nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-12-13/ed-1/seq-2.pdfi w1mw...

i W1MW f JWW WPH.Tnvm mw mwmmfm- - flK, Jflsyr .YORK SUN, JXDlSDir lIOBKmO, DIG. 18, More, M i- iMNtaMrfRnrTiriu . AlactatlnipeUM(tk harbor dtfaoctoof rJJMvrerk,by aewiitfl eOetncf lh U. 8. tayiUrflW Utlimtk.raa)Udlt tht vxarrfeUoaUktttbefarU at prwent reetd are UafeqiatefctUMfrotMUoftrfoar harbor aad MiMmpnra. Thl rrtoniy " hick, la the meant wnrfiaa -- r tt Ventf. rTAthiUtigga jaha alitailf f f dibwi and of Qorrn. rr- - jw In tufngWnoi Improbable w UtaM Ha year or bt Involved la a war tvftb Xaghvad at Franae, either teald Mod lathdrnkbtfarmantot.tl..th-nrl- .. I ctyalaarlof cur dty la ruin, and dtroy an I VwTrlptotubWbyMutedfrtc- - BT. . t..an- - ' ...ftel. BUaft RIM. .. "" J "" '"" """7'" B4aafiiabaaTaWBdl b IbrU of mojI MaMk pcwar.bntlflilb.eHnlon rfaUKtarr inaa,iraM jaaa'awai uauiuau wosiuiaHw- -, iMtlMMlartianaot adqatte to tho pnrpOM tewtdcblWrarolatttid! la a Itttar wtlea MJataai 6btI TwrntuTt, bu writtan on tW Mbret, tkoi tta'M ta itnocto of tlia Wbaatt aa tb Kanow approach i Okctl WlWua. battor cf ebaowt baartsf fnoi TS b"arl0ahiBkbuatlaHiic'ehatiBJbu1acruiif. tl aitbBawaiy, baTtnjofchaanal bartaaTi.. II MhMrt Wm. (rart rTovd bannf 2 cbiancl tMatiaffaQaa.. ....... .....t. 6T Raw laiata. btMaaT 6f rSaa&al baariaa1 Arana It CMH Citato, btrlat of ebaco! btarlac riM. ,, t fart aatfttan, hTlD of cttunat bf trtrg (ana. . M IWt LararvMa. barn( of ehaanal bawiag ran. , TT rart Bacbawa4, baiiaf o caaanat txtnrf rum, . 140 I Buoarai and atortoa, banof of fhn (''"'. 00 XaCofrtinaSb-arlnfra..- .. 7...1U Bat for it ermplau oafanciof thlt approach, Ua followlic adiiUoaal work an daamad na- - AdalaaaalllartarVifor Foil namCtaa...lMrina Ka--at- ar Pitta j (tw B m), at. Ma&d.. TO fun of opa Battatlea. e'funa artIBaiptla, .... tOalsa WarhaK.kbui'aaMf, lMguna work ob WaH Baak........ .lOOgaai WarkoaaVaar'aShnaU 1guui ftok oo Bandy Bonk t7f funa la an... '........................ .fttt ama Tbn In it fad of a daftndlrig powor of only CM ftuu, Uers ought to ba 1.&00 gant In poat-tio- On tba East BItot approach tbaro U bst Fort Scauvltr. baring of chaaaal baarloa anat. 1S6, bat lor tho purpoao of corapleto dafaneo tharo oocht to U a work at WIDat 'i Point, Firt Sc'in-la- r, monntlng ISO jnm. It aaaybaaald that la tba oraat of war w ooold ipaadtlj dirlM additional bmidj of dafanoa, and, If naeawtrj, block ap tba pataago at tba Nar. rowit tut by adtptba; tb Utter retort w aoonld that oonalra In and practically atUb Lbh a blMktd tf oar port. Against a land attack, wa could mora caaDy btotU la any tudJen amergatcy, but alnoa (ttam and tb Intrcductlon of gun of gn at caB-t- r, rant and pnclilon bar alUrad lb condi- tion, of laTal wufan, w CaUt ImprortM UbctlT dafrncaa agalntt a a attack. Only paraunant aad powaifalforUarattad attha right poiatt cn raeotMfoUy retltt a hoitiU flaat. It caTtatnly U a plain argament that If tb praaant ktrbor dtfuca ara ntLr'r lnadaqaat topra-ra- at aa attack upon tb city by aa, tbay ihooid b angrauUd U ipaodlly u pMalbla, to that, In tb Tnt of waf with a groat naral powar, our dty, witf. lu grt wtalth and xtanjlT oom-bmt- c, might tot U attb atmy'i marcy or U V attack. Catai aim aiad tb Newapaaata. afotuau of CoDgrwi do not add to their own dignity, or tt th dignity of tb latlonil Legta. ktaro, by tuning aaJd from thtlr legttlm.U dutia to angaga In controrvab with adltort tnd eonatpondraU of newtptpirt, who Impugn thalr bcNtm or iiIUcIm tbair public act. BUB aw oo iby gain In reputation wbn tlwy to l a reef oppiobtlout epithet, and watt tL? pubBo time In dtUTring diatribe which art bnt th axprouloa of thrir own BynotlcUg pot tonal attack In MVipaptu they eicoorig thalr rpUtlon, tnd ecntrlbuu to tht degradation of Jounulitm. ItUlb glory of aWatblngton corretnd. aat t luootad In proToklng a denuncUtory pth from a Senator or IUpreaentatlT In Con-gro- ti, btctnt tb ipeech It tolagrapnad ororth whU cmntry, tad h thtreby acquire a noto- riety which bt ccenti at f.m. Ti.. 1. .1 clu. f Bt.tpaptn which ay.UmttlctUy atuU pJUcai.alacoit.andltuptrUT. language wUhtb. M, obj.ct of p,0T0Ung rajolndara, and .rary tecc.M Incitt. th.n to mot, yinJt rab3c mta theuU U cont.nt to U Jadnd by Slaa!-ttt-.H- fl- 7r """ cv Wallaatly nd hcatrtly, atd they .y l.tb. BaalUofanprlncpUdpartutro. Wa.tWorT JW. th. prtctlc. bacomlng to. 'J of number, occupy bg th publlo " " to n.w.p.p, cS! Vtiw " about tai. 7 d f Canutna raUy for th J A"'""", "ttlng a a Board of Caartf ,Iny,JoTi,',COT"tU um l"agulrItUlnth laaoctar, think? lU ToU c " U alKtlon, " WU, a'u, " dsf cbartctarof th lb trial w,rJTftlBl alcctloni. WUn th rtturnt know, T tb 22l1 wl " opaced, it wtt feund V"IUd ' M no "torn mm tb 4th !cUon 4Vao.yc.IWe,, " "Jaraan Scaaaur tiplalnad Zt'K e''k, w,r ,rBnk on tn Blnt of tn 1ct,,B nl " nnbl ,0 m tba return. at . Thay bad alto loat tba tally. A commllte wu BPpuInted to InrttUgtU th matter, and In their report tin tay 1 L?l7i,,?.cnT-,,r- , "h b" -- ?5f them, and bare ieiulad tb aam. aid Had tbat Mr. Cc., on of th poll dark toaudartrtet,watiitoxkUdat th km of the oaaTaaa, asd tbat the other clerk waa trtallr Inotri. ble of acting In each capacity, he betng unable tt wrtto or rpaQ orrety. To CanTaeear further Mat that upon tiamiBttloa of Uie puU Uati keu at the Beta electam, there ,po.M dlaorapancy U twaan matalUea of the poll olarka la thitr aereral toutagMtt tb twoU abowlag 664 namaa, and the Tta OaaTaaaert further ateied that, when eaawaa. SH of " iT ul U"0 etfboa, they found JM ballvta eontalnad taarau, bang a dlaoreptney of JS'Mabbytbaboukofoaeof the clerke, JSTi T5" aatbown by ta boo of the other Ui.L..!l'pa aunt of tba firet, tba outavlera o!itSSTtrj!- - Ita41n: M potdble 0aaeaia tba plaoad th WtoV" . - them Th tlcct of thl groat Buaconduct wffl y U to dlaftanchl Uto rottra In th dl. trlct. Th poll clarkt vera appointed by tba relict CaaaaJaaloaatt, bnt If thty war Inoom. PtUnt, It wm th duty of tb CanTBtttn to MpUM tally and makt oat tb return. Tb eaalrli aJtegrlhar of a dlagractral character. Raw rablloattaa. Itwiieuaa. or WU nd Humor la Paragrtpb. erk 1 Dam A JlOaaoa. "rblaUanaadaomaly bound rolume, Umo., orararMr.aagai.and oontalni any quantity Jau of humor for which raxano U MteaAar'tlawraatUd U tmO, and xMSH" Wrty U -- T Tld0. n bar lacefrtd tba January number of , J lla- - fraaa at. Hiaalaga. Th htig B. a Braokt. OaptaU BaaBanx. from Ooaediaatltotajrabtr M, arrtred at. that port jresterdBraaendaf. Baa npot tbat tb tatawiwj W iiBwaairTaeVmWM wefleur-ptat- 'TMtotfc rWHrelaltad anortdgod. Sbf baatg aaad at tUI tU Mrjaaay par IM Tmat, waad 4 . tM fumfmoid, " ao potWotl nam of, Wortaooa, wi""ii?t r - j CALIFORNIA AFFAIRS ftren Dayi Utr Iatolligwo. awfrnlBftBaAfJaaUe. Betnrn efChnertBctt, I i. n . Tfca ttouavhlB Atlantic, from AfriovaO. De. Arrirdettni port lt mln. bHaafa tL MMH U la treeure, aa4 0m FrenoUee datoo ef tballetef November. W tt Indebted to Wmid, Tamo Oa,, (or Burnt bin LtcrrBUar-OtDira- l Scwrr nd ttaf? citn rtniugiitfameAllantl. IB ntara er entirely unexpected, Bad no onoaMBvJon u, mad upoa blrTfrI.Heeeme directly from flu Juan, ma. king no etay at San Frenclaoo, oor eommunloeUng aartbmg if gerd U tb mult of hi mlaeku. " r' " ""J femnt. etna-au- to baveooridDded their ratgotwdlont, I .- - .v-- a m. HCobn C ,0 ouO Ratwrt WllUaof I coKuit(auo. : iw tmaa a uaraat-- .. n,, Aaaait Oakaoat rrTtaraU 4.000 VaiIT-....?V.- .t llii Hiatal 0a..... ffM TajJtV McCabUl Sfirtfe;. m iwwm an OMBbMUB att ibrUaSlUa., v mo ibt. laiwM OoHl.i Co...,. 4.MP Rb4 r.tnrk 4110 flA robliatbtBraai nfy.K2t?A2L:"" S25 J OohWifth um JtyirT." aTr. ?! ' Ca. 1 T pnnrnuua OUUL TO lV Ill Oiimn... fTLo Mfffl urair urrtiaa u. g aMtrakmrOa T KSSSSSStSf. fiOl I HrM r at o ff .ono imarktrb tut., fa 00 JOFara-- T Son. 000 BobacBi Marrlaaa A 3lllll.rB7a 91 0.......w.. fOOOQ Tr.xlwali AOo..,. r. Tarlor 10000 Wraeallama-aO- a Boo aBravwtar 14.000 (Mdr ., ...... (IO uDcaaBhanaaaA I tJKV Ca 1. aiat BMaadar O ad-- !..... tMTM !.. .... (. nwv jnarbeh Bank., ftunoo DaWit'EMtAto 0.nin WBBlIaair ifah AH IUW1 jTobOnbao 4 Ca 10 ion rrMtnutOt WOOO JBNaatoaACo.. lcnnu P lOTo Ordrr.... .......... I.00 vo ft tot llowlaoo A Arpla- - waua rarao Uo. 11 waii i,i, Do 10) Mi BVfanaKfdlrAC taonii iro.............. jng 7. El. .In lira.. IIUKV) amarCich Bask. 16.00 Pabrr Momil... a.ne SI CoJimaa Totd.. ..Jla3,4 ... ............ inonrai Da I.Oliu ...... ........... Jadaa Tibbt baa baea ImllAlatt In a. mr.. -. tj for figbtlng a dual with, aad kllllsc lanator Bod. aaira. TblrlLotilttrAiruj)Shoraaoffootbataaa. irUtcla Bam with QaoaaaSnTaT, bad barabnaaat baofe oo tb Ooldtn Oat. Bba wa traoatarrad fraai on ataaoMr to tba other at Acapuloo. Tbara waa a groat cicsament ob Ui Vncl Bam about tba mat-irr- , and oaoatdarabl talk raa mad about Irncbinf BnraT. Tba Baonmos Enftna Oo., No. 1, of Baa rraaeta oo. Burrjoaed forwardlDjr to Maw York, br tba ar or uaa ouu a nuat or la lata aaoatot nanninr. tottbr with aoopyof tb raaoratlon paattd at tb maatlnt of tb OomuaaT.wban IU nam art chanted from that of Katptra, No. L Tb IvaolaUaaaanto b plaoad la aa al(ao4 rrama, aad tb wboit U a praaant to Howard Eagtn Co., No. 14, ofNtw York raty.tawblabarfaoiaalBou Mr. Bats. bice btlongad, at tba Urn ( bit dapartur for Cali- fornia. AburrniUmriidarandaulcUabadbaaaonmmttted at Naw Wittnltitar. Tb BrWaA. CMaeWM tbat tb town bad baaa for a day or two la grant an acoouat of tb murdar of three ItaUaa by am Indiana. Tb nw of tb murdar turned tb. bialn of Mr. Caora, and aba wa board to aay tbat aoueer tbaa tb Iadku abould kill barcuOdran. ah would kill ttam hertair. 00110: tb night b appeand unomy, rttttnf In and out of bad many l IUOTI MM WIN. VWM HMWN ana lor u, WOTS, 0 looted tb deoe, nod attacked flrat baa Uttl n, about alght jtar of a- who wa putting oa bit ehoe ud atookln. Bhe cut blm anth a run in tb leg, aide, and back of tb oack, and b wa to etunnad by tba attack that a lay attO. Bba than ct neted tb room, rator ta band, aad out tb throat of bar UU1 daugbiar, a pretty child of tuna yean old, with kmg fiaxatt batr, wblob lay dabbtad U bar ufe'abkxd,wbn aaaa by th Jury. Bba neatly out bar bead from bar body. Bba then made a out bar MehL but dtt not cut dMft and It trill perbape ttre. Laatof all, ah out bar own throat, aad unloekad th door, ruablng oa th balotmy, wringing bar head, and aurgUng, I bare dona u I" itatatanot Imma. cUatelj cam, but lb dud la three-quart- er of aa Lour. raoit torn, aaoaioa. Be war of Panama w ban later dataa fnan the South Amatloan Btatec TbawaiBot of marked Inlw ant Mr. BMiaa. the United State Mmlater to OblU, bad aueoeeded la floally tattling the affair of the Amatlcan ahlp Franklla, now eome thirty yean la dbrput. Oapi. MoQriaa takaa bom tb money la pajmant of tb claim. Then Unfair pToepectotth ajtber cpoaUotia ptiidl- -; tttw n tb Voltod fUte and Cblle aotrrt.rn.nti being apeedHy eetued. Tb dmge don by the earthquake at Ooptapo are mtbnatedal on tnd a half mluloa of dollaim. From Bolrrla w learn tbat Oan. FOBBma.01 eon. tlnut reorultiBg an army tor ttutpurpoa of lata. TedtngPeru. To trcoble between Eoutdor and Peru, apptar to be drawing to a erlata. Oa the Ttb Not. den CeariLU aaded from Paita for Guayaquil, with now. ly 10 000 men, and fourteen Teonela of war. with th Intantlon of Inradlng tba oountry. Tba retolutlon In Caithegena prngnmn, a vl tb UbetaUhad captura tb JowB 0 Mompo aad 1 ettaiami atiii raoa oiuroaau. St. Ixmit, Dee. 12, The Overland Mall, wlh an Fianclaoo date of tb 18th alt, arrlted latt nLrht. TheewaatahlpCoHoa, with Naw York main and i,i.,noi. to, nao ant armed M Ban rraa--tec- -, when the mall left. (rheOortta wm delayed by IteaoiUeidtoth North Star, and wm not due at tb departure of the mau. Bep Tba ateamar Northarnar era tml day orerdu rrom Pugat Bound, but at waa prtau-ne- d Oea. Soon baddtUinrdhtr The Ua on good owaed abroad ad old by BaaFrancleoioomoJarlonaaerobantt bad bean decided to be unoonaututloaaL Twenty toouaaou irenoa worm or dUmond reoint-t- r amuggled Into Ban Frencitei, had bean for. fetted to tb Government. In th eta of Boas t,i The Haloed Mining Oa, InTolrbig th Utl to Col. FuuoeVe eerUto, and eiduette H hi to the mlaera'e oouta'wd thereu, tba Buprema Oourt bare deoided that the ehanre of fraud tn me eurrey la not au tiald, and argue tbat If then bad bean fraud II would not Intaldate the patent. The Court only paruauy meet 10 punt M to the ownereMp of th mlnerale. bbt aubolantlally gin the gold at wall a anu to urn. -- uunaT, ana dectde that Iue gniita of land an not open to the publla t tor mlnerale. MJv.uu.inMn M,rpun v airy ny uiat the electloa on the lttb ult., for deWgaU to Coogreea from Nan- do territory, multed, aa fare beard from, la the utanttnaua election of Joan J. MDaaaa, The rrr-totl- el KnUrtrUt, pubUabad at Cfnen,mye a rich rtnr lode, auppoerd to be a oonunuaaou of tse Oumtoc rein, had been dlaonnred Juat Beat of that place, and a etampade of the enon population uf Genen and Carton Valley bad taken plaoa. A. ateady trade waa doing at Ban Fnucleoo, but liantactio.i wen oooflaed to amaU lote, without change la n. Money ooinre in f'endtberemliuno. b, thTSliJ., rf 21 light. Gold bin wen Mare end .At'PftmBor'anelaootoailroy1aliboun ttar lu.nine mall dam, atyt teat tte7ti oTii. b.qu. Oomat wat eold at auction to day (tfu) and bleb prlot wan nallted for black tea, tbaraaaw btlitgfiom40to7BotnU. Tba augan aadrb JT not rn.it th rlewjof loopoitrrfc Tbadaodtbr riwiaeeiaavrror lomortoir oonttnuta aood cd bar ere care end blgh. riLT101 fr.0,B "oraetat ttat Capt, Bwau. bittmetwtth eomplet auooeaa U hit Inmrrlew with nr Paeaouaa, the latter agreeing 10 allow BTo to continue bla lonn without Interruo. tlon. lie tlaottatM that riaurai4laeaibt fa-- or of the Jc.ua th """M" to th lattorforeotTfrnSlon. CtntL roT o.lebrad the event by a ballon board toe Bt Mary'e, in th harbor of Ouay men, and there wat a general rejoicing among tb American at tb re- - THe Kewfl byTeIegrapL MarutU TtlteruPk OJUm, JTo. 43 WmU ifraaf, end Aaiwiuamafnanfram. TiiiuTY-srxr- n ooaassa-sena- t. irataeWoa. Dec 12. On motion of Mr. Tii. Tia a rtaoiutton waa adopted appointing a commit toe to watt on the rrealdeut, and Inform him that Deuaia wa ready to reooire oosununlcttton, In order tbat he may hen opportunity to land nomtna- - ceid ?KFVi lt!L.B,ow" ' --'-d to th of Ubaplala on TeuriUy l,flew3tMM" bndood the ou JLkT? tii flSKriTio2S,"ii nP aatd be baliared the t'tSiSi wete et leaal oiirror-iuTJT- mi eleaa?Sa2 of ecwplloityor aj 10 patty trtth Jou Baown.but p1.7 y.! IV Z mo, ouettkai of tarrtto. JllfeS "JUtbet prople, etna portion of Northern Democracy ate unaouoj. Thl waa a rial quaatton to the right and latereet of tht Biutb. and oa thl qumteoa be beliered tbat t Unre poiUon, If not th whole, of tb Northern De- mocracy are unaound. UebeUend, eol the g jtitn--. era people bettered, that under tb oonatButton they badartiUtooal4TaUtoeutyofthaterrtlorleewitb their elan propeitr, aad when than ban a light to th protection of the lew la the enjoyment of that property, adCongne ha tb powar to gin each prvteoUoo. and II le tU duty to do it. Uaaaaotb diaputedtbiktltU not the poaltloa of the Northern Detnonraoy. at laaet tbat pottiu of B who follow Docau. ThejdeaytharioinrofamgTaaaeaarlav ..'jTOu7 oaoy uu jongreae oaa xrnHe run. dlotknotogtntbatrm4oattoa. Thay any that the yrawCT belong to the peopl of the territorial theeeaolnt fa theU tmBorlel form, andthatemeaa owrmmtearjtmmmtea tanMerytofan eweaaainuij, IB07 nan DOWaT I VrA ememUMtof-fc- w' Mton.edthMnoattaoB .. . Mr IB. MM. m 4. a aa. T.TTT - t- - ew luaartaa) nana at ta a Bel or th other da, lit ikautik. auik. 222E'!!2k "" C4elae, i hi C?lt,2,eaHa, aad treed oa at eome y wtr M nttea and eoriupt oa a - - tuMmrdeot M th BttiuUliae party. .