12: Handle Credit Payment– …– Level: sub-function– Main Success Scenario

1. Customer enters their credit account information

2. System sends payment authorization request to an external payment authorization service system and request payment approval

– Extensions: 2a. System detects failure to collaborate with external system:

– 1. system signals error to cashier– 2. Cashier asks customer for alternate payment

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The include relationshipThe include relationship

To decompose an overwhelmingly long use case into subunits to improve comprehension

Using include with asynchronous event handling Eg.

– UC8: Process self-help check out– …– Main Success Scenario– 1…– Extensions:

a* At any time, customer selects printing help: Present Printing Help

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Model include relationship in use case Model include relationship in use case diagramdiagram

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NextGen POS



Handle CashPayment

Process Rental

Process Sale

Handle CheckPayment

Handle Returns

«include» «include»


«include» «include»«include»





Manage Users


UML notation: the base use case points to the included use case

Handle CreditPayment

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The extend relationshipThe extend relationship

How to add an extension to a use case that is frozen or too complicated?

Solution: use extend to relate to an addition use case

Describe where and under what condition the additional use case extends the behaviour of the base use case (use extension point)

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Example of extend relationshipExample of extend relationship

UC1: Process Sale (the base use case)– …– Extension Points: VIP Customer, step1. Payment, step 7.– Main Success Scenario:

1. Customer arrives at a POS checkout with goods and/or services to purchase

…7. Customer pays and system handles payment

UC15: Handle Gift Certificate Payment (the extending use case)– ...– Trigger: Customer wants to pay with gift certificate– Extension Points: Payment in Process Sale– Level: subfunction– Main Success Scenario:

1. Customer gives gift certificate to Cashier

2. Cashier enters gift certificate ID

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Extend relationship in use case Extend relationship in use case diagramdiagram

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Process Sale

Extension Points:Payment

VIP Customer

«extend»Payment, if Customer

presents a gift certificate

UML notation: 1. The extending use case points to the base use case.

2. The condition and extension point can be shown on the line.

Handle Gift Certificate Payment

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Extend vs. include relationshipsExtend vs. include relationships

Direction of the relationship– For include relationship, the event triggering the target

use case is described in the flow of event of the source use case (user-goal level)

– For extend relationships, the event triggering the source (the extending) use case is described in the source use case( sub-function level). The base use case have no knowledge of the extending use case

The purpose of adding include and extend relationships is to reduce or remove redundancies from the use case model

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Domain ModelDomain Model

Lecture 3Lecture 3

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Recap Case Requirements Elaboration process Domain model

– Introduction and definition– How to create a domain model

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Inception activities Different types of requirements Scenario & Use case Writing Use Cases Use Case Diagram Use case relationships

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Case requirementsCase requirements

The requirements for the first iteration of the NextGen POS:– Implement a basic, key scenario of the

Process Sale use case– Implement a Start Up use case as necessary

to support the initialization needs of the iteration

– Nothing fancy or complex is handled– No collaboration with external services– No complex pricing rules are applied

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Case requirementsCase requirements

Monopoly– Implement a basic, key scenario of the Play

Monopoly Game use case: players moving around the squares of the board

– Implement a start Up use case as necessary to support the initialization needs of the iteration

– Two to eight players can play– A game is played as a series of rounds

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Case requirementsCase requirements

Monopoly (cont)– Play the game for only 20 rounds– After the dice are rolled, the name of the player and

the roll are displayed. When the player moves and lands on a square, the name of the player and the name of the square that the player landed on are displayed.

– In iteration-1 there is no money, no winner or loser, no properties to buy or rent to pay, and no special squares of any kind

– Square name will be “Go”, “Square 1”, “Square 2”,…“Square 39”

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Incremental DevelopmentIncremental Development

Incremental development for the same use case across iteration

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1A use case or feature is often too complex to complete in one short iteration.

Therefore, different parts or scenarios must be allocated to different iterations.

Use CaseProcess Sale

2 3 . . .

Use CaseProcess Sale

Use CaseProcess Sale

Use CaseProcess Rentals

Feature: Logging

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Process: inceptionProcess: inception

What happened in inception– Last only one week

– Most actors, goals and use cases named

– Most use cases written in brief format; 10-20% of the use cases are written in fully dressed detail

– Recommendations on what components to buy/build/reuse, to be refined in elaboration

Technical proof-of-concept prototypes and other investigations to explore the technical feasibility of special requirements/

High-level candidate architecture and components proposed – NOT necessary to be final or correct

Plan for the first iteration

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Process: on to ElaborationProcess: on to Elaboration

What happens in Elaboration– The core, risky software architecture is programmed

and tested– The majority of requirements are discovered and

stabilized– The major risks are mitigated or retired– Commonly, 2 or more timeboxed iterations

Elaboration in one sentence– Build the core architecture, resolve the high-risk

elements, define most requirements, and estimate the overall schedule and resources.

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Process: on to ElaborationProcess: on to Elaboration

Best practices in elaboration– Do short timeboxed risk-driven iterations– Start programming early– Adaptively design, implement, and test the

core and risky parts of the architecture– Test early, often, realistically– Write most of the use cases and other

requirements in detail, through a series of workshops, once per elaboration iteration

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Domain modelsDomain models

Illustrates noteworthy concepts in a domain

Drawn with UML class diagram As with all things in an agile modelling and

UP spirit, a domain model is optional Input

– Problem Description, Use Cases, …

Output– A set of class diagrams

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date time























conceptor domain object



Identifying a rich set of conceptual classes is at the heart of OO analysis

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What is a domain modelWhat is a domain model

A domain model is a visual representation of conceptual classes or real-situation objects in a domain.– Various names

conceptual models, domain object models, analysis object models

A domain model is illustrated with a set of CLASS DIAGRAMS in which no operations (method signatures) are defined

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Domain models is a visual dictionaryDomain models is a visual dictionary

Domain model provides a conceptual perspective– Domain objects or conceptual classes– Associations between conceptual classes– Attributes of conceptual classes

The information it illustrates could alternatively have been expressed in plain text

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Domain model is not a picture of Domain model is not a picture of software objectssoftware objects

Domain model is a visualization of things in a real-world domain of interest

Not suitable in a domain model– Software artefacts– Responsibilities or

methodsHoa Sen University 99



visualization of a real-world concept in the domain of interest

it is a not a picture of a software class

SalesDatabase software artifact; not part of domain modelavo


software class; not part of domain model





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What are conceptual classesWhat are conceptual classes

A conceptual class may be considered in terms of– Symbol – words or images

representing a conceptual class

– Intension – the definition of a conceptual class

– Extension – the set of examples to which the conceptual class applies

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concept's symbol

"A sale represents the event of a purchase transaction. It has a date and time."

concept's intension




concept's extension

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Domain model vs. Data modelDomain model vs. Data model

Data model – persistent data to be stored somewhere

Domain model also include– Temporary object– Object with no attribute

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MotivationMotivation Help to understand the key concepts in a business or problem

domain Lower representational gap with OO Modelling

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amount: Money

getBalance(): Money


date: DatestartTime: Time

getTotal(): Money. . .


