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Painless Learning Painless Learning Painless Learning Painless Learning Guides Guides Guides Guides CIE O’Level Islamiyat Verses and Hadiths (2058) Laconic Quranic Themes Importance of Themes in a Muslim’s Life Main Teachings of Hadiths How Muslims can put them into Actions Hamza Mahmood

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O’Level Islamiyat

Verses and Hadiths (2058)

Laconic Quranic Themes Importance of Themes in a Muslim’s Life Main Teachings of Hadiths How Muslims can put them into Actions

Hamza Mahmood

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Quranic Verses


1. Briefly explain the main themes in Ayat-ul-Kursi and describe their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

This verse of Surah Al-Baqarah is known as Ayat-ul-Kursi meaning the verse of the Throne. The main themes here are the Oneness of Allah and that supreme power and authority belong to Him. He is the exclusive master of the heavens and the earth. He has no partner in His Attributes. He is Ever-Living, Supporter of the entire universe and All-Knowing. He is free from weaknesses or limitations that ordinary lives have and He alone is worthy of worship. None of His creatures can intercede in His affairs of the Kingdom. Oneness of Allah is the most important subject of the Holy Quran. This conception is presented with different styles at different places in the Quran e.g. Surah Al-Ikhlas describes the Oneness of God in terms of His absolute Existence i.e. He is alone and has neither father nor any children; He is present from the beginning and will stay forever.

Importance in Muslim's Life:

Belief in Oneness of Allah protects a Muslim from shirk. If a Muslim is not a true believer i.e. his life is not free from shirk, he will not be rewarded paradise in the Hereafter. Muslims are bound not to associate any partner with Allah in His Existence, Attributes or Worship otherwise they will commit shirk which is such a heinous crime that Allah never forgives. It is the greatest of all sins.

When a Muslim believes that his Allah is watching him all the time, he will stop from committing worldly crimes like theft, robbery, drinking, usury and bribery etc. He will refrain from all kinds of moral and social evils.

When a Muslim believes that it is only Allah Who has unlimited powers and authority, he will not seek help from other deities. He will obtain spiritual purity and dignity by bowing down only before God. Instead of asking the so called holy men or attending shrines for the solution of his troubles, he will supplicate only to the real source, the Almighty Allah.

This verse also refutes the notion that on the Day of Judgment, prophets, saints and angels shall wield influence and force Allah to pardon their followers. No intercession will be granted except with the permission of Allah

2. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 101-103 of Surah Anaam and describe their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

These verses of Surah An'aam speak of the absolute Unity and Supreme Authority of Allah over the whole of the universe. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth and Creator of everything within them. He is All-Knowing and Well-Acquainted with the finest mysteries. He is invisible to the worldly eye. Having such attributes, He alone then deserves to be worshiped. Oneness of Allah and His Divine Attributes have been mentioned in a number of surahs and verses talking with different styles. Surah Ikhlas talks on the Oneness of Allah by focusing on His absolute Existence. It says that Allah is One, and has no father or children, and there is none comparable to Him in any degree.

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

Oneness of Allah is the most fundamental Islamic belief. Life in the Hereafter is totally dependent on it. It is very important that a Muslim's life is free from all forms of shirk otherwise he will earn hellfire for himself. The Holy Quran condemns Shirk and describes it an unforgivable sin. The one who commits shirk will remain in the hell forever. Even minute traces of shirk in the belief are not allowed.

When a person believes that Allah Alone is the Creator of the universe and there is no partner with Him in His Authority and Power, he will not seek help from worldly deities who are themselves created. A number of the so-called holy men and custodians of the shrines exploit their followers economically.

When a person believes that his Allah is All-Knowing and Well-Aware of the secrets in his heart, he will not commit sins in the loneliness or in the darkness. He will attain spiritual purity and his life will become free from moral evils. He will become fair in dealings with the people.

