ir pi' gpgj · plumes, tips, feather pon pons, wings, &c. rs'liiw fancy 3iilljon.s:...

I Pi' 7oL.Xr.-H- -o. 1519. HONOLULU, 11. I., "WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1887. 60 ATCTOth J 9 ir - TFMILY'BULLETra Professionals. , Z 7j2.' jj j 1 "g M PV"" 5 ft ft ft 0 1 f GPgJ y fl Hm S IP i5r.'L $i- - tl Is printed mill published sit tlio olllco, Queen Sheet, Honolulu, II. I., every uftertioon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, GO cents per Month. Addrctt all Communications Daily llUM.BUN. AdvortlsouiciUx, tc uiumu insertion, should bo handed lu before one o'clock V. M. WALTER HILL .Editor and Proprietor W.A.S. Boats Shipping Hoportor & Collector Norman Logan Accountant. JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing Offlco. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of nil kinds done on the most favorable terms. Hell Telephone No. 2.VJ Mutual Telephone No. 250 Commission Movouants. Uco.W. iMucfurlair.. II. H. Maufarlane. Q. W. MACJARLAUE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- - CHANTS and Sitfar Factors, Flrc-Proo- f Building, - - fi2 Queen street, Honolulu. U. I. auknts tor The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Tho Heeia Sugai Plantation, Oahu, IlucloSug.u Mill, Maul, Huelo Sugar Pl.tntation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, T. Fowler to Co. Steam Plow ami . n- - ablu Tramway Works, Leeds, Hirrlees, Watson &Co's Sugar Mwlun ery, Ulasgow, Olasgo and Honolulu Line ot Pac .' i 105 & COMPANY, GBKEW12B (Llmlikd) aitNUlUL MllllCAKTILK AIID Comjussioh Aares'is. UBl'OK OKl'ICBllS: P. 0. Joni.s, Jr Piesideut & Manager J. O. Cautkii. .. ..Treasiner & Secretary DIHECTOnS: Hon. 0. H. llisitoi-- . lion. 11. A. P. Cahtek UM IV T. WATEKHOOSK, JOHN Importer aud Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 Wm G' Invw- - Claua biirecfccls. IIIWIN & COMPANY, WG. Sugar Factoia aud ConuuUsioa Audits, Honolulu. J to CO., WILUEB Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Kali ami jiuiuuug jiiuenuio of every kind, cor. I'ort and Queen sis., Honolulu. t H. N. Cii8tl. J. U. Atherton. i: OOOKE, CASTLE Slupplug and Coiuimssion Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Oeueral Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 QBINBAUM to CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - oliaiullHO and Commission Me lcbauts, Hnuolulu,and 121 California street, 1 riau Franulsuo, Cal. O. BKHQEfi, , c. 14 MmionANT Sl'llEBT, General Agent lor The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, Tho City of London Flru In. Co(llinit'd jjuth Urill'sh and National Fire & Ma-rin- o Insurance Co. Macucalo & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Sprlugflcld Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vanco & Co. Tho Hartford Flru Insurance Co. Tho Commercial Fho & Marino Iusur-auc- o Co. 2M3 G-onsalv- &e Co., .Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merohanta 280 Beaver Block, IIohoIuIu. GBBTZ, fW OHB. No. bOFoit street, IIonolul,fw Importer and Dealer in Gout's, fcadies and Cldldreu'3 boots, shoes and slippers. 11. Lev ei 1, F. J. oy, C. M. CooUu. to OOOKE, LEWKR8 to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILLIAM MILLER Otil iii el; :mcx leer And SJiiIiolHtcror, No. Oa Hotel street, Opposite Iutei national Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticko, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS taokcts, Oomlces, Curtain Poles, &o.' made ol the latest designs. it iiiiiit it'll iiri vmri vm i ii iiiiin t - Tim ni r i r j d.4 ll ii . h ui -i rj ki a m m u an im h. m hi - as.u uiii.. I Asiioim. UQW'Qll QWianTG fl'T'ir n aua H a UV3 ba H w ww v Uonolulu Steam Planlnc Mills. Espla ASIIFORD & ASHFQRD, uu" uu,u to ( liltlltlOU) Iiinv. C'linnrcry, .'in vrj um-liiK- . Ailmlialty. Jtaulti'iiptcy, lj iilmio, ;:tc,, i:tc. OrKici:: Old Capitol Uulldiiig, adjoin. ing Oeneinl l'ost-Olllc- !J JA1.KK13D MAGOON, ATTORNEY AT I.MV. 173 42 Meichnntbtrcct, Honolulu, ly M. MONSAUUAT, J" A'lTuKNHY AT LAW mill Notnrv Public. Heal Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold nnU leased, on comniision. Loans negoilf ted, Lugal Hocumeuts Drawn. No. 27 .Merchant at. (Gazette Hloek), Honolulu, Hawaiiau Islands 1U0 CECIL BROWN, and Counsellor at, Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac kuowledgments ol Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. Meicliont stieet, llouo-'ul- u. 1 JOHN T. DARE. Attorney uiid Couiisolloi' . Omen: No. 12 Spicoktis lllocK, Honolulu. j- - M . THOMPSON, A'lTOKXUY AT LAW, and Solicitor iu Chancery. Oillce Canipbell's Ulock, becoiid Siory, Hooiut-- and 0. Hniraueuou Meithaut olieul, Honolulu, 11 1. UH U I'OUN A. HAHSINQEn. O Agent to take AcJaiowledghieuti to Contracts tor Labor. lulenor Jlllee. Honolulu. rR. IWAI. i'hysiuiau uml Sin-jifon- . UKSIULNUU ANDOtl'ICU: lOUMMAbl' OlUeo Houis: fiom 0 to 12 a. u. Hell Telephone No. 123. 271y P. GRAY. M. D., P PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, nmm first door webt of Liliravv llllild- - ing. Hours, from "J to 11 a.m., aud 2 to 4 anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. g-j- " ltcaidcncc, No. 40 Alakeu, near Hotel Street. B. BMKRSON, D P11Y.SICIAX & SUKULOn. Eesidenco and Office, 190 1'oit St. ( 8 to lu A.M., OKK1CB IlOUltS 1 to y l'.M., (7 to S L tiling. Telephone (Bell and Mutual;, No. MO. 177 if M. GOTO, W Pltybicl tu uml Surgeon. LEPKOSY A SPLCIALTY. Olllco bonis at Knkaako from 'J to 11 a. m. oveiy day except bundayir. Will visit patients at their residence by All oilier dlseasei licaled at lib olllco corner of Punchbowl and Beietaulii his. OKl'ItU H0UU3 1 to 0 1. M. 17 Om 8 to 12 a. m. Sundays JAMBS lillODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. and residence, 100 King bt., OFFICE Kuwniahao Church. Mu- tual Telephone, U31. Oillce hours fiom 7 to 0 a. M., and 1 to 2 i . m. Orders loft at the Pantheon Stables will be prompt- ly attended to. P. O. I!o- - bQ. 8Wtf II. M. UKXbOX. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Foil Street, - Hour lulu. Depot for Boerieko &'s HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Hck'cckci's Perfumes and Toilet HequUllis, i 2y IIOLUSTEH & CO. Druggists & Tobacconiats, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo t Street, William's Ulock, Bono 210 Honolulu, H. I. J. E. BROWN, Ai'coiintniit, J.aml, tlnlato nml l.alior A Kent, Ai'i'oiintN Collect ctl. Prrsiut Aildiths at Campbell's Block, Meiehant snout. P. O. Hox-lUl- References Hon. A. H. Cleghorn, H. J. Crelgliton, Eiq. ' Offico 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly W31. rt'CANJWiKSS, No. 0 Queen street Fisli Mnikot, Dealer In choicest lleef, Vonl, Mutton, 1'IhIi, "io., Ac. Family and Shipping Ortlnri carefully attended to. Llvo stocl; furnished to vessels at slio.'t notice, and Vegetables of all kiuds supplied to order. 310 ly r w Imporlrrs&l 3 Dealers In LlZ Iron, Cumborland Coal, Hard Wood Lumticr, : And all kinds of : Carriago and Wagon Matorials. 82 Cm flATT AIJIMU TKVWC1 U JILL 11 IBULflUlli) COUNEH OK ALAKEA & KIWCt STREET and see (lie iiVi !i7 Ciitavay Carriages N. J Phcotons, &c, Ho has for mlo cheap, befoio purelinsv 71 lug elsewhere. , ALVJlVll. 1LA.SE31A3IK, Book"Binder PAPEH-llULE- and ItLANK-nOO- K Manufacturer. Book Ilindingol all deseripilon neatly and promptly cucuted. Campbell Jlloek, IJuoui- - 10 and U.Mcr 722 chaui &irt-f- i ly Tlios. Lindsay, HAKUFACTUEHTG JEWELEE. 1C8 No. COTfuunnu fctjeut. IV WEMER & GO. Jlaiinlacnirlnx Jv'llirM, rs'o. oa Constantly on hrtii't a assortment ofeveiyikM-iipihino- f .leueliy, Watehe.1, Gold and Silvci 1'lnied Waie. ic. 0.'3 ly rzors'jaifiK. ci mil Y J i J5xVJC3JICV. F. IIOHN, Priictical Confectioner, P.istrj Cook and linker. 71 Hotel St. "SarST Telepliono7l Wolfe &l Company, Grocery and Feed Stoic, G7Jnnd 00 Hotel itrcct, Fush Groceries and PiovMousicceivLd by every Steamer. P.O. Bo-i:;- Hell Telephone Xp. IUU .Mutual Telephono No. 191. M;i iini LAINE & GO. Have a Largo Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. Which is olleied at Low est Market Pi Ices AND Dolivered Frootoany pari of tho City AGENTS FOU THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFOKN1A. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone, Commissioner of Doeds for California Telephone Xo. 117. 700 II dvS kL Saloon The Best Lunoh in i own, Tea and Ooflbe at Ml Hours The lno-- t Bund nt Oigars & 1 obacco always on uud. II. .1 NoLTE. Vnuuletnr. etrop olitan lie lj KINO STREET, .r AVAJ-.T-.I3- PropHolov. Choicest Moats from Finos Mortis. Families aud Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE and at tliu LdwchIi 3iurltot. J?rl,cH. All meats delivered fiom this Mmket aiothoioughlyohlllcd immediately afler kllllnu by iiieans of a Pa- tent Dry Air Rcfilgointot. leat so treated retains all Its juicy inpeitlcs, and h OtiAiiAKTKi.n'ro Kr.i:i Lonoi:u Arum Diu.tvKitynuM Fnusiii.v-KiUr-i;uMe- at. 71 ly AT POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, - Honolulu, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats. Latest Stylos ami Newest shapes. The GAINSBOROUGH HAT, all tliu rago in Black, White, Brown and Ecru, also u lot of other new &hai)us in Black, White, and Colored at SI. 00 each. STOVELT3E8 EE3 HAT TRIMMINGS, Astrakam in all shades, Plain aud Fancy Plushes. VELVE1 "S VELVETS l'ino Abiorlmcut VELVETS Plumes, Tips, Feather Pon Pons, Wings, &c. rS'liiW FANCY 3IIllJON.S: Not mainly Bonnets colored Silk and AVliite Kiubioidery, Infants' Muslin and Lace French Caps, Tun Bonnets, Etc. .4 lu all Colors. I'lush, Tamo Stock -- 7 175. Corner A. Blacksmith Work: Painting and 79 k 81 THE ClaiiT Lace Hats! lH Sliunto, Turk Caps. AY HAY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Las'eGt Choicest UWOfo! Toloiiliones Kins Stmt tlthit Ifoin Wtw. Every a llrst-clas- s mannor. Bell 107. fcj a Hfl uwb m ! of ! in Edge Polo 2G -- - & mill of in tliu aboe Hues iu a 1ST "eBa (1127 and 23&" Fort and Just received pir Capo Fic-- h Apples, Alinniuls. Pecans, llrayll Nuts, Figs Due", Table Itaism", Cuir.iuls. lioston Blown Bread, l.imon, Citron Ok ngo I'eil, l' iu glast Olhos l'rinic-"- Wilbur's CIkk otaie, lUinied O.sters, Plum .Minco Meat, Cukes and Crack, eis, Soluou Bread, fMuliuui ilnal, Biid Seed, Liquid Reiinct, ltoo liter, etc, etc. All lit liivLeN ami G leave your Orders, or Ring up ftJ T8B work 119. E AND IN EAST1 I01H AND KINO New Gowlt. erry Puilat fiom the rritein Stales and Europe Fio-- h Piodinel ieiy Skhii ci All ciiluu altendid to. and Uooils dcliw in, iri ! tlic ( h fucof chaige. Ittund oidern Kill, cited. V't v Lo IrJ. 108 ly 2IC. 1. O. uml Deulerrt in AND Etc., Etc. A J. T. Morton's EnglU'i Groceries alwats on hand. A7s ', a of the leading binnds of O .V ' i3 I Fretli Goods of tliu Siaum on ICE S. S. SAvawfr'AC'rioa of a n the H- -J W Quality, Lowest Prices. FEED CO MORGAN, "7 Edinburgh Queen Stroets. Building, Trimming, Old Rosa Premises. ly) Bell Telephone, 1C7. ICiiijLC jIereliitnt dcscilplion performed Aiso, Horse Shoeing Specialty. Telephone, TACE, 6R0CER, King Street, lietween Alakeu Streets, Australia, Crnnlicirii'P, Walnui1", FllliertP, and Imperial Cocoatina, Instiiu-mucou- s I'liililinif, Oybters, Saidims, hxirncU, Ljow-eN-t .SiitlHiUetion Htf MclNTYRE & IMI'OR'ILRS DEAl.ERb Provisions and Feed, CORNI.R S1RI.ETS. riccividbj t'liHuirnhi failMully (onn Suilt-liiiiliu- i uiiiirtiitLid. OlIU 14C. Telcjihiuie No. Telephone Rox 207. LEWIS & CO., liupoi'tei'N STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, uleonxi-orliuonlo- f Cio.u&Hbirkwoll's and full hue Amcricun Every Description HBfll GOO 1 fi icccivcd by every steamer of tho Oceanic Co.'x linn. ;ijakaxti:i:i). 031y PRINTING inch o 0. 9 IPm KSBIIfTUn R .3.W.S.. .,.ww Excontcd with neatness and dispatoh At Carriago uitvniiteeil. ITTIIMa nado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinda of Mouldings, "rackets, Window Frames, Blind'?, Sasliex. Doors, and all kinds of Wood work Mulsh. Turning, Scroll aud Band Sawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan-ni- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attunded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other is of solicited AKTllL'K 1IA11HISON. F11KU. UAHK1SOK. I. HARRISON BROTHERS, JLSulldorM S CoiitruetorH. UO P. O. Box 478. E. E. MAYHEW, CON HI ACTOR & BUILDER, 8i5 Hotel Ureet, . . Honolulu, II. I. (Opposlto Pnshlon Stables). P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telophono 53. AH work in my lino fuitiifully done. Plans anil tpceiileatlons made, .lob- bing iu all details done at short notice. ool Work mid Low CIinrgOH I my .13 otto. tiO C KAVANAQH, ' JJXJXL.13EII. j Steim Boilers, Furnaces aud Ranges Set. Rrlck and Stonework done on reasonable terms. Alapal St., Second door from Berctnnla. r o. uox 1D7. Ordcis frcin the oilier Islands punc attended to. 2ly N. T. BURGESS, tit King street, : : Honolulu. Cariieuter mitt Itulliter. Itnbcagc and i.fucrai'cnn. Draying and steamer Freight carefully handled. Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s workman at 7S King Mrecl. Jobbing in above lines attended to with promptness, and charges according to the amount and quality of work. Odlco Telephone, 2U'- -'. Kesidcncc, 152. yajy E. B.THOMAS, Builder. Ofllcc, corner Aiakca and Queen strceta, mutual TKi.urnosE, aSO. 311 P. O. Rox 117. Gm Contractor nntl Ittiiltlcr. Stoics and ofllces lilted up, Estimates given on all kindskof brick and wooden buildings, Pluns and Specifications fur- nished. EST Olllco, 110 Beretania St.; Mutual Telephone, 002; Postolllce Box, BIO 322 ly Rhoads & Greene, House Builders and Architect!. Plnus Specifications and detailed Draw-Ing- e furnished for all kinds ot wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for tho same. All jobbing promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Any of tho above work entrusted to our care, will receive our personal attention. Orders from tliu other islands solicited. Office and Shop, 88 Queen St. --IT.LKritONK 348. Honolulu, Mny 7, 1880. 323 ly NTERPRISr P PLANING MILL- - f Airmen, near ucu St. I Telephone 55. A. MCKENZIE', J PRACTICAL PLUMRER and Gas Fitter. All orders for House or Ship work promptly executed. r?r Shop next to Post Oillce, Bethel ttreet. P. O. Rox 1B0. Bell Tele-phon- e 131. 1M ly F. RIIPPRECHT, 3J'i,eco JPaiiitex, 120 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I. 60 3m BROWN Si PHILLIPS, Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- No. 71 King street, Honolulu. V-- Hoin-- and Ship Job Ufiik promptly executrd. 102 Honolulu anoN works, Steam euciucs, suirnr mills, boil. crs, coolers; iron, urass ami lean casi-ing- machinery of every description iiuule to order- - Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job woik exe- cuted at slioit notice. 1 R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist. fW All work Promptly and neatly Per. formed. 20."5 3m PASTUItAGE. FOR HORSES. GOODPASTUHAOE JOHNBON, Oltf Lorti Bakery, WHY THE Equitable Lne Assurance Society the United States .1 the Best com- pany with which to Assure. . . Becauso of its Safety. Its surplus U larger tfeu tlut of any other assurance couip:n$. II. Bocauso of its Promptness. Of 1,013 death claliiH paid 111 lSiiJ, nearly oue-lia- lf weio paid the zaytlay proofs wcio iceelvedj whllo of tlieie-maliide- r, tho niajoilty wec paid within the following tlnce days. No other company can show siieli a. recoid. III. Because of its Liboralily and Reforms. All policies arc incontustaiiu: after three ycaio. All lueoulealnbie pollcit'k aic pay.iblo liiimcdiately upon iccclpt of proofs of death. The Soclet.. ' policy coutiact is clear and simple, libeialln Its conditions. Its g Tontine (orSeiul-Toiitine- ) poi.oy uffonls all the ultimate bencllts of the full Tontine, and has during its earlL'r ears the surieuder aluu ami olli-- r mateiial advantages of ordinaiy Win policies. IV. Profit No other company is paying on ,U policies, at large proitts as aiu ho.u under tho Equhablo's mutuied Tontine policies with lltteen-yea- r iciiods. Pir-bo- di'Kiiiug assuiaueu may obuln ot the probable results of bimllar policies, and of policies wIMi twenty-yea- r teim.s, which ate expecicJ to show even larger prodts. V. Prospective Advantages. The unexampled progress of tbo Equitable In the past Is the best guaran- tee of the increasing lutiire value of assurance with the Equitable. Assets, $UG,Gr3,n&7. V) Liabilities, o2,t91,KS.J7 Surplus, $i;i,8U2,23U.lS Surplus on tho New Yoik Staudai d, 17,4'J5,32t) ! Now Assurauco lu 18S5,...'JU,011,37r.f0 a larger liuslness than that of any ctlwr company. Outstanding Ashiirancc, Total Paid Policy- - ,.,, dS holders iu 1SSC...... 5 'ii3e.-- ' l'ald Policyholders since Orgaiiiaiion,.... J ..o Income lu 1585 lti,C0O,0u3.1S Improvement During the Year. Increase lu Premiuin In- - f come, $1,130,310.00 Increase iu Surplus 3,78,011.0 Increase iu Aboels, 6,3'Jl ,101. $0 For full particulars apply to ALEX. J. CA1CTWH1GJIT, Xo. 3. Kaahuuiauit St., General Agent furtholluwailaultluud. 27 CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marino Insur'ce Agents. AOLKTS KOK Tho Xtw Jhijtlaud MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho JEtna Firo Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn, The Union Firo find Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Fiaucisco, Cnlu. Hilly PrtJCQian Nntinnnl Insurance Comp y f KSTAiil.ismio 1813. V. Capital 9,000,000 Rclchimrrkt, rpilE undersigned, having bieu np X. pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is piepaied t accept ribks, against Fne. ou Buildings, Furniture, Mercliandli'i'. PiudutL.i.'ti it Mills etc, ou the mobt Favorable Te.iua Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. 11. RIEMENSCHNEIDEr, 070 ly at Wildtr Jk Go's. Tliu i;iuitabl lilt'u ANiirtutc4 ociety of (he United StateM. EMTAIII.lKlIi:i IK 1HB9. ISSUES Policies on tho most opprtrcd vl7. Life, Llfo. Lliilt-e- d Payments, Endowments; Ton'.ne Savings FiiuU, Tontines, Senn.Tontl jis; A; II. C. Tontines; I.lfu and Survivor-shi- p Annuities; Children's Endowments, Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insururre, etc., etc., etc. Policies both Incontestable and Non forfeitable. Contested claims, none. Before Insuring cisowhere, call cud get an estimate. It Is calculated that every reasonable wish of the lusured is embodied in c i or more of tho plans. For full particulars aud pamphl.t, apply to A1.UX. J, VAllTWltlHltl, General Agent for Hawaiian Islar Is, COli" , s t"4 If ! v ,'.,. :lf k d4$'. ;, J 't ' ",'"i hv ttewa s JLJ ZiA.tMLi.. iiifciMHSask!

