italy and america, a commitment from the past to the future › pdf ›...


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Post on 27-Jun-2020




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The Council is a community in which each member enriches the others with experiences and values and receives, in return, friendship, respect and collaboration. In addition to the professional network, the Council offers its participants a unique and unforgettable human experience: thinking for the future, together with the best minds and the most vibrant personalities of this era.

As one of our pioneers recalls,

The Council focuses on Italy and the United States, but in this global era, it connects people and cultures beyond the North Atlantic, in the Mediterranean, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, tackling the issues of the Asia’s impetuous growth alongside China, India, Japan and Southeast Asia.

The primary network, Italy-Europe-United States, is crucial to understanding the borderless age we are living in, where innovation, digital technology, manufacturing 4.0, Big Data, Deep Learning andArtificial Intelligence create network of people, citi-zens, states, institutions, economies and cultures.

Our children will have jobs and professions that do not exist today; the man-machine synergy of science fiction will become everyday life.

Emigration, dialogue between the cultures and mutual understanding between the two countries therefore create respect and shared values and spread them to neighboring and partner countries.

Italy and the United States, cultures with a long-standing friendship, meet at the Council just to dialogue and to work with every other identity and community.

The Council for the United States and Italy was founded in Venice in 1983 on the initiative of Italians and Americans, like Umberto Eco, Rita Levi Montalcini, Francine du Plessix Gray, under the aegis of Gianni Agnelli and David Rockefeller, who served as honorary presidents until 2003, followed by Marco Tronchetti Provera and Samuel Palmisano. It soon became a key meeting place and forum for international business leaders.

Since then, the Council has worked toward a global and multicultural vision common to both countries, capable of shaping the frameworks of the future with the Young Leaders program.

“There are many forums for international reflection, but the Council is unique in the emotion it transmits to its members. The feeling of belonging, at any age, to a successful team, one with goodwill, soul and optimism that still faithfully believes in tomorrow.”

Italy and America, a commitment from the past to the future

In their youth, Gianni Agnelli and David Rockefeller, founders of the Council for the United States and Italy, saw that the security of democracy and chaos of financial crisis, wars and totalitarianism preceded the noble aims of theMarshall Plan only to be challenged later by the Cold War. The post-war economic boom and finally, in 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall, sparked the common vision of an open world, with free societies and economies, able to innovate, to create well-being and to emancipate all citizens from need and oppression.

These life and work experiences led to the birth of the Council, and still inspire its work today.

In 2009, when Sergio Marchionne took the torch from Agnelli and Rockefeller, he set the challenge for the twenty-first century:“From the beginning, the mission of the Council for the United States and Italy has extended well beyond the realm of diplomatic relationships. At the base of our activity is the belief that cultural openness is the principal strength of any organiza-tion. At its very core is the notion that commerce and trade between two nations can also serve to bring people together and enrich human relationships.”



year-old organization

+100 leading experts

from all over the world

+200events in Italy

and the USindustry and financeexecutives involved

over the years


The Council for the US and Italy promotes and creates economic relations between Italy and the United States, linking them to Europe, Asia and Africa throughknowledge and free trade.

Its members are leaders in economy, industry, finance, technology, services, consulting, law and culture, a team where economic growth is viewed as promoting humanity and wealth as a cultural value to be shared.


The Council for the US and Italy is a private,non-profit organization. It brings together professionals, industry and finance executives, technologists, scientists, scholars, media and communication exponents, Italians as well as Americans, linked to the culture and development of the two communities.

The Council is funded, freely, by the fees paid by members. Ad hoc private contributions can support the realization of specific events for the program of activities.

Since September 2018, Domenico Siniscalco, Managing Director and Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley, is Chairman of the Council. He succeeded to Sergio Marchionne, who held this position until his untimely death in July 2018. Samuel Palmisano, former Chairman and CEO of IBM, and Marco Tronchetti Provera, Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of Pirelli & C., are honorary co-Chairs. Gianni Riotta is Executive Vice Chairman, following in the footsteps of Cesare Merlini and Riccardo Perissich.

Elio Catania, Chairman of Confindustria Digitale; Paolo Clerici, Chairman and CEO of Coeclerici; Enrico Cucchiani, Founding Partner and CEO of TGI; James Del Favero, Co-founder and Partner of Ardea Partners; Vincenzo Ilotte, General Director of 2A; Arrigo Levi, former Advisor to the President of the Republic sit in the Executive Committee.

1 Fruitful relationships betweenbusiness and financial leaders between the United States and Italy.

The Council works for:


Dependable, timely Information and in-depth analysis on the political and economic situation for the benefit of business leaders. Our presence on social media and our exclusive newsletters offer a strategic advantage for our members’ work.

2 Promoting a forum for the analysis and discussion of current economic and political issues, thanks to key speakers and protagonists.

3 Gathering the “weak signals” that markets, politics and the media cannot immediately identify, but which, in the long run, turn out tobe strategic for companies andbusinesses.


The Council’s initiatives – meetings, debates, discussions at dinners and social networking – culminate in high-level meetings only for members of the association and leaders of the business community, politics, culture, technology and communication.