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Quranic Verses


When it is said that Allah is beyond human perceptions and comprehensions, a Muslim will not waste his time in discussing the physical characteristics, shape and nature of Allah. Instead, he will utilize his time effectively in praying Allah and will confirm Paradise for himself.

3. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 37 of Surah Fussilat and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

This verse of Surah Fussilat speaks of the day and night and the sun and the moon as the signs of Allah for those who think on the universe. They are not objects of Divine Power but creatures of Allah. How can they be worshiped? The sun and the moon are moving objects that remain on their defined trajectories according to the laws of Allah and He is manifesting Himself in their form. Hiding of the sun during night and that of the moon during daytime clearly indicate that they are helpless and powerless creatures. The Quran says, "In the creations of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of Night and Day, surely there are signs for men who understand" (3:190).

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

Prostrating before the sun, moon, fire, idols, graves or other created objects is shirk, the most heinous crime and absolutely unforgivable. If someone has minor traces of shirk in his belief, he will never be rewarded Paradise in the Hereafter. He will be the fuel of the hell for ever. A human is the most respected creature of Allah. When he bows down before sun or moon, it debases his dignity. His focus moves away from his true Master. If he doesn't repent, he will go astray. Allah will never bestow His Mercy on him in the Hereafter.

Sun and moon are created merely for the benefits of mankind. The night is created for the rest of the people and the day for earning essentials of the daily life. They are subservient to their Lord in which there is a lesson of obedience for the transgressors. Some people say that they do not bow down to these objects but bow to God through them. If you really are true worshippers of Allah, there is absolutely no need of these intermediaries. Bow down to Him directly.

4. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 4-5 of Surah Shura and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

These verses of Surah Shura speak that this whole universe belongs to Allah. He is the exclusive Master and no one else has any part or share in His Kingdom. His Highness is such that the highest heavens are almost ready to burst asunder by His Glory. The angels sing Glory and Praise to the Lord of the worlds and at the same time they implore Him for Forgiveness and Mercy for the erring creatures on the earth. Verse 7 of Surah Mo'min also describes a similar situation where it is said that the angels who sustain the Throne and those around it sing Glory and Praise to their Lord, and implore Forgiveness for those who believe and who turn in repentance. He is Opt-Forging and His Mercy is for all creatures. "... but My Mercy extends to all things ..." (7: 156).

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

When a person believes that Allah Alone is the Creator of the universe and there is no partner with Him in His Authority and Power, he will not seek help from worldly deities who are themselves created. A number of the so-called holy men and custodians of the shrines exploit their followers economically. His belief in Oneness of Allah will become stronger. He will get rid of superstitious beliefs and will be safe from committing shirk.

If angels implore Mercy and Forgiveness for dwellers of the earth, believers should also seek His Forgiveness regularly, and at the same time they should make understand the ignorant people to stay away from sins.

Humans are not innocent; they are liable to sins. If a person commits a sin, he should not be disappointed. Allah's doors of repentance are always open for all. If he feels guilty and pledges not to commit the sin again, he will be pardoned because Allah is the Forging and the Merciful. Our God even forgives thousands of sins when someone repents. His Grace and Mercy outstrip His Wrath. It is only Allah's Mercy and Grace

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Quranic Verses


that He grants enough time even to those people who have touched the extreme limits of disbelief, sinfulness and polytheism. If they come back through repentance, they will not be asked about their previous wrongdoings.

5. Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Ikhlas and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

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Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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6. Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Fatiha and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

This Surah is in fact a prayer to the Lord of the universe for seeking guidance to the straight path Who alone can grant it. He alone is worthy of worship and He alone is to be asked for help because He is the Cherisher and the Master of everything in the universe. He is All-Merciful and has bestowed countless of bounties on His creatures, but at the same time He is Just and everybody will have to answer Him on the Day of Judgment for his account of acts during life. He always showers His blessings on the righteous believers and protects them from going astray.