UP Domain ModelStakeholder's view of the noteworthy concepts in the domain.

UP Design ModelThe object-oriented developer has taken inspiration from the real world domain in creating software classes.

Therefore, the representational gap between how stakeholders conceive the domain, and its representation in software, has been lowered.

1 1

1 1

A Payment in the Domain Model is a concept, but a Payment in the Design Model is a software class. They are not the same thing, but the former inspired the naming and definition of the latter.

This reduces the representational gap.

This is one of the big ideas in object technology.

inspires objects

and names in

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How to create a Domain ModelHow to create a Domain Model

Steps– Find the conceptual classes– Draw them as classes in a UML class diagram– Add associations and attributes

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Find conceptual classesFind conceptual classes

Three strategies to find conceptual classes– Reuse or modify existing models

There are published, well-crafted domain models and data models for common domains: inventory, finance, health..

Books: Analysis patterns by Martin Fowler, Data Model Patterns by David Hay, Data Model Resource Book by Len Silverston

– Use a category list– Identify noun phrases

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Use a category listUse a category list

Use a conceptual class category list:– Physical or tangible objects

Register, Airplane– Specifications, descriptions of things

ProductSpecification, FlightDescription– Places

Store, Airport– Transactions

Sale, Payment, Reservation– etc. (see Table 9.1 for a fuller list)

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Noun Phrase IdentificationNoun Phrase Identification

Noun Phrase Identification [Abbot 83]– Analyse textual description of the domain

Identify nouns and noun phrases (indicate candidate classes or attributes)

Caveats:– Automatic mapping isn’t possible– Textual descriptions are ambiguous! (different

words may refer to the same class)

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Example: flow of eventExample: flow of event

The customer enters a store with the intention of buying a toy for his 3 years old child Alice.

Help must be available within less than one minute.

The store owner gives advice to the customer. The advice depends on the age range of the child and the attributes of the toy.

The customer selects a dangerous toy which is kind of unsuitable for the child.

The store owner recommends a soft doll.

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Mapping parts of speech to object Mapping parts of speech to object model componentsmodel components

Part of speech Model component Examples

Proper noun Instance Alice

Common noun Class Customer, toy

Doing verb Operation Buy, recommend

Being verb Inheritance Is a kind of, is one of

Having verb Aggregation (Composition)

Has, consists of, includes

Modal verb Constraints Must be

Adjective attributes Attributes 3 years old

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Example: find and draw conceptual Example: find and draw conceptual classesclasses

Case study: POS Domain– Input

fully dressed use case model (excellent textual description of the domain)

Iteration-1: success (cash-only) scenario of Process Sale use case.

– Strategy: category list– There is no such thing as a “correct” list. It is a

somewhat ARBITRARY collection of domain vocabulary that the modellers consider noteworthy

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Initial POS domain modelInitial POS domain model

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StoreRegister SaleItem



Cashier Customer




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Initial Domain model of MonopolyInitial Domain model of Monopolygame simulationgame simulation

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Agile modelling styleAgile modelling style

It is normal to miss significant conceptual classes during early domain modeling and to discover them later during DESIGN sketching or PROGRAMMING.

We can maintain the model by drawing it with tool

OFTEN, a long-life OO analysis domain model does not add value

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Include report objects?Include report objects?

Receipt is a noteworthy term in POS domain It has duplicate information contained in sale

and payment. Guidelines

– In general, showing a report of other information in a domain model is not useful

– However, it might has special role in terms of business rules. We might have a reason to show it in the model.

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Class or AttributesClass or Attributes

Class or attribute?– If we do not think of some conceptual class X

as a number or text in the real world, X is probably a conceptual class, not an attributes

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Description ClassDescription Class

What’s the rationale for representing the description or specification separately from the item

In the following domain model, can you tell the difference between (description, price, itemID) and serial number?

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descriptionpriceserial numberitemID




serial number

Describes Better


1 *

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Description classesDescription classes

When are description classes useful?– There needs to be a description

about an item or service, independent of the current existence of any examples of those items or services

– Deleting instances of things they describe results in a loss of information that needs to be maintained, but was incorrectly associated with the deleted things

– It reduces redundant or duplicated information

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Definition– An association is a relationship between objects that indicates

some meaningful and interesting connection– UML def.: associations are defined as “the semantic relationship

between two or more classifiers that involve connections among their instances.”

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1 1


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When to show associationWhen to show association

Associations for which knowledge of the relationship needs to be preserved for some duration– In the POS domain

We need to remember what SalesLineItem instances are associated with a Sale.

Cashier may look up ProductionDescription during the process of sale, but we do not need to remember who looked up what after the sales has been made.

– In the monopoly domain We need to remember what Square a Piece is on. Dice total may indicate a Piece how many steps to move on, what Square it

will land, but we do not need to remember that

We should avoid showing too many associations

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Associations and implementationAssociations and implementation

There is no direct relationship between associations and implementation.

Associations do not indicate a certain implementation construct.

Many associations may be implemented in software differently

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Association NotationAssociation Notation

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SaleRegister Records-current 0..11

association name multiplicity

-"reading direction arrow"-it has no meaning except to indicate direction of reading the association label-often excluded

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Naming associationNaming association

Name an association based on a ClassName-VerbPhrase-ClassName format

Eg.– Sales paid-by CashPayment

Bad alternative: Sales uses CashPayment

– Piece is-on SquareBad alternative: Piece has Square

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Applying UML: multiplicityApplying UML: multiplicity

Multiplicity defines how many instances of a class A can be associated with one instance of class B

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ItemStore Stocks


multiplicity of the role


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Multiplicity valuesMultiplicity values

Multiplicity focus on the relationship at a particular moment, rather than over a span of time.

Eg. “In countries with monogamy laws, a person can be Married-to only one other person at any particular moment, even though over a span of time, that same person may be married to many persons.”

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zero or more; "many"

one or more

one to 40

exactly 5









T3, 5, 8

exactly 3, 5, or 8

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Multiplicity valuesMultiplicity values

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ItemStore Stocks 1

or 0..1

Multiplicity should "1" or "0..1"?

The answer depends on our interest in using the model. Typically and practically, the muliplicity communicates a domain constraint that we care about being able to check in software, if this relationship was implemented or reflected in software objects or a database. For example, a particular item may become sold or discarded, and thus no longer stocked in the store. From this viewpoint, "0..1" is logical, but ...

