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Single Plan for Student Achievement 2012-2013 Assurances, Budgets and Justifications Foshay Learning Center

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Single Plan for Student Achievement


Assurances, Budgets and Justifications

Foshay Learning Center

Foshay Learning Center

1 9 6 4 7 3 3 6 0 6 1 4 5 1

Los Angeles Unified School District Single Plan for Student Achievement

Assurances, Budgets, and Justifications 2012 - 2013

School Foshay Learning Center Local District 7 Principal Yvonne Garrison Edwards

School Address 3751 S. Harvard Blvd. City Telephone

Area Code Los Angeles ( 323 ) 373 - 2700

The school’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Update, which includes the assurances, budgets and justifications and SPSA Evaluation, has been reviewed by the Local District.

Typed Name of Local District Superintendent Dr. George McKenna

Signature of Local District Superintendent Date

Date approved by District Board of Education

Check each applicable box


The Board of Education has granted to the Chief of Intensive

Support and Intervention delegated authority to approve each school’s

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) required

under Education Code 64001 et seq. after review and

recommendation for approval by the Local District Superintendent.

x Title I

x Schoolwide Program (SWP)

Targeted Assistance School (TAS)

x 2011 – 2012 Program Improvement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 x Year 5+

x Title III

x Economic Impact Aid (EIA)

Educationally Disadvantaged Youth - Hold Harmless

x Limited English Proficient

Educationally Disadvantaged Youth

Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA)

x School-Based Coordinated Program (SBCP)

Foshay Learning Center

Los Angeles Unified School District Single Plan for Student Achievement

School Name: Foshay Learning Center 2012-2013 Local District: 7


The signatures below verify that the school site council: • Sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan and budget and the

SPSA Evaluation. (Check those that apply.) x Compensatory Education Advisory Committee x Chapter Chair/Designee

x English Learners Advisory Committee Other (list)

• Reviewed annually and updated the Single Plan for Student Achievement including centralized services and proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the school through the consolidated application.

School Site Council Typed name of chairperson Signature Date

Mary Lewis Principal Typed name of principal Signature Date

Yvonne Garrison Edwards

Check box if SSC is an umbrella group for the CEAC. The minutes for this vote are on file at the school site.

The signatures below verify that stakeholders have had the opportunity to provide recommendations during the budget-planning process. The signatures do not necessarily indicate approval of the spending plan.

Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC)

Typed name of chairperson Signature Date

Rosa Donis English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Typed name of chairperson Signature Date

Maria Orozco Chapter Chair or Chapter Chair’s Designee

Typed name of teacher Signature Date

Mary Lewis Other (list) Typed name Signature Date

Other (list) Typed name Signature Date

Foshay Learning Center

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Evaluation Linking Goals, Strategies, and Actions from the SPSA to Increased Student Achievement