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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7. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 21-22 of Surah Baqarah and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

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Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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8. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 1-5 of Surah Alaq and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

These five verses of Surah Alaq are the first Divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while he was meditating in Cave Hira in the month of Ramadan. This revelation gave the cognizance of Allah that He is the Creator of everything that exists. The creation of man in particular in mentioned because he is the most superior creature on the earth and who is created with the best stature from a clot of blood. The Generous God granted him senses and the power of thinking, created requisites of his life and embedded in his instinct how to use them and gave him knowledge and wisdom of the Truth. Without knowledge, guidance of the mankind is not possible. So before giving the responsibility of Prophethood, Allah gave knowledge to His Messenger. The earlier prophets were also bestowed with the blessing of knowledge. The Quran says, "And He taught Adam the names of all things..." (2:31).

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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9. Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Zilzal and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

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Quranic Verses


Surah Al-Zilzal deals with the second life after death that will take place on a day when the earth will be shaken violently. As a result of tremendous convulsions, the earth will throw out dead bodies, treasures of gold, silver, jewels and every kind of wealth lying hidden in its belly. Verse 4 of Surah Al-Inshiqaq says, “And throws out whatever is within it and becomes empty.” The scattered parts of decayed bodies will be resurrected in the shape of their first life and the situation will be confounding to the man. The earth will speak out on that Day by Allah’s command as witness and will narrate each individual’s acts that he had committed in his worldly life at particular times and places. All human beings shall be presented with such complete records of their deeds that they will personally see all their goods and evils even to the size of a particle.

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

This surah tells about the ultimate future of man and this world which is a question in many minds. Death is not total annihilation to a believer. The thought of Resurrection is a sign of satisfaction for his continued existence after death. Eternal life also tells him the purpose of his existence - adherence to virtues and distance from evils. Doomsday is the ultimate Day of Justice where the righteous men shall be rewarded paradise and the wrongdoers shall be punished.

Al-Mighty Allah knows everything directly, but He will fulfill the demands of justice for punishing the culprits. Witness of two recording angels and ratification of the earth on his deeds will provide clear and undeniable proofs. When a person believes that the earth will testify to his deeds, he will abstain from all kinds of social evils like drinking, bribery, theft and earning wealth through illegal means.

When a Muslim believes that even the most ordinary good has its own weight and value on the Judgment Day, it will promote self-sacrifice and moral values in the society. People will give importance to small insignificant deeds of goodness like talking with a smiling face. And the belief that the most ordinary evils will not be overlooked shall promote the behavior of staying away from trivial sins.

10. Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Al-Nas and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

This surah teaches us to seek Allah’s refuge from the mischief of the whisperers. We can incline to the erring suggestions of a man as well as to the secret whispers of evil within our own hearts. Allah being the Sustainer, King and Deity of all mankind has complete control and authority on His creatures and can fully us from ill temptations arising into our hearts.

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

This surah in combination with Surah Al-Falaq provides protection to a believer against all external and internal potential dangers. When a Muslim struggles for a noble cause, a number of people in the society normally turn against him. The devils would whisper evil intentions in hearts of wrongdoers against him. This surah will provide him refuge before their desires culminate into evil actions. When a person comes forward for the welfare of community or for preaching moral virtues, evil spirits frighten him by bringing a picture of troubles and obstructions in front of him. Similarly, internal feelings of a person can influence his judgment, selection or decision. Satan tells him that committing small sins is not a serious issue, and stops him if he wants to raise voice against the social evils by saying that it is not alone your job. Surah Al-Nas is a shield for him against such hidden evils.

11. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 30-37 of Surah Baqarah and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

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Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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12. Briefly explain the main themes in verse 75-79 of Surah Anaan and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

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Quranic Verses


Main Themes:

These verses of Surah Al-Anaam show the mental experience through which Abraham passed in the beginning and which led him to understanding of the Truth before prophethood was bestowed on him. Amidst the polytheistic environment and with no instruction in monotheism yet, he ultimately discovered the Truth by careful observation of the universe. His society was dominated by the worship of the heavenly bodies - the moon, the sun and the stars, but Abraham concentrated on these bodies and came up with the conclusion that they are subservient to the power of the One True Lord, their Creator. He disputed with his people and declared himself not to be among those who associate partners with Him.

