iraqi drilling company - diverter system ...iraqi drilling company (idc) baghdad- al nidhal street/...

وزارة انىفظ شركت انحفر انعراليت بغذاد- نىضالرع ا شا/ سعذون ان بارن هاحف: 7198278 - 7191773 وينكخرو انبريذ ا: [email protected] ص ب: اط انضب19312 ن إعــــــنمىالصــــــت ا: IDC/5/2016/INV.14 حجهيس: DIVERTER SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH ALL ACC الصــــــــــــــح يح ػفظ انؼزالسارج ان خ تشـــــــــــــك إحذح انحفز انؼزال شـــــــــــــزكحؼه ت حجهيس( DIVERTER SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH ALL ACC ) ا يل ػه انحصك ط انتانشـــــز صفاخا اناخشتز لسى انحنخارج ا يثهغاتم دفغ تغذاد يم يمز انشزكح ف ف( 75,000 ) ت وسبعىن خمسرج نغزضشان ز لاتم نهزد غر ػزالا أنف د نهشزكحنكتزلغ ا انم ػهنتفاصفح اع تكاع ا فظسارج ان ننكتزلغ اان ححهشج انجخ اننشزكا اشـــاركح ي تان انزاغث فؼه( رج تأسى انشزكحح غزفح تجا ) ؼح أ ـص خ اننشزكاا حثج ا ذ ت ؼ ان ن خ ى ان ئك ى أ ثه ي( ثم انـشزكح لـو ييخت غ لــم يكب انت يغ جهة كتا) غهم يى تظزفءاتى ػغا تمذ( فتجار ) الصحصم شـــــزاء ان اء، يغغ ثح انؼ صاحختى انشزكحيح تخت ي الصـــــحرلى ان كم ظزف أسى ػه ذ . نثانغحا ح نخ ااو انتأي مذ ترهامذا وم( 12,870 )$ مائت وسبعىنثماو عشر انف وثىا اكي امرير دو نكم اث انمحهيت نشركا وجىبيت ا شكم ػهذجافذج ن انؼزاقذ فؼت يصزف ي صادرج ي تك أ سفتجح ػهق ا صذ صك ي اا خغاب ض( 90 ) ي يا تسؼاخ إيكا ػز فاء يغ تمزثح انؼغ صاحإسى انشزكح الصح رلى ان ػه ذ غهك انث يغ تظزف ث ضالصح تخ غهك ان تاراسثت حائ اخنفائش تأيثح انؼزض ا صاح انشزكح، تمذو انشزكح( 5 % ائحسح تان خ) لثم انححشؼار تاء تؼذ انؼغاح ا ل ياءتإ انلث ادى انال تسهإك ح نتؼالذ اياتفح إنتشاش تكا ــج ء انفا تؼذ إغهك إ تــ افذج نكفانح اذ تك غ انؼمذل تا فتزج انضــ. نثانغا اتغلصـــح أجز رســى انغا ان ػه تزســــم ي تح ( 0.002 ح انؼمذ لنف ي تاا اث) ػشز ا ر أج انثصزج يمز انشــــــــــزكح فءاخ فنؼغاق اذ صءاخ فغا ع انؼ د ت- ءاخنؼغاتى فتح ا ، خ انغهك لثم تارذ أح ػ انثزجسض تؼذ انغهك انؼزر يمذي تحضحرج ػه تص( و انغهك ننتانو ا ان ف ا) يمز انشزكح ف- انثصزج. ءاخنؼغاعأ ال أمث هشيح ت ز يح غ انحفز انؼزال شـــــــزكحزد تؼذ صفاخ أاان ط نهشزفســـت ز ياء غ ػغم أ خ انغهك تار. نمىالصتاء أوراق انىهائي نشر انمىعذ ا: يىوثىيه انمصادف ا16 / 5 / 2016 ريخ انغهك حا: نساعت ا( 11:00 AM ) BGD بخىليج بغذاد اديت عشر صباحا انحنثامىت وا( 8:00 AM ) GMT بخىليج غروش نيىو انخميسنمصادف ا19 / 5 / 2016 نعاو انمذير ادارة رئيس مجهس ا

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Page 1: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

وزارة انىفظ

شركت انحفر انعراليت

بارن انسعذون / شارع انىضال- بغذاد

7191773- 7198278: هاحف

[email protected]: انبريذ األنكخرووي

19312انضباط : ص ب


IDC/5/2016/INV.14 :انمىالصــــــت



DIVERTER)حجهيس تؼه شـــــــــــــزكح انحفز انؼزالح إحذ تشـــــــــــــكالخ سارج انفظ انؼزالح ػ يالصــــــــــــــح

SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH ALL ACC) لسى انشتزاخ اناصفاخ انشـــــزط انت ك انحصل ػها ي

أنف دار ػزال غز لاتم نهزد انشرج نغزض خمست وسبعىن( 75,000) ف يمز انشزكح ف تغذاد يماتم دفغ يثهغ انخارجح

انلغ االنكتز نسارج انفظاالعالع تكافح انتفاصم ػه انلغ االنكتز نهشزكح

شـــاركح ي انشزكاخ انجشج انحهح صـؼح أ (ح غزفح تجارج تأسى انشزكح )فؼه انزاغث تان االجثح انشزكاخ ان

ؼتذ ن ان خ كالئى ان ى أ ف )تمذى ػغاءاتى تظزف يغهم (يغ جهة كتاب انتكم يلــغ يختو ي لـثم انـشزكح)يثه