School Name: Foshay Learning Center Local District: 7 1a. Examine the data that has been downloaded. What is the overall rate of growth over the last 5 years for the proficient or advanced proficient group in English/Language Arts? 14% (If the overall rate has grown by at least 10%, answer question 1b. If the overall rate has not increased by 10%, answer question 1c) 1b. Which of the expenditures increased growth in the proficient or the advanced proficient group? What data supports this finding? The following expenditures increased growth: professional development by outside contractors in research-based strategies including mentoring and implementation of appropriate after-school intervention programs, International Baccalaureate and RTI2; supplemental instructional materials (Accelerated Reader, BrainPop, etc.) Formal and informal classroom observations, examination of student work, culminating tasks, student portfolios and 2010 CST results support this finding. 2a. Examine the data that has been downloaded. What is the overall rate of growth over the last 5 years for the proficient or advanced proficient group in mathematics? 3% (If the overall rate has grown by at least 10%, answer question 2b. If the overall rate has not increased by 10%, answer question 2c) 2c. Which of the expenditures did not increase growth in the proficient or the advanced proficient group and therefore will no longer be funded. The following expenditures did not increase growth: Math Instructional Coach and the PowerLearning assessment program. 3a. As measured by CELDT, what percentage of ELs is making progress in ELD (AMAO 1)? 44% What percentage of ELs demonstrates English proficiency (AMAO 2)? 28.5% If AMAO 1 was met, and if AMAO 2 was met for all ELs, answer question 2b. If AMAO 1 was not met, and/or AMAO 2 was not met for all ELs, answer question 2c. 3c. Which of the expenditures did not result in increased achievement in ELD and therefore will no longer be funded? The following expenditures did not result in increased achievement: additional English Learner Coordinator position for professional development 4. How did research-based professional development [70A56 and 70V94 (if applicable)] lead to academic growth? (For PI Schools only) Classroom teachers, administrators and support staff attended multiple professional development sessions on the International Baccalaureate program in which students must develop an understanding of their own culture and national identity. Teachers trained to use backward planning to develop standards-based instructional units of inquiry, encouraging international mindedness. Students are encouraged to ask challenging questions, to reflect critically, to develop research skills and to learn how to learn. 5. What other evidence (i.e. other performance data) exists that shows an increase in student learning? The school's API has increased every year since 2005. (600 in 2005, 614 in 2006, 621 in 2007, 645 in 2008, 650 in 2009, 653 in 2010, and 690 in 2011) Tenth graders increased the overall pass rate of all students on both parts of the CAHSEE by 6.1% (from 86.1% to 92.2%). Students passing at least one Advanced Placement course increased from 39.5% to 87.8%. 6. Using local data (school experience survey, parent trainings, parent volunteers, parent centers, etc.), describe the expenditures from 7E046 and 709V4 that resulted in increased parental involvement. Agendas and sign in sheets evidence increased parent attendance at CEAC and ELAC meetings; an increase in parent volunteers on campus; an increase in parent volunteers in classrooms; increase in parents at Back-to-School Night, parent conferences and parent orientations. The expenditures are: Community Representatives, school advisory committee expenses, custodial overtime and annual parent fair expenses. 7. Based on the responses to questions 1-6, are the 2011-2012 budgets aligned to maximize program effectiveness? If not, what changes in strategies/activities need to occur? The 2011-2012 budgets are aligned to maximize program effectiveness.

Foshay Learning Center

Categorical Funding Allocated to This School The following state and federal categorical funds were allocated to this school through the Consolidated Application. Additional funds (listed under "Other") may be allocated to the school in accordance with district policy.

(Delete funding sources from this list for which the school does not receive an allocation.)

Federal Programs Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Title I: Schoolwide Program (7S046) Amount: $875,833 Purpose: To upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Title I Parent Involvement Allocation (7E046) Amount: $14,040 Purpose: To promote family literacy, parenting skills, and parent involvement activities. Title I Program Improvement 10% set aside (70A56) (PI Years 1 and 2 only) Amount: $97,315 Purpose: To provide high-quality professional development to address the data that caused the school to be identified for program

improvement. Title III: English Language Development (7S176) Amount: $4,747 Purpose: To provide professional development to teachers, administrators, and other school support staff to improve ELD instruction

and access to the core curriculum for English Learners.

State Programs Economic Impact Aid/Limited English Proficient (7S536) Amount: $178,404 Purpose: To develop fluency in English and academic proficiency of English Learners. Total amount of state and federal categorical funds allocated to this school: $ 1,170,339 After funding has been established, determine what funds can be used to fund the school’s priorities.

Foshay Learning Center

Foshay Learning Center

Foshay Learning Center

Title I (7S046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 8

Name of District: Los Angeles Unified School District 2012-13 Allocation: $ 875,833 Name of School: FOSHAY LEARNING CENTER School Contact Person: Yolanda McCoy County District School Local District: 7 Email Address: [email protected] 1 9 6 4 7 3 3 6 0 6 1 4 5 1 Date: April 30, 2012 Phone: 323-372-2700

Using the Program and Budget Handbook as a guide, describe the duties of personnel and purposes of goods/services funded from Title I which address the needs identified in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

100000 Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) 110005 10600 Teacher Assist. 6 Hr

Provides services under the direct supervision of a highly qualified classroom teacher. Provides reinforcement and support of instruction to participating students in the classroom. This includes one-on-one tutoring, assist with organizing instructional and other material, instructional assistance in a computer lab, assist with parental involvement activities, provide support in a library or media center or act as a translator.

