introduction to employee training and development ppt 1[1]

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  • 8/4/2019 Introduction to Employee Training and Development PPT 1[1]


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    Employee Training and


  • 8/4/2019 Introduction to Employee Training and Development PPT 1[1]


    What is training?

    Training refers to a planned effort by acompany to facilitate employees learning of

    job-related competencies.

    The goal of training is for employees to

    master the knowledge, skill, and behaviorsemphasized in training programs, and

    apply them to their day-to-day activities

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    Training is the continuous, systematicdevelopment among all levels ofemployees of that knowledge and thoseskills and attitudes which contribute to

    their welfare and that of the company. Planty, Cord M.C and Efferson

    The process of aiding employees to gaineffectiveness in their present and futurework - Richard P. Calhoon

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    Training needs ->training objectives

    TO are tactical applications of strategic

    goals.Written in clear, unambiguous, specific andprecise terms.

    They specify what learners will be able to doat the end of each stage of the training

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    TO are essential for evaluating the training

    TO are to be specific to knowledge, skills orattitudes that the trainees are to gainas a result of the training activity and also


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    Importance of Training

    objectivesi. Specify the goal of training

    ii. Communicate content to learner

    iii. Provide means of evaluationiv. Assists in selection of materials, content,


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    1. Increasing productivity2. Improving quality3. To fulfill future personnel needs

    4. Improve organizational climate5. Improve health &safety6. Obsolescence prevention

    7. Personal growth

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    Need for Training

    Increased use of technology Labour turnover

    Need for additional hands

    New employees Promotion, career development

    Increasing the employee morale

    For reducing grievances & minimizing accident rates

    Refresher training for Old employees

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    Training Design Process

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    Conducting Needs


    EnsuringEmployeesReadiness for


    Creating aLearning


    Ensuring Transferof Training

    Developing anEvaluation Plan

    Select TrainingMethod

    Monitor and

    Evaluate the


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    Assumptions of Training Design


    Training design is effective only if it helpsemployees reach instructional or traininggoals and objectives.

    Measurable learning objectives should beidentified before training.

    Evaluation plays an important part in

    planning and choosing a training method,monitoring the training program, andsuggesting changes to the training designprocess.

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    Forces Influencing theWorkplace and Training


    Need for leadership

    Increased value placed on knowledge Attracting and winning talent

    Quality emphasis

    Changing demographics and diversity of the

    work force New technology

    High-performance model of work systems

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    Skills needed to manage a diverse

    work- force include:

    Communicating effectively with employeesfrom a wide variety of backgrounds.

    Coaching and developing employees of

    different ages, educational backgrounds,ethnicities, physical abilities, and races. Providingperformance feedbackthat is free

    of values and stereotypes based on gender,

    ethnicity, or physical handicap. Creating a work environmentthat allows

    employees of all backgrounds to beinnovative.

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    How Managing Cultural Diversity CanProvide Competitive Advantage

    1. Cost argument As organizations become more diverse, the cost ofa poor job in integrating workers will increase.

    Those who handle this well will thus create cost

    advantages over those who dont.

    2. Resource-acquisition


    Companies develop reputations on favorability asprospective employers for women and minorities.

    Those with the best reputations for managing

    diversity will be the most attractive employers for

    women and minority groups.

    An important edge in a tight labor market.

    3. Marketing argument The insight and cultural sensitivity that memberswith roots in other countries bring to the

    marketing effort should improve these efforts in

    important ways.

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    How Managing Cultural Diversity CanProvide Competitive Advantage (continued)

    4. Creativity argument Diversity of perspectives and less emphasis onconformity to norms of the past should improve

    the level of creativity.

    5. Problem-solving


    Heterogeneity in decisions and problem-solving

    groups potentially produces better decisionsthrough a wider range of perspectives and more

    through critical analysis of issues.

    6. System flexibility


    An implication of the multicultural model for

    managing diversity is that the system will becomeless determinant, less standardized, and therefore

    more fluid.

    The increased fluidity should create greater

    flexibility to react to environmental changes (i.e.,

    reactions should be faster and cost less).

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    Use of new technology and work design

    needs to be supported by specific HRM

    practices: Employees choose or select new employees

    or team members.

    Employees receive formal performancefeedback and are involved in theperformance improvement process.

    Ongoing training is emphasized and

    rewarded. Rewards and compensation are linked to

    company performance.

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    Use of new technology and work design

    needs to be supported by specific HRM

    practices: (continued) Equipment and work processes

    encourage maximum flexibility andinteraction between employees.