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Page 1: ir Pi' GPgJ · Plumes, Tips, Feather Pon Pons, Wings, &c. rS'liiW FANCY 3IIllJON.S: Not mainly Bonnets colored Silk and AVliite Kiubioidery, Infants' Muslin and Lace French Caps,

I Pi' 7oL.Xr.-H- -o. 1519. HONOLULU, 11. I., "WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1887. 60 ATCTOth J

9 ir - TFMILY'BULLETra Professionals. , Z 7j2.' jj j 1 "g M PV"" 5 ft ft ft 0 1 f GPgJ y







Is printed mill published sit tlio olllco,Queen Sheet, Honolulu, II. I., every

uftertioon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, GO cents per Month.

Addrctt all Communications DailyllUM.BUN.

AdvortlsouiciUx, tc uiumu insertion,should bo handed lu before one o'clockV. M.

WALTER HILL .Editor and Proprietor

W.A.S. Boats Shipping Hoportor & Collector

Norman Logan Accountant.

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing Offlco.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

nil kinds done on the most favorableterms.Hell Telephone No. 2.VJ

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Commission Movouants.

Uco.W. iMucfurlair.. II. H. Maufarlane.




Sitfar Factors,Flrc-Proo- f Building, - - fi2 Queen street,

Honolulu. U. I.auknts tor

The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Tho Heeia Sugai Plantation, Oahu,IlucloSug.u Mill, Maul,Huelo Sugar Pl.tntation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,T. Fowler to Co. Steam Plow ami . n- -

ablu Tramway Works, Leeds,Hirrlees, Watson &Co's Sugar Mwlun

ery, Ulasgow,Olasgo and Honolulu Line ot Pac .' i


& COMPANY,GBKEW12B (Llmlikd)


Comjussioh Aares'is.


P. 0. Joni.s, Jr Piesideut & ManagerJ. O. Cautkii. . . ..Treasiner & Secretary


Hon. 0. H. llisitoi-- . lion. 11. A. P. CahtekUM IV

T. WATEKHOOSK,JOHN Importer aud Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

Wm G' Invw- -Claua biirecfccls.IIIWIN & COMPANY,WG.Sugar Factoia aud ConuuUsioa

Audits, Honolulu. J

to CO.,WILUEB Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Kali ami jiuiuuug jiiuenuioof every kind, cor. I'ort and Queen sis.,Honolulu. t

H. N. Cii8tl. J. U. Atherton.

i: OOOKE,CASTLE Slupplug and CoiuimssionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inOeueral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

QBINBAUM to CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer- -

oliaiullHO and Commission Melcbauts,Hnuolulu,and

121 California street,1 riau Franulsuo, Cal.

O. BKHQEfi, ,c.14 MmionANT Sl'llEBT,

General Agent lor

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

Tho City of London Flru In. Co(llinit'd

jjuth Urill'sh and National Fire & Ma-rin- o

Insurance Co.

Macucalo & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Sprlugflcld Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vanco & Co.

Tho Hartford Flru Insurance Co.

Tho Commercial Fho & Marino Iusur-auc- o


G-onsalv- &e Co.,

.Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merohanta

280 Beaver Block, IIohoIuIu.

GBBTZ, fWOHB. No. bOFoit street, IIonolul,fwImporter and Dealer in Gout's, fcadiesand Cldldreu'3 boots, shoes and slippers.

11. Lev ei 1, F. J. oy, C. M. CooUu.

to OOOKE,LEWKR8 to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Otil iii el; :mcx leer

And SJiiIiolHtcror,No. Oa Hotel street,

Opposite Iutei national Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticko,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODStaokcts, Oomlces, Curtain Poles, &o.'

made ol the latest designs.

it iiiiiit it'll iiri vmri vm i ii iiiiin t - Tim ni r i r j d.4 ll ii . h ui -i rj ki a m m u an im h. m hi -

as.u uiii.. I Asiioim. UQW'Qll QWianTG fl'T'ir n aua H a UV3 ba H w w w v Uonolulu Steam Planlnc Mills. Espla

ASIIFORD & ASHFQRD, uu" uu,u to( liltlltlOU)

Iiinv. C'linnrcry, .'in vrj um-liiK-.

Ailmlialty. Jtaulti'iiptcy, lj iilmio,;:tc,, i:tc.

OrKici:: Old Capitol Uulldiiig, Oeneinl l'ost-Olllc- !J


173 42 Meichnntbtrcct, Honolulu, ly

M. MONSAUUAT,J" A'lTuKNHY AT LAWmill Notnrv Public. Heal Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold nnU

leased, on comniision. Loans negoilfted, Lugal Hocumeuts Drawn. No. 27.Merchant at. (Gazette Hloek), Honolulu,Hawaiiau Islands 1U0

CECIL BROWN,and Counsellor at, Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Ackuowledgments ol Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. Meicliont stieet, llouo-'ul- u.



Attorney uiid Couiisolloi' .

Omen: No. 12 Spicoktis lllocK,

Honolulu. j- -


A'lTOKXUY AT LAW,and Solicitor iu Chancery. OillceCanipbell's Ulock, becoiid Siory, Hooiut--

and 0. Hniraueuou Meithaut olieul,Honolulu, 11 1. UH U

I'OUN A. HAHSINQEn.O Agent to take AcJaiowledghieutito Contracts tor Labor. lulenor Jlllee.Honolulu.


i'hysiuiau uml Sin-jifon- .


OlUeo Houis: fiom 0 to 12 a. u.Hell Telephone No. 123. 271y


nmm first door webt of Liliravv llllild- -

ing. Hours, from "J to 11 a.m., aud 2 to 4anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

g-j-" ltcaidcncc, No. 40 Alakeu, nearHotel Street.


Eesidenco and Office, 190 1'oit St.( 8 to lu A.M.,

OKK1CB IlOUltS 1 to y l'.M.,( 7 to S L tiling.

Telephone (Bell and Mutual;, No. MO.177 if

M. GOTO,W Pltybicl tu uml Surgeon.

LEPKOSY A SPLCIALTY.Olllco bonis at Knkaako from 'J to 11

a. m. oveiy day except bundayir. Willvisit patients at their residence by

All oilier dlseasei licaled at lib olllcocorner of Punchbowl and Beietaulii his.

OKl'ItU H0UU3 1 to 0 1. M.17 Om 8 to 12 a. m. Sundays

JAMBS lillODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.

and residence, 100 King bt.,OFFICE Kuwniahao Church. Mu-

tual Telephone, U31. Oillce hours fiom7 to 0 a. M., and 1 to 2 i . m. Orders loftat the Pantheon Stables will be prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. I!o- - bQ. 8Wtf



Manufacturing and DispensingPharmacists,

113 & 110 Foil Street, - Hour lulu.

Depot for Boerieko &'s


Hck'cckci's Perfumes and ToiletHequUllis, i 2y


Druggists & Tobacconiats,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo t Street, William's Ulock, Bono210 Honolulu, H. I.


Ai'coiintniit, J.aml, tlnlato nml l.aliorA Kent, Ai'i'oiintN Collect ctl.

Prrsiut Aildiths at Campbell's Block,Meiehant snout. P. O. Hox-lUl-

References Hon. A. H. Cleghorn, H.J. Crelgliton, Eiq. '

Offico 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

W31. rt'CANJWiKSS,No. 0 Queen street Fisli Mnikot,

Dealer In choicestlleef, Vonl, Mutton, 1'IhIi, "io., Ac.

Family and Shipping Ortlnri carefullyattended to. Llvo stocl; furnished tovessels at slio.'t notice, and Vegetablesof all kiuds supplied to order. 310 ly

r w

Imporlrrs&l 3 Dealers In

LlZIron, Cumborland Coal, Hard

Wood Lumticr,: And all kinds of :

Carriago and Wagon Matorials.82 Cm



ALAKEA & KIWCt STREETand see (lie

iiVi!i7 Ciitavay CarriagesN.

J Phcotons, &c,

Ho has for mlo cheap, befoio purelinsv71 lug elsewhere. ,


Book"BinderPAPEH-llULE- and ItLANK-nOO- K

Manufacturer.Book Ilindingol all deseripilon neatly

and promptly cucuted.Campbell Jlloek, IJuoui- - 10 and U.Mcr722 chaui &irt-f- i ly


1C8 No. COTfuunnu fctjeut. IV

WEMER & GO.Jlaiinlacnirlnx Jv'llirM,

rs'o. oaConstantly on hrtii't a assortment

ofeveiyikM-iipihino- f .leueliy, Watehe.1,Gold and Silvci 1'lnied Waie. ic.

0.'3 ly

rzors' mil YJ i

J5xVJC3JICV.F. IIOHN, Priictical Confectioner,

P.istrj Cook and linker.71 Hotel St. "SarST Telepliono7l

Wolfe &l Company,Grocery and Feed Stoic,

G7Jnnd 00 Hotel itrcct,Fush Groceries and PiovMousicceivLd

by every Steamer.P.O. Bo-i:;- Hell Telephone Xp.

