inventory -...

CATS&ILL MOUNTAIN NEWS,. FBIBAT, FfiBRTTABT 13, 1908. THE HILLS OF NEW KINGSTON " THERE'S A CHIBl AMAWG THEM TA.KIN' NOTES." Who Tells of the Every-Day Life of a Busy Little People in a Crisp and Interesting Way. Several from this place attended the firemen's dauoe at Margaret villa last •week. They report a pleasant time and speak very highly of the musdc that was furnished by Mead's orchestra. O. S. Faulkoer and Palmer Ados went to Eleiechmanrjs last week. Oha.n Tompkins has hired to work for another summer for John l'etrie. P. Q Yapleand GTorgeDo-iglas attend, ed Masonic lodge In Margaretville on Tuesday night. Tho topic that Bev. J. H. Sankey will preach upon next Sabbath Is "Tho Cen- turlan and his servant." Di'B. Eeed and Ellis held a consultation at William Strangeway'e. His reported that they seem doubtful as to his recov- ery. PLEASANT VALLEY. W. T. Faulkner was at Griffin Corners on Monday. Mrs. William Duraond is suffering with rheumatism. Elder J. D. Hubbeil preached in the red school house on Sunday. Harry Lewis of Brooklyn visited a t A. W. DeBUva's the first of tho week. David Adee helped James Chlsholrn get his wood of.„W. P. Yaple Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Archibald la slowly con- valescing after her recent severe Illness. E. J. Reynolds has the largest wood pile by his door of any one iu the village, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Meudo of Haloott visited their friends in this valley last week. John Ward of Franklin Is helping his Bister, MrB. Nettle Archibald, on her farm. James Palrbairn of Margaretville will assist H. O. VanBenschoten with his farm work the coming season. Mr. Jordan of Newburgh, with his force of men, is expected to commence work on the new creamery In this village this week. John Place has contracted wlih John R. S&nford to dig the cellsir for his new barn as soon as the frost is out of (lie ground. M. J. Faulkner's young horse, which was badly cut by throwing itself on tho Ice a short time ago, is so that he can drive It onoe more. William llysham of Red Oak, Nob., has been making his homo at A. W. De- SUva's for a short time. Ho has renter] the Palmatler-Hysham farm to DeSlJva for a term of years. Arthur Travis sold four cows by the aid of the telephone to Robert Cart- wright of Vega one day last week for nearly $30 a head, and delivered them to Kelly Corners on Monday. VEGA. David Mead visited FraUsvillo friends Monday night. John Archibald of Halooltvllle was In town last Friday. John Sweet of Kelly Corners visited friends here Tuesday. Weldon Woolheater was in town Mon- day looking for a horse. Mrs. Ohloe Sherwood, who has boon ill for Borno time, Is improving. Mr. Lyon and family have boon visiting at Peter Sherwood's for a few day*. Peter Mitchell of Roxbury, accompa- nied by another horse dealer, was here on Tuesday. The man who seeks diligently for trouble is qulto sure to lind it, as the lnoldent at Denver Monday evening goes to show. David Mead, while in Greene County last week, traded off his pule of grays aud report says, came homo with a pocket full of lucre. A pair of Insurance agents i'rom Hlum- ford was In town Friday using all kinds of language to Impress on (ho minds of our pooplo tho eortalntles of death and tho uncertainties of life. ARKVILLE. Howa.rd Griffin has contracted a severe cold. Mrs. C. 0. Oamtner has been on the sick list. William Brauiem Is leld up with a severe cold. Mrs. William C. Hosier is very 111 at the present time. Marfin Krum of Kelly Corners was in town on Tuesday. O. CI. Frisbee went to New York Tues- day on business. Miss Polly Craft of Vega has been vis- iti tig at J' F. Street's. Erastus Redmond is gelling out lum- ber for.a new house Mrs. Jameq Baker visited Margaret- villa one day this week. D. 0, Davis and Charles Mead went to FMsehnmnriB Tuesday. Miss Pearl Clark of Mil) Book was here one day last week. Samuel Horn has jufit returned from a business trip to New York. Mrs. L. D. Wyuu has been visiting her daughter at Margaretville. Mrs. Frank Gilbert of Margaretville was here one day this week. John Wesley Redmond of New York has teen vi-ltlng Ora Cross. Mrs. O'arence Sherman is slowly re- ooveriug alter a severe Illness. Albert Redmond, who has been criti- cally 111, isslowly recovering. Q.u to a number of our young girls are busy getting up soap orders, David Avery of Shokati is working for the ArkvllUt Chemical Cjrnpany. Mrs. 0, H. Rhymer and Miss Addie Rhymer wont to Kingston Thursday. 0:>rnainsloncr 0 F. Hevltt made a business trip to Kingston on Monday. Mrs. Llbhie Mills returned from Frank- lin to visit her sister, Mrs. C Sherman. Fred Iv>ug, who has been working at Oneouta, Is again home with his parents. There was a salary party at tho resi- denco of James Baker on Thursday even- ing. M13B Maggie Peohtell has gone to One- onta to visit her sister, Mrs. A. B. Chris- tian. Q'llto a number of our young people a< tended the dromon's dance at Marga- retville. Patrick Gallagher Is again able to 1111 his position on the milk train after a severe Illness. Walter Potburg went to Schenectady on Tuesday to seek employment In the electrical works. G. M. Griffin has purchased a line horse to match the one he had. "Mae" now has a line team. Mrs. George R Dodds and children started for Kansas City Wednesday morn- ing to visit her parents. Mr. Olnsy Redmond, who is proprietor of a lino restaurant in Schenectady, re- turned there Tuesday after spending a few days with his parents. Mrs. Kalis Kelly gavo a tea party at her homo last Tuesday. Those present were; Mr?. W. W. Scudder, Mrs, Zlba Sanfoni, Mrs. A. D. Franks, Mrs. H. Longyo'ir, Mrs. 0. II. Rhymer and Mrs, 8. P. Jlouton. "While Oaoar Fuller was btiuglng a load of wood oIT Hubbeil Hill ono day last week his wucon upset, throwing his boy down tho bank Tho boy complained of his back being hurt, but Is again able to attend school. DENVER. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawrouco visited at Clinton Morse's Saturday. MISBOS Boll} Wnlkor and Badle Mo Iflwan wore at Margaretville Saturday, Quito a fow from hero attended the firemen's dauoe at Margarolivlllo Friday evening. The class In dancing which moots at Jenkins' hall on Monday ovouln'gs hi pro- gressing nlnoly. N J. Redmond la drawing lumber tor tho now barn whloh ho luluiulH to bid Id next summer. Dr. Hlllls was called Hutuiday to son Mm, Clinton Morse, who has hud u, Blight relapse, but who la Htuuowhiil, bettor al, this wilting, Twenty Years of Life IH the avornuo time allotted for u well cured (or Plow, It a plow IH to he your working coinpnri Ion for NO ninny yearn, why not ltnc|i lined com- pany, the lionl In none too gooil [or you. II IH UIHO very uiioonniiry to know Unit you win lie supplied |iniui|)lly with cxtrnw of nil kinds In III. your plow, 11 iiinli'i'il:. ••! the host ijiioiri'. Instil llic "1,1'', HOY r i , o w " Idplni uoflttiititlc, "Busyliriirt" and "Hnsy to Hold," They nns iniuln by n .strong (lotiipniiv Not In n Trout, Von nun see thein lit (I,,I. nld'KHON'H, Mni'Klil'I't Villi', M.V.i It, jr. TOldl'KlNH', Union (trove, N. Y. Ilwl A Coll for Poll. George Hamilton I'.dl, of an nrlelu- nnil.lo family, onno a leader of Now Y.nk's Four iiuiidrnil and at one limn roportoil to bo engaged to OHO of tho Yiuulorbtlt girls, Is a solf-ooufoBstid thief null Iu to ho HonU'iiood lo-tlay to State prison for gruiid laronny. Ho Is liable to got tou years, A Certain OHIO for Chilblains, Hlmko Into .void'HIIIIOH .Alltm'n KOOI.