ػه كم ظزف أسى رلى انالصـــــح يختيح تختى انشزكح صاحثح انؼغاء، يغ صم شـــــزاء انالصح (تجار . ذ

ػه شكم االجىبيتونشركاث انمحهيت نكم ا دوالر امريكي اثىا عشر انف وثماومائت وسبعىن$( 12,870)وممذارها تمذو انتأياخ األنح انثانغح

تسؼ يا ي (90)خغاب ضا ا صك يصذق ا سفتجح ػه أ تك صادرج ي يصزف يؼتذ ف انؼزاق افذج نذج

ػه رلى انالصح إسى انشزكح صاحثح انؼغاء يغ تمزز ف ػ إيكااخ تارخ غهك انالصح تضغ تظزف ثانث يغهك ذ

ي لح انؼغاء تؼذ االشؼار تاإلحانح لثم (خسح تانائح% 5)انشزكح، تمذو انشزكح صاحثح انؼزض انفائش تأياخ ائح سثتا

جــش تكافح إنتشايات انتؼالذح إكال تسهى اناد لثنا إتاء تلغ انؼمذ تك ذ انكفانح افذج ال تــغهك إال تؼذ إفاء ان

.فتزج انضــا

الصـــح أجز رســى انغاتغ انثانغ م ي تزســــ ػه ان أجر شز اإلػال ( اثا تاألنف ي لح انؼمذ0.002)تح

انثزجسح ػذ أ لثم تارخ انغهك ، تى فتح انؼغاءاخ - تدع انؼغاءاخ ف صذق انؼغاءاخ ف يمز انشــــــــــزكح ف انثصزج

.انثصزج - ف يمز انشزكح (ا ف انو انتان نو انغهك )تصرج ػهح تحضر يمذي انؼزض تؼذ انغهك

م أ ػغاء غز يســـتف نهشزط اناصفاخ أ زد تؼذ شـــــــزكح انحفز انؼزالح غز يهشيح تمثل أعأ انؼغاءاخ

. تارخ انغهك

16/5/2016انمصادف االثىيه يىو : انمىعذ انىهائي نشراء أوراق انمىالصت

انحاديت عشر صباحا بخىليج بغذاد BGD( AM 11:00)انساعت : حاريخ انغهك

19/5/2016 انمصادف انخميس نيىو بخىليج غروشGMT( 8:00AM) وانثامىت

انمذير انعاو

رئيس مجهس اإلدارة

Page 2: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al


Tender No.:


For the Supply of :





Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/

Park Al Saadoun

Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278

Email: [email protected]

PO Box: Al Dhubbat 19312

Iraqi Drilling Company, an Iraqi Ministry of Oil establishment, invites to bid for the supply of (DIVERTER

SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH ALL ACC) in accordance with the conditions and specifications, which can

be obtained from the Purchasing Department, (IDC) headquarters in Baghdad. The bidder will pay a

nonrefundable amount of (75,000) seventy five thousand Iraqi Dinars for the tender documents, Also published

for review on IDC website and the ministry of oil .

Whoever is willing to participate in the above mentioned tender from Supplying local ( chamber of commerce

ID in the company's name) and international companies, Manufacturers or their authorized representatives

should submit their offers in two sealed envelopes marked "Technical and Commercial" respectively with

tender's name and number should be written on each envelop.

The Bid Bond with the amount of ($ 12,870) twelve thousand and eight hundred and seventy dollars for

both local and foreign companies to be presented as " a letter of Guarantee or an endorsed cheque or a bill

of exchange " must be issued from an accredited bank in Iraq, valid for (90) ninety days after the closing date

of the tender and to be included in a third sealed envelope with the tender's number and the company name in

addition to the profile of the company. The awarded bidder must submit a (5% five percent) performance bond

after award notification and before signing the contract. The PB shall be valid and not to be released until

fulfillment of all contractual obligations, complete delivery of all the materials & acceptance thereof and end of

the warranty period.

The awarded company is responsible for the expenses of advertisement and publishing as well as the stamp

duty fee (0.002 two per thousand of the contract value).

Offers are to be submitted to IDC headquarters in Basra- Burjesia (Offer Box) by or before the Closing Date ,

and will be opened publically in the presence of the bidders at IDC HQ in Basra at the day of the closing date

or the following day .

Iraqi Drilling Company is not obliged upon accepting the lowest price and any offer that does not meet the

required conditions & specifications or received after the Closing Date will be excluded.

The deadline for buying the tender documents is Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016) (11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)

Director General

Chairman of Board

Page 3: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)


First: General Terms :عهاث وشروط انتقذى نهاقصتث: أوال

The offer has to be submitted in the name of the company that .1 . ٠غت أ ٠مذ اؼـبء ثبع اششوخ از لبذ ثششاء صبئك ابلظخ .1

has purchased the tender documents.

شأ ااد .2 خبص CIPؿش٠مخ ازغ١ (ص)٠غت ا رزؼ اؼـبءاد

، اعـخ ١بء (اعخ ابئ١خ) اجشعغ١خ– ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ ف اجظشح

، (غض اخ١بس ف ا٠ظبي ااد عا ػ ؿش٠ك ـبس اجظشح اذ)اشؾ

. ؿج١ؼخ ازؼجئخ اغذي اض طي اشؾبد

2. The bidder should define: the origin of the materials (CHINA)

delivery (CIP IDC warehouse in Burjesia, Basra, "Final

Destination" hereafter), means and port of shipment (the

bidder company has the option of shipping via air-freight

through Basra International Airport), the nature of packing and

shipping schedule.

