is and service dollar you...

SPECIAL NOTICES. TIIH DISTRICT BOARD OK VETERINARY examiners Inr Horns*** tn prartlc. will take B!»ro June IS nnil 1!\ 1020. in Uie District biilMing boardroom. 0 a.m. K. \V. ISRENFEM,. Secy, 1«1R H «t. n.w. !«. frcKsOXS WITNESSING Al(ll)I.\T AT 31«t find M sts. n.w. almut S o'clock p.m.. Jnne 3, u- mhieh woman tras thrown from street car. are r«Miuosti-<l t.» communicate with liERNARl> W. McELROY. Attorney, 332 \Voo«lwnr»l Mdg. !«. SPEt'IAL NOTICE. TO THE STOCK IIOLOERS OF THE AMER- l^sn I>airv Supply Company. A dividend of two (l"vi per rent lias been declared on the outstanding >b»rcs of the capital stork of the American Dairy Supply Company, payable July I, to all holder* of certificates «»f «ald hfock of record at the close of huninesft on the 10th day of .Inly, Stockholder* are reguest»»d :o furnish tlieir correct addresses in case of ch.iu*«* within the last six month*. WALTER B. WILCOX. Secretary. vanteik a Load or household oooto «r fr-ij;ht to New York city every day this month. iilE BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. INC\ Phone West 1841. FLOOR WAXING AND REBANISHING; KLEC- trie machine* used: racnnm cleaning; prmnpt service. It. K* NASH, 4<fl S st. n.w* North 3*100. Jyl.^* BY SPECIAL DISPENSATION FROM THE worthy grand matron, Martha Chapter, O. II. S.. No. 4, will open its meeting June IS at 7:80 p.m. . «VoEU7~S!L.VEK AND BRONZE MEDAL Ci'ivT test. Gregg Shorthand Hand Asso., Thursday. «S p.m., Rreutano l»Mir. Dictation by pnuniuent govt. cfflcjal. All Gregg writers invited. 17* Tin: ANNUAL ELEITION OF NINE <0> trustees of the Herman American Fire Ins. Co. of D. C. will be held at the office of the com- panj, 511 7th st. n.w., on THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1920. Tolls op<*n from II a.m. to 1 p.m. II. 7! BERGMANN. Secretary. REDUCED RATES.WANTED A LOAI> OF furniture or anything for Wilmington, Phila¬ delphia and New York. JOHNSTON S AUTO EXPRESS CO., 707 3th st. n.w. Main 72.13. 23* YOUR PIANO OR PLAYER pot In perfect order. Free estimate*. SAUNDERS. 903 Princeton pi. Col. 1098. Jj7* ' THE SHADE SHOP *. 733 12th St. NS£.?* Branches. PHONE MAIN 4S74. When You Need Window Shades Kemember Our Factory Prices. Satisfying Service .in All Printing .matters. National Capital Press #11 11th St. Phone M. 650 (3 trunk lines). SHEDD PLUMBING *7/VC irwu Skilled craftsmen. /w lUtfl Guaranteed dependable work, cash price. Let us sup-1 ply you. ~r\tt .-I.-. nr 1 .««xl. «'.«* .tocfc.«t I Ottering ,n efp«lally .ttrmctire White Pine Moldings Geo. M. Barker Co., Inc. 649-ftol V. Y. ave.: 1517 7th st. Tel. M. 1348. ' PAINTING Exterior. Interior. First-class work. At reasonable cost. North 90i>2-J. Moran, 59-A Bates 21* pRVOF/S £>ure Whlte Le>dt pure Lead and Pure White Zinc. Zinc Paints. Established Pure Linseed Oil. Since 1754. _ , Guarantee Pure RprL'pr Piinf Co The Old House with cecKer raint l,o. the Toang sPirit.*- 1239 Wisconsin are. n.w. Phone W. 67. *1 NEVER DISAPPOINT." Better Printed Literature .bears the impress of this long-esttb- | lished house. High grade, but not high priced. THE SERVICE SHOP BYRON S. ADAMS. CLAFLIN OPTICAL CO., 907 F STREET. Eipert Frame Pitting. PLUMBING REPAIRING Have It Done Right.Get Casey PLUMBING. HEATING AND TINNING. PASFV 3207 Wth SJ. N.W. VMTjJH X phooe Col. 1341331. GOING AWAY? Better feel sure about the roof before closing bouse. Let us serve you. IRONCLAD Comi»«»y. Ph. M.ln 14 1 House Painting and Paperhanging Pr1r*« Tight. Estimates cheerfully {tia, INDEPENDENT WALLPAPER 00.. S. B. Downing, Manager, 90> 7th at. n.w. Phone Main 74B6. 3»lf BIG MODERN OPTICAL PLANT .on the premises. It is equipped to make just the kind of eyeglasses you need. M. A. LEESE ROOF LEAKING Phone ns. R. K. FERGUSON, Inc. 1114 9th St. N.W.-Ph. N. 231-232 Roofing Department. MISS NORBECK OK NEW YORK. SPECIALIST .f Herman permanent hair-waving method. Wishes to announce her return to Washington for the month of May with RAUSL'S Hair* dressing Shop. 1333 G st. n.w. 1ft* LEAKY ROOFS Made water-tight for years with one coat of our METAL RASE ROOF PAINT. M. A. LIGHTFOOT. 