israel paper

1 ISRAEL Israel Matt Hixson 10/09/14 BUS325-B20 Tim Burke Fontbonne University

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Matt Hixson


BUS325-B20 Tim Burke

Fontbonne University



I. Introduction (p.3)

II. Who are Israelites? (p.5)

1. Demographics (p.5-8)

2. Socio-Cultural aspects (p.8-10)

3. Legal/Bureaucratic Environment (p.10-11)

4. Economic Climate (p.11-14)

5. Managerial and Labor considerations (p.14-15)

6. Financial posture (Currency and Banking) (p.15-16)

7. A State of War (p.16-18)

III. Summary (p.19)

IV. References (p.20-21)




It can be said that no other nation on Earth, from ages past to present day, holds such influence

for good or perception of bad as the nation Israel. Israel is either loved and praised, or hated and

cursed. “The land that is now Israel and also surrounds its national borders, once called the fertile

half-moon or fertile crescent, stretches from the Tigris and Euphrates to the Sinai between the

Mediterranean and the desert of the Arabian peninsula.” (Israel past and present, p.18, 1998)

These are areas in modern day Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Around 2000 B.C., nomads from current day Iraq and Syria settled into the coastal areas

of the Mediterranean. These were the Canaanite people. Farmers cultivated crops and raised

cattle. Hieroglyphs developed here as well as copper production. This area was the cradle of


The Hebrew people of Israel came about from the fathers of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and

Jacob. “Now the Lord said to Abram go forth from your country, and from your relatives and

from your father’s house to the land which I will show you. I will make you a great nation and I

will bless you and make your name great and so you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who

bless you and the one who curses you I will curse. In you all the families of the earth will be

blessed.” (Holy Bible, Genesis 12:1-3) There is a lot going on with this promise, but Abraham

obeyed and history was made. Abraham began growing his family into a great people. As time

went on and the Hebrew people flourished in the land of Egypt, they became subjugates of the

Pharaoh of Egypt. Even under slavery they grew greater in number. Eventually the leader of the



Hebrews, Moses, led the Exodus from out of Egypt into the territory of modern day Israel. Israel

conquered the surrounding enemies of its growing territory. Israel flourished and indeed blessed

the world around it during the kingdom years of David and Solomon. In the fourth century B.C.,

the Babylonians or modern day Syria and Iraq besieged Jerusalem and overthrew it. This began

the diaspora or dispersion of the Hebrew people. The ancient history of Israel concluded with the

Romans destroying Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in 70 A.D.

In 1948, after the Holocaust, the Hebrews, or Jews as they are now known, re-established

Israel as a nation. War broke out immediately following this declaration of statehood. It has

continued for decades off and on in intensity and scale.

The special features of Israel are the collective talents of the people in the forefront of

technical, military, education and resource development. On such a small landmass at six miles

wide at the narrowest point, a people have turned deserts into orchards.

I wanted to learn more about the diversity and successes of Israel and share them with

others. To go more in depth about the nation beyond what the modern global media portray

Israel as being. I will look into the various people living in Israel, the great cultural diversity. I

will touch on the form of government, the type of economy and the working classes of Israel.

What is the financial state of Israel’s currency and banking institutions? What kind of

partnerships are forged with western institutions? Finally I will touch on the state of war, and

how it has affected Israel today. As a young eighteen year old man, I visited Dachau

concentration camp in Munich Germany. I looked upon piles of shoes, clothes, glasses and hair. I

walked into the “bath houses” and looked into the ovens. I visited the ghettos of Krakow Poland.



I chose Israel because the Jewish people survive today. They have always survived and they are

thriving as best as they can. There is nothing more inspirational to me than cheating death and

destruction. I want to glean off of the success of Israel.

Who are the Israelites?

The nation Israel is as diverse today as it was 4,000 years ago. The territory in and around the

nation of Israel today was the center of the world in ages past. Today, Israel is developing into

the top nation for new technological frontiers. They have discovered natural gas resources, they

are on the verge of discovering oil and the Dead Sea has trillions of dollars’ worth of minerals in

and around its geographical area. Israel may become the center of the world again.