-HIIIIO, a it olfroil Olillblnlnti, li'riiHthlloii, Ininip HOFFMAN CORNERS. Z'ba Hull and family visited at D. Slltor's Thuisday, Edward Hull and Winn Mead called on Voga friends Sunday. It nop oil E Austin, our butcher, Is mak- ing preparation for the spring trade. Mr. and Mrs. E, O. B illard entertained company from Hubbeil Hill Sunday, S. Shuttle of Arkvlllo has boon doing some carpenter work for Avery Ryor. W. T. Austin purchasoil n lino yolto of oxen or James Grlllln of Voga Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Urban B. Hull visited friends In Mow Klugstou the first of the week, Tho school In District, No. 10 Is pro- grassing tluoly with Ida J, Hlltor as teach or. Robert Gordon and son are very busy drawing Wood which they purchased of James Avery, At a npoolal mooting of tho slotikoMnrs of tho HJIgln Creamery, held February 7, It, was doubled not to pay Interest on cap- iat Block. As Ouonc Fuller of Arkvlllo was return- ing homo with a load of. wood whloh ho had purchasoil on Hubble Hill, lilt! wagon was upset and a little boy, who was on tho wagon, wan thrown down tho em- bankment, but fortunately escaped with- out Injury. WEST SETTLEMENT, Now Is a good time lo mibborlbo for Turn N.iiiws, Andrew lOtitar spout Huuday with his parents lit llMliioltvlllo, Mrs, Mnry Hloks has boon tho guest of T, H flinlth thi! pilot xvook. (Irorgo (1'rtwi'lglit and Hrnuu Craft of Vngu, wore plcinmnt callers hi Ihhi place Ha uriliiy. Uoorgo 10, llranilow anil James M, Ikuitoii were inisluoos callers al Haloott- vlllo 'l.'hui'uday. MJ-iH Ora Kcntor of Halcottvlllo was tho guest of hor cousin, Miss Lena Bart- raiii, Hovoral dn.yit last woolc. Bovornl from hero n'toiidoil the lire-' mon'H dm ion at Margarotvlllo Pi'lday evening mid roport u, phmsanli time, Wifliiy Soliool Chlldron aro Slokly. Or PRATTSVILLE, Clark Oura.n ot A.ahlaud was in town on Wednesday. Fred Bishop of Kingston spent Sunday in town, a guest of friends. Charles Mull'ord of Albany visited hie parents, Mr. a,nd Mrs. James Mulford. Invitations are out. for the marriage of Miss Inez Conine and Mr. Floyd Rleht- myer. Mr. a.nd Mrs. John C!1ne a r e In town and contemplate making this place tbt-ir home. The M. E. prayer meeting was held on Wednesday evening at the" home of Mrs. J. H. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. and little daughter, Freeda,, are spending some time in New York. Charles Dunham has been tick tor lho pist week. He resumed work at the creamery on Monday. Mr, unl Mrs Sidney Itivinburgh <f Munnorklll visited his tidier, Mrs. Mmy Conine, a few days ago. The Woman's Foreign Missionary So- ciety met with Miss Carrie Muse at her homo on Tuesday afternoon. Eugene Ronton of tlm Albany Law School spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Boulou. Miss L'tBtie Brandow of Huutersliolil was the guest of her aunt, Mi-is Millie Thoringtf'U, Thursday and Friday. Mr. Jacob Ku1z, Mr. avd Mrp. Arthur Bisbrowand Mrs. TruoKtioll attended the funeral of Mrs. Truesdoll's twin sister, Mrs. Sutton of Ashland, on Mouday. The M. E. Society held lis annual meeting February 3 and elected M.essiB. W. X Graham and William Eudorlln in place of Meesrs- D H. Griffin and A. S, Barlow, whose term of nllld'e expired on that day, Mrs. Terry Parker had a earpet-va.g bee Friday afternoon. The ladies sewed firteen pounds of rasts and had the usual amount of I'un and all enjoyed them- selves. A llu'j supper was nerved e.rt' r tho sowlug wa finished, Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer. UNION GROVE. H. J. Noidlg and Everett Hunt were recent visitors at Arena. Miss Edith VanDuaon visited hor Mend, Miss Anna Bryant, at this place Tuesday. Miss Kate Bryant is orr the sick list. At proseot writing she is somewhat bet- ter. Dr. Faulkner of Arena was here on professional business tho lire I of tho week. Eli Akorly of Dry Brook 1B visiting his son, James, at his homo iu this vil- lage this woek, James Avery of Spring Brook has moved to Dry Brook, where ho has se- cured employment. Nelson Tompkins had tho misfortune, to break two ot his ribs ono day last week while working In t h e woods. John HaynOP, superintendent of Grorgo Gould's pioperty at Furlough Like, and G-orgo Stewart wore here recently look- ing for horses. Amos Tompkins baa resigned hla poei- tlon with tho firm of F. Dykeman &. Company a.nd is going In tho wool bus! no83 qulto extensively, ho says. Fewer Gadons; Wearja Longer, DRY BROOK. J. El. Haynos wont to Hulcott Wi nines- day. Daniel Todd Is homo on a two weeks' vacation, Mrs. S, R. Baker called on Mrs. J-13. Haynos Monday, Stratum D. Todd was n.t Margarotvl'l} last Saturday. Hiram Knapp i i visiting bis son, O. R, Knapp, of thin pUico. Hovoral of our people altonded the firemen's daneo at lho Aokc'rloy Friday night. Orson A. Todd and Nelson Graham wont to Lakowood, N, J,, Thurnday with liornoo. At a young people's party hold at II D, Haynos' Tuesday night nil reporoed a lino time 3, E. Haynos has boon awny tho moid, of tho week buying iiorsos to Bond jo Lakowood. It is falsely reported that the elk which was IIIU'MI at Furlough IVike recently win killed on account of ugllnenf, Hlcknofis was the on use, Fewer Gallons; Wears Longet'i DUNflAVEN. Mlns Mabel Gladtttono In vlnlllng friends In Wnlton, There was no school on Thuri'day, be- ing Lincoln's birthday, Miss Mtfy V.iiiKonron oimimonooil ROXBURY. Miss Cora Stilwell made* Hying trip to Stamford Sunday. E. M. WhSspell made a business trio to Htiloottvllle lost week. Miss Anna 8. Kea.'or Is visiting fiiands In New York this week. Alexander Golden was seen on our streets one day last week. Mr. Blythe is entertaining relatives from out of town this week. Professor Flelsr-hmann, the optician, passed through town last week. Dr. A. R. Ellis made a professional visit to New Kingston last o-eelr. Mrs. J. B. Kea'or had the misfortune to fall and break'the bono of her ankle. John Archibald of Kelly Corners was a business caller in town one day last week. Bruce Ballard was removed to the fllnghamlon Hospital for the Insane last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. CoiMu were among the out of town vis-i tors to this place last week, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis of Relay were soou on our streets one day last week. Harry Hevttt of Halcottvlllo was among the business callers lu town last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Keator attended tho wedding of Miss Blelr In New 1'ork this week. Loreu Mead of CbarioUevHle was In town tliis woek, called here by the usual attraction. Several - from this place attended the flretuen's danee at Margaretville Friday evening last. J. V CIIBBO reoert'y puiohaBod the Dimmlck homestead below this village. Consideration MO. Mr. n,ud Mrs Peter Bowers of Hunt ore- land visited their parents, Mr. and Mrp. J. 8- Ballard, last week. Don't forget to send your girl a valen- t'n--', and then take her to tho Odd Fel- lows' bail Friday evonlng. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Reed of North Roabury vloltod at S. L Deoknr'e, below this village, ono dav last week , Mrs Alice Kaltenbook and dnlighter, Hilda, have le't town for Michigan,whore thoy will ruako their future homo. Mrs. Ellen Mlsnor of Halcottvlllo vlns- itod hor daughter, Mrs. Erwlu WJitsppli, tho (list of the week.