1624 10th st. n.w. Phone N. 414. 17* CLAFLIN FOR EYEGLASSES Reliable Roof Work Grafton & Son, iN& "Hoofing Experts 36 Year*." STRONGER LEAGUE ASKED. Lloyd George Will Hear Anti-War Delegation's Proposal. LONDON, June 15..Premier Lloyd George has promised to receive tomor¬ row a deputation organized by the I.(-ague to Abolish War. which will urge that the covenant of the league of na¬ tions be so extended or developed as to secure the creation of an international police force, at the disposal of the league; the simultaneous obligatory dis¬ armament of all nations and prohibition of th>* private manufacture of munitions of war. Good Investments Are Hard to Find Occasionally We Can Recommend One and We Do Here Near Wardman Park Inn In the handsomest street In this vicinity, a' nine-room-and- two-bath brick residence hav¬ ing all modern improvements, electricity, hot-water heat, hardwood floors, deep lot to wide alley and garage for two cars. To be sold on very at¬ tractive terms at $13,500. Peal Estate MCKEEVER-ndGOSC I 1405 Eye Street., N.W. I "Tries to Explain Weakness; Ingratiate Himself With Certain Elements." CHICAGO. June 16 (by the Asso¬ ciated Press)..Maj. Gen. Wood, in a signed statement last night, charac- terized as a "vicious and malicious falsehood" a declaration by Nicholas Murray Butler, that a "motley group of stock gamblers, oil and mining pro¬ moters, munitions makers and other like persons" backed the generals campaign for the republican presi¬ dential nomination Gen. Wood said that he regretted to make the statement but that it was necessary to "brand a fakir and to; denounce a lie." Declaring that the men who managed his campaign were) of "extraordinary high character," the general said that the attack upon them "is infamous" and that Mr. But¬ ler's action was "an attempt to in¬ gratiate himself with certain ele¬ ments which exercised a determining influence at the convention.'* Gen. Wood'* Statement. The statement follows: MI have Just read the statement Is¬ sued in New York by Nicholas Murray Butler to the effect that a motley group of stock gamblers and others tried to buy the presidential nomina¬ tion for me, and that the forces who were defeated in their Insolent at¬ tempt to buy the nomination repre¬ sent all that Is worst in American business and political life, "The statement is a vicious and malicious falsehood. I would ignore it if it were directed at me alone, but I cannot remain silent when my loyal friends and supporters are vlllifled. Col. William Cooper 1'rocter, who was chairman of my campaign com¬ mittee, Is a man of extraordinary high character, known throughout the length and breadth of the land for his absolute Integrity and honesty. His associates were men of like character, most of whom responded to their country's call during the war. They typify a group of progressive Amer¬ icans. The attack upon them Is In¬ famous. "Nation-Wide Poll." "The forces -which brought tne be¬ fore the convention with preponder¬ ant force were hundreds of thousands of patriotic men and women In every walk of life who h«-*e Indorsed me at nation-wide state conventions, nation¬ wide state primaries, and In a nation¬ wide poll of unprecedented size. "This action of Nicholas Murray Butler is an attempt to ingratiate himself with certain elements which exercised a determining Influence at the convention and possibly to explain his own political weakness. It is a self-seeking cowardly attack, made under th,e cloak ot an alleged service which was never intended or rendered. - "I regret to make a statement or this kind, but it is necessary in tkis instance to brand a fakir and to de- nounce a lie." HOLLAND-ENGLAND AIR LINE. LONDON. May £9 (Correspondence of the Associated Press)..Holland is to be linked up with England by a regular air service, which will shortly commence. The machines will leave Croydon, which is a suburb of don, three times a week and will land at an aerodrome