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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13. Briefly explain the main themes in verses 110 of Surah Maida and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

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Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

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14. Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Al-Duha and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

In Surah Al-Duha, there is a message of hope and consolation to the Holy Prophet in particular and the mankind in general. This surah revealed during the Prophet's early life when the people of Makkah persecuted him and his followers. Although he was very firm in faith and was never shaken but continued hardships and isolation could create a sense of loneliness in his mind. Allah responded by saying that taunts and slandering of the people are not signs of His displeasure. Allah gave him assurance of a victorious future and glorious Hereafter and told him His favors: being orphan, he received greater than ordinary parental love, was protected from polytheism in the midst of idolatry, made independent of worldly needs and gave guidance when he was in search of truth. Lastly, the surah says that orphans should be treated with affection and respect, petitioners should not be scorned and Allah's bounties should be proclaimed and shared with the poor.

Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

If a Muslim struggles for a noble cause and he faces troubles in accomplishing his goals, he should not be discouraged by the hostile critics. He should proceed forward with patience. Allah's help will always be with him and his work will definitely come up with success. Even during his sufferings, Allah will fill his soul with complete satisfaction and pleasure. A righteous man has just to trust His goodness. It is not necessary that only rich and wealthy people can get to their targets. Allah gives grace and aid to His righteous men even when they inherit no wealth and have no help in the community. A Muslim should never take advantage of the helpless position of orphans and should never try to snatch their possessions. He should stay away from the common attitude of repulsing beggars or people asking for knowledge. Charity is of no moral value without sympathy and love.

If a person is abundantly bestowed by Allah, his duty is to proclaim and share His bounties with needy people. It is our religious duty to be kind and helpful to our less endowed fellow-men and should try to fulfill their needs. If a rustic person doesn't know the protocols of asking questions, he should be given polite answer.

15. Briefly explain the main themes in Surah Al-Kawthar and explain their importance in a Muslim’s life.

Main Themes:

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Quranic Verses


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Importance in a Muslim’s Life:

This Surah assures that Allah always helps His men if they are struggling for a noble cause. He protects them and fills their hearts with courage during hardships, and will reward them for their sufferings in the Hereafter. If they stay committed with their noble mission, Allah will take them out of the whirlpool of troubles and will ultimately give them victory.

Kauthar refers to the unbounded goodness. It includes the gift of Tauhid, devoted followers for preaching the message of Truth, victory of mission during his life, descendents from his daughter, Fatima, a river in the paradise and many more. It is also a fountain wherefrom the Prophet (PBUH) will fetch water to his true followers on the Day of Resurrection.

This Surah also gives a guideline to the Muslims about what to do during harsh times. The formula is that they can obtain steadfastness through prayers and sacrifices, performed only to Allah. Sacrifices are the bearing of hardships in His Way, showing patience when faced with difficulties, giving charities to the poor and slaughtering permitted animals and distributing their meat among the people.

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1. ‘Religion is sincerity.’ We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, His book, His messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.’

Main Teachings:

This hadith embraces all aspects of faith. It tells us that we must be sincere in our faith with Allah, His Prophets and revealed Books and all our dealings with people. As good members of the community we should establish friendly relations with our colleagues and be obedient to our leaders if they are on the right path.

How Muslims can put into Action:

Sincerity to Allah refers to absolute faith in Allah that He alone is our Creator, Sustainer and Lord. We must worship Him alone. We should not bow down before any deity for any purpose. We should call Him alone for help and in hard times, we should not go to any shrine for the solutions of our troubles. When it comes to sincerity to His Book, we must believe it as a Divine Book and submit ourselves to Allah’s commands found within it and guide our lives according to its teachings. We must have firm belief that Muhammad (SAW) in indeed the messenger of Allah and everything that he tells is true. We must obey him in all of his commands and prohibitions. Quran says, “Whoever obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah” (4: 80). We must also defend the character and Sunnah of the prophet if someone tries to malign it.