“The Jewish population makes up 6,135,000 (75%); 1,694,000 (20.7%) are Arabs; and, those

identified as "others" (non-Arab Christians, Baha'i, etc) make up 348,000 people (4.2%). When

the state was established, there were only 806,000 residents and the total population reached its

first and second millions in 1949 and 1958 respectively.”


I think it is interesting that over six million Jews were murdered during the holocaust and today

their numbers in Israel are equal to that figure. It is also interesting that in 1948 when the nation

was established, 82% of the 806,000 residents were Jewish. “Arab migrations in and out of the

country fluctuated in response to prevailing economic conditions. Late in the 19th century, when

Jewish immigration stimulated economic growth, many Arabs were attracted to the area by its

employment opportunities, higher wages, and better living conditions.”



The modern news media and the world portray the Israeli government and its people as “land

grabbers”, and murderers of innocents. Under the Turkish rule, “Palestine” was a virtual

wasteland. Arid desert, swamps in lowlands due to depopulation and lack of agricultural

developments, was everywhere to be seen. The Turks didn’t care for the land, they just held

control of it until World War I. They were brutal throughout their time in Palestine.

“Palestine is the name (first referred to by the Ancient Greeks) of an area in the Middle East

situated between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Palestine was absorbed into the

Ottoman Empire in 1517 and remained under the rule of the Turks until World War One.

Towards the end of this war, the Turks were defeated by the British forces led by General


There is an interesting story about the British General Allenby. While the British had been

fighting harsh battles losing lives from malaria and bullets, Jerusalem was finally within reach.

Here is an excerpt from J.R. Church, in his book Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms: In 1917, the

British general, Edmund Allenby, led his troops to surround the city of Jerusalem. It is reported

that the night before his impending invasion, Allenby prayed that he might take the city without

destroying the holy places. He had wired London for instructions and had received a simple

reply---a scripture verse! 'As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem;

defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it' (Isaiah 31:5).

The exciting prospects of such a thing led him to have the verse read aloud before all his troops


positioned in the foothills of Jerusalem. Allenby commandeered every available aircraft for a



over. On the morning of December 10, what seemed like hundreds of planes skirted low from

just over the 'Hill of Evil Council,' which lies to the south of the Temple site. The sky was

covered from wing tip to wing tip and from nose to tail with airplanes---British biplanes---

captured German aircraft---everything that would fly!" This wasn’t the interesting part of the

story, but I think it scared the Turks anyway. General Allenby’s name in Arabic means “God’s

son”. Leaflets were dropped from these planes asking for the surrender of Jerusalem signed by

General Allenby. The Turks were terrified by this name and it caused the surrender of Jerusalem

without a shot being fired.

Today there are many Jews and Arabs living together. Muslim Arabs: Over 1.2 million

people, most of whom are Sunni, reside mainly in small towns and villages, over half of them in

the north of the country.

Bedouin Arabs: Also Muslim (estimated at approximately 250,000), belong to some 30

tribes, a majority scattered over a wide area in the South. Formerly nomadic shepherds.

Christian Arabs: Some 123,000, live mainly in urban areas, including Nazareth,

Shfar'am, and Haifa. The majority are affiliated with the Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox and

Roman Catholic churches.

The Druze: Some 122,000 Arabic-speakers living in 22 villages in northern Israel,

constitute a separate cultural, social, and religious community. While the Druze religion is not


accessible to outsiders, one known aspect of its philosophy is the concept of taqiyya, which calls

for complete loyalty by its adherents to the government of the country in which they reside.


The Circassians: Comprising some 4,000 people concentrated in two northern villages,

are Sunni Muslims, although they share neither the Arab origin nor the cultural background of

the larger Islamic community. While maintaining a distinct ethnic identity, they participate in

Israel's economic and national affairs without assimilating either into Jewish society or into the

Muslim community.

There are also many Russians and Ethiopians making their “aliyah” or homecoming to

Israel. Other Africans from the Sudan and Somalia have been trying to enter into Israel illegally

as we here in America have been dealing with in the south. They have been turned away.