- Supervisor J. M. C'ouk of Grnud Ghrge was in town Inst week to attend a meeting of the town hoard. Lowensteln, tho optician, is pt the Delaware Valley House this week. He has qullo a largo number of ciislomors at this place. Mrs. M. J. Stevens, who has boon visit- ing her daughter;, Mrs, B. S. Preston, for soveral weeks, has returned to her homo lu Newark, N. J. WALTON. Mrs. W. C Wells visited friends in Mid- ddetown last week. Miss Mary E. Burglo is visiting friends in New York aad Albany. B. S. Mayham, father ot F. B. Mayliam, spent a few d a y s in town recently. Mrs. John Kelly of Blnghamton is visit- ing at her former home on North stree 1 . Miss Nellie Payne left on Saturday for Yonkers, where ehe is employed in a large millinery establishment. Philip Titus will remove his family to Kings'on March L He is a conductor on the Ellenvllle branoli of the 0. & W. The annual supper of the Walton Fire Department will be held at the Village Hall on Thursday evening, February 19. The Misses Vera, and Clara McCordy, who have been residents here for some time, left town on Monday for their for- mer homo at Fultou. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mabel Oles and John Vincent Allen at her home, Tuesday evening, February 17, at 8 0'olock. Harry Benedict received a telegram on Monday tolling blm he was to report at Mildletown at onoe lo take a position as car inspector. H e Is a brother of Arthur Benedict, so recently killed on the rail- road at Cadosla. Miss Rose Woodworth, a former stu- dent, of Wultou High School, spent Sun- day with her aunt, MrB D. L. Grlswold, ut lho lattor's homo on William street. MISB Woodworth Is a noted whistler and Is connected with a company knowD as 1 The Three Bostonlaus." Mrs. Simeon Freer, who has been In poor health for some time, died Baturday morning; The funeral was from her late homo on East elrcet on Monday at 1 o'clock, luvltalions were out for the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Freer on Friday evening, February 20. If you want the county news aheaa of all the other papers take THE CATSKIXIII MOUNTAIN NKWS, »1 a year. »^r"* fc i'' l V'' l ''''ftr'Ti?*iiTir r *mTiiiT m i; , ir:—^i.T.^P^T^-n-T •'i-nimrigiiiiii BANK KJGl'OKT. No. 5924.—Report of the condition of tho People's National Bank of Margaret- ville, In tho State at New York, at the close of business February 6,1903 : UKSOt'KHCH. i.onus unit discounts » si.'.ino M COLD SPRING, Ira Bookhout wan at New Kingston on Sunday last. Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. James White, February 1, a son. MIBB Lena. Ruteshouoer of Roxbury Is vltltiiig alE. E Travi-j'. 0. D. Reynolds made a business trip to Margaretville IUBI FI iday. CJttitcfa number from hero attended the firemen's dance at Margarotvlllo, An lrow Shuraan and Sister, Emma, visited friends In this place last Sunday. David Miller and mother of Lexington are visiting at Arthur Miller's of this place. Olaruuco Place, who has occupied the tenement house of Elmor Travis for the past year, has moved Into the house be- longing to Henry Davis. CHARM OF T H E ORANGE. (ivi'iilriiffH, secured iind unsecured.. li. S. Bonds l,o secure circulation .... U. H, Houdu oil band Premiums on V. 8. Bonds Stocks, securities, eto. - Itu nklug house, fundi are and llxluroH Hue I'roin npiiroved reserve agents.. (Mii't'Us anil other cash items Notes of other National Hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels, nnd cents I.AWI'III, MoNISV lijSHlCltVH IN HANK, VIZ: Specie 88,47a 40 bi'.gnl-toiider uoles (1,410 00 Itqdeinptlon fund will) U. H. Treas- urer (B per cent of circuliitlou) Total 808 (10 •JO.IKIII 0U 100 00 '.f.'JOO OU 04,550 (ID 0,500 00 la.naa w (170 05 550 00 711 W n,8»a 40 1,200 00 lt»HIX,(](lli 40 1.1 ,v 1:11,I'I-I us. for (I E. Swart hint, Wodnen- tliulth la threatened with Dr. Hendry In the ullonil- 'liy'n Hweel I'owilern for (ihlldfuit. iMoliber Cray, 11 iiiii'Ne In (ililiilrou'H iviothei lined by . Home, Now V01I1, llrenli 1111 Culihi In ill linum, eiire li'iivevbdinioiH, .Uoiidilolie, Hhiniuiili Trou- iilen, Toothliig HIiionlerH,Hint iwmlfoy.WtU'iii'i S veitSlVai Wftflow Wh""Xt' : ii'U'"WtiBpla'tiii{i, M'"iHlf'Wll'#^tjW''V^W¥"^^^W Mf«lo|'o», 1189. ' »W4 i Addro»», All?}) 8. P n « W . WMi»y ( P. Ti W f (IV 1 her work (lay. Mrs. Olney appeiidloltln. Ing physloluii, Q'dto a number from II lu |iltlcfa expect to attend the oonoort at'iJiit'otvl'l'o on Saturday evening, C'jurtuoy Hatiforil, who ban In" 11 liirnli- log at Hovtnn, has cuinphttoil bb-i work nnd returned to hll.1 liotriM, M. D, Stuart had the misfortune lo have uno of hlu horuoti noi lou«)iy h jdroil Ini'il, weoli. While u-duK the toiun hi the Woods ono of thain Hllpped nnd fell, ntilk. lug on II;R side on a nlutnp nnd h ll'o'Irjij a uoi latin wound In Hit 1 M<\ Fewer Gallons; Woara Longer, Piolftnhle Fannin^'. How iiHlilned? flood U1111I, well lunili-d, well IllonllOll, ii',7( lillal in 1II11111 llv brine. , SIHIIIOHH. I'.lil Iiii- lllllii|>. IH tile liuiioiliiiif Ibliiii In InnK In. I'lotV l-.lioil Willi gOOll I'lnw . Ill'll I111 11 Hie nil' row JiiHli lijilif for llin IIUIIH Hint lii||inv al'Uir, •' filC IIOV PhtlWU" are file up-Ill-llnto plnwa flint lire " Kiu.v fur iiiivn mid bi'iisl," nnd iln nil I luii plows nun in Hindu In do, I lint in r 1 > 11111 |iv moil wlin II 111 iv. Iinw guild plown iiboiilil lie Imdi. JMOWH and Ibilrim iilwnyii mi luufil nf (1, ,1, UbiliNon'ii, Miii'Kiu'Olvllln, N, V.i B, 1VJ,-0M1'« JUNU', Union Umvii,N, V. ww* r fli«> involution <ir (lie (IIIIVCI'HBI !•'»• wM of (Joi(m>t'r«'e. For centuries lho ormigo WIIH tho ex- clusive possession of tho Latin, 1M011- goiwn nnd Mulay races. Thou it wits curried 1o India, then to America nnd foil under the linprovliiK touch of lho Anj-do-Kiixori. Bringing together tho lucorxipnrnble .InlTii, us n seedling, from I'nhsllne, lho MolltcnslH I'rom Malta nnd others, he budded nnd grafted lu Florida unlll Hiu rrnll. wnn brought, througli blondlng and selection, to tho highest pitch nf perfection, ns if scorn- ed. Hill, strangely enough, there cnnio out of the province of Bolivia, lirir.'.il, ullll another ni'i'(llltig--ono of I hose oon- Hiiniuuili.' blossoths of povCcatloii through centuries of wjiltlitg on nn- tiiro by the Lutlu which the Anierlcnn nCconipllshns by cross pollliitilioh In live yoni'S—tliQ r.iihln or nirvel orange. It had ranched the ucmc of (|uiilll,v not only In flavor, but In Iln ntlrll.uilo or KeedlesHliemi, Now, Is mil Hint n iirnpor food for lho ultimate ninn-n fruit which luin no progony, no future, no posHlhlu I'uuc- ilon as 11 liilulMlcr to lilin? Tho ovungp IIIIH boon culled I he iinlvoi'iiai fruit, of coiuincreo, nnd no II In, for lis nvoma cnrrloH It uiilutrineil, ihe acrid Juices of Iln pool prolool II .nn'iilimt In- Sects, Us totiglniotia ondnivn long Irnnn- porlnllon, nnd everywhere on earth inon Oagoi'ly neck Iln nuldlo churiri nnd Iln OXIIIIIHIIC nci'liir. Tho orangu Is noi slrlcll.v a food, bltl it hi gronliT. II Is lho connecting link to a higher status UiO gunruhtoti and pi'i'fiorvnr of hoiillh and of Intolloci, 'i'bc gl-bss gorinnudl/iing on nionln, lliecurno of drink, hiinilng tho bruin, liardoiilng lis (lollculo convolutions- thcuo uro lho I'ounlaliiH of Ills liiiiiiiniriililo, (he pangs of gout, the iiuddon nnd Irrrnr of npiiploxy, Bui. this goullo mid honlgn liliiirniiiroi'iii'lii of nature, t'Uofto I'rulln Willi Iholr wnndorfiil hlendlng of cor- reel I re noliln uinl enrdliih'., ore the ronily ini'dli'iiineiil of Ihe tdtliiitilo 1111111, AH we ndviini.'ii In liorlleiilliire and (JtlVolop oilier I'.eeillenii nnd perl'i'el I'rlillH wc iihiill upproiieh lho |ierl'oet roglineii of 11 hlghci' litiuuudly,.