IUU .Mutual Telephono No. 191.M;i iini

LAINE & GO.Have a Largo Stock of the


Which is olleied at Low est Market Pi Ices


Dolivered Frootoany pari of tho City

AGENTS FOU THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone,

Commissioner of Doeds for CaliforniaTelephone Xo. 117. 700

II dvS kL Saloon

The Best Lunoh in i own,

Tea and Ooflbe at Ml Hours

The lno-- t Bund nt

Oigars & 1 obaccoalways on uud.

II. .1 NoLTE. Vnuuletnr.

etrop olitan lie lj


.r AVAJ-.T-.I3- PropHolov.

Choicest Moats from Finos Mortis.

Families aud Shipping


and at tliu

LdwchIi 3iurltot. J?rl,cH.

All meats delivered fiom this Mmketaiothoioughlyohlllcd immediately aflerkllllnu by iiieans of a Pa-

tent Dry Air Rcfilgointot. leat sotreated retains all Its juicy inpeitlcs,and h OtiAiiAKTKi.n'ro Kr.i:i Lonoi:uArum Diu.tvKitynuM Fnusiii.v-KiUr-i;uMe- at.

71 ly


POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, - Honolulu,

Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats.Latest Stylos ami Newest shapes. The GAINSBOROUGH HAT,

all tliu rago in Black, White, Brown and Ecru, also u lot of othernew &hai)us in Black, White, and Colored at SI. 00 each.

STOVELT3E8 EE3 HAT TRIMMINGS,Astrakam in all shades, Plain aud Fancy Plushes.

VELVE1 "S VELVETSl'ino Abiorlmcut


Plumes, Tips, Feather Pon Pons, Wings, &c.rS'liiW FANCY 3IIllJON.S:

Not mainly Bonnets colored Silk and AVliite Kiubioidery,Infants' Muslin and Lace French Caps, Tun Bonnets, Etc.


lu all Colors. I'lush, Tamo

Stock -- 7

175. Corner

A.Blacksmith Work:

Painting and79 k 81


ClaiiT Lace Hats!lHSliunto, Turk Caps.





Kins Stmttlthit Ifoin Wtw.

Every a llrst-clas- s mannor.

Bell 107.

fcj a Hfl uwbm






Polo 2G




of in tliu aboe Hues iu

a1ST "eBa (1127



Fort andJust received pir

Capo Fic-- h Apples, Alinniuls. Pecans, llrayll Nuts,Figs Due", Table Itaism", Cuir.iuls. lioston Blown Bread, l.imon, CitronOk ngo I'eil, l' iu glast Olhos l'rinic-"- Wilbur's

CIkk otaie, lUinied O.sters, Plum .Minco Meat, Cukes and Crack,eis, Soluou Bread, fMuliuui ilnal, Biid Seed, Liquid Reiinct,

ltoo liter, etc, etc.

All lit liivLeN ami Gleave your Orders, or Ring up






EAST1 I01H AND KINONew Gowlt. erry Puilat fiom the rritein Stales and Europe

Fio-- h Piodinel ieiy Skhii ci All ciiluu altendid to.and Uooils dcliw in, iri ! tlic ( h fucof chaige. Ittund oidern Kill,cited. V't v Lo IrJ. 108 ly

2IC. 1. O.

uml Deulerrt in

AND Etc., Etc.A J. T. Morton's EnglU'i Groceries

alwats on hand. A7s ', a of the leading binnds of

O .V ' i3 I

Fretli Goods of tliu Siaum on ICES. S.



a nthe H- -JW

Quality,Lowest Prices.



"7Edinburgh Queen Stroets.



Old Rosa Premises.

ly) Bell Telephone, 1C7.

ICiiijLC jIereliitntdcscilplion performed

Aiso, Horse Shoeing Specialty.Telephone,

TACE, 6R0CER,King Street, lietween Alakeu Streets,


Crnnlicirii'P, Walnui1", FllliertP,and

Imperial Cocoatina, Instiiu-mucou- s

I'liililinif,Oybters, Saidims,

hxirncU,Ljow-eN-t .SiitlHiUetion



Provisions and Feed,CORNI.R S1RI.ETS.

riccividbjt'liHuirnhi failMully

(onnSuilt-liiiiliu- i uiiiirtiitLid. OlIU 14C. Telcjihiuie No.

Telephone Rox 207.

LEWIS & CO.,liupoi'tei'N

STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,uleonxi-orliuonlo- f Cio.u&Hbirkwoll's and

full hue Amcricun

Every Description


GOO 1 fiicccivcd by every steamer of tho OceanicCo.'x linn.

;ijakaxti:i:i). 031y


inch o 0. 9 IPm

KSBIIfTUn R.3.W.S.. .,.wwExcontcd with neatness and dispatoh





nado, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinda of Mouldings,

"rackets, Window Frames, Blind'?,Sasliex. Doors, and all kinds of Woodwork Mulsh. Turning, Scroll aud BandSawing. All kinds ol Sawing and Plan-ni- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attunded to and work

guaranteed. Orders from the other is ofsolicited



JLSulldorM S CoiitruetorH.UO P. O. Box 478.


8i5 Hotel Ureet, . . Honolulu, II. I.(Opposlto Pnshlon Stables).

P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telophono 53.

AH work in my lino fuitiifully done.Plans anil tpceiileatlons made, .lob-bing iu all details done at short notice.

ool Work mid Low CIinrgOHI my .13 otto. tiO

C KAVANAQH,' JJXJXL.13EII. jSteim Boilers, Furnaces aud Ranges

Set. Rrlck and Stonework done onreasonable terms.Alapal St., Second door from Berctnnla.

r o. uox 1D7.

Ordcis frcin the oilier Islands attended to. 2ly

N. T. BURGESS,tit King street, : : Honolulu.

Cariieuter mitt Itulliter. Itnbcagc andi.fucrai'cnn.

Draying and steamer Freight carefullyhandled.

Carriage painting done by a first-clas- s

workman at 7S King Mrecl.Jobbing in above lines attended to withpromptness, and charges according to

the amount and quality of work.Odlco Telephone, 2U'--'. Kesidcncc, 152.


E. B.THOMAS,Builder.

Ofllcc, corner Aiakca and Queen strceta,

mutual TKi.urnosE, aSO.

311 P. O. Rox 117. Gm

Contractor nntl Ittiiltlcr.Stoics and ofllces lilted up, Estimatesgiven on all kindskof brick and woodenbuildings, Pluns and Specifications fur-nished. EST Olllco, 110 Beretania St.;Mutual Telephone, 002; Postolllce Box,BIO 322 ly

Rhoads & Greene,House Builders and Architect!.

Plnus Specifications and detailed Draw-Ing- e

furnished for all kinds ot wood orbrick buildings, and Estimates givenfor tho same. All jobbing promptly at-

tended to and charges moderate. Anyof tho above work entrusted to our care,will receive our personal attention.Orders from tliu other islands solicited.

Office and Shop, 88 Queen St.--IT.LKritONK 348.

Honolulu, Mny 7, 1880. 323 ly

NTERPRISrP PLANING MILL- - fAirmen, near ucu St.

I Telephone 55.


All orders for House or Ship workpromptly executed.

r?r Shop next to Post Oillce, Bethelttreet. P. O. Rox 1B0. Bell Tele-phon- e

131. 1M ly

F. RIIPPRECHT,3J'i,eco JPaiiitex,

120 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.60 3m

BROWN Si PHILLIPS,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- No. 71 King street,Honolulu. V-- Hoin-- and Ship JobUfiik promptly executrd. 102

Honolulu anoN works,Steam euciucs, suirnr mills, boil.

crs, coolers; iron, urass ami lean casi-ing-

machinery of every descriptioniiuule to order-- Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job woik exe-cuted at slioit notice. 1

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist.

fW All work Promptly and neatly Per.formed. 20."5 3m


Oltf Lorti Bakery,


Equitable LneAssurance Society

the United States .1 the Best com-pany with which to Assure. .


Becauso of its Safety.

Its surplus U larger tfeu tlut of anyother assurance couip:n$.

II. Bocauso of its Promptness.

Of 1,013 death claliiH paid 111 lSiiJ,nearly oue-lia- lf weio paid the zaytlayproofs wcio iceelvedj whllo of tlieie-maliide- r,

tho niajoilty wec paid withinthe following tlnce days. No othercompany can show siieli a. recoid.

III. Because of its Liboralily andReforms.

All policies arc incontustaiiu: afterthree ycaio. All lueoulealnbie pollcit'kaic pay.iblo liiimcdiately upon iccclptof proofs of death. The Soclet.. 'policy coutiact is clear and simple, a.idlibeialln Its conditions. Its g

Tontine (orSeiul-Toiitine- ) poi.oyuffonls all the ultimate bencllts of thefull Tontine, and has during its earlL'r

ears the surieuder aluu ami olli-- rmateiial advantages of ordinaiy Win


IV. ProfitNo other company is paying on ,U

policies, at large proitts as aiu ho.uunder tho Equhablo's mutuied Tontinepolicies with lltteen-yea- r iciiods. Pir-bo-

di'Kiiiug assuiaueu may obulnot the probable results of

bimllar policies, and of policies wIMitwenty-yea- r teim.s, which ate expecicJto show even larger prodts.

V. Prospective Advantages.

The unexampled progress of tboEquitable In the past Is the best guaran-tee of the increasing lutiire value ofassurance with the Equitable.Assets, $UG,Gr3,n&7. V)

Liabilities, o2,t91,KS.J7

Surplus, $i;i,8U2,23U.lS

Surplus on tho New YoikStaudai d, 17,4'J5,32t) !

Now Assurauco lu 18S5,...'JU,011,37r.f0a larger liuslness than that of any ctlwrcompany.Outstanding

Ashiirancc,Total Paid Policy- - ,.,, dSholders iu 1SSC...... 5 'ii3e.-- '

l'ald Policyholderssince Orgaiiiaiion,.... J


Income lu 1585 lti,C0O,0u3.1S

Improvement Duringthe Year.

Increase lu Premiuin In- - fcome, $1,130,310.00Increase iu Surplus 3,78,011.0Increase iu Aboels, 6,3'Jl ,101. $0

For full particulars apply toALEX. J. CA1CTWH1GJIT,

Xo. 3. Kaahuuiauit St.,General Agent furtholluwailaultluud.


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marino Insur'ce Agents.



of Boston.

Tho JEtna Firo Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn,

The Union Firo find

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban Fiaucisco, Cnlu.


PrtJCQian NntinnnlInsurance Comp y f

KSTAiil.ismio 1813. V.

Capital 9,000,000 Rclchimrrkt,

rpilE undersigned, having bieu npX. pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is piepaied taccept ribks, against Fne. ou Buildings,Furniture, Mercliandli'i'. PiudutL.i.'ti itMills etc, ou the mobt Favorable Te.iua

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In


070 ly at Wildtr Jk Go's.

Tliu i;iuitabl lilt'u ANiirtutc4ociety of (he United



ISSUES Policies on tho most opprtrcdvl7. Life, Llfo. Lliilt-e- d

Payments, Endowments; Ton'.neSavings FiiuU, Tontines, Senn.Tontl jis;A; II. C. Tontines; I.lfu and Survivor-shi- p

Annuities; Children's Endowments,Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insururre,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontestable and Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before Insuring cisowhere, call cud

get an estimate.It Is calculated that every reasonable

wish of the lusured is embodied in c ior more of tho plans.

For full particulars aud pamphl.t,apply to

A1.UX. J, VAllTWltlHltl,General Agent for Hawaiian Islar Is,







,'.,. :lf kd4$'. ;, J 't ' ",'"i

hv ttewa s JLJ ZiA.tMLi.. iiifciMHSask!

Page 2: ir Pi' GPgJ · Plumes, Tips, Feather Pon Pons, Wings, &c. rS'liiW FANCY 3IIllJON.S: Not mainly Bonnets colored Silk and AVliite Kiubioidery, Infants' Muslin and Lace French Caps,






; r ,

m2IWFJT .. WW "fj y V ', '


bishop & Co., b'ankjjksHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on tho

Bfinlt ol OaUSoriiln, W. J?.Vinl tholr agonls in

new youk, nosrof, worn konq.Mcsms. N. M. Hotli?cbild fc Sou, LondonThe Ooiuineroial Hank Co., of Sydney,

London,Tho Commercial Hank Co., of Sydnev,

Sydney,Tho Hank of Now Koalrmt- Auckland,

Chrlstchuich, and 'Wolllni'ton,The Bank of Iltliiuli Cohim'iiln, Vic

totla, B. U., and l'nrluud, Or.and

Transact a General Nankin Business.CC9 ly

Pluljod to n'ifur .' ft tct utvlint t"tollljhsJ It tl boncfi "f all.



"Wc try our best to think well ofthe government under which we

live, nnil at times almost succeed in

deluding ourselves into tho beliefthat the affairs of the nation areregulated by men of brains andability; because it is very muchngaint our 'rain to be constantlyscolding and finding fault, andvastly more agreeable to write wordsof commendation. It k, indeed.But every now and then wc arcsuddenly confronted with some ly

stupid act, that for a timecompletely dispels tho delusion, andmakes it extremely haul to be

' patient and bay soft words.Tho latest occurrence of this kind

is the appointment of the new IfoadSupervisor. To us, having knownthe now appointee for a series ofyears, it is really surprising that theAlinister of Interior a gentlemanwhom wc have always considered in

the front rank of native talent andshrewdness should have made theappointment. Is the .Minister'shead losing its accustomed balance?Mr. Alapai i ceitainly conspicuousin his community lor certain pecu-

liarities, butvnot for anv manifesta-tion of the essentials of an efilciontI'oad Supervisor. His fi lends andneighbors have never ed himof posesing qualifications of thatparticular nature. Tndeed, one ofthem was so satisfied of the gentle-

man's total inability to fulfil theduties of the oflice, that he positivelydeclined to admit tiiat there wasany truth in the rumor, when it wasput in circulation last Saturday,giving as his leason, .that theMinister of Inteiior could not com-

mit fetich a mistake. Now, if Mr.I lart ould persist in his resignationwho, 13 the way, did about as wellas the means at his disposal and hissuperiors would permit and it wasdeemed impciativc, in pursuance ofthe avowed policy of 'Hawaii forihc llawalians," to appoint a nativeHawaiian as his successor, it was no

hard' task to And, at short notice, a

dozen natives better qualified forthe oflice than tho one who has re-

ceived the appointment.This is our candid and conscien-

tious opinion. But would probablynot have expressed it, preferringrather to have allowed the man tobo judged by his works of at least a

few weeks in office, w ere it not forinformation just received from aci edible source, respecting the now

incumbent's proceedings on the firstday of his term, yesterday. It is

pretty generally known that Lilihastreet has been for some time pastin about llio worst condition of anythoroughfare in this city; that adefinite bum of money was voted bytho last Legislature to put, it in ic-pa-

and that a squad of prisonershave been leccntly at woik upon it,throwing up oaith to allow necessarydrainage, and forming a foundationfor a covering of coral. Well, thenew Road Supervisor paid a visit tothe spot yesterday, and gave audi-

ble expression to the opinion thatllio street is good enough for itstraffic, that Palama road should havefirst attention, and that operationson Liliha street should cease atonce. It may bo added, that thoimmediate effect on certain of thoresidents in that locality, wau aoud.den ebullition of uncomplimentarywords, that could not have been themost dujeet of music to the ears ofMr. Alapai. A very small percent-

age of common sense is all that is

needed to detcctthc stupidity of a piece- of road on which workhas commenced, in an unllnishcdcondition, and that condition so badas to render the road almost impass-

able, to effect repairs elsewhere,whoro they arc no more urgently to-- "

quired.For the sako of the Jload .Supe-

rvisor, the roads, and the public wo

fervently hopo this flrot day's pro-- u

ceding may a fair Hauiplo of

UiWKiliitM..! nTf....what Is to follow, but that subsequentoperations may discover more apti-tude for tho lesponsiblo position,and shame our fears. If timo shouldprove- that our estimate of the newofficial which readers will readilyperceive i3 not an extremely flatter-ing one io inaccurate, no ono willbo more pleased than ourselves, andwc shall be glad to correct tho error.