شب ششوبد غ١ش لبث مغ (L/C)اػزبد غزذ ثاعـخ ٠ى اذفغ .3

. اؾ١خ االعج١خ

3. Payment will be by an irrevocable letter of credit (L/C) in

foreign currency (for both local and international bidders).

ال .4 ١ ـشف١ أ ٠خ ٠ى رل١غ اؼمــــذ ؽظــشا لج اذساء اؼب

لج اغفبسح اؼشال١خ ظــبدق ػ١ ) وبخ طبدسح وبرت ػذي,ثعت

(. ثبغجخ ششوبد االعج١خ

4. General Directors of both parties are the sole authorized

company representatives to sign the contract or any other

directors who are authorized by means of a power of attorney

issued by a notary public (legalized by Iraqi Embassy for

International of Companies).

رؼزجش فزشح ازغ١ض ػبال ب خالي دساعخ رؾ١ اؼـبءاد ٠غت ا رى .5

. رجذأ ربس٠خ رفؼ١ االػزبد ( ىو180)

5. The delivery period is essential to the qualification of the offer

and has to be (180 days) and will commence as of the date

operative (L/C).

١غ ااد عذ٠ذح ربب .6 غ١ش ؼبد رظ١ؼب (Brand-new )رى ع

(Not remanufactured) ـبثمخ اطفبد اـAPI.

6. All supplied equipment must be "brand-new”, not

"remanufactured" and as per API standards.

ؽغت ااطفخ رخؼغ ااد فؾض لج ؿشف صبش .7

(Ben type 3.2 10204:2004) وب ج١ ف ادب:

7. Materials have to be third party inspected according to

(Ben type 3.2 10204:2004) as shown in below:

رض٠ذ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ شبدح فؾض رظذس لج ؿشف صبش -

فبؽض اصبء شاؽ ازظ١غ غ ظبدلز ػ وبفخ االخزجبساد اظؼ١خ

-Provide IDC with inspection certificate issued by a third

party inspector attesting all manufacturing phases and

factory tests

٠ز رؼ١١ اؽذ اششوبد ازوسح ادب وـشف صبش فبؽض لجى -

ػ وفخ اـج١خ

- One of the following third party inspectors can be






5) VND





5) VND اغخ اظؼخ اـشف اضبش افبؽض )٠ز ػمذ مبء غ االؿشاف اضالصخ -

الرفبق ػ خـخ (ض لغ افؾض اذع لج ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ

اظبدلخ ػ١ب لج لغ افؾض اذع اـشف (ITP)افؾض

اضبش افبؽض لج اجبششح ثبزظ١غ از خالب رؾذد ثبل اشبداد

ثؼذ رض٠ذ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ ثبزظ اصبئك اـة رض٠ذب اخبطخ

(. QCP)ثخـخ اغدح

- A meeting is to be arranged between representatives

from IDC, the Supplier and the TPI to agree on the

inspection plan (ITP) and have it attested by IDC's

inspection division and the third party inspector before

manufacturing. Accordingly, all required certifications

will be specified after IDC is provided with QCP plan.

ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ ب اؾك االششاف ػ شاؽ اغ١ـشح اػ١خ -

(QCP) اصبء ازظ١غ ا ثؼذ االزبء ازظ١غ ثب لذ ػ

اىفخ لج ض ؤ خي ثبفؾض غ افبؽض اضبش اؼ١

از ٠ز االرفبق .ITPػذ اؾبعخ ف شاؽ رؾذد ف خـخ افؾض

.ػ١ب لج االؿشاف اضالصخ لج اجبششح ثبزظ١غ

- IDC has a right to monitor QCP during or after

manufacturing in any time within the agreed cost and

by the qualified and authorized representative from the

inspection division of IDC with the third party

inspector and as agreed in the ITP which should be

agreed on by all three parties

The inspection should be done in the manufacturing - .٠ز افؾض ف ىب ازظ١غ لج اشؾ عضئ١ب ا و١ب-

site and can be conducted wholly or partly

اظغ ٠مذ فبؽض اضبش ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ وبفخ اصبئك اشبداد -

وب ٠م از رغـ و فؼب١بد افؾض از اعش٠ذ لج اظغ

اظغ ثزمذ٠ صبئك ااد از ر رظ١ؼب لج عبد ا ظبدس اخش

.ر ازؼبلذ ؼب

- The manufacturer should represent all the necessary

document(s) or/and certificate(s) to the third party and

IDC which should cover all the inspection activities during the manufacturing and also all other document(s) or

/and for the items manufactured by other resources

Page 4: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)


افؾض االخزجبس ٠ؤد لج اظغ ٠ؾذد دس اـشف اضبش -

. از ٠ز االرفبق ػ١بITPافبؽض ؽغت خـخ افؾض

- The manufacturer should conduct the inspection and

the role of the third party will be limited to what has

been set in the agreed ITP

ب ٠ض % 100و ثذ ثد اـج١خ عف ٠خؼغ فؾض االخزجبس -

.خالف ره ف ص١مخ اش ازغ١ض ا اششاء

- 100% of the order items will be inspected unless

otherwise specified in the purchase order.