Do we care about that viewpoint? If this relationship was implemented in software, we would probably want to ensure that an Item software instance would always be related to 1 particular Store instance, otherwise it indicates a fault or corruption in the software elements or data.

This partial domain model does not represent software objects, but the multiplicities record constraints whose practical value is usually related to our interest in building software or databases (that reflect our real-world domain) with validity checks. From this viewpoint, "1" may be the desired value.


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Multiple association between two Multiple association between two classesclasses

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Flight Airport




* 1


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Find associationFind association

Use the common associations list– A is a physical part of B

Square – Board

– A is a logical part of BSalesLineItem – Sale

– A uses or submanages BCashier- Register

– A communicates with BCustomer – Cashier

– etc.

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POS partial domain modelPOS partial domain model

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Paid-by Is-for







1 1..*








0..1 1







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Monopoly partial domain modelMonopoly partial domain model

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An attribute is a logical data value of an object

When to show attribute– Include attributes that the requirements

suggest or imply a need to remember information

– Eg.Sale needs a dateTime attributeStore needs a name and address.

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UML notationUML notation

Attributes are shown in the second compartment of the class box.

Type and other information may optionally be shown Derived attribute

– The total attribute in the Sale can be calculated from other information

– It is worth noting down.

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- dateTime : Date- / total : Money

Private visibility attributes


+ pi : Real = 3.14 {readOnly}

Public visibility readonly attribute with initialization


firstNamemiddleName : [0..1]lastName

Optional value

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Suitable attribute typesSuitable attribute types

Most attribute types should be what are often thought of as “primitive” data types

Relate conceptual classes with an association, not with an attribute

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not a "data type" attribute

1 1




BetterFlies-to Airport1 1

destination is a complex concept

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Data types as attributesData types as attributes

We sometimes represent what may initially be considered a number or string as a new data type class in the domain model

We can show the data type only in attribute compartment or as a separate class associated with another class.

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itemId : ItemID



address : Address

11 1





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Attributes are NOT foreign keysAttributes are NOT foreign keys

During implementation, there are many ways to relate objects, including foreign key, but the decision should be deferred till DESIGN stage.

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a "simple" attribute, but being used as a foreign key to relate to another object

1 1

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Modelling quantitiesModelling quantities

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amount : Number

Payment Quantity

amount : Number




amount : Quantity



not useful

quantities are pure data values, so are suitable to show in attribute section better


amount : Money

variation: Money is a specialized Quantity whose unit is a currency

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Iterative and evolutionary domain Iterative and evolutionary domain modelmodel

Is the domain model correct?– There is no such thing as a single correct

domain model!– Domain model is incrementally evolve over

several iterations.– In each iteration, the domain model is limited

to the prior and current scenarios under consideration.

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Contracts andContracts andUML interaction diagramsUML interaction diagrams

Lecture 4Lecture 4

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System sequence diagram Operation Contract On to Object design

– Interaction diagramsSequence diagramsCommunication diagrams

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System Sequence DiagramSystem Sequence Diagram

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Operation: enterItem(…)

Post-conditions:- . . .

Operation Contracts


date. . .



1..*1 . . .

. . .

Domain Model

Use-Case Model

Design Model: Register

enterItem(itemID, quantity)

: ProductCatalog

spec = getProductSpec( itemID )

addLineItem( spec, quantity )

: Sale


Business Modeling


Sample UP Artifact Relationships

: System

enterItem(id, quantity)

Use Case Text

System Sequence Diagrams


system events


Process Sale

: Cashier

use case


system operations

Use Case Diagram



Glossaryparameters and

return value details

starting events to design for

Process Sale

1. Customer arrives ...2. Cashier makes new sale.3. ...

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What is System Sequence DiagramWhat is System Sequence Diagram

A diagram that shows, for ONE particular scenario of a use case, the events that external actors generate, their order, and INTER-system events. (not detailed method calls between objects)

Describe what a system does without explaining why

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System sequence diagramSystem sequence diagram

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enterItem(itemID, quantity)

:System: Cashier



a UML loop interaction frame, with a boolean guard expression

external actor to system

Process Sale Scenario

system as black box

the name could be "NextGenPOS" but "System" keeps it simple

the ":" and underline imply an instance, and are explained in a later chapter on sequence diagram notation in the UML

a message with parameters

it is an abstraction representing the system event of entering the payment data by some mechanism

description, total

return value(s) associated with the previous message

an abstraction that ignores presentation and medium

the return line is optional if nothing is returned

total with taxes

change due, receipt


[ more items ]loop

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Use Cases and SSDsUse Cases and SSDs

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: Cashier :System

Simple cash-only Process Sale scenario:

1. Customer arrives at a POS checkout with goods and/or services to purchase.2. Cashier starts a new sale.3. Cashier enters item identifier.4. System records sale line item and presents item description, price, and running total. Cashier repeats steps 3-4 until indicates done.5. System presents total with taxes calculated.6. Cashier tells Customer the total, and asks for payment.7. Customer pays and System handles payment....

enterItem(itemID, quantity)



description, total

total with taxes

change due, receipt


[ more items ]loop

Process Sale Scenario

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Choosing events and operation nameChoosing events and operation name

System events should be expressed at the abstract level of intention rather than in terms of the physical input device

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enterItem(itemID, quantity)

scan(itemID, quantity)

: Cashier

worse name

better name


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Iterative and Evolutionary SSDsIterative and Evolutionary SSDs

Do not create SSDs for all scenarios (remember agile style)

SSDs are part of the Use-Case Model– Visualization of the interactions implied in the

use cases scenarios

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Operation ContractOperation Contract

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Operation: enterItem(…)

Post-conditions:- . . .

Operation Contracts


date. . .



1..*1 . . .

. . .

Domain Model

Use-Case Model

Design Model: Register

enterItem(itemID, quantity)

: ProductCatalog

spec = getProductSpec( itemID )

addLineItem( spec, quantity )

: Sale


Business Modeling


Sample UP Artifact Relationships

: System

enterItem(id, quantity)

Use Case Text

System Sequence Diagrams


system events


Process Sale

: Cashier

use case


system operations

Use Case Diagram




starting events to design for, and more detailed requirements that must be satisfied by the software

Process Sale

1. Customer arrives ...2. ...3. Cashier enters item identifier.

the domain objects, attributes, and associations that undergo changes

requirements that must be satisfied by the software

ideas for the post-conditions

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Example ContractExample Contract

Contract CO2: enterItem

Operation: enterItem(itemID: ItemID, quantity: integer) Cross References: Use Cases: Process Sale Preconditions: There is a sale underway. Postconditions:

– A SalesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation).– sli was associated with the current Sale (association formed).– sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification).– sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match

(association formed).

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Contract definitionContract definition

A description of each section in a contract is shown in the following schema.