( Bosun vnuita tie. feet TOT5SUtifcM few.- - antknin fee. aw Beectoaef taaDe. :nsz357ttss 8iwii" Hmmum, Mfer m rtwead, baBye-te- en .ai,l,a.amWderirolluBteMnrBtiranioBBi Smh todefenoe ef lb right f tkaBMth, MrTlT-- "" ' "UthMwrTtttBT-br- BtrnkabutMl wv ww wap. ipiiii m nam of ibe pemocii pailr which. VBoVritba Iaa4 Mr. Dotal, baa daalad tb rljrba. of tb ootbtra fCMMUtUaVnatorft'aa Oorf ootUd !j1yjgjllpwth jraalii f tb rottnuiaai of tbttaraMMMpartTtan oa bhl aara at tba WaawtjOaanaaraa war eatUd donabfaaaa, baeanaa tfjrapfortharhrbt of tb Bnta. Thar wf?5(S?rt0"kM,""oT arat with ra-(- to tb qnaatkm of Unfiortal rlffahj, and ba would otMtbryweuldaD arm wftb Ut, Iraa. ol tb aboUttoa party, and aary DatDoeraata pMnr la tb arnatrr baa daaousoaal Joaw Baoara raid. aTtt awa " i !i? ? fOoaatraaal-- a MiabUabaa atarary It aaywbara, but tb Ooaatttuttoa IT-a-al doclaroa, that tb Btata ar parfratl aqoaL ard rrorlda thai tow Stata tbaQ coraa Into tb I Btoa en bwroa of Mrfact aamaaty with tb old C?pfti',.0l - tneocnao,andOaraa la abaitbrartruataa. It I apoa thai placrp of par. fact (quality, taalty andjaattoa, that that araar bar aa fqaal ilabt to tb oooupatcy and ajayaaaat oi a iiimrj, ao ioo aa Hi arnionaI axlateaoa Ha bajrrad tb common law of tblaooan-?- 7i tb r(1UT alar law, word! aoTurd all tb pntHtloB tba owatra of aUraa would mquti (a any tnravntyi rrhatvrrar It la aUarad that, tba tarrtbarlal LafUlakir bad trafuoaadad Ita Iraitfanat authorUr to tba datrlm.nl a prtrata rlfbta, that U aauaatloabrtbajudlcUrj, aad wbau tta Judiciary flra judgaMnt la tilth a ea,thwhota poaar of tb fedatal arrarmaaant rauat baarop'orod to carry out tb law tbm dVflaad. ItlMartbabtoMllM)trlaof(lUrrtaaf tbapaj. p' of a tarrltory to xrcla juat tba autnortty wbfcbtbayaMyizfTclaauadar tbaeotuttoo aad law; wbanadLTpnUarl wbatbaTtoay traa- -' cand ttilr tutborlty, that la a qoe-a-oa ant for Can- - rna, but tor lb courta. Bololaa that onmlaa, balkT I am aa aboUttonlat, nor that I rapmant. I donl aaak In aay tray to dl. turbtharttbhiof ray feuthara brtthrao. B could not tit atlll undrr auoh ImputaMoo at tb Baaator baa burled on U Detaooraao party arltboat taubu blm that It bad baaa don lajuatlo. Tb Kortbara Damorrar baa ttaod Lkt a bu wark batirata tb South and tb AboUUonlat. Braak ua down at your parti I Mr teawadlb.lTasMabadaaatbbia pUoatton. lit would ftr aotie that on ana eoa. went oooaaoa a wouta bar oaMtblna to aay oa tba aubyAot, Attar aor ramark from Mr. Pcoa, Mr. (Toua.) tbaa orooatdad to dtacuaa Mr. Maaoira rata. lutkm. nplytrr to Mr. Timasu.'a daronea at tb Brpubiloaa platform. Da dontad that Contrast poo- - any trranita powar oror ta Tamiortaa. IU ra wan amaiy taoaa (nau or u Btata and , OocaOru itJca. Me aaked Mr. Tatmeou. what ba -- fOoLttfo with tba black population when It toe tato thTenttorlr Would be let free oooved peopl who DlaTate there hara aa amial fnrainv wlh k. white populatlrti t Let ua reduce thalr theory to rclc, and aea bow ttwlU operate. tfr. TatnuiutxerplalDod tbat It in abatract truth that eU men wan created equal, but wbau we eome to form gnretnineLti end otganUe eoottty, all penaa dent ban equal Hhta. The aaaarttoa ta th atoDubUoan platfctra. M copied from lb Declaration of iBdeptopenea, waa manly tba enunolatiou of a grant neuonal truth. Mr. Joaaeoa aakad blm tf Arltona trer oolonlred and flUad up altogcthtr with free odored peopla, would be be willing to admit B M a Stat upanaa eoalfootlrgwitb tb ither Bute of tbaaoafaU-no- yf .,Mr.TaTirrtirjwndtbtUdidrbeUntb black aad white nan oould lin happily aad plea-atl- y together, enjoying equal rlgbU, witbeut on dorrirneetlng orer tba other 1 and, tberefot, he adro-fat- the policy of leparoitngthtee raoae, by adopt- ing a ayaUm to rid the eouatry of th black no a ItbeoaMafrea. Mr. Joaneoa than prooeadad to ehow wheawa Joant Bwwn'fiarayakrbittad,aBd read extrecai from jBTmaon' work aad other document, ahowtng tbat both tb elder aVnaJi aad Joaa Qonxrt Aout oontemplatedtheldMofdltaolTlag tba Union. Joaa Aaana rtfuaed to eontrlbut to aa Inattention of Warning km a outhtrn Btate, baoaua wbea tb Union would b dlaeolTed It would not beta bit Mr Joamaoa arknoUed Mr. SiwaaV Boehnttr apaeoa. He apoke aloquantly on tba defence of th Union, and aatd b would nibar eat thl country la. Tetrad tn hntimiM trtth anry country ontaefaet of tb earth, tbaa engaged tn a eittl or Berrtte war. II tbaa went oa to a anon no Joaa- - BnwnUatroraT tana m hone tblef end murdenrta Kaaaaa, end betraeturpriaedto hear Mr, DoourtU atwlogU for him tb other day. Mr. Dootrrtta eaid ha made a apology 'or Juatll. cwoon ot rfoaut Batwa' net. The p -- pi of th Norm bare notymaethy for m erlma. nut ataay ympathlM wlthtnlndtTldual bliaatlf. Mr. Darw reported that a Cemmltto had walttd en th rieetilaat, who bad lafonued tbaa thai a would mad la azaoullT ooctAunioaUaQ Dena af BapraaaatailTM, Mr. Krteoaa aald tbat oa coneulttBg waa bit frlenoV.M found thM"they wataabaMtt aaantmoaa we with to prooaadwUn the ballot Lu order U brtag about wnrdantlon. The AdmraittnMoa waa (lata, without money a well wahout fitaada, and be wauled to proride for the former. H triaked to tad th gentletven on th other aide, that th Bepubli-ca- n will not aurlak from tb dlaouaaton at th proper time. They would debato the queatton which had btea btrodueed until ail ptrttea wtnaatlatadi and ZS&l?l&JlfSrff&: t? iaVnli tni bed bM Informed that than would. TJeeolSlS of oopartnerabln. Be wUhad to examine how the toovuBt Mood and who hat been doing wrong. Mr. MaraABD aald thty had bean engaged a weak and takaa only three tote fur Speaker. Much of the time baa been occupied, aa fa ComavlttM of th Whole on the etete of the Ualon, dlaouaaln aiwa. Boa loddeBt to th attempt to effDt an organlutloa. They had aeea th bad ooneequenoea of neglect of organltattoa ta tb faterruptlea aad dlatuihaaoe oomlog from the gallerlea, without a (w- ending officer te preeern order. Uader tneetclr. cumetanoea, be off-r- a nenlutton, that the otdaat member of thia Bouer.by eoaaaeutrn eerrtoe therein, be appelated Chairman till the Uouea ataot a Bpeaknr. Hr. Kiiooaa objected, on the ground tttt the re. oluoon waa not In order. Bereral other natleman eltt oti clad. Mr. ktiaaaa referred to pteoMeot ta eupport of hi im lution, and ahowed that Jean Qomor anana traa one appoinlea chairman ttu a Spaakar aould be aleeltd. Uu nrorwaltton waa aiaip'ytbr thepraaer. raUon of toe order, dignity, and atireaprcl of thl body, while lb eye of a (tea antton and tb world wen on the npneentatlTe of th people. Mr. Stiwut, ot Maryland, aald It wet aecwwVy then ehowd to a coe.padaoa of rlewa. while et the earn time the ader and dignity of the houaa abould be pneerred. N etiooel men bad voted for Mr. Booooc while the candidate of the party waeun-auppott- by aaemben from the Southern SUtae. 2? 7 --BdUl ? a aecte-- p .tform, and could II Unpaoted that a BoiUoernec would gin thoee gentlemen thetr aepport Mr. Barata bad eajnea reoommeudetkn of Harma book, which would etkk to him lit th ehtrt of Ntaeca? He never oould eonaant to rote for th dopoa of the plurality rule. Tt union motto at the North mount to nothing. They ' deluatOB, uojee by ooneepondlng healthful aeooa. Mr. Kiioott aakad blm, whether be wm not In ftror of the majority ruhrg T Mr. flTtwarr irpUed, be wm, but under th tlmU tabon of the Conewtution. .kM,'uLLOOEl.to,,?l,d uer, If Mr. Beweaa ilected, the caudidate of tba Oamoerat would conalderu at a auffioUnt oauae for a dleeolu-tlo- n of the Union I Jf' 8T.'35r P?tthat wherever ttepubU. cand would eubmU to be eaaaoUiadTthat OMetlcn would be enawend oa the other ehifc Mr. Kaavamaald. ha h.a ,...4 Mr. arnwa lamaikad, be waa not Mr. Booaoi'e -- wuuiniwt oouia not any what be would Mr. Enaoaa Mid, If Mr. Boonoa enawared the following gueatioo to hi aattafeotlon. be ulgkt Tote for him, tamely are you la faror of rongreealaoal lrgtaUaoc protecting elan property fa the Terrlto- -. ' Are ou I faror of popular eorereigoty ta tba Terrltale. end let rUjbt to edmli or exclude Blanrr tuemfiom i Mr. Kilsou Iwaa ready to rtr tbea ue lone for hi aendileea. Mr. fenwaae reiJlad. th Dtraocret wen acting on bleed net one! around Mr. Ilaaun prooteded to pty hi reapect to the oewepeper, the CxuNdirleii of thia cfty, wbloh he ealdwaatUbooMoraanoflhaPreeldent. Aramer, U aald, eealgned to the Pneldent aad Attorney Gen-er- a! Buoa the writing of editorial fjr Isat naoar. rw"'."?0,M"lP'ei a editor, era not relatln of Joan Baowa, who wa a truthful and a bran man, but wm a Imported Bnglatuaan, who for ereral yean, wat prnuyt near of tb Jturnii Omtmeree, whioh wm etaitad by Ltwta Tarraa and other 01 Igiiial Ahohttnnieta, toe eupport of which the Adrruolatrettoo purcaaaad y l.a patronage, U which wat alao chant, fa the Southern l4ir5rSi la l"5, ii,,,TPta. PPettn to bia (Hutie't) n. !.u .?nd mi" i fi,e,oh ta twa of Morrtea-ala,nn- d the effect of l( wee, In tbat largely Demo-cra- b town, euajortiy oft t Tote for blei((laann ) lie emphatically Bod Ind'gnautly denied that be badentered Into a eombiiettoa to elect Foam 0l?5 Kl 8,l;,lJ, M aUagad, and riadl. rrom tb chart that he bad been lelM to bu plrdgoe. Ilaatood by tn doetrla of ad for that reaaouobJwVed tothe reaolutina of Mr. Clin., U, amr. aaSon betbnuToritut Lli,-S.'.x- ?, ohar.'ad thjourtautti, wttlrSmi r;..K. -- K!" " "" tal- -t tn. - - ..., vasuae, tt waa rill. rneldrnt would not let him control c ya lateral paTonege. Ut wou'd reply to tb rroaWunt blmaoH that b nerer naked blm for tb pputntment of ttiigl man to office, and only n eommend three whom bla oolleegum had reoom. mended, and be bettered they wen appointed. The yfg M M maliolotia M It waa Infamena. Iniwalr tollr. Samjof Ylrgtul. he leld, tba with him (lH. . .aaiaation unoar taia aaaiiiiatliayiainM entnatrument of tyranny and proaorlpuon. IU denied to enr orgaoWiou hen w teat of bit Democra- cy, u rocognuted th CUoluaatt platrerm M ar. Mfag a teat of Democracy, bat act a nUAeawbatttoredamaaa3aaaak. Tb OmUOytlim eaid ba faeorad the eleottoa of "" .im aaoitrwd nuaeeu reeumfe frirnd. Then oould be a mcneoVottn rebuke of ttt4mfaittiMloa' and kdte)ltomitokottoaofn2JrwlM than aa etaer aat to ant raaem-tem- na to Ma Baw onemtn, and who helped la UM to pUee the aeel eg eoedemaerinn of that eoexanoaweailhoa let old fa. ortt0B nra tnuoany or royve. He bad been ebananged to raxrnth admlaletmtloa uSy ef eor. reeMna. end wbea th Heaae aegealaei. h truated a aeanmlttoe watiLd k MMNtotwa to maaa faeMtiaw. tlon. Thenwer corruptatod tatUFtcfivlIg ii"."ii i JLjit J ..'J'jstrz attawBtdfoaaj Btob, Bad la tat 11 C SteM 7m ttaSSdkat t?Hy'Prta,tAw55 J!!?254,k,,?!il,,',r were re- - at soea length la erplaa. tto of bl poalMon, ben, without taklag a rote, tneaiotaaj lM 4 tfalattawk ta flu Vraaetao. Oaark Monaaalaa. al.Vtaan rafUa north cf tprtngfltld, Moaod ISO muee rrom St lavakv, Tb ppentnr ben wffl reettra dbrpatcbaa upUtherreotngof the eaeand dey after the iw tun of tb Oterlaad Mail from Bt, Lootr, and aeed them forwerd, either direct to ptiUtt In OaMforala. MtotbaEaatem end of the toegmyh Uae oa the other tide, which I now nnbbed for two hundred end fifty ntDae thl way from Baa rranettoo. The dlepetebt will b telegraphed frcm that pitat to their t?attaetiea.r Th leent BL Unteenry Monday and Tburaday morning. Th tariff from St Lout to MaUoy'a Station It oa doner for ten word, aad tea cent for eh additional MaaMpal Baettea la Wtreaater. rTorcrat-- r, JroM Dee. It Oar raunWeal election neulted ta the eheloe cf Hen. W. W. Rica, Brpublitan, for Mayor. The fall board of Al- dermen elect end a lam majority cf the Common Councihnen an aleo on the Bepohticen ticket. EUMttoa af J. O, Bratunrtdg la the V. fV FrmlM. Kg., Dm. It-T- be Legtiltttr to day eetcted Hon. Joaa C. ImmaNI V. S. Senator from thl State, la plaee of lion. Joaa J. CarmuK, by M majority, an joint ballot. Aciaailtl af neary Jampcrta. Clirdpa, De. lt-B- anr JcurirrK, who ba ben on trial fo-- th laat twenty acre, rot the murder of Bonn Wamraa, who remain wen found In a barrel at the Uudeon Blnr Ball road dan la New York, fa tb eprtng 1 lit wm acquitted y. Poet orae Robbery aad Arratt. Antrntia, Ceo., Dee. 12. D. Pauhb, Jr., from St. Louie, aa ambrotyptat, robbed the Poet oftlee at Athena, Ot., oa Friday, and attempted to fin the bulbftag. He wm arretted, and eonfeeaed hi guCt. Tb aacnay and etamp atolta baT been recovered. Palmd. la fa JaU. About lGOrtfti carat down tba Deltwart Lut FaH. Among th number wm a mammoth raft, tUpped by TaoHAi Binns, 195 teat long, 62 feet wide, and drawing 8X feet water. Tht reft wm manned by eight men, and wm ftb following Umber 1 8.000 rtflroad Ilea, 6.