introduction to prophet muhammad

TOPIC: History The Prophet Muhammad EQ: Who is Muhammad? What is Mecca?

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Introduction to prophet muhammad

TOPIC: HistoryThe Prophet Muhammad

EQ: Who is Muhammad? What is Mecca?

Page 2: Introduction to prophet muhammad

Muhammad’s Birthplace is Makkah(570 C.E.)

• Many centuries before Muhammad was born, God tested faith of prophet Abraham– Told him to leave his wife and

son Ishmael

• Wife searched for water, very thirsty

• Miracle= Spring bubbled up • Spring called Zamzam,

people settled there, and Abraham built house of worship there called Ka’ba

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Glorious City of Makkah

• When Muhammad was born, city very rich

• Many people worshipped Makkah, Ka’ba located there– Honored many gods

with shrines at the Ka’ba

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What made Makkah a religious center?

• Ka’ba- cube shape shrine• Built by Abraham for God• Before Muhammad’s

birth, many people were polytheists (believed in many gods)

• People believed the Ka’ba housed hundreds of statues of gods

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Muhammad’s call to prophethood • According to religious

scriptures, Muhammad proclaimed belief in one God. (Monotheism)

• At first, the religion he taught, Islam, was not agreed with

• Later, Muhammad and followers (called Muslims) became accepted– *Makkah VERY sacred

city to Muslims

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What was Arabia like during the time of Muhammad’s life?

• Makkah very desert like

• No farming, gained $ through trading

• Merchant families grew rich through trade with Yemen, Syria, Africa

• Families came to rule city

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What was a conflict between wealthy families

and the poor?• Wealthy families did not share fortune

with weaker, poorer clans

–CLANS= group of related families

• Power leads to inequality

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Some Arabs lived in deserts…• No central government• Pledged loyalty to tribes

(social group that shares common ancestry, leadership, traditions)

• Tribes launched attacks on other tribes to gain land/resources, wives!

• Arabs were not united as a nation even though they shared cultural traditions, language

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