in Holland, about twenty minutes' run from Amsterdam. A regular automobile service from the aerodrome and Amsterdam will be maintained. The distance of the air flight is about 260 miles. Abe Martin Says: Remember when you used t' feel sorry fer th' feller that spaded your garden ? POTATO BUGS, BEETLES AND LICE PLAYING HAVOC WITH GARDENS Havoc Is being- played with the gar- dens of Washlngtonians who are en¬ deavoring to combat the high cost of living by raising some vegetables in their back or side yards, by potato bugs, flea beetles, plant lice and striped cucumber beetles. William C. Hall, agricultural agent for the District, stated today that the local gardeners must be on their guard to prevent complete loss of their crops by these insects. He says the old-fashioned Colorado potato beetles or hard shells, as they are known, came out of the ground two or three weeks afto and laid their eggs on the young potato plants. These eggs are now hatched and the slugs or soft-shell bugs that they produced are working upon the pota¬ to plants. He said that unless prompt action is taken they will completely destroy the foliage and the tender stems of the potatoes as they have enormous appetites and a colony of them will do great damage in a short time. Mr. Hall says there are two ways of getting rid of the soft-shell potato beetles. Where there are not too many, the simplest way is to take an old flat pan, place a little water in the bottom of It a thin skim of kerosene on top of the water, then ro along the rows of potatoes and knock the bugs from the plants into the pan. Another method is to dust the plants with air-slacked lime or land plaster, to which there has been added Paris green or arsenate of lead, at the rate of a heaping teaspoonful to a pint of the lime or plaster; The easiest [[HOI MS REGRETS. BUT SACKS UP CI P. Wisconsin Senator Believe* That Man of Liberal Wing Should Have Been Selected. SUPERIOR, Wis* Juno 16 (by the Associated Press)..While expressing regret at the nomination of Senator Harding by the republican conven¬ tion, Senator I. Lenroot of WTscon- sin, in a statement here today, declared that "in this situation there can be but one choice, It seems to me, and that Is to heartily support the re¬ publican ticket." "I frankly regret the choice of the republican convention, as I believe a man who had been allied with the lib¬ eral wing of the party should have been selected," Senator Lenroot said. "However, Senator Harding Is a most lovable man of the McKinley type, and makes friends easily, "There Is dissatisfaction upon the part of progressives, but they must choose between supporting the repub¬ lican ticket and having another four years of democratic rule and all that It Implies. In this situation there can be but one choice. It seems to me, and that is to heartily support the republican ticket." SHEEP MEN ORGANISE. Those ill New Mexico Make Effort to Eliminate Middlemen. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. June 16 . The Wool Growers' Co-operative As¬ sociation of New Mexico has been formed for the purpose of eliminating middlemen and increasing the re¬ turns to the sheep men. It is the Intention this year to concentrate In a warehouse In Chi-' cago, for grading and selling to spinners, as much of the wool clip as is pledged to the association. Sheep men say at present wool passes through the hands of from two to five persons after the grower sells It until It reaches the man who makes It into cloth. ENGRAVING BEST QUALITY WORK BOOK HUNTERS' SHOP 1S44 G St. N.W., Near Cor. 14th & G "Washing-ton's Newest Book Store i^..