invitation - northern lion.pdf · lions program invitation ... 201q2 distrit...

201Q2 District Governor’s Bullen Page 1 February 2019 District Governor Allan Hansen Lower Herbert Halifax Lions Club Issue 8 : February 2019 Official bullen of District 201Q2 Venue Carlyle Gardens Theatre Beck Road Condon Townsville Time 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start Dinner Alternate drop main course and dessert Drinks from the bar Cost $35.00 per person Payment by club cheque at the door, or ... Direct Deposit to Alice River Lions Club A/c 157694753 BSB 633000 Please mark EFT YOTY District Final NOTE: limited cash at the door RSVP 14 th March 2019 to Alice River Lions Club [email protected] or Mobile: 0429 334 377 Please advise any special food requirements. Come along and be part of this special Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRICT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time is certainly passing quickly this year. It has been a quiet December and January and I hope by now all clubs have resumed their regular monthly meengs and are reporng their membership numbers and acvies for the coming month. I would like to stress how important these reports are, to enable all relevant informaon to be received by clubs as soon as possible. Drought Relief grants from Australian Lions Foundaon have been dispersed during the holiday period and have made a big difference for those people who received donaons. Lions Christmas cakes connue to be well received by all. Congratulaons must go to Cairns Lions for being willing to sponsor a Branch Club on the Northern Beaches in the Cairns district. I take this opportunity to remind clubs that the Youth of the Year finals are approaching in March and look forward to meeng the young people who enter—and perhaps some may connue their LIONS journey. A reminder of the Road Trip planned, hoping to gain new members, as our member numbers urgently need a boost. I would like to thank all cabinet members for their connued support during the last two months. Till next month. DG Allan Hansen Ph: 07 4777 8288 Mob: 0427 778 288 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 1 February 2019

District Governor Allan Hansen

Lower Herbert Halifax Lions Club

Issue 8 : February 2019

Official bulletin of District 201Q2

Venue Carlyle Gardens Theatre

Beck Road Condon Townsville

Time 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start

Dinner Alternate drop main course and dessert Drinks from the bar

Cost $35.00 per person

Payment by club cheque at the door, or ...

Direct Deposit to Alice River Lions Club A/c 157694753 BSB 633000

Please mark EFT YOTY District Final

NOTE: limited cash at the door

RSVP 14th March 2019 to Alice River Lions Club [email protected] or Mobile: 0429 334 377

Please advise any special food requirements. Come along and be part of this special

Lions Program

Invitation ...

201Q2 DISTRICT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019

Hello to you all

Well, the end of January already. Time is certainly passing quickly this year.

It has been a quiet December and January and I hope by now all clubs have resumed their regular monthly meetings and are reporting their membership numbers and activities for the coming month. I would like to stress how important these reports are, to enable all relevant information to be received by clubs as soon as possible.

Drought Relief grants from Australian Lions Foundation have been dispersed during the holiday period and have made a big difference for those people who received donations.

Lions Christmas cakes continue to be well received by all.

Congratulations must go to Cairns Lions for being

willing to sponsor a Branch Club on the Northern Beaches in the Cairns district.

I take this opportunity to remind clubs that the Youth of the Year finals are approaching in March and look forward to meeting the young people who enter—and perhaps some may continue their LIONS journey.

A reminder of the Road Trip planned, hoping to gain new members, as our member numbers urgently need a boost.

I would like to thank all cabinet members for their continued support during the last two months.

Till next month.

DG Allan Hansen Ph: 07 4777 8288 ● Mob: 0427 778 288

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 2 February 2019

Hello Lions, Lionesses and Leos

Please accept my Secretary’s report (29th January) for the Northern Lion February edition. After logging into MyLci database this morning, I was very concerned to see that only 29 of the 62 Lions clubs have registered their membership reports for January. Thank you to those 29 secretaries.

Perhaps now would be a good time to reiterate how critical the information forwarded in these reports is to YOUR club members. One of the main issues that may concern your members is that membership dues are based on current club memberships. Also as has happened in previous years, deceased members are sadly not recognised during the memorial service at District and National conventions. I am also finding that many secretaries are not responding to emails sent by cabinet secretary, and again thank you to those who do.

The District is having a membership / awareness drive and training seminars in February / March 2019. Hopefully you are all aware of this event in your Zone, and have replied to your Zone Chairperson, as to whether you will be attending.