-- Florldu TliuoH-Un- lon, Take Tun (MTHKHUI MOUNI'AIH NUM'H uinl tint Ttl-Wookly f/V/lmac, bolb 0110 y o u r for $1.70 -tour pnporn a woek for a I'liiuMon over 1) a copy, Fine Job nrluUng at Turn NJIUWU oliloo. Onpilnl stock paid In $ 25,000 (Hi Surplus l'uiid 0,(100 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and luxes pnld.... '. 2,150 01 National Bank notes oiitslnndlng .... 114,400 00 Hue to oilier National Hindis 5,7,10 12 Dividends unpaid 400 Individual deposits subject to qheok 74,207 no Dniniiinl cei'llllcnleM of deposit 57,1)11) 70 Ciisliicr'H elnicks outstanding; 8,488 78 Tlicre is MoUiiiig now in the line of winter goods that you cannot iind in our store, and we're going to mate a strong effort to clean out Hie balance of a carefully selected stock before talcing our annual Inventory next month. To make sure of accomplishing this result we have cut a big swath in prices, and if you don't get some of the many bargains which we are offering to our customers, it will be your own fault. Beginning with . . UNDERiWKAft FOll MEN, UNDERWEAR, FOR WOMEN AND ^.saa^ UNDERWEAR FOR CHILDREN, we go all along the line of winter goods in every department and lind the best the market affords, all of which must be sold before the first of February. It will be many weeks before the man who works out doors can conveniently get along without a pair of either felt or rubber boots, and while there are many different makes on the marker, none give quite as good satisfaction run as the we find that in the long Gold Seal or Sna ; n I 1L» of. xVftor buying a pair of either of the above, that's all there is of it—never any cause ror complaint. We are always in the market for farm produce. SWART & HITT, iwBBtftttmtiiiingMMiffiiilwrMntfM Total SllM.OOO -l(i 1 SM ST.VI'K 01' Nisw Y o n If, COUNTY OK DICI.AWAKIC I, N. I). Oliustead, (Insider id the nliovo-linlneil hank, do solemnly swear that the above state- incut Is triii! lo Ihe host of my knowlcduc and belief. N. 1>. (ll.WMTHAO, CllSlller. Col-ill HOT - ATTIOHT! li. I,. O'CONNOII, ) A. iw.AnpicNTicii,! Directors, (1.(1. DlCOUUll, ) Wubsiu'lbinl nnd sworn to before roe tills llfli day of Ki'iiiiinry,ifioa. II. 1). SWART, Notary 1'ul.ille. WE BUY BUTTER, Swift, McCrindle & Co, HuccoBBora to tho T. H. Watts Co,, Wholcoalo pealern hi Butter, Cheese, Eggs, ifflto. Sixth St. near Linden St, Bli ige, SCRANTON, PA. All correspoiulenoe will reoelvo prompt attenllon. 10 SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements under Ililn liendlng urn 1 uoul a word inieli Insertion, No adv. lalttlll for less flinii lo rents. rroi! UUNT-ln tluT^lnlimThoiTHOwei' 1 M11I11 stl'uel, apartments for liounekneii- lllg, Apply lo W. II. A1/I.AHK.N. Hit t r o l l HAhtS—A Henr.s-'Koebiiek piano naneil I oi'Kiin, iieiirly new; a neeond-liaiiil Oor- nlsli ornnii! 11 noiiouil-liiiiid Olildnao tiotliitni orgnn uinl 11 HiMioiid-linnd Htdiulierl 11I11110, nil blUWllllM. MIlNN'H MUSK) HTOKIC, Mlll'lin- rotvlllo, Great White Sale... Has boeh so far a wonderful success, and proves you never know what you can do until you try when you try hard. Others wore ahead of as with the same kind, but the an- nouncement of our coining sale was in advance of all, and from our business on Friday and Saturday, we think al- most every ono waited, as we had to telephone for more goods, and wo keep this up though the whole week adding daily now arrivals of beautiful ATERIALS. ire r.if Farmers' Exchange. hiniiill Wind nnd for wile iidvortlHi'iiientH are printed I'ltlSW In litis deportment for fiiriiioi'H v.'ho mo i.iibsnrlbei'.s lo 'I'll 10 N istvil. Keep iu mind tho prices on our muslin underwear of last week, such as corset covors 10c, 18c, 29c, (19c, 59c. Drawers, 15c, 19c, 23o, 39c, Shirts, 29c, 39c, 79c, $1.10, $1.59, $1.97, $2.23,-$2.47. Gowns, 9c, 1.2c, 19c, 23o, 39o, 47o. Children's aprons and drawers, 19c, Women's outing gowns, $1.00, now 79c; $1.25, now 97c; $1.97, now $1.25. MISSOB and Olilhlren'B outing gowne, Due, now llllo. Meu'a Outing night shirts, 60o, now Ihio; l)7e, now 700, CoiHeta—-Ainnrloan Lady, $1.00, now 70o; OOo, now U9o. 1 lot iM.OO eoreotH now 50c. I lot chlldren'e walste 2Bo, now IDo. I lot ohlldren's M knit walal, aforUBo, I lot epeolnl, In ohlldrou'o lloooed underwear. 1 l o t t o oloaeout 10c I lot were UOu now 10c. 1 Iiol,47u, now UOo. 1 lot, ohlldrou'e vesta and pants, 10 to 111 ei/.o, lOo, 1 lot mou'fi, BOu, uSeood, BSc. 1 lot men's heavy, !10o. Shirts and drawers. IJot raou'BRtll'f anil soft bosomed shtrte, plain, white and oolored, were 60o, 70o and *1 (IU, now lllo, 1 lot window shades, 10c. 1 lot children's silk bon- nets, wore B0e, 7no, $1,(10, now 85o, Nainsooks, woro Wo, 8Bo, 3Bc, 88o, now lOo, lHo, lllo, aUol 1 lot (Irene glnghautu 10 to ao yards, remnants, wero Il)e, now do, 1 IIA VIC nn wi lii'il, to I to cover oil your nuiii'iivcii, N. \. MCII nnd now Is I lie fir leo. (IhNHY HMI'I'll, 10 W 'ANTKIV A iiinrrli'd niiin Io Inko euro of sniiill In nil iind v.'iifch sf renin; uood snlnry pnld for the I'Hdit inliii. (lull ouorml- dienn dKOIKll', II. OW1CN, llnlmuii I,n.ko, lliirdeubiii|;li, lUsler (Joiinty, N, Y, 10 r nnd oliii i LI.KKI Hcnsini line let. ,1. idim. i^Oll HAI.K- P'lvo ebolee li-yeiir-old lielfern I yi'iir-iilil cow, nil uomliiu In iu rliey are nil we lurve nnd nre n li V. W. W I N T l O l l . N o w ICIliK- lOW'J fruit HA hi! - T'onr Hhcplierd r jnenllinolil, AilijreHM Vf, 11, New Kluicdnii. pUim Illl'IT rir,i,ii*oi(ii, I) rrHiU HAhlC Knur I _J.i'iiiiorii oiiultqj'ols. tlioroimlilircii Di-nwn , $j eiuili, \V, II, Al,- I.A r.l'-,\', Miu'Knri'lvllle, Si. V, O'TIOB To (di i<;i > I l'( »i'is7-"I'liniiiiiiil to nn order ii.Kill N I", (IIIANT, HurroKale id the (.'iiiuily nf hidinvaro, aiul IICIMIHIIIIK to llw Kfn I id e for sliult ciine nuule mill iirorlilcd, iiofliiii In hereby ulveii In nil iiernoun haviiiu oininis nrjiliiiil Unlliei'liie i\l. Knliil.rnlkow, Into nf Ihi' Inwn nf Mlddlclowil In Hlvfd (Kllllitv, do- ni'iiHi'il, flint lliry lire roiiulred toexlilhi'l, the nnuie, with I be vonniinrii tlnu'eot, hi ml, mil,. nerllier. Mm iidinliilHlrnlor of the sold dniieiuieil, nf flie nllleeof Wiirnlinll II, lioiui In l\lni-irin'i,|. vlllo, nn or liefoiellin nib iliiyof dune next, 1'nUll, liinii'iiiliiii' H, inn:!. , Zu:i liOUIH ,1, HtlHAUNIKOW, lo.ln l|-, Adnilnlstralnr, i , i*:'^ri'!;^ii^sw.t'i'^.'n[iK^^ , ^:'j:^^!is.-Enia M|S«WU.M.«r»*w,M(tnn PARK DAUSAM , llt-uillll lit Iln, |„,|,., liiMiilnnt jrowlli, «i'»>ii» 4 IiMr 1 illlu|. $175 rulllod curtains now H7o. U.GO rilfllid euiialus now7l>o, »8o laoe ourtalnB now (>5o; SO BO Irish polutourtiilna, now U aB.'$B,0O lace curtains, now (B8.7G. 1 lot odd curtains at loan than ono-hnll' prloo, 7llc gray blanket", Bflo. $1 BO gray blank- tn, $1."" * ' ,10. SUITS IN BLACK AND COLOES. mo BO uuiiM now mia.Bo 10 07 BIIUB now 10,00 ia,B0 BditB now 7,00 18.60 suits now ia.00 One *BB 00 null Young ladles' ragldiio, wero»B.OO, now $1,07, Hpoulal walking skirt, $1,117, $a 1)7, $11.07, IB.00 stills now 13 00 suits now li.BO stills now Twelve *ia.00 suits, special, opoolnl, *H 00, 1.0,00 0 00 8.00 (1.00 Italu ooats were $15,00 now $8.00. DliAii, Siili Closing Out All Furs at Ono-half Price. IB Jiuikotu lort-you Ball luivo thum chlldron'n. for alraost any prion, About Lho'Dame in Herbert Carl In Goods NOllT'l I'MIONT AND l''.A:ili, IIIOAD 0\? WALL,

