introduction to the giep mobile maternal child health project

mMCH: mobile Maternal Child Health The Cali-Cuttas Anjuli Dasika, Nick Reid, Jackie Wolf, Joyo University of Michigan Global Information Engagement Program 2015

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mMCH:mobile Maternal Child


The Cali-CuttasAnjuli Dasika, Nick Reid, Jackie Wolf, Joyo

University of Michigan Global Information Engagement Program 2015

Our Team

Jackie WolfUser Experience Designer

Nick ReidHealth Communication Developer

Anjuli DasikaHealth Behavior Specialist

Public Health Challenges● Maternal and child mortality are persistent problems

● Especially poor health metrics in rural areas● Exacerbated by:● Minimal access to health services ● Inadequate data collection---especially for MCH

ICT Challenges● Barriers between rural areas and health services is physical

and technological

● Real-time data collection and transfer is nonexistent ● Low internet connectivity in rural areas● Issues with technological capacity

● Purpose of our project:● Improving communication across health spheres ● Gathering timely, high-quality MCH (and general

community) health data

Research on Related Work

Mobile Kunji Medic Mobile

● Health organization running multiple clinics in West Bengal

● Created WHIMS to coordinate care

iKure Information Flow

● �Supports delivering care to rural communities● �Creates real time health information system

iKure Strategy

Goal: Better allocate health resources

Data Analytics

iKure StrategyClinical Decision Support

�Goal: Use data to improve patient care

Partner Expectations● �Support Data Collection with WHIMS● �Use the technology they support for their CHWs● �Android Tablet App

● �Research Maternal-Child Health● �Socio-Technical Capacity● �Understand Community Assets

Goals and Objectives● Improving MCH ● Timely communication across iKure’s sectors● Technology models that can be used in a variety of

rural Indian settings

What we wish to answer:

● Can technology solve problems of low health care access and inefficient data collection?

Process Expert Interviews

Design ProbesUser Interviews

Agile DevelopmentUsability Tests


Pilot #1 Scope

● Foster informal information sharing● Save information for reuse● Create geography independent communication channel

Stack Overflow for CHWs

Pilot #1 Assumptions● Minimal power dynamic between CHW and MD allows

for questions to be asked

● CHWs will be able to vocalize questions

● IVR and SMS-based applications are sustainable and accessible options

Pilot #2 ScopeWhere’s my Health Camp?

Allow community members to “pull” information about next or nearest spot clinic

Pilot #2 Assumptions● Word of mouth insufficient means of communication

● Push SMS will not work because SIM cards are changed too often

● iKure needs more structure when planning spot clinics

What We Want to Learn● How can we tailor a program for a community’s health

literacy level?

● How can we support trusted relationships in a community?

● How do we find the value that our work provides to the community?

● How do we define the value that communities have for access to health resources?