introduction to the connected business

Last Updated: Jan. 2014 VP Pla&orm Evangelism Twi3er @ cobiacomm h3p:// Chris Haddad IntroducBon to The Connected Business

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Page 1: Introduction to the Connected Business

Last Updated: Jan. 2014

VP  Pla&orm  Evangelism  Twi3er  @  cobiacomm  


Chris  Haddad  

IntroducBon  to    The  Connected  Business  

Page 2: Introduction to the Connected Business


About  the  Presenter  

๏  Chris  Haddad  

๏  VP  Pla&orm  Evangelism  

๏  Learn  more  about  me  


๏  Follow  me  

๏  @cobiacomm  on  Twi3er  

๏  h3p://  

๏  On  Google+  too  

Page 3: Introduction to the Connected Business

 A  Connected  Business  Environment  

Complex  and  Dynamic

Page 4: Introduction to the Connected Business


• Ecosystem  InteracBons  • Ad  hoc  groups  • Self-­‐SelecBon  and  Social  • Mobile  

• Contextual  ConnecBons  • Personalized  

• Massively  Data  Driven  

3/6/14  4  

Connected  Business  Community  

Page 5: Introduction to the Connected Business

SituaBonal  Context:  Traffic  Example  

{incidents: [ {impacting: false,

eventCode: 0, iconURL: "http://...",

lat: 38.743999, shortDesc: "Exit ramp closed on I 95...",

type: 1, severity: 0,

fullDesc: "In NEWINGTON exit ramp closed on I-95 ...",

startTime: "2010-02-21T00:14:07", lng: -77.188004, id: "368598263",

endTime: "2010-02-27T05:04:19" },

Image source: Real-time traffic map:

Page 6: Introduction to the Connected Business

Embrace  Contextual  PersonalizaBon  Tenant / Consumer Personalization Dimensions

๏  InformaBon  access  privileges  

๏  InformaBon  aggregaBon  and  composiBon  

๏  Social  network  access  privileges  

๏  Business  processes  and  rules  

๏  Service  levels  and  Quality  of  Service  

๏  Security  policies  

๏  MoneBzaBon  rates  

Page 7: Introduction to the Connected Business

Forces  Driving  IT  Business  Re-­‐design  Mobility, Internet of Everything, and

Ecosystem Business Models

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Page 9: Introduction to the Connected Business

Accelerate  interac/ons  inside  and  outside  the  organiza/on  


Reduce  interac/on  

fric/on  and  cost    

Increase  engagement  and  

enhance  produc/vity        


Sense    business  ac/vity  

and    automa/cally  


Become  a  More  Connected  Business

Page 10: Introduction to the Connected Business

Connected  Business    Reference  Architecture  

Page 11: Introduction to the Connected Business

Key  Connected  Business  Components:  API,  App  Factories,  Big  Data,  and  Stores  

Page 12: Introduction to the Connected Business

Typical  IT  business  use-­‐case  

๏  New SOA strategy [Embrace mobile and expose API]

๏  Leverage the existing IT infrastructure

๏  Build new business services

๏  Use externally available services / APIs

๏  Expose business services / APIs internally/externally

๏  Make the system enterprise ready

Page 13: Introduction to the Connected Business


AcBon  Step:  Integrate  

Page 14: Introduction to the Connected Business


AcBon  Step:  Expose  Services  As  APIs  

Page 15: Introduction to the Connected Business


AcBon  Step:  Don’t  Loose  Control  

Page 16: Introduction to the Connected Business


AcBon  Step:  Monitor  And  Analyze  ๏  Monitor  millions  of  events,  

leveraging  highly  scalable  NoSQL  database  

๏  Common  Events  Collector    

๏  Take  decisions  in  real  Bme  through  Complex  Event  Processing  

๏  Create  dashboards  for  both  technical  and  business  monitoring  

Page 17: Introduction to the Connected Business

Insight  Architecture  


Page 18: Introduction to the Connected Business


AcBon  Step:  Publish  and  Socialize  

Page 19: Introduction to the Connected Business

Enterprise  Mobility  Experience  


Page 20: Introduction to the Connected Business

AcBon  Step:  Adopt  Unified,  Full  Life  Cycle  DevOps  

Page 21: Introduction to the Connected Business

AcBon  Step:    Accelerate  with  DevOps  PaaS  

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Shape  the  Cloud  

Page 23: Introduction to the Connected Business

How  do  you  build  a    Connected  Business?    