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CATS&ILL M O U N T A I N NEWS,. F B I B A T , FfiBRTTABT 13 , 1908.



Who Tells of the Every-Day Life of a Busy Little People in a Crisp and

Interesting Way.

Several from th i s place a t tended t h e firemen's dauoe a t Margaret villa las t •week. They repor t a pleasant t ime and speak very highly of the musdc t h a t was furnished by Mead's orchestra.

O. S. Fau lkoer and Palmer Ados went to Eleiechmanrjs last week.

Oha.n Tompkins has hired to work for another summer for John l 'etrie.

P. Q Yapleand GTorgeDo-iglas a t t end , ed Masonic lodge In Margaretville on Tuesday night.

Tho topic tha t Bev. J. H. Sankey will preach upon nex t Sabbath Is "Tho Cen-turlan and his servant ."

Di'B. Eeed and Ellis held a consultation at William Strangeway'e. H i s reported that they seem doubtful as to his recov­ery.


W. T. Faulkner was at Griffin Corners on Monday.

Mrs. William Duraond is suffering with rheumatism.

Elder J . D. Hubbeil preached in the red school house on Sunday.

Harry Lewis of Brooklyn visited a t A. W. DeBUva's the first of tho week.

David Adee helped James Chlsholrn get his wood of.„W. P. Yaple Tuesday.

Mrs. Robert Archibald la slowly con­valescing after he r recent severe Illness.

E. J. Reynolds has the largest wood pile by his door of any one iu the village,

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Meudo of Haloott visited their friends in this valley last week.

John Ward of Franklin Is helping his Bister, MrB. Net t le Archibald, on her farm.

James Palrbairn of Margaretville will assist H. O. VanBenschoten with his farm work the coming season.

Mr. Jordan of Newburgh, with his force of men, is expected to commence work on the new creamery In this village this week.

John Place has contracted wlih John R. S&nford to dig the cellsir for his new barn as soon a s the frost is out of (lie ground.

M. J. Faulkner 's young horse, which was badly cut by throwing itself on tho Ice a short t ime ago, is so that he can drive It onoe more.

William l lysham of Red Oak, Nob., has been making his homo at A. W. De-SUva's for a short time. Ho has renter] the Palmatler-Hysham farm to DeSlJva for a term of years.

Arthur Travis sold four cows by t h e aid of the telephone to Robert Cart-wright of Vega one day last week for nearly $30 a head, and delivered them to Kelly Corners on Monday.


David Mead visited FraUsvillo friends Monday night.

John Archibald of Halooltvllle was In town last Friday.

John Sweet of Kelly Corners visited friends here Tuesday.

Weldon Woolheater was in town Mon­day looking for a horse.

Mrs. Ohloe Sherwood, who has boon ill for Borno time, Is improving.

Mr. Lyon and family have boon visit ing a t Peter Sherwood's for a few day*.

Peter Mitchell of Roxbury, accompa­nied by another horse dealer, was he re on Tuesday.

The man who seeks diligently for trouble is qulto su re to lind it, as t h e lnoldent a t Denver Monday evening goes t o show.

David Mead, while in Greene County las t week, traded off his pule of g rays aud report says, came homo with a pocket full of lucre.

A pair of Insurance agents i'rom Hlum-ford was In town Friday using all kinds of language to Impress on (ho minds of o u r pooplo tho eortalntles of death and t h o uncertainties of life.

ARKVILLE. Howa.rd Griffin has contracted a severe


Mrs. C. 0. Oamtner has been on the sick list.

William Brauiem Is leld up with a severe cold.

Mrs. William C. Hosier is very 111 a t t h e present time.

Marfin Krum of Kelly Corners was in town on Tuesday.

O. CI. Frisbee went to New York Tues­day on business.

Miss Polly Craft of Vega has been vis-iti tig at J' F. Street ' s .

Eras tus Redmond is gelling out lum­ber for.a new house

Mrs. Jameq Baker visited Margaret-villa one day this week.

D. 0, Davis and Charles Mead went to FMsehnmnriB Tuesday.

Miss Pearl Clark of Mil) B o o k was here one day last week.

Samuel Horn has jufit returned from a business trip to New York.

Mrs. L. D. Wyuu has been visiting her daughter at Margaretville.

Mrs. Frank Gilbert of Margaretville was here one day th is week.

John Wesley Redmond of New York has teen vi-ltlng Ora Cross.

Mrs. O'arence Sherman is slowly re-ooveriug alter a severe Illness.

Albert Redmond, who has been criti­cally 111, isslowly recovering.

Q.u to a number of our young girls a r e busy getting up soap orders,

David Avery of Shokati is working for t h e ArkvllUt Chemical Cjrnpany.

Mrs. 0, H. Rhymer and Miss Addie Rhymer wont to Kingston Thursday.

0:>rnainsloncr 0 F. Hevl t t made a business trip to Kingston on Monday.

Mrs. Llbhie Mills re turned from Frank­lin to visit her sister, Mrs. C Sherman.

Fred Iv>ug, who h a s been working a t Oneouta, Is again home with his parents .

There was a salary party at tho resi-denco of James Baker on Thursday even­ing.

M13B Maggie Peohtell has gone to One-on ta to visit her sister, Mrs. A. B. Chris­t ian.

Q'llto a number of our young people a< tended the dromon's dance at Marga­retville.

Patr ick Gallagher Is again able to 1111 his position on the milk train after a severe Illness.

Walter Potburg went to Schenectady on Tuesday to seek employment In t he electrical works.

G. M. Griffin has purchased a line horse to match the one he had. "Mae" now has a line team.

Mrs. George R Dodds and children s tar ted for Kansas City Wednesday morn­ing to visit her parents .

Mr. Olnsy Redmond, who is proprietor of a lino res taurant in Schenectady, re­turned there Tuesday after spending a few days with his parents .

Mrs. Kalis Kelly gavo a tea party a t her homo last Tuesday. Those present w e r e ; Mr?. W. W. Scudder, Mrs, Zlba Sanfoni, Mrs. A. D. Franks , Mrs. H. Longyo'ir, Mrs. 0. II. Rhymer and Mrs, 8. P. Jlouton.

"While Oaoar Fuller was btiuglng a load of wood oIT Hubbeil Hill ono day last week his wucon upset, throwing his boy down tho bank Tho boy complained of his back being hur t , bu t Is again able to at tend school.


Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawrouco visited a t Clinton Morse's Saturday.

MISBOS Boll} Wnlkor and Badle M o Iflwan wore a t Margaretville Saturday,

Quito a fow from hero attended the firemen's dauoe at Margarolivlllo Friday evening.

The class In dancing which moots a t Jenkins ' hall on Monday ovouln'gs hi pro­gressing nlnoly.

N J. Redmond la drawing lumber tor tho now barn whloh ho luluiulH to bid Id nex t summer.

Dr. Hlllls was called Hutuiday to son Mm, Clinton Morse, who has hud u, Blight relapse, but who la Htuuowhiil, bettor al, t h i s wilting,

Twenty Years of Life IH the avornuo time allotted for u well cured (or Plow, It a plow IH to he your working coinpnri Ion for NO ninny yearn, why not ltnc|i lined com­pany, the lionl In none too gooil [or you. II IH UIHO very uiioonniiry to know Unit you win lie supplied |iniui|)lly with cxtrnw of nil kinds In III. your plow,

11 iiinli'i'il:. ••! the host ijiioiri'. Instil llic "1,1'', HOY r i , ow" Idplni uoflttiititlc, "Busyliriirt" and "Hnsy to Hold," They nns iniuln by n .strong (lotiipniiv Not In n Trout, Von nun see thein lit (I,,I. nld'KHON'H, Mni'Klil'I't Villi', M.V.i It, jr. TOldl'KlNH', Union (trove, N. Y. Ilwl

A Coll for Poll. George Hamilton I'.dl, of an nrlelu-

nnil.lo family, onno a leader of Now Y.nk's F o u r iiuiidrnil and a t one limn roportoil t o bo engaged to OHO of tho Yiuulorbtlt gir ls , Is a solf-ooufoBstid thief null Iu to ho HonU'iiood lo-tlay to S t a t e prison for gruiid laronny. Ho Is liable to got tou years,

A Certain OHIO for Chilblains, Hlmko Into .void'HIIIIOH .Alltm'n KOOI.-HIIIIO, a

it olfroil Olillblnlnti, li'riiHthlloii, Ininip


Z 'ba Hull and family visited a t D. Slltor 's Thuisday,

Edward Hull and Winn Mead called on Voga friends Sunday.

It nop oil E Austin, our butcher, Is mak­ing preparation for the spring trade.

Mr. and Mrs. E, O. B illard entertained company from Hubbeil Hill Sunday,

S. Shuttle of Arkvlllo has boon doing some carpenter work for Avery Ryor.

W. T. Austin purchasoil n lino yolto of oxen or James Grlllln of Voga Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Urban B. Hull visited friends In Mow Klugstou the first of the week,

T h o school In District, No. 10 Is pro-grassing tluoly with I d a J, Hlltor as teach or.

Robe r t Gordon and son are very busy drawing Wood which they purchased of J a m e s Avery,

At a npoolal mooting of tho slotikoMnrs of tho HJIgln Creamery, held February 7, It, was doubled not to pay Interest on cap­iat Block.

As Ouonc Fuller of Arkvlllo was return­ing homo with a load of. wood whloh ho had purchasoil on Hubble Hill, lilt! wagon was upset and a little boy, who was on tho wagon, wan thrown down tho em­bankment , but fortunately escaped with­out Injury.