-i.......i ll-an s water Sure Relief ¦LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION because itis a clean White paper glass of Charming appearance.the aristocrat among soda/fcnntain glasses. Puritv Specialties Co. ouvaaijnrr. omn whcm, Dencio-a. bldg. Philadelphia a Bell Jfkore Walnut 4680 Keystone Phone Race 3810-11 jjly Glass method of applying the poison mixture isito place it in a cheesecloth or thin burlap bag and dust the plants by shaking the bag directly over them. The poison will adhere best if applied during the early morning or late even¬ ing. while the dew is upon the plants. Plant lice, he said, will soon make their appearance in the local gardens and will be found on the under side of the leaves sucking the juices of the tender leaves. Owing to the fact that these Insects do not eat the surface, he said, it is almost impossible to poison them except by what are termed "contact poisons." Spraying the under side of the leaves with a weak solution of nicotine sulphate or some form of tobacco extract, using about a teaspoonl'ul in a gallon of water, in which there are previously dissolved a one-Inch cube of laundry soap, tie directs that some form of sprayer or atomizer be used to apply the liquid. Prevention In IIe*t Way. "Don't let the Insects get a start," is the advice of Mr. Hall. The striped cucumber beetle has al¬ ready started to work, he said, on young, tender plants of cucumbers, melons anil squashes. Covering the plants with mosquito netting or with ordinary wire fly screens is one method of protecting the young plants. The edges should be weighed down firmly around the ground. An¬ other method is to dust the plants with air slacked-llme or land plaster, to which has been applied a teaspoon- ful of kerosene or turpentine to the quart of lime or plaster. AID TO CHURCH SCHOOLS. CONSTANTINE QUITS ITALY Col. Sperings Gives $50,000 to Presbyterians' Million Fund. SPARTANBURG. S. C., June 16..An¬ nouncement was made here today that Col. Leroy Sperings of Lancaster, S. C. has given $50,000 to the million dollar fund being raised by the Presbyterians of South Carolina, for tho endowment of church schools. C. E. Graham of Greenville, some time ago. pledged $100,- 000 on condition that the remaining $900,000 be raised. GENEVA, Switzerland. Juno 15.. Former King Constantine of Greece, who has been in Italy since the latter part of May, taking the cure at Salsomag- giore. returned to Switzerland by way of Chiasso in an automobile yesterday, his destination being Lucerne. He was accompanied by former Queen Sophie. The ex-king's return to Switzerland Is attribiiied here to a reported request by the Italian government that he quit Italy because of his political intrigues. Merchandisers of Real Estate That is something of a new term, but it is what we are. It means matching the property with the man who can use it. SERVICE AS BIG AS THE CITY The Largest Real Estate Organfcation in Washington THE BEST BUY TODAY SAUL'S ADDITION $13,750 An artistic and attractively arranged bungalow, substantial construction and excellent finish. It has 7 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights and spa¬ cious porches. It is on a 40x140-ft. lot and lias a two-car garage on a paved alley. Immediate possession. Doing the Largest Real Estate Business in Washington SHANNON & LUCHS Main 2345 REALTORS 713 14th St See Our opportunities In Fur Sale Houaea Column Store Your Piano and Household Furniture ..with us during the summer or as long as you desire. It will be well taken care of and ready when you need it. Call Main 6900 and Arrange With Us at Once for Storage. ! Merchants' Transfer & Storage Co.¦ . 1920-922 E St. We Move Anything Phone M. 6900 i ^ .VX~X~X~XKK~XK~X~XK~X~XK-X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X":~X'»8"9»W. is judged by the quality, satisfac¬ tion, economy and service each dollar you invest in clothes will bring you. Often the lowest Price Ticket means the lowest measure of value, per dollar- and not economy at all. Kuppenheimer Good Clothes give a full " 100 - cents - on - the- dollar" of value. They are for the man who shrewdly looks at clothes-getting as an investment. in good appearance and lasting wear. We offer them to you because we know they are the kind of clothes that are good for you to buy.we know they will satisfy, are value. IOI3 PENN. AVE. N.W. .the House of Kuppenheimer clothes Ctpyiifht, l }*o, The Howe of Koppcafcelmet

