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11A Inquiry

• Example #2, Grade 7– 11.7.01 Understand how to follow procedures

relating to scientific investigations including formulating hypotheses, controlling variables, collecting and recording and analyzing data, interpreting results, and reporting and displaying results.

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• Graphs

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• Density = Mass/Volume

• Density of water is 1 g/cm3

• An object in motion or at rest will…

• Relationship of inertia and gravity

• Speed = Distance/Time

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• So if beginning speed is 2 m/sec and 3 seconds later the final speed is 5 m/sec what was the acceleration during those three seconds?

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• Volume = Length x Width X Height

• Area= Length x Width

• Metric System– Kilometer, meter, centimeter, millimeter– Kilogram, gram, milligram

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11B Technological Design

• Classroom testing—Performance

• State testing—Multiple choice

• Example from Illinois Assessment Framework (IAF) Grade 4– 11.4.06 Assess given test results on a

prototype (i.e., draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the design using given criteria). Analyze data and rebuild and retest prototype as necessary.

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Scientific MethodScientific Method

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Steps in the Scientific Steps in the Scientific MethodMethod

• ObservationObservation• HypothesisHypothesis• ExperimentExperiment• Data CollectionData Collection• ConclusionConclusion• RetestRetest

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• Gathered Gathered through your through your

sensessenses• A scientist A scientist

notices notices something in something in their their natural natural


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• An An exampleexample of of an observationan observation

might be might be noticing that noticing that

many many salamanders salamanders near a pond near a pond

have curved, not have curved, not straight, tailsstraight, tails

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• A suggested A suggested solution to the solution to the problem.problem.

• Must be Must be testabletestable• Sometimes Sometimes

written as written as If…If…Then…Then… statementsstatements

• PredictsPredicts an an outcomeoutcome

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• An An example of a example of a hypothesishypothesis might might be that the be that the salamanders salamanders have curved tails have curved tails due to a due to a pollutant in the pollutant in the moist soil where moist soil where they live. they live.

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•A A procedure procedure to to testtest the the hypothesishypothesis


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VariableVariable – – factor in the factor in the experiment experiment that is being that is being


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A good or A good or “valid” “valid”

experiment experiment will only will only

have have ONE ONE variable!variable!

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Controls and VariablesControls and Variables

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Scientific Experiments Scientific Experiments Follow RulesFollow Rules

• An experimenter changes one factor and observes or measures what happens.

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The Control VariableThe Control Variable

•The experimenter makes a The experimenter makes a special effort to keep special effort to keep other factors constantother factors constant so so that they will not effect that they will not effect the outcome.the outcome.

• Those factors are called Those factors are called control variables.control variables.

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What is the Purpose of What is the Purpose of a Control?a Control?

•Controls are NOT being tested

•Controls are used for COMPARISON

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Other Variables

•The factor that is changed is known as the independent variable.

• The factor that is measured or observed is called the dependent variable.

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Example of Controls & Example of Controls & VariablesVariables

• For example, suppose you want to figure out the fastest route to walk home from school.

• You will try several different routes and time how long it takes you to get home by each one.

• Since you are only interested in finding a route that is fastest for you, you will do the walking yourself.

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What are the Variables What are the Variables in Your Experiment?in Your Experiment?

• Varying the route is the Varying the route is the independent variableindependent variable

• The time it takes is the The time it takes is the dependent variabledependent variable

• Keeping the same walker Keeping the same walker throughout makes the throughout makes the walker a walker a control variable.control variable.

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One more thing… it is best to make several

trials with each independent variable.

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Valid ExperimentsValid Experiments

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Remember: To be a Remember: To be a Valid Experiment:Valid Experiment:

•Two groups are required --- the control & experimental groups

•There should be only one variable

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•Results of the experiment

•May be quantitative (numbers) or qualitative

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•Must be organized

•Can be organized into charts, tables, or graphs

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• The answer to the hypothesis based on the data obtained from the experiment

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In order to verify the results,

experiments must be retested.

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Solving a ProblemSolving a Problem

1)Identify a Problem2) State Observations

about the problem3) Form a Hypothesis

about the problem (if…then…)

4) Design an Experiment to test the hypothesis

5) Collect Data6) Form a Conclusion7) Retest

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12A Living Things

• 12.4.03 Identify the life cycle of familiar animals and compare their various states: birth, growth and development, reproduction, and death. Understand that metamorphosis occurs in some animals (e.g., butterflies, frogs).