(0 hoop pelet, MOO feet of JoUt, 108.-0- 00 ft wharf tlmbar, 2.600 feet tb timber, 10 (blpkneM. Ill It th Urgaat raft, and draw lag water, than arar befor earn down tb a war. CITY NEWS. Fra nr TTortb Btbbt TMtorday aftor. o,tlJo,oock,naj-nforUiIV'thDhr- kt wm given In eoneequeao of fin among a large qoaa-Bt-y of coal, fa th coal yard of Bunnt S. Taoar, Jr. No. 1CB Worth (trttC A ba-- g number of tire eppar. era neponded to th oeO, but wen ordered amy about B o'clock, by the Chief Engineer, and after that hearth ttoem ngin John 0. Blorm,' wm find np end brought to th fir. The ateemerput twelargeetnemaontoth fire, and ft wm thought wooM ben It out by tbla marnlng. The lorn will probably amount to about MO, aad mot faannd. Tb orl yard adjoining tb rear portion cf th eton of Memra raaun, Bum A Co, No. MO Broadway, aad It at (uppoaed the fin wm eeaaed bythetrhed air furnace flu. The fir wm flrat dlaoovwed on Friday kat, and ten bjdrasi etnema wan thrown upon It, unIC It wa pnaumed th flamn wan rtappeared eterday after. aooa M ebort atated. Aaxnam Bnitoaxoes StBortOB Bgr,--B- e fontbelatomumelpaleletion,abat wm td be- tween HKjnoti Btnnaa and J. W. One. . tv. .,t - tLa oonteet, Sa&at betting 00 Mr. lUTSkORMft wecneaanauoaonMr. TTOoot, to teatr to want barefoot, preceded by muelc, from the Bt. Nleh) notltotbAtorHou,or 1m pay a forfeit of eue. tb pMMtrua parson a the bet, If chorea be thaloaar lnrtfefaranca ta tba fiwAdtiiM a iw." (M0, wm to b performed yeaterdey tfternoon t ,. A . - - ... I., - .. . aMnaaoHeeowa. taanwgDoornooa ot in BL. MkuolM tt tbt hour, wat doly irrfntrt itmnl luaea wen ioppd by IU uultUode and tbatr rooa --w aa navrtnam, notwrunanoing the eemeet proteetatiOBiof the driven tamo noata wen eiv. end, awning frame (upportod aeon of people, tad a greet degm of exe'toment preveUtd. Pntrlnl at tba . .r,rvJl-- .i m. w. .. - -- rr. taia, SaanH made hi eppeartnoe, preceded by a dram aad ""i " waa i,uu eiu uroa caeera and roan o laughter. Hehed pnrloutly offered 1 10 to be but tb winner of tb bet held blm tUrnly to tb "porjndcfflh"iqulnd by th contract, Mr. B.wMpreoededby a body of about twe bondral frlende. manhnur two three at t ti. .v. eodoblapllgtlmegttbe drum aad Bfaparformen wwre maraawea, ana o WM pUMd fa carriage, wbloh railed quickly away amid tbeahouU of a of not len tbaa fin moueaad pence. CtTTUonTALTTT.-.- Th number of death la thia dty fur the wtek ending th ltth Luat ,wn 4U, being en Inert aa of Merer tba pnvton week, of thl number M wen men, 87 tromea, lit boy, Its girl. AulU, III, children, JU, male lr, ft mala tit, colored pereoncT. Th prtaclpil dleeeaa were, ipoplezy, T brotwbltfcr, t; eongwjtioa of tba brela, T congeatlon of the lunge, 10, oeeaamntloB, ti 10; debtUty, adulLlj debility, fafanule, T drapay tn the head, 111 aotrlet fever, TTitrphoM fever, ; heart dleeust, faflam. mattonorthbraln,11,lcSammtUenof th lung, llnflammettonofttitarnaoh, 8, maratmiu, fa. nrntfla, to-- . meeaUe, 4; p.Wy, 5. teething, T ctueea not dependant on climate or eeaeoa. I violent ceueee,lr. AgM, 1 year and under, 108, 1 to t, IM: B to 10, IB; 10 to JO, 18; M to It, It) Uto 48, lt a to be, IB, BI to 80, :8 80 1 TO, 1, Tt to St, II, 80 to M, 4,1 to 100, t NaUvnwe, United BUtee, In, Ireland, tTiOtrmtny, IB, England, f) BooUand,!, Brttlah America, Holland, I .tch, and Franee, Prut. la. South America, Sweden, Went Indie, 1 each. At the pubO J InetttuttoM, 41 LlCIUBB OS THB HUTOBT Or ScCTTt-AW- AlectunwMdeUvtredfa the Cooper InatButo laat evening, by Capt. Joan IOaoji,ontbe Hletoryof rSootlaad. About Qn hundred pmtona wen la the lieu, end at I o'clock the Caledonian Qua, la fu. Highland cnetUBM, entered the room, merohlngto the thrill tooae of the bagpipe. They wnr aeeled en the platform, end Capt. Maioa wm fatroduoed. The lecturer otnmenoed by nmerUng that all the earlier blatorlceof nation of greet antiquity wn. toagiMteztent,fabuloua, It waaeola SootUad, wbcee teroeet reliable bletory wm from th year M A. D. Thee early reoord wen gathered by aa lnduatrloua hlatorlaa who taibodUd them la the BcottMChrtmkU fa tba year lilt. It appeen ttetSectlandwMorlgtntlly nttled by a null body cf Grecian warriora, who wen driven from Aiken, to Kg ypt, from tbenoe they went to Spain, from Bpala to Ireland, and from thence to Sootland. The peaktr then treeed rapidly the nletory cf ew.1. from tbat ttoi down to tbefavealon of th aountry by lb Roman, who found the Gaelic wanton their moat formidable enemlea. From tbenoe down to the traglo bletory of Macim th aprekar'a pro-gre-at w. nptd. Through tb attiring ono pre- ceding Wattaci'a daring eileUa, the lecturer pea. d on to EDWtana truggl and th rellgtou rtrtfe . th Btfotmatlon. ' Ta Boabd or RaraatmriTiT-- t of tba Fin Department, laat evening held thebr anaual neetlngBtthe Fliwavtn' HaD, fa Mercer eweet, Mr. Oatxa Uiujiw, fa tba chair. Mr, Jou A. Ptimn prteanttl th annual report of th Troc teat, which WMreed by the Secretary and ordered, Prtnted. WMtnearolTedtodJourntwoweU from Wednaaday, to hear th nport of th Commit, tot on Ft Warden law, and tl to teadar tba thank f th matbUg to Mr. Mrujawt, who had deolfaad reawnuneUon, for the faithful dlacherge of hi duaaa during th pet three yean U bat held hi Th Board elected the foUowfag tOotn fur M, fiadilml, Wa. D. Wioaa-- M, of Book A Leddta Oo.lto.lVltoPrMldtntiKr,Oaia. L.tratu,ef Book A Ladder Oo. No, 4, ecretaryi Mr. Joaa 8. Oai,TraaonnT. TU gentlemen ba bow filled tUcAo for tU peat eighteen yean. Mr. Dim A. TaaiLWMnelaetod rjoneotoq and Kaetre. Joaa A.PjLun,A.F.Ooaaaaiin. a4 Oan,r, Nat. arr, wan chotta Trueto tn th bm tbn retre. '' " " " J rcmtaALOr Ifaa. raawinro Wo Th filter! cf Mi.Fnino Wr,Wartendd p ldey morning by Mayor Tmuetf aad tt4 mem. UnofatoatyOouncO.wbo.wlhaapMttato'olock prooietodtacerriagee from the OtyHhttefce Itayor elet,faBlcaTdaadak.l When thy retabed the boom than war felly fin Woueand panon ta trad tbcut B, moat of wheat wan mmbn efpaMieal orgtnlieUoa which had done eerrtoe la Mr.Wood' behalf, ta the Ufa campaign, and ebartta-b- lt tad other toelrltai which tympeOuecd wtth bba fa hl4BletloB. One club preewit, IU OteOonnl Teta tb aruel badg of mounting, trhlt rote and gren atvM,mbt. marle of tl-i- trn lb and purity cf the dot need. Among the prominent pereonagn, offldal and ntban prat. ent, ware It or Toa-a- a, Oeoaral Burrtjit4odent Pnaettr, iCblf of Pellc Itataau, CoL Autri. aat taat, TBoat We afcBinrw, Judg Knanx and lady, Dr. Sam and lady, Polio Oomroeebmer Banar, Oor. P. O. Motoarr, Mr. J. B. AruVD. T. YaiaaitnrB, Clerk to Ooramon Oounotli Cat. T. MoClatmtnin,ClrktoBordef OouBoflmaai Hat, ,bt AaoTLAarct, A. V. Btott, War. Cuiawiat, H. Waaoaue Bon. Jon Wnaaxn, Member Congrtat Boa. BioauaD ScKnu, Han. JiJrat OMaa, Boa. JJrteJ.BoovaLT,Hon. He-- tt E. Dim, Boa. Joiua trrasateaD, n Sberlff Wmjrrr, Jura T. Botx-a- a, Cuata fOonwoa, Srwaaa P. Bnaw. Joaa M. Haeaaenoat, Jntw Joaamt, a numbtr of and OouacOmee, aad a majority of the acting memben of the Ooamoa OonneO. Atll o'clock, tn. Dr. Traa prtciitod t read th burial anvlat cf th Churob ef Bag'end, aad to deliver aa tmpnmln lilitm. H al- luded Mfagly to the toe m rtototry autatatd by th faeouy of daceaad, and preyed that Ood ton aright be tba onmfort of tbd deaolat hoaaahold. He had for tea yeert known, fa U pattorUt cepeotty, the cheraeter of deceawd, aad felt hbnanlf Juattied la rpetlktg cf bet m a women' ef ran troth and da. Ttrtlon, end e bright examr to bfaanfy. Hwleel reqaeat wee that her Infant might be dltmttd to God, a requett whioh wm oompUed with that mora-la- BhWM,h ld, t model wlf and mother, and ahote kw left a void fa the dMelato horn which nothing alt oould fill Daring H hi long eequamtanc wtth her, he (Dr. Traa) bad only teamed to reaped brr men aad more, for her emW ramtyehrietlaa vtrtoee, and thm-bt- ue bed left tbatr mark to tbt Uv of her children. T the be- reaved hnabend, her memory would be, amid th cam of office, like a p'ecid evening tar, leading him on to an, faoonupteble Inheritance. H oeay eludtd by aa earneet axhorUtloa to hit hearnn to aak thtataerrea what abell It profit a man If be gala the whole world but loot hie ownoouL," nd preyed that tht lor of God might oa thl lad occeeloa, oernfort tb affiloled, and aaacttfy them br a battor lnhetttana. After tba eonchudon of the buriel mi iliia, tb Mewennawed,oaby one, to pea through th room, aad gain a laat rlw of th deceaeed. .Thlteeoupled over an hour aad a half. At two o'clock, th ptooettlon wm formed ta th following order 1 Lewto H. Lent, Ctidertkkar. En. Stephen li.Tyna.D.b, and other Oergy la Carriage. Phyttalaaa. A. V. WUUama, M. A, Bad other Uctrriege. raix eauoe, Bootevelt, Boa. Henry E. Devlee, Hon. Ollbert Deena, JaninSoolUr,- :- Charwa Eaq , JnMaWUatt,irrju StoabMP.Baatell,ti. Six eurhvrae wtth nvnurnor. OerrlegM with th Mayor and Common Councfl of New York. About fit hundred carriage wfih ladlea, Memben of CongTcaa, Juitra. aad ether Meada of the family. Cerrlegw wtth the National Yoluatoer AeeodtUon. Ouuena on foot to the aamber ef about (.000. Tb body era Intoned la Mr, Woo' family vault, fa Trlatty cemetery, aftor the utual aerrloM at the grave, which wen performed by Btv. Dr. Traa. Usion CoioiiTrBB.--A- a adjounad ataattag of tht fjomrnltto wm htld laat evening at tba La FargetVttat, The gnat pahOo meetlag win Id all prtoabOlcybebeld atth Academy of Maaio next If oadey ertolng, at T o'clock. Boa. Mayor Tta. tuna will prtetda. Th Ho, ftaaaauii Wyirg, !WorE'tt,wU(1wUlM U -- to tndimk AP15cgthflptkanwiabegi.Qov.B-TMovt,- y. B. Ctrmna, Eeq , end Janaa I. Tears, Mai. othr dUvttngutahed gentlemen have beea lavltod, aad thalr riamm wlS U eanotaced fa due ttme. ig A. SurroaxD SBirwaacK.---CpU- U Bom, anlved yeetoidey morning from Trletto, report Nov. IT, let. B8 84, Ion, 44 03, peeved a ahlp or barque, with main and miriea meat gone J bad fu3 woman figure-be- ad J boa oa dec't painted green, the top white bad a large tteem boner on, deck, ptJnted red. Tcokkartibtu lUigUchveMol Sew ao penoa on board. EaaiaquAKB ai Ska. Captain Pur, of the ahlp Mameluke, arrived yeeterday mcraieg from aCsnOle, reporit that oa the Mb. of Auguat, tt T P. M., fa lai 8 --, long, lit 45 B., felt two dlettact ahocke of aa tarthqutk. Th weather wm calm and deer, and no unatuJ phenomena eco unpen ted thaahocka, got e4 of th kad, but found ao but torn at 15 fathom. DxtTHcrAjt Old Maca-.a- T. Basjiarcr WoouiT KootM died yeaterdey morujug, at th advenotdegeof (Syeare. Be wm for man rear a leading merchant of tbla ctty. Mitarp. LtoiiTE k BaAtvaotTl, whot xUn-ei- n piano forte manofeitory wm burned to tb ground en Fddey latt, an preparing BoeooBMeuttabl buudlngt for manufacturing pur. poaoacanbeobtemed. Tn CVtt' Ezraniet la tht lata hog war In th upper portion of ta Ialaad, amoaeto to but a Uttl over (tta. ItMiuatU, AooldMtf, C0. M FATAL AcCTTVBJMW T.n.tim flee. -t J &.,yMW'K'Y'noTel. upon la -- s -- . --. wa-w- BMHaVe Of iniMaa- - CI r".rf Tfitt4 '" tajonaa reewvedey the breeking of a derrick, wbloh feU anon hie heed and back, v hue he waeeaeiaang to ueloed the be-- re Lturet,l)irgetpierT4 Beat Brnr. Th iary ran. dared a vera ot of 4eooldenlai deeah.' licanD to DaaTa. Corontr Qakblb bald ST.-.'- R "Pea th body of Taoaraoa, aa vroaan,t yean of are. who died from burn received a few dee ego. M No. 8: Cherry etreet, when her elotto took fin from a anda Yaidlot. daaih from Imnut." C dimDBB Dbatet. Aixbb. Boa dropped dowa In front of No. ae Water atreet laat enaJatr. and wm ptaked up by the Fourth Word pohVnaad taken to the N.Y. Hospital, bed ho otod eiith way. Ii . aaa. - m nana. m mm, eaaj v. B. nwvy, taal WM aoouv e yean m aa-- i. th ceuee or aeath, B I ua- - '""a - -- - ., an inqu wm bebel today. follow InUUlfatvoa, it. BUoaa Oonrmrrr Koarr Mf. Pot-ba-v- a, th te'egnph operator tX the PoBoe Head Qeartore, wm Luformad laet evenlna that one dollar oounterMt nctee on the Bank ef Budaad, Vt, wen taetrcukmon. The alarm wm promptly given to the Uaa Taonreoa for paaang on of tba btUa 6THtrr bt A Boabdbb A gW, named " f?- - fr"4-- ! d vrUh eteahmg (Ud aad two dream bneaMia. Data, with whom the boarded, MN(. B8S Water etreatTll ap- peen that erhue Mn. Date wee el church, oa San. day. the Mttieed robbed tba houaa aad decamped. On he erred, abe cneif.aeed having etolea (It aad the two drteeea, and Julie Oeeoajm looked her up triaL Tub Lara Fans rrorrr. Patbiok Taw. Bin, cbargtd with eeuatng the death of PaTttoa: UoweTiun, who fought wtth him 00 to let tnot., in a vacant Ut ta Flrat Anane, and wm tetaly In- jured, WM ca Meadey brought befor Coroner Boaramaend exemmad. He ateied that ha waa born la Inland, te M yean of age, en Iron worker by trade, and reaideeet No. 14 Beet (let etreet. ii rttardtothaoherggtlnetnlee,hehad nothing to aay. At the elooa of the exeaamatton. Tut Bin tree locked up to await the cotton of the area Jury. Aa ALLtOBD benroiAKTr-aOfnee- rt Vi. aaaaaand Bwajat erreated yeaterdey moralnacn board the able Attaclu, Oapt. Davau, arrived frera 'jw, a. w. avoaivvv, woo m reaargea fin to th ahlp Japea, off FaiaL on th Uth of June laet. The prleonar waa cent to thia port by theAt-leatl-e, vrbloa veetei le bouad to BoetoaVand put into that port ta dtalrem, baring aaaaU pox oa board. ILtoaidaTAieVtwata. A regular meeting of th Beard wu bald latt maing, pivamleut Mcantwa la tb ataair. dldrr-ma- n Saaeaevt priimtid a reeolutlon eUreathag the Street tinman hat im art notify the liarleaaiuilroad Conpaay to tower tb grade ef their road bat ween t let aad TNh eta. to the grade of the,4th avenge, lead ta eeee they ebeuld engleot to eomnly wtthla tawaty anyn, taat m as n ana ooarge the totoeComptny. .tbeiiirl Bib wnemiltd ennnl. aaoualr. . A peimea wm, preetnatd (rata B. tad etbetn, foe a market In the vasma oIUkd North Biver, Ba4ttedtottOommeawoBluAwi. L.,lml!m!?mWi'-- d reeoiutkm remteeti tagUeOemptiiilieeto Inform the Beard at rbjaeat ?."'' J' JgPtaa. of Met Berry from Sdeh atreet to Hnaacrw rMU,iL,henbea toaltaltM payment rtaaiwte..Cavtod. . -- , .a " lirieikts IkalBtiittT nla atoaerto nmort tht nvtaaoaa la vb Qeveraawa MMUV' " m. aad apprcprletlo (VHOfor that purpeae, Leld wm dbwettd to edvartlm for are. g a eteam fin afia for Company wttrrttentil front the Oomp. natateeaent gtw a eumaaery onatty aoeonata, aad alao apoa the .aa .