Operation: Name of operation, and parameters Cross References: Use cases this operation can occur within Preconditions: Noteworthy assumptions about the state of the

system or objects in the Domain Model before execution of the operation. These are non-trivial assumptions the reader should be told.

Postconditions: This is the most important section. The state of objects in the Domain Model after completion of the operation. Discussed in detail in a

following section.

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Contract procedureContract procedure

To make contract– Identify System Operations from SSD– For system operations that are complex or

subtle in their results or are not clearly express in use cases, construct a contract

– To describe the post conditions, use the following categories Instance creation and deletionAttribute change of valueAssociations (to be precise, UML links) formed and

brokenHoa Sen University 147

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System operationsSystem operations

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: Cashier

enterItem(itemID, quantity)



description, total

total with taxes

change due, receipt


these input system events invoke system operations

the system event enterItem invokes a system operationcalled enterItem and so forth

this is the same as in object-oriented programming when we say the message foo invokes the method (handling operation) foo

[ more items ]loop


Process Sale Scenario

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Process Sale: makeNewSaleProcess Sale: makeNewSale

Contract CO1: makeNewSale

Operation: makeNewSale() Cross References: Use Cases: Process Sale Preconditions: none Postconditions:

– A Sale instance s was created (instance creation).– s was associated with a Register (association formed).– Attributes of s were initialized.

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Object design introductionObject design introduction

How do developers design objects– Code– Design-while-coding– Draw, then code– Only draw

Agile modelling: reduce drawing overhead and model to understand and communicate

– Modeling with others– Creating several models in parallel– Using an internal wiki ( )

How much time spent drawing UML before coding?– For a three-week timeboxed iteration, spend a few hours or at most one day

near the start of the iteration drawing UML for the hard, creative parts of the detailed object design

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Static vs. dynamic modellingStatic vs. dynamic modelling

Dynamic models help design the logic, the behavior of the code or the method bodies– Sequence diagram, communication diagram

Static models help design the definition of packages, class names, attributes, and method signatures– UML class diagram

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Interaction diagramsInteraction diagrams

Generalization of two more specialized UML diagram types– Sequence diagrams– Communication diagrams

Illustrate how objects collaborate via messages and methods

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Sequence vs. Communication diagramSequence vs. Communication diagram

Sequence diagrams illustrate interactions in a kind of fence format– Easier to see the call

sequence– Large set of detailed notation


Communication diagrams illustrate interactions in a graph or network format– More space-efficient

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: A myB : B




: A

myB : B

1: doTwo

2: doThree


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Common notation: participants – Common notation: participants – lifeline boxlifeline box

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sales: ArrayList<Sale>

:Sale s1 : Sale

lifeline box representing an instance of an ArrayList class, parameterized (templatized) to hold Sale objects

lifeline box representing an unnamed instance of class Sale

lifeline box representing a named instance

sales[ i ] : Sale

lifeline box representing one instance of class Sale, selected from the salesArrayList <Sale> collection

x : List


lifeline box representing the class Font, or more precisely, that Font is an instance of class Class – an instance of a metaclass

related example

List is an interface

in UML 1.x we could not use an interface here, but in UML 2, this (or an abstract class) is legal

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Lifeline boxes and lifelines

Messages– Synchronous

message– Found message

Focus of control and execution specification bars

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: Register : Sale






typical sychronous message shown with a filled-arrow line

a found message whose sender will not be specified

execution specification bar indicates focus of control

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Illustrating reply or returns– Using the message syntaxreturnVar = message(parameter).

– Using a reply message line

Message to “self” or “this”public class Register{

public void doX(){



public void clear(){



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: Register : Sale

d1 = getDate




: Register



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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Creation of instance– In implementation:

invoke the new operator and call the constructor

Object lifelines and object destruction– In language that

does not have garbage collection

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: Register : Sale


: Paymentcreate(cashTendered)


note that newly created objects are placed at their creation "height"

: Sale

: Paymentcreate(cashTendered)

...the «destroy» stereotyped message, with the large X and short lifeline indicates explicit object destruction

«destroy» X

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Diagram frames in UML sequence diagrams– Support conditional and looping construct

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enterItem(itemID, quantity)

: B


a UML loop frame, with a boolean guard expression description, total


[ more items ]loop

: A

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Common frame operators

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Frame operator


Alt Alternative fragment for mutual exclusion conditional logic expressed in the guards

Loop Loop fragment while guard is true

Opt Optional fragment that executes if guard is true

Par Parallel fragments that execute in parallel

Region Critical region within which only one thread can run

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Conditional messagespublic class foo{

Bar bar = new Bar();

public void m1(){


if (color.equals(“red”))





UML1.x style

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: Bar



[ color = red ]opt

: Foo

[ color = red ] calculate

: Bar



: Foo

Page 161: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Mutually exclusive conditional messages

public class A{

B b = new B();

C c = new C();

public void doX(){

if (x < 10)






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: B: A



: C


[ x < 10 ]alt

[ else ]

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Iteration over a collection

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st = getSubtotal

lineItems[i] :SalesLineItem

t = getTotal

[ i < lineItems.size ]loop

: Sale This lifeline box represents one instance from a collection of many SalesLineItem objects.

lineItems[i] is the expression to select one element from the collection of many SalesLineItems; the ‘i” value refers to the same “i” in the guard in the LOOP frame

an action box may contain arbitrary language statements (in this case, incrementing ‘i’)

it is placed over the lifeline to which it applies


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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

public class Sale{

private List<salesLineItem> lineItems = new ArrayList<salesLineItem>();

public Money getTotal(){

Money total = new Money();

Money subtotal = null;

for (SalesLineItem lineItem: lineItems){

subtotal = lineItem.getSubtotal();





Hoa Sen University 163

st = getSubtotal

lineItems[i] :SalesLineItem

t = getTotal


: Sale

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Nesting frames

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: Bar


[ color = red ]opt

: Foo


Page 165: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Relate interaction diagrams An interaction occurrence ( an interaction use) is

a reference to an interaction within another interaction.

Two related frames– A frame around an entire sequence diagram, labelled

with the tag sd and a name,– A frame tagged ref, called a reference, that refers to

another named sequence diagram;

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

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interaction occurrence

note it covers a set of lifelines

note that the sd frame it relates to has the same lifelines: B and C


: A : B : C


sd AuthenticateUser




: B : C




sd DoFoo


: B : C



Page 167: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Messages to classes to invoke static methodspublic class Foo{

public void doX(){

Locale[] locales = Calendar.getAvailableLocales();




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1: locs = getAvailableLocales: Foo



message to class, or a static method call

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Polymorphic messages and cases

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:Payment {abstract}

polymorphic messageobject in role of abstract superclass





stop at this point – don’t show any further details for this message






Payment {abstract}

authorize() {abstract}...





