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A Hybrid Approach to Assemble and Annotate the Brassica rapa Transcriptome in the Cloud through the iPlant Collaborative and XSEDE Upendra Kumar Devisetty Postdoctoral Researcher Maloof Lab, UC Davis

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A Hybrid Approach to Assemble and Annotate the Brassica rapa

Transcriptome in the Cloud through the iPlant Collaborative and XSEDE

Upendra Kumar Devisetty

Postdoctoral Researcher

Maloof Lab, UC Davis

R500 IMB211

• Reference Transcriptome

• Genome annotation

R500 (oil seed cultivar)

IMB211 (rapid cycling cultivar)

B. rapa mapping population

Research in Maloof Lab

Mainly relied on in silico gene models and EST’s data from datasets (Wang et al. 2011)

– In silico gene models (GENSCAN, GlimmerHMM, Fgenesh)• short exons • very long exons• non-translated exons• genes that encode non-coding

RNAs accurately

– EST’s• miss 20-40% of novel

transcripts• transcribed only under

highly specific tissue, environmental or treatment conditions

• 3’ biased• short length


Why there is a need for accurate genome annotation?

• Accurate and comprehensive genome annotation (e.g. gene models) is imperative for functional studies

• Useful for accurate mRNA abundance and detection of eQTLs (expression QTLs) in mapping populations


• To detect transcripts that are not present in the existing genome reference of B. rapa (novel transcripts)

• To update the existing gene models of B. rapa genome

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

Growth Chamber, Green House, Field

apical meristem


Library construction

TRUSEQ RNA-SEQ kit (Illumina)

High throughput and easy to use


128 RNA-Seq libraries

17 lanes

PE100 sequencing

Illumina GAIIx

3,354 million raw paired end reads

Quality control

o Atmosphere and iRODS

o 2,550 million quality controlled paired end reads (888 GB)

Servers(iPlant Atmosphere)


(iPlant Data Store and EBS)


Now everyone can share data without sharing resources!

B. rapa transcriptome assembly and genome reannotation pipeline

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

Transcriptome assembly

de novo vs Reference based assemblies

Approach Advantages Disadvantages

de novo -no reference needed-detection of non-collinear


-lowly expressed genes-missassemblies due to repeats

reference -alignment tolerates sequencing errors

-repeats detected through alignment

-reference is needed-assumes transcripts are collinear

with the genome

Transcriptome assembly

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

• XSEDE is the most powerful integrated advanced digital resources and services in the world funded by NSF

• Scientists and Engineers around the world use XSEDE resources and services: supercomputers, collections of data, help services

• Consists of supercomputers, high-end visualization, data analysis and storage around the country



Summary statistics for de novo assembly pipeline

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics



Number of


Average transcript

length (bp)


Velvet-Oases 601,915 1553 2,218

Trinity 158,863 1112 1863

Transcriptome assembly

TopHat-Cufflinks-Cuffcompare was run on Atmosphere

Summary statistics for Reference assembly pipeline

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

Do the assembly algorithms differ with respect to detection of novel transcripts?

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

RT-PCR validations of assembled novel transcripts

Transcriptome annotation

Entire Transcriptome annotation was run on Atmosphere

Problem 1) Cap3 merged transcripts have multiple ORF'sfor the same contigs

Challenges and problems during annotationCap3


cds to bam

Merged final novel transcripts

bam to bed

Use blastx to NCBI nr database and chose appropriate filters

Problem 2) Overlapping transcripts in the bed file

Use bedops merge and then select the long transcript


cds to bam

Merged final novel transcripts

bam to bed


Problem 3) Very long transcripts due to missassembly


cds to bam

Merged final novel transcripts

bam to bed

Filter the transcripts

After filtering


Problem 4) No lines connecting the exons in bed file

Use a custom script and join the lines. Check UCSC bed file guideline

cds to bam

Merged final novel transcripts

bam to bed



UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

Results for detection of novel transcripts

Number of novel transcripts detected - 3,537 (v1.2) and 2,732 (v1.5)



o Genome annotation pipeline from TIGR, used widely elsewhere

o Uses EST spliced alignments to model genes

o Gene structure consistent with experimental data

o Identifies alternate splicing variations

o Helps to correct gene structure

Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments (PASA)

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

PASA was installed and run on Atmosphere

Number of gene models updated – 28,139 (v1.2) & 28,112 (v1.5)

UK Devisetty et al. 2014 G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics

Results for updating Gene models



Genome Browser(http://tinyurl.com/BrapaGenome)


• Deep RNA-Seq provides enough coverage for the detection of a large number unknown transcripts and genome improved annotation

• Neither de novo assembly nor reference-based category is the best choice and hybrid assembly can offer more accurate assembly and annotation

• Problems during genome re-annotation needs to be addressed before a fully annotated genome is obtained

• iPlant Collaborative and XSEDE provides the systems andpeople to facilitate transcriptome assembly and genome reannotation


• Julin Maloof

• Mike Covington

• Cody Markelz

• An Tat

• Kazu Nozue

• Saradadevi Lekkala

• Maloof lab

• Harmer lab

• Cynthia Weinig

• Marc T. Brock

• Matthew Rubin

• Brian Haas

• Andy Edmonds

• Edwin Skidmore

• Sangeeta Kuchimanchi

• Matt Vaughan