- -. w mm a arwaaa. uwn a - .a, i -- "tait. nuaiUfiul lath eaeTn-T- own mydg-tto- a wm nlM4 on did. of tUaeweupoUeiibe BaaEepirVmtatod foreobarvory,alUnnalembe3TKlITr. maleatotbelVxUrertooedfannfermaronnton entberoof of th City lull. , - . I Tbeeommuaioeaonwa reremd to (h Fin D. utmeut.' " A eomwnaluBna from the fhwtan Aennadravt tta. peeMedjea mmtrdad, to retoaoa to toe bnprov. meat efHIt Bridge, awtaanvaTTM of brbaghaga larger eopplyef erotoa vntewtnte the erty. Too work tberalenyear,aS theyiiMiulB tMatJa done by eordraob; they, thaefoie, eeh tbat The Flnaaci Comrafttot preeeuled a report fa favor a oueurrreg wnn to Board or Uooatf aian, bt propriatlng tb earn cf (U.4M (0 tb ana trpenare of bm ran vartawnt. auopato- - A report fnel the OnaailtenealelerkaaBdOmeea wnpieeardiJ, ta fever of lamattng tb aviary ef Dr. Bntuan, tb Wetar lir-eyo- r. of the Oroto De tartaaeat,totoeaaaeuatoftt4L Alderman Br tea (.(bred the foOewtng emendmaati That th Water raTTrT.i eghwrer.BhaU aaah reeetntb urn of (t (00 per annum for tbatr earrioaa. The emendmentwMloee; 10 naya to eye. The Aide, men tbea moved that lb auea aheuld be SI Mo. Leeti tbea that the aama (hould be (Uto, wbloh WMBlaoloet, OandTvtatoacf th queetlon betng celled fbr,U voted ta tb fArmtln and ( la th Mgwtva, on tb tncrraatof aalaryto Dr. Botxm. The Board then adjouned to Tbured ay next. a aaaaaaa Beard af Ctanineaiia. The Board met oa Monday afUrnoon, when a 5SulfcS vTroprUte (tea to prooun portrait the Chief Bagtneer of the tin Depejtenmtfor the uoveraot a room, wm lead over- - A reeoluttoa tree adoptedtavigalng the room of Hon On., No. 4. and login Oa.Tl, to the ltth Precinct Puttee upon the removal rfeadCTmparJet. AmahiBniWM adop-a- ranMug narnrlaeton t Boa Co . da, to doduty ithaatremeagtoe. Connrtrmea Baaoucapreeeea. d a reettutloa la favor ef removing a pump ta ttth atreet. Adnptad. Tb Special t'omurtto oa the euujaoa m earn pouara aenjiitar taM the a "Tr reauit et rariiiawiani.aBJ propumd ea ordinance providing for the appointment ef a General Banitetondent, whom duty It ehaU ba totaepeet bJr'Jn tta,rtlllje of BvjraM,rorvrhteh the te tb OomptroQar. Board dopted the Street Oomealaatoner' ab et ofMumate for regulatlag bid aad Bed eta-fr- om Bth aveaua to Tth annua The report ef the Aeeeaemrnt OomntBtae, eonnrmteg Bet for paving ibt. from Id to Id enuoMwu adbptad.'A r. port wm nettnd front Maaav How inn, rtqnoatlng tbataporUeaof the new eupole of tb Ctty Hall be rTnrrletod for the nee of an obearvntory, and that a fin bell be pieced In the potMou oooupted bytba rnrmer one. Ordered to be printed. A eommueloa-Ho-n wa rroeirrd from th City lerpector, atattag that the prnala nanr.Onmmercy Parkvren ever a ewamp, and moommendlng that a www ue ouui, ae n wae onoreaerr te the a puDocnean.- - laaa over. Tee Board ad rtaoMtoa dlnettng th. Crotoa Department awe ror propranua to conatraet a Merer on thapreen-fe,i,,!?i,,!l- ,,' aotwtUireadlng Hi Honor the Mayor vetoed Ik. Tba Board oouceiieJ to aufld a ataam engfa for Co.' No. t, end toray the eelery of Bear. W. Stca-aaa-a. lata Fire wraealan. ramaa J 1 m. a- - An--j Srtfltoid.'""4 " "" " " AJimvttaaoavraereoelvedtoattoedtnatihrUaVm of SoLeeton'e Tempi, which wm aeoopted. The Board adjoarwed, LB4IA1. BvpVv.-s- n Cnt TU Shwp Jwigmiw. rtvened. Jaai BKarm te. TA Jfeyvr, t-- I a wU known ceee, end baabeen many time reported ta the AraTjeoof Sharp obwJned e Judgmant egalnet the dty for eome-tbl- over (4 OOu, for dajaege aOogtd to ban beta aaaaarnid by him tn oneieaqiteaoe of a defect of title IwaaU tA litm. a Varl . aaaua t M- .- " L . " - mmmmm, a a.,., uv MHV WHO. m BW OomiAroDer moved to open the Judgment en th ground trtttwea obtained by fnudaad eoliiatton. .a. a.Nj.n.ai wa- - Brae aenteu. W.P- -- Juette Cimk radanalongbpin. ta the eeee, andordara thai the juda-me- be eat tdaa4tto order of aefcreUnVokit taaVtW Atar. UOcmmia Cotlm HSU to. w X. raetorThl act- -- ,,.,!: to recover for tweiity--'-L- i,. ..-rr- ? wm 10 SJa that aeonrity, with er-- rUunTL goodaran'dellvared, and HuiXtmS! I wbe to aeed M eentga. TkdefndaBt even that th ml a cnadtttoa wbloh wa avr exaotod of htoTbytn. rtatettAendtaMeTnegiemtoexeettneper? aoMof wm a wain of tba ooadWoai aad that the delivery wae perfect and eWeoiuto, ta onaaequenoe of which be oieim that th plaintiff t eetoptd fiom bringing ecwoa egalnet him. Aftoy eome dlacuaaoa the Court overruled the potato of d. fendenfe couaaal, and dlreoted the Jury to find far thejtfalntia for L(.(, aad granted ea aUowtao ef (100. --topmlar Oerrt. mctia,farm.Fmua Iv".:a. IT. Top. pit Camden and Amtoy R. K. CTU KT J,5!T" tor tmiM faiurtM elated to received oa boerd the etermer cf the en the way from South Amboy totbiaewr. The piatnUflla a fcedleg otbien of AthUtd, Ohio. and wit ptoeleg over Ue reed of the deadaola, and wm oaa boat need by tb Company to traaafor from to aadof their road to to olty. Waut aoaa beard, he even he we fajund br raaealnerr tbat had bran hft eaieleeety expeead. by aeaeaeof whioh hte ley wm oeoghl and lacerated ee that h wa confined and diaebled for evar m'mtha, loafag i,,?'f",r xpaMad iamueouJeery. Tb defendaaia dray eU the maeten aUeged arataet than, and avr that th plalnhff wm hart by hit own negligence. Ceo etui on. Peaaeaea F.'eaa, X iJocWae-T- bU wae aa action to recover (be money paid for a of hore-- a, warrenGeotindeadhiBd, by tae eWat7tthe tUwofthenvtrcbaaa, pUjnt hoWarJnTth bed?? wmthiea from th blind atTen."aad the other nrrfcoUv latnoteble. In tuaUtuTeold Ua hona for about (lit, and now caof. Taaaetaadeaieaye, la hUinr, aThta "ba(lhhtaMaA, M they wen evade a by eubaeaaaaT traaa. moot. ThtotMlaittllaa. Aeftoaer Dawetaea wa 'ifrfrf -T-aepUfat ff. la btoTJl5? It "-f- of toe eVbndeat, toNe. ISli 11 evanue, andelVged that who they orn out awe afternoon, he entered their bouee and began repeire. by mean of wbloh then- - furnttura aad hoaaaaotd f facta wan utterly mint by the vrkaoh wm "nil over evi,Bing."Hr47TiwiaBi: eh em a and made veeto. Sam ailed U not epoiled. Defdent denteeT tlLaad Tul jury bad not yet cldtv4irktem. TJaUktw efJMd KnrtJanm B. Badttr aoeiaaf Beeerf avryseekTai action wm brought te roover(0tM value efMrrrelgn -- rhtobTwen etolea from tba ptomat' trunk wall be waa gvemt MtbePattonoaBooe,abotBlkeptby the deleam. tat to the city of New York. It apoa-r- ed from the ridenM fa the caaf; that the pUnttff wae one of tb All rnglead Bate enckettn, end arrived warn them fa the oriy of Mew York to the early part of October laet, and went to toe defendaat'e hotob that hat wwa, aKjaainn, Bia money wee piece la tn g room of anU hotel acd than nmataed; that ba. tweentbeUdendtttbof October it WMbrokaa open end robbed of B! eoverolgna. The aVbndent olebned to be exempt from UehOlty oe tht ground that he bed requeeted Ue plaintiff to take hie trunk to ble room, and he had nawiaoled to comply wttt that requeati end ebjo upon the ground thet be bad advbwd the pbantlfl to depoatt alt money end valuable In Bavmge Bank, and thrjaiaughadnaglrlodtaooeaplyltn euch ad. yloe. Th statute lew of ISOeaxampt aa hotel keeper bom liability for the lorn of rnenepT few!, or ertMnweWt of their gueeto-er- ben euch bote keeper keepee ice In bia office for the eae keeplog of toe nutwy. Jewel or crnemento of hi gut, and ahall BoUfy itha gueate by poatlag a notice la the room by eaid gueet, tinting thet fact . J be Court hid Ibet, Independent cf thia Uw, (he ?C? 'I5jh arnygrkn., i,,, tit g & w depoail bit valuable ta the room or plaee pointed out for thebr reoepUoo, aad If th gueet aneltcte thue to depodt hi ra. Uea,heaeeuwaata rUk and danger of loamg them, end the hotel keeper le not liable If the an loat or etolen 1 and further, Ibet B I now the Beetled law of tbla State tbat keepem end eommaa eerrien may UmB their emBreel&r aaeen reetrioted liability the, law bnpooo upon thane fa the ebaanoeofeepecltlagreexae- n- The Court decided that that wm no evidence tohttiavt-u.u..riu- .i- aay of toe elwn exception end eoi from Ibdduty, and ttrerun7vreenwmlfor aaay j aawuBBdl T BBS waPVamB Oearf af Oeaaaal Btmltaa." SeralcaMOflmpcrtanoe war dltprnad of today. Uareaon Haanemea waa charged with fore geryta to td degree. Oa Nov. Bth he paaaed the Otlaena Bank af Woroeatar, Man, MWeller'aloe cream aaloon, No.' Til Broadway, lie then proeeedel to Mr. Iland-fcrd'- e, onthenixlblook, andoAnd atmfiar bDL wbloh tne not eeoapead, and Mr. Bandrerd bad htoi arnttid. Ne etaer oounterreu money ere head on bba, and the Jury conviotod blm of forgery la tb 4th degtwaonly. He wee entenood to two yean ta th StetoPrleea. John Healey and MtoheaiBaey wen obarfdwuhfelouloutamruBandbarrycm.rTenk MoCenra,ouOot. 10th, at a boane ta doth etreet, whan they D Bved wlh their famStoi, BB betng aw. latod. .Ihtdewaltii it pleaded guilty tea ampl Maultjaadwanmattoth PenBeatlery, Healey fortldaye,atHoylatitdaya. ' .,- - . xnarewM inataiitg aanwy aa waw eawa, ww to ban been tried on Irbtay laat, bat tw f I Hill toeecenalatoent llatmtf.Bad the pel. toadatbaOeuiv. Tney keoeapeaen tcmrnmtw. whan h Becurdw ant by eendmg him to the Tomb for ttndy.and ae BDr ajaa ae laawava, tWatoaatna Boeuanwd oaa aearmar etolea coed. Marina Irvtog aam liana kavJalal ,toJ "' rranoi Oof djcJ(ll,tahau, mavneT DettoWMM-qurttodt- want of evtleini.bnt Martha wm emv TIoourTw5ar 5 ZttkS&s i", H.U, (4, t. ttt.iir'Ti a"" "L'v m riiiaaii -- - - i. . '" tASl9kSJSA w ? "'rrV."", --, BiMt. varaaat. UFttT 2- - - to7 MeVwT,'l radar anwlmweS? TM' IM- - "" " rat Txxvpt Hwfs ssB.ptWjryc I .'ltl waU(f. .Jl'l rtlBBtoto . ( BtnTaaamt. MmmmW.M avB " an - - - t4k(aatongmatatka ?'i?mTt-wm.nU- , awwwivamra I aaiaaBly tofo to IB iui (fiTllnnr -- -- ., totoa " 1 aauuai ua.1 aa uaarXB A aTOTBJirm "Tyd'fatomthaBtBlMmra leew TtB, ta th aamvanwalataB? t. BarareeyttareehwttvrarU. Sara' Snrrjra laowarm E2tat:l ,SSSSRss:-a-;-war'r- - W w f" W, J, fj- - " .1.1 it BniM,, (wau. UBAjnaDihTnB abb Halt . TT-- 1B IW WWM rkfTI letan.tV.m '-- " tnflh--l Vletaaaaa eTlA l man . HMLIlimiMLtf MaanwBay BBI PenalM la Fifty CeatBoila. fVvwtBu-- a aama nam . B J 'WHwlWMI " ' ' lIlH",,toMitti 4 AlBvimf Feitoaetreea, Tira TWwyar iwr Tla-- n, . at--. ever eredeeed. iwvail m,miiT- .- toleevenla. at - -- -- 'ma, ao,. ale an amen. "M" TBirjotramonB v m. S"rrP'"--U- B PO'tM BaoaartvtB Din GENERAL NOTIGE .? VTaivt ttaaataMMivJIT telJPfcrr to end FiZmT-rr- ?ii lirVSISP'Tift-eje- w 'elefCtaViM BKF z'ssssrjMi . Aattaataf HaeetowanWallt. y.J.av m , a- -- ..?rw7- - a.. r- -r na n--r t wi -- nSTS&K A. O. imtiTtoBaWa.lvh-aVBt- w ""aeh atoJ5r?5wid BtllBiy BnnnPIlBBi Bam lallan M BTIB a ill IWanI --iZ3 waa " BnWl a leeaare ta Menweatltaa w.w yeJJ fl1 Sane dBatarmrwta? D-- V tSt'tLi betheWuSSaerryTTa Uy, nnt YthThlr7rVeeB?l taCban-- a. MtiBtrvt BbarrT- - UbtfrmOtllfeVaU r to tbe" "---' atEWToJEEMBJaCrrBT. ATJri Ikmr htialti- - mib. n, Bamwtj atantolF. " K "'ilTrm- - iiMifthtolSrtB'tohla ,i' 1 i i V th. atTWe'eaeenTto Hlharwma awnaTB 4tPrtaBwijltij.itt eniiti.lTltopeywte IAaaar deelen wteton to Bin faritedtoaMeaw.TL(IaUa,Pr. av-fTjCj- T AJaan k OoVrO. COtanfPOtSg OP DSBaTM, RBW TOBX BUM OFTaTJB, iar Qdaarnrkiraan rtavlBa, , . ,.. .- -! eaueaee eeeana ynawvaaair aa Baea Mahtyaeaen beheld at efeate.eaerr BeM, V SSSift- - JJS4--' jrenlaa, Uth anatTee tTSt-- t r- - eama- tawy vmxmygjeT VK I JOHN EJBKNAN,See. PWn' IAMiSbj rtwaaawtmaao t-- dj Fla. 1 w,-- a. ae u-- aj BBaaMjiiana ana laaaahaapa er awa. J-- hold a Oread TeaaeeraBjoo f m .hieliB letTi jtrveaB4L l' ltth. at 11 -- - - -- j ii, ill Bev.0.rm'LeENa)b.OLOYlL fl.adeta. jmMtfavitodtottoad. J Dr. Ivtn'a ftoit B.l.,1 -- a.la.1 C eente-- le the beat reaaedy for Ceatha, Cabto, IaBntai Be, ever totndaea. It la, ae He name lallnatm, . Bitermlnaer,aaaae. hawevareUihtiy aAeto, trnia imu lai tin., n m criai i mm aaai nap .1. ehereertWele to M tenth Sewed at, WMeenanra dllM Lahore tW Dataa B. A(tyA BMthlr meettaa ef thia Seetetr, aamary 51. ..-- a --., wm d aaaa at ee Prtaee et. 9wmmmmm ymm imm, m j 'look .m rmttmm H fcptbV3j!ito?i Ha. a inideeaf r eh-- a nomaer an rwreaeted to attend th ar iS nedtowray Ptlla aad tlon pnveaied Settle eeaeha. miH, An tb da vmplem of eotHjam-tie- n Ion aredteateeffir the fr.! eee ef those aMdlataaa,whleh alai eVtlrTu aeewta. tlon acalaat fatnn ettoeaa. Oatoe SB MaatoaTEm Want a Btfcg t A LanVnBOOr. Try th "JTner MUity Ioat Cewtanc. Bv jouTBiiBNBVA6Trhi-irirra-sr- x wey,l UiWarw fc x, BUiCByiJi yiH it Bnlanea Beared BT. J.WaMb. "" ' ttvantaaeKatoir' - Brya IJ iLaaaa haa aatael' BaVMt ef etenTltr! maaa,ial B wMaaeal niwatojll ea any aaaeavrldeh eanha jr.. ebil hr nwdtokwaM tato atjiiiiaanti aaintb BiMllaaa j- - aVMBVANaT TO BIMBBSSama, TlaweaeataBreeetog dleeeaa, a weaf MBaaaaaV tieaa, Haint Bmut, SSB ''at. Jimi neewyp mr awiValanaaretolwB orTaxJeTrJiae-antono- ai . ' '' eaaea w 'p9BBfJBtJ.'' J ." REIJQlWS NOTK-Jm- f; i j liitoTtaaamttlLMtt, TfSVHP'"