Since the foregoing m tide waswritten, the thought suggests Itself,that if it bo deemed necessary inofficial circles that Mr. Alapai shouldhold sonic position under Ciovern-nien- t,

perhaps it would be a sensibleniranceiucnt tn make him StationHouc Keeper, in place of Mr. Keati,and appoint the last named gentle-

man Road Supei visor. Tho dutiesof the Station House Keeper,although responsible and important,ate not so difficult as those of theRoad Supervisor. Air. Keau 'is aman of energy and some practicalcommon sense, and would be morein his proper sphere looking afterthe roads, than in trying to keephimself awake during tho drearyhours of his present vocation. liewould have some scope for hisactivity on the roads, and wc icallybelieve he would acquit himselfcreditably in that position. liecertainly would not abandon Lilihaafreet until ho had made it passable;neither would he be disposed toneglect entirely the less prominentthoioughfares. that hilhcito havereceived scant attention. "We havebut little hope that any coiisidoialionwill be given to our suggestion, butnevertheless wo would most respect-

fully intimate that the Minister ofInterior might do worse.


Yesterday's Guxctte refers to "anopen letter" from Mr. C. C.Moreno,several copies of which reachedHonolulu by the last mail steamerfrom San Francisco, and character-ises the document as "so abusivethat it defeats its own object." Nomoderate man who has read tholetter will dissent from this conclu-

sion. The epithets arc numcious,forcible, and .sown broadcast. "We

have nothing to say in defence ofthe document. Hut the concludingremark of the Gazelle, which saysthat "the same facts put forwaulcalmly and dispassionately would bemost damaging to our ( iovcrnment ,"imitcs a few woids. Although thetone of the letter is certainly damag-ing to its own object, with thought-ful people, yet it is ically and abso-lutely doing this country consider-

able damage at Washington. Aprivate letter from a piominent gen-

tleman at the American capital,which asserts "Mr. Moreno is doingincalculable mischief here to yourcountry," confirms tlii-- t belief. Mr.Moreno has indoublcdly, at differenttimes and on various occasions, wi n

and spoken a largo amount ofmisrepresentation relative to thiscountry and its people; and thepress and people of this counliyhave been equally prolific in baselessabsuidities regaiding Mr. Moreno.Those who put him down as a merewild adventurer, possessed of a wideexpanse of cheek, but destitute ofbrains, learning, and ability, re

the man. Of the facialdevelopment he has a full share, butof the latter ingredients lie has alsomote than is ordinarily allotted toman. To say that ho has no in-

fluence at Washington, and that hiswords pass for nothing there, is amistake. It is better to accept thetruth, whether it be agreeable orolhciwise, than to delude ourselveswith an erroneous faith, in a matterof this kind. By ignoring danger aman may lose his life, when a littleintelligent precaution would havesaved it.



Rev. A. IT. Smith, of NoithChina, presided at tho meeting, lastevening, in tho Y. M. C. A. hall.Tho vocal and instrumental niusiowcie, as usual, excellent. Messrs.J. II. Atherton and S. 1). Fullertook part in tho opening brilliant speech was delivered byMr. Smith on tho "two lions," Ap-poli- to

and Avaiieo, to be confrontednnd ninz.led by every movement infavor ot moral lefonn.

Mr. Uooth took up the question,"who's to blame," and showed, in(ho clear and impressive manner ofwhich ho is master, that "society"is mostly to blamo for the evils ofintemperance. Eleven signaturesworo added to tho pledge roll. Tliisevening, tho subject will bo, "Pro- -

hlbition, and tho Icctuicr is goingto give a llltlo oltragic sides of thoand what Prohibitioncountry.

llio eoiiilo anddrunkaid's life,

will do for this




ovr 'inn I..WA i low 1887.

The following lines are the originalproduction of one who desires tocall himself "Nomad." Ho pro- -

misca more of a similar kind, butllio is declined for thepresent, with thanks. Ep. DailylH'LT.V.TIN.

"The wnild is not what it is,'But whal to ine It seem,'Ami all in) Idle fancies,Ate naught but floating dreams.

"Kittlne; on a jutting crag,Gazing at this Gieat Flow,A shock came that icnt the eiuth.'from legions down below.

"It appiwieb'd my lofty pcieli'And c.une villi tl'ry glow'1 guosVd 'iwalri Kick or BenFioni icgluiis down lielow.

'With ttcinblitig limbs and briskingb:dr

1 heard the words "Go slow"'My man, ria not j mi 1 want,To take with mo below.' "Kow, moie composed, I did ask,What ha' eaiis'd otir shool tVer flows?"Full." quoth he. of Hypoeiltcs"Is that hovel down below.

"What of me. 1 simply ask'd,The whiskey jug must go,Take this liml and ll-- 't to ineYoa'ie not wanl'd down below.

"Some bother question" I did aU.This uiouMcr float below."U'lij te this sunny hindWith jour mighty Lava Flow'Your sunny lands and iiioiiniah's

icr.uutWith Hypocrites' o'orllowAnd with them and utlici- - tonWe're busy (low n below.

"Is there not some mm c wicked place,Th mi at this Lava Flow?

No mom quollou ask of hhlo r I'm off down below'


''or the month of Jan., 1S87:'1 he total number of de.itli3 lepoileil

for the month of .Ian. was 58. dUtrl-hiite- d

as follows:under 1 year.. riom en to in..From 1 to ." .. Kiom 10 to no..riom 5 to 10.. From fid to CO. .

l'i ma 10 to 21). Fiom CO to to..1'ioin L'OtoKO. IS Over tO

Malis,.... ..ro1 Vinalus, 'J."

Hawaiian.... IIS Britain...Chinese (i Americansl,oilugui"-- r Other nations..

cacsi: 01 nr.ATii ;

Accident i FeverAthma Inllaniatlon ...Jteri-be- ri Old AgoCouvuWion ii 1'ar.ilysisCroup I'.Mun'iiaConsumption. I'aeiuuoiihi .. .

Congestion . . 1 SjphllisDiaulioca . l SuicideI)!. of Heart. . t TetanusJ)ys(niery . t L'nkiiownTotalNnnilirr uiiatteinted

coMi'Aii.vrivi: monthly moiitalityJim. ss,'!. .10 Jan.. 1SS(S..1 . ..v Jan.. 1SS7. ...V?.tan. 1S&5.

(lut-ld- o ..11Xoii-I'cside- nt ."

Annual death late per 1000 for monthSI .(TO

hum:'' IN TUB SCHOOL.School. Sehohu.s. SlclFi'it Street School. .. IISJtoval School ...:;Foiiukabia School.' ... ill!

St. Louis' College ...:iii(i1'iep.iratoiy School ... oi

.1. II. Hnowx,Agent Hoard of Health.


John Quincy Adams and JohnHancock, "(lie Signer," inaniedtwo sisters, the daughters of a notedMethodist diinc in Connecticut.John Quincy was a favoiitc with theold people, and Mary's choice waiappiovcd by them. So when thebans were published, the parentssaid: "Mary, if .you willf furnish mothe text I will preach you a weddingsermon." Site was equal to thetask, and gave the text: "Maryhath chosen the good pait, whichshall not be taken from her." Need-less to say that ju.itico was done totho occasion and the text. Not sowilli Margaret, who in the mean-while was icceiying tho attentionsof her John in a very inexpensiveway, as far as her parents were con-

cerned, for it is .said that "ho nevercrossed his legs under their festiveboaids.' So, when the bans werepublished, she said to her father:"Father, you preached a weddingsermon for Mary, cannot you pi eachone for mo V" He at first demurred,but at last consented, and called forthe text, when Margaret, who wasequal to the occasion, said: "AndJohn came, neither eating nor di ink-

ing, and yet vo say ho hath adevil." fN. Y (irap'hie.


Madamoisollc Adclina J'atti is atpresent performing in San Fran-cisco, her last appearance beingfixed for February Urd.The receipts of her last concert inthe City of Mexico netted aboutSlo,()0(). The Mimic and Dramasays: "Tho salo of seats for thoseason at tho Giand, embracingfour concerts, indicates Unit thePatli furoro will bo just as intenseas it was dining the diva's formervisitti. MareusMoyer deserves con-

siderable ci edit for his cllorts to de-

feat the schemes of the ticket-speculato- rs

and give the public a squaredeal this time. Under Henry K.Abboy's admiiablo management womay expect a far more satisfactoryand systematic order of things thanwas the case dining the diva's for-

mer seasons at the Grand underMapleson. The salo of scatsamounted to over 1G,000 on Uio8th January."

.'ii i

Lord Tennyson persists in hisdpteriii nation lo wnto a lioein toUle Hattcnbem baiiy. All EnglandBoew lo bo down on tlio poor llltlol'rincclot.



Milale M Esitale

uinrr in mi iii;i urn in ill inu ii' 'iBUAKD OF EDUCATION, I shall tell I

hi 1'iuiic Aiut on, oaMonday, March 7th, 1887,

At VJ o'clock noon,at my salesroom", coinir of Fori midQ iefn t ce's, Honolulu, that virv d.MrAhlo tract of land situated at K iliu,Lllllia Sticct, known 03 Leo's Propel ly, coiuprlslug

Kalo & Kula Landel siq eih r quail y, hi iM.'.iicrrd.

lLor '. I Con'a nliii 1111 area oflid fl.too i cr , ui afi up it pro e

of U 7,5011.00.

Uit So. JJ Adlolnlni' Ilia aliovo onllie uiatika tide, nnd containing mian 11 ot 1 acre. Ui set prlcu S7r0 00.TTlLi: UIKt'KCT

OAMU. Hecih nt iluixp.-ilH- ' ol piiirliiHt'i.i. Fnrlliei pillL1.ulais may 1)3 leariml ly application atthe olllce of tliu ISoird of I'lluciilloti.where plum and Miivtys of the laulniny be seen.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Auctioneer

llonohihi, Feb. 2 l87 lOtJ

ASSIGNEE'S JALE!ly older or V. ( 1'AiMvK, Atl"iice

of the I'.inkiupt Kstilu of T. J. Mo,sman, wc will ill nt 1'i.biie Auction,On Saturday, Fchruary 5 th,At 10 o'olocl:, a. iii.oii ih" iiemis"s,corner ( f King and Xiumiiii streets llie


Cut (.IlussTimibliir-- ,An A'wmnicnl of Cliimware,

jroi o Cups nnil Snieers, Tah'e.KiiIms, Sis s of Carct9, Po-- ki tlvniie-i- , Wash Hiuins', Wood l'lpo,lirtiul lloaid', llitus, Ac.

E. P. ADAMS & (J.19 "H . Auctioneer'.

COTTAGE TO LiET.AT A VERY RIUSOXAI'r.EClint f, that, neat (oitifieonllie nlaiii!, icccntlv oicaplcd

by Mr IV icock, ( f Freeth A--,aiul nftui wards l,y Jlr. Ill bin. 1 liec itigu contidui htvenil rooiin-- , a idee

iiid, ft lib) and curiagn houte. forI arli nl'irs' iiooly on the prituii-e- s 01 lo.M U COLISUltN, at Onh'i Piiiiul-tSi- f


i. l'l'vinhiBon Ihnnmstiiut, i pposiiuMr. .Ins, Cainidiell'. Pis-eido- n in beirivcn Immediately. Applv in

F. A. SUlIAKFi:!!. tl lw


IJoonm, Iiinrola lllock. ICin, Street, onTHUIWDAY KVKX1XU, at S o'clockfoi ihupupiojc of imikiiigaiiniigciiieiilsfor a uric of lectures upon piqi'ilnrsiiIijlcis to lie fjlven by Mr. iJinaii 1) ly,01 this thy. Mr. Day will address thonitL'tiiiL'. The public is invited 18 2t


XX Miller Is imh b'ei), please forwardMtUi'inrnls lo hli) adilrij:

C. K. MlbLIR,48 1 w San Fianei.-c- C.d.

Nctice."TliJESRS. K. PECK AMD S. PECK1J Inivo catcied iniotin. lei' tliu llrni name of I. Si P. I'ECK,from .T.iiiuiiy 1, life?, ami will carry onDim) nit: an I'Fui'Miiidiiigl'.iiHiiio sin nililsbranelios. U PECK,

ijlin b. PKCIC.

TXT11I-- MBJIi,KK"?IK C'OIIltTJL of tlie Hawaiian Islands in Hank,ruplcv, in llie mutter ol WALLACE.IACKSOX. a uiinknipl.

Older of adjudication.Upon lending llie eiltloa heioin, and

upon piool Ii Ii.iu inn liken, 1 d) limlthat llio said NAIL.VOi: become a I iinkiiipl wltlibi the Imioiiitu'iil and me ining of the Act approvedon tlio auth day of August, lb-- 1 en.tilled '"An Act to l'jjiii'u e proceedingsin liiiiikriipuy In tliu Hawaiian IHinib."Alid I do lurobv dccliio and iidjudnoIhu Mid WAI,LCL JACKSON

ace ldiniily.And I do itiuli-- r order that lliocicdlt-or- s

of llie said bankrupt enmc in andproM1 their dolus befoie mcli .luetic cttho Supreme Court as Mull ho Mtlinir InClininlicis at Alliol mi Hale, Hnnoh In,on FRIDAY, the fourdi dur of Fubruary, A. 1). Uh, between llie Itiim ofan o'cltek in thu forenoon and noon ( 1

the Mid day and elect one or moreiHslpneo oi if tin: said liunl;rupi's

And that notice heieof bo publishedlluee limes ill the Daily 1In aid andDaily IIui.i.ktin, neutpupeis )iulliblieiliu Honolulu lu the. Engllch larieiiii'.'e.

KUWATtO PRKsTOX..lusticcSupreiiiu Court.

Atle-t- : .1. II. RnibT,Second Deputy Cleik.

Honolulu, January L'9, lbS7. 47 !!t


llinttlio law ii.iiineiKliipnl Kliiucviu 1'itui ion Is Ibis day dlstol veil by niutiinluonncnl. A.P PKTKRS'iN,

W. A. KIXNKV,llonobibi, Jan. ill, USf. 17 lw


IVrOTICinS 1IERIH1Y (UVKX THATJ--i tliu Alinniii .ticeung oi too oiotii.holders of the Hawaiian Cariiago Miintif ir lui'lnir Criiipiu y will b held onTilUUbDAY, F.bruniy lOih, at 10

o'nlook, til llio ol'ileo ol llio Com- -

panv, QiieenEsireet.13. 0. SCHUMAN,

(. EST, Seo'y and Trens.Piesiilcnt. lild

To Flantors and Families.A NY PERSONS HKQUIRINtl FOR.V n.KUt'KP.JuiHnwoof Chinese hibor- -

(ir Feinale. cm bu Mimrilud bvJnii"Lsin Mr.