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SPECIAL NOTICES.TIIH DISTRICT BOARD OK VETERINARYexaminers Inr Horns*** tn prartlc. will takeB!»ro June IS nnil 1!\ 1020. in Uie DistrictbiilMing boardroom. 0 a.m.

K. \V. ISRENFEM,. Secy,1«1R H «t. n.w. !«.

frcKsOXS WITNESSING Al(ll)I.\T AT 31«t

find M sts. n.w. almut S o'clock p.m.. Jnne 3,u- mhieh woman tras thrown from street car.are r«Miuosti-<l t.» communicate with liERNARl>W. McELROY. Attorney, 332 \Voo«lwnr»lMdg. !«.

SPEt'IAL NOTICE.TO THE STOCK IIOLOERS OF THE AMER-l^sn I>airv Supply Company. A dividend oftwo (l"vi per rent lias been declared on theoutstanding >b»rcs of the capital stork of theAmerican Dairy Supply Company, payable JulyI, to all holder* of certificates «»f «aldhfock of record at the close of huninesft onthe 10th day of .Inly, Stockholder* arereguest»»d :o furnish tlieir correct addresses incase of ch.iu*«* within the last six month*.WALTER B. WILCOX. Secretary.vanteik a Load or household oooto«r fr-ij;ht to New York city every day thismonth.

iilE BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. INC\Phone West 1841.

FLOOR WAXING AND REBANISHING; KLEC-trie machine* used: racnnm cleaning; prmnptservice. It. K* NASH, 4<fl S st. n.w* North3*100. Jyl.^*BY SPECIAL DISPENSATION FROM THEworthy grand matron, Martha Chapter, O. II.S.. No. 4, will open its meeting June IS at7:80 p.m. .

«VoEU7~S!L.VEK AND BRONZE MEDAL Ci'ivTtest. Gregg Shorthand Hand Asso., Thursday.«S p.m., Rreutano l»Mir. Dictation by pnuniuentgovt. cfflcjal. All Gregg writers invited. 17*Tin: ANNUAL ELEITION OF NINE <0>trustees of the Herman American Fire Ins. Co.of D. C. will be held at the office of the com-

panj, 511 7th st. n.w., on THURSDAY. JUNE17, 1920. Tolls op<*n from II a.m. to 1 p.m.

II. 7! BERGMANN. Secretary.REDUCED RATES.WANTED A LOAI> OFfurniture or anything for Wilmington, Phila¬delphia and New York. JOHNSTON S AUTOEXPRESS CO., 707 3th st. n.w. Main 72.13.


pot In perfect order. Free estimate*.SAUNDERS. 903 Princeton pi. Col. 1098. Jj7*'

THE SHADE SHOP*. 733 12th St. NS£.?*Branches.


When You Need Window ShadesKemember Our Factory Prices.

Satisfying All Printing.matters.

National Capital Press#11 11th St. Phone M. 650 (3 trunk lines).