Socio-Cultural Aspects

Israel contains a multi-ethnic, multicultural, multi-religious, and multi-lingual society, Jews

maintain their strong cultural, religious, ideological, and/or ethnic identity as well as the other

Arab groups in Israel. Hebrew is the main language, and classes are required for new immigrants

becoming citizens in Israel. Most Israeli’s speak fluent English, but have restored and identified

with ancient Hebrew as their forefather’s spoke before even the Aramaic of the time of Jesus.

Arab’s speak Arabic as well as Hebrew. Those who want to prosper in the modern culture of

Israel understand having this ability is helpful to them.


Where people live in Israel is a blend between the ancient and restored cities like

Jerusalem and Be’er Sheva and cities that began in pre-state agricultural areas, or areas of mass

immigration from the time of the First World War.


Jerusalem is vitally important to all Jews in Israel as the capital. It is a much contested piece of

property, including the top of the Temple Mount were the Dome of the Rock sits. Current peace

talks involve the possible separation of Jerusalem into a Jewish and a Muslim sector. The Jews

do not want this but the Arabs do. It reminds me of the story of Solomon and the two mothers

who came before him claiming a child belonged to both of them. King Solomon commanded that

the baby be divided in two and half given to each mother. One mother said no problem, the other

weeping, gave the child over to the other to spare its life. Solomon then knew the truth. It is the

same with the Jews today concerning Jerusalem.

Something interesting about the Jews in Israel is that as they returned from the Diaspora,

they brought with them the different cultures they lived in far away. "Edot", refers to Jewish

ethnic subgroups living in Israel. “ Ashkenazim”, refers to Jews from France and Germany and

later Eastern Europe and Russia.. “Sephardim”, refers to Jews from Spain and later Bulgaria

and Turkey. “Oriental Jews”, these are Jews with no real connection to European ancestry. This

can include ancient Jews from Babylon in Iraq, after the first Diaspora and destruction of the first

temple in Jerusalem and also North African Jews and those from Iran, Afghanistan and other

Muslim states occupied under the Soviets.



Each of these Jewish groups bring their own traditions from their Diaspora to these lands as well

as still being completely Jewish in tradition as well. Jewish Israeli’s celebrate seven holy feast

days as appointed by Moses. They also celebrate their independence day as we do here in


America, complete with good food, flags and fireworks. Arab Israeli’s celebrate their Muslim

holy days like Ramadan and Hajj.

Legal/Bureaucratic Environment

Israel’s legal system and government is based on western culture. Israel uses a parliamentary mix

system with a prime minister elected by the people and a president elected by the parliament.

The Knesset is the name of this legal body. Israeli law

courts do not directly follow common law or civil law principles as we have in America, it’s

more of a mix. They don’t use juries either in trials. It is all controlled by the judge. Their

modern laws have evolved from mixed laws formed by the Ottoman Turks and later the British.

It has evolved into a very sophisticated system, but effective as well. Israel does not have a

single document “Constitution” as we have here in America, or the “Magna Carta” as Britain

has. The Knesset has been developing a constitution chapter by chapter, now numbering eleven.

They have a strong basic law, human dignity and freedom and basic law, freedom of occupation.

Their courts are divided into the labor courts, to settle “tort” disputes, military courts, divided

into six jurisdictions to provide law for military personnel and prisoners of war, and lastly the

religious courts. The religious court is divided into rabbinical law dealing with marriage and


divorce and laws of the Torah. This court can oversee matters of other religious jurisdictions

such as Christian and Druze complaints if both parties agree to proceedings. There is a court of

Sharia law for the Muslims as well.


The bureaucracies of Israel are similar to here in America and Europe as well. There are special

interests on the corporate and religious fronts. We have the EPA in America, Israel has the Israel

Union for Environmental Defense (IUED). More and more regulations are being created to

control pollution and environmental issues in Israel. This has an effect on business as much as

the EPA does here. The courts routinely uphold decisions in favor of the IUED, forcing costly

action by the defendants to clean up their acts. In America, we have lobbyists for the state of

Israel. We have been intimately tied to Israel since 1948. Most of our Middle East policy is

directly tied to our commitments to Israel. There are special interests in the Knesset as well.