O.T.Gullek. F.MAKCOS.Jlonolulu, January 81,1887.

' I

.a S

flirrBoria a I

? I



The Lager IJror of

1 i Was AwardedAt the ExpoHtltn

I! FftEETI--I (kl



ri m


.. J.V.



M. G0LDBSR&,lMroUl'I.U AM)

A a v,

--y uli


l.nli'i '.iitljn lilt UtfKKifTikfJkm!ASlT iVtmii riHiirn IMf


Custom o Hade o ClothingGent's Fine Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps,

Corner Fort St Merchant Streots, Honolulu. Cnmpoell'B Block.


Now have on

Assortment offiicluditic; Ladies'





S 2.4 urf TJ

the abovo Rruwery&

s 3

the S nl

of 1ES5 and 11S3 5s






baud a

and Gentleman's s'uc

tj o;T,aH

HU u

w a

and Ornamentcr in this Kingdom.

and inalso replenished their

OJPIn all lines. Latest Styles Xmas Cards.

and PJJade andt'tif

Hol ister



Music Goods!



Fancy Goods Toys Great Variety.

STOCK I'5J2IIrl? UREFurniture Rflattresses Repaired.



irailll MO HI hWM

rrsf ray

P.. P H 1

d Cake Bakery.


Keeps always on hand the largest stock and greatest variety ofFresh and only Pure Candies and Cakes.

Lowest Prices, Full Woight, and Pure Goods at Wholesale and Retail.

F. KORR3,And Only Practical Confectioner




Home-Mad- e,

Wedding and Birthday CakesNot a specially exactly, but arc made now as before, of superior quality

and richness of' flavor and OKNAMENTKD IN AN ARTISTIC STYLEwhich dclles imitation and fully sustains a t enty-thre- o years' reputation,not yet excelled in Honolulu.

American, French, Italian, English and German PastriesMade to Order at Short Notice.

Itrcad Jtolivort'd F.vory lny to all imrts of tlio City.o

ramAt S3. 00 for one, and Sfi.(H) for two Gallons. Made from rich Egg

Custard. It is from "vVoodlawn Dairy Cream; guaranteed to bemade without .Starch or Gelatine, and acknowledged to be tlio Richest,Purest and Cheapest Ico Cream lu Honolulu,

Special Arrangements made for Large Orders.Satisfaction guaranteed by

Factory, Storo and Ico Cream

Between Fort Huuanu.






'Parlor: No. 71 Hotol Street,

Both Telephones No 74. 2a



Our Semi-Anim- al

Qomnnnt Cnlnmmmn mo

Wi'l crmir.cnco on

Monday, Jan'y 31st?Aiid continue for the balance el the

week ending February Cth.

All our REMNANTS will be rheedon the counters and marked rt'iwn.

Thiii ale is nicts'iry fci wvii' tfroc in, no inn Eislein (ood, ouleie I clxmonlliH ngo, will nirlvo ahcn.t lbru-ar- y


Now Is your cliaaco lo procuro O.iroalns I


P. S. Just received by Alaineda, thoFinen line of Hitulii'N JerseyWnlts ever shown in thii city. .J3

Australian lfiil Service.

FOK MAX FJtAXCISCO,The new and line Al Med stcaiiHhip

"SCI2AJ1,AjNXIA,"Of the Ueeanlc Steamship Company, wi I

lie due at Honolulu lroni Sjdnoyami Auckbiud o'l or uhoiit

February I lthv 1887,And will leave for tho above port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdale.

l'or ftelglit or ihissbkc, Iiiiviiik SU.rEHIOll ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho ih.w mil line Al steel steamship

"MAK IPOSA,"Of IheOceiinin St(amhip Company, will

he due al Honolulu from SuuFrancisco on or about

February 19th, 1887And will hive prompt dhpatih withiindH nnd passenyi'iH f( r Hiealnive port.

l'or Ireighl or pnsnigj, linvlni; bll.I'KHIOJC ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Waianae and Waialua.

t$, 1',iu Steamer

fr AVuVI 31 ANALO"Will Icuvo eveiy Monday and Thursdayfor id). ivo inn f, l elurning evci y Weil nch-d- ay

mid baUrdav. 0. UOLTE.10 --V Agent.

For llong Kong Tokohania

rjJ-J- U The last sallliiR Ship

JuMEROURY,"dipt. Pnniio, 0ilS logister, will bu

for tho abovo perls on

SATURDAY, FEB. 5th, '87.'llie vessel hits btipcrior cnbln and

ttecr.ipo acconiinodations. 'l'or fieiglit and iia&ai;u applv lo

PAUL HOHM.128 Beretiinia Street, or 81 King Street.

Telephone SC3. a5tf

For Hong Kong !

TIIK Al 13A11KfalivHCIM. J?T-- M

GSSOr 10 L'cti UI JJfcJ VUI1G. 11. Holland, : : : Master.

Will sail for tlio abo-.- o port on or about

FEBRUARY Stli, 1 887For freight or passage apply to the



Criterion SaloonLfOBT STREET,

Saturday Evening, Dec. 11th.

Th? Proprietor lake pleasure into tlieir fiiumlK and the gene-m- l

pnljllu, tlnii they have remodeled andlellilcd (ho piembiM linincdlntely aboveHotel Suet1', whero on and at'ier nextS mutiny Kve ujll he found the. best pf


Boers,Ales and


The Mmkct nfl'oids,

Tho Stock was imrnliiipod under theFUifrvlsion oi Mr. .las. Hold, whlloI.'nut, nnd hiiving been bo long In theIiuhIiicssi, ho knows the wants of theIr.ido, and has piiiehii-t- tho article thatwill please tho mcBt fiiHtlillone.

'riltinlrlnir nnr ftli'mla ruwl tinlnina ffrpiM favors, and desiring u continuanceof Ihu hi mo,

Wo are, rcspfot fully yotiiB,JAME5 DODD.IIAHUYMIIXEU,

04 lw Proprietor-.- ,

' '', . - - "'' .'4--

! M ,11 ".", ,.is m.m.r.v&B&iti

Btmin'niiTTifHiiii iji


Page 3: ir Pi' GPgJ · Plumes, Tips, Feather Pon Pons, Wings, &c. rS'liiW FANCY 3IIllJON.S: Not mainly Bonnets colored Silk and AVliite Kiubioidery, Infants' Muslin and Lace French Caps,

(HHHHMMMM imT:T-...-t!,r- " r .wimr "TT" "ST ' S '. 'T ' i )f"i """ " t RBI nr'v- -

Jpt3 , ,J r.ffi"JS;.lfWf!w'i?,wl T' ,."IW'!7r,'PfW-TS'T"'fV"-s '",1;",f i:''"51r ", T""Tf. '' - "J" '".swwjpv





1.!- -




. int


k If& J6



ask; . .


WEDNESDAY, FEU. 2, 1887.

AHRIVAL3.February 2

Stint Jus Mukce from KnpsinStmt Eivn ftom Evvn

DCI'AttTIMES.February 2

for Nnwlllwlll. Knloa,Eleole, Wniinua. Keknha mid XII-li.- ui

ut ' ) III

Sehr Ehtil-it- l for Wninluutjclif Waloll for Ku ut


Stmr .Ins Mnkeo for Wnl.tunc, Nnvvll- l-

nud irniuunaulu at noon.Sclir Uaiiuto for IHlo


For ICminl, per Meniner Wnlnlcnle,Februarv I III- Excellency Jltm AHo-m- , .Mar-dm- l .1 h K'aiilnkoii, IllsHonor Itlekeiton, lion S BDole, 0 W .Wiford, W II llolokahlkl.Captain V Y Fchlbehr. .1 Kua, Uol C II.ludd, lion II A Wiilcmaiin, .Mn'teraColburn (2), V 7. Wilcox, and nliout 20deck.


lid Hope. PciihullovvIlk Sonoma, HoweIlk Drottuiug Sopltla, Svcm-w- i

Ship Mercury,Jlk C O Whltinore, ThompsonIlk Star of Devon, HollandIlk Sarnnac. Shawllktuo Planter, PcrilinmiIlktlU! DNl'OVt'l'J. I.L'l!


'I'Iiij sailing of llio MlkiilinU was post-poned until ii o'clock tins afternoon.


Am bktnu S X Castle, Hubbard, fromJ'oit. Itlakuly, duo licio Deo l.Mh, toCastle & Cooke.

Am bark Tlmnitr. Brewer, sailed fromBoston. Deo IV. due May

Am sclir Ida Scbnaiier,from San Franolseo, due .lanuary 17-2- 0.

Am tern C () Perkins. Aekerman,from San Francl-c- o. due .lanuary 2()-:i- l.

Am uh bark Hunter. Geo W Jcnk-.- .

from the Line Inland-- . due .March 10-'.- ll.

Am bark Kllkltnt, It D Cutler, froml'ort Tovn-eud- , T, due February10-2- 8.

Bill bark Martha, FUhcr, from Glas-gow, sailed SeptU, duo lcru Jnu l."-3-

to Senacfer & Co.Jlrlt bark Lady Lanipson, Marston,

from the Colonic, due here ill Feb, toBrewer it Co.

Brit bark Solla. from Xuwca'-tle- , X

5 W, due .lanuary l"-2- .i

HritbnrkClcngaber, Bollc-dou- , fromLiverpool, due heie, .Ian in -- 111, toDavie-- , it Co.

Ger bark Hydra, from Hongkong, dueDecember

Haw sebr General Selgel, from FrenchFrigate Shoals due Nov

Haw bark Thos B !' W Biig.from Victoria, B C. duo December25-:t- l.

Nor bark P 0 l'ater.-e- n. from Xew-eatl- e,

X S W. due FebruarySclir Dora Bluhm, from San Fran-

cisco, for IHlo.German balk lleivulc-- , .rc,8ch:iofcr,

6 Co. sailed from Gla'-sgow- , Doeember8, duo April '10.


A iilank ulinrgu fbcot was reportedat the Police Court tliirf morning.

Ah wo go to press the band is play-

ing at tin Kakaako llrancli Hospital.

IIack-uiiivi:i- :s lmvo declined totuko paKSongers tliiotigh Lililia wtteetwithout doulilo fates.

A cottaoi on tlio Plains is to lot,tlio particulars of which can bo hadfrom Mr. Marcus Colburn.

'I'iii. Clias. Long homestead pre-

mises on L'mnia sticetaro advertisedto let bv Mr. V. A. Sclutefor.

The doors of the Pacific llousorestaurant lmvo been clo.sed,

for the want of patronage.

Snouu) Princess Likcliko's healthnot lio improved by Hie 12th instant,tho projected ball at tho Palace onthat date, will bo postponed.

It is with extreme regret that worecord tho indisposition of CaptainJohn II. Hrowii,lutitiswithploasuiothat wo learn ho is convalescing.

A rin.i. pago adveitisement of tho"Hawaiian Government (' per centLoan" appears in "The Economist,"a leading coninioroial paper publishedin London.

. -

Mn. Alapai, tho nowly appointedPond Supervis-or- , has appointed Mr.Jim Slovens, a hack driver, to suc-

ceed Mr. Collins, as Government:nulo keeper.

.- -

Tin: regular monthly mooting oftho St. Andtew's Church Associationwill bo held in tlio old chinch build-ing, on tho Cathedral grounds, to-

morrow evening, at 8 o'clock.

Tut: Y. M. C. A. boys will meet,Thursday afternoon, in tho Y. M. 0.A. pallors, ut II o'clock. Mrs. W. C.Morritt will preside and Mrs. A. II.Smith will give an address on "Hoylifo in China."

Tin: Daily Hui,i,i;ti.s' was actuallystinted by Mr. II. M. Whitney, seventeen years ago, as a written sheet,which was posted up leguhuly everyday in front of his bookstore, onMerchant stieot. Our Daily llui.-Mni-

in tho beginning, was merelyli continuation of Mr. Whitney's llul-loti-

in printed form.

Tin: "Friend" for Fobruary reachedtlio liui.i.iii'ix olllco this morning. Apoetical tribute to tho memory of thelato General John A. Logan headstho front jingo. A very brief noticeof Mr. Iticlmid T. itooth follows. Ashort editorial, and n few desciijitivoarticles make up an interesting num-ber of that leligious journal. .


BiA fmwfmr

The Court aud two member ofthe liar left tho city y8tcicluy fotLihuc, Kuuuijfor the purpose of hold-ing the Foitith Judicial Circuit tttLilmc. Tito jmrty comprined IliaHonor AKfooiatc Justice Jlickcrton,II is Ji.xcellcncy Antonc Komi,

Genoriilj lion. S. II. Dole, C.Asliford, Hon. .1. L. K..ulu!:oii,

Mnn-lia-l ot (lie Kingdom; Mr. W. L.Wilcox, In tirprclcr, and UHptniu V.W. Fehlbchr.

Tm:iin was conio loud talking andwiitiigling in u down-tow- n stoio tliiimorning. 1'coplu who chanced to bonear, hvaid of threats of itungo nnd"don't you call mo a thief. I willmake you take it back, even if Ihave to go to coutt," and other auditalk uccompanicd by malignantgestures.

At the Intermediary f'oititthe injunction against tho Garstiullrot". fioni inteifcring in tlio con-

duct of tlio planting business ofSwift, Gaistin it Co. Kil.iiua, wasiuashed by Justice Mel'ttlly. Mr.llatcii appealed for tho plaint'iil's nndM.r. W. 11. Castle for the defendant,t". A. 11. Swift. Tlio injunction wasserved in December last at the insti-gation of Mr. Swift.


A Partial Eclipse of titc Moon willbo visible in the United Slates,Pacific Ocean, nnd part of Asia ontlte 8th mutant.



AT CIIAMlir.HS IiniOlll. Jl'Ot'M.V, .7.

Tt I1)AY, 1'ob. 1st.(w) ami Daniel Ilanloy,

her husband, vs. I.ouisniMahoo, eject-ment. .Mr J. M. Poepou for plain-tiff, Mr. S. 15. Dole for defendant.Continued for argument fioni Aprilterm, 188G. The case was arguedand the decision reserved.


Mr. J. T. Date does not intendleaving the country and going backto California. Mrs. iJare, afterplacing their children in school onthe Coast, will rejoin her husbandlicrc,nnd they will probably live at tlioHawaiian Hotel, finding it less cost-ly than keeping house. Mr. Darewill continue tho practice of hisprofession as a lawyer, and can beconsulted on all legal matters at hisolllco, upstairs in the .Sprcckels'block, Fort stiecl.


"A Utile lion-iMi- -e now and thenIs relished bv the wisest men."


That Hie public will never suifcrthe setting up of opium smokingdens within tlio city of Honolulu.

That Hawaii will not claim suzer-ainty over more islands than shecan properly look afl-r- .

That all olllcers appointed to theKaimiloa be examined as to theiiproficiency in senuiausliip and navi-

gation befoie taking that vc-m-- outof sight of land.