Payment is an abstract superclass, with concrete subclasses that implement the polymorphic authorize operation

separate diagrams for each polymorphic concrete case

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Sequence diagram notationSequence diagram notation

Asynchronous and synchronous calls– Call does not wait for a response– Asynchronous calls are used in multi-thread

application– Show as a stick arrow message– It is common for modeler to use stick arrow to

represent synchronous message– Do not assume the shape of the arrow is correct

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Collaboration diagram notationCollaboration diagram notation

Links– A connection path between two

objects– Messages flow along link

Messages– Message between objects is

represented with a message expression and small arrow indicating the direction of the message

– A sequence number is added to show the sequential order of messages in the current thread of control

– Many messages may flow along a same single link

Hoa Sen University 170

1: makePayment(cashTendered)2: foo

2.1: bar: Register :Sale

link line

1: msg22: msg33: msg4

3.1: msg5: Register :Sale

all messages flow on the same link


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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Message to “self” or “this”

Creation of instances– Use a message named

create for this purpose

Create message may have parameters– Indicates a constructor

call with parameters in Java

Hoa Sen University 171

: Register


1: clear

1: create(cashier)

: Register :Sale

create message, with optional initializing parameters. This will normally be interpreted as a constructor call.

«create»1: make(cashier)

: Register :Sale

if an unobvious creation message name is used, the message may be stereotyped for clarity

1: create(cashier)

: Register :Sale {new}

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Message number sequencing– OK to use flat numbering style or– Nested decimal numbers

Clarify whether a message is called within another message

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: Amsg1 : B1: msg2

: C

1.1: msg3not numbered

legal numbering

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

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: Amsg1 : B1: msg2

: C

1.1: msg3

2.1: msg5

2: msg4

: D

2.2: msg6

first second





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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Conditional messages– A conditional message is

shown by following a sequence number with a conditional clause in square brackets. The message is only sent if the clause evaluates to true

– Attach a letter to the sequence number to express mutually exclusive message

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1 [ color = red ] : calculate: Foo : Bar


conditional message, with test

1a [test1] : msg2

: A : B

: C

1a.1: msg3


: D

1b [not test1] : msg4

1b.1: msg5

: E

2: msg6

unconditional after either msg2 or msg4 1a and 1b are mutually

exclusive conditional paths

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Iteration or Looping– Use a “*” to signify iteration

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1 * [ i = 1..n ]: num = nextInt: SimulatorrunSimulation : Random

iteration is indicated with a * and an optional iteration clause following the sequence number

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Iteration over a collection

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1 * [i = 1..n]: st = getSubtotal: Salet = getTotal

This lifeline box represents one instance from a collection of many SalesLineItem objects.

lineItems[i] is the expression to select one element from the collection of many SalesLineItems; the ‘i” value comes from the message clause.


this iteration and recurrence clause indicates we are looping across each element of the lineItems collection.

1 *: st = getSubtotal: Salet = getTotal lineItems[i]:SalesLineItem

Less precise, but usually good enough to imply iteration across the collection members

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Messages to a Class Object

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1: locs = getAvailableLocales: Foo



message to class, or a static method call

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

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:Register authorizedoX :Payment {abstract}

polymorphic message

object in role of abstract superclass




stop at this point – don’t show any further details for this message

separate diagrams for each polymorphic concrete case

doAdoB :CreditPayment



Polymorphic messages and cases

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Collaboration diagram notation (cont)Collaboration diagram notation (cont)

Asynchronous and Synchronous calls

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3: runFinalization:ClockStarter System : Class



1: create

2: run

asynchronous message

active object

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Design class diagramDesign class diagram

Lecture 5Lecture 5

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Notations Dependency Interaction and Class diagrams

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Design Class DiagramDesign Class Diagram

UML class diagram can be used in multiple perspectives.

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timeisComplete : Boolean/total





timeisComplete : Boolean/total



11Domain Model

conceptual perspective

Design Model

DCD; software perspective


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Attributes in UMLAttributes in UML

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currentSale : Sale





using the attribute text notation to indicate Register has a reference to one Sale instance

using the association notation to indicate Register has a reference to one Sale instance

OBSERVE: this style visually emphasizes the connection between these classes



currentSale : Sale





1thorough and unambiguous, but some people dislike the possible redundancy


Page 184: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Attributes in UMLAttributes in UML

Attributes are usually assumed private if no visibility is given

Attributes-as-association line has– A navigability arrow– A multiplicity at the target end, but not the

source end– A role name to show the attribute name– No association Name

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Domain Model vs. DCDDomain Model vs. DCD

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the association name, common when drawing a domain model, is often excluded (though still legal) when using class diagrams for a software perspective in a DCD


id: Int



time: DateTime





id : Int


time : DateTime

Captures-current-sale1 1UP Domain Modelconceptual perspective

UP Design ModelDCD

software perspective

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Collection attributesCollection attributes

public class Sale{

private List <SalesLineItem> lineItems = new ArrayList<SalesLineItem>();



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notice that an association end can optionally also have a property string such as {ordered, List}


time: DateTime






{ordered, List}


time: DateTimelineItems : SalesLineItem [1..*] orlineItems : SalesLineItem [1..*] {ordered}





Two ways to show a collection attribute

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Method signature is shown in the third compartment of UML class box

Should correspond with the messages in interaction diagram

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endSale()enterItem(id, qty)makeNewSale()makePayment(cashTendered)

«method»// pseudo-code or a specific language is OKpublic void enterItem( id, qty ){ ProductDescription desc = catalog.getProductDescription(id); sale.makeLineItem(desc, qty);}

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Note Symbol & Operation issuesNote Symbol & Operation issues

Note Symbols– May represent several things

A UML note or comment A UML constraint A method body

Operation issues in DCDs– The create operation (Constructor)

See example in the SuperclassFoo class

– Operations to access attributes Common to ignore them.

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A UML keyword is a textual adornment to categorize a model element

Usually show in guillemet (« »), sometimes are shown in curly braces.

It is OK to define your own keyword Many people use it same as stereotype or tag in UML 1

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Keyword Meaning Example usage

{abstract} Classifier is an abstract class

In class diagram, above classifier name

«interface» Classifier is an interface In class diagram, above classifier name

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Generalization, abstract class, Generalization, abstract class, abstract operationabstract operation

In DCD generalization implies inheritance from the super class to subclass

Abstract class and operations can be shown with an {abstract} keyword or by italicizing the name

Final classes and operations are shown with the {leaf} keyword

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A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition of one element (the supplier) may cause changes to the other (the client)

Various reason for dependency– Class send message to another– One class has another as its data– One class mention another as a parameter to an

operation– One class is a superclass or interface of another

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When to show dependencyWhen to show dependency

Be selective in describing dependency Many dependencies are already shown in

other format Use dependency to depict global,

parameter variable, local variable and static-method.

