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Empowerment of rural women through Promotion of economic - Commodity

Based Organizations .

Dr.K.Bhagya Lakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Extension Education and Communication, College of Home Science, Guntur.


Building, nurturing and strengthening of Community Based organisations is one of the important roles of extension to empower the rural women. As majority of the women in the rural areas are illiterate and resource poor to take up entrepreneurial activity. The constraints for promotion of enterprises in the villages are lack of accessibility of credit, inputs and information. Thus, they need different kinds of facilitation regarding credit, inputs, technical knowledge, information, storage and marketing for promoting the rural enterprises. To create a enabling environment for promotion of livelihoods, rural women need to be mobilized and institutionalized as community based organizations. Promotion of economic activity through community based organizations is the potential means for empowering rural women. Consequently, Government of India has been making enormous efforts to strengthen local organizations under various development programmes. In general CBOs refers to all kinds of peoples organizations which are largely owned and managed by them and promoted by the project implementing agencies under various developmental initiatives. But economic CBOs(e-CBOS) are different from other CBOs, where these are involved in economic activity, creating wealth, self governing and their way to become self governed, involved in production rather than use or distribution of resources and sustained for longer period. The sustainability of CBOs are high if they are engaged in economic activity. This paper discusses about the extension interventions at various phases of evolution of e- CBOs. This paper also analyses the success journey of poor women, who have rewritten their fate by forming into an e -CBO. This paper also discusses the multi-pronged extension strategy (market led, farmer led, Group-led, convergence, PPP, ICT and gender mainstreaming) to build the livelihood assets and factors contributed for its success.Key words

Mobilization, Institutionalization, e-CBOs, empowerment , Multi-pronged extension strategy

Promoting Community Based Organizations (CBOs) has been an important strategy of extension

organizations to strengthen rural livelihoods in India. As majority of the people in the rural areas

are illiterate, resource poor with marginal to small land holding and land less labourers .

Migration to the urban areas in search of livelihoods is the common phenomenon in many of the

villages in India. In this condition, promotion of agro-based livelihoods and micro-enterprises in

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the rural areas is the viable solution for improving socio-economic conditions of the people in

the rural areas. But People in the rural areas cannot any risk or take up any entrepreneurial

activities, because majority of them fell under below poverty line. The constraints for promotion

of enterprises in the villages are lack of accessibility of credit, inputs and information. Thus, they

need facilitation regarding credit, inputs, technical knowledge, information, storage and

marketing for promoting the rural enterprises. To create a enabling environment for promotion of

livelihoods people in the local areas need to be mobilized and institutionalized as community

based organizations to empower them. This paper elaborates the need for strengthening of

Community Based Organizations(CBOs) and also promotion of rural livelihoods by introducing

economic activity based on the resources available in that area. This paper also aims to ascertain

the contributing factors for success of e-CBOs. The paper also discusses various new dimensions

of extension to mobile, to strengthen and also sustain Community Based Organizations by taking

up economic activity.

Need for promotion community organization

Despite of the wide range of initiatives in extension services in India in the past decade, the

coverage of , access to and the quality of timely information and provision of support services in

rural areas is still uneven. In India the Extension agent--farmer ratio is estimated at

1:2,000.Whereas,  most districts in India have fewer than 10 SMSs per district. Though we are

living in the era of Information Communication Technology (ICT), still traditional extension

methods and techniques are being used for the dissemination of technologies .So, it is difficult to

reach the unreached. Hence, there is a need for mobilization, formation, strengthening and

institutionalization of Community Based Organizations. When people united as CBOs, They can

clearly articulate their needs, organize different services like inputs, credit, implements and

transport, access different service providers and if necessary, act as pressure groups and demand


Promotion of CBOs under various development programmes:

Extension agents, no matter whether they belong to government departments, NGOs, private and

semi government organizations could constitute formidable force for promotion of sustainable

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livelihoods though promotion of Community Based Organisations. They have been

implementing various development programmes to build up local institutions under different

names based on the need and objectives.