That tlio boundless resources olthis country bo not squandered awayin any more frivolities, when neces-saiie- s

are still unpaid for.


About half paat 7 o'clock lastevening, the lire alarm sounded, thedistrict indicated being the FishMarket. A rush was made in thatdirection, and tho lire was found tobo in the forecastle of the 1. C. N.Co.'s schooner Wnioli. It wasmerely an incipient lire, and thedamage done was slight, only alittle bedding being damaged, andtho ceiling charred. A few bucketsof water promptly applied, soon ex-

tinguished what bid fair to bo thenucleus of a big blaze.

Another incipient blaze onltichard street as smothered bythree- members of tlte No. 1 Volun-teers, whose action displayed pre-

sence of mind accompanied byprompt action.


A motly tliroii; of excited jicojiloon tlio wharves, near the PacificNavigation Co.'.s building, this noon,attracted the attention of peixmsfrom every direction. Arrivinj; atthe scene, a sickly-lookin- g China-man was seen on board tlio m'IiooiutIlnlenknln, then making ready forsea. The Chinaman, who was ery-in- p

frantically, was in irons nndd to the side of tlio vessel.

Hcforo the vessel had let go herlines, Mr. Afong's business managerarrived, and ordered tlio captain oftho schooner to free the Chinamanof his shackles. The captain, incomplying witli tlio request, saidthat tlio Chinaman would jump over-board, and lie did. Thu vessel wasulidinir Iroin the wharf when theCelcslinl leaped overboard. liecould swim a little, and made forbhoro. lleforo reaching tlio vvhaif,however, the Chiimmau'H strengthwas exhausted, and ho was aboutto sink, when a unlive in a buntcaught him by tlio tail. Ilo was,

iut aboard the again. Onspeaking to Mr. Afong's s

malinger it wns ascertained that thusick Chinaman, 'ith llveotheis, hadbeen in tlio Hospital for bovcinlmouths, and weie discharged as con-

valescent, this morning. Tlio onethat went overboard did not wantto return to the plantation, butbeing under contract, linil to go.Ho would not bu set to woil; ntPepcekeo until ho was nblo, ns Mr.Along would bo pleased to give tliosick man rest.

;A Tsnibie Aonidsni !

' Two Men Killed ati

The steamer Jna. Makee, whichairixid this morning from Kajina,

roiight tidings of a ten ibie acci-

dent nt Kilnuea Plantation. Fromwhat enn bo nscertiiucd, though thesteamer did not ('nil nt Kiinue.t, itit appears that number one colli

machine bin si and two men,Messrs. Ilei'iiiautiOii and Kiies,wore killed. The last named wasteiribly nnitilnted, his body beingcut in two, nnd hi.--) arm3 lorn off,while the former had his skull cutclean off. Great damage is nlsonid to have been douu to tho mill.

An inquest, was to lmvo been heldon Sunday last, the coroner not be-

ing on tlio spot at the time, but atllnnnlci. Tliesu men were Philand-ers and only arrived in August last,llcrinanson had been on tho planta-tion previously as n shipped hand,saved money and proceeded homoin 18H." for the purpose uf marrying.Having accomplished his object, ho'returned last year with a youngwife nnd seveinl of his friends amirelations to whom lie had recom-mended Ivilauea as a place wherethey would find congenial employ-ment. Thin same lleiinaiison wasa valuable servant, and a man onwliom Mr. Mnello placed implicitleiinnee. Ho leaves a young widowbut no family.

Mr. Young of Hie Honolulu IronWot ks says this is only tlio secondaccident of a serious nature that hashappened since centrifugals worejtatcntcd nnd operated here.

Mr. Mnclio is at present at theLava Flow. We arc indebted to Mr.Win. G. Irwin for the above inform- -



Mr. L. J. Levey, auctioneer,-advertise- s

valuable land for sale, onLililia street. The land is in twolots, adjoining each other. Thefirst contains tin nrea of a little overeleven acres ; the second, one acre.The entire laud, with the exceptionof a small sjiot of a few rods, hasbeen and may be cultivated. It isgood fot taro, rice, or almost any-

thing ordinarily grown in tin-- , dis-

trict. It lias a water right fioni thenever-failin- g Kunnwai spiing of 2S

hours every week. Seldom hasoccurred of securing bo

valuable a block of land for agricul-tural purpo-L- so ne it the oily.It is well known as the ReformatorySchool taro lands. The sale willlake place on the Till of next month.



The eon vox or rounded eye, saysu writer in tlio New Voile World,denotes strength. Small eyes belongto mechanical, scientific and exactpeople. The eye most readilybrought to a focus serves this classol minds licit. Largo-eye- d persons-receiv- e

sensations vividly and locthem almost as readily. Fuither ourauthor says: "I cannot lliinlc anyicrson entirely frank and

who is narrow between theeyes. History shows no man ofeminence with this peculiarity.Short blunt, full noses belong toartistic and musical people Paicpa,Wilhelnij, Lucca, Annie LouiseCarey, Arthur Sullivan, for exam-jil- e.

Tho musical ear is adaptedto receive sounds, standing out fromthe head, of good -- ie and red tromthe supply of blood, which increasessensitiveness. Tho render may trythese signs on jieojilo he knows best,remembering that Dr. John Cross, awi-- e Scotchman, says: 'It icsts withphysiognomy to detect tho impostor ;

he cannot jircvent nit organ fromfalling by powerinto color, size and shnjio mostbiiited to its function.' "



The beginning of a scries of cele-

brations in honor of the jubilee yearof .South Australia was recentlymade with great display. The Gov-

ernor gavo an nt homo to old pio-

neers and other old colonists, ofwhom a great number attended. Theproceedings were characterised bysimplicity and heartiness. The OldColonists' Association piovided ashow of relics, having historical

with tlio colony. A con-

versations followed in tho TownHall, which was absolutely too smallfor tlie thtong who attended. ThoGovernor and suite were present.Sir Henry Aycrs, president of theOld Colonists' Association, gave aneloquent address, full of valuablehistorical lefcrence, showing thowondcrlul progress made by thocolony during .'() years' settlement.'The Governor was jircsent, nnd loadtho following telegrams from thoSecretary of Slnte to His Kxcel-enc- y:

"Her Majesty's Govern-ment congratulates Smith Austiallaon the lomjilotion of ."0 years of

progress, the result of cn- -

terpiise oi tlio coionibis nun oi eaie-fil- ladministration. I alsoexpiess

my beat wishes for thu continuedpinspority of thu colony and for thosuccess of the coining exhibition."Great success is attending thu move-ment. The Sydnoy Globe.

When copying ink becomes hardor thick, as it will do on exposureto thu air, it can readily bo reducedlo proper consistency bv the addi-tion of u few drops of glycol inc.Add blowly, and teat till right.


Gentil JJolliiii, a Vcm-tiu- painter,was fmlted by Mahomet II. to

where he was com-jnnnd- id

to paint for tho monasch apicture representing the beheadingof John the Hnjitist. When tliowoik was finished, Hie grand seig-nior, while doing ample justice tothe skill of the painter, neverthelesspointed out one mistake in theminting, viz., that he had not sulll-cient- ly

observed that when a mnn isbeheaded the skin is slightly drawnback nt the edge. To jirove this,the Sultan called for a slave, whosehead he commanded to be struck offon the spot, and shown to the artist.Jellini acknowledged himself per-

fectly satisfied of the truth of thoremark, but was so horror-struc- k ntthis method of criticUcism, that holost no lime in getting away fromsuch a country nnd such a master,notwithstanding tho favor? lav shedupon him by Mahomet in order toretain him.

WELCOME IMMIGRANTS,Few Americans in the older, sec-

tions nro aware of the extent of OldFnglund's contributions of lato yearstoward the settlement of the westerncentral regions of Fuclo Sam'sfarm Men who come with educa-tion and capital to assist in conquer-ing tlio wild desert plains andachieve in a short lime results,which in the earlier history of ourcountry, would bo tho woik ofgenerations. Stock raising seemsto bo the great attraction with thesemen, and wonderful successes, fromMontana to Texas, testify to theearnest purpose with which theyhave entered upon a lifo so differentfrom that to which they were rearednt homo.

Love for labor is nn acquiredtaste Tho average mnn was bornlazy X. O. Picayune.



XFE. HAVE jt-- t leceivcd per Aits.It li.illii u llt'W lot of ,Vltlts' Mn

tciiil', K iiy V,' , Ilia kit-- , CtHnvtl''r.ini'd, Pit tic Lie And wenru beilci prcpninl thiui ever to makeCurnicc- - mil Pli lure Finnic, havingtin lurge-- and hot mIpjIciI Block ofMoulding, in ihu Kingdom. KixnHuos.' iiiiT .11

Dit. Flint's llr.Aur 1!i:mi:iy is aSpecific for all forms of HeaitDis-eii-

and u1m for s of Kidneysnnd Oirciiltinoii. Dociiptivi bookwith every bottle. Penson Smith itCo., Agents. I

1'ATitoN'izr. Hume fndiisliy by buy-ing cigars of J. V. Ilingloy, Cigar.Miniifaeturer, at the ('r.Vftal fc'oda

Wotks, whole he i.-- jireji.ired to fill allorders nt tlio lowest po-sib- wliole-al- u

jiricefi. Ihtntid orders tolicitodand jirumjitly filled. The attentionof dealers is ici- - peel fully invited totho fact "nn lieem-- is icquircd" totell these cigin. Do not forget tlionniiio J. W. llingley, nor tho place(JrVftal Soda Vork, Hotel clreot.

(ill Iv

Compotition tho Life of Trade.

Tlio Mli Carriage Co.

y i:sri:rrKUMA' soi.i'Tis aXV ciuiiiuu.imu of the piliomtgo ofiim-- o who iKTii-loiml- uipii'i nn 'x- -


lit: Tlin iiiuiager also desiiot lo sh.t ;

that the Coinimi y's drivtrs Lave e.irneiliiicpulHllon f. reuti rri.muvi no, civil,i tv nnd .siiiict adiii:iu:nci; to 'iuui.i:uai. iivtms nf fniu, tlieriby avoiding

to curd-- , thetlio tiino lluy have Leen engaged midtlio amount iuitIvl'iI for bins.

'I lie pintertnn uhlih this Uompnnyollei iliu pnblic ngiim-- t nvereharging,inriviliiy. i r lueuni driving, lies intlin liiel'llial the majority ol tlitir flrlv-ei- s

linvv, b.v sienlvni'i liea'lon nml snletiitU-iit.i- lo I iivviil'I'j oftho tiimi' t'i'' 'inu1, Piiitlierin'iie Ihoiiunuroui i all- - fir the ( omi'anv's

beionil n ilmil.t,that so f.i--- , sitUf-tcilo- h been

to ihu p ihlle. Panic-- , who desire to riih- - leblnd u certain horse ordriver, can a"w.y t h' it tlulr choice, astlieilnveisari. u it in lie ot cluingbig about fi om one at li.c to iinolhur.

Disuretlnii In cluirging, is a specialfi'Uiiuo of tlin Unmiiiiiij's policv.

No Extra Chargo for Carriages or- -

dored by Telephone.

For a Hack, Ring UpTELEPHONE No. 290!

United Gavringo Company,

ihkioi:am) cAiiui.voi: st.vmi:

Cor. ICinji-- Ss IToi-- t StreotN.)!! lm

h mile Skating


Will bu open every nllrnii on nnd even,ing ii.h follow :

.llniiilii.v, Tiii'Hiluy, tVi'iliieniliiy nmlKntiirilny

To llio public in guuuiiil.

i 'IIIDAY HV'KNINCH,Per Inillcs and genllenien.

Sntui-iln- AlleiuoiiiiH,

For luilic.-- , geiilli'iucn nml ehlldrcn,in FiiiKty Skating.

M IJHIC,Friday nnd Saturday Evenings.



Life taraiicG Co.

Old. Successful. Trustworthy. Purely No Slockholdors.

Dividends Annually.


Assets over --


over 14,000,000

It the Hcst forni3 of policy nmlpays the JLAItGKST Tonthiu Divi-

dends of nny Corr.p my.

The litest ndvnntnge ntltlul tn lis XrnForfeiting Limited ! online Policies is:

. A gii'trimlcod return of nilI'remiuinN pniil, in add i I innto Fiii'i) of Policy, in enso of deathduring thcTontlno pel led.

For full particulars apply to

C. 0. BERGER, Honolulu,

OiciuralAjient Hnwnlinn hlnnils.11) tf


A small invoice of

CIGARSImported direct from Ilavann.

G. 0. BEEGEE.14

Sunbeam Ton,!Just received ex Australia.

30112 .ta.i?a.:n 'XTJA,111 Mb. and 2.1h. tins and packages.For sale, lower thiui miywhcre the hitjwn, vvhnles.ilo and retail, by

HANG MOW CHONG & CO., Aijents,ii Xuunnu Sttect, Honolulu, i'fi


BY A I'OltTUGLESK, willing to donny work rtiteiul horses, drive

ilmy, look ufttr garden, etc. etc. Atinlyto JOI1X MAGOON.

!J3 Merchiuit Street.


IX. Udlllir ll"l ba c will bu av'ulluon 111" I'liiMinl s ncl; of the I ertplt-- s leennd Jtcfr'g inlliig Uoiii'iiiuy on KI).NIM)A I.iiiunry Ell li, fit hu Com.p inv's olllco. W. K. PD.S I KU,

12 :it Treiisiuer.

MRS. J. H. WICKEKGS TO INFOKM HKH MANYB' friends that the litisimss fo lone

cirilcd on by her late will ticconliiiucd by her two Bont,

351 F.D.&J.D. WICKE. f2w


z'V the ailvi!iii,L-- r lo proceed to HoneICung ami L:icl niruln. Am lv to

l'UL UOHM,1 I'ili Street.


Hvn. SSinitlicr, LiuHch' NnrHO,AVi.VU HKlUltNEI) FHOM Til'

Un,iM, is nil pared to make a fewengagement-- . Mis fcinltlier Jins linu1 mg e.Kiienco us Indies' nurse nnd cantiiiuisli bust of refercnciv, both la theUnitid Stnics and on tlin Islunds. Cullor nillresx, Jilt?. S. S.MITJ1ER, FortStreet, between Hotel and llcrct'inirt,llnuolulii. !)5 lm


tofore cxisiing beiwecn A. Urownand J. I'liilliiis under Ihu firm nnmo ofDrown & Phillips, having expired byimitation, thu business will liercufter

lie carried on by J. l'liillips, who willpay nil debts owed by and collect nilliplg (Iuu sitid flriii.

JOHN PHILLIPS.Iknolulu.Uu) :il,18S0.

Now Photograph Rooms.OVPK Niehol's ftore, Fort Mrtct,

Ihu Slionting Gallery, Pic.lures, I'oi Hulls nnd views. Fiist-clnb- a

work. Satisfaction guiiruiilued.JO lv .1. A. (JONSALVK8.