Use dependencies when you want to show how changes in one element might alter other elements

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Dependency exampleDependency example

public class Sale {

public void updatePriceFor( ProductionDescription desc) {

Money basePrice = desc.getPrice();




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updatePriceFor( ProductDescription )...

the Sale has parameter visibility to a ProductDescription, and thus some kind of dependency

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Dependency example (cont)Dependency example (cont)

public class Foo{

public void doX(){





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the doX method invokes the runFinalization static method, and thus has a dependency on the System class

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Dependency labelsDependency labels

There are many varieties of dependency, use keywords to differentiate them

Different tools have different sets of supported dependency keywords.– <<call>> the source calls an operation in the

target– <<use>> the source requires the targets for

its implementation– <<parameter>> the target is passed to the

source as parameter.

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Abstract definition of purely functional interfaces

They do not define any attributes or associations

They have no instances. They define a set of abstract operations They are an important aid for dividing

software development between different teams (design by contract)

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size : Integer { size >= 0 }

push( element )pop() : Object

three ways to show UML constraints

{ post condition: new size = old size + 1 }

{ post condition: new size = old size – 1 }

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Template ClassesTemplate Classes

public class Board{

private List <Square> squares = new ArrayList<Square>();



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Kparameterized or template interfaces and classes

K is a template parameter

anonymous class with template binding complete


squares : List<K Square> orsquares : List<Square>...

ArrayList<T Square>


the attribute type may be expressed in official UML, with the template binding syntax requiring an arrow orin another language, such as Java


elements : T[*]...



for example, the elements attribute is an array of type T, parameterized and bound before actual use.

there is a chance the UML 2 “arrow” symbol will eventually be replaced with something else e.g., ‘=’

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User-defined compartmentsUser-defined compartments

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id : Int...


exceptions thrownDatabaseExceptionIOException

responsibilitiesserialize and write objectsread and deserialize objects...

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Interaction and Class DiagramsInteraction and Class Diagrams

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: Register : Sale











messages in interaction diagrams indicate operations in the class diagrams classes

identified in the interaction diagrams are declared in the class diagrams

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Object DesignObject Design

Lecture 6Lecture 6

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Object design basics Monopoly game design and GRASP

principles introduction GRASP principles in POS projects

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Object DesignObject Design

“Identify requirements, create a domain model, add methods to the software classes, define messages to meet requirements…”

Too Simple!– What methods belong where?– How do we assign responsibilities to classes?

The critical design tool for software development is a mind well educated in design principles and patterns.

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Object Design: inputObject Design: input

POS project inputs– Use case text of Process Sale

Defines the behaviour

– System sequence diagram Identify the system operation messages

– Supplementary specification Defines non-functional goals

– Glossary Data format, data related with UI and database

– Domain model initial attempt of software object in the domain layer of

software architecture

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Object Design: activities and outputObject Design: activities and output

Design activities– Coding immediately

Using test-driven development

– Short UML modellingApply OO Design principles and design patterns

Design output– UML diagrams for difficult parts of the system– UI prototypes and database models

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Contract or obligation of a class What must a class “know”? [knowing responsibility]

– Private encapsulated data– Related objects– Things it can derive or calculate

What must a class “do”? [doing responsibility]– Take action (create an object, do a calculation)– Initiate action in other objects– Control/coordinate actions in other objects

Responsibilities are assigned to classes of objects during object design

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Examples of responsibilitiesExamples of responsibilities

“A Sale is responsible for creating SalesLineItems” (doing)

“A Sale is responsible for knowing its total” (knowing)

These are related to operations, attributes, associations in the domain model

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Domain model and responsibilitiesDomain model and responsibilities

Domain model illustrates attributes and associations => inspires the “knowing” responsibilities

Responsibilities are defined in conceptual level

Methods fulfil responsibilities– Alone– Through collaboration with other objects and


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Responsibilities and UMLResponsibilities and UML

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: Sale


: Paymentcreate(cashTendered)

abstract, implies Sale objects have a responsibility to create Payments

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GRASP principlesGRASP principles

General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns

The five basic principles in Monopoly game design:– Creator– Information Expert– High Cohesion– Low Coupling– Controller

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Creator: problemCreator: problem

Problem– Who creates the Square object

Start point: domain model

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Creator: principleCreator: principle

Problem– Who creates an A object

Solution– Assign class B the responsibility to create an

instance of class A if one of these is trueB “contains” AB records AB closely uses AB has the Initializing data for A

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Creator: SolutionCreator: Solution

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Information ExpertInformation Expert

Problem– Who knows about a Square object, given a key?– Alternatively, who should be the receiver of message


Board knows about all squares– Board has the information necessary to fulfil this responsibility

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Information Expert: principleInformation Expert: principle

Problem– What is a general principle of assigning

responsibilities to objects

Solution– Assign a responsibility to the class that has

the information needed to fulfil it

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Low couplingLow coupling

Problem– How to reduce the impact of change, to

support low dependency, and increase reuse?

Solution– Assign a responsibility so that coupling

remains low

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How strongly one element is connected to, has knowledge of, or depends on other elements

Illustrated as dependency relationship in UML class diagram

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Example of poor designExample of poor design

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Problem– What first object beyond the UI layer receives and

coordinates (“controls”) a system operation

Solution– Assign the responsibility to an object representing one

of these choices– Represents the overall system, root object, device or

subsystem– Represents a use case scenario within which the

system operations occurs

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High cohesionHigh cohesion

Problem– How to keep objects focused,

understandable, and manageable, and as a side effect, support Low Coupling?

Solution– Assign responsibilities so that cohesion

remains high

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How strongly related and focused the responsibilities of an element are

Formal definition (calculation) of cohesion– Cohesion of the two methods is defined as the

intersection of the sets of instance variables that are used by the methods

– If an object has different methods performing different operations on the same set of instance variables, the class is cohesive

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Applying GRASP to POS designApplying GRASP to POS design

Creator– Example: Who

should be responsible for creating a SalesLineItem instance

– Solution: Sale contains many SalesLineItem objects.

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: Register : Sale


: SalesLineItemcreate(quantity)

Page 227: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

GRASP in POS projectGRASP in POS project

Information Expert Example

– Who should be responsible for knowing the grand total of a sale

– What information do we need to compute the grand total SalesLineItem

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Create diagrams in parallelCreate diagrams in parallel

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:Salet = getTotal

New method

The new responsibility is conveyed by an operation in aninteraction diagram. A new method is created in the designclass to express this.