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i W1MW fJWW WPH.Tnvm mw mwmmfm- -

flK, Jflsyr .YORK SUN,

JXDlSDir lIOBKmO, DIG. 18, More,

M i- iMNtaMrfRnrTiriu. AlactatlnipeUM(tk harbor dtfaoctoof

rJJMvrerk,by aewiitfl eOetncf lh U. 8.tayiUrflW Utlimtk.raa)Udlt thtvxarrfeUoaUktttbefarU at prwent reetd areUafeqiatefctUMfrotMUoftrfoar harbor aad

MiMmpnra. Thl rrtoniy "hick, la the meant wnrfiaa --r tt

Ventf. rTAthiUtiggajaha alitailf f f dibwi and of Qorrn.rr-- jw In tufngWnoi Improbable w

UtaM Ha year or bt Involved la a wartvftb Xaghvad at Franae, either teald Mod

lathdrnkbtfarmantot.tl..th-nrl- .. I

ctyalaarlof cur dty la ruin, and dtroy an

IVwTrlptotubWbyMutedfrtc--BT. . t..an-- ' ...ftel. BUaft RIM..."" J "" '"" """7'"B4aafiiabaaTaWBdl b IbrU of mojIMaMk pcwar.bntlflilb.eHnlon rfaUKtarrinaa,iraM jaaa'awai uauiuau wosiuiaHw- -,

iMtlMMlartianaot adqatte to tho pnrpOMtewtdcblWrarolatttid! la a Itttar wtleaMJataai 6btI TwrntuTt, bu writtan ontW Mbret, tkoi tta'M ta itnocto of tliaWbaatt aa tb Kanow approach i

Okctl WlWua. battor cf ebaowt baartsf fnoi TS

b"arl0ahiBkbuatlaHiic'ehatiBJbu1acruiif. tlaitbBawaiy, baTtnjofchaanal bartaaTi.. IIMhMrt Wm. (rart rTovd bannf 2 cbiancltMatiaffaQaa.. ....... .....t. 6T

Raw laiata. btMaaT 6f rSaa&al baariaa1 Arana ItCMH Citato, btrlat of ebaco! btarlac riM. , , tfart aatfttan, hTlD of cttunat bf trtrg (ana. . MIWt LararvMa. barn( of ehaanal bawiag ran. , TTrart Bacbawa4, baiiaf o caaanat txtnrf rum, . 140

I Buoarai and atortoa, banof of fhn(''"'. 00

XaCofrtinaSb-arlnfra..- .. 7...1UBat for it ermplau oafanciof thlt approach,

Ua followlic adiiUoaal work an daamad na--

AdalaaaalllartarVifor Foil namCtaa...lMrinaKa--at- ar Pitta j (tw B m), at. Ma&d.. TO funof opa Battatlea. e'funaartIBaiptla, .... tOalsaWarhaK.kbui'aaMf, lMgunawork ob WaH Baak........ .lOOgaaiWarkoaaVaar'aShnaU 1guuiftok oo Bandy Bonk t7f funa

la an... '........................ .fttt amaTbn In it fad of a daftndlrig powor of only

CM ftuu, Uers ought to ba 1.&00 gant In poat-tio-

On tba East BItot approach tbaro U bstFort Scauvltr. baring of chaaaal baarloa anat.1S6, bat lor tho purpoao of corapleto dafaneotharo oocht to U a work at WIDat 'i Point,

Firt Sc'in-la- r, monntlng ISO jnm. Itaaaybaaald that la tba oraat of war w oooldipaadtlj dirlM additional bmidj of dafanoa, and,If naeawtrj, block ap tba pataago at tba Nar.rowit tut by adtptba; tb Utter retort waoonld that oonalra In and practically atUbLbh a blMktd tf oar port.

Against a land attack, wa could mora caaDybtotU la any tudJen amergatcy, but alnoa(ttam and tb Intrcductlon of gun of gn at caB-t- r,

rant and pnclilon bar alUrad lb condi-tion, of laTal wufan, w CaUt ImprortMUbctlT dafrncaa agalntt a a attack. Onlyparaunant aad powaifalforUarattad attha rightpoiatt cn raeotMfoUy retltt a hoitiU flaat. ItcaTtatnly U a plain argament that If tb praaantktrbor dtfuca ara ntLr'r lnadaqaat topra-ra- at

aa attack upon tb city by aa, tbay ihooidb angrauUd U ipaodlly u pMalbla, to that, Intb Tnt of waf with a groat naral powar, ourdty, witf. lu grt wtalth and xtanjlT oom-bmt- c,

might tot U attb atmy'i marcy orU V attack.

Catai aim aiad tb Newapaaata.afotuau of CoDgrwi do not add to their own

dignity, or tt th dignity of tb latlonil Legta.ktaro, by tuning aaJd from thtlr legttlm.Udutia to angaga In controrvab with adltorttnd eonatpondraU of newtptpirt, who Impugnthalr bcNtm or iiIUcIm tbair public act. BUBaw oo iby gain In reputation wbn tlwy

to l a reef oppiobtlout epithet, andwatt tL? pubBo time In dtUTring diatribewhich art bnt th axprouloa of thrir own

BynotlcUg pot tonal attack InMVipaptu they eicoorig thalr rpUtlon, tndecntrlbuu to tht degradation of Jounulitm.

ItUlb glory of aWatblngton corretnd.aat t luootad In proToklng a denuncUtorypth from a Senator or IUpreaentatlT In Con-gro- ti,

btctnt tb ipeech It tolagrapnad ororthwhU cmntry, tad h thtreby acquire a noto-riety which bt ccenti at f.m. Ti.. 1. .1clu. f Bt.tpaptn which ay.UmttlctUy atuUpJUcai.alacoit.andltuptrUT. languagewUhtb. M, obj.ct of p,0T0Ung rajolndara,and .rary tecc.M Incitt. th.n to mot, yinJt

rab3c mta theuU U cont.nt to U Jadnd bySlaa!-ttt-.H-

fl- 7r """ cv Wallaatly ndhcatrtly, atd they .y l.tb.

BaalUofanprlncpUdpartutro. Wa.tWorTJW. th. prtctlc. bacomlng to. 'J

of number, occupy bg th publlo" " to n.w.p.p, cS!Vtiw "

about tai. 7 d f CanutnaraUy for thJ A"'""", "ttlng a a Board of Caartf

,Iny,JoTi,',COT"tU um l"agulrItUlnthlaaoctar, think? lU ToU c " U alKtlon,

" WU, a'u, " dsf cbartctarof thlb trial w,rJTftlBl alcctloni. WUn th rtturntknow, T tb 22l1 wl " opaced, it wtt feundV"IUd ' M no "torn mm tb 4th !cUon

4Vao.yc.IWe,, " "Jaraan Scaaaur tiplalnadZt'K e''k, w,r ,rBnk on tn Blnt of tn

1ct,,B nl " nnbl ,0 m tba return.at. Thay bad alto loat tba tally. A commllte wuBPpuInted to InrttUgtU th matter, and In theirreport tin tay 1

L?l7i,,?.cnT-,,r-, "h b"--?5fthem, and bare ieiulad tbaam. aid Had tbat Mr. Cc., on of th poll darktoaudartrtet,watiitoxkUdat th km of theoaaTaaa, asd tbat the other clerk waa trtallr Inotri.ble of acting In each capacity, he betng unable ttwrtto or rpaQ orrety. To CanTaeear furtherMat that upon tiamiBttloa of Uie puU Uati keu atthe Beta electam, there ,po.M dlaorapancy Utwaan matalUea of the poll olarka la thitr aereral

toutagMtt tb twoU abowlag 664 namaa, and theTta OaaTaaaert further ateied that, when eaawaa.

SH of " iT ul U"0 etfboa, they foundJM ballvta eontalnad taarau, bang a dlaoreptney ofJS'Mabbytbaboukofoaeof the clerke,JSTi T5" aatbown by ta boo of the otherUi.L..!l'pa aunt of tba firet, tba outavlerao!itSSTtrj!- - Ita41n: M potdble

0aaeaia tba plaoad thWtoV" . - them

Th tlcct of thl groat Buaconduct wffl y

U to dlaftanchl Uto rottra In th dl.trlct. Th poll clarkt vera appointed by tbarelict CaaaaJaaloaatt, bnt If thty war Inoom.PtUnt, It wm th duty of tb CanTBtttn toMpUM tally and makt oat tb return. Tbeaalrli aJtegrlhar of a dlagractral character.

Raw rablloattaa.Itwiieuaa. or WU nd Humor la Paragrtpb.

erk 1 Dam A JlOaaoa."rblaUanaadaomaly bound rolume, Umo.,

orararMr.aagai.and oontalni any quantity

Jau of humor for which raxano U

MteaAar'tlawraatUd U tmO, and

xMSH" Wrty U -- T Tld0.

n bar lacefrtd tba January number of

,J lla-- fraaa at. Hiaalaga.

Th htig B. a Braokt. OaptaU BaaBanx.from Ooaediaatltotajrabtr M, arrtred at. that portjresterdBraaendaf. Baa npot tbat tb tatawiwjW iiBwaairTaeVmWM wefleur-ptat- 'TMtotfcrWHrelaltad anortdgod. Sbf

baatg aaad at tUI tU Mrjaaay par IMTmat, waad 4 . tM fumfmoid," ao potWotl nam of, Wortaooa,

wi""ii?t r - j


ftren Dayi Utr Iatolligwo.


Betnrn efChnertBctt,I i. n .

Tfca ttouavhlB Atlantic, from AfriovaO. De.Arrirdettni port lt mln. bHaafa tL

MMH U la treeure, aa4 0m FrenoUee datoo eftballetef November. W tt Indebted to Wmid,Tamo Oa,, (or Burnt bin

LtcrrBUar-OtDira- l Scwrr nd ttaf? citnrtniugiitfameAllantl. IB ntara er entirelyunexpected, Bad no onoaMBvJon u, mad upoablrTfrI.Heeeme directly from flu Juan, ma.king no etay at San Frenclaoo, oor eommunloeUngaartbmg ifgerd U tb mult of hi mlaeku." r' " ""J femnt.etna-au- to baveooridDded their ratgotwdlont,

I .- - .v-- a m.HCobn C ,0 ouO Ratwrt WllUaofI coKuit(auo.: iw tmaa a uaraat-- ..

n,, Aaaait Oakaoat

rrTtaraU 4.000 VaiIT-....?V.- .t lliiHiatal 0a..... ffM TajJtV McCabUl

Sfirtfe;.m iwwm an OMBbMUB attibrUaSlUa., v mo ibt. laiwM

OoHl.i Co...,. 4.MP Rb4 r.tnrk 4110flArobliatbtBraai nfy.K2t?A2L:"" S25

J OohWifth um JtyirT." aTr. ?! 'Ca. 1 T pnnrnuua OUUL TO lVIll Oiimn... fTLo Mffflurair urrtiaa u. gaMtrakmrOa T KSSSSSStSf. fiOlI HrM r at o ff .ono imarktrb tut., fa 00JOFara-- T Son. 000 BobacBi Marrlaaa A3lllll.rB7a 91 0.......w.. fOOOQTr.xlwali AOo..,. r. Tarlor 10000Wraeallama-aO- a Boo aBravwtar 14.000(Mdr ., ...... (IO uDcaaBhanaaaAI tJKV Ca 1. aiatBMaadar O ad- - !..... tMTM!.. .... (. nwv jnarbeh Bank., ftunooDaWit'EMtAto 0.nin WBBlIaair ifah AH IUW1

jTobOnbao 4 Ca 10 ion rrMtnutOt WOOOJBNaatoaACo.. lcnnu P lOToOrdrr.... .......... I.00 vo ft totllowlaoo A Arpla- - waua rarao Uo. 11

waii i,i, Do 10) MiBVfanaKfdlrAC taonii iro.............. jng7. El. .In lira.. IIUKV) amarCich Bask. 16.00Pabrr Momil... a.ne

SI CoJimaa Totd.. ..Jla3,4... ............ inonraiDa I.Oliu...... ...........

Jadaa Tibbt baa baea ImllAlatt In a. mr.. -.tj for figbtlng a dual with, aad kllllsc lanator Bod.aaira.

TblrlLotilttrAiruj)Shoraaoffootbataaa.irUtcla Bam with QaoaaaSnTaT, bad barabnaaat

baofe oo tb Ooldtn Oat. Bba wa traoatarrad fraaion ataaoMr to tba other at Acapuloo. Tbara waa agroat cicsament ob Ui Vncl Bam about tba mat-irr- ,

and oaoatdarabl talk raa mad about IrncbinfBnraT.

Tba Baonmos Enftna Oo., No. 1, of Baa rraaetaoo. Burrjoaed forwardlDjr to Maw York, br tbaar or uaa ouu a nuat or la lata aaoatot nanninr.tottbr with aoopyof tb raaoratlon paattd at tbmaatlnt of tb OomuaaT.wban IU nam art chantedfrom that of Katptra, No. L Tb IvaolaUaaaantob plaoad la aa al(ao4 rrama, aad tb wboit U

a praaant to Howard Eagtn Co., No. 14,ofNtw York raty.tawblabarfaoiaalBou Mr. Bats.bice btlongad, at tba Urn ( bit dapartur for Cali-


at Naw Wittnltitar. Tb BrWaA. CMaeWMtbat tb town bad baaa for a day or two la grant

an acoouat of tb murdar of three ItaUaaby am Indiana. Tb nw of tb murdar turnedtb. bialn of Mr. Caora, and aba wa board to aaytbat aoueer tbaa tb Iadku abould kill barcuOdran.ah would kill ttam hertair. 00110: tb night bappeand unomy, rttttnf In and out of bad manyl IUOTI MM WIN. VWM HMWN ana lor u, WOTS, 0looted tb deoe, nod attacked flrat baa Uttl n,about alght jtar of a- who wa putting oa bitehoe ud atookln. Bhe cut blm anth a run intb leg, aide, and back of tb oack, and b wa toetunnad by tba attack that a lay attO. Bba thanct neted tb room, rator ta band, aad out tb throatof bar UU1 daugbiar, a pretty child of tuna yeanold, with kmg fiaxatt batr, wblob lay dabbtad U barufe'abkxd,wbn aaaa by th Jury. Bba neatly outbar bead from bar body. Bba then made a out barMehL but dtt not cut dMft and It trill perbape ttre.Laatof all, ah out bar own throat, aad unloekad thdoor, ruablng oa th balotmy, wringing bar head,and aurgUng, I bare dona u I" itatatanot Imma.cUatelj cam, but lb dud la three-quart- er of aaLour.

raoit torn, aaoaioa.Be war of Panama w ban later dataa fnan the

South Amatloan Btatec TbawaiBot of markedInlw ant

Mr. BMiaa. the United State Mmlater to OblU,bad aueoeeded la floally tattling the affair of theAmatlcan ahlp Franklla, now eome thirty yean ladbrput. Oapi. MoQriaa takaa bom tb money lapajmant of tb claim. Then Unfair pToepectotth

ajtber cpoaUotia ptiidl- -; tttw n tb Voltod fUteand Cblle aotrrt.rn.nti being apeedHy eetued.

Tb dmge don by the earthquake at Ooptapoare mtbnatedal on tnd a half mluloa of dollaim.

From Bolrrla w learn tbat Oan. FOBBma.01 eon.tlnut reorultiBg an army tor ttutpurpoa of lata.TedtngPeru.

To trcoble between Eoutdor and Peru, apptarto be drawing to a erlata. Oa the Ttb Not. denCeariLU aaded from Paita for Guayaquil, with now.ly 10 000 men, and fourteen Teonela of war. with thIntantlon of Inradlng tba oountry.

Tba retolutlon In Caithegena prngnmn, a vl tbUbetaUhad captura tb JowB 0 Mompo aad

1 ettaiami atiii raoa oiuroaau.St. Ixmit, Dee. 12, The Overland Mall, wlh

an Fianclaoo date of tb 18th alt, arrlted lattnLrht.TheewaatahlpCoHoa, with Naw York main andi,i.,noi. to, nao ant armed M Ban rraa--tec- -,

when the mall left. (rheOortta wm delayedby IteaoiUeidtoth North Star, and wm not dueat tb departure of the mau. Bep

Tba ateamar Northarnar era tml day orerdurrom Pugat Bound, but at waa prtau-ne- d Oea. SoonbaddtUinrdhtr The Ua on good owaed abroadad old by BaaFrancleoioomoJarlonaaerobantt badbean decided to be unoonaututloaaL Twentytoouaaou irenoa worm or dUmond reoint-t- r

amuggled Into Ban Frencitei, had bean for.fetted to tb Government. In th eta of Boas t,iThe Haloed Mining Oa, InTolrbig th Utl to Col.FuuoeVe eerUto, and eiduette H hi to the mlaera'eoouta'wd thereu, tba Buprema Oourt bare deoidedthat the ehanre of fraud tn me eurrey la not autiald, and argue tbat If then bad bean fraud IIwould not Intaldate the patent. The Court onlyparuauy meet 10 punt M to the ownereMp of thmlnerale. bbt aubolantlally gin the gold at wall a

anu to urn. --uunaT, ana dectde thatIue gniita of land an not open to the publla ttor mlnerale.

MJv.uu.inMn M,rpun v airy ny uiat the electloaon the lttb ult., for deWgaU to Coogreea from Nan-do territory, multed, aa fare beard from, la theutanttnaua election of Joan J. MDaaaa, The rrr-totl- el

KnUrtrUt, pubUabad at Cfnen,mye a richrtnr lode, auppoerd to be a oonunuaaou of tseOumtoc rein, had been dlaonnred Juat Beat of thatplace, and a etampade of the enon population ufGenen and Carton Valley bad taken plaoa.

A. ateady trade waa doing at Ban Fnucleoo, butliantactio.i wen oooflaed to amaU lote, withoutchange la n. Money ooinre inf'endtberemliuno. b, thTSliJ., rf 21

light. Gold bin wen Mare end

.At'PftmBor'anelaootoailroy1alibounttar lu.nine mall dam, atyt teat tte7ti oTii.b.qu. Oomat wat eold at auction to day (tfu) andbleb prlot wan nallted for black tea, tbaraaawbtlitgfiom40to7BotnU. Tba augan aadrb JTnot rn.it th rlewjof loopoitrrfc Tbadaodtbrriwiaeeiaavrror lomortoir oonttnuta aoodcd bar ere care end blgh.

riLT101 fr.0,B "oraetat ttat Capt, Bwau.bittmetwtth eomplet auooeaa U hit Inmrrlew withnr Paeaouaa, the latter agreeing 10 allowBTo to continue bla lonn without Interruo.tlon. lie tlaottatM that riaurai4laeaibtfa-- or of the Jc.ua th"""M" to th lattorforeotTfrnSlon. CtntLroT o.lebrad the event by a ballon board toeBt Mary'e, in th harbor of Ouay men, and there wata general rejoicing among tb American at tb re- -

THe Kewfl byTeIegrapLMarutU TtlteruPk OJUm, JTo. 43 WmU ifraaf, end

Aaiwiuamafnanfram.TiiiuTY-srxr- n ooaassa-sena- t.irataeWoa. Dec 12. On motion of Mr. Tii.