Development programme Implementing Agency

/Department at district


Name of the CBO

1. Swarnajayanthi Gram

Swarajgar Yojana (SGSY)

District Rural



Self Help Groups (SHGs)

2. Watershed development


District Water

Management Agency

Water User

Associations(WUAs), User


3. Cooperative Department District cooperative office Primary Agriculture


4. Farmers club programme NABARD Farmers Clubs

5. Joint Forest Management


Forest Department Vana Samrakshana


6. Dairy Development


Dairy Development


Dairy cooperatives

7. ATMA(Agriculture

Technology Management


Department of Agriculture Farmers


Interest groups(WIGs)

8 Self Employment Training


Nehru Yuva Kendras Youth clubs

9. Commodity Development


Development departments Commodity Interest


10. Development programmes Non government


Self Help


groups, Resource centres

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Types of Community-based organization (CBO)

Community Based Organizations refer to all kinds of peoples organizations which are

largely owned and managed by them. Formal CBOs are registered under different legal forms as

societies, trusts, cooperatives and companies. Groups formed to serve the interests of families or

stakeholders in communities. Community-based organizations generally consist of a number of

individual members who organize around a common interest or need. They vary greatly in size

and in purpose and functioning. Some are women's associations and self-help groups organized

to gain access to credit and other services. Others are user groups like water use and land

management associations which organize to manage a common property resource. Producer

organizations organize activities and pool resources around the production of crops, livestock,

fish, or forest products and post harvest processing and marketing. Community-based health

committees and education committees are commonly engaged in projects using social funds to

enable communities to finance their own development. Based on the nature and functioning of

functioning the Community based Organizations can be categorized as follows.

Credit based CBOs:

The purpose of formation of these organistions is to carryout thrift and credit activities.

eg. Self Help Groups

Natural resource based CBOS

These groups are formed to ensure proper utilization and conservation of natural

resources and to enhance their livelihoods. eg. User groups, Watershed associations. Vana

samrakshana samithi(VSS)

Commodity based CBOs

These CBOs are formed based on the commodities which they produce and market .e.g:

Diary cooperative societies, cooperative societies for horticultural crops, fisherman associations,

farmer associations and farmers interest groups.

Economic CBOs E- CBOs) : In general CBOs refers to all kinds of peoples organizations

which are largely owned and managed by them and promoted by the project implementing

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agencies under various developmental initiatives. CBOs are registered under different legal

forms as societies, trusts, cooperatives and companies. But economic CBOs are different from

other CBOs, where these are involved in economic activity, creating wealth, self governing and

their way to become self governed, involved in production rather than use or distribution of

resources, externally facilitated and sustained for longer period.Wealth generating viz economic

CBOs (e-CBOs), as distinct from people’s organizations are closely linked to markets.

Characteristics of the Economic community based organizations:

Economic CBOs Vs

Other CBOs

Community Based


Economic-Community Based


Objective To bring about social

development among its members

To ensure economic benefits to its

members along with social


Membership Membership is open based on

the various situational factors

like, socio-economic condition,

Geographical area etc

Open to the members who are

those who are involved in the

income generation.

Frequency of the


Not very frequently Frequency of meeting is very

much regular due to the

economic activity

Relationship of the

members with


All the members are treated


Relationship with the group is

based on their contributions

Leadership All the members have equal

chance of being a leader

Leadership is skill and

performance oriented.

Operating system&


Simple operating system Operating system is somewhat

complex. Operating system

involves procurement of inputs,


,marketing etc

Entrepreneurial Social empowerment is the basic Income generation and

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activities objective the group formation economic empowerment is the

basic objective of the e-CBOS.

Phases of the CBO

Pre formation: All the activities done before the first community group is formed for the

undertaking the enterprise. It includes host of activities at the promoting organization end

including studies, conceptualizing and envisioning. The promoting organization engages in

community mobilization and initiates enterprise activities taking attendant risks to demonstrate

income potential and viability of the idea.

Beginning: This phase begins with the formation of the first CBO for undertaking economic

activities and when it begins to take responsibility and risks associated with the business.

Maturation: This phase is reached when the CBO is able to carry out all the functions

independent of the facilitating organization. Facilitating organization may still be around but its

role is more in replication and expansion.

Expansion: The CBO begins to expand it activities and start working with new members, in new

area, etc. with or without support of the promoting organization. During this phase it may also

diversify into new line of activities for the members. It also assists the promoting organization to

replicate the success in other places.