55,405 4.00 5 G2 P42

120021 110151 Counselor Sec Participates in various multidisciplinary teams, such as Student Success Team (SST), Coordination of Services Team (COST), Resource Coordinating Team (RCT), to identify necessary support services, e.g., school counseling, student assessment and interventions; Collaborates with school administration and staff in developing student knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote personal, social, emotional and academic growth; Provides individual and group counseling and guidance to students in the academic, personal/social, and career domains; connects students with appropriate resources; Assists in the collection and analysis of data relative to attendance, behavior and achievement and communicates/interprets the assessment results to students, parents and teachers.

94,125 1.00 5 G2 P29

190001 11228 Categorical Program Advisor Performs duties that are direct services to the students. Direct services include teaching, providing demonstration lessons, conducting professional development activities, including the facilitation of effective

97,626 1.00 5 G2 P28

Foshay Learning Center

Title I (7S046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 9

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

instructional programs, conducting program/student evaluation activities, and coordinating and providing parent involvement workshop activities to ensure compliant functioning of the advisory committee.

190001 11767 K-12 Bridge Coordinator Supports the instructional and compliance activities involved in working with students with disabilities. Duties include: Provision of support and monitoring of supplemental special education activities; Provision of professional development for special and general education teachers on effective strategies, accommodations and/or modifications, and in the use of evidence-based interventions for ELA and/or math; Provision of support and direction related to the integration of special and general education at the school site; Support for parent trainings on strategies that foster learning at home; Establishment of a coaching model to support students with disabilities in special and general education classes.

97,626 1.00 5 G2 P29

110001 13282 NonRegcTchr Sec Teacher will serve students identified as being in need of supplemental assistance in basic and advanced skills in literacy and mathematics, history/social science, and science.

92,249 1.00 5 G2 P26

110004 10376 Teacher Tutoring X To pay a regular status teacher to tutor or provide intervention to students outside of the basic assignment.


varies varies G2 P27

110002 10559 Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers will be released to plan differentiated lessons that meet the needs of Tier 2 and 3 students. They will examine CST Data, student work, periodic assessment scores, etc.). Teachers will also be released to create common grade level assessments in their subject area.

10,000 varies varies G2 P29

110005 10701 Teacher Assistant Relief Used to pay Teacher Assistants outside of their regular working hours for parent conference evenings, Saturday meetings, and before school hours.

1,000 varies varies G2 P44

190004 11316 Staff Training Rate 1 To compensate teachers who attend Response to Intervention Training, and Differential Instruction related professional development outside of

10,000 varies varies G2 P41

Foshay Learning Center

Title I (7S046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 10

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

the regular assignment on Intervention program implementation and best practices, particularly focusing on effective SDAIE strategies.

110004 11622 Coord Diff Tchr Supplemental payment which is added to the salary of a highly-qualified teacher for performing additional responsibilities related to a supplemental assignment based on funding. A coordinating differential is paid to a teacher who performs categorical program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.

1,453 1.00 5 G2 P26

190004 11681 CPA Differential Supplemental payment which is added to the salary of a highly-qualified teacher for performing additional responsibilities related to a supplemental assignment based on funding. A coordinating differential is paid to a teacher who performs categorical program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.

1,453 1.00 5 G2 PJP

190004 11771 Bridge Coordinator Differential Supplemental payment which is added to the salary of a highly-qualified teacher for performing additional responsibilities related to a supplemental assignment based on funding. A coordinating differential is paid to a teacher who performs categorical program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.