W E S T S E T T L E M E N T ,

Now Is a good t ime lo mibborlbo for

Turn N.iiiws,

Andrew lOtitar spout Huuday with his parents lit llMliioltvlllo,

Mrs, Mnry Hloks has boon tho guest of T, H flinlth thi! pilot xvook.

(Irorgo (1'rtwi'lglit and Hrnuu Craft of Vngu, wore plcinmnt callers hi Ihhi place Ha uriliiy.

Uoorgo 10, llranilow anil James M, Ikuitoii were inisluoos callers a l Haloott-vlllo 'l.'hui'uday.

MJ-iH Ora Kcntor of Halcottvlllo was tho gues t of hor cousin, Miss Lena Bart-raiii, Hovoral dn.yit last woolc.

Bovornl from hero n'toiidoil the lire-' mon'H dm ion a t Margarotvlllo Pi'lday evening mid roport u, phmsanli time,

Wifliiy Soliool Chlldron aro Slokly. Or

P R A T T S V I L L E ,

Clark Oura.n ot A.ahlaud was in town on


Fred Bishop of Kingston spent Sunday in town, a gues t of friends.

Charles Mull'ord of Albany visited hie parents, Mr. a,nd Mrs. James Mulford.

Invitations a r e out. for the marriage of Miss Inez Conine and Mr. Floyd Rleht-myer.

Mr. a.nd Mrs. John C!1ne are In town and contemplate making this place tbt-ir home.

The M. E. prayer meeting was held on Wednesday evening a t the" home of Mrs. J. H. Gibson.

Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. and little daughter, Freeda,, a re spending some time in New York.

Charles Dunham has been tick tor lho p i s t week. He resumed work at the creamery on Monday.

Mr, u n l Mrs Sidney It ivinburgh <f Munnorklll visited h i s tidier, Mrs. Mmy Conine, a few days ago.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary So­ciety met with Miss Carrie Muse at her homo on Tuesday afternoon.

Eugene Ronton of tlm Albany Law School spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Boulou.

Miss L'tBtie Brandow of Huutersliolil was the guest of her aunt, Mi-is Millie Thoringtf'U, Thursday and Friday.

Mr. Jacob Ku1z, Mr. avd Mrp. Arthur Bisbrowand Mrs. TruoKtioll at tended the funeral of Mrs. Truesdoll 's twin sister, Mrs. Sutton of Ashland, on Mouday.

The M. E. Society held l is annual meeting February 3 and elected M.essiB. W. X Graham and William Eudorlln in place of Meesrs- D H. Griffin and A. S, Barlow, whose t e rm of nllld'e expired on tha t day,

Mrs. Terry P a r k e r had a earpet-va.g bee Friday afternoon. The ladies sewed firteen pounds of rasts and had the usual amount of I'un and all enjoyed them­selves. A llu'j supper was nerved e.rt' r tho sowlug wa finished,

Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer.


H. J. Noidlg and Everet t Hun t were recent visitors a t Arena.

Miss Edith VanDuaon visited hor Mend, Miss Anna Bryant, a t this place Tuesday.

Miss Kate Bryan t is orr the sick list. At proseot writ ing s h e is somewhat bet­ter .

Dr. Faulkner of Arena was here on professional business tho lire I of tho week.

Eli Akorly of Dry Brook 1B visiting his son, James, a t his homo iu this vil­lage this woek,

James Avery of Spring Brook has moved to Dry Brook, where ho has se­cured employment.

Nelson Tompkins had tho misfortune, to break two ot his ribs ono day last week while working In t he woods.

John HaynOP, superintendent of Grorgo Gould's pioperty a t Furlough L ike , and G-orgo Stewart wore here recently look­ing for horses.

Amos Tompkins baa resigned hla poei-tlon with tho firm of F. Dykeman &. Company a.nd is going In tho wool bus! no83 qulto extensively, ho says.

Fewer Gadons; Wearja Longer,


J. El. Haynos wont to Hulcott Wi nines-day.

Daniel Todd Is homo on a two weeks' vacation,

Mrs. S, R. Baker called on Mrs. J-13. Haynos Monday,

Stratum D. Todd was n.t Margarotvl ' l} las t Saturday.

Hiram Knapp i i visiting bis son, O. R, Knapp, of thin pUico.

Hovoral of our people altonded the firemen's daneo a t lho Aokc'rloy Friday night.

Orson A. Todd and Nelson Graham wont to Lakowood, N, J, , Thurnday with liornoo.

At a young people's par ty hold a t II D, Haynos' Tuesday night nil reporoed a lino time

3, E. Haynos has boon awny tho moid, of tho week buying iiorsos to Bond jo Lakowood.

I t is falsely reported tha t the elk which was IIIU'MI at Furlough IVike recently win killed on account of ugllnenf, Hlcknofis was the on use,

Fewer Gallons; Wears Longet'i


Mlns Mabel Gladtttono In vlnlllng friends In Wnlton,

There was no school on Thuri'day, be­ing Lincoln's birthday,

Miss Mtfy V.iiiKonron oimimonooil


Miss Cora Stilwell made* Hying t r ip to Stamford Sunday.

E. M. WhSspell made a business t r io t o Htiloottvllle lost week.

Miss Anna 8. Kea.'or Is visiting f i iands In New York this week.

Alexander Golden was seen on o u r s t reets one day las t week.

Mr. Blythe is entertaining relatives from out of town th is week.

Professor Flelsr-hmann, the optician, passed through town last week.

Dr. A. R. Ellis made a professional visit to New Kingston last o-eelr.

Mrs. J. B. Kea 'o r had the misfortune to fall and b reak ' t he bono of her ankle.

John Archibald of Kelly Corners was a business caller in town one day last week.

Bruce Ballard was removed to t h e fllnghamlon Hospital for the Insane l a s t week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. N. CoiMu were among t h e out of town vis-i tors to this place l a s t week,

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis of Relay were soou on our streets one day l a s t week.

Harry H e v t t t of Halcottvlllo was among the business callers lu town las t week.

Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Keator at tended tho wedding of Miss Blelr In New 1'ork th i s week.

Loreu Mead of CbarioUevHle was In town tliis woek, called here by the usual a t t ract ion.

Several - from this place attended t he flretuen's danee a t Margaretville Fr iday evening last.

J . V CIIBBO reoer t 'y puiohaBod t he Dimmlck homestead below this village. Consideration MO.

Mr. n,ud Mrs Peter Bowers of Hunt ore-land visited their parents , Mr. and Mrp. J . 8- Ballard, last week.

Don't forget to send your girl a valen-t'n--', and then take her to tho Odd Fel­lows' bail Fr iday evonlng.

Mr. and Mrs, Henry Reed of North Roabury vloltod a t S. L Deoknr'e, below t h i s village, ono dav last week ,

Mrs Alice Kaltenbook and dnlighter, Hilda, have le ' t town for Michigan,whore thoy will ruako their future homo.

Mrs. Ellen Mlsnor of Halcottvlllo vlns-itod hor daughter , Mrs. Erwlu WJitsppli, tho (list of the week.-

Supervisor J. M. C'ouk of Grnud Ghrge was in town Inst week to attend a meet ing of the town hoard.

Lowensteln, tho optician, is pt t he Delaware Valley House this week. H e has qullo a largo number of ciislomors a t th i s place.

Mrs. M. J . Stevens, who has boon visit­ing her daughter;, Mrs, B. S. Preston, for soveral weeks, has returned to her homo lu Newark, N. J .


Mrs. W. C Wells visited friends in Mid-

ddetown last week.

Miss Mary E . Burglo is visiting friends in New York a a d Albany.

B. S. Mayham, father ot F. B. Mayliam, spent a few d a y s in town recently.

Mrs. John Kelly of Blnghamton is visit­ing a t her fo rmer home on North stree1.

Miss Nellie P a y n e left on Saturday for Yonkers, where ehe is employed in a large millinery establishment.

Philip Titus will remove his family to Kings'on March L He is a conductor on the Ellenvllle branoli of the 0 . & W.

The annual suppe r of the Walton Fire Department will be held a t the Village Hall on Thursday evening, February 19.

The Misses Vera, and Clara McCordy, who have been residents here for some time, left town on Monday for their for­mer homo at Fu l tou .

Invitations a r e out for the marriage of Miss Mabel Oles and John Vincent Allen at her home, Tuesday evening, February 17, a t 8 0'olock.

Harry Benedict received a telegram on Monday tolling b lm he was to report a t Mildletown a t onoe lo take a position as car inspector. H e Is a brother of Arthur Benedict, so recent ly killed on the rail­road at Cadosla.

Miss Rose Woodworth, a former stu­dent, of Wultou High School, spent Sun­day with her aun t , MrB D. L. Grlswold, ut lho lattor's homo on William street. MISB Woodworth Is a noted whistler and Is connected wi th a company knowD as 1 • The Three Bostonlaus."