We must respect our leaders and scholars and follow them sincerely if they are right and just. But if they are mistaken, make them correct respectfully without criticizing them. We must not rise up against them. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoso obeys my commander, obeys me and whoso disobeys the commander disobeys me” (Muslim).

We must feel joy at the prosperity of our Muslim brothers and feel pain and sympathy for them when calamity befalls them. We must sincerely advise them about what is best for them in their faith and their worldly lives. We should work for the solidarity of the society and condemn hate.

2. None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.

Main Teachings:

This hadith emphasizes the creation of brotherhood in the society. It delivers the message of love, respect, dignity and welfare for other people. It teaches high moral values and etiquettes of virtue in social life and dealings. Islam gives immense importance to humanity and this hadith condemns jealousy and all kind of evils for fellow brothers. Allah Himself has established brotherhood for the Muslims by saying in the Quran, "Muslims are brothers to one another" (49:10).

How Muslims can put into Action:

This hadith can be implemented in a number of real life situations. If you want to donate let say a washing machine into the dowry of a poor bride, it should be the same brand or of equivalent quality which is running in your own home. Donations made to people hit by natural disasters like earthquake or floods must have worthwhile values. Inferior donations to deserving people lower their dignity. Similarly, hospitality of guests should also be generous according to financial position.

Jealousy is very common in professional environments. This hadith dictates everybody to give true and accurate advice even to competitors when they ask. The faith of a person is not complete if he doesn't follow such morals. For attaining a perfect faith it is essential that man should be free from selfishness. He should be genuinely interested in the welfare of his brothers. When Mauz bin Jabl enquired from the Holy Prophet (saw) about superior faith, he was answered, "That you desire for others what you desire for yourself and do not desire for others what you do not desire for yourself" (Musnad Ahmed).

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3. Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbor, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guests.

Main Teachings:

This Hadith teaches the best conduct in tongue and deeds. It calls for dealing with others in the best possible manners, which in turn will result in the spreading of love and goodwill among people. Controlling the tongue would create a tranquil atmosphere in the society. Treat the neighbors righteously and with kindness, and refrain from harming them in any way. Being generous to the guest is a part of faith and a kind of worship that brings one closer to Allah.

How Muslims can put into Action:

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4. A man asked the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace): Do you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treats as lawful that which is lawful and treats as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter paradise? He said: Yes.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

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5. Every person’s every joint must perform a charity everyday when the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity: to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity: every step you take to prayer is a charity: and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.

Main Teachings:

Charity is a prestigious worship in Islam that normally people think is an act of giving alms to the poor and needy ones in the way of Allah. This Hadith teaches us that charity is in fact a comprehensive term that includes any act or gesture that would help the community. It is not associated with financial help that only rich people can take benefit of, but it is so broad that each and every petty act we perform for the goodness of others is a charity. Even our body's organs or joints perform acts of charity everyday when used for deeds of kindness towards fellow humans.

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6. Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hands, and if he is not able to do so then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

A Muslim must act in defense of what is right and oppose what is wrong. Our society is full of social evils like corruption, lie, electricity and gas theft, negligence from duty and violation of laws. It is incumbent on everyman to stop these wicked deeds according to the capacity he is having. Denouncing or stopping sins is linked with the ability to do so, but disapproving them with the heart

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is a must for all Muslims regardless of ability. If a heart is senseless, it has lost its faith. A Muslim should constantly try to improve his capacity so as to deal with criminal circumstances with tongue or hands .A Muslim should also feel compassion towards his brothers. By stopping them from committing wrongs, they will be saved from Allah's punishment.

