islamic tradition and daily life

Islamic Tradition and Daily Life

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Islamic Tradition and Daily Life. Religious Practice. For most of the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Religious Practice. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Islamic Tradition and Daily Life

Islamic Tradition and Daily Life

Page 2: Islamic Tradition and Daily Life

Religious Practice For most of the 1.3 billion Muslims in the

world, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life.

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Religious Practice Muslims find guidance in the Qur’an

(Koran), the holy book of Islam. This is an Arabic text that is said to have been revealed to the prophet Muhammad by Allah (God).

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Religious Practice Islamic teaching outlines the Five Pillars of

Islam, which are the framework of a Muslim’s life (see Five Pillars on the back)

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The Five Pillars of Islam Iman and Shahadah: Declaration of Faith A Muslim believes that “There is no god but

Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet (messenger).”

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The Five Pillars of Islam Salah: Establishment of regular prayer Prayers are performed five times per day—

one will usually bow face down, toward Mecca.

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The Five Pillars of Islam Zakah: Required donation Payment each year of 2.5% of one’s

income to the needy; more can be given in private

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The Five Pillars of Islam Siyam (Sawm): Fasting No eating or drinking during the daylight

hours of the month of Ramadan; the purpose is to teach patience, self-control, and focus

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The Five Pillars of Islam Hajj: Pilgrimage Annual trip to the holy city of Mecca. This

is a requirement at least once in a lifetime for all Muslims who are physically able and who can afford it.

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Some Islamic Traditions in the Middle East

Both men and women are to dress modestly

The definition of modest dress is different in each country, and has changed over the years

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Some Islamic Traditions in the Middle East

Muslims in non-Muslim countries have more freedom of dress

In some extreme cases, women are to be completely covered, including the eyes

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Some Islamic Traditions in the Middle East

Men are usually not to show skin above the knees or elbows

A head-covering is usually always customary, especially for women

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Family/Marriage As with many cultures, family is central in

Muslim culture

Elderly parents are usually always taken care of by their children—not placed in nursing homes

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Family/Marriage Arranged marriage is not uncommon in the

Middle Eastern Muslim countries

While divorce is rare, the Qur’an allows for a man to have up to four wives

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Traditional Muslim Wedding Dresses