O LUSO IIAWAIIANO.ALL persons who wnnt to comiuuni

with thu Poitugiiesc, cithertor business, or for procuring workmen,scrvnnts or uny other helps, will Ibid itthu most prolllnble vvny to advertise intho Luso IIivaiitno, tlio now organ oftlin Portuuuo-i- e colony, winch is pub-lished on Merchant utrtet, GateIt Build,ing, (PoM-Oitlc- o Letter llox E.), andonly charges reusim-ibl- rates for adver-tlsmtiunt-

The Bail! Bulletin

w y m IV I n 11 1

Jan. 29th


yL9gun-- j

MM House To Let!


rpiIKHKSIDKNCE octiijilcil by Mr.James A. Kk.sni'dv, corner of

Kinnu nnd Peiuncola Streets.Apply to

JAHES A. KEXXEDY,88 Ofllceof the Houolulii Iron Works.


THE COTTAGE, new occupied byE. V. Tucker, conialnlog ss

reoma, bath rojm, pantry, vernndt room,(tc There are nUo biuldta, carriagehi,Uic Fervnnt's room, nil In coed oid-- r.

Apply lo E. It. IIENJlHY. at PncltlcUiu ilwnre Co.'s Store. Fort St. 40tf

TO RENT.rpiIE PHEMISE5 lately occupied byjL Queen Einmn, Kituiitu on tlin

(orner of Xiiunuit nnd llcrclania strectJ,are ollVred for rental for a teim of yenrsupen reusunablu tcrm. Apply to

JOHN II. PATV,OOtf Trcnu. (Queen's Hospl'al.

TO LET,qHE well known Hil CornerX. l'l'L'iiiiHC-- . Apply nt thu BEA-VE- K

SALOUN t7 tf


Pasture Lands nt Pinion Vol-ley, occupied by Mrs. Lorn;.

Apply on tlio premises. 2tHf

For Salo or to Lease.

A COTTAGE on Lunnlilo Street.At present occupied by P. Opfcr-gel- t,

Em. It contains parlor, (liningroom and 2 bedrooms, bath, pantry nndkitchen. A largo yard with outbuild-ings for horse?, carriage nnd scrvnutv.

17tf Apply lo H.J.AGNEW.

For Salo or Lease.rpiIOSE PREMISES SITUATED ONX Punahou Street called "Knnnnllo.Ida," the propei ty of C. II. Judd, nre foreale or for lease for a term of years.

For pitrtlctthir-- inquire ofALEX. J. CAimVMGIIT.

Honolulu. Dec. 13, lfctG.

WANTED,OIX GOOD DHESSMAKERS vvan'edO ut Cleis, J. Fl.liel'rt DressmakingI.btiililishmdit. Kono but good hum bneed to uppty. ii it

NOTICE.UXDEltSIGNED BEGS TOTHE Hint he will leave fur

China nnd Japan on thc2jth of .Iiiuiimy.I'crt ons ill kiiihis to prtcuru, tliiough biniinuiicy, J ai.e e tervniii.s or laborerapleaso cominuuicntc n curly ns po nlble.



kiki, at present en cupled by G. D.t rcetli. Apply nt oiiloo ot

FUtETII & PEACOCK,12 if 23 Kiuinnu utrcet.

FOR RENT!Those very dciiiuhle premises,

known ns

FA1KVIJEW!Cor. Penincola and Lunnlilo Sts ,

Lately occupied by 3l. .1. T. Dare, g

Parlor, IJlbrnry, t Bedrooms,Dining Iteoiu, Kitchen, Pantry, Bnihand TolKt Hoom. on thu lower flat; andon thu upper Hut, 3 large roomx, thewholu well finished, and affording oneof the tlnest viuwa of laud and water inHonolulu.

Tlicru nro nlso on thu premises, K

Home, Studio and Carriage Home,atid Fowl Hoiiff, all well arranged.Thu wholu residence, in free from dust.


FOR SALE !ONE LAHOE LOT, which ran bo

tllviilul into two or more building lots.Enquire of O. WEST,

i8 Of West, Dow & Co.


.T. Flfihel's store, to12 GEO. II. PEACOCh.

FOIt SALE.rpWO DOUBLE ENDED FKEIGHTJL Boats in good ordir. San Fran.

Cisco built; will carry up to :i tons.Can bu seen attiio Marino Railway.

Apply to THEO. H. DAV1ES & CO.iitr


ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE,nn Imported Sorrel Mure, 0 years

old, having been driven by lady. OneCarriage Phaeton, Studabaccker'B manu-facture; and nlfo, one linu Squaro WobcrPiano, all in good older, enquire of


NOTICE.secured tho services ofHAVING M. OAT, na general g

agent in San Francisco, I niiallIn future lie prepared to fill all orders inour linu particularly, or nuy special

with llio tliut Mr, Oiu'gpuisonal iitlenlion wilt be given to theselection and imrchase of all articlesordcied. (08; J.H.SOPER.


Steel Rails!with




MAI BUS LIE.Tho Pantheon Stnblca will run dally

an Oinnlbui known ai

NUUANU LINE,llcglnnlng WEDNESDAY, January If)1687. The 'Bui will siatt from lh footof Fort street, ci rner of Queen, go nlougFort to Deretnula,'uuuuu,nnd thence up ihe Avinuc to P.itj'a oU1

place. Following is the tiniu table.


LEAVR TOWN. LEAVn PATY's.C:COa. m. 0:!!Oa.m.7:00 " 7!n0"8:00 " B:4U "

10:00 " 10:10 "12:05 r.y. u.

'JiOO ' 2:X0 "1:00 " "A: 0 " r:iO "r,::;0 " 7:0'J "!l 00 " U:20 "


0:00 a.m. 0:20 a. m.10:10 " 10:i:0 "12:10 12:15 P.M.2:00 " 2:80 "1:00 " .1:80 "0:30 " 7:10 "SSO " 0:10 "

S. I. SHAV,38 Manager.

Musical Instruction!Vocal anil InMtruiiicntiil.

MR. J. W. YARNDLEYBegs to Inform his pupils nnd friendsthat he will resume his tegular coutse cflefsons in

Singing anil Violin Playing;ON

MONDAY, JAN. 24th, 1887.He may b'e found at the Eagle House,

Ncuuuu Street. Uell Teh phone 15'.:io


Hawaiian Boll Telophono Co.

AT THE ANNUAL .MEETING OVSu ckholdcrsof the Company, heid

Jau. Stli, llic following olHccrs we.-- )

cleclcd for thu unfiling yeni :

OODFHEY IlltOWNPreisldent nnd Trcasursr

CECIL PHOWN Vlcf.PrealtU-.- t1J. F. liOLLES AuditorJ. F. ItKOWN Seeretn yJ. CASSIDY...Gensml Superintendent


, J. F, HROWX,U. F. llOJiLTia.

J. F. ItltOWN,32 lm Scc'y Hnw. Hull To I. Cj.



-l time to time, appearing in jedaily papers ot Incivility, ovcrchnig ng,etc., by luickmcn,

Tho Hawaiian Hotel StablesBeg to notify tluir patroim that nil thriribivcrs on lc;iiug thu stand have t.iutime taken, and nn returning the drir- - -

till out a card with fare charged ,v1 ioawny, by which nicniin ihu pit' ..nrotcclul nnd Ihe proprietors nre Xoliivc-iiigal- nny ovcrcliarge-- ut. n- -


RIJS'G UP .o.m lm

Bull Tclcphono . P. O. Box 415.


Asrnt to tuUn Acknowlcilgnientf. tLabor ContrnrtH, 31arrlH(ze

I.Icpiiho Aceut.

General Business & Commission Ai;-i- t.

ItKAI, ESTATE ItltOKI.'EST Cami bell's Block, tecond tleor,

ailjninlng United Suites Consulate, Merichant Street, Honolulu, U. I. uaif

Amvea at larcnanftA New Lot of

Cigars and Cigarettes

Entirely Now in this Martat.3U


Stock of GoodsReceived ex Zealandia,


J.T.Waterhouse'sQuern & Foit Street Stores. tt

Tho Inter-Islan- d StonmNiiviBtioii Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacksmith Coal

and ii gincral Asonrtmciit of4i& Bar Iron.



.W&mS - .u

A. v "-- . .V.J viW." ' B .."iA . .,.V i!ttis. - . (", i J'fTvr! MMMlZlA&mtl&bRWJiLS', t , -- 7r. 7: AiC.ft t ,'.'j4i. ;..- - ztjL.ui&imLwmjmmiMS, m7zamivK .!. .iu-IJ- H Wm v' W.:. - W,..' "."t, &!?' i, ft l


Page 4: ir Pi' GPgJ · Plumes, Tips, Feather Pon Pons, Wings, &c. rS'liiW FANCY 3IIllJON.S: Not mainly Bonnets colored Silk and AVliite Kiubioidery, Infants' Muslin and Lace French Caps,

-- y



! i"5



Bulletin SummaryMo. s.

f Bsusirin

-O- N-

Saturday, Jan, 29

50 COLUMNSOf Original Matlov !

to Gents per Copy,

S2.O0 per An si urn.

To be had at J. H. SOPSR'L,


from' the Nows Carriers.

JT. 3E-I- . SOPEK,(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.)

Dealers In nil kind., of

STATION & RY,The Latest Foreign I'lincn always otiliuiul lit the Gaxcttc Jilock, MerchantHtrcct

E2TTlio English Ailiuii.ilty Ohnitsalnuys on hnnil. 1 liy

jr. i-xoi- jp & co.74 Kins tSivuvt.

Manufacturers and Iinpiuicib of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to.

CHA6RS TO RENTFor Ball or I'nitio-- in small crhrgo

83 quantities'. ly.


D U JV Y 3X I ' r .A LLorduis for Curt.i"c promptly at

-- i tended to. I' attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof gooeU in tiansit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and While Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest pilccs.

Ollice, adjoining L 1'. Adams & Co.'."OT'tion room.

832 i- - Mutual Tilephono No. 111.

Steei L

Having now passed into the lmmls

of u")Oiiblllc jiartiis ii pupated ut

shotl notice to tin all Washing in a Su-

perior Mnnuer. A considerable

32, 23 3D TO" O rJ? .10 !Xhas been made from the scale of

former rale?, a..d

Satisfaction is Guaranteed to Ail

Who will favor tltc EsMlilishmcntui'h atrial. LfiO

MRS. J. A. SODANETTO INFOKM HUtIEGS friends nn.l i um(, liters that

she has rohuniid 1iuuii'sh it herKinin.i stroet, not to Mis. Wode-Jiouse- .

Honolulu LibraryA 3'J- -

Reading Room Association.

C'oi'. Hotel & Xliihv.t Stivtitt.Open every Day and Evening,

Tito Library consists at tho preeut1 mo of over I'ive Tlioii-an- d Volumes..

'J'ho Jii'udlug Kooin is sujjpllotl withabout llfty of tin) leading iioN'simper;and erio'dh"iK

A J'ailof is provided for conversationmil games.

Terms of membership, fitly cents ntiontli, ji.'tynblu rji.nrtirly In advance,

N foniiallty lequlred in joining exceptMgulng tho roll.

.Stningera from foreign ioiintrie andvisitors from tlto other Ul.unls tiro wul- -,

conns lo the rooms at nil Mines n- - gr.Ccts.liiivlng no ivgular

iiieans of bttppott except tlio dues ofmembers, It Is expected that lesldentsof Honolulu wiiii desire to avail tliein-rclvt- 'P

of Its privileges, and all who feelmi iutcivst in maintaining an institutionnf this Kind, will put dowii their unitiesjtiKl liecomo li'gtilar contriliutors.

S.'Jl, DOLE. I'rcsldent,M. 31. SCO'JT,JI. A. PAHMELEJ:, Hoi'ielary,A. I.. SMITH, Tioiismor,0. 'J'. JJODGJJJ.'S, M.D.,

Clmhiimn JIull nrnl Library Committee.


Groat Excitement in Walesabout-- a Marvellous Cure.

Iiiviiiff Six Yunrs WithoutGohiK to Bed.

Mil. Editoh: While pcndlug a fewdajs fit tho pleasant seaside town ofAberysUsitb, Crudii;anshiic, Wnlco, Iheard related wlint seemed to nie cithera f'lbulotts atory or n nvircllou& curu.

The story a that u poor sulleur whohad not been able to lie down in bed forsix long years, Riven up to die by nil theDoctor!, had been spiudily cured bysome Patent Medicine. It was ichitcdwith the more Implicit confidence fromthe circumstance, us was said, that theVlcnr of Llftiimtril win familiar withthe fart, and could vouch for tho truth '.of the report.

Having tv little curiosity in know lumsuch Moilc:) .row In travelling, I tookthe liberty wiille at tho village of J.hin- -

I'Vttvi to can unon tut; vieur. the hov.T. livunj, and to enquire about thHwonderful cure. Though n total strati,ger to him, bolli he and his wife mostgraciously ciitciliinid mu in ii halfhour'scoiivcisation, principally touchingthe ea'o of Mr. l'ngh, in Mhlch theyseemed to tithe a deep ami sympatheticuitciest, having been fumllhir with hissuilciings, and now rejoiced in liittseemed 10 them a most lemiirkableeuie.

lie oitelied Mr. Win. 1'iigh'schiuacier ns a rotpeclablo tanner amiworthy of credit. I left tho venerableVicar with a lhclicr tense of the happyrelation of n pastor and people, feelingthat he unsouu who truly Mtrp'ilhhcdwith nil who are ufllicled iiimiinl, body,or estate.

Ort my letuin to Aheijstwitli, I wasinipre-b- ul with a de&lre to see .Mr. l'ut'h,mIiom1 rciuituiloii stuud so high. Hisfaun is culled Pniieom-Miiwi- , signifying"above the dingle," "ituated near theMiiuniil of a smooth loiind hill, over-looking it beautiful valley In which issituated the lovely ivymatitlcd Clutichof Manddeinol. t lound 31 r. l'ngh,apparently about 10 years old, of muliuinlieiglit, rather slight, withu pleasant andIntelligent face. 1 told him I had lieatdof his gicat nlllictiou and of his remark-abl- e

and almost mirnculoiis lclhf, andthat I had ionic to learn from his ownlip-- , what thcio was of liuth in the re-

ports.31 f. l'ngh lemarked that his neigh-

bors had taken a kindly and symp-athetic iuteiist in bis case for manyyear.?, but of late their intetest had beengieatly awakened by u happy change Inhis condition. WluiJ you repottns lc heard aliro.ul, said he, is stibstant.ially true, w ilii one exception. I neverune'drstood that my case was ever givenup as hopeless by any Physician. 1

have been treated by fcovci.- -' Doctorshereabout, as good as any In Wales, butunfortunately no prescription of theirsever brought the desired relief.

Fifteen years ago, he said, I llrst e

conscious ol1 a tour and derangedstomach and lo.--s of appetite, which theDoctois told me wns Dyspepsia. Whatldod I could hold in my btuniach seem-ed to do me no gumi and was oftenthrown up with painful lcUliings. Thiswas followed after a llnio with u hoarse-ness and a raw boicncs of the tluoatwhich tho Doctois called bionchitis,and I will ticatcd for that, but witiilittle success. Then camo slioitucss ofbreath and a ecuso of suffocation, espc.ciallv iigbt':, v.'ith chiuimy sweat, and Iwould have to get out of "bed and sonictimes open a door or wiudow in winterweather to fill my lungs with tho coldnir.