I have received well over 200 emails for the first three weeks of January 2019 and have opened and responded to most of them. Clubs also need to update Club member’s records on the MyLci database. Some members may have changed addresses/contact numbers. I am as always more than happy to assist where you are having difficulty.

I would like to congratulate the Lions Club of Castle Hill for an update of all the membership of their club on the MyLci database this month. I appreciate the effort involved for their secretary as there are 52 members in the club. Well done.

From the Cabinet Secretary’s desk ...

Our District Governor Allan is still having some medical issues that have seen the cancellation of his DG visits for the present. I thank all the Clubs and Cabinet Officers for their messages of support for Allan and Ellie at this time.

Our Lions Youth of the Year project is now progressing with the participation of students in our local high schools. This is one of the best projects that the Lions and Lioness clubs can be involved with. Our District YOTY chair David Bradshaw has sent out all the information for clubs to be involved in this important project for our Youth. Please read David’s report on the management of the YOTY regarding the Blue card requirements and a Risk Assessment list to assist you in your club finals.

Our next Cabinet meeting in Townsville on the 22-23rd March is on the weekend of the District Youth of the Year finals. Our Saturday night function for the Cabinet meeting is to attend the District final which should be an excellent night.

March is election time for the Club President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and other directors for the 2019-2020 Lions year. I will be sending out the new PU101 form to be completed when you have elected your Club’s officers. If you have any problems please call / email me.

See you all next month.

Regards PDG Garth Gleeson Cabinet Secretary 2018-19 District 201Q2 M: 0407 044 963 ● E: [email protected]

Valé Dennis Tuckerman

We have been advised by Lion Heather Tuckerman that her husband Lion Dennis passed away on 9 January 2019. Lion Dennis served Lions and his community through Mirani Sugar Valley Lions Club with passion for over 50 years.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Heather and her family at this very sad time.

Page 3: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 3 February 2019

Page 4: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 4 February 2019

Lions, September is the month that we recognise as supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness in Australia. The World recognises it for one day in February, that day being Friday 15th.

All Clubs would have received a letter during January asking clubs to support the ALCCRF Guinness Book of records attempt to have to longest coin trial ever by beating a distance of 74.4 kilometres currently the holder of that record.

We are asking Clubs to give this attempt their support by doing something to raise as much as they can on that day, all the details are in your letter. If you have a Leo Club or Lioness Club it would be good to ask them to help you out.

This is an opportunity to be out among the community and show them what we are doing for Children’s Cancer and what lengths we are willing to go to, to achieve healthy life for all children with cancer.

Just think about what your club could do on that day. It could be a simple “bucket rattle” at your local shopping centre or hotel if you meet at one. I have asked my Tai Chi class to get involved on that day with their spare coins. You could take the school letter to your Youth of the Year school and get them involved or any school that you have contact with, opportunities are endless if we think outside the square, and maybe your bowls or golf club could have a bucket?

Materials, posters etc. are on the ALCCRF Website for you to download, and please take a photo or two and send it to me for the next edition of the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation magazine.

All details of what to do with the money and where to send it etc are in the letter.

This is the tenth anniversary of your Foundation, do your best to support it.

PDG Aussie Lanphier, Trustee Australian Lions Childhood

Cancer Research Foundation Mob: 0408 188 852

2018/2019 District Final 201Q2

The YOTY year marches on and the District final is once again near.

This year we are holding the event at Carlyle Gardens Theatre in Townsville on Saturday 23rd of March starting at the usual time of 6.30 pm for a 7.00pm start (see invitation on page 1).The meal will be a 2-course alternate drop served to the table.

Cost is $35.00 per person.

I would encourage anybody who hasn’t see the cream of the District youth speak on topics of the own choice to make the effort to support the young adults as they always have something to say on subjects that they are passionate about.

The Youth of the Year program is one of Lions premier projects which shows when you see the development of the youth as they progress through the various levels. This would not happen without the efforts of Lions Clubs, parents, teachers and of course the schools.

I believe the Program is well received by the schools because it is well run, (safe and professional) and very beneficial to the year 12 students getting ready to leave the protected education system and join the wider community, whether it be in the workforce or higher studies.

Please save the date and come along on the 23rd of March.

Kind regards

David Bradshaw 201Q2 YOTY DC

Page 5: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 5 February 2019

The organisers of the 7 Cairns Marathon and Run Festival are looking for volunteer groups or individuals for this first ever event to be held on Sunday 28 April 2019.