To accept sins is the most hideous of all prohibitions. Every person should hate evils and do every possible effort to change them. If wrongdoings are left unattended, they give way to other evils. On the other hand, spreading virtues and nipping evils would cause the society to flourish.

7. It was said: O Messenger of Allah, who is the most excellent of men? The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said: ‘The believer who strives hard in the way of Allah with his person and his property.’

Main Teachings:

This hadith encourages people to fight in the way of Allah for the supremacy of His religion. Islam wants to bring maximum people under its umbrella of peace and goodwill. It orders its followers to liberate the helpless from the atrocities and oppressions of barbarians. A person who is always ready to sacrifice his person, property and even life for the achievement of these goals is said to be the best of believers. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's cause is better than the world and whatever is in it." (Bukhari) Striving hard has a broad meaning. It also applies to the welfare of the community and spreading of Islam.

How Muslims can put into Action:

There should be no worldly motives. Fighting for Allah's cause necessitates true and sincere faith. Jihad is not simply a brutal fight, its purpose is to restore peace and freedom for the worship of Allah under pre-defined limits - a Muslim should always obey his commander and follow discipline, nor molesting women, children and old men, nor cut down trees and crops, nor killing those who have taken refuge in their homes, nor withholding peace from enemies when they come to negotiation. The captives must be treated according to the instruction given by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

A person may also perform Jihad with his wealth and this may take different forms. He can supply arms and ammunitions to the fighters performing Jihad or spend wealth for spreading Islam or for societal development. Regarding welfare of the society, a Muslim should develop schools, hospitals and should help the needy people. He should generously donate towards the victims of natural disasters like floods and earthquakes. Rich people can use their wealth while scholars can use their pen and preachers their voices to persuade people on taking active part in the noble deeds.

8. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘Whom do you count to be a martyr among you?’ They said: O Messenger of Allah, whosoever is killed in the way of Allah. He said: ‘In that case the martyrs of my community will be very few! He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies a natural death in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies in the plague in the way of Allah is a martyr, he who dies of cholera in the way of Allah is a martyr.’

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

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9. No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hands.

Main Teachings:

This Hadith teaches man to earn money by his own hands for his sustenance. Islam does not like begging or spreading hands before people. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) worked hard himself and

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bestowed the workers with respect and dignity by saying that "a laborer is a friend of Allah." Once a companion asked about better and clean income. The Prophet replied, "The one who works with his hands and every trade that was done with honesty." (Ahmed)

How Muslims can put into Action.

If a Muslim is physically and mentally fit, he should struggle for his livelihood and prosperity. He should be proud even if he is doing a low-profile job because it is after all a fair and lawful means of earning. A hard worker is always respected in the society while a beggar totally loses his dignity.

According to this hadith, a Muslim should abstain from illegal means of earning wealth like bribery, theft, corruption, usury and gambling, otherwise he will earn hellfire for himself in the Hereafter. If everyman strictly follow this hadith, there would be no beggars left in the society. The money collected through charity can be given to true needy people like orphans, widows and disabled ones.

10. One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night and fasts in the day.

Main Teachings:

This hadith encourages the believers to fulfill the needs of the poor and the oppressed class in the society. Helping the poor in distress is worship to Allah and it is as important as obligatory prayer and fasting. Managing affairs of the needy people is such a prestigious deed that it has been placed at par with the person who strives in the way of Allah or who stands up for prayer at night and fast during the day. The prophet (PBUH) said to his wife,”O Aisha! Love the poor and let them come to you for help. Allah will then surely take you near Him on the Day of Judgment.”

How Muslims can put into Action:

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11. ‘I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

A Muslim can give food, clothing, shelter and financial assistance to orphans. These are deeds of great virtue and will take him closer to Allah. If his father was in debt, the lender should exonerate it or if he is reluctant in letting off, another person should pay to him. Rich people should pay for their educational expenditures so that they become useful part of the society. They should pay for their medical expenditures when they become ill.