ػ اظغ ا اغض ازغ١ك غ اـشف اضبش افبؽض ششوخ اؾفش -

ITPاؼشال١خ رج١غ ثاػ١ذ غذخ فؾض ؽغت خـخ افؾض

.ازفك ػ١ب غجمب

- The Supplier should notify IDC and third party

inspector with the inspection schedule as agreed in the


٠زض اظغ ا اغض ثشؾ ااد ثؼذ اؾظي ػ سعبخ افمخ -

لجي اـشف اضبش افبؽض ال ٠ؼف .افبؽض لجي اـشف اضبش

اظغ ا اغض غؤ١خ ا رى اغؼخ ـبثمخ ثشى وب

.اطفخ امجخ ثبش اششاء

- The manufacturer or the supplier has to start shipping

the materials after receiving an approval letter from the

third party inspector. Such approval does not relieve

the Supplier from responsibility that the supplied

materials are in compliance with the required technical

specifications set out in the purchase order.

/ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ رمج ا رذفغ ال عؼخ رغؼ ثبفؾض ا -

رفؾض رؾظ ػ رظش٠ؼ افمخ شؾ لج اـشف اضبش

. افبؽض

- IDC will not accept or pay for any item that fails to

pass the inspection or if the approval letter is not issued

by the third party inspector.

رض٠ذ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ ثغخ اط١خ ػ و اشاعالد ث١ اـشف -

اغض ثب ٠خض افمبد ظبدلبد اـشف / اضبش افبؽض اظغ

.اضبش افبؽض ػ صبئك افؾض شبداد لج اشؾ

- IDC has to be provided with all original

correspondence between the Supplier and the third

party inspector in regards to the latter's approval on

inspection certificates and pre-shipment certificates.

الرزؾ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ وفخ اػبدح رظ١غ ا اػبدح فؾض ااد غ١ش -

ـبثمخ اطفبد اظص ػ١ب ف اش اششاء ااد از فشذ ف

.افؾض ا االخزجبس

- IDC will not bear any cost for remanufacturing or re-

inspection of the items found incompliant to the

specifications set out in the purchase order or those

failed to pass the inspection.

ف ؽبخ اغبء اش اششاء ؼذ ـبثمخ اغؼخ اظؼخ ا اغضح ؼشع -

امجي ا اش اششاء ٠زؾ اغض ا اظغ وف و افؾطبد

.االعشاءاد از رذ لج اـشف اضبش افبؽض

- If the order is cancelled due to technical incompliance,

the manufacturer or supplier will bear the cost for all

inspection or procedures done by the third party


ػ مذ اؼـبء رمذ٠ خـبة ٠ػؼ لج ـبق افؾض ؽغت -

. از ؽذدد ػ١ب اطفخ ابدح (ا روشد) APIااطفخ ام١بع١خ

- The Supplier should present an acceptance letter for the

scope of inspection in regards to the applicable API

standard (if specified)

رظذس شبدح فؾض لج اـشف اضبش افبؽض فك خـخ افؾض -

(ITP) غ رض٠ذ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ ثزمبس٠ش االخزجبس اظؼ١خ

. ظبدق ػ١ب لج ؿشف صبش فبؽض

- The third party inspector should present inspection

certificate according to the agreed ITP with all the

testing and inspecting reports attested by the third party


لج ؿشف (PSI)رض٠ذ ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ ثشبدح فؾض لج اشؾ -

.صبش فبؽض

-Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) has to be conducted and a

certificate evidencing the same has to be presented.

رزؾ اغ اظؼ ا اغضح وبفخ ازىب١ف ازشرج ػ األعشاءاد -


- The Supplier is to bear the cost and liability for all of the


ششا ربس٠خ إعشاء االخزجبس ابعؼ، ال رزؼذ فزشح (12)رى فزشح ػب .8

انىجهت انهائتششا ربس٠خ رغ١ ااد ا (18) ، ٠ش اؼب خ

. ااد األػشاس األخـبء ف اظبػخ

8. The Warranty period shall be 12 months from the date of

successful test run and not exceed 18 months from the date of

completion the delivery of all materials to the Final

Destination. The guarantee includes manufacturing defects and

faulty workmanship.

The submitted offer has to be valid for 90 days as of the .9. ٠ب ربس٠خ غك ابلظخ٠90غت أ ٠ى اؼـبء بفزا ذح ال رم ػ .9

closing date.

، وب ٠ؾك ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ اؾك ف اإلؽبخ اى١خ أ اغضئ١خ بلظبد .10

.ب إىب١خ ص٠بدح أ امبص افمشاد اى١بد اـثخ ره لج رل١غ اؼمذ

10. IDC has the right to award the tender in whole or in part as

well as the right of the possibility of increasing or decreasing

the required items and quantities (before signing the contract).

Page 5: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)


:Contract language .11 :-نغت انعقىد .11

(ػ اغبت األ٠) ٠ى اؼمذ ثبغز١ اؼشث١خ :بانسبت نهشركاث األجبت

ف ؽبي اخزالف . ٠لغ لج اـشف١ (ػ اغبت األ٠غش)االى١ض٠خ

.ازفغ١ش، ٠ز اػزبد اغخ االى١ض٠خ

For International bidders: contracts will be prepared with

both Arabic (right side) and English (left side) languages

and will be signed by both parties. If interpretation differs,

the English version will be referred to.