1,453 1.00 5 G2 P41

120041 12106 Itinerant Nurse Duties include: Illness and injury follow-up; Health-related counseling and education for parents and families, including home visits; Staff development in health-related issues and counseling; School and community health-related information groups and projects (classroom health presentations, health-information “clubs,” resources for administrators and classroom teachers); Participating in multidisciplinary teams such as Student Success Team to identify necessary support services; Health counseling for students with health conditions that affect attendance and learning such as childhood obesity, dental health, asthma, and hypertension; Assist with our Healthy Start Grant

68,338 0.7 3.5 G3 P41

120021 13222 Itinerant Psychologist Counsels with students individually or in groups for the following:

40,836 .40 2 G3 P26

Foshay Learning Center

Title I (7S046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 11

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

Academic problems; Behavior and social skills; Problem-solving and decision making; Bilingual/bicultural adjustment problems

200000 Classified Personnel Salaries (includes benefits)

210001 20705 Educational Resource Aids (span) Assists in supporting and extending the focus of the school’s instructional program under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher. Assists in maintaining a safe and nurturing environment and supports and strengthens school-community relations.

75,606 2.00 5 G2 P44

210001 22601 Ed Aide 3 AVID Assists in instructional reinforcement activities with student in the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program

10,085 1.00 5 G2 P44

240001 21217 Office Technician Performs a variety of clerical services in connection with the Title I program. Duties include maintenance of records and preparation of various documents for parental involvement and intervention activities as related to the Title I program.


1.00 5 G3 P31

210003 20818 Ed. Resource Aide (3) For employees performing regular duties outside their basic assignment or for employees not performing regular ongoing duties

500 varies varies G4 P44

240003 21427 Clerical Relief and Overtime Performs short-term clerical help and for overtime payments directly attributable to the program.

1,500 varies varies G3 PJP

220003 21532 Custodial Overtime/Relief Custodial services required as the direct result of intervention and program activities at the school.

3,000 varies varies G5 PJP

290004 21720 Community Representative Payment to a community person performing in a liaison role between the school and the community. Assignments are limited to 79 hours per pay period and 720 hours per year.

11,354 1.00 5 G4 P53

400000 Books, Materials, Supplies (IMA and general supplies are capped at 5% during budget development)

430003 40183 Maintenance/Operational Supplies Supplies used in connection with program services The total amount

300 G5 PJP

Foshay Learning Center

Title I (7S046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 12

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

budgeted may not exceed 10% of the total custodial relief and overtime listed on the Budget Justification.

430001 40227 General Supplies Used to purchase supplemental instruction supplies materials such as but not limited to printer ink, paper, CD’s, pencils, film, printer cartridges, etc. to be used to provide all students better access to core content instruction or for intervention.


G2 P25

430010 40267 Instructional Material Account (IMA) Budget for supplemental materials that support students receiving Tier 1, 2 and 3 instruction and intervention, such as BrainPop, Measuring Up for the entire school, Mind Institute, Renaissance Learning, ALEKS, English Novels, Science Lab Consumables, High School College Summit Program


G2 P28

500000 Services and Other Operating Expenses

520002 50080 Staff Conference Attendance To fund registration and/or travel costs for teachers to attend professional development opportunities and conference directly related to improving the academic achievement of students, such as COBA, Western Regional, Differentiated Instruction workshop, International Baccalaureate Trainings, Middles School Child Conference, Harambee Educational Summit

7,000 varies varies G2 P44-45

560006 50147 Maintenance of Equipment To repair supplemental equipment previously purchased, which supports Tier 1, 2 and 3 Instruction and professional development.

17,997 G2 P34

580012 50174 Curricular Trips To provide funds for admission and/or transportation for curricular and school journey field trips related to Science, Social Studies, Math, Art, Music and English. Trips will include but not be limited to (2)The Getty Museum, (2)Griffith Observatory, (2)The Natural History Museum, (4)Laguna Tide Pools, (2)Topanga State Park and (6)LA Zoo, Robotics, science competitions, (4) Art Museums (8)Kodak Theater for various plays and musicals that bring the stories students are reading to the stage for visual comprehension.