Volunteers are needed to man the aid stations and help on the run course for the morning. In return, each volunteer will be able to have their volunteer fee donated to their club or charity of their choice.

Are there any Lions clubs or other

community groups in Cairns or on the Tablelands who would be interested in helping?

It is a good way for clubs to raise funds or you can donate to the event’s charity of choice—Ronald McDonald House North Australia.

If you or your club are interested, please contact:

Jill Lennox Ph: 4038 3499 ● Mob: 0421 288 927

Email: [email protected]

Marathon Run looking for volunteers

LIONS … the great achievers In front of 400 guests, Lions Clubs Australia were

awarded the Betty McGrath Award in recognition of their tireless efforts in supporting the Mater Foundation over the past 40 years.

The Mater Foundation introduced the Betty McGrath Award to honour Mrs Betty McGrath AM a founding member of the Board of Directors of Mater Foundation. The Award recognises significant philanthropic support to Mater Foundation by an individual, group or organisation.

Lions Clubs Australia have supported many aspects of Mater including the Queensland Cord Blood Bank at Mater and in recent times’ Prostate Cancer Research via the Lions Prostate Cancer Research and Treatment Project.

Nigel Harris CEO of Mater Foundation said when awarding Lions Australia the Betty McGrath Award, ‘We are deeply indebted to Lions for many reasons and have enjoyed friendship with Lions members for many years.’

Lion John Grimstone—Coordinator Lions Australia Prostate Cancer Research Project

Page 6: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 6 February 2019

Atherton Lions raffle keeps on giving

The biggest winner in the Atherton Lions Club’s 2018 Mega Christmas Raffle was the community, with local volunteer organisations sharing in the funds raised.

The Club has shared out donations to the local not-for-profit groups who helped to sell tickets on behalf of the Lions.

Raffle coordinator Lion Neil Clarke said the 2018 raffle was the first time all tickets had been sold. He said the support from the community and sporting groups had helped achieve the record of 7000 ticket sales.

For every $1 ticket sold by them, the groups received 50c back.

Donation cheques were presented to Tablelands Community Link ($130), Tinaroo Sailing Club ($75), Tableland Woodcarvers’ Guild ($75), Atherton Junior Golf ($66), Tinaroo Rural Fire Brigade ($50), Atherton Tablelands Hockey ($25), Atherton Local Ambulance Committee ($25) and Disability Matters ($6.50).

All donors to the Christmas raffle, together with volunteer ticket sellers, received certificates of appreciation, with Lion Neil Clarke presenting several Atherton Lionesses with certificates at their monthly meeting for their assistance in selling tickets.

Atherton Meals on Wheels sold an amazing 850 tickets, but declined a donation saying they did it in recognition of Atherton Lions continuing and ongoing support of their organisation.

Atherton Lions initiated Meals on Wheels in Atherton, built the original building in 1973, assisted (together with ALF) in the purchase of their most recent delivery vehicle, make an annual donation of $1,000 and this Christmas donated 20 Lions Christmas cakes valued at $340.

Pictured: (above) Atherton Lions President Con Spanos (far right) presented cheques to Christine Green (Rural Fire Brigade), Roger Wadley (Tinaroo Sailing Club), Pamela Clearwater (Atherton Tableland Hockey) and Russell Hilder (Atherton Junior Golf) and (below) Lion Neil Clarke with Atherton Lionesses.

Page 7: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 7 February 2019

Mareeba Lions

Dear Lions of District 201Q2

Mareeba Lions 60th Charter Anniversary celebration

The Mareeba Lions Club is celebrating its 60th Charter anniversary this year. To mark this glorious occasion we are having a celebration dinner at the Mareeba Leagues Club, on Tuesday 19th March, 2019.

Your members are cordially invited to attend our dinner and celebrate with us 60 years of Lionism in Mareeba.

As is always the case we need to know who is attending so we may order sufficient beer wines and spirits, meals and chairs to be available. If you are unable to attend please feel free to send your messages which we will publish in the programme.

Details of the celebration are as follows:

When: 6.30pm fellowship for 7.15 dinner Tuesday 19th March 2019 Where: Mareeba Leagues Club, Doyle Mareeba Meal cost: $30.00 per head A lucky door prize and raffle conducted RSVP: 1st March, 2019

Please confirm numbers by phone or e mail

Yours in Lionism, LION Tom Braes OAM

M: 0488 591 318 E: [email protected]

1959-2019 Many congratulations to Lion PDG Doug Winterflood of Proserpine Lions Club on receiving his Diamond Centennial Award recently. Well done Doug!