The Vicnv remarked that hopicstnncdhis name hail been connected with thecport i'lom ids having mentioned the

c.ise to Mr. John Thomas, a chemist ofI.lanou. He Mr. Pugh wns former-ly a lesidentof their parish, but was nowliving in the p.uith of Jdanddeinol.

This medicine limy duilnisteiei. tome nccotding to tho dircetious, wlati totheir suiprlbc and delight no less thanmy own, tho spasm ceased. I became atciifco, and my utomach was calmed. Mybowels wcie moved as by a gentlecnlhuilic, and 1 felt a tcuso of quietcomlort all tluough sucli as 1 had notbefore le.ilizcd iu many years. 1 couldwalk around tho house ami breatheeomfoitably in n few hours niter I hadtaken tho medicine, f have continuedto take tho medicine daily now forsomething over two months, and I canlie down and sleep sweetly at nightsami have not sinie hud a lccuneucoofthosu terrible spasms and sweatings. Ihave been so long broken down and re-

duced iu my whole tystcm that I havetint tried to perform any very haul out.door labor, deeming it best lo bo pro.dent lest by over-exertio- 1 may do my-self injuiy before my btreuglh is fullyrestored. I feel that my stomach andbowels have been and nie being thor-oughly renovated and renewed by themedicine. In fact 1 feci like n newmnn.

Eaily in this last npiing I had a btillmore severe spasmi-di- c attack, and myfamily and ncighbois became alarmed,believing that certainly 1 would not suvive, when n neighbor, who had someknowledge, or had heard oi the medl.cine, sent to Aberystwith by the driverof the Omnibus Post, home seven milesdistant, and fetched a bottle of 3IotherScigcl's Curative Syrup.

1 'have been much congratulated bymy neighbors, especially hv the goodVicar ol l.lauiystyd, who with his c

wifo hau come threo miles toshed tears of joy on my iccovery.

I bide Mr. PngU good. bye, happy thateven one at least among thousands hadfound a icmcdy for an aggtuvating ills,case.

About bI. yeaisago I became to badthat I could not sleep iu bed, but had totake my unquiet rest and dreanii sleepsitting iu an aimclmir. 31 nlllictiouteemed to be working downward intomy bowels as well as upwards into mylungs and throat. In the violent cough,lng spaems which grew moro frequent,my iibiloinen would expand and colhipiiand at times It would :eem that 1 shouldstillocato. All this llnio I wasiu strength so that 1 could pcri'.rm nohard labor and my spiiits ivem consoquenily much depios-e- d.

I'elievlng this lemaikablo cato ofDyspeptic Asthma bhould bo known tothu public, I beg to submit the, abovofacts as thoy (ire telnicd lo inc.!'!) ll wlyj E. T. W.

y5 asy-sc-

WMl..jA.A.rfMt jj- -

vjrLCVbf..:..f-r- v

Jw Sniti SttlUiitt,



The jKvomiinitt says, thnt theI'nnnum Canal Company's securiticnnow occupy nn importunt place iuthe daily quotations' of thu Put isbourse, sittd a description of thevuiiotta litios nlietuly crctilod nmybe of interest. The were thefounders' shares, of which 900 wcieoriginally crenlcd. Tliesie have beendivided Into tenths, making u totalof 9.000, and it la the tenth paitsthat now sell nluloiiti,200f. They,of course, recoivo no dividend, bittwhen the canal is working, they willhave a right to 15 per cent, of thunet ptolita after payment of 5 perfont, on 1ho oidinary share capita'.Tho ordinary shares are 000,000 iunumber, of 500 francs each, nil paidup. They receive interest at percent., paid from capital and loans,and after the opening of tho canalwill receive in addition SO per cent,of the surplus piolils. The presentvalue is about I'JOf. Thu llrst loanraised by the company was by 250,-00- 0

live per cent, bonds, at J07f50e, in September, 1882, the in-

terest being paid from capital.They tire redeemable in 75 years',and 1,190 of the bonds have al'reai'ybeen paid off at par. The presentvalue is about IlGOf. The greaterpart of this loan was employed inthe" purchase of the Colon to Panamatailwiiy. The second loan, in Octo-ber, 180, was by 000,000 three percent, bonds, at 285f. interest paidfrom capital, as, to avoid repetition,is the case with all tho sciics. Thopresent price of these bonds is about21'Jf, and 1,119 have been alreadydiawn and paid off at oOOf. Thethird issue formed pat I of a total of750,000 four per cent, bonds, thecreation of which was authorized bya vote of tho general meeting, butonly .'!87,tJ87 wcru at first issued, inSeptember, 188-1- , at li.'SSf. Of thusecond portion of 002,0 la bonds,15,000 have been fcold privately onthe market. Xo information is givenof the remainder by the company,but it is supposed that they havebeen pledged with bankers for ad-

vances. The market price of thesebonds, paying 20f interest, is about270f. 1,080" bonds have been re-

deemed at par. The fourth andlatest loan, issued a few weeksback, was of 158,802 three percent, bonds of l,000f nominal, atthe price of 150f, payable .by in-

stalments, ending on the 15th May,1887. These are, in the meantime,quoted in threo forms. Tho fullypaid-u- p bonds iu definite titles, re-

ceiving tlio 'lot annual interest iufull, about 100f ; bonds fully paid-u- p

since the allotment at a discount of0 per cent., and in ptovisional titles,which will only receive interest frontthe J 5th --May next, f;S5f ; and inseiip certificates, 200f paid,less, lo purchasers, the amount oftho instalments due. Six per cent,interest is allowed on the instal-ments paid.


The Independence Jielia relatesthe following curious story as illus-trative of the eccentricities of Eng-lishmen: "We recommend tho fol-

lowing facts to 31. Jules Verne, whomight certainly utilise them. Twofriends, Messrs. Stanhope stud Col-vi- n,

were recently sitting face to facein tho London Jockey Club (sic)playing a gnme of ecarle. Thestake was inipoitant. The loser wasto offer the other 'a "breakfast suchas he had no vet' had before' Mr.Stanhope lost. lie invited hispartner to come to him on the fol-

lowing day, October 25, in Hyde-par- k,

for.the famous breakfast. Atthe stated hour 3Ir. Colvin present-ed himself tit the rendezvous. Mr.Stanhope was &t muling near an ed

balloon, in the car of whichwas an aeronaut superintending thepreparations for a voyage in the nir .

As Hie two friends entered the balloon, a cook arrived out breath withcooking apparatus. Mr. Stanhopeordeted his tonlun bleu to lis thostovt-- in tlto car. This having beendone lie called out vigorously, 'Letgo,' nnrt tho balloon roso majesti-cally in the air. The cool:, who hadnot counted on tho voyage, utteredcries of fear, but Mr. Stanhope,calm as tho captain of a ship in astorm, said to him, 'Now, then cook,those two beefsteaks, and take carethat no sparks fall out of the stove,or the balloon will explode.' Thecook proceeded to carry out thoorder, and Mr. Stanhope,' turning tohis friend Colvin, more dead thanalivo, said, 'I havo kepi my promise j

this will bo the most expensivebreakfast that we have ever eaten.There nro i'!150 to pay for tho bal-loon and 1'200 as an indemnity tothe cook."


Too powerful drugs are foolishlycalled curative because patients'often endtiro theni. A child oncoswallowed a quantity ,of hooks-nnd-oy-

without any bad effect. Tlteiowns a pleaeing result, as they causedthe expulsion of a large quantity ofworms; yet, who would think ofprescribing hooks-and-cye- s as avermifuge? A physician should notprescribe what is very liable, to in-

jure or kill if it does not cure. Withn hammer, when a boy, in trying tokill a fly upon a jug, 1 spoiled tltoJug. Such lessons of experience Ihavo often thought of siuco 1 be-

came a physician, and, consequently,have kept from getting desperate

Wii.D.',0.i r.,.pcjay3and spoiling illsemcd bodii-- whiletrying to aid nature in the removalof disease. I have boen thirty-fou- r

years in the practice of medicine,and never have prescribed a dozendoses of morpltino. 1 prefer loquiet than to kill pain. Pain neverkilled n person. It is the cause ofpain that kills if tiie patient dltnwithout taking morphino or anyother deadly drug. I am satisfiedthat it docs uob cure, but weakensthe recuperative powers of the sys-tem. By noticing (he good effect ofnervines and removers of obstruc-tions, I have objected to the employ-ment of opium except in incurablecases. Dr. St. Leon of Paris.


The only full and complete reportof the Legislative Proceedings ofthe Session 1880, is the Daily IJui.-txT- tx

Hansard. It is the work ofan accomplished stenographer whohas been highly complimented forthe success of his undertakings. Afew copies left, which arc to be hadat J. 11. Sopor's Nows Agency,Merchant street ; T. G. Thrum's, orat tho Daily IIi'llktin Olllcc, Queenstreet. Pi ice $3.00 each.

0. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.Arrive at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Australia , February 93Iariposa ..February 10Australia March 9

Zcalaudia ....March 19

Australia April 0Alameda April 10Australia May 1

Mariposa May 14Australia June 1

Zcalaudia June 1 1

Australia June 29Alameda July 0Australia July 27Mariposa . . .August 0Australia , . ..August 21Zcalaudia .September U

Australia .September 21Alameda .October 1

Australia . . . October 19

Mariposa . . .October 29Australia .November 10

Zcalaudia .November 20Australia .DecemberAlameda .December 21

Loavo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Zcalaudia FebruaryAustralia FebruaryAlameda MarchAustralia 31 arch3Iariposa AprilAustralia AprilZcalaudia MayAustralia MayAlameda JuneAustralia JuneMariposa JulyAustralia JulyZcalaudia JulyAustralia AugustAlameda AugustAustralia AugustMariposa SeptemberAustralia SeptemberZcalaudia OctoberAustralia OctoberAlameda NovemberAustralia NovemberMariposa DecemberAustralia DecemberZcalaudia (1888) January


Slaving Fccuicd tho Scrviios of

Geo, C. Stratemeyerwe are prepared to execute all

oiders in

IToue or Sig-i- i


OH tf

Yokohama to Honolulu Direct(STKA31EK IE SUF-flele- ut

inducement is olleicd) willleave Yokohama for Honolulu dltectabout March next axil will take freightand passcngeis at very low rates.

L'lborcis and others wishing to pre.engage passage for their families orfriends may make ariangeineuts withthu undersigned. For freiehtor passago031 apply lo PAUL BOH3I.

To Planters niul Employersin General.

qMIE UNDEHSIGNED UKGS TO.1. intimato that he has made arrange,

nients to bring finm Japan experiencedladles' mulds, housemaids, children'smuses, houso and stublo boyp, garden.ers, and general servants, agriculturalanil .general laborers, bailors', etc.

Thu knowledge acquired by tho un.dei'signid of the Japanese, dining hisstay of IU years In Juptn enables him toselect suitable perfons, which will glvosatisfaction to their employers.

Persons wishing to avail themselvesof this oppoilunity to secure good ser-

vants and laborers will plenso cnmmun!cate Willi thu undersigned, who will callnt oilices and private houses, If dcsitcd,to give information and rceelvo outers.

Tho undcisigncd lias hud much ex.peiienco with the laboring clastiB ofJapan, and with his kiiGwIcdgu of thelnnmingo iniiyboablo to give valuableadvice to planters and others, ho Iswilling to vitit plantations and mills onthe Islands. PAUL liOIIM,

No. IL'8 Jlcretonia Street, or No. 81King Street. Mutual Telephone 303.


flixaajtaiamiMi2ixa-o- s suaiBtmuip! aatqca

JOHN I0TT, lo. 8

Granite, ironChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,iHiouse Bleeping Goods,


GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel NrtP.

Iiniioiiei Jtiul JDcnlci inSTOVES, CHANDgUERS, LAftflPS,


Agent HalFs Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block,

3T Stoic formerly occupied by S. NuTT, opposite Sprcckels &. Co.'s Bank. -i- fjSa


PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.(Successors to Dillingham & Co., & Samuol Noll.)

SfiOSWOGERS.Now Goods for the Holidays! Silver Plated Ware

in Mow Designs.CJJEI-Al.IN"I3E1I3EJK.-

!S AND 2LM:3PfaFrom the very lies makers.


A. Complete Wioelc of Goods in JSvory Uue.FORT STREET, HONOLULU.


Ihe First

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Fort Street.


BARDin this


Only Hansard is to beat the

inriP' OFFICE,



Over 700 Pgaes with Index

This is the Only Original, Correct and Complete Record,in Book Form, of the Business and Debates of the Legisla-tive Assembly ol' 1S0.

The Boole consists of Revised and Corrected Re-prin- ts ofthe Reports, published from day to day, throughout theSession, in the Bulletin.

THE BULLETIN REPORTSHave been Strictly Impartial, and have contained during

the greater part of the session


Of the Principal Speeches delivered in the House.

Tlie --A.ppiopiia."tioii. KillAlso appears in full, promulgated By Authority, on

Saturday, thu 23rd October.



DALI 1 1






J. H. SOPER'S and T. G. THRUM'S.



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Whole Barley,

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Oil Cake Meal

Oats, Bran.

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attended to. 691y

S. M. CARTER,Hits on hand for rnlc, In quantities

to suit :

Departure Bay Coal, Newcastle Coal,


Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split.Mnnicnic liny,


Bran, O.U.

Bailcy,Coni,Cracked Corn,

"Wheat, etc.

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Dll. tt, C WtST'n NEr.VK AND HllAIW TllHAT.Hot, a cuarantood Bnoltio for Iljbtorln, UlzzUmm, Cnpvuleious. i'lta, Norvoua Neurulgio,Ho.iiiaclio.Kervciusl'rofltrntlon. canied by tho noot iilcoliol or tolmccn, Wnkoliiliioaa, Jlontul

HnftonlnuoE tho Drain, reauttinK inunit lnnclmK to mlsory.docoy nnil doatlit

l'reinnturu Old Ako, llnrmniions, Logs of l'owcrcanned by of tlio brain, uolN

nbusa, or Each box containono inonth's trciilmont. $1.00 n box, or bIx hoirnfor $5.00, Bunt bymullprorildeiurcct'iiit of prico.

AVi: MIX IIOXESTo euro nny caso. With cacli ordor recolved by uafor hix buxoa, ucconipaniwl with JS.ft), wo willBond tho purcliPHorourwritton (juarnnteoto re-fund thomonoyif tho trnitmcnt ilocu not effectucuro. Ouaruiitecs issued only by

jjoiTjiwx'jaix tfc co.S5QO REWARD!7CwUlivrtrni,boTrwirci (ortnr caicef UrtrConpUUl'

ryipr.iU, biik lit idubt, lodltffillon, Comliptloa or CottWttwu,wiDiigtct)r with WtiV'i Vf UtU Uw Dili when h dirttHoniara itrlcil complied with. They tr purtl vr g'UtW, n4cifTcrfall to elrf utli faction, Bcjjf Coitl, Lirgt boiti(raUialoie 90 pllli, 55 enti, Ytr ul If U drojcltii, Dai ofKusUrMll inj ImiutlgBl. TL feoulQ tuaou facto red oolv byJOHN C. WEST A CO , HI A )sj W, JiaJIwa U, CbincJ.i( tiul I'&Aiji mot lit will prcjaUon tccil t f i wut itasft

JJulllHtur fc Co.,CO Om Wholcealu tmd Retail Agonts