9,915 33 buses

G2 P25

Foshay Learning Center

Title I (7S046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 13

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

600000 Capital Outlay(Central-office approval is required for equipment items costing over $25,000.)

430009 At-Risk for PI Professional Development Reserve

430009 40261 Pending Distribution 430098 40239 Funding Variance

Total Allocation 875,833

Foshay Learning Center


2012-13 Title I Program Justification Page

Directions: Items funded from the list below must be charged to indirect services and should not exceed 10% of the school’s Title I allocation.

Any item that has not been checked must be deleted from the identified items listed below.

The items identified below are being purchased to facilitate the compliant implementation of the Title I Program.

Funding Source Description of Indirect Goods/Services 7S046

x Categorical Program Adviser Differential Performs program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.

x Clerical Relief and Overtime Performs short-term clerical help and for overtime payments directly attributable to the program.

x Custodial Relief and Overtime Performs custodial services required as the direct result of parental and intervention activities at the school. (Custodial Relief and Overtime should not exceed $3,000.)

x Custodial Supplies Supplies used as the direct result of parental and intervention activities beyond the school day.

Foshay Learning Center

Title I Parent Involvement (7E046) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 15

Name of District: Los Angeles Unified School District 2012-13 Allocation: $ 14,040 Name of School: FOSHAY LEARNING CENTER School Contact Person: Yolanda McCoy County District School Local District: 7 Email Address: [email protected] 1 9 6 4 7 3 3 6 0 6 1 4 5 1 Date: April 30, 2012 Phone: 323-372-2700

These resources must be used to support the implementation of activities described in the Parental Involvement Policy and the Parent-School Compact.

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of

days/hours or


*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

100000 Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits)

200000 Classified Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) 290004 21720 Community Representative

Will perform liaison role between the school and the community. Services involve participation as a neighborhood resource advisor to principal, teachers, parents, and personnel concerned with school-community relations (Class-C)

11,354 1.0 5

G4 P53

400000 Books, Materials, Supplies

430001 40227 Books, Materials, Supplies (General Supplies) Purchase supplemental instruction supplies & materials such as but not limited to printer ink, paper, CD’s, pencils, film, etc. to be used to provide parents with necessary materials for meetings and trainings.

686 G2 P25

430002 40169 Advisory Committee Expense To use to provide refreshments but not meals for our parents during Breakfast with the Principal, advisory council meetings and trainings.

1,200 G4 PJP

500000 Services and Other Operating Expenses 520002 50073 Parent Conference Attendance

Used for parents to attend conference(s) that are part of the school involvement activities in school plan. Parent Conferences which include but are not limited to the COBA, CABE and Ready to Learn Conference.


G4 P54

Total Allocation 14,040 Title I Parent Involvement - Title I schools must implement activities for parents that support the instructional program. Using the Title I parent involvement budget worksheet (7E046), schools will develop a budget justification for the allocation. Questions should be directed to the Parent Community Services Branch (PCSB) or the local district.

Foshay Learning Center


2012-13 Title I Parental Involvement Program Justification Page Directions: Any item that has not been checked must be deleted from the identified items listed below.

The items identified below are being purchased to facilitate the compliant implementation of the Title I Program.

Funding Source Description of Goods/Services to Support

the School, Family and Community Partnerships 7E046

X Advisory Committee Expenses Funds for local school advisory committee operating expenses. Expenses may include postage for meeting notices, refreshments (not meals), and supplies.