Two major events, one in Italy and the other in the US, synthesize the Council’s research every year, offering members exclusive access to topical issues and a chance to network in an exclusive club of world-class men and women. The Council’s partners, major global research institutes – the Center on the United States and Europe (CUSE) of the Brookings Institution, the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), and the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. with the Marshall Memorial Fellowship – collaborate in the meetings. These three think tanks are the Council’s American meeting point. They connect it to companies, intellectuals and research centers.

The Council manages the influential Italy Program at the CUSE of the Brookings Institution and at the Peterson Institute. The program finances the research of an Italian Visiting Fellow at the two locations, to analyze trends of economic development and innovation in the twenty-first century.

At the same time, the Council works on its Italian Meetings, debates with key Americans on a regular basis, and the corresponding American Meetings, conducted in the United States with Italian and European speakers, on economic and political developments.

The Council at work

A summit for ideas and networks

Giuliano Amato Prime Minister of Italy

Joe Biden Senator and Vice President of the US

Carl Bildt Prime Minister of Sweden

Mario Draghi President of the European Central Bank

Mohamed El-Erian Chief Economic Advisor at Allianz and Chair of President Obama’s Global Development Council

Franco Frattini Minister of Foreign Affairs

Paolo Gentiloni Prime Minister of Italy

Elisabeth Guigou French Minister of Justice

James Gorman Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley

Chuck Hagel US Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration

Fiona Hill Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs on his National Security Council staff

Martin Indyk Executive Vice President at the Brookings Institutions

Igor IvanovForeign Minister of Russia

Pascal Lamy Director-General of the World Trade Organization

Enrico Letta Prime Minister of Italy Erkki Liikanen Governor of the Bank of Finland

Bill Kristol Editor at large at The Weekly Standard

Kim HolmesExecutive Vice President at The Heritage Foundation

James ManyikaChair and Director of the McKinsey Global Institute

Federica MogheriniHigh Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Mario MontiPrime Minister of Italy

Peter Orszag Director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Obama Administration (Vice Chairman and Managing Directorat Lazard)

Pier Carlo PadoanMinister of Economy and Finance

Nancy PelosiMinority Leader of the United States Houseof Representatives

Adam PosenPresident of the Peterson Institute forInternational Economics Larry SummersUS Secretary of the Treasury

Peter SutherlandUN Special Representative forInternational Migration

Council’s meetings are always enriched by the participation of leading experts.During the years, those who have joined us include:


Since 1984 the Young Leaders Program has connected young people “under 40” from the academic, political, industrial, business and cultural worlds of Italy and the United States with their peers from other countries.

The group of young leaders is rigorously selected and meets in Italian and American locations to discuss issues of future business and civil society leaders. The passion and commitment of these meetings shape lasting friendships. As one of our Young Leaders recalls,

The Council at workThe issues discussed in recent years include:

• Europe and the 2015 elections: Greece, UK, Denmark, and Spain• The price of oil and its impact on the European, American and global economies• The impact of the digital economy on the production and work practices• Keynote speakers: Paolo Gentiloni and James Manyika20



• The world economy after Trump• Europe after the French elections and Macron• Main challenges for transatlantic relations• The Atlantic Alliance, Putin’s Russia, and European defense• Growth, trade and protectionism• Digital economy and industry 4.0


• Quo vadis Europe?(Mario Monti)

• How to handle the refugee and migration crisis. A business perspective• Italy is turning around

(Yoram Gutgeld, Commissioner for Spending Review)• European security after Paris and Bruxelles• The State of Play of the European Banking Union• Cyber threats: what is business doing?• Keynote speakers: Pier Carlo Padoan and Jeff Schumacher


• Developments in Russia and relations between Russia and the West• Latin American Trends and Prospects• The outcome of the European elections and the forthcoming European Agenda• Experiences in cutting public expenditure to promote growth• Keynote speakers: Enrico Letta, Mohamed El-Erian, and Federica Mogherini

2013 • The governance of the euro and Europe’s competitiveness:

focus on France, Italy, Germany• Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Young Leaders Program

All the Young Leaders become Council Alumni and remain a focus of social media efforts. They receive a dedicated newsletter and have privileged access channels for our initiatives.

Former participants in the Young Leaders Program have risen as the top executives today in corporations, institutions, professional firms and universities.

They serve or have served as:Prime Minister of Italy, Enrico Letta; President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon; US Congresswoman, Kyrsten Sinema; Italian and European Parliaments members,Anna Ascani, Khalid Chaouki, Kaja Kallas; member of the ECB, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi; US Ambassador to NATO, Kurt Volker; columnists and editors-in-chief of important Italian and American newspapers, Gianni Riotta, Mario Calabresi, David Leonhardt, Matthew Kaminski, Maurizio Molinari; as well as CEO of Ferrari, Louis Camilleri;Chairmen of Assicurazioni Generali, Gabriele Galateri; Benetton, Alessandro Benetton; Eni, Franco Bernabè; FCA, John Elkann; Telecom Italia, Giuseppe Recchi.

“Really high level of participants.Professionalism combined with respect foreach other’s point of view created the perfect environment for a constructive discussion.”

Young Leaders Conferencesin 25 cities34top executive Alums+800

nationalities represented40

The Council for the United States and Italy

Piazzale Flaminio, 19 00196 Rome, Italy

Tel. +39 06 3222546Fax +39 06 3201867

[email protected]