Diamond Centennial Award well deserved

The District Governor Charity Quest is now look-ing for Entrants for this years Quest. It is open to all eligible persons 18 years and over (Male and Fe-male) and there is no upper age limit. The entrant can be married or single. It’s very exciting to bring this new challenge to the “Charity Quest”.

The Quest will run from the first day after the District Convention (October 2018) until the 31st July of this year. Fundraising must be completed by 30th September 2019 and judging will take place at this year’s District Convention in Mareeba, 4th to 6th October 2019.

There will be one winner ‘Lions District 201Q2 Charity Quest winner’. A challenge to all clubs in Q2: will you be the first to sponsor a male entrant in our new revamped District project ?

All details and entry forms will be on the District website or available from me. Note: PO Box 166, Townsville Qld 4810, Mobile 0428 580 081

Let’s get behind this new Quest. I am excited I hope you are too!

PDG Di Pyers District Chairman [email protected]

District Governor’s Q2 Charity Quest

Page 8: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 8 February 2019

Babinda, arguably Queensland’s wettest town has a Lions Club with the motto Australia’s Wettest Club on their club shirts. On Australia Day both lived up to their claimed reputations.

On 26th January all coastal parts of Far North Queensland had rain of at least 100 mm with over 200 mm recorded at Babinda! This included Cairns, Daintree, Innisfail, Tully etc, the usual culprits but also extended to most Tablelands towns. The daily newspapers, radio, TV, and Facebook were full of cancellation notices – and for good reason. Truly a miserable day!

The Babinda community was not to be accused of squibbing out, their reputation was at stake. The Australia Day BBQ breakfast and outdoor celebrations were simply moved to a slightly more sheltered location. The well known Boulders recreation area had been the site but good sense prevailed and a late switch was made to the town centre. The time was pushed back an hour to coincide with shopping hours.

Babinda residents brave the rain

The CBD in Babinda has covered pedestrian walkways. These were rapidly pressed into service to shelter the 300 or so brave souls who ventured out into the deluge for their breakfast as well as their Saturday shopping.

All the planned festivities went ahead starting with a Welcome to Country from a local aboriginal elder, a massive celebration cake, pie eating contest, thong throwing, a speech from the local councillor and of course the Lions cooked BBQ breakfast.

The rapidly reorganised outdoor BBQ kitchen resembled an emergency field catering facility but it worked - rain and all. Thanks go to all who braved the elements and made it a success. The town’s reputation is intact.

Page 9: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 9 February 2019

Santa does brings cheer to grown ups too!

Approximately six years ago a young motor bike enthusiast was sucked off his motor bike on Oonoonba Road, Townsville by a passing semi trailer and was then hit by a following vehicle.

The results of this incident was the young bike rider spent five years of pain with ongoing surgery, suffered serious depression, PTSD and lost his marriage and eventually his left leg below the knee.

Known by the nick name of Tigger, Bradley Wearne could only look at his broken motor bike in his carport and dream of what could have been if it wasn’t for the accident and the loss of his lower leg.

In desperation he reached out for help via Facebook, trying to find an answer to regain his passion for motor bike riding and hoping it would reduce his depression. He is also a man of great pride and although he is the first to help others, does not like asking for help.

Unbeknown to him that Facebook text was going to change his life for the better and go well towards reducing his depression. The FB text was picked up by Sharine Milne (known in the bike community as Spanner), the owner and chief mechanic of RHD Classic Supplies and Services in Aitkenvale.

Spanner knew how Tigger’s motor bike riding problem could be fixed and came up with a plan involving community minded businesses and Tigger’s new wife, but leaving him in the dark. The bike could be converted to electronic gear shift, removing the need for an operational left leg.

Lions International, Immediate Past District Governor Bob Roberson (Uncle Bob) was told of Spanner’s plan and the cost of the electronics. Bob being well aware of the consequences to a sufferer of PTSD and depression took this project and costing back to his Club (Townsville Ross Valley Lions).

After a very short discussion the Club Members authorised $2500 to pay for the electronic conversion kit.

The bike was electronically modified by Spanner and the crew of RHD and on the 22nd December 2018 after a lot of lying and deceit, Tigger came to an RHD Christmas Party and was presented with his newly modified, totally repaired and rideable motor bike.