SHEDD PLUMBING*7/VC irwu Skilled craftsmen./w lUtfl Guaranteed dependable work,

cash price. Let us sup-1ply you.

~r\tt .-I.-. nr 1 .««xl. «'.«* .tocfc.«t IOttering ,n efp«lally .ttrmctireWhite PineMoldingsGeo. M. Barker Co., Inc.

649-ftol V. Y. ave.: 1517 7th st. Tel. M. 1348.'

PAINTINGExterior. Interior. First-class work.At reasonable cost. North 90i>2-J.

Moran, 59-A Bates21*

pRVOF/S £>ure Whlte Le>dt

pure Lead and Pure White Zinc.Zinc Paints.Established Pure Linseed Oil.

Since 1754._,Guarantee Pure

RprL'pr Piinf Co The Old House withcecKer raint l,o. the Toang sPirit.*-1239 Wisconsin are. n.w. Phone W. 67.

*1 NEVER DISAPPOINT."Better Printed Literature

.bears the impress of this long-esttb- |lished house.High grade, but not high priced.


Eipert Frame Pitting.PLUMBING REPAIRINGHave It Done Right.Get CaseyPLUMBING. HEATING AND TINNING.PASFV 3207 Wth SJ. N.W.VMTjJH X phooe Col. 1341331.

GOING AWAY?Better feel sure about the roof beforeclosing bouse. Let us serve you.

IRONCLAD Comi»«»y. Ph. M.ln 14 1House Painting and

PaperhangingPr1r*« Tight. Estimates cheerfully {tia,INDEPENDENT WALLPAPER 00..S. B. Downing, Manager,

90> 7th at. n.w. Phone Main 74B6. 3»lf


.on the premises. It isequipped to make just thekind of eyeglasses youneed.


Phone ns.

R. K. FERGUSON, Inc.1114 9th St. N.W.-Ph. N. 231-232

Roofing Department.MISS NORBECK OK NEW YORK. SPECIALIST.f Herman permanent hair-waving method.Wishes to announce her return to Washingtonfor the month of May with RAUSL'S Hair*dressing Shop. 1333 G st. n.w. 1ft*

LEAKY ROOFSMade water-tight for years with one coat ofour METAL RASE ROOF PAINT. M. A.LIGHTFOOT. 1624 10th st. n.w. Phone N.414. 17*


Reliable Roof WorkGrafton & Son, iN&

"Hoofing Experts 36 Year*."

STRONGER LEAGUE ASKED.Lloyd George Will Hear Anti-War

Delegation's Proposal.LONDON, June 15..Premier LloydGeorge has promised to receive tomor¬

row a deputation organized by theI.(-ague to Abolish War. which will urgethat the covenant of the league of na¬tions be so extended or developed as tosecure the creation of an internationalpolice force, at the disposal of theleague; the simultaneous obligatory dis¬armament of all nations and prohibitionof th>* private manufacture of munitionsof war.


Are Hard to FindOccasionally

We Can Recommend Oneand We Do Here

Near Wardman Park InnIn the handsomest street In

this vicinity, a' nine-room-and-two-bath brick residence hav¬ing all modern improvements,electricity, hot-water heat,hardwood floors, deep lot towide alley and garage for twocars. To be sold on very at¬tractive terms at $13,500.

Peal Estate

MCKEEVER-ndGOSCI 1405 Eye Street., N.W. I

"Tries to Explain Weakness;Ingratiate Himself With

Certain Elements."CHICAGO. June 16 (by the Asso¬

ciated Press)..Maj. Gen. Wood, in asigned statement last night, charac-terized as a "vicious and maliciousfalsehood" a declaration by NicholasMurray Butler, that a "motley groupof stock gamblers, oil and mining pro¬moters, munitions makers and otherlike persons" backed the generalscampaign for the republican presi¬dential nominationGen. Wood said that he regretted to

make the statement but that it wasnecessary to "brand a fakir and to;denounce a lie." Declaring that themen who managed his campaign were)of "extraordinary high character," thegeneral said that the attack uponthem "is infamous" and that Mr. But¬ler's action was "an attempt to in¬gratiate himself with certain ele¬ments which exercised a determininginfluence at the convention.'*