Under the Obama administration, this policy of singular friend to Israel has seen a dramatic

change in the last few years in the opposite direction. Israel is seeking out other partnerships.

One in particular is India. There will be a trade agreement with India this year. Israel is the

second largest arms supplier to India after Russia. Traditionally Indians have viewed Israel as

Imperialistic like the British Colony rule of old over India. This has changed over the last eight

to ten years. It will be interesting to see what direction this partnership will continue to move.

Economic Climate


The economic climate in Israel is amazing when it comes to new technology. For over thirty

years Silicone Valley in California has been the leader in computer tech. Israel is poised to

overtake this position. Israel is providing the world with what it needs in terms of military

defense and offense, computer security for the personal user and the business user, ecological

and agricultural developments shared with international partners, etc. There is so much going on


in Israel now with new developments. Here in America, there still is a sense of stagnancy and

fear of another economic meltdown. We are so wrapped up in political foolishness and internal

social problems, we are quickly falling off of the world stage as a global leader. People may talk

about China the rising dragon, but realistically they have just borrowed or outright stolen what

America has already done. Israel on the other hand, is reinventing the wheel. One company

Mobile Eye Vision Technologies has developed a reliable and more inexpensive system to drive

personal vehicles by computer at highway speeds. This technology is here and will be readily

available to new car purchasers before 2016. Water-Gen is another Israeli company that has

perfected water development and purification from thin air. They have developed portable

systems that can create water out of the humidity in the atmosphere, air conditioning evaporation

and even purification of the smallest and dirtiest streams. They can even make a poisoned water

source safe to drink. Another company Pythagoras Solar Systems has developed the first clear

see through photovoltaic solar panels in the form of windows. There windows are installed in

homes and businesses to generate energy. They also create a light source to light the rooms they

surround, instead of using traditional CFL’s or incandescent light bulbs. Argo Medical

Technologies of Israel has developed the ReWalk system for handicap individuals. The initial

public offering opened at around $13 and soared to about $25 per share just two days ago, Friday


September 12, 2014. This device will eradicate the wheel chair. Control modes are standing,

sitting, and walking and are very user intuitive. On the computer side of upcoming offerings are

security programs by CyActive and CyberArk Security. CyActive has claimed 94% of all

computer viruses are based on old viruses that are adapted and rereleased. They claim to have the

end of viruses with a program that identifies all previous viruses adapts and counter codes the


new viruses even as a hacker is changing code to prevent detection. CyberArk has a system that

does similar things with networked systems that are compromised by stolen passwords. A

company called SCiO has developed a small portable device that can quickly scan an object to

determine its physical make up. It has been called a “tricorder” by aficionados of Star Trek. That

is essentially what it is. This next company StoreDot is pretty amazing too. It has created a

revolutionary new bio-nano technology that can be used for screen displays and batteries. The

nano batteries can be charged in less than a minute and the nano screens provide amazing image

viewing and response time without being poisonous like cadmium screens on smart phones

currently are. These are just a few of the amazing inventions coming out of Israel that are going

to change the world.


world/ I would encourage individuals to look into what is coming out of Israel now and in the

next decade. Investing in these companies may be a smart move for your portfolio. These are

short breakdowns of the sectors of Israeli economies, agriculture 18.5%, industry 23.7%,


services 50%, other 7.8%.

Many people think of Gaza and the West Bank as dirty third world slums with very little

resources. That may have been the case just ten to fifteen years ago, but not today. “Many

American firms have established agencies and distributorships, and Palestinian consumers have a

strong preference for a wide variety of U.S. goods and services.