٠ز اػزبد اغخ اؼشث١خ ػذ رل١غ رظذ٠ك اؼمد :-بانسبت نهشركاث انحهت

ؼذاد زؼبسفخ ألعضح ا ظـؾبد اف١خ ا لج وال اـشف١ ثبعزضبء ا

.األداد االؽز١بؿ١خ ثبغخ اإلى١ض٠خ

For Local bidders: contracts will be prepared in Arabic,

technical terms of equipment and spare parts will be in


٠ؤوذ امبي ٠افك ػ أ اظشف اغبئذح ف اؼشاق ال : اظشف اغبئذح .12

رشى ثأ ؽبي األؽاي ػبئمب أب رف١ز ىبفخ ازضابر ازؼبلذ٠خ ثعت


12. Prevailing Circumstances: it is confirmed and agreed by

the Contractor that the prevailing circumstances in Iraq do

not in any way constitute an impediment for the

implementation by the Contractor of his obligations under

this Contract.

ب اؾك ف لجي أ غ١ش ضخ ثمجي أؿأ اؼـبءادششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ .13

ـبجخ مذ اؼـبء ؽك ا سفغ أ ػـبء أ إغبء ابلظــخ د أ ٠ى

. ثأ رؼ٠غ

13. IDC is not obligated to accept the lowest price and has the

right to accept or decline any offer and to cancel the order

with no compensation due to the supplier.

اؼـبء شـت ا ؽه ا ثذ ثد صبئك ابلظخ ا اعشاء مذال ٠غص .14

.ا رؼذ٠ ػ١ب

14. The offer has to be free of scratching and striking-off.

دائش اذخ امـبع اؼب االشزشان ف ابلظبد ثظسح زغجال ٠غص .15

.جبششح ا غ١ش جبششح

15. State employees, in service, are not allowed to participate

in tenders whether directly or indirectly.

ال ٠غص ذ٠ش افع ف اوضش ششوخ رمذ٠ اوضش ػـبء ف ابلظخ .16


16. The Acting Manager of more than one company is only

allowed to submit one offer in the same tender.

The following documents (valid for 2016) have to be .17 : غ اؼـبء اف 2016غذدح ؼب اسفبق اصبئك ازب١خ .17

submitted along with the Technical Offer:

ىبفخ اشزشو١ ظذلخ اغفبسح اؼشال١خ )شبدح رأع١ظ اششوخ بفزح -

. (ثبغجخ ششوبد االعج١خ

Certificate of Incorporation (for all bidders, legalized by

the Iraqi Embassy for International bidders).

شبدح )٠خ غشفخ ازغبسح اغزغىبد اضجر١خ ذ٠ش افع ششوخ -

.ثبغجخ ششوبد اؾ١خ فمؾ (ثـبلخ عى– ٠خ االؽاي اذ١خ – عغ١خ

Chamber of commerce membership card and the

identification documents of the acting manager

(for local bidders only).

ؾبعـت لب - ظبدق ػ١ب لج اؾغبة اخزب١خ ؼب١ ابػ١١

. (ىبفخ اشزشو١)

Financial statements for the last two years ratified by a

chartered accountant (for all bidders).

وزبة ػذ بؼخ ذخي ف ابلظبد طبدس ا١ئخ اؼبخ ؼشائت بفز -

. (ثبغجخ ششوبد اؾ١خ فمؾ)

Statement of approval to participate in tenders issued from

tax authorities (for local bidders only).

. Tender purchase receipt (original, for all bidders) .ىبفخ اشزشو١ (غخخ أط١خ)اط اخبص ثششاء صبئك ابلظخ -

غضح - بصخ )رمذ٠ لبئخ ثبألػبي ا Reference list of previously implemented projects .ىبفخ اشزشو١ (األػبي ا

(for all bidders).

Second: The Technical and Commercial Offers انتجاري انعطاء انف و:- ثاا

٠غت إ٠ذاع اؼـبءاد ف طذق اؼـبءاد اىبئ ف مش اششوخ

صالصخ ظشف ا اسعبب ػ ؿش٠ك اجش٠ذ اغش٠غ رمذ ف اجشعغ١خ- اجظشح

ظشف ى اؼـبئ١ ازغبس اف غ ظشف غزم غمخ خزخ

زأ١بد اال١خ ٠ىزت اع سل ابلظخ ربس٠خ اغك ػ و ظشف ٠خز

. ٠لــغ ثخز اششوخ مذخ اؼـبء ػ و طفؾبد اؼـبئ١

The original technical and commercial offers should be placed in

the Offer Box at IDC Headquarters/ Basra – Burjesia or can be

sent by courier. The offers should be submitted separately in

three stamped sealed envelopes (commercial, technical and bid

bond) with tender name and number written on each. All pages

of the technical and commercial offers should be signed &

sealed with the company stamp.

:A: The Technical Offer :-انعطاء انف - أ

ب ٠زبعت .1 اطفبد اف١خ اد ث وبفخ ا ٠ؾز ػ ػشع رفظ١ ٠زؼ

اعزالب لج ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ از ر ـثخ اطفبد اف١خ ا غ ا

. غ ز اششؽ ازؼ١بد

1. Contains a detailed offer including all the technical

specifications of the materials as per the technical

specifications required by IDC.

Page 6: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)


لج ششوخ اؾفش .2 ؼذح اطفبد اف١خ ا ف ؽبخ عد اعزفغبساد ػ ا

مش اششوخ ؾظي فبرؾخ لغ اشزش٠بد اخبسع١خ ف ىب اؼشال١خ ثبإل

. ثشى سع لج رغ١ اؼشع اشأػ رػ١ؾبد ثزا

2. In case of any inquiry about the technical specifications

prepared by the IDC, please contact the Purchases Department

at the company headquarters to obtain clarifications in this

regard and in an official manner before submitting the offers.