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12A Living Things

• 12.7.03 Identify the main differences between plant cells and animal cells, namely that plant cells have chloroplasts and cell walls (which provide rigidity to the plant, since plants have no skeletons). Identify the basic cell organelles and their functions.

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Trisomy 21

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12B Environment and Interaction of Living Things

• 12.4.07 Understand the concept of food chains and food webs and the related classifications of plants or animals (e.g., producers, decomposers, consumers, herbivores, carnivores).

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Illinois Assessment Framework Objective: 12.4.07

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12C Matter and Energy

• 12.4.14 Understand that matter is usually found in 3 states: liquid, solid, and gas and be able to identify the properties of each. Understand that water can be found in all three forms.

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• Electrical power is measured in watts. In an electrical system power (P) is equal to the voltage multiplied by the current.

• P = VI

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Illinois Assessment Framework

Objectives: 11.4.02, 12.7.36

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12C Matter and Energy

• 12.7.43 Identify the 3 subatomic building blocks and their properties. Know that the electron has a negative charge, the proton has a positive charge, and the neutron is electrically neutral.

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• Electromagnetic waves are formed when an Electromagnetic waves are formed when an

electric field (which is shown in blue arrows) electric field (which is shown in blue arrows) travels perpendicular to a magnetic field (which travels perpendicular to a magnetic field (which is shown in red arrows).is shown in red arrows).

• Electromagnetic EnergyElectromagnetic Energy• Electromagnetic SpectrumElectromagnetic Spectrum• Electromagnetic RadiationElectromagnetic Radiation


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Facts about the EMSFacts about the EMS

• Unlike mechanical waves, EM wavesUnlike mechanical waves, EM waves-can -can travel through a through a vacuum.

• Exposure to Exposure to these types of wave beyond these types of wave beyond x-ray are dangerous.x-ray are dangerous.

• Has particle-like behavior.Has particle-like behavior.

• Photons are tiny, massless bundles of energy Photons are tiny, massless bundles of energy which cause this radiation to have momentum. which cause this radiation to have momentum.

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Some waves are longer than othersSome waves are longer than others• Radio WavesRadio Waves• Micro WavesMicro Waves• Infrared WavesInfrared Waves• Visible Light WavesVisible Light Waves• Ultraviolet WavesUltraviolet Waves• X RaysX Rays• Gamma RaysGamma Rays

Listed in order of the Listed in order of the longest wavelength to longest wavelength to the shortest wavelength.the shortest wavelength.

As the wavelength gets As the wavelength gets shorter, the wave gains shorter, the wave gains more penetrating power. more penetrating power.

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Notice the decreasing wavelengthNotice the decreasing wavelength

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Radio WavesRadio Waves

• Radio waves are low energy Radio waves are low energy waves that carry information waves that carry information over very long distances.over very long distances.

• Satellite systemsSatellite systems• Cellular phonesCellular phones• Radio broadcastsRadio broadcasts• Cordless phonesCordless phones

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MicrowavesMicrowavesMicrowaves are most often used to Microwaves are most often used to

carry carry energy inside foods items. This energy inside foods items. This energy energy causes the molecules to causes the molecules to move very fast, move very fast, thus heating the thus heating the

Micro waves are used to transmit Micro waves are used to transmit

television signals. television signals.

Microwaves are used to send Microwaves are used to send

radar signals.radar signals.

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Infrared RadiationInfrared Radiation

The warmest areas are red.

The cooler areas are blue.

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Infrared Radiation is used…Infrared Radiation is used…• By restaurants to keep cooked food hot.By restaurants to keep cooked food hot.

• By police to track running suspects.By police to track running suspects.

• By hunters to see in the dark.By hunters to see in the dark.

• By insects to track prey.By insects to track prey.

• For medical imaging.For medical imaging.

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Visible LightVisible Light

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo VioletViolet

• Visible light is the form of radiation we can see. Visible light is the form of radiation we can see. • Red has the longest wavelength, while violet has Red has the longest wavelength, while violet has

the shortest. the shortest.

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Ultraviolet RadiationUltraviolet Radiation

• comes from the suncomes from the sun

• is mostly blocked by the ozone layeris mostly blocked by the ozone layer

• able to energy to penetrate the skin. able to energy to penetrate the skin.

• helps skin produce vitamin D, which is needed helps skin produce vitamin D, which is needed for healthy bones and teeth. for healthy bones and teeth.

