introduction to ergonomics · pemahaman teoretis dan mendasar mengenai perilaku dan kinerja manusia...

Introduction to Ergonomics Ridwan Prasetyo

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Introduction to ErgonomicsRidwan Prasetyo

A bit of me…

My very complete name: Ridwan Aji Budi Prasetyo

Born in Jakarta, grew up in planet Bekasi

Educational background:

S1 : Psychology, majoring in I/O, UGM

S2 : Human Factors and Ergonomics, The Univ. of Nottingham, UK

S3 : Soon, insya Allah (just send me your best wishes!)

Before joining UB:

Assistant, Lab. RSKE ITB

Management Trainee Staff, Human Capital Division, PT. Wijaya Karya(Persero) Tbk.


Discussing? Asking something? Just contact me:

+447473319385 (Whatsapp)

[email protected]

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Today’s agenda . . .

Definition and seeking for insights

History of ergonomics

Related Disciplines

Ergonomics Methods

Applications of ergonomics

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What is ergonomics? (and why?)

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International Ergonomics Association (IEA; Dul & Weerdmeester, 2008):

Kajian ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan pemahaman mengenai interaksi antara manusia dan elemen-elemen dalam sebuah sistem, dan juga suatu upaya dalam menerapkan teori, prinsip, data, dan metode dalam mendesain sesuatu dalam rangka mencapai titik optimum antara kesejahteraan manusia (human well-being) dan kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan.

Wilson (2000):

Pemahaman teoretis dan mendasar mengenai perilaku dan kinerja manusia dalam interaksi sosio-teknik yang memiliki tujuan tertentu, dan aplikasi dari pemahaman itu untuk mendesain interaksi dalam konteks dunia nyata.

Wickens, Gordon, & Liu (2004):

Pengetahuan untuk mendesain sistem agar bisa berfungsi dengan baik, mampu mengakomodasi keterbatasan kinerja manusia, dan memanfaatkan keunggulan operator manusia dalam prosesnya.

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Definition (again)…

Sanders & McCormick (1993):

Ilmu yang berperan menemukan dan mengaplikasikan informasi tentang perilaku, kemampuan, keterbatasan, dan karakteristik lain manusia untuk mendesain alat, mesin, tugas, pekerjaan, dan lingkungan agar bisa digunakan secara efektif, nyaman, aman, dan produktif.

Iridiastadi & Yassierli (2014):

Suatu disiplin yang mengkaji keterbatasan, kelebihan, serta karakteristik manusia, dan memanfaatkan informasi tersebut dalam merancang produk, mesin, fasilitas, lingkungan, dan bahkan sistem kerja, dengan tujuan utama tercapainya kualitas kerja yang terbaik tanpa mengabaikan aspek kesehatan, keselamatan, serta kenyamanan manusia penggunanya.

Tarwaka (2010):

Ilmu, seni, dan penerapan teknologi untuk menyerasikan atau menyeimbangkan antara fasilitas (beraktivitas/istirahat) dengan kemampuan dan keterbatasan manusia baik fisik/mental sehingga kualitas hidup menjadi lebih baik.

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Main points in the definitions?



Psychological PhysicalGoals/Objectives/Aims Elements

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Therefore . . .

Ergonomics is a science to make MAN and SYSTEMS falling in love each other and living in harmony (Prasetyo, 2016)

Ergonomics is:

“Fitting the task to the man” (Grandjean, 1980)

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Let’s squeeze our brain a bit . . .

MAN SYSTEM (and its elements)

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Case: Pilot in the flight deckWhat does the system want from the man?

What are characteristics of the man?

At which point they will fall in love?

3 tasks of pilots:1. To aviate2. To navigate3. To communicate

Gestalt theory of proximity:Human tends to perceive elements that are placed together as a group.

Instruments in the cockpit should be grouped and classified according to their function.

Beechcraft King Air 200 Boeing 777

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Work System Design

Output . . .

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Characteristics of Ergonomics (Dul, et al., 2012):

2. Aiming for system design

3. Focusing on two related outputs: performance and well-being

1. Emphasizing on system approach/holistic

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Ergonomics: Where did it come from?

Wojciech Jastrzebowski - 1857

Ergo: Work Nomos: Natural LawsErgonomics: The law of work

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Ergonomics: The long and winding road

1857Wojciech Jastrzebowski“Ergonomics” term

Early 20th centuryF W Taylor & H FordScientific management; Time and motion study

World War I (1914-1918)Mass production of war machinesInjuries and fatigue among workersEarly awareness

World War II (1939-1945)Modern war machinesModern ergonomics/Human factors

Three Mile Island (1979): A wake up call

1949K F H Murrel: Human at workErgonomics Research Society;Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors

The present and the future

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Ergonomics: The Era (Helander, 1997)

1950’s – Military ergonomics

1960’s – Industrial ergonomics

1970’s – Consumer ergonomics

1980’s – Software ergonomics and HCI

2000’s – Green ergonomics and global communication

1990’s – Cognitive and organizational ergonomics

2010’s – Internet and social networking ergonomics


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The ingredients of ergonomics . . .