Many American companies have targeted these territories as culturally and significantly different

than target markets inside of Israel main. Businesses are encouraged to use Palestinian

distributers and agents as opposed to Israeli distributers. “In 2012 the GDP of the West Bank

and Gaza (WB/G) reached an estimated $10.30 billion with $7.70 billion in WB and $2.6 billion

in Gaza. In 2012 the Palestinian population was 4.29 million with 2.65 in the West Bank and

1.64 million in Gaza. Despite relatively low incomes, there is a sizeable middle/upper-middle

class in the West Bank and Gaza. The West Bank and Gaza boast one of the highest per capita

rates of university graduates in the Arab world. Palestinians have a long-standing tradition of

spending generously on higher education, regarded as an asset.”

Managerial and Labor considerations


Most successful businesses in Israel are owned by Jews or Jewish venture capital firms like

Jerusalem Venture Partners or Carmel Ventures. They fund and provide multiple levels of

support for new start-ups such as those mentioned in the economy section above. Labor is

provided to these companies by a very viable and educated skilled workforce. These are those

age 24-29 and college educated. Unfortunately, even Israel faces future problems with their

workforce. Like America today, many people don’t want to work. They want “social

entitlements”. Free food, shelter, t.v., transportation, etc. In Israel today, a rising population of

Ultra Orthodox Jews and Arabs who are not skilled is on the rise. UO Jewish men do not work


and spend all of their time studying the Torah. Most Arab men are uneducated and can only

perform unskilled work in construction or agriculture. Palestinian women however are enrolled

in college at the rate of 65% for Arab women in Israel. There are only two working people for

every retiree over 65 in Israel and this is not sustainable. If you take into consideration the

constant defense costs of a nation at war, many of Israel population live in poverty.


Financial posture (Currency and Banking)

The situation in Israel is the same the world over. An ever aging population, not enough skilled

workers, too much debt, and growing threats of war and terrorism because of these situations. At

the time of this writing one New Israeli Shekel is worth .28 cents to $1.00 U.S. dollar. “As of February of 2014, Israel’s banking outlook


has been changed from negative to stable. Moody’s forecasts a real GDP of 3.4% growth in

Israel this year.”

changed-to-stable-from-negative--PR_292561 Here in America, our first quarter growth was at

0.1%. With Israeli household income strong in assets and European exports continuing, Israel

will maintain a strong financial posture. Israel is a strong exporter economy. From Europe to

India, Israel delivers. Israeli citizens take savings seriously. Bank management is in charge of

issuing loans and lines of credit. They prefer strong savings assets before handing money out. As

of 2013 customer savings accounted for 76% of total banking assets and a loan to deposit ratio of




Even with the value of the Shekel below that of the Dollar, the determination of Israeli’s

to save and invest is strong. It is difficult for Americans to put money in a savings account

beyond our 401k’s and Roth IRA’s. If you want a loan in Israel, you have to have cash collateral.

Not just a car or your home or a co-signer. As of September 16, 2014 new Shekel designs,

starting with the denomination of 50 will be released. “The new banknotes have a standard of

security, innovation, and accessibility that is among the most advanced in the world, and they

incorporate a range of leading edge anti-counterfeiting security features, created through various

technologies. In addition, the new banknotes include special features to aid the blind and vision


2014-New50BankNote.aspx Many foreign banks partner with Israeli banks. “Large international

banks, such as Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and PNB-Paribas also have


establishments in Israel. Their branches are located in large cities like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.”

A State of War

In 1947, the U.N. passed the “Partition Resolution” to divide former British Palestinian

territories into Jewish and Arab plots. The Arabs disagreed and protested. The division was to be

finalized in May of 1948. Attacks on Jewish settlements began almost immediately by arab

militias from Palestinian territories supported by surrounding Arab nations. The Jews formed


Haganah, Irgun, and LEHI. These were Jewish militias for the protection of Jewish lands. As

fighting intensified, The Jews declared independence on May 14, 1948. On the evening of May

14, 1948 Tel Aviv was attacked from the air, but thwarted by Jewish forces. Lebanon, Iraq,

Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia sent forces to eradicate the Jews. Two cease fire attempts were

brokered by the United Nations, but fighting continued until February of 1949. Israel gained

some Arab territories awarded under the original “Partition Resolution”. Final armistice lines

were created, including the West Bank and Gaza controlled by Egypt and Jordan. This remained

so until 1967.