• Remember, ultraviolet (beyond violet) has more Remember, ultraviolet (beyond violet) has more energy than infrared (under red)energy than infrared (under red)

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UV Radiation is used forUV Radiation is used for

• "sun" tanning "sun" tanning • killing germs killing germs • the production of ozone (Othe production of ozone (O33))• disinfecting spa water disinfecting spa water • identification of counterfeit stamps identification of counterfeit stamps

and bills and bills • invisible hand stamps for eventinvisible hand stamps for event

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X-RaysX-Rays• High penetrating power, can penetrate the soft High penetrating power, can penetrate the soft

tissues of the body. tissues of the body.

• Used for medical imagingUsed for medical imaging

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Gamma RaysGamma Rays

• High energy, high penetrating power, very High energy, high penetrating power, very short wavelength. short wavelength.

• Originate from the nucleus of an atomOriginate from the nucleus of an atom..• Exposure can kill cellsExposure can kill cells• Used to kill cancer cells—radiation therapy.Used to kill cancer cells—radiation therapy.

• High energy gamma rays are cosmic High energy gamma rays are cosmic rays.rays.

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Parts of an atom

Three parts of an atom:

Proton = positive (+) charge

Electron = negative ( - )charge

Neutron = no charge ( )

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Atomic number and atomic mass

• This atom is a helium atom

• # of protons = the atomic number (2)

• # of protons + # of neutrons = the atomic mass (2+ 2 = 4)

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Parts of the periodic table

Periods are like weeks on a calendar

Groups are the columns

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Organization of Elements

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Uranium atom being split into Barium and Krypton by a neutron

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Solution and Mixture

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12D Force and Motion

• 12.4.26 Identify the basic forces, such as friction, magnetism, and gravity. Identify which force is operative in a simple scenario.

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12 D Force and Motion

• 12.7.68 Understand how to calculate average speeds, given the distance traveled and the time taken.

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Types of Energy Forms of Energy

Law of Conservation of


Amusement Park Physics and



Renewable and Nonrenewable Sources

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Renewable Nonrenewable

Main Menu

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Kinetic Energy Potential Energy

Main Menu

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Radiant ElectricalChemical

Thermal Nuclear




Main Menu

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Radiant energy is also called electromagnetic energy. Radiant energy is the movement of photons. All life on earth is dependent on radiant energy from the sun. Examples of radiant energy include radio waves (AM, FM, TV), microwaves, X-rays, and plant growth. Active solar energy uses photovoltaic panels and light to turn radiant energy into chemical energy.

Forms of Energy

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Chemical energy is the energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. This a form of potential energy until the bonds are broken. Fossil fuels and biomass store chemical energy. Products that contain chemical energy include: TNT, baking soda, and a match. Biomass, petroleum, natural gas, propane and coal are examples of stored chemical energy.

Forms of Energy

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Electrical energy is the movement of elections. Lightning and static electricity are examples of electrical energy that occur naturally. Science hasn't found a way to use natural forms of electrical energy, like lightning. Instead, we use different energy sources to create electrical energy by using generators and turbines.

Forms of Energy

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Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Nuclear energy is unusual in that it can give off energy in the form of light or heat, but it is the change in the atom's makeup that produces the energy. Submarines, power plants, and smoke detectors all use nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants use uranium, a radioactive element, to create electricity.

Forms of Energy

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Thermal energy is the internal energy in substances-the vibration and movement of atoms and molecules within substance. Thermal energy is created in the movement of atoms. Boiling water, burning wood, and rubbing your hands together really fast are all examples of heat energy. Geothermal and passive solar are sources of heat energy, but biomass (a type of chemical energy) can be burned to produce heat energy.

Forms of Energy

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Sound energy is the movement molecules in the air that produces vibrations. Alarms, music, speech, ultrasound medical equipment all use sound energy. VCR tapes change sound energy into electrical energy. The electrical energy records the sound using magnetic tape. Speakers read the magnetic tape and change it back into sound.

Forms of Energy

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Mechanical energy is the movement of machine parts. Mechanical energy is also the total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system. Wind-up toys, grandfather clocks, and pogo sticks are examples of mechanical energy. Wind power uses mechanical energy to help create electricity.

Potential energy + Kinetic energy =

Mechanical energy Next

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Potential energy + Kinetic energy = Mechanical energy

Forms of Energy

Example of energy changes in a swing or pendulum.

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Magnetic energy is the attraction of objects made of iron. Medical equipment, compass, refrigerator magnets are all examples of magnetic energy. Any type of energy source that uses a generator in the process to make electricity uses magnetic energy.

Forms of Energy

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Kinetic energy exists whenever an object which has mass is in motion with some velocity. Everything you see moving about has kinetic energy.  The kinetic energy of an object in this case is given by the relation:

KE = (1/2)mv2

m=mass of the object

V=velocity of the object

The greater the mass or velocity of a moving object, the more kinetic energy it has.