Gen. Wood'* Statement.The statement follows:MI have Just read the statement Is¬

sued in New York by Nicholas MurrayButler to the effect that a motleygroup of stock gamblers and otherstried to buy the presidential nomina¬tion for me, and that the forces whowere defeated in their Insolent at¬tempt to buy the nomination repre¬sent all that Is worst in Americanbusiness and political life,"The statement is a vicious and

malicious falsehood. I would ignore itif it were directed at me alone, but Icannot remain silent when my loyalfriends and supporters are vlllifled.Col. William Cooper 1'rocter, who

was chairman of my campaign com¬

mittee, Is a man of extraordinary highcharacter, known throughout thelength and breadth of the land for hisabsolute Integrity and honesty. Hisassociates were men of like character,most of whom responded to theircountry's call during the war. Theytypify a group of progressive Amer¬icans. The attack upon them Is In¬famous.

"Nation-Wide Poll.""The forces -which brought tne be¬

fore the convention with preponder¬ant force were hundreds of thousandsof patriotic men and women In everywalk of life who h«-*e Indorsed me atnation-wide state conventions, nation¬wide state primaries, and In a nation¬wide poll of unprecedented size."This action of Nicholas Murray

Butler is an attempt to ingratiatehimself with certain elements whichexercised a determining Influence at

the convention and possibly to explainhis own political weakness. It is a

self-seeking cowardly attack, madeunder th,e cloak ot an allegedservice which was never intended or

rendered. -

"I regret to make a statement or

this kind, but it is necessary in tkisinstance to brand a fakir and to de-nounce a lie."


of the Associated Press)..Holland isto be linked up with England by a

regular air service, which will shortlycommence. The machines will leaveCroydon, which is a suburb ofdon, three times a week and will landat an aerodrome in Holland, abouttwenty minutes' run from Amsterdam.A regular automobile service fromthe aerodrome and Amsterdam will bemaintained. The distance of the airflight is about 260 miles.

Abe Martin Says:

Remember when you used t'feel sorry fer th' feller thatspaded your garden ?


Havoc Is being- played with the gar-dens of Washlngtonians who are en¬

deavoring to combat the high cost ofliving by raising some vegetables intheir back or side yards, by potatobugs, flea beetles, plant lice andstriped cucumber beetles.William C. Hall, agricultural agent

for the District, stated today that thelocal gardeners must be on theirguard to prevent complete loss oftheir crops by these insects. He saysthe old-fashioned Colorado potatobeetles or hard shells, as they are

known, came out of the ground twoor three weeks afto and laid theireggs on the young potato plants.These eggs are now hatched and theslugs or soft-shell bugs that theyproduced are working upon the pota¬to plants. He said that unless promptaction is taken they will completelydestroy the foliage and the tenderstems of the potatoes as they haveenormous appetites and a colony ofthem will do great damage in a shorttime.Mr. Hall says there are two ways

of getting rid of the soft-shell potatobeetles. Where there are not too

many, the simplest way is to take an

old flat pan, place a little water inthe bottom of It a thin skim ofkerosene on top of the water, thenro along the rows of potatoes andknock the bugs from the plants intothe pan.Another method is to dust the plants

with air-slacked lime or land plaster,to which there has been added Parisgreen or arsenate of lead, at the rateof a heaping teaspoonful to a pint ofthe lime or plaster; The easiest