Tia a rtaoiutton waa adopted appointing a committoe to watt on the rrealdeut, and Inform him thatDeuaia wa ready to reooire oosununlcttton, Inorder tbat he may hen opportunity to land nomtna- -

ceid ?KFVi lt!L.B,ow" ' --'-d to th

of Ubaplala on TeuriUy

l,flew3tMM" bndoodthe ouJLkT? tii flSKriTio2S,"ii nPaatd be baliared thet'tSiSiwete et leaal oiirror-iuTJT- mi eleaa?Sa2of ecwplloityor aj 10patty trtth Jou Baown.but

p1.7 y.! IV Z mo, ouettkai of tarrtto.JllfeS "JUtbet prople, etna portion of

Northern Democracy ate unaouoj. Thl waa arial quaatton to the right and latereet of tht Biutb.and oa thl qumteoa be beliered tbat t UnrepoiUon, If not th whole, of tb Northern De-mocracy are unaound. UebeUend, eol the g jtitn--.era people bettered, that under tb oonatButton theybadartiUtooal4TaUtoeutyofthaterrtlorleewitbtheir elan propeitr, aad when than ban a light toth protection of the lew la the enjoyment of thatproperty, adCongne ha tb powar to gin eachprvteoUoo. and II le tU duty to do it. UaaaaotbdiaputedtbiktltU not the poaltloa of the NorthernDetnonraoy. at laaet tbat pottiu of B who followDocau. ThejdeaytharioinrofamgTaaaeaarlav..'jTOu7 oaoy uu jongreae oaa xrnHe run.dlotknotogtntbatrm4oattoa. Thay any thatthe yrawCT belong to the peopl of the territorialtheeeaolnt fa theU tmBorlel form, andthatemeaa

owrmmtearjtmmmtea tanMerytofaneweaaainuij, IB07 nan DOWaT IVrA

ememUMtof-fc- w' Mton.edthMnoattaoB.. .Mr IB. MM. m 4. aaa. T.TTT - t-- e w luaartaa) nana atta a Bel or th other da, lit ikautik. auik.222E'!!2k "" C4elae, i hiC?lt,2,eaHa, aad treed oa at eomey wtr M nttea and eoriupt oa

a - -

tuMmrdeot M th BttiuUliae party. .( Bosunvnuita tie. feet TOT5SUtifcM few.- -

antknin fee. aw Beectoaef taaDe.

:nsz357ttss8iwii" Hmmum, Mfer m rtwead, baBye-te- en


Smh todefenoe ef lb right f tkaBMth,MrTlT-- "" ' "UthMwrTtttBT-br-

BtrnkabutMl wv ww wap. ipiiii m namof ibe pemocii pailr which. VBoVritba Iaa4Mr. Dotal, baa daalad tb rljrba. of tb ootbtra

fCMMUtUaVnatorft'aa Oorf ootUd!j1yjgjllpwth jraalii f tb rottnuiaai

of tbttaraMMMpartTtan oa bhl aara at tbaWaawtjOaanaaraa war eatUd donabfaaaa, baeanaatfjrapfortharhrbt of tb Bnta. Tharwf?5(S?rt0"kM,""oT arat with ra-(-

to tb qnaatkm of Unfiortal rlffahj, and bawould otMtbryweuldaD arm wftb Ut, Iraa.ol tb aboUttoaparty, and aary DatDoeraata pMnr la tb arnatrrbaa daaousoaal Joaw Baoara raid. aTtt awa

" i!i? ? fOoaatraaal-- a MiabUabaa atararyIt aaywbara, but tb Ooaatttuttoa

IT-a-al doclaroa, that tb Btata ar parfratl aqoaLard rrorlda thai tow Stata tbaQ coraa Into tbI Btoa en bwroa of Mrfact aamaaty with tb old

C?pfti',.0l - tneocnao,andOaraa laabaitbrartruataa. It I apoa thai placrp of par.fact (quality, taalty andjaattoa, that that araarbar aa fqaal ilabt to tb oooupatcy and ajayaaaatoi a iiimrj, ao ioo aa Hi arnionaI axlateaoa

Ha bajrrad tb common law of tblaooan-?- 7itb r(1UT alar law, word! aoTurd

all tb pntHtloB tba owatra of aUraa wouldmquti (a any tnravntyi rrhatvrrar It la aUaradthat, tba tarrtbarlal LafUlakir bad trafuoaadadIta Iraitfanat authorUr to tba datrlm.nl aprtrata rlfbta, that U aauaatloabrtbajudlcUrj,aad wbau tta Judiciary flra judgaMnt la tilth aea,thwhota poaar of tb fedatal arrarmaaantrauat baarop'orod to carry out tb law tbm dVflaad.ItlMartbabtoMllM)trlaof(lUrrtaaf tbapaj.p' of a tarrltory to xrcla juat tba autnorttywbfcbtbayaMyizfTclaauadar tbaeotuttoo aadlaw; wbanadLTpnUarl wbatbaTtoay traa- -'cand ttilr tutborlty, that la a qoe-a-oa ant for Can- -

rna, but tor lb courta. Bololaa that onmlaa,balkT I am aa aboUttonlat, nor that

I rapmant. I donl aaak In aay tray to dl.turbtharttbhiof ray feuthara brtthrao. B couldnot tit atlll undrr auoh ImputaMoo at tb Baaatorbaa burled on U Detaooraao party arltboat taubublm that It bad baaa don lajuatlo. Tb KortbaraDamorrar baa ttaod Lkt a bu wark batirata tbSouth and tb AboUUonlat. Braak ua down at yourparti I

Mr teawadlb.lTasMabadaaatbbiapUoatton. lit would ftr aotie that on ana eoa.went oooaaoa a wouta bar oaMtblna to aay oa

tba aubyAot,Attar aor ramark from Mr. Pcoa, Mr.

(Toua.) tbaa orooatdad to dtacuaa Mr. Maaoira rata.lutkm. nplytrr to Mr. Timasu.'a daronea at tbBrpubiloaa platform. Da dontad that Contrast poo--

any trranita powar oror ta Tamiortaa. IUra wan amaiy taoaa (nau or u Btata and

, OocaOru itJca. Me aaked Mr. Tatmeou. what ba--fOoLttfo with tba black population when It toe tatothTenttorlr Would be let free oooved peoplwho DlaTate there hara aa amial fnrainv wlh k.white populatlrti t Let ua reduce thalr theory torclc, and aea bow ttwlU operate.

tfr. TatnuiutxerplalDod tbat It in abatracttruth that eU men wan created equal, but wbau weeome to form gnretnineLti end otganUe eoottty, allpenaa dent ban equal Hhta. The aaaarttoa ta thatoDubUoan platfctra. M copied from lb Declarationof iBdeptopenea, waa manly tba enunolatiou of agrant neuonal truth.

Mr. Joaaeoa aakad blm tf Arltona trer oolonlredand flUad up altogcthtr with free odored peopla,would be be willing to admit B M a Stat upanaaeoalfootlrgwitb tb ither Bute of tbaaoafaU-no- yf

.,Mr.TaTirrtirjwndtbtUdidrbeUntbblack aad white nan oould lin happily aad plea-atl- y

together, enjoying equal rlgbU, witbeut ondorrirneetlng orer tba other 1 and, tberefot, he adro-fat-

the policy of leparoitngthtee raoae, by adopt-ing a ayaUm to rid the eouatry of th black no aItbeoaMafrea.

Mr. Joaneoa than prooeadad to ehow wheawa JoantBwwn'fiarayakrbittad,aBd read extrecai fromjBTmaon' work aad other document, ahowtngtbat both tb elder aVnaJi aad Joaa Qonxrt AoutoontemplatedtheldMofdltaolTlag tba Union. JoaaAaana rtfuaed to eontrlbut to aa Inattention ofWarning km a outhtrn Btate, baoaua wbea tbUnion would b dlaeolTed It would not beta bit

Mr Joamaoa arknoUed Mr. SiwaaV Boehnttrapaeoa. He apoke aloquantly on tba defence of thUnion, and aatd b would nibar eat thl country la.Tetrad tn hntimiM trtth anry country ontaefaetof tb earth, tbaa engaged tn a eittl or Berrtte war.II tbaa went oa to a anon no Joaa- - BnwnUatroraTtana m hone tblef end murdenrta Kaaaaa, endbetraeturpriaedto hear Mr, DoourtU atwlogUfor him tb other day.

Mr. Dootrrtta eaid ha made a apology 'or Juatll.cwoon ot rfoaut Batwa' net. The p --pi of thNorm bare notymaethy for m erlma. nut ataayympathlM wlthtnlndtTldual bliaatlf.Mr. Darw reported that a Cemmltto had walttd

en th rieetilaat, who bad lafonued tbaa thai awould mad la azaoullT ooctAunioaUaQ

Dena af BapraaaatailTM,Mr. Krteoaa aald tbat oa coneulttBg waa bit

frlenoV.M found thM"they wataabaMtt aaantmoaawe with to prooaadwUn the ballot Lu order U brtagabout wnrdantlon. The AdmraittnMoa waa (lata,without money a well wahout fitaada, and bewauled to proride for the former. H triaked to tadth gentletven on th other aide, that th Bepubli-ca- n

will not aurlak from tb dlaouaaton at th propertime. They would debato the queatton which hadbtea btrodueed until ail ptrttea wtnaatlatadi andZS&l?l&JlfSrff&: t? iaVnli tni

bed bM Informed that than would. TJeeolSlSof oopartnerabln. Be wUhad to examine how thetoovuBt Mood and who hat been doing wrong.

Mr. MaraABD aald thty had bean engaged a weakand takaa only three tote fur Speaker. Much ofthe time baa been occupied, aa fa ComavlttM of thWhole on the etete of the Ualon, dlaouaaln aiwa.Boa loddeBt to th attempt to effDt anorganlutloa. They had aeea th bad ooneequenoeaof neglect of organltattoa ta tb faterruptlea aaddlatuihaaoe oomlog from the gallerlea, without a (w-ending officer te preeern order. Uader tneetclr.cumetanoea, be off-r- a nenlutton, that the otdaatmember of thia Bouer.by eoaaaeutrn eerrtoe therein,be appelated Chairman till the Uouea ataot a Bpeaknr.

Hr. Kiiooaa objected, on the ground tttt the re.oluoon waa not In order. Bereral other natlemaneltt oti clad.Mr. ktiaaaa referred to pteoMeot ta eupport ofhi im lution, and ahowed that Jean Qomor anana

traa one appoinlea chairman ttu a Spaakar aould bealeeltd. Uu nrorwaltton waa aiaip'ytbr thepraaer.raUon of toe order, dignity, and atireaprcl of thlbody, while lb eye of a (tea antton and tb worldwen on the npneentatlTe of th people. Mr.Stiwut, ot Maryland, aald It wet aecwwVy thenehowd to a coe.padaoa of rlewa. while et the earntime the ader and dignity of the houaa abould bepneerred. N etiooel men bad voted for Mr. Boooocwhile the candidate of the party waeun-auppott-

by aaemben from the Southern SUtae.2? 7 --BdUl ? a aecte-- p .tform, andcould II Unpaoted that a BoiUoernec wouldgin thoee gentlemen thetr aepport Mr. Baratabad eajnea reoommeudetkn of Harma book,which would etkk to him lit th ehtrt of Ntaeca?He never oould eonaant to rote for th dopoa ofthe plurality rule. Tt union motto at the Northmount to nothing. They ' deluatOB, uojee

by ooneepondlng healthful aeooa.Mr. Kiioott aakad blm, whether be wm not Inftror of the majority ruhrg T

Mr. flTtwarr irpUed, be wm, but under th tlmUtabon of the Conewtution..kM,'uLLOOEl.to,,?l,d uer, If Mr. Beweaa

ilected, the caudidate of tba Oamoeratwould conalderu at a auffioUnt oauae for a dleeolu-tlo- n

of the Union I

Jf' 8T.'35r P?tthat wherever ttepubU.cand would eubmU to be eaaaoUiadTthatOMetlcn would be enawend oa the other ehifc

Mr. Kaavamaald. ha h.a ,...4Mr. arnwa lamaikad, be waa not Mr. Booaoi'e

-- wuuiniwt oouia not any what be would

Mr. Enaoaa Mid, If Mr. Boonoa enawared thefollowing gueatioo to hi aattafeotlon. be ulgkt Totefor him, tamely are you la faror of rongreealaoallrgtaUaoc protecting elan property fa the Terrlto- -.

' Are ou I faror of popular eorereigoty ta tbaTerrltale. end let rUjbt to edmli or exclude Blanrrtuemfiom i Mr. Kilsou Iwaa ready to rtr

tbea ue lone for hi aendileea.Mr. fenwaae reiJlad. th Dtraocret wen actingon bleed net one! aroundMr. Ilaaun prooteded to pty hi reapect to theoewepeper, the CxuNdirleii of thia cfty, wbloh he

ealdwaatUbooMoraanoflhaPreeldent. Aramer,U aald, eealgned to the Pneldent aad Attorney Gen-er- a!

Buoa the writing of editorial fjr Isat naoar.rw"'."?0,M"lP'ei a editor, era notrelatln of Joan Baowa, who wa a truthful and abran man, but wm a Imported Bnglatuaan, who

for ereral yean, wat prnuyt near of tb JturniiOmtmeree, whioh wm etaitad by Ltwta Tarraaand other 01 Igiiial Ahohttnnieta, toe eupport of whichthe Adrruolatrettoo purcaaaad y l.a patronage, Uwhich wat alao

chant, fa the Southern l4ir5rSi la l"5,ii,,,TPta. PPettn to bia (Hutie't) n.

!.u .?nd mi" i fi,e,oh ta twa of Morrtea-ala,nn- dthe effect of l( wee, In tbat largely Demo-cra- btown, euajortiy oft t Tote for blei((laann )lie emphatically Bod Ind'gnautly denied that bebadentered Into a eombiiettoa to elect Foam

0l?5 Kl 8,l;,lJ, M aUagad, and riadl.rrom tb chart that he bad beenlelM to bu plrdgoe. Ilaatood by tn doetrla ofad for that reaaouobJwVed tothereaolutina of Mr. Clin.,U, amr. aaSon betbnuToritut

Lli,-S.'.x-?, ohar.'ad

thjourtautti,wttlrSmir;..K. --K!" " "" tal- -t tn.- - ..., vasuae, tt waa rill.rneldrnt would not let him control cya lateral paTonege. Ut wou'd reply to tbrroaWunt blmaoH that b nerer naked blm for tbpputntment of ttiigl man to office, and only neommend three whom bla oolleegum had reoom.

mended, and be bettered they wen appointed. Theyfg M M maliolotia M It waa Infamena. Iniwalrtollr. Samjof Ylrgtul. he leld, tba with him (lH.. .aaiaation unoar taia aaaiiiiatliayiainMentnatrument of tyranny and proaorlpuon. IU denied

to enr orgaoWiou hen w teat of bit Democra-cy, u rocognuted th CUoluaatt platrerm M ar.Mfag a teat of Democracy, bat act anUAeawbatttoredamaaa3aaaak.Tb OmUOytlim eaid ba faeorad the eleottoa of"" .im aaoitrwd nuaeeu reeumfefrirnd. Then oould be a mcneoVottn rebuke of

ttt4mfaittiMloa' andkdte)ltomitokottoaofn2JrwlMthan aa etaer aat to ant raaem-tem- na to Ma Bawonemtn, and who helped la UM to pUee the aeel egeoedemaerinn of that eoexanoaweailhoa let old fa.ortt0B nra tnuoany or royve. He bad been

ebananged to raxrnth admlaletmtloa uSy ef eor.reeMna. end wbea th Heaae aegealaei. h truateda aeanmlttoe watiLd k MMNtotwa to maaa faeMtiaw.tlon. Thenwer corruptatod tatUFtcfivlIg

ii"."ii i JLjit J ..'J'jstrz

attawBtdfoaajBtob, Bad la tat 11

C SteM 7m ttaSSdkatt?Hy'Prta,tAw55J!!?254,k,,?!il,,',r were re--

at soea length la erplaa.tto of bl poalMon, ben, without taklag a rote,tneaiotaaj

lM 4 tfalattawk ta flu Vraaetao.

Oaark Monaaalaa. al.Vtaan rafUanorth cf tprtngfltld, Moaod ISO muee rrom Stlavakv, Tb ppentnr ben wffl reettra dbrpatcbaaupUtherreotngof the eaeand dey after the iwtun of tb Oterlaad Mail from Bt, Lootr, and aeedthem forwerd, either direct to ptiUtt In OaMforala.MtotbaEaatem end of the toegmyh Uae oa theother tide, which I now nnbbed for two hundredend fifty ntDae thl way from Baa rranettoo. Thedlepetebt will b telegraphed frcm that pitat totheir t?attaetiea.r Th leent BLUnteenry Monday and Tburaday morning. Thtariff from St Lout to MaUoy'a Station It oa donerfor ten word, aad tea cent for eh additional

MaaMpal Baettea la Wtreaater.rTorcrat-- r, JroM Dee. It Oar raunWeal

election neulted ta the eheloe cf Hen. W. W.Rica, Brpublitan, for Mayor. The fall board of Al-dermen elect end a lam majority cf the CommonCouncihnen an aleo on the Bepohticen ticket.

EUMttoa af J. O, Bratunrtdg la the V. fV

FrmlM. Kg., Dm. It-T- be Legtiltttrto day eetcted Hon. Joaa C. ImmaNI V. S.Senator from thl State, la plaee of lion. Joaa J.CarmuK, by M majority, an joint ballot.

Aciaailtl af neary Jampcrta.Clirdpa, De. lt-B- anr JcurirrK, who

ba ben on trial fo-- th laat twenty acre, rot themurder of Bonn Wamraa, who remain wenfound In a barrel at the Uudeon Blnr Ball road danla New York, fa tb eprtng 1 lit wm acquitted y.