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Create diagram in parallelCreate diagram in parallel

Responsibility for each subtotal is assigned to the SalesLineItem

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getSubtotal()New method

1 *: st = getSubtotal: Salet = getTotal lineItems[ i ] : SalesLineItem

this notation will imply we are iterating over all elements of a collection

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getPrice()New method


1.1: p := getPrice()

1 *: st = getSubtotal: Salet = getTotal lineItems[ i ] :SalesLineItem

Create diagrams in parallelCreate diagrams in parallel

Responsibility for each item price is assigned to the ProductSpecification

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GRASP in POS projectsGRASP in POS projects

How should we assignment responsibilities of creating Payment instance and associate it with the Sale.

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: Register p : Payment


makePayment() 1: create()

2: addPayment(p)

: Register :Sale


makePayment() 1: makePayment()

1.1. create()

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GRASP in POS projectGRASP in POS project

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actionPerformed( actionEvent )


: Cashier


presses button

1: enterItem(itemID, qty)

:Sale1.1: makeLineItem(itemID, qty)

UI Layer

Domain Layer

system operation message


Page 234: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Controller ChoicesController Choices

Represents the overall “system”, “root object”, device or subsystem– Register

Represents a receiver or handler of all system events of a user case scenario

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:RegisterenterItem(id, quantity)

:ProcessSaleHandlerenterItem(id, quantity)

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Allocate system operationsAllocate system operations

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makeNewReturn()enterReturnItem(). . .



makeNewReturn()enterReturnItem(). . .

system operations discovered during system behavior analysis

allocation of system operations during design, using one facade controller






enterReturnItem()makeNewReturn(). . .

allocation of system operations during design, using several use case controllers



enterReturnItem()makeNewReturn(). . .

Page 236: Iteration 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Choosing a ControllerChoosing a Controller

Façade controller– PRO: all events handled in one place– CON: can become too bloated

Use-case controller– PRO: manage many different events across

different processes– CON: adds additional classes; events can’t be

managed (e.g. logged) in one place

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Desirable coupling of UI layer toDesirable coupling of UI layer todomain layerdomain layer

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actionPerformed( actionEvent )


: Cashier


presses button

1: enterItem(itemID, qty)

:Sale1.1: makeLineItem(itemID, qty)

UI Layer

Domain Layer

system operation message


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Less desirable couplingLess desirable coupling

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actionPerformed( actionEvent )

:Sale1: makeLineItem(itemID, qty)

UI Layer

Domain Layer

It is undesirable for an interfacelayer object such as a window to get involved in deciding how to handle domain processes.

Business logic is embedded in the presentation layer, which is not useful.

SaleJFrame should not send this message.

presses button

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High cohesionHigh cohesion

Reconsider the problem presented and solved by “Low coupling” principle

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: Register : Sale

addPayment( p )

p : Paymentcreate()makePayment()

From previous practice, Register is mainly responsible for handling Systemoperations such as enterItem, endSale, and so on; The responsibility of creatingpayment instance is not cohesive with other responsibilities

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Desirable solutionDesirable solution

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: Register : Sale


: Paymentcreate()


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Use case realizationUse case realization

Lecture 7Lecture 7

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Recap Use Case Realization with GRASP

– POS project– Monopoly Game project

Designing for visibility

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Design Class Diagram– DCD vs. DM– Four different types of notations indicating

inter-class relationship

GRASP– Assigning Responsibilities to classes

Some object needs to be createdSome action needs to be taken

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Use-Case RealizationUse-Case Realization

“…describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects” [RUP]

Individual scenarios are realized

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Use case -> System events -> System sequence diagram ->System operation contracts -> Interaction diagrams -> Design classes

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System operationSystem operation

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1: ???

1: ???

1: ???

:RegistermakeNewSale 1: ???

makeNewSale, etc., are the system operations from the SSD

each major interaction diagram starts with a system operation going into a domain layer controller object, such as Register


Window objects or

GUI widget objectsor

Web control objects

. . .

The system operations in the SSD are used as the start messages into the domain layerIf communication diagrams are used, one per system operationSame for sequence diagram

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One diagram per system operationOne diagram per system operation

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: Register

: Sale


: Register


: ProductCatalog

desc = getProductDesc( itemID )

. . .


Window objects or

GUI widget objectsor

Web control objects

. . .


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Design makeNewSaleDesign makeNewSale

Choosing the controller class– A façade controller is satisfactory if there are

only a few system operations– Use Register here.

Creating a new Sale– Register create Sale– Sale create a collection to store


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Design makeNewSaleDesign makeNewSale

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Register creates a Sale by Creator

create lineItems :List<SalesLineItem>

by Creator, Sale creates an empty collection (such as a List) which will eventually hold SalesLineItem instances

by Creator and Controller

this execution specification is implied to be within the constructor of the Sale instance

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Design: enterItemDesign: enterItem

Contract CO2: enterItem Operation: enterItem(itemID : ItemID, quantity : integer) Cross References: Use Cases: Process Sale Preconditions: There is an underway sale. Postconditions:

– A SalesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation).– sli was associated with the current Sale (association formed).– sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification).– sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match

(association formed).

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Design enterItemDesign enterItem

Choosing controller class Display item description and price (ignore

at this stage) Create a new SalesLineItem Finding a ProductDescription Visibility to ProductCatalog Temporary and persistent storage

– We can defer database design and use temporary memory object instead

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Design enterItemDesign enterItem

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2: makeLineItem(desc, qty)enterItem(id, qty)

1: desc = getProductDesc(id) 2.1: create(desc, qty)

1.1: desc = get(id)

:Register :Sale


sl: SalesLineItem

lineItems : List<SalesLineItem>

: Map<ProductDescription>

2.2: add(sl)

by Expert

by Controllerby Creator

add the newly created SalesLineItem instance to the List

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Partial Design Class DiagramPartial Design Class Diagram

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quantity : Integer






description : Textprice : MoneyitemID: ItemID








isComplete : Booleantime : DateTime









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Design endSaleDesign endSale

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:Saletot = getTotal 1 *[ i = 1..n]: st = getSubtotal


1.1: pr = getPrice

lineItems[ i ] :SalesLineItem

«method»public void getTotal(){ int tot = 0; for each SalesLineItem, sli tot = tot + sli.getSubtotal(); return tot}

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Design makePaymentDesign makePayment

Contract CO4: makePayment Operation: makePayment( amount: Money ) Cross References: Use Cases: Process Sale Preconditions: There is an underway sale. Postconditions:

– A Payment instance p was created (instance creation).– p.amountTendered became amount (attribute modification).– p was associated with the current Sale (association formed).– The current Sale was associated with the Store (association formed); (to add it to

the historical log of completed sales).

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Design makePaymentDesign makePayment

Creating payment

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1: makePayment(cashTendered)

1.1: create(cashTendered)

:Register :Sale



by Controller by Creator and Low Coupling

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Design makePaymentDesign makePayment

Logging a sale

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addSale(s : Sale)...



addSale(s : Sale)...