Kinetic Energy Lab


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The greater the mass or velocity of a moving object, the more kinetic energy it has.

Kinetic Energy Lab Types of Energy

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Potential energy exists whenever an object which has mass has a position within a force field. The most everyday example of this is the position of objects in the earth's gravitational field. The potential energy of an object in this case is given by the relation:

PE = mgh

 PE = Energy (in Joules)

m = mass (in kilograms)

g = gravitational acceleration of the earth (9.8 m/sec2)

h = height above earth's surface (in meters)

Potential Energy LabTypes of Energy

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Law of Conservation of Energy- Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy is always changing from one kind to another. The total energy of an object never changes.

Potential energy + Kinetic energy = Total energy and Total energy – Kinetic energy = Potential energy and Total energy - Potential energy = Kinetic energy

Main MenuMain Menu

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Main MenuNext

Work is the transfer of energy through motion. In order for work to take place, a force must be exerted through a distance. The amount of work done depends on two things: the amount of force exerted and the distance over which the force is applied. There are two factors to keep in mind when deciding when work is being done: something has to move and the motion must be in the direction of the applied force. Work can be calculated by using the following formula: Work=force x distance

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Main MenuMain Menu

Work is done on the books when they are being lifted, but no work is done on them when they are being held or carried horizontally.

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Main Menu

The links provided will take you to several interactive sites where you will be expected to answer questions about energy, build roller coasters to specifications, and play games that involve providing the correct information to questions. Your teacher will instruct you on what to complete at each site.

Amusement Park Physics Build a CoasterEnergy Quiz

Change Coaster Properties

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Properties of matter

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General Properties of Matter

•Matter is anything that has mass and volume

•Everything is made of matter

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What are properties?

•Characteristics used to describe an object

•Ex: color, odor, shape, size, texture,hardness


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General Properties of matter

•Mass, weight, volume, and density

•Properties are used to identify a substance

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What is mass?

•Mass is the amount of matter in an object

•Mass is constant•Mass is also the measure of inertia

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What is inertia?

•Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion

•The more mass the greater the inertia

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•How is mass related to inertia?

•Why are properties of an object important?

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•Which object has more inertia, an empty wagon or one loaded with rocks? Why?

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•What does a seatbelt do for a passenger when a car stops suddenly?

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•Why would the passenger move forward without the restraining force of the belt?

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•What would stop a passenger if the seatbelt were not in place?

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•What other safety features are present in a car in response to a person’s inertia in a moving vehicle?

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Weight•The measure of the force of

gravity on the mass of an object

•Weight changes with gravity

•The metric unit for weight is a Newton (N)

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Weight formula

• 1 kg = 2.2 pounds• Weight is mass times gravity (9.8

m/s2) • W= m x g• What is your mass? • What is your weight in Newtons?

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What is gravity?

•The force of attraction between objects is gravity

•All objects exert a gravitational force on each other

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•Why can’t you feel the attraction between you and other objects the same way you are pulled toward Earth?

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Gravitational pull

•The greater the mass of an object the greater the gravitational force

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•Why can’t we feel the pull of gravity from Jupiter even though it is so massive?

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What affects gravity?

•The pull of gravity weakens as the distance between objects increases

•gravity depends on mass and distance

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•The further an object is from the center of the earth, the less the object will weigh

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•Would you weigh less, more, or the same on top of Mount Everest?

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•The moon is smaller than the earth. How would your weight be different on the moon?

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•What are three properties of matter related to mass?

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•What is density and how is it calculated?

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•The density of water is 1.0 g/ml

•Objects with densities greater than 1.0 will sink in water

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•Objects with densities less than 1.0 g/ml will float on water

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•Ice floats therefore it is less dense than water

•Ice mostly remains underwater with only a portion of it being exposed

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Astronomy fact!

•The planet Saturn has a density of less than 1.0 g/ml. If there was an ocean big enough to hold it, it would float!

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•If 96.5 grams of gold has a volume of 5 cubic centimeters, what is the density of gold?

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•If 96.5 g of aluminum has a volume of 35 cm3, what is the density of aluminum?

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•If the density of a diamond is 3.5 g/cm3, what would be the mass of a diamond whose volume is 0.5 cm3?

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What is specific gravity?

•A comparison of the density of a substance and the density of water is specific gravity

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•How is density different from specific gravity?

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What is a physical property?