Poet orae Robbery aad Arratt.Antrntia, Ceo., Dee. 12. D. Pauhb, Jr.,

from St. Louie, aa ambrotyptat, robbed the Poetoftlee at Athena, Ot., oa Friday, and attempted tofin the bulbftag. He wm arretted, and eonfeeaedhi guCt. Tb aacnay and etamp atolta baT beenrecovered. Palmd. la fa JaU.

About lGOrtfti carat down tba DeltwartLut FaH. Among th number wm a mammothraft, tUpped by TaoHAi Binns, 195 teat long,62 feet wide, and drawing 8X feet water. Thtreft wm manned by eight men, and wm ftb

following Umber 1 8.000 rtflroadIlea, 6.(0 hoop pelet, MOO feet ofJoUt, 108.-0- 00

ft wharf tlmbar, 2.600 feet tb timber, 10(blpkneM. Ill It th Urgaat raft, and drawlag water, than arar befor earn down tb


CITY NEWS.Fra nr TTortb Btbbt TMtorday aftor.

o,tlJo,oock,naj-nforUiIV'thDhr- kt

wm given In eoneequeao of fin among a large qoaa-Bt-y

of coal, fa th coal yard of Bunnt S. Taoar, Jr.No. 1CB Worth (trttC A ba--g number of tire eppar.era neponded to th oeO, but wen ordered amyabout B o'clock, by the Chief Engineer, and afterthat hearth ttoem ngin John 0. Blorm,' wmfind np end brought to th fir. The ateemerputtwelargeetnemaontoth fire, and ft wm thoughtwooM ben It out by tbla marnlng. The lorn willprobably amount to about MO, aad mot faannd.Tb orl yard adjoining tb rear portion cf th etonof Memra raaun, Bum A Co, No. MO Broadway,aad It at (uppoaed the fin wm eeaaed bythetrhedair furnace flu. The fir wm flrat dlaoovwed onFriday kat, and ten bjdrasi etnema wan thrownupon It, unIC It wa pnaumed th flamn wan

rtappeared eterday after.aooa M ebort atated.

Aaxnam Bnitoaxoes StBortOB Bgr,--B- e

fontbelatomumelpaleletion,abat wm td be-tween HKjnoti Btnnaa and J. W. One. . tv. .,t- tLa oonteet, Sa&at betting 00 Mr. lUTSkORMftwecneaanauoaonMr. TTOoot, to teatr to wantbarefoot, preceded by muelc, from the Bt. Nleh)notltotbAtorHou,or 1m pay a forfeit of

eue. tb pMMtrua parson a the bet, If choreabe thaloaar lnrtfefaranca ta tba fiwAdtiiM a iw."

(M0, wm to b performed yeaterdey tfternoon t,. A . - - ... I., - .. .aMnaaoHeeowa. taanwgDoornooa ot in BL.MkuolM tt tbt hour, wat doly irrfntrt itmnlluaea wen ioppd by IU uultUode and tbatr rooa

--w aa navrtnam, notwrunanoing the eemeetproteetatiOBiof the driven tamo noata wen eiv.end, awning frame (upportod aeon ofpeople, tad a greet degm of exe'tomentpreveUtd. Pntrlnl at tba. .r,rvJl-- .i m. w...- --rr. taia,SaanH made hi eppeartnoe, preceded by a dram aad""i " waa i,uu eiu uroa caeera and roan olaughter. Hehed pnrloutly offered 1 10 to be

but tb winner of tb bet held blm tUrnly totb "porjndcfflh"iqulnd by th contract, Mr.B.wMpreoededby a body of about twe bondralfrlende. manhnur two three at t ti. .v.eodoblapllgtlmegttbe drum aad Bfaparformenwwre maraawea, ana o WM pUMd fa carriage,wbloh railed quickly away amid tbeahouU of a

of not len tbaa fin moueaad pence.

CtTTUonTALTTT.-.- Th number of death lathia dty fur the wtek ending th ltth Luat ,wn 4U,being en Inert aa of Merer tba pnvton week, ofthl number M wen men, 87 tromea, lit boy, Itsgirl. AulU, III, children, JU, male lr, ft malatit, colored pereoncT. Th prtaclpil dleeeaa were,ipoplezy, T brotwbltfcr, t; eongwjtioa of tba brela, Tcongeatlon of the lunge, 10, oeeaamntloB, ti

10; debtUty, adulLljdebility, fafanule, T drapay tn the head, 111 aotrletfever, TTitrphoM fever, ; heart dleeust, faflam.mattonorthbraln,11,lcSammtUenof th lung,llnflammettonofttitarnaoh, 8, maratmiu, fa.

nrntfla, to-- . meeaUe, 4; p.Wy, 5. teething, T ctueeanot dependant on climate or eeaeoa. I violentceueee,lr. AgM, 1 year and under, 108, 1 to t, IM:B to 10, IB; 10 to JO, 18; M to It, It) Uto 48, lt ato be, IB, BI to 80, :8 80 1 TO, 1, Tt to St, II, 80 toM, 4,1 to 100, t NaUvnwe, United BUtee, In,Ireland, tTiOtrmtny, IB, England, f) BooUand,!,Brttlah America, Holland, I .tch, and Franee, Prut.la. South America, Sweden, Went Indie, 1 each.

At the pubO J InetttuttoM, 41


AlectunwMdeUvtredfa the Cooper InatButo laatevening, by Capt. Joan IOaoji,ontbe HletoryofrSootlaad. About Qn hundred pmtona wen la thelieu, end at I o'clock the Caledonian Qua, la fu.Highland cnetUBM, entered the room, merohlngtothe thrill tooae of the bagpipe. They wnr aeeleden the platform, end Capt. Maioa wm fatroduoed.The lecturer otnmenoed by nmerUng that all theearlier blatorlceof nation of greet antiquity wn.toagiMteztent,fabuloua, It waaeola SootUad,wbcee teroeet reliable bletory wm from th yearM A. D. Thee early reoord wen gathered by aalnduatrloua hlatorlaa who taibodUd them la theBcottMChrtmkU fa tba year lilt. It appeenttetSectlandwMorlgtntlly nttled by a null bodycf Grecian warriora, who wen driven from Aiken,to Kg ypt, from tbenoe they went to Spain, fromBpala to Ireland, and from thence to Sootland. Thepeaktr then treeed rapidly the nletory cf ew.1.

from tbat ttoi down to tbefavealon of th aountryby lb Roman, who found the Gaelic wanton theirmoat formidable enemlea. From tbenoe down tothe traglo bletory of Macim th aprekar'a pro-gre-at

w. nptd. Through tb attiring ono pre-ceding Wattaci'a daring eileUa, the lecturer pea.d on to EDWtana truggl and th rellgtou rtrtfe .

th Btfotmatlon. 'Ta Boabd or RaraatmriTiT-- t of tba

Fin Department, laat evening held thebr anaualneetlngBtthe Fliwavtn' HaD, fa Mercer eweet,

Mr. Oatxa Uiujiw, fa tba chair. Mr, Jou A.Ptimn prteanttl th annual report of th Trocteat, which WMreed by the Secretary and ordered,Prtnted. WMtnearolTedtodJourntwoweUfrom Wednaaday, to hear th nport of th Commit,tot on Ft Warden law, and tl to teadar tbathank f th matbUg to Mr. Mrujawt, who haddeolfaad reawnuneUon, for the faithful dlacherge ofhi duaaa during th pet three yean U bat held hi

Th Board elected the foUowfag tOotn fur

M, fiadilml, Wa. D. Wioaa-- M, of Book A LeddtaOo.lto.lVltoPrMldtntiKr,Oaia. L.tratu,efBook A Ladder Oo. No, 4, ecretaryi Mr. Joaa 8.Oai,TraaonnT. TU gentlemen ba bow filledtUcAo for tU peat eighteen yean. Mr. Dim A.TaaiLWMnelaetod rjoneotoq and Kaetre. JoaaA.PjLun,A.F.Ooaaaaiin. a4 Oan,r, Nat.arr, wan chotta Trueto tn th bm tbn retre.

'' " " "J

rcmtaALOr Ifaa. raawinro Wo Thfilter! cf Mi.Fnino Wr,Wartendd pldey morning by Mayor Tmuetf aad tt4 mem.UnofatoatyOouncO.wbo.wlhaapMttato'olockprooietodtacerriagee from the OtyHhttefce

Itayor elet,faBlcaTdaadak.l Whenthy retabed the boom than war felly fin Woueandpanon ta trad tbcut B, moat of wheat wan mmbnefpaMieal orgtnlieUoa which had done eerrtoe laMr.Wood' behalf, ta the Ufa campaign, and ebartta-b- lt

tad other toelrltai which tympeOuecd wtth bba fahl4BletloB. One club preewit, IU OteOonnl Teta

tb aruel badgof mounting, trhlt rote and gren atvM,mbt.marle of tl-i-trn lb and purity cf the dot need. Amongthe prominent pereonagn, offldal and ntban prat.ent, ware It or Toa-a- a, Oeoaral Burrtjit4odentPnaettr, iCblf of Pellc Itataau, CoL Autri.aat taat, TBoat We afcBinrw, Judg Knanxand lady, Dr. Sam and lady, Polio OomroeebmerBanar, Oor. P. O. Motoarr, Mr. J. B. AruVD. T.YaiaaitnrB, Clerk to Ooramon Oounotli Cat. T.MoClatmtnin,ClrktoBordef OouBoflmaai Hat,,bt AaoTLAarct, A. V. Btott, War. Cuiawiat, H.Waaoaue Bon. Jon Wnaaxn, Member CongrtatBoa. BioauaD ScKnu, Han. JiJrat OMaa, Boa.JJrteJ.BoovaLT,Hon. He-- tt E. Dim, Boa.Joiua trrasateaD, n Sberlff Wmjrrr, Jura T.Botx-a- a, Cuata fOonwoa, Srwaaa P. Bnaw.Joaa M. Haeaaenoat, Jntw Joaamt, a numbtrof and OouacOmee, aad a majority ofthe acting memben of the Ooamoa OonneO.

Atll o'clock, tn. Dr. Traa prtciitod t readth burial anvlat cf th Churob ef Bag'end, aad

to deliver aa tmpnmln lilitm. H al-

luded Mfagly to the toe m rtototry autatatd byth faeouy of daceaad, and preyed that Ood tonaright be tba onmfort of tbd deaolat hoaaahold. Hehad for tea yeert known, fa U pattorUt cepeotty,the cheraeter of deceawd, aad felt hbnanlf Juattiedla rpetlktg cf bet m a women' ef ran troth and da.Ttrtlon, end e bright examr to bfaanfy. Hwleelreqaeat wee that her Infant might be dltmttd toGod, a requett whioh wm oompUed with that mora-la-

BhWM,h ld, t model wlf and mother,and ahote kw left a void fa the dMelato hornwhich nothing alt oould fill Daring H hi longeequamtanc wtth her, he (Dr. Traa) bad onlyteamed to reaped brr men aad more, for her emWramtyehrietlaa vtrtoee, and thm-bt- ue bed lefttbatr mark to tbt Uv of her children. T the be-reaved hnabend, her memory would be, amid thcam of office, like a p'ecid evening tar, leadinghim on to an, faoonupteble Inheritance. H oeayeludtd by aa earneet axhorUtloa to hit hearnn toaak thtataerrea what abell It profit a man If be galathe whole world but loot hie ownoouL," nd preyedthat tht lor of God might oa thl lad occeeloa,oernfort tb affiloled, and aaacttfy them br a battorlnhetttana.

After tba eonchudon of the buriel mi iliia, tbMewennawed,oaby one, to pea throughth room, aad gain a laat rlw of th deceaeed..Thlteeoupled over an hour aad a half. At twoo'clock, th ptooettlon wm formed ta th followingorder 1

Lewto H. Lent, Ctidertkkar.En. Stephen li.Tyna.D.b, and other Oergy la


A. V. WUUama, M. A, Bad other Uctrriege.raix eauoe,

Bootevelt,Boa. Henry E. Devlee, Hon. Ollbert Deena,JaninSoolUr,- :- Charwa Eaq ,JnMaWUatt,irrju StoabMP.Baatell,ti.

Six eurhvrae wtth nvnurnor.OerrlegM with th Mayor and Common Councfl of

New York.About fit hundred carriage wfih ladlea, Memben

of CongTcaa, Juitra. aad ether Meadaof the family.

Cerrlegw wtth the National Yoluatoer AeeodtUon.Ouuena on foot to the aamber ef about (.000.

Tb body era Intoned la Mr, Woo' familyvault, fa Trlatty cemetery, aftor the utual aerrloMat the grave, which wen performed by Btv. Dr.Traa.

Usion CoioiiTrBB.--A- a adjounad ataattagof tht fjomrnltto wm htld laat evening at tba LaFargetVttat, The gnat pahOo meetlag win Id allprtoabOlcybebeld atth Academy of Maaio nextIfoadey ertolng, at T o'clock. Boa. Mayor Tta.tuna will prtetda. Th Ho, ftaaaauii Wyirg,!WorE'tt,wU(1wUlM U --to tndimkAP15cgthflptkanwiabegi.Qov.B-TMovt,- y. B.Ctrmna, Eeq , end Janaa I. Tears, Mai. othrdUvttngutahed gentlemen have beea lavltod, aad thalrriamm wlS U eanotaced fa due ttme. ig

A. SurroaxD SBirwaacK.---CpU- U Bom,anlved yeetoidey morning from Trletto, reportNov. IT, let. B8 84, Ion, 44 03, peeved a ahlp orbarque, with main and miriea meat gone J bad

fu3 woman figure-be- ad J boa oa dec't paintedgreen, the top white bad a large tteem boner on,deck, ptJnted red. Tcokkartibtu lUigUchveMolSew ao penoa on board.

EaaiaquAKB ai Ska. Captain Pur, of theahlp Mameluke, arrived yeeterday mcraieg fromaCsnOle, reporit that oa the Mb. of Auguat, tt T P.M., fa lai 8 --, long, lit 45 B., felt two dlettactahocke of aa tarthqutk. Th weather wm calmand deer, and no unatuJ phenomena eco unpen tedthaahocka, got e4 of th kad, but found ao buttorn at 15 fathom.

DxtTHcrAjt Old Maca-.a- T. BasjiarcrWoouiT KootM died yeaterdey morujug, at thadvenotdegeof (Syeare. Be wm for man rear aleading merchant of tbla ctty.

Mitarp. LtoiiTE k BaAtvaotTl, whot xUn-ei- n

piano forte manofeitory wm burned to tbground en Fddey latt, an preparingBoeooBMeuttabl buudlngt for manufacturing pur.poaoacanbeobtemed.

Tn CVtt' Ezraniet la tht lata hog war Inth upper portion of ta Ialaad, amoaeto to but aUttl over (tta.

ItMiuatU, AooldMtf, C0.

M FATAL AcCTTVBJMW T.n.tim flee. -t J

&.,yMW'K'Y'noTel. upon la-- s -- . --. wa-w- BMHaVe Of iniMaa- - CI

r".rf Tfitt4 '" tajonaa reewvedey thebreeking of a derrick, wbloh feU anon hie heed andback, v hue he waeeaeiaang to ueloed the be-- re

Lturet,l)irgetpierT4 Beat Brnr. Th iary ran.dared a vera ot of 4eooldenlai deeah.'licanD to DaaTa. Corontr Qakblb bald

ST.-.'- R "Pea th body ofTaoaraoa, aa vroaan,t yean of are.who died from burn received a few dee ego. M No.8: Cherry etreet, when her elotto took fin from aanda Yaidlot. daaih from Imnut."

C dimDBB Dbatet. Aixbb. Boa dropped dowaIn front of No. ae Water atreet laat enaJatr. andwm ptaked up by the Fourth Word pohVnaad takento the N.Y. Hospital, bed ho otod eiith way. Ii.aaa. - m nana. m mm, eaaj v. B. nwvy, taal WMaoouv e yean m aa--i. th ceuee or aeath, B I ua- -

'""a - --- ., an inqu wmbebel today.

follow InUUlfatvoa, it.BUoaa Oonrmrrr Koarr Mf. Pot-ba-v-a,

th te'egnph operator tX the PoBoe HeadQeartore, wm Luformad laet evenlna that one dollaroounterMt nctee on the Bank ef Budaad, Vt, wentaetrcukmon. The alarm wm promptly given to the

Uaa Taonreoa for paaang on of tba btUa

6THtrr bt A Boabdbb A gW, named"f?-- fr"4--! d vrUh

eteahmg (Ud aad two dream bneaMia. Data, withwhom the boarded, MN(. B8S Water etreatTll ap-peen that erhue Mn. Date wee el church, oa San.day. the Mttieed robbed tba houaa aad decamped.On he erred, abe cneif.aeed having etolea (It aadthe two drteeea, and Julie Oeeoajm looked her uptriaL

Tub Lara Fans rrorrr. Patbiok Taw.Bin, cbargtd with eeuatng the death of PaTttoa:UoweTiun, who fought wtth him 00 to let tnot., ina vacant Ut ta Flrat Anane, and wm tetaly In-jured, WM ca Meadey brought befor CoronerBoaramaend exemmad. He ateied that ha waaborn la Inland, te M yean of age, en Iron worker bytrade, and reaideeet No. 14 Beet (let etreet. iirttardtothaoherggtlnetnlee,hehad nothing toaay. At the elooa of the exeaamatton. Tut Bin treelocked up to await the cotton of the area Jury.

Aa ALLtOBD benroiAKTr-aOfnee- rt Vi.aaaaaand Bwajat erreated yeaterdey moralnacnboard the able Attaclu, Oapt. Davau, arrived frera'jw, a. w. avoaivvv, woo m reaargeafin to th ahlp Japea, off FaiaL on th Uth of Junelaet. The prleonar waa cent to thia port by theAt-leatl-e,

vrbloa veetei le bouad to BoetoaVand put intothat port ta dtalrem, baring aaaaU pox oa board.

