introduction to the future social learning networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Future Social Learning Networks Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany) #fsln10_2

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Slides for the first meeting of the FSLN10_2 seminar.


Page 1: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Future Social Learning Networks

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


Page 2: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Goals of the seminarWolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 3: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Goals of the seminar

learning new things through practical application not through talking about it

thinking outside the box

interdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation

coordination and communication across universities boundaries

active examination of the seminar’s topics

cobination of literature work, empirical studies, and development tasks

have fun in what you’re doingWolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 4: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

OrganizationWolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 5: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

collaboration between two German universities

University of Paderborn

Wolfgang Reinhardt, Prof. Johannes Magenheim

University of Augsburg

Nina Heinze

support from the UK

University of Salford

Cristina Costa

Collaboration structure

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 6: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Collaboration structure...

each topic with 1 student from Paderborn and 2 students from Augsburg

communication, collaboration, coordination mostly with Web 2.0 tools

guardian from one university per topic

each participant can select up to 4 topics in a hidden poll

topic association based on best-match strategy (each topic chosen, good distribution of participants)

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 7: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)


constant documentation of your progress in a wiki

final seminar paper of around 20 pages in LNI style

constant feedbacks

regular questionnaires

social interaction protocols

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 8: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Social Interaction protocol

we want a holistic view on the social interaction in the seminar

spot areas where we could offer more support

find out HOW you collaborate

enter EACH AND ANY interaction with fellow students / guardians in a form

who, when, how long, what about, what tool, what mood, what art of interaction

part of the analysis in one seminar topic

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 9: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)


Criteria Share in Grade

attendance, engagement, contribution to the seminar (social media, feedback, SI protocols included)


seminar paper (constant creation, quality, collaborative editing, ...)


creativity, ambition, engagement in choice of methods, goals, empirical part


sound presentation of the seminar topic (using collaborative technologies)


Quality and creative realization of IT artefact 15%

Page 10: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)


Oct 15th: first meeting

Oct 22nd: group forming and topic assignmentsTalk by Cristina Costa on Social Media in HE & Learning

first & last week of Nov: focus meeting

second week of Dec: focus meeting and presentation of prototype

21.01.2011: final seminar paper

first week of Feb: two day compact course

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 11: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

ToolsSocial Bookmarking


Social Citation




Video meeting


Audio meeting and chat




Wiki software


Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


Page 12: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)


create accounts in the mentioned services (if applicable)

no need for real names as nickname

real name in according fields please

join the social handle archive for the seminar

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 13: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Topics of the seminar

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 14: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)


(1) Social Network Analysis in Doctoral Communities of Practice

(2) Tools for Awareness in Distributed Research Networks

(3) Towards a University 3.0

(4) Smart Devices for Ubiquitous Learning

(5) Social Media Monitoring & Engagement Analysis in Learning Networks

(6) Interactive Learning Resources

(7) Tools for Open Collaborative Learning

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 15: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Social Network Analysis in Doctoral Communities of Practice


investigate the dynamics and ties in Communities of Practice

explore influence of physical meeting of strength of ties

Empirical part

analyze dynamic datasets from a real CoP, apply SNA techniques, track temporal changes

Implementation part

develop a tool to support the analysis of CoPs

PHP, CSV handling, allow categorization of imports, export to Gephi

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 16: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Tools for Awareness in Distributed Research Networks

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


identify existing problems in the identification of relevant publication material for (junior)

support the awareness about the existing body of knowledge in a domain

Empirical part

analyze interviews with researchers in the domain of TEL

Implementation part

build a tool to analyze Open Access Journals, extract network structures, cliques of researchers, topic model overlays

provide search for topic / researcher functionality

Page 17: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Towards a University 3.0

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


envision the future of the university landscape, be creative

relate to technical premises and science fiction novels/movies

Empirical part

analyze existing future visions

interview visionaries & students and develop your own future scenario

Implementation part

sorry, none >> not applicable for Paderborn students

Page 18: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Smart Devices for Ubiquitous Learning

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


discuss the relevance of smart devices for ubiquitous learning

develop use cases for the application in courses at the UPB/UNIA

Empirical part

analyze research reports and best practices

interviews with university staff

Implementation part

develop an iPad application (using a framework like Sencha) that combines formal and informal learning materials for a given topic, location or course

integrate OER, Twitter, RSS Feeds in a Flipboard-like way

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Social Media Monitoring & Engagement Analysis in Learning Networks

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


explore factors for student engagement in open learning contexts

discuss transferability of SMM techniques to the learning domain

Empirical part

interviews with university staff + questionnaire regarding usage of tools

Implementation part

develop an extensible tool that measures student’s engagement and participation in social media (daily, weekly, monthly aggregations)

usage of open APIs, Gephi export, SNA metrics + SI protocols

visualize dynamics in statistics and networks

Page 20: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Interactive Learning Resources

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


extend the approach of interactive PDFs from FSLN10

discuss learner types and suitability of interactive learning resources

Empirical part

interviews with students (learner type) and visions for usage of interactive PDFs

Implementation part

Flash (Flex) development to be embedded in PDFs

communication PDF -- community solution (web services, PHP)

track attention data from PDF usage

Page 21: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Tools for Open Collaborative Learning

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)


explore the social media landscape in the TEL domain

support the selection of appropriate tools for different learning situations

compile classification schemes and ratings for tools

Empirical part

test the tool in the wild

Implementation part

develop and release a community tool that allows the categorization and rating of appropriateness of social media tools

allow users to filter and select community-rated tools for their setting

Page 22: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Next stepsWolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 23: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Next steps

create accounts in

Twitter, Delicious, PBworks, Mendeley, Skype


edit the person page in PBworks

select your four favorite topics

next week

group forming

talk on social media in HE by Cristina Costa

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 24: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)


Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)

Page 25: Introduction to the Future Social Learning Networks seminar (winter term 2010/11)

Wolfgang ReinhardtUniversity of Paderborn@wollepb

Nina HeinzeKMRC & University of Augsburg@sywot

Thank you. Let’s do it

Wolfgang Reinhardt, @wollepb, University of Paderborn (Germany) --- Nina Heinze, @sywot, University of Augsburg (Germany)