June 5-10, 1967, war came again to Israel. After months of “terrorist attacks”, military build-up,

shipping blockades in the Gulf of Aqaba and extermination rhetoric by the same Arab countries

involved in the war of 1948, Israel took the offensive. On the morning of June 5, 1967 Israel

destroyed the Egyptian air force, then later in the day Jordan and Syria’s air power as well. Over

250,000 troops from Arab nations were amassed in the Sinai, with over 500,000 involve on the


Arab side. Israel had over 250,000. Israel decimated this force overwhelmingly and gained new

territory in the Golan Heights of Syria, The Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, Gaza, the West Bank, and

most importantly to the Jews, all of Jerusalem. The decisive and swift victory in six days by a

greatly outnumbered and under equipped Israeli force has been called no less than a miracle.

West Point Military Academy does not study this war because as a West Point general once said

“we are interested in strategy and tactics not miracles”. I would encourage anyone to research the

battles fought by the Jews and stories and accounts from both sides of the fight, describing unreal

and strange occurrences.


October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria began attacking Israeli forces in the Golan Heights. They

wanted territory returned to them taken in the 1967 war. This time, Israel wasn’t succeeding on

the war front and came to the U.S. for aid. The Arabs were allied with the Soviets. The U.S.

began airlifting military equipment and aid to Israel and the tide changed. Most people don’t

realize this conflict brought the U.S. close to a nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union.

Thank God it didn’t, but what it did bring were several years of oil embargos by Arab nations.

This actually changed the global economy, by forcing auto makers to produce better fuel

efficient cars. First in Japan, then in the U.S.

There have been dozens of attacks and small wars between Israel and terrorist groups like

Hezbollah, PLO and Hamas since 1980. No Arab country will directly attack Israel because they

historically cannot win. So they circumvent direct attack by supplying and funding these terrorist

groups. The cost of these wars are terrible in financial and human aspects. This never ending

conflict has cost the U.S. over 3 trillion dollars in direct and indirect loss from military aid costs


to trade and sanction embargos.


The last conflict earlier this year, cost Israel billions of dollars. Over $585 million in just twelve

days of fighting. This is only one battle. There is still no resolution because the groups that attack

Israel want to completely annihilate them. What is Israel to do? I read about all of the

innovations that are coming out of Israel and how much money the U.S., and Israel has lost and

what could have been created to help the Middle East and the world. I think of all the aid these

terrorist controlled areas receive from the E.U., the U.S. and others and how they use the money


to build paved tunnels with electric and HVAC to move weapons and personnel inside of Israel,

instead of real infrastructure that could help their communities. Who has the answer?


In reading a host of sources concerning the nation of Israel, my notions of Israel as a fortress of

democracy and industry were strengthened. I don’t want to believe in my personal bias towards

this little nation, but whenever I see or hear anti-Semitism or pro-terrorist organization rhetoric

my stomach churns. I want Palestinians to enjoy prosperity as much as I want Americans to

enjoy it. I found underneath this layer of conflict, a desire for Jews to want to promote

development of communities and business in Palestinian areas. Creating factories in Palestinian

controlled areas to employ Palestinians or promoting and providing for Palestinian women to

attend Israeli universities is a noble thing. Israel is in a fight to survive its very existence. Many

still remain from the days of the Holocaust and remember it well. Israel fights against the death


and anti-Israeli rhetoric from its enemies by being generous in aid, education, jobs, land and

especially patience among its enemies. Would America tolerate missiles launched across our

borders into our towns?, no way. Israel has been attacked ceaselessly for over 66 years. So it still

remains a fact, that Israel is loved and hated by those around her and around the globe. What

would happen if the hate was removed? How would the world benefit from not just the Jews, but

the Arabs as well?












Holy Bible, Genesis 12:1-3

Israel past and present, p.18, 1998

J.R. Church, Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms 1986