Bradley is now mobile with the world’s biggest grin on his face. His new wife keeps a very close eye on his motor bike activities. Equally important, Bradley (Tigger) who had difficulty working because of his mental and physical condition is now working as a

volunteer with dementia patients and after receiving the North Queensland and Queensland Volunteer of the year awards has expanded into guest speaking on his life’s journey.

Santa could not have made this happen if it wasn’t for the support of certain businesses, you know who you are and THANK YOU. Spanner, thank you for being you and thank you members of Lions Ross Valley for you community support.

Lion IPDG Bob Roberson Townsville Ross Valley Lions Club

Pictured: IPDG Bob Roberson (right) with ‘Tigger’ on his adapted motor bike and his supporters.

Page 10: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 10 February 2019

Drought Disco brings farmers relief

At a Student Leader meeting of White Rock State School, one of the school captains suggested they look at raising money for the North QLD farmers still impacted by the drought. They decided that a Drought Disco would be a fun way to do this.

They hired a DJ who played a mix of modern and country songs, the Student Leaders made up a “Rain Dance” routine, and as a fun way to break up the evening, they tried to teach the younger students this routine. They also ran games such as feed the pig, lasso the wooden horse, and their own version of skittles.

Entry to the disco was a $5 donation, and included a slice of pizza and a juice box. They also sold extra pizza and drinks on the night.

Overall students raised $623 and were pretty pleased with themselves. They decided that Lions would be the best organisation to ensure every dollar raised would reach the right people. After the Disco the students met with Edmonton Lions representatives to discuss the importance of helping those in need when we can.

Pictured: (above) Principal Dan Hollis, Year 6 Student Leader Co-ordinator Kelly Nottle, Edmonton Lion Fran Lindsay, Zone Chair Norm McMullen and the Student Leaders of White Rock State School and (left) Norm chats to the student leaders.

Whitsunday Lion Allan Gravelle was recognized by his Club & LCI at the club’s first meeting for 2019. Lion Allan has completed 30 years of Lions service, joining the Whitsunday Lions in November 1988.

New member Bridget Haniford, was also inducted into the Club at this meeting on the 23rd January. Her

30 year member welcomes new member

sponsor Lion Morrie Kite was unable to attend this meeting, so 30 year Lion Allan, kindly stepped in as proxy sponsor.

Pictured: President Helen Toy presents Allan with his certificate and, together with Allan, welcomes new member Bridget.

Page 11: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 11 February 2019

Australia Day honours

for two members of Bowen Lions


Bowen Lions Club are pleased and proud to announce that two of our own members received awards on Australia Day.

Lion Mark Inman was awarded Citizen of the Year, and Lady Lion Fay Ryle was awarded Senior Citizen of the Year. Mark and Fay are tireless in their contribution to our Community and are both certainly deserving of recognition.

Bowen Club is very proud of these two wonderful members.

Townsville Northern Suburbs Lioness Club


SATURDAY 18 May 2019 1pm—4pm

Holy Family Parish Hall Cnr Mooney & Palmerston Streets



Jackpot Prize $100

ADMISSION $2 Includes afternoon tea

and lucky door prize


Contact Dawn on

4779 6338

Page 12: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 12 February 2019

Lionsonoz in Action Lionsonoz members were kept busy

over the Australia Day Long weekend helping the local Lions Clubs in the towns where they found themselves, cooking BBQs preparing for sporting events and/or any of the myriad activities conducted on our one and only National Day.

Lionsonoz members Lions Brad and Debbie Weeks found themselves at Crescent Heads where the local Lions Club was conducting an Australia Day BBQ breakfast. They rolled up their sleeves and joined in cooking sausages, handing out dishes and cutlery, making endless cups of tea and coffee and then lent a hand in the cleaning up. They had a great time!

Lionsonoz member Lion Warren White joined in and assisted the Tamworth Peel Valley Lions in their Marshalling duties for the Country Music fans in Peel Street Tamworth.

The Tamworth civic leaders became concerned about recent “Drive By” terrorists activities in major events throughout the world so Peel Street was blockaded off so the hundreds of Buskers could perform to the great crowds of Country Music lovers in safety.

Vehicle access was only allowed through one entrance. The driver must show an official certificate stating the reason to enter and each vehicle was led

through the crowd by a Lion walking in front who waited for the driver to complete his duties and then lead them back out again. The entrance was barricaded by a “Road Closed” sign and a Council Vehicle was parked blocking the way as an added precaution against any intended Terrorism.