Adopt New IT delivery models

•  API-centric and Service-Oriented Architecture

•  Mobile

•  Cloud Integration

•  Cloud-Native and Cloud-Aware Platforms

•  DevOps

•  BigData

Page 24: Introduction to the Connected Business

Connected  Business  SoluBon  Architecture    

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How  do  you  build  an    Integrated  Business  

Accelerate interactions inside and outside the organization

Action Plan

1.  Deliver self-service applications enabling customers to connect and view available products, inventory, and transaction status.

2.  Publish APIs exposing data/process and enabling connection 

3.  Deliver automated notifications based on business activity (triggered by messages, transaction execution, and data state changes)

•  Use case 1 above maps to WSO2 AS, WSO2 UES

•  Use case 2 above maps to WSO2 APIM

•  Use case 3 above maps to WSO2 ESB, WSO2 CEP, and WSO2 BAM

Page 26: Introduction to the Connected Business

How  do  you  build  an    Accessible  Business  

Reduce interaction friction and cost 

Action Plan

1.  Publish APIs

2.  Offer developer portals and developer self-service

3.  Create mobile applications 

•  Use case 1 and 2 above maps to WSO2 APIM

•  Use case 3 above maps to WSO2Mobile

Page 27: Introduction to the Connected Business

How  do  you  build  a    CollaboraBve  Business  

Increase engagement and enhance productivity by improving the collaboration experience  

Connected business participants more effectively collaborate by advancing their collaboration environment from:

1.  Static reports towards  Dynamic analytic dashboards

2.  Email  towards  Activity Stream Feeds

3.  File folders towards Workspaces

4.  Batch data transfer towards Event Streams 

•  Use case 1 and 2 above maps to WSO2 UES

•  Use case 3 maps to WSO2 App Factory

•  Use case 4 maps to WSO2 BAM

Page 28: Introduction to the Connected Business

How  do  you  build  an    AdapBve  Business  

Sense business activity and automatically adapt

Action Plan

1.  Capture business activity

2.  Deliver automated notifications to stakeholders and systems based on business activity (triggered by messages, transaction execution, and data state changes), stakeholder accountability, and authority. 

3.  Automatically adapt business process execution based on events and current conditions 

•  Use case 1 maps to WSO2 BAM

•  Use case 2 maps to WSO2 CEP and ESO2 BAM

•  Use case 3 maps to WSO2 BPM

Page 29: Introduction to the Connected Business

IntegraBon  Performance  Metrics  

•  Foundational

•  Time to Market

•  Optimization

•  Portfolio Efficiency

•  Transformational

•  Productivity

Page 30: Introduction to the Connected Business

How  do  you  measure?    Enterprise  SOA  &  API  IntegraBon  Success  

•  Reach

•  Number of Consumers

•  Data and Transaction Breadth

•  Impact

•  Aggregate Usage

•  Usage per Consumer

•  Revenue

•  Direct and Indirect Revenue

•  Operating Margin / Net Margin

Page 31: Introduction to the Connected Business

New    Connected  Business    


Agility Attributes •  Open Collaboration •  Micro-iterations •  User-led innovation

Measurements •  Industry Ecosystems

•  Community and Context •  Decreased time to market

Page 32: Introduction to the Connected Business

Recommended  Reading  ๏  The  Path  to  Responsive  IT  

๏  h3p://­‐path-­‐to-­‐responsive-­‐it  

๏  DevOps  Meets  ALM  in  the  Cloud  

๏  h3p://­‐meets-­‐alm-­‐in-­‐the-­‐cloud-­‐cloud-­‐devops-­‐paas  

๏  Cloud-­‐NaBve  Advantage  

๏  h3p://­‐naBve-­‐advantage-­‐mulB-­‐tenant-­‐shared-­‐container-­‐paas  

๏  PromoBng  Service  Re-­‐use  with  API  Management  

๏  h3p://­‐service-­‐reuse-­‐within-­‐your-­‐enterprise-­‐and-­‐maximizing-­‐soa-­‐success  

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Business  Model  

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