Foshay Learning Center


Parent Community Services Branch ITEM NO. RESOURCES TITLE I LEP

QTY Amount QTY Amount 7E046 7S046 7S176 7S536

21427 Clerical Overtime 21532 Custodial Overtime 50073 Parent Conference Attendance (See BUL-5449.0) 800 800

50163 Parent Training Allowance (Reimbursement for transportation/ mileage for parents to attend approved meetings. See BUL-5701)


(Limited to a maximum of $1500.00 per funding source) 11275 Professional Expert (Certificated)

(For Parent Engagement Activities)

21720 Community Representative Pay Rate $15.77/hr

11354 11354 11354

22555 Parent Resource Liaison (This position must be multi-funded with all applicable categorical program funds or grants)

26956 Parent Resource Assistant 40267 Instructional Material Account (IMA) (Support

parent activities only)

40169 Advisory Committee Expenses (Operating expenses and refreshments, School Advisory Committee or School Site Council Meetings) See BUL. 5447.0

1200 1200

40110 Audio Visual and Translation Equipment 50147 Maintenance of Equipment 50002 Contracted Instructional Services: Company

Outside vendors that are LAUSD approved to train parents in the curricular areas.

50035 Independent Contract (Professional Services) An LAUSD-approved contracted individual that trains parents in their roles and responsibilities.

TOTAL BUDGET $ 13,354 11,354 $ 900 12,554

Foshay Learning Center

Title I Program Improvement (70A56) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 18

Name of District: Los Angeles Unified School District 2012-13 Allocation: $ 875,833 Name of School: FOSHAY LEARNING CENTER 2012-13 10% PI Allocation: $ 97,315 County District School Local District: 7 School Contact Person: Yolanda McCoy 1 9 6 4 7 3 3 6 0 6 1 4 5 1 Date: April 30, 2012 Email Address: [email protected] Phone: 323-372-2700

Program Improvement Schools (PI Years 1 and 2 Only) Identified Program Improvement (PI) Schools must annually set aside 10% of the current year’s Title I allocation to support professional development in English/Language Arts and/or Mathematics. The professional development must directly address the academic achievement problem that caused the school to be identified for program improvement.

PI schools need to identify, based on disaggregated data from state assessments, the area(s) the school failed to meet AYP targets.

Check appropriate area(s)

x x x Participation

Rate English/Language Arts Mathematics API Graduation Rate

Annual Measurable Objectives

Annual Measurable Objectives

Using the Program and Budget Handbook as a guide, describe the duties and purposes of personnel and/or services funded from Title I which address the Program Improvement strategies identified in the school plan. Do not add any items to the list below.

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

Certificated Personnel Salaries 110001 13187 Instructional Coach, Secondary, Single Track

Builds teacher capacity and provides support to both teachers and administrators. Under the direction of the school-site principal, the instructional coach will work collaboratively with general and special education teachers and administrators, program coordinators, and other staff to promote standards-based literacy and numeracy across the content areas, using a multi-tiered approach to instruction, including the problem solving model and appropriate evidence-based strategies to provide access to core instruction and intervention for all students including English Learners, Standard English Learners, socio-economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and GATE students.

89,142 1.0 5 G2 P24

Foshay Learning Center

Title I Program Improvement (70A56) Budget Justification

Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 19

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days *SPSA

Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

110004 10246 Differential, Instructional Coach, Secondary Supplemental payment which is added to the salary of a highly-qualified teacher for performing additional responsibilities related to a supplemental assignment based on funding. A coordinating differential is paid to a teacher who performs categorical program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.

1453 varies varies G2 P24

110001 10370 Professional Development-Teacher Regular To provide coverage for teachers to attend professional development opportunities and conferences directly related to improving the academic achievement of students who needed intervention.

2391 varies varies G2 P25

110002 10559 Day-to-Day Subs Teachers will be released to plan differentiated lessons that meet the needs of Tier 2 and 3 students. They will examine CST Data, student work, periodic assessment scores, etc.). They will create common grade level assessments in their subject area. They will examine CST Data, student work, periodic assessment scores, etc.). They will create common grade level assessments in their subject area.

1000 varies varies G2 P29

190004 11316 District Sponsored Training Rate 1 (Certificated) To compensate teachers who attend Response to Intervention Training, and Differential Instruction related professional development outside of the regular assignment on Intervention program implementation and best practices, particularly focusing on effective SDAIE strategies.