غ رغ١خ اششوبد ( اػال2- وب ج١ ف أال)رزؼ اؼـبءاد شأ ااد .3

ػع اؼـبءداظؼخ غ أػ خــبد اىزوبد اخبطخ ث . س ا

3. The origin of the materials has to be specified (as stated in

First-2 above) with manufacturer(s) specified and the latest

technical catalogues related to the requested materials.

:B: The Commercial Offer :-انعطاء انتجاري - ة

األعؼبس ػ أعبط طي ااد اـثخ .1 اػشع رفظ١ ٠زؼ

ؼذح انىجهت انهائت اطفبد اف١خ ا ى فمشح ؽغت ازفظ١الد ااسدح ثب

. لج ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ

1. A detailed offer on the basis of delivery to the Final

Destination including item-by-item prices and conditions in a

clearly printed manner (in figure and word) according to the

details listed in the technical specifications prepared by the


٠ؼي ػ اغؼش اذ وزبثخ ف ؽبي اخزالف غ اغؼش اذ سلب وب .2

.٠ؼي ػ عؼش اؽذح ف ؽبخ ػذ طؾخ جغ افمشح

2. In case of conflict, prices written in words will prevail; and if

the grand total is incorrect, the unit price will be accredited.

سدد فمشح ا فمشاد ٠ذ عؼش اصائب ف اؼـبء امذ فف ز اؾبخ ارا .3

رؼذ وفخ ره افمشح ا افمشاد ثؾذد اى١بد اذخ اصائب شخ ثبغؼش


3. If any item is left unpriced, it will be deemed within the grand

total to the extent of the requested quantity.

غــضح زف١ز ابلظخ عؼش بئ .4 مذ لج اششوخ ا إ عؼش اؼـبء ا

. غ١ش لبث زفبع

4. The submitted price is deemed final and non-negotiable.

٠زض اغض ثزضج١ذ اجش٠ذ االىزش الػزبد ف اشاعالد ػ .5

. اغض اشؼبس اششوخ ثأ رغ١١ش ٠ـشأ ػ اؼا

5. Bidder has to affix his email and other contact info to be used

in correspondence. Should the contact info change, bidder has

to so notify IDC.

-:Third: - Payment Condition شـــروط انذفع : ثانثا

غزذ غ١ش امبث مغ (L/C)ع١ز اذفغ ثبؼخ االعج١خ ػ ؿش٠ك االػزبد ا

: رـك ؽغت اغت ازب١خ

Payment will be through a letter of credit (L/C) in foreign

currency with the following rates:

ػذ اشؾ رمذ٠ اؼذد االص صبئك اشؾ %(60)ستى بانائت - أ

: األط١خ إ اجه اشاع از رزؼ

A. 60% (sixty percent) upon shipping and submitting all

necessary original shipping documents to the holding bank:

اع ) رزؼ ف ثذ اغضامبئخ ازغبس٠خ ظذلخ اغفبسح اؼشال١خ

اجغ اى جؼبػخ اع ، عؼش اؽذح، ػذد اؽذاد، ػ، ازظ

.)اغزسد ػا

- Commercial invoice legalized by the Iraqi Embassy in the

Country of the supplier (stating: product description, quantity,

unit price, grand total, name and address of the importer)

ث١ظخ اشؾ ػ ظش اجبخشح أ ب ٠ؼبدب عبئ ام األخش - Clean on board Bill of Lading or equivalent for other means of


شبدح شأ لؼخ ؤ٠ذح لج غشفخ ازغبسح ا صاسح ازغبسح ف ثذ اشأ

ااد ظذلخ لج اؾم١خ ازغبس٠خ اؼشال١خ ف ثذ شأ ااد رزؼ

اغخ ، اششوخ اظذسح ، ىب االزبط ، اششوخ ازغخ ، ع اجؼبػخ )

.)اعـخ اشؾ، اغزف١ذح

- Certificate of Origin legalized by the Chamber of Commerce

or the Ministry of Trade and by the Iraqi Embassy in the

Country of Origin (stating: product description, manufacturer,

place of manufacturing, exporter details, beneficiary and

means of transport).

ؿشف صبش وب ف اال )شبدح فؾض ـبثمخ ااد غ ااطفبد اف١خ

.( اػال7

- Certificate of inspection and compliance with the required

specifications (as per First-7 above) .

شبدح ازأ١. - Certificate of Insurance..

لبئخ ازغ١ف. - Packing list ..

ثؼذ اعزال ااد لجب لج ششوخ اؾفش %(40)اربعى بانائت - ة

اطفبد ازوسح ف اؼمـــذاؼشال١خ .ؽغت ا

B. 40% (forty percent) after receipt, acceptance of all

materials by IDC in accordance with the terms & specification

required in the contract.

:Fourth: Bid Bond and Performance Bond :انتأياث األونت وانتأياث انهائـت:- "رابعا

:A. Bid Bond انتأياث األونت - أ

١خ مـػخ Bidders have to submit a bid bond (in the form of a letter ofػ شى خـبة ػب أ )٠مذ أطؾبة اؼـبءاد رأ١بد أ

Page 7: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)


ظذق أ عفزغخ اثاعشر انف وثاائت $( 12,870)مذاسب (طه

االعج١خ، ػ أ رى اؾ١خ ششوبد وبفخ اي دوالر ايرك وسبعى

ذح ال رم ػ ربس٠خ 90طبدسح ظشف ؼزذ ف اؼشاق بفزا ٠ب

بلظخ غك ا

guarantee, an endorsed cheque or a bill of exchange) at the

amount of (12,870 $) twelve thousand and eight hundred

and seventy dollars for both local and international

bidders. The bid bond has to be issued from an accredited

bank in Iraq and has to be valid for at least 90 days from the

closing date.