Role of Extension in promotion of e-CBOs

Extension is taking a new dimension because of global movement for reforming national

extension systems in developing countries for enhancing the livelihoods of the rural people. The

central and state governments are spending enormous amounts for the development of rural areas

and improving living conditions through livelihood promotion. A livelihood is a means of

making a living. It encompasses people’s capabilities, assets, income and activities required to

secure the necessities of life. A livelihood is sustainable when it enables people to cope with and

recover from shocks and stresses (such as natural disasters and economic or social upheavals)

and enhance their well-being and that of future generations without undermining the natural

environment or resource base. Several programmes have been launched to promote and

strengthen rural agro based livelihoods. Many of the programmes planned and executed by the

various ministries/departments/agencies have almost similar objectives and targeting same

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groups/ areas. This plethora of efforts has been resulting in wastage of resources and failure to

achieve synergies. In order to use the resources efficiently and involve the local governments

actively, coexistence of horizontal coordination and vertical consolidation are

instrumental ,where people and development departments work and plan together. Convergence

planning at various levels can achieve multiple goals such as maximization of returns from the

investment, promotion of public private-community partnerships, sustainable

development ,productivity enhancement ,empowering the people and emergence of good

governance. The convergence planning results in pooling of resources ,both human and capital,

transfer of technologies and value addition through provision of backward and forward linkages.

For promotion of sustainable livelihoods extension system has to play following five

important roles.

Empowerment of people

The term empower means to enable, to allow, or to permit, to make powerful and which

can be self-initiated and initiated by others. The empowerment role can be a cornerstone of the

new approach to extension. Extension personnel need to develop a new philosophy where their

role is to help farmers and rural communities organize themselves and take

charge(empowerment) of their growth and development. Empowering people in the rural areas is

an act of helping communities to build, develop, and increase their power through cooperation,

sharing, and mutual help.

Community-Organization or Institutionalization

Extension personnel must learn the principles of community-organizing and group

management skills in order to empower rural communities, especially the poor or weaker

sections, to organize themselves as community based organizations (CBOs) to access different

kinds of support services like knowledge facilitation, input facilitation, technology facilitation,

storage facilitation, marketing facilitation etc., provided by various organizations. Mobilizing

rural people and institutionalizing them into at various levels is essential step for promotion of

rural livelihoods.

Capacity building

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Capacity building is nothing but creating an enabling environment for income generation

and empowerment the rural people through development ant of skill and providing various

support services. Development of technical capabilities must be combined with management

capability. The entire philosophy of human capacity building is to encourage rural communities

to understand their personal and group styles of managing themselves and to improve their

planning, implementation, and monitoring skills. Capacity building is the essential pillar in the

process of empowerment of the people in the rural areas.

Development of linkages

Establishing linkages with other CBOs, government organizations, NGOs, Private

organizations are crucial for the successful functioning of any enterprise. Educating the farmers

regarding need for strengthening of backward and forward linkages is essential to perform

entrepreneurial activities effectively.

Livelihood promotion

Promotion of agro-based livelihoods is necessary to strengthen the rural economy. Unless

the rural livelihoods are promoted and sustained through adapting various extension strategies

economic development of people in the rural areas cannot be ensured.

People need various types of facilitation to strengthen their enterprises in the rural areas.

No single extension organization can able to perform all the above roles effectively to address

the issue of poverty alleviation, there is a need to optimize efforts through inter-sectoral

convergence of various organizations working for the development of rural people. This

convergence will bring in synergies between different developmental initiatives/ programmes

/schemes in terms of planning, process and implementation. The convergence of different

development departments could facilitate sustainable development through rural livelihood

promotion. Convergence of funds from other sources can help in creation of durable assets. A

multi-pronged extension strategy ( market led, farmer led, Group-led, convergence , Public

Private Partnerships, ICT and gender mainstreaming) with coordinated efforts by multiple

extension agencies can build the livelihood assets like human capital, social capital , natural

capital, financial capital and physical capital to sustain rural based enterprises.

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This paper discusses about how the integrated extension support services in

technological, organizational, marketing and entrepreneurial aspects helped the women in

srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh, India to achieve economic development through

diversified handicrafts making with Mesta fibres. Mesta is a truly versatile fibre gifted by nature

and has inherent characteristics like good strength, moisture absorption and dimensional

stability. With the growing concern over the damage to environment that synthetic goods may

cause , mesta is considered to be the best alternative for making diversified products. As mesta

is eco-friendly and economical, strong , renewable and abundantly available in this area

provides ample scope for preparation of diversified products. By keeping in view the various

organizations working for the development of rural areas focused their attention on promotion of

Mesta handicrafts in this area.