It is incumbent on the patron of an orphan to treat him with kindness and mildness and protect him from the cruelties of the society. The property of minor orphans should be protected and returned them back when they attain maturity. One can invest their wealth sincerely in legal business if he has the relevant skills, and can take part from the profits made. The patron is thus having better world and better Hereafter.

When it comes to orphan girls, a Muslim should make arrangements for their marriages with best matching persons. He should generously donate towards their dowries.

12. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sent Abu Musa and Muadh ibn Jabal to Yaman, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said; ‘Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.’

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Main Teachings:

This hadith signifies the responsibilities of Muslim rulers. They should devote their energies to the general welfare and prosperity of their subjects. They should treat the people with kindness, mildness, gentleness and justice to win their hearts. Apart from rulers, the hadith also extends to daily lives of common people. The prophet (PBUH) has said,”Make things easy and do not make them hard, and cheer up people and do not repel them” (Bukhari, Muslim).

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13. He who studies the Quran is like the owner of tethered camels. If he attends to them he will keep hold of them, but if he lets them loose they will go away.

Main Teachings:

This hadith emphasizes the importance of keeping in touch with the Holy Quran. This book of guidance is the primary source of Islamic teachings and should never be neglected. In order to get true benefit, a Muslim is required to establish a strong relationship with the Quran by learning it, memorizing it and reciting it. If his relation is weakened, the effects of Quran gradually fade away. The Prophet (PBUH) has said, "The best amongst you is the one who has leaned the quran and teaches is".

How Muslims can put into Action:

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14. May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and when he demands his money back.

Main Teachings:

This hadith teaches us the ethics of business, which should be conducted with honesty. Buyers and sellers are bound to trade with justice. The prophet (PBUH) has said, "The one who cheats is not among us." The second part of the hadith deals with lenders; they should not cross the limits of humanity while demanding their money back. The loan should be taken back according to the ease of the debtor.

How Muslims can put into Action:

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15. God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

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16. The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected, and if his head if affected he is all affected.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

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A Muslim should be cooperative, merciful and kind to his fellow Muslims in the society. He should help the needy ones. He should live in peace and harmony with others. If two Muslims quarrel with each other, he should settle the dispute between them with justice. He should stay away from sectarian differences which divide the community and create hate among the groups.

17. Modesty produces nothing but good.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

A Muslim can attain modesty through regular prayers. "Prayers restrain from shameful and unjust deeds" (29:45).

A Muslim should restrain himself from shameful actions. He should give due respect to every person and should avoid the use of abusive language. He should not deviate from the established norms and values in the society. He should also stop people from indecencies in order to create a chaste and clean society. It is incumbent on him to stay away from immodest material on the internet and on TV channels. Immoral jokes, dancing shows and fashion shows are all examples of immodest actions.

18. He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise.

Main Teachings:

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How Muslims can put into Action:

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19. The world is the believer’s prison and the unbelievers’ paradise.

Main Teachings:

This hadith gives analogy between a believer and a prisoner. The way a prisoner leads his life under restrictions imposed on him by the authorities of the jail, exactly like that a believer has to live within the limits defined by Quran and Sunnah. A prisoner never likes to stay in the jail permanently. Similarly, a believer sees this world a temporary dwelling full of trials until he reaches his final destination- the paradise. A believer submits to the will of Allah, but an unbeliever sees this world as his final home and does whatever his heart desires. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "Live in this world as if you were a stranger or a wayfarer."

How Muslims can put into Action:

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20. God does not regard your appearance and your possessions, but He regards your hearts and your actions.

Main Teachings:

This hadith categorically tells about the judgment criterion for actions and deeds. Instead of outward appearance, financial position, cast or creed, Divine favour is linked with purity and sincerity of hearts and intentions. The Prophet (PBUH) said in another hadith, "Actions are judged by intentions." For a true believer, there must be Allah's pleasure behind each deed he performs.

How Muslims can put into Action:

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