investment justifications ij template and examples 1

Investment Investment Justifications Justifications IJ Template and IJ Template and Examples Examples 1

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Investment Justifications IJ Template and Examples 1

Investment Investment JustificationsJustifications

IJ Template and IJ Template and ExamplesExamples


Page 2: Investment Justifications IJ Template and Examples 1

PSIC Grant Program Administered by National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Make Up of an IJMake Up of an IJ


For each Investment or project, 6 basic questions need to be addressed within each funding area:

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PSIC Grant Program Administered by National Telecommunications and Information Administration

PSIC IJ Requirements ChecklistPSIC IJ Requirements Checklist

Requirements IJsSCIP/PSIC Related: Coordination with Locals

SCIP/PSIC Related: Coordination with Non Governmental OrganizationsSCIP/PSIC Related: Coordination with Tribes

1. Tech: Adopt Advanced Technology Solutions 2. Tech: Improve Spectrum Efficiency 3. Tech: Use Cost-Effective Measures 4. All Haz: Areas at high-risk for natural disasters 5. All Haz: Urban/Metro Area at high risk for terrorism 6. Strategic Technology Reserve 7. Multi-Jurisdictional 8. Multi-Agency 9. Separate and Unique 10. Target SCIP Gaps in IJ Development


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General IJ ConsiderationsGeneral IJ Considerations


Only the information included in the Statewide Plan and IJ will be reviewed in the peer review process. Applicants cannot rely on references to other sources of information to explain their response.

Applicants are encouraged to minimize the use of acronyms, proper nouns (e.g. names of service providers or contractors) and highly-technical terms specific to their Investment. If these acronyms, names, or terms must be used, they should be clearly defined.

States and Territories are strongly encouraged to coordinate with each other to present an application that represents a collaborative, integrated approach, and to avoid duplication of efforts.

To aid applicants in adhering to character limits, text boxes for character-limited responses are sized to the length of the response and the character count.

Although the text boxes for these questions will accept an unlimited amount of text, text exceeding the character limits will not be reviewed.

Space has been provided in section X. Attachments (Optional) of each Investment to include a graphic (e.g., organizational chart) relevant to the Investment.

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The TemplateThe Template


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State IJ PacketState IJ Packet


SAA is responsible to submit the Investment Justification on behalf of the States

SAA to submit:Up to 10 Investments for each State, including one Investment for the Strategic Technology ReserveOverall Summary Tab

Summary of PSIC Investments Summary of Investments related to statewide strategy/plan Describe process used to identify, prioritize and select Investments Describe stakeholder involvement in the evaluation and selection of proposals

Overall Funding Tab: State must submit funding plan for the up to 10 Investments which roll-up into this overall tab.

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PSIC Grant Program Administered by National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Investment Justification ElementsInvestment Justification Elements

The Investment Justification Template contains the following sections


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• Investment Heading– State/Territory name– Investment name– Total PSIC funding requested

• Project Narrative– Interoperability problems– Proposed solutions– Expected outcomes– Partners and end users involved– Plan to use or interoperate in public safety spectrum or

improve/advance interoperability– Plans to evaluate the Investment



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• Historical Funding– Past funding for Investment– Requested funding for Investment– Dedicated or proposed funding for Investment

• Need– Status of Investment, objectives and completed outcomes to date– Reference PSIC objectives

• Governance– Structure – Activities

• Stakeholders– Public Safety Involvement (State, local, and Tribal governments and authorized

nongovernmental organizations)



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• Funding Plan: – Estimated cost for the Investment through the PSIC period of performance– Describe non-federal matching sources– Detail an expenditure plan to meet September 30, 2010 deadline

• Milestones: – List up to 10 specific milestones for the Investment (i.e. description, start/end date)

• Project Management: – Describe the management team responsible for implementing Investment – Describe key investment roles and responsibilities, structures, and subject matter expertise (i.e. the

project manager and contracts management structure)

• Investment Challenges: – Describe up to 5 potential challenges (i.e. challenge mitigation, occurrence probability, and impact

level)– Consider technical feasibility of the Investment challenge


Template CriteriaTemplate Criteria

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• Outcomes: – Describe outcomes that indicate a successful Investment – Describe reasons why Investment will advance the communications capabilities for

stakeholders– Must also address how the outcomes will be evaluated

• Cost-Effective: – Describe cost-effective measures that will support a successful Investment

• Sustainability: – Describe the long-term approach to sustaining this Investment



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