Mrs. Simeon Freer , who has been In poor health for s o m e time, died Baturday morning; The funeral was from her late homo on East e l r ce t on Monday a t 1 o'clock, luv l t a l ions were out for the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Freer on Friday evening, F e b r u a r y 20.

If you want t h e county news aheaa of all the other pape r s take T H E CATSKIXIII MOUNTAIN NKWS, »1 a year.

»^r"*fci''lV''l''''ftr'Ti?*iiTirr*mTiiiTmi;,ir:—^i.T.^P^T^-n-T •'i-nimrigiiiiii


No. 5924.—Report of the condition of tho People's Nat ional Bank of Margaret­ville, In tho Sta te a t New York, at the close of business February 6,1903 :

U K S O t ' K H C H .

i.onus unit discounts » si.'.ino M

COLD SPRING, I r a Bookhout wan a t New Kingston on

Sunday last.

Born, to Mr. aud Mrs . James White, February 1, a son.

MIBB Lena. Ruteshouoer of Roxbury Is vltlti i ig a l E . E Travi-j'.

0. D. Reynolds made a business trip to Margaretville IUBI F I iday.

CJttitcfa number from hero attended the firemen's dance a t Margarotvlllo,

An lrow Shuraan and Sister, Emma, visited friends In this place last Sunday.

David Miller and mothe r of Lexington are visiting a t Ar thur Miller's of this place.

Olaruuco Place, who h a s occupied the tenement house of Elmor Travis for the past year, has moved Into the house be­longing to Henry Davis.


(ivi'iilriiffH, secured iind unsecured.. li. S. Bonds l,o secure circulation.. . . U. H, Houdu oil band Premiums on V. 8. Bonds Stocks, securities, eto. -Itu nklug house, fundi a r e and llxluroH Hue I'roin npiiroved reserve agents. . (Mii't'Us anil other cash items Notes of other National Hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels,

nnd cents I . A W I ' I I I , M o N I S V l i jSHlCl tVH I N

HANK, VIZ: Specie 88,47a 40 bi'.gnl-toiider uoles (1,410 00 Itqdeinptlon fund will) U. H. Treas­

urer (B per cent of circuliitlou)


808 (10 •JO.IKIII 0U

100 0 0

'.f.'JOO OU

04,550 (ID 0 ,500 00

la.naa w (170 05

550 00

711 W

n,8»a 4 0

1,200 0 0

lt»HIX,(](lli 4 0

1.1 ,v 1:11,I'I-I u s .

for (I E. Swart hint, Wodnen-

tliulth la threatened with Dr. Hendry In the ullonil-

'liy'n Hweel I'owilern for (ihlldfuit. iMoliber Cray, 11 iiiii'Ne In (ililiilrou'H

iviothei lined by . Home, Now V01I1, llrenli 1111 Culihi In ill linum, eiire li'iivevbdinioiH, .Uoiidilolie, Hhiniuiili Trou-iilen, Toothliig HIiionlerH,Hint iwmlfoy.WtU'iii'i

SveitSlVai Wftflow Wh""Xt':ii'U'"WtiBpla'tiii{i, M ' " i H l f ' W l l ' # ^ t j W ' ' V ^ W ¥ " ^ ^ ^ W Mf«lo|'o», 1189. ' »W4 i Addro»», All?}) 8. P n « W . WMi»y( P . Ti W

f (IV 1

her work (lay.

Mrs. Olney appeiidloltln. Ing physloluii,

Q'dto a number from II lu |iltlcfa expect to at tend the oonoort a t'iJiit'otvl'l'o on Saturday evening,

C'jurtuoy Hatiforil, who ban In" 11 liirnli-log a t Hovtnn, has cuinphttoil bb-i work nnd returned to hll.1 liotriM,

M. D, Stuart had the misfortune lo have uno of hlu horuoti noi lou«)iy h jdroil Ini'il, weoli. While u-duK the toiun hi the Woods ono of thain Hllpped nnd fell, ntilk. lug on II;R side on a nlutnp nnd h ll'o'Irjij a uoi latin wound In Hit 1 M<\

Fewer Gallons; Woara Longer,

Piolftnhle Fannin^'. How iiHlilned? flood U1111I, well lunili-d, well

IllonllOll, ii',7( lillal in 1II11111 llv brine. , SIHIIIOHH. I'.lil Iiii- lllllii|>. IH tile liuiioiliiiif Ibliiii In InnK In. I ' l o tV l-.lioil Wil l i gOOll I ' l n w . I l l ' l l I111 11 H i e ni l ' row JiiHli lijilif for llin IIUIIH Hint lii||inv al'Uir, •' filC IIOV PhtlWU" are file up-Ill-llnto plnwa flint lire " Kiu.v fur iiiivn mid bi'iisl," nnd iln nil I luii plows nun in Hindu In do, I lint in r 1 > 11111 |iv moil wlin II 111 iv. Iinw guild plown iiboiilil lie Imdi. JMOWH and Ibilrim iilwnyii mi luufil nf (1, ,1, UbiliNon'ii, Miii'Kiu'Olvllln, N, V.i B, 1VJ,-0M1'« JUNU', Union Umvii,N, V. ww*

r f l i « > i n v o l u t i o n <ir ( l i e ( I I I I V C I ' H B I

!•'»• w M o f ( J o i ( m > t ' r « ' e .

For centuries lho ormigo WIIH tho ex­clusive possession of tho Latin, 1M011-goiwn nnd Mulay races . Thou it wits curr ied 1o India, then to America nnd foil under the linprovliiK touch of lho Anj-do-Kiixori. Bringing together tho lucorxipnrnble .InlTii, us n seedling, from I 'nhs l lne , lho MolltcnslH I'rom Malta nnd others, he budded nnd grafted lu Florida unlll Hiu rrnll. wnn brought, througli blondlng and selection, to tho highest pitch nf perfection, ns if scorn­ed.

Hill, strangely enough, there cnnio out of the province of Bolivia, lirir.'.il, ullll another ni'i'(llltig--ono of I hose oon-Hiiniuuili.' blossoths of povCcatloii through centuries of wjiltlitg on nn-tiiro by the Lutlu which the Anierlcnn nCconipllshns by cross pollliitilioh In live yoni'S—tliQ r.iihln or nirvel orange. I t h a d ranched the ucmc of (|uiilll,v not only In flavor, bu t In Iln ntlrll.uilo or KeedlesHliemi,

Now, Is mil Hint n iirnpor food for lho ul t imate n inn -n fruit which luin no progony, no future, no posHlhlu I'uuc-ilon as 11 liilulMlcr to lilin? Tho ovungp IIIIH boon culled I he iinlvoi'iiai fruit, of coiuincreo, nnd no II In, for lis nvoma cnrrloH It uiilutrineil, ihe acrid Juices of Iln pool prolool II .nn'iilimt In-Sects, Us totiglniotia ondnivn long Irnnn-porlnllon, nnd everywhere on earth inon Oagoi'ly neck Iln nuldlo churiri nnd Iln OXIIIIIHIIC nci'liir.

Tho orangu Is noi slrlcll.v a food, bltl it hi gronliT. II Is lho connecting link to a higher s t a t u s UiO gunruhtoti and pi'i'fiorvnr of hoiillh and of Intolloci, 'i'bc gl-bss gorinnudl/iing on nionln, lliecurno of drink, hiinilng tho bruin, liardoiilng lis (lollculo convolutions- thcuo uro lho I'ounlaliiH of Ills liiiiiiiniriililo, (he pangs of gout, the iiuddon nnd Irrrnr of npiiploxy, Bui. this goullo mid honlgn liliiirniiiroi'iii'lii of nature , t'Uofto I'rulln Willi Iholr wnndorfiil hlendlng of cor-reel I re noliln uinl enrdliih'., ore the ronily ini'dli'iiineiil of Ihe tdtliiitilo 1111111, AH we ndviini.'ii In liorlleiilliire and (JtlVolop oilier I'.eeillenii nnd perl'i'el I'rlillH wc iihiill upproiieh lho |ierl'oet roglineii of 11 hlghci' litiuuudly,.-- Florldu TliuoH-Un-lon,


NUM'H uinl tint Ttl-Wookly f/V/lmac, bolb 0110 your for $1.70 - tou r pnporn a woek for a I'liiuMon over 1) a copy,

Fine Job nrluUng a t Turn NJIUWU oliloo.

Onpilnl stock paid In $ 25,000 (Hi Surplus l'uiid 0,(100 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and

luxes pnld.... '. 2,150 01 National Bank notes oiitslnndlng.. . . 114,400 00 Hue to oilier National Hindis 5,7,10 12 Dividends unpaid 400 Individual deposits subject to qheok 74,207 no Dniniiinl cei'llllcnleM of deposit 57,1)11) 70 Ciisliicr'H elnicks outstanding; 8,488 78

Tlicre is MoUiiiig now in the line of winter goods that you cannot iind in our store, and we're going to mate a strong effort to clean out Hie balance of a carefully selected stock before talcing our annual

Inventory next month. To make sure of accomplishing this result we have cut a big swath in prices, and if you don't get some of the many bargains which we are offering to our customers, it will be your own fault. Beginning with . .