    Employees participate in planningchanges in equipment, layout, and workmethods.

    Employees understand how their jobscontribute to the finished product orservice.

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    Roles and Competencies of Trainers

    Roles CompetenciesAnalysis/Assessment Role Industry understanding; computer competence; data

    analysis skill; research skill

    Development Role Understanding of adult learning; skills in feedback;

    writing, electronic systems, and preparing objectivesStrategic Role Career development theory; business understanding;

    delegation skills; training and development theory;

    computer competence

    Instructor/Facilitator Role Adult learning principles; skills related to coaching,feedback, electronic systems, and group processes

    Administrator Role Computer competence; skills in selecting and

    identifying facilities; cost-benefit analysis; project

    management; records management

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    Training and Development at

    Godrej In January 2002, Godrej Industries Ltd. (GIL) bought a 26% stake in

    "Personalitree Academy Ltd." Personalitree provided interactive softskills training programmes online to corporates. Personalitree'straining modules have since been a part of Godrej's training and

    development initiatives.

    It all started in 1996 with the break-up of the joint venture betweenGodrej Soaps Ltd (GSL) and Proctor and Gamble (P&G). Post break-up, GSL was bereft of a distribution system and had to start from

    scratch. As part of the rebuilding exercise, GSL recruited about 250new employees who had to be aligned with its corporate culture. In1997, GSL conducted a Total Quality Management (TQM) workshopfor all its 5000 employees to help them connect to their job

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    Parivartan2 was launched in September 2000 inGSL to train new as well as existing employees

    on various aspects of the business and tomotivate them. In 2001, new initiatives likeYoung Entrepreneurs Board (YEB), Red and BlueTeams, Mentoring and Reverse Mentoring were

    introduced in the Godrej Group, (Godrej) toencourage the involvement of youth in strategicdecision-making.

    In early 2002, a need was felt among the topbrass of Godrej to instil a performance- drivenculture in the company. In addition to upgrading

    the talents of existing employees, Godrej had totrain new recruits.

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    Thus, Godrej developed a comprehensive and innovativetraining programme for management trainees andnamed it Godrej Accelerated Learning Leadership and

    Orientation Programme (GALLOP).

    The objective of GALLOP was to develop a newcomerinto a professional by giving him or her exposure to

    various departments and inculcate in him or her, a senseof belonging.

    Later, in September 2002, GIL introduced Spark, atraining programme for managers to help them becomeeffective coaches. Towards the end of 2002, E-gyan wasintroduced in GIL to increase the learning potential ofemployees

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    In January 2003, a special HR programme onhoning the interpersonal and negotiation

    skills of officer- level employees waslaunched in GIL. Further, in October 2003, anEnglish language training programme washeld for floor workers of Godrej and Boyce

    Manufacturing Company Ltd (GBML), so thatthey could follow all instructions issued inthat language independently

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    The Godrej story started in 1897, when ArdeshirBurjorji Godrej (Ardeshir) gave up his legalpractice and started manufacturing locks in asmall shed at Lalbaug near Mumbai. Thus wasGBML born. His brother, Phirozshah Godrej(Phirozshah), carried on the pioneering work and

    in 1905 GBML built its first safe, thus enteringthe security equipment business.

    GBML expanded its range of products by

    manufacturing office equipment, typewriters,tool-room equipment, etc. In the early 1920s,GBML started making soaps from vegetable oilsand incorporated GSL in 1928.

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    In 1958, GBML started manufacturingrefrigerators, its first home appliance product.GSL ventured into animal feed in 1971 to help

    dairy and poultry farmers rear healthierlivestock. Godrej Pacific commenced operationsin 1982 as the Electronic Business Equipment

    (EBE) Division of GBML.

    In 1985, GBML ventured into Computer AidedDesigning services as part of its EBE division. In

    1990, Godrej Properties & Investments Limited(GPIL) was incorporated to provide meticulouslyplanned townships. In 1991, the Godrej groupentered the processed food and edible oil

    segment by incorporating Godrej Foods Ltd

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    The animal feed division was spun off into adistinctly focused animal- feed andagricultural input company in 1991-92 andwas named Godrej Agrovet Limited (GAVL).In 1993, GBML entered into a joint venturewith General Electric (GE), US and Godrej-GE

    Appliances was formed.

    It went on to manufacture washing machinesand air conditioners. GE exited from the jointventure in 2001 and the appliances businessbecame a division of GBML. In 1993, Godrejentered into a manufacturing and marketing

    alliance with Proctor & Gamble (P&G) A new