Wisconsin Senator Believe* ThatMan of Liberal Wing Should

Have Been Selected.SUPERIOR, Wis* Juno 16 (by the

Associated Press)..While expressingregret at the nomination of SenatorHarding by the republican conven¬

tion, Senator I. L» Lenroot of WTscon-sin, in a statement here today, declaredthat "in this situation there can bebut one choice, It seems to me, andthat Is to heartily support the re¬

publican ticket.""I frankly regret the choice of the

republican convention, as I believe a

man who had been allied with the lib¬eral wing of the party should havebeen selected," Senator Lenroot said."However, Senator Harding Is a

most lovable man of the McKinleytype, and makes friends easily,"There Is dissatisfaction upon the

part of progressives, but they mustchoose between supporting the repub¬lican ticket and having another fouryears of democratic rule and all thatIt Implies. In this situation therecan be but one choice. It seems to me,and that is to heartily support therepublican ticket."

SHEEP MEN ORGANISE.Those ill New Mexico Make Effort

to Eliminate Middlemen.ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. June 16 .

The Wool Growers' Co-operative As¬sociation of New Mexico has beenformed for the purpose of eliminatingmiddlemen and increasing the re¬turns to the sheep men.

It is the Intention this year toconcentrate In a warehouse In Chi-'cago, for grading and selling tospinners, as much of the wool clipas is pledged to the association.Sheep men say at present wool

passes through the hands of fromtwo to five persons after the growersells It until It reaches the man whomakes It into cloth.


BOOK HUNTERS' SHOP1S44 G St. N.W., Near Cor. 14th & G

"Washing-ton's Newest Book Storei^..-i.......i


Sure Relief


because itisaclean Whitepaperglass ofCharmingappearance.the

aristocrat amongsoda/fcnntainglasses.

Puritv Specialties Co.ouvaaijnrr. omn whcm,

Dencio-a. bldg.Philadelphiaa

Bell JfkoreWalnut 4680

Keystone PhoneRace 3810-11


method of applying the poison mixtureisito place it in a cheesecloth or thinburlap bag and dust the plants byshaking the bag directly over them.The poison will adhere best if appliedduring the early morning or late even¬ing. while the dew is upon the plants.Plant lice, he said, will soon maketheir appearance in the local gardensand will be found on the under side ofthe leaves sucking the juices of thetender leaves. Owing to the fact thatthese Insects do not eat the surface,he said, it is almost impossible topoison them except by what aretermed "contact poisons." Sprayingthe under side of the leaves with aweak solution of nicotine sulphate orsome form of tobacco extract, usingabout a teaspoonl'ul in a gallon ofwater, in which there are previouslydissolved a one-Inch cube of laundrysoap, tie directs that some form ofsprayer or atomizer be used to applythe liquid.

Prevention In IIe*t Way."Don't let the Insects get a start,"

is the advice of Mr. Hall.The striped cucumber beetle has al¬

ready started to work, he said, onyoung, tender plants of cucumbers,melons anil squashes. Covering theplants with mosquito netting or withordinary wire fly screens is onemethod of protecting the youngplants. The edges should be weigheddown firmly around the ground. An¬other method is to dust the plantswith air slacked-llme or land plaster,to which has been applied a teaspoon-ful of kerosene or turpentine to thequart of lime or plaster.


Presbyterians' Million Fund.SPARTANBURG. S. C., June 16..An¬

nouncement was made here today thatCol. Leroy Sperings of Lancaster, S. C.has given $50,000 to the million dollarfund being raised by the Presbyteriansof South Carolina, for tho endowmentof church schools. C. E. Graham ofGreenville, some time ago. pledged $100,-000 on condition that the remaining$900,000 be raised.

GENEVA, Switzerland. Juno 15..Former King Constantine of Greece, whohas been in Italy since the latter partof May, taking the cure at Salsomag-giore. returned to Switzerland by wayof Chiasso in an automobile yesterday,his destination being Lucerne. He was

accompanied by former Queen Sophie.The ex-king's return to Switzerland Is

attribiiied here to a reported request bythe Italian government that he quitItaly because of his political intrigues.

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