AND ^ . s a a ^


we go all along the line of winter goods in every department and lind the best the market affords, all of which must be sold before the first of February. It will be many weeks before the man who works out doors can conveniently get along without a pair of either felt or rubber boots, and while there are many different makes on the marker, none give quite as good satisfaction run as the

we find that in the long

Gold Seal or Sna; n I 1L» of.

xVftor buying a pair of either of the above, tha t ' s all there is of it—never any cause ror complaint.

We are always in the market for farm produce.



Total SllM.OOO -l(i

1 SM ST.VI'K 0 1 ' N i s w Y o n If,

C O U N T Y OK DICI.AWAKIC I, N. I). Oliustead, (Insider id the nliovo-linlneil

hank, do solemnly swear tha t the above state-incut Is triii! lo Ihe host of my knowlcduc and belief.

N . 1>. ( l l . W M T H A O , C l l S l l l e r . C o l - i l l HOT - ATTIOHT!

li. I,. O ' C O N N O I I , ) A. iw.AnpicNTicii,! Directors, (1.(1. DlCOUUll, )

Wubsiu'lbinl nnd sworn to before roe tills llfli day of Ki'iiiiinry,ifioa.

II. 1). S W A R T , Notary 1'ul.ille. WE BUY BUTTER,

Swift, McCrindle & Co, HuccoBBora to t ho T. H. Watts Co,, Wholcoalo pea le rn hi

Butter, Cheese, Eggs, ifflto. Sixth St. near Linden St, Bli ige,

SCRANTON, PA. All correspoiulenoe will reoelvo

prompt at tenl lon. 10


Advertisements under Ililn liendlng urn 1 uoul a word inieli Insertion, No adv. lalttlll for less flinii lo rents.

r r o i ! UUNT-ln tluT^lnlimThoiTHOwei' 1 M11I11 stl'uel, apartments for liounekneii-

lllg, Apply lo W. II. A1/I.AHK.N. Hit

t r o l l HAhtS—A Henr.s-'Koebiiek piano naneil I oi'Kiin, iieiirly new; a neeond-liaiiil Oor-

nlsli ornnii! 11 noiiouil-liiiiid Olildnao tiotliitni orgnn uinl 11 HiMioiid-linnd Htdiulierl 11I11110, nil blUWllllM. MIlNN'H MUSK) HTOKIC, Mlll'lin-rotvlllo,

Great White Sale... Has boeh so far a wonderful success, and proves you never know what you can do until you t ry when you t ry hard. Others wore ahead of as with the same kind, bu t the an­nouncement of our coining sale was in advance of all, and from our business on Friday and Saturday, we think al­most every ono waited, as we had to telephone for more goods, and wo keep this up though the whole week adding daily now arrivals of beautiful


i re r.if

Farmers' Exchange. hiniiill Wind nnd for wile iidvortlHi'iiientH are

printed I'ltlSW In litis deportment for fiiriiioi'H v.'ho mo i.iibsnrlbei'.s lo 'I'll 10 N istvil.

Keep iu mind tho prices on our muslin underwear of last week, such as corset covors 10c, 18c, 29c, (19c, 59c. Drawers, 15c, 19c, 23o, 39c, Shirts, 29c, 39c, 79c, $1.10, $1.59, $1.97, $2.23,-$2.47. Gowns, 9c, 1.2c, 19c, 23o, 39o, 47o. Children's aprons and drawers, 19c, Women's outing gowns, $1.00, now 79c; $1.25, now 97c; $1.97, now $1.25. MISSOB and Olilhlren'B out ing gowne, Due, now llllo. Meu'a Outing n igh t sh i r t s , 60o, now Ihio; l)7e, now 700, CoiHeta—-Ainnrloan Lady, $1.00, now 70o; OOo, now U9o. 1 lot iM.OO eoreotH now 50c. I lot chlldren'e walste 2Bo, now IDo. I lot ohlldren 's M knit walal, aforUBo, I lot epeolnl, In ohlldrou'o lloooed underwear. 1 lot t o o loaeout 10c I lot were UOu now 10c. 1 Iiol,47u, now UOo. 1 lot, ohlldrou'e vesta a n d pants , 10 to 111 ei/.o, lOo, 1 lot mou'fi, BOu, uSeood, BSc. 1 lot men's heavy, !10o. Sh i r t s and • drawers. IJot raou'BRtll'f anil soft bosomed shtr te , plain, white and oolored, were 60o, 70o and *1 (IU, now lllo, 1 lot window shades , 10c. 1 lot chi ldren ' s silk bon­nets, wore B0e, 7no, $1,(10, now 85o, Nainsooks, woro Wo, 8Bo, 3Bc, 88o, now lOo, lHo, lllo, aUol 1 lot (Irene glnghautu 10 to ao yards , remnants, wero Il)e, now do,

1 IIA VIC nn wi lii'il, to I to cover oil your

nuiii'iivcii, N. \ .

MCII nnd now Is I lie fir leo. (IhNHY HMI'I'll,


W'ANTKIV A iiinrrli'd niiin Io Inko euro of sniiill In nil iind v.'iifch sf renin; uood

snlnry pnld for the I'Hdit inliii. (lull ouorml-dienn dKOIKll', II. OW1CN, llnlmuii I,n.ko, lliirdeubiii|;li, lUsler (Joiinty, N, Y, 10

r nnd oliii i LI.KKI Hcnsini line let. ,1. idim.

i^Oll HAI.K- P'lvo ebolee li-yeiir-old lielfern I yi'iir-iilil cow, nil uomliiu In iu rliey are nil we lurve nnd nre n li V. W. WINTlOll.Now ICIliK-

lOW'J f r u i t HA hi! - T'onr Hhcplierd r jnenllinolil, AilijreHM Vf, 11,

New Kluicdnii. p U i m Ill l 'IT rir,i,ii*oi(ii,


rrHiU HAhlC Knur I _J.i'iiiiorii oiiultqj'ols.

tlioroimlilircii Di-nwn , $ j eiuili, \V, II, Al,-

I.A r.l'-,\', Miu'Knri'lvllle, Si. V,

O'TIOB T o (di i<;i > I l'( »i'is7-"I'liniiiiiiil to nn order i i .Ki l l N I", (IIIANT, HurroKale

id the (.'iiiuily nf hidinvaro, aiul IICIMIHIIIIK to llw Kfn I id e for sliult ciine nuule mill iirorlilcd, iiofliiii In hereby ulveii In nil iiernoun haviiiu oininis nrjiliiiil Unlliei'liie i\l. Knliil.rnlkow, Into nf Ih i ' I n w n nf M l d d l c l o w i l In Hlvfd (Kl l l l i tv , d o -ni'iiHi'il, flint lliry lire roiiulred toexlilhi'l, the nnuie, with I be vonniinrii tlnu'eot, hi ml, mil,. nerllier. Mm iidinliilHlrnlor of the sold dniieiuieil, nf flie nllleeof Wiirnlinll I I , lioiui In l\lni-irin'i,|. vlllo, nn or liefoiellin n i b iliiyof dune next,

1'nUll, liinii'iiiliiii' H, inn:!. , Zu:i • liOUIH ,1, HtlHAUNIKOW,

lo.ln l|-, Adnilnlstralnr, i,i*:' ri'!; ii sw.t'i' .'n[iK^^, :'j: ^!is.-Enia



, llt-uillll lit Iln, |„,|,., liiMiilnnt jrowlli, «i'»>ii» 4 IiMr 1 i l l lu | .

$175 rulllod curtains now H7o. U.GO rilfllid eui ia lus now7l>o, »8o laoe ourtalnB now (>5o; SO BO Irish polutourtiilna, now U aB.'$B,0O lace curtains, now (B8.7G. 1 lot odd cur ta ins a t loan than ono-hnll' prloo, 7llc gray blanket", Bflo. $1 BO g r a y blank-tn, $ 1 . " " * ' ,10.


mo BO uuiiM now mia.Bo 10 07 BIIUB now 10,00

ia,B0 BditB now 7,00 18.60 suits now ia.00

One *BB 00 null

Young ladles' ragldiio, wero»B.OO, now $1,07, Hpoulal walking skirt, $1,117, $a 1)7, $11.07,

IB.00 stills now 13 00 sui t s now li.BO stil ls now

Twelve *ia.00 suits, special, opoolnl, * H 00,

1.0,00 0 00 8.00 (1.00

Italu ooats were $15,00 n o w $8.00.

DliAii, Siili

Closing Out All Furs at Ono-half Price. IB Jiuikotu lo r t -you Ball luivo thum chlldron'n. for alraost any prion, About Lho'Dame in

Herbert Carl I n Goods NOllT'l I'MIONT AND l''.A:ili, IIIOAD 0\? WALL,