Medicine and Health Science



Industrial Engineering


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So, ergonomics is . . . (Stember, 1991)


Different disciplines working together, each drawing on their disciplinary knowledge

Integrating knowledge and methods from different disciplines, using a real synthesis of approaches

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Two sons of ergonomics . . .

COGNITIVE ERGONOMICS PHYSICAL ERGONOMICSMental workloadHuman ErrorsPsychological/mental fatigueSituational awarenessEtc.

Physical workloadEnergy for workMusculoskeletal systemsPhysical fatigue and injuryPhysical discomfort Etc.

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Another potentially-confusing term . . .


The more recent termAfter World War IIAmerican-rootedPsychological aspects of human at work

The first-ever termBefore World War IIEuropean-rootedPhysical aspects of human at work

Other potentially-confusing-and-sometimes-make-you-crazy terms:

Human factors engineering Cognitive engineering Engineering psychology Cognitive ergonomics and engineering Human factors psychology, etc.

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Ergonomics methods: Paradigm

Paradigm Scientist-Practitioner Model (Stanton, 2005)

• Extending the work of others• Testing theories of human–machine performance• Developing hypotheses• Questioning everything• Using rigorous data-collection and data-analysis techniques• Ensuring repeatability of results• Disseminating the finding of studies

• Addressing real-world problems• Seeking the best compromise under difficult circumstances• Looking to offer the most cost-effective solution• Developing demonstrators and prototype solutions• Analyzing and evaluating the effects of change• Developing benchmarks for best practice• Communicating findings to interested parties

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Ergonomics methodsBasic techniques (Stanton, et al., 2013):

Interviews Questionnaires Observation

Physical Methods

Psychophysiological Methods

Behavioral-Cognitive Methods

Team Methods

Environmental Methods

Macro-ergonomics Methods

Classification of Methods (Stanton, 2005):

Keywords: outer body parts; postures

Keywords: inner body functions; psycho-physiological

Keywords: people and tasks

Keywords: team; people interaction at work

Keywords: physical environments at work

Keywords: work system; organizational process

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Ergonomics in our everyday life . . .


Find a thing, stuff, system, or anything at your home, kos-an, street, campus, mall, or anywhere else that tends to be non-ergonomic according to you.

Capture it using your phone (or camera) and send me the picture through my email ([email protected]) along with a short description why you consider it non-ergonomic. Please use one power point slide only. Don’t forget your name and NIM.

You should send your own original pictures (captured by your phone/cameras), NOT FROM THE INTERNET!

Use Bahasa Indonesia, but if you try to use English, your effort would be appreciated.

Deadline: Thursday, 22nd September 2016 (18.00 WIB)

Good luck!

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Ridwan Prasetyo – NIM: 1234567890

As a right-hand users (since I was a child), I found a difficulty in turning the knob to set the wristwatch quickly without putting it off from my hand. I think this design is non-ergonomic for right-hand users. The solution from me: wristwatch manufacturers should consider right-hand consumers. Thus, they have to multiply the design for right-hand users (with the knob on the left) since wristwatch with the left-side knob is still sparse in market.

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Further reading . . . (If you want to)Dul, J., & Weerdmeester, B. (2008). Ergonomics for Beginners: A Quick Reference Guide, Third Edition. Boca

Raton, FL: CRC Press.Dul, J., Bruder, R., Buckle, P., Carayon, P., Falzon, P., Marras, W. S., . . . van der Doelen, B. (2012). A strategy for

human factors/ergonomics: Developing the discipline and profession. Ergonomics, 1-27.Grandjean, E. (1980). Fitting the Task to the Man: An Ergonomic Approach. London: Taylor & Francis.Helander, M. (1997). Forty years of the IEA: Some reflections on the evolution of ergonomics. Ergonomics,

40(10), 952-961.Iridiastadi, H., & Yassierli. (2014). Ergonomi Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Rosda.Sanders, M. S., & McCormick, E. J. (1993). Human Factors in Engineering and Design, 7th Edition. New York City,

NY: McGraw-Hill.Stanton, N. A. (2005). Human factors and ergonomics methods. In N. A. Stanton, A. Hedge, K. Brookhuis, E.

Salas, & H. Hendrick, Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods (pp. 1.1-1.9). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Stanton, N. A., Salmon, P. M., Walker, G. H., Baber, C., Jenkins, D. P., & Rafferty, L. A. (2013). Human Factors Methods: A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design, 2nd Edition. Farnham: Ashgate.

Stember, M. (1991). Advancing the social sciences through the interdisciplinary enterprise. The Social Science Journal, 28(1), 1-14.

Tarwaka. (2010). Ergonomi Industri: Dasar-dasar Pengetahuan Ergonomi dan Aplikasi di Tempat Kerja. Solo: Harapan Press.

Waterson, P. (2011). World War II and other historical influences on the formation of the Ergonomics Research Society. Ergonomics, 54(12), 1111-1129.

Wickens, C. D., Gordon, S. E., & Liu, Y. (2004). An introduction to human factors engineering, second edition.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wilson, J. R. (2000). Fundamentals of ergonomics in theory and practice. Applied Ergonomics, 31(6), 557-567.

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