ILtoaidaTAieVtwata.A regular meeting of th Beard wu bald latt

maing, pivamleut Mcantwa la tb ataair. dldrr-ma- n

Saaeaevt priimtid a reeolutlon eUreathag theStreet tinman hat im art notify the liarleaaiuilroadConpaay to tower tb grade ef their road bat weent let aad TNh eta. to the grade of the,4th avenge, leadta eeee they ebeuld engleot to eomnly wtthla tawatyanyn, taat m as n ana ooarge thetotoeComptny. .tbeiiirl Bib wnemiltd ennnl.aaoualr. . A peimea wm, preetnatd (rata B.tad etbetn, foe a market In the vasma oIUkdNorth Biver, Ba4ttedtottOommeawoBluAwi.L.,lml!m!?mWi'-- d reeoiutkm remteetitagUeOemptiiilieeto Inform the Beard at rbjaeat?."'' J' JgPtaa. of Met Berry fromSdeh atreet to Hnaacrw rMU,iL,henbeatoaltaltM payment rtaaiwte..Cavtod.. --, .a " lirieikts IkalBtiittT nlaatoaerto nmort tht nvtaaoaa la vb Qeveraawa

MMUV'" m.

aad apprcprletlo (VHOfor that purpeae,Leld

wm dbwettd to edvartlm for are.g a eteam fin afia for Company

wttrrttentil front the Oomp.natateeaent gtw a eumaaery

onatty aoeonata, aad alao apoa the.aa .- -. w mm a arwaaa. uwn a - .a,

i -- "tait. nuaiUfiul lath eaeTn-T-

own mydg-tto- a wm nlM4 on did.

of tUaeweupoUeiibe BaaEepirVmtatodforeobarvory,alUnnalembe3TKlITr.maleatotbelVxUrertooedfannfermaronntonentberoof of th City lull. , - . I

Tbeeommuaioeaonwa reremd to (h Fin D.utmeut.' "A eomwnaluBna from the fhwtan Aennadravt tta.

peeMedjea mmtrdad, to retoaoa to toe bnprov.meat efHIt Bridge, awtaanvaTTM of brbaghagalarger eopplyef erotoa vntewtnte the erty. Too worktberalenyear,aS theyiiMiulBtMatJa done by eordraob; they, thaefoie, eeh tbat

The Flnaaci Comrafttot preeeuled a report fa favora oueurrreg wnn to Board or Uooatf aian, btpropriatlng tb earn cf (U.4M (0 tb anatrpenare of bm ran vartawnt.auopato- -

A report fnel the OnaailtenealelerkaaBdOmeeawnpieeardiJ, ta fever of lamattng tb aviary efDr. Bntuan, tb Wetar lir-eyo- r. of the Oroto Detartaaeat,totoeaaaeuatoftt4L Alderman Br tea(.(bred the foOewtng emendmaati That th WaterraTTrT.i eghwrer.BhaU aaah reeetntburn of (t (00 per annum for tbatr earrioaa. The

emendmentwMloee; 10 naya to eye. The Aide,men tbea moved that lb auea aheuld be SI Mo.Leeti tbea that the aama (hould be (Uto, wblohWMBlaoloet,

OandTvtatoacf th queetlon betng celled fbr,Uvoted ta tb fArmtln and ( la th Mgwtva, on tbtncrraatof aalaryto Dr. Botxm. The Board thenadjouned to Tbureday next.

a aaaaaaaBeard af Ctanineaiia.

The Board met oa Monday afUrnoon, when a5SulfcS vTroprUte (tea to prooun portrait

the Chief Bagtneer of the tin Depejtenmtfor theuoveraot a room, wm lead over- - A reeoluttoa treeadoptedtavigalng the room of Hon On., No. 4. andlogin Oa.Tl, to the ltth Precinct Puttee upon theremoval rfeadCTmparJet. AmahiBniWM adop-a-

ranMug narnrlaeton t Boa Co . da, to dodutyithaatremeagtoe. Connrtrmea Baaoucapreeeea.d a reettutloa la favor ef removing a pump ta ttthatreet. Adnptad. Tb Special t'omurtto oa the

euujaoa m earn pouara aenjiitar taM the a"Tr reauit et rariiiawiani.aBJ propumd eaordinance providing for the appointment ef a GeneralBanitetondent, whom duty It ehaU ba totaepeetbJr'Jn tta,rtlllje of BvjraM,rorvrhteh the

te tb OomptroQar.Board dopted the Street Oomealaatoner' abet ofMumate for regulatlag bid aad Bed eta-fr- om

Bth aveaua to Tth annua The report ef theAeeeaemrnt OomntBtae, eonnrmteg Bet for pavingibt. from Id to Id enuoMwu adbptad.'A r.port wm nettnd front Maaav How inn, rtqnoatlngtbataporUeaof the new eupole of tb Ctty Hall berTnrrletod for the nee of an obearvntory, and thata fin bell be pieced In the potMou oooupted bytba

rnrmer one. Ordered to be printed. A eommueloa-Ho-nwa rroeirrd from th City lerpector, atattag

that the prnala nanr.Onmmercy Parkvrenever a ewamp, and moommendlng that a

www ue ouui, ae n wae onoreaerr te the apuDocnean.- - laaa over. Tee Board adrtaoMtoa dlnettng th. Crotoa Departmentawe ror propranua to conatraet a Merer on thapreen-fe,i,,!?i,,!l- ,,'

aotwtUireadlng Hi Honorthe Mayor vetoed Ik.

Tba Board oouceiieJ to aufld a ataam engfa forCo.' No. t, end toray the eelery of Bear. W. Stca-aaa-a.

lata Fire wraealan. ramaa J 1 m. a-- An--j

Srtfltoid.'""4 " "" " "AJimvttaaoavraereoelvedtoattoedtnatihrUaVm

of SoLeeton'e Tempi, which wm aeoopted.The Board adjoarwed,


BvpVv.-s- n CntTU Shwp Jwigmiw. rtvened. Jaai BKarm

te. TA Jfeyvr, t-- I a wU known ceee, endbaabeen many time reported ta the AraTjeoofSharp obwJned e Judgmant egalnet the dty for eome-tbl-

over (4 OOu, for dajaege aOogtd to ban betaaaaaarnid by him tn oneieaqiteaoe of a defect of titleIwaaU tA litm. a Varl. aaaua t M- .- " L ." - mmmmm, a a.,., uv MHV WHO. m BWOomiAroDer moved to open the Judgment en thground trtttwea obtained by fnudaad eoliiatton..a. a.Nj.n.ai wa- - Brae aenteu.W.P- -- Juette Cimk radanalongbpin.ta the eeee, andordara thai the juda-me- be eattdaa4tto order of aefcreUnVokit

taaVtW Atar. UOcmmia Cotlm HSUto. w X. raetorThl act- -- ,,.,!:to recover for tweiity--'-L- i,. ..-rr- ? wm

10 SJa thataeonrity, with er--

rUunTL goodaran'dellvared, and HuiXtmS!I

wbe to aeed M eentga.TkdefndaBt even that th ml

a cnadtttoa wbloh wa avr exaotod of htoTbytn.rtatettAendtaMeTnegiemtoexeettneper?aoMof wm a wain of tba ooadWoaiaad that the delivery wae perfect and eWeoiuto, taonaaequenoe of which be oieim that th plaintiff teetoptd fiom bringing ecwoa egalnet him. Aftoyeome dlacuaaoa the Court overruled the potato of d.fendenfe couaaal, and dlreoted the Jury to find farthejtfalntia for L(.(, aad granted ea aUowtao ef(100.

--topmlar Oerrt.mctia,farm.Fmua Iv".:a. IT. Top.pit Camden and Amtoy R. K. CTUKT J,5!T" tor tmiM faiurtM elated to

received oa boerd the etermer cf theen the way from South Amboy totbiaewr.The piatnUflla a fcedleg otbien of AthUtd, Ohio.and wit ptoeleg over Ue reed of the deadaola, andwm oaa boat need by tb Company to traaaforfrom to aadof their road to to olty. Wautaoaa beard, he even he we fajund br raaealnerr

tbat had bran hft eaieleeety expeead. by aeaeaeofwhioh hte ley wm oeoghl and lacerated ee that hwa confined and diaebled for evar m'mtha, loafagi,,?'f",r xpaMad iamueouJeery.Tb defendaaia dray eU the maeten aUeged arataetthan, and avr that th plalnhff wm hart by hit ownnegligence. Ceo etui on.

Peaaeaea F.'eaa,

X iJocWae-T- bU wae aa action to recover (bemoney paid for a of hore--a,

warrenGeotindeadhiBd, by tae eWat7tthetUwofthenvtrcbaaa,pUjnt hoWarJnTth bed??wmthiea from th blind atTen."aadthe other nrrfcoUv latnoteble. In tuaUtuTeold Uahona for about (lit, and now

caof. Taaaetaadeaieaye, la hUinr, aThta"ba(lhhtaMaA, Mthey wen evade a by eubaeaaaaT traaa.moot. ThtotMlaittllaa.Aeftoaer Dawetaea wa

'ifrfrf -T-aepUfat ff. la btoTJl5? It"-f- of toe eVbndeat, toNe. ISli 11evanue, andelVged that who they orn out awe

afternoon, he entered their bouee and began repeire.by mean of wbloh then-- furnttura aad hoaaaaotd ffacta wan utterly mint by thevrkaoh wm "nil over evi,Bing."Hr47TiwiaBi:eh em a and made veeto. Samailed U not epoiled. Defdent denteeT tlLaadTuljury bad not yet cldtv4irktem.

TJaUktw efJMd KnrtJanm B. Badttraoeiaaf Beeerf avryseekTai action wm brought teroover(0tM value efMrrrelgn --rhtobTwenetolea from tba ptomat' trunk wall be waa gvemtMtbePattonoaBooe,abotBlkeptby the deleam.tat to the city of New York. It apoa-r- ed from theridenM fa the caaf; that the pUnttff wae one of tbAll rnglead Bate enckettn, end arrived warn themfa the oriy of Mew York to the early part of Octoberlaet, and went to toe defendaat'e hotob that hatwwa, aKjaainn, Bia money wee piece la tn g

room of anU hotel acd than nmataed; that ba.tweentbeUdendtttbof October it WMbrokaaopen end robbed of B! eoverolgna.The aVbndent olebned to be exempt from UehOlty

oe tht ground that he bed requeeted Ue plaintiff totake hie trunk to ble room, and he had nawiaoled tocomply wttt that requeati end ebjo upon the groundthet be bad advbwd the pbantlfl to depoatt alt moneyend valuable In Bavmge Bank, andthrjaiaughadnaglrlodtaooeaplyltn euch ad.yloe. Th statute lew of ISOeaxampt aa hotelkeeper bom liability for the lorn of rnenepT few!, orertMnweWt of their gueeto-er- ben euch bote keeperkeepee ice In bia office for the eae keeplog of toenutwy. Jewel or crnemento of hi gut, and ahallBoUfy itha gueate by poatlag a notice la the room

by eaid gueet, tinting thet fact. J be Court hid Ibet, Independent cf thia Uw, (he

?C? 'I5jh arnygrkn., i,,, tit g & wdepoail bit valuable ta the room or plaee

pointed out for thebr reoepUoo, aad If th gueetaneltcte thue to depodt hi ra. Uea,heaeeuwaatarUk and danger of loamg them, end the hotel keeperle not liable If the an loat or etolen 1 and further,Ibet B I now the Beetled law of tbla State tbatkeepem end eommaa eerrien may UmB their

emBreel&r aaeen reetriotedliability the, law bnpooo upon thane fa theebaanoeofeepecltlagreexae- n- The Court decidedthat that wm no evidence tohttiavt-u.u..riu- .i-

aay of toe elwn exception endeoi from Ibdduty, and ttrerun7vreenwmlfor

aaay j aawuBBdl T BBS waPVamB

Oearf af Oeaaaal Btmltaa."SeralcaMOflmpcrtanoe war dltprnad of

today. Uareaon Haanemea waa charged with foregeryta to td degree. Oa Nov. Bth he paaaedthe Otlaena Bank af

Woroeatar, Man, MWeller'aloe cream aaloon, No.'Til Broadway, lie then proeeedel to Mr. Iland-fcrd'- e,

onthenixlblook, andoAnd atmfiar bDLwbloh tne not eeoapead, and Mr. Bandrerd bad htoiarnttid. Ne etaer oounterreu money ere head onbba, and the Jury conviotod blm of forgery la tb 4thdegtwaonly. He wee entenood to two yean ta thStetoPrleea. John Healey and MtoheaiBaey wenobarfdwuhfelouloutamruBandbarrycm.rTenkMoCenra,ouOot. 10th, at a boane ta doth etreet,whan they D Bved wlh their famStoi, BB betng aw.latod. .Ihtdewaltii it pleaded guilty tea amplMaultjaadwanmattoth PenBeatlery, Healey

fortldaye,atHoylatitdaya. ' .,-- .xnarewM inataiitg aanwy aa waw eawa,

ww to ban been tried on Irbtay laat, bat tw f IHill toeecenalatoent llatmtf.Bad the pel.

toadatbaOeuiv. Tney keoeapeaentcmrnmtw. whan h Becurdwant by eendmg him to the Tomb for ttndy.and

ae BDr ajaa ae laawava, tWatoaatnaBoeuanwd oaa aearmar etolea coed.Marina Irvtog aam liana kavJalal,toJ "' rranoi OofdjcJ(ll,tahau, mavneT DettoWMM-qurttodt-

want of evtleini.bnt Martha wm emv


5 ZttkS&si", H.U, (4, t. ttt.iir'Ti a"" "L'v

m riiiaaii -- - - i. . '"

tASl9kSJSAw ? "'rrV."", --, BiMt. varaaat.UFttT 2-- - to7 MeVwT,'l

radar anwlmweS? TM' IM-- "" "

rat Txxvpt Hwfs ssB.ptWjryc

I .'ltl waU(f. .Jl'lrtlBBtoto

.( BtnTaaamt. MmmmW.M avB " an - - -

t4k(aatongmatatka?'i?mTt-wm.nU- ,awwwivamra I aaiaaBly tofo to IB iui(fiTllnnr --

-- .,totoa " 1

aauuai ua.1 aa uaarXB A aTOTBJirm"Tyd'fatomthaBtBlMmraleew TtB, ta th aamvanwalataB? t.

BarareeyttareehwttvrarU.Sara' Snrrjra laowarm

E2tat:l,SSSSRss:-a-;-war'r- -

W w f" W, J, fj--

" .1.1 it BniM,,(wau. UBAjnaDihTnB abb Halt.TT-- 1B IW WWM rkfTI letan.tV.m'-- "

tnflh--l Vletaaaaa eTlA l man .HMLIlimiMLtf

MaanwBay BBI

PenalM la Fifty CeatBoila.

fVvwtBu-- a aama nam . B

J 'WHwlWMI" ' ' lIlH",,toMitti 4AlBvimf Feitoaetreea,

Tira TWwyar iwr Tla-- n, . at--.ever eredeeed. iwvail m,miiT- .-

toleevenla. at - -- --

'ma, ao,. ale an amen.

"M" TBirjotramonBv m.

S"rrP'"--U-B PO'tM BaoaartvtB Din


.? VTaivt ttaaataMMivJITtelJPfcrr toend FiZmT-rr- ?iilirVSISP'Tift-eje- w

'elefCtaViMBKF z'ssssrjMi. Aattaataf HaeetowanWallt. y.J.av m ,

a- -- ..?rw7- - a..r--r na n--r twi--nSTS&K

A. O. imtiTtoBaWa.lvh-aVBt- w

""aeh atoJ5r?5widBtllBiy BnnnPIlBBi Bam lallan M BTIB aill IWanI --iZ3waa " BnWla leeaare ta Menweatltaa w.w yeJJ fl1Sane dBatarmrwta? D--V tSt'tLibetheWuSSaerryTTa

Uy, nnt YthThlr7rVeeB?ltaCban-- a. MtiBtrvt

BbarrT- -UbtfrmOtllfeVaU

rto tbe" "---'


Ikmr htialti- - mib. n, Bamwtj

atantolF. " K "'ilTrm- -iiMifthtolSrtB'tohla ,i'1 i i

V th. atTWe'eaeenTto Hlharwma awnaTB4tPrtaBwijltij.itt eniiti.lTltopeywte

IAaaar deelen wteton to BinfaritedtoaMeaw.TL(IaUa,Pr. av-fTjCj- T

AJaan k OoVrO.COtanfPOtSg OP DSBaTM,


iar Qdaarnrkiraan rtavlBa, ,. ,.. .- -! eaueaee eeeana ynawvaaair aa BaeaMahtyaeaen beheld at efeate.eaerr BeM, V

SSSift- - JJS4--' jrenlaa, Uth anatTee tTSt--tr-- eama- tawy vmxmygjeT VK

I JOHN EJBKNAN,See. PWn' IAMiSbjrtwaaawtmaao t-- dj Fla. 1

w,-- a. ae u-- aj BBaaMjiiana ana laaaahaapa er awa.J-- hold a Oread TeaaeeraBjoo f m .hieliB letTijtrveaB4L l' ltth. at 11 -- - - --j ii, illBev.0.rm'LeENa)b.OLOYlL fl.adeta.jmMtfavitodtottoad. J

Dr. Ivtn'a ftoit B.l.,1 --a.la.1 C

eente-- le the beat reaaedy for Ceatha, Cabto, IaBntaiBe, ever totndaea. It la, ae He name lallnatm, .Bitermlnaer,aaaae. hawevareUihtiy aAeto,

trnia imu lai tin., n m criai i mm aaai nap .1.ehereertWele to M tenth Sewed at, WMeenanra

dllMLahore tW Dataa B. A(tyABMthlr meettaa ef thia Seetetr, aamary 51...-- a --., wm d aaaa at ee Prtaee et. 9wmmmmm

ymm imm, m j 'look .m rmttmm HfcptbV3j!ito?iHa. a inideeaf r

eh-- a nomaer an rwreaeted to attend th ar


nedtowray Ptlla aadtlon pnveaied Settle eeaeha. miH, An tb davmplem of eotHjam-tie- n Ion aredteateeffir the fr.!eee ef those aMdlataaa,whleh alai eVtlrTu aeewta.tlon acalaat fatnn ettoeaa. Oatoe SB MaatoaTEm

Want a Btfcg tA LanVnBOOr.

Try th "JTner MUity Ioat Cewtanc. Bv

jouTBiiBNBVA6Trhi-irirra-sr- x

wey,l UiWarw fc x, BUiCByiJi

yiHit Bnlanea Beared BT. J.WaMb.

"" 'ttvantaaeKatoir' -

Brya IJ iLaaaa haa aatael' BaVMtef etenTltr! maaa,ial B wMaaeal niwatojll ea

any aaaeavrldeh eanha jr.. ebil hr nwdtokwaM tatoatjiiiiaanti aaintb BiMllaaa j- -

aVMBVANaT TO BIMBBSSama,TlaweaeataBreeetog dleeeaa, a weaf MBaaaaaV

tieaa, Haint Bmut, SSB

''at. Jimi neewypmr awiValanaaretolwB orTaxJeTrJiae-antono- ai

. ' ''eaaea w

'p9BBfJBtJ.'' J ."


liitoTtaaamttlLMtt, TfSVHP'"