:B. Performance Bond (كفانت حس األداء)انتأياث انهائت - ب

جبششح ثؼذ إشؼبس ازج١غ ٠مذ طبؽت اؼـبء افبئض از رز إؽبخ ابلظخ ػ١

ثبإلؽبخ لج رل١غ اؼمذ وفبخ ؽغ األداء ػ شى خـبة ػب ثم١خ

ل١خ اؼمذ اى١خ طبدس ظشف ػشال ؼزذ، (5%) خغخ ثببئخ

ـك ثؼذ رغ١ وبفخ ااد لجب إ٠فبء اغـض ثىبفــخ االزضابد ازؼبلذ٠خ ر

.ازبء فزشح اؼب

Supplier to whom the quotation is awarded should submit, after

award notification and before signing the contract, a

performance bond equivalent to 5% of the total value of the

contract. This PB will be valid and not to be released until

receipt & acceptance of all materials, fulfillment of contractual

obligations and when the warranty period ends.

:Fifth: Penalties & Fees :انغراياث وانرسىو:- خايسا

رفشع غشاخ رأخ١ش٠خ رؾزغت ػ اعبط ا١ ااؽذ فك اؼبدخ ادب -1

:- ل١خ إعب اؼمذ% 10ثغجخ ال رض٠ذ ػ

1. Penalty should be imposed on each day of delay not exceeding

10% of the total value of the contract calculated according the

following equation:

ف ؽبي ر رغ١ض اؼمذ ثبوضش شؾخ ٠ز اعزمـبع اغشاخ ازأخ١ش٠خ ؽغت ل١خ

و شؾخ ذح رغ١ضب ٠ؾك ششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ اعزمـبع ل١خ ز اغشاخ

غزؾمــخ اذفغ ـشف اضب . ل١خ اشؾخ أ أ أاي أخش لذ رظجؼ

If the Contract is delivered via multiple shipments, the delay

penalty will be calculated as per each shipment's value and

delivery period and IDC has the right to deduct the delay

penalty amount from any financial source due or so may

become to the supplier.

:After the tender award notification, the contractor is to .2 :ػ طبؽت اؼـبء از رز اإلؽبخ -2

دفغ أعس شش اإلػال ف صالس طؾف ؾ١خ ١ اؽذ فمؾ . Pay the announcement fees (in three local newspapers for one


ام١خ اى١خ ؼمذ ) 0.002دفغ أعش سع اـبثغ ثغجخ Pay the stamp duty fee which is 0.002 (two per thousand) of. (اصب ثبألف

the total value of the Contract.

ثبغجخ ششوبد ) إعب جغ اؼمذ (%2.7)دفغ ػش٠جخ دخ ثغجخ

. ال رــك ؾ١ عت ب ٠ؤ٠ذ ثشاءح رـز اؼش٠جخ (اؾ١خ فمؾ

Income tax which is 2.7% of the total contract value to be

released after submission of a tax settlement confirmation from

the tax authorities (for local bidders only)

االعس ازشرجخ ػ اجؼبػخ مشح لببايسع ايػشائت ايا ٠زؾ وبفخ -

ا٠ظبي ب اعس االسػ١بد ف ا١بء ا اـبس ا ابفز اجش٠خ غب٠خ

.ااد ا اعخ ابئ١خ

- Be responsible for taxes, duties imposed by the applicable law

& charges related to shipment (like marine-port, air-port and

land border ground fees) until delivery to the Final

Destination. Sixth: Default :انصادرة وانكىل :- سادسا

:Default before signing the contract .1 :انكىل قبم تىقع انعقذ .1

٠ؼزجش ابلض اؾبي ػ١ اؼ بوال رز ظبدسح ازب١بد اال١خ اؽبخ

اؼ ػ ابلض اضب ٠زؾ ابلض االي فشق اجذ١ ػذ رؾمك اؽذ


The contractor is deemed in default in one of the cases below,

where the bid bond will be confiscated and contract will be

awarded to the second competitor and the contractor in default

will be liable to pay the excess amount in price:

٠ ربس٠خ ازاس خـ١ب زل١غ اؼمذ از 15ػذ رل١غ اؼمذ ثؼذ شس

. ٠ ربس٠خ رج١غ سع١ب ثبالؽبخ14ازغ ػ رل١ؼ خالي

Failure to sign the contract within 15 days from being notified

in writing to that effect having failed to do so within 14 days

from the award notification.

عؾت مذ اؼـبء ؼـبئ خالي فزشح فبر٠ز ثؼذ غك ابلظخ ا سفغ If the offer is withdrawn within its validity and after the

closing date or the contractor's refusal to correct his calculation

Page 8: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)


.errors which affect the award decision .ازظؾ١ؼ ػ اخـبئ اؾغبث١خ ف اؼـبء اؼىبعب ػ لشاس االؽبخ

رمذ٠ ث١ببد غ١ش ؽم١م١خ ثـشق غ١ش ششػخ خبفخ ششؽ ابلظخ. Submission of false information in contradiction with tender

terms and conditions.