1500 varies varies G2 P41

520002 50080 Staff Conference Attendance To fund registration and/or travel costs for teachers to attend professional development opportunities and conferences directly related to improving academic achievement such as COBA, Western Regional, Differentiated Instruction, International Baccalaureate, Middle School Child Conference, Harambee Educational Summit, CLES/CLMS/CLHS

1829 varies varies G2 P44-45

430009 40261 Pending Distribution Total 10% PI Set Aside:


Foshay Learning Center Title III (7S176)

Budget Justification Fiscal Year 2012-2013

1. Need prior approval from the Office of the Superintendent 2. Need prior approval from Ana Estevez, LAB. Item cannot be budgeted during Budget Development. See Budget Handbook. 3. See Budget Handbook for description of duties.

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/Organization/Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 20

Name of District: Los Angeles Unified School District 2012-13 Allocation: $ 4,747 Name of School: Foshay Learning Center School Contact Person: Lisa Beebe County District School Local District: 7 Email Address: [email protected] 1 9 6 4 7 3 3 6 0 6 1 4 5 1 Date: 4/30/2012 Phone: 323-372-2700

These resources are intended for Direct Services Only

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item

Description of Goods/Services Do not add any items to the list below

Budgeted Amount FTE # of


*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

100000 110000 Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) 110002 10559 Day-to-Day Substitute

Teachers will be released to plan differentiated lessons that meet the needs of English Learners. They will examine ELD portfolios, student work and pertinent EL data (CELDT & periodic assessment scores, etc.). Teachers will also be released to update ELD/ESL Assessment Portfolios.

$1,698 6 G2 P29

110005 10701 Teacher Assistant Relief TA to support parent/student teacher conference and other family/school events by providing translation in primary language after hours. Support academic program for EL students by reducing the student/teacher ratio in ELD and core classes and in after hours intervention program.

$2,149 179 hrs

G2 P44

400000 Reprographics Service

500000 Services and Other Operating Expenses 520002 50073 Parent Conference Attendance

To provide parents of EL students professional training at district-sponsored conferences (Closing the Gap: Using Parent Involvement to Increase Student Achievement) and professional conferences (CABE/AMAE) to support student achievement.

$800 G4 P54

580002 50163 Parent Training Allowance Reimbursements for meals, child care, and mileage to parents attending training sessions related to Master Plan parental involvement activities

$100 G4 P54

Foshay Learning Center Title III (7S176)

Budget Justification Fiscal Year 2012-2013

1. Need prior approval from the Office of the Superintendent 2. Need prior approval from Ana Estevez, LAB. Item cannot be budgeted during Budget Development. See Budget Handbook. 3. See Budget Handbook for description of duties.

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/Organization/Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 21

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item

Description of Goods/Services Do not add any items to the list below

Budgeted Amount FTE # of


*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

supporting the linguistic and academic achievement of ELs. 430098 40239 Funding Variance 430098 40261 Pending Distribution

Total Allocation $4,747

Foshay Learning Center EIA-LEP (7S536)

Budget Justification Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 22

Name of District: Los Angeles Unified School District 2012-13 Allocation: $ 178,404 Name of School: Foshay Learning Center School Contact Person: Lisa Beebe County District School Local District: 7 Email Address: [email protected] 1 9 6 4 7 3 3 6 0 6 1 4 5 1 Date: 4/19/2012 Phone: 323-373-2700

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

100000 Certificated Personnel Salaries (includes benefits) 110004 10376 Teacher Tutoring X

To pay a regular status teacher to tutor or provide intervention to students outside of the basic assignment, focusing on English Learners not demonstrating adequate progress in ELD or grade level content as measured by NCLB AMAO 1-3 EL achievement data.

$8,920 139 hrs

G2 P42

110004 11681 Differential, Coordinator $1,453 PJP 110005 10600 Teacher Assistants

A bilingual teacher assistant must provide primary language support to monolingual teachers who possess the proper authorization, as required by the Master Plan. Support is provided to ELs during grade-level content instruction. TAs will participate in Master Plan-related professional development on EL program implementation and best practices, particularly focusing on effective SDAIE strategies.