•Physical properties are those that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance

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Phases of matter (video)•Four phases of matter:

solid, liquid, gas, and plasma

•solids have a definite shape and volume

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Solid particle arrangement

•Solids are tightly packed and the particles vibrate

•Two types of solids are crystalline and amorphous

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Types of solids

•Crystalline solids are arranged in repeating patterns called crystals (salt, sugar)

•Amorphous solids can lose their shape

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Examples of amorphous solids

• Tar, candle wax, glass • Shape changes under certain conditions (differences in temperature)

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Liquid particle arrangement

•Liquids have particles that are close together, but are free to move

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•Describe the shape of a liquid.

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Describe a liquid

•Liquids do not have a definite shape, but they have a definite volume

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•What happens when one-liter of soda is poured into a four-liter container?

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Properties of liquids

•Liquids do not expand to fill the volume of a container

•Liquids are characterized by their ability to flow

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What is viscosity?

•The resistance of a liquid to flow

•The difficulty of a liquid to flow easily

•Honey, motor oil, corn syrup have a high viscosity

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Behavior of liquids

•Cohesion is the force of attraction between LIKE particles

•Adhesion is the force of attraction between UNLIKE particles

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Surface tension (video)

•Tendency of particles to pull together at the surface of a liquid due to cohesion

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•Describe the viscosity of a liquid.

•Describe a liquid’s shape.

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•How is adhesion different from cohesion?

•Explain surface tension.

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Properties of gases

•Gases do not have a definite shape or volume (video)

•They fill all the available space in a container

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Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter

•Matter is made of tiny particles in constant motion

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•How are solids, liquids, and gases different from one another?

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Gas laws

•Boyle’s and Charles’ law describe the behavior of gases with changes in temperature, pressure, and volume

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Charles Law

•Charles’ law describes a relationship between the temperature and volume of a gas (constant pressure)

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Charles’ Law

•As the temperature of a gas increases, the volume of a gas increases

•Heating air causes it to expand

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•How can you explain the fact that gas particles expand to fill space?

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•The force that particles of a substance (gas/liquid) will apply over a certain area

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Boyle’s Law

•Boyle’s law describes the relationship between the volume and pressure of gases (constant temperature)

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Boyle’s law

•If the volume of a gas decreases, then the pressure of a gas increases (Boyle’s law)

•The smaller the space a gas occupies, the more pressure

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•Plasma (phase) •most common phase in the

universe, dangerous, very high energy (found in stars)

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•What are the four phases of matter?

•Describe the plasma phase of matter.

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Phase changes (video)

•Phase changes in matter are melting, freezing, vaporization, condensation, and sublimation

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What is a physical change?

•Physical changes involve the changing of physical properties

•Type of matter remains the same

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•Describe each of the five phase changes (melting, freezing, vaporization, condensation, and sublimation).

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Physical changes

•Changing color, shape, phase, texture, hardness, odor would be a physical change

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Melting video•Phase change from a solid to a liquid

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Melting point

•Temperature in which a solid changes to a liquid

•Physical property

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•How is melting different from freezing?

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Phase changes (video)

• Involve a change in volume, but mass remains constant

• Adding or removing energy from matter results in phase changes

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•Phase change from a liquid to a gas

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Boiling point (video)

•The temperature in which a liquid boils

•Point at which a liquid changes to a gas

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Freezing (video)

•Phase change of a liquid to a solid

•The temperature in which this occurs is the freezing point

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•Condensation is the phase change from a gas to a liquid

•Sublimation is a phase change from solid to a gas

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•Describe a difference between condensation and vaporization.

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Sublimation examples

•Dry ice and iodine are examples solids that undergo sublimation

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Chemical properties

•Describe how a substance changes into new substances are chemical properties

•Ex: flammability

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Chemical changes

•The change of a substance into a new and different substance

•Also known as a chemical reaction


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•What is another name for a chemical change?

•Describe sublimation.•How is a chemical change

different from a physical change?

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12E, 12F, 13A, 13B Grade 4 and 7

• Select Assessment Objective– Identify topic/unit of study– Suggest activities for the classroom– Develop multiple choice question (s)

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12E Earth’s features and processes

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• Sedimentation

• Erosion

• Cons

• constructive versus destructive force

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12F Space

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Solar eclipse

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Lunar eclipse

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13A Practices of Science

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13B Science, Technology and Society

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• An ice cube made with tap water will melt in less than 30 minutes in a room at sea level with a temperature of 20C or 68F.

• If skin cancer is related to ultraviolet light , then people with a high exposure to uv light will have a higher frequency of skin cancer.

• If leaf color change is related to temperature , then exposing plants to low temperatures will result in changes in leaf color.