Store is responsible for knowing and adding completed Sales.

Acceptable in early development cycles if the Store has few responsibilities.

SalesLedger is responsible for knowing and adding completed Sales.

Suitable when the design grows and the Store becomes uncohesive.







Logs-completed Logs-completed

* *

1 1

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Design makePaymentDesign makePayment

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1: makePayment(cashTendered)

1.1: create(cashTendered)

:Register s :Sale




2: addSale(s)

completedSales: List<Sale>

2.1: add(s)

by Expert

note that the Sale instance is named's' so that it can be referenced as a parameter in messages 2 and 2.1

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Design makePaymentDesign makePayment

Calculating the balance– Who is responsible for knowing the balance?

To calculate, sale total and payment tendered are required

Sale and Payment are partial Experts

Consider coupling…– Sale already has visibility into Payment– Payment does not have visibility into Sale– Giving Sale primary responsibility doesn’t

increase overall coupling

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getBalance designgetBalance design

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s :Sale pmt: Payment1: amt = getAmountbal = getBalance

2: t = getTotal

{ bal = pmt.amount - }

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Object Design: startUpObject Design: startUp

Initial system operation Delay until all other system operations have been

considered– What objects need to be there through out the use case– What associations need to be there through out the use case

Create a set of domain objects that need to be there to support the use case execution

Find a suitable initial object and request that object to create a set of other objects

Do the initialization design last

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Create Initial Domain ObjectCreate Initial Domain Object

public class Main {

public static void main( String[] args ) {

// Store is the initial domain object.

// The Store creates some other domain objects.

Store store = new Store();

Register register = store.getRegister();

ProcessSaleJFrame frame =

new ProcessSaleJFrame( register ); ...



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Designing Store.create()Designing Store.create()

Create: Store, Register, ProductCatalog,ProductSpecifications

Associate: ProductCatalog with ProductSpecifications; Store with ProductCatalog; Store with Register; Register with ProductCatalog

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Designing Store.create()Designing Store.create()

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:Store :Register


create 2: create(pc)

1: create

1.2: loadProdSpecs()


1.1: create

1.2.2*: put(id, pd)

1.2.1*: create(id, price, description)

pd:ProductDescriptionthe * in sequence number indicates the

message occurs in a repeating section

pass a reference to the ProductCatalog to the Register, so that it has permanent visibility to it

by Creatorcreate an empty collection object

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Monopoly game projectMonopoly game project

Two system operations in the first iteration– Initialize

Ignore at this state

– Play gameMain focus

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Design playGameDesign playGame

Choosing the Controller Class– Represents the overall

“system”, “root object”MonopolyGame? *

– Represents a receiver or handler of all system events of a use case scenarioPlayGameHandler?

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Game-Loop algorithmGame-Loop algorithm

Terminology turn – a player rolling the dice and moving

the piece round – all the players taking one turn Game loop

for N rounds

for each player p

p takes a turn

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Who is responsible for controlling Who is responsible for controlling the game loopthe game loop

Information needed Who has this information

The current round count No object has it yet, assigning this to theMonopolyGame object is justifiable

All players MonopolyGame object

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Who takes a turn?Who takes a turn?

When there are multiple partial information experts to choose from– Place the responsibility in the dominant information expert– If the first guideline does not apply, consider the coupling and

cohesion impact of each and choose the best– Consider possible future evolution– Taking a turn might involve buying property, deposit money in

bank.. Etc. A player should have all information regarding those activities

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Information Needed Who has the information

Current location of the player Player

Two die objects MonopolyGame

All the squares Board

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Partial design diagramsPartial design diagrams

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Taking a turn refineTaking a turn refine

Taking a turn involves– Calculating the face value of two die– Calculating the new square location– Moving the player’s piece from an old location to a

new location

Who coordinate all this– Player

Visibility problem– Player must have references to all those objects

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Taking a turnTaking a turn

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Command-Query Separation PrincipleCommand-Query Separation Principle

Style 1#public void roll(){

faceValue = //random num generation


public int getFaceValue(){

return faceValue;


Style 2#public int roll(){

faceValue = //random num generation

return faceValue;


Every method should either be:– A command method that

performs an action often has side effects such as changing the state of objects and is void.

– A query that returns data to the caller and has no side effects – it should not permanently change the state of any objects.

But a method should not be both

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Static design for playGameStatic design for playGame

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Initialization and the start up useInitialization and the start up usecasecase

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Visibility between objectsVisibility between objects

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: RegisterenterItem

(itemID, quantity)

: ProductCatalog

desc = getProductDesc( itemID )

public void enterItem( itemID, qty ){ ... desc = catalog.getProductDesc(itemID) ...}

class Register{ ... private ProductCatalog catalog; ...}

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What is visibilityWhat is visibility

Ways in which A can have visibility into B:– Attribute Visibility

B is an attribute of A– Parameter Visibility

B is a parameter of a method of A– Local Visibility

B is a (non-parameter) local object in a method of A

– Global visibilityB is in some way globally visible

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Attribute VisibilityAttribute Visibility

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: RegisterenterItem

(itemID, quantity)

: ProductCatalog

desc = getProductDesc( itemID )

public void enterItem(itemID, qty){ ... desc = catalog.getProductDesc(itemID) ...}

class Register{ ... private ProductCatalog catalog; ...}

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Parameter VisibilityParameter Visibility

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2: makeLineItem(desc, qty)enterItem(id, qty)

1: desc = getProductDesc(id)

2.1: create(desc, qty)

:Register :Sale


sl : SalesLineItemmakeLineItem(ProductDescription desc, int qty){ ... sl = new SalesLineItem(desc, qty); ...}

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Parameter to attribute visibilityParameter to attribute visibility

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2: makeLineItem(desc, qty)enterItem(id, qty)

2: desc = getProductDesc(id)

2.1: create(desc, qty)

:Register :Sale


sl : SalesLineItem

// initializing method (e.g., a Java constructor)SalesLineItem(ProductDescription desc, int qty){ ...description = desc; // parameter to attribute visibility...}

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Local visibilityLocal visibility

Local visibility from A to B exists when B is declared as a local object with in a method of A– Create a new local instance and assign it to a local variable– Assign the returning object from a method invocation to a local

variable Variable desc of type ProductionDescription is a local variable of

enterItem method

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: RegisterenterItem

(itemID, quantity)

: ProductCatalog

desc = getProductDesc( itemID )

enterItem(id, qty){ ...// local visibility via assignment of returning objectProductDescription desc = catalog.getProductDes(id);...}

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Global visibilityGlobal visibility

Global visibility from A to B exists when B is global to A;

Permanent visibility as it persists as long as A and B exist– Global variable– Singleton pattern

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