Materials and methods

The investigation was carried out with overall objective of studying the role of integrated

extension service delivery for Promoting natural resource based sustainable livelihoods in

Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.

The present study was conducted in the Laveru and Ranastalam mandals of srikakulam

district of Andhra Pradesh. The case study method was followed for the present study. The data

were collected through personal interviews by using structured schedule and observation.

Results and discussion

This paper discusses the key concept of integration of extension services and significance

of coordination and convergence among various organizations involved in rural development

through integrated grossroots planning and implementation. Different ministries of the

Government of India have a number of programmes for agriculture and allied sectors

development, creating employment opportunities, providing basic minimum services, building

infrastructure and managing land and natural resources for sustainable development in the

country. Therefore government is consistently focusing attention on how to improve farm

incomes and also livelihood security in the rural areas. The purpose of this paper is also to

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explore how integrated extension services provided by various organizations facilitated the rural

women to take up economic activity based on the natural resources available in this area.

A success saga of women labourers turned exporters – A case study

Jute based crafts program is a livelihood option for 272 Women SHG Members hailing

from 14 villages of Laveru & Ranastalam Mandals of Srikakulam District. These twin mandals

are very backward in terms of education and health. These mandals are in the rain shadow zone;

rainfall is very low compare to other areas in the District . Hence there are no assured irrigation

facilities in this area, people depend on dry land cultivation under rain fed conditions. Seasonal

migration of agriculture labour is a common phenomena. Status of women was very poor since

they had no option of income generation. Hibiscus sabdariffa commonly known as Mesta was

extensively grown as a cash crop in the district. Agricultural Research Station (ARS) on Mesta

crop under Indian Council of Aricultural Research (ICAR) is also located at Amadalavalasa,

Srikakulam ,which is being involed in conducting research on Mesta crop . Considering these

facts an NGO named Youth Club of Bejjipuram (YCB) initiated mesta based livelihood

programme to stop migration of people by imparting skills to women, who are searching for

alternative employment sources. People were used Mesta/Jute for making ropes; agriculture

implements etc., Sri. P. Mallikharjuna Rao IFS; The then Project Director, District Rural

Development Agency is the one who realized the importance of promotion on Mesta handi

crafts as livelihood option for the resource poor women. Under his able guidance Youth Club of

Bejjipuram (YCB) conducted vocational training programs on Mesta handicrafts making in the

area in the year 1993-94. DRDA in convergence with Krishi Vigyan Kendra , YCB and other

organizations focused more on capacity building of the women. Initially DRDA started buying of

finished products from crafts persons and established a marketing outlet (CRAFTAGE) in

Srikakulam for marketing of the Mesta products.

Twelve trained women SHG Members in 6 villages were selected and each group was

assisted with matching grant of Rs.15000/- each from DRDA. Then in the year 1997; National

council for Jute diversification came forward to enhance the skill base of crafts persons and

sanctioned an amount of Rs.1.70 lakhs and implemented the jute diversification project for two

years successfully in this area. Crafts persons started to participate in National level crafts

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melas/exhibitions at Delhi, Mysore, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam for selling their products.

Business orders were also started coming to the Federation.

During the year 1999-20 NABARD also came forward to assist for marketing of products

produced by these groups under MAHIMA scheme which benefitted to 50 crafts persons to

become master crafts persons. Then women approached the Development Commissioner (Handi

crafts); Ministry of Textiles, GOI for seeking Assistance under Ambedkar Harstshilp Vikas

Yojana. The scheme was sanctioned in the year 2001-2002. YCB identified 380 crafts persons to

cover under the scheme for a period of 5 years. A good number of skill up gradation Training

programs and Design & Technical Development workshops were implemented in which 300

crafts persons were able to enhance their skills up to produce quality products. As part of the

scheme; common Facility service centre with required Machinery and equipment was established

in Bejjipuram Village which was named as Kasturibha Sadanam. It is being used by all the crafts

persons as resource centre for keeping stocks; and conducting regular meetings; Trainings;

resource centre etc. 272 crafts persons under 16 Artisan SHGs were federated into a mutually

aided cooperative Society in 2003 and was registered under APMACS ACT 1995. The

Development Commissioner (Handi crafts) Sanctioned Rs. 5.00 lakhs margin money to the

Federation and Andhra Bank advanced Rs.8.00 Lakhs to the Federation which is being used by

the Federation to purchase Raw Material for crafts persons. The finished products are also being

purchased by the Federation on by back policy. Brochure on diversified Mesta products were

also prepared for circulation among business organizations.