$38,853 3.0 6 hrs/ 5


G2 P43

190001 117360 Categorical Program Advisor (EL) To provide direct primary language services to ELs and their parents, such as providing in class primary language support & coordinating parent involvement workshop activities to ensure compliant functioning. Analyze data (CELDT & periodic assessment scores, ELD portfolios, grades, etc.) to identify EL students for Tiers II & III targeted intervention outside school hours. Conduct demonstration lessons, facilitate peer coaching and professional development for teachers (including EL teachers) on EL program implementation and best practices, particularly focusing on effective SDAIE strategies.

$97,626 1.0 6 hrs/ 5


G2 P40

190004 11316 Staff Training Rate 1 To compensate teachers (including teachers of ELs) who attend Master Plan-related professional development outside of the regular assignment on EL program implementation and best practices, particularly focusing

$5,920 207 hrs

G2 P41

Foshay Learning Center EIA-LEP (7S536)

Budget Justification Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 23

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

on effective SDAIE strategies. 200000 Classified Personnel Salaries (includes benefits)

290004 21720 Community Representative Payment to a community person performing in a liaison role between the school and the community. Attend District EL-related professional development and work with EL Coordinator to develop parent workshops, specifically on EL program implementation, identification and placement of ELs and reclassification criteria process and procedures. Support the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) in fulfilling their legal responsibilities. Assignments are limited to 79 hours per pay period and 720 hours per year.

$11,354 1.0 720 hrs

G4 P53

400000 Books, Materials, Supplies 430001 40227 General Supplies

Funds for items of an expendable nature that are consumed or worn out deteriorate in use, or are easily broken, damaged or lost. Supplies purchased must be used to support the academic achievement of ELs and/or professional development for teachers of ELs.

$4,889 G2 P43

430002 40169 School Advisory Committee Expenses (ELAC) $1,200 PJP 430010 40267 Instructional Materials Account

Budget for materials to supplement core ELD and grade-level instruction for ELs. Supplemental expenditures include, but are not limited to, visual aids, leveled readers, learning games, computer software & web-based programs (Edlio School Website, BrainPop, Accelerated Reader, FastForward, Ticket to Read etc.) manipulatives and realia.

$4,889 G2 P42

500000 Services and Other Operating Expenses 520002 50080 Staff Conference Attendance

To fund registration and/or travel costs for teachers to attend professional development opportunities and conferences directly related to improving the academic achievement of ELs such as CABE, AMAE and CLES/CLMS/CLHS (EL specific).

$3,000 G2 P44

590001 50199 Telephone Expense $300 PJP 600000 Capital Outlay (Equipment items costing over $25,000; central-office approval is required.)

Foshay Learning Center EIA-LEP (7S536)

Budget Justification Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Goal 1: 100% Graduation; Goal 2: Proficiency for All/High Academic Achievement; Goal 3: 100% Attendance; Goal 4: Parent and Community Engagement; Goal 5: School Safety/ Organization/ Support Structure *Attach the pages from the SPSA that describe the need(s) for the expenditure(s). 24

Major Object

Commitment Item

Budget Item Description of Goods/Services Budgeted

Amount FTE # of days

*SPSA Performance Meter Matrix Goal Number

Other Outgoing 430009 40261 Pending Distribution 430098 40239 Funding Variance

Total Allocation $178,404

Foshay Learning Center

Rev. 1/20/12

2012-13 Economic Impact Aid-Limited English Proficient (EIA-LEP) Program Justification Page

Directions: Any item that has not been checked must be deleted from the identified items listed below.

The items identified below are being purchased to facilitate the compliant implementation of the EIA-LEP Program.

Funding Source Description of Goods/Services to Implement the EL Program 7S536

x Categorical Program Adviser Differential Performs program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day.

x English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Expenses Funds must be used to support operating expenses including refreshments (not meals) and supplies.

x Telephone Expenses Installation and the basic service fee to support budgeted EL program support staff and with bilingual communication to parents.