There was no trouble, but there could have been.

Pictured: (above) Lionsonoz member Lion Brad Weeks (in the orange shirt) assisting the Crescent Heads

Lions at their Australia Day BBQ.

(left) Lionsonoz member Lion Warren White performing his marshalling duties with the Tamworth Peel Valley Lions at the Tamworth Country Music Festival.

Page 13: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 13 February 2019

The Million Dollar Question Paddy is on his final question for a million dollars on

the TV quiz show, he has only one lifeline left … phone a friend.

‘Which bird does not make a nest? A

sparrow, a swallow, a blackbird or a cuckoo’ asks the guy.

Paddy calls Murphy. Murphy answers:

‘Bejesus, it’s a cuckoo—100%.’

Paddy wins the million. Afterwards, he rings Murphy back: ‘how the heck did you

know that?’

Murphy replies: ‘well, Paddy, yer thick git—isn’t it obvious, cuckoos live in wooden clocks!’

The American and the Welsh farmer An American rancher was on holiday in Wales and

exploring the hill farms north of Aberystwyth. At lunch time he dropped into a pub and fell into easy conversation with a Welsh farmer.

‘How big is your spread?’ asked the American.

‘Well, look you, it’s about 20 acres.’

‘Only 20 acres? Back in Texas I can get up at sunrise, saddle my horse and ride all day. By suppertime I’ll be lucky to cover half my farm!’

‘Dear, dear,’ said the Welshman, ‘I once had a horse like that, but I sent him to the knacker’s yard.’

Page 14: Invitation - Northern Lion.pdf · Lions Program Invitation ... 201Q2 DISTRIT FINAL Saturday 23 March 2019 Hello to you all Well, the end of January already. Time

201Q2 District Governor’s Bulletin Page 14 February 2019

PLEASE NOTE the following changes to

contact details ...

Editor’s notes ... The Northern Lion is emailed to all Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs in District 201Q2, as well as to the District Governors of all other Australian Districts.

There is no monthly deadline, but please be aware that entries received very late in the month may be kept for the following issue if the length of the bulletin is more than about twenty pages.

This of course excludes any urgent or date-related information, which will always be included.

When you send photos, please ensure they are at no less than 200KB so that they don’t look fuzzy and out of focus.

Many thanks


Email: [email protected] Phone (H): 07 4091 2378 Phone (M): 0402 328 073 PO Box 1280 Atherton 4883

The Northern Lion is emailed out monthly to 76 Lions and Lions Branch Clubs, 13 Lioness and 6 Leo Clubs, District Officers, Zone Chairs, Development Teams, Health Groups and Project Chairs in the 201Q2 District, as well as to all other District Governors in Australia—who then pass it on to the clubs in their district.

There’s a great audience out there who will be very interested in what you are doing in your Club and how you are doing it. And it’s as easy as ...

Take a photo or two of your members at work or at play.

Attach your photo to an email and address the email to: [email protected]

Write a bit about the activity in the email and send it to me!

CATHEDRAL LEOS CLUB New email: [email protected] DISTRICT CONVENTION 2019 to be hosted by Lions Club of Mareeba with assistance from all Zone 2 Clubs Convention Chairperson: PDG Garth Gleeson Email: [email protected] Ph: 4095 2367 / Mob: 0407 044 963 Convention Secretary: Gilbert Teitzel Email: [email protected] Ph: 4092 8066 / Mob: 0428 737 343

DALRYMPLE REGIONAL LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

DIMBULAH LIONS CLUB New President: Brendan Goldsworthy Email: [email protected] Mob: 0409 725 752

LAE PNG LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

LOWER HERBERT HALIFAX LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

RICHMOND LIONS CLUB New email: [email protected]

TOWNSVILLE BARRIER REEF LIONS CLUB New meeting venue: The Avenues Tavern 270 Kern Brothers Drive, Kirwan 4817 New email: [email protected]

TOWNSVILLE NORTHERN SUBURBS LIONESS CLUB New venue, time and date: 2nd Wed, The Vale Hotel, Aitkenvale at midday

DI PYERS New postal address: PO Box 166 Townsville 4810

“Your father and I

aren’t as wild as we

used to be. Does arm

wrestling for the last

slice of pizza count as

intimate physical