In 2006 women participated in Scientific Advisory Committee meeting at Krishi

Vignana Kendra and approached the scientists for alternative techniques for synthetic dyeing on

mesta,as these dyes are hazardous to health and poor colour fast . By keeping the felt need of the

women , Krishi Vignana Kendra(KVK) Amadalavalasa with technical support from ACRIP

(Home Science) and financial support from ATMA conducted capacity building programmes on

natural dyeing on Mesta. It helped to give value addition to the products and in turn they were

able to earn more income than earlier.

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Artisans are regularly participation in Melas/Exhibitions/Shilp Bazar/Saras Melas etc.

with the support extended by NABARD; CAPART; Ministry of Rural Development; APHDC;

COHANDS etc. Govt. /Non Govt. agencies. 30 master crafts persons are extending their

expertise on Hired basis to GO/NGO Agencies. Based on the good track record of the

Federation; The Development Commissioner Handicrafts converted the margin money into

matching grant. Every year the Federation has been undertaking business turnover of Rs. 30.00

lakhs and each crafts person is getting income of Rs.3000/- to Rs. 5000/- per month.

The project implementing agencies involved in promotion and strengthening e-CBO adopted

following extension strategies for sustaining livelihoods.

Bottom up planning: Participation of the people is the first step for promotion of economic-

Community Based Organisations. If people are involved in every stage of community

organization and enterprise promotion the rate of success would be more. The youth club of

bejjipuram involved the women in operationalisation and management of the e-CBO.

Group led extension: Organizing women into CBOs empowers them and allows farmers to

more effectively articulate their problems and needs to the research-extension system. Women in

these mandals were formed into Gayatri Mutually Aided Cooperative Society to promote mesta


Capacity building: Capacities of women were built through various skill development

programmes, vocational training programmes and other extension activities like organizing

exposure visits, exhibitions and establishing resource centers. Few women were trained as master

trainers to provide training to the other women.

Market-led extension: The women of Bejjipuram initially started making only few items like

table mats, door mats but later on they started diversified their products by making various

handicraft items like folders, lamp shades, cradles etc. In the beginning they used to dye the

fabric with synthetic dyes but later by observing the market demand they started using natural

dyes on Mesta handicrafts.

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Gender mainstreaming: Gender mainstreaming is the current extension approach to empower

rural societies. In this case study the implementing agencies have observed the plight of the

women in these villages and planned the extension activities like community mobilization, skill

up-gradation and institutional support. Hence by providing support services, capacities of women

could be enhanced thereby welfare of the rural families would be ensured.

Convergence: Convergence of various extension approaches brought synergy in implementation

and mutual cooperation among women. Multiple extension approaches at appropriate time

facilitated the process of empowerment of rural women through promotion of economic activity.

Public Private Partnerships: In this process of sustaining e- CBOs various public and private

extension organizations played different roles and provides various support services like skill

development, credit facilities and marketing facilities etc.

Information communication technology: Information communication technologies foster the

information dissemination. Now The women of Bejjipuram Youth Club were marketing their

products through online.

The contributing factors for the success of mesta handicrafts enterprise is participation of

people, bottom up planning , capacity building and skill up gradation , institutionalization of

women as group through dovetailing of activities of various organizations. Thus convergence of

the activities of various development departments at various levels brought synergy in their

efforts to achieve sustainable development.


e-community community based organizations elicit the action by people within a specific

geographic community or group of communities to create local economic opportunities and

improve quality of life. This approach recognizes that local challenges and opportunities are as

varied as the individual communities themselves. By using knowledge and resources resident in

the community and identifies and capitalizes on local opportunities to stimulate economic

growth and employment. Economic Community Based Organisations (CBOs) would fecilitate

the process of social development through promotion of enterprises.

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