:Default after signing the contract.2 : انكىل بعذ تىقع انعقذ .2

غــض ٠ز رع١ ازاس خـ زظؾ١ؼ ف ؽبخ خشق االزضا ثبؼمــذ لـج ا

٠ ربس٠خ االزاس رز ظبدسح 15اخشق ػذ ػذ اعزغبثخ اغض خالي

ػ ؿش٠ك غض آخش (ا اغضء غ١ش افز )ازأ١بد ابئ١خ ٠فز اؼمذ

غ رؾ١ اغض ابو فشق اجذ١ دفغ رؼ٠غ ػ االػشاس از ؾمذ

. عشاء ازأخ١ش ا اىيثششوخ اؾفش اؼشال١خ

If the contractor is in contractual breach, a 15-day written

notice to remedy the said breach shall be served to the

contractor. If the contractor fails to remedy the breach within

15 days, he will be in default and the performance bond will be

confiscated and IDC will implement the contract (or the

unimplemented part of) via another supplier and the contractor

will be liable to pay the excess amount in price and

compensation for the damages suffered by IDC due to delays

or default.

:Seventh: Settlement of Disputes and the Governing Law :فض انازعاث وانقاى انحاكى :- سابعا

:Settlement of Disputes .1 :فض انساعاث .1

٠ز رغ٠خ اضاػبد ثؼذ رل١غ اؼمذ ثبزافك د٠ب ٠ى خالي رشى١ غخ - أ

شزشوخ ث١ ؿشف اضاع فك اؽىب امب ازؼ١بد اؼ١خ ثد اؼمذ

.٠ؼذ ؾؼش ثزه االرفبق ث١ اـشف١ ٠ظبدق ػ١ لج سئ١ظ عخ ازؼبلذ

A. Any disputes arising from the contract will be settled amicably

by means of forming a joint committee where both parties are

represented. The said committee will be formed in

consideration of applicable regulations and provisions of the

contract and has to prepare a report of the meeting results to be

ratified by IDC top management.

:- حذ االسهىبف حال عذو انتىصم انى حم ودي، تى انهجىء انى ا - ب

:- ٠ز وب ٠ :- انتحكى -1- ب

B. If no amicable solution is reached, the dispute will be referred

as one of the following below:-

B – 1 – Arbitration will be:-

Local Contractors: subject to the Law of Civil Arguments -. 1969غخ (83) ٠ى فمب مب اشافؼبد اذ١خ سل :انشركاث انحهت -

no.83 of 1969.

ازؾى١ اذ زغ٠خ اضاػبد ف ؽبالد اؼشسح :انشركاث االجبت -

شبس٠غ االعزشار١غ١خ اىجش ا اخ ٠ز اخز١بس ١ئخ رؾى١١خ د١خ

. ؼزذح ىب غخ ازؾى١ ػ ا ٠ؼزذ امب اؼشال ومب اعت ازف١ز

International Contractors: International arbitration will be

applied from an accredited international arbitration institution

(venue and language to be specified) provided that the Iraqi

law is deemed as the applicable law.

B – 2 – courts :- the disputes will be referred to the specialized .احانت انساع انى انحكت انختصت ف انىضىع نحسه:- اؾبو – 2- ب

courts to be resolved.

:Governing Law .2 :انقاى انحاكى .2

٠خؼغ اؼمذ ما١ اؼشال١خ ابفزح ٠ز رؾظ١ اذ٠ اؾى١خ ثعت

ؼذي رى اؾبو اؼشال١خ اخزظخ 1977غخ (56)امب سل ا

.ثبظش ثبضاع ف ؽبي شئ

The contract will be governed by the applicable law of the

Republic of Iraq and governmental debts will be collected

subject to law no.56 for 1977. Contractual disputes will also be

resolved subject to the said law.

IDC Contact Info

Phone: +964 7191773 and +964 7198278

Purchases Department Email: [email protected]

Page 9: IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY - DIVERTER SYSTEM ...IRAQI DRILLING COMPANY (IDC) Baghdad- Al Nidhal Street/ Park Al Saadoun Tel:+ 96417191773, + 96417198278 Email: PO Box: Al

Tender No: IDC/5/2016/INV.14







The deadline for buying the tender documents is

Monday (May 16, 2016)

The closing date Thursday (May 19, 2016)

(11:00 AM BGD) (8:00 AM GMT)

(1-1 )

Item Description Unit Qty

DIVERTER System Complete With all Acc SET 1

20 3/4" x 3k Diverter system

1. - 20 3/4" x 3k Diverter (annular BOP ); Bottom flanged; top studded

(c/w packing element), Built as per API Standard RP 53 4TH


spec 16 A Ea 1

2. - 20 3/4" X 3K Diverter Spool Flange ; Top & Bottom Flange with

Two outlet Flange 9" x 3k. API Spec 6 A Ea 1

3. -9" X 3K Hydraulic actuator ball valve Ea 1

4. - 20 3/4" x 3k spacer Spool Flange ; Top & Bottom Flange (900mm)

API Spec 6A Ea 1

5. - Double stud adapter flange (9" x 3k) x (4 1/16" x 10k), API Spec 6A Ea 1

6. - 20 3/4" X 3k Slip- on weld flange, bottom connection , Top , 30" x

lk, Built as per API, API Spec 6A connection Ea 1

7. - Coflex hose Equipped with flange size 9" X 3k, length 50 ft Ea 1

8. -D.S.A9" 5k flange x 3 1/8" 5k Ea 1

9. - Chock manifold 3 1/8" X 5k complete with chock HYD operator Ea 1

Note: -

- Required Origin: CHINA